VoL XII. Ho. 107. UNIVEBSITY 01" OBIOAGO, TUESDAY, KARCH 17, 1914.HOLD FINAL TRYOUT Couch Stagg's truck athletes began DR.JUDSONTOCONFERDEGIEES"A Chicago man IIUl,Y not be a quit- PRESIDENT LEAVES TOMORROU1I' 'n t hr-lr last week of I>r:ll·tit�e Lefore thetor," suld Professor Gerald Burney tig Indoor Conference meet at Evan,Smith yesterday at thc .Junior collejre Director- Stugg hadOver thirty Olen reported for the 1· I 1 ° • 1\1,'11111,,1. Caudidutes for (h,'grces and fitles, st ou, Saturday.I' osuig c lape exerCJS� 111 '- .cut trvout for "The Student Super; aluumi, students, aud varioUs frienlls every athlete 011 the squad workingJ "An Et on Ulan may not Iie, an Oxfordior" yest-erda" afternoon in the UI�Y- of the Uuiversity were present last on the outdoor oval yesterday, and the- J mnu is always nil English gent lemnn,I\old. elb, The managers of the show Hight at the Convocation reeption froLl udvuutago of belng uLle to practiCe inand in euter ing this gn'at republic LI"are disappointed over the fnct that :-:0 !l to 10::W in Hutehinson hall, Over "pi kes will z,::iYe Chicago's chances forletters tho Chicago student should reo hls talk will be "The Univenity T ..t W eandidut w r out but CXlie t one thousaud attended, Owing' to the premier position a big boost,e es eo, . I' solve never to be a quitter." day,"at leaet fiftecn more to report this af- the compnratively small number of Aceordiug to dope advanced byDean Lovett reported that tll(·re One hundred and twenty-nine .Ra-men aud women reeetving degrees to- I,ruminent er it ics in U1C Middle 'Vest,nre !lSI students in the .Iunior ('o11eg('" dents will receive degrees, titles, �.::morrow, the number of guests in at- Chicago is rated in the third positiouEach candidate wus given an extr:llot at the present time, as compared with e.-"rtificates, Forty will receive the _u-tendanee last night was not us great with Wisconsin and Illinois in. thefrom his part, and instructed to report. SSG in 1!lI3, Forty-eight, students ma gree of Bachelor of Arts, Litera�.this afternoon at 2 in Kent theate-r trteulated at the beginning of the as usual. leading roles. Coach Martin Delaneyor S .. ienee ; fou� Bachelor of Edueaticn,.lI "f T '!'he 'D-tiDn Committee, of the C, A, A., acknowledged to be -ru.6prepareu to gIve It rom memory, \\"0 Winter quarter, while there were only ......... ""1" and two Bachelor of Divinity. z ... "'-one of the best critics in the coun-men will be selected for each chan-ter thirty-one lust year, Fifty-four can- The reception committee was eom- teen candidates will be .masters of Anf ftc h t t t .lI 1 tl d f P - 1 J.lI D J t ry, !!h·es Wisconsin a possible 35 h':a ter art e ryou ouay, ani le!:'c didntes will receive the title of assn rose 0 resu ent uuson, can • ames nor Seience,four will be Doctors of P U-.'II be' Iecfi f tl ,_I J points and 3110ws Chi('ago 31. Illinois .men WI grven se cttons rom ie cite at the Convocation today, R, Angell, Mrs. Angel, udge Frede- osophy, and five win .receive the de_.I d' I t i TI . '1 I is rated second with 33 points. Northplay to earn urmg the vae IOn,!� Roe Talks on Library. rick .A. Smith, VIC6'presH cot of the gree of Doctor of Law (J, D.) Fifty::final selection of characters will be board of trustees·, Professor Abel Le- w('stern, Purdue, Iowa., and Minnesot.\ f J' II tudents will beP '.lI t Ju(lson greeted the con- our • umor co ege s uI resiuen , Talb M are not thought dangerous contendersmade as soon after the first rehearsnb ' f t Ik h . Frane and Dean MarlOn ot, rs, given thc title of associate.llitlates with a ne a on crOlsm., ' f th t os't'onsS8 posaible. 'R ,lI 1 f tl e ean Jutlson, who was to have been one of or e op p I I •President� Last Appearance.Wilh:un!J 00 rcsponuel or 1 ,'.,t_f the reception ('ommittee, W3S unable Delaney Dopes Winners. RI-('llnl0n·lI Hen."1ersOIldiilates speaking on the progress; C) nr, Ch:lrle:4 u uthe Re�no1dS club library. He tolll: of .�o he present on aceount of a slight Coach Delnney gives Chicago points will ad as chaplain, and Presidentithe movement being stnrted by' ·,tl·p: Illness. She will not be detained from in the sixty, the hurdles, the quarter, .Judson will confer the dcgress. ThisDnily M3roon, and of the wor1c hy th.'" nc�ompanying the President, who will the h3lf, the mile, the pole vault, shot will be the last public appearance of 'committee in charge. He ann()llll�l':l Ifnye t�e city WetlneSt.lay for his six I,ut and relay, Knight, Bara.ncik, th('> preshlcnt before his departure forthat the library will be open :1t U.c mo��hs' trip a.broad. Wartl, Boyd, Campbell, Goodwio,Stont, the orient.heg_inninLof the Spring_q�rter. _ �orati�� �r.�t�_e... �c�ion_�_o�s�s� �'!:'�����=:'�.¥���.l� , fit'an U-AngeTI'ha;�-;;-'in t�·.���-.-. ;,.( .. -�.. � "_'.-.:...",--' '" ""-�''hd of a row�,�abll-'b�nches and fol- pOSSIble pOInt wlD_"ers. :�Ooa.ch Stag; ice of the University for t�t;-.iuge,. along' ilia entrance to Hutchinson does not agree entirely WIth Delaney s H b 'Burll'ngt' on"_ :. vears. e was orn 10 ,bnll,. 2&Dd a nu)nber of plants distribut- s�leetlon,s, �nd is mo�e co�servat�"e in Vermont, in 186�,. an (1 received the de-,ed about the reception room. The Ins predictIOns of ChIcago s shOWIng.. I f 'B hI' . f Arts from the. gree 0 . ae e o� '.. 0 .. .doors to Mandel and the Reynollls Wisconsin has been sending out op- UDiv�rsity' of Michigan in 1890. .I�.club were thrown open to accommo., timistic reports concerning th�. BRtlg· ]89.2 'hc was �i\'en his 1\1. A. at Hazrdate the guestSw Refr�h�ents were erOs chances, and apparently expe�t a vard and then attended the univer-�('rv('d throughout the e"emng, , Yietory by several points.. Ton;ney anll �itie� :�fBerlin ·.;md Halle in Germany� .�n1Jdsg;t are expected to c.�� �nto the a-� 'ha� stUllied at Vienna, Paris, and.l·)rn.qt.ers.i,.�f the Wilderness,"" iR the MEMBERS OF G:sB.JIAN points in tile dash; �:Legler, a former Lei�zjg.title of :1 ·little volume by Dr, CbarleS CLUB PB.BSENT PLAY JIYlle Park star, is given' an eve!l : Comes to Chicago � 18M.R('oo. pnb1ish� yestertlay by the IN' MANDEL SATURDAY I h 'th W3rl in the hurdles" .;tiniv�l'sity PrNB. The hook i!-1 one "f-- I �(��;;;. ;111 Bre�n�han .are thou�ht �; st:':t::!l:n h;;li7�::p;;�p��nt�:: �:i':;�_the }o'ort' De3rborn Reri� of the Chi- Three hundred people were prcst'nt 1,e poR.< .. blo pomt WInners in the. ' t·· d' 189 t enterai.Sltv of �Imll('�o 3,:llI 10 "tengo Historical society, :lnd cont3ins at: the "German Evening," given un- quarter,and White antI nar,"e�' will ", . f Co) , sistaat.' '., the Unl\"(,�lty 0 IIl'ago as 3S.Ulree Rketches from the "Explornholl t1er the auspices of tile German toluh·1 t:.ke care of the nlllc alltl two·mlle.f 1>�' l' I ftn 1 director,, '. _ ' pTofc�!'=(!r 0 S) (' 10 ogy I.Era" of the deyelopment of the t;l1lt· Saturday mght. Assocmte Prof�sor." Illte took both the mIle anll two� h 1 - l"L...h tory U.. '. of the PSYt' 0 ogwa .J.. ora •.crl States. Philip S, Allen taking '-Mark Twam milc at tho indoor meet last year, hut '"1 ..... t p·rof.-..A. T-I ". was rmst�1 to an aRSOC18 e , �Thc first of these, "Masters of the ront! the Greek Idea" as his sllhjcet, from all reports his condition will al- :, '](\01 I I�� . p�f-..or.-,, . shIp In ;, ,ant ni'-.. 0. .! '•.':-"J·lt1crness," deals witb the lIut180n's "a,'c a talk on the hIstory anll trou, low hIDI to ron only one e,'ent thiSI 1 f th 1 .. rtment I'n 190$'I':) :a nIl leal 0 e I cp_ '" :Ba�· company from its origin to moc1· bit's of t.he German club. Members of year. P f I.ngell s �aa� dean of- ro e�or J'L• '. . ••ern timcs; the second, entitled "The the dub presente(l the one-act German The Ba(lgers aTe looking for a rna· th('> Senior eolleges in 1908 and dea.Dcaver Club," deall9 with. the de\"el· comedy, "Das Pulverfass.", Organ -.e' jnrity of points in the field event�. of the fa('u1tie� -in 1911,ollmcnt of the fur tradc, presenting lections by Mr. Robert W. Ste,·cns� C"pt3in Wahl, it is believed, will be ' 1 f tb· ....... Dr. AnfYell is an cx·pr�lt ent 0 .1IBlU0a WOJIBB ARB VICTORS some of its soeial IISpects; while the und violin selections by }{rs. Pearl.. I Ie to make the high J'uml' in SI,itt' r.- It.·'... lJ t;"niyersity of Chi('ngo Settemcn �n., .thirll 'A Dream of Empire," is a nar Hofman Ja("obson, ('omple�cl the pro- 01' his defeat. hy Loomis of the C. A. '" 'of the .American PsycholOgIcal �"Defeat J'aDIor Belbtblll Squad Bas· r ... tion of the adventures of Toney m gram. I A. two weeks ago. Klot('h i� alsf) f Ph' n--... ciation. He is a membcr 0 I �.� 29 to 9. OM Louisiana.. thought Ito ha"e a chance in this ]{appa, Sigma Xi, and Delta. K�.The author states th3� he has .l�· Must BeDew Locken-Bnrtlctt gym- n-cnt. Yan Gent antI Keelcr npparellt Epsilon. He is also a member of Uai.liberately chosen his tOI,ics from tht' r.nsium lockers must either be rcn('w· Iy have bt!ttcr recortls thnn othcr ,'crsity :tnd QU3clrangle clubs.most tlmmatic episolles in. Ollr hi8tory. ed or their content." remo,'ell hy Fri competitors in the shot; nn.l Kerr, nin an endoa\'or to Ile"elop the hum:lll llny. Aft.cr that (late nll the c1oth('s pdnt winnt'r in tho vault last,· year, i!'lintercst which keeps bi8tory in if:., I('(t in the I{)('kers ,,·iIl he tmown out, (lut rOT honors :az,::nin.rightful place uS a branch of litcra.­ture. ne goes onto s.'lY, however, that,"in at101,ting tbe light rather th3n tilt'solemn style, I am convincctl that thi�part.icular suhject re!4ein�s a 110t in,appropriate tlress, and thnt a 1):1);:\'"I,iloh can be read without fntign.·nt'e.l not necessarily be ulltnlthful."TODAY Professor Smith Speaks At JuniorCollege Closing Exercises Yes­terday---William Roe Represe:ntsCandidates For Associate Graduating CIau, A1lQ1lDi, Stu­dents and �·Many GuestaThrong HutchinsoD Hall TRACK MEN roN SPIKES ANGEU TO DWYERCONVOCATION ADDRESSDean James Rowland Angell, pl9,­fessor and head of the departmeat �Psychology, will deliver the n.ddreaa ��hc ninet ieth Convocufiou exercises iA:\[andcl at 3 today. Tho subject atTlllRn lEN TRY FORCAST OF FRIAR PLAY MUST NOT BE QUilTER OVER ONE mOUSANDPRESENT: AT RECEPTIONs: Coach Stagg Takes Advantageof Balmy Weather and UsesOutdoor Oval-Delaney Picks Ninetieth Graduating ExerciaeaConference Winners of the University to be HeldThis Mternoon At 3Judges Will Select Two ForEach Part; Coach ColemanPleased With Showingternoon,Ooleman Directs Work.The work yesterday was under tl; cJirection of Coach Coleman, who willhnye complete charge of the cast allilchoros. This is a departure from theAystem USM in past years when thcrewns eoar.h for the east, ano.ther for the- �1;.l:�hon;��d1n'··addfHo-;�:_;peciRi'eORI:h·for the danees."It is little early to predict;" saill('(,aeh Coleman yesterday, "but I In'lievf' we will be able to more th:t:tli"e up to tb� high standard of form('faIa!(Jws. The men who reported tOllay• �eriuill]Y look llomisin,,; alhl it· i� ill!'poaib:� to say in advanee whc will b,;a,i..I,ltd parts." EARIaY AJ[EBIOAH, HISTORYIS S1JB.JBCT OF VOLUMEi,7Dr. Charles Beed �eua Blstory. lorHudson,,' Bq ComPanY"":�and'.of 'roDt.:v. .. ;i�\: ..The pmlter eOlltest: is. now .open 3.1,11all men wishing to compete �I.lf!on�lt Ralpb Da"is or Mana�r\.Jrer,­dersoD at once. There are, se,·eralspeeifieations for the posters, and it i�necessary that all men who intenll tosubmit .trawings should learn of thrill.The music eontcst bas clOsetl, but tht'rH1Ilts will not be known for se\·('ra 1days.Senior women eapturcd tho sc"onlibasketball gamc of the prescnt seri��with the Juniora yesterday in Lexing·toD by the seore of 23·9. Tho .Junior�allowed great improvcment over th('lrwork of lnst wook, this being mostevident in the better team work th('�'displayed, and in their generally mort'lPJappy .!!tyle of play. The last gam'­of tho �eries will be played Frillay at7, and c,·cry woman has been tJrgt'lltu be present and to support herteamw HONESTY DR. FITCH PREACJn:8CONVOCATION 8EBI[OHSUNDAY IN MANJ)�''l'he Honor commission wants to callthe students' attention to the fact thattlaey are expected to co-oper&te andto carry out In tbe coming eumiM­tfoDS the standards set by the COIDJIds.sion. No assistance sllcmJd be gtvenor received. nr, .\ Ih .. rt P:aTkt'r '''it('h, pre�itl •• t-·of the Anllovt'r tlteologi('al �eminary •.prcaeh('fl the Convo('ation sermon a\tho �('n·il'''� in )rantlc1� �tlnflay, "0.in h" the �traight gat(':· Mid "01'.Y.·itl'l; to tltt' l':1n.1i.lat�, "Tho straipt:11,,1 nntrow p:lth i� ttle only way.'"P,,('\'inll� to till' �t'T\"il'(,� in )fnn(lel theCl·tn-Mation pr:ly('r l'tt'Tvi('e was bel.(".� till' thirll flClor or the Reynold.('luh, "Pr('�ifl('nt .Tull�on pr('�iclcd atthe meeting and DT. Butler aded .. 't },:l.l't::in, �t'vt'nt�'-five grnlhu\� weNprt'�t'nt, nr, Fit('h :atltlrc��('fl tho Saw-..1.1V }�,"('ning ('lul) on f'.Cominlt ro Tn!'­F(�j(', at the Teg111nr m('>C'ting in Or(!lu�.h'a ball Sunday night. �;. �Seniors (23).Guards. Juniors (9)IlOrrinc Kiteh •• Ruth Sandbcr, (Capt,)P1aoebe Clo\"cr (Capt). Florence Brafl·• lAyI" _<\ssistant Professor }'re(lerick Slo·(um of thc department of Astronomy,has been elected by the tnt�tecs ofWe�leY:lD uninfslty at Milltllcton,Centers. Connecticut, to be professor of A�tron·Cornelia Beall Elizabeth MaeClintoek omy. He will have chnTge of the VanForward I'. Vlcek ohservatory at Middleton, whichDodothy Llewf'llyn •••• , Irene Taylor ,,-ill be completed Dext summer at a.£D •• Grima •••• , ••••• Willa Saltzerl «('st of $;5,000.� r •, .:BNDs!'JIB DAILY x.BOOK. TUBSDAY. KAaCH 17. 1914... BalletiaDaily MarooD ..... ...... NewliPper fII &1M c..... tr===============5�·lib' fII � TODAYUniversityNinetieth coDvocation... �uaaa.. _onaiq.. ueept 8uada� a.411..&&7. .� th. .AUtUIDa. Wiater aDd 3, Mandel.:r.::- qaarte,... b, The 0&11, MarGODCommunication.b.W.Co�""1L8.�B. P. JIaa&.W. JL L7Ja&D New. Edltol'AUaletin EdItor --BaaJn... • • ...rel' 1'1,� edUur '" .u' �."un"ble lor "WIDe ...C!n:alaUoa �el' "re •• ,:d here. Co",,,,un'cCltwu _ud ".J1:Dt.Nd .. MeoDd-elau ID&1l at the lim,,.,, '" all �'Ic1e,lCf'! 01 11004 fG411t..Chfeaao Poetotllce. Claleaao. IlL. Kuch 11.tIO'. UDder .Aet of JIarcJl I. 1111. "Out of It-"817B8CaIPTION .... TE8..8, carrIer: aJ.iO • ,.ear: 11.00 a quarter.J!!J� m.lI: n ... a 7_r: 11.%6 a quarter.lI:dUorlal-Bu.IDeu Otrlce. Em. u.T.I.phoD. Kld-&7 '00. .After 10 p ID.lI,d. Park ..... To tlw }-;I]itor:)Iay 1 ask :L quest iou til rough yourCuIUIIIIIl'? How (':1I1:1Il uudergraduntc\\ OIll:IJl Ii vi u ;.: IAr the (�:uIlIIllS becomeIt,·tiuaiut.c.1 with the best men :'11,,1wonwn of your Uuiversity?This is the end of my �(,COJIU quur­t.'r, :lfI.l J must l"ollfl'SS that for thefirst time ill III�' school life I feel "out....... P...-. 1111 Cottae. Grove Aveaue,SOMETHING WE FORGET.n('nt in all student activities in om'Ia.r�e college, I could ill the courso ofthcse months become n pnrinh in thosocial life of this splendid Unh'cr­sitV? COUBSEXu Farewell Lecture on Moliere, Bx_cha.nge Prof� Pnl8es UDlversityand l'CUlt7-WiJl Travel in West."I found the fnculty, buihliugs andstudeuts of your University bighly re­mnrkuhlo," said Professor Abel L.'­Fraue yesterduy, after deliveriug hisJ:lst It't·ture on "Moliere et Ies Graul)QUC.�tioIlH ue SOn Temps." "The Uni­\·t'rsity is unsual in its Instructors antiequipmeut,' contdnued M. Lo }'rune,"n ud I cau say that I have never seenit� equal. I am deeply grntefu] t�tile Presideut of the Univerelty, th«hetul of the depurtmeut, and all whohave been so k iuu ill DUlkillg Illy visitInteresflng,"Professor Le Franc ga ve a short,history of tho theater, :1011 the obsta.ell'S it had to meet at the time ofMoliere. He said that the (I ram a, sovigorously opposed by the medievalchurch, gained in popularity until itwas able to triumph over tho church.lr ollere was tbe most successful of thed rum at Ists ill fighting the prejudice ofthe church, through the aid of theking and the "'Precious' of the time.Tonight Dr. Lo Franc will leave forBrief Campus NewsmorniugBeta Pledge-Beta Theta. PiReyne-Ids Club Hours-The ReynolJsclub will open at the regular hoursduring the Spring vaction.Notice I nm not complainin� about Chri.'ltian SciAmtists :Meet-Tho Chris·tbe liternry pnrt-I' am getting tI(I tir.n. Science society will meet at 7:4;'much of that I fear I shall be blight- tonight in Lexington 14.�ccommodntions of the Y. M. C. A., orthe J1Ijni pool-r.oom over in Cham·paign. We quarrel with the Hitch·c()('k blanket-until we see the oldshack or{ Romine street wbich servesas a sort of an informnI engineeringdorm in Urbana., or stroll nlong Thay­er street in Ann Arbor, and then renI­ize what splendid housing nccommo­dations are offered at Chicago. ThcnWe quarrel about the la.ek of Chicagospirit-until we hear the wild howl,the hisses, an(1 jeers, with which someof our opponents greet their ,·isitin�teams. Let us stop and think-let USrealize our .good fortune nt Chicago.Let the critic put in his week of ,·a·cation visiting some of our neighbor·ing uni,",e�ities-the plnl'cs he thinksSO fin&-so fuU of collegc liCe, etc. Hcwill corne back to the ('ampl1s� delight­ed with the thought thnt h� is at Chi­caf.!o Ho wi1l no longer think thnt thestu,lent activities here :Ire pnltry :lm1fus"Y, when he sees t,he bnrrennc�s orstu.tent aetivities elsewh('rc, ('ent.crf'.l.. they arc about the most tridal in·ter� of life. Let him tnlk to �om(·"ol(l grad" who rememhers tIle tl:'1�'Sof the old gym h('re-the ('ra7.Y l'Ihn('k.BOnk deep into tho mud w};('rc Hutl'h·in!'lon court now is. Lct him tnlk tohis eonfrere now in resi,lell"C \\ lin remembers playing tennis on thf' �it(' ofHnrper, when the C. " A. people Wf'rl'jammed in with the laws. I.et him gobn('k in hifll own mind, to the timewhen Cl1ic�o men fIIat on the ea..;t lIi.1('.of Jl'anball field antI apolo$ri7.c.l totl!e stnly vimtor for tho eyo ftore Ol :1fenee. Wben ho doclll this he wiU not.be 80 prone to erltieise-and be willnot be so indifferent to tbe won(1erfuliDatitution of 1'"hich be is a part ell intellectually.Thcre is something ra(lically wrongwith the social life of this college andthe lnck of this is hurting the Uni­vel1lity. How many undergraduat('women have I heard say, "My sistersslm)) never do undergrnduate work inthjs school. Thcre is no social life."If culture nt the U of C stands forcrude, boorish manners at the Com­nJons; for members of the faculty toboast thnt their acquaintance withth�ir studcnts ccases in the cla�rooms; for members of your OWn elasstc refuse to spenk to you unless youhave been formal1y presented, then 1am rcac1y. to go back· to a colICJ.;ewhere life means more than a knowl·C'llge of tbe mo\"ement of Mars or theexact DumbCr of trade unions in the(,ollDtry. 'Vhere it means a temperingflf knowledge with heart and 80ul;with a �ntjJjty that came from innaterdincmcnt..If credentials are neeessnry, I shou11llike a chanco to present mine. If�(holarl'lllip he the m:tin point the bu·re-au of Records may be commltecl.A ntl J nm not alonc in this. There:',rC' large nllmhcrs of l1nller�rntlunte�c{.minq (rom otJlcr tOWIlS antl st:lte",,,,-,!lo lln\"c hf'l'n ju!'t ::I,e; heartsick ns J('nr this stnte of affairs.An Unelcrgratluatp-.I''.The :\Ii .. hignn rootbnU tcnm jfll being blnmcu 'for ruining the chanees ofthe Syracuse "arsity crew by coachTen Eyck. Owing to tho fierce n.ttnckdircded against JIifinger anel Propst.former nll·American tackles, by Michi­gnn, the:' will ne\"e-r TOW ngnin, Roll·bins wns also hurt seriously in thesame contest.···o<t ' cours(' 3 Per Cent Into rest 011 SavingsKEEP YOUR SA VIl\:CS IN HYDE PARKC'ONVEN lEN TSA F E.Open Saturday Evenings6';;) Real Estate First Mortg:lf,!cs [or Sale 6'/(,lIYDE PAUK Sl:�TE BANKc�r ........... �F' 33 � 57. ;s. LA··-OFFICERS DIRECTORSJOII� A_ CARROLL. PrNI.J(ut.ROBERT F. CUlIllIXGS. Vlce-I'�ldl"llt_14. A. BARlIO:-:. As81stant Onshl�r. H .. !t<'r! F. CUlllm:ng� Frank 'V. flow",Cl:.lrles H. Horrle Jamu oJ. Carroll1>:I:l!f'l F. Burke Thoma.l!l A. CoIUueJohn A. Carron_ H .. nr,. L. StoutThree leasons Why YOD should Eat at the Men's C;ommoDS1st. Good Food Properly Cooked.2.d. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen3rd. A Minimum Price for Hii h Quality FoodClub Breakf-dSt 15e up CafeCeria at LuaebDinner A LaCarte IIL'SIC Come IDan_l.ooks should be turned in at the bu­renll of Records. by the first of thoSl,ring quarter.Sa� Grads Get Narrow-That· theconcentl'ation of graduate studentsUI'on one subject tends to make them�ne sided, was the eontention of Dr.Fitr.h in his talk before the Graduatesodal meeting Sunday afternoon inLuington hall. He stated that pro­\·int·iaIism may be prevented to agrC'nt extent through soeial meeting<!of graduates.Lectures on Parties-Professor .JohnFranklin Jamcson delievel'd a lectureon "The Origin of Political Partiesin the UDited States" yesterday at.1 :30 in Harper aasembly room. Mr..T:'mCfton traeed the development offndional feeling from the early colo·nial sett1emenb to the adoption of theconstitution. He wi]) give anotherk<-ture in the SRme plnce three weebfl (.m yesterday.Notices on Cobb Backs..Xotiecs are postell on the .TuniorrMk in Cohb for the following per·�ons: n. A. An�lcr8on, W. H. Chnm1)(',"", R. R. Drake, 11. O. Flootl, C. w.(;nt�, A. W. 11m, 11. G. Hoft'mn� A.}Jo, C. J. Oppenheim, B. A. Peterson,E. A. Sigler, Edwarel Stiekcl, L. T.W:-.J1nre, 14. A. WR.",son, 'V. T. Yu.Senior raek: D. H. Burke, W. P.F:rirbon, c. Oeor�, W. M .•TR.('ob�, W.I�. Kenny, E. L. Newman, and Mi�sClnrn. llnnaford.Commerce and Administration TRc-k:!.fr. H. �{jknmi, 1liss lIelen Carnes. There is a GreatDifference in TobaccosTaedo is the Mildest, Sw�elest, l\'IostPleasaut Smoke in the World, Because-FIrst-No one but the makers ofTuxedo is willing to spend themo�ey necessary to buy the mildest,chOIcest, most thoroughly aged,selected Burley tobacco.Secrmd-No one but the makers ufTuxedo knows huw to treat thi:; Bur­ley tobacco so that every bit 0 f pleas­antness and goodness remains in thetobacco and every hit of unpleasant­ness and harshness is taken out.�, � �toJ The Petfcd Tobc:cco fer Pi;>e end C;�ardteTuxedo was born in 190·L Itsfirst imilator appeared t\\"o yearslater. Since then a host of imita­tions ha\'� been horn and an: clam­oring ior your patronage.]\TO ii;li/a/io/l i.f e7."er (/s g,jr.d (/J theorigil1al. No amoulH of advt::'�i�illg,no amount of hlu':itcr and hlu1t, canever rna"e an imitation tohacco asgood as 'Tuxedo.If you a :'C not a pipe smoker) youare denying yourself the g:T:ttestsmoking pJe:1surc known t,) man.T,), TII.\"ed� ill Y'){I r pipe I hi ... 'i.i,:::ck.YOU CAN BUY :rUXEDO EVERYWHEREConyc:sicnt 1)0\,('.". 5 FAmoulI ��"n ':n. 1�inner-I,nrtl ..... !f, C 'Withsr�ldl ... "c·ir:t. AmeUturC'-.,,� p;.�cr curved to fitpo�"c: '"In G.·a::s Humidors, SOc and DCcFRE� 5:1111 II!' 2 cenT!' in !'t:Jmps for p�,­.u:. :1;e :Jnd \H' ,,·ill m:Jil "Oil a souvenirlin of TUX E DO toh:Jcco to anypoint in t:l(" Unifed S!:.Ir�. Atldrn:\TilE A:\JEiCC\X TOR.\CCO CO�II'.\XVRoor.1 1M III Fifth A"cm:c Xcw York�·W'o weeks ago grollnd W:1S brokenfor the classical Iibrary, Shortly af- of it." J came here from a college inter, the announcement W:1S mude that another state :u1I1 am n member of itsthe- Geology building would be eree ted best nnt ional soror-ity, When ·1 en­immediately. And what was the re tered this college, I went over to thosnlt? Hardly a ripple of excitemeut. Y. "r. C. L. with the sole llllrpose ofoa·t·ting Ute best women, But theIt is strange Indeed, when one tbink�Yery ones with whom I drank tea cli.)of it. Compare till' pleasure with lIot know me tile IIt'Xt day On thewhich men at other colleges wit nes- campus. I 11(':1TI1 of tho neighborhoodtL-e creation of a new buildiug ; c:ollsi.l· clubs nnd went to their meetings. Ater the frantic ncltutlon rhrht now at (,Uc' J nu-t seven girl!-l, three of them... to � the 'Vest, where he expects to visitJndiana to secure a gyruuusium ill sJ:t,kt' to) 111(' nf'tr-rwnrds, urging me to t he Grund Canyon of the Colorado andpay my dues, I have gOlle to reeepplaee of the barn which serves for the .. ther points of interest. In pnssingtions n:1I1 talketl only to tlJOse withW} b e hl3·c througll Chicago the latter part of Ap-pnrpose now. tl In\-e t�eOIJl s whom I ('rune. "'hen the women ga\'cf ril, he hopes to spend a dny On theat Chicngo. "re see a quarter 0 a the uinner to the f:leulty, I r<.'joicecl. 11' e::mpus jn an informal visit.million dollars becoming crystn lzed nt thnt opportuuity, procurcd n ticketinto a structure of grey stolle and reo and inveigled another fellow Hutrercrtile, beautifully car\"ed nncl furnishcu i1,to going. In confic1enc('s excll3ngcIl--and we nre ns cool as thougb it were aftcrward, we had thc samo experi-t'uc:e. \,,' c each met one mem'Dcr or thet1. grounu-keeper's shnck. 'Ve nevcr faculty, but probably thnt wns worthrealize the wondcrful beauty of tbe tI,e price. d:IHSCS mcet today.campus. until we show a visitor about Readers of these grievances mnyand notice bis wiue-cyetl astonishment. s:ly,"Oh, tbere·s something wrong withTo us it is the common-place. We the individual." But my vnnity mnkcsthe me protcst thati t isn't n11 I. Is it nonnces the l)leclging of Carroll Gat�kick about Bnrtlett, nnd forget f Ch'quite possible that from being pro mi· 0 lcago.red.l,�ick shnck at Wisconsin, tho out·of_dnte DJini gym, the ncar-stablo ef·fect nt Minncsotn, Wntcrman,at Mich­igan-the dilapidateu structures serv­ing our grent scholastic neighbors. Weearp at the Reynolds club-and thinkthat the Dlinois must seek the scnlltV. STRPANSSONfamous �xplorel'•• T uxeJo is milJ. CJOOlanti soolhing- jusl lite ."o/tohGceo I neeJ. T raedDgoa ceil" me ",heretJnl p .••�.G. RASDOLPH CIU�STgRfamous author•• Wiry sItoaIJn', II ....,.he willing '0 m:onmtenJ III,,;acco wlriclt Rif1n os cool.llHf"l anti StlI;s/glngll �os TuztJo �'.J. N. MARCHANDfamoull illustrator•• Fill mg I'lpe _fA Til%­�Jo (1M I'm confettI. y_can', �a' T ureJo "".u-.ness aM � .• ,�A.J9I""""'-;<PRAmn: RICE PLANTATION.Lttae Rock. Ark. tirely as a. museum, with. the exeep-_ tiou of a. class room for paleontology.FLA'r TO RBNT-Furnished, light, !'i Tho second floor of the new buildingrooms. J. B. Merry, 5705� Drexel is to be used both for classes and forave-, 2nd !lnt. Midway 44:73 • geological and geographical Iabora-tcrles. A complete set of new Instru­ments for research work hos been in,eluded in the plans, In addition tothis, a seismograph for the detectionof earthquakes, has been purchased.The third floor will be devoted chief­ly to ·the library. For this purposemany old books are being collected,and a number of new enes bought.".The project of constructing' a largerand more up-to-date building for theGeology department,was first Iaunehedeight years ago. The late Mr. Walker,tho donor of the present building, su:t>.­scribed a large amount of money, but.this was purely for the purpose of in;stituting a IIUlBeWD. He was decided­Iy averse to the idea of combining themuseum with a number of class rooms.With the continual' growth of the de­partments of Geology and Geography.Walker has beeome decidedly cramped .An pOSRible- haat.e, therefore, will beemployed in finishfing the new stme­ture, primarily to relieve the presentCLASSIFIEDDUlmEMENTS5e per line. No advertiaelDenta reoeeived for leu than 25C. All c1a,utfle4adYertiaemeuta mad be P&l4 ID ad­YaDC8.EBBBH UNPOLISHEDBIOE15 LB8. FOB SLOO.Buy direct from the grower and gatyour food at first cost. Will ahip youprepaid 15 Ibs. of unpoUahed rice. tbQbest food obtainable. upon receipt of11.00.'rWO NOTE Bo:oKS: left in Walker.third floor. Namo on books. Pinderplease return to Maroon office.-WANTBD-A furnished flat or housefor May and June; by a me�b�I'of_ Rush Medical faculty. D. Heaney.lJyde Park 2712.lLBLIABLE D�willmake.E88te.r gowns or other spring sew­ing. Prices reasonable. QuiCk servicenil now. Midway 1877.WAnED-Few -;;;;ble college mer;or women for outside Summer workLiberal guarantee, but earnings lim­ited only by your own e«orts. $500 t.,$1000 possible for your vacation. Au­dress Lock Box 309, Chicago, III-WAnBD-A former Chicago maL. h .. splendid. opportunity· for: . ...!!!!.�dents wor.king their way through col.lege who have experience and abilitJin saleSIDanship. I absolutely guaraotee a dollar an hour to able men. .Writl·for particulars to Grip Bow Co., Oma·hat Neb.ftUDBR'r8--Tu� in German andFrench by a German lady, a grad­uate of German and American Uni·versities, 5133 Maryland ave. Tel.Hyde Park 4094.POB �-Large fro�t room ofhouae; suitable for one or two laodies. Board optional; reasonable. 5;52Blackstone ave. Tel. 2168.WANTED -Three wonng men gradu­ates for permanent position. AddressBroe keto Telephone !lain 628.� LUBBA'r 'rBB P&m0B88Exchange tickets for the aboveplay giving 50 cent. rebate, may be• btah.ad at tile otriee of n. .Marool.SUBSCRIBE FOBTHE DAILY KABOON.All the Campus News._.------11tE II01U Of' AMERICAN IDEALS •nora, P<1NHATANWA8ftII'lOTON. D.C.. In a letter to the house judiciaryc'ummittce at Washington, ProfessorFreund urges the elimination of theclause of the Sherman anti· trust lawproviding for the collection of three_iold damages by victims of illegalcombinations.Professor Freund says in part: "Norevision of the clauses regarding evil.,roeeedings under the Sherman actshould be undertaken. ·without elimi-nating the provisiOIl allowing the reo .����������������������������----------II:..--"-overy of threefold dUII.gaS. It doesr.ot appear how' the provision. eame tobe iJuIerted ill the act; it eertaiIIly re­«eived no diseuaion, and probably no.!onsideratioD."ConfoundiDg as the provision. docsc h'il and penal remedi� it is con­trary to evel7 souDd principle of le�islation. of CODgress. It is unkDownoutSide of this law; and, if anywhere,1\ vindictive remedy aecms out ofplace in legislation, whieh pursues a[.crcly tentative policy with regard toa clifficult �ODOmiC problem." 2::tO cJa.��, Frillay nt 2:00 t() :;:00.JIed1c SchoolAnatomy 19, WeclDesday 9:1:; 112:15.Anatomy ]0, WetlnC!'.1:ty nt, !l: 1;; to1:!:15.During the year 1913, Harvard se, tlistol�y (rnnkr- up cxnminntion l.cured two ehampionships in major W('.ln�.lay at :!:(lO to ;;:00sports, football and hockey, �t of "atholog�·] We.hu-loI.lay at !): I:; !('nineteen 8pOrts Han-ard 8C<!ured six 12:45.championships, Yale five, CorneD three, "hyloli()Jo� .. y 1!l, Thllr�.la): at !l: 1:'i t"Penn�lvonia two, and Princeton, Syra 1�:15.Pathol�' �S, Thursdny nt. :!:oo tc.;;:00.Tryouts were ]acId !loDday at Purduc Disseefion, Friday :1t 2:00 to ;;:00.lor the varsity wrestling team. Tbil"team is to meet a squad from the Uni· 'Xo m�ting having in view the .li,,­,'ersity of Indiana in a series of six C'1:s... ion of !"tntf' politif'!" will he allow·touts. ed :at the t1ni\,(�",ity of Tcxn�.ecnjestion of Walker. This AdvertisementImportant to Men Who Is SpeciallyFeel YoungADD m "BOB A� WOBEON lIBW GBOLOGY BlJJLDIBQStzucture to Be OoIIlJllet;e4 &D4 Bead7for Occupaaq � Bonmber. _ .. 191'-Ten laborers and several wagonsbegan 'work on the new Geologies!building, directly west of Walker, yes­terduy morning. Holiburd and Roche,who are the architects for the newstructure, have contraeted to have thobuilding completed by November 11,WH. Consequently, all possible speedwill be used in order to have the build,illg ready for occupancy on time.Dr. R. T. ChnJ11berlau, Iustruetor iuGeology, was asked alJout the plansfur the new structure. "The mainfloor," be said, "will be devoted toclass rooms. Walker will be used en-THAT spring overcoat-v-ir must be acoat of distinction. And we havenothing but. coats of that character-s­a floor of them, the fourth. $15 to $35.THE matter of spring neckwear has received ourearnest attention; we've combined distinctionand economy to .a marked degree. Grenadines,foulards and printed warps---splendid displaysat SOc, $1, $1.50 to $3.50.Silk !zosiery in wonderful colorl5t7k skirts for spring wear,ranges, at 25c, SOc, $1 to $2.50. individualideas,$4,$5$7.50Easter gloves, light weight kid, chamois or fab­ric, every standard kind, $1.50 to $3---fabric 'gloves.SOc to $1.BXAKlHA'fiON SCHEpULE.8:15 classes, 'Vctlnesclny at 9:];; to12:15.9: 15 classes, Thul'Stlay at 9: 15 toDINNER 5:45-7PROFBSSOB PBBlJlf]) UBGBSCHANGB IN BBBBV"W LAWID Letter to .JudicIazJ' Oommlttee 0alJs�JI.reo.\Fold Damage Bale �Atlaletics Bmities 12:15 •10:15 classes, Friday at12:15.cnse, and Colnmbia ODe e&eb. 11:45 ela.CJSCS, Wedncstlay at :!:OO toS:OO.'J :30 d�, Thursday nt :!:OO to �HICAGo.5:00. THE TEA HOUSELUNCHEON 12-1:301828 E. 57th. Hyde Put 2015arc the best fitting and bestwcartng Sbirts made. The�pring Styles sparkle withnew patterns. uniCi:le ector­iJi!,:S and novel effects, $1.50and l�p. SHIRTSrr YOU ARE LCOKING FOR REALHOME COOKING_TBY_TUHL'S LUNCH ROOM1325 E. 55th Street. Tel. 40�.Between Klmbark and Kenwcod.E�,rl � Wilson'.,.,I"I':�T of foot is good-hut slow thepace that brings Velvet tobacco tothe goal The selected middle leaf-twoyears aging in the warehouse-perfecttemperature and ventilation-in twoyears the best is then selected for Velvettobacco. Two years has seen allLarshness leave the leaf-the good flavor standsout uncontaminated-smoolh I An bite has beenaged away-a perfect mellowness has beeareached. '_ _Velvet has won its race. At all dealers:J!f1a1t����(L;:,''·t· , FuB 2 Ounce TinsOne ounce bags5c, convenient forcigarette amokers.. ! Opportunity!,I� Are You,",)'-,.-. � GettingStylesYouFancyAt the PriceYou WishTo Pay?ACCfpt. this as an. indtation to visit our sh opWe sohclt the pnvilege JUST TO SHOWyou our Spring Styles.. J;ailored yo.ung men's clothing that are in­dIvIdual �reatlOns. The values found here arethe talk! of your college - inquire about us.Dockstader & RexfordSuite 816 Republic Bldg.State and Adams St.SUBSCRIBE FOR TlfE DAlLY l[AROON. 1'BB DAlLY MABOON. TUESDAY, IIABOH 17, 1914.cmCAOO OYKNAS'm 2'AJtBJIEft FROM WISCONSINCoach Hoffer's Ken Have Little Di1'­acuity WinDing Keplinger aDdWeak17 Star.,,'illllilll-! t·\"t'r�· event in tho gym­nastic meet, Chicago was easily thev ie tor OV('r Wisconsin Saturday 3tMadlson. Tho Chicago men displuye-]tho befit form that they have this PICK ALL-STAR INTER_ -1- Am eats.CLASS BASKETBALL T� 1IJeIDCa.tron is Given Captaincy or Fist'A UDITORIUM­Team Seniors and La:91s HOnoredby Two Selections. WEBER AND FIELDSBest Seats $LInter� l\aaketball-1914:All Star Teams.F'irst team, Second team.Berger (1915) •• R. F. Darreuouguo Nor a Bayes G e orp BebaDwith Harry CWke aDd 00mpaD7Geo. W. Monroe DorotJ17 2'oyeand ruth Oth.en(191;;)�'ear, and showed thnt t11('�. h:l\"t' :1 Cat ron (T.3\\"S) enpt. L. j.". Statliugsgpod chance to capture tho Con(l'r"""'t' (Divinity)meet on the fifth of April. Thc wrest- Willi:lm� (1914) •... C .. "Fisher (1!l1;;)lers ,liel not furo US w('1I, nnd Iost KCIlIl .. (I�· (1914) "R. G. Gilroy (,Meeli,"'.)(,T'cry event to the Bntlgcrs" hut, werr- Capt.outweighed ten to twenty pounds, Stryker (Laws)..L. G. �p:lrk� (}!Il!;)Wi�e't),,�ill forf'e it ed the (cu('iug events In sdl,t."ting the above allstnr tenm-.('n�o Ieader, hnd th .. Inrgest �C'or(' of ncfion all sensun, :111\1 he hus t,",II'a\'-his team, mnking two hundred :\1111 ored to select t oa ms that are wr-Il hn lthirty points. Tbe Indlvidunl work of une ... I nnd st.rong in all dt'p:trttllt'llt�,t hese men was sensnt ionnl, nnd they 1'here were an unusual 1111 III her 0:. "SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE"promise to be stars in the ('ominJ! ('011- stnr men among this �-t':II'S 1'1:I.'"t"�" L,\l'I;II�, TlIIULL::;, �ll';LODUA.lIA.fr-rencc meet. As in previous �'e:l rs, the Fresl: 1lI:� ItSnru r-Iny the Illinois g�·mnnstit· Y:lrsit�· tenm hns lint 1,t'I'" illl'll1",'"tr-am will eome to Chit·agoo.to meet tllt' in the seleet iun.local men. Th is meet wns �eht,ault·tl Among the for.Iwnr-Is, Bt'rgt'r :11101fc.r two weeks nl!o, but was postpon ... l Catron stnnd out ns thc 1 I ('!'l t. Bothon nt'C'mmt of the s(·nrlt·t fevor ('pi- hf them are sure Iln�kt't l'lltlolt'r�" :t 1101demic nt Tlrhnnn, On aeeount of their in the past series have �hClWII l!1't':I�victory over Wiseonsin, tIle Chi('n!!f', ubilit�· to work with their tl':III1. (':1men are the favorftes for tltis moot tron is f,!iv('n the t':ll't:litIl'Y of t h iRcsulb of tho Chiengo-'Vis('ollsin team because of his JOIIJ,! ('xI"'rit'IlI"',belng ill tho Lnt er-vluss Lcngue fo.Chicngo. Wis('onsi.l. five years. The llic-killl! of the t"or-Horse _,., .. ' .....• 12� 853.4 wards for the seco ml t enm n"qllir,"\Horizontal bar .. 1313_4 1293.4 nloro tlisC'riminntioll thall in �t·h'l"tillt' p O""'ERSI�arnnel bars ••.. 148 143 1-2 the first two. It i� thought that ]):! r-r(>nouguo and StallinJ.!'S 1Ia\-c thl' I'all Hem-y Miller Presents a New COIIIIMlJ-Rings 1431-2 1291-4Tllmll1in� .•. ," 146 431-2 cn the lnrge fiela of rcmaininl! 111:1Clul,s. _,. ",. .... 141·2Rt'pli,,:!('r wns the star of the gym­nasts sl'oring three hundre.ls nnd thir­tccn points more tlmn hnlf of hist.lt:tl team score. "Yt·akly, the Chi-n!(let: GARRICKThe Unanimous Verdict ofHappy First Nighters, theGreatest or all Winter Gar_den Revues,'PASSING SHOW OF 1913:;'11 t·fTort has been made to select menwhu would work togther ns well asstny lndivldually. Coach Page picholthe flves after wnt('hinJ! the meu ill COHAN'S GRANDAnother Cohau & IIarris Triumph.Gco. 1\I, Coh:\U's Mystery FarceTaug9-FOlecl ... �"SEPT'EIIBBB .OIIB"With Daft r.wIaILLINOISDONALD B RIA NIlls G:".atest Musical ComedyTriumph, in"THE MARRIAGE MARKET"DADDY LONG LEGS13 1_2 teria!-,Williams of UlO Seniors. is the fil"iwith Ruth ChattertonTotals 1661-4 6051-4 choi('e for center. lIec'nllsc of hi� all,arountl 3bility. lIe was not only th.'COR,..",,","restling: 'Sayre, (C), lost to Roth, (W). Fnll, hest basket shooting ecnter in tl14'1 minutes. league, but ho held llis opponent ttlMcKenzie, (Cl, lost to(W�. Fall, 13 minntes.!\[adison, CC), lost to Martin) (W).Freeman, the lenst number of hn.'�kl'ts, Fi�IH'ris_ giT'en the second, cnll be('all�e of hi:,:;hility t.o eo,'er the floor. :\[C"Cnlllll,lIof tho Sophomores, ran him a c"los,' Jack Lalt's Ne. PlQHELP WAlftBI)A Clean Com� Drama wltlaHen17 KolkerDecision: 23 minutes.Acker, CCl, lost to Buck, (W). Fall, race.3 1-2 miJ.utes. Kenneely anti Striker are s(>lec-tc.l :1 �the. best of the guartls. They hoth 1'I:I�'Persons who have ordered song their men well; they nrc also l!oo.1 :Itl)ooks may receive them this morning ,oing down the floor and scoring "a'"in Cobb hall. The books arrived ,m ket�. Gilroy and Sparks, who ar.'SoJUa Books Have Arrived.the c:lmpus yesterday. They are nent·ly bound in maroon cloth, with tht'Unh'ersity seal stamped on the frontcover. Reprcsentative songs of all theConference universities are incllld('.lamong the Chicago songs.ARRowTANGOSHIRTSare an eveningdress, necessity. IThe bosoms aretucked, puffed,pleated or "mush-r " tooom. .p2.00 up.Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc, lIaken the sam(' kind of game ant! ("()\":.,' STUDEBAKERMR. LYN lIARDIlIGIn Sir Arhtur COD&D �ThrillfDg New PIa,.THE SPECKLBD BAlIDgil-en second te:1.m positions, were aI,most as good at holding their oPP'"nents hu,t lacked the scoring ahilit.y,Gilroy is given captaincy of the sel"'olltl team on accountof his ability .:IIhelcl his team together.In closing tho account of the 19Hseries, much ,credit must be gh'en tt)the managers of the diffcrent tenm�for their spirit and work in gettjngtheir teams out. To them chiefly i�the fnet Iino that this senson was t Itl,1'(:8t sin('e the beginning of the leaglll'.Thc manngers were: GoMberg, Law:-::lioltz, Dh'inity; He3(Uan<l, lIeclil-�;Leonarfl, Seniors; LolI�gar(l, JlInior..;�:'lnll Wi11nrtl, Sophs.The }-'reshmen squad men nre nlotr:.;tcd in the abovo selection, on :11"_COllnt of their practice work with tl:.,V:lTsity, nltlHlllgh there arc n IlUIllt,,'1'of star men in the yearling group. TIll'"fTit-inl '"1:117" numcrnl� Im\"c I'CI'":twar.I .. ,l to ('apt. \\'. S('haefcr, F. 1:_Townley nnel :\1. SnU, forwarels; 1>. "'_rishcr, center; D. H. :\rel.:'lllghlin, �_A. I:otb('tnlt'1 antI \\'. :\(. Tt�mpldon,�1I:lTtl�, The men receiving the "Ir'']i, nrc: nt'nt, mnc�kbnrn, Knip:wltildalItl Wheeler. FINE ARTSDUSH PLAYBB8THEMatinees Thurs. and Sat.princessMost PowerI1Il DramaIn�Y ....THE LV_Bo LVlMPICROBERT HILLIABDThe Real DetectIve P!q,... �''The MDI. Cue"LASALLETo Give Dickens BecitaLl[r. }-'rnnk Spcaight of Lontlon willcle1h'cr t.,,-o Dick('ns recitals unl]cr th ..nUflpices of tile {juiversity Lecture ;1."­lIK)Ciation, on l[arch 24 and 31 at -4 inthe Fine Arts theater. "l[ieawher"'will he tho �ubjct't of the first, :'lnll"A Tnle of Two Cites," the suhjcct ofthe secontl ledure. Al\tIERICAN=run llaken Bapnm.JtOLB • DILL"PECK 0' PlOKLBB"lIaslcal � JUo& ,J