Jf'I,\" . II '1:' ";f �.. ,_ . -.' '!A:. '.'::":::"ttt !t U·,:. r���-n��·'��n':": .n-,�� .' ... . • !j, ."':'\..,\ .....• �c,. ... ..,.,.-, l"�·.·!.4�.Vol. xu. No. 87. I'BIOIt.'FIV1I .0BIIft:. .' ,� ,1J1UVBB8Ift OP OBIOAOO, ftBSDA.Y, FBBBUABY 17" 191'-.:TO GIVE HOUCHTON'S"YOUNGER GENERATION" CHICAGO· DEFEATS IOWA PROM PREPAUTlqNS' .�ARE NEARING CLOSEPage',· Men �Win Hardest-FoughtConlest of :-Seuon From Hawk-eyes in Final'Minutes of Play Committee Still Hopes to Hayeby 18-13 Score Two Hundred Couples Present- Not too Late to GoDramatic Club Will Give Come­dy by Author of "HindleWakes" on March 7:,"---Nosing out the Hawkeyes during theCAST OF ELEVEN ANNOUNCED laljt two minu,ies of play, Uhieagu WOIlthe most hotll contested �e of ibf\tllult.'�· Houghtou's "The Younger Conference schedule last night a.t lowaGenerut iun," will be preseute.l by tho City by an 18 to 13 sccre. With theIlramatic club in .llundel on Murch -:. last half abiultlt' completed. the scoreArrangements have just, been COlli- stood 13 to 13. . At this time Mola.nderpleted with Charles Frohman whereby wu� given a chance to .score a. freethe club hus been given the exdul'li ve .throw anti he - made good. This waltl'ight to present tho comedy, and ue , the turning point, for immed.iately af_tive rehearsing' has begun. terwaril. N orgreia. and Dee J ardieuThe coaching is being done by II r, came throUgh with two beautiful fieldLester Alden, formerly with Riebard goals' and the game was won.M3U�fi.ll'lti. Mrs. Fiske and others, and ,From the start the game promised tonow' conch for the Players club an.) N Id With only three days left until thebe a stiff fight., . either team eouthe Chicago Normal school. The play. . Washington Promenade,' all committeesobtain any advantage over the other. ..OUf> of the Iast by Houghton. is c1e- The lead see-sawed baCk. and. forth are eompleting their arrangements,«lured to be the best work by the Th and are working liard to have eve rv;during the entire Ant half. e sec- • Iauthor of "Hinclle 'VnkCl'l." It is sni. thing ready Friday night. The a-t'-ond priod started in the same way, andto be dist incfly of the modern school tendance promises to be the largest I'nit was imp088ible to tell which teamof comedy. It presents no morbid llil'l. the hast f th u·' .was goigg to win until· Chicago':; I ory 0 e nlverslty, ane}«-ussion of unpleasant problems, but . everv. possible attem. pt wI'11 be m"'l�spurt, right at the end of, the game .......pictures a phn.�e of life familiar to to m8.ke the e,ve t the best ever.' Th;"'�hen time was called, it was all the ,-everyone. The'cast foUows: ' th t ad edmen could do to' stagger off the floor. 8lm a was opt by the commit-'!'he Cast. '�o stiff and dose had been' the Aght. tees In charge, "Two hundred cou-Coach Page started Stevenson and pies," has not been realized as yet, butGeary Norgren at forwards; Shull at Center it is hoped that late signers will forced Ba' .;.._w+... :...... ..1_ Late the total up to that mark. . ,an u-. __ er' _ 'gu&I'UD. , r on..- .... a.a.\Alt.�.p�=��:���. � .. !�e���.��,�.��!-��,R��''J�ieu: nat iD. TIa� :";rk-- of, the C�- 'si1lm Frid&,. night, theY.'win be c�n-eago � ,,,, .. �:,ooa, while fronted bY" O'Jle of the most beautifu:Norcr8ll, at forwardlecl. hia teammate. �d ,DOVel d��g .:S«?h�ea, eve�It sc:oriJac. , �'ael V OD !Ae.IE.UIll. seen in Bartlet� according to Chairmahwere tile .tan for the Hawkey". Io'itzpatrick of the deep�tio�s commit'The aeore:' tee. Long green streamers will be hun�from the ceiling ,to ·the sides of th�Chicago (18). Iowa (13). .R F' Id running �k, concealing the entir�Hteven80D •• , •• , • F. • •• '.... Ie.Goettler. Von Lackum upper portion of the ,gymnasium. Th�are lights �ill be lowered ,to the le\"�,'Iof t�e track and will be surrounded b�Sorgren ..... ,. "L. F •.. " •• GriSl!leECarmichael,••••••• , Nevin� .fet'toons. The sides of the gymnasiun,'HONOR COMMISSION WILL Shull •.•.•• ' � � ••. C.B ., , will be (lecorated" with vine-covereuEOIN' WORK D'¥BJ'IA'1'BLY DesJardiea.Ba G J b ',lattic.!e work. The south end, reserv�,�k - amprtDer. ,-.;R. •.. . .•. aco sonInstructors to Give Syste!!l a lfolander •••••• L. .G. �..... Parson� for the patronesses, will be supplie ..Cbance to Work by Lea� Bx- .' I with chairs and rockers. A big electrit:-Baskets: NO..,..eD �2, Steveaaon,Sbull.aminatton Booms. "e" will be pl&c.!ed at this end anel allolander, Baumgartner, Des .lartlien, picture of George Washington at th:..• rat"obson 2, Fields, Von Laekum. north eDd. The orchestra wIn be situ'Free throws: ·Jlo1&Dder 4, NevinN 5 ated directly opposite the entrance ane.Referee, Nichols of Chicago. will be completely hidden by palms.Supper At_ 'r1niftIa.'.",' James Kennion, the father,••••••••••• ', •• : •• '•••• Joseph,:)(rs. KennioD, the mother.. : ... '. < .•. '�--:' .; � ....... �<>j_bei XeDdriekngg-.e, e mal , •• ' 'argaret�c)�Re::gio Kennion •• Lawrence Salisbu;'"Grace Rennion, •••• : ••• , • Phyllis FayThomas Kennion, tile uncle......... 1.. . . .. .. .. Francis SherwiJlllr. Lenclbitter .,., Davic1 McLaughlinMr. FOWle ." •••••• ,'.. William BopArthur Rennion .,.," Vernon Brown1Irs, Hannah Kennion, the grancl'mother ,,"', .• , •. , Cornelia BeaUCJitror,l Rnwson .• , •..• , Sol HarrisonT""C'sti�ation �nditions in tb('f'Jn�" r()('·ms whi«-h are condueive tr�heating is one of the thinga plannd!y the nr.w Honor commis8ion, Cla.",q.�'will 'he '\'isited, and an endeavor wilt1M! mntle to rc�etly II1Ich mattC1'9 as thr!'If'ati�g of stUdents too clO8e togeth .. �The Instructo� will be .. ·'Led t '�I[ 0 gn','the bonor sentiment a ebaDce to ma'!c:#rood, 'hy lea"ing' the room at freq t• uenInten'als during eXaminations, and, i.,.some eas('s, "y leaving the rOOm �Itoget.J.AI'.Anothf'r pro'hl('m C"onfronting t'!l ..f"ommi�!"ion is to ,1iS(!o'\'er the reaso'1Swby thf'r(, is more «-hf'.aitng in �m" ,1..�,pnrtmf"its fllnn in othe1'1'. Thii4 mrtttf'r will llC' thoronghly investigat"11.an,l the 'l('partmC'nt� in whi('h sh)ll(,Il�l"s�em m()�t, ('orrlll,t will he ';\'«-0 �r("('1:11 attention,"Tb(' ('om mission will ('ommen('(, itswork immc1liat('ly," saicl I.ane R('hmycst('r,by. "If no cons('S of ('b('ating:lrf' rf'portf'.l, it "'iIl ih\'cstigate romor_('d «-�f'''. nntl will wnt('h all ('laSq('S('iGsely,"Hold Campaign IleeUng far RobeD..... lTni\·('r!"it�· !'Ihlllents will hoM an al,1�mr:}ni(' ('ampnign mfeting for AS"o­('iate 'Prof.".q.�or 1J0�n at 4:30 tomor_row in Harpcr WI. DECORATING SCHEME IS NEWYou Can AffordTen DoUan forthe Prom ;'r,. .. � ,. j '. ft , " � .' ..PLAN MfSSIONARY,.!ORK 'STAGG'- :�Urge Desiability of lnteiestiDg U�- , �JSJ)UAL. 'IEETiverlity Men in SUppoft. of �, Iigious and 'Edutatiooal Work CoDted·W-�� .. \V_ FI'OIDAin Non-Christian, �uD�ies , Satun!-T;'�,be Futeat, m -West' ' .. , � ... '�lf''_The need of medical, religious andeducational work. ill the' nOD�Christia'u CHICAGO DEFEATS . pUIDIJ£countrles W8.'5 discussed by Mr. 'C: '�.Whitehair, Dr. Burton and Dean Wei�'J With the se8JptJ of 'Purdue ed Nortb.-at a dinner given by fifty delegates to western safel� st�wed:,aw�y, D�tar.the Kansas City convention last Fri- Stagg ,will spend"a buiy 't�o_:: lr.,u,Iay night in Hutchinson cafe. Thte preparing' h� , tra_�k- � 'tor' the . Du­purpose of this meeting· was' to' inte�- nois meet a week 'from 8aturdaY.�J.a.eat the University men in supportin� Illini eaptured-',ihe -�nfereDCe.,.. ���­IIOme missionary enterprise' abroad. l{�. ,,Pionship last 'Year',- �d the dual-�Bickham was insurueted to apoint a. p�oiuises to be t�e ',�t �?n��� '.��.j"ecmmibtee to determine wbat kind. of killd, in ·the 'We8t� thta_ t,��:, ��"'�*ork in the foreip �eld the Univer- was I10 match' for. Chicaro ijatur�:r,liUy could' take up. anci easily' succumbed by a 56 .� to, �")"Chicago is far behiDd the other MOrf'.' " . �'�. . � � ': • :�: -Xtibi\'ersitif)8," said Cor�eliU.8 T:�ninga, Dopesters throli�Jiout.��.') w.. .. �chairman of the campaign �o�Uee, touting -Coaeh 8��'s. aRr���"Most of the big aebools are support- the 8�rOJlgest, o.p.Pon?�t ��.. �'�.• 'r!'�, .ing either a misaiOD&ry or a�, institu: champlOush!,p hopes . t�ia', .,. ..,.. ,;.tion in Bome foreign, touD.try.· Th�' showing made ill' iIi'e, .Purchi.' _..dwomen of our Univorsity h!Lve bee� Northwesterll 'Weats '.in��.ii�.���supportiue O.DO for ov,r a year. It � �oaeh Stagg has � w����.���up to the men to sho� their ���alty by In e�'ery ev�nt, tile r��� .�� ..doing likew�" _:,', malung t�e hur�b",""��;!��_!iIl ,Impresaed ,b7 Y. II. O. A-, Wcxrk. I has practically \r�e,�' ���l._ i "The import&Dfe of the,r�igioU8 work team .. and ev�ry. �ve,n�" wAt ,���: .. ',in oper:Ung up India :to tlle world. com� t�� hottest kin� �, �, ��.�t� '�.. l!:tlt- ::. " ::::mercially was emphasized by.Mr. Cj linl ha'\'e a Sb.��,.��&D���Ir, .:���=.::=� .;��.::::.�::��India were beeomiD�·:uiOl'tf, i.d>morfj tile- meet ·wiIl· be... ,li���ia _�_.interested in the Y. ': M. C.':.A_ work ii she.ud:eoUD��e.��.r' . .' ...that country, whieh.haa taken hold-'itl � •. �-,� 2ia� .. , ��':�_'1!suC!h a IIUUlner conditions are rapidl)1 .,' ChlC� e&{)��r�,' �g"�"oDt_ P-f, .lta(·hangilig.'. i firSt. PI���:'�nn, .. �d�:�.�Dr. Wells recommended tha�' medi�&.\ �ttei �a�rday. : �urdue�' t�'k ',���e �!ff­students beeoae' Biedieal, missioDaries� ond pJaees, and three. ��r�, p��this, in hiB eetimatioD, being -Oue oil : thr� Chicago me�' liDi�h� �,'� ���he greatest services a persoB 'e&n 'en_, positIOn and Ave thircl JM!Si��o�, ��ter. He said that the, meD be knewj 'was a tie for seeo�'� p��"iD�,,�ej.i...J'bwho were medical mi88ionari�, werti jump. Purdue sho�e.l str�D�i ... i�_u.­influencing the life of the ('otlntry it; O�niDg eve�ts, but, �ig,. �l.�ii�C?':"!nwhich thy were workiDg to a tremen _; the high jump, shot' put, aDd bAlf Diil.elonR extent. Dr. Burton spoke of the:: gave Claieago a' com��di�g lead.�'neell of cdueation' in C�ina. He �om- was Dover thr�eDed." , ." ' ... ' "c'Ypared the old Chinese form of school 'Barau.cik of. ChiC!agQ. �k t,h�.!�ing to the met.hocls introou('e.l frun, yard duh. Landis o! ���u� '!:�.,�_Christian Muntries. mittetl. t6' get a th��r� -stjart)� .. ��t .Tbis ('ampaign is uncler the ,lir8('tiOi fmth Barancitt and KDigbt c'�b.t,.�"(If thE' Y. M. C. A., and anyone at ai, paSllCd him. Ho"'e,'«, the juCl� weninterestetl in thfl f"reign field wor).., unAble to ROe Knigbt, �th��gh;.i.e �_� foot in tront of Undis, �,� �����tbe plaee to' Purdu6.'" Cbieago, _� ..weak in. tile burdl�� Th()IDu an.!a�.ill third plsee., Stoat aDd GoOdwi.troaYHWBS'fB&M' - 8W'DDIBI&8 callil,. e&ptured the tWO-IIl_ile ,-aqct _�'1'AU 8B001O) vm:rOB1 both running beauUint rae_ Md wi ...Chicago is Def�,� �_ ning handily. ,Steg� r.,i�slaed •Ia,. '1'eaaa Br.b eo1at __ c. -.e. Itoocl third in the 1DiJe. Campbell eap-onl ..,. 2-6 B.coo.t. turd the balf mile With Leisure na��hind bilD. LaDdis of Pnrdlle: ft.Although Chicago put, np,. a KOOf from Bo,.d, by thre; yards in tb. 41 ..... •--�#--,,_,ba� been asked to communicate wit IPromptly at 9:30 tbe grand marel \fro Bickham in the Y. M. C. A. om('t'BXfliI!I}�O. WO&1t '1'ODA'Y will be started, and twelve dances \ViL jobb lA.-LeacDe to ..... $900'1'owuda ; .. ef Jasd •• Q'WCIdt '.. IIIIIIa.. \Fifty' woiDeli of t_ UDiversity winopen a Ullipaip today to raise $800for the' University ote_ion work inIndia. The pl&D.8 are 'in the hantle ofthe Mi.i�nary aDd Publicity rommitt('Cs of the·Y. W. C. L.The l;nivel1lity i. tbe ftnt Westernc-onege to send a JDi�onary represeD'tative abroad. Last Februar,- the II1lDlof $;6.') was pledged at tbe Chieago­Calcutta dinner to aupport Mi. Mar·gery Melcher wla i. t_ Student Sec·retary of tile Y. W. C. L. hi Caleutt..An �e ".... bve beeD in'-ited to ... Ie ..._ .... SaturdayDloniaC at 10 to � eampaiga!"Onp uid lUke.,.... TIle elimax.f the eaapaip wiD be re.elaed Thunday, Febnauy., willi a ... meetingin Ken.t I. Ute «, and tile Chi-c ..... Cak1ItIa fa ... eyni •• ora promise the best Prom edition that "howing, NortbwnterD repeated tbt: ter, witla MeConnNl tbirelbM e"er heeD put out. PicturC!4 of tbe ('arlier triumph and e10wneel Coa«-) WID PieI4 BftmI&leaclers, names of those present, neWN Wbitt'S aggregation in Bartlett, Sat. Gorgas bad littJe trouble' eaj,.ri."r the atrair, history of the Washing, ,mla�', :16_22, In nearly e"l-ry enanl the higb jump at five feet ....ain8·1a., .....ton Promenade, and l'C\'eral other fea, Chi('ngo ftbowed a decide�l'" iml'ro\'e, Tenny, ('ompeting in' hill first, ,Vahit)"ture stories will make up the extra. ment ancl it was b«oa�1Ile of. a bett,,: meet, tie.l for seeoDd' plaee- at ·ft •• feetWant 1917 '1'optIaer. hnlaneed team that Nortbwestern WOlI f\i�ht. Des Jardien 1'e\"f)1'Md'ihe taht""Thore i!'l still time to clt�('icle to go," Thi!'l ,·i("tory gives the Purple a !'Itrong on Norgreu in �!he .Ilot, winDhlfJwitJaRaid Chairman MUlTay ye!'ltCTclay, "a� .. Iaim to p1'e..f'1Ilinene-e in Conference a put of forty f�t Dine ... d .....tbl'f'e days will be ample time to makC' f"irC"l� quarter iDCb�. Thom." _wily:."aU of tbe n�esMry arrangement!'." One Co .. fere .. �e rec'ord lrR!'I hrok\'1 the pole ,'ault at '�leTen feiet wltIL"We want more FrftrIhmen to !Ugn up when the Northwe8tem rela\' teanl nc Moore thirl1. Chineo ran .way witlaimmediately," Mid William Templ .. - goti"ted.160 yards in 1:28 4·5 lignin" the relav.tOD lut night. "We nee,l Be'\'eral more the preTious 1'eC"ord ,of 1:29 1:;" heM Snmm"ri��,to a8ttUre uS a 8eparate table at the hy 111inois, Wood, Strader, N'-):"HI. ",0 yard ,1R.�b-Won by""pper, and we do not want to l()!'le and Gray we're 'Ute leeIWd- brakin� Chi .. nlr0; I..andis, Pnrdu�be completed before supper is· BOn'eelin HutehinSOD. After the supper tbtclaneers will again. go to the gymn3-sium to dance until 2.Tbe sp«ial Prom extra of th ••DAILY MAROON will be out at mi,Lnight, and a copy will be placed atearh plate in Hut('hin80n. The edit·,Coatlllaecl oa pac. t.) , ,Sarane-ik,'H(IOlid;(CoatiDaed on pace L) (CoDtiDuecl. on Pag. 4)... �- T It e D a i I J Mar 0 0 •.., .. _-------.....;--------- Brief Caaapu New.J(,taC' at Smok .. -A•. _ 'II':.�. _.. ...... )1 ••• 1 .- ., .. �.• :. .., .. � "handcd king" W88 the attraction at . At a Du��tiDg of the CorD:!! club ofse, Louis Coach Corney of Cornell ItUli� that he thought training for ath,lt'tlC events was overdone. IIc stated •• �i:S:ilItlw time was passed wheu rneu coultJAtlaletics Brevitiesthe Senior smoker Sunday afternoon atthe Psi Upsilon house, The smcker'. 0 .::.'::. ..........�.A..:=. = ::: "'as .flot as well attended as thotIC helJ.::::- q� It,. fte D.II,. II&rooIa earlier in the year, Inelenreut weather succeed in the business world 011 al'-bt.·illg gh'�n as the reason. «ount of their athletic ability.. :._.b. W.CoUlqu.·IL .s. a.qa,.. r .w L7aaa x ••• Batol'� ...... PIli Pst Pledge-1'hi Kuppa Ptli UJ1_ Last Saturday the Pennsylvauiu. a:,:. = nouaee the pl�ging of G. W. Travers, \\"reKtling team defeated t he Aunupofi»Chica20. team 12 to 5.CoWldl Jleeta Today-The newly- Coach Smith of Purdue has sturte.l ucouncil are expected" to atteud the reg-all'IIKIUPl'lON &&� ...B7 earn_,.: U.iO • ,._r: 'Leo. quarter, ular council meeting thisB7 ..u: ,1. ... 7ear: 'LZi.. quarter,&41teda1-� OiDe.. BWa U, 3:30 in Harper MIO.� 104"7 I". .A.fter 1. P IlL1b'4e .Puk ..... elected mewbers of the Uudergraduan new system of keeping track of till'work of hiN pupils. Jo�aeh mU·1I i!4 �in'" Iafternooo nt II card which is tilled out euda 1II0ntl:with his grades. Anyone falling Lt."10"· will be dropped from the squad.TiCer's Head to Meet.-Tiger's Jlea;l1I.anea' p.._, 1511 Cottaae Oro .. .A.yuue will meet Thursday at 10:15 in Cobb Conch George Huff of Hlinois hn�12A. announced plans for all nthletic schoolCf�IUttal wm Meet Saturday-Proft."SSor Good which will be established ill the nearwill speak on "Internationality uud future. The courses will be those'!'he party tor graduate students last Education" at the Cosniopljtan club which will be of aid to anyone whoSUndq t. a :response to a whcI.eaome ln�ting Saturday night in Lexington expects to take up eoaehing as a lii�.apJztt. 'rhe common 1m- hall. A reception given by the Ameri- work..GraduatePoUv· pression. ot a craduate ean students to the foreign born mem,18 p1� ui & 1D'llStY. bers of the faculty will be followed byIItOop.ahoulderecl� down... a program of old fashioned dances,� thtILvoicedWill Acl.dresa Law Student&-DQflDUerul01l8 P!!Jr'8OD, who. would be takenfor a tramP ..... it not; tar the .tacitof ·boob 'IUld.er the ann and the habit·of cha1;terIDg i.JlceaBIm� In the mostprotolUld and· Intellectual terma. Per·ha� th� are �tes of thfa tYPe.BUt, strange .. it may seem to lOme,gradDate students � ·human be1Dgsattar iill. but ot tb&t queer type whtcJ)� takes an. iJ:rtereSt in oa.retnl,� atudy. A.Iut the gra.duate stu­_. may even eDjoy panl� wit-_. the aJrair laat· Sunday. To geD8I'_of Interest .... hen the prom leader. the� star, of�, wiD have...... far IDtIo oblivion. We may weD'ftCOIDIq tIds Ind .... :bile we muler_� tbat the � w1tIl Ids in­teIleetual � and die abeorbblg• ct.aaDds on Id.8 ume, caD IIdII&!e butHUle 111 college Uf'e, we caD gin JdDtIda tn. p1aee ill die Un1nnl� CODL� nonptldng aDd IIoaorIDg Ida� &lid tile ...,. fUIed � hbD,Profeaor Joseph &humpeter of th-­department of politienl Economy nt th�Uoivenity of Gru, Austria, at preeentnthaoge prof�or at Columbia uni­versity, will speak in Harper �Ill at4:30 today on "The Au�trian·Balkan Wigmore o( the Northwestern uuiver­sity law sehool, and Yr. Guy Blake,attorney at law, will speak on the "Re-ation of the; Law Sehool Mall tlO thtSocial Work of Today" at the Law Nearly 100 candidates reported toCoach Wray for the Harvard crew.The Princeton football te�m will Lt.'coached by on!y .. one man .aud the ad·victory committee will be aboliNhednt>xt fall. The open play . will be usellto the t.'xelusi.on of al,l.. �J.se, and theforward pass will be improvCt1.. Tht.·sch('ol Y. M. C. �. dinner Thursday in spring practice will conl'list chiefly ofHutchinson cafe. This meeting i!'l UII- scrimmage.der the auspices of the I�aw lIchool Y.Sehmillt, Adaline Sherman, Dr .• J. M.81�mons, Prog. H. L. Trumhull, Anni('ll. ThomaB, A. R. Wolf�, J. B. Umphrey, Dr. H. Williams, Prof. S. G. Win-ter,. Ruael Wei2'man.BOOK lfBWS.Are the Planets Inhahitecl? RAPS SCHOOL S&X INSTRUCTIONUse of the Bible in the public schoolli T�� �T- TRA.T,�FIT 8 EVERYLOCK-DIDYOU EVER REA..O� A. JlA8TU.0 DEL OF ATYPEWRITEa, Jbe Hit of The Season2 For 25 Cents.Troy's Best ProductM. C. A. commission. Both the university of 10wa :1u.1 thl'Dr. GJlkey wm Speak--"The :Mor�l university of Indiana are :1t l)rt.'SclltProblems of the Und�rgraduat�·, will trying to raise money for a ncw ·gym.be discussed by Rev. Dr. C. W. Gilk�,y nasium. Indiana has little hope, butbefore the men of the Freshnlnn clas< Iowa expects to receh'e the mont'�'�the average uncl.e:r'paduate iJIat 10:15 this morning. All Freslamc.l soon •. too ')II'oDe to lIDMIl' at the "gad," tom�n ha.ve been inviteel to attend.BIard him as a c:rea.tun apan fromthe conege· community. '!'he yov.tb UD.CID.ed for IIaU.JMn &t tile tellOw .... ho is 1riJlfDg to Prof • .Jenkin Atchinson, ReY. W. AI Claims Bible ()1I'era True SQlution ofd8Yote his lite at comparativelY small (lerson, Sam Backer, Ralph Y. Barto:. Vice Question.tbumctal retum, to stu.d7 and tMCh· Wm. F. Braimleass, Betta Burita,Pro�.� t'orgatlDg, that were tIlere not L. L. Burgess, Prof. Emma P. Car:IIlch 'peG., ther W01Ild be DD Rev. Wm. E. Cissua, A. E. DentOi for instruction in· sex, it! advocatcll b�'t-- ... � ...... _ Vft ............ _ ....... , _'1 ... _... the Rev. Dr. James Perkins Burling._ 4MG ... _1&"£& -.& WVUULU-· Re,·. Arthur Fraser, H . .Y. Freemall,do it:. he �� is �t pazt of Prof. Arthur Mann Garllin, llason D. pastor of Greenwood. church, Des...,.._ � __.. 01_ Moines, Iowa, in- aD. arti.cle on "The..,... CQ1lege community _ w......&&& Gray, Prof. Iddings, Donald .r orlion,. . Bible as Material for Sex Instruction"attar years will be most clo8el7 J1nkecl Gunther Jacoby, :Miss R. I. J.)hnscn,. in the current number of "The Bibli·1ip1th the JI&IDa of tlIe UD1ven:lty. Prof. B. H. Leoll, Leslie li. Leutc."S,''Yea, he made that d1acovery wta.eD he Miss N. Lahy, Prof. H .• J. Lucas, Prof. eal W.orld." . 'According to the Rev....... __.... .. _ in ..,_" ..-D"_ lit Mr. Burling, boys do not"need elaho-..... --. _1___ .&MaID T. J. Lloyd, Prof. A. F. McLeod, Miss..... �_ x. Y. Z. c.Uscovered tile rate systems of instruction. Nature'(oI.W AVVoIM w............. Be1tS Reed Peaepek, Chas. E. Penc�,____ " __ A..... CH_ U-"'-- V' ,.. 1 P P f F k inflt!1lcts them herself, he says,anll onl�'_...... __ ._. IDMioo � D&& .IIIMJ&" lctor...uaD y atterson, ro. ran...... _ ... _ ..... __ _ •• _ -n'I �n be .' B Iwrverted tendencies need to be (·or·-.__, � A __ W¥& .. ..,... G. Richard, Paul .J. Rlcler, llartm .. r�te�Rund, James .M. Smith, Dr. O!'Icar Som·"It seems strange that we ha v('m�r. Dr. O. T. &huJtz, Albert H.failed to Bee how incomparably rid:hal' not, 8Omet_ime, alone. on mll!'lingbent, tul'Ded hie thoughtl'l upon thi!.,verlastingly fueinating, .e\·erlaMtingl�·Jlu:r:zling CJ1Imtion? Whether you hAWor not, you should get the book. Th.author, E. Walter Maunder, Ml1Jlerin­tendent of the solar deparim .. nt, Ru.,,:,,1 Ob8e1'Vatory, Grcenwil'h,handles the quest50n dt"arly Englan.lanll ih. "Tblnk of ALL oftbe �omblDed ad.TantlUff'S of SEV·EBAL typewrltu.yo. ba Ttl •• eD •eeaeea t rat eo d IDONE standardmaeblneJ. ;.FLORENCE M. MYERSThf! Ro,.al bandl",per r � C! u,. �" • ..,.known fonn ofcen.ra. eor­rellponllf'neeand dOH �lIrdwrltlnlr and Con­dl'nN'C1 Illlllnir hi'­Mid"" - - ,,'Uhont a"Inlrl. "tlp_lal at­tac'hm .. nt·· to add"dm "OMt to tb.tYlM"wrU .. r. Tblnkof thl.. _nil YODwill baye a 'alrly·lrood Idra of tb.!\la"t .. r-:\lodf'l offh .. Ro,.al,·· Fiower Shop'. Spcr ial Rcdurt ion to StudentsBO'·,\I.T\·.·t:"·HITER CO.In ...�H t:. :\1 .. nrofO St ••C"I�&.o. ilLSubscribe fOr The �aily Maroon FOR THE PROM1��,7 E��_;t :,:'L:i �trcc�.I �:.��::.:�::.:''':':: .. ,' . ::�-:�:'jI .. mE HOTEL or ""[lUCAN U:>EALS ..HOTEL PO\VtIA1i\N\'V,,�;rIl="CTO", D.C.Beat Located Hotelin Washington..ew . and Absolutely Fireproof".Bellned. Elegunt.Et1ROPEA. PLAlf'.Booms, detnched bat!1.Booms, private ba��:50. $2.00 up.$2.50. $3.00 up.Write fer Souvrr.:r eoeUet "B" with Map.Clifford M. Lewis,)L\:S.\(a:u. �.� -.------------------ ---- -------------Fratualt! Je�eJI'7Leatber Good.College NonlU,.. . , Ernh" .. ! ... ,' �fallnnrr7W�ddhu: 11J,·UatluDIICall1Dg Card.BROCHONENGRAVING COMPANYTelephone Hyde Park 18.1:'. G. TURNERPresidentTele •• oae Baadolpb Ila III Mallen BaDcUa�Flowers for the PromCHOICE CORSAGBS OF OBCHIDS, BUTTER-FLY SWEET PEAS,VIO�TS, AND LILIBS OF THE . VALLEY.NO BXftA 008'l' FOR SIJIEI·DS AND TIES.Place your Order Early. Choice Assortment of Cut Flowers andBaslcets Always on HandPALIIS RENTED FOB ALL. OCCASIONS.A. McAdams W. J. Lagrottathe Bible. is in matt'rial for 8lH-h tea('h­;ng," d�larcs Rev. Mr. Burling. "Th('teacher of the boys' Bible el:L�S h:l.'"t!lf! best opportunit.y of aU for just th�right kind of teaching, anll no heftt'l't(':.'(t book �oulcl be aMked than the Ot.1Wh, .. nnel New Testam�ntH. The Bible lira\\":0;th(> most re�llan pictures of (ICI'r:tn.·,!l4CX life found in any literature. It: al�o.. nnobles t.he �onception of sex hY:olho\\"­ing its worth when de"otell to thrpUl'JlOf'es for which it W:Ltt int('n.If'.I.Let the attention of a ela-ttS of ho,Yl'I h�"allt"d to the fact that s«-x is a par:of (li"ine creation, anti tho suhj,·(·t i�·nt. onl'e ennoble(l nnll .1i�nifi('.1 in th. 1303 E. 53rd Street.� .. ---- .. --.-.------------ .terf"Stingly, if not ··populRrl�·:' At no hoy's mind. In the (l .. mnn,1 for !4f'X ill·time doe!t he forget that hf' is n �I'i .. n !'trul'tion in tho puhlic �who"I!4, thlti�t And not a drMlmer. Rut. with"1 mO"cment selelom ri�� aho,'c th.· ,,11,·PoJiey." Prot�or Sehumpeter ga\'e .\eeries of lectures on economi� �tI"ject...nt the University last week, antt �JlOkobefore Professor LaUghlin',. M'minnry'. 7eet,rd&y on "Au�tria's �lonetnr�' Sy�,tem aDd the Bank of Austria-HUrl- he stimnlfttes to drenms, if h� el� not �·i,·:tl, th(' relation of "if'f' to th.· lwalt IlMpam him�lf. The book is a Jlnrt. of of the hoely. Th .. re i!4 littl� lI!'e' oflIal')l('r'8 Library of l�h'ing Tholl�ht. rp.1igiolls moti\'Cl'I."(Are the Planets Inhabite(l? h�' ·KWalter Maunder, F. R. A. R.: Xf'WYork, Harper and Brother,,)..IUY.".� _ H"� .will· go from h .. re to th ..T!niveJ'8ity of California.� Be.:lpUoD PostpoDe4-YB.L�doll wiD hold the ref!pption for nillDf'mben of the LeaRoe, whic-h wu an­....... t.r FebI1l&l'7 18,·on }(areh 3. Dr. Corater A.ddreBses Gradua.tl)S. \nr. Coulter spoke hefor� 100 Jrrn.111AttaUaa, 1Ia8oDS. :tt� stu.l(mt... Sunday afternoon on tIlt'..\nnual dinneT of lTniven.ity "Mn· "R .. lntion of the Grnell1nt� Htuelf'nt!'C toMns, Wednesday, FehrnRl'Y JR, at .. p: thf' Religions Life of tho lTnh-(,Tl4ity."m .• lTutchinson c_ afe. ;;0 C'en� a Plnt�'1 At. the next meeting of t.he Jlrnlltlat"�·1To rf'M'ne pl&l'e, phone II. 8. �h· to he helel at 4::\0 Sunllny, lrare·h I,t.olt at Hyde Park 5601. Dean Small will �ak. VVanted At OnceEach II:ID at tie UaiYenilJ t. na:e in ud in\(!ligale clIrSpecial Offerto CoDeae MenHERZKA BROTHERS:-: T a i 10 rs :-:1545 East 53rd StreetTelephone II. P. 1037. Open Evenings and Sunday Morn.tng.CHICAGO . IIII1I1i\� �4f .'wocm, RBr�AY, ..-vAl �'I' 17, 1014.���������������8BNIO:as IJIAlDI Ct.UIB JIOBIJIIIWBftB.QI' 8WIMIIBU !!"BOX IIBDI08 19 'ft) 9 !'AKB 8BCOlQ) VlC'fG�Y'swimmers. Pavli�ek swam the r.,!·t,yard swim, the feature of thl" UI "t·t�Outplayed from the start, the Medic� ill :21 2.5. He abo took second pHaN'went down in defeat before the Sen' io the hundred and one hundred nndiors to the tune of 19 to 9. The win- fifty yard baek stroke. Wood of Nonth­IIl'r8 took the lead at the start, when western won the hundred alltl two ".UIl.Williams made a hard shot from the dred and twency yard swims, beai.dessidelines and the Medics were unable taking second place in the forty. <?lIi.to eateb up to them during the rest of eago led for the first few events, 'Hltthe game. The work of the Senius the Purple gained a eommanding 1l'311guards was especially good; in fact, by finishing first :11111 second ill tbethe Medic forwards did not make u. breast stroke.CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTSfil' pl'r li ue, No advertisements reoeeived fur less than �fic. All el._Uledadvertiscurents must be paid in ad·vance.WANTED-Fur l"l'I'JlI:IIH'llt Jlo!'litioll�,two 1111'11 who u ro o vvr rweuty-flve�'l'ars of a;.!l', a 1111 whu l·itbl'r huve de.�:n'l'S 01' will 1·t.'I·I'ivl· t hem the presentqunrtr-r. -'Illst 1,(, of ;.!ood adolrt'ss. Nt,part till," It,· tt'lI!l,('rar:' ruen will be('IIII!'iden'd fill' t ht'�e posit ions, Phone'V_ C_ Stone, Randolph :;;Jti-! and .1I1:l.k('nppoiutrnent,ANYONE l'lallllillg tu travel ill Eu-r(JI"l' r.ext su nuuer call save conaid­ern hh- 1II01ll'Y hy gojll� with � person,all:' I'olldudd party. COIllUluuicatQ witllX. Y., 1::, �Iarouu office. Poor EUibiUon b,. JfAId1ca EDables8eD1.ob to Jh,fnUJn Le&cl from -(ContUl1aed Il'Ilm Pat6 1.)Mingle basket during the entire game.Molderman and Gilroy were the onlyMedics who could do anything withtheir fast opponents. The rest of thedoctors did not play up to their usualstnndard. The refereeing was the bestthat has been done during this year'seontests, Few fouls got by Lollesgardwithout being called. The score:Seniors (19) Medics. (9) 811.111DlU7 of lJ:vent&Plunge for dlstance-« Won by Ly'man, Chicago; McCreary, Northwestern, second; Neff', Chieago, third. Time,:333_5.Forty yard swim-Woo by Pavlicek,Chicago; Wood, Northwestern, second ;Nelson, Northwestero, t hird, Time, :2121·.200 yard breast-WoOn by Ennis,WANTED-:; bright, eue rget ie youug Rehm ..•....... R. F •.. Mayer, Butler Northwestern; Scoles, Northwestern,ruen wuut ed f'or proflt.able summer Fitzpatrick. second; Goodman,Cbicago, third. Timl'.work. Guuruutced salary or commis; . .\Iurray .•.. j. .1 •• L. F ••• : ... Bothmau 3:01 4_!'i.sion. Cul on G. C. Burton, room 336 Williams C. .... Holderman 100 yard swim-Won by WOOfl,Del I'rado hotel. Kennedy " e, •• R. G •...... , .. Gilroy Northwestern; Pavlicek, Chicago, sec-Seaton •....... L. G. .....• Butler ond; Neff, Chicago, third. Time, 1:03Carpenter -i 5.!,II!I1i\ A TRIP ABROAD fur congenial peopleunder ideal Uulvursity 'I'ruvel guid-111,('0 :11101 at m iuimum cost. Three placesnrn still open, Fur purt.ieulars nddressCarol Dorothy Kuhns,Chi(,:lgo Itepreseutntlve,Phone Drexv] Hi). 4-1U7 Berkley n\'�·:ilst �t. ::!II.I Flnt.WANTED-1-'rl'�hnulll with some ex-perience ill camping or now engagedwith work us assistant in Wisconsincnmp, -Iuly and August. �dd_ress W. M.Kiplinger, .Morgan Park, Ill.V":\�TE!1-The Cnn nnd Gowns forthe years of IS!J6-1897; 1903. A rea-onnble l'I'in� will be paid, Daily Ma·0('.' ofTjc�.writtcr in perfect condition. Must selltheret'ore price rensonable. Write, 0cal) after ;:00 P. M. E. H. Brunemeier53 Middle Divinity Hall.THE TEA BOUSELUNCHEON 12-1:30DINNER 5:�71328 E. 57th.Ta1tln for 1 •• lIlfolOo Jl7de Pan 2016Flnt CI... BenkeDear Sir:-Spring clotbes are the next thing tothink ahout. The New Pattel'DS arehere aml they're Fine. Tbe,.'re vel7moderate in Price, too.Come in arid see them when J'ou can.ResPectf'ullJ' Y01ll'l, COBHELL GIVBN 110ft KONEYChicago Baub ElPth In DonationsI. Year 1913.According to figures compiled fromthe current World's Alman&e, Cornelluniversity received the largest donn­tions and bequests of any Americanuniversity during 1913. Chicago rankRl·ighth. Of the 186 institutions receiv­ing gifta �e following twelve received 220 yard swim-Won by Wood, TH.SMOOTHESTTOBACCOPINK I That's our recipe for taking·thebite out of good tobacco leaf. We",the leaf in the warehouse for two yean­temperature and ventilation perfect_;. dharshness disappears. A mellowness �vails that gives superb flavor and' a lIDoOib­ness seldom found. This is the good oldfashioned way of matming good teaf-aodVelvet is a startling example of, tobaccogoodness. Sometime WheD your pipe isburning hot and the taste ia flat-tryV clvetl At all dealers.Funtwo OUDCOtiDaltelay race--Won by Northwest('rll(Wood, Nelson, Gray, Strader}; Chica.-••• • • _go, second. Time, 1 :28 4-5.Several women of the Southeast Neigh.borhood dub will give informal tl'''�this week. Toaay the first tea will begiven at the home of Alta. Fisher, 6051'Voodlawn avenue, from 4 to 6. OnThursday Miriam Whalin, 6056 Kimbark avenue, and Ellinor Doty, 6352Kimbark avenue, will entertain.Capitallarplu .............. ST. LOUISBest Reached by Through and Fast Trains. of. th�. IUJNOIS CENTRAL· ..All Steel Daylight Sp�(ia'Leaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.; arrives St. Louis (via MerchantsBridge6;0 2 p. m. Indestructicble steel cars of handsome interior 6 ishEvery comfort and convenience will be found :)li this train.Diamond SpecialBaskets: Rehm, Murray, 'Villiams :�,Kennedy, Seaton 2, Holderman 2, Gil­roy 2.Free throws: MUrray 3, Holdeman.Referee, Lollesgard.The Junior-Freshmen I game, whichWAS to have been played yesterday,FOR SALB-1:('millgtoll typewriter NO.1 was postponed. The date of the play·2. I'rin� $lli.OO. Inquire at 1222. E. off' will be announced later.BOARD-In small private family. Ex·cellent home cooking. Limited numbet a million or more: Psyeh010gical UIsts for students ofat table. Address 6134 Woodlawn ave· Cornell •.••.•.••••••.•..••.• $4,638,923 the college of Commerce and Admininue, ::nl apnrtment, telephone Hyde Harvard •• , ., .... '.. •••••••• 2,638,92;} strati on will be held Friday at 10;15Park 637. Washington and Lee •••••••. 2,000,000 in Harper MIl. Noti�es have beenMassaehusetts Inst. of Tech. 1,573,817 sent to the students 'Who are requiredFOR SALE-St8mlnrd Smith-Premier Yale 1.. .• 1,4-18,935 to take the tests and they will be eX'Typcwriter in excellent condition, at 1 "21 8RI .3 f th' 10"5 ,--- Fri 1Columbia •••• � ,..... ,'" ,U1: ('n�u rom elr :... �_.,� ( ay.very reasonnble tenus. A great bargain Carnegie Inst. of TechnOlogy 1,339,500for anyone desiring n typewrit�r . for Chicago ..•.•••..•.•.. '.• ' .•.• 1,307,927 Bendt Dance BrtDp in $750.rrofessiorml usc. II. B.Lemon, Room 6, noucheT college ......••.. 1,181,589 Ac�ording to Mrs. James WCMt faJ IRyerson I.ab. or 1220 E. 54th St. Rmith college ••• ,"' .1 •••••••• 1,036,80(; Thompson the benefit dance gh'cn Fp.h-Trinity �ollege, N. C 1.023,].J.; nlRry 6 nette(l the trade �hool of th ..FOB. SALE-A new No.5 Oliver Type Van(lerbilt •.••.•..•....... 1,000,000 T:!'nivel'8ity Settlement $750. Thil'"ionaries maY'. beeome a.aoeiate mem­Rry from India spoke at the meeting.The next gathering of the band willhe held at 1:30 Monday in Harper 11.CARRIE D. RAYMONDBeauty Specialist1118 But 66t1a 8tnet.T B. P.IttL0... E __ •• rat.p.AD W.rt De.. a& PrIen. Northwestern, third. Time, 2:12.150 yard back stroke-- Won byLeave Chicago 10:30 p. m.; arrive St. Louis 7:48 a. m. Electric­lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago.Stops Mad. i. Botla Directio ••• t Soutla Sid. TlaroualaSt.tio .... 43l'd .. 53rd and 63rd St .... t.Observation Parlor � Cafe Club Cars. SleepingCars. Flee Reclining Chair Cars and p,achesTIck.b .. F ....... d Sleepi •• eal' R ...... atioD •• tCITYTICKET OFFICER. J. CARMICHAEL. D. P. A.76 West Adams 5t.--_ .. _-_ .. ----_._--_._-._-Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near SOUl Street Subway Station ad53nI Street E1natecl"BroadwaY" can from GrandCeatral Depot.Snmth AftD1Ie Can from Peanayl·vuda'Statlc&KEPT BY ... COLL.O. _ANB.ADQUART.RS FOR COLL.a. M.NSPHCrAL RAT.S FOR COLUO. "..AJlIJTen Minutes' Waik to Thirty TheatresHA.RRY P. STIMSON. MANAGERHEADQUARTERS �;R CHICAGONew. Modem and FireproofRooms with Bath. '2.SO and up.SUBSCR1B"� rO!! THE D.\ILY lfAROO:'i.amount i� in afldition to 8ubl'W'riptionMwhi('h are mafle every year, anfl will h(\An ameonclment to the ('onstitutiol: sufficient to meet the eXpenA� of theof the Student Volunteer band wa,.A�-'lt,,('hool for the coming year. .""made at a meeting yestenlay. Foreign $1000 i8 neede(l annuallyhOTn members of the Unh·en.ity wh.,keep of the in8titution.intt"nd to become mil'l8ionari� in tht"irown country may now become memo THEhers of the band, aDd returned mi,,· Com Exchange Nationalhers. Mr. Fleming, a returne(l lDi�ion· ---------.-.---------�--- •... - .. -.---------.--.�Beoles, Northwestern; Pavlicek, Chica·go, second; Whitehead, Northwestern�third. Time, 2:04 3·5.Undlvtded Protlta .....•••OJlTlCERS.ER:\"EST A.. HAXXILL. �nt.CHARLES L. HUTCHL'lSO�. VIe.·Pre •.CHAUNCEY 3. BLAIR. VIce-PrakJ""t.D. A. lIOULTO�. VI<:e-Preal4enl.B. C. S.A.XXo�s. Vlce-Presktftt.PR.A....�K W. 8111TH. Secret&l7.BDW ARD r. 8CHOE�BCIt. A_.3. EDWARD )lAM. A.et. calli 1ft.3.A.l1ES G. W AKEJl'Hl:LD. A c...Iat ...LEWIS E. GARY. Aaet. CUJa .nln�1UlCII&J1eeB WacbrJlaruD A Ryenoa�BButlft'� B. BIIRnIrda.nnc. Back1 ......_ ..... eup.ur a,.cJe II. CUrEdwin G. Forema.Wat8OD" BlairE4 ..... A.. aecN�W.era..yIrinMIl A. a.-mI • 3 Per Cent Jntc n.::�· C:l S:l'tiugsKEEP YOUR SAVE\GS 11\ HYDE PARK THE DAILY IIAJWON, TUESDAY, FBBBUABY 17, 1914.STAGG PREPARING FOR ! IILLINOIS DUAL IIBE'f �������__�_��. �����GARRICK(Continued from l'ugc 1.,Elsie .Jullll�, chui r­ruu n ; )liria.1Il 'Vhali II, .J unot F Iauuer,i SllZUJlJlC J.'i�hcr, Dorothy Llewellyn,Dvcorut ion. Dorothy StraehulI,dmir'111:111; )Iargaret Humuict, Dorot hv"'lll':1I10u, Kut her ine JluWt', H(.It·1I.IU}IIIl'iI.oll.l:t·frt·:-;ltnll'": Caryl Cody, t·hairlll:lIl:A�lIt's Sharp, Lnura ,,':t1tt'rs, Kut lu-r­: r... (�o\'ert Ruth Swan.Publ ir ity : Ka ther iue Higgills. r-hn i r­I!!:tll; Coreno Cowdry, Ethd Flall.lgall.. .;\1111:1, Grimes, Julin Dudge. J�llil;ht., l,hieugo, third, Time, :U4 a-�.·til yur.! high hurulc�\VOll by Ball'«her, Purdue; Fye, Purdue, seeond ;Thomas, Chicago, third. Time, :05 4·5.oM ile rUll-W 011 by Goodwin, Chiea­�U; Se lun iedel, Purdue, secoud ; Stege,Ill:UI. third. Time, 4:44.�SU yurd. rUD-Woll by Campbell,Chieagu; Leisure, Chicago, second;East, Purdue, third. Time, :!:U; 2·5.HU yurd dush-Won by Lundrs, Pur;dill'; .B(I�·d, Chicago, Mt.'t'OIlJ; .McCOll·1ll'1I, t:h it':I<;O, third. Time, :55 1-5.Two Illite rUD-'VOn by Stout; Chi·(·:.tgll; b-t7-:ty, Purdue, second; Carter,Purdue, third. Time, 10:24 2·5.Pole Y:Lult- 'Yon ll�' Tholll:l:4, Chien­go; Phelps, Purdue, sevuml ; lIOor,' .Chicago, third. Height, 11 feet.High jump--Won by G(lrgas, Chien.g'o; Tenny, Chieugo, und Wud-Ielt, Pur­due, tied for Sl'COIlU. Ih·ight, 5 fel·tnine inches.Shot put-Won by Des -Jardien, '�hi·('ago; Xorgreu, Chit':ago, see oud ; Alurich, Purdue, rhird, Distance, 4U t'�(·t9 3-4 inches.Reluy- W 011 by Chicago, llcrrill.Stains, Boyd, ::\Iattht·ws. Time, :tlfJ �usemeDb.Great Musical SUC(;C� of the SeasonTHEPLEASURE SEEKERSOpen Saturday Evenings PROM PBEPARATIONSCON V E N I E :.r TARE NEARING CLOSE�AFE.6�� Real Estate First ! . .i:or! ;·.i;;;C Salefer�r..iiuh-,r!.laa •••• ']IF YOU ARE LC.UDNG FOR B.BAL Al\IIERICAN MUSICHOME C:OEIKG BA.LLEVA TANGUAY(Continued from page 1)the opportunity to beclass."Freshman to Dance.The men will wear bands aao!'!s t heirtogether :IS a COHAN'S GlANDAnother Cohan & Harris Triumph.Geo. l!r1. Cohan's Mystery Farce"SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE"L.\n;JI�, TllIULI.�, .\IELODUAlIA.ILLINOIS• CHlUSTIE l\!.l.:DoONALDINS WEE T 1! n ART SHYD �� nl�)A -�1.· �.. -L Ill'-":_J., _ · "_____ .._ i·�-... ,/'__ :c C' r., ... r:- ..,- ":) F'OFFICERS _..i •• : c,breasts, signifyillg the ir e lnss, Seuio r­will wear maroon; -Iuuiors, blue; Sop11'olllores, yellow; :lntl Preshmen, grel'II.' 25.TIle bands will be .given out nt tilt' Ho""aro's TheatreA Bl'lw at COllllucrdalizcd ViceIt lias Aw.d�cllcd Chica�o.THE 'l'IlJ\TFIC--------_._ --DIRECTORSdoor. The F'reshmen will hohl n cot it SCORE CLUB PLEDGES FIVElinll Fr i-lny afternoon in Bartlett toAnnounce RadioaJ. Change in Po:icy ot/Jet the floor in a goo(1 eomlit ion.Selecting Members.ONLY 3 DAYS UN'l'IL THE PROMSENIORS TAKE GAME At a meeting of tllt� St'ure club, 111'111last '!uestlay night., the I'lt'tlging' 01 POVVERSFANNIE WARDIn the Lau�l!ing Successof Sevcn CounmM.MADAM PR.ESIDENTJOH=-: A. CARROLL, President.ROBERT F. CU'lIltI.xCS. VI�Presld('nt.II_ A. HARlIO.x, As.c;ll'tant Cashl"'r. l:tlilO r ; ! -'. C�ml��!:li�:o' F:':t!l:( \\9, Howesell .. ,:, �;! :1":'1'1(' .1.':". s J. C:Jrrolilh:';.'; 1,' ;:"rl,·, "J'hltll;)l'1 A. CoJ;lln�J ,.1m .\. Ca :Tn'!. 11 ... n ry I.. ':;(ullt·FROM MEDICS 19 TO!J the fu]Jowillg men for t.his year's IIll';UPoor Exhibition by Medics Enablef bership was unuouuced: Erlll�t CuvinSeniors to Maintain Lead from �[urion Davidson, .JaJllt's Dyrenforththe Start. Cedrie Merrill and Lawrence Safisbury COR�Jack Lait's New PlayHELP WANTEDA Clean Comedy Drama withHenry KolkerSTUDEBAKERMR. LYN BARDINGIn Sir Arhtur Conan Doyle'sThrilling New PlayTH-S SPECKLED BANDFor all 'round wear and good serviceWe recommend our SPEClf\L ""IN­TER OFFER---A black, blue or grayserge or cheviot suit, with extra trou ..sers of the same or stripe material$30.00TAILOR FOR YOUNG MEN Several radical changes were muthOutplayed from the stnrt, the )'[etli(·.. in the by-Iawa of the dub. Hereafter,went. down in defeat beforo the Sen- the members of the orbr.1llization \yilliors to tllC tunc of ]9 to 9.' Thc win not be chosen from fraternity mer."t'r!" took the lead at the start, wher- alone, but from the }-'rl"Mhmall c.·las� atWi11inm� macle n 1lnrt! sllOt from thf' Inrge. In order to be eligihle fur elcc'­si,lelincs and the Metlics were uuablt' tion, eac·h cantlidate must, huve at len:!tfo rntdl up to them during the rest of an a\'ernge of C in his Univcrsitythe gnme. The work of the Senio" work. The selection of cnnclidat� \Vm;.!nnrtls 'was cspecinlly good; in fnrt. tlt.pend chicfly Upon their acti\'itil��JI(, :Meclic forwnrds did not mnke n Iluring their Frcshmnn yenr.l'inglc basket during the entire g'nme_1folclerman ana Gilroy were the onl�­:\rC'clirs who could do anything wit1:th('ir fnst opponents. The rest of the',Ioctors did not play up to their u�\lal�tnn!lnT,l. The refereeing wns thc 1>c�ttllnt hns been done during this yr.:lr·�rontests. Few fouls got by Lollc�g:tr,lwithout being cnned. Thc score:Seniors (]9) Medics (9)Rf'llm .... _ ..... R. F. . .lrnyer, BUtlf'T}'it7.patrick.Cluett. Prnhorly & Co., 'Inc. Kaken FINE ARTSmISH PLAYEBSTHREE STOR ES: 7 N. La S:LIJ� �t. �!) E .. .!:lrholl I;" d. 71 E. �rollr,w �tDIVIN1'l'Y STUDEN'l'SOF NC'RTHWESTERN ANDCHICAGO WILL COMPETTTnternational pe:lre will he tlh"c'n��ccl in nn oratori'('nl ('ont�t },�. t h,'Ili"iuit)- �tnclcnts of Northwt'�ff'rll Hili·'I'r�it)- nn,l the Uni\'('rsity flf Cllir':l�c''If E\'nll�tnn on April:l. Pri1.(,� of ",(',­.':,t.,- :111.1 fnrt�· 110llnrs l'f''''ltC,,·�.i,·,·h\,·ill h(, J,!i\'('n fur tlt(' J,,,�t. nl'ntioll "11intl'rll:tti(,nal 1'1':1"(' or arhitrat im'Thl"(' I',.iz('� will ht' l'�Liol from t h,'i"I'1l Hi,·It:lr,J", 1.1111011-:1'('11 Pl'll,·(' fllllol.:-: 1""''''''':-1 1II1l�f not hc' CI\'('r t\\'o t 111111-"':111,1 w"rtl� ill l('ngoth. :":tlll('� flf t':11I.li,I:",'� will hC' �('llt hy fh" "c'nn "f tll;'llidllit�· �f·ho(ll fn :\fr .• T. A .• Tamf'''' flf'\'''r!hw('�t''rn nnh·('r�ity. :\fr. .T�1Il1C''''will :.1"'0 n)lnOU1Wf' fl, .. rarti"lll:tr� furJl1'('liminari('� fit n In.ff'f tlntf'.--_._+----Vote Against Honor System.r.olllmhin will not. I,n\' pthf' HOllO!''::�f�'m :I� a rc'!'ult (If th" l'(lll11lar "of'�\'hif'h "'n� tnk('n n f('w ,1:t�.� n;:n"lu'rf' wns nn o\'crwhdming IlHt.io:-it··'1;.;ainst it .. ARRowTANGO.SHIRTS,lre an evenIngdress necessity.The bosoms aretucked, puffed,pleated or "mush-" ttroom. ",2.00 up.-TRV_fURL'S LUNCH ROOM] 32!J :r:. 55th Sueet. 'rei. fOSS.Between Kimbark and KeInrood.1;�acmzm;Pl\pgpg�,:,' - - " .., "The \\'4·11 of thc Saints" .r. Y. SynsrouSo,"erei�n 1.0\'0" T. C. MurrayThu"�., Fri. & t=a.t.. �ites &; Sat. Mat."The Cia )11'\' X:t lite" Lt'nox Robinson"TheCollntrj- Drc�smkr" G FitzmauriceprincessMost Powerful DramaIn Fifty Yea.rs,TH::: LUREOLYMPICKlaw &; :Erlanger PresentTHE TRAIL OF THE LONESOMEPINEWith Charlotte Wa.!ker as JuneLASALLE'rango·rilled Song-Oomed,"SEPT3MBER MORN"With Dave LewDThe . Cyclonic Comedienne andHer Jubilee Vaudeville CompalG-With NEIL KENYON-l'aD­meat Scotchman ot AlLM. Shi:ndermaI"lTAILORS & CLEANERSIf you want your clothes Pressed and to stay Pressed callup Midway 6958.We Call for and Deliver PromptlyOrder your SPRING SUIT Lirly <!r.d bm:� it ready for EarlySpring Days. 25 per cent cli".-ount on all crde:s taken now.1114 E. 55th StreetIbree Reasons Why you should Eat at the Men's Commons1st. Good Food Properly Cooked.2.d. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen3rd. A Minimum Price for High Quality FoodClab Breakfast lSe up Cafeteria at, LunchDbmer A LaCarte llliSIC Come in:"f.:fi���:j7,�����&!:1fJ><b �!Jii--�-< �I�;>-�:---:>-�?;,: �Zj1fi9 .::v_: /f�._·· . ;::;:)\�t.�J;�@:1t /Ci' ':�:,;�*:::<���12t� :t:t�/��College r :riendshipsMakf! college life worth while. Coc:l·Coia is a friendworth k=lOwin� and }.�, ... j:-:;; �.l the \V;J.y throubh fromF�eshman to Senior year. It v;iil fin your college daysWith pleaSI:re, }Jc31:h and bcnef:t.Delici OUS- R.efreshi ncThirst-QuenchingTHE COCA·COLA co.,Atl&nlll., Ca. W!.�"r ... !'r.,.nu �re .an Ann'"':. ,,,k 01 Coca·ColaI.e III�\)�I•I.il"