ilarnnl1, : '",Vol. XII. No. 98. UNIVEB8Ift OF OHIOAGO. ·WEDNBSDAY.. KABOB 4, 1914. PBlOB nq 0IDIft. ."J('-:'MAROON WAS NOT "BEAT"BY RIVAL GARY PAPER Fredericc CLASS TO CHOOSE GIF1' CmCAGO TEAI�',_Seniors Will Decide Natwe of 00' ABE, BADCQ'.;�Class Gilt to the University At --... BuketballandSwiJnmiqSq ....Luncheon m Hutchinson Cafe '. '.' ""to Meet Wisconsin f�r'�Seuiors will hula a da.'4li luncheon Saturc:lay At M.dieonPercy Hammond andHatton Will AttendClub Play SaturdayMandel Hall DramaticNight in Ualeu West Side School HailesMillion, May be SeveredFrom UniversityBut It Was Necessary To UnlockLast Form and InsertStoryI"'n'y Hammoud 11.1111 Frederiek Hat- - tomorrow at 12:45 iu Huteh insun cafeTRIBUNE GOTfEN OUT ON TIME �Oll, tlr:lll1atiC' er it ivs of the Ohieago RUSH EXPECI'S TO GET MONEY to tlt.'c·itle tho question (If a du� gift. PAGE MAKES NO P�ICTIqNSTl'il,lIue mill the Chieugo Evening Post, �t'\'t'r:tl �lIgg('Stions have been re;};"'11 thuugh it Ilct'cssitutc\l Uldu,';'· will at tend the dub's play, Whether Rush will remain a1filiateJ ceived b�· Earlo Shiltou, chairman of • Mauison, tho Cardinal camp, will b4itilo� t lre flrst Imgo form at the J:1..;t "Th" Younger Geuernt ion,' Saturelay with the Uuiversity will depend Iargc- the gift eummit tee, anti the members the scene of two Chicago invasi�:Uillll:", the Gury Tr-ibune went '"I!ight at S:lG in llanelel ball. They Iy 011 whether the west-side sehoul (.f the e lnss will vote On the issue at �his week. Coaeh Page's baske��l'n'�s )luuolay without being scoopc-l. will Lll' present as representatives of van provide $1,OOU,OUU for endowment the luncheon. team will try to repeat last year's tea'A! t lurt it appeared 011 the streett lu-i r papers, L'.r December 1. If the sum is raised, Many Plans Submi�d. l.nd break Wisconsin's long string oftOI m i uutvs bef'ore tho puver ord iuur , �rr. Hummond stated recently that Rush will be iucorporated formally victories, while tho swimming t���ily dous, "'1'.'1" Younuer Genernfiou' is the' best with the Universlty. Otherwise, the One l)f the novel suggestlous thatw;U attempt to administer a thinl'- �" " hns been submitt ed is that of making ."4.lust after the 'I'r ibuuo uppcurcd :,1 selcvt ion that the Dramatic club could University will establish a medical the gift a student loan fund, This straight defeat this season to the BaG-f tl I' t Th t tl f h depurtmeut and Rush mav become af g<'r nutators, Both contests promis4t' totill' st rcct , thl! reporter rum ie u,.. ha v e ninde. e prcsen u IOn 0 SUI' .. J has been done at several other schoolsst rullcd iutu tllo offico with un :;t I 1 I I I h d de I Iiliuted with the Unlveraitv of Illinois b(· the closest of the year, and· 'tlle� '- :. I' :Iy, re uee areu, s OW9 a goo u a .' and is highly praised by members of1 .1' 11.1141 uuuounvvu Tho future of Rush has been a suh; Badgers will be out in force in an u·h'lIIpt at Imggauocw, lit «ournge, .. u.... .. thc' faculties of thesa places. Severalt. t 'I k e lit' 11 If ' t I th] .1 f the l j f .1' , ,. t th ' tempt to wind up the seu9n, �.'t�� aprolldly that the os 0 I' 01." ,10' �\ I'l'roxlJlla e Y two rrus 0 re Ject 0 uiseussron ue ween e varr- of the prominent Seniors have ex-t he j 'o!"t wuu ld have the 'I'r i lin nv �I�:I t s huve been sold. Only fifty goo;l ous parties concerned for some time. pressed themselves in favor of the::;ulOl'"d 011 the blggest, story of till' I'l'!wrn'tl seats remain. They may be At present, Rush is not a part of the idea and from present indications itd:i_;'-. 'fllc staff diun't see tho Post lllt' �;e�4'lIn'41 in Cobb hall. University, uncler University control. is probable that the class will deeitleLil latc t041:t�·, but tho Post's "bi;.: The t'a�t of "The Younger Genera- 1'he tw·.) institutions are a1filiatefl, on this plan.:'l'41411''' ha41 al'I1earcll an hour carli"r tion" in the oruer of their appearanc'e with a scheuule arranged to avoid uu-T .,. An eleetrie Sl'ore board for :Marshall 8pirit that has been in e,�denee in011 )'a�,-' one of tho rtuune. 101l0\\'s: plication of work. The Uni\'ersity nowfielel, a new set of cbimeR for lIitcbell S( veral of this season's games, the. ,YThe Cast. desires to have a medical uepartment to,,,er, anel the furwshing of a room !lnve an e\'en chance to win. 'Pla�'fhe �I aroon staff workcll hardt'l �lr. Kcnyon , .. ',' . Sol Harrison as a part of the University organiza- for the unclergratluate council arl' on tho \Visconsin floor will be' a' 'brCthan it l�\'l'r ditl bcfore, it is a safe' �rr�. Kenyon .. " Isabel Kendril'!t tion. The a1filiation of Rush is de '.' '. .1some of tho other suggestions that f1isafh·:lIlta�e. Tho playing sP, Me 1.I,l't. For tho r .. rst time in the lives llf :\1 :l:,!gie Kenyon ... , Kathleen Colpitts sirable, proviued the west'l:Iide insti-have been proposed. Eane Bhilton much wieler and longer thn.n the eontic'1Il1i1ly t)r the staff, thcy HAD to gd HC'I!�ie Kenyon .. Laurence Salisbury tution is. auequately financeu. Other-will pr(>sent the propositions to the iI� Bartlett,anel a visiting team 'alway t'0l'.'- in in befor� a certain hour, Grae(> l{('nyon '.. Phyllis Fay wise tho University will establish its da.'Js anel a \'ote will be taken imme· has trouble covering their oppollenu.Xo maUt'r how many excuses the'y eneie Tom Kenyon .. Francis Sherwin own meuical uepartment. diately. Swimmers Work .�_n.ight }'lIt up, if they uiun't gct tlll'ir �rr.· Leaubitter ' Harrison Roe Expect to Baise Money.etufi iu they uidn't get it in the 1':1. �lr. Fowle Harold Wright At present the President is ex-offi:- Will Choose Song.i}t'r. Th�y got it in. on ti�� •. _._ .. __ ��h�� K�n�o� ._:. :,._. __ V�":to_n Br��n cio a lDem�r .Qt:.�h�, controlling body Miriam Whatlin, chairman of thE>-·---';rh'�·-;.:pOrter-;-;;;r�ennleillbcrS of -R��� "::��i{:-ih;';- i,r-;'''' many- -iDte�� 'song -('o�; - w� irutmrtr�OTed t n M 1 ISLAMISJI IS BOB.BOWBD four songs as samples and tho elas..qof the staff arri\' a OJ' one n�' changes o.f faculty members. The bi.RELIGION, SAYS B;UBGBONJE th h 'ftllIorning. Before they had a ehallC'(' ological departments of the University will vote on em as Soon as t e gtt:. take off their hats, they were given Claims that ChristiaDity and Judaism have been largely reshaped into de- qnestion has been settled. There willtlwir stories and tolu to get out. From Are Foundation of IIDbammedan partments offering training in the first bo no speakers at the luncheon, as all8 to �, tbe city e,litor sat at his elesk Belfef; Describes Doctrlnes. tWO years of medicine.. This is con- thp. time will be neeessary to carryw:"it ill� heatls on stories, editing co!,.... of trary to the wishes af the University, out the business.That funuamentals in the ritualnull :-hootislg it to the composiilg' which desires to maintaJ.·n biology ue-(�lanlisDl were originally borrowe41rnum. Ttl keep two goocllinotype m:�·was Y'artments tle"oted to pure sciencc, .'R'n'YT SBLB'-- ��a OFfrom Christianity and Judaism, r ".LU&.I Vol. �.-.-o large score, thcrc seems to be 'eY.e.r,dlinC'''; always going, when he hat! ht.!('O How the departmcnts will be reorgan· SOPBO .... ..n.U'D DEBA�G IIW'DA... . ,oJtledaretl by Dr. Christian Snouck Hur- .-.,,- .a.&,n ... � reason to believe that' Wisconsin. willa'('4'u�tometl to ha'-e enough cOl'Y for ized, in the event of a new metlieal�rolljo, of the Uni\'ersity of Leiuen,f.lll�- 011\' machine, wa.'J a ta.'Jk whit,)J sehool, has not been deciued.i II his le(�turc on ".Peatures Commonkt')'t him in a grouchy burner all 41ay, Dr. Billings, clean of Rush, has cxt::, �r oha�D1edanism and M()(lernprcssetl c�nfidence in the ability htThought" in Haskcll assembly room�\ ftC'i" writing tho editorinl p:t�,. � c!'iterday afternoon. the medical sehool to raiRe the rc:!ll.1 :1 f('w other columns or So tlnril!!! "Thl'se borrowcd funuamentals were quircd sum. The general impressiolltil" Ili.�ht, the managing editor Ill" is that Rush will make an eft'ort toe·:;refully burietl for centuries." he saitl.\'011'.1 hi:-l whole time to the composillg' meet the University's tenn.s.. Aft'ilia·":111·1 totlny it is impossible to ret"og-At 4:30, ho saw til.' tion with some other university offer-I:izc most of them. The seeoncl perf .... I'IIlnn .. lose tho laRt form :111 I! ing the first two year·s work, or :tied (If the e,·olution begAn in thc 10thgreat expansion, are the only altern a-4 llltur�', alltl up to the present timetil'es, �ince at present, Rush oft'ers onl�'thf' lattter I)art of the me,lieal ('OUM4C. dual victory.Coach Page is prophesyiag ne,ithet. �.' ')'\'ictory nor defeat. He belives, ho�-e\'er: that if the men play the gamethat h� in them and show' the llgbtineStaff Worked Out.The �wimn;ting team may be h.and�­c:.ppeu· b; the '�b�nc8" of' Coa.ela'Biter-while' �._ Beveh�-j�- .... -:e,l In- a fall on the lee last,week.'··Ia �his �b8ence, however, the men .'haft 1l)een working hard,and strennOU8 p�lI ..i'tice sessions have been in .� ;Neek. Although the men failed �� Iperform to the best o.f their ability' i;" ;the meet with the Hamilton eiub; aDd !(�OnRequcntly were overwhelmed' by fa. ---'- !be heaten ..Tryouts to Be Held This Atternoonat 2 in Cobb-Win Select Three. Although tho postponement of' ,�.Illinois track and basketball g�M. E. Busy Making Up. was evhlently a great clisappointiDelltTryouts for the Sophomore elebatin� to the llli ni, as the clippings belowteam will be heM tomorrow at 2 in ...... n.shoW', from all reports it was .�Cobh 12.'\.. The three best spt>aken-",in he �leetecl by the juelges to rep-roolll. more di�appointing to Director StadantI his husky!Dt the secontl year c-Ia.�� in the an' The Il11D1's Story.Ill: C1 I intrrunural flebate with the Presh- Did you all notiea what "YarooD:'men. The topic will be the a�a writer of athletie neWR for the Chi'!that USf!'C1 for tho Freshmen tryouts, cago Tribune� had in yesterday"s pa-t"Rt'Rol"et): That the F�leral Govern- pcr? For the benefit of those whe"'_pro .--"'-.1 ment Shoultl Own an,1 Control tht:'.&.UI .. _- � clitln't. wc Win repeat. He said iD ef..The lJn.···e ..... ·ty tl-.·- an .·n .. rc .... c. Telephon� ancl, Telegraph Lines:' ........•• ., ..... ...... ,,_-. f{"C't that sin .. e the tlual meet wit'll .-of salaries, another buileling, and all Canclitlat� will spt'ak six minutes Tllini was eallc,l oft' and the Marooa.('nlarged faeulty, formally taking o,'er in their con.�trnc-th-e argument, ancl intenflefl to enter the A.' A:Ru�h. At present, the main builcling will be nlloweel two minutes for re· {T. Champion�hips, better "OInpetitio.of RU8h j� in rather a dilapiflatetl buttal lr('mhers of tho Varsity tle- W:lS assurctl aR the Chieago team eX"('ondition. In the e"ent that Ru..",h 00- brd.inJ,! team ancl Conf'h l[oulton will p<."C!tecl to t'1Oun .. o the Suckers anyway.('orne!" aftiliatcfl with the University� ac·t a.� jUtlg('�. Considering the fad that ChiealOth� changes will be matle at onct', ha." always heen cli��trou8Iy deteate-lth" adclitions to the faculty lK-ing con- by the loeal trark team in rC(!ent ye�trolled hy Presitlent .Juclson. COUNCIL WILL SUBKrl' Bt:d h:\\"� ne"er, �inre Coach Gill -lau8E(!OND Sft OF BUL.'B8TO THE FBA'1'BBNI'1'IES "(-en at ll1inoi�, "'On a meet in the 1,,"Ilc':1\"'41 a �ig'h of triumph.nile p:lrtiC'ulnrly new thing for mMtof the !'tafr was the United Pres ..I!C'W�. At 1 tho telepbone ue\'oteel tt!tllo r". P. r:lng, the "telegrnph eclito!'·· I:I:IIIY dmngcs in interpretation of theK"ran, anel in the doctrines and laws(If t he religion have taken place."1 esterday's lecture Was the" kc·,l the r(>reiver o'\"cr his ear awl,: i a series of four talks by Dr. Bur-h'J.!:lIl to take news from allover tIlt' I;ronje, who is profe8."or of Arabic,C'ollfltry hy shorthand. This proc>l's� at tho lJni\'(�rsity of Leitlen. The otherW:l� rf'IlC'atecl at 2, and a.t 2:4;;. Tlli' two Ic,,'ture8 will be given today and\,:l;olt' !'!tnfr hncl to keep quiet ",hilfl tumorrow at 4::10 in Ha."kell M-"embll'tlli� Wll� going on.CUb 'J(akes 'CJh111."Prc,h:,I,ly the c-IaRsie bull W:t.." pullf'.l ELECTION COllilJlIftBBVOTES TO OPBN CLUBh.'- tlll' :wcl:wious rcporter who :t.."kt',lOIH' of the slIp('rintenelents of thf' 1-:1. POLLs FRO. 9 TO 5 Presiflent .Tames of Illinois i� (:1:.!in .. Tnlil't an41 Eastf'rn Ry. if tIl": Pulls for tlll� Ih'ynClltll4 c-Iub ele<,tion "orahly fli!�po.4Ieet to"'arcl afriliatin;:,','pr4' If'ftinJr tll(' st('('1 mi1� Use ('fir!'! ". ill he o(,c'n from !I to ;; }o'riday. This Rnsh with th(' uni\'crsity of JlIinoi�,ffrl' (If ('hflT�(,. The Nih sai.l he W:-IS \',':1:-1 dC't'id�1 upon lIy the election ao; an integral clepartment or th,'J!ot, ph.'· ... i('ally kiekefl out, of tlw (lr' n."lIllittc'e at thdr meetin_g YC8teruay (\own_'Jtate institution. Thc Phpi.!if ('-onl�· "metaphy�ically" ol1�tf'll, ,', ht'lI I1an'cy Harris "-as clected dans antI Surgeons collrge j� now a'rho polic-e t('porter sta�-ecl lip :tll, dlairllmn. part of the state college, anll in e"entT1iJ!ht fit the poli('e !dation g('UinJ! f'X- Tlw "ot<, this y('ar promiSCll to 1.0 of an affiliation with Ru�h, the twoJ'(,Til'nl'f', :tncl also thr('C "ery J:oocl 1111' 1lll1l:-OllnJiy hea,'y, owing to the in. W(,8t sifle 8C!hools wou1c1 be romhinccl.m�n intC'TC'st �tori('�. Onf' of tll(' 1111';1. t'r('a�etl memher�hip of thc club anti PIaDa Bot Kuown.(':l�('r for a feature Rtory, att.('mptf"� tl:., tli\'i:odon� of opinions about the Little is known ("onc-rrninJ: thc pl:Jn�to Jrl't. n joh at the Gary st('('l mi11� t'::ntii.lates. A complcte list of the eli- of the Unh'e�ity, in ('ase Rush is not"'lIt :tftC'r waiting two hon� he Wfll"j �ihle voters may bc founcl on tbe cluh :tWillated. From the faet· that . thefCoDtinued 011 pap 4.) 'hulletin hoard. (Coatia ... _ .... C.) (.'11 srymnn�ium, of COUr1'C, now ��T -tt"r.a th(' meet halt b�en ranceled, the ·K ..,1ft' ".' "'ill he �(,lIt h�' tht' c-hair-roons won}tl h8\'r �ure1y won witll·DIan of th" RI1�hing RlIIC8 committeetl) (,,'('ry fmtcrnity stnting the im_ "a.4IC. WI! woulel Jiko to remin.d •• )(A'-1"(1011" thnt th{' Chicago team .... lI!tv ...l)Ortant point� of hoth s('b of rU!4hinq, h h b h· 1 . h::cl ()('c-a�ion to ('ompla�n of (!om�r:, f'S t at ave ecn �u mrttCf, AC'. . . ti(\n when thr\'" m�t tllinoi!' OD t",'or,hng t.o the tleC-I!410n rcn.checl hy th .. I· .-• 1 tJ"a('')mmltt.-e at a m('('t,lDg ,·�ter • .'1"'1Th f t 't' t 1'· th· We rrttti?e fult ", .. 11 that uMarooll'sJ.·,e ra ernl 1("9 are 0 c '�lI8." ,�(' t •I th . t' I : <,pinion is not hcld bv Coa('h 'Stag or:nl es at cJr n('.xt Olet' mg, ant rep', • .ret'entath'e� to tht' Cilnnf'il will �uh.l th,. lfi41"'ay athlet�. Tn faet, if ..'. th t' " T I I wi�h('d to use our imagination for am... e r('�pt't." lve oplDlons UC�t ny.March 10.. (CODtinued .D PaP 4)ftIB DAILY J4A1tOON., WEDNEsDAY, KABOB 4, 19U.The Daily MarooD.... -...& lCew If-"" u .......... CIaIeqe., BaUetin ..==,.' xrTODAYSenior college and college of Com­merce and Admin1stra.tlon chapel.,IG:15 Mandel.10:15. Be11'i�d.. WJa1ae4 _onalDp. .seept 81uadQ &ad Dr. strong's talk,�. .� tIM AutulIUl. WlDter aDd quart." b,. Tb. Dall,. .KarooD8t&S. -, �, '-erson 37.Ne ... EditorAtlaletlea Bdlter Glee club rehearsal. -l :30, ReynoldsBadae.. ..aacer cl bClnsaJaUoa ...... er u.Philological society, 8, home or Pro-fessor Prescott, 5761 Dorchester ave.Scandinavian club, 8, Lexington U.Unl verslt ies si tuuted in or near thol:lrge e i t it'S confer t he greu t est II u m­l-er of doe tors'dcgrces, even when theyReflections are still somewhat eha,, 'otic after the Gary trip. Two thingsisfaction. The latter centers chiefly gressionnl iibr:tI',Y, on the doctorsabout tho fact that the Post/s huge theses printed in the United Statesduring HIt::!. Columbia uni veraity at"scoop" did not materialize. At least, Xl'W York tn kvs the le:td with eightythe Tribune had the story and had it 'theses; Chil'agu l'Ollll'S next with thiron the ��t page. Perhaps the big ty-eight ; then Peuusylvuuiu, at Philu-thing which �will be strongest in the delphia, awl .lohus Hopkins, at Bult i­minds cf all concerned, after the II:(lrC, arc listed with twenty-sevensmoke has fully blown away, in this- and twenty-two respect ively. Yalethe ,r.<>r'oon :lnd, l'rinceton, two great univerait.ics�., ..un staff· made good. Many situated in small cit res, couf'crredpeople take a rail at amateur jcural- (,1.Jy six a nd three doctors' degrees re-lsts, and college jciurnalists in partie' spect'ively during the same year. Cur­ulnr, But the cubs -on the Maroon nell seems to be au cXl"el'tion to thestn.1f-tlle chaps who are cursed daily nile, for though situated iu the coun-try it h. as fifteen names 011 the list ofbeenuso, according to the editors, thotheses published.aforesaid cubs fail to show a singleflash of intellect-these cubs went ECANDINAVIAN CLUBHOLD LAST MEETINGas it Was by trained "professionals" Professor Lagergren dean of thewho were acquainted with tbe town. Swedish Bnptist Theological seminaryThey wr��e 'stories fast and well; at �[urgan Park, will address thethey wasted DO time, and knew how Scandinavian club tonight at 8' illLexington H. He will talk in Sweto keep out of the way and not "gumthe game." The woman reporters­called "co-eds' in Gary-did not putin their time ba.clgering the composi­tors with foolish qpesfions, as theywere expected to do, They sat nextto a telephone in a private ottice, andstnck with it all day, grintling out so­ciety and personal mention items fortheir page. Incidentally, it might besaid that the Woman's page certainlywas fine. AU Gary ackuowledged thatfact. And credit this much to thegeneral' staR', for it is a big point­the staff hac} to lca.rn the "heads," th�town, and get their news; anel h:n-in�done this, they sent the paper down­stairs "on time." And finally, We eaneonsole ourseh-cs with the thoughtthat getting out the l[AROO� will belots easi'!r, after the staff had triel) toget real news, anc1 had a. perfcctly ef­ficient "dead: line" to m(!ct.lit, W. CotUacb ..II. So GGrca ..B. P •• utw. B. L,.. ..EDtared .. ..eoDd-cl.... mall at theChlc_p Poetofllce. Cblc_Co, IlL. X_reh 11.1101. UDder Act of .Karcb I. 1111.811B8CIUP'rION BATES.B7 carrl.r: 12.&0 & ,.ear; $1.00 a' quarter.87 mall: n.oo _ 7-.r; 11.%5 a quarter.J:4Jtorl.l-BualDeM omce,. Ellia U.relepbone IIld •• ,. 100. After 10 p moB,.4. Park .1 ...Maroon Pru8. 15511 CottaC. Groye AveDue.POST KOR'DEM.stand out-one, a profound sense oiweariness, and the other-intense sat-";1I,:{.i->-....", � .out in the strange town, anti scoredbeats on the other paper, bolstered up,..,. /, .--_-.LES'1' WE FORGET. will contain greetingsdish on ··The .llcauing for the Seandi-JUclson, and several articles by mem­nuv ia n Countries of the Russiuniaingof F'inlaud," This will be the last br-rs of the faculty. The book will beearly in the spr ingJunior :Mathematic club, 4:15, Ry.PUBLISH STATISTICS ONGRADUATE SCHOOL DEGREESColleges in Large Cities Confer Great­est Number of Higher Degrees.are not as large as i nst it ut io ns in thocountry or in the small towns. Thatthis is the fact is shown by the bul­k-t in, recently published by the CO!!-OF PRESENT QUARTER Open tsammq 1IIa2lt.Now In Our NEW BOIIB, N. E Corner State and JackaoD.Act Quickly! Serges $14.75BlueTH.EY'RE full winter weightsand you never bought theireq uals u 11 der $20 or $25.Plain and fancy and finished andunfinished we a v e s, new stylest a i lor e d cspecialy fine. $20and $25 blue serge $14.75sui t s, at$10 $15 $20The "Chicago"Spring SuitA TYPICAL young man's model-e­youthful. lit h e, carefree---yetdignified.ITS a semi-form fitting suit that gives ayoung man the tight-fitting appear­ance of the prevailing mode. Patchpockets, 3 buttons. 29 inches long. FINES'I' fancy suits in highestcharacter foreign and Ameri­can woolens - sui t s thatsol d at $35 and $23 50$40 now •THERE are only 5 buttons on thevest. leaving a generous display ofshirt and scarf---it"s an athletic vest. Thetrousers are narrow and cuffed---the beltmatches the suit. Overcoats---Last Cut$16.50 10 $20Overcoats, $20 and $25Oircrcoats, $:70 and $35Overcoats,I N Tartan plaids. grays. gray stripes.blaclc and white. and blue andwhitc stripe. $20 to $32.Predicts Large Sale for Annual. M. Shi:ndermSIlTAILORS & CLEANERSIf you want your clothes Pressed and to stay Pressed callup Midway 6958.We Call for and Deliver PromptlyOrder your SPRING SUIT Early and have it ready for EarlySpring Days. 25 per cent discounton ail orders taken' DOW.1114 E. 55th StreetPresent Indicutions point to a largersnlo than last year for the Hitchcock Iannual, neeording to Rudolph Moritz,editor-in·chief. This year's annual Ifrom Presidentregular llleeti�g of the Seundiuavinn 011 the enrnpusdub this quarter. quarter.Y. M. C. A. FIELD TRIPPARTY WILL VISITBREAD LINE FRIDAY at the home of Professor Prescott,;,761 Dorchester avenue, tonight at 8 .Club :Meets at Prescot�'s Home.The Philological society will meetTho "bread line" will be visited by "�:tn and Matiere in Twelfth Centurythe Y. :"1. u. A. fieltl trip party }'ri French Literature" will be discussedday night. The 113J'ty will leave nt 7 h�' Professor Nitze. Assistant Pro­from Cobb ahll. At 1 Saturday the fessor Wood will speak On "A Plan for_pnrty will visit the :"Junil'ipal anti thl' Reform of English Spelling."other lodging houses, and the ChicagoAn association of the alumni of WiI­li::m .Tt'well conege in Chic'ago wa�fOl'metl at a meeting heM at the Uni­n-rsity commons Fritiay. PlalL� w('rl'(';;Il�itlcretl for the enliMting of other.MRS. JUDSON FRIDAYWilliamo .lewell alumni resitling in Uhi-c(lmmons. All stuoents wi�hing to at­h'nd the�e tripo� have bN'n refluestetlk register at the Y. lI. u . .A. office_cHINEsE CLUB WILLEln'EBTAIN MR. ANDPr('silJ.'nt nllll lfr:ol .• JUtl:ol1l1l will h,'·rtninccl· at a tlillll('r ;;:i\'('11 h�' thl'Chin�e club Frillny ni;.:ht at fi illllutc·hinson (0 aCe. llr. ,'uhn Y. I.cpCAST AND' MUSIC TOTAKE PLACE SOON F acHe PrincepsNo beverage can :Ii proach-has ner neD c�the 5u!>rcmacy of Coca-Cola. It stands fint. fiedrink that will rdr' sh and delight JOU with its distinc­tive and delicious !!l"or-its wonderful thirst-qlleDda­ing quali!y.Delicious - ReC.... hingThirs�-QueDchingTilE COCA-COLA CO�At:cnta, Ca. __ anowtlllall:of C..c.IeWhile the :\( AROO:-.r people werelta'\'ing a gay time in Gary� Fred W.CarT, 'OP, wn� on the ('ampu� alone. \�jll he toa:-tmnstcr. ProCl'ssor nlltlpntting out the :\(AROOX. He h:Hl li r:"'. Chamht·rlnin. Dr, all,t )[r�. J�lIr­t(l get hi", nC"'!I, write the storie!l nntl ton, 1)c':111 :In.1 �Irs, .-\11;':('11. and j)r, will !"('11 for tW(,llty th·c (Ocnb ancithe hea{1"l, :mtl plan the pnpcr. After ��I·I �rr!"o IIC'lIder�oll ha\'c also het''' '!fty ('cnt:-., anti the hOXl'M for three antithat, be went to tho shop nn.l !lnw it il.,-ih',).tbrough. What a �ommentnr�· npoll- TRYOUTS FOR FRIARtb" l(AROON stnff is this. The :"1.'\-ROON hns 'some fifteen all toM on thestnJr, and· at thnt, there f]on't seemt<J be enough to do the work. Antl �·et Try.)uts for the Rlnddriar c'n�t willone man did it :\(on(1ny: an,l he di.l tnk .. )'lnf'tl 011 the nftcrnoons of :\f:lrtOhit weD. He eovered the news, he in_ ](0 nncl 11, in the ne�'lloltl� duh. Thevented new and fine llea(ls, and gen-I ",�I!\ic an.1 lyric trinb arc scllecluleclcral1y did bimsll proud. We take our for Thlmul:-.y night. nt ;:30 in thehats ()ff to him. ,Rf'ynoltls club. AllllDDi Meet in Commons.}'()urteen member.4 wt're en2·('Mar(.h 13 Concert Da.te-The rni·\ c'r!Sity will give its annual concertl'riday llnn·h 1:;, in llan,),,). Tkkcts ._-_._ .. _----_ .Wanted At Oncefay .. tlflllnr�. Th(' l.r(l('ccfl::! of the ('on_(·t·rt "'ill h(! tle,'oh'cl to the pur(�ha�\'(.f nt'\\, itl:-.trumcnts for the or('he�trn. Each man at the Univenity to come Da alld iaYeltipte ....Special Offerto College MenHERZK,A BROTHERS:- : T a i 10 rs :-:1545 East 53rd StreetLaw Seniors Give Dinner.lInrry Outler 11i�4C'los('cl the WO')lI(,i�uf th(' 1.nw �('ho(llM tr('a .. �ure trunk fit Telephone H. P. 1037. Open EveDiDp aDd 8aDdq ......the ann"nl Law hnnquet .Friclny night .. __ ._----_ .............•.•.].eon Powers, .lulian RiMk, anti Jlugo.. A ncler�on gnvo informal :4pe('dlt,�.I'resiclent Simes presided. SUBSCRIBE FOR TH:& DAILY IIABOO.!lu Pi 8i&JD&. girlll or were not socially prominent,Note-At the outset. it would be but who had done as much for Ohieu­wcil to expla.iD all the material in t.b1s go all the members.article is ga.thered 1eDenll7. '!'he Of course, with Nu Pi Sigma unwill-U !I POL ISH E D members of !lu Pi Sigma diDg to lug to make any statement, nothingthcir secrecy, aDd haa.'Ye repeatedly def'iulte can be said concerning the so­declined to c:Uscuss the orp.nizatton. dety's ideal of membership. But ap­'l'he information gi'Yen here baa been pnreutly there is some clue, not dbgathered from people not members of eoverable by logical process, whichthe organiza.tion who happen to pos-Buy direct from the grower and g\!� SCfS information. and has been re ...your food at first cost. Will ship you lleatedly confirmed, so far as confirm­prepaid 15 Ibs, of unpolished rice, tb(.. atton is possible_best food obtainable, upon receipt 01$1.00.PRAmIE RICE PLANTATION,'I'he cJet·tioDS take place in lIay, ,,·i!ltent thing for the society to 110, if: dore the Aides for the coming year it wishes to be secret, is to keep ont;.ru anuounced. This fact, coupletl of the Cap anel Gown. AU of the mem­.\'ith the fact that the members of Nu h('rs Rhould keep their pins hiclclen (n�Pi Sigma to the number of ten, usual- most of them tlo now).!y arc Aides, leacl to the inference Concerning the value of the work­I hat the society attempts to secure the ('ontrol of women's aJrairs, through,ddcs pOMitions for its members. A the W_ A_ A_ and the League, ancl �_,()ml)ari�n of the membership of the t'ial snpt>n'ision, is about the only1\\0 organizations does not bear this field open. Whether an enormou!llyL ut complctely_ Perhaps the the coin- secret society is neetlecl to (10 this isWANTED-.Freshman with some ex· (hlencc is a result of the faet that a question-nnless the organ i 7..aii onperience in camping or now engaged :loth orga.ni7.ations selec·t members to lias some such function as that out­with work as assistant in Wisconsin :�hollt tho Rame number, on the same linecl speculath-ely abive. But in C�OIl"cnmp, .Tuly and August_ Address W. 1\1 l·usilJ_ dupion, it might be said that wit!!Kiplinger, Morgan Park, Ill. Another current accusation is that the socie-ty out of the Cap and Gown,WANTED-The Cap and Gowns 10l ,f di:lcrirnination againMt members of it re?llly doesn't matter_ If they clotile Ycars of ]896·189i; 1903. A reno .... lat arc currently known as the mi· useful work-weill an<1 gootl; ancl if81.tI:d,it� pricc will be paid_ Daily 1\[n· :,ur club�_ This also is not borne out not-no one is hurt_ Provicleel the so­TOO II office_ .... trictly by the facts, anel probably ('lP.ty does not wish to abanclon se('re-':·:lS It,SS founclation in truth than the cy, keeping out of the Cap ancl GownWANTED-A former Chicago mnr.thecl ('oncerning the Aides. But this nn.l removing pins is the one changell:ls sl,ll'lIllitl opportunity for stnLludl iM true--Nu Pi Sigma has failed ,.H·cled to bring Nu Pi Sigma com.clt'lits wClrking thcir wny through ('o!.",I faih'cl signally and rel)Catedly, to plC'tely in line with the spirit ancl,Iet·t girls who either were not cblb .lition" of the University_CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTS!ic per Iiue. No adverflsemeuts reoecivr-d for less than 25c. All cla.sslJlcdadVertisements must be paid in ad-vance.FRESHRICE] 5 LBS. FOR $1.00.Little Rock, Ark.LOST .. ··Small riuged notebook, wit 11nmue !l1I,l all(lres� of owner first pngt',l'lea�·l' ret urn to Information OfTice.\VANTED-For permanentt \1"0 mcu who nro over posit.lou-.tweuty-Ilv-yl':r r � of !I!-!c', !If!11 wlro eit her have ell't�rc'I'S o r w i II recui v e them the l'rt'l"leh!qun rt i-r. :\{Ilst he of gooll n.ldress. i\,part t i ni» or tClJlpornry IlICn will I ..considcrvd for these posit ions. Phon:'\'. C. Stune, Hallelolph :l:'G·J and mnl«appointment,R3LIABLE DRESSMA.XER will makvE:Islt'r gowns or otbcr Sllririg sew·illg. "riel'S rca .. '!onnble. Quick servicl'all lIuW. �I iclway 18i7_WANTED-}o'cw cnpahlo collegc nl('l\or WCllllt'n for out�ielc Summer w(lr);.Liberal guarantec, but earning� lim­itl'd olll�' lIy your own efforts. $500 to$1000 possiblc for your vacation. Acl·dress l.ol"k Dox 309, Chicago, IlLIt'L!t! who hnyc expcrienee and nbilit�in s::h'smnnship. I absolutely gunran­tel' a cl01lnr nn hour to able men. 'Vrittfor partit'ulars to Grip Bow Co., Oma11:1, Neb.STUDENTS-Tutoring in German andFrCllt·h hy a German lady, a J:racl·llatc of (it�rman and Americnn Uni·\"c'r�it ii'S, :;7:'� llarylancl nvc. Tt'lITyclc Park 4094.T.O:-;-r - On campus .... eb_ 26tb, a "C'·Rool,; yalnahlc to owner. }�inllcrplc'a:-:e rl'turn to Information t1e�k... .lltE HOTEL OF AM�RICAN IDEALSHOTEL POWHATANWAS"INGTON. D. C,Be.t LocaW B.tell. Wulabtctcm.lIfew aDd AbH� 7inpl'OOt.Bennett. Bl..raat.EVaOPl:&Jr W'LUr.2oom8, d.tacJaecl hUt.200m., prlftte ba� -.00, � up.Write 'or Sontnir Boeitltt "8" .itll •• Po,'� Oifford M. LewU,:MANAGER. •.. . Bops Defeats Beller-Donalll Hops.Brief Campa News 140, flefeatecl Morris Heller 145, inm:: ��\2.'n.nhAAAMasquers Keet-Masquers will meet the Reynolds dub billiard tournament I";:t f tlay at 3 :30 in Lexington 14. ,Yf'.8ter(lny, by a !'Core of 140 to 139_:M I Scout IIa.sten �A review ofEntertain Faculty-Dr. and rs.D I M 8<-011t l('ctur('s will be gh'cn nt thn�athani('l Butler antI r_ ant "' r3..&out Mn!'tcr training (,OUT"l'C thiSCharlcs Richmoud Henderson weN_I' ., 30· C bb Ie) Th.. r..J.temoon at .):. In 0 .. a. e;':Uf'stS of honor at a dinner gaven Mon-.h S 1 �'·Ollt lfaster papers Will he awnrtlcclda�' night by the members of t e pe. -to the stUdents.I'Wllite'� �on, who wa.." injur�l last Iw('ck, is rec'o,"ering rapiflly, although . In£tall New Loc1ters--Three hun- iI •••••••• IA.W.all!\!\!·m��.:.-.:::;·::·lr:.t:i::�]U�.t,.'?�_.-:-_=-�::::::�.:::-"3.S�.s...:::!,�P.:.ab3 ••••••• ii. I t dretl new I(l('ker� arc heinJ: in!4talll'.1I:i� ('onclition is not yet entire y M .i�f:ldor�'. lie i� �on(inecl to his be. I i:. the 10C"k('r room of Bartlett. Th\':1nc1 will be nnable to walk (or an· \ ir.('rM�l til'(' of t.he gymnn.�illm hn�ether week. macle this impro\"emeDt necessary.Activities And News 0 fStudent OrganizationsIt'l!cIM to the peculiar results 80 of'tenattniued in the elections. Cedtaiuly IthiM much can be said fairly SUfeIY-1devoted servlce to the University i"Ilut the only requirement, if the mem-Il-ershlp ·throughout a period of y<'ar:' IX u Pi Sigma it> au orgunizat iou ofhe 311Y test,':;c'uiOl" girltl. The orgunizatlon maiu-The work of .Nu Pi Sigma is evenl:&i liS the utmost secrecy eoueeruingmore uncer-tain. In tllc few statements· t:, alfairs, and membezs will 110t di�that have been mntle ullufTicially 1Iy I• uss or CYCIl acknowledge ittl exilJteucc. members, it is said that secretary isI)Y so n.uch us dcuyillg the fact thatnhsolutely essential to the �llC·t·t·ss oi·: t does ex ust, The members wear piusthe work. This is the only fo.uncla,.lllIt their rull nppeurs ill the Cal' audt;r.n on which to erect structures ..:llnn�' bclieva that tho soviety exor Ir-ises an influence in social nfT:lirs,eYclI· ;0\\"1l every year,The averuge meurbersh ip ilJ from ten.0 twelve, \'arioutl opiniens exist Uti to the extent of cXt'reising a censor­,u the clualificatiolltl for membership. jng funet ion, If this be true, the need· \. cunsideruble number fa vor the Idea for seereey DS to afTnir8 a ml :lims is.hut amollg other quullfleutious, so- fairly evident. But at best, the sug-ial prominence is required. This Is«ut proved by the facts. The well- I!cstiuu is no morc than a. wilcl guess.Now, as to the value of Nu Pi Si�",�JH.WII requirement is that a. eandi-ma, The big point is this-the so­· ::ate for membership must hava been ciety is in an Ineonsistenj position.prominC!nt ill student activities on the It will not remove its "secrecy"-yetit will not be really secret_ The con-man h Oil !Ie.In'Y1te WomeD-Uni"er�it�, wonW!1Terminal Problem Talk-"The Rail- have he.-n in"itecl to aUen.1 the Brit­\\"II�' Terminal Problem of Chieago" is i�h f:mpirc night program of the eo ...11.(' �'c·t of a talk to be given by mopolitall ('luh meeting at 7::�O �atur·\Ir. (;t'or;.:e Jo:. Hooker tOclay nt 4:30 cla�· in lIitC'hC'(Wk lihrary_iI' H:-rrl'C'r �rt LDr. Strong Tens of Bird Study.P I fr m Or. Strong. instructor in 7.oolo�y, "To Benefit Ltbl'W)"- rOC'e('c 8 0,,·iJJ ;!ive an ilhlstrntecl It'dllrt' Oil··The Study of Gulls from n Tc·"t·· toTlri�lilc' 8c·(lr(' "Iuh clanf·e �atnrclay after·!lnon will J:o the R .. �·notcI8 ("Iuh Ii--1·11 l)e heM c�:lY at 111: I.; in Bt'lfidcl 1;'i!l.I,l"lln· funcl. The Ilan('c ..t:tlk will tnke th .. pla('(' of tilt' rf'J:nlarIf :!:::O nt Ro�alie han.White's Son The athletic young mandoesn't carry much h. ... g-gflg-C :-'s n t!cnemlthing, hut you will most u!w:':.·s find a puck­age of Fattme Cigarettes somewhere 011 hhu]This is the cigarette that only a few years agowas Introduced in the colleg-e towns-lt wasa try-out for pure, good tobacco, and thesuccess that Iiappened you all know about.'Today Fatimas are the biggest selling ciga­rettes ill the country-=a triumph never be­fore equalled in cigarette annals-whichsimply �.oes to show that real quality is thetrue wilmer. .In an unpretentious package-quality thebest-quantity generous.f�:1j1�tt.�-u�&'lTIMlJ�. �URKtSHRLEND �CIGARETTES"DistinctivelyIndividual-·- •• _. .e� __ �_.� ._ST. LOUISBest Reached by· Through and Fast Trains of theILLiNOIS CENTRALAll Steel Daylight SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.: arrives St. Louis (vi� �ercha!ltsBridge6;02 p_ m_ Indestructicble steel car:; of hand�ome mtenor fi IshEvery comfort and convenience will be found :m thiS train.Diamond SpecialLeave Chicago 10:30 fJ. m.; arrive St. Louis 7:48 a.�. Electric­lighted train. A convenient evenillg departure from Chicago.Stops Made in:Both Directions· at South Side ThrouKhStations, 43rd. 53rd and 63rd StreetsObservation Parler Car�. Cafe Ckb Cars. SleepingCars. Free Reclining Ch�ir Cars and CoachesTickets, Fares and Siee.,ing Car R�.ervations atCITYTICKET OFFICE 76 Vlest Adams St.R J. CARMICHAEL. D. P. A. Phones: Cent. 6270-Auto 64-472� - •• --_- e. __ -. _EST.�BLI5ttED 1818&;;;j/ucfJfii}/umi4C@�Jl�.tntlrmruli Jf�hnlb::hing {£plJtJ�S.BROADWAY COR. n'/ENTY-SECONO 5T.New VORt<..Our Represetative, MR. W� ... LEER, ,,'m �;c �t tlleHOTEL L/� SI:.LLEl\Luch 4th, .',til. Cth �"d ,thoWith Spring Styics in :-r·:,.riY·I�::1d� G:ulllcntsfor Dr('�s or Silorti:::; \Yc:lrFnmi:iliilll!s. II�t� :'.11d S hoc s.Sunsf;R1BE ron T I: i: ll.\! LY �!.\ ::00:-':,\\'.\1.1.,\<'1-: 1I:\';1�wrirer "1:0: Ji :'ki"t.. 7"::xrJo is (j/II'a),)5 wa­come. A p/('(Js(wtsmoi(,<,. amental bracer the idealtobucc«, ••//��111-::\I:Y I�L"TTL!m�jl1� .1ni .... :"/I '_:p.jid of Tuxedopu's /I.:V life into me, TilemiJJc"t. �T:J purest iobuccogrou'n.1A1Lr. FRESHMEN WIN-CmCAGO TBAIrIS WILLINVADE BADGER CAMPY(.'sterda�··M game ended with the moment or two, We would say that t.heSoplwlllurl's mill the seeund Freshmau above nu-ut iune.I part it's breathed un-um on top. In tho first J,::lwe the �.i�h of relief when they heard tll'lt�l'('OIlCl year men won a dose fight t ht' meet was canceled.t'r om the Mec1i('s, 14 to 13, and iu the Tht.' basketball team turned in illt'irSI'('OIIlI the yt.·arlillgs clt·featt'd the Di- suita yesterday, It certuinly was aviuity 19 to 8. disappoiutmeut to Captnin Willifur.['sThl' Sophomore gaauo was dose team to have to quit at this sta;'!e ofthroughout, not mort' than two points tho game, whcn they were all kt'.\'('o!st,paratillg the coutestunts at any up to trim the lInroous and ..indl '-.'C't inn-, Thc )[('(lics Ied uutil right at on-I place without any dispute,tl;(.\ (.'1I.1� when baskets by Sparks a u.l But th •• �, were not anr lIlor(' di..;�pCole put. UIC Sophs iu tllt' leud, Spurks pllint(',i than the track men. They to'.1,wus NlsHy the star for the wi nuers, \\'(·rt.' traiued to the minutc for th,'while Carpenter pla.yl·tl thc most ,'011- .Murooll vuntest. The bad feature (IfBent R. P.WilIett L. }'. [Cout iuued from Jl<lJ,:e 1.)You Smoke � "Rftteril Tobacco-Why Nor ;.hnd{£ Tfr� Best?THE �ob:l�·��:.:�' )(1 nm", smoke youconsider . :),:tiC�· to oacco thanyou ever smoked before." Natur­ally, you kept trying until you founda "better" one.But it stands to reason that sincethere is a difference in tobaccos, voumay be missing stit! greater pleasurein a still better s-noke-e-in the BESTsmoke, in fact.Tuxedo is the beet smoke becauseno better tobacco leaf grows.During the first half of the S('t'Ollti team is coneerned, is thnt the nthletc­g:lllle it appeared us if the Divinity will have one less IIlC'c,tillg ill which tow.'rl� goillg to brenk their long losiug gathl'r points for t hr-ir It,tter.-Tilt'streak. They took the lead at tho D:lily Hliui.--_ ...... ---stnrt, nnd the first laalf ende.I 8 to i TOMORROW'S MASS MEETING "SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE"in their favor. Superior trninillg. ENDS CALCUTTA CAMPAIGN i..vr« us, 'I'll IU LU::i, �IF.LODRAll.A. •however. told, and in the second halfSOPHSII1dI!f I Medics Lose 0l0le Game to SecondYear Men; Yeaziings WiD Easily.thc' ennvvllutiou, :IS far as the t rm-kSecretary of Student Volunteers WillSpeak; Orchestra to Pl:l.Y at Thurs·day Meetin�.The l'aDlpai�1I tu rai�e $!IOO for )1 i", ..�jell'her will continue tomorrow'when the women exper-t to raisl' thereurainder desi rcd. .A "Ia�s IIIt','t ilil-!8011hs (1-:1). Meclics (13) will ue hd.1 Thut:-ulay nt 10:15 in Uar_Plume , R. F Mayer per lIlI. lIrs. ll .. Clur- the tran'li:I,:Cole .. , . " . " L. }'. •....... Gilroy :-;eactnry of the Studt'llt \' ollillft'l'r",.lfl'{;onnell C Botlllnnll will speak, nlltl thl' l·lli'·c'rsit�· tlrc-lle�Spurks R. G. Butlt'r tra will furnish IllUsit·.Hl.'a.llnllol L. !7 Car})enter Evcr�'Ullc intert.'Sh..'.1 ill thc� 1110\""Le\"iu. 1I1('nt who wishes to l'ontrilmtc,whl·thGEORm;; E, PHILLIPS:\Iu},or of Co\,inl!ton. Ky.FREE Send us 2 centS' in stamps for post- "A geod pipe. and Tu:r­age and we will mail you a souvenir cdo 10 Jill ii, and I'm 3atis­tin of TUXEDO tobacco to any jied. The tobacco in the,point in the United States. Address little green tin has no riv�!a.s far (J,s I am concerned.THE AllERICAN TOBACCO CO:\IPANYHotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near 50th Street Subway Station aDd53rd Street Elevated.SPRING STYLES ARE HERE------------------------_ ..Tuxedo is treated In- the famousoriginal" Tuxedo Process" for re­moving the sting and bite of thenatural vegetable oils.Tuxedo was born in 1904. Itsfirst imitator appeared two yearslater. Since then a host of imita­tions have sprung up.No other tobacco can give th eunique pleasure of Tuxedo becauseno· other maker has yet been ableto equal the Tuxedo quality.YOU CAN BUY TuxeDO EVERYWHERECODYenieDt pouch 5in'!CT-I;ncd with ClIIlOUture.proof paper Famous areeD tin,with .rold letterinc. 10 ccarved to fit pockettUrJI('cl away.Photo�phers Absen� turncd in is keen. Elsie Johns is r('·"0110 boocl thing nhout this trip/' ported to be leading with $43. Each'1 I .].. h <'8ptain has one' hundred womcn unci,';S:'IC tie ",nnnglng C( ltor, "JM t at weher, from whom she is eXn4>l"too towellt out to work, and we worked. "'--There Wl're not a half a c]n7.('11 dty (ira,," at least forty-fivc dollars. Th.'"Committee of 100" Was chose to[,aper photograJlhe� nllli rt'JlnrteJ':' nhnngillg nrollnll to tnke pietur� a.nd ('anVa�'4 thc ('Ins�s thcy nUclla forwrite {(':tture fltories a.bout how nwk- contribution�.wnrcl we werc." Mrs. llcClur win spcak on "Indian"·hmanhoOil"· at the mn.."s 1I1et'ting t.1morru"':1t 3:30. An exhibit of InllinIJ\\'(Jm(,I1'� ('o�tum� an(l jcwelry will he'given 'loY Pnul Chinnnppa in H:lrpl'rMl I. This ('xhibit is open to tilt'The very spirit of Spring has been captured in the wonderfUl colorin.!:!;sof our new fabrics now on display.Greens soft in tone, often blendin� into browns, promise to be verysmart this sprinJt.The many new shades of greys and blues will. also please men of taste.Pliable, soft materials that lend t,'lemselvcs to the correct close fittingstyles, are in Kl'83.t demand.'.£0 fashion the new snug fitting clothes requires the utmost skill.So the .Jerrems way of tailoring these new smart styles appeal morestrongly than ever to men who seek to be both individu:l! :l.llc1 smartin their dress.We inVite YOU to see the greatdisplay or the correct newSpring materials a.t any of ourthree stores.TAILOR FOR YOUNGTHREE STORES: 7 N. La Salle St. 25In Glau Hamidon. SOc and 90cRoom 1209 III Fifth Avcnue NcwYork�E Jackson Bj,vd. 71 E Monroe St. er 3. mcmher (If thc Ll':l;!Ul' or UIIL lin,..heell askl'(1 to :,ce oUe of the followill,.!memuers of tho pleclgiug ('ommitt(.,(,:Ruth A�ar, Ebie .Johns, Huth \\'0001I rllla Spt'nl'cr, I relle Tufts, lIild:l. Muc·ClintOl'k, L(.'ona Coons, Cnryl Cllcly.I.cuisc llick, ancl Corndia Bt'all.-­The Chil'ngol-Call'utta fuucl for tlU'Stnlling" l'iupport of lliss llell'lll'r in Judi:l'VihJlt'1 r(�adletl the 6:?5 le\'e} lust uight OU tlu'Blnekuurn ', C. Shattuck 1':lmpaign thermometer. �l rs. llc:Clllr.Kni]lschil.l n. G. •....... Pri('c" t .. a,·eling sec..retary of the Stllclt'lI�L(o\'in ..•..... L. G. .......• Solan tit Volunteer hancl allc] rt.'tllrllc.l mis�itlllBmolkets: Stallings ;;. \\'itmcr, Bent ary from Inciia, spoke 011 tht.' '·U.':l_3, Willett 2, BI:l.ckuurn, Kni})schiltl 3. S(iJlli for Supporting tilt.' Calt'utta Ell'sistent gume for the doctors,terprise" at the mass meeting of th.'"Committeo of 100" in llarper. A(Juhlic announccment of the campaignreturns will bc made at the wind·u)'m<'Cting tomorrow at 10:15 in Harpcr�I! I. A UDITORiulMWEBER AND FIBLD8Best Seata $L, Nor a B a 7 e 8 George Behanwith Ba.rry Ol&rke aDd OompanyGeo. W. Monroe Doroth¥ Toyeand Fifth Otben.cHICAGO. the Freshmen lost no time in pullingahead. Thc ::\[inistl'l's were unahlet� score a single point during thc Instperiod, Stnfliugs was thc whole Di­vinity team. The Freshmen had nop-irt iculnr stars, all of the men play­iJl� together in good shape.Thc score.Compctition between the captni II�f�r the largest amount of mon.,�"t:nh"ersity puhlic.Delivers Last Lecture-"Thc H,'Ji�iou� I'ro"l(,lll� of the Uncl('"af.f"· w('rl' clis('us�ccl hy the n('\,. )rr.Coiik(,y ye!olt('rll:a�' nt thc 1:l8t of hi!!)refure l'('ri('s with the Fr(':-;hnwn.RUSH MEDICAL SCHOOLMAY 00 TO ILLINOISfContinued from page I.}l'ni\"('r�it�· l'I4'("IIS una),le it!!clf tutinanClc tho nl"l"dcd (·hnnges in RlI!'Ih. itwon I.) !(('('m th:.t :l n('w mec1i('nl �('hool�·nnl.l h(' n thing of the future. Nonnnonncements hn\'e been mn.le ('on'cernini this of the a6air. GARRICKThe Unanimous Verdict ofII:J.ppy First N1ghters, theGreatest of all Winter Gu_den Revues.'PASSING SHOW OF 1913COBAN'S GlANDAnother Cohan & Harris TriumPh.Gco, M. Cohan's Mystery Farce:1ILLINOISCHRISTIE MuDONALDINSWEETHEARTSB:L';kl'ts: PluDl�, Cole, McConnell,�p:lrks :;, Ht.':ull:-.ntl, llayer, Butlt'r :!Carpenter 3. Ho""ard's TheatreEDITH WYNN'':: 1!4ATTmSON- IN-"THE DEADLOCK"pOWERSMabel and BdithTALIAFBRRO- IN'-YOUNG WISDOM.Free throws, Gilroy.Heferl'c, "Tillett.8(,t'olld'rl'shmen II. (19) Divinity (8) lIj\\'I'I,.Jack LaWs New Pla7HELP WANTEDA Clean ComedT Drama WithBanry KolkerPrec throws, Willett.MAROON WAS NOT ''BEAT''BY RIVAL GARY PAPER(Continned from page 1)Woodlawn Trust& Savings Bank120-1 E. 63d Saeet, OhlcacoTHE FACULTY IETH:: STUDENTSof theUNIVERSITY OF CmCAOOWILL FIND INTmS BANK ALL THEFACILITIES OF A DOWNTOWN BANK.SAVINGS ACCOUN'l'SandCHECKING ACCOUN'l'SAre Welcome and Appreciated.RESOURCES $2,000, 000. STUDEBAKER1m. LYN BABDDfGIn Sir Arhtur OoDall »o71e"Thrill:ing Hew PIa7THB SPECKLBJ) BABD . �. \FINE ARTSIRISH PLAYBB8Tucs., Wed. Ni2ht8 and Thul'B. Mat."The Canavnns" (New). Lady Gre2-orv; "The Shoiwn2 U1) of Blaneo Po�_net" by Geo. Bernard Shaw. Thur�.,Fri .and Sat. Ni2hts, Sat. :Mat.. "TheMnsrnanimous Lover." S. G. Ervine:"The Bnildnhz Fund_" Wm. Boyle;"The Workhou�e Ward." La(]v Gre�­ory.prince ••Most Powerfal DramaIn Fi1'q Yean,THB LVBBo LVlWPIC; i� .�-".� --���][Jaw" Erlanger PreleDt . .0:.". .•THE TRAIL OF � LOBBSOIIEP.DfBWith Charlotte w.aa .. u .JuneLASALLE'l'ango-1'01ecl Scma-Oom�"SEP'l'BIIBBB KO .. "With Daft LewI8AIMERICAN:m.cPRIR08B " J)()OJtftADBB20th Century IUDatnbBv� Hillat. tI----5Oc. .J