�.,'I1'1I,I)/ '.\� . -Vol. XII. No. ion, UNIVERSITY OF OmCAGO. FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1914. PRICE FIVE OENftCmCAGO DEFEATS THEHAMILTON CLUB 31-27( 'hn rl •• :-; O. )1 olu ndor wus electedfOl" the t':ljltaiu of t h i s seusou's uske tbull toamthe Y. :dld -Joshun �te\'cusulJ le.uler of nextt.'lt,.-tioll. year's squall .ycsterdny, Tho officialVarsity Takes Lead When Red­mon Captures Plunge andHolds It to End BANQUET I UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRA jy.W.C.LELECISOFFICERS!MOLANDER AND JOSHStudents Representing 'Divinity GIVES CONCERT TODAY I Caryl Cody.is Chosen.President--- STEVENSON LEAD TEAMSchools of Chicago District -- New Cabinet Appomted---Mar-Gather at Inter-Seminary Dinner Mixt�e of .Classical and Popular I garet Rhodes Talks on Work of, Basketball Men Choose Captainsin Commons Last Night MUSIC Will Feature Program League of This Year's and the 1915in Mandel Tonight 'Squads Yesterday350 ATIENDThree hundred awl fifty studentsIl'l"'l'seutiug the diviuity schools of('lti("a�o, were present at the inter,sl-llli!t:lry bunquet in the Commonsla:-;t night. The v isit.ors nrnived carl;"in the af'teruoon und were received att 110 UI'.\'I101tls dull by a corum it tee of Cal'oYl Cu,)y, lH·l'!:'itlcllt.L()II:s\.' .\! ie k , \ i"�'-lir,'si,jt.'lIt.It ut h "\111'11. St.',' ret ary.lI,·IL'1I J :l"'ld,'y, t rvasurer,Til,'s,' ol:·i,·(·rs ">t're c'l!\Is!.'1It�C)lI1illg ;',':11' L,," IIIl'ml'l'rs (Ifw. (', L. Yt'slt·rd:,y. Tlll'irPAVLICEK BEATS TANK RECORD MR. R. W. STEVENS IS SOLOIST.1 l'rowde,l ho=-: eXllct'tcu by the ILlli\'ersily urc hest rn at its eoucert to Iuight ur �;l;j ill .\Iaudd hall. 1'OPIl1:1I' I:chU v lussienl nrusi« will be gi\'cll. �\r- HAVE OUTDOOR BALL PRACTICEBy \Y·,11 l-nlnuced work in evorv('\"'lIt r, .:1.·11 \\'llitt!'!" swilllnH.'rs clO\\'I1I"1t'ill' n::::'i!loll dill, tvrun last night 1 ya :: 1 t \) :.:i sv or e. Not {'ontellt w i: IITl'\"'l'si!:� t lu-i r prev ious th·f"at. ('hi Uni vcrslty of Chil'ugo diviuity mcu. tertlte program tlte Se ore club ill t'(I- It"'OIll:IIC:It!C',j I.y tl:e 1l":lIilldillg' c'UIII' t�':I111 i.i�·tlJrL' was takeu yvstvrduy aud":J;_!II'S '.'. :I!t'r luixket hn ll t('am mixe-d Ln t er t hey wero eseurted nrouu.l the t'p('ratioll with tho Hl.':·lIolds dub, wi ll m it tco, was uun ni mous, Chn irmun of the "C" awarde.] to .lIolallder, Xor­it So S!W('l'ssflllly t hut t h ey "hut oi.t t':I"'l'"S nnd through the buj ld iugs. At gi\'o all i nf'orrual dalll'e fur the c lut- dilfel'l'lIt L\':I�IIl.' t'Olllllliitl'l'S \'o'ho wit: gll'lI, t.-; oett ler, Des -Iur-Jicu, Steveu;t hr ir IIJI!'O:!\'lIls I,y :L four to nothire ;j :111 i nf'oruurl reception Was held in j:ul·:tJ·,r. .,;'Il! 1111' Ill'\\" c·aJ,illl.'t� appuinted I,: ;'(.;11. D:IIIIIII.!:lI'tllcr, Shul] and George.�t'.,rl'. Th« 1Il"d was t he vlosest �H't"l :,I:u Hl'YIIOJus dull, where tJle visitors "We hopc to establish ourselves :1-; :11 iss [:'0\\,11, ;':-I'lIl'r::) sevrctury, nu.l ::.\Iolantler fills thc vacancy left by111 Ba rt h-t t this year. n n.l marked tl.,! \n'te Introduced to OIlC another. a HYe n nd permanent orgunizut iou;' .\Ial':.!:tl'l'l 1:lto,jl'S till' olltgoiJlg presi the wit inlrn wu l of Vruw ink ill the fall.br ea k i njr (If two nartlt'tt tank record" Henderson is Speaker. :Cl,icl llil'l'l·tor Cragun \'('stcrd:n·.· "TIll' dl'lIt, :11'1.' ns folluws;· �!o1:lIIdcr came frum Lakc Yiew hight:tlldl\Jlt� who arc slllll,o;,tiJl� th,�·orc'ht's,1 Th NCb' t I I I ] I 11':I\'Jin'J, of Ch icng o allu Han-«.u Tho subject of all the speeches wu- e ew a met, :-:,. 10". w ncre )l.' }I ay('c on the Cook"TI So ' ..• 1\1 n, f th Ul urcl .. trn aro having' :111 uphill ligllt becau.«- 1:l1t1l Thomns, membership ; .luli:. COUllt'- chaml>iollshil' fl.-c. I·Ic TUU"of tlte Halllilton ('Iuh, captured tL., 10 �I:u. ess .. :"c 0 0 '" I � 1_ J , •••i"tli,i,!l':ll II(lllors. CO:\l'lt 'Vhit •. '-; Profl'ssor HClldersou was the prilll'i- the orchestra. hus 1I0t as yet thc hOIlO!, pl)";':('� �t)l"ial; �\:!llt'S �ltal'p, Bihll'l <'I('d,.,,, t':lptaill of the 1911 }'rcshman, 1 t 1)'.11 s'II"aker of tllC c\·cning. Other n'JlIll1ler:ttioll� :11It! prospeds of trip" ":::Id.": Edith l"lllitlt., Jllissioml; UUtll It :1111. I'l:t.dll!! :t;; fOl'war.l, Ho has"P""Il." y"III1g'''II'rs 1I('gotiatcc two jir:, ... .'k C �I". rquI's "". SII"ttut'k tll:tt thl) other ntll:;i�al orgallizatior::, l'I'o�"'�'I". 1I1'I.l'l't·j:tss t'Oulll'illor', E\'UIl" I"'PII 1,1:I."ill!! left :,:.u,'u"tl 011 tluc V .....-plnl't·s. ":lptl1riJl� the forty yard swim spea'ers Wl'r .l .. .1:.0 .. � •�.. ...:wll tlle l;jO-�'ard ha('k stroke, hrt'ak- cf thc Univer:>ity divinity school, Ro!,- llan'. But although it is a lIeW "t..J1. gdill(' �tt':;houst', St·ltoo.1 uf 1,:.t(1JI':ltioll: eity for three :-ear5, and lust year was. k tun' I am sure that the 1'0lleeJ't will ' l' G 'I tIt) t} \11 C· fiJl� tIll' t :IIIJ;; re.>orcl e,-ent by 2 �-5 t.·rt- n. Raul' of the 1\IcCormlc theol- · ... Olla. IIUIIS, ,eIlC\'a; .> argart· St' l't· ec on lC � - _on en'lIce team.:;�c'o:ld�, H:IIIS011 took the )00 anu ::!::O ogit'nl st.'millary, \Villiam E. lIill of he a. sUI·cess." (il:d,I�JI, fillalll'c; Hella )[I'I'ill!t'y.p11h Is Star Forward.�':lrcl s\';irns :1l1l1 fillishetl set'ond to the Chic!lgo tJleological seminary, Pall I Program is Ambitious. I:.·it\-; Hl'It.'u Carll,'s, :o;ol'ial �l'r\'il'(,: Stc\'ensoIl ,is a gratluutc of EIlgle-]>:l\'li(·t.,r� in the forty. Neff of Chi- H. Krauss of the Luthcrnn thcologieal "Thc program is ambitious," !>;ticl! �\I::r'ion Ililll'.s, Student ':olullh'l't wooel Iti;.�h �.t·I!O(I]� wherl' ]Ie !:tarrou nt4':11.:0 took two seconds. seminary, Guy Z. Mooro of the Gar· ),11'. Rohert W. �tc\'(�ns. "Thc c1assi- i 1II0\"('lIlellt; �rollie Carroll gratlllatl'. forwartl, He played right forwartl onl't!tt Biblical institute, and Dean SImi "n) :'I't (Jugllt to 1,Iease thc Illllsic.l Thc c·hairman of the Ih'ligiolls ).rcet· the e1i:�Ill}li()Jl�ltip Yl'arling tcnm inler �latll(,wR. D�an llathews was tltl' lo,'eJ"S, bllt tlw more pupillaI' memhl'1''''1 il!;_!s i'(lllllllittel� has 1I0t heen :tIL lBl:!. ailcl has becn 3. lllcmi>er of thepl'eshling officcr. will he thc strong feature of tlte (·on· I'ouu('ed_ Yar�it:-" for two �·e::rs. lie is a mcm-All thc speakers cmphasizetl UlO f:u·t ccrt he�n\Jse they :lre heUer kllowlI. I What the Leagu� Has Done. l her of Phi Gamma Dl'lta. anu of tho'flc:lt tllO church batl a grcat social ro The first �u�ber o_n_ the ���gral� i:, "\\ e fl'�l �ha� t�I.O .. �e:�gl�� �1�S_:l honora,ry _ sO�'�e!lCS Skull antI Crl'sccn.t:;pon:-cibiIity thrust upon it and that if f1W "OXCII "finuel-'''l>y nnyaen, a itgl't g-Oflt! yt.'ar baCK of 1t, SaItl �rargar,"'1 I :1I�cl Ortlt'r ot the 1ron �[n8k. He waashonltl take auvantage of thc oppo�- ('lassical piece, which hns he('omc po)" Hhotles at �"(·stertlny's meeting, "and n!!"o a memher of thc Freshman foot­tunity to aiel in curing the social i1l8 :Jlnr_ Tho next two numbcrs, thl' that the new officers will ha,'c good I ball s<!u:lll_of tIt" pr�Dt timc. Thcy stated that "Orgnn Concerto by Handel antI t1t:. grc'llntl to work on. The l.eague i� 0111 Coach Pnge will 113.'·e fi\'c "C" ment· f t] Beethoven "S"\"mholly in C," olHls 21. no firm finallcial l'asi� 1Il it." local work� l':lek :'., n n11del1s for next _vc ..... 'snil of the important qucs Ions 0 JC J I ..... ... ....dny tihould bc settl'!d 1") the church. arc known to bc thc most difficult Lcsicles hl'illg sure of its support of ai team. Norgren, :llolantler, anti Goctt-.attempts. Mr. Stevcns will play til,' f(-reign missionary. Tho point S:'stl'Il' I ler graduate, Icaving Captnin-eleetIs Annual Aft'air ITI I th 1 nfT,-,'lr ('QIl('Crto, accompanied by the or, :11111 thc npI.len'l:ls.8 ('.ouncilIo.r com III i.! f\._-ten'nson, Shull, Des .Tnr,lien, George.1(' :anqnet was c aDnua ...T ehestra. The entire secontl half of t,'e Imd tlll�tr ht'cilllnmgs ,ltredly JIll' nnt} Bnumgartner. Although Coachof th(' Inter-seminary union. hc Un-the program is from the mo.lern· COlli' the Lea�llC!. .Pngo hns not awartletI tJlC Freshmanion is composed of the followingI.osers. , Richarcl Strnus' ··.o\.l:l;_!io C:II: "Di�cussiolls ill the ,'aI.inet ahllut t!lt' I: II Jll('l'a]:-c, th('ro will hc :t suhstantial�'f"hoC'I�: Chi('ngo tlleologi('al seminary. tn},ilc" from thc B minor Sonata wii] dlcating of sftl.lents was the iIlJlI!l'- ntltlition to the Varsity ranks fromMcCormick theological seminary,West­ h(; the fourth selcetion. )[1'. Sh"'f'Il<Redmon Tnkcs Plu.nge.1:1',1111(111 opclle,l the meet with :t-;'id(,ry ill the plungc, negotiating U:eI('n:.:,th or the tank in 44 1,5 scconcll."YIII:1ll took l'e('onll place., antl �t:0m_that momcnt Chicago was ne'·cr hcall­('fl. Pa\'licek cnpturetl thc forty fromHnnson by six inchcs. Seitlcl of theIlamiltoll club took tile 200 yarJ1,renst �troke from Gorgas. I\ntl Gond·nlan, tying the tank rccord of 3:01·I_;;. I1:Jllson took thc hundreu all.ltwo-hH'nty rather e:t.!�ily, anu Pavli·cek t'nptllretl the ha('k str-okc hy ne:1I'·ly h:l1f a l('n�th. The relay 'Went to thoHamilton club in the recoru timc ofJ :27_ t:iato sOllrt'e of thc Honor c'onllnissinn:' tlre :'e:lr]inJ,! team next yenr. CaptaiDshc t'ontinuecl. "Tltl' K:lIl�as Cit�· ('el", �(,lt:lI'fer. Tl1wnlcy� RClthl'rmeJ, Temple'"Clition wns Olle (If the hi!!�cst things I ton <lnd Berger will he strong n�ltli­in whit'h the I.t':IJ,!lIl! was rcpn'sente:l tionsrr I G . thc first 11',IIt· eln theolo�l'al �('minary, Luther:lnI \\'0 !'('ores Iy ray In �(')o,f • I k tL-1I "'ere cnolJ!!II theological scminary, Garrctt Bibli�alo t 11(' las 'C iU gamc .. u liamttl win. The I!ame was rough from iJlstitutt', and thc Divinity school oflow.tIle University of Chicago. the wen-known o"ertnre to "Wi1-Tell" hy Rossini-BllI'k will foLHis s('cond solo will he �Iass('rll(, s1nrt. to finish antl kept thc !"p('('-tntors 011 f'.l�c. :lli"ups werc frt'- .LINKs SCIENCE AND THEOLOGYql!I'llt. an.l Co:tC'h 'Vhitc ('a1)ell a Jlllm-I'N of fOllls. A fanl'y diving e"hihi· ,1IJrinr: tIt" past YI'ar. "'hcn st1l41l'II!�,,,ill ;_!i\'e lip thpir ('hristnms ho1i,lny�'net's "Lnter lIen Linden." Outdoor Bascba.'l Practice,The \'et('r:tJ1 b:ls('hall men t.ook. atl-Present Unfamiliar Piece.-!O y:trtl 10 :t missionary t'ntJ\'pntiCln. tl", \'nllt:l_..... e of tll(' spots of tlry turf OD.Thc otlwr nnmhers on thc prtt;_!r:l!l. "_Writer in BibUcal World SaYs ReUg- :tre the 7.iehrcr ""'it'lu'r )ra,)'IIi" I.":t;!lll..> nH'an� a lot to thelll. In n,J, the athletic fieltl y('st('r.lny, nn.l Coaehion can Be Scientific. ,,'a1t7.(,s :till 1 Gourllnc)'s Cortc';.!f', .. ].:: "ition tit :lll thc'se adi"itics the Y. \\'. I':.tge put a nUlllher of thl'm through aHt'itH' Ill' Sahn,'· Tho Flli\'(�rsity (,0111, C. L. Il:1S }teell illstnllllent:ll in hrill:': �trClllloUS pr:wti('o se�sion. CaptaiD.That SC·it'lIl·e nntI religion arc Ill,:· nq;nit.:. is !"ni.l to he unfamiliar with in;.: about the IIlt'l,ti,,!! of graclu:l��' �r:lJ1n, B:l1l1JJJ!:lrtnf'r. LronnT,l, G1":\y,tually supplementary, that thcy wil! 1 �tll"('''tS ("'ery f'tlwr :-:'lIlIclay, an41 the nohllC'n, )f:ltt"('�'"!". :1I;c.l Hnrcrer W(Or.the last, but it is • ccInr('.l h:-' thl, or, ,.0.. -1_ ,a)timatcly arrh·e at thc same COIl, "l'poilltmt'llt of :111 adi,'e II:ll1C'illJ: cen· nmon ..." the "ct.erans reportin",. Out-g� .. "'_ ehestra memhers to hc the lllost ...'''''on 'by P ... ·II·( t>.k, elu�ions, ancl that theology is in :t �(lr committee:' tkor sC'�siol1s will lJe 111.1.1 tocla.�· an,l,� .. , dmrmint:: pi('C'e tltf'Y know.st·nse onl' of thc funclam('ntnl seicnce�. �omorrow nt !?:�O. If the f:t"ora.bleth t ttl I n AI] TJle Phi G:lmma ne1ta, Alpha T:111 GIVE. GE'D-"'T PLAY TO"II'ORRO""nrc c 8 n emen s mac e'y r. �'11 .._�, .iU. n weatI.cr C'ontintl('s it is prohnblc thatK. }�ostcr in an articlc entiletl "Cal, Om,,�a, Phi Kappa SigJJI:l, an.l P:-i �.)m('thin!! lik" orj!ani7.Nl prndiC'c willRc1imon bo Made Scientific ?, in t]I.� '·I'silon frnternitie� hn\'e taken 1,lo"k Gcnnan Club Members to Prescll�e- h� a.th'n'rtf'cl ('arl.", next we('k. Ycster-"Das Pulverfass·· in Mandelt.ion of thc C. A. A. sta�, Rornemllll.lTe:'n, nllil Burton, nnd by :\1i11cr ofthe Ilnlllilton c]uh, Was among tlu'nv\'('lty e",ents eartlet1.swim:ClIiC':lgo : Hanson, Hamilton club, sec"on.l; Hr�lwn, HamiltoD cluh, third.Timf'. :�1 2-55.J>hIJIJ,!e for tlist:l.Ilce: Won by Rccl. !"('at�. :'.Tost of the hox seats :Ire re­pnrt"ll t.o ha\'e I"'en sol.]. The 1l1:l:harc beginnih�: floor is nlso w«,11 l'1o]tl. The' prO<'f'f"�,"mysterious an.i from tho ('on('t'rt will go to l':ly th,·real revclation may h(', it ought to I."cXIH-'ns('14 itwurrecl hy the ort' ] 11'''' t ra illnHe to justify itself l)y somethin;:thc writer .8tnte<l. I·urc·hn�ing new Illllsic nncl illst rllrr.ent!t.of religio;1�lnrC'h issuc of thc Bihlical WorM.mOil. ('ioit'n!!o; Lyman, Chi('ago,seeonll: "lCc\'erent thiukcrsTlnnson�TlnmiIton ('lub, thirtl. Distanl''',to see that howevcr cla�"� se!"sion C'oJl!"i�tt'.l of throwil1:(,t,�t('hin,:!, :1ntl some ]:�ht h:tttin,: work.ill t'IU' a,·t� will hI' I'rt'sl'nt"cl h:' t1.t'St·hro"t tcr stot·k cOlllpally of the GN OF'F,ERS PRIZE;:1;'11 dill, tOlllorrow Iii;;ht at S ill �ran-I ..:,,1 11:111. Othc'r ft,:ttllrl's of tIll' pro- tntcrcoUeglatc Civic League Wanta;.'r:11lt will It(' orl.!:111 s4'lc'diollS !.�' �lr. Artidcs en Cclicg� Training.(in (,'.'t ill -1.' ] ,;; seconds.FOR :=!SSAY(lr'l. JI:ln,jltoll duh; Gorg:ls, Chi('�o.] (-. 1 Ch' thl'r,l, other thnn fiat)·'Sf'lnn.; ,Ofl, Illan, Icngo,Time, �:()1 .',!i;;. "If the great expcrien('('st·nnnot. yie1tl to or.ler]y1(10 y:! r,l swim: \\·on hy JJ:tIl�O'I.'" fT CI' 1 lil.;(' the fn('ts in otherH:tTPi;f(,n (·III!'; _';". lI('a�o !"e('on. ::-:utfl.'. Tr:.milton t'Yllh, tllircl, Timl',1;1)�. ;\ol ... rt. \\". :-;h'>·'·IIS. :tlld "iolill �.·l··,·_:i 'II� ,,�. ,\Irs, "t'arl II, .J:lf"""�OIl •. \-;.s .... i:;tt, !'rot','ssor "hili" .\llt'lI \',;l!g:\'t' :Ill :l.ldrt' .... � I'll ":\I:lrl.; Twaill :Illd of�TI,C' Tntl'rc'oll"!,;iat4' C 'i,'il' l":lgu,'f.·!'S :l l'ri/t' of :::1":1 f,)r :h(' 1>""tfic].ls C'I-CONVOCATION RECEPl'IOl'Ts,>i('n('e. there is e,'ery just rcnson t·.l"lJl'I)'('(·t their \'nlitlity. It will thert', D(,�!l Ange.ll and Professor Abl'l Tr"for.- l'e a. ('ontrihution to hoth th('oI- Franc Will Be Guests of 1I0llor.);,0 �':Ir.l I.:wk stroke: "·on h�· P:n-·'k J ' COl' ] CIII·n.ncro. _.'!." ogy :lnel S('ion('c if contact can be ('l<)If'f' " (: 11(':1�O: � IIr ey, ... � -,.1 ]. 1 t,ahlisheel at onc point or another."on.l; ()I�on, nnmilton (' IIh, t Ilrc .Time, 2:01. sny 011 "\\'h:lt tr:linirl,:!, whether rt'sult­i;,� irn�'l :1 t'nllc';,:c' C'1II1r�t� nf st11.ly.I.("a: from f'XI r:l'('lIrriC'lllar :lI'ti\'it it'S, or:'rflltl h(l�h. w"ltltl in -,"Pllr ,ill'lgmer.t.1-.('st fit nn 11l1cl('rj::rnclll:ltf' ill :tn Am_I TIlt� ":1": follows:Eat'h c·:tnc1illnt(' for a title or a .11'_ '. 1 • 1" I I ,.\rtI111r f'·is!I'.'T1011 •• 011 ',11' lsi::,', t ",'gre(' hns the pri\'i1t'J:(' of ill\'itin;.: tt'T'1 . .. ,)ft'If'J'!e , Olin' SnJlll. '[ ('ric':lIl "ollc'�" to \l1l,Jt'r�:lkf' IIponBold Junior eon .. - Finals. r('rson� to the ('on\'oC':ttwn rf'('f'l'tIOr!, '. , , . . ••��o Y::T.l �u-im: Won hy Hanson."_'". '., " l·fllllf� .' ,.,.". ".rna Hr:II11l Ibl�'l: l'r:1,l·;:oIjnl1 tltt> .�nth'" of (,ltl7.('n�hlp.It. It" llt'l,l �roll.lay frt.1Il !t t,) 10;.,() lT� I _JTnmilton ('luh; Neff, Chil'n�o, sC("on,'!: .Tunior college «'losing «'hapd cx('r, nr, \ ollmf'. l'."... Stc·II:l1l \\ 1l1drO)\, The ('s�:l�- lllllst not ('Xf'(,f'.l ;).ClOO- '11 he h ld 'r � 10 1-' Hllt('hinson hnll. The nnll1es of til",. t:\" t 1-:11.,-,.'11., (':I�Il1"!I" '.-(lr.1"., 1'11" .·tlllt","t I'"", t 11ntl('r-Ro,,"'. H:1milton ('Inh, thirll. Tim('. ('I!'f'� \\,1 (' .. � on'lay at : OJ 111I ('r"ons to ",110m the C':11l.1i.]:1tC'!' wish I .. ,rl1�· ',,: ()'" PI' .',." � ,., 0l'('n (\�:H; 4·;;. Mandel. "·illiam Roc will speak for 1':11:1 t'gllf'r, " .. ' " i"a:d.\ ",I,,!" 0:1. ;::ra.1Ilntc� in :1n�' AIllI'ric'nll IIIli,'er�it�·.R('ln'-- Won l,v Jl:tTY'Hton "lllh: Chi· t]io ('andiclatcs fOT thc titlc of n.qso- inyit:ltiens sent. shoultl he 11:111.1('.1 ill.\If'X:lllc:('r n .. rn,lt "lIow:trd HI'I'11to11 :··1'11!1.'r jl:formntioll C'nn he !'«'('uredto the Pr('siclf'nt's ofTi('f' (In 1,1:11::,' h I(':'.;':1) St·t·utlci. Timc, 1:2;. ('intI'. Dr. Fit('h, the Con,·o('ation Hc'rtha ,..... Ella Burl-! aI', tI [.nm E :'-J. �:tit. ('olllmltin nnh·ersit,..,n:t�I;;('th:lll: Won hy ChiC':tgoJ 4·0. 1 preacher, will speak. (Continued on pago 4.) l:egie Erich �chrot'th'r 1 X�W York city.ftIB DAlLY v4WOOX. �AY. JIABOK !S. 191C.The Oail, • a r • •• • BaIIeIia --= that time haa aivell ulltirillgly of hiB.... _._ ... E .. _ ....... tlf:======��=-=====cS: service with DO promise of remuner... ·� .. .......... TODAY tion. I wish to state here that "'-ith_out any doubt the orchestra's presentstanding is due entirely to him.An Invitatlon concert 1\"&8 gi ven illDecember whieh won fa\'orab� com­ment from thoHe who attendee I. Mu-Upper JDDior U:empon puhlicspeakiDc conWt, 10:15. Kent IS.IIcCr'ac:ka acldrea before b&clae1o!"decree caDdid&teII, 10 :15 Cobb l2A.Y. II. o, A. luncheau. 12:"5, Butch­iIl80Il cafe.'l"hnte Quarters dub meetiDc. 3:30, I, e use, The orehestra, members haveBenolds dub. already contributed a good share hutFendDg team picture, 4. Ba.rUett. c.u<·h more is needed.The orchestra wishes to give popu­UDiyenlty orchestra CODceft" 8:15, lor concerts which win acquqaint the....... � Ull COttap On" A...... JlancleLScore r.lub dance. 10 to 12, Bepolds students with the lighter orehestrnlcblb. compositions. On tonight's programHOWDY FBOBHI there are only two severely classlieulA Howuy-Froeh movement-&t leut PBOFBSSOB LAUGHLIN numbers, namely t.he Beethoven Sym-the Idea of such a movement-would 'rO DISCUSS CUBBENCY phony anu the Handel Concerto. Allbe just the thing for Chicago. The es- ACfr A'r JIEB'l'ING TODAY cf the other numbers are light a III IBence of the notion seems to be thia-- tuneful, and the last number is the"The New Currency Act and ItsPractical Operation" will be the sub­jt'et discussed at the sixth conferenceof the Western ECOllomic society to­day and. tomorrow at the Shermanhotel. Professor Laughlin, head ofthe Political EconoD1Y deartment willspeak tonight on "The Elasticity ofCredit Under the New Act." DeanShailer Ma�hews is president of theorganization and will preside this af­ternoon and tomorrow. Dean Mar­shall and lIr. H. G. Moulton are alsoofficers of the society, and Dr. Hen­derson, President Jutlson, Dean Mat­hf:w8, Professor Laughlin and Professor Merriam are members of the boardof directors-b. W.c.au.. ....B. 8. a..uB. P. Ku&W. B.Lpau . .....'·'M ................anaaaae .......that every man in the University feelfree to talk to any other. The "How­.1y·Frosh" title gives but a poor no'cion of the real spirit. The movement:9 not confined to making Freahmenfeel at home in the University; itshould apply to uppercl.usmen as well.It is a sad fact that many feHows:ttand 1ilp together to receive their:'achelor's degrees, when they never�ave met before in their entire fouryears. This is utterly wrong. Ofcourse, it is Imposslble to make every­one acquainted with everyone else, inhis Freshman year; and probably, itnever will be possible for upperelass­men to know all the underclassmen.But everyone ahould know all hiselaesmates, at least by the Junioryear. And everyone should feel freeto speak to everyone else in any ela.'I9.Why should he not? There is no rea­son for exclusiveness in the Univer­!.'ity. True, there are di1ferent typesof fellows here; but that is just whata man needs-meeting the other kind:of f'Gllows.· Here is the- p)aee to· 00it; we are all here for a common pur­p08E'-that of improving ourselves.IIer� is a bully good way of doing it-1i!O why not commence at once? Letsome fellow who is well-known com­mence the good work. People won'tthink he is fresh, or trying to serapeaequaintanee or drum up popularity;and then the spirit would spread. Intime, we might hope to have a spirithere which would make the fact thattwo fellow. are Chicago men abso­lutely enough introduction for all pnr­poses-and then we would be a trueatudent body--a unit of Chieago men.. .A. hundred-dollar prize is offered forthe best essay OD the beat training acollege man can get for citizeDShip.Here is a great chance for lUI earnestIStDdent to do something for himself.This statement is Dot a reference tohis chanee for the big money-that israther slim and after all, incidental.The big chance is an incentive--eventhough it be a wild hope, that prosr�t of lICooping in the hundred-aaineentive to write an essay, embodyiDgm thoughts on the aubjeet. Such awork would give him aa idea of theneed. of citizeuhip; but more thanthat, it would crystalize his notion ofcoUege T'alues. He wwld know, u hene'\-er did before, just how muell goodhe thinks he is getting from his sto.l.ies and his student activities. Snch aknowledge would be worth all the timeand labor he could put upon prepar·ing the essay.. In fact, it wold be agooft thing ii every student were re­quired to write such aa asay. Wehave too many if the unthinking BOrtright now-the kind who eome to col.l�ge, tbey knOW' not why-ud prob­:ably leave-tlley know not why (ex·cept that the f.eulty bad requestedthem to change their pIaee of resi­dence). All in aD, the essay is a mostTaluable hunch few everyone � eon·.a.. Communication.0 ,., ....� __ ........t .... ,..,..De Graduate 1Ieet:lDg.To the Editor:. The second .graduate· -gathering wueven more largely attended than thefirst, so it is felt that added approvalhas been given to the movement. Be­aides the "get-acquainted" idea an ef­f(..rt has been made to have short talksby men who are nationally famous intheir particular lines. The third grad­na.te gathering will be next Sunday,March 15, at 4;30, in Lexington halLDr. Albert Parker Fitch, Dationallyfamous for his work at Harvard, willbe the guest of honor. He will speakbriefly about "The Possible Provin­cialism of Gradnate Seholarship." .Every graduate student should availhimself of this opportuDity to meetDr. Fitch. All graduates are cordiallyinvit.ed. Refreshments will be served .K. Frances Seott.:lay B. Allen.. otil', two buss violins, and a viola werepurchased on credit with the hopesthat a. po�- concert would meet the exbest of all. We are young and ambi­tious and hope the students will helpus in our eff'orts to do something worthwhile. Respectfully,WiDiam Wiser_CLASSIFIEDADYllTISIMENTS5e per line. No ad"ertiaementa re­eeived for leu than 25c. AD cJp,aatfiedadvertiBementa m1l8t be paid In ad-vance.�RBSH UHl'OLISHEDTo the Editor:.In the autumn quarter of 1912 Mr.8teveD8, the Univenity organist, wasrequested to orgauize au orchestra. inthe University. He grouped abouthi. .. few wlao were interested andmet faithfully with them. The el&s8of music attempted, bowever, was tooditri�lt, and proved uninter�ting,with the result that the oreheatraceased its exi8Wnce.An orehestra of fair size, howover, uate of German and Ameriean Uai·:" ... organised to assist the Women'a nrsitiP.t9, 5733 Maryland ave. Tel.Glee dnh in their annnal eoneert lA."lt Ryde Park 4094.year. Later a part of this groupplayed for the W. A. A.·and the Dra-matic clnb. Mr. Stevens abont thi8 FOB BBlft'-A largo front room, 8Uit·able for one or two ladies_ Boar.l5752 Bla<!btone ave. TelRIOE15 laBS. FOR $1.00.Buy clUect from the grower and Ket:a. your food at 8nt cost. WDl ship youprepaid 15 lba. of unpolished rice, tlJebest food obtainable. upon receiPt ofSUO.W�A furnished flat or housefor Yay and June; by a memberof Bush Medical faculty. D. Heaney,Hyde Park 2712.B -::x.IABLE DaB88KAKEB. will makeEaster gowns or other spring sew­iJ�g. Prices reasonable. QuiCk sen' iceall now. Midway 1877.W�Few capable college menor women for outside Summer work.Liberal guarantee, but earnings Iim;ited only by your own efforts. $500 to$) 000 possible for your vacation. Ad·dress Lock Box 309, Chicago, IlLW�The Cap and Gownsthe yean of 1896-1897; 1903. A rea­sonable price will be paid. Daily Ma·roon dice.W�A former Chieagohaa splendid opportunity for stu­elcnta working their way throngh col_lege who have experience and abilityin salesmanship. I absolutely guarantee a dollar an hour to able meD. Write'or partieulan to Grip Bow Co., Oma·ha, Neb.S'l'UDBlft'B-Tntoring in German andFrencll by a German lady, a grad·time, however, was devoting his inter­eats to tile !len·., Glee clubs and no oI,tional.further effort was made to develop 2168-tbe orehestrLLast quarter a group of tbe old mem·l-en determined to plaee the organi­zatioD OD a penn anent student basis. --------------The Board of Student Organizations 'rBB L U B Breo�ized the new organization. Yr. A'f 'fBB PltIK0B88:I. �h Cragun, musi�al di�tor ofthe U6ivenrity higb �hoo1, WAS intet"eBtecJ in the new projeet, and since WANTED -Three woung men gradu·ate" for permanent position. Add�Broeket. Telephone Main 628.Ex�hange tiekets for· the aboveplay giving 50 cent8 rebate, may be"hU'a" a' the nm�e of The .. amoa_ 1111111 [1II1111II11II111II11II1II1Il1 m III r III III III II 1111 i i III 1111 1lI1111l1ll1ll1ll1ll1l11 mm����: -�,;; ��:�a�::�::S�!is known all over the world. You can go to any to­bacco store. booth or bazaar, from Calcutta 10 Stock­holm, from Yokohama to Buenos Aires-make the signof rolling a cigarette- and the name dealer WIll handyou a sack of "Bun" Durham tobacco. He understandswhat you want, because "Bull" Durham IS identifiedWith hand-made cigarettes the world 0\ ereMillions of men of all nations and ail classes 701/ theirown cigarettes from "Bull" Durham. Thrs ripe, mellowtobacco makes fresh, fra��ratlt ci�!ar��ttcs that they preferto any kind they can buy ready-made. -16 GENUINEBULL DURHAMSMOKING TOBACCO(EmugA fo" fOTly hand-made cigarettes in each 5-cenl .sa�). You can tell "BuW' Durham :15 br as you can smellIf. It has a unique, peculiarly delightful aroma,possessed bv no other to­bacco. An exclusive processknown only to the' makersof .. Bull" Durham gives thisadded delight.FREEI.e CoUege FriendshipsMake college life worth while. Coca-Cola is a friaadworth knowing and having aU the way througll fromF�eshman to Senior year. It will fill your college daJSWIth pleasure, health and benefit.Delicious-RefreshingThirst-QuenchingTHE COCA-COLA CO.,Atluata. Ca. w__,""tee .. ��of c.c.cola.............. G_- .VVanted At Oncefad ... at 1M UainnilJ to (cme iD aDd •• atiple atSpeCial Offerto College MenHERZKA BROTHERS:- : T a i 10 rs :-:1545 East 53rd StreetTelephone B. P. 1037. Opcn E"cnfngs and 8ancla7 �......... _._._--- .. ... .. ."" .. _�HICA •••rUIIIII. OPEN SA-rtJRDAY HIGHBrief CamPDJ Newse==:: _:z= =Play Semi..F1na.1a JIoDday--Sewi·f.llahi ill tho Reynolds club pool tour­nnmout will be played o1f Monclay.All t ho sc who had not completed theirprelhu iunry matches yesterday werenu t oinut ica lly dropped from the list.Ncw Astronomy Ooura&-A course illn st.rou umy by Professor F. R. Moultoll11:1" 1",,'11 aoldl'll to tho Spring quarter!,;4·!tt'IIII!·..'.EXPlains Income Tax-Mr. F. n,(;:11\ vr oIdi.\'l'rcu a Iee ture expluiuiugtll\: t l ul"Y :11111 practice of tbe illCOIII�'t n.x I ,·ol'l' au audience of fiity Yl'l-'I1t nb:; nf'tcrnuon ill Harper assemblyUncalled tor Mail-There is uneull1,.1 fill' 11I:li) at the fueult y exl'lHlIIgl'f'lr til,. fl.Jluwillg persons: Auun B�·.HS� n. �.J. Baivcs, G. Chinard, Mrs. A.K Cr,,"'4, Rose Ingram, .Jns. A • .Tamt';,n. n. Owen, George Rule, Mr. Seir.':':1.Il.! Carl \Vymann.Unclatmed Notices-Notices urel,ost ",] 011 UIC .Tunior rack in Cobb f"rEdward �t.h·kcl and L. T. Thurber.Scnior Ra.ck-Notiecs are posted tillthe Senior rack in Cobb for E. L.Newmn n. �Iis.q Zon. and the Equnl Suf'-f::!gc club.Student SerVice Scholarships-Ap'1,li,,:t' if'IIS for Stut1t'J1t service scholar­�hip� must 1.0 flled before 1\[on,I:l.'·I110011 a l the Bureau of Records,Blackfriar Tryouts Monday-Try·(tits for the east of thi.q year's Black­friar show, "The Student Superior."will he held l[ol111ay and Tuesday ar­trruoons. For detailed Informatiou.nppl icnt ion should be made to Mnna·g�r John IIenderson in the Blackfriurotfi('e� basement of Cobb.Explains Llbra.r7 S7BteJn-A pnm­phlet �i"ing information for readers('(II1f'Nning the use of books, elassifcat ion systems and catalogues hasbeen isseud by the Press and may h ..serurcd in the delivery room of Har!,er Iibrnry,Ma.thews is Speaker-Dean Mntbew:;ruldrcsscd thn Divinity school stu;41t'llts at the closing chapel exerei�e�j II Haskell yesterday.START CAMPAIGN TOOUST SALOONS FROMALL COLLEGE OITIE�A nation wide <'nmpaign has' bceistart cd to oust saloons from the cit ie­ill wlrir-h colleges are located. Studentof Ohio State university have taker.the in it.iat ive in this work and hanaccomplished- much toward removinj,th(, influence of saloons upon students.The plan of action consists in startingill tho suburbs and gradually workinginto the heart of the e.itT. The activeeo operation of both faculty and news­:pnpers has aided materially in thiswork. Police statistiea of Ithaca N.Y., show that the number of anests ofuudcrg m-Iuntcs at Cornell have de­creuse-I over fifty per cent inf'onr years sinee other amusement!'!ha \·c 11 isplaced the saloon... Athletics Brevities .. Now In Our NEW BOlD, N. BOomer aate and Z&eboa.Spring Suits Now Take the "Center of the Stage"THIS is without doubt the greatest young men'sstore in America---our whole third floor is de­voted to young men's suits---styles of a totally dif­ferent character than any we've shown. There are100 per cent English ideas, without a vestage of padding and in somecaseswithout even lining---others one-fourth orone-half lined. There are semi-English ideaswith straight shoulders, broad shoulders, Ameri­can models with hair cloth fronts, coats withpleated Norfolk backs and sack fronts and doublebreasted styles. And since styles are Ioungy,soft flannels and unfinished worsted's are muchin evidence. There is a strong tendency towardsgreen, olive aud taupe shades---tartan plaids andsmall overchecks in various combinations ofgreen and brown are going to be popular. Ouryoung men's clothes are priced as little as $12and upto thefinesrwoolens at Sdtland Sdfi; There-are unusually fine val- $15 $18 $20 $22" 50·ues in the assortments, ' , , •Dr. Goodspeed, athletic advisor ofJ'ennsylvnnin, now stands with tho cap­tn i ns of the Harvard, Princeton, Yalealii I Dartmouth bas.. eball teams in say- Time to Don a Spring OvercoatFourth Floor.THE Balmacaan and its modications, theBradbury and the Balmoral still maintainA II w � •• r 9 • !J • ,.. their prestige=-we have endless assortments ofthem. And wherever a man prefers a quarter or half lined coat, he _gets the additinal value of proofed fabrics. Chesterfields, the perennialfavorites, will be as popular as ever. Knitted fabrics will be quite the"go." Camels hair Alpine throwovers and Skipworth and Virtus Eng-lish made c�ats shown here exclusively. Great values $15 to $35at every price, fromThese Sales ProgressStill InA MANUFACTURER'Ssurplusof$25to $40 silk lined spring overcoats isstill attracting city-wide attention--by tak-ing advantage of trade con- $18 50 .ditions we're selling them at • A SALE of $20 and $25 blue sergesuits at $14.75 is bound to win theapproval of the thrifty buyers-these arefiner serges than were e�er $14 75sold at so very low a pnce •Dr. Fitch to Addreas Graduates. To Hold Lingren Prize 'l'eyouts. Tlo l-'id4l Afar magnxine ofrera apI j/.\, l.�· $:!;; to an�' student sblliittiaSin� thnt college athletes should be al; "Stunt" eommittlecs will be appoint· Dr. AThert Parker Fitch, who will Tryouts for the University r('l're'e d at the meetings of the Three Quu- preach the Convoeation sermon in �;�ntati\"e in the Lindgren ponce ora- t he d\':lrt·�t and most ('omp1'ehenJri".ter's club this afternoon at 3:30 in the \land('l, Sunday, will address the meet- tion ('ontest, to he held April :; �t ;l:lppr on "TIi(' Time is !\o\\" Ripe forProspects at Purdue point to a sle- ing of graduate "tullent... at 4:30 In t.hr- Catl101iC' �tt'4li('nl �li�ot'one1' in U.eReynolds elub. Tho (':ommittees will £\'anston, will he h('lt\ tOlla�· .M !l: 1:;('4'�sflll !'nsc,hall �ea.�n. A great num- Le�ington. :Meetings of the graauat�1",,:,,, ()� l..,�t '· ... ar·� men �rc hlH''k nnd inv('nt an ties to be performed byare ht'M overy two week�, when th,' in Hn.otkell 17. Tho tr�'ont� wt'r(, :\0'thy will bo strcngthenCtI grcatly by Freshmen in next year's tryout.... time is devote(l to religion" ai!Wl1s�ion li(,l1n(,('11 for y('�tcrllay, hut lHre po�t.J:t�t �.(':'. r's fr('�11mnn �'lllac1 which was Plans for the Spring dance will be �n(l talb, nnd to the purpo�e of gd· pon('ll on nC(,Ol1nt of eonflicting mcct-abovo tho averap. disc..... tiD, acquainted.Iowcrl to play summer ball:II }'nr F.:t!lt:' �(ant1!'1('1'ipts must· he iat1l(' han.l!' of the jua�es hcfore July1. For fnrth('r parti<'l1lar� applica­tion l'Ihuulcl ho mn41e to th(' 'Ficlcl At ...magazine, Maryknoll, �. Y.ftiB DAlLY MABMH, FRIDA'Y, KABCJI 1S, 19U.Amusements.r..,:�i"Distinctively tlIndividual" :i� ·i"B ,,,ang-o.It was only a few .re:�:·s ::.go that westarted to sell ,Fatill:a�. \r c firstoffered them in the (ollc:!,e t()\\'HS.The purity and dlOiec quality of thetobacco W:IS ill:;t:l:ltl/ npprevintcdby the stuucu!:;-aO\I, F;�tim:ls holdthe record for t!;e �:: ':l:l'st puut ineisrarette histu'··.. - : L, � ,j �.:-!!est s:dt'oran,' brand i;l t!j'� C'!::t,"d �'�;;t,,:;toda:.�f No eXill"I�:.� v. :L: l _! ',': thepackagC-lju:tlity oil �;l t�e �U!/;;C�·tI-twenty good onv.: !:tbr.t!,- .H:;�t4::-:�-.c�" c:Opportunity!Are YouGettingStylesYouFancyAt the PriceYou WishTo Pay?Accept this as an in"jtation to visit o'ur shop.We solicit the privilege JUST TO SHOWyou our Spring Styles.Tailored young men's clothing that are In­dividual creations. The values found here arethe talkl of your colJegc - inquire about us.IDockstader & RexfordSuite 816 Republic Bldg.State and Adams St. FBESlDDlN II.AJtB �D-rIllE IN LAST TRYOUTSDesmond Runs Qu.rter in 56:3, WhileRayzor, Fisher and Bacon TakeRemaJnhur Events.w iuuers of the numerals l\IulltlllY.-'rho second heat of the quarter milt',"::L� by fnr the class of tho meet, Des-i':-1 !"tart('tl out f'ast nud setbled down intoa close race between Rayzor an IKnipschild. In going the last lnphowever, the former pulled awuy nndflnished .in 5:13:3.The results:Pole vault-"ron by F'isher, llei�ht11 feet six inches.Mile run-Won by Bayzor ; Knips­-uia. second; Stine, third. TimeS�13:3. HOLD CONTEST l'INALSFOR UPP�R JUNIORS)··illals in tl ... Upper -Iu nior "xtl'lII-IN KENT TODAY AT -1 A UDITORIU�WEBER AND FIELDSTONIGHT WILL GO TOCLUB LIBRARY FUNDdt�· mr-m hers uud t heir f'r ir-u.!« 11:1\'"been inv ited to ut tvu.l t h« tI:IIII·I'. _\proseut, $(iOO II:\n' b("'11 ol.t:rilh·,1 f •. •the Iibrnry f'und, :1 lit I at I"ast a 111111.lred dollars :l,ltlitillllal is 1':\1""'1,"from t ln- ,1:l.1I1·l' tmli;..:llt. I'rl'siol,'":Park iuson stah'.1 that lu- I'xl"'d"d '(start shelving' suoo worth ot" ),001;·within tl!ll (1:':\"::1.1\lr�. 1\1. H. Brown, Hr. :111,1 :\1 r­�(:rhil'o :1I11l )rr!'l. Willar,l will "h:1('Quarter mile---First llent: Won h�' orone at tho dnuce. Lewis Fu ivk s' III'Bacon; Rynn, second; Flynn, third. c hestrn will play, Datil·ill;_! will I,,':.,:-ilTime, 60:4. immediutcly :Iftl'r UII' Flli,·t'rsit.'" col'Second beat: Won by Desmond; Yu e)lestra ('on('crt, :lllll will last ulltil 1:.'s(>coIII1; Edgeworth, thirtl. Time, 56:3.Powers, Wheeler, 'Vilson and 1\[llr DR. FITCH WILL SPEAKtlock wero the victors in tbo runoff of TODAY ON UNIVERSITYl'l·r:Ull·OUS pu hli« spt':lkillg "ouh'st will Best Seats $1.Rayzor, F'ishcr, Bacon and DCSDlOlH1 11(' held today at 4 in Kent. Rudolph Nor a Bay e 8 George Bebanwere the winners in yesterday's events �[oritz, Laurence Salisbury, 'I'honius with Harry Clarke and Companyill t ho Freshman track tryouts. GOO(� Goodwin, and Kathleen Colpitts willGeo. W. Monroe Dorothy Toyet imo \\,a'" mnde in all of the events. I'l' tIle contestants. The winner willand Fifth OthersI!I tho first bent of the quarter mill'. receive a two-quarter sehulnrsh ip, :&1101:tllll in tho mile tho competition was the next choice a scho lurship fur ouv GARRICKext romely dose. Tlu,'8C events finish quarter.the triuls for the F'reshmcn track IIU· PROCEEDS FROM DANCEmorals. Coach Stagg will annouuca th«TIll' proceeds from the Score e lutdance, I!i\"en tonight at 10 ill t he Ht'y,mond covered the distance in the rust 1!(J1.1s ,.llIb will be turned over to t lu-time of 56:3. The other heat of the U('.\"JIOI,ls club Library 1'111111. SiIH'"quarter "":18 not as fast, Bacon tak imr two hun.Ired couples are ,'x)l(,(.t(',l, al '60:4 to travel the distanco. The milt, three floors will l.e use.I. "\11 ('llin'l"tile ties for places in tbe nnnual longliistance cup rnces. The distance ofy(>st.erllay's eyent W3S a mile anl}:l Dr. Fit"h, I'rt'l-li.h'lIt of t la,' Alldll''',':ll:llf. Powers finishetl in 7:57. As th(' theolo�il':ll ::It'millary. will dist·uss til'r�su1t of thesCI the first plnce cup�' mcthods of (';Irryill� UII tlu' (jlli\'i';in the gym cla.qs, basketball al111 sity-whl(.' ('ampait:n fur rdi;_!ioll "y �IIwre�t1in� l1ivisioll� will go to Powert E,I,ly IIl'Xt. quarter, ·:1.t the Y. �1. ('\\lle(.'ler anel 'Vi1�n. Murllock sc('u&(',l �\. lunl'llcon today at l:!:-l;; ill til.the thirll cup in tbe swimming die Hutdlinson I'afe. Til·k('fs fur t!tivision. The rp.sults: hmdlCOll mny bo ohtaiul,.l at the y,Gym Class Division-Won by Po,,' ll. C. A. office. AlJ Ulli\"er:-;ity JIll"P.rs; Dixon, second. Time, 7.Jfj. have been in\"ited to !lttene).Basket.baB Division-Won by WheeLmen wltu han} uot tnk"u swinllllill:! .. "have not registeretl for it fur tho�prillg Cluarter, will ho rC(llIirl·.1 t,[·nss a test Tuesdny or \\'C.lllcsday, 0'register for swimming for the Sprill�ISSUE �ATIONS FOR fJuarter.CONVOCATION a.BCEP.rION·ECOllUmi('s_Householtl Art club gn\'e ;1t('1\ in the school of Education Y. Wpro\"idetl for that purpose. A persona! L. d 'I' '!-lel\'J'111C. ro(,m ycster aYe .... ISS _,card sbould 'he banded in with eac·1t:&1,11 )lisl-I Kulbc ponrel).111::Lnk, to bo en<:losed with the in\"i-tation. In case any gradunte shou!rIwish more tban ten, he may sceur(' t.o ent�rtailled at llinner at the DclhU'o additional ones at a cost of five' U hOllse tonight.a.I.lr(�� the !'itlllll'lIt� t:lkiug the "a.·l,To.lay:· One hunlIr�l anll twenty (·Inr·� ,lq:rI'� this qllarlC'r tlltlay :11"in" �tl1,lent� wiIJ re('ch'e Il('�r�l'. ti_ ](1:15 ill C,,),1. 12A. Othl'r ""'1111 ... 1'tlf'l' or (>ertiri('ates.Tj('ket� for the C()n\"{�atiou may ht'er; Chapm:m, second. Time, 8:08.Wrestling Division-Won by Wil­SI)Il; Teninga, second. Time, 8:12.Swimming Division, for third plaN'-Won .... y Murdock; MacFar1and,sec:'­onll. Time, 8:15(ContiDued from page 1.){'�nts each. Only ono name should 1)('"rittcn on ea('h blank: exeept in the'ense of '·Mr. and Mrs." The blanksshould be turned in to the Pre�ill�nt'�f.ft'ice imme(liately.Dean tTarnes Rowlanc1 Angell RELIGIOUS CAMPAIGl'Brief Campus NewsFreshmen Must =toSwim-AU Frt'shProl·c�or Abel Lelo'ranc will be1!1l('�t� of honor at the reception. Deal,Angell "'ill be tho Convocation orator.and will speak on "The Uni\"crsit:,-' New Club Gives Tea-The HOll:t'Delta U. Entertains-Dr. 'Fitch willCommittee Keets Today-.Theh'(.' will Dll'Ct at 10:1;; thi� morning t l­nn.1 ':ntinlle their diseussion of plall� fo,tht' a furcign Illissionary cllh�rprisl'.To Welcome Graduates TodaY-Wi 1liam l'attcrson .:MacCra(·ken, 'II!), ",iii(If tire :l1u III IIi will :II�II.l:l1rl'0sl' IIf till' Ilwl'tinJ_! is til \\"')'-(1111"(.htaine,1 at the olTie'(� (If the l're�i.I{'I;tthe gratillatillg :-tlld('lIls l"'l'sollalh'h)' candillatCH for Ih'gre('� or titlN .. to tire alumni url!aniz:lt ilill.Till' ti(·kct� will 1I0t It(' hel.1 after noollMonday. They "'ill be presented to PJan Severn! Slngs-...I'lan!i furthe public aft�r that time. Cant1i,lati'� 11llmher nf t'lli\'('r�ify :-;illJ!� elmill;: tl ...for the (logrcc of .Master or Doctor Spring qllart�r will he lll:tllc h�' Di,win be allottetl four tirkeb, and ('an· r('("tor Rt('\"(',,� in t.he ncar f1l11lrt',;li.tates for 118chelor and n.,qoeiah� TIle .1at(·� for the sings will he :t 11-thr('C. nOlln('�ll ('arly nt'xt ql1art(�r. The Unanimous Verdict orliaPllY First Nightcrs, theGreatest of all Wi-nterden Revues.'PASSING SHOW OF 19i3COHAN'S GRANDAnother Cohan -\: Harris Triwnph.Gee . .M. Ooh.ui's nt.:,stcry Farce"SE�17E}i :i.�EYS TO BALDPATE"',,\tl,II:o-, 'ru uu.r.», :\IE1.UJ)HA�lA.ILLINOISDONALD B R I A NHis G.�,:\tc!::t 1\1115i(al ComedyTril.!lllph, in"THE MARRIAGE MARKET"POVVERSM:tl,cl and EdithTALIAF£RRO-IN­YOUNG WISDOMCOR'"'Jack Lait's New Pia,.HELP WANTEDA Clean Comedy Drama withHenry KolkerSTUDEBAKERMR. LYN HAJU)JHQIn Sir Arhtur Conan Doyle'aThrilling New PIa,.THE SPECKLED BAlD)FINE ARTSTHE mISH PLAYEB8Mat. Thurs. 'il1cs., March 17•"PRUNELLA"princessMost Powerful DramaIn Fifty Yean,THE LURBOLY:MPICROBERT HILLIARDThe Real Detective Play,"The Argyle Case"LASALLETango-Filled Sona-ComedT"SEPTEMBER MORN"With Daft LewtaAMERICANmtC�o DeHver Last Lectur&-l)rofes�orCb�ter Bell, '13, nrrived in Chi(':lj:!o Ah('1 }.efram' will .leJi\"cr tlt(' l:l�t (If �I.,·e�terclay after a six months' trip in !'4( ril's of l�dnrc� on ")folicre <'t 1('..:EIOrul'e. He will re'enter the I a\\-•• �r:ln,ll'� f'J11f'stif)n� ell' son t('mps,"St' hool next quarter. llolltlay :tt 4:30 in Hnrper ).r11.SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAlI.Y MAROON. Fun M:1kers SupremeKOLB & DILL"P;:CK 0' PICKLES"Musical Komed7 Riot, .-'