21tt,t·l':,.g··,.'Ei.a:.' .,- .. ' I.,' '\' ." .' !J •. � _ • .1 • '. • , .' .arlt��, I \. �'-., " ,'- -.�.I;J ••• � �.4""" ",.;,-, .• _ ,VoL XII. No. 86. a._._.1 ; : wi>Total ••.. ' ..... '.••• ': . � '. : ••• � � ';. 3USfPns1uDtD. .JIarIaret � ••••••••..•. 114He_en Aaron •••••••••.••••••.. '•• 90The engagement of Paul V. Harper,son of tho late Presielent Haq)cr, toIsahel D. Vincent, daughter of formelDean ,'incent now president of thennh'ersity of lIinnc.'4O'ta, has jUt-it beenannot.nc('tl. nuring biN attentlanee atHONOR CODISSION ISPASSED AT ELEenONNew Movement is Made Perma­nent Institution by Referen­dum Vote YesterdayELECT STUDENT COUNCILLORSBy :111 o\'t'rwhcllllill� mnjurj ty, thehonor Clllllllli��ioll was matle a permanent Iust itut iun in the Uui\"ersity attilt' rC'ft·n'n.lulU held in COIlIIC'('tion witbthe eoune i l clt'ction yesterdny,The coum-il lIIembers dlOsl'n are:Junior, Ruth Allen, Thomas Ityan nIH!Cowan Stephunson ; Sophomores, Mar.garet Hancock and Kent Ten­ney; Freshman, Richard Kula and :\Iar·gnret Munroe, The representafivesfrom the various classes to the newHonor Commisslou are: Seniors, Lalit'Rehm, Charlotte Viall, Letitia Fyffcand Harvey Harris; Juniors, John Ba,kl'r, Ray Bohnen and Irene Tufs;Sophomores, Lawrence MacGregor andRuth �f:Ulnicrre; Freshlll('n, MargaretM nt· DonaM.1,273 Votes Cost.In all 1,273 stutlent..q vote.l for el�representatives to the unllergraduntl'C'ounl'il as follows: 431 Junirs, 372Sophomores, 470 Freshmen, 1,183 vote�were cn.�t for honor commission repre­flentativc.s. The division of the votingwas as follows: 307 Seniors, 362 Jun.:_- -Iucr;�JmWes,-.��....QO-l--Fl'eah:men.PAUL V. HA.BPEB ENGAGED'TO FOBIIBB CHIOAGO GIBLSon Of President Haqter to WedIsabel Vi.DceDt, Daughter oflIIbmesota. PresIdentth(' lTniY('J'l(it�·, Panl Har},('r wa... 1t -m('mhcr of the Phi Bet. ... Kappa, AII,ht'Delta l'l'i, antI Backfriars.The do�e as."O<'iation betwc('n til(Vin('ent antl Harper fawilil's is 8uI'pO!'lc.1 to he dJiefly responsible for th'tf'rmination of this romance. In so('ia'and educational circles the familie ...wt're aften thrown topther. Whit.'Miss Vin('cnt was at Brvn Mawr, Dt.Vint'ent accepted the caJl to the prl'_�i.lency of the university of Minnesot:.Rut a. '-:tcation in Glacier park, MontAna, again brought th., couple together.H:trpcr is now with the prominent la�firm of lIolt, Cutting and Sidley.wm Hold lL�ting for HobenStudents ,,·lto are interested in tht't'nmpnign of Associate Professor HolK-rfor n]tlcrmnn of tlle :;;ixth warel witJmt'f't, at ·1 ::w W('tlJJf's�ay in ITnr(K':":\( 11.Menor.ah Sodety Will Meet.lfcrnbers of tho Menorah,,·ill mCl't at dinner llontlay e\'eningin lTutehinson cafe at 6:30. The speak·('r of thf) e"ening ,,·m be Dr. IsraelFrie,l1:tnflcr, �f New York, who is mak­ing a lednre toor on hehalf of thl'Tntercollegiate Menorah as�iation.This wiJI be the first of the seriC5 ofl�torC5 given before the lfenorah so·eiety each year. S�IO� SCORE SUC�� �CI S,QPAD'·_� -Give IDlbal Perfonn��e o_f Ne� -m;.PIIRDIJE�·TODAYShaw Play At· Class-VaudeVille _., .'" ....... ;J.',in Reynolds Club .'-rest'erda; Co'ach StaDI.:·, , Aa�tk.Afternoon - -_. '.- Slight Favorite Ov. �Tile pcrforman:::r George BernarJ ," : ·�'��i.�!"" � , .'Shaw'g "The Dark Lady· of the Son� ,;: . �,.neb' was the feature a.t the: 8mrlor CHICAGO IS WELL BALAICIDclass vaudeville heJd yesterday after: ---. ----- ..............noon in the Reynolds club theater. .t�J�ltotJgh P8olJt.�pei!D�.ma.ne... ap­Helene Pollak. and Howelf .Murray in eutly make Chicago an eacy favoritetheir ")nterpretation" of the modern in tonight's tr&e'k ';.ineet at Purdue, i'dances acored a hit such 88 no on� Is possible that the . BoilerlD&k.e1'8. willelse except perhaps the Castles would �J.irii:tg'a:'.\li�ris�·;�t� ��� l�r�i�'!t.,have rp.glst.ereL. Various parodieJ and -��rc�··�i���r'� Stagg'. pro�:'�rought a great deal, of: applause tJ to theIr utmost. A .quad of f,w!3ljr'��ihg Lunde and Cornelia Beall,' " five· '��n �willleav� tills morJain�J;rThe program: . Lafarette� ; ... i: � -� " .� -'�-. --- '-T1 Parodies Erling Lunde .�. Pur��� h�__ ��!. ��� � �!1�-!:��1.2 The Black Art ..•.. HartY: Comet Iegiate ' t�1i' me�t;" .�� �� __ ���;�3 Parody on the �osary: ..... _ .. .. little �ate�ial o�. w,��ct.�� ,�o� _���• � ••••• _ .••. � • CMnelia Beall ��c prob�ble -�5����. '��: ;��e � �4 The Dark Lady of the Sonnets. � • . Last Safrirday,. ho��v��� '. ,th! .:.�kShakspere •••. Samuel :Kaplan candidates' coriipe��, . �� .!' ���" ��Beefeater ..... Odgeu: Coleman betw�-two '�r?��d .:y.�tY.":il;J'r.,:Mary •....... Harriett Tuthill Phelp3 . will be 'the mai:��. m.� _ •The Queen Dorothy Washburn(, thl�h,' which '�1ViU �e' -'forti' .yud.;;: .5 Orchestra Selections stead of '��fiy ��' in .����( ��jjs. ,'." �he menu for tbe Prom supper, to b� 6 Pollak and Murray' h.US· be.. �.�en lii.m; ·��t. - ¥.:����.'.-2�·.·,J..Total _ ..•••.••..••••••••••.••• 3U7 ser"ed' 'at m'idnight, 'haa been an. of his expei'iei¥i� is reg�ded..... �.Jamoa nounced as follows: HONOR LIST Q'UBft_ION bl"St �a1i. He �\¥ �y����:�-_��;� >.John Baker �:� 72 �ted '.Almonds.. ' IS'� lnmBCIDED �nd Knigh� &llo� :race. '��Y, )Ja���Bay Bohnen •••••••••••••••••••••• 71 Chicken a 180 �ing. Seniors Beter JI'.a.tter to Special Com- will probably eO�,P6te in. �Q, -.pM'IrenF" e,.Tntwta d········ ••••.••••••••• 564" 'dB tt Sandwic.hes . ml--- F .... "IlIf_ .. ,n....;...,. .1 __�. • for the �t time .iDC��bs-illn.�,_·�rancIs. ar .. ,.................. I Brown JJ�ea:d,� .. ,!l ,,�r ." -- - 0&_ � ... -�:cr: N:::'�·�:::.:::::::::::�: :1., �,t�ce,Sa1ad, 14�YOl)pai;'e:' W-Il'-' .-.4;:"':':"- __ '" .. _,� ��,_. ��,�_.. _. _.• _,_ ,::::.:;::. :JIi.::S���i1�'Esther Buttol�.�.-:.:.:� � .Faney_��C�----.. Bnth H�ugh, �th· Apr, �pret '''()lIi:'' oOi8���-:ii�'the��' �_. --- --'�-;-..,: .- -::.:;..�.�� - .� ,��,k· ,�,�",; : Rhodes, Holly �nl'tt,. E;r�D'l L.��dt: beeii:cie: ot : th� .� .-�l"W�:';1.¥a .-,--- -- 8111JII- _ - ·CaDdy,Patties.- -Bod • k P , . ....� .. ,. ..-"'---- _ .... _. .un IftO .0...-; ..... ' ;;"0'· ft'e8.. . .enc e.attie" aDd ����, 'Cole haa-- �o. t eDt�J3-� rf:eov. ere4 '. ,f_�,���:�\ltI�:.�''!.���'�.'''.' �. "'YV--- V' th'" ' � .. .J_ --,_ ••ButIl ....... '• �"'."" •••••••• 91 8--: ... 1 CoeOL _.' Wb,'ip� Cream. man we� ", e 'orat(n" o� the; q�eetioL �i�k.·'·� '-'i-=-,'.�,�� .��!:�Helen .Timber'laJre -.- __ •• , 61 � � of the Cap and Gow� �o��r. �� �,:� . iri"'the" llliDOi8.-"J;Il� ... � ... �Cedrie Yerrill .' ••••••.• ' 55 . aood"8aPJJ8l" . .Q_']' .' 00; .J'- -, .. -.�-".'- .-_ '"----. �ru01' e ass meeting y.�. ,��;Y ,�0m.' TlaoaiaS·'Wiii,liurde. -for -(]bj.--,,\�."This deligbth.� meal has: been prom·. N . . . . . . - ... - - -,.:-'.__ -Ing,; 0 decision was rdae�ec! and, th� Banei.·.·,',.. e.r' imd.-.. ··Wbj.·,.... J.:·.;-.�.. ··...: ��:!OI"I,._ ��I'G-l ft. bv"th. e, well-known and. ex�lu tte ' . �. . - -- -;,1-""" -- J 1 ma r waa turned over to a eom.mittee The - PUrdUe JDeJL' l,ook t�e" �;<:.'sl'-e' eaterer M. . Bar j,� ,.ai�. Ogl en • ted b - , , , ." - -•. of the arrangemenb appoln y President Matthews for though':TJ;lom:&s",·hai."·� .. �!!�I�0D101emim:::..e.��:=y, of the JJtudCDts wH. final consideration. Tho� Col��, rapidly.·�' ,��. ·���d.:d�.Y!4��" ...... � f'hairman, Ruth Agar, Margaret Rhod� a hot eo. ntest be.... �tw._��_.J � ..__ o.t.-.:.� ..,,4..be ha" a suecess he helpecl tt II ", ,,'_ --- - - - --;;r-�T!PM'JDf!m r, W .. ' orace Fitzpatrick, Dad Lynne Sulli- Sehmied.u- "�ct_ Klipple of Purc)lJe.make tbe PrOUl the year befor last.\'an are the members of the ·eo�ittee. Sehmiedal haS a r�l'd, of-4:SO, .��Ja�_ ·that his identity has beeomf This comuUttee repr�nts the' tw.... . ... " ·sl··'··· - - .... '-:� .�- f 1I ... is several �onds Gwer,tlaa.·"_' markOoadl' WJdte BII1n'I. �IIID wm Clift � aDd the loeal reputation 0 • r. factions,one of whieh believes that th(> , ., - .' - "'-" _. - -- -BArnI .. i8 at stake, we are assuretl �f question should bo left � the individ Stout � made.m.!l,�:·:;j.. I..per This- year tl ,Applegate of Pu�due is. on�, of ... 8an .f!ve'n better s�p � be the betlt ual, and the other th�t a short para fastest quaJter·ioiJe!B ':in' :ua.�.� Coa!er-P."m crtainly proJJUSes graph of the same length should b. en�e. Boyd' &nd::M�Con��li- iiave:-�Dever.w • written' about 'every �ember of th ',. ,.... . , .. >; ... r· ... C'). to Hutchln developing rapidly during 'the �, twoWhen the gues� toJDe In ·Iastl. The eommittee will report at th weeks, ana iDay spring a�Stirp·ri��':. Ap.!w)D ,for supper, they wiJI fincl a �oP:. ['rom luneheoll" 'to be"gi"-en On th, pl�gate and '�t 'otl p"irilue�w.{h 'g�'v�, ABOON'S �ial prom etlt aftemoon of the Washington 'Prom. " . �." .... , f ,;y(,O�of the M bee th Campbell an 'awful l8t"e ill tbe 1UU1:,lion at. eaeh plate. U has n. la.ftp D.Jl'U'� and this.event'shoald·prorriotf/�m��t.�nast the If' 0." �Vo&.a_r-Uf'tom for se"'�ra�"yea:u:� �f thOt': FOB MALlIA IlATBB the best eompetitjon'of'tlie'.(J�y: ��.8Ue will eontaln pie n_' wi. of Chieag"o 'apPeftrS,' a�tbj.ding:\,toietures of th.. . .pl8eDt at the dance, P, . ·ieady. 200 Coqi_ AUen4 � th .. -tope, to JUl"'e 'it: 8li hi" oWn' �YIf'&Ilen, the history of /::e �::�;.�� Cbb Jat--.l � If'Icht in the two mile.. '. ;� .•. I �. \'additioD to the news 0 w �_ 8t:ruDc ID rteI4 BYIDtII.• 'I ique feAh1fl'S arc At 10:05 Jut night when the chim("!- __ -.v - ...year .ever" un Chi-o ap----· .","'��y_ '8tn,..' i.fllayed the ··AIIDa lIater" in Mitehel! -_ r� -_ _ DplaDaecJ. . the field eVeDtA - - Atdrieil:;·_ �.tJae alaeeIHar' at 9:30. tower all daaeiDg stopped at' the Reynon tile. w�, Bpote i. llja tea. for h �m commen('o( oM,. dub intonnal. . Nearly 200 eoupl� beaved the aixteeJ! pouDd ' ... ,,·.;38w� T'e �d lIIare h fee' 6 in�hes last �'eek. '"t. botll. N .....e--9.30 in 'oJ'tler that t � ·r.rc present. Muie w .. famh,hefl bJAlthough Coaeh White ... ·tnt �I .. promptly at •be gotten it }�l1ik's orehestra. The entire dub boulI( gnD &ad Dee Jardi� have ,sa""_"men in pr.ctieany ever,.·'ev-t, •• will t.wenty-tour danees fdai nnetl to �toJ" W8" thrown oPen to the 'gUeAt8. this mark. Phelps i. almOflt •• �. ", 1..-10- _", when it is p af tht. I'I'IL h " 'n the pole •• .... It .. Thom.- batlargely �pead '011' �vlieek-!. f.,' the U"C' • ..,•• , have ehn.rge 0 .IDe c a.perones iMluded Mis:.' �hr. man I .-. ' ..., .great majority of fint plaea. If Pa\' 'ope Harvey"'· ' .... 1 a ",orl.l WOOtI Hinman, Mr. and lin. Geor", the ChiC'agO' star �u been vaW�n".'2 has proJDI"",t �. f h' ft· .... •pf'rform's 1M, should take at. ..... two or<" h estra, a"lI will he lon� ('nrtC'r Ilowlantl, Yr. ant1 MJ'tII. Ro�� in' 8Uperior onn t IS �D�.. I .-. i . f -M lIIusic. There W St 'I h :Uld Gor�aa ,,·iIl h�\'e strong C'.oIDpe�tint plaeee aDd aid i. tb wiDDiag of 0 5� l'utermiSt1ioru-. • e'·ens, ... r". C arlH S. }�it:'.,d Short t . k M' ,.. tl't)n J'n ·he high J'ump againwt W�cWlthe relay. PavHeek ill . the 'iot1y aDd dpeN an 'rl t� pa ric, 1M .mary Loni8e Aberneth,' ..late to ask a gJ 'Ill''I ...., ... 1 StahL .,;hackstrokflll Neil i • .., • .aclNd aDd ·'Jt is Dot tOO ,llo"'el! ., r. anu Yl'8. JameA Hayclt'n Tnfh R.., " said Chll1rman .two twcnty;-tymail-i •. the p�ap, u.1 trn Co the PrOll1, h re are q1lllt Mr. Rnrllfl'8. WiOiam Mmer.··,8" 'pt, "a.� t eGoodman ill Ut. �reaA .rote are tllo Murray last UI been inviteel... have 110tmainstay's � the tam. N�watem a Dumber w 0. 0' ancl �an·t $ret'd-llcJJ 011 'Wood ill' tlef&rt .. , huDdred ftt. If yOU .allt to Ifnd I will�I'- 01. lid to m", aand tWo twel1l1', Sdlolt;" &ltd Ellai" a' girl, ecnae .,.,u We arc all8Omeone.in the· breUt .troke, ,Md Seltol. in try to get tOG th t t"O hnndre.lfor athe baek atroke. Hyde Part aad UDi· pUJUagltard flOW"enit;, Hip win e*-Pce i. what ("oaples." �(0..11 ... _ .... I., GIlLY • PA'I'8 vJr!'JL 1'BBt.;.� I.,... f:OIl ,.OUUPPEKCOUNCIL� - .. _UNCED �!Y.. - � .FOR UNDERGRADUATE"j J.T�Ruth Allen ; '. : t••••••••• , • • • •• 88TholllU' ayan ' 68Cowan Steph8D8OD .,.............. 61]{utb�:ril,e:BitJtihs .......•...•.••.. 59Geoffery LevjQBOJI •..•..••.•••.•.. 54�f:iry MaeDonald' 53.Iuhn Bu��t! �·.'.�·.·4':""""" . � •••••• 4�SophomoreaMargaret JlaD.coc::k:................ (11Kent :T�-, 61Duu -Browa •• , •.• ", •••.••••••••• '•• 5!1Edward Reticker 51Ruth Swan '� •. .' 48-Jessle Brown' ......•.•••••••••••••. 43Lenus Lundberg 43,,�B.ichal'd EkIh ••••••••••••••••..•• 85� JIDDroe ••..•••••••••••• 7�Martha, BUbr',:' ..•.• • . ... • . • • • • • . . . .. 69Franklin: Ohandler .....••.•••..•••• 67Helt>.:l"JauuesoD ;.: .•..•••.•... ' .••. 57FraDk ,Moraia'_' .. '•• ""• . . • • • • . • • • • •• 53Fran�i" BroomeD .�. '.. j 38WendeD :,Dixon:' '. ..• .... . • • • • . . • • • • •• 25FOR BONOR COMMISSION.semon.. '.,J,ane Bellm •• , �� �. ''; '�.'. • • • • • • • • . . • • •• 53ChadDtte ViaU. .'.................. 49Harvey .. HUris' • � ••••••..•• , .. ,. • .. 44Letitia Fytre', .•••.•••• " •• ' •• ' • •• 37.John Greene, ...••• '.... •••••• •• •• 4lHarriet Tuthill •• � .'.. • • • • • . . • • • • •• 35Helene Pollak ..••...•.•. '" .,, ., ..•• 33Holly BenD.tt ; ••••••• 1�T���l ••••••• � •••••••••••• ���. 204CmCAGo ·'-A�.ftOBa .....JLUii1�'1riU �� .. ':,):'!d;.�� ,XortII:if len:. IhrbmawII Aawr IJ'aaIe�Aeeording to=� Whit. ClaieqflIIns more _th� .a�J!.htiog:,eJaaliee 'ot\\"inlling �Dight's._.eet in BartM::Igains� . No�es.�rD. : Although thel�rple swimming - team defeated .Chi·cage) 1".1' .. : lUge . �or� in' ti. '8Peniagm'-'t of· the .....,n" .. � iDezperi�of Be,-eral ·of '�h White's star mel.was respouiblff':fO� a"Joorer slaowiDJ;than was e��. ' Fr_ an �"tCoaeh TOJII �bi1l8O. is repnIlaa - t""meet 88 tJie hUdest of the ..... , aadbas beea�eeatei'baC his .. tire attaMioa Mr. Barrel is Caterer-ODly fityMore Cou_p-IeaNeed.ed to Fulfill. ' � Of CGmmitteeGET OUT SPECIAL' MAROON, . '·1. !-You1Can �ord. -... _".- -_""-- .Ten DoUara for. the Prom;'''At''� last Iiight the .number. of cou­'ples intl'nding to be pr�nt at tbi:.)·ear·s Prom bad reched 150, just fiftyJeSS 'tha,i.' the Dumber the chairmen �o�cto have there. Committee members deelated that-with -the"rapid inerease ofpromised attendance there will be: theJargeBt� crowd at' the dance 'that' hasever attended the, ProIiL'Chi(ago Entries:Fifty.yard . dash, �ranrik, �nig"t,, RoYtl, Matthews,' 'Stains;' ��tl':��The fonowing men were initiatetl il1� big� hurtHeII, Hn""i� Wh�ti�.I"t'i�Owl and Serpent Thul"R41fty night at II ar' one-mil� run, Campbell, �8Ure,Univcl'Bity club: John Greene. Rolli· G�lwin Stout. s,.lctwin, St�"'�, ..: •• , •• :. "'t,Harger, Burdette Mast., Robert M'i1Jt'r 'ff'rri1J' qu&rt�r.mile .. ron. Boyd, M�CoD':Nel8nll Nor�n, JoJan Perl�e and Lan., . ''.. , .. -._ '. . ...... � ..PBbKI Reba.I (Continued on Pap 4)The D a i I J Mar 0·0 D from dub membership., The club and fraternities arc promin_cut ly featured elsewhere in the Capund Gown. Why need club insignialie placed beside tho pictures of the.......... M •• � ., .. : " .. w.­r&7 ." CIaIeaa ..� .-ora1DC" except SUDdaJ" aDd1IeD4Q. ...-m. the .A.utumo. WIDter aod8prm. Q�. bJ The DaU,. KarooD.taJLCosmopoUtan Club Meets-�'StuJents..," TODAYSWimming meet tonight at 7 :30 inBartJ.fltt. gruduates? Senior-roxi OlUW w.University Religious service at 11 inMandel. Brief Campus NewsGerman Club Meets-At a meetiugtol' the German club yesterday in Lex.t.. ". Ccltu.p.a..H. s, Goqas'B. P. )lastw. a. L,. ... News EdJtor . ·.Senior Smoker at p� Upsilon houseAtlaletlea EdItor at 3.Daalae ....... erClr.:OlIaU.a .aaacer 1I0.:-\1>,AY. ill�toll, severul musicul selee t ions wereJunior college Men's chapel at 10:1J 11!lItil'l'ell by :\[r. Schroctter. Refresh-inents followed the program.EDt.red .. "cODd-clua mall at tb. in Mandel.Cblcaco Pa.toalce. Chlcaco. ilL.· lIlarch U.1.01. UIlder .&.'C:t of Karch I. 1113. Student Volunteer baud at 1:30 illLexington 1-1 •.in on. �t or another about the Ron- .iuft�cl cu all edclt:,u:e ul uuud tfKth... - .,' 'or Sentiment and the - -0' .-.....,. •To the Ellitor:'Bonet �. r BonOr Commission that service in Harper.Dear �ir: A "'''00.1 lII:lIlY graduatt.CoDmrtsaiOil there seems to be very atuuent.s have compluiued that 110 up­little that coUld be ad-PO! tunitv hi. nfl'orded for :L gcucrul as Factors Contributing to Ch·iliza·ded-'hete:': We cannot' help, however, gathring of gruJuutc men and WOO1- r ion,' will be discussed by Ncnozo Ut­but t pbiJlt to one' extzem8Iy significanten for unifurui d iscusaious uud a sor iul surikwa at thc Cosmopolitan club meet.,!�� 'Among all th� a.rgw:nents that time. SOUlC huve said thu t gr:ltluatc iug tonight at 8 in the club room, Ellis�tUIIClltH nrc exe lusi ve ; dlCy arc self- 1�.bI.Dg,"�Or, '"Well, of -C01U"Se I woUldn'tate stutlcnts would wc!l'ome a mectin�_t. '. periODally, but I couldn't tell of the mcmlJcrs of the graduate Ilc'c.-JUlY oD&'tQe"even if I saw them,"..:." !' . .. ... partmeuts �o US to lJl'l'ollle lJetter :U"t1l_e has been a,. c,onsta.nt chorus of qU:lillted alii I to fostcl' the spirit 0:.... t-l ten YOli the -stUdents themselves �oou fellowship which We lJelic\'c eX·8l1B8CBlP'rION BATES.8J' .carrler: U.U a year: $1.00 a Quarter.SJ' iDall: n.oo a year: U.n a Quarter.ICcl1tQrtal-BualDe .. Office. Ell .. 26.TelephoDe· Kldw.,. aDO. After 10 p m.H7de :�ark .41111.KarooD PrM8. 5511 CottaC. Grove AveDue. . <Jfbitotial80 much baa been written and said'.'.'. . �'� forth pro and contTa.-amongIli�"�'WeU, let them 'cheat if t!heynlt�.:':ft8"e oDJy hurting them_M}wj,,,..,or;. "In: ta.irnesS to the ot;ller• ci�'·" ��. uiUte to stop crib-I.� ..cIcm'2f�'Want such' a co:o:im1ssion." Yes��, •. :tetereDdum did not provetiiat ,tao Hono� CODllldssio:ll is or is nota::�.,t.biDg, but it very definitely..... 1ihat' the students of the 11ni·� . �".�:.of: ClJicago DO- want' an ·Honor..... '"'-lOL '.� have one' now-nOt� . � far')Jetter or tor worse, farilitD" Eonor eon:.Wsmon does not Sho\\'tf&t :.ftB· Pnaente is of benefit to tile8\adeDt 1HMb" at large, it 'will be abol­� '1'0 use a paradox, teuipom.rifj.. .Honor Commission is a permanent�Uo� But now that it has beel.'_veil. Me, t.be. cOmmission must itself�. itS continued e%istience.l �I·WILL ERECT STAND AT-.�. ·l"BBBY FIELD TO COSTOVBB PIFTY. THOUSAND(By Intercollegiate Pr�s),..l.Jaii Arbor, Mich., Feb. l:l-Thl",.� .. � .... . ��rtion of the propo.c;ed concrete stand� Ferry' ·field '.was made practica.JI�·:.�tb.i� .. at the last meeting of the"'b�zit,f'in 'control, when the plnns pr�.�UniveJ'Sity 'of Cnlifornin. la.ment!'! the, ,b�k _in tb.� rnnk..'1 of I�nt.in t�('h('r'l,.' .,c;"'''-i'!lg to the difTer('nt mt'th()f1!'1 or in·.:- J ��tion DOW being introouccl1. Graduates Win Meet-Crauuutc stu­dents of the Uuiverslty will hold a so,Physics club at 4:30 in Rye�n 32. I·ial gathering in tho League room ofMenora, society at 6:30 in Hut;chill_ Lexillgton hall at 4:30 Suntlay. Thcfl�son" cafe. will be music and refreshments and at ::1I� by Dr. J. M. Coulter, head of the-lepurtmcnt of Botany: All gt'alluat(:students have been Invited .Communication.Give·Va.lentine PartY-Miss Clara"rt: .. t;u her«: . -Cum,nuuicatwMHoe of 5556 Kenwood avenue, aud Mis�Elliot gave a Valentino party lustnight to thc students who do libraryt'cntered UlHl l':Lrc little or uuthill;;alJout lifc outsidc, Ull'ir OWII spccialCommolJs will be visitcd by thc Y. Y.. C . .A. fidel trip pnrty, leaving tollay atWe belie\"c that most. of tIlc �radu·� ::W from Cobb hall.Will Make Field Trip-The Chicagofield •Plan Campaign - Plans are beingmatlo for tho Calcutta campaign whil'htllc Y. 'V. C. L. will launch next week,to arouse intcrest in tho work whichtIlC Leaguo is tloing in India. Th'�'ampaign is in the hands of tho Mis·sionary and Publicity committees ofthc League, whieli will mect·· Montlay:at 1 :30 in Lexington 3.ists, Lut has hitherto iJcen ullcxl'rl'ssc,1'rh� graduate l'ommittt.'cs of the Y.W:e. L. awl thc·Y� ;W. C. A. arc l'lcck'iill'''' to furnish a lJIeaus of lJrillging th,_';o. Igraduate students together :11111 ha ,'"ananged for such a l:,'lltherillg on Ill'xiSUlltlay afternoon, }'c1;rnary 15th, athall will give u Valcntine party to-4:�O in the Lcague rc)(illls ill Lexingtoll" night for members of tho house.hall. Dr� .T. M. Coulter ha..'i l'onsenlt'. Beecher Valentine Party-B�cchcr r011'VE BEARDOP �HB ... �!T�� KRY" THA.TPIT 8 ET£R�LOCK-DIDYOU EVEa H.� Tl!e Bit of The SeasonO::!' .,.,A. !lASTE"• 0 DEL OP.A.TYPEWRITEa,-Tlltu of ALL ofthe eomblDed ad·Taata�. of SET.EBAL typewrlten70a haTe .Ha,eoDeea t rat e d laONE staailardmachlael.. � . Th� Ro,..1 bandl"p e r f .- e tl,. e,,�,.,.kDOWD fonn ofceDeral eor­r�.pond.n�.aDd d_' �rdwritlDe and Con­df'ftlled DUlinE 1M>­aid.. - - wlthoat aalncl� ".!)ftlal at­tacbDlf'ftt" to atldestra C'OAt t.. tb�Iypewrit.-r. Thinkof tbl. nd. �oawill haTe a falrlycood Id_ of theMatJkor-)lod�1 oftb� Bo,.al." 2 For 25 Cents.Troy's Best ProductRO,'''LTrPEWRITER co.In�.58 Eo llonroe 8a ..Cblca&.o. III.:- 'Subscribe for The Daily Maroon FLORENCE 1\1:. MYERSFlower ShODSpecial Reduction to StudentsFOR THE PROMPhone IIyclc Park :30.13i7 E:tst :l.'itll Street.I �!'�����:-'�:::::�:-:::'::.'�'• R&OO:7_���.a:.,2.r.TlfE IIOiU. or /\:,i[l::C,\\. m;:.·\1.5HOTEL P(),\VI-I/\,[\N-� ",:;,:ql�'��:;t�'r� ��;r:·�. -' � �: > :;::�:�� � :� :: � 1:::1� .. .f,t.*�-=-<�"'.' - ' i :' .• : ,���':':�f�c";Y��:lBeat Loeatcd Hoh -; > :r/J(l�1:i"'!"ton .l!rf'W nnd Absol:... .. ,.y r::·q)roof.ll.efil;.cd. :.!lc';�llt.EUltO:"'T.A:;' ?LJ1.:r.BoOUIS. clCt::C!l<:J or- "1-:: �.�O. :.;;:!,�o 11p.Booms, priv6!�'� :J:-'��.l:. " �..••• _.1). $�,OO np.Wrile f�r :::c�-.rr·: rr' k"t "e" \,:::, :,:,lP.Cliffo:-:! 1\1. Lewis,------------------ ---- .. -----------to be prc::;cnt untl will Iliscuss the rc'_ Give Geology party-Members.of thelatiun of tho gr:llluatc stullcnt tc? th,' tlt.'partmcnt of Geology gave a partyliff: of his uuh·ersity. t-ipccial music' yesterday in Walker•b� graduate .stuJ(.'Dts will lJe a feature.'rhe graduatc women will serve refresh Nnmber of Foreigners Growing.mf;nts. The number of foreign stutlents atEyery gratluate stu.}c:>nt is urget! to American universities is constantlyhe out to the mecting next Sunday ncreasing, according to figures recent..:lllU help make it a SUCl'ess. This is:l l�· compBctl by Rudolph Tombo of Col'nf-W yentllrc, so suggestions will ht' mbia University. In forty-four se·('specially wclcome. ected American colleges, 2,084 foreignK. Frances Scott, tutlcnts were registered for tho aca-Jay B. Allen. (lemic yc:tr J!H2-13. The figures showhat by far the greatest number, _ 897,ome from Asia, 572 from North;America, antl 401 from Europe. Fra&enlq .Jewell7Leatber Good.Colle... 11 onlUe. 'r. En,bu!l�rcl Slntlun .. r7W rclcllllJ: III ,'UntioDIICall1ag Card.BROCHONENGRAVING COMPANYIII .allen D1IIldJ ..1'. G. TURNERPresidentCHOICE CORSAGES OF OBCBIDB,----------------------------------------------------------------------Another Phase.To thc Euitor.As your paper lms t.aken a prominent Michigan Man Commits Suicide. Flowers for the PromPEAS,BUftER-FLY SWEETVIO�8, AND ID.IP.8 OF THE . VALLEY.NO BXTBA 008'1' FOB SBl}!I.DS AND TIES..Place your Order Early. Choice Assortment of Cut Flowers andBultets Always on HandPALIIS RBR'l'ED FOB ALL. OCCASIONS.VVanted�nt�d by the engineering dcpartment part in the di8(�usMion f('brarllillg the';;ere 'approved. The proposed stanel, (By Intercollegiate Prt.'ss}.... .' listing of "a.cth·itic:;·· in the Cap and Ann Arbor, lJi('h., Jo'ch. 13-Clyclc"which' 'will . seat 13,000 persons ana Gown, I am. writillg - to you on an-'·Wiu·'elost between $-'>0,000 and $60,000. 'Berkey, a fr�hman engineer from',1':' 11" oth('r phase of the same (ItleMtion. II Claremont, N. H., was foun,l clenl1 in. '1ri 'form a 'component part of a com- I k . I .t1"I!'" .'. . 1:18 �tnle' me agalll nlll :t�:tln la� Jli� room :Monday under 8u('h ('ir('\lm·.l' eta ·StftndiuC:'which will be similar the numher of acti\'itic8 iiI whidl n,�,;.. .;,. �t.:lll('C.<J that it is practically cert:lin-'w'tIaat of Han·ard. �tlllJcnt cngages IJuring his ('olh';,:,'.4 1': �1"1 ':'.1 he ('ommittecl lQlciclc hy inhaling gus.I'ft _ _...;_. T T_ ('nrc�r is a matter morc or less "ulull-"'''; ,'. _', v� .. oarnal AOiMIed. Tht' only re:L<Jon which ('ouM he :t�.... '''rv ""1' tIl 111'm If hc lias the timl��w· .&: our :lrticles Rncl an eclitorial on n .••- . ... �i�"ell was t.hat he hall failcll in tw.').�. ·��t �r�ting of tht' Ameri('an nnll inclination to work allll n�al1y .I ..('our�t's anll hnll hc('ame 11e!'!110l1C1cnt :1!'(<. Pbi�.ologica1 As�ocint.ion'· form th.; things for tllc Uni\'c:>rsity, his willi11;.!' :l J'e�"lt.j:, Ia.hl. p� �f t.he FebrauTy i!!snc or ness is prctty surc to he recogllizp,j"The ·Classieal ,TournaI." In n hrirf aTlll awanlecl with ·positions of rcsp""e1posi�on entitlcI1 "Reflection� of:l �i',ility "nrying ;n r('l:ltinll of his :I',il·�on_Combata.nt;· n. C. XUUinJ: or HI(' ity.nut. whcn it l'ollIe to I'hal,s a 1111 Ira· n':IIIY stormy sessions (If tht! Illt .. 'rfrn·tcrniti('s� it is a clifT('r(,l,t mal tl'r. "·h.,· t('rnit.y ('otln('il, anll a fr:l('tiona.l "':1r,!'4tu,lt'nts. t'_'4pcf'ially :l11101lJ: the �irl�, Ill'\\" rm:}iing nIles h:1\'c finnlly 11(,(,,1ha,'c no choice whatcver lI!'4 to wlrethC'f . a.1optcIl. AccoTlljng to th�e rul,\:,or not they slwll llf'('OlllC a memher ('Jf· illitiation of plellJ:cs (':annot tnke pl:1"f'11'.':" tetrmc L80tare Monday-Profr!'!!lor ':l ('111h or fraternl·t.\·. \Ith '1fYII tllc' I t I_ J 0 r> 'until t.he plcc1gcl1 man hn� 8�urCI n·Abe--i 'JAfrane excbange nrores!'Ior fn;", . , h' 1 (1 '.. ' .. _' I' I�ominant spirit. amnn� t C J:lr 8 k,�t 11 hours work of Grallc� Xo Ithe Sorbonne, will cleli"er the sixth ('annot r.pt'nk for t.he m('n) :at the l'ni- (r(,!'4hmnn ",ill he n110\\'('11 to room inI-lur- of his series bn ":\(olicre et . f Ch' . hIm' 1 1· .'""" .... "(,1"S1ty 0 1cago IS mu(' more I C' '.'a frat.ernity housc, ana no p ('I J:ln;!'I1" �ndes quem.ions de !'Ion temps" ('rntie and broad·mJnllcll thnn. nt mo�t I i� to he aone ontsiae Ann Aroor. IMonday at 4:30 in Harper as.�mhly colleges still mnny of the grrl!( ht'r<'rGOa. cannot but leel keenly their cxclus�on I ONLY 6 DAYS 'UNTIL '1'BB PRO. A. McAdamsTelephone Hyde Pazk 18. w. J. Lagrotta1303 E. 53rd Street.._----_ _- .. - .Michigan Has New Rushing Rules(Ry ]llter('ol1('�i:ltt' Pr('s�}Ann Arbor, �Ii('h., Ft'h. 13-A ftN AI Oncef.cIa ••• at tie U.wcnil, ,. (tEe ill eU! iuuti(sre etrSpecial Offerto CoIIeae Men'HERZKA BROTHERS:-: Tailors :-:1545 East53n1 Streetre1ephone H. P. 1037.: : : : Open Evenings and Sunday Morning.�HICl.G(i). L-aI,t, ,." Woodlawn Trust& Savings Bank1204 E. 63d Street. Ohicaao, 'THE FACULTY &;THE STUDENTSof theUNIVERSITY OF OHIOAGOWILL FIND INTmS BANK ALL THEFACILITIES OF A DOWNTOWN BANK..SAVINGS ACCOUNTSandCHECKING ACCOUNTSAre Welcome and Appreciated.RESOURCES $2,000, 000.CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTSIvance. (Continued from pac- 1)'I'he Micwgu.n Union ia wdung youpromises to be a fast meet, in, connee- tor a lit" wewlJer�hip because yoution with the varsity performance. need it and it ueeus you.fte Bn1Z1e8 You need it, because you need l1ich_}'orty Yard Swim: Chicago, Pavicek, igan. Yuu are not a .Michigal1 nU1UOlson, Neff; Northwestern, Wood, NeI_ tor four years only, but for all tiwe.SENIOllS TAKE �.BALL GAIIB FRO_ .JUHIOBS 'I'he lite wewber:dUp will be a lu.tJtiuc;,a permaueut and Iudiasuluble lJUlld be­tween you and .Michigu.n. 1t will beyour D.l.l'moriu.1 to Miclligau. You \\' HIneed the .Michigall U won a� a home,when you returu to C�li reuuious,football !,'1IJJ1C�r what not-aud youwill return often. You will want somoplace to bang your hat anti. mix withson, Strader. Michigan men anti. your elassuiutes,150 Yard Back Stroke: Chicago, Pav- 'l'he Union needs you beeuuse youlicek, Parker, Shirley; Northwestern, are a .Michigan man and tho Uuiuu isScholes Whitehead, Trenenn. for all Michigan melle 'rho Union needs220 Yard Swim: Chicago, Neil, Good, your small contribution because yourman; Northwestern, Wood, Strader, eontzibutfou added to tho contzibu"Nelson. tiODS of other students and tho COLoRelay: Northwestern, Wood, Nelson, tributioll8 of alumni will make thetravel in Eu- Ennis, Strader. Seholes,Peterson, Shep.ard, WhitiD& Marquardt. DB. POWELL WILL BE[J� per Iiue. Xo advertfsemeuta reo Grey, Strader, Whiting; Chicago, Pav uew clubhouse possible.All -'--...14:100 Iicek, Neff, Olson, Saunders, Parker. V tzibut] ill b th •.. 11-ceived for less than :!5c. � .J. our con lu ron W 6 e 14o&A-a.i ,_ ad Water Basketball: Chicago, Goodman ing point. Show that you want andadvertisemcuts must be p d LU -�Ioore, Neif, Pavlicek, Lyman, Pierce, deserve the new Union and the alumniRedmon, Rogers, Harris. Northwestern, will do the reHt-Michigan Daily.A TRIP ABROAD for congenial peopleunder ideal University Travel guid­at.co and at m i ni mum cost. Three placesarn still open. }'or particulars add�e8bCarol Dorothy 'Kuhns,Chicago Uepresentative,Phone Drexel ItH. 4407 Bcrkley ave.FOR SALE-Remingtou typewriter No.2. Pru-e $15.00. Inquire at 1222 E,lUst St. 2nd F'lat,WANT�.Fresbman with some ex-pericncc in camping or now engagedwith work as assistant in Wisconsincamp, July and August. Address W. M.Kiplinger, ).lorgan Park, Ill. Bon, Grey.1)lunge for Distanee: Chicago, Ly­man, Neff, Redmon; Nor�hwestern��reCary, Granthan, Goodsmith.200 Yard Breast Stroke: Chicago,Goodman, Moore, Titus; Northwestern,S'lholes, Enn.is, Lima.100 Yard Swim: Chicago, Pavilcek,Xeff, Olson; Northwestern, Wood, Nel.SPEAKER AT SBB.VIOESIN KANDEL TO_OBBOWThe Beverend Dr. Edward LindsayThird Year Ken .Are Overwhelmed b,r Powell of the 11rst Christian church of8en1on to the Tau of Louisville will preach again at the uni;"ersity religious services in MandelTaking the lead at the start in yes tomorrow. The, musieal program willterday's game, the Seniors were never be 88 follows:headed and downed the J union by & 26 Organ Prelude.to 15 score. The juniors were off in Prelude •••••••••••... ' .••.•.••...•. Buckbasket shooting and this is what de- Intermezzo ••••••••..•• 0 ••••••••• Piranicided the game inasmuch as teh SeniorlJ Proeesalonal, lWly, Holy, Holy Dykesshowed great form. in this department. Anthem "Jesus Only" .••.•. , .... RetaliMike Kennedy played the first game Recessional "The Homeland" •• Sullivanthat he hai�; iii since tii� Deginn.ing P I d Li tost u e ••••••••••.•.••••.•.... szof the series and helped the Seniorsa great deal. He covered tho entirefloor and, although he W88 at; guardduring the second hall, he succeededin dropping four ringers.The juniors appeared on the aoorin Dew suita _d were eonAdent thatwith aid of tfafiIe they would have notrouble ill defeating 'their opponents.The seniod, itowever, got • good startwhen Murray Dlade two JODg shots andafter that the juDior. never had aehanee, Lolleagard and Wells were theVAX'J'ED- Tho Cap and Gowns fO!'the years of lS96-1897: )903. A rea- only juniors to play up to their usualonahlc "rit't! will he paiel. D:lily ).{�. standard but they could not stop th�Waterllo,tBeFOR SALE-S� Smith·Premier William •••••••.. C ••.........••. FisherPark 637. Fitzpatrick, •• , •. R. G. • .•••. Lolleagard.. Typewriter in excellent condition, at Kennedy Levinsonvery reasonable terms. A great bargain SeatoD .....•••. L. G ••• Sherwin, Well�for anyone desiring a typewriter for Baskets; Murray f, Kennedy 8, Wil·professional use. II. B.Lemon, Room 6, Iiams, Seaton, WaterhoulJe 2, Darrcnou·Ryerson I.ab. or 1220 E. 54th �t. gue 3, Chapman 2, LoUeegard 2.Free tbroW8; LevinlOn.Referee Striker.0('" ofTic ...BOARD-In small private family. Ex·cellent home cooking. Limited numoo.at table. Address 61:14 Woodlawn aveDue, 3rd apartm�nt, telephone Hyd,·ANYONE I'lallllillg torOI'c next suuuner cau save eonsid­eruble 1II0lWY by guing with a person.ally l'oudlld,cl patty. COlllmuuicatt} withx. Y., Ja, ),1 aroou office.WANTED-:; bright, energetic yOUllgmen wanted for profitable summerwork. Guaranteeel salary or eommis;sion. CuI on G. C. Burton, room 336,D'.!l Prado hotel.FOB SALE-A new No.5 Oliver �writter in perfect condition. Must selltheret'ore price reasonable. Write, 0can aner ;:00 P. M. E. H. Brunemeier53 Middle Dh'inity lInlLTHE TEA HOUSELUNCHEON 12-1:30DINNER 5:45-71128 E. 57th.'!'a.lel for I,adl",," Hyde Park 2015Flnt CIa.. Bern"SlmSCRInE FORTIlE DAILY MAROONAll the �nmpus newa.-.� fuurth year men by themselves.The �ore.Seniors 26 Juniors 15�'urray R. F Darrenongu"Kt'nnedy, .....• L. F ChapmanNOTIC.Dear 8ir:-SpriDg clotla. an tile nat tIdDc totJdnk .boat. !'he X.. Pattenla arehere &Del Ulq'n Ibae. 2'Iaerre"",moderate ID PrIce, too._ ............. ONL'!f 6 DAYS Uli'DL THE PROMSJgma Xu Gives Dance.Sigma Nu will give a dinner danceat the Blackstone hotel tomorrow nightat 9. The dance is given by the Chieago alumni and Northwestern chapters. Delegates from the fifth divis­ion of Sigma Nu will be received atNorthwestern for the chapter convenetion. On Saturday the delegates andchapters will meet at supper at thoUniversity elub,Ruling Bodies :Meet-Meetings ('flTnin'rsity ruling bodies will be hcMthi� morning as follows: faeulty ancl('onfereneo of the Divinity school, 9,J)t'Rn l{uthows' officc; f8('ulty of tht'collt'ges of Art.", Literature anl1 Sd.en��, 10, Harper M 28; faculties ofthc GraUl1ate schools of Arts, Litern·h:re and science, 11, Harper M 28.PIa,. 01r Tie in Ohesa TOUl'Iley.Chicago an(1 Armour I nstitr.\tetied for tint place in the Intercoll�.�Rie cheM tournament. Elias Gorl1.)n.Magn1l8 Rosenberg and Paul l\{co 11·,·aine are the men entered for Chi('a''to. A �ries of se,'cn games is bein�playC(l at present to clee-ide the ti�.The winnnig of thc tournament conr'nl'S \\'ith it the Western intcr('ollegint('('hampion�hip for 1914.Is Appointed Trustee.Denn Shailcr llathews of the Dh'in.ity sehool, has been appointeel one ofthe tMll'tees of the two million IloUargift of Antlrew Carnegie for the pro.motion of international �ac-e throughthe ('hure-hee. Twenty·nine tMl�t� we�tbOften, representing all the leallingr{'ligiouf' denominations of the United8t-4tes. This late gift is an a.ldition toMr. Carnegie's 1910 donatoin of tt'fImillioD dollars to hasten the oboltio'l.1 iDtenatiODal war. The Secret of Good Battingis similar to the secret of good business-it happensto some and just misses the others.If there ever was a commercial home nm it- 5Fatima, the T urkish-hlend cigarette. The expertwho conceived this blend was some batter I Fatima - .was mst lined oct in the college towns-the studentbody quickly proclaimed them winners. TodayFatima is the I: iggest selling cigarette in this country.The secret is-pure, good, choice tobacco-noexpense in the package-quaIity all in the smoke-"Twenty." :In.�:ta. •_" ...... ,.2O.IOr15t!"Distinctive& lruJividtuJl"........ - - .. - .. - .. �ST. LOUISBest Reached by Through and Fast Trains of... �.DJ.JNOIS CENTRAL""-'All Steel Daylight SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.; arrives St. Louis (vi� �er�ts'Bridge6;02 p. m. Indestructicble �teel cars of handsome �ntenor 6 ishEvery comfort and convenience Will he found :)n this ,tralD.Diamond Special .Leave Chicago 10:30 p. m.; arrive St. Louis 7:48 a.�. Electric­lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago.Stopa Mad. i. Botla Directio •• at SoatJa Sid. TlaroaCIaStatio ••• 43rd, 53rd aDd 63rcl St .... tsObservation Parlor Cars. Cafe Club Can. SleepingCars. Free Reclining Chair Cars and CoachesTick.ts. Fares aad Sleepiac Car R ... "a�ioa. at76 West Adams SI.CITYTICDT OFFICER. J. CARMICHAEL. D. P. A.---_ .. _-_ _._ _ -... _ .. _ _ .Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near SOtII Street Su� Station aDd53nl Street, ElnateclMBroadway- can from GrandCentral Depot.Seftllth A ftD1Ie Can &om PeDDaJl­ftIIIa Stadaa.lCBPT BY .. COLL.d II ANB.ADQUARTBRS FOR COLL.G. UBN8PBCIAL RA TBS FOR COLL.a. T.AJlSTen Minutes' Waik to Thirty TheatresHARRY P. STIMSO!-l. MANAGERHEADQUARTER8 �;R calCAGONew. Modem and FireproofRooms with Bath. '2.50 and up.. __ . __ ._ _ ,SUBSCRIBJ-: FOn THE DAlLY )'JAROOX.1'BB DAlLY M&1l()()., SA,ftB!)AY, PBBItUAJty 1� 1913.---- We-Can TeD You Why No Other Tobacco'is Like Sweet TIps, But We Won'tFor all 'round wear and good serviceWe recommend our SPECIAL WIN-'"->...�-.� . ..TER OFF'ER---A black, blue orgray. �e�ge-'or cheviot, suit, with extra troti-; ........ ""-"�......_. ........ , �p - _- -- � •:�ers of the same or stripe material$30.00�:�AILOB FOB YOUHG MBH... '�IJ'JIBEB STOBES;' 7 N. La Salle st. 25 E.' Jlleuon Bh·d. 'i1 E. Monroe St.iM ... ShinderrnartTAILORS & CLEANERSIf you want' your clothes" Pressed and to stay Pressed callup' Midway 6958. '..·We. Call for and Deliver PromptlyOrder your SPRING SUIT Early and have it ready for Early. �priD& Days. 25. per cent discount on ail orders ta�en now.1114 E. 55th StreetDree leasons Why you should Eat a& the Men's Commons) .. .lit. Good· Food Properl" Cooked.2ad. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchenlrd. A Miaimum Price for High Quality Foodau Bmald-orIS& lk up Cafeteria 'a& LOnebDbuaer A.LaCarte IIUSIC Come IDCollege FriendshipsMake college life worth while. Coca-Cola is a friendworth knowing and having all the way through fromFreshman to Senior year. It "iII fill your college dayswith pleasure, health and benefit,DelicioQs-RefreshiogThirst-QueochiogTHE COCA-COLA co.,Atlaata, Ga. Wbmcftf,_ ft"e an Arrow'hlnk of Coa-Coia8UB8OBIBB FOB THE DAILY MAROOX - . -" .� I Amuemeab.StDdeDf'iews� QO -Plays ol the� Week GARRICKI. _, .''- .... 4.'' ••_l,v flisal'p.ointi�g. It brought out poth,Measuro for M�asure, the play ut the. u.g f?f thedignity.and austere grandeurJ'in(' Art.x theater this j:L"(t week ,,.. t hut . in a eompetem InterpretationMr. Pay no's repertoire ("J.lp:,uay wili. would have welded. the scattered frag-"rueusure fof'. measure," r'·l.tl�· uU'·h.l· ments of the play together and could:LflI:O though it �s ill m',lIJY reepectx :1 have. made them worth· while. Indeed, eOlIAN'S GRANDcrude and fur from Ideal pvrformanve unified and weak itself, it fuiled toF'ir-st of all it is Sha.kesp(·arl�, :ultl, '�\','11 1,rlllH.·rly direct the rest of the action,if in choosing that parti'�l'lar pluy ftor Miss Limerick hummed most of thepresent at.ion tho. company has nguin lines so that tooy not only IOMt muchJived UJl to its poliey of O;l·h.·.·tillg. "till' of. their obvious beauty but beeumeworst plays by the best a'ltiJur�," 1:0 OUl'U ul:illtelligible and, except for a011(.' who attends I':UI fui l to I,.. rvnn- �t·:,;tllre IIOW' and then: or an IncoherentrTf �:.I'<l by the riehnes«, vnr'iety :111:1 �0111111 of emotion that POS�8N thesllhlimit�',-ollce for all till! prevmiu- "rue poignancy of which elsewhere l[js�euce of the master even nt !lil'l "worst.' Limerh-k hus proved herself cupable.Xu one CUll fnil to note that (Jcr.JUIl are pouted. or whimperell p('tnlaut!;,\('r:til! nnd others to the contrnry Dot· throughout,w ithstauding, Shakespeare 'VAS meant WnJt.er Hampden as Yillt't'lItio �n\'lto be ae ted .nnd DOES' act, in a thor- :L mnsterly interpretation whie .. IIUII:oughly modern sense, And it dO(.\8 no iuntcd the stnge ill a truly dueul f:lshharm to be reminded that the tritt· ion whenever he appeared. Jli:o( lilll':things everyone says about givin:; w�re, �i\"Cn easily ell'flrly, UIIII ot'h'<tuni;\'crs:l1 expression to the fun-In- enlightening. Mr, Gibson·s Claudio W:hmoutnl truth of life" and "unlimited also. a . powerful and moving Iwrfurmopportunities for the actor to display :"11{' 0, nud Dallas ,Alluersou's Anl!t"his utmost abilities in delicute shucL. rose at moments to power, .t hough ';iogs, difficult r�nd�rings, an:d sust��(.'d seemed .Iesa sure .. of his Jines aud Ie­and powerful moments"_are really true. allequate ill the .part, than the otherAnother thing worthy. of, note is thnt R�clmond Flood,� Eloo..w, scored t Itile humor" although - more" tnn twohundred .. years-,old,compels - and .seeur�more spontaneonaIaughter- than in· any. modern comedy "·hich devotesits ''''hol�time to producing that single reaction,Yet the comic element is 'only one phaseof the appeal in' Measure for Measure,The "solution,'· on' the other' "hand,which pairs off everyone in matrlmonyreognrdl£ss of the sort of bargain hegets from the transaction," and whollyoblivious to' the laiger' 'social signifi.canee of the real problem .··which· isthe subject 'Of the -play, 'is an iustruct­h'e commentary; fr()m' 'tliaCve-ry - omrL' popular sueeess of, the evening. -, I·Whitford ._ X-one�8- Po-oijiey' . ailtl llrPnptffi·s"L\iClo-li�.!_� .liil.l die true c·omi·t0l!<:�,_�!lo ... ,The s_ta.ging too was, if Dot \'t'ry sntisfaetory, at least. int�rt.'8tiug. Th­cost���g w�, 8Q far as it was a ny·h�ng, �izabethan; the "sets" were:feeble ��t.e�pt, �y means of tho fl·,clrC!p; and long na:.:row doors of -Oor.IOICmi:;,. to secure some of. his. efl:ec:t� 0Jarl{��e�. and grandeur; A. number 0t�� .. ���n�s, . �'!i�&' .Jo . the i�adequatff��i1if:i� of ,th� F��.e. Arts stage, wertli�ld� be�o�e', the. 'eurtain 'ant) t.he CDsion, on 'the lines. 31o�g_whieh the wodd tr�t;�� !�� th� .w�r�. lQ�e from t� ..ha.<t.. progressed,in the inteeyal. audi�ori�m. up �mp�rary stairs. Tbi:'l'here is, of course, no glorified tra· obviously �reaki,ng, ."m8:"hinery·" lentclition concerning the acting' to which' .a ll,ote of �Il:denill�le am�teu.ri�hnes.� t(nne of college age �an fondly' refer in the productio� •. N.pt��i�hsta.nt�ing aJ.discussing a Shakespeare production; of which We rep�, th�t those intA>:hence anything adequate seemed sat- t's�d, in. f:he theater, .in what it is,. andisfactory. But even 'by that staIulard .in wha� it is. not, ought to see this pro·l\Iiss Limerick's Isabella was distinet- dnction.(TO PUB.DUE TODAYTRACK SQUAD GOES(Continued from' page 1.) ,nell, Stains, Merrill" C�pbell, Good·win; shot put, Des Jardien, Norgren,Harris, Sparks; bigh-jump-Whiting'7Gorgas, Tenney, Hurwitz, Des Jardien;pole VRult, If oore, Thoma!\ Heller;half'mite run-McConnell, Merrill,Campbell, Leisure, Goodwin, Stegeman,t.wo_mito run-Camphell, LeiRure, Goo,rwin, Stont, Baldwin, St.egeman, Anno1iDee Oonced Date. .T])� Chicago Siinph�ny' 'orchestrawill give a concert -Tuesday, February�4, at 4, in :.M:Udet . Director Steven�will lecture ·in. Maridel on the prOgramthe preeed.ing day at' 4:15. Oreat Musical SUC<.ess of the SeasonTHEPLEASURE SEEKERS"NEARLY MABRIED"With Bruce McRae"Delightful Comedy-GreatFun"'--Amy Leslie in NewslLLIN01�CHRISTIE M.t_D..:>N.ALDINSWEET.!!r::ARTS JMRS. GEORG·;: LYNDON TOBBOBIVB FOB LEAGUEWB7DNBSDAY AFr3BNOON�rr�. O('orge L�'nclon witl �h·e a r,',�"pfi(ln to m�mlH'� of the Le:'lgtH­\\\'ftn('�la�' (rom :l::W to ;;::10 at ht'"IH,m .., :;7:17 Uni\' .. r�ity :'I,'ennr. Mr.'r.�·tlllon is R. memher of the Afh·i�or.'Ronr,l '>f the y, 'V, C. I ... , :'111.1 hflnfT .. rc·ft to open h .. r hom(', the 0'" yit'"('tit hon�(', to fill m('mh('rl'l of th .. J,C'flJ,!11(' :tllt1 fd(,Il.1R in th(' tTni\"er�it,y, :\nl11�i(':l1 rrogrnm will Ill' gin'n, Ot!!."nt('tnhf'rs of t.he A.h·i�ry hO:lrfl wil'a�!'i�t. in t.he r('l(>ei\'ing tine,Dr. Glaser WID Address Club IHr. O. C. Gln�cr, profe�or :'It tht·nnh·e�ity o( lfiehignn will ��ak (Ill I"The Problem of Pnrth('nogcneRi� withr:cCcren�c to Egll Se('tion�" at :l m('('t·ing of the 7.001 ogi C:'It duh lfon'ln�· nt'. :�O in 7A>01ogy 24. __ . '. -_. - Sforl5cT.IEfin�ofthecl�th .makes J>OSsiblethe satinlaundry fir. ish heretoforefound only in·the veryhighest priced collarsCI.nTT, 'hA8OOT • Co.. lwe.. 'bor. N. T.Jlaftri 01 AuOW' s-n -H�""ara's TheatreIt Has Awakeued Chica�o.THE TRAFncPO.VVERSFANNIE W.ABDIn the Laughing Successof Seven Countri_.:MADAM PR'ESIDENT.. ":� ... ,,J�� i.a:tt·s New Pla7HELP WANTEDA Clean Comedy Drama withHanry KolkerSTUDEBAKE�. lIB. LYN HARDINGIn Sir Arhtur Conan Doyle'llThrilling New PIa,.mE SPECKLED BANDFINE ARTS.1, _ •• _-. -. ":' �"MEAStJREFOB !lEAStJB.E'"=;.;.. ;. :princessMost Powerful DramaIn Fift)' Years,TH;: LURE.Q�V�PICThe Favorite Irish Actor·8tDprF I SitE 0' H A B AIn the Delightful RomauceIN OLD' DUBLINLASALLE'rango·Filled Song·Comedyf'8EP'l'EMBER MORN"With nan Lewt.A�ERICAN WUSIC. BALL-- B V A TANGUAY'l'he . Cyclonic Comedienne UIdHer JlIbUee ValldevWe Oomp&D7-With NEIL KENYON-F1ID­Illest Scotcbman of AlL