Dorothy Williston, Women's editor.Alta Fisher, Society editor.IIi,I\\ MEETING TOMORROW ._ - ... -�.f----------------------------SENIOR AND Jl1HIOBPABTIES FRIDAY" Vol XII. No. 93. PRICE FIVE CDD'1JKlVBB8lft 01' OBIOAGO, WJ:DJD:mAY, I'D1tUABY 25, 1914.WILL EXCHANGE WITH�GARY TRIBUNE AGAINFrederick Carr ex '09 Will EditTuesday'. P!fuoon-Enthuai­aatic Over Idea,./ DATE DlER AND WEllS TORUN FOR PRF.SIIJEMSLEZAK CANCELSConcert to be Given Nest MonthCailed Off -- M�}C Substitute� __ .Symphony Orchestra -- Yester- Few_�D��tedat�day's Program Best of Year a:oid �.:-��-Leo Slezak has departed for Russia. - President Judson will speak on theSTEVERS IS MANAGING EDITOR aeeordiug to information received by NO CON"I'FJT IN TWO' oFflW Chicago-Calcutta movement at the N. U. LEADS IN SECOND IIAUthe Orchestral association, and accord- mass meeting tomorrow at 10:15 in'I'h« (;:II·Y Trillulle, an eight pUl-!e illgly, the concert announced for next Robert Miller and Sam Wells wlH Kent theater. Margaret Rhodes will In a conrpurat ivcly ullilltercstin�plD.�el:til,Y ill thc Iudiuna steel town, will month will not be given. In its place nominated for president of the llt,· preside at the meet.iug, and Ruth Agar featured ouly by flushes of speed illlit' l·dited und puhlished by the Maroon will he eithcr a concert by someonc nolds club at the annual caucus h.M will direct the songs and cheers. Paul the second half, Chicago dowD..t�talr .\[ollday afternoon, while the else, i fs afisfaetorv arrangements can yesterday afternoon in the club the.. Chinappa will give an opiuiou of the... J X orthwesteru lastprof'essiuuu l newspapcr meu fro III he made, or a. concert by the Symphony ter. Little competition is promised Chieago.Oalcutta movement from the 34 to !!U score. If it had llot been forGary, under the direction of F'rederh-k orchestra on another date, In the lat. for most offices this year as there are point of view of- an Indian student.Carr, ex- '(tV, will be issuing Tuesday-s tcr event,a solo number will be given; 80 few candidates. The election ",ul Leona Coons and Cornelia Beall also brilliant spurts On the part of th8liarooll. and the program will conslst 'largely be held Friday, Mareh 6th. Stutlentl will speak. Purple players that enabled them ,threQmay be nominated by petition before. times to come withiu oue point -of t,._·The procession to Kent will form illSaturday.The candidates are:�Frederick Carr, who will be manna, �i Wagner numbers,illg editor of the Muroon next Montl:.y, Yesterday's concer.t was probablywas f'ormcrly a student in the Uuiver; the best of the year. The orchestrasity, :111 dwas prominent in campus abandoned the !tabit of "warming up"life. IIe was the founder of the Pen on the first number-a disagreeableclub, was Intercollegiate tennis cham- feature of former concerts--and gaveI,ion. nnd was a member of Alpha. Dvl., the Weber "Abu Hassan" overture WitiTta Phi. After leaving college, he wu .. � a dush and spirit that secured the au,011 tIle staff of the Cincinnati Enqllir- dience at once. And through the re­er, �oiug to Gary when his father pur- mainder of the program to the superb.offered several opportunities for minorThe staff for the Gary Tribunc next obligato parts,all of which were charm­::\Iontlay will be recruited from the :\I a- ing.The complete program was as fol-- -.��-�-��---Overture, "Abu Hassan" •.•.•. WeberSymphony No.8, B minor. tee, whieh wi! han chargeSchubert polls·, �ci ru.. �� the e�tiou.(unfinished) ••••.•.••••••Allegro moderato.Andante con mote, RmiBA_ � ±WDYifia.The following will be reporters an-I o:a:8:fU&Y .A:BK. ms \vB!ntf(�atllre writers: Dorothy Weil, Anita Suite 'Impressions d'Italie". Intertn�t7 Bod)r DiscusseS Rush-Parkhurst, George Schaeffer, Robert •• . . •• • • •• •• •• •• • . . . •• Charpentier CoabuDe aoa.atttee. WiD FDm1ah AlIi. iDg Bules a.t$Dg Yest«da.y.JIu.tdwr, Frcderick KuJl, Harry Swan- Serenade, A la Fontaine. A Mules. mal o..ta� BeaU toSur les Cimes. N appoli. Warren Leonard was eleete(} president of the Interfraternity council fOlfrom "Tristan and Isolde" .. Waf7ner Rehearsals for ··The Twentieth Cen_ Hant basket sho()ting, alit! long. liIho.�C' the remainder of the year at the rt'gutury Ark,'P to be given by the W. A. hy Xorgrell alltl Sten'll:;ou again gav.Buntly, Xorman Harris and Graham VABSITY �AlQt ICBH '1'0 lar meeting of the council ye.sterda� Chicago a le:lll of (h-e poillt�. At thisA. Monday at 6 in Lexington gymna in the Reynolds club. The other ofA.&:hcr JIBE'!' HAMTJ.�ON SWDDIBBS sium, will be held Friday at 3:30 ir: point, howe"cr the pl:ly hl.';.ran to slowficers chosen were: Albert Hodge, ,-iceffbe annual exchange between thl� -Dual JI_' ._ 'RyqO."n '"-b � __ � �o- the Neighborhood room, and Saturtla'\: up, and before Page's team could e·' ·........ U& """ "&1& ..... '" president; Ogden Coleman, reeordin�staffs was inaugurated last year onmo- WIn' 'D.In_ p_" _...:_ morning at 9 in Lexington gymnasium. together again, Xorthwl'stern had· re_........ -AA05 un .. V&VilIIII:J secretary; George Leisure, .treasurer,�Iarch ith. The Maroon staff, unllm n_- won. If th f th I 41ucctl the leat! to a siugle point_ Chi_WV&II _.... ere are any 0 e women w 10 and Seymour Frank, corresponding set··the direction of Managing Editor Hi .have not decided what animal to rep_ ret.arv. cago spurted, and two wonderful sho�ram Kennicott, succee(Ied in kecpill;! The Chicago natators meet the Ham. 1-eaen� have been asked to communi- hy Xorgren antl Stt�v"lIson render'"-I lb· th Ham The set of rushing rules eompiletI by th 1 1 - I f Th-up the standard of the Tribuno, whih' • ton c u team In e Uton club ea.te with the costume committee be_ . e eat seeming y :;:1 c. IS per·k C h WI· , the council committee antI tho�e Slll!' f t 1 . .•}'rcllerick Carr and his assistants gan tan. oae utes team, flush ell fore the rehearsals. ormanee was r('p('a ef agam ·aDgested by individuals were real} 31111 ·again, but th(' Purple w('r� never quit.The follOwing "characters" have sig. orditaeussed. No action was taken able to for;:e alwatl. The whistle blewni&ed their intention of being present: ft.l·ther l; .. t. The fraternl·tl··e". were urgeel"<c"" .... with Chicago le3lling. ::4-::!!l.Mr. and lin. Noah .. Margaret Rhoderchased the Tribune.I;1III The Sta1f Monday.roo:! st a.fl' as follows:l\lartin Stovers, Managing editor..� �����c �?�!��15���!������ .. _ __.Burdette Mast, Telegraph edtior.Harry Gorgas, Sporting editor. rendition of the "Tristan" seelctions,the music was splendid. The selectionslows:SOli, r'rancis Broomell,Carl Cropp, Ber­Prelude and Isolde's Love Death,lIarll Xowman, 'Vendell Dixon, Nicholus I�ellt7., Frank Stutesman, Robert!I\:I·i'ilI,:''IIthe University an edition which w:ul,t'yonll comparison any other ellitionM. Last year the Maroon staff wentto Gary anticipating a hard time t.;get enough news to fill eight pagc�hut mueh of the work of the featurewriters could not be prin.ted beca\l�"of the abundance of loeal news.Has Confidence In 1IaI'Oon."This is a great idea," said Carr()"er the telephone yesterday. "I haHah�olllte confidence in the ability ofthe �(3roon statT to again get out on('of the· hest papers of the year. Anllwe promise to get out a real, SCriOll!'lllarooD."" Present Irish Plays IIonda7."l,nthlcen Ni Houlihan" anI} "Th('Play Boy of the Western WorM" willhe play<,11 by the Irish Players Mon­dav nigllt at 8:15 in }landel 1\:111.T��e plays given under the au!\­picc� of the University Settlement hyarrangement with the managcm�nt ofthe }'ine Arts theater. Tickets are on8."11e at the office of the Or�h�tn.l a..".soeiation in Cobb ahlLIl\\\ t/\ with their re('ent '\"ictory over Illinoisis anticipating vietory. In the fortyand the hundred Hanson of the Ham_ilton club, recently of the Central Y. Robert Miller.�am ,!�lls.Vice- President.Frank Selfridge.�.J ohn ,Baker.Richard Ma.tthews.!'reuarer.HarrY Gorgas.Carl Ullman.LDn.rian.Donald Delaney.Paul RUSBell, John Greene, Lauris­ton Gray, Dan Brown and Harvey Bar­rie were-eh�� . the ·Eleetio� commii-·of th(> DR. JUDSON WILL SPEAK CmCAGO TAKES POORCONTEST FROM PURPIE'-Women Will Hold Mass-MeetingTomorrow For Chicago-CalcuttaMovement - Deans to Talk: AtSupper VaraityWins FromNorthwestern34-29 But Fails to DisplayClever Worknight by, aft'ont of Cobb. Ruth Allen, chairmnu iug tho score, the gallic would have'of the campaign, will lead with a drum. been featureless tJlroughout. Pa�hbd Margaret Rhodes with a fife. Page's team di:-:l,layetl SOllie cleverDean Ma.thews to Speak. team work, but .Iid not exhibit thebean Mathews, Professor Fleming 01 speed :11l11 dnsh that charuct er ized theLahore, India, and Dean Talbot willlJ(· work On last week's trip.the principal speakers at the d irme iwhich will be given tomorrow nigh�gartner came 00\\-11 the floor and drop-ped a neat shot ill the bask cr, A mo-Chiengo got the jump when Baum-from 6 to 8 in Lexington 9 -commous.Mary MacDonald, Belen Adams anllMargaret Green will represcnt the stu­dents in short spceches. Plorence Roth,ermel, '13, will speak for the alumnae.The ticket sale is progressing 'rap­idly, according to the committee chair­men. Due._ too the limi�ed 8e�ting__ca-_pacity of Lexington, only 450 fiekestwill be sold. ment later Xorthwestoru forged aheadon a basket L�' G. Whittle and a freethrow hy H. Whittle. After this, how_eyer, Page's tenm rapidly ��lIle to th.front and led at the cml of the per·iod, 17 to }O. The firxt half was feLtur�leti!I,-HtUe-- ... Ir.�-·-;--lwiug-·��-­by either team, aud the game practi­cally degenerated into a scramblingmatch.Northewstern Comes Strong.COUNCILGrally's team profitedthe Interm isaion, .for they came back,and after five minutes of play had r._dnced Chicago's leall to l.'ne poiDt. ...Here Chi4'ago ShOWl'" a flash of brilrto eonsider the rules and to otTer su�­and Cornelia Beall.M. C. A., and Pavlicek will put up a gestions at the next meeting.Mr. and lin. Shem .••• Margaret anelh�rel fjght. Neff can be eounted on toplace in these events. Pavlicek shouMnnnex the baek st�oke, although Sideland Olson are fast men. Hanson hol,l!'the Bartlett reeord of 2:45 in the 220yard swim.Princel1, a graduate of the Unh·er.sity, is a good man in the plUnge, do­in� the 60 feet in 35 seeonds. Lymanhas juft recovered from an attark ofmumps and will be unable to partid­pate. Goodman, who won the breast�troke 1n the IlliDois meet, ean beC'otlnteel on to place in his event. Titusmay also swim in this raee. The re-1n�' rnce will be c1O!te, as the Chicagoteam will meet such men as 0180n, theformer Lane star, and KaeLanhan,who �am on the ehampionship relaytea.m of Lewis Institute.Coach Lesly of the Hamilton dubhf'lie\'C!' his team will put 1Ip a hardfl�ht. Coaeh White deelaree that af·(c..tiaecl - ,_ .) Xorgrt·tJ, 8te\"en:-;on� Ullll George dhlpractically all the :-;eoring for Chieap,and Lois SutherlanelDorothy Da,·i�Mr. and Mrs. Japheth .. Nancy lIiller OBOOSE and the two fOl"\var.18 e�pecially aea'DBBA'.rBB� some scpctacular slU)ts into the ba.­keto For Xorthwl'slt'rn, "'hittlo a'Flog •.•. , ..••...... Lillian Swawite Hold �outa for SophomCll'f) Forensic center Ilclnonstratell that he will beFish ••.••.••..••... Grace Hotchki� �eam .ext Week. one of the hardcst mcn in the Confer�Turtles •.....•••. Nellie Barrett an,l (·nce to �tllP in future ;.,rnmes. lie i.Phoebe Baker Donald Bean, Percy Dake, antI D'l- left hantlel1, anll cxtrt'm('ly e1c"er i.Homeless Hector •.•• Adele Franke! vis Edwarcls were selecteel memhers of han�11ir.g tlte' hall. 'l'h(' �I'oring WUOwl....... Ruth Agar the Freshman debating team at tlU' e\"cIIly 41i,·i.fe4! ))1'I\\"('t'lI the men.and Elsie Joh:1� The subject diSC'u.ssed wa. .. f('41cra1 ow_1(011_ •• '. • •• •• •• Dorothy Llewell�-Il neM'hip of telephone Rne} telegraph. I· C aeh ..... onlton "?·llar 1 Atk.-n" Xor:;: P!l• _ - .•• - • I:' F_ .... - - .... ' Eltia)lonkey Alma Parm"'�.� IDes. 0 oM ,I. I .and BenJ·amin Bills a('teel as jl141gc� all!) Stevensoll L. F.Manu Linn Mar}, �{ad)"nnll' Holme ..'D___ Stella Mctier :\1111 Edward Reti('ker pr�i41�1.�... 'I II (. G. WhittleThe t.-am pi�k('el y�f'rllRY will e1"'- :-; 111 ••••••• - - • •• • ••••bate the Sophomores in the early Des Jardicn, ( AMricliof the Spring quarter, anel later will Hallnl_::art Il<'f ..• - • '.C!oDtend with the Northwestern fir!'t! G('or�c : L. G. _ .. - Veil.. "'- ub for the Sophomorf' nnsk .. :�: �orw .. tl -to Ste\"enson '"year melle .... In I l I'll' � Wlait-team will be 'heTc1. n('xt w('('k. Th(' I Georg .. ·:;' R:ll\mg'ar�'l\'r:.. " lS-,h tl') \Ilri('h � \ ('lll� �.mnnen of the Fr�bmnn_Sop omor(' . e -, .l I �(!onten will be awarded tuition for on(' }'rcc throw�: Stewn!'on 4, H. Wlai'"tic 4, G. Whittle 1.:Mr. and Mn. Cat...... Alta Fisher)(arga�t l'on h�)'Kittell •....... Mildred Erhart anelDorothy Wir . .cRabbits •..••....• Helen Hare :1'.1.T�phi"f 8t:nr.Dud •• a ,.' . . . .. Haidee Broi8!lertThe �mber:. of the eostu,,�.� (!\>1Timit_i, f' win be .:"lDounC!ed in tnfl'lorrnw's» ....... tryouts yesterday afternoon in Collh. Tho Score.Chi(';ego (34).II. Whittl.ftIB BAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, I'EBltt1AJtY 25, 191-1.Communication.overcoatsovercoatsovercoatsBulletin ..THEiBuB�(6J4/!!07t?lif£JlM,Now in Our NEW HOKE, N. E Corner State and Jackson.Our Annual Saleof Bl ue Serge SuitsBLUE serges, always considered themost staple item of all. are pricednow at much less than their real value.Every suit is a fall or winter weight inplain or fancy weaves, finished or unfin­ished.. The styling is emphatically cor­rect-the real values are $20, $25 and$2.7. . The ann i v e r s a r y $14 75pnce IS only •Last reductions on overcoatsSERVICEABLE overcoats, in a mul­titude of styles and weaves, haveundergone the final price cut of the sea­son. Overcoats that were $16.50, $10$18.00 arid $20.00 now priced at. •The Dail, MarooD :�r========����====;======TODAY'Senior college and colleg of Oem­meree and Administration chapel,10:15, MandeLCollege of Educ.ntion chapel, 10:15,Emmons Blaine 214.Dramatic alub, 10:15, Cobb 123:.Tiger's Head, 3:30, Reynolds clubMathematical club, 4:13, Ryerson 37 .Sociology club, 4:30, Harper M16.Candidates for associate title, 10:15,Cobb 12A.b, W.Co�"'".II. 8. QoqasBe P .... ,w. LL,.... 1' .... Editor4AIe&Iee .....1I..ta... .�erClrealaUo •• �erEntered .. IMCOD4-c� mall at theChlcqo PoelOJlloe. Chlcaco. ilL. lI.arch 11.ltO', uD4n Act of Karch I, 1171.Washington's PoPrtrait.To the Editor:JIaI'ooD PrMe. 5511 Cottq. Gro.... AYeDue.A USEFUL SYSTEM. Might I be permitted to u::lk whatgrudge against George Wushington hasAt the uiversity of Washington, the led the students of tho University topresident calls in the reporters of all saddle future generations with thatpapers much concerned with the uni-versity, and discusses the affairs of horrible spocimen of the amateur sign­painter's art displayed at the southend of Bartlet.t at the WashingtonI'rODl lust Friday night?The picture, as those who attended Ithe institution with them, Heplains the plans and policies of the tht! Prom kIlOW, is :t large canvus sur-university, new buildings, faculty con- rounded by electric lights and drapedditions, outlines what he wants played wtib an American flug. We found nofault with either the flag or the lights.up and answers questions. Such a, As to the paint used, like the butter insyt'tem is out .of the way here, since the Mad Hatter's watch, it was thethere are too many men who must be best paint: As to the picture, any selfrespecting advertiser of 'Va�hingtollapproached for news; but such a cen- Shredded Hay would hesitate to put jttral "clearing house" system for news up on his most secluded bill bourd, The $30$20$IfO andandandtwo inches higher on one side than 011It insures the right kind of public- the other, and his right eye was so $35$25$lf5is valuable. mouth of the gentleman in question isity and practically obviates the wrongkind. If some such system could bedevised here, it would be most helpfulto all eoneerned, twisted about in his face that it waswith uifficulty that he kept it from nownownow $20.00$15.00$29.50. Austrian·Acu-ess to Speak. t..,--------------------.- ....lIaclame Barseseu of the Imperialdancers for the whole evening for their Court theater of Vienna will recite se.,gullibility in letting such a earicnture lcct ions from several tragedies at thebe put over on them.falling out. The smirk, supposed proh-ably to be a benign smile, mocked theLa 118 HAVE ACTION.German club meeting Friday afternoonUndoubtedly the Father of his Coun, at 4 in Lexington, Maclame Barscscutry would be shocked at the I�k ofvamped, with a "new deal" all around, has been playing at the German thea-artisttc taste in his descendants, andter of Chicago, but will leave for Vien­so to speak, was set going officially would certainly be justified in polish­nu, Saturday, Professor Allen will in-council ;re-The Interfratel1litying his hatchet with a view to using::Mona Lisa tactics on this particularportrait.But the thing that astonished methe most is the complnceney of theSenior class. One of our prominentSeniors has been heard to say thatthis is one of the most laudnble thingl'clone by any of the classes and that Ill'hoped that future classes would folyesterday, when Warren Leonard waselected president. The council has onegreat task before it-and the greatshare of responsibility is on Leonard­This task consists of working up n!atisfactory rushing system and putting it througb etrec.tively, so that itwill be a working factor next autumnill the wilcl scramble for pleuges. What trodnce Mme. Barseseu and will give ashort outline of her program.Tells- of Women in India.Dr. Burton spoke on the Calcut'tumovement at �unior college chapel yes'terday, , lIe told .of the eondifionsamong the natives of India, purt icn­larly the women, and also the workthat has been done there by membersof the 'Vniversity faculty nnd other�,"Our task is to keep Miss Melcher inIndia,' said Dr, Burton. "We must doit in order to keep at least one rf'prf'­sentnfive among the Indinn womf'n."low suit. We beg to suggest that tIH'the council does will in a great meas- students and faculty of the Universitynre determine whether the shake·up get down on their knees and pray forgiven it recently bas done any gooll, the future of the University if theyor wllether further working over is do.In the meantime the cartoon ofGeorge Washington is a disgraee toneeded. Dean Talbot to Speak.the Senior class, which is guilty of se- Dean Talbot ,,:ill speak at a IlinnNAGAlB' W'E DBEAJI. leeting it, and to the University for to be gh'en by the department ofThLCJ mental picture is inspired by aeeepting it, and to any future Wnsh . Home Economics and Househuhl Art», t P hi h h ·11 Ii 1 it; lin l;ori.I:t." from 6 to S, in Lexingtonthe thought that the Blackfria� :trC' mg on rom w IC s a {1!'IJl ny .and most of all, it is an in:-Clltt to F'irs! ('ommon!'l. -Iuliette Am ('!'I i� �encral1 . lee little n�t·e!!!r, ' I'aeenmn abng a III President of our Country. So nior. I'lmirman. with till' followlll� (' rmr-reckoned in four fignre� at the ptesen1 men : Lorena Lur-hr, llar�:tret AnJ!tlC'r:ltime. The picture j� this-a little ivy- Neighborhood Clubs Entertain. nnd ·Jo:li7 .... heth Spencer.cclorcd Gothic building ('onhLinin� a Reccpt lous for the members of tilt'Southenst Ncighhorhoo,l dull will lit' SwiDlDling Regula.tions Announced.small but well-equippccl theater, name('(lnt1nl1c.l t his week. To,Jay 1Ici;.:1l1'Cl1•. lle1l taking �wimminJ! will he c'ntlllt•• tely enough ''The Monn�-cd Rpproprm hoo.1 ten.� will I.c gi\"(�n from �I tn r 1.01 al.sent .; thcy :Irri\'(! more than fh'"tery." Tn thi� building are (}uart('r!'l at the homes of :«'Ioren('e Hf'a(,(,ol�k. 1l1illutcs after thc hOl1r fur whic'h th<'ir- tor the Friars (they ha'\"e moved from Eleanor Hunter and lfnrgcry Coonlt·y. r1a�!' is l'Ichcllule.t. Swimming n",:-ItStudent Adivitics bnilding now); jn Clarence Whitaker will cntertain }·ri. hl� taken with the (,lass rcgistere.l for,'L_. 'th clay afternoon. .... nd not with an earlier or later c1n��.t'hifr huildjng plllY" may He gJvcn, WI ..�nlln� of �ecnery, and real !'Iccn'"effed& We may cheerfully pRy thoprice of admission, when we know thntthe surplus goet' for such a CRU8C. Trnlythe coming deeade will be a great PIIilO9Ophlcal Club Will Meet.The Philo�ophical ('lub will meC't to.morrow night at 7:30 in Harper )110,The topic for the evening will 1)('"The Ethics of the Minimum Wage:"Bickle, Larkin and Geiger will !'Ipeak. Senion Compi.1ing Directory.A clire�tory of the memh('fS of th�Senior ela!'.." will be pllbli !'Ih ell next.1 h' been !'I('nt toquarter. Carl � a' C .,k "' forI�\'ery pC'rson in thc �la�� n� In�nt anll prosnecti\'e acltlr�es,prc!'lc .'one. Wanted At OnceEach man at the Uaivnsity to ccme in nd ianltirale GarSpecial Offerto College MenHERZKA BROTHERS:- : T a i I 0 rs :-:Telephone B. P. 1037.1545 East 53rd StreetOpen Evenings aDd SUDda7 lion ...�---.-- .... -.----.-.-- .....Training Timemeans denying yourself many pleasant lbinp. It Dnerbars out Coca-Cola. The leading athletes ad ball·players in the country endorse it. In training qaartersor on the field they drink it for the refreshmeDt aDdbenefit they have found it contains.Delicious - R.e"re.hi�Thirst - QuenchingTHE COCA-COLA CO�Atlaata. Ga. w.e.nn'"1ft •• Anow,illaII: of Coca-ColaNON-LEAl-< ABLE ¥UP I\IIIIIIIl1I11 YEARLINGS HAVE BIG DAY;CLASSIFIED ! BOTH BASKETBALL DAJIS WINADVERTISEMENTS First Team DoWDS Seniors 22'18, andSecond Squad Trims Jrf.edica by25 to 7 Scare. , ?o f-- l.Brief Cam .... News �Kedica to Giye Dance-Medical stu­dents will give a dance Saturday,March 7 in the Reynolds club. All who5c per line .. No advertisements reo intend to be present have been askedeeived for less than 25c. All c1assi1led Y l'stenlny was a hig day for the to leave their names with Walteradvertisements must be paid 1D .ad. Freshmen, '!'he first team trimmed the Leonard..FRESH Seuiors by a 22 to 18 score, while thellt..'tlic8 lost to the second FreshmauUNPOLISHED team, 25 to 7, ill the eyening.·vance.RICE15 LBS. FOB $1.00. 'I'he first game was close, aud in thesecond hulf it looked as if the Seniorsmight pull ahead. The only factor that �l in � oda7-Chi Psi andDelta Kappa Epsilon will bOWl 'theIi nil! game tor the Interfraternitychnmpionship this afternoon at 3 inthe Reynolds club.Buy direct, from the grower and g�your food at first cost. Will ship 15 Ibs. of unpolished rice, thbest food obtainable, upon receipt of$1.00.PRAmIE RICE PLANTATION,Little Rock, Ark. hpt the F'reshmeu iu the running was To Discuss SlaV8ry-"Christlanityt he hn sk et l'Ihootillg of Schaefer, who and Slavery During the Colonial P6l""Sl:ol'cci tell of his team's twelve point�. iod' will be discussed by Assistant1\ l'lIl1cdy was the sturt for the Sen· Professor Jernegan at a meeting ofj��r�. Tile lir st serious iujury of the the Graduate History club tomorrow�('ril's took l,lal'c wheu Rothermel, the night at 8 at the home of ProfessorFl'l'::;hlll:tll !;uurtl, received u bad cut llcLaughlin, 5609 Woodlawn avenue.on'l" his eye. All graduate studeuts in History haveThe :-'l'l'olld game promised to be a been urged to be present.closely fou!;ht battle, but in the sec-Graduate Women's club-GraduateWANTED-For permanent posltlou-, "1;01 pI'rio.l t he Freshmen ran awaywumen 'of the Household Administru­two men who arc over twenty-five f'rom thc �1l'e1il's. The play was fnstt ion department will Le hostesses t.)years of age, and who either have de , alld rOIl,.;II. Sut t played his usual goodthe Graduate 'Vomcu's club tomorrowat 4 ::W In Lexington 15.grees or will receive them the presentquarter, )Olust be of good address, Nopurt time or temporary men will beconsidered for these positions. Phone'V. C. Stone, Randolph 3364 and makeappointment. . l-::! me for the first year men, uud1\ nipsch ihl tan him a clo�c second.Dllring the second hulf uoue of the�I edics played up to their standard, A Sociologists to :Meet-The Sociologyclub will meet today at 4:30 in Harperrecord for the greatest number of men :\116. Miss Elia. 'Vertheim, secretaryu: .. ed in a gallic was set, when elevell of the Consumers' League of Illinois,F'reshrneu got into the game. wHI speak on "The Consumers'The score (first b'1lme):::FOUND_A Kappa Sigma pin in EI- Kcnuedy . . R. G. Rothermel, Otis Bible school, will deliver an open lee-lis Hall. Loser may have . same by �\!:tton ......•... L. G. . ..... Schafer ture tomorrow night at 1 :30 in Haskellapplying to -Innitor of Ellis Hall. Baskets: Murray 2, Rehm, Kennedy assembly room on "The Rise and.1. Wetmore 2, Templeton, Otis, Scha.- Growth of the D�ly Vacation BibleANYONE planning to kayel in Eu- fer 6. School Movement.'A TRIP ABROAD for congenial peopleunder ideal University Travel and at minimum cost. Three places Snell meets Editors.nro still open. For partieul ..... address Chicago division of the Boy Scouts will...... u " Donald Colwell was elected editor-C I D th K h speak on "The Preparation of Boyaro oro y u ns, in-chief of the "Cooler," the SnellCl . Re tat' Scouts for Demonstraiton Work" at theucago. presen we, house annual, at a meeting held Mon·Phone Drexel 161. 440-1 Be·rkley a"'" Scout Master's meeting at 3:30...... day night. The other officcrs elected 4 :30 in Cobb 12A.:,re: Edich de }'l'ies, assistant editor;DRESS SUIT TOR 5ALF-Size 36; JlIgo :'1 c:olldit:,:m: cost �r,U: sell �o.'$1;;, in,:I.u,ling dress shirt, (ollnre andtie. lhone en' II,. P. 566l.rope next summer can save eonsld­erublo money. by going with a person,ally conductd party. Communicate withX. Y., ,I:', Maroon office.W ANTED-3 bright, energetic youllgmen wanted for profitable summerwork. Guaranteed salary or cemmis,sion. Cnl on G. C. Burton, room 33t;D'.!l Prauo hotel.WANTED-Freshman with some ex-perience in camping or now engageclwith \\"or�_ as assistant in 'Viseonsiucamp, .July nnd August. Address W. M.Kiplinger, Morgan Park, IlL Kessler. lessor Allan Hoben, independent can-Townley, Bent ...• C •••.•.• Holdeman didate for alderman of the Sixth ward,Blackburn ....•• R. G •..•....• Butler will speak to the members of Hitch-Carpenter cock house tomorrow �il7ht at 10.:McLaughlin '"DFreshmen 1. (22). Seniors (18)�lurr:IY ..... ",R. P. Willett,WetmoreHehn.l,Fit"-l'atrick L. F..... Templeton\\" Jllinms .•.•.... C. FisherPrco throws: Kennedy 4,Templeton 2Referee, Catron.Second game:F'reshmen II (25) Medics (7)Wheeler, Satt .... R. F. BothmanLevin, Headland.Knipschild L. F. ...•.••. MayerSaU, Jacschke ... L. G. Gilroy League.'Talks on Vaca:tjon Movement-Dr.Robert O. Beville of New York, thenntionai director of the Daily VacationAddresses Kath.V"\!\TED-The Cap and Gowns {Or" tdll nU!m)Jer� of his department a.t a hl"eraty men oul for practice,and hopedtllc .years of ]8�·1897; 1903. A rca' to have games with teams from the.111:1I,lc 1,riee will be 1)aid. Daily Ma. )':1rty tonight frQm 8 to 11 in Haskel).h other men�s domitories.0('" otTica. Although the entire program as not"aul 1.3 Rose, business manager, an,lI ;eno Giaru, a.ssistant business manll.·�".rStarr to be Host at Path,..As�odatc Professor Starr will enter.'"I't hecn announcetl, it is rumored thatBOARD-In small private family. Ex- :111 amusing scene has been written byccllcnt home cooking. Limited numbet 1 :Ii�s lIaIling, anll a playlet hy Camp­at table. Addreu 6]34 Woodlawn ave' I �('1l ).[ ar\"in.nue, :lrd apartment, telephone HydePnrk r,37.. WANTED-.\ former ChiC':lgo man11:1� �l'lelldiel upportunity for stu­tlt'nt� w .. rkillJ! thei.r way through eo1_1('l.!c who lIa\"(� e"I,('ricnC'e an,l abilityill �all'sm:l1l�hip. I ahl'lolutcly guarall't('I' a. tlollar �n hl'lur to ahle men. '\'rit�for parI it'lIlars to Grip Bow Co" Oma­ha. Neh.LOST- .Lnely·s �oltl watl·h. BetwcI':lHarper's Lihrary ana 6039 Kimh:lr�,.Name ('n�ra\"e,l in baek of ease. R,!war,l. }'inacr please return to Infi)1ma1in nureau,. Co.�b n."lll.SUBSCRIBE FORTnE DAILY MAROONAll the campa. De ... .. �11tE HOlD. or AMDICAN IDEALSHOTEL POWHATANWAa"'NOTON. D.C. club-ProfessorBliss will speak on "Leesgnes' Defini­tion of a Definite Integral" before theMathematical club today at 4:15 inRyerson 31.Scout J(asten M:eet-Mr. D. W. Pol·lard, the executive secretary of theSneU Challenges lIikhcoclt-Snellhall has challenged Hitchcock to a bas·kethall game, but ha.s not yet receivella reply. Roy Knipsehild, captain ofthe Snell team, stated that he had p:StinctivelyIndividual"BntLoaaWIletelIa W"""__'.nr .. 4 A1Mo� a¥pzour..... ..s. .......JRmOPB&Jr RAJr.aooma, detacJae4 1I&aa.aooma, Pl'lftte k� .... 1Ip...... f3.OO ...Writ, 'Ir 8oIIt1tt 'T' wit ...:0:- Cifford Me LewI8.x.urAGEL •. . Dr. OUD8&1llua 8peab on Beligion.That psychologically man must havea religion was the statement of Dr.Gunsaulu8 in his lecture on "The Per·sonal Warfare for the True Self" In..'itr.ight in Mandel hall. This lecture wasgiven under the auspices of the Y. ll.U. A. and the Y. W. C. L. "PersonalHope" is the subject of the conchltlingtalk of the series to be given at STU(>l4.tny night, llarch 1U, in �antlcJ.Mr. math Speaks at Ellis Hall.llr. Iluth of the lli�tory u(.'l,urtlllent�l'oke at the meeting of the ClaMMit'alclub at Lineoln house, Ellis hall, 1:1:o'tnight. IIhe �pake on "Asylum an,lNeutrality in lIeneni�tic Times," giv_ing selections from the uevelollmentof the right of sanetuary between thetimes of Alexan.ter anc1 Tiberia. .., with�ia1 emphasis on the extension ornlOrc temple asylum into the neutrnl· of cities and communities. "There, look it overl"Tbat'sjust what we said one day t.oyouabout Fatima Cigarettes. You did, andthat was the stnrtof Futimas-etoduy thebiggest selling cigarette in this countr-y.No other cigarette has ever held thesway in college life, nor given thesatisfaction that Fatimas have,Always in a plain package-no expensewasted on trimmings-quulity all in thecigarettes-purest and best tobacco,�t$��:':cco�........ - .. -.-�--- .. - .. ----ST. LOUISBest Reached by Through and F ast Trains of theILLINOIS CENTRALAll Steel Daylight;SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.; arrives St.· Louis (via MerchantsBridge6;02 p. m, Indestructicble steel cars of handsome interior fi ishEvery comfort and convenience will be found en this train.Diamond SpecialLeave Chicago 10:30 j). m.; arrive St. Louis 7:48 a. m. Electric­lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago.Stopa Made iD� Both Direction.- at South Side ThroushStatioDa, 43rd, 5� .. d and 63rd StreelaObservation Parlor Cars, Cafe Ch:.b Cons. SleepingCars. Free Reclining Chair Cars and CoachesTickets, Fares aDd Sleeping Car Reser"atioDa at76 West Adams St.CITYTICK.ET OFFICEk. J. CARMICHAEL, D. P. A. Phones: Cent. 6270-Auto ��.-.--.--.----------- .. --­---_ ..... _.----_ ... _--_ ....Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at Stth Street.Near som Street Subway Station and53f'd S�eet Elevated."Broadway" cars from GrandCentral Depot.Seftllth Aftilue Can from Pennsyl·nnia Statloa.KBPT Ill· A COLLBO. MANR.ADQUARTBR8 FOR Cf)U.BGB JI�NS"BCIAL RATB8 FOR COT,1�BGB TE.OISTen Minutes' Waik to Thirty TheatresHARRY P. STIMSON. MANAGERnF.AnQUAUTF!R8 ",·,R CHICAGONew. Modern and FireproofRooms with Bath, $2..50 and up.8tJBSCRIBE FOR THE DAIl.Y l\tAr..OONGreat Singers Mustbe "Tobacco Wise"T .... is tIae Tohac:co � .., Opera StanMEN who depend upon theirvoices come to know tobaccoas the ordinary smoker never knowsit. A sensitive throat or month feelsthe slightest sting, bite or scorch oftobacco.Tuxedo is the one tobacco whichsingers, actors, public speakers­all men who guard their throatszealously-can smoke with pleasureand safety.!�xedo tobacc? cannot sting, biteor Irritate the delicate membranesof the mouth or throat.Tuxedo tobacco has made thousands ofmen converts to the pipe, because it has madepipe-sm��ing possible for them. Under thefamous Tuxedo Process" the mild tenderleaves of the highest grade Burley tob�cco areso skillfully treated that Tuxedo burns slowlya!ld aftords a cool, mild, thoroughly enjoyablepipe smoke.Leading men in all walks of life - well­known doctors, lawyers, ministers, lecturers,etc.-smoke Tuxedo and testify to its sooth­ing influence on the throat.YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO poach. 5 Famoa. ....... &.10in�.r-lin.d with C witIa .,old letteriaa. ClDO�paper �tofit pocketIn era.. Hamid ... SOc mad SOcFREE Send u. 2 cents in stampa for post­age and we will mail you a souvenirtin of TUXEDO tobacco to anypoint in the U nited States. AddressTHE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANYRoom 1209 111 Fifth Aveline New York l)O!-:A�:> BRIAS"The lIar! ;:J;:c �larl;ct""I hare / Ihalll:e use0/ Tundo t/�$ nol in/er/erewilh my �;nging. On Il:econiran), r rc net'er inJulg�din a mare �alis/y;n,. marcrcally hcncfic;al $mol<e .."�JACK HENDERSON•• The Pink Lady" Company•• Loud Cheers lor T wce4o.MylalJOrile-always. Il1Utnewze3lin/omy$/nginga/lerG flil'e/ul 01 T undo. I findT wceJo Q rml f)Oice help •••tf-t�CARL GANTVOORTleadinltl'oleiDMRobin Hood""I alUJGys fill my flipe IDiIIaT wce40. T uzeJo GtUlI Grcfirm /rienth ."tfiWt/' " !�Fra&enlt7 �ewelr7Lea&laer Qoo4aCODep ]fonIUe. E_bo.te4 St&Uoael7WeclcUDg laYllaUoa.caDI .. Carel.BROCHONENGRAVING COMPANYB. G. TURNERPresident III .aIIen BaDcna.For all 'round wear and good serviceWe recommend our SPECIAL WIN­TER OFFER---A black, blue or grayserge or cheviot suit, with extra trou­sers of the same or stripe material$30.00�B PO. �OVJIG IIBII'fHBEB BTOB 1:8: 'I N. La BaDe at. • B. J.ebo'D Blvd. 71 E. MotJroe StM. ShlndermanTAILORS • CLEANERSIf you want your clolhes Pressed and to stay Pressed callup Midway 6958.We Call for and Deliver PromptlyOrder your SPRING SUIT Early and have it ready for EarlySprina Days. 25 per cent discount on all orden ta�en now.1114 E_ 55th Street. .. .�"ICAGCi). SOlrl'B DIVDil'l'l KBH FINISH HAR"D TRAININGGJVB BftBBUllOIElftDr BALL MONDAY NIGHT Director Stagg' Ends Stiff WorkoutsA contest, which consisted of guess, For Track Team and Will Polishing the originals of a number of baby Rough Spots For lUiDois Meetfavorite for championship honors illSeven numbers will he given at the the Indoor Coufereuee.Junior 'vaudeville Friday at 3:30 ill The practice sessions lloullny andthe Reynolds club theater. A bur- Tuesday have been the hardest of theIesque, written by Lois Sutherland of year. The high jumpers took theirConan Doyle's "The Speckled Band," last practice jumping before the meet,will feature the program. A tango and under the personal direet ion otcontest will also be held with Phillis Director Stagg had a stiff workout .Fa,y Iris Spohn, Mabel Becker, Hilda Frank Ward ran through several timeMacClintock, Francis Sherwin, and trials in the high hurdles, and hhCarl Fisher participating. A duet by form indicated that he has entirelyMilo Gibbs and Steven Schuster has recovered from his illness, and willbeen added to the program. be as fast as ever Saturday. Yest e r;After the vaudeville, to which the day the sprinters went through a gruel"Seniors have been Invited, tile .Tunion ing workout, and will confine their at­will take part in the Senior dance OIl tention to starting during the r e -the second floor of the Reynolds club mainder of the week. The distant·fmen finished their t ime trials yester­day and easy jog!!' will he the orderfrom now on.The series of gymnasium recordsshattered by the Illini in last week·.l'meet with Ohio State indicate tha:Coach Gill has a remarkably strong tAUDITORIUM:]pietures of members of the Faeulty Nor a B a � e. G .... Beb&Dwas the feature of the party given by With the completion of yesterday's witll � 0'1Kke au40GmJUl7the members of South Divinity hall, strenuous practice session for the Oeo. W. JIomoo DorotIaT -ro�elionday night. Other numbers on the track team, Director Stagg has an- �_ m,tIl_�program were songs by Mr. W. M. nouueed 'an end of all hard training,Stalling and Mrs. Leroy Stafford, and and will devote the remainder of the GARRIt;!Kreadings by M�. James Hess, After week to getting his men into the bestthe program a light lunch was served. shape possible for the Dlinois meetThe hall �-a.s decorated with flaJ.,rs. Saturday in Bartlett. Sa.turday's meethUllting and pictures in honor of Wa�ll- will he tho fastest dual indoor meetingten's birthday. in the West this year, and the atteu-ANNOUNCE COKPLETB tion of the whole Conference will beJUNIOR VAUDEVILLE focused here, for the results of thePBOG&AlI FOR FRIDAY meet should definitely determine theSOBBONNE PROFESSORLECTUBBS ON WORKSOF KADAJIE DE S'l'AEIProfessor Baldensburger of the Sorbonne, exchange professor at Han-nrc!university, lectured before 200 persons yester«lay afternoon in Harper 01 te:lm in a number of events, althougl"Mme. de Stael et Ies litterature: the time in others was slow. l{a�oll.etrangeres_" He told of the life an-l a Sophomore, ran the two mile ia:writings of Mme. de Statel, one of the 10:01, establishing a. new record, Hell'leading French novelists of the eigh- derson, a veteran of two years, broketeenth century, dwelling principally the half mile record, and the lllini re­upon her volume On the French revo- �ay team also shattered the gym revlution. "Mme. de Stael is particularly ord. Illinois, however, has a muchnoted for the enthusiasm which she Im- faster track than the. oval in Bartlett:parted to French Iiterature," said Pro" and too much dependence can not befessor Baldensburger, "and she oeeu- placed in the fast marks set. In spitepies one of the highest positions in the of the good showing of the Illini.French literary world." dopesters are still relying on the relayto decide the meet.(Continued from page 1.) "The Religious Problems ofFreshman" were discussed by Mr. Gil­tor the recent vietory over Dlinois his key hefore twenty-five Freshmen yes­stars will be able to more than hold terday. A continuatio nof the subjecttheir own. The probable entries are � will be given Tuesday, March 10. Thisfollows: will conclude Mr. Gilkey's series ofPlunge-Chieago: Redmon, Neff': talks.Hamilton, Pri'DcelL40 yard swim-Chicago: Pavlic("k.Neft'; Hamilton, MacLanhan.100 yard b�k stroke-Chi<!ago: PaYlieek, Sbirley; Hamilton: Prineell,1)1son.]00 yard' breaM stroke: Goodman,Moore, Titus; Hamilton: OI80n, Si«lel100 yard swim-Chieago: Neff, Pal'liC!ek; Hamilton: Honson, llaeLanhnn.Relay-Chicago: 01s0'D, Parker, Pn'-·Heek and Neff. Ohio va 0JdDeee at .. ball.Among the nineteen games sche«l­uled for 1914 by the Ohio State ba!'e'ball team, one is with the Chin�'!players in May.Woodlawn TrustIt Savings Bankl20f B. 634 � OJdcaco'rHE FAOULft -'fBE 8'l'UDBlft'8of tileUNIVBBSI'rY OF OBIOAOOWILL I'DQ) m'.rBI8 BANE ALL ftIBFACIL1'lIB8 OF A DOWlI'!'OWN BA10tBdue&dcmal YfIU'book X-ed."Some Aspec-ts or High School In.�tnlction anft Aflmini�tration," is thf'title of an article puhli�he«t in the't,hirtef'nth yeR.rbook of the Nationals�iety for the stufly of e<lucation,which was issued by the Pre� .A.lmDDi Brect Memorial.Alumni of Ohio State university wil'cred two memorial gateways at th"('ntrancC8 of the campus, &s token" ofthf' high reJrar(1 felt hy t.he gnt(luatf'!4for their <!011�. Thf' �timatf'd ("o!irtof the gateways is $14,000, part ofwhich bas already been sub.cribed. SAVINGS AOOOVlftB&D4CHECKING AOOOVlft8Are Welcome and Appreciated.BBSOl1BOB8 $2,000, 000.. The UDAD1mou Verdict ofHappy F1Dt NtihWli, tileden Benes.PPASSING SHOW OF 1913Another Cohau &: Harria Triumph.Oeo. II. Cohan's Myste!"7 Farce"SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPA�B"L.\UOHS, THRILLS, l1ELOD.RA.MA.ILLINOISCBBIS'l'IB �DOlfALDINS WEE TilE A'R '!' SHo'1N'srd'S TheatreEDITH wy�.:: MAftBISON-IN-'-THE DEADLOCK"POWERS"FANNIE WARDIn the LaqhblC Sac:c*8of &even �1Itd..MADAM PBBiIIDmft.'t .....Jack Latt.. Kew. Pla7• - _', : t ,,"'t.'.' r" B:JIII WAlftBD .'.A cneaD·��·,d"1I8D17�the STt.JD�B�KERJIB.' LYJI' BABDlII&In Sir Arhtar Ocmaa Do,w.Thr11IIDc Kew PIa,­'!'JIB BPBCJa.BD 1lA1IDFINEAR�'1'BB IB.I8B Pli&.YJDia"The Well of the Saints" ;I. Jt 8yqe"Sovereikn Love"' T. C. MurrayThurs., Fri. -' Sat. Nite. 6 Sat. )(at."The Claney Name" Lenos: Bobluoll"TheCountry Dreumkr" G Fitaaaurie.o LVl\4PICKlaw.��'1'BB '1'RAIL OP ftDI LOJIBIIOIIBP.I1UIwWa Chad*- w __ � hDeLASALLE"BBriB ..... II01UI"A�ERICAN=OPBIB08B • DOCILftADD