CANDIDATES FOB ASSO-!'ONIOHTCIATE MEET TODAYVol XII. No. 95. lJlUVBB8ftIY 01' OBIOAGO .. FBIDAY, n_uy et, 191'-NAME PATRONESSES FORDRAMATIC CLUB PLAYBlames lDDdoo Women. NAME KALAlLU PLEDGE BASlEtBAU GAME ANDTRACK MEET POSTPONEDwomen were pledged. VARSm TO PLAY CORN ELLSPet.100U70Q66;75055425U2�0250000. As a result of u Ioug-distuuee tele­phone conversat ion between PresidentJaDlc:; of the Universlty of Illinois andPresident Judson, occasioned. by thescarlet fever epidemic ill Vhampaign,both the basketball game and thetrack meet, scheduled for today andtomorrow have been indefinitely post­'po ned. Director Stagg was unable toobtain satisful"tory e onneut ions witllChampaign last night, but unnouneedthat it might be possible to arrangeboth dates in the ncar future.Immediately upon the receipt of th.- news- Trom ChiUllpai.g1l, -nt'tC'ct'Ol"-8tigt .. - .�, and Ooaeh Page got .into communica-ranged substitute events. The basket­ball team will play the Cornells of Ar­mour Square, national A. A. U. cham':"pio�s, a return game in BartleU to­night. Coach Page eXI)ccts this con­test to be harder fhan the Illini game, '._as ·the Varsity will 'be out to aveu�. ..,__their elefent earlier in the :-eaMoll, andthe Cornells will aHeml,t to make· itthree straight vietoril'M o\"cr Vhicago.The prices for reserved scats will re­main the Rame, ana all scats �olel thu.far will be gooel for toni:;ht·s game.Postponem8Dt is Disappointment.The postponement of the track meetwas a great disappointment to DirectorStagg anel the members of the squad,,,-ho had been "'orking all season withthis event in view. By sp('('ial :1rrange­ments made with Dr. George K. Ji...mann of the A. A. e., J)ircdor Stagewill enter a team in the Central A. A.U. ehampion�hipR at the Patten gymt(:morrow. The fielc1 in thi� event ieone of the ela.�iC8t in the We�t. Th.SBNIOB LAW 8'1'UJ)Blft'8OIVB ARNUAL BARQUB'.r'1'IIIS BVBMIRU A'r 9:30 Chiengo Athletie association and theui;,:ht, in Lexington. Rain eapes and.Pat ron l'S:oICS for the annual Dramaticumbrelfas will be on hand for thosee lu h l,l:ty, which will be presented ill kwho are tardy in arriving at the ar ..A dress rehearsal of the animals will F'reshmun women's society. Last yearFour hundred and fifty dollars were taken.ouly twenty-one women werepledged last night at the dinner in, The pledges are:Lexiugton eommous for the 8UppO� Q�Misa Melcher in India. This amQlUJ_ Team.Wisconilin WonU LustoF'orty-seveu:iesterduoy to Kaladu, the honorarytcrday, and Manager John Cleary to fill Mantlel for the occn­,�, - ,.- " .. �o -¢-for·tho entlre house, and the result h :1 Forty-Seven Women Selected Ye2t-terday by Freshman Society As --Agaiu.�t Twenty-One of· Last Illini Events Are Called Off Be-Y cause of Scarlet Feverear Epidemic in Champaign"w c ao not intend to provide many Proeeeds from the two play. to be('OpiCR for general sale," said John gil-en Monday by tlte Irislt players in llJir."is club ha,·c enterctl their 8troo�11 d 1 ·11 be • ...L· BOna! impreaions of:)(iss Meleher. H. ngo Anete",on, Mauriee Markowitz_Gr(,f'l1(' ,Y('sterelny in diseussing pros- . an e WI 81ven over � Pie Unl- �t teams anel Northwest('rn has entcr_� 't ttl 1, --..JIZ_ a.L DIua ... .,.. � 'raID. Ona H.ven, Leon Powers anel Julianl'f'd�- "If people do not eare enou!:h ·er81 y Ie elDen aeevn&UlC to Wl� t"d a number of :4tar�. The number oflot t a._ T· 'L.__ TIle 8peAking wa. eoneluded by Dean Risk are eXnPf'ted to sn.>ak at the an-for the �Ollg book to 8ubseribe, we will es arrangemen-. le .. 'V_ are DOW r-- ,., athletes from smallf'r org:lDization.on Mle at the otriee of tile Ordtestnal Mathew. who was introdueed as the nnal Senior Law banquet at 9:30 to-not rnn the risk of finaneial loss hy and entering unattadl('.l is small, but"Father of the whole movement." Af- nig'ht at Kina's restaurant, Fifth rw('-'" there ar€" " nnml..-r (If staT� in this di·t�r a short talk, he called for pledge�. nue "net llaetil'lon street. Toftstmat't('!" '\"i!lion.The amount each women gave rCI,re- Lewis Sim� anel Henry Butlf'r reeov-knted a eertain day in the year, anel erect the lost relic trunk .vesterelR.�· (licapped by being ('()mpt'l1l'tl to ,10.whir-h ill to play an important part in tbeir "pikes for the first tim(' thi8 year,the informal entertainment dUrin, t'e and it is hareny to h(' f'XIH'f"t('tl tha'dinner.,-Iss()("iation in Cobb,prieesl'aaginglromHty ('cnts to two dollan. TIle plaY"to be pr�nted are "Kathleen Ni Hou­lihan;' and "TIle PJaybo,. of the West-W Id' atI the money was given, the pledger811h�(·ripti(ln li�ts will close next ern or.'___ _.____ stated what day it was to be usee1.W('chif's(lay. The subseription pri('(' WAN'r AO'flVltlB8 OP Jcfti half of t.he necessary $900 W:l1i� one dollar. After flling the suh- OLVB O� raifted.�('ription orders, tbe managcrs will -- _.... .lwBK As I·· tIt· ht' d·oK"'_ �. __• a pre Imlnary 0 as nlg sIn·plaee the r('maining eopies on sale atner, a mus meeting was held yestertJ.(> Pr('��, char�ing $1.25. Su��rip' .Tohn Baker It .. wit.draw. from the (!ay at 10:15 in Kent theater. Prcsi- Candidates for Reynolds ('lub otri��tions mny bo given to members of mt'e for seemuy of t.. Beynolds dent Judlilon aetdrCRed the gathering. are required tn RUbmit a Hat of lltelr81\1111 nnll Crescent, or to Dorothy dub. This leaves tlte otriees of eeere- aC!tivitiM, in ordE'r to detel'llline thE'irIttating that he w .. heartily in favorJ.1ewel1yn, Miriam Whalin, Adelaide bry and viee_presidnt wit' bot one f'liaibilitv under tit .. point -..&- Thecf the movement, and wished to lenet e'. ... 10,,- ... "' ....Rassmnnn, Doroth..,. Williston, Miriam candidate cac" PetitiOM wiD be re_ lim. may L.� lent to the .. --�uJ it hi8 utmost rropport. � "'15'-" •nnMwin, lIelen Adams, Leone Hem_ (,p.i\'"Cfl by tbe EJeetioa eo •• ittee un· atf! Council through the Faeult,. Ex·ingway, or Marion UlIauua. 1 til 6 tODialt. (Oeallnei - .... &.) eunar •.Tickets For Performance of Stan­ley Houghton's "Younger Gen­eration" Are Selling Rapidly 'REAL·DELUGE PROMISED LEAGUE RAISES $450Complete Representation of Noah:s AT CALCOn! DIPIIRTime Planned For W. A. A,Enttrtainment Monday-- Ticket� Half of Sum Needed to SuppadW 11 Sell r:- T Cents Mia Melcher'. Work is1 r or en Sub.cribed at BanquetHelen Aaron.Helen Adams_:Mary Allen,Dorothy Allman.Harriet Ames_Cora Anthony_Lillian Bailey.Martha Barker.Julia Bartholomew.Dorothy Bastin.Lillian Bissel,Alice Brockwell.Hedwig Broisseit.Christine Brown.Katherine Brown.Florenee Carroll�Tudith Cattell.Katherine Chan(lle�.Margaret Connelly.Coreen Cowdrey.Ellino� Doty.Elizabeth Edw!lrds •.--. -; -msa--nieaman:�- �Nadine Hall.Adelaide Hay.Esther Helfrich.Eleanor Hunter.Helen J amicson.Marjorie Latimer.Margaret Lauder.Lillian Lieber.Elizabeth MaeClintock.Margaret MaeDonald.Margaret Monroe •Stella Motier.Sarah Mulroy.Helen Patterson.Jeanette Regent.Josephine Rogers.Elsie Saxer.Ruth Sheehy�Marian Spaeh.Josephine Starr.Marie Sullivan.Alice Taggart •Neva Waldnrf.Luey Wealls. Conference Basketball. Standing.lllinoia •......... -;Chica�o __, _ .. __ .. -;Ohio State........ 5 .,u31UNIFORM PRICE FOR ALL SEATS .A real deluge has been promised for·The Twentieth Century. Ark" 1I0ntlay PROFESSOR FLEMING SP�?ia u.lcl , Sut urduy, March 7, were all­lot.l1l1n·" yesterday by the club officer..;.Le held today at 7' instead of 3:30, in'fIIc dull will present "The Younger was raised by the 250 women who wer�the Xelghborhood room.f;l'!It'ratiou" by Stauley Houghton. The present at the dinner Pledging will- At :Monday night's W. A. A. enter- .•tuiumcnt another feature will be a continue until Thursday_, when tJa4l.movement will end with a mua meet.,playlet showlng the development �fthe modern man from jelly. The il!g in Kent theater.The pled�ng was conducted by Deaa.sketch, "Evolution," written by DoroMathews, after speeches had bo4tut1'IY Williston, traces man through themade by various people connected wit�stages of a jelly matrix, turtle, mon-the movement. Ruth Allen acted a.key and cave man. Beveral other toastmistress, Professor Pleming, b.�plays will be presented, one of themfrom the of the Physics department in the \I1i-:"eraity of Lahore, India, wna th4it iir��speaker. He urged the women of thi�country to do all in their power toDid the cause of the Hindu women.list uf l'atrollcl>SCS follows:�I rs, Harry Pratt Judson..11 rs .• J:UIlCS Rowland Angell.�I iss �l:lrion Talbot.�IIS, Hubert Morss Lovett,�I rs. Leon C. Marshall.�ln., Hcnry Gordon Gale.)'liss Elizabeth Wallace.).( rs. Percy Holmes Boynton.('(Insisting of selections"Noah's Gazette," written by MabelDt'La Mater.?fr� .. James Weber Linn.)'Iis� Gertrude Dudley.)Ofrs. Edith Foster Flint.:Mr�, 'V. D. MacClintock.),1 rs. A. C. McLaughlin.Cba.rge One Price. Start Karch at 6.A. large ark will be constructed inone end of the gymnasium, where :Mr.··]t is the women," he said, "thatTI I 1 tl d fift t· k t and Mrs. Noah-Margaret Bhodes andrrr-e rum re an y lC e s were keep the men of India back. It i8 notdisposed of in the first day's sale yes- Cornelia Beall-will receive. The grand , . tb - ialtheir poverty, nor 18 It elf SOCImarch for all the animals will begin at condition that keeps them from pro-6. After the program a - group of greasing; The women are superstitious. q_lliJ;:� wi� se,!!,._e.. ��!:�e.I!�� .: id9:.1a��e .. ,?f. __ their_ l��k_�fHam, Shem� Japheth, ana their education, and tJieir influenee on thewives, will form. a ehorua which willmen, they keep the latter from be­give parodies on. modem songs. Buth coming CbriBtiau."SONG BOOKS WILL .APPBAB Agar in the guise of an owl, will sing Professor Fleming spoke highly ofON OAKPtJ8 IN TWO WEBltS "Sit Down, You're BoekiDg the Ark," Ki88 lIe1e"er'a work in India, st�tingw ritten by Franeis Bichardaon. The that she was eonnected with four ofIssue Only Bight. JIuDdred. Oopje6- other animals will sing "The Animals the eleven women'. . sehools in theSubscription Lists _, be Closed Wellt in Two by Two," and "The eountry. He urged. every woman toNext Wednesday. Things We Left BehineL' :lid in this movement, as the sorestBell";"'" 'rocl.q. need of India at present is intelligen780llg books _ will be placed on sale Every character ha.s 'been urged to edueated, eollege people. -week after next, if everything works bc present at either today'a rehearsal DaD �albot �aas.(,llt properly. The first form, consist- ('r the rehearsal t.omorrow morniDg at Dean Talbot then appealed to thein;.: of sixteen pages, will go to press 9:;-l0 in Lexington gym. A:ay womenwomen to sacrifiee whatever the�­in:mt·.liatdy-. Proofs on the remaining ·who ha"e not decided upon .their cos- could in order to contribute to thepert iut,s· of thc book will be read bymuch nugumentad advance sale.tume, ha'·e been .. ked to eon suit El- fond. '·It is Chicago's movement," shesie Johns immediately. lIasb and said, 'and it must not fail"other m3.terial may be obtained from Representatives of the elasses gavethc llIitl.lle of next 'Week, and the pre!ts,,"orli \�·ill b� clone immediately._Deliver_j'es 'of the books will be mallens tl�('Y nrc bound. Eight hundr",1Looks will comprise the order. Most ofth('sc will be needed to fill the suh- Iter at eost.Ti(�ket� for the entertainmentbe sold today ·&IId )[onday inNeighborhood room. They will !lhort talks diseussing their ideas ofwill what the movem�nt meaDS. HeIer.the Adams spoke for_ tbe Fre8hmen, Mar­aell garet Green for the _ Sophomores, GraeeHot�hki88 for the .iunion, and LetitinFyffe for the Seniors. Mary Hines, :1.gradoate of Smith. eollege, told whatPLAY'BIUr PBIIIfOBII·MOB the eastern sehool \doea eaeh year in'rO GO '10 � mil8ionary work.. Franees Beott, whois C!onDet!ted with Miss Meleher iu theStudent . Volunteers,: gave some per-. !;{'fiption orders. The plates will lIl' for ten cents eadl.kept, nnd a second edition issued, re-,-ised to bring it up to date, next year PROOBBD8 I'&0Il DDIBor Inter, whenever a rroffieient deman.lch�\"elo!ls.Will Have\"i.lin#! an opportunity for them to�f(,llTC ('opi('�_ As it i8, we will justnhont hr('ak even on the money enll:'Lists Cloee Soon. NorthwesternMinnCllotaPurdue ... _. _ ..... 2 664:9lowa _. _ .. 1IndinluL .,........ 0tion with various officials and ar-Director Stng�'� athlt·t('� will he h"�.they will ("npturo th" lllf'd. nlthongha nomber shoulct mak" a gooel 8howing.Captain Parker will h(' n hle to ("om­rete, and will "frcngth('n the teamgl'E'atly.Entries:Sixty yard etash-Raranirk, Knight,Stainl1, Parker.(Continued from page 4.)rBB BAlLY MAROON. FBlDAY, I'BBBotJABY Z'I, 1914.� - --_- ----- ......Bulletin ..". W. CoWQhaIaII. So QersasBe P .... ,W. B. LplAIlCommumcation.The Daily MarooD :It"============��======�====�TODAYOratorical Oandidates for the Lind­gTen peace oration contest meet in Has­kell 13, at 10:15.� _0I'Il1DP. .seept 81m4a7 aDd Candidates for Associa.tes title,10:15,......,.. ..,.... the AutWllD. WlDter aDd Cobb 12&.bI1aa b,. Tb. DaU,. KarooData& Sophomore women's luncheon, 12:-15,Lexineton commons."A.!�W� ���totorr Junior vandeville d 3____ _ an dance, :30,BadJae ••• aaaser Reynolds club.ClnalaUoa .aaacer German club, 4, Harper assemblyroom.EDtere4 .. MCODd-clau mall at tb.ebleaco Poetoalce. Cblcaco. IlL." )larcb 11.1101. UDder Act of KarCb I. 11. a.The editor u raot naVOftdbZe for "YID. N.s1JB8C]UP'rlON BATES.B7 carrt.r: lS.iO a "ear: n.OO a quart.r. pre.a�d here. Communkatiou _u.. N:B7 mall: 11.00 a "ear: U.U a quarter •.utorlal-BualDeu omce. Ell1a U. .iunf'd CI.I CIA tv"'ence of goot! (GifA.T.l.pbOD. IIld .. a" 100. After 10 p m.B,,4. Park &III.To thc Editor:Some of us who are now a part ofthe University viewed Chicago fromCOLLEGE POLr.rlCS- the outsidc during our uudergraduutcRIGHT OR WRONG? years. Of all we saw, what usuallyimpressed Us most W:1S her boast ofthc student body-or iuded ne!':>, her eluim of theJ&arOOa PreMo 5511 Cottac. Gro". Avenue.Whenevert· of l't is to decide by electionl)Or Ion -•. Idbetween candida.tes for Offlce, thc 0• "Politics t" is heard. What isery 0.1. •lit' ? Thc current dcfinition ofpo lCS.i:! this--"otc trading purposes filleling expression in greatdeeds arnl a greater. spirit. Too of tenpossessi on of :L vision and purposegrandly broad and deep. So We lookedmore dearly at the undergraduateworld to fi nd vast movemcnt s, bigcampus politicsbetween candidates, for the advance-ment of both. That is, A agrces tosupport B, in rcturn for B's support ofA. 'I'he only pernicious part of thearrang8mcnt is the fact that A and B we were disappointed ill not findingwhat we sought.Now a new day seems to have beb'1.111.As we look at our University, We seemovements starting thut seem to au­swer a question. There could hardlydo not stand for a common purpose,.'� be a more complete answer than uand desire to strengthen thcir chances movement that unites women On ·op·of accomplishing their cnds by secur- posito sides of the world, that is broadiug office for both. A wants B's support, in space as well as in thought-for. I the broad mindedness to he there mustand gives his own.simp y to secure ,-be as widc as the world and as deephelp. But after all, it is a misnomeraa the heart of- the All Futher Him;to call such a thing "politics." The self. That is what we expected to see:arangement might more accurately be in Chicago and what we think is be,dubbed "the machiJ1ery of. obtaining hind this Chicago in Calcutta cam­office." Politics really is a much more paign. 'Ve look now to the women ofbroad term: There are two functions the University to provo it by theirof .go,"ernment, Montesquieu to the wholehearted support. K.F.S.contrary notwithstanding- and these ==_=======�===_:::====-. are, determining what to do, and, do-ing it. Politics most certainly has :1place in college affairs-politics has aplace in every human aft'air, howevergreat or small. The only question is---ah� we recognize the political Brief Campus NewsAnnounce Concert SchedUle-TheMen's Glee club will gi\'e a joint COli'cert with tha Beloit musical clubs, FrLday, M:uch 6, at Rockford, Illinoistunetion by a separate organization, as This concert will be given under theMontesquieu did in defining the legis- auspices of the Rockford Mendelssohnl&tive function? Or, since our gOY· club. The Glee club will give a horneernment of student organizations is concert Friday, April 10 and on Aprillargely on the "Commission plan," shall 17 a joint sing will be given with thewe recognize politics as a factor by Beloit musical clubs in Orchestra hall.All Glee club men have been request-ed to attend the club rehearsal at 4:�O Open Saturdq lQaIl'-THEIHlJa�(f;J!tI!!tm?!�Now in Our NEW HOKE, N. E Comer' State and Jackson.A Year AgoSaturday Was theThis FirstStore•10Blue Serge Suits. Worthto $25 Now at $14.75pLEASE remember that this is not aclearance sale but the advantageousmanipulation of trade conditions. Weset idle makers to work upon producingthese SUItS, makers of unquestioned re­pute-we bought the suits' way belowvalue. Full winter weight blue sergesuits. plain or fancy weaves, in a greatrange of newer and smaller style ideas ofthe season. $20 and $25 suitsoffered for our anniversary at $14.75: $35' and $40 Suits No"WOffered at $23.50We we�e confronted by the problem of "carrying over" these suits (some­. thing we seldom If ever do) or reducing them so greatly that you'd 'becert�m to buy them. � e ch.ose �he lat.ter course. U50 of our very finestmen s and y�ung men s SU1t�. mc1udmg the richest of foreign tweeds,worsted a�d vicunas and the hIghest quality American woolens. The weavesand colorings are superb-the finest you've ever viewed-sizes 34 to 40but,_ of. course, not all sizes in any particular pattern or modelBegmnmg Saturday these $35 and $40 suits will be priced at $23.50New Spring Suits for Young Men are "In"THEY'RE true for�casters of what's what in spring styles-they're decided."l� novel and quite away from "the beaten path." Wise young men willinspect them at once. $15 to $35, Third for candidates on the basis ofour confidence in their ability andtomorrow in the Reynolds club.interest, or shall we vote for them be- Postpone Senior Dance-The Seniorcause of what we think their views Mme. Barsescu to speak-�Iaaame dance has been postponed until nextmay be? That is the first great prob- Agnthe von Bnrsescu, formcrly of the Frrday, owing to the -Iunior vnu-lev il!clem in studying campus politics. 'I'he Imperial Court theater, Vienna, will today, to whieh all Seniors have beenother is this-how many officcs should read selections from some of the Gor- invited, The program will hcginbe filled by election? This problem man tragedies at the meeting of the' promptly at 3:30 today,turns on the aclministrative funetion- Gcrman club in Harper nsscmbly roomthe "doing it" part. One of the great. this aftcrnoon. llaclame Bnrsescu i!4:1' Sophomore Luncheon Today-Sopho·est mistakes that can he made, is that present filling an engagemcnt at th·,> n.ore women will givc a Iunr-heo n 011ot filling a purely administratlve of· German thcater. ProfesRor Allen will the ('aC"tcria plan tOllay at 1::!:-I;; infiee by election. An auministrator is make a short speech, introcluc>ing th.. I.exill�rton eommons. llrs. Jo'lint willnot 8elected for what he thinks-hi� act.rcss antl e:tplaining her program. l>� thc gucst of honor.Fenc1bles Meet Today-l-'cllI·ihlc ...litieal division. He is selecteel because ,Intes. fur the titlc of . t '11wi11 meet tOlla.'" at 10:1;; ill Coltb �m . as�na c W1he can do wha.t is to be clone, aceorcl· tIt 10 1-' t' 11 1)ff' choo�c n��oc.i:ltc 'n1('JIl1H'r� from tlU" 1:1cet o· ay a : 0' III "'u" :.A toing to the decisions of the political .li- I t k f 11 ,. 11thrcc men rc�ommcn,lc,1 lt�· the jll,l;,:e'" l'(' e(' a !ipea er or Ie· nmor co e�cof the Freshman dchate tryonts. Thl' dosing l'xe)"("ises.·'thinking" is done for him by tbe po·,·il!ion. Administrators should be sc­lecteu for their acquaintance '9'tith th�cxecuti\'e eommit.t('c, of whic>h Ruaffairs of the organization in whichoolph Moritz is chairman, will meetthey have a part, thcir demonstratcu afterwar<1s to c1eterminc the po1ie'Y ofability and willingness to get result8.F('ne'ihles for the ycar.A typical instance is the Cap antI Associate Candidates·---+----Will Publish Annual Soon.Work on the Hitchcock Annual isp!'ogrcssing rapiclly, ancl tllC book isGown. There is harcHy a more purelyadministrative otfice in college af·fairs. Eleetion i8 the most absurd wayJlos8ible of seleeting a Cap and Gownboard. These are a few of the littlequestions i. "college poUties." �('heclulcc1 to opear early next quarter.French Club Jleets.-The Fr('nch dull In spenking of the book, RUllolph llor·met ycsterclay at 4:15 in I�exin::;ton S. itz said: "We arc trying to put ont aThe meeting wa.C! informal, a.q no reg- hook abo'·e the orclinary st.:1n.lar«1,ular program. hacl heen prepared'l "'hieh will he of interest not only tilGames were plnyed ancl light refresh· the members of the Jlall, hut to thomenta served. "'hole University." College FriendshipsMake college life worth while. Coca-Cola" • &1_worth knowing and having all the .. y throap froaFreshman to Senior year. It will fin JOU coIl • ..,.with pleasure, health and beDefit.Delicious-RefreshlDgThirst-QueDchiDgTHE COCA-COLA CO.A""", Ga.PATRO�IZE l.JAROON Sheet. Coach Page has announced that a.liThe paper the co.eds and college l'ostponed games must be played oftmen produced blossomed with features sometime during the coming week. AllDRESS SUIT FOR S",\LP-Si:r.e 36; )II :.bout Gary that had escaped the tried games that have not been run off whengo :'1 ('oJldit;�n: cost �(ill: sell 4'0.'reporters of the local papers. The Chi- the league schedule ends on the siXth$15, iJl.�I.t!tling dress shirt, c ollare andl ago staff covered the news well. The of March will be forfeited. The score:tic. 1- irone evvni ... gs II. P. 5663. ehief difficulty was in writing it. The Freshmen I (24) Medics (16)Gary Tribune offices were not built for Willett •.•.•.•. .B. F. • ••• _ •... Mayer - • • - - - • -- • _. • • -ST. LOUISMAROON ED� WILL JlBDIOS L08B tOL08B GAJPLEAVB roB OABY 8VlmAYFrameD, Atter x..- 8t&rt, Succeecl1D DnwlDg Ahe&d ill :FiDal JIlnutesGa!'7 Tribune Pred1da Bepetttloa ofLast Year's SUccea; x.u4a tileMaroon Std.5e per line. No advertisements reoeeived for less than 25c. All classl1ledadvertisements must be pa.t4 In ad·vance. Although they led in the 1lrst half,the 'Mediel eould Dot keep up a fastEditors of the .M..A.HOON who will pace yesterday, and fell in defeat be­ha ve charge of the publication of the fore the Freshman 1lrat team to theERESH Monday Issue of the Uary 'fribune will tune of a 24 to 16 score. The doltorSU H POL ISH E D .1') .,0.1 ' .1 t h starte·1 out I_-t, ...... d for the 4:-t f"wreave ::)unuuy at _:_0 m eruer 0 ave "" .ur.a, _ .IUD 'Illl,jcnty of time to make the prelimi· minutes ran the yearling. oJf theirJl.ary arruugemeuts, 'rhe reporters and feet, but superior training begaa wreuture writer� will leave early Mon· tell, and it was not long before theday ruoruing, arriving in Gary at 1J. Preshmen took the lead. There was aBIOE]5 LBS. FOB $1.00.:Buy direct from the grower and get The llAllOO� �tatI will have cow' heated discussion during the first halff d 4:-t WUl &hi as io whether the Meillc.s were entl-your 00 at u,n cost. p you 1,lde l'hurge of the Tribune, and hopeprepaid 15 Ibs. of unpolished rice, tbQ Lo get "seuops' on. news that tled to a basket that they made. 'Illeb t f d b"ft�.'-bl e1 referee happened to be employed 1. i&os 00 0 � e, upon rec pt of would have escaped the Gury wen. A$1.00. It'!'Y of the Tribune received yesterday home other way at that tiwe, and d,.PRAmIE RICE PLANT .... 'TIOH, 1,lay escaped his notice, con.sequent1jno ;IUU tlL� iuHowing stutemeuts in it con.Little 'Dn.-lr ...... k. the Medics were not given credit fur� � "l'wing the trip:• the score."Last llarch the nr:it swap with the Mayer of the doctors played a fineWANTED-l;oor permaneut poslfious. college papcr was made, to give the game, scoring twelve of his team's six·c.: ulleue uewspuper men and women u. int S h f th ttwo nu-n who are over twenty-fi ve co teen pom s, e ae er was e s arf .1 I . h .1 t' hance to see uewspaper life us it for the wl'nners, and l't W"" ma inlvyears 0 nge, anu w 10 elt er have ue , ..... ._ J'II • th h It'aUy i�, and to provide a novelty for through his e·ort .. in the second half{:rCl'S or \\"1 receive COl t e present u. gI he reuders of the Gary Tribunc. The � h d ahead Tqunrt er. Must be of good address. No that the Pres men rew eau, em-part time or temporary men will be experimcnt proved delightful to the pleton also played a good guarding\ Isitors and the Tribune readers.considered for these positions. PhoneW. C. Stone, Randolph 3364 and makr-appolntment,FOUND-A Kappa Sigma pin in El., .• staiI number as large as that of the Sehaefer •....... L. F. . •••. "... Butlerlis Hall. Loser may have same by Chicago Evening Post, which the MA· Blackburn ..• _ .. C. •••..• Bothmanapplying to Janitor of Ellis Hall. HOON brought out. Reporters fought Fisher.- with each other for a typewriter to Templeton .. , .. 1' .R. G .•.....•• GilroyANYONE planning to tzavel in Eu beat out their stories, and when the Otis, Blackburn- L. G. ..•• Carpenterrope next summer can save eonsld- tiay was done enough stuff had been Baskets: Mayer 5, Gilroy 2, Schaeferern hIe moncy by going with a person- written which could not get into the 6, Blackburn, Templeton 2, Fisher conductd party. Communicate with raper to make a complete sheet the Free throws: Mayer 2, Schaefer 2.X. Y., 43, Maroon office. next day. Referee, Nichols.The Tribune staff will not &0 intoChicago with the same free and easy�wing that the college boys come toGary with. The Tribune put over tooW ANTED-3 bright, energetic YOUllVmen wanted for profitable summerwork. Guaranteed salary or com mis, cmOAGO LOSEHamilton Club WIn Buy Jleet-CoachWhite's Team WiDa Basketban�e.sinn, Cal on G. C. Burton, room 33(iD-:!I Prado hoteL many "features" in the college paperlast year to suit the professors, andA TRIP ABBOAD for congenial people this year has yielded its pledge to getHamilton club easily defeated theunder ideal University Travel guid- I.ut a sta�d and college-like sheet.Last vear's staff published such an University of Chicago natators :lIltl at minimum cost. Three place� J('J(cellent paper that the editors will evening in the Hamilton club tank.arn still open. For particulars atldres:- The final score was 550 to 18. The clubCarol Dorothy Kuhns, \,"ork the cubs to the limit in order tomen started off fast 'When they wonChicago Representative, ['ut out a number that will eclipse allformer issues. The G!L1"V men are so tint and second places in the plunge.Phone Drexcl 161_ 4407 Berkley avC. --J Chicago was able to secure only onepleased with the enterprise that therefirst, Pavlicek winning the 100 yardANT ilJ no doubt that the trip will becomeW ED-.Freshman with some ex- hack stroke in 1:1:2. Hanson of the�n :mnual affair.Hamilton club, was the star of thepericnce in camping or now engagedwith work as assistant in Wisconsincamp, July and August. Address W. M.Kiplinger, Morgan Park, IlL meet, scoring firsts in three events. Inan exhibition game of water basket_ball after the meet, the Chicago menhe given next quarter will be discussed defeated the club players 5 to 2.VA�TED-The Cap and Gowns fo.thc ycars of 1896-1897; 1903. A rea- at the business meeting of the Cosmo· The score:':HJnhlc price wiD be paid. Daily 1\13' :'I)litan club, Saturday at 7:30. The Plunge for distance: Won by Prineo(·n office. intcrnational gathering is the most im· (,('11 (H); Cox, (H), second; Redmon!,ortnnt affair of the club, and it has (C), third.BOARD-In small private family. Ex·J.f!('n the custom that every nation be ]00 ard Wl·m W b Hansoncellcnt home cooking. Limited numbe( y s : on y ,at tnble. Addre811 6134 Woodlawll ave represented. {H); Pa")icek, (C), second; MeClana·nuc, :lrd apartment, telephone Hydt- "We are planning to have the most han, (HJ, thir4-Park 637. nrtislic program e,\,er given by the 100 yard swim: WOD by Hanson,Co�mopo1itans," said President Cole- (H); Neff, (C), 8CCondj Pavlicek, (e),WANTED-A former Chit'ago mat: man. "We are working to secure tal· third.lIas �l'lclHli41 opportunity for stu- t.nt from both oriental and occidental 100 yard back stroke: Won by Pave,h'llts wl.rkin!: their way through col. Ill('mh('rg of the University. I urge Heek (C); Olson, (H), second; Shirley,h'�(' who llav(' experience antl abilit� I'\f'r�' m('mbcr of the club to attend (C), third.Discua Inten.;.Uonal Night.Plans for the international night toin l'all·�I1l:IIl�hip. I ahsolutely guarall't,'(· a dollar an hour to able men. "·rilt·fllr parI j"ulnr!'l to Grip Row Co" Om:."11:1, Xcb. I It" hllsincl(s meeting.�' Breast sroke: Won by Scitlel, (II);Prineell (II), set-on,l; Goodman, (C),thirct.Law School Appoints Committee.Co.operation with ihe Legal Aid So· 220 yard swim: Won by lIanson,LOST-.L:l(ly'� goltl wat('h. BctW(,C:l "it,ty ha� l)('en planned by the social (H); Nl'ft', (e), seeon(1; Rose, (II),JTnrpcr's Library and 6039 Rimhar�. c'ommittce of the Law school, to assist third.Namc engTa\'el1 in back of case. R.:! Law stutlents in obtaining legal ex· Relay: Won by the Hamilton club.,,"arl1. Fincler plca..� return to Infor· p('rienec through social 'Work. Benja­matio Bureau, Cobb Hall. min Bills, chairman; Henry Butler,Stephen Curtis, Harry Rosenberg, Cor- which there wiD be exhibited sixty-nelins Teninga, and Charles Whifrenwere elected by the Law Y. 1(. C. A.commiaion to aet on the Legal Aid Eauaa-A National Art Show, atSUBSCRIBE FOB four of the mast famous paintings inthe ('ountry has been arranged forthe National Arts club of of the Smith-THE DAILY 1lAROON·80nian IllItitute, W .. hinJlon.All til. eaapa ..... "There, look it over!" PzmnctivelyIndividual", .. �That's just what we said one day toyouabout Fatima Cigarettes. You did, andthat was the start of Fatimns-today thebiggest selling cigarette in this country.No other cigarette has ever held thesway in college life, nor given thesatisfaction that Fatimas have.Always in a plain package-no expensewasted on trimmings-quality a!l in thecigarettes-purest and best tobacco.Best Reached by Through and Fast Trains of theILLINOIS CENTRALAll Steel Daylight SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.; arrives St. Louis (via MerchantaBridge6;02 p. ID. Indestructichle steel cars of handsome interior 6 ishEvery comfort and convenience will he found on this train.Diamond SpecialLeave Chicago 10:30 p. m.; arrive St. Louis 7:48 a, m, Electric­lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago.Stopa Mad. iD�Both DirectioD.-.t South Side ThrouchSt.tiOD., 43rd, 53rd aDd 63rd SheetsOhservation Parlor Cars. Cafe Cluh Cars. SleepingCars. Free Reclining Chair Cars and CoachesTicket •• F ..... aDd SleepiD. Car Re .. nr.tioD •• t76 West Adams 5t.CITYTICltltT OFl'lCEa. J. CARMICHAEL. D. P. A._._ .ESTABUSHED 1818Oar BeJ)1'e8etaUfty JIB. WA LEEK, wUl be at theHOTEL LA SALLEKarch �th, 5th, 6th and 7th,.With Sprillg St71ea in ready-made OarJlKDUfor Dress or Sporting WearFumiJIb1DA Bats aDd S hoe s................................... -THE DAILY JIAAOON, l'lUDAY, FEBB.UARY fJ:I, 1914.I'I BALDWIN, SCOTT. BLDIAND McDONALD WIN IN - -;'EAGUE RAISES $450 IAT CALCUTTA D�R ���������������AUDITORIU�YESTERDAY'S IrtATCHEs (Continued from page 1.)won t lu-i r lI!:lt"hl'� with vompnrut ive ':(lC�S' :111)' moveuieut succeed," he said. Nor a B a .,. e 8 G e .... baD1':1".' yc'stt'rtl:a�' nft erno on, while Blim, "Bl'�auNc truth and purity are Inear- with lIa.nT Olazke &D400m»UIJ'I.]:lyiJ,;! from scrntch in the .bifliard nate in Miss Melcher, she will do the Geo. W.lIomoe � �OJet ou rnu me nt, was forced to go the limit things so terribly need ed on the other azul ruth Oth.en.... _ .. _ .. _ ... _._._--_._-_ ..LtVVanted At Once 'Each man at the University to come in al!d investigate our ISpecialOf'erto College MenH£RZKA BROTHERSt:- : T a i 10 rs :-:1545 East 53rd Street_'"( -i:I.', Telephone H. P. 1037. Open Evenings and Sunday Morn1n.g.,---------.----�--��Fratel'1llty Jewe11'J'Leatber Good.College N onlUea Emho!'sf'II stationeryWeddIng In '('ltatlonsCnlllng Card.....BROCHONENGRAVING COMPANYIl. G. TUR:-;ERPresident rolr. )Ialkr!' nl1lldlD�Telepboae Randolpb :n�M. Shi:ndermaliliTAILORS & CLEANERSIf you want your clothes Pres�ed and 10 �1;'Iy 1 )n'\sed cd1up Midway 6958.We Call for and Deliver PrompU:--'Order your SPRI!'\G SUIT Early ;H1d 1);"\\ (. :: ft':-:<::. f(l!' L�.lySpring Days. 2 S per cent discounl en all (I,d·: ;.' ;;1 -:,'11 1.0\".1114 E. 55th StreetCHICi\GO.SUBSCRIBE }'OI: TllE lJ.\JLY ).1:\1:00:-;. Baldwiu ant! Scott, scratch men inthe Rt'yllold� dub pool tourunmeut , Lauds Miss Melcher."Only bl'C:lUSO truth is incarnateto hcnt H ops h�' three points. �itle of the world."Tho results: Bi lliurds-c-Mc Donnld Other speakers at the meeting were(H,il heat .T(·fTcry (l:�:;), 145 to 101; 1.('(111:1 �oons,'Cornelia Beall uud PuulPlim (17:1) beat Hops (140)� lj!i t" Chiuuppu, a Hindu student at Cbil'n�o.1::7': lIt:l,t,'r (1-1;') beat Yif'){crs (40) .. Huth A:!ar lea the l'lll'l'rillg uIH1 songs.11:i r.. J::!l. pool--nalilwin (li;') lw:\t 1t i� �'xpectl'l1 to raise the other $451)Suppl .... (1:�1)), 17:1;; to !i!l: S('(\tt (17;:).hrnt Hnm ilto n (l::!!iI, 1i:l to G4: AIlif'(1:�()) 1'(':1t .T:ll'oh l:t!i), 1:tO to �4. iefo re Thursday, Any women wisllillgh eont r ibut e to the fuud can gi\'t't heir I'll'";.:t·3 to Grace Hotvhk iss, chir _1,1:111 of t hc flnaucc committee.JUDG � LANDIS SPEAKSAT D�R GIVEN BYJUNIOR LAW STUDENTS ----+----BASKETBALL GAME ANDTRACK MEET pOSTPONED'I'hnt ,\ III r-rienu (·itizl'll� aTC' morc, rl'_·:li('dc·,l �u.1 I'rot('l'tc',l nhroa.l t1l:111 the'f iti;tl'l!:-' .,r n ny other cou nt rv was t he�:t:1tl'll1Cllt of F(·.l,·ral ,ltlll�c' Lnml is ntth •. Tu u io r Ln w han'lul't la�t lIightT' .. ,h·ral .luo):.:c' Gt'igf'r �pokt' (111 th.'wor k of the f('Il(,Tal l'OUTt� in 1Il1ifyill�!lu' lnws of thl, Stutes, Professor Hln.t «n pr('�illt·Il. [Cont.inucd from p�I:!� 1.11)0 yarll hilo:h IllIro)ll':-;----lIl1l"witz.Wnrd, Gutwilltg, Pa r ker.GO yard low hurdlcs=-Wurd, Par ker,One mile rUll--Stegemull, Stout,(Ioodwln.Quarter mile run-s-Boyd, Stn ius.Pa r-kor,Half milo TtIll-C':llIIl'hl'lI, Li-isnr«.nootlwin� Sh'geman.T,,'o mile run-Goo,lwin,Stout, Bul-I­"cral new Nlses yesterday caust·.1 ageneral alarm in the campus \'icinit�·.Hundreds of stu<1ents were vaccinatellfollowing a warning iss�ed by DeanClark. All those who had not beenFAILUREE·,Ullh'crsity of Illinois Publishes Stat·istdcs Showing High School Ef­ficiency Shot pllt-nt'� .lur.l ieu, Xorgn'n,�"nrklJ.High jump-Gorgal'l, WhitillJ.!, Teu'ICY, Cox, Hurwitz, Brown.Pole vault-:\Joorl', Thoma�, 11 -n vr.Hl'llly-All nt hletos "ompetillg illother events are eli:.:ihle to eompetv.The l"lIh'er!o!it:,' of JlIill(li� has ]Ir('1':11'.1 a I'll:lrt sll(lwillJ.! the ('ffit'il'II1'Yof t ho vn rions high �,,"hool� ns mensur­('.1 h�- t he r('I'orc1s of ('oll(':::e freshmenin 1!l10. }!l11, alltl If112. 242 publ'i.:ltig-h �(·hools were r('presentecl by 16;')2 SMALLPOX AND SCARLETst n-Ien ts, of whom 41.1 per cent fnil- FEVER CASES CAUSEALARM AT ILLINOIScll in 011(' or more courses, with :,t ot nl of ]409 fnilures, U'niversity of Htinois nnthorifies are1 7 Chiengo high' schools were re conferring with the mnyors :11111 healthprosontcd by 270 froshmen, 32.2 per officers of Champaign am) Urhaun incr-nt of whom f'ai led in one or more an effort to check the spread of 11 vinf'onr!'cs. 225 lligll schools outsicle of lent smallpox cpiclemic. The rl'port ofChi(':lgo ha«1 4�.S per cent of t11eir r("l,rc��(,lltati"('s fail. Of those lli�h!:cllOols the larger ones mafle the hest'dHl"·in�. the failnr('s_ running in in­\ 1'1"S(, l'rupurtion to the number oftt.·al·hel's. U� high s�hools nnd I1calle- ma(le immune, or whose vaccinationsmil'S accredited by the North Central were no louger cft'ective, were urge«1II �h�odalion bad 11 iG freshmen in Il- to protect themselves at once. In nd·iillOis, 3�) l,cr ccnt failing. The Uistrihu· dition to the prevalence of smallpox, ntion by per cent of failures among sub· scarlet fever contagion is filling mu­jeds showed llathematics first with nj�ipal and university hospitals.::i.:! l'er cellt, English 20.4, ModernhoUI thc entertainment anI] the (1an('('.Fonowjn� is the complete program:1. "T.('ft�·" :'111.1 JJcantler.2. Quartf't .. Phylli� Fay, Kntl,('rin(' rovf'rt, Fr:lnk Rf'lfri.1ge, JT:lroiolTihl!�.3. Songs Hnrolc1 Tit.l:�4. ":ln�o ('ont('�t..5. "The Et('rn:ll Tri:lngle:'fl. �('n�(' :,,".1 XOI1�('n!'(' .. K:l��nn n(l.l.�on, JT:l�kcll Rh(>tt, ITaroM Ro��.7. "Thnt'� Pl('nt�·" .. Frank S('lfri.1�('�. )fnlltlnJin �f':'\!d .The ('mIt of thf' "F.t('rnnl Tri:lnglC'"i� a� follows:A 'Mammy J.oni!'(, )fif''kMr. Vere fle V('rc ....• Tohn Br('athf'IlMrs, Vere de Vere ....•... Phylli� �a�'T.iUle 'F.1�i(' norl')thy LlewellynDesperate Desmond .•.. Judd LymanL:tllt;uages 13.1, Chemistry 10.9, Bio' JUNIORS GIVE DANCE]CI;;Y :;.0, and all other subjects 2;;.4. AND VAUDEVILLE FORThe (. hart Wag made with a view to a SBNIOR 0LA8S TODAYmore careful selection and differenti·ati('n of �"rril�ula both in high school Members of the Junior class will givea vaudeville entertainment this after_noon at 3:30 in the Reynolds clubtheater. The feature of the a1fair willbc "The Eternal Triangle," a modernplaylet by Dorothy Llewellyn. Follow_ing the v:meleville a. dance will be helelon the !leconl] floor of the club. AllHyde Park 2015 8cniol'S ha"e been invited to atten.1THE TEA HOUSELUNCHEON 1�1:30DINNER 5:45-713.:!8 E. 57th.Tnbl .. l1 fnr I.aclh·,.... .11tE HOTEl. Of AM[IUCAN IDEALSHOTEL POWHATANWASnINGTON. D.C.a..t LoeaW in Wuhlnctaa.• ew 04 .&'bsol� 7tftproof'... bed. mcuLEVItOPJ:AJr Pr.A2r.Booms, d.tach.d bath.Boo::q, private ba�.so, tuo 1lpo"-SO, _00 1lpoWril, 'Ir Souvenir 80ft,., 'T' with .IPo�,Clifford M. Lewb.I • __ ••• M.AN.A.G.F.R...' •..•• 11• GARRICKThe Unanimous Verdict ofHappy Firat Nlghten, theGreatest of an Winter Gar_den Bevues.PPASSING SHOW OF 1913COBAN'S GlAND .Another Cohau &; Harris Triumph.Gco. M. Cohau's M�stery FarceSEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE"1..\l·C;)I�, THlULl.S, �lI-�LODRAliA.ILLINOISCHRISTIE MacDONALDINSWEETHEARTSHo""ard's TheatreEDITH WYNN';: MATTBlSON-IN-"THE DEADLOCK"pOWERSFANNIE WABDIn the LaughiDc Saccelaof Seven CoIIntzt-.MADAM PBB8IDBlft.Jack LaW. New PI&J'HELP WAl.ftBJ)A Clean Com.eclJ' Drama wI�BtIJIl7 KolkerSTUDEBAKERlIB. LYX BAlIDDnJIn Sir Arhtar OOII&D DoJ'w.ftrt1J1Dg Hew PIaJ'mE 8pm1D jBD BAlmFINE ARTS"The Well of the Saints" J. K. 8YDC"e"So'\'"erej�n Love" T. C. MurrayThurs., Fri. .. Sat. Nites A Sat. )(at."The Claney Name" Lenox Bobiuoa"TheCountry Dreamkr" G !'ibm.urie.prlncet8.OLV�PICKlaw • BriUa& .. �THE TRAIL OP ftIB JaOBB8011BPJBBWith Cbadotte W ...... 311MLASALLE'I'ango-PW.ed 1Ioq.CJomld7"SEPTDIBD IIOUI"WlUl Daft :r.wt.A�ERICAN=OPB.IB.08B " DOOILBi'ADBB� .... t. " &oc.�. I"'-...� .... :.:' ..•.