aurunuVol. XII. No. 97. UNIVBBSrrY OJ" OBICAGO. 'rt1B8DAY, JlABOJI 3� 1914. PRICE FIVE amtftGary Tribune Edition of Maroonthe DailyENTER STRETCH STRONG COACH STAGG TO STAllSPRING FOOTBALL IORI ClASS GIFT MAY BE FUND I MRS NOAH HEROINE OFLANDING· OF �tODERN ARIof Chicago girl, at hcr missionary work first spring football practice that he gift committee, and whcn the Scnior waters del: J'L':l:'e' I all,l the ark restedill India. The exact standing of the has eyer held. lIe mentioned his new class meets at luncheon Thursday noon ill the se v eut h muut h, on the li'th dayit bruuulrt ouly the usual dreariness of fund last night showed $544 turned in. grhliron plans last night in connection tc" decide the matter, it is highly prob- of tho month, Upvll tile mountains otindoors. But this year and. for several 'I'he (·ampus will have uutil 10:15 A. with the first call for footbalL candi- able that the class will break from all Lexing tou �'yIIl.�r. Thursday to fill the gap between elates, which he issued for next Thurs- precedent at the Midway anel bestow And :\lr� Xuah �l'llt a dove out of thethis and the $900 mark. day afternoon. That session at 3:45 upon it a gift and invisible and highly ark to see if th..! waters were dry OD.Committee captains were named in Bartlett gymnasium basement be useful, the fac� of the ;;rountl. And theyllon,lay to take active charge of the requests au students who are planning· The idea is to take the class money, were.campaigniug for Miss Melcher, who to try for the team to attend. which will amount to a thousand dol- And Xl rs. Xon h t icd t h e chin whis-the :snn'::J rays shine into their parlors \":as secretary of the University's After the sPring vacation, football lars, it is expected, place it in the hers of :,[r. Xll:�h in ribbons of linen,with new hcat, they warm many :1 Women's Foreign League last year. practice will be held four or five nightlJ hands of Dean Angell or some other li kr- unto s: r ips uf piltowcase, so thatheart with the recollection that SOOIl The young women selected were: Ruth every week. The hour will be l��, person of like responsibility, and have lh. Noah looked \"\"'11 as if he werethe I'phillg will life the windows or "Tood, Ruth Ryan, Imma Spencer, 4:30 o'clock, so as to escape as much it loaned to needy undergraduate stu- ht�lIpccl"�tl.the home and they can hear without Louise lIick, Elsie Johns, Edith Smith, as possible conflicts with baseball and dents. Loan funds at present. are all Alld Mrs, Xo:th shouldered a spadeCimn(.'ss or discord the full hnrmony of Irene Tufts, Caryl Cody, Leona Coons, track. As usual, the University is for post graduates. and went forth to e::l"ll her daily breaAthe chimes. Nona Beall. It will be the duty of '?resident Fa.vors It. f I I I f'n mi l d ..Dnny aftcr day, in a little parlor 011 each of these ten U, get ten more. :::d�=:e!e:Y h::�:�e o:p:.�r��� "I am iearti1y in favor of this t��e I�: r:;� Il:��ht:;��ll ���r ::c ;:::;the second floor a little group of WOIll_ A big massmeefing of thl's "Commit- plan," said Rudy Matthews, pre�ident won I t' tl I t' I . f Ohithin over several teams.�· 1(' I {J ie I' :We 0 e::r1l1llg 0 1-tl . hei h 1 h' k it of the class, yesterday afterlloon. "] ten gn ier ID t elf w ee e airs, III tee of 100" will be held in Harper 3S' BeasOn for Change. cago .. 1 d t-'k I th brl 1 t -seems to fill a. need which is great,anu sew an iU. n e fig 1 ness sembly nt 2 o'eloek this afternoon. Th loss f eh 1 st e ' WhOppi.!l: Big Dove.e 0 80 mu ow a y a.r sand which. should be met. If so desir-o. f \.·ci!terday their thought turned to Mrs. McClure, traveling secretary of 1 kfi ld h All 1·1 I I . I andJ • -ae e and the quality of t e prom- .'1' • Il' (0\'1', ':l,;:I:; a rouse,tl UI'" s'ty chimes . ... .. ed, the money might be. useu as a nu-ie II er I. the Student Volunteer Movement, will Ised material for next year to take likt..,\\·i:-;c 11:lIn, 1:11';,;e n u.l colored, like:Wind intlerf.... talk. • . cleus for a class gift in later ycars.t Z . , -their places is partiallv what is Iead- . h I th 1111 () n �lIlu I:hu:l, a rill even man� . ·..;Y- ,,;.'�;.;.....;..�:..' u ..... o4II_�Mr;�_.:::a;��-:.:.·.J.l,.r.ra;:-4-- -;;:;""P.'I�..,.;... ..;·-;;;;e."4 4. - _ .... -.. ._. . .:.>........ _. -' . _. '.__ _._. _ "'_" '. It will be a good thing to e P' .'"" _. : . .< .. ��-""- .... � ... ,, __ u""inteiestea·lii --£0 'l�r:- s • .nr-lo tlda�... ft'1iP�o1JtbDlt "' ..... _.�.._. __ �_ .... _.....---_ .. __ ,. .. .'l.-:-�I't." Hom tbf"'·tn:�toon'--h�l�Kh.,;�----·.-a -aa . Dl'U..., students not 80 well' off as' we are tothis movement a thing f.or. all Chico.- trainina. Noah a;.; l:ille l:itarted UpOIl her trave1&.:have' the good times we have had. Jgo women is invited and urged ,to "The Freshman claSs has more beef Anil 1ll111:h l'culde were there, an.l.believe the majority of those who hay"come," &aid Mia Geraldine Brown, of til an any other dass sinCe back in 1904 Sl:Jlt up a IOllll :suulIll uf praise so thatb('nr ��em in the winter because the thp. Y. W. C. L., yesterday afternoon. Iand 1905," said the "Grand Old Man" :heard about the plan are in favor ofthc wnlls Were :-1Iakcli. Thcn Mr.witHrOws are all down. They arc HI) . iit, and as for myself when it comes I � .. .( ··Wednesday is the day for final can- last night. "Some of it is beef. and ' ._ . oN oah a�kl'tl It t h�� t IIlll' \Y�lS 1I0t atl.cautifnl," she concluded. ,to a vote Thursday, I hOl)e It WIll .\'ass and Thursday morning the cam· ,seme of it fat, and some of it is: Imlltl whell lll� l!Ii�ht fed pleased witlt'Y �an bear them all right," remark· go through." ... . .pnign will end at a meeting in Har_ .young and slow. It will take a lot of .'f . h' h '11 b IllS ark :1II.l �1j':S. :\0:111 ::;:11d uuto him.�tl ::\Irs. Hoyd, a sweet little lady ill . Other gl t suggestions W 1(' WI e·. .' .per a�sembly room at 10:15 when Mrs. training, and then' it wi.u 'dep�nd on h that It was. :-;d::lI.n bright red dress whose bent finger:! presented to the Senior class nt t I' -.McClure will speak and the Univer· whether the boys keep up in their lunchcon are a new set of chimes for T .city of Chicago orchestra will play. studies . he TW('II, it'! 11 t'l'lI!t!ry ::\oah':,; ark;• Mit(.'hell, an electric score boartl fu!' w].r)!il' tim:It'!'s \\·cr., borll" from th.'"We want. it understood that al· "The' d' t' t b k � ....In Ica 10DS now as 0 ac - the athletic field, the furnishing of ath h th 't d -d d -h . . . lOTl·�t:-; :I!!d li! 1:-- .i(; i Ill'd togcthcr bioug e unl eel e upon IS t e field are doubtful. In the line we ar� loungina room for the undergratluatcf M' U I h f ., tile nll'utlll'l':-; 01. !lIe \\"IIIl1�Il's Athleti.'support 0 Iss.w.e C er or one day, going to be fair. Eight C men will h� ('oun(.'il on the se('ontl floor of re d 11 th tId f rt ::sso,·iatil,1I ,,!,,_,l!t'd il� doors last Jligh�'leo ars ape ges 0 any pa ha.t!k. They are Des Jardiens, center The report of the gift committee willf d ted Th t d :.t l·roml'tly �i:\: 1,·,.jOt·k in the WODl'o a ay are accep. e grea en and captain; Seanlin� right guartl: be made by };arle Shilton, its chair·t b . d' t ak h t t.'n·s g�'1II ull I.'·Xi';glOll :l\'cllue, an,1(l. e �a1De IS 0 met e moyemen &hull, left tackle; Baumgartner antl for all the women and have every-' Huntington ends; Spark�, sub 'guarel Fla. ... in A,lma Kater. there NlIitt,'d a I!;c;�t 1'I1rious lot ofone (.'ontribute rather than hal'e a' CH':ltnr('s frlll!l J,�,ror!' thc floo.1.·'S:lrah Jones" with a note of mockery. In connection with the possibilit�··fe\\� 1)le,lge the whole amount." (Continu-..2 from page 3.) . Receive :::::\L:.;::,� Sl1cckels.'.Land no; those are no tunes for tnA of the class of )914 buymg a new se: The :wdil'llq' \" II idl I:atl collccted OD�it • .Ararat to \·,:t lil'�S tile opening ot-'tJII� :11'1. 1:1 x",; l;l<� ldp <If tl:l.' l,cak al-'I�!c�t to 1':11':"'ity, c:ll':-,illg the manae', rs (I f t I: e ; tlr ; I ; r t (I " 1 i m,l � I.' t 113 t manysllt'I"I,;Jl's 1::lrI 111'1 II gi ""11 to the cau-.·The sP"'II:d' I:l;"iil:� of the ark Was:In f'lllirl'ly fl'l]liljll� �lfTair. This concep,ion uf tl1c HibUcal C\'ent made th"I.ady �(I:lh :lll :I!i.:('iie d:lrnc, Whose'\';,)]",1 it ":'11,:.1 ;." j', Ily to tliSllUte. At­tir(',1 ill:: ',II:.' ,�,ir:, \\hitc w:li!tt and'",I:itt.' ,'t'il 0\',':' h.',' �'I·:I,I. �he :I),l'e�red'sl"· ... ral n'l:!lI, ;;' .. :,ill·;'.) 1)1' her time.CHIMES WARM HEARTSAT INCURABLES HOMEInstead of the usually showy andsomewhat limited gifts of the past,this year's Senior class is consideriugmaking its class gift a student loanfuud. The idea has met with moreMr. Stagg on April 1 will begin the favor than any other suggestion of theCrippled Women Mias Music ofthe College Bells-Wait forSpring to Retore Them z; The Chicago-Calcutta campaign tooka big jump skyward toward the $900murk yesterday when nearly $100 was FIRST TIME HAS EVER DONE rtturned into the fund that is going toHundred Pledged Y esterday Put�i Calcutta Goal Within Reach­Big Mass Meeting Today Makes Announcement TodayFoUowing CaD for Cancliclatesfor FJeven Seniors Considering Establishmentof Fund for Loans to Undergrad­uates-Decide ThursdayFANS spur ON U. OF C. BALLWhen winter used to drop down\I}l0n t h .. Chicngo HOUle for Incurables.severul blocks to the north 011 EUi", keep :lliss Melcher, former Universitypast winters, has come a new paJll�<.f parting to the crippled, blind, hult ,ddorllll'.!, cheerful, sad dwellers in thehome. It took away from them themusic of the Mitchell chimes. Now :1';··Sarah Jones." That isn·t her name.She hasn't been in the home long, ani 1is not altogether used to it. "I don't::rc no bar to her beautiful embroill·cry' work. "They're dim but I canIlear them. When the wind blows thowrong way, tho, we can't get them atall. I lo\'e the hymns. Seems to me1 likc them better tban anythin�!else:"Do you like 'Home, Swect HOllie:or ''Ncarcr ).(y God to Thee'?" a�ke·lhere," broke in :Mrs. Murray, nn ",.tlcrly latly in gray, who had ju:-:t"heelcd herself in with remarkabl·'! of rhimes the information has (lcveloped that the Alma Mater is not pinyed rorreetly at present. When Chai r­man Shi!ton took up the matter ofMaroon Staff GetsOut Elegant TribunefOrced. "'lIorne, Sweet Home' lIJakl'sUR remcmber other times and otherrlacs. Not that this "home' isn't allright, for it is. But you know thcn' buying additional chimes, he was to)'1by the chime ringer that one noh'could not be played correetly withoutSafe and sound, with none of the The edit-orial 'page contained an edi. r.ew bells. The purchase of a new setstaff "pinched" or in any of the nu- torial on the trust question which th� of chimes woultt also add some 300 nt'\\"Dlcrows kinds of trouble with which local heads of the U. S. Steel Corpor· tunes, he said.Gary is frequently breakin, into the. ntion will doubU.. SCaD with inter- The cla.� tlong will be selected atthe Senior luneheon a.fter the cla.�Mforst page of the metropolitan. dallies, e2't. The tragic traditions of the fun·gift has been deeided upon. llis!"::Miriam Whalin, chairman of the �on��ccmmittee, has three or four sample�on'gs ti !'ubmit. The hour of the hlllt·heon is 12:35, the place lIut('hinl'lolJ('afe. PrcMitlent ).Iatthews will prc.n r(� other homes."Xo air of sadness marked ::Mrs.MlIrrny'� nnswer. It was so, and thatwa� :Ill therc was to it. But Mr�..'Sarah .lonc",'" lip was quivering n:- the I:Itaff of the Daily Maroon return- ny ("olumn of the paper were well car­�'h", followctl her question with tllc ed to the Midway early last evening, riatl out. The woman's page was atpmark: "Thc tears are always juLil:mt O\'cr the production of an ex· thing of beauty, that so long R-"I'l'llcllt edition of the Gary Tribun�. the regular Tribune staff is concernetl,With them they brought a copy of may last forever. The Maroon etli­the TriIIlJllf!'s rh'al to provc that they tors de\'oted a complete page to wom-neat\\ hen tllc chimes play 'Home, SWCl'tnf)mc."llrs. (";Utll, a pert little whitc·haiwl1:.oIy, orr in a corncr with hcr ('hair.W:l:i thinking of getting out of doors. f'i,le, but will introtlu('c no spenkt·r�.Ir:11I :mc('ceded in ·'slipping over" a few nn. Some day, when the Gary Tribunethe only bUMiness of the gathering lit":H'hOll:i themselves this year. gets three or tour more women on the tleC'ision of ('las� gift un,l !'tUII;':."Winter seems too long on(l �\lmm�r The Maroon edition of the Gary �taft', it will try to duplicate this page.f\(J shott," she observed. "You know Trihune pro\'ed an interesting docllr 81,orts were nicely handled.\\'e can't go down to the ground nntil ment from .start to finish. Its first This is editorial comment on the• June, because it isn't safe before' I.age carried a well handled story of work of the Daily Maroon by the Tri.tllcn.' the hig enstern storm, whieh the eol_ llune's editor. It was a."One (,f the girls from thc 'Lnin'r· 'I'J:C mcn were especially proud of, for gOOfl paper. The story of the invasionl'Iit�· was coming over to rend to u� t.n· th� telegraph editor of the Tribune's 1:(' will leave to the geDerals of thet�ny'" 'Mrs. Boyd happened t.o think. ('omp('titor had failet1 to grasp its nnny to tell in their OWD word 8.':'IT :t�'he she'. sielt and eouldn't comC'." ncw!t \'alne, they claimed. A "sob ;Dlck_ Bxpen OcJIDi.Dg-Tickets forllrs. "Saroh Jones" was still think· !itot.\·" b"· Dorothy Wil1ilrton, a18odcc·J DickenR' l'eC"itals by Mr. Spcaight ofing of the chimes. "Do yoo_ re:emb�r (Jrated page one, and then there were L<.ndon, can be obtained at Cobb 16A.Trotty Veck in The Chimes!''' s e �h.-I' stories well handled and ablv head· Th ' .. _,- '11 be' ,.. h 24_-------------'- I . '" e rccl-.aa WI gIven .-arc� .. __ . _(Con�uecl Oil Pap 3) lined on Ua. eurrent Dew» of the day. and 31 i. tlae Fi.e .AI1e Uaoatre. 8'fILL BOPE FOB OAKBEft"orts are being matle hy Chi(':\­go and TllinoiR to pIny oft" thcirpostponed ba."ketball game of b�tweek a week from t.oclay. llr. �tn��took up the matter y�terlla�' O\'('r th,'long clistan�e, and �i.1 Inf't niJ.!ht. thatIt(' thought the team!" might ho ahl('to ,:ret together.Chanc('� of the po�tponf'tl m('('t h«'-ing play�d otr are con�itlered light in jath1etie eirele8 here. Father Noah Poor Brow BeatenOld Codger in \V. A. A. V er­sion of the ScripturesCAVE MAN'S DANCE IS GREAT�Ir. �":Ih. ,""'1' .. ":"'" \'0':: .. sli()rt andll.ill, li;� 'i. \ .:.; '.1 i:'�, ha,l earefun,.11'11:1,,,01 1::" ,..01 .. ; ! ...... :11:,[ tic.1 the ...Ill' ill rii.J,,,,,,,. j]i< >lIi,,:- hal,1 pat"gl"::lll:'.t ill 1!-,' ,� •. ,,; ;,. i;�ht, :uJ<lther'I;: II,' ;,;';: ,. i: r (II; i: �I:. 1 ;,,·.'l'Y now,\Ol�: 1"", t,. "::"f 1,.";' III ihc ark and: .... 1' ••.. ,.!. "I!Y ":1(' of the bu·%1I:i': .""".; •. " \liiLi:l, I!!::t onc bein, .!,PII"P! r. 1;!1! : 1::'1 :.;, .:,:" f('minine hand�,-:t�I':::1.! i,j-... :1' • .1 iii" :-:i:.!ht of thellllJ!C' "10;,,1., \" hi 1: ii", ot!:C'r han •• ofI-i:-: 11(':','1'.:,;,1: :,".11 :, ;::'1lI ;:rip of,fallJ i I.".�OIlII".Yh"fI', :lhout. the ar�((.;untillul'u on pa�e 2.) and.._Mar 0 0 DIG are 0 Y lett e 5 IlJ:��'��::i:�� ��::) ::: be pictured Ii!. ally st retch of thue extelluiug dOWIIa..a ...... Ne •• pa� ., 11M V ........... ...... from Noah, uud sure euuugh a halfIft7 01 �o.The D ail,P1Ibltah.d mornlnc.. .xcept Bunda:r andlIanda:r. durin. the A.utumn. Winter al1d8prlD. quart.r-. b,. Tb. DaU,. II&I'OOD.t&Jr..STAFF rOB. THE DAY. UUCSII't care if it doesn't,This is about the only paper which dozen stuges of it were showu f'romdoesut print a weather report and jell yto shark, t heu frug, turt lcs, undthe dipludoe us, then the monkey, uudThe luck of market reports is au. Jillally prehistorle niuu, The displayof t lu-se processes of evolution provedot her void which the visiting staff hasdiscovered, The only st.oc ks which th« \t'ry Hlumiuut ing to llt. Ararat. Thed ipl lodov us got along reuiurkubly well,which stands for his not comiug:&l':Il't, Dippy being twcuty feet lougaud possessed of a 11Yc-fout ueek, Theirogs proved most delightful HUh'cUlIl':lIIiollS, aU11 monkeys, Su severul01 the populat ion of lIt . Arurut werehenr.l to say, was "simply adorable."Dippy Very AwfUl.\\'hut a horrible fellow the Stopau­«hukus was call be uscertui ued fron)" visitors eun f'ind :lny interests ill arc,Fred Carr l��-'O�, busketbnll, track uud football.lIallaging editorNews editorAthletic editorWoman's editorAssociato editorsReporters------------------------"Entered _ liecond-claaa mall at theCblcaKo PoatoMce. ChlcaKo. Ill.. KlLrch 11,11101. under Act ot Kareh I. 1171.8UHSCJllJ"TJON BATES.B7 carrier: U.50 a year; $1.00 a Quarter.57 mall: $3.00 a year; $1.25 a quarter.i:dltorlal-Bualne .. omee, Em. z..,Telephone :lIldway 100. After 10 II m.117"'. Pal'" 4861.:ai&rooD l'r.88, 15511 Cottag. Grov. Avenue. ,·�::;t have reached t his office. '1'bl'�'tell of differences of opiulou regarllillgthe uest het ie way of preparing a hamsandwich und beau soup..Judgiug from the number of stu­dents who have helped themselves tuMaroons yesterday, the college pa-Ilea,'tIll' f'ollow iug Iiues which the au-'ItlUnn'r read in deser ipt ionc KEEP YOUR SAVINGS IN HYDE PARK"The wurst of his r:H�c, with a terr ibleS A F E. CON V EN lEN Tface,In Gary the editor f'rcquently feels �\Iltl a voice full of screeches antithe need of 3. revolver to help him in wails,seem oruinary requisites.his literary endeavors. Here, with nu- He shook up thecartoontsts and editorial writers merous ladies w:lIltll'ring into the of-would make the country believe that ficc, a nail tile and a mustache brush',tJohn D. Iwr could hui ld :� home of its own an.lprint the Chicago Tr ibune, if all thestudents paid for their papers.ground wueu hetrampled around,And he feu upon thuuderfult nails."The chuuge of utmosphere last year it�l doors with the chorus: "Sit Dowu,Af'ter :.Mrs. Noah's ark had closedun imul cruckers grapo juke.Crcllit for fcmiuing �oab's ark mustIn last year's cxchange of staffs !tt�go to Elsie Johns. She wrote tho bookcovcred all of his usual beats, policcthis institutions it is the fault of thesemen and women and to be ch:Lrged upth .1 1 f th T'L' Y eu're HOl'killg the Ark," 3. heru or:t JOHX A. C."RROLL. Prest-tent ,on earth except ose proveu too mue 1 or e rr uue s 1'0- ROBERT F. CUlnnSGS. V:�-Pl"t""'tl"nl,for revenue only. If lice reporter. lIe didnt show up at l'(I\'CY of defightful squirrels served ll. A. HARlIO�. AS�:l\!ant Ca.shkr.all yesterday, fcaring he might have the )olt. Arnratlaus with refreshments,John D. Rockefeller has not beento go to collcge hundreds of friends each yearamong the students and alumni of" to them and not to him. He gavethem 'OPportunities that cannot be du_plicated any place else in this countty,the combniation o! a remarkable uni­versity in a remarkable city with aFriends of the founder of this Uni­versity hasn't a friend, .against him by the student who is ac_cepting his hospitaJity. The genius' ofhis company is great enough to amazethe world without the errors it hasbe�� convicted of. The students andalumni of this institution owe John D.Rockefeller a very large and very gen­uine debt of gratitude for the privil­ege of getting all the good things tliatare to be found on the Midway. Atthese times, when the sky is rainingbrickbats, we have reason to be gladthat we are friends of that aged anddoubtless lonesome mUlionaire whoperhaps wonders now and then if itis all worth while. Worth while? Ofcourse it is. Though you don't knowany of us, John D'I we stre""wCh out ourband. Tllanks, old fellow, for theUniversity. :II:U manageu the prouuction. That por­ancl saloOIlS, anu this year \Voulu havotioll ou eyolution was contriLuted byll:lu nothing to look up, he was afraiu.�I iss Dorothy Williston.Frogs Most PoP11la.r.Ill' uiu miss oue thing in H)13, how-e\-cr. lie trieu for an hour to uig upan uuuertaking shop auu faileu. IIa·Lit persists in that man. What willhe uo when he goes to heaven? Prizes for tho best animals were:t wnrueu to the frogs, representeu by�Ii:)s Lilli3.n SW3.wite anu MargaretIblllDlet. Thcy were prescnteu wiUl� oah .. ' -... _ • • • . .. Margaret RhouesThe morning after, a year ago, thc Wife,. - ,. - ...• - •.. - . . .. .. Cornelia BeallGary TriLunc suitl: ··.'cver ngalD. ,.,rr. aua Mrs. Shem ..__ l\largaret 3.ntiBut aftcr a goot! sleep anu a 12 month!"rest, We sny: "Never will we forget it.,llighty glau to be here Again.'remarkable spirit of democracy. After gominc Noah's arks., For the unuertakers' beat this year - Th 1.he founded it, he kept hands off With�. o_ uo.oby prize was h3.nued to Mrs.ho might have sc<:n Mr_ Stagg on mao Hamm_so· far as the world knows, an unusual Suza.nna Fisher, taking theroon b:lSketball championship pro::>_ fdi part 0 this little known lauy of thedegrae of forbearance. Whatever 0 -I)ects. Scriptures, was uoo3.ted 3. box of ani­um Mr. Rockefeller is entit1.ed to}'unny getting out a paper when' !J!:tl crackers.through unfair methods of competi- there's nobouy to scoop except your· '1'he cast of characters was as fol-tion, these should not be held up sclf. lows:�. . .,,' Dorothy Davi�lIam . __ • _. Suzanne FisherWife . _ ... •• Marguerite Ta.zelaarSo we Rip Van Wiukles of tIlt,' llonkey .. , 'Alma P3.rmd�eDaily )Olnroon raise our glasses-hy- Lion ..• . _ _ Mary MacDonaIu'lwx 'water, deans please note-and Mouse • ". . •• •• .. Dorothy LleweJl�-J1l":ly of this college paper: "llay it lin' Z;'jsh • _ . _ .....•• _ _ Marie Sullivanlong an' brosber." Frog •.•. _ ••••..•. _ Lillian SwawiteMrs Noah Manof the House inModern J7 ersion(Continued from page 1.) Turtles ... • __ . Nellie Barrett ant!Phoebe Bakel"Pterouactyl . " ..... _ ..•. Nina O'Neill.\r r. and llrs. Cave Man.Elizabeth MacClintock, Na(line lIa!lSl:ffr:lgette _......... Cornelia BeallI'uss_in-Boots . _ .. " _ EI:4ie Johns.And wife_ .. ___ . Alta }o'isl�erh:ittcns ._ lliltlred Erhart anuD,)Tllt11Y Wil;�This 'C! not a circus edition of the were n caYe mnn nlHI his britle. In till' I om .... '>�t!ro .. leial Organ Grllllicr.Daily M:uoolly as that of last year in nlill1!t of the pr(leectlillg:l they brok,'.. " " . _ .... _ " " .. Ruth Swnnthe exchange of sta1fs furth. The sinuous, alluring llanciug CinlJallloll Bcnr _ .. " Bculah BurkeWith the Gary Tribune of this primitive man anti hi� mate, Ilo\'e _'" Pho�bc Clo\'crwas to some extent. It clad in the skins whic'h they hatl t:lk- OWl Ruth A�aris an honest effort to t'll frolll the backs of 3.nimals �Iaill il '·('.Idy Bear� �tclla :Moti�r :In,!ccvu the news of the campus in n the jllllgll', tlludlCd the jllhabitallt:-l ofconserva.tive but readable manner. �l,)ullt Ararat allllo�t to fr�n:t.y. IIIFront the start of the day to its fin_ alit! out the "aVe mall :lIltl his Illat,· )'011, .J:lIll't. FI:lIlncr anti EI:-;ie .J"JIIl!'!.ish in the earlY monling hours of the \\otllld O\'cr the top of the peak. TIlt' :\In�i." lIy :Miriam, it has been a delight-even noW II'o!'anl �kill of thc woman floated �olo� Ly Corllelia Bt':lll� Hnth A;.:aTwhen the hands of the clock standing anti brew tant in tlw tlant'c a� the :!nd DOflOthy Da\' 2:1� A. M. are warning fingers that woman fletl before her Mavagc 10YCf: J>ct'orations hy Dorothy Strac.hnn.12 bours hence the Gary Tribune w11l dougcu him nM he approached, grovelcd i' - - - - x==br. going to bed in its own cot, and the bl:fore him a� he overtook her, allll Bulletinlinotype men will be hollering for tIlen joyfully yicltlillg to his superior �heads and copy both at once. The stnmgth, flew illto his arms, :tntl lIe�t- .Tumor college chapel, women, 10:15,work of the Maroon in Gary deserves ling ller hcac} in his grey wolf skin, !.randtll.appreciation from the campus. Now, )c.aned upon hi� urea!'t, and then trip.a! the last hours of the "swap" of red off hanu in Jlanu nrounu the cor-1�14 are drawing neal', the TrIbune Iler of the ark.s�mb17 room.farce grins a sleepy grin of content.- ElizaLeth llacClintock dancetl thcGermanic dub, 8, home of Professorment and &a18, "'Come aiAiL'" part of the cave man, 3.nU XadiueCutting, 1228 Bast 56th meet.Fnn.--evenat2 A. M.." :Marg:\:-l�r l'(llllt�ySOtlgs� wriltt'Jl h�' Fmlwes Hi.·h:lTll-TTTODAYBotanical club, 4:30, Bot.aIly 13-Hurgronje lecture, 4:30, Haskell aa- S Per Cent Intcrc:;t On SavingsOPNI Saturday Evenlngs6"; Real Estate First Mortg�gcs for Sale 6',('HYDE lARK STATE BANKC""- •. _- -:>FOFFICERS ST & LA'DmECTORSn .• h('rt F. Cumming!! Frank W. Howe.<":I<lrl.-lO R. lIorrle JIlin". J. Carrollll::nld 1-', Burke ThoUlas A. Oolltn.John A. Carro:1. Hl'nry L. Stout----------------------------------------------------------------M. Shin.derrnaIlTAILORS & CLEANERSIf you want your clothes Pressed and to stay Pressed callup Midway 6958.We Call for and Deliver PromptlyOrder your SPRING SUIT Early and have it ready for EarlySpring Dayo::. 2:> per cent discounton all orders talcen now.1114 E. 55th StreetTbree Reasons \1'by you should Eat at the Men's CommoDS1st. Good Food Properly Cooked.2nd. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen3rd. A Minimum Price for High Qualit7 FoodClub Br�kfast lSc up Cafeteria U LanehDiDner A I..aCarte IIUSIC Come IDI.THESMOOTHESTTOBACCOLUCKY is the Junior who bas foaodVdvetl The tender middle �up in the warehouse for 0ftI' two �mafuring-getting rid of the hanIineu ofthe green leaf-mello,:! to.:tnt wheIethe bite has dropped wheIe theftavor is good aoa·1IDOOtL. That·. Vehd.Numerous red lias of Vehet deccraIe the S foalIhdf--it·s part of a L'beraI ea" 111.... the hell iathe land-tbis Vehd. Sa.e friead. or at any deaIer·s dane JaG the�.tit ua (I,;�1 ounce hap5 cents.Convenientfor cigaretteamoken... Full2 0UDCe liDsIOcSUBSCRlllE }'OR THE DAlLY MAROON..JDIFfER ON THE HIDEOUSCLASSIFIED iCkimes Speak toADVERTISEMENTS Old Folks At !Maroon (iirl DoesIttoman's Page;;C J:ll·r liue. No achertisewellts reo('ci'·t·d fur less than 25c, All c:1assi1leda.dvertisements must be paid ill ad· Incurables Home(Continued from pace 1)cd, "Diekens wrote it, you know.The chimes don't speak to me theU N POL ISH E D \\'uy they did to him.""WIlY don't they?" some one asked.vance,.FRESHBICE)5 LBS. FOB $1.00.two men who are over twenty-fiveyl':lr� of age, and who either have de1�re,'s or will receive them the presentquarter. �rust be of good address. Nr.part time or temporary men will beconsidered for these positions. PhoneW. C. Stone, Randolph 3364 and makenppointment,]�a�tl'r gowns or other spring sew­ing. Prices reasonable. Quick service:dl 110\\". �[illwny 1877.Lihernl guarantee, but earnings lim­it e.l only hy your own e1l'0rts. $500 to$1000 po�sihle for your vacation. A,I·.J :-,'S:-I Lock Box 309, Chicago, Ill.W AN'l'ED--Freshman with some experience in camping or now engage(lwith work as assistant in Wiseonail1camp, July and August. Address W • .MI,il'lin�cr, Morgan Park, IlLWANTED-The Cap and Gowns fo:tII(' yc:m� of 1896-1897; 1903. A rea�',! I,rice will be paid. Daily 1\1:1roou (lfTice.BOARD-In small private family. Ex­cellent llOme cooking. Limited numbe(at tablc. Addreu 61301 Woodlawn avenne, �rc1 apartm�nt, telephoDe Hyd,·Park 637.WANTED-A former Chicago!I;l� :'<l'i"lldid Hpportunity for• 1"111:-; wnrkillJ.! their way thron�h ('01-I('!.:I' \\"110 ha"c e::otpcrience an.l abilityill :<::i('smnn!4hip. I nhsolutely gnar:w­ft'c a .1011ar an hOUT to able men. \Vritt·ror T':1rti("nl:lr� to Grip Bow Co., Omn-lia, Xch. Then .Mr�. "Sarah Jones"· bcgauthinking of how the chimes told Trot­ty cheerful thinglJ when he was cheer-riuished,' stated Mrs. Hoyd, with a u't­tle touch of pride in her knowledge ofcollege customs,"1 seldom hear it," said Mrs. "Sarahas any. Som,etimes they have wholeunnoticed, one soul who lay in thebackground and could speak with dif­ficulty, managed to raise herself a littlc W3;' and claim attention with hermar:�tll·Ule home at ha."eball and foota11familiar to every Chicago student.LOST-.l.a.1y's gold watch. Betwec-:l Usual Nam'ben BepRIr.Harpcr's Librnry nnd 6039 Kimbark. Regi�tration for the sprillg quarter:Name cT\�ra\"ed in back of ease. R·:! b('gnn y('Stcrday and will. continuew:m1. Fin.1er please return to Infor· several (lays. No variation in attend·matio Bureau, Cobb Hall. �ance was shown. • College Men and Women DisagreeRlght' on MOIl Horrible SophomoreNecktie-Redmon Wins,.-."...,:.lui uud sad th iugs w hell he was sad,Buy direct from the grower and gat ' W lay, they talk to me, too," she de,your food at first cost. Will ship you clured, 'They tell me cheerful thingsprepaid 15 Ibs. of unpolished rice, tb(, souietiuies and souiet iuies thcy--"boot food obtainable, upon receipt 01 Her voice wandered away and she$1.00. Lvguu to read her magazine.PRAIRIE RICE PLANTATION, "'1'1mt college sOllg the chimes playLittle Bock, Ark. every lIight at 10 o'clock-I kllow that110\\'," said Mrl:l. Hoyd, proudly. "1clJuldu't get the ryhthm of it for twoLOST-Small ringed notebook,' with years. 1 used to call it 'that strange11:1111C :llltl address of owncr first pnge, tuue.' Hut now 1 know it and I likeJ'Iease rotu ru to Information offiCe. it."Just to prove that she did know it,WANTED-For permanent posifions. .\h�. Hoyd hummed '-The City White,"�hicago'� Alma Mater. Her bent fin­ger:! laid otI theih endless embroideryw hile her soft voice ran over the flrstuctcs of the Alma Mater as sweetlyas the college girl who calls the songher own.Knows CcGlege CUstoms."Every night they play it at 10u'clock and every college girl and boyR�LlABLE DBESSKAXEB. will make who itS not in bed stands up until it lb-Iones,' "We go to bead early here,FOUND-A Kappa Sigma pin in EL :�Dd I'm always asleep then. You'velis Hall. Loser may have same by But]been here longer than I, too.applying to Janitor of Ellis Hall. luve Auld Lange Syne. What musicdo you like best, Mrs. Murray?"ANYONE planning. to �a"el in Eu- Mrs. Murray had to think. Whenrope next summer can save con sid- she finally spoke, her face wrinkledernblo money by going with a person- into a broad happy smile. "Why, 1ally <:ontluctd party. Communic:a1e withguess I like Scotch music about &8 wellX. Y., 43, Maroon office.Hcotch programs."W ANTED-3 bright, energetic yOUdg And while several of the lames iDmen wanted for profitable summer t heir chairs began to discuss bow thework. Guaranteed salary or commis_· «himes were played-there was con­sion, Cal on G. C_ Burton, room 336 ;;iderab�e difference of opinion amongDel Pra(10 hotel. them on that score-Mrs. Guth tooklip again the delights of being out onthe porch in the open air. Lest herWANTED-Few capable college mcnown delight in the chimes should beur women for outside Summcr work,shnk ing hands "I can hear the chimes. (Continued f,..,m page 1.) Ge:rmanic 'C1ub ��The Ger-r love them," she decl�red, then sankd d R ��Doll'\' I manic club will meet tonight at theun -'n; ussell, quarter; and 01h:t('k 3ml w:&s heard no more. h IGrey, half back. I OUlC of �rofessor Cutting, 1228 F..ast• • • • Some Oood Freshmen. 56th street, at 8 o'clock.Baseblll CcJhap.' Split. .. "Of the Freshmen a number sh')w Whatever that Mem. The BotnnLThe men in the Home for Incurables promise. Jarkson, a tackle from I cal club will be addressed at -1:30 this!lrc ,liyi(led into two camps on the E"anston; Alberts, tackle from Wen. afternoon by George Bryan on "Theh:tscball prospects of the University dell Phillips; Gouvens, end from �;ChegOninm of S}lhagnum" in Botanyo!' Chicago this spring. One faction Thornton Township sehool of Harvey; •Conclude :Religious '.l'alks-The finalhold� that tho Maroon is going to re Shafer, fullback, show merit amon ....)ll'at it� ("hampion�hip of last year� Cith(>rs. Berger, an ex-'Visconsin hal� talk of a series on "The Un,l(>rgradu·',111.1 the othcr I'. l'nsl'stent that I·t i� atc's Religions Probl('ms" will be gil'-.. back, who dividetl the honors there innot, Both 8i(le9 arc avidly rea.tling thl.' 1912, is eligible this ycar. :Moulton, a:;porting pages of the big daily pa_ !Sub half and Boyd, a sub quarter of ('T, to the Jo're�hUlcn at lO;H thilt morniJig in Cohb 12A.Sings J(Q1can Folk Sonp.p('rs to the last word for "dope" on hl�t ye:tr, are a.vailahle." AI h TOt rt' I• 1 p n au mega en (' IlIDe( athe hasehall situation among the co· llr. Stagg's shift of hn.qchall entire t f no t th h � 1 f1I ....... ('�. No warmer U. of C. fans exist par yo. a. e otl!4e .. un, ay a -ly to the shoulders of Pat Pagc l�t-I t . 'th t I '1 yothan in thc wheelchairs of the Chicago ' ernoon WI a en an, muslC'a c. 10'ting the "OM llan" take up tra"k I' 1 t' 1 J D 1'- I. In 8(' ('(' tOnl'C ,,'. am� • Ine, 0,1I00n(' f(lr Incurables. wn." madc partially so that hc c'01l1.1, •,. �(('xll'nll folk song1' IIy l(r�. I CTCZ D .Fr(!(' c'ntran('e to the grounds IS fit in his time on football thi!4 �prinl! .... i\,en the T�i(lcnts at the home, nn,1 Alarid, :111(1 "()("al 801� hy lin. D.,... Apparently he looks for 11 hartl hat-I f 't ('I('m('llt.7. were much appredatefl hymany of them take a( vantage 0 I. Hp. next fall, but f('e)." he has the nccThe �i�ht of the crowdcd porches of t.he gue�ts. l\(r�. Alaricl acted 88 a("- MAEBBS OF BllDIIAN COLLABScssary material if it ("an be "ottellis ... (·('mp:Hli�t.into shape, a longer pr�e�s thnn usual ----._---thi!'l coming season. Noyes Kay 00 '1'0 PrblcetoDThe men of last year's team not Jtlfrecl Noyes, the English poet, whoplaying next fall 1 will be Captain, i:l in thi� country ledurin� in the C'nn!'eNorgren, Picrce, Kennedy and Fit:7;_ of worM peace, hM been al"k('Il topatrick of the ba("kfield; narri�,gunffl; jdn the facnity of Princeton universeGoettler, right tackle; anll Leach, sub Ity. It is understood that he will Be-�.rd ad tackle. cept. " .. ' :(".. �The enterprise of the women in han dling' the lIaroon edition of the GaryTribune was indicated by the trouble chey took in getting up a fashion cutespeeially to run in their Gary paper. .Miss Dorothy Williston, the woman'seditor, had a friend draw her this fn shion picture, then sent in downtownto get it turned into a cut, and used it to advantage on the middle of thewomen's page in the Gary Tribune ye sterday afternoon.COACH S'l'AGG TO STARTSPRING FoorBALL WORK Brief Campus News Whieh is the noisiest tie?A foot wide creation of red, greenhlue, purple and yellow done fore-In­hand chastely without a stickJ:lin?Or an ample bow tie of salmon withbig green dots?If you WNe to ask the women otthe Univeraity they would say with­out hesitat ion that tho rod, green, blu .. ,purple and yellow bit of art lstry tookI the prize,I AlJU if you were to ask the uieu th8YI would say that 110 doubt remained atI aU-the grel'U salmon won.How so?Because the l.oil,lit came just tl.aatway Monuay moruiug Iu the �ophowor.tie contest. Four girl juuge� UIUUlj.-i mously handed the verdict to the foot­wille rainbow worn by Craig Redmon,l'he men of the elass unofficially but­unanimously awarded the honors toCarl \Veisman's salmon awl green. Th�prize itself however is in the hands ofthe feminine judges and they nutifie4Redmon that he would get "it" bymail, What "it" is no one kuows,The judges of the eoutest, which was11(>)d at 10:15 in front of Cobb, weraDorothy Davis, Ruth Manierre. Mar·garet Hancock and Marjorie Co only,all of the Sophomore class.Headed by the grand prix winner,the tie contestants then formed a pro­cession and marched through Harp4tJ"library._o\mong some of the wonders of theorient and jungle to be seen in theparade were the following:Yellow with white dots on the boreder-by Ralph Davis.Green and yellow, bright-by P. Fos­ter.All colors, cubist style-by LynQ\,QLesch.Pink with blue stickpin-by Gi1I'ordPlume.Pink, Yellow, white and blue, inLow-by Charlie Grimes.Christmas ties were allowed but therules of the contest stipulated that noone purchasing a tie especially tortI! is race could pay over 29 cents forit, th� "mmal bargain price."Sox and shirt contests are now beineconsidered by the dashing sophomores,Notice For Latin AmericausStudents from the Latin America.eountries have been asked' to writ •Franklin A,lam!', P:ln-American union,Washington, D. C., for the ::MonthlyBun�tin of thc union.SHIRTSare the best fitting and bestwearmg Shirts made. fteSpring Styles sparkle withnew patterns, unique color­ings and novel effects, $1.50and np.Earl tl WilsonTHE TEA HOUSELUXOJlBON 12-1:30DDnfBR 5:45-71128 B. 57t1a. Hyde Puk 1011'I'aMn f.r ........the Draunrtic club's play, "The YOUIl:.!­er Geuerut ion,' to be given SaturdaylIi:.:iat at Mandel hall, arc Dlak_iu:.! -Ihit with the Uuiv eraity public, uceor.I­iJig to Jack Cleary, busiucss m:uw:,!(','�f the club yesterday. At pust IJl'r­formnnces the vlub, charg iug hi:.:hl'rrnte, has found competition with thedowntown theaters dilTh.'ult to mevt ,If the [,11 cent 111:111 draws n big hou- ..this week, the llticc will doubtless bekept down,The members of the cast have bcell.' rehearaing c\"er�' afternoon in Mnn'are a n eve n 1 n g uc] since last Fritl:l�·. Tues,lny morn;dress necessity.' in� they will meet in Cobb GB at10: It; to discuss IIl'W steps in the snlcThe bosoms are of tickets. 8l':ltS rr-served will, not twt U eke d. , p u f fed, held beyond TUl':-;":I�' night, goin� i nt othe general sale Wl,.lru'sllay morning,pleated or "mush-" $.room. 2.00 up.Cluett, Peabody S: Co" Inc. Makerstral'k Fre:-;hmen to win their uumera]:..Spring clothes are the next tbiDg to by this sllring. He has illstituteJ :l...... k b' 1. "Oxen :!\linuet·, ". ,'. . . . .• lIaytlcIIwun a out. The New Patterns are Lumber of series of tryouts for thelll, 2. "Organ Concerto No.2" .•.. Hanc1elhere and they're Fine. They're veey the men thut uwke the hest shmyillg ADD ARK ...•.••••••••.•• Le juclgecl Worthy of wcaring tIll' Nonh ' ' Murgaret RhodesCome in and see them when YOU can. l'o"et<�,l insignia of the c}uss. In this Wife .......•........ Cornelia BeallRespectfully Yours, BcheDle are the cup races, part of ).Ir. aua Mrs. Shem".. Marbr:lret au.1which havc already beea won. At ell' Dorothy Davi�final races }'riJay, the distance rlln_ S F' hHam ., .. '.... uzannc 1S erners will be awarded t!,eir numerals. "Tife Marguerite TazelaarClass letters will be giveu to the Monkey Alma Parm\'l�t�rest of the Freshmen -track athletes: Lion ..•.....••• Mary MacDonahlARROWTANGOSHIRTS'1;.litNOTICEDear Sir:_!,. moderate in Price, too.','VARslhTAILOR� ."�� ..\. �I .. ,. lUi East '7t1l Street.Telephone Midway 9525.....;. .� SCORE CLUB TO DANCE FORREYNOLDS CLUB LIBB.A.B.Y, r.. ..A booster Jance for tho Reynoldsclub library will be given by theScore club in Rosalie hall, Saturdaynfterlloon. The proceecls of this affairwill go to the UeyuolJs club library,the first uOllation of the kind ever POPULAR PRICES AT DRAKA'l'ICCLUB PLAY· TAKE WELLProdu(;tion or "The Younger Genera·tion" Saturday Night EXPected toFix Pollcy on Kldway.Popular pr lces, the new piauCoach Stagg PlansNew Way to GiveFreshmen NumeralsCoach :::;ta:,:g h:l:'! n new plan for t ln-according to the merit they show illthe following events:Wednesday, March 1L:: ;45 P. M.-Shot llut.3:45 I'. ).I.-Runuing High Jump... :00 P. M.-IIulf )'lile RUll.4:10 P. �I.-50 Y:lrll Dash.4:�0 P. �r.-50 Y:lrJ IIigh IIllr11lC.Thursday March 12-:;;45 P. M.-Pole Yault.4:00 P. M.-Ouc �[ile Run.4:15 P. lI.-Quarter Mile Run.CHICAGO'S RAIL DU·EMMATO BE DISCUSSED ON CAMPUSmauo by the Sophomore society. The Secretary of City Club to· Lecturehour of the Jance is 2:30. Tomorrow as Guest of Amepca.nCities Class.--- .... ----COACH WHITE'S SONSTILL IN VERYSERIOUS CONDITION;.Coacb J. H. White, of the swimmingteam, was keut at his home at 5219Ellis avoJlue, a large sharc of the dayMonday Ly the critical con clition ofhis tell.y('ar old �on, Lawrencc, whosufTeTcJ a hcmorrhage of the brainfrom a fall on the ice last wcek. ThoblY 'was making improvcment untilyesterday forcuoon whcn he �llfTereJ a.setback. lie :;truck the bac�k of hisl.ead �li;liue Otl tile icc :It the Jacksonpark lagoon a \l'cck ago toJay.CAP AND GOWN SALE Under thc auspices of l>rofessor Bccl·forJ's cluss in American Cities, GeorgeE. Hooker, secretary of the City Club(,f Chicago, will gi,·o an illustrate.jlecture on the Railway Terminal Prob­lem in Chicago tomorrow afternoon at4::W in Harper assembly room. Chi­cago's rail problem was cle�lareJ 11a·tional in scolle by }'ormcr Secretary oftbc Interior Irving }'isber bl,fore theJ nter�tate Commerce Com l1li��ioll,hea r_ing :1rglllJlents for a five per l'l'llt in­crease in freight ratc�. Fishc!r hd ..thc Chicago :-ituatiou :-;uO i"ic'llt rl'a:-;1I11for witllOlaMing of al'tion until itcOIlI.I b(' further iuvestigated.Tn a lctter to the )'L\J:OO� today,OPENS BIG ON FIRST DAY l-'.·utf, I,:, W. Hedfor.l, "f the Fllin'r'�ily of (·':1;::o :-;o"i"loI,:Y ''''I':.rt Ul('lIt.Subscriptiolls to the Call ancl GOWIIpiled in merrily yc:-tcr.lay, on the firstoay of the book's sale. Indications sofar as they can be judged by theepirit of the first clay point t.o a \'erylarge sale, say the III a nager�. Thebook this ye:lr will cost $2.50 for halfmorocco, $3.00 for fun morrocco. Th.'first form goes to the printer the en.1of this ,,'cek, :lnd thc hook will b�r('ady for .delivery in May. The 8al('(:f thc annual is from Ellis H. "The City Cluh has Il,.1 the Citi7.(,II·stIght for an honc:-;t alHl broa.l nlinoll'�1!-\ollition of the railway terminal proh.l('m, anti :l year :1go �Cllt ).[r. Hookerahroa.l to stlltly an.1 profit by Enro'p('nn cxp('ri('nce. The le('ture will I",illll!'trate.1 hy AIll('ri('an an,1 Ellrol)(�all]>rofc��or )(c�rriam :-;ay� thatt1ai� i� tIle ll('�t ('(I1)cl'tion of �Ii.le� all.1thl' l,('�t. pr .. �('ntntion of the topi(' h.,i knows of. Everyhody is invite.l." though the director .J. BC'lIdl Cragun. I"Is a l,rofl'Ksiollul mush-inu •• Ilree tur ,,1music at the l·)t'llll'lItnry svhoo l, Thtl'" �A��U�!!!!!D��I!!!!T!!!!!!!!!!!·O!!l!!--!!�!!!!!!!l'!!!··I,I!· Vi!!!!!!!!,!!!!.!!!!.!!·!!'"'!.!"!'·"of the members arl'� irls, n11 1'11l�'ill� � &W'.t!IC v iulj n, Ouo of these, Mis..� )lihlr\.',1,J, Par ker, hUK been honored with till'posit.ion of "in"}lrl'silient of the or­:;unizution. Tho other officers are Nor a B a -, e 8 0 .... BebaDWill. B. Bosworth, president; Fay L. with Han7 Olgke aD4 0GalJuI7Gru�·bill, secretary; Alfrecl J. Peters, Geo. W. IIomoe � iJlo-,etreasurer ; Wm. H. Weiser, manager: a.n4 P1ttll. ou...Hulard Beard, librarian.The proceeds of the concert will go GARRICKtowusd buying musical Iustrumeuts.TIlt' dub has recently purchased fourb:1SS vlollns, for which it went in debt,It It0l'l'� to be uble to pay for these;:11111 to Luy a bassuou, oboe, tympani,and other _instruments until it husgaiul'.1 :l full equipment ..Boxes Weil Filled. COlAN'S GIANQ�jIH'e its firt't concert, u free one, lust Seven boxes have already been refall. The orchest rn will huvo -IS served, by llrs. Harry Prut t -Judsou,l,il'l'('s, Mrs. JUIiUM Stieglitz, )'lrs. .1uhll J.Popular prices will prevail at the Glessner, )'Ir�. Ludwig Hckt.oeu, )lr�, Geo. M. Cohan's Mystery Farcecrchcstrus initial paid performance, B. Eo Bunny, )'lrs. Wullac'e Hec kmuu, "SEVEN KEYS TO BALPPAU"scats sdlillg ut so uud 25 cents. 'r,ick- II J .P 11 II I �l J Ucts can be obfuiucd of members of rs .• ames . u aUI • rs .• allies . 1.,\('(.;118, 'rURILLS, YELODRAllA.Angell, und Mrs. Nuthuuicl Butler.tlte orchestru, of Harpisehord, the The Iist of patruuessi-s is us t'ollows:girls' musieu! society, und of members ,:MrM. lIarry Pratt -Judsou.forMrs. -Juures It Augel],Mrs. Chus, H. J ucld.Mrs. Mary R. Kern..Mrs. Trevor Arnctt.Mrs. M. B, Bickham.MrM. }'. M. Bluuehurd,Mrs. Perc�y 11. Boynton.Miss Gerahline G. Brown.Mrs. Edwarll Burke.)'lrs. NathulIil'l Blltlt'r.:\Irs. Otis Vahlwell..Mrs. John 1\1. Coultt·r.Mrs .• T. B. Craguu.Mrs. Chns R. Crune..Mrs. S. W. Cuttiug.Mrs. John ).1. DOli:mn.MrM. Gertruoc Dudley.llrs. George M. Eckels.Mrs. Harry G. Gule.'Mrs .• 10hn J. Glessner.)'Irs. EJgar T. Goollspcetl.llrs. lIaus E. Gronow.llrs. ,Tames P. Hall.lIrs. Burton lIunKon.Mrs. Walluee I1it�kmun.MrM. Ln.lwig lIek'tOtlll.,Mrs. E. }'letcher lngals.Mrs. F. W. Johnson.Mrs. Goroon Laing.Miss E. EuphrosYlle Langley.Mrs. J. Laurence Laughlin.Mrs. �urt Laves.Mrs. Frank .M. Leavitt.Mrs. Leslie Lewis •Mrs. Robert M. Lovett.Miss Mary E. McDowell.Mrs. Andrew E. McLaughlin.llrs. F. H. Montgomery.Mrs. Forest Bay Moulton.Mrs. Walter A. Payne.M",. Paul H. Phillipson.Mrs. Ferdinand Schevill..Mrs. Gerold B. Smith.Mrs. Juiuls Stieglitz.llrs. B. E. Sunny.Miss Marion Halbot.II rs. Benjamin L. Terry.:Mrs. Walter S. Tower.lIrs. James H. Tuft.".Miss Gcrtudre Van Boesen.:Mrs. II. Gideon Wells.llrs. Sigmund Zeisler. Am .... , .......1UNIVERSITY OCBESTRASCONCERT PROMISES MUCHFaat Paid Performance of Genu­ine College Orchestra Sincethe Midway BeganPROGRAM OUT; GIRLS TO USHERI 'rogrnms were printed MonJay forthe first coucert ever giY(.'Jl by a "rcal"student orchestra ut the l\li,lway, that(If the elli"('tKit,): of Chicago urehes­t =. to be hl'lll in Leon ).1audd hall thel'\'Cllill� uf �Iurl'h 13. The lengthy Ii:!tof patronesses Issued with tho llro­J;ralll iudieutes that the orehestru hascstublished itself us a campus fixtureof" the Tiger':'! Head, the men's musicalsoe iety. The regular sale' will openMarch !) in Cobb ball. Harpaichordgirls will usher.The soloist of the evening will beMr. Hobert 'Yo Stevens, the Univeraity ]organist. The program will be as fol­ll'ws:Mouse • •.. ..• • • • .. Dorothy J..lewellyllPEN CLUB TO BOLD JOnrrX&ETINO wrrH ALUXNlwm Hold Big Session DowntownSometime in Near Future-CoIILmittec Naamde •Pelt .'Iuh lilt'll of the collegc willnt('et tlu'ir hrntlll'rs who havc gone l,c'(or(' into the worl.1 of newspaper ,,'orkin a hi� .linnt·r .Io'\\"'nto'\\"n some tim'"(,forly in �f;-.rc·h Tc'ntatively the datI'ha; h('('n Sf't :1S �Iarch 6. The �om'mittf'c on :trmngements was an·noun('('.1 ye!-lt('�' hy J>resiclent Kent.Sykes to ('on!'lil't of Georgc Cotting'ham, ('hnirm:lII: )t('rw�'n Palmer an·lIlc'lIry )I(' The UD.aD1mou Verdict ofHappy Firat Nigh... theGreatest or an WiDter 0&1'_den Revues.'PASSING SHOW OF 1913Another Cohan "Barris TriumPh.ILLINOISCHlUSTIE Ka.cDONALDINSWEETHBARTSHo��rd's, Theatr:eEDITH WYNN'il IIA.�.-!N-'··THE DEADLOCK"pOWER$Kabel aud EdithTALIAFERRO-IN-YOUHG WISDOM}'jsh .......•.......• Marie SullivanFrog ••. " .. � • _ . . . .. Lillian SwawiteTurtles •..••..... Nellic Barreit an,lPhoebe�l Nina O'Neill)Ir. ana Mrs. Cave 1\Ian •};lizabetb l\IacClintock, Natlinc HanSulTmgette Cornelia Bealll'uss_in-Doots .....•.... Elsie J ohltsAno wife - •.....• Alta FisherKittcns Miltlred Erhart anoDOTothy Wir.gPedro .. Official Organ Grinder.. , Ruth Swton....................Cinnamon Bear •....... Beulah BurkeDove .,.............. Phoebe CloverOwl .•...•..•.••........ Ruth Aga.rTedJy Bears Stella Motier andMarga::-e[ l'onleySongs, written by }'rances Richard":son Janet Flanner and Elsie .Johns.,:Music, by Miriam Whatlin.Solos by Cornelia Beall, Ruth AgaranJ Dorothy Da\'is.Decorations by Dorothy Strachan.Rcfrcsbments--animal crackers ami:rllliviclual bottl('s of grape juice.AlIcgro.,A.lngio.,.AlIc'gro rna non presto.).Ir. Uohert W. Stcvens (with thoOrcbestra.)::. "Sylllpliony in C;' Ope :!1 Dcetho,'cn.'.)agi:l molto-Allegro con brio..A1l.lante cOJltahile COn moto.)tCIl\1�ttO.AlIIlagio--Alll'gro nwlto e vi\':\cc.Intermission..J '·.o\n.l:lgio t:aallt�hile" (irom the B:\Iinor HOllata) ,. Uic�hnr.l Strall��:i. '.a) Overture to "William T(�l1"......... , .... ;. , .. RO�Milti-Rllc'k(It) "l)ntl'r «len'n" )'Ias�enet(c') ·' Sket('h" Bid�tr. Rohert W. Ste,'cns.t;. (a) "Wiener )la.l'In Walt7.cs Ziehrel(11) Cortegc, "1 .. :1 Reine clc Saba"GOllnoci........................:'.('mh('rl'hip in the orc'he�tra i� ('om'l:osetl !;ol('ly of Luivcrsity stu.lents, Jack Lalt's �� �BBLPW:�A CJe� Oo�ed.f. � wt�Hnr)" KolkerSTUD,E���J;;I�FINEARTIIIBISB' PLA.YB118Toes.. Wed. Ni2hta aDd Thun. Kat."The CRnavans" (New). Lady Oretr­orv; "The ShoiWll2 U1) of mueo POLnet" by Geo. Bernard Sha.... Thurs.,Fri .and Sat. Ni2hte., Sat.. Kat.. "Thelfa2DanimOU8 Lover." 8. O. Ervine;"The BuiIdnitr Fond." WID. Boyle;"The Workhonse Ward..ti Ladv Ore2'ory.prlncea..IIost Powwttd DnIuID�Y ....THB LV ••OLV�PICKlaw • Bdaq .. :.r..,THE ftAIL OF ftIB L01QI8011BPUBWith Ohadotte W.aa- u 3_··8BP'f'R ..........Wltll Daft r.wIIA 1\4 ERICAN :m!',PRIBOSB • DOOIDi'f'ADD20th OeII\1II7 IIlDsInIaEv_" lfI&1at. Sl &oc.