NOAB'S 20ftI OEN'l'UBYVoL XII. No. 92. • "_... I' , .•� .• �rll.-:�"PBIOBFIVB�Hold Mus-Meeting and PlanC bapel Speeches to FurtherMission Movement Wit;con�ill will be the next objectof attack for Chicago's rejuvenated ,. . t·. ..."omma Ions for ReynolUs club of- 81 O a�� &'-'D): o:·m,Hlo'� ....TO CANY ASS SUBSCRImONS swimming team. Encouragcd by Sat- EXPECT MANY TO. COMPETE flees will be made at a eaueus to be � An "Inurday's declsive vlctory over Illinois, held in the club theater today at 4:30.As :1fI ClJI('llillg movement in tho Chi- Coach White will devote all his ef.,. Manager Henderson of the Black- The offices to be filJecl are preaideut,eago-Culcuttn campaign, 1,000 postal forts for the next two weeks towards friars, has completed all arranee t ,« ·.1 Probab18 Lineup' To�a- vree-presrdeut, treasurer, secretary,cards were mailed to the Uni\"t�rsit.\· developing hill promising squad for ments for the chorus and cast try· und Iibrarian, Not more than three Chicago. North�WOOtt'U Saturday. Copies of a dodger, the Baduer meet, March 7, at Madison. outs for this year's show, "The Stu 1 .1 fu" Uc c�nc idates or each office \,"ill be noDi-wriU('n by lIary llncDonald, were Chicago WOIl the first swimming dent Superior." Tryouts for the tt'lit iuateel::t this time. The three nomi-distributed on the campus .vc!'tcr,la.,-. t . 1 ears hen the Hlini will be held on the afternoons' of Tu'-, . h . h.., mee In severn y w .... nees w 0 receive t e highest numberThe dodger gives a hist',lry of the were swamped, This season is the day, March 10, and Wednesday, Mareh �f votes will be the oifidal candidates.movement and the W(I:-:{ which .\1 is;; first that Coach White has had even 11, at· 2 :3() in the Rey-noMs club •. ThO Otiler nominations ean be made by Baumgnrtner .... L. G.Melcher is doing in India a promising bunch of candidates to rhoru• and �outs will stal't March 3') p'tition before Saturday. The listThe women of the Ulli\",�rsity �nth - work with, or a team that resembled under the· «lir.ctlon of Coach Coleman, to date of those ted t f Iexpee 0 run or- Conference championship runI1i.n& Cbi-:ered at a mass meting ill �"oster ball in any particular a well balanced ag- . Late Qhonu·Tz70uta. lows':Snturday at 10, and discussed plans di I ed b h The late' date- aet for the tryout:. ('l:gO'S h�"ketball team will enter ��'grcgation. Chicago sp ay ot For president ; Sam Wells, Cowan X I • h . B ,_for the campaign SOIlU"� compose-l cl.1 11 d dt' . Sa+ mark � de"'-'to+nnt from'the·old·systena . ·orth\I"'�Lern game tonrg � rn .art�t1i" -�. spee anu a we roun e eam In It- r- .. S6"ph' en son', Robert "I'lle' r' • ," - _ ••. , _n c .w. out fer revenge, After su1fering twofor the occasion, Wt�t"".! sung, and S311'!· urday's meet. Six of the .even firs'L whereby the last· month of- tile winte.- . . . " -, . ,. '.'-For seeretary: Richard Matthews. hard IUL�. defeats by Purdue and Ohiowieh boards, posters, al!.l penna-its Itt C ..... h Wh·te'a. . quarter' was gil-en over tot rehearsals. _p aces wen 0 0..... I 07 swun- For tre-asurer: Harry Gorgas,' Carl State, Ch!,!3g0 will have to fight nli-were made, Tbe manag.vrs have plan- mers, and Pavlicek broke the Bartlett III cuttfDt dowD the period' for rehear; Ullman.nell speeches in chapel, mrss meet- record for the 150 yard back stroke, sala to one D(oDth� - the man�ger8 be,Ings, and a dinner to be givcn Thurs- while the relay team tied the Confer- lieve they will save time in the end,day. Dr. Burton ,will speak in Jllnior ence mark, made recently by North- since tJa6·tdigibllity of the' canilidateschapel today, and Dr. Gilkey will ad- western. for the- ehorus eatt in' this way' be as-dress Senior chapel tomorrow on the Take Six First Places.. certaiJaect in ac1v&4te-;· In former' years SYlIIPHoWr OROB:E8TB.A· raiser at 7_subject of the campaign. a great' deal 'of, time' .has been wasted GIVB8. FiNAL COHOEB.'!' Northwestern, after a serious slump,.,In spite of a bad start in the plunge,Open SUbscriPtiDn Lists. upon eaBdidates-'w"hO .ave been inelL IN·IiAN:Dm. HALL ''!'ODAY in which the te_ lost to Illinois anain which Illinois scored eight points . 'gible after ·the-examination.. � twice t() Wisconsin, dislpayed theirthrough the stellar work of McDonald .Those trjriia, 'for patts hi' the� ca� : The fifth"Chieago Symphony conc('Tt eomc)Jaek qualities by journeyiIi£ ·tennd Thompson, the Chicago natators ' L�:. n�� h�v�� t�::�, ;.p.ii'h!��-, ���. _��e�d -!��t�oon .. �t.�� Iowa and _defeatjng the. Ha.wk�y�aa:.;:-:--'.;_came-�i8ht.-baek· and -took.a1x � pahd at tJie-tiBle"or the ec,mpetition. Mandel_ This will be' .the�last orehes· ·il;:� 3"4:23. - Chi��g� �s-�bl� i;'" �:: .first places from the Orange and Blue ,ne eUdi� ._wili· r�8.d' -a' seieeii�D tral progiam" as the. 'finai concert will from' Iow� 8.t Iowa City only afte-r 0-.swimmers. The dope was upset in �,.:-:�ru;�;J. a.nd;._if.�: � is a be a song ree�tal by Leo·$riak. of the hardesi P,�es of' th:�' ���!.:praetically every race. In. the forty �Dgfll.· pe,: "Will 'go thrUogil some slm- The foilowing selections .ill com- and as N orthwesteru always put. upyard swim Griffin, the Dlinois speed, . .·ts best game against. Chi�ago,' to- .pIe 'voeat, earei'lleL�. - prise this afternoon's prigram:artist, who had been eon�eded first . .. t'IM._ n,ight's gam,. e will be worth �atehillC'.place, could only land in third posi. __,,..,.....pite. Overture; . "'Abu Hassan"_ .•• - _ Weber"I look 'for a' peat-crowd' to tryout Symphony No.8, B minor.. -' The Purple )lave reeently suffered .th •.tion; while Neff, who had been rated loss' ·of S· h'arpe."" at righ, t guard, wlaMe·becaUe· of the-·Ja....... . Dumbe. r of (unfl-n18- hed) a-hubertin third place, was the first to touch ·6""'" •••••• - • • • • • � " ," '. ". 'd . h'pa'l1::a;'" �a 'Manager Henderson, yes- Alle�o. moderato. plaec'is taken by Al ri� •the finish line. Pavlicek was just W'ou:" dtrl11l'. ��.� .. WtDa.beaten out in :21 3-5. Captain Go(ul- terdal'.·· "'There are' blit -five members And�te eon moto. --of: last;·years east'in' college, and one Suite' "ImpreSsions d'Italie" Chicago's championship hopea' w.ifi:of' these,"hu' deeidecl - Dot to compett> ... _. _ ••. _ ..••..•. _ � •• Charpentit.. t blasted Friday and saturday by two�Serenade, A la Fontaiae_ A Mules. of the most heart breaking defeataSur les Cimes. Nappoli. that a team e,-er. suffered. PurduePrelude and lsolele's Love �ath, 'Won by a �ore of 25_18, but to w!�from "Tristan and Isolde" _. Wagnet bad to display su�h wonderful b�k.�t.8hoOiini, that it is cloubtful ,,�etli.r:!'O Am HBVOLmoif";, A'r nily team in the Conference could h.�.:1w. A.' A. BR'Dm'rAllOlBR'T beaten the Boilermakers. Purdue' mad. :SWIMMERS MEET BADGERS' IIoJl) CAST AND CIIOROS CLUB WnL HOlD CAUCUS tHIcAGO m _ .. ... � ,-l�.,,:,�!'t � ........ �,'/.' .1 .1-TRY.eoTS NEXT 11JE$DA Y Reynolds Club Members Will Meet PURPlE FIVE TONDITThis Afternoon At 4:30 in The- ,ater to Nominate Candidates lor Vaniq Out ,9f ChampiODtJ.'..Offices Race.-Fqrhb For 5ec:oDCIPlace1 an� T earn Encouraged by VictoryOver lllinois- Will Work to WinFrom Wisconsin March 7 --, .Friars Reduce Periociof �For "Student Su,erior" .to OneMODthwoMEN OPEN CALCUTfACAMPAIGN WITH DODGERSXorgren R. F H. Whi�t!.Stevenson . _ L. F •...... ElliIDes In.nlien C. .. G. Whi�Molauder ..• _ .. R. G. .. AldrichVeh8Altlwugh appnrently out of.,nois for second position, and tonight".Librarian: Donald Delaney, Edward game will have an almost. decisive ef-Cola. feet on this duel, The Freshman II.:lncl )f,'.lie team will play a curtainThe suhscription list will be openedThursclay. It is hoped that enoughmoney will be raised to pay Miss M�l­cner"s snlary £Or -tlle -coming ye�;l{,Mher, who is student secretary ofthe Y •. W. C. A. in Calcutta, is carry·ing in celucatioaal work there."The work is of such tremt>nclousl'Ieope,' said Miss Brown, "'that I cl·)not hC!titate to ask every woman inthe University to contribute to the$900 funll for University socinl sen--iee abonrd.'''All University women have beenman diplayell the feature performancen�ked to attend the dinner Thursday of the dayat 5 in Lexington. BC(!ause of limit�,l Swimming withac('ommollation, the ticket sale wiJI l,,'restricted to 450. stroke, he won easily' fromBeaumont, the Dlinois crack,away to a bad the breast stroke. this 'year." A,;·-eomplete· description ora vastly improved the charaetel'8 may 'be' found on' theCaptain Reyn�ld8 club' bulletin· board.who gotTICXETS FOB DB.AKA.'l'ICCLUB PLAY ON· SALE (cOatbl1lec1 on ,.p .. ,Production of Houghton's Drama Willbe Great ETeDt in UDtTeldty, Says T:&YOmS FOB' nBSBVANDirector AldeD. DBBA'l'IlfG 'rBAJ[ ift>DAY VaucDy.� �iatlnd� �r.D:!,)C�· ,�." sCmA' azul'�:�'tib:ofl'...... ,....... � �' .Scats for the Dramatic club wintt>rI,lay on March 1 will be placed on snl�Thursday morning in Cobb. AU seat�will sell for 50 �ents. The club is to prf' Faculty wm Chooee �eam for Con­tesa with Sopllamons &lid NorUl-1NIItSD FnBImwL "The Speekled Band," a take-ofr OJ'! eight field goals to Chit'ago's, aevea, �hnt 8C,'en of the eight were wonderhlwm' PreieDt· Series SlunriDg. ProInsrof shots from the middle of the floor, e','JIaD fIvIIl � to which' only onc or two, are ordinaril1".made in a' game. Although ihey' ob_'tained fewer sh�t8 th�n Chicago;' t.�"son has been carrying. the eontests. At the same time, compc­R('hca�18 are being held regulaTly titions for mcmbenbip in Fencibles,nneler th� direction of Mr. Lestcr Al·the tTnh·e�ity debating society, willh� h�ld.lowcd six minute-s in the con8tructivespeeches and two minutes in rebuttal.Members of the faeulty will judge Cona.·Doyle's.gnat .ystery play, willbe ·one·of the. f�tures. �. tile Junior "'Evolution" will be presented-at "Th�vandeTille �daT'at 3:30 in the Rey- 20th CenturyArk" entertainme�t given Boilermakers lIt"cmed unable to ��nolds dub theat.r. The fal'C!e WR� �y the W. A. A. Monday from 6 to �. when they had a chanee, and a sac·written. 'by Lois Sutherl�� Membe� Dorothy Williston has written t.he play ��ion of wonderful bukets wa.of the east have Dot· yet been an which will tr&ee the development of e�ough to "in. Chi�ago, on the otller,noane�cL A tango eontest will fur- man from his prehistoric 8tate to mod. hand: mi�' trial after trial, �a!l"niM· part' ef the· attraetion fer the nf-ern times. The stages from jello ·to It rolling aTou�d the rim and refusion,'temOOD. Many prominent dan,'�rtc human being will be' demon8trated. to (hop in.have promised to compete. At Ohio State Saturday, after aDancing and singing will �om�eth'e rest of the program. Stella Motiersent Stanley Houghton's "'The Youn�· Tryouts for the Freshman debatinger Gencration." t.eam will be held this afternoon at 2Sol Harrison has been selected to in Cobb 12A. Candidates will be al­pIny the part of tbe father, which wa�originally given to Joseph Geary. �ar.old "right is to take the part Harri-den, who has bad experience both 011thc �ta�e and in profeS8ional co�h·ing. Mr. AJden expressed himself :t�b('ing surprised at t.he ability of tht'members of the east."'I hnve never worked with mor�intelligent and appreciative actor�,"!'aiel Mr. Mr. Alden during an all·dnyrehearsal yt'Jrt�rday "'and their per­fonnan�e is stlTe to be a genuinc event, Seniors have been, invitrd to att(,I·,lthe vaudeviDe. After the pt'"rfonn_. and Margaret Conley will give a teddyanee, tlie ,.1u'nfon win -deseen I to th"bear dancc. Tango step" will be ill,,!,,·The tcnm choscn this afternoon will s�o�d floor of ihe' ReynolcTs Nuhl, trnted by Hilda and Elizabetb lla("t th Ch· Fr h iD aDd, t,ale part inthe Senior' dan(!�.reprCl"cn e ICagO es men Clintoek, and Virginia Titus wil exc.thc annual debate with Northwestern �e �iOi!&m has' 'beeii annonnC"e��ute a prehistoric clog.Freshmen and in the eontest with the u fonon'Sophomores. The subjC(!t is the Feel· 1. ''Lefty'" and Leander. Ham, Shem, Japheth,and other mem­�Tal Ownership of Telegraph Linel'. 2. -�artet •• PhYl1i1i FaY; Katherine Co· hers of their family will form a «,hor­The local Freshmen will defend the af_ :.. - vert; ��k' Selfridge,' Haroiel us. The words and music of the �on�'Tia.;._· have beeD written by Miriam Whalin.ftnnative in both eontests. --TrYouts for the Sophomore team �'sOBai�........... .... Harold Titt:R Janet' Flanner, and "Dorotby Llewellyn.l'n University dramatics." • h �- '11 be be "'ed fromboD 'L The �. Tall- -n�__' Befres menWJ WI lie ••,be .:lI will be held in a to one wee... .. ..... ..... -A meeting of club mem rs Rnn 1\.'- '. B .:lI" f . I .:liAr th('d b te· '. hed 5. Skete' � ;, •... ' "The 8peek, led an'l ark by a group 0 Kqnlrre I', un,.", '.hA,·I .. tA� hft. been caned for Wedncs· FrC1lhmen·Sopho1lH)re e a 18 tie -'I''''', R ",<0 no .1 fI'IL wi of 8." 8eae -ADd, Nonaenae •• Ka.on Docl- direction of Caryl Cody. MI'. an'l,� ".da at 10:]5 in Cobb ]2A. Detail ccl u�d early in Apn. AIle nllersy di!'t- the intra-mural debate are awarded' 10., .BaHeD Bhett, Harold. �g. Cave Man will be p-reaeut in tlleir na-plans for the proc1uetion will be'I. ...,..,. PIe • ....,•• Frank Selfridge 'live attire.eU8ec1. I tuition for one quarter. -IDe Hit 01 Tbe SeasonBrief Caaapu NewsThe, D a_i I" ,M a roo D : 'BuUetin ..-===-=Snell to Give Dance-Memb('rs orf'TODAY '''IJilII....lIIianatERYleESnell hal! will give an informal danceJ'11D1or ,college Wom.ens chapel. 10:15,Ma.ndeL in the Reyonlds club Friday.Hitchcock Han EntertaiDS--Hit,·b·Baldensperg.- lecture, 3, Harper As­.. � IBOI'1a1D.p, a.D4Q aDd sembly room.��Q. Q= � A':�:�aI:lA� Chicago QJDphony Orchestra concert.• taa. 4: 15. Jl'andeLBasketman. Chicago vs. Northwest.ern. 7:30, Bartlett .GunsaulUs lecture, 8, MandeLC1assfti:L1 club, 8, Lincoln house, El- ,·ot·k house eutertuiued Kl'll�' hull WOIll·('II nt th',· o',·hwk tea Sunday •1'01T'TB .......0.. ftI. tIJI.A8. t0' 1'l'�" J[Kyte 'I'IU.'r.�P 1'1''' ... a ....LOCK-DIDl"OUETE."�Tiger's Head wm Meet- Tigl'r'li11":111 will meet tomorrow at :�::W 011t he t hirrl floor of the Reynolds vlub,.. , W. CotUJlcIaaaB. 8. QoqasBe P. Xu,W ... L,..... If ••• BtllOr� ....B ....... XaaaprClnalaUoa Xaaaprlis halLU. OF W. ESTABLISHESWEEKLY CONFERENCEFOR NEWSPAPER :MEN Candidates to Keet-Culldi,lah-s fort he aSSOl' iute title will moot tomorrowat JO: 1:; ill Cohb 12A.Entered' .. MCond-cl .. maJJ at tb.Cblcqo Poatolllee. Cbleaso. lot.. Karch 11.1101, QAdeJ' Act of Karcla .. .111. ..0:.' .A. • .A.S'l'Ba.0 DEL O • .A..TYPEWRITE.'2 For 2S Cents.Beecher Gives Tea-Rl'l't' her h:11IIn order to publish properly univer- �an�:l tea yester.lay aft('rll(lun.81lB8CUPTION aATEB.B7 can1er: 11.10 a 78&1': U.OO a quarter.B7 mall: 11.00 a ,.ear: U.%5 a quarter.:&dJtortal·Bualnue omee. Ellie U.Telepbon. .III14.a7 100. After 10 p m.1174. Park "II. Troy's Best Productsity matters that ought to receivepublictty; President Luudes of the will gh·t.' its unnuul formal IIUIll'(·. Hut,university of "'ashingtoll has devised urday night. Helen St reet , Helen DlOarf ... Sir:-a system 0 weekly conferences with Brooks aud Esther Buttolph will COIllrepresentativoa of all tile newspapersof the vicinity. Twelve papers, includ­ing the city papers of Seattle and Ta; wrlll.1I of ALL orIlle ('CuDbl •• 4 ad·ya_ta�. or 8ET·EBAL b')tewrllen70. ,Ila y. eeea.eo_e •• t rat. 4 I.� N E .ta_dard•• elll.elNOTICEMarooa. PNu. 1511 Cottac. GroYe Ay.nue.SPring clothes are the next thing toSOME ADAPTi:D TRUTHS. pose the reception committee. think about. The New Patterns areStudent Improv1ng�}'rallk Burlesou, here and they're Fine. They're veryIn a recent address on Personalwho broke his leg while ,sknting at; moderate in Price, too.papers,Liberty before the American' A.ssocia· coma, as well as universityare represented ill these conferences. South Deering center, will be able totion of Foreign Langage N ewspap- The idea is to present to the public, get out within a week. The break isers, Mr. Percy Andreaes offered sev- .through the newspapers, a more en. above the ankle, and is not as seriouseral ideas that should prove interest· lightened view of student acttvlt ies as at first to students of college problems. and university life. Among the more Classical Club Meets-"Asylulll all"Altbough Mr. directed his important papers represented arc the Neutrality ill Hellenistic Times" willSeattle T'imes, the Seattle SUIl,tbe 'I'a- be discussed by Mr.· Huth, of the de,remarks toward Iaw.muking teudeneiescoma Tribune, and the University of partment of History, at a meeriug ofof the day, he said many things that Washington Daily. the Olassical club tonight at S in Lin- Th. 807al baadJHp .. r , .. r tl7 eyer,-kDown 'ana 0'&,.D.ra. eor­r •• p on d e De.aDd dIM'll �rd.. rllID&' aDd �OD·dftIlIf'd RIIIID&' be-­.. d .... _ ..... tb_t a.lnK" "'1M'daI al·tM'blDt'IIt" to adde'dra ..... t to thet7IM'wrltft'. nIDkor thl. �Dd ,._"III Ilan a 'aid,.&'ood Id.. ..r tbe)1.,,1_· )led" oflb .... ,.al.'·Co�e in and see them when you can.ReSPectfully Yours,are directly applicable to us, without coln house rooms, Ellis hall. RO"ALT,'PEWKI'rEB co., IDe.51 Eo )lODne II&..Cb� .. DLSigma. Nu Enterta.ins..Sigma Nu gave a'reccption last Sat- 111. E •• I 57tll RlnllLTelephone MidwDY 9525.To quote'Personalparaphrase or explanation.Miss Wertheimer to Speak-Miss El­la ',ertheimer, secretary of the COil' .--------­Sllm('rs' League of lllinois, will speakat a me('ting of the Sociology dub to·morrow at 4:30 i� IInrpc� MIG."I once heardat random: ul'duy night at the house. Mr. CharlesJ�iberty' rather flippantly described as Dixon, ex.93, manager of Ule Chicagothe pricilege whieh e"ery free-born· Glee club, entertained with charadercitizen- enjoys of preventing his neigh- impersonations. Hubert Smith, Evanbor from doing what he likes.' •• Darrenougue, Walter Spcncer, ana. f Harry Hammer renderc,cl several nmsi· n�co� FB1I:I�A� �It is just history and the expencnce 0 � '''''.1.1 ,��, .I:.I.".EI('al selections. D� A � BY T. A:wYEBSthose who lived before us, which arc '.EI,II;�.&.• .QU � - �". IS28-E; 57th;strangely lost sight of in the tenden- Will Speak in Harper '.roda.y. 'Yearlings Are Beaten in Close Contest, Tabl ... for Ladl� ..cie! of many of our present day re- Professor �ldenshu1'ger of the Sor- 15-12. in Spite of Olever Ra.ll7.t bonne, exchange Professor in H�lrvar.lformers. They suffer from a perfec university, will lecture On "Mme. aC'rage, not only to accelerate the slow Steel et les litteratures erangeres" to.and steady processes of Nature, but to day at 3 in thc Harper assembly 1'oom. THE TEA HOUSELUNCHEON 12-1:30DINNER 5:45-7Hyde Park 2015Flnt Clul 8enIeeFreshmen second team went down in IF YOU ABE LOOKING FOR REALcl<.'feat before tl1e Law team by a' ,15 to HOME COOXING12 score. Both '-teams played a' fast - '.r R Y - ROOMLUNCHSWAN'S1342 East 55th Street.LUNCHcorrect and even arrest them. . . All members of the Uni\"crstiy are in· an(l. agg1'cssive game, but the Lawsb I· them Vl'tftd t atte d were superior at passinn'. The Law. sMankinll, if we are to e leve , ... 0 n . t'>------�-------- l('d at the cncl of the first balf 10 tocan be made honest, and righteous, the hearts of e\"er"'one participatinfl' b ..... k·'" '" G. but the Freshmen came '"'" 50and sober, and moral, and what not, in the mo\"ement. A clevote(l few C". n•• strong that if seemed as if they wereby a mere stroke of the legislative carry a movement through to succcss- going to forge ahead. Thus spurt Ownspen. The stern truth is forgotten- fnl competition, if the others have a cl11e mainly to the goo(l baskeL�hootin�that law can successfully conccrn it- fair amo11nt of inte1'�t; hut they ('an of Bent, the Freshman center.The guarding of the Laws was es-Jl<,cially good, the Freshmen forwartlsheing unable to re�ster a single bas'keto Striker and Cat1'on led the win- ROOMTel. 4085..1325 E. 55th Street. Try Oar Regular Dailyand Sunday Dimaer, ZOe Up I•IBetween Kimbark and Kenwood.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••VVanted At Oncefada .aD at tile UlliYeniIJ t. (a.e ill a" ianltiaate ....SpeCial Offerto CoIIep MenHERZKA BROTHERSself only with the actions of man to· flo nothing, if the others havc no in·ward man, but can ne\'cr determine or terest. The real rO:\.l1 tb su('('es..�, incontrol the actions of individual man working out social prolJl('ms, is nothimself 1 . l' 'in SDch matters as concern external egis atton, or outsitle for('e n<'1'S in the scoring. Scofield did notalone. The fact is, that we applied to the indh'idun.1. All worth ('-ycn take a shot at the basket. be.. b d' te the f .... ul h'l k b .1' ..... usc· be faared be m1.O'ht get mixe;lcannot by law, su or Ina -- • w I e wor must C ulTected towarJ ,... '" "ed f the n ... d score for the enemy, as he did intics of the strong to the nee s 0 implanting in the indh'iclual the im. .,. en his la.�t game. The scol'e:weak.. . • If we once depnve m pull!e, the (lesire the lletel'mination, to J�:Jws (I5). Freshmen IT. (I2).of the right and the opportnnity to line up with thc goocl ('ause. The K 1t Goldherg R. F. ess erexercise these facnlties,the result mus Honor Commission (,8nnot legislate Cnt1'on ,J.I. F. Wheelerbe,' if Nature's work be any eriterion, honcsty int.o the stullent hody; it Strikel' .••......• C ......•.... Bentnot that the weak will be raised to th.e must Work for m:tny months anll �ofi('ld .. ' ...•.. R. G •.... Knips�hi1i1level of the strong, but that the strong years, to IMPLAXT hon('�ty. The V. Royle ..••...... L. G. .. Md�nuhblinI I f the 1\1 C Rn.c'kets: Goldberg, Catron 2. StrLwill be lowered to thc eve 0 •• A. an.! kinclrl·t] orJ,!nn iz.'\t ion!"These ran(lom sen· f ker �, "Roy1('. R('nt 4. Knips<''hilcl, MC'·•. " cannot oreo morality upon Ule �tu. T,nnJ!'hlin,dent, by a proef'SS ",hid, rC'mintl!4 ll�of force,l fCi',ling of �lltTragcttes' th(',\', .must create morality in the hearh ofthe stullents. The mnnngcr flf n. �t,u.(lent ncti\"ity C'nnnot Ilrng {leo!,lc! in towork for him, throllgh fraternity infltlat oncc define the work, "how the fie}f], :- : Tailors :-:1545 East53n1 Streetrelephone B. P. 103'7. Open JmmIDp UId IIaIIdQ ........ _ ....................•...weak.tenccs 3ppJy pcrfectly to our ('oJlegelife. hey ('over pcrfedly the recentaetivitie... list agitation; they couMwell be conRiderccl by the workers instudent acth·ities, who tbought1e:4�lyblame others for not taking. part; they Frf'C! t'hro�: Cntrin.Over 18,000 Books Received.O\"er 18,011 hook� nnll rloC'um(,Tlt�'n"('Tf' Tf'C'f'h'f'rl hy th(' Ohio �tntc lini.\"f'�it"\'" lihrary .lunn:;! thf' y('nr 191�.'l'hi!ll �l1m'h('r i!' 1nr�c1' h� 2.000 tbnntltf' TM"Ol'i1 for IP12. (;,725 flO('nmf'nt�C':lm(' from thf' sro\"(,Tnm('nt; �,503 fTom�:\rioll� �tntf' �o\"ernm('nt�. 784 fromforf'i!!n <,onntri('�� :lnf' 1.999 from mi�·C'('n:\�('ons oT�ni1.:ltions nnfl sOC'i('ti�. Does the neatest, quickest, r.nd most uniform writing.The same pen will last for years of service. The gold pensin Waterman's Ideals are smooth and of any character yourhand requires. The Spoon Feed gives an even and accurateRow of ink and prevents flooding.Sold Everywhere by the Best Dealen('n('c, appeal" to personal vanity ('tC'.he mll�t cr('ate an ncth'ity Whi('� wi;;C'ause in f'\'eryonc l('a1'ning of it n. tle­.!'Cire to take part;and Bet 'the limitations, fort the neWHonor! commi""ion. They arc nn eX.pression of the single great truth,whi('h must be worked out and utilize,lin any movement that suceeeclfl; thatis, tile impetu", the volition, the deter·mination, to pnsh that movement, mu�tnilt, in some appreciable degree, in then he �l11'e learn!". Ancl above nIl... t, .. c m1t8·h"\'e patienC'e. Prnn1'e�" 1'" .. .'�... . � "" �pf'C'I�Sof e"olution, nncl not re\'oll1tion; an.llet us not fret antl fume if our effort�flo not re�m)t in perfection in a <lay. PrInceton l'lnances Poor.PrinC'('ton nnivf'mi:v- is ltf'pt nll �t.�Tl nnnnnl 10!11s of $GO,OOO 01' $70,000,nC'C'orfling to 'Pr�irlent lTihben. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAlLY VAR80N.�,y vAun. !UBlDiV.\ :':... 1rAft U, 1014.����������������-CLASSIFIED 0ADVERTIStJDTS BOOK NEWStic l,er Iiue, No advertlsementa re- "War on polltocracy will never eo .. i.zed vice and the ullderworld reeelveder-lv-«l for less than 2!)c. AU c1aaa14e4 !ill sume great national crisis has given a terrifie blow when the Australianadvertiscuients must be paid tD ad· birth to a new polltical philosophy banot W88 introdueed. The ignora�tVance. and a sound practice under it, which voter is now aided by the Inde���,n�will M\\'eep extra-legal government from Municipal, and Legislative Voters,'FRESH UNPOLISHEDRIC E the fieltl:· 'fhitJ statement il:l made hy leaguee, although "the advice of theseAlbert M. Kales, professor of Law at organizations is naturally lost in �beXort hwesteru University in his book, babel of voices which goes up c0D.{!er�.just issued from the University pre� ing the candidates for the imp0rt�n.t(10 "VuI,opular' Goverument, in the Ioeal, state, and national oft'ices to 'to'tI,Buy direct from the grower and g..,t �I � uit('11 StoUte!'!." "'flle short ballot .filled."your food at first cost. Will ship yousums up the whole l,hiloSOl)hy of theprepadd ]5 Ibs, of unpolished rice, tbv, Dlseussing the commission form 0'urut ter, The faithful and e�olllplete ap·bost foed obtainable, UPOIl receipt of :!o"('rnment, lIr. Kales, states: "Wr$1.00. plication of the- priuciples . underfyIug have in the scheme of state eommls,the short ballot ill our local and statePR..t\IRIE RICE PLAnATION', sion gov('rnment not only done OQr ut-g()\"erlllllent� will be a� important and most to destroy at the roots unpopuJ��perhaps as difficult a step for us toachieve as was the emaue ipat.ion of the THESMOOTHEST. TOBACCO�;:roy wdI WilL aLe MoonligLt Sonata or Rag-The leaf tLe'l .mab • �-:-aged hanging in the warehouse for two years� AJDell umg that IS se!<fom a�orded any leaf. What h�ppens-au harsh-,• 'YaIUsbes-Jt becomes a leaf of rich mellowness-a flavor.. � the strains of good music-too smooth to bite the tongue.'The true art of producing IIDOking tobacco is manifested in Velvet-it talces time--�� takes pati�nce-the making expense is more. But�)..:-� -Vdvel &I VelveL At your dealers..15 LBS. FOR $1.00.Little Bock, Ark.government, but we have provided flgovernment which can operate. Wflhave cut off all bickering between theslaves."!'tIro Knles briefly traces the strug,J!les of the people of the last century.1ft' tells how they have attempted to��rt'('S (II' w i l l receive them the present be inactive, not because its hands areshake off the shackles of an unpopularquart er, �11I:;t he of good address, No tied, but because it chooses not to dogovernment, believing that a tyranni-cal go\'ernment by the majority waspreferable to a similar government bythe mincrity. According to ProfessorKales, the question was on� of human nature. The tendency,therefore, to use power selfishly con­tinued. The only step in advance waC)the splitting up of the power into many·ffices. "We have avoided monarchy,nutocraey, oligarchy, and aristocracy,"says the author, "only to And our­solves tightly in the grip of a pollto·eraey, The extra·legal governmentnses( its power selfishly to maintainitself, in the face of popular disap'proval,". III speaking of the modera reform.,the writer explains how commercial.W.l\NTED-For. permaneut positions.It'gislature and executive. We hnv ...constituted a government which willtwo !IIl'1I who are over tweuty-flveycnrs of a�l'� :allli who either have de,F.o 2 0IIDCe filiipn rt t i 1Jlt.1 or temporary men will becOTl�id\.·r(''' for these positions. Phone"'. C. �tnnc, Randolph 3364 and makenIlpointmcnt. anythinl·""'1;'oday," the author continues, "ex­tra-legal government has lald its hand,to some extent at least, upon the gov'ernment at Washington. One of thereasons for the persistence of the fi�JJtupon Mr. Lorimer and his politicalsupport throughout the country was the"DRESS SUIT TOR S.i\LP-Size 36; J1l:":0 :'1 j'(llldit::)JI: cost �(jl): sell "0:$);" jfl.'I::dill� dress shirt, c ollara andtic. hlOlll' IJ\"I"lIh.gli If. P. 5663.fnc� that his election represented tothe pOpUIM minI! in a striking manner,the invasion Qt t)l� United States sen­ate by extra-legal government, Nom.tter how treo frOID ecnu.ption Lor­imer may )lave beep, the power soopenly wielded by those allled withthe extra..leaal lovernment, to placehim in the .enate, presented its.-l; tl)the people u a lIlepaeo to tb� nnti"n:'FOUND_A K:ll'pa Sigma pin in El­lis 11 all. Loser may have same by:llll'lyill;; to Janitor (If EUil:l Hall..ST. LOUISANYONE pJanning to travel in Eu.rOI'I� IIl'xt slimmer can save eonaid­erabll, money b,y, going with a person,:llly ('0111' 1I.:t,41' 'pn�ty: 'Commun'i��te witllX. Y., t::, lIaroon office_ Best Reached by Through· and Fast Trains of the�LINOIS CENTRALAll Steel DaylightJSpecialCONSTITUTION OFTHE DAILY MAROON����=W ANTED� bright, cnergetic yOU&Jgmen wanted for profitable summerwork. Guaranteed salary or eommis,sion. Cnl on G. C. Burton, room. 336D-:I Prado hotel. Leaves Chicago 10:02' a. m.: arrives St. Louis (via MerchantsBridge6:02 p, m. Indestructicble steel cars of handsome interior fi ishEvery comfort and convenience will be found en this train.Article vm. Pu'bl1ca.tlOD. MAROON, together with the secsion-This constitution shall be pUblished which they propose to amend, at leastin THE DAILY MAROON once during one week before being voted upon.A TRIP ABB,oAD for congenial people the first month of the autu:nn quarter Adopted this twenty-eigbth <lay ofunder Ideal UlJiversity Travel guid- of each year. May, nineteen h\u,dred all(l seveJl, bynr.(·�l:Ulll at minimum cost. Three place� Artcle IX. PreVious Aereementa tbe Board of Editol1l and the Busi·ar.� �till OpCD_ For particulars addre� Superaeded.. ness Manager of THaE DAlLY MA.Carol Dorothy KUhns, This Constitution Rhall be construed nOON, of the University of Chicago. . Diamond SpecialLeave Chicago 10:30 j). m.; arrive St. Louis 7:48 a. m. Electric­lighted train, A convenient evening departure from Chicago.Stops Made in�Botll Directions-at soutll Side Tilrougilst.tions, 43rd. 53rd and 63rd StreetsObservation Parlor Cars. Cafe Club Cars. SleepingCars. Free Reclining Chair Cars and CoachesTIckeb. F ...... nd Sleeping Car ResenatioDs atl Chicago Representative, ns superseding and overruling aoy andPh,ollc Drcxcl 161. 4407 Berkley ave. :111 agreements and instruments bear_ing on the management and operationWANTED-Frcshman with 80me ex· of THE DAILY MAROON.peril' nee in' camping or now engaged Anide X. Resfduary Powers.with work as assistant in Wisconsin All powers not herein expressly pro-camp, .July and August. Address W. M. "idee1 for are rese(lved to the Boar" Warren D. Fo.ter, Melvin J. Adams,Signed: R. Eddy Mathews, M'anag-ing Editor; George E. Fuller, BnsinessManager; Luther D. Fern�d, NewsP.ditor; Alva W. Henderson, AthleticEditor; Charles W. Paltzer, Bernard I.Bell, Piwton F. Gus, Cole Y. Rowe, ; 76 West Adams St.CIT YTICKET OFFICEIt. J. CARMICHAEL. D. P./L Phones: Cent. 6270-Auto 6cC-472KipJir.gcr, Morgan Park, IlL of Directors. Associate Editors.Approved by the Board of Student -----_._ ... _------------------------_._------------_.VAXTED-Tho Cal> and Gowns fOftllc ,years of 1896-1897; 1903. A rea- Amendments to this Constitution Organizations, Publieatioos and Exhi_)llal,Je price will be paid. Daily Ma· may be made by a two-thirds I�.:;)0(, .. ofricA. ,"ote of the eo tire Boar dof Direet •• s. bitions, by Franeis W. Shepardson,. Amendments must be submitt-..1 J'U Claainnan; AloD7.o K. Parker, Seere-BOARD-In small private family. Ex· \"Uwriting and pnblished in THE D.AIL Y tarr. Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadwa7 at stth Street.Near SOUl Street Sa� Station and53nI Street EIeftted."Broadway" can from GrandCeattal Depot.Seftllth AftII1Ie Can from Pennayl·0 .... StatiOllolrBPT BY � COLUa •• ANB.ADOUAR�.R8 POR CQLL.G. M�NBPBOIAL RA�BB FOR COLL.a. T.AJlBTen Minutes' Wait to Thirty TheatresHleRRY P. STIMSON. MANAGERBRADQ17ARTER8 r-;R CHICAQONew, Modem and FireproofRooms with Bath, '2.50 and up.,cellcnt home cooking. Limited numbetat table. Addreg 6134 WoodlaWll ave·nue, :lrd apartment, telephone HydePark,637. DI8c:uB Im1IlIpaUoD QaeaUOD.. Treuainn Zee, graduate in politi�aleeenomy from Claina and Nenozo Ut­surinw:&, from Japan spoke on the"Immigration Queatioa" last night atLintoln center.Dr. 01msaulus 8peab 'rold&ht.Dr. Fraok W. Gunsaulu8 will delivera ledure on "Personal Warfare forthe True Self" tonight at 8 in Mandel.THECorn Exchange National Bank This is one of a series of talks givenof a.-... uneler the uspi('es of the Y. M. C. A.:tnd the Y. W. C. L. .Ca}?itaJ .........• $3,000,000.00 _ A� Vobmtieel' Baud.Surplus ...•...••••• 5,000,000.00 CoSIDopoU� ClUb II Asai8lant ·'Tbe New Monment Among theUndivided Profits , �ooo,oo.OO Professor Shiro Tashiro and Auoeiate Baptist Volunteers," was discussed byProfessor Carlson spoke on ··Internn. Vidor Hansen at the Student Volun­tionality and Eduration" at the C05' teer band meeting yesterday.mopolitnn club meeting Saturday movement 'WM started at. the Kansasinight. Old American folk songs antI City convention in order to provhJellances followed the talks. for the support of tbe missionsin tbe field ..OFFJCERS.EIt:-':F:ST A. IIA)I)fILL, Preel4ent.CIIAhl.ES I ... IIUTCHL"'JSON, VIc:e·Prea.ClIAt;::-';CEY J. BLAIR, VIce-PlwkSeat.D. A. !\IOUI:rO:-l, Vlee_Pre8ldent.B. C. 8,\:\1:.\10::-';8. VH:e-PreslCJeDt..'RA:,\K W. S!\IITH. �U7.EDW.\ RO F. SCHOE:-lECK. A-.t. CUb I ...J. F.DW A RD )fAAS. A_. Cull 1ft'.JA:o.H-:S G. WAKEFl'ICLD, .u.t. aa.b1 ...LEWIS E, GARY. �t. CUbIer. ............ _---------_._.,.,.lin. .. _ IIBpnftDc-Mn. D, L.HofFer, who fraetared her arm abovethe wrist wlaile skating in the Wuh­ingtoo park lagoon Timnc1ay, was re_ported .. I'elltiD, lIlaela ",-ier ynter­MY.Mr. William B. Yeats will lecturethis afternoon at four in the Fine Artstheater on "Theater and Art.'" Thislectnre will be gh'en in eonnectionwith the Unh'eraity �ture anoei:a·d-.DIRIDCTORS.Char'le!'11 Wadel' Cb4. K. carr�artin A Rycnon Edwin G. �Edward B Butler W.WOe &. BlairObarld II. HDlb1ll'\'l as .A.. ....C'.uence BucldnPem W. �8eMJmID� ....... RB8C'BIBB FOB 'l'HE DAILY MAROOJlThe words "UNDERSUPERVISION" over the door ofa Bank are a beacon light to guide allwho seek the best security in theirBanking connections.Your STATE Bank is as colossal asthe largest Bank in the city whenmeasured by the standards whichgovern STATE BanksBegin now by establishing yourBanking relation with your nearestSTATE Bank.Safe Deposit Vaults3 Per Cent Interest On SavingsKEEP YOUR SAVINGS IN HYDE PARKS'A F E. CONVENIENTOpen Saturday Evenings6% Real Esta.te First ::Mortgages for Sale 6��HYDE PARK STATE BANKCOFJNFA O� &3-0 ST. & LA .... f<:" ""f<:"OFFIOEBS -DIRECTORSJOlL"l A. CA'R-ROLL. PrMtdeDLROBERT s: CUlIlU!'iGS_ V!c:.Pre.ldeDt.K. A. ILUUIOY. A8IItataDt Ca8hIer. �rt F. Cummings Frank W. HOWellCharles R. Horrle .James.J. CarrollDanIel F. Burke Thoma. A. OolH�.John A. Carroll. Henry 1... StoutFraterall7 J ewelrJ'Leatlaer Good.CoDep !ionIUe. Embossed 8taUoaeQ'WeddlDg laTltaUoa.camDIf Card.BROCHONE'NGRAVING COMPANYB. G. TURNERPresident III Hailers BlllIdlDIfTelephoDe RaDdolplt 1111For all 'round wear and good serviceWe recommend our SPECIAL WIN­TER OFFER--.:.A black, blue or grayserge 'or cheviot suit, with extra trou­sers of the same or stripe material$30.00-rAILOR FOB YOUltG MERIJ'BBEB STORES: 1 N. La Salle at. U E. Jaekeon Bh .. d.;1 E. MouroeSt.M. Shi�dermanTAILORS .. CLEANERSIf you want your dothes Pressed and to stay Pressed callup Midway 6958.We Call for and Deliver PromptlyOrder your SPRING SUIT Early and have it ready for EarlySpring Days. 25 per cent discount on ail orders talten now.1114 E. 55th StreetThree Reasons Why you should Eat at &be leo's Commons1st. Good Food Properly Cooked.2.d. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchenlrd. A MiDimum Price for High Quality FoodClub Breakfast lSe up Cafeteria at LanehDbmer A. LaCarte MUSIC Come ID�HICAGCi). COUNCIL WILL JIBftIIN B.BYlJQLDJI CLUB AT2 ,fi1I8 AFTEBJroON (Continued fro.Cl page 1.)The Iuterfraternity Council meet", Keff uguin showed hitJ heels to tit"today at 2 in the Reynolds club, The bunch by tnkiug firtlt in the hundred• '!'he Unan1mou Verdict ofHapPJ' Pint -1cIi_ tIae� of aU Winter Gar_den .......PPA.88D(G 8Jl()W OIP 1mOeo. K. Cohan'. Ky8terJ FarceILLIN(lISCBB.I8TIE IbcDONALDIN8 WEE T· H EAR T 8EDITH WYN!r:':: IlAftBD.Olr-�-··THE DEADLOCK"FAN N ;I B W A.� �In the La1l8hiuc 8u�o� � ��.J[AJ)AJI � II,delegntes will be Seniors or graduate yard swim, with Griffin of Illinois sec.members, aud the alternates will be oud and Pavlicek third. Pavlicek Nor a B a 7 .• 11 G .... BebaDJuniors, one delegate voting for each vllpped a second of the tank record in .with Ban70luke aD4�Geo. W.1IoDroa � �07.�ru.�.�_.fraternity, as provided for at the lnstmcot ing, 'rhe offit'crs are now to heelected annually instead of semi.uu,nually, as formerly. Dean Linu, hen-!(If fraternit ies, and the faeulty repre­sentatives of fraternities are to ht' the IGO yard back stroke, winning in2:03 3·5. Shirley of Chicago, whohud not been thought in the running,took second position from Beaumont.Neff captured his third first plaee,when he took the 220 in the fast timoIpn'scnt as associate members without of 2:54 4_5. Olsen, Parker, Pavlicekvote. The new system of rushing and Nt·ff swam a magnificent relay,rules, drawn up by a committee, of and tied the recent Oonferenea mark,which Thomas Coleman is chnlrmnn, hung up hy Northwestern Illinois WOIlwill come up for consideration. tbe water basketbnll,. an exhibitionevent, S .. O.Girls of the Class wm Choose Win_ Pav ilcek, Chlcago, second; Griffin, II.ners ::Monday MOrning at 10:15 Ii 110 is, third, Time, 0.21 31G. ·'SEVEN ltBY�' T� BALDPA'l'rill Cobb. Plunge for Distllllce-llcDonald, u- LAUGHS, THBILJ..::), MELODR.Al4A.SOPHOMORE MBN ENTEB"LOUD TIE" CONTEST 811J111Da1'ies.40·Yard Dasll-Nt'tr, Chieugo, flrst ;Iinois, first; Thompson, Hlmois.seeoud ;Sophomore men will hold a loud tit. Redmon, Chicago, third, Time, 0:29.contest on Monday, March 2. Prizes Distance, 60 feet.will be given for the loudest plaid tic, -260- Yar'd- Breast Stroke-c.Goodman,the biggest tie,and the scariest ti�. Chieago, first; Beamont, Tlltnois, see­There will also be aseparata class for ond : �Ioir, Fllinois, third. Time, 3:0;­bOlY and Christmas ties in order to 2.5.give the fellows a chance to get some 100·Yard Swim-Nt'ff, Chicago, first·usc out of ties which orllinarily they Griffin, Hlinois. second; Pavlicek, Chi·would 110t wear. cngo, third. Time, 1:03.A rumor is being circulated to t.1H' 150-Yard Stroke-e-Pavficek, Chieneffect that Ell. O'Conner will wear ago, first; Shirley, Chicago, second:tube tie as his father is one of th •. 'Beaumont, Illlnois, thirll. Tim(-, 2:0:�hackers of tho new subway. Dan 3!lBrown is already in training and Is �:!O_ Yard Swim-Neff, Chieago, first:wearing a pink, green and red tie t(l Green, Illinois, second; Ross, Hlinoiswhich he proudly calls the attention third. Time, 2:G4 4-G.of everyone who, owing to some 0(" Relay Race-Chicago, fi�t (Olseuular defect, does not immediately nn­ Parker, Pavlicek antI Neff); Iltiuoistiee it. Red Whiting is having a tit· second. Time, 1:28 4-5.pninted, and Plume threatens to wearpart of his mackinaw. One of the merwho, on account of his bashfulness re­fuses to give his name! announees thatbe will wear a tie that was exhibite-Int the Worltls Fair twenty years agoHo 'boasts that the tie was cut off ofthe original rainbow.The contest will be decided in the cor­riclor of Cobb hall, Monclay at 10:1;;by the girls of the class. The prj zo-will be announced later.PLAY 9PENINO OAKESIN REYNOLDS CLUB POOLAND BILLIABJ) TOURNEYFirst blood in the Reynolds clubtournament was drawn today by �[ntthews when he defeated Lindauer l!lflto 79. Two other matches were playedwith the following results: Baldwin175-175 vs, Murell 130_99; Clark 15H·157 VB. Hamilton 135_105. The mat ... h·es today are Chandler vs. Ryan anaEdgerton vs. Jaeobs.<JBICAOO WILL �PURPLE FIVE '.rONIGBT(Continued f� pace 1)cir('les this year, antI it. \Vas only 1,..·fore an invin('ihle c1i!q)lay of luek an·!wOllclcrful !'hooting thnt Chi('ago q1lf.­�tlrnhee1.Lineup.Ohio �tate (2;')rJI('rr.,· _ . R. F.Faust L. F • C}aicago (23)Norgrer.. .. .. Goettlc'rShull.Ric>hrnoncl C. Des .Jardicn 1Trautman.Gra.f .....•.... R. G. Molnne1('rGinb; '1 •• ' L. G BaumgartnerGoals-Des Jardien (2),Norgren (2)�Goettl('r, B'lUmgartner, CherTy, Faust(3), Ri�hmond (2), Graf (2). Fouls­:\[olnnfler (9), Riehmond (9). Referee,Westover. Umpire, Reiman.¢ • _ .. r,lIE HO'IELOf'AfCRICAN IDEALS COR ... "HOTfL POWHATANWAlStI.NOTON. D.C •. �� �t." Ng·a.BBleI" WUDD···A.Ol ...... �.�..aa·BGr7�'-:- . \",'/, '..CfI1HOlUl-�ARROW�hCOllARA XF.W expression of aconscrv=lth'c style. Youwill like the s�tin laundryfinish cfthc f:lbric-a de­parture noteworthyforit8excellence. � for 1Y)cCLnTr. PaA�. eo.. lwe.. 'I'IIoY." '1'.JI(I� 01 Aaa,:,w STti�E£iAKERMiL L� : B.ll1JDnt'III � �'oa..-.,w.ftrDItaC' ..... �� 8I'.IIiOJa.1m. !WID• FINE�TS-.mE �. �� ."The. ��). of tlt.e 8aiata? � .. K.-'""�vereip lAve" ,. T. <t.Kun.YThun.,. I'ri ••. s... Nitea- a. sa· ......"The Clauc;y. N:'_"e"� Leaos.lltM."TheCouatry �"G Jiibiuuiioe !,IIII I:1;,Ii:!:,I:1\,;�I\"I.��-:t�.tt B.B LV.B.OLV¥P.�"Klaw.���'DIB 'I'BAU; � �'.�"".'�; ..WIA �W __ .. " .., ..LASALLE.1Briiii·.-i.: .....WIUl:·JIaw t.nII;.A�ElHeA�=:=PUI'Oa,. DOOWAIJD.