III(IIIi�:1� IIiI;, ].� .. I!,\ !i III'i:I f' ..l' ""i ."rnnu, .Vol. XII. No. 99. UNIVEB8Ift 01" OBIOAUO. THUESDAY. KABCH 5.1914. PBlOB'mar",-..CHICAGO IN CALConACAMPAIGN ENDS TODAY ICONSIDER GIFT CLOSING DAYS OF CUJBomCERS ARE ACI1VE Coaches Expect Big Field to Com­pete in Last Event of h:adoorLong Distance Races Tomonow Will be Built Where ��--illinois Meet is Off TeDDia Courta Are 'Now ,-SituatedCLASS TWO MILE CUp. RACES ON AWARD COmACis. fOI'NEW GEoLOGY BIDtIiiii:, i.' ...Seniors Meet Today to DetermineChoice and Sdect Class Song;Many F aVOI Student Loan Fund Swan-Soag Activity Will be Re­cord-Breaking SmokerSt'lIiur� will 'hohl a class Iuuebeon Election Nighttc.luy at 1:!:45 iu the }{utchin�ollA fi('1tl of over a hundred coutest- GROUND WIU BE BIOWIW-eAnII$750 PLEDGED BY LAST NIGHT cute. Tbc J)rincipal object of the PLAN SECOND BENEFIT D,AUCE '." " -.".a" .�,,�Bn nllts is expected to start in the two- ,.u:ct.tillg will be to decide the ques-'1'1 '1 . C I tt . t.iou of the dagg gift a lit I to select a I '11 k th RIl' C III'lIg0' a ueu a t':allll':lJgu Features gn ore WI mar e ey· tr.mnr row, nnd will eud the series of Geology building have beea let, ....wi l] ,·JO:-;l' todnv with two meet i nu- 'dll�� sung, Both Issues will be de· ne.lcls cIub smoker March 6, acconling. 1) . II . sh �.; hllig ch�t:ull'e races, raettea y every work will be started In a "_,o,�,, �0,", will Leo IIl'Itl at 10:15 in Hurpo r l·idl·,l bv u vote of those present, to President Pnrk.iusou, The slllok\'t � ..... �• .. '" man who fluished in the first event, aeeordlug to an annouueement �� I I I 'I I • "0' K 'fhe creution of a student loan fund h . I f th'"�\� :11101 t 10 ut rer at 't:.. 111 t·!!! will take place on t C lIIg rt 0 '" the milt', has been traillillg for this the President's office. The, �8.t--t l ... :ttc.r. �lr�. l\[cClur, returned m is . for t lre IISC of undergraduates meets elect ion, and will be ill a way tht."I race, and Direetor Stagg expects a will be built just west of tile W�'�i!lllal·.y from Iudia, will speak 1111 with «ousideruhle favor, Almost a I farewell 'aet iv ity of the outgoing ad,nu mher of men to set ,fast marks. The museum, where the tennis eou.f.ti'_"Christ iallit.\· n nd Us }:1Tt'l"t on th,� such f'uuds at present are reserved for ministration. . '" . , 01,1first race, for F'reshmen track candi, new situated. The building 1ri1l�' lie:jwliall �lC'i:a1 Problems" at the moru- the use uf graduates, und those which L' �., I 1 tl b t 'j,.J"j " •.c..uts arter t re program aur Ie eli dates, will start at 4::10, and the nth- connected with Walker and Wiaa' �;II;! '·:III1JlaiJ.!1l '11 I\' Paul Chlnnapp-r an' open to un.Iergruduates are little f ' , ' J)'" .'if.'.• •. . cigars yet, are among the eatures en; will follow at eight minutc inter Iieve the congestion of th� '��,'. ill sllI'ak Oil t he "Social Coudi t.iun- used, owing to the stringent scholastic 'I • f h WI'U ' , : ..... ,.,' '.1_ .• � pronuseu. The ' re res menta" ,·als. ments now housed in the old 'Jia�of t he l ... linn Women" at the JHlhli,' requirements, The same piau for c� , "'. ;G�',I .1 'U' be served in the Com mons cafe, and Thc coutestants will be ....rroUI)('tl ir The architecture will be � '" ..gift has been rocomllleUueu at r� IS ,-- ,l"tlllsin, allt! st�\'crnl schools, already v:i1l eonsist of coffee, sanclwiebes, 81'- Sl!\'en cli"isions, as heretofore, and tLat of the' new ClaSsics l:)uii�D.' �The ;dtcrnoon lecturc will be ilhl"'- les amI doughnuts th t f H ' Th t' t' J '., ..h:lye sue�h funds. l' . "ups will be awarcletl to the t�ree men, a 0 arper. e s ruc: u.re. 'h Ele(·tiou returns will be annount·ed \VII') D, '"ore the len .. t nun1ber of tot"1 'bF. three stories in height' ana ... ur eo,'fd�An :l.lclitioll to the chimes III Mite . ,........., ..when complete. Tbe program will con· 11oillt.S for the two e\·ents. The scor. 'tain class rooms, a lecture' haJi/�'l"il would be welcomecl by the faculty • ,"ancl stullents, according to some 01 �jst of three wrestling bouts, black· ing is th(' same a·s usell in eross coun- fif'('s of' the tlepartmen�' 0(:'01:I· d f th face stunts, clogs, quartets and other tr,,· running. The divisions are }'resh· 'lut! Gt'ography, and Iilboi'at'ori.:' WM�the musically inc IDe persons 0 • J ' , • ..music. The program will commence man track, hasketball antI ba.�ehall ker will be occupied by the:' �class. It is said that many nlOrt' - ...1 cl d h promptly at 8:30. t!.,·m clasKcs divisions one an''I two', ment of Pal�obtology 'anel �Jj.t,.tunes could be p aye , an t e present � u , "!,ll',lge,1 :It 6 last night. Miss �row", ,I ..., 1,1 b t' I I" .... I •• I ••• I t_. I I I I I_I I. 11_." wrestll'l's anel fencers, swimming, au!l purtments, and ",iIi retaIn' tJi .. ',,�u('ilClellCles wou u e en are y e lml' ' ' ,. .s('('r('t:lry of thc Y. W. C. 1 ... , is confi·I:atell. Thc plan is to supply the chime ?LAN BENEFIT DANCMl. l Vargity traek. Gowans, Dixon, allcl des and relit's ot the :in��u.�! ,1) ".c1ent, that the desired $900 will I,e'h AIm M Xorthrup are amon.r previous winne� Cost is $250,000. i ,.Il{'eelt'ci to I,lay tea ater cor· I • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• e. , ':"raisecl, Kot all of tIle commith'c':-: rectly. The other propositions are Another Score club dance for tIll' who expect to make good time. Tbe plans are the wor� of ���,ha\'e reportetl as yet. A public all' , , .alld Roche, who ba'�e' '(If!8Siri.r·--=-plant! for entirely new features. Lenefit ot the Reynolds club hbrar� " .,' �"nOllne(,D1Cnt will he made at the maltS' .... Aa�_A ... T . 1 f the c I p' ' '1) '�r - , -TIl .-_'Hold Class Dance. fund will be given in the Club after �.a..DA.L&U ua 0, a u us Ul In�. "_.; �:,n·eeting this morning of tho cnm· th e"e' � . timated cost of the structUre t8 P5&,:.;. d1''_ -�����. - �S-WilLluUd.... t.� last.· .. ' ,. -ll Wi �so.· - -_. -;laD-�;·;i"th;'quarter tO�on:ow-�-{3;3() �f-Mri13�··:M;r�-�iibefo;:�fshed --eoal"�-pllt-Jris-basketball-me MO.· -- .. --.-----;-.-��.--, -, '--_,_.. t t • I •••••••••••• t • • ....... ill the Reynolds dub. Members of the by memben if the Orchestra, Banel t�rollgh the last stiff praetice before; GBADUAD �AHQI" .PLAN SOCIAL SEB.VICE .Tunior class will be guests in return and other campus musical organiza the Wisconsin game and sent them PBB8ID�,,,Ua..tEXBlBrr. for their invitation to the Seniors last tiona. Tiekets will be sold for fifty against the Freshman in a short ,. 'we�k. cents. sf>rimmage. The yearlings were no Name George B. J[c)t1bbln ......••• • • • t I ••••••••••••••• , ,... ma.tch for the Varsity, who worked in tari f� � 'imp.. �, � •. (�cAn exhibit of all the social work .... Notices of the dance will be printed«VIlO clllring the past year by the ENGLISH JIEIIBBB8 OF OLUB in the Orehestra programs, and all !ine form and had no trouble winning George B. l\feK-i-b-bi-n. a graduite ftLWILL GIVE BBl'rISH lfIGlI'r Aet'or<1ing to Page, Chicago will give ' .. , " 'Unh'crsity women will be given bj' attending the concert are invited to the Law class of 1913� will uc�Wi�consin the hardest fight of thetho sol'ial service eommittee of the.' Dr. Gardner, Orp,nizer of "World in :the dance. Further details of the Presitlent Judson on his trip to \,cwa.year He said, "Wisconsin has won , rL':-:Igllc, llonday, from 4 to G at th(,' Chicago," is CoamopoUtaD Ol1lb dan(e have not been gotten 'into • jn the eapac>ity of secretary, �, .. .-thirty.nine inter·eollegiate games il'Speaker. sha.'le. rep'l'esntatin-� of the RcwJr.e�J�'! ! .!".! !.!' '!n thc last three years, and has lost only Foun«lation. Presielent .JUd80a� '�English members of the Cosmopoli- (,ne to a Conferenee team. But Chi,an,l tholto interested have been' ill- JlO �ON PLATFOBllS !'t:til from New York On Marek at,:'tun club will furnish the program for t':lgo won this game, anel we are goinJ! . '-\'il.!cl to attencl. The members of tht' lea"in;.!' Chit'ago on the 18th. Fr.""British Empire Night" Saturday at to do our hest to repeat this feat to-sedal committee arc Susanne Fishl'l'. N"ither Robert Miller nor Sam N(>w York he will g() to Che�S in HitehcOek library. The speaker morrow. I look for a great fight bec'hnirm:l1I; Esther Buttolph, Lois Suth. W D hit' I tf t tbenee to Paris. Berlin, St. p�-:-of the meeting wiII be Dr. A. Y. Garel. e 8 a'-e any e ee Ion p a orms " t.wt.'en DC'� .Tarelien anel Van Gent, who('rlantl, Kathrine Sproehnle, Erm:1 announee before the elections. The hurg, al!cl lf�ow. He willlea.ff-''_''ner, former sceretary of the board of wj'l� mep-t for the last time. Harper8pNwer, Lyuia Quinlan Helen Carn:-;, p(\lls will be in the north room On thl� ('ow' on April 8 �or China and' ..... �f'or .. ign ·Missions of the Great Britain at g tarcl IS liahle to gh'e us a goo.),Adelle }'rnnkcl, Ruth Sheehy, lliriaw IiJat floor as usual, and will be opcn main thf>re eluring the spring. U ..... ·Con'�regational churehes. Dr. Gardner leal (.f t.rouble.":aaltlwin. from 9 to 5. �_ _............... spenfl the summer months i.' .1.,..&.has also hren the organizer of a series r.nel return home Oetober 1, by . .,.,(. f the Pnt"ific. '-Two Meetings Will Feature Closeof Work to Raise NeededMoneyContracts for the erection of t ......mile eup raves, which will be ruu offIl.C·t'till� in the afternoon.t.ratt·,i h.Y I ntliau women's clothcs :Ill':jt·\\'dr�·, lrr. Chinllappa saicl ycstl'J"clay th:lt the l'onclitiolls' of the inc!i"i,!u:II wOlllnn may be known in India I,�'tIll' clothes amI jewelry she wears,Seven llUuclred aIHI fifty dollars wa�L(·aguo room. All social service st 11·.Inlt_.;,wonwn of the Settlement Leag\h�The eanllidates:PnIIlcleBtRobert MillerSam Wella.Vke-prelldentFrank Selfridge.James SellersSeeretaqRiehard MatthewsCedric Merrill1'reuarwLeibert Bowers.Harry GorgasCarl UllmaaLlbIvIaDALMOST NEWE of missionary expositions; the last ofwhif'h was the "WorM in Chieago,"hltl herc last spring.The Chicago elub hM been appointefl, "i('c'president of the North Centrnl!iil'ision of the a�iation of the CoR­IrlOpolitan dub. Eulogio Benitez will:I�t as the speeial repreftentative ofthf> club in this office. PLAYBJtS' _La'. ".�; '.The pr�eecl� of the Irish �.perionnant"e lut Monday aipt ..be about $400, a('C"orelinlt to Pr-o�Mead. The flefinite amount p".",.i11 he known tOWlOlTOW. TIae'"will he useel for the Settl t-SOlIE.,·tfCrowd is DisappoiJLted When Onb' a Huff of lllinois ycsterl1ay, stating thatit wouM ho impossible to make suit·ahlc arrangement� to St"heelule ther,ostpon('el ineloor meet hefore the Con�ferenee. As the indoor sea.,",on encll-!wit.h the Conferenee, this me�ns that, ChiC'Bgo anel Illinois will not mcet ontllo trac-k unti) llay 15 at Champaign.lJ1inois meets PorcIne anel sends are·lay t('atn to tho St. Louis C'arnh'al thil"\\· .. ('k and n�xt.'lake Freshman Picture.An �ntire fire dopartment, with th!'ht)se eart in netion, eaused some 'realc'xcit('ment at the Sigma AJpha EI'�:'Ion JlCl\I�C, for a ahort time yesterdaynflt�rnoon. A crowd was gathered infront of the framo house eagerly ex·pe�e·tillg the flames to burst through COM'MlBSlOR' 1Iixa_IIBB'1' B.BPB.BBB1ftAftVB8or SBCOBDAlty 8OHOOLS ANNOUNCE NOIIiR-AftODFOR Ql1ADBAlf'GLB OLUWOPPICBS AJQ, wAM.·:"",�'.the roof.Wh:lt re:tlly happened was this:C1mrlc'!'( n. lIig�, a student at th(''�iti\'('rsity, a�,l an S. A. E., fini!4h�!1l.i� last "):IltS at ] I :4;;, jumpe,l on hi"!nlOtor('Y"ll', an,l rocle o,'er to the fnl'tl:rnity house at 5817 Kenwood a\"C'·r.tle. lie )lnt the maehinc into tI ...h::rn :'111.1 started to walk away. 8u'"cI .. nJy he �meUec1 smoke. Dashing intotl.(' harn, hc found his motorcycl.�abJn7.c. He frantit"ally tnrned in a 2_11 firo alarm. The h� ean, hook anaJa,Jdcr, anll the fire marshal arrivedin timo to sprinkle some chemiea1s onthe renl&ins of Biggs' machine. Tt'n r('Jl�ntath't'1l from loeal hiJth�C'hool� wi11 �onfer this afternoon withTho oftit'ial Fr('shmnn Varsity hn!'k .. thall piC'tnre will he t.. .. kcn todayat 2::!O in front, of RarU .. U. The nn·the honr conrt regarding tho senti Donald �elnnym('nt in the Ilifl'crent 8ChooI9. The �EXPLAIN'S PLANS or('ommis!4ion lw-li("'C!S that it is nearinJtl I UMU'IBD S'lBAJ[ ROAD fl'crals will he awarelC'il at the ('Io� oft 1(' �o ntion of Unh'ersity eheatin�, . ...,allcl t,hnt, ('omplctely to era.clicate this �ALS IN CI'fY a !I .. ri .. � or thre(' �aD1c" with the LawnYiJ,th"" nre ....... nt att,·t.u·le ot hJ·gh ."hool PI f 't' th 'I tenm, which will he playe.l off nest... ,- I' ."" • D' an" or 11111 ang e st('am ral W:l�'t I t he h d P \\'('('k to elet('rmino the University� n· en mnst (' ange. lanB tend· �ystem8 of ChiC'ago were e1i�cus. .. eel hy. t t the h . �'Iampionshi!l,,n� 0 cr(,8 0 IS C "'ngo Will be dis� Mr. George E. Hooker, secretary of -(,"�!'lt'el 8t the meeting. The repreaen· the Ci�y ('Iuh, in a lCC'tur('> y�terdnytnth'cs will contmlt their r�th'o afternoon in Harper lI] 1. The lc�"prinf'ipnI:<t regarding the prOJlO1'Cd tore was givon in C'onjun('tion withrlan�, �nd eldinite action wiD he the work of AMistant Prof�sor Becl.t:.k('n nt the next meeting of the for«lll elsBS in ArooriC'an Cities. Th('I C'ourt. I�tur. w.. illutrated.__ la"=-,� 1511 Cotca.. Oroy. Ayuuae.n..�'.r IS THE lJNI)BBGBAD?.�W , .' ther''Or ' to 'ask the question In ano• .,. "'1.11' .l�av .. �hv is the un,llergraduate Liter.J"'ww" �:jprtutfd Arts depa.rlment of a. Uni-certain amount of combustion!: i��l ,: �h.e la.te B. T. Cran� was�}JY� rigllt in saying th� It ��es�s�JY, �othing towaru rmprov lng heard with reference� b�n�. efficiency of the student. performance by the Dramatic club, ill� .' ali (no thing to justify its name, it:) prtncl-WD\};ersity cou�se In Journ sm ...,. which the epeaker rather bitterly. . Wits the ples, and last but certainly not least,cl,VIen.'l·!l mo.�t univenuues) u spoke of the students as "Iow-brows,"I .... v AI • k (th its existence;afide� for, real, newspaper wor e who prefer musical comedy to a seri;_ef worcls, is in�ntional):.A manous anll improving play.'litl �l�).kes on. a freig�t, train f�r a�bproba.bIY will get further l.D. al'4i:Jr<W1. than ,& man �ho has stullied�y�: Transportation. There re-ures, one need only ,compare the at-ma.ins th� hypothetical cultural value. tendance given the B1aekfriars and ill all the women's gymnasium classm; BeetLoeatedB.telin Waahlngton.This would l>e justification enough, thnt given the average dramatic club ",ill be resumed today., The basket- .�-:t Ab801� ��=tW.,J) ,�ot for two facts. One is this play-the difference is, I think, suf 1'a11 elnRses whith have been meeting BVJU)PBAB' Pr.Alr.. �ytpcr&on who will g�t cult�re out ficiently obvious. Yet the fault is not in the school of Education on Monday � ::'��ba��' t2.00 up.• 'Uni 't course will get l.t any- d and Wednesllay will follow the regu- -_ , ••• -- W&o�",a.�veJ'Sl y, wholly that of the stu ents. -.so. $3.00 up.�e,..though �ot. to the �� exten� In the fir_st pla�e,_ t�ere is. th� ten- lar schedule of Tues(lay and Thursday, Writl ftrSormlir Boo"Iet UB" "ith lIap.that he would WIth the U&lIllng a.n" ,deney of :.the :.average publie-not only beg�nning with today. OifIord Me �the ot!ier is the gllirmg faet tha.t U'ni- the University public� It is no very. Co1lD.Cil1ors Give �--Boba Mac_ •••••••KAN••A.G.ER•.•••••••�����������b�.h����thd������hdU��bP�.� ---------------------------------.' ""'·cultured. Even the Univer- �itnessed "September Morn" to onl' ond of the Upperclass Councillor teas M. ShiIl.derma��". '-siJt...V �i1ty of p,seudo-culturej else who saw "Fannie's First Play." An.l yeRterday at Beecher hall. Forty" lV�lS,· "Cooking" described as "The TAILORS & CLEANER$the Tirell, College Student may truly Freshmen women took part in thl"-� • Application of Heat to Food Ma.ter- plead the need of mental relaxatior. games. The Upperclass Couneillor com If you want your clothes Pressed and to stay Pressed calliUB-:i! ,But this is beside the point; up Midway 6958.with as much justification as the Tiretl nlittee has planned a series of teas to..... laring failure of the undergrad- Business Man. which all Freshmen women will be in- We Call for and Deliver Promptly-�r""'dent to feel any cultural im_ Ord SPRING SUIT E I d I 't d f rEal�"U It is my firm belief, however, that vited. er your ar y an lave 1 rea y 0 r y� is painfully evident at any Sym- the T. C. S. tendency of the student Spring Days. 25 per cent discounton ail orders taken now.-'l�' concert, in comparison of the bOlly could be overeome,if the various wm Give New Course-A �urse on 1114 E.55th Street,,' '�ber, of students who have seen '''serious'' dra.ma.t;ic organizations "ChriStianity in Japan," 'to' be givenEM\ny's First Play with the army that would give the student body what the l,y Dr. Kato, has been added to th(''\1IikIbssed the Follies and The Honey- student body wants. The exampl� t'urriculum for next quarter.� ,Express, in counting up th�ceme to mind off-hand-last year's Davtd Addnsaes I"nmch Club-A".�r of students who prefer Shaw performa.nce of "Don" is one. I had �!"tant Professor Da'\"i(l will speak at�sen to Jack London or George I!I'!, - '!I�ver read Besier's play-am SUu1- " meetinfP, of the Freneh dub toda_v atRGldolph Chester. The modern Uni • "cj�ntly frank to Nly that I had ne'\"e1" 4 in Lexington 8.,...ty: certainly has f�d to impart heard of Besier pre"iously-but fromt'_"ultural impulse. Something is D· . 't-r." the pr� agent work last 'year I gath- Dedicate to Koncrlef-Tbe n'lnl y-g somewhere What is it? h �_.. ._- ..,. t-red that as a writer of problem play!! FCt"tion of the Cap and Gown as �nRemer led the field by, five lengths. dedica.ted to Aasociate Professor .Jameswith Maeterlinck, Ibsen, Sudermann Wildman Moncrief of the department.,' " • However, the outlook is not entirely and Shaw finishing 88 poor third8. of Church history. Mr. Monerief has1Wk. .. The Senior class is demonstra.t- Yon can't imagine what a diBappoint· iK-cn teaching at the Uninrsity sinC!l"ing the possession of considerable com- ment the actual play was for me-& IB97.• sense in its debates on the class rather cheap, sensational, decidedly... .' A loan fund- new chime .� , '- vapid and certainly melodramtic plcceJitlftng up a room for the Undergradu- of work, as barren ,of the mere sug- Men who desire to retain their.. eOuncil-these, are worth whilf!. gestion of a problem as the :"'erag� g:\'"Dlnasillm l�kera for the 8pring1M! electric score board and the lounge Eng1i"h I "Description." I think I qnarter should renew them on or be·ing room are' the only poor notions. can Bay, without conc("it and in all due tHe Friday, Manoh 20. The renewalThe loan fund idea i8 splendid. Not modesty, that I could write a. more ('f l�kers invoh-ing not merely theol'ly 'Would such a fund do good; but, illtelligent problem on a �tage stamp paying of the fee at the cashier"" of­eilfc, it would be in the hands of a with a broom than wa.� to be found in fiC'e, hut turning in the ret"eipt at thetrustee, his reports to members of th,. the entire three ads of "Be�ier'8 Ma�· lo.�kf'r officc. If this is not clone •-e� would MerVe' as a :.trong force ftlr t(:rpie�c." And when T hf'ar.l lrtOllf'nt!" there is no r�ord of the renewal. Thf'c1es unity in after years, The chime sriou�ly debnting as to whethf'r thi� lC'eker combinations will be chang"d• ld be worth while; and to a. lesser prosy effort wa� immoral or not..... beginning March 21. Nothing will h«'dlgree, 80 would the council head· Hcnvever. • removed from the loekel'l' whieh on!qftrters. But, as Mid before, the The sc("ond example w� the reeent rr.newec1, and nothing bnt the towelsIttftnging room notion is rather poor; (lerfonnR,n�e of "Pepita" by the )(as- from the Jockers, the combinations of- ha'\"e too many lounging rooms a... que1'9. My interest in jnst why thi� which ha"e been chanJred will be r�·itl is.' And as for the eeore-boarct- particular play IIIhouM ha'-e h«'en pre. mo'\"ro. Clothes will be left in lmC"hwhy Moultl the go()(l money of the 8f'Tlted was aroused RDfricient1y to lncke", until the beginning of thfOd88S be uaed tor this? TIl. athletic (Irompt me to inquire as best T ("ould. �ring quarter, Monday, March :10.dtpartment is amply able to provide a among those m�t concerned in th� Students are requested to co_operategood 'scoreboard. AD told, the CIMS if' !wledion, the why and wherefor. An.l w:th the department in making thP-St�to' be congratulated on the tact that tho nf'nre�t And b�t an!'\wer J rf'C"eived rules effeetive.the lood ide .. 80 outwei,h the poor. wa. that the Yasquers pve this plA1.......... JI ...... ., .............. ., cw-p. because it waa traulated from th�I---------------•: Spanish. In my bumble opinion, if'=======TQ=ni!lA5y=====::::a; this play were' presented by a cast ofDiv1n1t)' school chapel, 10:15, Hu- rf'<'ognized stars, on 3. well-equippedstage, with every access,?ry that ar;tistic costuming and expert stageaaft could tluggfSt, it would fail.When perfonned by amateurs of ama­teur dramatic ability, when the onlyscenery avatlable for the depicting ofn dressing room was & back drop show­ing a garden wall with 'a long vistaof trees, ete., and to put the glkledroof ou it, when the stage of, theUt>yuolds club theater, which is butlittle more than a Ieeture platform,--Balletiakell aaaemb17 room.Ohieag()fO&1.cutta maasmeetiDg1I0:'5,Hal'per JOI.YoUDg Women's Christian Lague,10:15, � assemb17 room.French club, I, Lexington 8. S H I'RT S11 •••• thor.... 'raPe..... Graduate Women's Club, ':30, Lex-........ --..1' iDttton 111.CInJa)aIIG ......... are the best fitting and bestwearing ShIrts made. TheSpring Styles spa.rkle withnew patterns, UIlique color­ings and novel etfe�ts, $1.50and up.HurgronJe lecture, ':30, Haskell as-• � BembJy room.� .. ' MCOD4-claa ID&11 &t tb.� ce. CIalcaao. w.. JIaJ'CJa 11. ----.----1101. er .&.ct of KarcJl .. llTL CommDDicatioD.""US utflized,And so, I ask, can you wholly blame Earl cal WilsonIInfV IA�ON KOlELr .. �: ILiO & ,.-.r; ILH & qaarter.:8,. mall: II. .. &_,.-.r; ILSi & qaarter.�_� OIDce. :a:wa U.,��".lii&oii. 1114 .. ..,. •••• .After 1. D ...... f6k " •••I C� .. �1ou ...... the student body, when they seemupon the MAKERS OF REDMAN COLLARSir« .. Iind to look askance·'serious·' dramatic efl'orts of the cam-pus? Past experience 'warrants me, IDear Sir: As a rule, I do not ae-think ill sa�·ing that you cannot. Per,eept as axiomatic certain sayings eouatly, I am going to be on hand atwhich are often quoted in defense orSaturday night's performance of theOven as proof of otherwise unsupport- But the··Younger Generation". "able contentions. But to postulate awhen motive bringing me will be a sort of IS28 Eo 57th.To tho Ellitor:THE TEA HOUSELUNCHEON lZ-1:30DINNER 5:45-7Hyde Park 2015reserved curiosity. I am open to CO!Ione sees a good deul of smoke is rea-vie tlon, however, and nothing wouldsonable. 'I'his apropos of a remark Iplease DIe more than to see that theto Saturday's Dramatic club really has <lone some- rable. for L&dl� ... First Cia"" S .. r"h� ..• •1Hf. HOTEL Of' AMf:A I CAN IDEALSHOTeL POWHATANWA8HINCTON. D.C,Critic us.The faets in the ease are essentiallycorrect, although I do not agree withth� "low-brow' deduction. As for fig· -----Brief Campus NewsResume Gym Classes-Regular work "afllRs.... DlianafERYlCE.:&AIm0 ... T .. MJU8.'1'�� J[E'P TIIA'!'FIT 8 EVERYL 0 C J[ - DIDYOU EVER .BAa0::1' A .A8TE&II O,D E L 0 ... ATTPEWRITER'"Till.' nr ALL oftil" �nmbl • .cl ad·TBnt.tr •• of 8EV­ERAL I7pewrtten:JOB 1I& ... e .ee.,�neeD t r & t • d I.f' N E .ta.d.reImaeblDelThe 80,..1 baadl"II e r r .... U,. eyer)"kno,,,n rona .rKen .. ral e e r­r""lt .. ndeaeeand ... _ _rd_'rlUne .nd Coa­d«"nlWCl Rllllne .,._.. I...... - - ",Ithoat •.. IPI(lr ".lt�I.1 .t­ta("h"'l'nt'· to .ddI'dra «"oat to tbet,.I"''' rlter. Thinkor .hl .. _nd ,.oawill h ..... • a fair.,.KGo" 1 .. _ of tbe�I ... t .. r-�Iodf'l o'th.· Roy.I." ..r .ii.Rn,'''LT\'I·.:WRITER CO.Jac.o.6" F.. 'Ionroe 8t ..Cblc:aCo. DI.4,I., j'II,)THE SBNIOB 0LA88 G�. I,II,',",'.' .'Wanted••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '\facia au at tile UDinnity to come in and iaftltipte ...SpeCial Offerto College MenH£RZKA BROTHERS:- : T a i 10 rs :-:1545 East53n1 Street'1'elepllODe H. P. 1037. Open Eventngs aDd IIaDdq _ ... _.••••••••••••••••••••••••••At Once, ,I",IDr. D. B. Reed. 8VB8CBIBB FOB THB DAILY KABOO.. ��., I!I,i'"."..--.- -- . - ."Tho Canavans', a comedy by Lady American audiences. Aside from that,.j� ller liue, No advertisements re- (in'gory which ill the principal at.: the play seemed Ineonsequentaialc(,h't',1 for less than 25e. All c1aasUled t rue t iou on the Irish Player's bill this enough. It purports to be of the flmeadvertisements must be pald lD ad· ";c't_'k bevause it is being presented of Queen Elizabeth without having anvance. for the 1irst t.ime in Chicago, has a Elizabethan touch? Captain Headleyiot. of good fun to its credit but izt by the same token is the Can&van'cU N POL ISH E D1I0t much of a play for ull that. Tb" nephew for no conceivable reason, andRIO E Cuuuvn ns ure two brothers of the tim! the three-net division of a play sooj' EUzahct h; a wealthy mitler unable slight was uneconomical, to say theth dl'�i"e whether hc is safer support- len st. Good regulation Irish comie11;� t he queen or the Lr ish, and An- touches were the agitation of hillBuy direct from the grower and get tl.ll�', :t juy ous rake und deserter who neighbors over Peter's wealth whenyour foed at first cost. Will ship you ,';'IlH'S tu Peter for protection. Through he was about to be hanged, as well asprep:1..id 15 Ibs. of unpolished rice, tbCi ! h· cowardly miller's bungling both their anxiety to see the sport of thebest food obtainable, upon receiPt of I rut lu-rx are seized und eurr'ied to the I::wging, and Peter's changed att itude$1.00. -":J:-;tl� to be hanged, by one Captaiu toward tile queen when she appearedl...t."� ,I,,','J,','., ,I',I I!t_'atlll'�', who is a eourt ier that in- in majesty aml again when he thought'lul{,!l'S in silly sonnets to his sovereign hor safely killed.wit h t h� idea that he may win her Shaw's preposterous Ameelcnn ear i-i :1\'01' through his beauty, cature, The Shewing Up of Blam-eXl,xt lIlorning, Antony, donning a Posnet, forms the seem} number on the'lI�l'i,'iollsly shady set of feminine at- bill. For all its weird minglinsr of ab­t ne :111.1 impersonnt iug the queen in surdity and the sentimentnl sense this::Illl,\' f'nlset to, so prostrates the cup- play unquest ionably pleases nudienees,! .ri n that he is uble to etTect his own ultbough Eithne Magee's Feenny'11,) his brother's escape, Peter and Evans was not nearly so sure or pow-! ;Ie .�al'hill are thoroghly convinced erful as that given last year by Sarah,t' the queeu's reality, however, that A!.:O)od.';"�' fl'('l sure, when she suddenly dis; On th(" whole, the most gripping! flpl':lr.i, that only the courage of An' dramatic thing the players have gil'enilllly cun have done away with her. so far this year is the Ja.cob and Esaui il'atll,Y wishes to seize him for �he story, Birthright, which they have.nurrh-r, but Peter, proud of his broth- presented here before, and which,r's prowess, will not permit this. He formed a. part of last week's bill. The.FRESH] fi LES. FOR $1.00.PRAmIE RICE PLANTATION,Little Rock, Ark.LOST - Small ringed notebook, withname :111,1 address of owner first pngc.I'll'a:-:c rr-t urn to Information office.WANTED-For permuneut posit iou-,two mcu who are over twentyfl v­y(,:1I'� of :I;,!(', and \\'110 eitller have tic:!n'ps or will rcveive them the presentqunrtvr. ),1 ust be of good nddress. N,part tillln or temporary Olen will 111("'Jl!'i.1crt'(1 for these positions. PhoneW. C. Stone, Randolph 33�4 and makeappointment,R3LIABLE DRESSMAKEB. will makeEust o r guwns or other spring ;cw­illg. l'l'i.,l's reasonable. Quick service:&11 now. ).Ii.lway 1877.W ANTED-}'e\\' capablo college melor \\'Olllt'n :(or ontside Summer wor);l,illl'ral guarantee,- but' earnings lim­itt',l ollly by your OWn efforts. $500 to�1000 possible for your vacation. Atl·dr('ss Lock Box 309, Chicago, IIIW ANTED-Freshman with someperience in camping or now engage,;with work as assistant in Wiseonsitcnmp, July and August. Addreea W. MKiplinger, Morgan Park, DLWANTED-The Cap and Gowns fo!the ,years of 1896-1897; 1903. A rens(,lIahlc price will be paid. Daily lInroon ofTice.WANTED-A. former Chicagohas splelHliel opportunity for·tll·nt s \n.rkillg their 'Way through eol.)('gc who have experience antI ahilit�in :-;:!It.'smnnship. I absolutely guarall­tel' a .101:ar an hour to able men. Writ,fur parliculars to Grip Bow Co., Omaha, Ncb.STUDENT�Tutoring in German all.iFrench by a German lady, a graeluate of German and American Uoi­wrsitic8, 5;33 Maryla.nd a.,\·e. T('I,fly,1c Park 4094.I.O:-;T - On campus Feb. 26th, a. "COOBook; '\'aluable to owner. Finderpl('asc return to Information desk.A TRIP ABROAD for �ongenia1 peop1(' . :1!it'S cournge himself from the deed,,:It 1 finally becomes convinced that, «urage pays when he directs his bhm­.lcrbuss at some pasaing troupe, andI.or.l Esscx removes his hat to tho, salute.'.Any subtly directed insult to the;�lIglish. that tb�s comedy may �arryu tho ridiculous part played by Eliz·:bcth in the unfolding: .is lost. on our acting, the theme, and the final .11".1-mat'ie moment when the older son fallsdead at the hand of the youngerbrother leaves the audience absolutelylimp with horror, while the patheticfigure of the mother, buffeted thus("luelly by the hand of fate antI try·in&.: not to show her partiality for h�rfaVorite, is a. figure that. cannot soonbe forgotten.Offer Prizes far Bsaap. PLAN �A'.rlONAL-Two prizes of $25 ond $15 respect- �GIl"r PROGBAlI FOBl\'cly for the best and second best es_ FIBBr WBBK IN A.PBJL;:1Y.8 on "How to Save the Wild Flow·,m" of the Chicago Region" have been International night at the Cosmo_,fferetl by the Chicago chapter of the p'�litan dub will be held during theWild }'lower Preservation of America. corly part of the spring quarter.' Plansr:ssays mu�t not exceetI 3,000 words arl' being drawn up to produce a fea_.11 length, and �houltl be submitted to ture from each country representeel\1 r. II uron II. Smith, 5;45 Harper ave_ in the club. The program for nextIIlIC, before April 1. (IUarter will include four meetings an.1Lal�e )Iohonk (�onference of interna· will 'Win(I up with a banquet On theiollnl :lThitration, ofTers two l}r�.l.("S t.)f e\'ening of :May. 28. The followingS�OO.-$l 00 for the first an(l secon.l "("mmittee has been appointetl to arrange for the banquet: Frank Weakly,('hairman, Eu10gio Benitez, C. L.an.l II. R. Swanson.Calls for fifty Boy Scout lea.1er8have been re("eivee1 by Mr. Bickham.At pr�ent thirty fiYe Unive�ity m(,llare ('onneded with the Scout mo\'c,mente All men interested ha\'e been8f'ked to gh'e their namt'S to Mr. Biek·hnm, in or(ler that the &out (,OUI'8("may be eontinued n9xt quarter. &ootIpaders are needed for bOYf\' clubs,sodal eenters', play ground"., and parks.National Bankex-mar.stu··h�t I'S�:1yS on "International Pease."rial' "untest, is open to all undergratlu­ItC w()men of any university or col·"�('. All appli('ants must send in their�ssays by March 1 5to A. C. Philips,l:i:n ].Ith stre('t, Washington, iDe C.�Irs. Elmer Blat�k, the donor of the?rj:;�(', is a former Chieago resident�..... n.1 'is the widow of the late E., :M.Blnck, a prominent banker of Chicago:1l!.1 Xcw York.THECom Exchange Scout Leaden In DemandHold PoW·Wow 8uDda�-Th(\ U'ni·\'crsity volunteer band will hoM :t13,000,000.00 monster pow·wow Sunday at 4: 15 in6,000,000.00 Lexington. All Unil'CI1'ity "Vo)un·un.ler i.leal Uui'\'enity Travel guitl· Capital ...•••.•••...•••:U,(,O an,l at minimum cost. Three pla.ce�a:-,� �till open. F�r particulars ad(1re�� Surplus ••..••••••••.•••Carol Dorothy Kuhn!!, Undivided Profits .•••.•••Chif'ago Representatil'c,I'hoJle Drexel 161. 4407 Berkley a\"('·DRESS SUIT 'FOR S.l\U-Si7.e 36; 111;:0 :,' (:on,lit::>n: eo!'t �(itt: sell �tl'$1;;, in :',u.Hng t1r�� "birt, (ollare nOllt;e. l'uone e\"('nil.gl' II. P. 566�.----------------------------,,----SUBSCRmE FORTnE DAlLY )(AROONAll the campu. newa., - 1,000,00.00 teers" and personsheen urged to attend.OJIT1CERS.ERXEST A.. HA1UIILL. Pral4ent.CHARt.ES L. HUTCHJ.�SON, Vlce-Pna.CHAUSCEY J. BLAIR, Vlce-�hletat.D, A. )I0ULTO�. Vlce.Praldenl.B c. SA)llIO�S, Vtee-Presklftt..FRAXK W. BliITH. S�cretaJ7.EDWARD F. SCHOE�ECK. .u.t. 0MIa1.J, EDWARl> lIAM. A.-t. CUblft.J A lIES 0, WAKErItCLD • .A.M. ca.M ••LEWIS 11:. OARY, .u.t. CUIateI'.nDUCCroaa.CbaJ1uH Wacker CI:r4e K. CUI')(1\"1110 A R:renGD E4wln O. �&dward B Butler W.t8OQ .. INaii'OI!ar1_ R. Ralbard E4ward.L ....C:uence BacklD ...... �� W. QeIIWBeDa,Jmtn eup.ur J:rDe.t A. a.-m inter�tee1Kislonal'fes Asked to Report.All mis!\ionarionariCB an.l vol('nt('('�r.ot nft'iliate.I with the Stu.lcnts Volun·teer band ha\"e been 'l'Cquc!\te.1 to give>their names to Yr.. Bil!hham in thf'Y. 11. C. A.. ofri�e.Obio-Go"crnor Cox of Oh io rcfused to eh,ange the name of thc Uni·\"c�ity from Ohio University to TllI�Unh'crsity of Ohio, even though h('was petitioned by over 1,1100 persoDI'. /TH.SMOOTHESTT08ACCOLUCKY is the Junior who has fOUDdV dved The teDder middle leaI-1wugup in the warehouse for over two �mabuing g� rid of the barsIiaess ofthe green Ieaf--mellowed to a �t wheaethe bite bas dropped out-and wheae theOavor is good ana-smooth. That- s Velver.Numerous red tins of V dvet decorate the S foot.heIf-it·s part of a liberal educ:ation-the Lest iDthe IaDd-tbis V dvet. Some' friend. 01' teDcaata at any dealer- s wiD give you the pIeaae.Jh1e1t�(I,:1 0UDCe bags5 cents.Convenientfor cigaretteamoken.Full2 0UDCe tiD&lOeST. LoOUISBest Reached by lbrough and Fast TrainS of the'ILLINOIS CENTRALAll Steel Daylight 'SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.: arrives St. Louis (via MerchantsBridge6:02 p. m. Indestructicble steel cars of handsome interior 6 ishEvery comfort and convenience will be found .)n this train.Diamond SpecialLeave Chicago 10: 30 iJ. m.: arrive St. Louis 7 :48 a. m. Electric­lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago.Stop. Made. i";Both. DirectioD.� at South Side ThrouchStatioD., 43rd. 53rd aad 63rd StreetaObservation Parlor Cars. Cafe Club Cars. SleepingCars. Free Reclining Chair Cars and CoachesTicketa, Far .. aDd SleepiDC Car R ... natioD. at76 West Adams St.CITYTICK.ET OFFICER J. CARMICHAEL. D., P. A. Phones: CenL 627O-Aato 6f.472.- __ .ESTA8USHED 1818Oar B.epresetaUve, JIB. WALKER, wiB be at theHOTEL LA SALLEMarch 4t� 5th. 6th a.nd 7th.With Spring Styles lD ready·made Garmentsfor Dress or Sporting WearSUBSf;B1BJo: ,FOR TIIF. DA ILY MAROON.YOU CAN LEAVE COLLEGE AND GET A $75.00 A MONTH.JOB, B� WE WI�H you LUCE.:'.,,'. ':1. ..-----------.----�.-------.Hotel Cumberland'NEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street., Near SOUl Street Subway Station and53rd Street Elevated.."Broadway" cars from GrandCentral Depot.SneDtb Aveaue ear. from Pennsyl­YaDia Stadoa.K.PT BY ... OOLLJlOB IIA.NS .... D·OUABT.RB POR COLLBGlf JIliNBP.QIAL BA.T.B FOB COLLJlO. T .... 1I8Ten ·�inutes' Waik to Thirty TheatresHARRY P. STIMSON. 'MANAGERIlBADQUARTJDRS !'VB CHICAGONew, Modem and FireproofRooms with Ba� $2.50 and up." . SPRING STYLES ARE HERE; The very spirit of Spring has been captured in the wonderfUl colorin.!tsof our DeW' fabrics now on display.GreeDs soft in tone. often blending into browns.. promise to be verymuan tb1s spriDJt.The JDaDY new shades of greys and blues will also please men of taste.P!1able, soft materials' that len:! themselves to the correct close llttln�sQ1ea. an in peat demand"iTo fashion the new snug llttiDg clotl:es requires ,the utm� skilL10 the .Terrems way of tailoring these new smart styles appeal more� than ever to men �o seek to be both individual and smartin. their dress., We :inVite 70U to see the great,� of the correct new� 8prJng materials at aD7 of ourUIree stores.�AU,,()R FOR YOUNGftIBBB, ftORE8: 7 N. La Salle St. 25 �E .Jackson B!vd. 71 E Monroe St.nne leasons Why you should Eat at the len's CommoDSIIUSIC Come ..PATRO:XJZE ADYEHTISERS..cHICAGO. 1f'RM'BBB8 OF SENIORBA.8BEfllALL '1'EA!! ShfJll'WOod Sddy Will Conductpaign During Holy Week.-;'LANNEDI �������==����Cam· A UDI�OR.Vl\4�('nior womeus: basketball team will cumpaigu for religion through a series Nor a B a J' e a 0 e ... BebaDI.t, t·lwl<It'l1 for the "I,ring gumes, The 01' five muss meetings during Holy with Harr7 Oluke aD40Ga1»u1J'women are Dorothy Llewellyn, Corne; \';H'k� April ::; to 12, under the auslin nl'lIJ1, Margaret Rhodes, Phoebe piees of the Uuiversity' Board ofCI'riJ«tiun Unions. Mr. Eddy is theCoutrueutul secretary of the Y. 1I. C. GARRICKA. of A�in. The dates of these meetNine women have been selected asmembers of the squad from which theClover, Frances Houston, LoraineKitt'h, Ann Grimes, Nancy Miller,J.;rlln iluhu, aud Lillian Swawite. JU:L!OIOUS IlBETINGSMr. Sherwood Eddy will conduct n(in·att.'" vompetlfion for places 011 the illgK will be announced later.-Iunior t--am i14 t'xpedetl, with twelve1'�lIl1lill:lh'K for places. The WOIlIt,'IItry i ng fur the posit.ions ure I rene Tay·lor. Willa Sultzer, Elizalwth �1:lt'Clill'h.t·k. EtJl('1 Flnnngnu, Suznnno Carter. Geo. W. IIomoe Doro� If'oleazul ruth ou..nThe Unanimous Verdict ofHappy F1rBt Nigh... theGreatest of a.u Winter Gu.deu Revues.'PASSING SHOW OF 1915Another Cohan & Harris TriumPh.Geo, M, Cohan's Kysiery FarCe ,'SEVEN KEYS TO ·BALDPATE"1..\l·l;IL�, THHILLS, :\II·:LODRAAIA.ILLINOISCHRISTIE M3.cOONALDINSWEETHEARTSHo""srd's TheatreEDITH WY� 1IA'1'"l'JII80H-- I1f -·'THE DEAJ)�X"pOWERSKabel and B41thTALIAFERRO-IN­YOUNG WISDOM •. 'Huth Sandberg, Katherine Howl', Rose of the nssocint ion. I urge c\"ery stuAn.lorson, �f:lrgnrt't Lnuder, Plorcm-o Ilt'llt to atteud the�c lee tures."Br:l'lll'�' and Dorothy lfull('u. "I wish every student to keep Hulyweek fn'e from nIL ot her engnge­mouts," suid Dean Muthl'WS, chnlrmun01' the board, "Mr. }�lllly ranks w it.h�fr. llott. ns one of the great speakersWIN EASY GAMESENIORSDivinity Students to HOld Banquet.COR'I'.Jack Lait'a lIew PIa7BBLPW�A Clean Oo� � .1IItilB�Ko1brSTUDEBAKERJIlL LYlr JlABDDICIIn 8ir ArJatar �.""'"rIlrI1IIDc Xew �TJIB �' BAlmFINE ARTSPLAYBB8Tnes.. Wed. Ni2'hta ad Thun. Kat.'"The Canavus"' (New). Lady GI'e2-orv; "The ShoiwD« up ol.BlaDeo POLnet" by Geo. Bernard Shaw. Thun .•Fri .and Sat. Ni2'hta. Sat. Kat.. "TheMapanimons Lover." 8. G. Ervine;"The Buildni« Fund.". Will. Bovle:"The Workhouse Ward." Lady Grea­ory.IIost Po •• hI Druuo LVIW:PICKlaw • Bdaac .. �1'HE DAIL OF BIB r.oB'88O"JIDI'BWith Charlotte W.a. .. 311M··driB .... IIOU"With Daft I.Mda , tTIlt.' Iuter-Semiuary banquet of DL 'Picked Freshman Squad D�ps cue:\'illity students of svhnols ill Chieug»nn .. I surroundings will he held nextThursday at G in t he Commons cafe.AU students of the Urriversity who Dope was UP�(·t y(·sh'r.(:a�' wla('11 t hiSeniors defr-uted a pit'kell t en m e om­dc:-:iro to attend have been requested posed of me,lI from both the Freshment- sign up at the Divinlty sehool at class squmls in all exhj hit ion g:llllt'19 to 11. The cont est W:1S the ri-su lelf U challenge hurled at the ye:1rlill�:-;Entertain President and Wife. by the fourth.ycnr men ill orllel" tl'President and Mrs •• Judson will he settle a dispute that exist('ll :ls trthe guests of honor at a tea given by which was the het t er t(,:1IO. 1 f t h.tho Chicago College club tomorrow Sf'niors had played the same J::lIlH'from 4 to 5. Miss Elizaheth Paulkner ,luring the entire ('Iass sr-ries that tJH'�will preside at the tea table. The af- llid yesterday, there iR JlO .10uht hutfalr will be a farewell to President that they would now he leading thr­and Mrs, -Iudson before their depart- league. The Freshmen were outclnsse.lure for China. :it all stages of. the contest. En'r�member of tho winning team plnyerl:l good consistont game. The ycnrllnu­(lid not seem able to get working to­,2ether.The score:Seniors (19) Freshmen (11)Rehm , .. R. F. Bent, WhetmorrWaterhouse .. : •• L. F. • .•.•• WheelelKnipschil,l.Williams ...•••.. C. • ..• . McLaughlinKennedy , , .. R. G. . ... " .. " SnttSeaton l •••••• L. G •. ," BluC'khlltr'Baskets: Rehm, Waterhouse 2, Wil·liams 3, Ke.nnetly 2, Seatoll,�ld.:lllgh.lin, Satt 3, Blackburn.Free throws: Satt, Kennedy.Referee, Kixmiller.once. lenge Contest by a One.sidedScore.IS KODEBNlZBDA�ER.C�N=CPBIBOSB • DOODi'ADBB20Ua 0eDta17 JIlDetnIaBVIq " 11---.aoc. ; .1'11st. Good Food Properl7 Cooked.2IId. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen .------3nL A Miaimum Price for High Qualit7 FoodaD BnaIdast lSe up Cafeteria at Laoeb...... .&LaCarte CU:nT, PLwnD'I' lie Co..IIfC •• "'0'1', N. Y.Mate,.. of A •• ow SRnnw Professor B1U'gIODje .,.. PoUticalDecay- of JI'ohammed,nfsm liasBeen Blapid.That the political development ofl�damism, like its other elements, ballbt>en aft'ected by modernization, wa.�tho stat€'ment made by Dr. ChristianSnouk ITurgronje in his third lecture(·n Islami�m given yesterday afternoonin Ha.skell. lie said further that th ..great feature in Mohammedanism mostdirectly opposed to modern thoughtW:l8 the non·succession of the cali­phate.··The political decay of Mohamme.etanism 'has been rapid for tho pastIf'w e('nturie�," said Dr. lIurgronje.··nnel the great question of the futureof blami�m i� whether tho spiritualessenee of the religion will be able towithstan(l the clccay."Tho last of the �rics of lectures onT!'Ilami�m wiJ] he Ilelh'erecl tJli� aftN_nnon at 4::10 in JJa.qkell as�cmhl�room. The �nhj('('t will be "The POll'�ihiJiti('� of an Untlerstancling." "NOTICEDear Slr:-Spring clo�ea are the nut WDc tothink aboat. fte New PatterDa arehere aud Uley're Fine. '1'h87're yetJmoderate III PrIce. too.Come :in and lee them when you can.Bl8JeCttaDy YOUl'B,VARsl,vTAILOF... But 17111 ....... Lt'eleplloDe IltdlnY 9525 . Diacuss Short Story.,Prof��or .J. C:nt('r Troop or Toron.tu TTnivf'M4ity, will ,lelh'er a Icdure on"Th� �bort �tory" today at 3:30 at�t. Paul'� pa.ri�h hmllro, 4945 Dorches­h'r sn·enuc. Fifty ccnts admission willbe charged.