I',I\(! � , ' ... ,VoL XII. No. 88. U!iIV'BB8ft'Y OF OBIOAGO, WEDNBSDAY, FBBBUABY 18, 19U.TRY OUT FOR CAST OF ' LiTERARY MONTHLY OUT I iJRGE AU TO SIGN UPFRIAR SHOW MARCH 10 Complete Reorganization of Maga- FOR PROM IN ADVANCEzine Announced in EditorialStudent Presents View in Regard Committee Asb Those Whoto Church Goin �t to be Present to Sendg m Names At OnceCopies of Songs May be Ob­tained From Manager Hend­erson After March 3progrnm follow.$:Act I.1. Chorus. Two Net)- SCORE CLUB TO DONATE HOLD ONE IIII.E cuPRACES TODAY AT eoSophomore Society Will Turn OverProceeds of Next Dance to Fundfor New Rey· noIds Club Library Second Amiual £YeDt- is £Xpec._ . ted to 1Iriq. Forth 'ODeHUDdred EatnmtS.PUBLISH HAJmIOAPSha"e already signed up a large num- ._, Speab � of '1'_dliq a,.t:ea a.� CLUB BU.! TARDS'�('r and promise that many of the latl ABD POOL!'O� . Chicago in IIlterifew y�.AlfXOUBOB O� �igners will boost their attendanee t(OO� noGaAJI FOB a reeord. Charlc" Blim amI Stor� Balawir Dr. Josef s..hum�r, the exC"hanpS'UBBDAY AFrBBB'OON InVite·.MuDmI. are the ,,("rat<-h men in ·the R('ynoM� profe&ftor to Columbia from the Uai.Letters have been Bent out to 50C club bi11iar'fl and pool tournament ,'crsity of Graz, Iec!�red yeBter.la,. illalumni. Three of the fraterniti"" hnw which wi)) begin 'Monday, February 2:t Harper Mn, on the Austrian attitucl�al<J() notified their alall.. U. 'rhe f:ku:".' at 2. The biJJiard entrie:. lIaT'e hee'l t01nml the Balk.. States. Daria,is expected to show a large attenllanet. dh'idt-d into two divildonll, and the' the progress' of hie talk he gave aan.1 the chairman eJaims that thc�- pool entrie:. into fonr. The Jif't of �n. hricf skctch of B�lkan hilltory 'raawill be given a soeial time, anll wil: trants and their allowance:. tonows:' thc beginning of tile Chrif'tian era, la.not he expected to sit arounlt an�1 clicating tho fado,"" whi .. h exere ....&hnhert BIlUuds: C. H. Blim, 175; J. N.watch others. 1 I· � "he most powerfUl influt"nc-e On t"lr('Dona It, ]45; M. Ho leI', ]4.); Oon·JT . n_ V· prt"cent-da,. relation betWN'n the BaI-aM op�, 140: Jmnal.l I("k('r!', 140:kans and Austria.Allcn Loth, 1!l5; G. J.(,,·inl'on.1!l5; Raymonl1 .T('ff'cry, 135.Pool: BaJc1win, 17;'; Ralph K('nog�liO: .To". F('k('te, 170; J�.-onnrd Clnrk1;'0; JTf'rman 8c-ha('ff'('r, 14;'; Alfre'·1�tronll, 1:l5; C. Rc1gerton, 1:J.;: RalphTTamilton, ]35; Ric-harf1 M"tth.,w�1!l0; Ch:aunc-ey Scoott. 130; Om(,J' Snp­rle, 130; Cedrie lI'-Trill, 130; O .• T. All:e, 130; Eo�ne Horton. 12;;: A .• Tanc-e of not kid.ling this particular Wh ...... 1,... 1"0,.T.inclnuM', 125; JA'J'oV' .-hnJ'her, 33 hc is ve1'Y !'Mh." Tho Scn' Thoma.. Ryan, 120; F. K. Chanll1('r.io1'9 aro vc1'Y cnthpsialltic about th(' 120.new ton80rial artist anll arc anxiou!'l�- 1-----------------awaiti. hi. arrivaL • (Coat1au4 _ .... to)MemberIJ of the Reynolds club Ii-nasiWll' :reeord· of 4:40,_ and in vieW.t.the stiJf competition there ia rBT-ealton t.Q belif've that the wiDller willc-om(' elC?Se to tbe mark..'.r�.. Sdledule.4:30-Freshman tra .. k meon. ,l :38-Baseball aDd backetbaU men.The Chicago Literary Monthly makes BRATFISH HIRES ASSISTANT brary committee will beg·ili. the selee;COACH SPEAKS HIGH PRAISE its firIJt appearance of the year in the tion of books this week, Four hun- AWARD TWENTY - ONE alPS-F b b f terd A drcd and nlnetv volumes have' beene ruary num er 0 yCIJ eruay, c, Reservations for the Washington "�1:trc�h 10 and II hnvo been set for cording to au editorial, this Issue Promenade must be made in advance provided for and will be distributed One hundred members of the �.tl t t f tl .• Bl k k t _1 t f th ,UIJ follows: Biography, lOS volumes; nasium classes are expected to coa-ie C'lIst rynu s ur lIS yenr s aex- mar s a grea uepar ure or e mag- and all persons Intending to be present " .friar show, 'fhi� wi)) gh-c the en ndi- azine. It has been completely reor- should sign up immecliatcly. Tlro Travel, 108 volumes; Essays 84 "01. pete in the first event ot the annual.dat es suflie'iellt time to pn'llllre their g:lIlized; it is without affiliation with years ago several people were turned umes; Poetry, 30 volumes; College series of long distance cup races i.Dsong s, l'flpies of w h ich IIl:1y be obtained any organization; it is self-supportfng, away beeauss of tbe lack of accommo , literature, 20 volumes; Sports, 20 vol- Bartlett today. The one mile rao.,,'froUl �1:HI:lg('r Henderson any time af .. Jt is for and by the students of the dation at supper, due to tbeir failure nmes. The book plate will also be the 1irst of the series, will begin. ptter �Iareh ;1. A list of the ehnructers Unlversity of Chicago. It stands with to make the necessary arrangementi dtalted this week. "':30. All contestants will be divid�will be posted in tho Reynolds club their interest, and falls with their dis- in advance. The committee announce The University has undertaken to into seven elasses,aecording to the�:and publ ishcd in the �IAROON ill a approval." that they will be able to accommodate �eh'e -the books at its own expense, nasium work they are taking, and cuJ..few days. Tho chorus trycouts will Mabel De La. Mater presents her everyone who signs up, but cannot which will amount to about $200. Bids will be awarded to the winnera at fIJ..begin t lie first duy of next quarter, view of church-going in an artiele en promise to care for those who do not. fjp the shelving have been closed, an-i first three places in each event. 'Conch Coleman has expressed him. titled uExtra Mures," which is ex; "Jndleatfone at present point to � -I!c firm selected will be announced ill TIle twenty. one cups that' will gotll'lf :t!04 ll('illg highly sat isfled with the plained by the sentence, "1 frequently record attendance," said lIowell Mur- the near future. Work will eommenee to the winners will be on display ;o�h':uk :111.( lyrics, deelarmg the work to wonder why I go to church, for I eer- ray, general chairman, last night. "So ,as soon as possible. the gymnasium floor .all afternoon. �be t lu- most complete college play he tainly never lelt the least thrill of re, far 155 have signed and 80 have paid Give Dance Proceeds. eontestanta will wear numbers. �.hn!04 ever been ideutifled with. May I, Iigion there." Other eontrlbutions are up." Those who have not yet paid are The Score club will donate the pro first raCe for the Freshman traek � .2, S :llId !l hnve been chosen as the ··The Northern Lights" by Roderick earnestly requested to send their mou, «eeds of its next dance to. be hel •. 1 ,,-ill start at 4:30, and the others .p1cla�-l'( 011 w hir-h the show wilt be given, Peat ti e, '14; '·The Adventure of n ey or checks to Howell Murray, box llarcb 7, to the library - fund. The of :'ollow nt Intervals of eight minut�Music Exceptionally Good. Chinese lIerchallt" by Robert II. 223, faculty exchange, at once, "Wl' fleers ()t the club and members of tht Ever since the introduction of t� •.AltJlOugh tile music competit ion does Thompson, '14; ··Goosie" by Janet T_ will be spared a great deal of unneces- committee pro very enthusiastic ovei races last year greater interest �not d(l�w un ti l lInrt'h 3, several excep; Flannel', '16, and tour abort poems. snry trouble and worry if th6 people the project, and urge all students t, been shown in It.ng dista�ee run�"tio.tlnl sOllg� have h�en honc1ecl in; the Dean Bo)'D.tOn ()pUudstSc. pay eRrly," tJRitl Earle ShUtou, chair- l'o-operate ill this metho .. of mellilJl than e,'cr belor&. Many of the meID- 'nl:lIl:Ij!C'r:; :-;tate. There arc seven1cen Commenting on the reorganh:a.tion man of til" finance committee, yester- the lunel,· Dean Boynton, faculty rep bers of . gym classes have been trainiDC�ong� in the pIny, bC:,Ii.les the prologu�, of the Literary Monthly, Dean BOYD- day. resentath'e On the library (,o1Umittce� ror some weeks for these event., aDdAll the I,rrit�� hnyc been written by ton said: "I am satisfied that there i,. Emphasize �otism. says: Direetor Stagg eXpt!("ta good. time to'Kaplnn :111.1 Stolz, ext'ept the thir,I literary ability enough in the Univer- l'�e patriotic side of the Prom wil' "I think it ill an excellent hlea. Th, 'matte in every event. __I number in the first n('t, a ,luet entitle.l sity to support as good a college paper b,e emphasized more t.han ever before. • I f h 0_ I b da:UlII s I't)m t ��_?.:�_� u, IK!.� e�l: -2!t.!�('r _for .-¥f!mj;� tniei-k =i.:�'�. ......----!!Ceu.¥.i .. �VlM�lu..u....a:All-r.ti.t! , • ..,..� __ �. __ :_ A huge' portrait -obGeGrge -Waeftihg. "('ry WlSeJy:::-tc· u-�T-�'_"P a.+- -:V-t _ .• Jam ..... s D"'reniorth '16. Th.. musical . i'" De D'C'U 10 'IJa ·).to�. Tnf bring -forth the CI8SS1,_-est e�ti� .• -" v�n. v.'AnntwVTT_T_.� tou will be hung at one ent} ()f the I'b tart d ;1 t to -• oIW.q ... ",_ "W"IfiIf"� I rary s e, an ... ('an rom year when Stout, Campbell, GOodwint .1Ai.i-_PBOGMII PfQLUJ)B8 gymnasium, _nel 3 til"'" flag will b� year, add to the eoneetio�. A �epa ure and BtegelQan OJeet.; It is ��-__ www _A_nit! oo�- plac�tl iQ .cnll� cO:PRDlcuous place. Thf t ti k &h Q_ 1 ,� ...... oIi ..... � _ ... ......u.. -4" ra e see on, DOwn as " � li7Core e u that the men will go after tlie. rrim;':programs will bear an engraving of seetiou ean be set .aide. FUr1hermorcthe American Bag and also a portrait it will set a pref'edent for other cam,of WashlnJlon. Thl8 will be pn entire 'ns organizations""Arc The�2. phytes?"Duct. Peter ana Dan. "'Ve Thank A tango eontes� is the In-test addi.tion to the program of the Junior vau­cleville, which will be held on Fridayafternoon, Karch 6. A prize will begiven to the couple which succeeds in"howing the most new steps. Three('ouples have aiready entered the con_"eNt, and any who are· cousidering en'tering should communicate with RuthAUen, who is in claarge of the vaulle­ville program. The entrants at preM­ent include Iris Spohn,Frank Selfridge,lliltlron Maelintoek and Carl }'i�hcr,Phyllis Fa,.. and Francis Shenvin_Other acta will be etagetl by Harry Iy new feature.Bantls will be given out to the mem Issue Ckcnlar.The contributions tluring the· pm'·4 :46-SwilJUDers.4:54--11:00 anct 12:00 gym e ......5:02-10:00 and 5:00 gym elaaee.5:10-Wrestlcrs and fent"er8_5: I 8-.Varsity . traek men.A,.c-ording to Dr. S.-humpetflr thehostility behrt"en the two countries i.11ur wholly to the ma)i('iou8 attaebof f:ng1i!'lh pap';",. anll th.- outlook for� C��gatjon of the Bnlkan trouble with­in the ncar futuro is anythinl buthopeful.In a perMDnl intt"n'iew yt"lrteol'da,afternoon Prof. s..hnm�t�J' gRove as hi.opinion that the II�� of t..-c-lIintr"t the UniT'enity of Chicoago . i8 fat!'l1perior to that of m01¢ Atm'ric-an alldforeip iDstitutions of- I.ani ...You."3. nuet Freel anl1 Chloe. "Convention."4. Glce dub. "Bright College Years:'5. F��othnJl team and chorus. c'Heroc�of the Pj�Mkin."6. Chorn�_ "Conl�h Pip:Pip nn.1 Chorus. ··An Jo;\-angelit':tlFoothall Coa('h:I.S, Pip an.l I·horus8ong." girlN. "HumminJ!9. Pder, ··WhyIIm�e :Mo?"10. ChorllR of }'airie� as Finale.Doesn·t Someho41�'Act D.1. Threc Reporters. '·Rumor."2. Chonzs. "Big Bass Drum."3. Chorus. "Foctball Song."Choru!'. "Coach Pip." (Same as inA('t I.)5. Trio. Qucen, Chloe and Fred. "That4-6. I }\fay Live for You,"Fr('el. "Singing Softly, SingingI.ow.'Finale. }'niry Choru�,Qu('cn.(This schcelule cloes not ineluclc the'pJ'ologuc,)..'. Pctcr andNominat.o Y. W. C. L. Officers.�lIJ.:�('st iOIl!04 fflr flfficcrs of thc Y.\V. C. L. for the (ooming y('nr nrc bc,hllo!' �olil·itc.l hy thc nominating com·mittee. This t'ommittce is compo�11of Letitia Jo'yfTe, chairman; MargaretRholl('s, Charlottc Viall ana ArlineRrown. SII�('�tions shouM be placellin thc nominating box in thc Leagucroom in "ox ]97, fn�ulty exchangc.Graduate Women to IIeetThe Graclunto Womcn'l'mcct tomorrow at 4::l0 in15. ("11thLexington hers of the various undergracluatt week have beep small.·· A cirC"uJar iclasses at the door. Seniors will weal to be iSllued this week whit'h will h'maroon, Juniors blue, Sophomores ye: qent to a seleded Ii .. qt of I,O(lO, �Ollllow and }'reshman green. The Freshprising a('th'e and aMCM'iate memherant] alumni. Melllbe� of the commith'(' wiJI make personal c-ans anel wi!"write per�onal letters toO all the wealthy ant] influential memhers of thoclub in an enf1eavor to, rai"r the $31)nN'llet] to ('omplete the tuntl.e"er ma.le," said Kent Sykes, pre�illcntof the Juniors, last night. The Senionmen, are stilI working hard to gl�!"ough to sip � to USUfe them :.�pnrate table at the supper ancl it i:very probable that the,.. win succeecl"We will make the best shOWing thata .Junior clMs in tbe' University 1m:Hogg an.1 KaSl'Cn' Dodson, and FrankSelfridge and John Breathed.The followiDg program will be gh-cnby the Chicago Symphony orchestraTnetlday afternoon at 4 in Mandelhall:Overture, "Abu Hassan" •.. ," Web('rSymphon,. No.8, B minor.(unfinished) ••••.. , •••...Allegro moderato. Doe Brat-fish will havo a }'ren('I,harhcr at his I'hop ThunHlay and Pri.Iny to gi"e some first els."s Par('(' hai:Andante eon moto.Suite 'Impressions d'Italic"• -•..•••••• , • • . . . • . . . .• CharpentierSerenade, A la Fontaine. A Mule".Sur lea Cime.. Napoli.Prelude ud Isolde's Love Death, cub and sha"es. The new harber wiFaccommo.late only those Who nro goin�to aUen.1 the Prom. "} havc cngaw:"ithis ncw man for the pnrpOl'c of showfrom '1'riataa aDd boMo"" Wagncr ing thc students that } am really te-.a.-commodat.e them in e,·crything,'·83i.l Doe IMt night. "I all'O wi�h t,)impreo.8S upon my patJ'ontl the import_will PuII-- PI '·aa·'1'rJoutLTryout. for tb Freshmen debatin�team, Btheduled for today, have hecnp<'stPODed lIatil tile Jatter part of themonth 01' the ftJ'llt week in March.Fr�shm" desiring partit'ularl' in re­�"r.l to debatiDg have heen askcd toMe Badol.f JlMit&, Bitelaeoek 56._M'.- .'---�.•• ••� a pre :r�uisite for membership. .TUDior Jlath Club .�Mr. Camp- Wiseonsin Freshmen and Varsity crewsr.th b h' will lea,oe for the east two weeks be-:�: • mcm ers W 0 are to be recogmze·1 1-.(>11 win addre� the Junior Matbt"-� fore the date in order to praetice on� the soeial stars of' the Sophomor(' . nHeal elub at ita meeting today atthe local course.dus are to be chosen at large from 4:15 in Ryenon 37, speaking on "Somt"the Terpsichoreans and fuuers of the Properti� of Tetl'8bedra!' KcCo7 to Address ChemistsiTMhinan ·�l"" But to drop the tone Letrauc to RpNk Professor Lc-. Profe."80r :McCoy will speak, at tll(!:. meeting of the Kent Chemical sodet.r�e�ty�thi8 i. all as. it should be. 'rane wiD 8peak at the Freneh t"lubI tomorrow night at 7:30 in Kent 14_Th,.�'_'�,.i8. "n.. o re&IO.. .. why membe-hl·p I'n meeting tomolTow aftemoow at 4 in• ., He will talk on "Recent ProgreRR inan organization whieh stands for :. Lexington 8. Profenor Lefrnne is tbe Radio-aeti,oity'�.+..n. a1' ' • �xcbange_prof_.. or from the Sorbonno.7J riC phase of college life-to-wit. WID 2'aa on BtddDgs.tlse aoeial-u doee the Score "lub-- Th _L' fEb' '1 1. " � to 'raUt--''WbRt the .. e 1I_lng 0 tc In�" WI I l«!Rkould have a preeeribe(l prerequisite of Presbyterian Churcoh Tea .. bf'l' H .. " the II1Ibjed of a talk. by n;iph M.f�ternity . membership. It is ohviouR Children Conceming Chorc-b f.T'nity·· Pearson tomrorow afternOOn at 4:15ttaat t�� .. .tratl'rniti� whic-h supply ��n be dileuaed by Dr. WiJliRm C in Emmons Blaine 400. The Icc-turc i�seore ��1ib members ("annot ha-;'fI a ("'overt· of the Fint PreRhyterinn given uncler tlIe auspicC8 of the Rtu·,'6 , . . c-hurcob at a meetinfP of tile R .. lifftonfl' dentll' Art club. All intcrt"fltt'li bn\'�'�ra.r" oa· the, meu wbo are of this '" "'.. . . �ucatinnal t!lub at 1:30 tomorrow been iavited.tJpe; aDd i,t i. a healthy recognition ---night in HasteD assembly mom.of thia�, �Oa __ DIIe eoasideration,aDd of the demands of justi�e an'l DeaD I.ewts .. 8peaker-Tlean TA"wil' Theater and Beaoty" at 4 TUf'!'lh'�' :.tequal oPpolTanity, "hieh is embollielt � Fj"lIel' of tile Ryder Di\"inity b()tI�f' the Fine Ana theatre. Mr. Y('at� 1�i; the e�ang8: ADd perhaps the most :11 Rpeak at the DiYlnity ,,�'h()()l co'hn" th(' leader of the JriRh Xational TheapJeasaDt thin, about it an ia t.he fact pI tomorrow momin� Rt 10:15 io 'R8!1t_ ter movement. with ,,·hic-h arc al1i.·.lthd tile &ore club mado the ("hange ·... n ... emb),. 1'001II. the Irish PlayerR. The lecture is givenvoluatarily. These meu bftd a ('crtain under the auspices of the t;nh'cr�ity"ieMing wbat WIll' 1'eftlly R mb1dnntialLedure aM�iatioD.prestiC. whieh. Will' not open to all. . "Rntap, beeaa- tIley felt tJw:.t in",aflvanta,e for tbeir 1"'ternitie�, as �eatel' tban JH'!1'BOnal anfl fraternity Two e&l"l from Boston, ,two from.. lfi.hDea8 would have clidatetl, until N .. w York, and one from X('w Yurkndvantftge. The Whole �ore C'lob reoState will make op the �cinl train'fc.rt"ed by _l8Id. pre.ore to "(."om(' organiZAtion is " C'�dit to tile lqliritacro-.." They saw tb. injustit!e of Ute of Citieago unelergradoat� ftnd of tbpIIlhado., aact· n.ew.. it t"-.selves, meu in t.. orpalhtlon.D.il,··.·.r •••'1'ODAY8eldor ca1lep aDd caDIp of Ooal­.... aDd Adm1.aiatiraUoD daapel,10:15, JI&II4Ii......... -wn"" � ..... u4 � of BdDcaUoa � 10:15,............ 1M Aawaa,. waa .. u4..... � _ Tu DeU7 ........ Bmmou B1&IM' il'-......T1Udor "'tb�aal club, .:15, B7-........ enoIl·37 •• ..::::.:;: 8c:andtDa� QIub, 8,_ LeziDatoD 14-an............. =_=================::::::::::::===:=====-_.----------------------------.,. w. CeUlaPuaLL GuptLI' .....w ... L7aaaBrief Camp... Newsc:::= ::z= ::z=::zBDts-t:ata at Foeter-Membera of�'oster hall gave a valetnina party lastB7 �..,.� qU&l1.r. night.B7 ...u: a 7"": ILSI a qaarter.I:4ltOtl.s.- __ 0tD� au. It. '__ T_ ...... 1_ Will 8-100 MissT •• pIaoDe Kl4WQ •••• .After II P .. �.,. �B74e Park ., •• Laagley, the 01licial interior decoratorof the University, wi}! speak tomor;row at 10:1.5 i� the League room on"The Relation of Beauty to College0Ull OONftd0 flON.In aJlotbt Golomn the MAROON b ·Life." Mi. �ngley designed the restp�iIlg �he aeutitution of �.!.-paper, rooma In Cobb 8,J1d Harper. Adelin9which. waa adopted in 190';', and .is .till DeLent will aiDir.N ,Upatlon Pledge-Psi Upsilon announeea the PledgiDg ot Roy William�nipehild ot Ravenswood, Dl.in force.· -+Cording to a c.ul:h disre,i�' -ArtioltJ .' in this ecnsrltutfcutlL� by�l&w. ahould be prtnte-I once• ach� U��I" in 'the MAROON. Attm ··��d.7 :�. are printing it t.) ful­th .�� :iettft, of, the . law, and also beelub meetin� tonight at S in. Lexing;�UH �e· 'Wamt 'lt�dellta to knuw un, ton I',Scandfnavian Olub to Meet- TheRev. Mr. C. W. fimwell nf Logansquare will speak �t the Beandinaviandft' ",haft. coiicUdo_, the .MABOON is __operated.�· It • pJ&nnea in the very . .T1lIdor OOlDldl to IIeeto-The .JuDiordivision of the Undergradnate eouneilnear tUtur. to amnd this constitution,and it 18 �. �h�t' it should be goner- will m�et tomorrow at 10:15 in HarperM10 to elect e»ffieers. The new memo� know"n 'w�at w. want to l·bsnge. ben were in.Btalled at the Couneil� � ¥ROON haa been eritieising meeting yesterday a�ernoon, and were\ "ther .axistinC institutiona in the Uni· assigned duties.;�;:�er1tity,. and it : .. aa no desire that itl' -�GUlte)" Addresses Freahmen - Tbp.�frropeediDgs' and methods of proeed, Rev. Mr. Gilkey spoke on "The Moralur";i.hodla: 'b� . known. Problems of tiie Freshmen" yesterday;'� morning before twenty men of tbflclUa. .� Truly, pemocraey. i. triumphaat! All... ,. ," �. , D.JqL 81gma Bel � �ocla7-Deltntear, w.·.. have :,.ariatocraeY and exe)u· Kappa' EPsilon will bowl Sigma Nu to�'Y�1� :�\&bored and abused, and night In tbe semi-finals of the Inter­-t.a�. HeU. the -old order. of pull, C·.J1ll- t!'8ternity bowling league. The win.l;inatioa and favoritiSm (if 'f; existed) ner will meeti Ohi Psi in the dina1, ., 1;rumblinl'away before the bemb-ehells ,match for the championship."" .' . '{. "1'0 "1'aIk on "Corn Products"-At a.not by our enthusiastic and earnesti.'.. .. "', m('Cting of the HOURehold Administra-·Ilemocrat.! ADd aow the .score eh�;, tion club tomorrow at 4:30 in Emmon�has fallen iDto line!' No more is "1laine 21' Dr. Edward Gudeman wi11'ihembership 'i� �erta�n fraternities' to !q)eak on "Corn Products."The,. ditl not try to bang· on to f.bi.. . : .. ,. "nel tile spirit of demMTDC'Y ,.. .. r .. Open Saturda7 Ntaht.No .. ill Our NEW BOMB. N'. B Comer State &Del .Jackson.Yes,Suit Mr.Is Yourand SpringNowMidwayReady Man,HereOUR whole third floor ISa young men's store, de­voted to you and you alone:CLOTHES for campus and. "frat" ---clothes for "tango'and theater---clothes for schooland every other occasion .DIGNIFIED styles for seri-. 'ous minded fellows-c-live-Iier ideas for gay-hearted lads---ex�rem� styles, simplifiedmodels, models. ,_ that .squarewith every notch of the stylescale. And 3;t prices' to " meetevery purse---up to .�3�!·;. ,s u- i t s Clearance :' Still .in Progress. , '.''Suits and Suits andII\1IIIIIIand andSui t sovercoatsthat were$40 to $45,$29.50 o ve ·r·,t 0' at'S"that were$32�50 'a n d$35. now $20 o v e r c 0 a t sthat w e r e$22. to $30,$�5 nowo v e rcoatsthat were$ ] t; t 0 $ 2 2,$12.50now now... Date tor Begatta.The Pc;ugbkepsie regatta will be hel.l'his year on Friday, June 26. Tho Flowers for the PromCHOICE CORSAGES OF OBOBIDS, BUftER-FLY SWBB"l'VIOLB"l'S, ARD LILIB8 OP �. VALLEY.NO BX"1'BA 00ft FOB SJlTBLDS AND ftB8.Place your Order Early. Choice Assortment of Cut Flowers andBas�ets Always on HandPALIIS ,REN'rBD FOB ALL. ocoASlon.A. McAdam. W. J. LagrottaTelephone. Hyd. Park 18. 1303 B. &Sid 8tne'-• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••t'e1cpbone H. P. 10S7.VVanted At Once£ada _ at �e Uanalil, t. (eEe i. lEd ianali.ale ••Special Ollerto CoIIeae Men.HERZKA BROTHERS:- : Tailors :-:1545 East53n1 StreetYe&t.II to Lecture on ftea.ter.WiIIiRm Yeats will lee-ture on ·'The--_ _ .. "......wbieh will 'tiring ('btem alumni to anAD.TeebDology reunion to be heM ipChicagn Friday. ,cHICA •••.-.:.._�. -5c per line. No advertisemenu re- Section 5. A quorum or the Boardeeived for 1l?88 than 25c. All dyetftecl We, the editors and Busineu Man- shall be a majority.advertisements must be paid tD ad- ager of THE DAILY MAROON, real; A%ttde V. ne Editoria.l Dep&rtilDe1lt.vance. iring the preeent unsatisfactory or- Section 1. The editorial depart;.gBni7.ation of the paper, in order to ment shall consist of a board of cclLWANTED-l'or pcrmaneut positions. define dearly the relation between tors and a staff of reporters.two IlIl'U who uro over twenty-flve THE DAILY MAROON and the stu- Beet ion 2. The Board of Editors.years ot' agv, und who either have de. <lentil of the Unh·eraity ot Chicago, A. The Board of Editors shall eou-{!Te('l( or will recelve them the present und between the departments of the sist of a mangiug editor, a news edi­quarter. �lllst he of gelotl ntltlre�s. No paper; to secure harmony and co op- tor. an athletic editor, and not moreeration between the departments ofpurt time or tt'llIpurury IIIl'" will be than eight auociate editors.considered f()r these posit ions. Phone the paper; to place the paper on aU ef· B. The qualffleat ious for member:W. C. Stolle, Itundolph :::164 and make fective and permanent basls of opera- ship on the Board or Editors shall beappointment, tion; to insure a just and equitable ap- those governiug the Associate Editors,portionment of financial responsibility C. The members of the Board _ofDRESS SUIT 'FOR i).:'\LF�"i7.e 36·,'11 d t· d t regula- theall remunera Ion; an 0 lll:' Editors shllll be elected from the Mtnf��U:.I c·ondit:;ln: C·:lSt. �liU: sell +"0' method by which the paper shall be of reporters by the Boarcl of }o;llitottc!hereby on the nomination of M:tnaging E;U­tor. The Board may eleet a. mt'lIlberwithout the nomination of the Man�­be glnr Editor, on a two third' (2·:q vote(If the rntire Board. A member may$l!i. ilw1udillg dl·e�s shi r t, c ollure and" organize,l and conducted, dotil'. !-iWIIl.' '!\"t',Ii,.g:; II. P. :"663. Bur; establlsh this constitution.}lZpe.ANYONE pluuuiug to travel in Eu-rope fiext summer can save eonsid­ernble mOlley by goillg with a person.ally cunduc tcl party. Counnuuicate witl,X. Y., ·1::, :\Iarooo office. :_. , A%ttcle I. Name.The name of this paper aha.ll"THE DAILY lCAROON."at any ttme, for fallura to perform hisof THE duties, he removed from the Board ofEditors by a two-thirds (23) vote ofthe entire Board,D. The Board of 'Editors shall havepower to decide upon questions of edi­torial policy. The Board shall electthe editors and reporters as hereinprovided.E. The annual meeting of the BoardArticle Do PutpoMi.It shall be the purposeDAILY MAROON:1. To publish the news of InterestWANTED-a Lright, energetic youug to the UDkersit.y of Chica&o public,meu wanted for profitable summer in a manner free frblll senaationa1�,work. Guaranteed salary or eommis, inRccuraey and prejudice;sion. Cul on G. C. Burton, room 336 2. To reflect the attitude of the atu-T)�l Prado hotel.est;A TRIP ABROAD for congenial peopleunder Ideal Uuiversity Travel guideauee and at Dliuimum cost. Three placesare sti]] open, For particulars nddressCarol Dorothy Kuhns,CJlicago Representative,Phone Drexel 161. 4407 Berkley avc.WANTED-Freshmnn with some ex-.perience in camping or now engaged- with work 8.S assistant in Wiseonsineamp, July and August. Addreu W. M.Kiplinger, Morgan P�rk, IIIVANTED-Tho Cap and Gowns forthe years of 1896-1897; 1903. A rea-onnhle price will be paid. Daily lIa­o(.n ofrica.BOABD-In small private family. Ex·eellent home cooking. Limited nnmbetat table. Addre9tt 6134 Woodlawll ave·nue, 3rd apartm�nt, telephone HydtJPark 631.THE TEA BOUSELUNCHEON 12-1:30DINNER 5:t5-71S28 B. 57th.Dear Sil':-IItt Eat 17&11 I!III'MLTelephone J41dWDJ' 9525.Exchange I'nabm __ FrC8hmen mem­hent of the following fraternities wilt�x�hRn�c: Alpha Delta Phi at PhiKappa Psi, Ireta Theta Pi at SigmaChi, Delta Tau Delta at Sigma AlphaEpftilon, Rncl Phi Gamma Delta at ChiNo dents on matten of UniveraUy inter·of Editors shall be held at the same3. To further the best interests ofthe University;·4. To provide practical experienceand training in newspaper work;5. To promote and encourage thehighest standard. of college journaLiBID; and time and place as the annual mee�.ingof the Board of Directors, and shallfollow that meetdng, Other meetingsshall be held as provided in the b:r·laws or upon the call of the ManagingEditor or l\pon tbe request of threemembers of the Board.6. To work in conjunction with F. A quorum of the Board of Elliotber eollege papers to fOlter a spirit tors shall be a. majority._of intereoUeeiate harmony. Sectlon 3 •. The: Ke.nagfng EdItor. �ArtIcle m. 0wuenIdp aud II&Dap- A. The. Managing Editor shall bea member of the Boar.d ot )!:ditors.B. The ManaJing Editor shall beelected by the. Board of Editors at itsannual meeoting. He shall serve forI year, or until his successor is �leet­ed. A majority of the entire Boardshan be necessary to a ehoiee. \1"n·Man&2in� F.clitorshipat any time by tJu.·8ec:tion 1. THE DAILY MAROONshall be owned by the students of th6University of Chicago, and sball betbe oftieial student publication of theUniversity.Section 2. The mangement of THEDAILY MAROON shall be vested in a caney in th ..tors and a business manager.Sedion 3. The editorial manage­ment of the paper shall � \"csted inaboard of editon..- shall be filledBoard of Direetors, consisting of eclLBoard of Editors. Notice of suc:heoleetion shall be given to the membe:'!'ot the board at least a we('k in a,l­vanee of the meeting.(To be continued.)Sedion 4. The business managementof the paper shall be v88tec1 in a busi·ArtIcle IV. fte Boad 01 DIncton. Athletics Brevities'«'ial juriedietion in all �atten whiehconcern both the editorial and busineMd"partmenb, as herein provided.Seetio. 3. The Managing E.lit01'l"hall be the President, Ute News Elli­tor shall be tile Secretary, and thoBusiness Kaaager shan be tile Treaa- <h\·jng to the severe training mem-urer of the Board of Direetora." bers of the crew must undergo, tht'SectiOD "- The a.Dual meetillg or University of' Pennsylvania ha." instLthe Board of Directors sban be 'eM tuted a special physieal examinationsometime betweeD Uairty (30) ud whieh must be paS8etl hy all condi­fourteen (If) days previou. tOf the dates..Tollp. Convoeatioll, upon tile ean ot thePretrident. of the- Board. One week'. Se\"eral students were injured whellnotiee ill writing shall be given eM'h tbe bleachers at the Miehigan Armorymember of the Board. Other meetings gave way, dropping over five hundredsban be held upon the eall 01 th" people to the floor. The �eitlent oe·President of U.e Board or on � e1I1'J'ed at the start of the M. A. C.­.f tlne (3) ._ ..... ., til. "4l. N.,.. Dame baaWball pm ••-As a result of the game schedule.1with Harvard Ilext fall, both wintc ..and spring foo&.baU praeetice will })('held at Michigan. 'lOfori5'·:..... ,.' , " ".\---------- - - --------------------------neM manager.�tion 5. The students, througb the�de Park 2016 .Tunior and Beior College Coundl8, mRy Minnesota students will be given aFlnt CIu. Rente. ('hanee to dance after the basketball"1t Rny time have aecea to the �-("ounts and other ret!oro of THE game on Friday. The first event· .)fDAILY KABOON. thi8 nature proved sucha, deci�ed suc_eeM t.hat it is hoped the practice willbe kept up.Spring clothes an tile D8U tIdDc to Sedion 1. The Board of Diredol'Stid_ about. ne Hew Pauen. an �h811 consist of the Board of Editon The Dartmonth baseball team 'willhere and theY're Fine. � ftQ and the Business Manager. !!pend tbe spring reee� in practicemoderate in Price, too. Section 2. The Board of Directors around Boston instead of taking aCome in and see tIlem wIleD �OII c&D. "hall have general control of THE ftOuthern trip, as hu beell' the custom� You., DAILY KABOON, and .. all havespe· heretofore. ···�··�·-s;i�:·�ri)uIs ..... -�t .. ��ch�· :by �.Ugh 'and "Fad Trains of th. ... ILLINOIS"� "-CENTRAL'. :Ii·i, 'Stee' -Oa,lighlfSpecia'Leaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.; arrives St. Louis (via Merchants'Bridge6;02 p. :Pl.· Indestructicble steel cars of, handsome interior Ii· ishEvery comfort and. convenience will be found .}n t�is, train..' � .� Di�lIIond SpecialLeave Chicago '10:30 tJ. m.;' arri�� ·Si. Louis 7.:46' a. 'm�' EJee.ric­lighted train. A convenient evening departure from· Chicago. . ..Stopa Mad. i":Botla Dir.cti�D.� .t_ Soulla Sid. n...o.�1aSt.tiOD •• 43rd. 53 I'd aDd .3n1 Streets: :Observation Parlor Cars. Cafe Club' Ca.:s. SleepingCars. Free Redinina Chair. -Cars and" Coaches 'Tick.b. F.r .. aDd SleepiDa Car R ....... tioD •• t76 West Adams St.CITYTICItltT OFFICEa. J. CARMICHAEL. D. P. A.�..................•..•... _. - ..........•.Hotel CumberlandNEW YORK'Br_� at 54th Street.NUl' SOUl Street S1IInrq S�OD aDd53rd Street Elevated.."BroadwaY' can from GranelCeatral Depot.Sneath AftII1Ie Can from PeanqI­... StatIoa.·K.PT BY .. COLL.a .... 11B."DQU .. R'l'.U 'OR COLL.a •....B,..O,..£ IlAT.B FOR COLL.fl. "......Ten ... Inutes' Waik to Thirty Tbeaa..HARRY P. STIMSON. MANAGER •BRADQUARTERI!I �;R CEnCAGO ,New. Modem and FireproofR� with Bath, 10.50 and ap. . ,• •••• _ •• _ •••••. _ ••• -� _ •• • � �";t..SUBSCRIBE FOR T"� DAILY l(AROo�.� DAlLY MAaoo •• WBDKBSDAY, fBlmUABY 18, 1914.Amusements.FREE Send u.2 ccob in stamps for poM­age and we will mail you a IIOUftIlirtin of TUXEDO tobacco to-anypoint in the United States. Address'THE AlIERlCAN TOBACCO COMPANY .Rooml209 lllPUthA.... �YorkT eeUp! Smoke Up!A S satisfying as the sounding� smack of the perfect drive, isthe open-air relish of the perfectsmoke-Tuxedo. Both go tog�ther!too. When you grab your bag andstart for the links, grab up your tin NJ�II�tg�OD.of Tuxedo and take it along. ··A�91�:o::!w w10a"Follow through" the snapI!}' after- aJdeJ tJ�: ,., ��noon with Tuxedo. Put -Tuxedo 'f.:.� 1:f:1l �in your pipe and you will "put" the ... � �ogtJtenI t_best. And at "the nineteenth hole" ""JotJ.e,Vtt�l�'rest up and relax with a good, solid �smoke of Tuxedo. That's the ad- .vice of good golfera everywhere, .-::l_Tuxedo positively conn-ot hite-not ALEX' CAMPBELLeven if you smoke pipeful after B�uC.�s.pipeful, as many as you cancrowd .. / CDIII �. 6laJ ,.,into a day or a week. ' � afOOtliDorJforTux-edo 106cIc:co. Corutant weTuxedo is made of only the finest, 0/11 onlg � to ".� uchoicest, selected leaves of perfectly �"'�/U�aged Burley tobacco. It is made by choice '0/ �·golfen. ..the original "Tuxedo - Process ",' nl.� aa.:�.J .... 1twhich removes e'V", trace of hjtt and ""'1'. �.sting and develops all the wonderful' ,mildness, fragrance and flavor of theBurley Leaf in a way that no otherbrand of tobacco bas ever success­fully imitated.YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE'Coa. __ t poac •• 5 fi .... 10i"'!er-li,,.J willa C willa :.r--........ CIDDI8bR ..... oof...... _... IDfilpacbtIn GIaa Hrm.iJon. SOc and .SOc"Facile PrincepsNo beftrage can approach-has ner neD challengedthe suprem:lC:Y of Coca-Cola •. It stands first. Thedrink that will refresh and deliRht you with its distinc­tiTe and deliciou:: fia"f'Or-its 'Wouderful thirst-queDch-in; quality. .Delicious- Refreshing. Thirst-QuenchingTHE COCA.COLA CO,A ..... c.. W�� .,_ _ .. .Arrowthbot 01 C...cdaI'raterall7 le"'l17Leatller aoot.CoDen If .... a. ........ 8Iade.U7W ...... I • .s .......cam .. cu..BROCHONENGRAVING CO�P"NYH. G. TURNERPreside.' .1 •• allen.�.................... I ••PUBLISH HANDIOAPSIN CLUB Bn.XTAB,J)8AND POOL TOUBB'AIIBB'f Di"isioD J.Horton, lI('rrilJ, Ba,l,lwin Kelloig,Strong.Division 11.Suppl., Hamilton, & ott., Fekete,Clark.(ConUnued fr-rIIl pap 1.)Division 3.Seh.e�er, Wheeler, Chanlllrr,Ryan. Matthew,..Division ".Jacobi, Lindauer, Eflgcrton,Allie.The Dh1s10D&BW1anla.Division J.Loth, Jeffery, Vieker!1, McDonald.Division II.Blim, Beller, Bops, LninlOn.Pool. FA8'r LAW BOJIOOL 'rBAII- - AJm' BOPHOIIOBBS 'rBIUJlPH NEWLY FOUNDED OLUB IANNOUNCJ'::S COKMITTEES ����===�==����GARRICKInterdUa Leaeue - YearlingsLead in Race.The homo Eeouomics and HouseholdDefeat DiV1D1t7 &Dd Freshman n iP Home Economics and Household Ar�sClub Names Four ExecutiveBodies.Standing of lDterclaas League. .Team. WOll Lost1 Arts club, which has recently boo IIp"t, fornit'11 ill the school of Education asSS8 :llIIlOUIII't.'d the following committees:Freshmen T. . • • . 8Laws .... ".,.... '; ". .lulh-tt« Ames, general chairman.4:; l. 801' iuJ: Willdla Wooabric.1ge,chuirmull::;041 .Hurr iet Ames, Wyll«, Ml'Nl'ul, };Ull'l:;00 I,ollll', (._'Iara Cnlluwuy, Helen Kuight,Sophomores . . . . • • 6Seniors , ..... , ..• 6 6M(>tli('S !)........... Great Musical Success oi' the SeasonTHEPLEASURE SEEKERSCOHAN'S GlANDAnother Cohan & IIams Triumph.Geo. M. Coh:m's !\t:;stery Farce.Tuniorf' ••••...•.. 4Freshmen 11. "',.. 4Divinity .... ", .. , (l G11 ,HI:I 1l1'1t.'1I Andrews, Eunice Worthou, Gl'r,-Wilt rude Wight, lIell'll Greenfield, and "SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE"OtH,Hertha Cuse, L.\t:'('ill�, TllHlLL:-.:, �t t-:LOlJ!LU1A.Woodlawn Trust princess& Savings Bank I12M B. 634 � 0Jdcap 1The Rev. Mr. George Craig St('w:ut d'i�lJ.� •••••• "wIn be the guest ancl l"pt'aker at. a JF YOu: ARE LCGKDfG FOR RBAL A�ERICAN .USICHOME ,COO�G BA.LLdinner to be given by the F.pi�(,op:1t �)Oh'IllIl('I'�hip: Margaret Angucrnh-ague with the Law �whool teuui a chniruiuu : Ethel Pcgg, Naney McN"l·at.elose second. The Sopohomores hnv- l[a'i-gurc..'t Bowers,'PROM "The \\'.,11 of tht, Saints" .T. lL Syn�Phone Hyde Pant 30. "So"erei!!n LfI\"(�" T. C. Murray1377 Bast 55th Street. Thurs.) }'ri. & �a.t� Xite� & Sat. Mat.....'a��_���_""� '·The elan.·), ::X:lllle" I�enox RobinsonGoldberg 4, Frank, Striker 2, Hll1'- ���fu; �- "TheConntry J)rt'ssmkr·' G Fitzmauricewitz­Free throws: Shattuck 2.climbed up to second posit.lon, whill'the Juniors antI Freshmen II han' hitthe toboggon ana are now resting IIt':lrthe bottom. Tbe Divinity tenm al­though Improved wOllllt.'1'fully, has :t:-lyet been unable to break a long los­illg streak. house, Fluren('e Harris .Ieuune lUUII;':Anna Hnnunou.l, llarg-art't Chl'lwy,alldIh·l('n Lee.Publjvi ty : Lorvnu Luehr, t"hairmulI:Esttll'.r .AI.lr:t�'. llartlll'lIa lld\'illl'Ellith Smith ( Lorraine Lundenburgeraud El'izuhet h Hurr is.Yesterclay's two games went to th" '}"'inanee: Elizabeth Spencer, e hairSophomore and Law teams, In th e first mnu ; Er nn St,hlleer, Heleu Lennore.game the Sophomores llefentl,.l tllf' Erma Gross •• \1111 �1('Guirt.',Ruth SWUIII:Freshmen II 13 to 10 and in the e·\"'II. and �Iar;.:a re t Kingery.ing the Lawyers were tbe victors O,'C'the Divinity by a16 to 12 S(,01'(,. Bot l-I d f.i .luhn H. �lnU, gl'II1'raJ secreturv 0:contests were e ose an exer Ill;!.. •.. the W or l.I's �tUol('IIf, Christian fe-Ivruneither being deeided unt.il the last John R. Mott to Speak Here.t iou, will 1('I'talr,' nil "World Chr ist iunfew minutes of play. In the Frt.'shlty" at 4:::0 tomorrow in llaullcl. )oIl''llen-Sophomore battle none (If t h •.�I(}tt W:IS one of the pr inc ipu l speakFreshmen seemed to be nhle to \\ orkers at the reveut Kn nsa« City C'OIl\-('1Itogether, and as a result tIl" M('C'lIn.t tion of the Student Voluteers.year men took the lead at the start. ..nre HOTEL Of' AM�AICAN IDEALSHOTEL POWHATANWA:SHINOTON. D.C,and held it during tIle entire gam('In the second gamo the Dh'init_y tOil:,the lead at the start and. heM itthroughout the greater part, alill itwas at the entl that the Laws weft'able to forge ahead nnll win the g:UII(',The seores:Sophomores (13) Freshmen IT (10)Cole R. F •.......... Bi.'lItPlume L. F. Kessli!l'McConnell C .. ' •.•. BlarkhurnWillard ..•••... R. o. Knips('hit,lSparks L. G .......• Tacs.,}>l.f'Whitng.Baskets: Cole 2, Plume, l{rCon;wll3,. Bent, Kessler 2, Blackburn, Knip'4'ehild.Free throws: Spark14.Refree, Catron. BMtLocatedB.tella W�.ew and .&.'b8ol1lte17. :I'I.npnot.adne4; BlCaDt.BVBOPBAB'. Pr.AlW.8oom., detached. bath..oom., 'private·�:..so. -- up.. , -.so. -=uo up.Writ. for Soawenir Boekr.t "S" .itb ....� Clifford Me LewI..ltolANAGEB. •.� -.�����������������FLORENCE H. JIYEBSLaw (16) Divinity (I:"!)Goldberg ..•... f •• R. F. ..•• Stallin�1IFrank ..•...•••. L. F� � .... � Shatt\lc�l,Striker .•••.•.... c. Oster�rt�nHurwitz .. ' •....• R. G. p1'il'�Radnitzer •.•. ' ,L. G. Whitnu-rBaskett'!: Stallings,Shatturk 3, Pr;c", ShopSpecial Bed.uctlon to Students.F.I 0 W e rFOR THEThere will be no games in th(' in·terelass league today on a�eount of th('mile cup J'a(!cs. An basketball men ar,'expeeted to report for th�e raN'S ratfour-thirty iu order to obtain th('ir,:eym credit. The- basketball anll tlwba�ball men will run in the !1:\Me Ta('('. 'l'BE FAC'ULft •TH3 S'J.'UDBlf'rSof the·UNIVERSITY OF OBIOAOOWILL FIND INTmS·BANK ALL ftIBFACILITIES OP A DOWNTOWN BAlIK....... wm GiYe Dinner.�'a!1ons in the University will hot.,their aDnual dinper at 6 tonight. ill"lIt�hin�n cafe. II. S. 'R4>('ht('lt, WllHii\ in �hargc of the aWaiT, i� ('onfi.t('ntthat there will h(' n large nllmh('r of� .. mhers present. Thol"e expe('HnJ! tnttcnd are requested to notify him :-.:Hyde Park 5601. SAVINGS ACOOUN"fSandCHECKING AOOOUN'fSAre Weloome and Appreciated.RESOURCES $2,000, 000.M�n'l' and. the Epi8C'opal Women'!, dnhn _TRY_Fritlay lrom 6' to 8 in LcxinJrton ('om' .fURL'S LUNCHmon!'. Dorothy PhiThriek anll Virtor 1325 E. 55th Street. ROOM'1'eL 4085.w. Rroder are in charge of the �alc ofti�ket,,- Eetween Kimbark and KeInrood.tmrn;vspn 0l\45VfMi'J8' e = = e E' ILLINOISCHRISTIE !,!.l.D-')NALDINS WEE 'r H :; ART SHo�arG'S TheatreA Blow at CO:UIlu:r�i.llizcd ViceIt lIas Aw.r..eucd Chica�o.TIlE 'l·H./�l'FICpOV\ r hSFANNIE WARDIn tlle L:'l1��!;n� Succes.'Iof Seven Cc.nnt.riQq.MADA�I P::!::SIDENTCORrrHELP \V ANTEDA Clean Comedy Drama withHanry KolkerSTUDEBAKERLYN BABDINGIn Sir Arhtur Conan Doyle ..ThriJling New PlayTHE SPECKLED BANDFINE ARTSIRISH PLAYERSMo� Pow�� �a'In Fifty Years,TH!: LUBEo LVlWPICKIaw & Erlanger PresentTHE TRAIL OF THE LONESOMEPINEWith Charlotte Walker as JuneLASALLE'lango, Filled Song-ComedJ'··SEP'l'!:MBER IIOBH"With Dave LewlaEVA TANGUAYThe . Cyclonic Comedienne andHer Jubilee Vaudeville CompaQ-With NEIL KENYON-FuD­meat Scotchman of AU.