ARlt" MONDAY ·.UfI.ln«r----------------------TtJESDAY''TWEN'lTl'H �Y GARY MAROONVol. XII. No. 96. trNlVBBSrlty OF OBICAGO. SAftBDA·Y. FBBBl1ABY· 28, -1914. PRICE FIVE CENTSGARY PEOPLE TO ISSUE MAROON A gl'lluine mermaid will disport her., BOOKS NOW HOUSED IN C��t;;df 011 real waves at the 'V. A. A. ell' were nominated b" petit iou s .. sterday CHICAGO OUTPLAYED AT STARTEditurs of the l\1urooll will Ieave to J .... utertuiumeut, "The Twentieth Century Ground wus broken yesterday for afternoon for the offices of viee-presl-11IunuW nf't er uoon for Gary to prepar� � u uf. I ,. f ark," llonday night from 6 to S in the crectioll of tile new Classieal bUl·I·I- IIt>nt anti secretary, of the Reynoldslor t ie l: uiversity 0 Chicago issue of .. '" u "tilt' (;:t1.�. Tribune to be issued MOIl- Lexington gym, The gymnasium will iug which is to be placed west of e luh, The posit iou of librarian will to finish the Coruells of Arruour Squar�day, The reporters and feature writerS til' chunged into a tropical jngle with Harper. Three teams and a steam go to Delany by default, The list of seored their second vie tory over thewill take :111 carly train for the stee-l tile ark drawn upon a beach. shovel appeared early in the afternoon candidates that will al)pear on the bul- Varaity lust night, sLo"tlrillg the verdictcity llllllliay morning and will begin Parrots and doves have been secured and work was started immediately. lot at the election next Friday follows: by one point, 2i-!'!G. TI,e Coruells dis-to "SI�OOp" the rival paper 'as soou us to add local color to the ark. A two The Classical library will be the President played all the skilled l'assjllg" ami teamthey arrive, The staff of the 'I'r ibur.e y:�ru dachshund will be exhibited at fourth building of the library group Robert Miller work they have been l'/'('diteu with,w i ll he as follow.: some length, The dog pound, accord- of which Harper, Haskell and Law Sam Wells but after obtnining :L Il'ad of half 9-If:u.till D. Stovers .. llanuging editor iug to one of the women, has been nrc the other three. The building will Vive_president dozen points early ill the ra:nc, were('l' W. Cott.iug ham .... City editor sent to for more breeds of canines, and lit> erected on the corner of 59th street }'rank Selfrhlge. gradually worn dow n by nil' super-iorBurdett» llast Telegraph ed it or nil women with pets have been asked and Ellis avenue and will form on� James Sellers condition IJf tire Yarsity :11111 nt theH:trry Gorgns Sporting editor t» lend them. cf the corners of the University quad- Secretary finish were but one poillt to the goou,Dorothy Williston Woman's editor Prizes will be given for the most rangle, Richard Matthews Tho Cornells sturt cd \\·iCI :t ;Ott:.!!:.. :'lAlta Fisher .....•..•.... Society editor uttrae tlve and the most grotesque ani- Plan For Modern La..ngua.ges· Cedric Merrill the first minute of play w ho u .IohnsonThe Reporters mnls in tho zoo. Mrs. Noah will dis- It will be constructed against the Treasurer reeeived a neat pa�s n f('\\' :'eet fromHl'llOrtt'rs anti feature writers will' tribute the awards after the grand par_ south wall of South divinity hall and Leipert Bowers the net, and 11rOl'lw1l in the first bas-Include Dorothy Weil, Anita Parkhurst., aile at the close of the entertainment, will extend several hundred feet along Harry Gorgas kct. In as many minutes fcen:� r , theHerman Deutsch, George Schaffer,' Part of her work will be to shave the the Midway. A large space will be Carl Ullman clever center, shot three lJas!{cts fromRulwrt Hatcher, Frederick Kuh, Harry; hirsute growtIi from lions and tigers. left between Harper and the new li- Librarian easy angles and bronuh t the CoruellsSwunsou, F'rune is Broomell, Carl Cropp; Squirrels will have charge of the re- brary in which a Modern Language Donald Delany lead to eight. Shull \";:1" 1!llahle toBernard Newman, Wendell Dixon, f'reshment booth, and will dispense building will be erected in the future. Iocate his man nud the guards lost.Kil'IIIlI:t� Lentz, Robert Bondy, Nor� popcorn bnlls.. grape juice, and frosted The library will be four stories in QUADRANGLE CLUB WILL him also .. Chh-ngo sl'ofl',l for the firstman Hnrr is, Graham Asher, Edward auimuls,' which are guaranteed not to height, The third and fourth floors ENTERTAIN IRISH PLA.YERS time when Goet.t.ler nrt-he.l a long shotReticker, lI�x Sickle, Ed Sickle and be in a fossil. ·state,:; will be used for stack rooms, and the . -- J into the basket. F'rom rhis time untilOrchestral A.ssocia.tion Reports Rapidfirst an? second floors, for class rooms Sale of Tickets; Expect to Fill the end of the period the t en ms foughtBEGIN JU'.GISTBATIOH FOB and o�c� _ o_f _��� �e..f��nt._ �he . ,-�-BaU _ .. -'...= _ on c�e�N1nv,-mnt-tin�.,�Z',l'T·�Kor:.·��·•. �.,;. -SPILDfG.4VAB2BB IlOJlDAY be,oks are noW located on the fourth the Cornells effee tunl ly stopped thefloor of Cobb. The Irish players will be entertainee1 Vnrsity's frantic ciTorts to (·:tge theSenior CoUece .8t.'11.dmta BegIster First Q I bSimilar '!fo JIazper at a reception by the uadrangle c u ball from any angle.'rhree DQa of Next The architecture will be similar to immediately following their presenta.- Des Jardien Rep!:tces Shullthat of Harper. Shepley, Rutan, and tions in Mandel Monday night. Des Ja.rdien repla('ctl �hull in theDachshund, Parrots and Other Ani­mal, Wili Disport Themselves inTropical Setting--Mrs. Noah to Will be Located East of Sq,athAward Prizes Divinity Hall-To be F�'"Stories High,MERMAID GROUND BROKEN FOR lWO CANDIDATES NAMED THRILUNG GAME ISNEW CLASSICAL �y James Sellen Enters Race ForVice-President of Reynolds Club__ Cedric Merrill Out For Vanity Makes A Brilliant FightSecretary in Second Period But FinallyLoses Out 27-26James Sellers and Cedric Merrill TAKEN BY CORNEllSEDITORS WIU LEAVETOMORROW FOR GARY WILL EXIHlBITReporters Hope to "Scoop" RivalPaper-Martin Stever. WillBe Managing EditorIn a game full of till illers f'rom start.A lexander Feder.The members of the Tribune staff,. . W baJu:,c...,1o._ edit. . the ..Tucsc1ay...iSSUe �. - .. --,_'- 'th;·-:\r��on will arrive Monday morn-·ing and start work immediately. Th�tltn1l' \\' ill be composed of FrederickCarr, Managing editor; Carl DenllL Weekwitz, News eelitor, and Miss Szohl, Registrntion for the Spring quarter .Coolitlge, Who have been the architests 11ickets for the plays are selling rap- middle of tile p('rio,1. Clti"a�o passe,lWoman's editor. The Tribune staff will will commence Monday, The complete of several campus buildings, have idly and it is expeetetl that Mamlt: wildly throughollt the half and scoredbe entertained_�t luncheon by the AL �lC'hedule follows: drawn the plans of the new builtling. will be packed to the limit. The ir.uso (jnly on long shots or IllI·J,:, tips UllIlerI.'hu Delta Phi fraternity. Senior college students, Monday� The cost is estimated to be two hun- (,layers have a wonderful reputation tbe basket. The COl'lI('!1 gllarcl� ('nme - -Must Be "On 'rhe Job" Tncsday, and Wednesday. Art and el!"etl and fifty thousand dollars. for dramatic ability and have appearell .10wn thr floor (,fT('d:l:tlly �('\'('rn) timesTh� lraroon rl'porters will have to Literature students who entered this The library group, when completeel, hefore full houses in all large cities of and Feeny kept lll' hi" sh·l!:lr :;1:oot-Ill' "on the job" e'"ery minute while y .. ar with advanced standing, Dean according to present plans, will com· America. "Kathleen Ni Houlihan," in! (i:lI-Y as most of the local news must Levett, Cobb SA', All other Arts antI prise Ha.�kel1, Law, H. arper, Classic's, my William Butler Yeats, and "The TI Ie seeonl} half W:IS 1':1' anti tud�hl' ·in hy 11 A.1\[. and all other city Literature men, A-K, Dean Boynton,' Modern Languages and History anc1 Playboy of the Western World;' b�. hfrom t e �tart. With :11(' :-"OI"C twentynews hefore 3, in order to have n L-Z, Dcan Linn, Ellis Hall. Social Science library. The History Synge, are two of their hest pro,luc f if"'to ourteeu \,(wUh'r 1';I�,':l two longclear fieltl for the telegraph "dopc" All ot'her Arts and Literature wo_ buil(ling will be erected east of Bar· tions and are plays well knowll h �k t - q' I . 1 Sta� -e s In llle', 1'1I'·1·'-'�."1()1l. :HII e,·-TIle Trihune is scheduled to be out at. men, A-K, Dean lI.":ller, L-Z, Dean Wal- !'cr throughout literary drdcs. f"'IL,& enson ollowcll laim \\"ith the tying4:3H all.1 the editors are confident th"t la('e, Lexington hall,' All Science stu Ti("kets are now on sale in the offi("e -SKS FOB ... .._.,. rmger. Chie:!go took the Ie'nJ whentf ..... "'1'11 I a\' th th tr t . t D GIS A CA.PM'IDATES of the Or"'he!'tral .... .u. ... I·atl·on l'n Cobb,hc.,.. I. e e paper On e s ee 1;('11 "4, enn a e, Cobb A. 1" B POftBB N'rES'r '" �""" Stevenson n«'gotiat(',J :1 fr('(' throw af-on time. All :4tullcnts who are to take their 0 CO; ,h(> pri("(>s rnnging from fifty ('eni.� to ter Pre<\�leJ"� fonl. 1 ),'S .J ardicn in-m'�OI'iate'M title in �Iarch 'should reg KUBIC D11B 'l'UBSDAY two tloHars. The proceecls of the plays clea�ed the lcnll to thr('e point.s by ail't('r as Senior coJlege students, All artists on the campus intending wiD he turned ovcr to the UniversityLAWS TEAKS TAKE GAKESCOllllllerce and Administration stu- to enter the poster contest for the l"cttlement. Thc pr()(ludion of the drnnf --- Bln<-kfriar �how, '·The Student Super;1u Ol"s Are BeateD in Close Contest, d('nts Dean Marshall, Cobb lOA. mas has been arranged by t'!_e staff of WILL �T -ONDAY TOt) 7 ftfton ior," have been asked to scee Man!lrYPr .lD..QQ BL_1..:1, WYMae FIrst Yeari1Dgs .Tunior college stndents who ha\'e _. the }'ine Arts theater ancl the memoQ"'_.-A. Henderson right away. Last year's f .�.._ Down Second. more than nine majors will register bt>rs 0 the Unh'eJ'8lty settlement as-Tn a df>se nn(l fast game yesterday Thufloiliay and Friday. All Junior col- [t08ters and any information in regar\. N)riation.the Law h'nlll .lefeated the Juniors h�' l('gc stu(lents who' haye less than nine to the work may be seeured by dr, p-JI:ng a requ�t in the facult.v exehanrYen :!) -17 Sl'ore. The third year men mnjorl'l will register the week of March "n.r.dr�Red to the BlJU!kfrian. Draw-ings 8houM be left in the Blackfriaroftice, Cobb buement. Music writersFDtST FBESJDIA:H ANDIContinnl'o .... n "':1�'" 41PLAN MISSION ·\E,.Y WOBJ[Kembel'S of the Y. M. C. A. Hope toFound Educational Iustitution Intbe Orient,LBCrUBB KORDAY DrHABPBB ON ISLUIISIIf;tnrtc,l out fast when Chapman scor(',1two Im!'lkcts in su("cession but the Laws 7-]2.. fIt "A t f T 1 po�e of this ml",t i:.;: ;..; t ,) ('nllsi,I('TThe tcn yeaI' oM son of Coat'h scn� 0 N' ure!" on �pec � (\ l' am·White of the swimming team is in a i!'m" �rontlay nt 4:30 in lIa.�kell al'l- plans fl)r slIl'l,,,rt i',� ";II!):" :1) i'sinnaryserious condition (lue to a fall S\ll4 �mbly room. The �\\l)j('(>t of his tnlk r-nt('rpri!"l' in th.' Ori"llf ,i )lJi!�r to thert R lll:trg'in� y('sterday. As a result of yes- "'ilI he "Some Point!'! coneer.ning t.hel ('alt'nfta instit."tioll Ilr ;.111'. l"llin'rsity,.atrl)n '.... . F •.. Darrenougll(, h tainccl while skating on the .Tacksonro 1 ft'rlln�"s hiatt' cs, six men are el'min_ Orimn 'If I�lam." Th� throRoR othoRr loRn_ fw0lll('n� Pr('sloI('lIt .fll'!""t') p:'\pr('sset)"oM .('r;;!, I�. F. Chapman, ""dis :1+(\,1 from further competition. The I'ark lagoon Tuesday. He hal' been un· e· " ""Hurwitz ronseious since the a('eillent anel th� t\l� that will follow are: "Religioul' 1 him�('lf n� �tr(lI!;..'I.\' ill :":1\ I.r of SIIt'h8 'k ('l1t�ome follows: Billiards: Heller 145, f Deye)onment if blam,' Tu"!".ll .. ,.., 4":W"li n pl:111.trl er C ; ..•••. Fisher f"II extent 0 hi'· J·nJ·url· • "'annot L.,.' "' ..• I('(<<'nte.l I�iningston 135, 145 to 122; . """ , ,n.B. oyl(' R. G. . .•.... B"crl.v lE&-rm' 1 f r l.ll It· b "Politic-al De\'elopment of blam,'" At thf' IIU'pt ill;..' ,! .'" ::lY �' .. klirmnn.1 Huntcr 145, (1efeated Jeffery 135, 1-l;; • -� me( 0 a Iew \lays. 18 e·8cofi�1.1 J�. G, Bf'rger Jic,-ccl that he is suffering from a bloocl Wcdncsllay, 4:30; "blam Rnd Modern I will hc .-1('",(',1. Th" !1""'l'I{'r" ot' th�R«,�k('t�: Darrenougue2, Cllapman 2, Tf) ]22; rool: Matthew!' 130, defeatendot on the bl'ain. Thought," Thunclay, 4:30. ('ommittc� nr(' ll"nWlIl �,·h:l,'frt'r,W.l F' h ChanllleT 120, 130 to 63; Merrill 130 Ilfftrol'l �. foore'. 1).,1':11.1. T',':1. n. ('or:l·,I-·c l�, I� ('r, Byerly, Berger, Catron 3, .. , 'r. I . 3 (! .. f«'ated Horton 12.1), 130 to 105; Baptista Gt,.. Dbmer �De VGi1ID.teer Sodal in!" Tf'ninfY .... Willi .., ,',I \:.'··.·r:,·f.(·h:1rl�\;(.)t1lCri!, S!nkcr ,Boyle3. �VGI'V ,..., "}'eketo 170, defeated FAlgerton 135, Th n1,.'(, B t t E t' Tb 8t.ll t V 1 t . 1 h' h ' .Frt.c throws: Darrcnougue, Striker. e '-.Jtll ago ap 1� xccu I\'C coom- e u'lf'n 0 un eer 11'01"11', w 1(' "rolanllf'r, f'rnllk \\·h;ti"f!". 'Yilh:llll170 to 76·, �haffer 145 defeated Clark 'tt t· It' h . h he •nIl ce gR\'e a e Inner as nlg t In was to a\'e en gIven tomorrow ha� Weis('r �rallril'(' ,Pri,'� 111.1 Ch:tng rt)kHutehiDaoD eat.. been I)..'lstponcd one week. Tala.�(lOn t'rt'pt up nna were leading at the HELLER AND PW'fBh fi VI� Must submit all their work by Tl1e�_('n.1 of t t'. rst half, 9 to 7. Berger "4vBS Dr 1IA'1'CBB81 1) h f BY OO��-"�"I''8 "1''8&'"'' day.alII :trrcnougue �'cre t e stars or .I.IDotUo#fI.c .1"llior�, whilc Striker and Boyl('rlnY"I} tile h('�t gnme for the winncr�. i'olle"t� in the ReynoMs cluh pool andl·illi:!r,l tournament by comfortable Mr. E. T. Colton, rl'l'r":-(,lltiYc or theintcrnationn I t'nnllll i!t ,'(' or foreignDr. Christian Snouf'k lIurgronjc. mi�ions "'ill UWt't tlor, ('!r il':I�') Foreignprof�!'Or of Arahif' at the unh-ersity R('prcst'ntatiY(' ,'(1111111 it; ,'\. �1(l!1.1ny atof Leitlen, will i1elh'cr the first of a 5 in the Y. �r. c .. \ . .,fii, p. The pnr·]I('lIer ancl Fekete defentee1 their op-The !'I('ore.Juniors 17(Continued on Page 3) , 1 :-5, 145 to 115..-ftIB BAlLY KABOON. SA1'lJBDAY, l"EBBlJAlt.Y 28, 191'-... - .. - - - _._...--The Daily Maroon1111lgrt·SN. For this reason I am au in­,h'pcnllcnt candidate and ask tbe �up­pllrt of all good citizclls of every party(II of none who will unite ill establish-� _CLUB'THEATER CROWDED. MR. BOBEN'S PLATFORMBuUetin..1 National party lines in city af­fairs confuse the voters, divide good,·iti:'.('ns, corrupt tho otTi�e holder, l'''r­petunte the spoils system and retardTwo Hundred Upperclassmen At-tend Juniol Vaudeville-Play by • 0Dorothy Llewellyn Features Pro- ASSOCiate & rofessor Allan Hoben Independent Candidategrem=-Followed by Dance for Alderman of the Sixth WardTOMORBOW� .... New.paper ot 1M ., .....111&7 01 ChkaP- University religious service, 11 Kan­del. , [ . :Graduate students gat.beriDg, 4:30,Lcxington..Senior smokel', 3:30 to 6, Chi PsiTwo hundred juniors and l:;euiorti-ruwded the Iteyoulds dub theater yes­tvrduy to attend the vuudev ille and.lnuve gin'n Ly the -Juuior cluss. ThePubU.he4 IDOrD1DC" except 81lIlda� aadK •• 4a�. tlurlDC the AutulDD. WlDter aDdSprlDC Quarter-. bJ The DailJ IIarOOD.ta1L st ruction should be undertaken only:.fter the efficiency of the surfaee lineslias been improved and the serviee ofthe steam roads is given through rout­irl;:, electrtfled and brought to higherofficieney, The city should net be eom­mittcd to any subway plan HUtS­ci"lIt data for nn Intelligent deels-onhave been presented to the voters.r, Chicago's public utilities shouldbo regulated by Chlcago herself, Home:!. 1IulII:1II welfure is tho �ole nlmof public service and Chicago's chiefer.ncern must be to prov ide a nd nuriu­t n i n just und w ln-Iesonu- t'IIIl,litioll� Co.'every day liYing. ]11 such a l'wgr:ullu. square deal for the �hilliren is thefin�t consideration. The dty shonllhave a welfare department to uuifvn1ll1 tlirect such l,fTort. Of prime in�.p(,rtance are: better housillg :llltl �llli­tu·. ion, improv('d eorrel'tiollnl!odJte.MONDAY.Junior college chapel, men, 10: 15,M.:mdei.l -r :W. Cottlagba.IL S. GOrga ..n. P. Mas'w, B� L)"maD 'New. EditorMbldla B4lt.rB.d.e ••••• arerCIreDlaUo ••• aacer", Student Volunteer band, 1:30, Lex- vaudeville was featured by a!!1:on 14. contest :1IIt! 11 modern problem play,'Entered u aecoDd-clau mall at the Lefranc lecture, 4:30, � .. ....._.. as- "The Kternal Triangle." James Dyreu-Chlcaco poatomce. Chlcaco. Ill.. Karch 11. .......-.l"' ..1901. uDder Act of Karch I. 117S. f;embly room. f"rth with Gertrude O·lleara., KassonHurgronje lecture, 4:30, Haskell as Do dsou with Xinu O'Xetll :U1d Vernisembly room. Blackvt t with Irls Spohn presentedUniversity Civic league, Lexington �lIl1lc of thc newest steps.14. "Tho Eternul Triangle" was COl,Physics club, 4:30, Ryerson 32. !'l,rtlt'd with the troubles of a poorZoological club, 4:30, Zoology 2-1. ;'::!IIlLlt,'r who�e �ife would have beenIrish players, 8:15, l!4an.del. taken from him Ly Desperate Des-'l'UESOAY. 1I101lti but for the fortunate interven-'II:\! 'J.11ntform of Associate Professor 10 15 ti of tl .1 1 t L'Junior college chapel, women, :, on ie uallg 1 er, irtle Elsie.Alia" .Hoben, who is an Independent Ma.nd� Dorothy Llewellyn appeared as -Iohu's'd�nt!iaatc for alderman of the sixth Botanical club, 4:30, Botany 13. wife, )'largaret Penton as Little Elsie,W�!a, 'is giveu in another column. Mr. Hurgronje lecture, 4:30, Haskell a.& John Breathell as .John the gambler,_ scmb1w room. :ll;�l Georgc Lyman as Desperate Des_Roben' bas declared himself in favor &.JGermanic club, 8, home of Professor II ItIU (1.of bette:" housing and sanitation, bath- cutting, 1228 East 56th beaches, and all human welfare agm('nt anti supervision of rt'crt.'atioll,elllplo�'nH�nt bnr('Qus, lIIulI('ipal mnrkt·ts, ntlequate eare for t11l� immiJ.:rUlltf1.1!d fnirer trentmellt of th{� llt'!!rtl... f;tret·t� with n yiew to reaehinJt suchTte reeomm('llllatioll� of tllt' Yict� "0111- 1 f ffi'. n I ('J:rce 0 (' ('Il'n('�' ul' win renderl!I:sion t.houM be earrit,a out.:J '1'b� rapill t:ro\\:th of the tax p(,'lIlit\lr"� of prinltt' iml'ro\'ement as'r:lt(' in Chieago tlem·.lllll"".· tll(, ,.� 1II0st Yl"" sllI'i:ltions.iJnnt sunting of IHlhli(' (,xl1t'n'litllrl:.. 0 T, he ahlcrmun �houM be more �e-The public rnu!lt have free :It','e�o. t '11.. 0 ('(,S�I I e to the dtizen� of the wartl andnll information rt'�urtlin(Y the •,., u:"c o. dloulol hoill open 1\"urtl meetings attill' tnx-payers money. It'aM on('(' a month to give an account4. The eity's trullNllortatioll 1 IIS IOU I (If hiM stt'wur,lship anll for the diseus-be impro\·e,l. Exten�ive sul·wu,,· "011- 'U .J" MlIln of t'ivie affairs.i:!� th, I'rilH'il'll� ofin local affairs. nou-part isu nsh ipR(J�CBIPTION BATES.Bf c&r:-Ier: $2,50 a ,.ear: $1.00 a Quarter.Ef me.ll: 13_00 a ,.ear: $l.:!1i a Quarter.'...Edttorlal-BualDe.. Office. EIII. U.Tl'h'pbone �ld"aJ 100. After 10 p ID.!lyd.. Pa.rlr. 411U. rule should be restored to the eit�·.r, The inlt iat ivo, rt·fl,ft.·ntlum. all,ll'('t':.l1 shoulll ht' alll'lit'll to t'ity J!on'rll'mont, Tilt, present l'rul'tl!lititln to ex-Karoon Pre ... lint Cottace Grove AveDue.ft'",l tllt' aldermnni« It.'rm to four yt'ar�without the 1"('(':.11 shoub] h(' Il(,f('ntt·l1.; The ,pressing n('('tls of the l'ixthANNOUNCES PLATFORMward are: h('tter ('ro�s-toWIl tran�­"odatioll: ('qual tre:.tment of both, t �i,h'� (If th(' wartl: I'lay-groUllIls forillstitu_ ffll:tll I·hiltlrt'll; iU"l't"asl'tl use of thotiuils, small parks, b:ltlJing hl'adle�, Illlhlit' �t'}lOol� as !todal ('enterA, withl:nger use of public s('hools, t'll�()\lr_ 1I t"'elopnwnt of our !t('hool system forSl'mtn('r usc: the elimination of the!-pOilM s�'stetn from th(' 'work of gar­l,ag(' collection anel thl' earl' of BiJt GiraffeAnoUl('r uumber on the program wa.'lthc r('pr('s('ntation by Standwootl::neusures. Communication.CHICAGO IN C.ALCUTTA CommunicGt� mud Baumgartner, of the "largest lh'iug" fi:·afTc." Paul Des Jarelieu and lIarohlTitus formed the botly of tbe animal.Frank s('lfrhlge gave a description ofhiM recent trip to Aurora, Kasson, Dod_SOn with his mandolin, guitar antlt'(,mic songs, furnished a number that";as enthusiastically received.XUDlbers by a mandolin quintct andthc orl:hc�tha, antI pian!) nnll violinRlos completetI the program.,. ,,After .the:,. ,'a�.d.ev�lle n. dance wasilt'ltl.'Vhat ho! ' Sound the loucl timbrels! .i(Jllt'd CI.I OR evidence of good (CJit�Graduates MeetEcat tllC tom toms! Chicago must be. ,rc'prcsentell in Calcutta! Must-Why?�: And Cal�utta-wby? Wby not at the, .� University settlement� Why not. inf� the first ward? There lS no compelhng�' l1eJ;e�sity that Chicago be representeJ�; �=-CaicUtt:i' �r anywhere· else_· The st\ldepts for an ollportunity to gct/; �cqu�inteti with each other -anll' t�truth of tbis matter is this-Chicagoi, listen to a short atldress upon sonielm� sclccted Calcutta, anti shoultl con- timely topiC. T.he graduate studentstinue to work, once started. These have demonstratcd that they bavc =.=========�======.;1. !'emarks arc not intended to be deroga- "Uniyersity spirit" and enjoy getting -:=.=====-=C=am=�p�u=sEN=e=w�s===:,; �:�� i�r� ... to thc Calcutta movement; tbey together as much as when they were"simply quarrcl with the necessity of untlergraduates. Germanic Club Keeting-The Ger-using tile imperative. It woult! do The second gathering is to be helo! manic club will meet at the home of'Sunday, Marcb 1, at 4:30 in Lexington rl'ofessor Cutting, 1228 en..�t 56thlittle to wage a campaign on the basis hall, antI Dean Marshall will speak !'<t I'el·t, Tuesday night at 8.�. .-Of "We should be in Calcutta." Every· about the relation of the gratluate stu­\.2:' on�, from P. T_ Barnum to Theodore' dent to his future career. Refresh NEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near 50th Street Subway Station and53rd Street Elevated."Broadway" cars from GrandCentral Depot.Seventh Avenue Cars from Pennql­naia Statloa.KBP'l' BY ... OOLUO. JlANR.A,DOUA,Il2'.RB POR C01,YO. JIlINSPROUL IU.'l'BS FOIl COLUO. R .... B- Ten Minutes· Waik to Thirty TheatresHAiRRY P. STIMSON, MANAGERHEADQ'OARTIDll8 �R CHICAGONew, Modern and FireproofRooms with Bath. '2.50 and up.'1'0 the Etlitor:-Thc first g:ltheringof the graduate stutleuts was So largelyattended and so many favorable opiu-itlns were expressetl thut thOSe bat'kof the movement feel that there isa demand on tbe part of tbe graduatf._----------- ----------_ ...Hotel (Cumberland-:"..," Senior Smoker Tomorrow-8eniorsRooseYclt, knows that the public must ments will again be served by the will give a smoker tomorrow from 3:30be swcpt along in a wa\"e of hysteria. women. 'Every graduate student is to 6 at the Chi Psi lodge, 5344 Ellisurged to come and share in making th� avenue.And so in this ease. It is deplorable second gathering a success.-----+----Fencibles Chooses l!IeJDberSDonald Bean, Percy Dake and Davis�dwards were elected associate mem·bers of Fencibles at a'meeting of thethat tile University public must bep('rsuadcd by the old bally-hoe methodsof attracting 'Visitors to a. side-show.Do We Hope in Vain? Trip to Lodging �All personsdesiring to visit the Municipal lodginghouse tonight and witness the breadline have been requested to leave theirnamcs at the Y. M. C. A. office at once_'lIany a time and oft has someone BCciety yesterday. These men weresent :11 oft- (or below) a wild and fer- recently chosen members of the Fresh- Adddesses Botanical Club-George'Vid prayer. "Oh, for someone who man debating tcam which will oppose Bryan wiI give an illustrated lecturecan think!" This prayer is graven the Ghicago Sophomore and North· ('n "The archegonium of Sphagnum"westcrn Freshman tlebating team this hdore the Botanical club Tucs,lay atdcep on the hearts of anyone who dealsspring. ·1 ::W in Botany 13.with thc student body. There are a SPRING STYLES ARE HERE'!'he very spirit of Spring bas been captured in the W'OIUIId'IIl _.. ...... _-of our new fabrics DOW on �. ��Greeas soft in ton, often blelldinJt into lin.... I'IOIIIbe to 'be ....;snlUt tIda spriJut.The m.aD7 new shades of J(reYS and blues will aJ80 pleue __ of aate.Pliable, soft materials that lend themselves to the � ct.. AUIDabtyJ,ea, an in � demanclTo fashion the Dew mug fitUDg clc.thes reqUina tU ...... IkIJLSo the 3errems ....,. of tailoring theBe DeWB man IIt7Iea � IlIOnstrongly than ever to men �o seek to be both 1Dd.t'Y1dual au4 ..anin tbeir dress.(,hoscn few with a flash of real intel· Delta Tau Delta Convenes Professor Knukan To Speak-Pr,)­lcssor Millikan anel W. II: Souder willDelegates from sixtecn chapters arerh'ed yeHterday to attend the COn\'en·tion of the western ,livision of DcltaTml Delta at the Hotel La Salle. Theleet; but tllC rcst-. Take thcm fromthe snperficialities of fraternitie�,Bl:lckfriar�, dances, their personal af­fairs-put them some blunt question,such as "'''hy havc a Blal'kfriar first meeting of the convention smoker at the chapter bou� at lrllr.Arthur and Wyman Green willshow?" -the answer usually is a va- nl·�llt. !'l't'ak b('fore the Zoological dub l(on-Northwestern uniYer.4ity la�t �CHum of real thought. And to gener· Ila" :It ,I::W in Zoolony 24.Business sessions will be helll totlay. .J �aU7.e the (Jue:-;tion-to raise it above:mcl a hanqnd tonight will do�c thethe pcr�ona 1 j f Y of the person qucstion(,(.n v('n tion.-tcC'j' cnn·t scc that therc is n. qucs' ofspeak at the meeting of the Physic�('Iub llon,lay at 4:30 in Ryerson 32.Speak Before ZoolOgical Clu�lohnWe invius you to lee the greatdisplay of the COIftCt DeWSpring matel1.als at :myour three stores.tfAlLOB FOB Y uUBO IIBKTHREE ETORES: 7 N. La Sane 8t. 25 E Jackson Blvd.Vie In Weanng Noisy Ttes-com­I,ditioll i� running high in the Soph'"Illort' ('In�s 10ul\ tic t'ontest. \\!'omen oft:l(' d:l!l� will Ilc('iele the conte!4t �tPl:·1!i llontlay in the corri.lor of Cohb.H has h�en nlmorel} that they willfurni!4h pri7.(,s for thc winnel'!'. The('ont('st.s arc for the loudest plaill tit',t,h" lnrJ:!cst tic, the noisicst tie, anelth" most unique how tic. Three Reasons Why JOU sbould Eat at tile len's Co __1st. Good Food Properl. Cooked.2nd. Cleanliness our Motto. lalpect the Kikhen3rd. A Minimum Price for Blah Qaa1iV FoodCia' Breakfast 15e ... Cafeteria at LaeIaDbuIer A LaCarte IlUSIC a... ..Anti their inaLility rises not Wants Names of Missiouri Student�tion.from illtlifTcrence or laek of ability, Graduates ,,-nt! former stullcnts ofbut from real mcntal illcapacity to the university of Missouri have Leenrnis;.; t.hcm�e1ves above their own pcr- requestcd to communicate with llr.�()nnlity. And when it comes to William T. Cross, president of thctl;�ll�r.t put into action-uDspeakabl�. university of llissouri Alumni assoein'How often do we see someone preacb- tion, :nr, Plymouth the lofticst sentiments, and, thesermon over, turnin� '.0 some shahllYtrick in campus politics or personalhonor grabbing. But, at tllat, to hop'for a really intelligent and sincerestudent botly, is to hope for the mil-Jellium. Toronto Professor To speakProfc�sol' J. Cartel' Troop of tbe uni­nrsity of Toronto will aeliver a le�-" ... - To AnnouDce Jlember's of 'leam).Iembers of the Senior and .Tuniorlure on "Tlle Short Story" at St. Paul's ,,·omen·s hnsketl!-:lll teams, antI thepnri�h house, 4945 Dorchester avenue, !'dlC(lule of inter�l:lss games, will heThurlltlay at 3:30. nnnounced Tuesday. SlJBSCRJBE FOR THE DAILY MABOON. er-,JLc rot��r�� Student Views on Plays of ihe Weekl'upUs must die wita him if he willfie per liue, �o advertisements reo Although it has become the thing not yield. But when Guare bids themceive.l (or 1l'8S than 25c. All c1au11led to admire the Irish Players, it· haa enl. i1a turn approach Seanchan to pleadadvertisements must be lD ad- dl:ntly not become the custom to go tor their lives, each, convinced at lastvance. to sec them. A shamefully small num- that the aa.eri1ice is for the eternalI. f l'f .1' l .. � future benefit of that must which the1U N POL ISH E D uer 0 pcol' 6-1 one auuienee can ""tukeu us an example-c-witueseed :160 all adore, kneels to the master &Ildp"rformullce of the Yeatts' "The King's bids him die. This final demonstration'I'hershold' and the "Lady Gregory of the power of Seanchan's idea con­viuces the king that he, as the leeserman, must be the one to yield.Ouly the delicate poetic touch ofYeats would be adequate to handle thistheme, but for those who know thatpoet's work it is almost unneeassaryto say that the piece is one of subtleharmonies and of surpassing beauties.Fred O'Donovan's Seauehan is a livingpoet ie creation and the rest of theacting, which taxes approximately theresources of the entire company, is weUIt nd feelingly done. The Irish nature.FRESHBIOE] 5 LBS. FOB $1.00. Dumer's Gold" which are being givenlJy the COllll'Ully this week-and not11t.�('u\ll.'C this bill itl inferior to any in'dle Lrish eompuny's repertoire, butbecause people cout iuue to put off see­iug .. the goou things one can go to anyt hue' uuril the last week they are here.Flli\'Cr�ity people espee ially, like towait until examination week beforeBuy direct from the grower and getyour food at 1irst cost. Will ship youprepaid 15 lbs. of unpoUabed rice, tbQbest food obtainable, upon receipt of$1.00.PRAmIE RICE PLANTATION,Little Bock. Ark.discovcrillg that it coincides with tnelast week of a theatrical engagement,LOST-Smull ringed notebook, with aud that the scab there are sold outnnme alld a41Ilrl'�R of owner first page.L'Ieuse rr-t urn to Information office. for nll performances.part timo or temporary men will beconsidered for these positions. PhoneW. C. Stone, Randolph 3364 and makeappointment; seems atuned to produce such wildThe Y cats' play, prouul!ed for the rhythmus,Damer's Gold, the second number onthe rather short bill, is with its simpleIrish realism, in striking contrast tothe Yeats' play. Damer's Gold is not :I.great comedy but if once one grantthe possibility of a character likeDamer who in both miser and gamblerat the same time, the play is pleasantCun and as good an example aa anyin the reportoire of the naive J rishbrogue and character that constituteone of the players' chief charms toWANTED I, fir st t ime ill Chicago is a fragile and- 'or permaueut posit.ious.t) l :((Iuisite l'il'ce of work, which wouHWo men W 10 are oyer twenty-fl vcY<'!Irs of ngc, and W�IO either have de well repay uttcndance. It is concernedv. ith an uucient legend which is this-l�rl'l'S 01 w itl receive them the presentquarter. ).[ust be of good address. N« should a mun consider himself wrongedLy another and starve himself beforethe threshold of that other, event hough it be the king's threshold, hisdeath will bring down destruction onthe house before which he dies. And.DRESS SUIT FOR o.l\·LF-8ize 36· III,go :·1 (·onllit;�)D: cost �(jll: sell "0:$1;', in.:'_u41ing dress �hirt, collars andtie. luone ennit,gN H. P. 566�. t be poet Seanchan, feeling that all theurts have been injured by King(Iuare's decision to remoVe him from American audiences. Mr. Kerringanthe first, table, reserving for the men 011 Damer who had collected a gallonwho rule, has cast himself before the cf gold pieces guarded over by a tooth-palace steps to die. The king knows less bull dog, and who yet heard roomFOUND-A Kappa Sigma pi . EIIn In - t Seanehan's death will arouse the in the jug for one piece more,' wholiS. I. Iall. Loser may have same by populance, but he feels that to re- gambled for the piece and 108t the.:l.�,��I�Ylllg_to.:.Ta_nitor of_!l�s _B. a.lI. tract his decision and restore Bean, . f._ _ _ �. . Jug ul; and who, having lost it, cheer-ANYONE planning to tra\'el in Eu- l han to the first table will weaken his fully turned from distrust of his fel-. powcr. He tries. therefore to shake Iowmen to off'ering them gratuitousrope next -summer can save eonaid-bl . Seanehan's resolve. First he summons spiritual advice, did a splendid bl't ofera e money by going with a person-]1 .1 td the poet's pupils to demonstrate with ucting while Damers Ingenious yeta y conuue party. Communicate withX. Y., 43, Maroon office. Seanehan and force food upon him. wily nephew Simon as played by Mr_hut Seanchan refuses it in the name Wright was a real c�mic interpreta-W �ED-3 bright, energetic YOUall! (,f all the future poets who wonld be wanted for profitable summer wronged were he to yield. Then he It is to be hoped that the opportun-work; -Guaranteed salary or eommis, refuses in turn the importunities of ity for viewing the work of the Irishsion. :Cnl on G. C. Burton, room 336 his district, the king's chamberlain, Players next Monday evening withoutDel Prado hotel. the king's OWn daughter, and even of even the inconvenience of a trip down-the girl he loves-each urging his loss town will not knock at the campusto the world as man and poet. Finally door in vain. The company is to be: he king �imself comes to offer foo() seen at Mandel hall in Shaw's "Blancewith his own hands, and when Sean Posnet" and Syne's "Playboy of thf>I·han refuses that, Guare ceases en- Western World.- one of their mosttrl'aty and attempts force. 8eanchan's attractive programs.A... ��P ABBOAD for congenial peopleun,tler_ ideal. University Travel guid·aJ,co'mitl at minimum cost. Three placesar� ·�till open. - For particulars atldres�Carol Dorothy Kuhns,Chicago Representath'e,Phone Drexel 161. 4401 Berkley aVC. LAWS AND � FBE8JIJIAN '.rBAJI �AKB GAJIBS(Continued from pace 1) Candid,_ For PriH MeetCandidates for the Lindgren peace(oration prize met yesterday and weregiyen instructions concerning the try-6\&18 to be held at Northwestern inApril.W �ED-Freshman with some ex-perience in camping or now engagedwith work as assistant in Wiaeonsincnmp, July and _-\ugust. Addresa W. M.Kiplinger, Morgan Park, IlL jo'rclIhman I. got re\'enge on the sec­ond freshman team in the curtainraiser yesterday, eoming out on the topof a :!9 to 16 score. The fint half was{·:dremely dose but in the seeond per­i,,41 the first team pulled away fromt .... ir opponents. Satt kept his teamin the running dunng the early partlout when he went out his teammates('ould do nothing. 8ehafer and Tem­I,Jeton were the stan for the winnen,the former getting 8Cven ringers andthe latter 8bowing great work atguard.The seoro. SueD. mv. Dance Snell hall ga'-can informal dance last. night at theRf'ynolds cub.. Dean and Mrs. Galcand Mr. and Mrs. Carl Buth chaper­oned.WANTED-The Cap and Gowns fOlthe years of 1896·1891; 1903. A r('n·8(.11:1 hie pricc will bc paid. Daily Mn-roon office.BOARD-In small private family, Ex·cellent home cooking, Limited nnmbetat ·table. Addreu 6134 Woodlawn ave·nue, :lrd apartment, telephone Bydt·Park 637.W NT Fre�hmcn I 2!l Freshmen II 16A ED-A former Chicago manI I 1'1 Seha(('r R. F Townleyl:1S 1'}' elll 14 ()pportunity for stu-1 k' h . n('nt, WiI1('tt. '.' .. L. F. Satt, KeMler4 t'nt� wor 'rng t elr way through coL) h l'iRher, · .. C ........•. Wheeler<,�e W 0 hn\"e expericnce and ability �i('holsin :'lnlc�mnnship. I absolutcly g\laran· nlal'kh\lrn ........ R. G, ooMcLauglhintee a ,lollar an hour to able men. Writ�f . 1 G' B 0 Templeton ... ' •... L. G. . ..•.•. Kendall,or partleu aI'S to �rlp ow Co., rna' SHIRTSan \he best fttUDg uul beat-...nng 8IlIIta made. 'I'Ile8priD« a,t- spukl. withnew paUerDs, mdCl1le c::olor'­Ill .. &lid DOvel, SI.50aDd up.ha, Ncb. Knip8ehildBn.�kct.s: Ssehafer 7, Willett, Fisher,Ni('h01l'l, Templeton 4, Townley, Satt 3,Wheeler's gold watch. BetweenHarper's Library and 6039 Kimbark.Name engra"ed in baek of casc, R·!'· Free throws: Schafer, Satt2, Wheel·wara. Finder please retnrn to Infor- .er 2.matio Bureau, Cobb Ball. Referee Beqer. E·arl. WilsonMAJn!R8 OF &BDIIAK COLLAB8 TH.SMOOTHESTTOBACCO !�� weD WilL-aLe M� Sonata or Rag-The leaf, �• �ed bangmg m the warehouse for two'19� that IS se!dom ac:corded any leaf. What �ppeos-all�duaIIy vamshes:-st becomes a leaf of ricb melloWDell_ e as the strains of good music-too smooth to bite theThe true art of producing amoking tobacco is madested in V ehd � takes time-�� takes patienc:e-the making apeme is DIGIe. lilt...... >9 -Velvet ia Velvet. At. y- deaIca. .- . «­. .......,:;:..-_.-­.'tOCFaD Z 01IDCe liDs••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ST. LOUISBest R.eached by Through and Fast Trains of .. 'ILLINOIS CENTRALAll Steel Daylight SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.; arrives St. Louis (via MerchanllBridge6;02 p. m. Indestructicble steel can of handsome interior'Every comfort and convenience will be found on this train.Diamond SpecialLeave Chicago 10:30 il. m.; arrive St. Louis 7:48 a. m, E1ectric�lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago.Stop. Made i":'Both Di .. ectio.'-.t South Side TJa .. oa.hst.tio ••• 43 .. d, 53 .. d aDd 63 .. d streetaObservation Parlor Cars. Cafe CI�b Can. SleepingCars. Free Reclining Chair Cars and CoachesTicketa, F ... es •• d sleepi •• Ca .. R ....... tio •• at76 West Adams SI.CITYTIC1tET OFFICER. J. CARMICHAEL. D. P. A.81JBSOBIBB FOB 'ft[B DAILY KABOO.Gllltey Makes Final Speech IMr. Gilkey will continue his discus-IlIion of the "Un(lergracluate's Religioll!' iProblems" Tuesday at 10: 15 in Cobb12A. This talk will �omplero :Mr. Gil_key's series of lectures to the men ofth ... 're�hman class. Fifty Attend Wom .... Ln ......Fift�- stuc1ents attended the SopIl ..More women's lun('heon yesterday i.LexinJ:ton. :Mr�. Flint was unable ..he prc!'t'ut, a n41 her place .. speak�was not fillet)' It was unanimoualy ••dded to make the Sophomore �luncheon a rt'gulnr institution.Speaks On ChiDese �lrr. RUll11, in!ltnlctor in Chinese ....tory, wi11 It'durc on "Deliveriq u..(,hri!lti:lIl �r('��aJ:t' to Cbin"'" 8& ..8tU41cJlt yohlnt .... T hantl meeting )(011-flay at 1 :�O in t.exington 14. Mr •• 4.ha� ju"t rt'tnrn('d from mi_�work in we�t('rn China.Spealgbt 'ro Give Dickens RecitalsTwo Dicken"s rCC'ital� hy llr.81,eaiJ:ht of T.on(1on nre nnnonnf'f!11 hythe "Vni\'t'T�ity T.e('ture n��O('iat.ion for'lfarl'h �.. an41 :n at the Jo'ine ArtNthNltt'r. 'fi('kt'ts may he ohtainetl inCohh 16.\. Bickbam Leaves For New T_lfr. Hi"l,ham will leave KODa.,1.i�ht for a week'� work in New YOI'�During hi� l4tay he ",ill assist :Mr. �R. �rott. in n religious camp� ...C�bmJ.i:1, Yale \Inh·e�itie..Vlnennese Actz"eBS speaks-�rallanll'Agathe Von BarsCC'u, of Vinnn, Au�'tria, ga':'e dramatie readings of Ger­man poems before the Gennan dub inlJa�r A�sembly room y�ter.1ay :tf·tt-rnoon. Madame Ba11'CC'lI ha� h,,(,11playing nt, the German tht-nt .. r .lurin,:rthe pa!'t week, bnt will leave forViennfl today... .�ntE HOTEL Of AMERICAN ID�HOT.EL POWHATANWA:5nINCTON. D.C.'i .... t Located Retel in WuhlDctGll.Bew and Absolute17 :l"ireproot..Be1lnecL J:1eg'1Ult.E'UBOPEAK PLAK.Booms, detached bath.$1.50, $2.00 up.Booms, prlvato bath.$2.50, $3.00 up.Write fer Sou�enir BocUet "B" with M.,I,._, Clifford M. Lewis,l\1 .. L�J\.GER. •OWotchCOLLAR .� .LUNCH ROOMSWAN'St1for t25c 1342 East 55th Street.THE fineness oft he clothmakes possible the satinlaundry finish heretoforefound only in the veryhighest priced collars Try Our Regular Dailyand Sunday Dinner, 20c UpI .! Dear Sir:- NOTICECL't'ETT, PEAIIOO\' &. Co., INC., TROT, N. Y.Maker. 01 Altltow SOlan -================================:--- �BAD OF SCABmT FEVER IBrief Campa New. IS SAID TO BE YIELDING �_ �������!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�!"-!"""'!Imeet W1lllam'-Boe-Wi1liun� ROl' has IW:port From Illinois Says Patients Are A UDITO�IU�been chosen to speak for the cnudidutes Doing Well Hardt Surprisedfor thl, titll' of assoe iute at the .Junior At Scare�ollt':,!l' t·losiu;! exere ises �Iurdl 16.By Iutercollegiute Press('IIAMPAlGN, ILL., }'eb., 26-1'heueuu uf men of the university of ItIinois und the health oftieers of Chulll-Ho was t·ll't·tt'll at a meetiug of the1·:lIl.lill:th�s IIt'hI yesterday morning inCobh.To Talk On Ba!lot-"Tht' Slgulfl- l'ai�1I anti l"rhunu say that the spreadc�:!llt·t' and Formulifles of the Ballot" uf scurlet fe\"er ig bt·giullillg to yieldwill lit' the subject of a Ieeture by ,I) tilt' measures which the uuthoritit's)1 rs, ElI:l Stewart before the Univers- have taken to stop�· Ci v ie ll'a:!ut' MonlIny at 4:30 in Two of the scar let fever v iet im«,Lexiugt on 14. ." iss Ouu Iteue, u nurse, uud Mr'.Ilarr�-- Lindgren, uu Urbuuu wumau,elic'tl enrly "'l'dJle�duy morning, lli::;sHt'llO, who was a nurse in the Burn·ham hospitul, eoutraet ed the disea .... clust Thursday night from a studentputlent ". hom she wu .. " nursing.Edwar.l A. Hardt, nt toruey fur tilt'Must File APpUca.tions-A}I})licutionsft'r St udent servieo scholarships fortill' �l'ring Quarter shouhl be filt't1 atthe Luformat ion offi('e before lIonu.'lY)Inrch m,Lefranc Continues Lectures-Prof('!'!sor Lefrune will give the eighth of his State hoard of health, t'allll' �·t'sh'rJa�·sl'rh's of lectures on "Moliere et les to ussist the lovul uuthoritil's. Im me.l­�rnnl}l's questions de son temps" lIon· lately after iuvestlgntlng t·un.litious heday afternoon at 4:30 in Harper ll11. issued the fullowing statvmeut : .. ]cannot uuderstuud the urigin of thtDr. White At Chapel_J)r. -Iohn 1-:1absurd stury that thc two "itie!'l ulliugt on White, the Uuiversity preacher.,-:111 speak at Junior college chapel forSpring clothes are the next thing to men Monday ut 10:15.think about, The New Patterns are Champuigu aud Ur buuu ure to be qunr­ant iued because uf the prl'sence ofseveral enses of :4t'arl('t fever in suchAll the campus and they're Fine. Ruling Bodies Meet-Unh't'rsity rul.- e ities.They're vecy ing bodies will meet today on the All students lIOW ill the 17l1i\·ersit�·Woodlawn Trust& Savings Bank moderate in Price, too.1204 Eo 63d Street, Chicago following' scheduler board of PhysicalCome in and see them when you can. Culture and Athletics, 9, Harper M2S;Respectfully Yours. r niversity Senate, 10, Harper Mll. [solat ion hospital or in the Buruhanhospital Were restiug nicely at mill­Hight last uight. �r:lny arc well 011 theway to recovery,THE FACULTY &THE STUDENTSof theUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOWILL FIND INTmS BANK ALL THE .FACn.ITIES OF A DOWNTOWN BANK.. , IS!' East i":th StreeLTelephone M.idw<lY 9525.SAVINGS ACCOUNTSandCHECKING ACCOUNTSAre Welcome and Appreciated. SUBSCRmE FORTHE DAILY MAROON":..1FraterDl� .JeweJIY Emboslled StatlollelYlVeddlag 1II..-1laUo ••CaJUlIg Card.Leather Good.College "NonJUe.BROCHONENGRAVING COMPANYB. G. TURNER 616 llallrn Bandl."PresidentTf'lf'l'bonf' Randolph siaM. Shi�de .. ma�TAILORS &. CLEANERSIf you want your clothes Pressed and to stay Pressed callup Midway 69S8.We Call for and Deliver PromptlyOrder your SPR1NG SUIT Early and have it ready for EarlySpring Days. 2 S per cent discount on ail orders taken now.1114 E. 55th Street.\�HICAGG). Talks on TenniJlal Problem-�r. WEBER AND FIBLD8Beat Beata $1.Nora BaJ'e. GeorgeBebaDwith Han7 Olarke &114 00mpaD7Geo. W. JIoDroe DorotbT �oJ'e&lid Fifth OthenGARRICKThe Unanimous Verdict ofHappJ' First Nighters, theGreatest of a11 Winter Gar_den Bevues.'PASSING SHOW OF 1913eOlIAN'S GlANDAnother Cohan at Harris Triumph.Geo. 114. Cohan's Mystery FarceI··SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE"L.\l;t;JIH, THHJI.LS, �lELODRA.'lA.ILLI��I.SCHRISTIE M!LCDONALDtNSWEETHEARTSHo""ard's TheatreEDI'l'H W'YNN"i: MA'1'TBISON-IN-"THE DEADLOCK"George E. Hooker, secretary of the WHITE WILL PREACH SUNDAYCity ('lub of Chicugo, "'ill !'!peak on"The Rnilwny Terminal Prohlem of Atlauta Paster is prominent In pO"\l\lERSChicngo" Wetlnegc1uy ut 4:30 in Ha'1,er Anti-Race Antagonism WorkFAN N lEW A B DIn the Laughing Bacceaof Seven OOUutrt ....MADAM PBESID�RESOURCES $2,000, 000.------·1THE SERVICE - FORUM'" at Cluyton, N. C.,and received the tlt!-(];ratt <!5plStopal <[burt� gree of A. B. at Wake Forest collegl'143!) Wabash Avenue. (next to Coliseum) Xorth Caroline, in 18901 later obtain-A . I' d I" . c: II d b (Continued from page 1.)tj socia Ize re Iglous serVice, 10 owe Y illg the degree of D. D. at the sam('a free discussion of vital social problems. l(,n� shot, but Johnson came through [llace. He was ordained to the Bap-CJI Endorsed by Prof. Hoxie, Prof. Gould, Pro( with a free throw and a long basket t,ist ministry in 1892 and was pastorSmall, and other eminent University people. t}>ut ngnin knotted the score. of the first church of �denton, N. C.,t]I Under the direction of the Rev. Bernard Cornell Take LeAd from lS93 till 1896. He acted u�. I. Bell, S. T. B. (Chicago, In07) Coueh Pnge shot Norgren into the general secretary of mi!'!sions for the·8Peaker, SUnday Mar. 1st-The Hon. Subject: "Social Causes of Child De- gnme nt this periocl. Johnson missed Bapti!'!t Southern congress of NorUoj'Mary Bartelme, Judge of the .Ju· linquency." a free throw but caged a second try Carolina from 1896 to 1901, subsequentvenUe Court of Cook County. n moment later on George's personal. Iy entering the second church of At-­A personul foul by Norgren enabled I:mta, where he has occupIed the pnl­'-Iohn!'!on to secure another point, and pit since. He is a trustee of Wak('Stcvenson mncle the score 25 24 by n� For�t college, lleredith college, Mer·gotiatiitg one of two attempt8 at free cer university, Bessie Tift colleg�.tJltows. At thi!'! point Feeny lYlIlg un· and the Southern Baptist TheologicnlIIl'r the basket received a clever pass seminary in Louisville. Dr. Whitt':tn.} seemingly mrule the game safe as is the author of ge"eral works ;nthere wns but a minute left to pl'ay. clu(ling "The Silent Southerner," and"(lw(�\"Cr, GoeUIer again brought the "Prohibition, The New Task nncl Op­('toml to its fel't with a lengthy bas· portunity of the South".kc,t nn.) hrouJ:ht Chicago within one Followin,:r is the musiNll progTnmpoint t�'illg the !'!C'ore. Before Chicago for the rC'ligions service in �rnnclel to­c·",,'.1 s('nr(' nJ:ain the whistle blew with mo1'n)w.till' Cornell!'! on the Ion gencl of a 27_ PrO('('Ssionnl, "Holy, Holy, fioly" nyk�::!6 seore. Anthem '" .' .. ' ....•• � BuckClJi.·:-tgo 26 Cornells 27 Tnt('rm('7.7.o J.emar('FodllcT R. P A. Pre!'!sler FrO('C'ssionnl "For An the Snint.�"Rtevenson 1 •. }'. . ,Johnson Bnrnhy... .. ·111 ••••••.••••••. C Feeny Pogth1fle " � llon('tfl!:,semhly room. The neVe Dr •• Juhn EllillJ_!tOll Whitt',paster of the sec 0 1111 BUl'ti�t l'hun·!Jof Atluntu, Georgiu, \\;U preach till'S(rlllon ut the Sunclny servi("e in �Inrldel. He has been uctive in variou::;Baptist nfTuirs und hus been· engage,1in the relief if the Southern situatiollbe-- .Jack Lalt'a New P1a7BBLP WAlftBDA CleaD 00medJ' Drama wltIlBeDrJ' Kolker.STUDEBA�ERJm. LYK ·BA3DIlia·In Sir Arhtur CoUll Do,l ...ThrWiDg X .. �THE SPECItLBD BAlmFINE ARTSIBI8H PLAYBB8Soph Debate Tryouts-Tryouts forthe Sophomore debuting team will be.held Thurst1ay at 2 in Cobb 12A. Eaehmnn will be allowed six minutes inwhieh to argue on the qnestion ofgovernment ownership of telephone from tlte dangerous untugonismnnd telegraph lines. Further informn·ti�n ('an be 8e('ured from :Mr. H. C.1\folll�on, Eclwar(_l Reticker or Rucl01ph twt'en mel's. lie is a member of thl'Kappu Alpra' fraternity uncI uf th,'Ten elllb of Atlanta.The Rev. White was born in 186S"The Well of the Saints" :s.)(. 871118"So"erej�u Love" T. O. MurrayThurs., Fri. & Sat. Nites • 8at. Kat."The CJan<'y Name" Lenol[ BobiUOJl"TheCountry Dressmkr" G Fiblllallrie.princes.IIost Pcrtrerhl DnIa&In FtftJ' Yean.�BB LV ••OLV�PICKlaw " Brlaa& .. �THE '1'RAIL OF 'nIB LOB'B8011BPDBWith Charlotte Walk .... 3 ...LASALLEAl\,IERICAN :::'0PBIBOSB • DOOIDI'rADD�roritz.J)('� ,Tnrflien�r(llnnc}er R. G Freiling ----,._---Graduates Meet 'l'omorrow(;('orge nNln lrnrsh:.ll will !'!JWnk on "1'1 ...Hl1m�nrtnf'r 1 •. G. ' N. Pre!'!!'!lcr Rrlntion of thC' Ornflunte Stnflent toRn.<lkC't!'l: OO('ttler 7, 8tc\'en!'!on 2, Rilol Fntnrr C:.rr('r" at nn informalnC'� .Tnrclien 2 •• TohnMn �, Fef'ny ;;� mcC'ting of grn.lllntc stuflcnt." tomor­Frif'lin,:r, N. Pre�!'!l('r. row at 4::10 in I.(':'{ingt(,n. F."C'ry IV":t.) •Free throw!'!: Rteven�on2, 1I0lnncler2, nate �tnc1ent 'h:'l!'l hf'en ur,:recl to hC'.lnhn�on 7. prf'Sf'nt ancl help m:'l ko the meeting nReferre, Nicliolsj Umpire, Reynolcl!il. success.