�ail!JII .UJUVB;B.8Ift OF pmOAGO. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 19U.SOPH. PARTY SATURDAY em. fOR B_m".: ,"Janet Flanner and Jamet Dy�- 'CDDmATES '� •FOUR WflJUJuw FROI GIVE CONCERT TONlmf:r MAlE PREPARATIONS -. ,- COiJNCI .. £LEt1IoMs. '�' '�AnD�' EDfertauunent b• .' '"_ ..• J '," .' .Y-.' :. Womeil·&Glee Cfub to be HeldCandidates Will Pre.eat' Plat. At#�ve -Dinner iii' cafe Maroon Sleuth Solves Mysteryforma at VarioUs CIua Meet- "" .. : .... :� Surrounding Actions of ManyinCI � Kent This M� iJ'he second a:nn-Ual Women's Gll-e Prominent Studentsclub cODeert will be given tonight at .Ianet F'lnnuer and Jamelt Dyrenforth ,: ,': ·.. I� :'0#- -_ .• ,,: .......VOTE ON HONOR COURT FRIDAY 1� ill K&:udel' lidl. .M.embertJ of the ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY SIGN I will givo a duncilJg eXhibition aa one -ounOOIC IS Not, B�!'f0���fr.�1"f· ��� .. c���el],a.'" choir, the _ I of the features of the Sophomore vaud·Four eaudidates for membership ill 801018., and the Men. s Glee club, who I C' illo Bnturday. The party is elabo valiitti :B .. 1t1ll �. - April '25, lndiana at. ChiCA4[o.thc Undergraduate council have with. will aBaIist with the program, Will be r3W in plnn, commcncing at one with April 28, MiJmesotIL-&t; Chi�.drnwn from the race, Paul Des Jar' entertalned 'at a dinner ill Hutehlnson a luueheon in the Commons, the afte�· Yay 1. Iowa at Iowa City.f 6 30 Aft the:' rt th . May 2, Minnesota at 1rfjnn.�diens u.,.1 Predeziek Griffiths froUl t he ea e at : • - er e concert, ere noon being devoted to the vaudeville May .6, .ohio-State' at�'CIrl�''-:Juuiur, class, and Dunlap Clark and will· be a dance in the Reynolds club. You Can Afford I aud dnne ing ill thc dub. May 12, Northweate,rn'at Clti-.o. ... . I v May 15. nlinola 'at ,Urbana.Margaret Munroc from the F'reshman The patroneeases are: Mrs. Harey Ten Dollars for The part will feature Saint . alen, lfay 16"Wieeonsm·a.t Chi.e84[O.da.'Cs, have dropped from the running. Pnitt Judson, MillS Marion Talbot, tine's clay, with hearts as deeorations, lIay 19" Wi.ecollSiu.--.at Madfaoa..- � .Thp. remaining candidates will address Mrs. J�ea iBOwiand AnplI, Mrs. Tre- the Prom I' with typical favors. The patronesses May 23, Purdue at ·Chicaao. .�;.. Mey, 26,' Purdue ·at' Lafayette. ' ... ,thp.ir respective classes in two minute v�r A:rD�� .. Mrs.' Emmons Blaine, M�. are Mrs. Brown, Mrs. R. ,W. Davis, May 29,� DHlloi.:.at.·_Chi'-'&go,speeches this morning at 10:15. Fresh- Ernest' .'Burton, Mrs. A. C. Ba.rtlctt. Mrs. George Manierre, and Mrs •. Bol,. 'men will gather in Keut theater, M;' E. E. ChaDdl�r, Mrs. Charles Jill Salisbury. Wi�h the. eompJetiOll' of''':tJr •. � .�phomore8 will meet in Kent west. Crane, Mn. J. J. Glessner, Mrs. Eugar Startled by the discovery of' Bill Lv , Lyndon Lesh anel Ralph Davis' will enee baseball � �h �.� :and th� Juniors in Kent �t. ��,I Mi-'S. Wallace Heckman, man's special da.llcing Iessous, the jc. open the vaudevflle program with c; has issued.;.hfs<..:ofBdal\·:eau -for.ii..,.': ',The llst"of eandidates follow: '.M",� Ctnu1� :k:';�enclersoD, Mrs. -James. teet.ive detailed on "ProD) Stuff" bv ! blaek-faee stunt. The danea �y. Jane� dates, and work in the c:age�;�' ��.: -1·:�THE NOMINEES We�'�' i4�r-Mr8.· Andrew M�Lei!Jh. the AiAROON redoubled his efforts" i�1 r-ner and Jam_ �yrenf�rt�: fe; 1 tti "cJei. .... -. �'Iia��7i&.f& . ";'::'. �� ��:, Mathews; Mrs. Johll all attempt to pierce tbe mystery which ows, thc program being .�QD4!lude�! :01;: :-::,,·pr��v.' .��•. ;Z<�.0·00nDor, �.• ! Martin' A. Ryerson: h b with a number by the Sophom.orequut: . •. ,� .�.-s, ... '�' .. __ "JUJdon as een veihng' the actious of several lining· ,the .p� Work'illa""'; �Buth Allen. Mrs. Bobert Stevens, <Mrs. J�e� well known students during the pa�,' tet. .It pretie:llt· �neari.T'o-.io�me� are__ 'i;�"'''(Katherine Biggins. ��ft8,. �� Elizpth Walla.ee. . few days. His report last night re ALTBB nr.rEBI� ing- out dUl;;;" �_ . ��di�i.John Burtt.� �����:��y,.,�:�,,,,.: .. ' -. '. �.:..� . "ealed some astounding facts.. ..tIOOUllOIL �"!..i "�rk�at-l:OO-�_":'V1Dit;':�����,-:-G�frery �Ds6IJ�:" ".' �,-.' �I:, '�:'��'r��� e���, �� be � At the Chi Psi lodge, Ernie' Reich- --- ;, :; : :;:.: '.. : - �t }::30.: BM� �tjett iil-the�� ..• v.. . _' )(,_,ac_"Do_._�_)d... ,_', r'- �_.u,.� t '.' c&ed .. ��y: Str�- man ';88 uiseovered seated ast�iue ,n New Constitution ����. f� �,� 1S held oa"'Mo,ictq,':':(91�:;�:: �..�...r.- • e ... �'" ,I,. ·��1JuS'.:....WODaen"'.' .:(})-, .. ',. Kembers is AdOpted :au .... tng , ""., ! .' r .' ·�·t I.. -. ,':��� ��e��,.�:·::>� '.:� �'''':�������-�d.'.'�e..e� �ia.Do-�l,·�:Wing blaek'bnud 'to,th<-Bules �_ � Frielay, and fiel<ljng:p'raetie�',oll,�;!:"�o� *"�. '�"'1�'�" _-.. . I C!o�a.,. Of hiS:.waisteoat. '''8 the lates�,__. .,l,a.:�.&Il.d.�.�e·_'Th.�,,"."__ ·�,.• : -"':..$,tI.·.'_.·,�•. �,.".:_�.. �.'��.':·.�_��_:·�.-�_:a.-'t-,:�_���.:,:�� .... :�:.'.i!.','�,,�.�,;.'.<'4��_S��o�.': '-=-.-'� � ;��J Je;·::" ... �-:;:.;.�����_;";,"t;�b :promi!lt C�o�� ���:', �e .��l�n_�: ,�i�ng o� So�e very radical cliailg�. h8�t� ·Ul.. u�,_ �... ,r:...._ 'IopJa_Di •. ·�.:�"'.� '�� �., ,,�� :-I,-:.::l:·�E::.· '_'" !:'�" �:-�},:,!��!�.:.��!��.;����!,!.�!.: �.ade.JD�-COUIr� .�hi,��:_(tti"'··l����1iiter'§!!!it���.--�·H 'riP B��;"':' ':: .. '- . - --: �,,:·:���:ot ...� ...i1t be (-(]' -vest with ; a � Pardon�blo priM. d!: as a rcsult of the new constitutiOr l �es.·; Ohieap lDeeta indiana,' row� .Jesale "Brown: eo� -�. �� l by the W.o�en':I "Guess that isn't SODle dernier eri ill el�l'ted yest�rtlay, and, hereafte:l. Ohio' St8te� and: 'Northwestern .... ,Ernest cavin. lU� ('!lli� ahd die 'A Cappella" choir. the way of fashious eh?" At the A. tIle Council will be �omposed. exd ... ·: .nee, and will play two g� �r;a1., .Maragaret Hancock. The see�d part will· be a seeDe in a T. O. House, Erling Lunele has bcen �in'ly of Seniors, with on�·· .delept.,: . M!Dnesota, 'Wiacon�n, ill,inol�/' ��Lenus Lnndberg. college girl'. room.·.- Guitan,. :violins, practicing faithfully before a mirror from each fraternity, :md a. Junior �: ·Purilue, .who �cre -th� at�"on�t�;'�Edward Beticker. anel mandolins will fea&m'e . this act. with a 1915 Woolworth model monocle. a "visitor-alternate" who has a seat L : tenuerS last year. 'The games th� leuRuth Swan. The "Alma J4at6r'" of Northwestern, Up to last night his success has not the Council but no Yote.. 8:"e well, bun�bed, the sf?as�n" ��Pi=�Kent T.,oney. an.1 of Chicago. will close the program. been T'ery lDarkcd. "I haven't quitt� Officer" will be elceted for the el' on April !!5 'against Indiana. a��l-:;�i�:PneImum. .Men'._ � ,�b. !ot on to the thing ye�" he eonfesse.1 tire year at the e�d of every sprin� ing a. little'over a month Jater'�i��iMartha Barker. TJae ioiio';'i� men are mcmbers 01 to the sleuth, contorting his cheek to (l!tarter. An elct>tion of oft'icers t Hinols on .May· 2!). "If both Ckrc_ai�Francis Broomell. the :Yeli',.: Glee' ei"wib: kc('p the glass in p�acc .. "But I'll ge.:l scn"e until ucx't J�ne will be hel. "l-ud Illi.Di)i,,· 'show the form th�ai- '. wa;.Franklin Chandler. Robert Tihdill;: t' Harry Henwoo'l the hang of weanng It gracefully, :w(>ck after next. .lispJayed ·last year, th,: finAl �� __ ��Wendell Dixon. Smith, Charles 84)iltter,Augustu8 Sykcs, hc :Hlded grimly, "if I have to :'Ilee}!' 'rhe committee on Rushing Rules 0.' the year at Chi�ago may det"itie tluiHelen Jamieson.' George 'VeDable, Grover WhimseU, with it in my fsee." the Interfraternity Con neil made it �ba.mpion9hip.Richard KUh. Goor�� C���" �a�ld Franklin }':l�"1 ShUton 3. Victim. rl'port .y(.stc.rclay afternoon in th: Outfield. Weak at BattmJt.Frauk Moran. ( ra.y. bill, Francis. �amilton, Albert I Enrle Shilton was f�nel clown town., mt-pting of the C. t)undl. The committe. In spite of the fnd that a Jarge nu.�The electious will be heM Fricla�·. Hodge, Jam. MeCoanel, Lenus Luna lie ,,'as stancling before Holclcn"s will' h:l� met with Dcans Angell and Linn her of--veteran8 will. be � ���-�,�.�At tlie same time th'e�e wili be a ref_ t.erg, 'Uaro'ld' 'Tuthill Moore, Robert. 'clow, gazing longingly at a pair of pat-, mill the Mllcs offereel by tho Cound' pr�ets of a championship tnm clon'"erendum on the ballot, the voting O! lfiller;' Oakl;Y' Morton, John Hcntlcr-' e!lt leathers with bl�k antl white· ha\'c been Dec-epte.l by . the fDeult� I>penr espeC!h,n,.: bright� The outB;.Jciwhieh will deeide whether or not th( son,; 'Juliu�' 'K��hinka, William Colc' It"hCt"kered tops. Clutch�l in his right I They elefinc pleclge-tampering,limit til nlthough i� will proba�iy' b�·.�, :v:���Donor conrt is to be a permanent or- man, :Uri�ell'-Hall�' Lee Hay, Derwent! hnncl were eight hartl an.1 :'Ihining clol' lmtm},er of rushing dates :per week wit one, is uot ideal by any 1ft� .. WiUaganizatioD. C1888 representatives :r Whittlesey; Fn.nk· Selfrielge, William � l:trs. Shilton chinked them mccliht_ one man, an.! make somc limitation 0 one exC!eption� the meu' ue .�k' hit: .'the Honor eourt will also be . eleete1l. Roe, JC)sepli' GoI,lberg� John Grcen, • tivcly for a' few moment.", . hea\'ccl a. hi;!h �c-hool rushing. A copy. of th(Nominees for these repreeentath'e-c DClnalcl ��. :�. '. fliJ;h from the very depths of hill being, Mtlcs hR. .. been scnt to ca�h fraternit�were selected yesterday by, the OounC'i' Demo�:.� DaDciD nOll threw back his shouJclcrs in �rJ"im janel a final votc will be taken on ther.at a meeting in HaTper. Two men a!l�� . '. g resolution.. "All right, then; I won't. at the nt.'xt mcet�ng of the ConndtOv('r one hulidi-etl women aUencle.1 Itwo women are to be ehoscn from th.. eat for 1t. week," hc mutter('.I, a... h('1 A llc-hcfhtle was drawn up for the exSeDior elaaa, two men. ad one womar. �he ex��b�t�o:it '��n in' Engli"h ('oon- clltcrcd the shop. rc,.,ortll a huge boom in the Mle 0from the J'uDior elass, one maD and onll! try �-:neea" g�v.�� yesterda.y �y Mn\.. };xdtemcnt throUghout the c-nmlhl� I air tonics and face lotions anel th.. . Charles ".nea 'Brown of F.. nglantl.. I h. Da . . I r half h It f t'ctwoman from the Sophomore elMS, aud. �'.' 1" at .lever ea,... rnmg, pre�:<1Dg ; ,:l"t t at 8e,'er 0 t e u ra- as I .. .' . Wllla'the Usia\anee of MIl'S Shoemakcr, ct' f �. h Ii' 1 . h Iollie woman' from the Freshman claD..' _, a'ul men Ing 0 garmen ....." all W'("omc: I(,tl� "tu. ents are ge-tting ,,&,·et OD�('Mnt. BtoWa' demonstrat.ed "Short ,There will be no 8Olieiti�g' votes about . .. . the principal pastime. Doe Rratfi�h ; n (la�·. ·'Pretty good for me, tlaeR. . . Sleeves" and "Hnnt th� Squirrel;' tw,) iCobb. on election day, and conte8tantll' old' t'onrt' d� (Continu�l on r�e 4, I�annot loiter at the po11& All "otin� FOR W ASIIJN(,10N PROMforth WIll Dance For Vaude- . .. . _" 1· •••••ville Luncheon -- Stunts 'ana�. !»�f!.�.PJetea_' Cmt....Dance Comprise Program . =.���.:t!::.J:;IContinne.) �.. P .... , 4 •• '-Win 1'w0 Gam. � �ta U. y .....4&7 AttmIooa.Chi Psi qURtifiect fur th� fiu ••. ia .�,�Interfraternity ��ling t��r��.��yt'fttc)I'day afternoon, wiDniOC twegame3 from Delta If. The .con:'0Id PIlL'COntinu.... on .,... .. ,by proxy win be ruled out. '·JIBN·S OLD CLUB'IThe nomincc." are:Beaton. .JUDlon.Helene PoHak Irt-ne TttfbSuF.ftnne f'iMher GJ1l('e HotchkiS!'lA!titia Fyft'e .Tohn Baker Rt.'hm ............ 143 t13 lliGlCole ............ 1:17 12� Ii'lI('nc1,..,.on ........ IN 16!t 14.41White .......... 1-It 140 1"�.�{urr&y 16:; 1 :�" If:�--T<ltnl .......... 70� ;-13 ' SOt)Harrid TuthillLane RehmBoHy BennettII nrvey Hanis•Tohn Green.8oplaGlllOna. Fran('is WardHenry MeadRay Bohnen ; Df:J:ta Upsilon..I Norton .I�onard ..••.•....Kni,:ht .I Tnlman .,�:::�. o_"O_'O_o 164 . 156 J�l15& 1;43. 1�Io.� 1�1 .,1�!161 lie:- .., 1�.1127 137 .1?S;IG ;'15 1t1. 'Ruth Mftnierre Mary Mc-DonalclH�len TimooTlake Ht'len AnronJ.a��lK'.e �a�GregorCedric lIerrill.THE BAlLY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, FEBJlUABY 11. 19U •The MarO.OD BuDetin .•ISouthern club-Group picture, 10:15, No Classes Tomorrow - Xo ,"hll'i�W"New. Editor in front of Green hall.will 1IIl'l't tomorrow, u� it is LiJlI'lIlll',_AWdia BeIltor Kathematical Club-4:15, RyersollBaalDe ... aaacer hirth.I:t:v , :L Uu iverait y holilla�':ClNIlIaUo •• aaacer 37.Lecture--1:30, Cosmopolitan Club Meets-A Ililwu"'·Entered - MC:ODd-cl... m&lI &t the Haskell assembly room. Prof Dob I .l.v X t' lkf�r��d���::e:-f ��:�, I��h�&rch 11. schutz. • '. si ou will be led ,y .H'1l0Z0 . t suu rr WItOil till' "Studl'lIt as a Fae tur COlltrihut·Women's Glee Club' Annual Concert .ill;; to {'idlizatloll'" at the Cosruopo.IIIODSCIUPTION BAT£8. --8:15. Mandel. I -.. I . I8, carrier: U.50 & year; 11.00 & Ql1&rter. I tau e luh 1Ill'l'tillg at S 8atnre :l,Y III;.! I.BJ m&11: 13.00.& ,.ear: U.n & Quarter. ----+--_Edltorial-Bwne .. 'Olliee. Ell .. U. in till' dull rooms, Ellis IS.Telephon. Mldw&f 100. Aft.r 10 p m, hurdeu of most of the UlIlll·I·;.!1 uduu t e_Hfd. Park 4111. al:th·ities. J'l'r�p� this vond itio n is'after years, thc personnel of our owu \VI')]S, Dr. Burton, allll :\Ir. v. " .. White·}llSJ,;?Bow of\eD do we hear the defensive, At pr(,l"ent the tlis�nt�rs arc in tJ:.-, \'011. It'll' all right to tea.r thiJlgS down. minority. Unless tho majority :;hllw: Gives Lecture in Mandel-Dr. "'rani,, '.,in that stYle, but can that thcy are on thdr si.tl', we hopI' \\'. Gunsaulus �a\'e the thircl IIf hi. ,Criticism you suggest anything that they will not IIt"prh'c Us of th� 11'('fUf('S all ··Per�nal Aspet·t� of tll ...better?" This, iD a way. l·laS-<J record that we will enjoy. I, Christian Religion" ill :\Ianeld hall I:l:; .. '.'. .. student attitude towazds thy will take a squarc \'iew of the llreI' illght. lIis subject wa.'4 ··Pl'rsoll:11 ComQp14es thecti . . h . I I' I .1�ticlsm. .We i.DSiSt on a constrU. ve osItion t t�y won't let symvat Iy � W lU' I mUllion with Gou."program. Yet why should � be so? ----- - -- - --The musical critic is neither a.ble nor Activities And News OT'--.e'q)eCted to sing the passages WhOS�. oantsica1lY scored,�endit1on he JJtas soc:ritic,the statements of the cl,ra.IIl&11c .·.. abjJity would not passwhose histrioDlC and ap­With a tank show, are eagedyli_.ary crit-preciatlvely read; �U. it is anlea' who cannot write 1I0tt0 ,that a noted Jaw profes·actual facteadfDg is ansor, whose test bOok on pItlLOrity lOSt his onlY ca.8(oeccepted au: ,:oestmcbecaUse of a ct8tective plea- -good manY othertive ,criUciSDl, like a .Vie �thiDP is J1eaI.tb¥ •.unpleasant retonn£pet JC]1emes-80JDehave ourt)Ir01IIb, some book� are going to putsome lDveutionwe are goIDg to write,hlet�t -SODletbiJ1g W· we expect to pa; Ive the public.we shall ueate azul giwell wUl"''''-t time COlD" hoW .When .... gail'.'we be a.ble to � the .Daily....... ...._ Ne.epaper :.t u.. " ......._ ., CbIeqo.PabllalMd morDin... ez�.Pt 8UDd&� _dKoa4Q. 4ar1Jl&' lbe· Autumn. Winter &Dd.prID. Claart..... b,. Th. D&11,. MarooD.t&«.b ". Colllacila.U. So Gorp.B. P •• ulW." LJ'--M.rOOD Preas. U11 Cotta •• Grove Avenue<ebitorialLast. quarter :'the l4azoon sta.rted aaeli'-5 of artJ.cles on Men Who Were""1'he Bigg� Men"when at the Univer_sity. The. articles will'be continued. this quar_tar. /J.s no 1ln.a.l decis¥>n has been mad"in regard to the men who will be dis­��d., 'suggestions of allY. men to beinciUd� 'Will be welcomed.Simpllcissimua asks, WhY the college�?: In turD, .we ask, why the "ru-e . , :. as . �ommy . ·'m11SicaJ."�, comedy, rag_time, andIndeed? ·Elinor G].yD? In other· words, why are all thE.to� tbings thtre are in the world. We�1It- that we don't know.ColIIIDumcation.�-To the Editor: of1 .' the �rnroonThere appcar('( In •.. tion :oettingI t Frillay a ('ommUlllca.as . Iy onc sade-r rth clearly anel intcr�tang .,o tion elf �('n·f th h Ji:wul'J-wll que�o e mue . .• anll Huwn.lor aetivitv lists in the Cap1•. 1 'an("e� th,. on "This eommnnj('atlOn al \. w..... el to the. h'ch tlw!lC 01'1'°· "-one POlllt w Ia ]'.an("(�d-I· t hn \'0 e·publicatlon of HI!4. II ,. llal" .. houl,1 h<'the adivities of Ine \ II l. � .. .. ... t we will not hurt th"wltlleld !'IO UJah ·ho Ita\'(' II one 1I0th-ft.'clings of t o�e "ing to warrant their pln.cing any a("th.iti� be... ille their pictures.t the funelnmental�A mere glance a• 1d ha,·e revNlle,l :.of the q1lC8tion wOU.• tJw wrif.(>r '\\'hu'h.,.rent many thlllgs to e.a1• hut� out entuf'lv.tbc 8entiment "ICW I' . •h· C P an(l GownIn the fim plaC!e, t IS ad _I!J the tM'P ('o!WUtion atl"'�or reT'c= •bear theChicqo that a few stodents .. �. the way. iK probubly not sou�ht L� I�Iur�' .Joncl'), upset thc VuV uIIII liuw .us :t. record which it IIIO:.4t certuruly ithroughout. Thouius E. Coleuuru,----+------. ----------, ---�..�t============.%::..====-,--==TODAYChapel-Senior colleges and the Col..lege of COlIUDerce awl Adm1D1stration, - ._----_.- - - -Enough "Bull" Dur­ham is sold in a yearto roll approximately32.000,000 ciga­�everyday.Brief Ccua_pus News10:15. MandeL. College ot EduUltion.10:15. Emmons Blaine hall. -_---- - -----..----University Public "Bull" Dur­ham is distin­guished from aUother tobaccos bya wonderful,sweet,mellow jlaoor and/'tlfrall«. irresistibly attractive andsatisfying, No other tobacco prod­uct C:Jn have this "Bull" Durhamflavor and fragrance. They are produced by 3generations-old process known only to the manu­facturers of "Bull" Durham.Every_ visitor who approaches Durham, N. C.,where "Bull" Durham is manufactured. is impressedwith this delightful, distinctive fragrance that envelopesthe whole City. There is nothing else like it in the ..whole world.GENUINE"BULL DURHAMSMOKING TOBACCO(Enoa,A For Iorty Aand-mad. cfpreffa in each 5 -cent sack)Foster Hall to Hold Auction-A I'UI�wrong, buj, are WI.} bravely e·hall).!ill� li« ruu-t.iou sale will.l)l' hl'lll .Fritluy mthe t:oullitioll!l by withhoillill;.! t Itl'!ll .: iu Foster :I:!. All women uf tilt, ellifrom the gnze of tho�e coucer.u-d? vers it v huv i.! heeu iuv it e.I to CIJllll' au'Should a merely symputhet ie fevJi II!! hrill�' :LII�·thill� that thl'�' wish to s,,11.for :\Iary J()II('s, Columbus, Ohio C:WSf'• • Ius sneuki ngly to drnw a eurtu iu u\'I'I". Pcr.tpone Closing Lists-- Thl' ,·Iosi.t;.:couJitions that should hu v e the Ll·,.;t of the charter membership list of t l.,kind of an airing? I Urriversd ty orchestru has bl'l'n llClsLBut even that is not the mosr I'ral' pl)lIet! for another week. Aff.erth-al view point .. 'Vhy, when we ure weok an initiation fee will Itl• dUlr�l"1.��llior!J, should we look upon these nc , II Botany Club Meets-. D r. t:l':Jr�l' 1>.t i v it.ies as honors placed L('siel(, our"nir of Xew Y (Irk will sl'l,:tk.Fufler, assistnut iu Ecology, lllltln.·SSI·";pietures in oreler to hold us on :t (l1',l_ thl� Rotall�· l'lulJ �·l'stcrtl:ly aftt'rllooue�tal? These lists arc a cOJII1�IISCtl fun rHis �1Il.ijl'ct was the '·llltl·rnlltiol::IJ�·l':\.r's rl'cortl of the c1W:!s, Itrought to' l'hytogl'ogrnl'hic EXl"ur:sioll - St·l'tiollgether ill thirty,fh'c V"gl'S of lillI' sin, Enough "Bull" Durham is sold in a year to makeapproximately 12 BILLION cigarettes-as many as allbrands of ready-made cigarettes in this country com·bind - and the sales are steadily growing. Proof thatmillions of smokers prefer the cigarettes they roll forthemselves from "Bull" Durham, to any ready-madekind.I J, L"tah to Washington."gle volume, nnll are as mlll·h a purt ofthe recorll whil'h tlw Cup :lIIel Gown IGive Dinner Friday-"The Ih'l:ltiolis, as an�' vart of thlb LOllk. Hllllul,I:I Ilf the· C .. ll('g� Stuelt.'lIt uf Alllt'ril·u t.;MYlllpathetic feeling for ::\lary .Ioll�s the C.,UI'ge Studcnt of thl' Oril'n,�'rob the dasli of HI14 of t.he one fhill!; \\!II he di�,·us:.4ell at a Iliulll'r gin'n FI iOil paper tha.t We will \':Ilul' most in I.l:ty at ti in lIutt·hiuson ,·aJc. })1':11 Get a sack of .. Bull" todayand "roll your own" for com­ple�e, healthful enjoyment andlastmg &alb/adion."'rntenitJ' .lewell'J'Leatlaer Good.CoDec. N onlUe. Emboned StationeryWeddlDg IDYltatlo ••CalUac Card •Student Organizations------ BROCHONDRAMATIC CLUB. unrrowcr. (e\'en though moro l411l'I·i::l'i�l'''). work of the hie club.'rherc is somethin:: elt4C that mi!!i..The Dramtic club is one of the stu- be lSaill for MMquers-namely. tha!dent or�anizations which is estahli�hc,l !i(,m� Ilay. the)" might ser\'e for th ..firmly. antI ha..� ju�tifie(l its cxistcn('f) women 8!l Blackf'roars lloes .for menablUIIlantly. The problem facinar the But tl'i� will ha.rllly 110; shouM Blae·k·It;b, therefore. is how best it ma:v elo fd:lr� a.ttempt to ��e really seriu;.th., work it has t., el0. that work ha\'- ,,"orI.s, their whole !!rip wouM be I!ont�.ing heen pro\'cll worth while. The kev-not� of Blaekfriar� is �el'nTh funelamental ficJ.1 of the Ura- when the <:ro\\"(1 laul!h� at the awkwarllmatil' club is abyious. It exists to llro- dfc,rt� of a male cllOrus-girI to flirtviele a .,la('c for tllose students who nrc with a fraternity brother. Now, aitatereste.l in the (lrama.. This it can woman playing a' man's part il4 notdo in many ways. It can afTorel all Ort· ncarly �o funny; women arc too (!rn('eportlln!ty for stully of plays 3.." liternn: ful. Bt'sieles, for Ma.<tquers to attcmpipr()Clll('f .. �. anel afford a ('hanee fur stu' �ny �uch (Ic\'t"lopment woultl mean an.I('nt Jlln�·ri�hts to ha\'e their worl� inirill:!cment upon the W. A. A. '\'aullo(�riti('i�ell anel perha)ls llerformeel; it \ iHf'--elup1i('n.t.ion of effort.aft'orels a ehan('e for stnelents to learll lIcnce. if the "ramatie's here want.tho ad-ual mOllu:; ol)('ranlli of �taeiJ1J! :', h ... :.t('r orJ,.rani7.a,tion. the hiJ! ('lullplays; anel in a li.mite.l wny, it (!ives a 'llUst take the lead. It I'houlel ol.en nl·('han('eo to proelu('c pla'\'� whiC'h are goo,l �nel perh:lJls :1llopt some �u('h 14('he"'<'l,ut whi(·h. for commen-inl reasons. ""ill :u ('('T.t as assOC'iate memhc11', ,"ith les� �('lcrhone Hyde Park 18.not he shown hy any of thc mt'trolluH- ri'toroll!4 tryouts. any moro than nowt:an ('ompanies. For instnn('c. if the .·{lmo in. and allow thol'e intereste-I itlpuhlic ta.'4t� werc what it wn.." fifty the II",ma as an intellcctpnl art. :1years a�o. ··Dn.m�c,l G00l1s" WOillel .. hanee to ('orne. Then sJ)("l�iali7.e fr?,;n�v('r have �eell the f'ootliJ,!'hts. e,,("c'pt thil' Inas". StaJ,!'o many plnyet.'4, Within some sueh way as a Dr:una.:j(' <:Iull T nrt.'4 takt"n hy a.8S()('iatt'.",. elcctinsr !'�pro<1l1rt10n. full memhers tho� who show roo.l a1,,'-This. then. is Mme inlli('ation of the ity. Jo:ne'ournJ:e tho writers in thc ('lullfield oeeupied by the club. At. onl�e. to proeln.('e playle1.s rOT thi8 pUTTlose:it becomes nllparent that. the 1 (�sent nnll thoso who "0 JY'00l1 '\\"ork shoultldub is .. omewhat nnrrow in its :1.C'th'i (,()II1(' in ns memhers. Th·� memher ...ties. either th:-ough c-hoi('e or ne,·('s�it". thf'n l'ouM (10 two thin�; 3..�'4i!¢ the :I�.The pro,ll1ction enel-the a('tor-i8 th(' !,(I('in� who· nrc makin� ROOf).· anllchief int('rest of the clull. Th('re i'l fOTm thf'm8eh'('s.llo reall�· �erio\1l4 work.hut little timf' anlt attf"TItion elt.\'otC',1 shlll\'in:;: J,!'o()ll vla..Yl4. writin(! as l!(loIIto th(· stull�' of pla�'s; al141 the lIla\' _ I'lay� a� the�· ('an, nnll pr()Cluci�g whnt,rif!ht has lit.tle (·.han('(' to hrf':1k i,,·tll I"'('r of hoth th('y may 1··lIrther. tlU'vt1t� (·lu". eX('('pt via '·the honrlls:' I·(,"M llro\'illo I ('('tltre :lnel l'Itlllh'Thi!>l "('('11. in a mcn..�lIr('. Il'I �uJlJlli('"l l·mlrl4('!4, ,,"orkin2 with the (n ('.nlt ,'. orh�' other (·lnhl'l. :\Ial'(1l1('rs �t:trt('<1 (Iff il!II(·f'l'llCll'llth·. if the flwult:\" 1ll('mhC'rl'la� nn orgnnizaUon to fill thiM necil for pl'O\''' unahl(' to (lo\'ot(' the timo,:"re�hmen. Thf' lIlf'mh('rl'l \\'('r(, r.'I"I" Rl .. ·h nn organization wouM re(1l�'r\'tnllt to qllit. wh('n they h('('ame SOl)h(l' If'nclcrl( who ('oultl 11e\'ot" a lot of tlmt' \II1nr('�. :\ral'lquf'rl'l hall a �oocl iell":l: �o t.o the '\\ork. anll who p01"��",�1 mort":th ... orJ,!Rni7.ation (!r('w. It" orig;innl t1l:". rlil-lual ahility. Rut if it ('0\1(11:fum·tinr,. nhnnllonf'fl. Was taken UP h\· )I .. "Pllt o'\'('r." it would he a g;r('at in n('w }"reshman nramntic ('lnll. .:tf·hil�,·ftment (or Chi('nJ:o student.... 1t I"·h�· !4hOll1el thes(' l'If'lltlrnt(' ore:mi, \;'N,lel nfl'orel nn OJl'JlOltl1l1it.y (or st\lll.-nt�7nt.iOnR ('xil'lt? It il' (,(,ft.:lin that inlle' irtf'r('1o;t,.('(1 in e1rnmati('s. eithC'r a.."' writ·,!",('n'lent1�·, they ha\'e not th� fi('l.1 t'rl'l or n('t01'1", an alm�t unique (·hRI,..I'('r{!if'� nnll r�OUT('el'l ('omhinf'll, Rllt (>(Ir_ to �tllely the 11rama from aU sill�. a TIllrf'(·tl�' enoll(!h :\fasq\ler� nre r('h1('tan •. '0 (!f't, rf'."\l1�· ,,·ort.hwhile traininS!. h(',to �() into tho lli(!(.tC'r orJl3ni:>:atioTl. fnrl' T,hlJl�inl! into a('tual work. PI'r' 1321 East 57th Street.Tht'�· WOII'" ht' l'Iw:allow('ll liP, nnll tll('ir hal'� it il4 a willi (IrNtm. nt'ter all; hut. \��� Lro�l Wea cut down to fit the it il'l nut an imp�iWe on& • ���������������������������������ENGRAVING COMPANYH. G. TURNER 111 .aIIen B"'dlD�PresidentT.le.llo.. a..dol,1a Iia------������������--�������������--------Flowers for the PromCHCICE CORSAGES OF OBCBIDS,VIOLE'r8, AIm LILIB8NO � COft FOB BU'l'TEB-FLY SWEETOF 'nIB. VALLEY.SBTBJ.J)S AND TIBS.Flowers andPlace your Order Early. Choice Assortment of CutBaskets Always on HandPALIIB BB1ftBD FOB ALL. OCCASIONS.A. MeAdarna w. J. Lagrotta1303 1:. 53rd Street.-.�- - .. - .. -- ..VVanted At OnceEac .... d tile Uanni, t. cc.e ·i. I.d iansli.lle GarSpecial Ollerto CoIIeae Men.HERZKA BROTHERS:-: Tailors :-:1545 East53n1 StreetTelephone IL P. 1037. Open Bven1Dp aDd Sunday 1I0mlDg.-.�-- .. - -- -.-.- -- -- ----��������---------------------JOSEPH SCHWEITZERThe University Pharmaei.t for over Ten Years.In his new up-to-date StoreAcross the str .. t from old location.DEUTSCHER APOTHEKERTel. H. P. 331•I"JINX VAUJ)BVJI.LB-'------------�, WILL BE GlVBN BYBBlUOBas Kn-s: �'.aUDA�HOSSLER CO:19 .J:\ckson Blvd., East(Between State and Wabash)Today and All WeekFINAL CLEARANCESALEIt is our defined policy "nat 10carry goods from one stas_on /0ano/ner"-hence, our Fin a IClearanee-a complete sacri­fice of the entire present stock.ANY SUIT $15or OverCO:lt to $30 Value� si. to t}1 V!�e $ 20We have included at the $20price our very highest qualitysuits and overcoats (to $40 val­ues) and Gabardine AutoCoats and ulsters that will addunusual interest to this sale.MOSSLER CO.19 Jaduon Blvd.-EastBetween State ud W .....I. J•. GUkey' DiscwIses "FD.eDdship"That tho college maD - ahoul4 Dot lethis fraternity be the $umf�Ce ofhis Intimate acquaintance, was thestntc.iIC!lt of the Rev, Mr. C. W. Gilkey.Journal 01 GeololJ' lBBaed.. '[be "Jinx Va.udeville" will be givenby the Sewortl at 4:00 �'riday iu th"ll"ynoldtl club' theater. One of G. b.IShuw's lu� playas, "The Dark. Lady 01 ------1CLASSlnED!ADVERTISEIU14T�';c per line. � 0 au" ertisewents re­eeived for less than 2Sc. All claIaUledadvertisements must be paid in ad·Sonnetl:l," with au all-tltar cut will be vance.performed for the firat time on ally ANYONE planning to travel ill Eu­AUlerican stage, Professurs Stanley r01'e uext summer can save eousid­Maxwell and Harry Coner, both skillell eruble money hy going with a 1'crl:lOD­in tho art of legeruoWaln, will mystify ally e ouduutd party. Commuuleute withthe audience with a few bn6ling feab. X. Y., 1:$, lJaroon office.Mlle. Cornelia. Beall, the noted diva,...... 1 WANTED-;; bright, energetic youngassisted by M. }o'ra.nk Wobster ..,_umen wanted it.r profitable summerM. Bliss Halling, will sing severalwork, Guurauteed salary or eounuis;�ougl:l. Mlle. Helene Pollak, with Chev-siou, Cul on G. C. Burton, room 3:W,ulier 110\\'e11 Murray, will be feat-Del Prado hotel.ured in a special dancing act.son, who were the nueleus of the WestSide Y. M. C. A. ehampions, are play.ing with the bankers. Coach Pagewill probably start his regular lineup;but will play e'·ery man on the squa.iBBOWNSOM CLUB WlLL A TRIP ABROAD for cougeuial peopleunder ideal University T�a.vel guid-PBESB!rI' "1'BISOlLLA." IN uuee and at minimum cos�. Three placesBBYNOLD8 OLUB �DAY are still open, For particulars addreseCarol Dorothy Kuhns,lJembera of the Brownson club will Chicago Rcpretlentativo,present "Priscilla," a two-act playlet Phone Drexel 161. 014.07 Berkley uve.loy Lynne Sullh'an and Mabel. O'Cou-nor, in the Beynolds club theater today at 4. The play deals with the au­ventures of a· correspnodence school_1>rofetJ80r who falls in 10'"e with one TO RENT-Well furuished, pleasantof his mail order pupils. .As specials,R()t)O QUinn will give a '\"ioliJ1 .010, Ef_fie Hewitt, '13, a monologue, anu reasonuble. Young man also desiresroommate. 5427 Ingleside ave., 3ru apt.Phyllis Fay a vocal selection.Midway 6174.LOST_"English Poetry ": by Manly, inWILL BE PLAYED AT 'i Ellis 8, Thursday. Finder please re-turn to Information Office.and JIed1ca Pla.7 Cartatnavenue and receive reward.BepJNB Meet Firat Ma-UODal BalIk -ream.In order to avoid, as far 8,.'J possible,no conflict between the Varsity basket­bull game with the Firat Nationalat some time.Will Speak ill JlukeD. FOR SALF--Remington typewriter No.2. Price $15.00. Inquire at 1222 E.6J st St. 2nu }'la.t.front room, in new mod. building;WAN'rED-.Frcshman with some ex-perience in camping or now engagedwith work as assistant in Wisconsincamp, July and Augus�. Address W. M.Kiplinger, Morgan Park, Ill.Bnnk telUll, and the Women's Glee clubconcert, Coach Page has advanced the BOARD-In small private family. Ex.rime of starting the preliminary from cellent home cooking. Limited number1:3(1 to 7. The Freshman Varsity wit ut table. AddreM 6134 Woodlawn ave­meet the Medica at this time. No ad- aue, 3rd apartm�nt, telephone Hydomission will be eharged and the Var, Park 637.�ity game win begin at 7:30. IIBB. FLORA lIIIacIVOB SMITH-1;h�. Firat National � is one 01 Voice builder and teacher of artistict.he· strongest of the local fives, and io; singing, Mondays and Thursdays ateomposed of former star Y. M. C. A. Mrs. Knights, 5652 Maryland Avenue.:pIRyerS. Green, Pritchard, and John Wednesdays and Saturdays at home,6356 lIaryland A venue. For informa­tion address 6356 Maryland AvenuePhone. Midway 4390.hition for two weeks. FOR SALB-Standard Smith-PremierTypewriter in exce�lent eondition, atvery reasonable terma. A great bargain"crsity bas contributed t.wo articles tothe "Journnl of Geology," which wa.'"rmhlishc,1 ye�tcrday. Other disc:ussionson geologicnl subjects include "Th"Volcanoes nnti Hocks of Pantcllcria,"Professor S. W. Williston of the Uni- �turing on various subject", �o�ern· Club Elects Chairman.ing Bible work. Tomorrow he will .Juliette Arne. .. \\"1\S elected gt'ner;tlpeak on the "Breaking of the Can- c-hairman of the };xecuti\"c committeeons." of th" 1JOll�holcl Art anti Home .; .. on-Street, Dinner and Dress Waist- Freshmen'coats to $8 value, $2.65 �Odd Trousers In Eng lis hstripes $3.50All (Veiling Dress Clolhu; 'rux­edos and Dinnner Suits; After­noon Frocks; Dress Overcoats(srring and medium weights);andal staple lines are offered at 25%off regular prius. Many newEnglish Spring Models.for anyone desiring a typewriter foryesterday· in hi:f talk to the F'roshmeu Professor '"on Dobeehutz of the Uni- rrofessional use. H. B.Lemon, Ror.m 6,men on "}'riend:lhip." ..Mr. Gilkey sail' "ersity of Halle, Ieetnred Yf'8terc1ay 01 Ryerson Lab. or 1220 E. 54th St.that no matter how popular a man may the "llaking of the Canon" in Ha. .. kellbecome, if ho has not. made intimate R:.�emhly room. For the last few- FOB 8ALB-A new No.5 Oliver Typefriends, his college career is Dot a months he haa been engaged in giving writter in perfeet condition. Must sellsucCOGS. lIe also declared that men a c-ourse on the Bible at Ha"'ard Hni therefore price reasonable. Write, 0s\)ldorn make intimate friends after \"(·.,.ity. He lias aJl!IO gh'en sen'ral ot call after 7:00 P. M. E. H. Brunemei'erleal"jug college. the LOwell lectures in Boston. At Jlre�· 53 Middle Divinity HaILeDt he is engaged in a tour of the prinecipal Unh'ensitiee of the United StateM,fly Henry :-:. W:I:->Ilington, and "Mechan- A nnmber of Jette"' written hy Wa!'h' lelia Wooflgritlge, SOcial; Jo:Ji7.nhcthi(,!t of }·urmnt.ion of Arcuato Moun- in�tAln anet Lincoln will be pla(,CcI on Sp�IlC'('r, finnn('c; lfargar('t Ang'lIl'm.taill�," hy Willilalll ][ Hobbs. exhihition in the ('orriclor hetween Har. m(,Dlh('r�hi)l; :till I 1.01·enn I.u('hr, I'ul,·--- per aM tile Law builtling tomorrow-. liC'it�". The ('lull will mc('t Ollt't' ea"1!Gym Tcam to Have Picture Taken. Th� lette"' are p� of the Butler_ month.Thf' ofTicial gyllln��tjc picture will be / °JnMulas eoDeetioa wllieh -.nu. tictaken tomorrow at 2 in Ba.rtlett. The natetl to the Univenity Jib--- two.. _" "The EIl'Dlentary 8(·hool Tt':14·ht�r")·ear8 ago. A few manu�ripb from offers three artic�le:4 of intcf('�t in tht'tho Dun-ett �ot1C(!tion ha'·e been &ll· Fehrunry .numhcr publi�hetl yc�tertlay.etect. The letters will be left on exhi· They arc "Retarflation, Ac-ccleration�and Cla&� Standing," hy V. A. C. lien,Student Issues Challenge._0\. University mnn challenges an�'student. in this institution to a gameof c11c<�KCJ'�. Fur further information,apply at the Maroon office.. omic club. The sub·chairmen arc WiI-Fcbruary Number Out.Profe890r ForesU R. Moulton will mon; "Current :":chlC'ationa.1 UtRrn.turt'''� at the Mathematical ('loh hy .r('nc War1'('n, anll "A Stutly of Re,mooting today at 4:15 in Rye1'ftOII 37. tar(1ation nn,l Cla... s St3n,ling on thf'lie will talk on "The IA«rangian So- na!'il' of Home Language rN'II hy PlI·Jutio .. Qf lit. Probl ... f �. Bocliea." � .....following men havo been a.�kctl to re_port to Captnin Weakley: Parkinson,Robcrt.�,· Sqllnir, Smith, Davis Curtis,and Collins. The Secret of Good Battingis similar to the secret of good business-it happensto some and just misses the others. .If there ever was a commercial home run it· sF atirna, the T urkish-hlend cigarette. The expertwho conceived this blend was some batter I Fatimawas first lined out in the college towns-the studentbody quickly' proclaimed them winners. TodayFatima is the I:iggest selling cigarette in this country •.The secret is-pure, good, choice tobacco-noexpense in the package-quality all in the smoke-'·T wenty." .lJnc��CIclTI .\ 2(Hor 15 ¢ � _1IlDD�"-D-IS-' t-in-c-t-iv-el-�-l-n-d-fu-id-"-a-l-"-- aGARE.�.. _-_._-_._----_ _._-ST. LOUISBest Reached by Through and Fast Trains of theILLINOIS CENTRAL·All Steel Davlight SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.; arrives St. Louis (via MerchantsBridge6:02 p. m. Indestructicble steel cars of handsome interior Ii ishEvery comfort and convenience will be found an this train.Diamond SpecialLeave Chicago 10: 30 iJ. m.; arrive St. Louis 7:48 a. m. Electric­lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago. 'Stop. Made iD Both DbectioD. at South Side TlarouchStatioD., 43rd,. 53rd aDd 63rd StreetsObservation Parlor Cars. Cafe Club Cars. SleepingCars. Free Reclining Chair Cars and Coaches.Ticketa,. Fare. aDd SJeepiDC Car ReaerYatioD. atCl'IYTICKET OFFICE 76 West Adams Slk. J. CARMICHAEL. D. P. A. Phones: Cent. 62io-Auto 6of.472�-------- .. --- .. - .. --�.---._----_ __ .- _ 'Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at Stth Street.N�ar 50th Street Subway Station and53rd Street Elevatecl"Broadway" can from GrandCentral Depot.Seventh A venue' Cars from PennSJJ·vania StadOD."'EI'T tn' A COI.I./mB JIAN111M nQt'A "TE".� ron COI.I.BGB J, BV:-\I'IWIA I. It .. , TBN f-'(W rOI.l.BO. TIUlIlfTc n Minctcs' \Va:k to Thirty TheatresHARRY P. STTMSO�. MANAGERnr.' PQU."(TF.n� Ft·R (,RlCAnOSUBSCRIBB FOI: THE 1l.\lI.Y ll.-\ROO�.��... ----�--------------------------------------------� �fi:B Dft1DLF&A.�OOUNOIL YJUm3BDA"i I�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�'!!""'!G�ICK.Groat '·MUatea.J. -Success Of the SeasonTHBPLBA8UBB SBIJKEBS,�\� ... :�Now tn Our NEW HOMB. N. E Comer State and .Jackson.U You're Foresighted You'D BnyClotb�for Next Season at $15FOR instance, there's the 'irresls­. tible clearance of $22.50 and $30suits and overcoats at $15---an oppor-'turiity to buy fine clothing' at halfprice. ··Sur·ely you're foresightedenough to realize th.at such SISan oppor�unlty will notoccur again. .Other Clear antes 01 Clothing$32.50 and $35.00 $18.00 and $22.00suits and over- suits andcoats, priced' at coats,$20. over­priced at$12.50 (Cnllti�ued fro� .page 4.)I change of l·'rellhmen and Upper-class-men at Iuneheous, Wednesday has bees,: chosen w. the day, �d. maiter. bveI bf:'l'Il 8l'ranged 80 tha:t _h 'f�t)'I \\ ill oxehange w�t� .e�elj .�th�r� ��e. ·�e.,fore the end of the college year. Thtsl'betlule starts tOday.' .. utfil'l'rti will be el�t� at the nextmeeting, In �peaking. of ,the work at'the' Council, Preaiden�, S'te�'�ntl . said;I "The (.'ouucil baa fi�'y pulled itseh .together, aud is in a condition to ut,1kIIUC vnluable work, Ita �� purpow.i� to �l't ns a sort of me�iu.to.r ��eel,the f:lI'ulty and the fr�rnities, &llli.\',. h('li,." ,. that it il:l noW in � positiollto do this,' " .---+.---.MAKE PREPABA.".rlQ�8FOB, WABHIHO'l'ON PR(JA!Coutinued frOID I.age 1.)•. :.,:.·s,'· llr. Bratfiah c:onf�ded � t::Kl('ut�. "They wont insult 1Il�, if the,hu ve a Prow ouee a week..'All told, one hundred Mnd forty huv�ign�d up for the Prom. The commit� .. e- hopes to swell tWII number � t�\'lI hundred before the eveniDg ·of thl,Ianee. All payments should .be mad,'to Howell Murray, box 223, faculty e::lchange.Finest$40 and $45Suits and"OvercOats$29',50 Will Gl�e v�� PuUea.Beecher and Green halls will holuValentine parties on Saturtlay nightfor. House members.ONLY 9 DAYS BBPOBB'rHB.PBOM\. M. Shin.dermarlTAILORS &. CLEANERS'If you want your clothes Pressed and to stay Pressed calJup Midway 6958.. We Call for and Deliver PromptlyOrder your. SPRING SUIT Early and have it ready for EarlySpriq Days. 25 per cent discount on ail orders talcen now.1114 E. 55th Street�HICAGQ.Training Timemeans denying yourself many pleasant things. It nnerbars out Coca-Cola. The leading athletes and ball­players in the country endorse it. In training quanersor on the field they drink it for tbe refreshment andbeDefit tbey baTe found it contains.Delicious - ft.elreshingThirat - QuenchingTHE COCA-COLA CO�AdaaIa, Ca. WKann,"woe •• ArrowllllM of Coca-Coll".,- 8UB8CJUBE FOR '1'HE DAILY MAROON £ §!ilUI 91�FLO_OS .. JI'ria .c, 'FI.·W,.I- ,Sh.o,., �'���'���'"1" 0 R T. B·:E:··: ,P·.O·H,Phoue .u,de ,Nt' SO�1ST1 BUt 66tI&' 'atnet.�ALL FOR. BA SER A I.!.CANDmAfi:8 18 om,(Continued from poge 1.) .ters, and batting is supposed to be ,prime rel)uisite for a fast outfield. La­vear the infielders did practically n.the stick work. The loss of Catron :ufo �Scofield at short and second IS :heavy one, and at present there are I .....apparently capable substitutes. Bohnen and Leonard, both veterans, hanhad little experience at these positions, It seems that" as last Y(':}IBaumgartner will be the only e lft-.,tin' pitcher, anll au arc'ill"lIt to hillwould disrupt the t e nm,Jllinois has planned an ('xtensin�lJutherll trip during the spring holi­dnys, anel will be having daily gamebefore the majority of Conferenr·teams have become �seel to thei!lpikf.'1'. If Chleago if' to prove a serions eontender for the Conft'!rt"nc·ehampionship, it will be through thoin.lh·iclual efforts of CoaC"h Page. HiktlOwlp;'Jge of the insicle game ancl thpr-rsonnl inspiration whic-h he exerC"i,..."m= .. r tho men huet Yf'ar were the .lei-i,'ing- Cac'tors in tho winning of the eham'Ii(ln�hip, and above all,. the 110uM,­"iroT'Y o"er lllinoi&Ten "cr' Ken Are Bt.ck. Woodlawn T-ru.t& "SaViDp·)BaDk120& Bo' 634 �, cwe.co '"� PAoUt.ft a"rHB ft*UD.,.of tile� 01'. qBICWJOWJLL PDIJ). Dr'rBIB BAlIE'� ,....FA�OP��'1'OWB�� ..SAVDf'oa A�Vltft�ClIBClWfG A�� .ArcWe!�.��RESOuBOBa -.000, oOci..... _ . � . .,..... <r ••• 7" 9• •11IE "OlD. or AMERICAN IDEALS .:HOTEL PONHATAN'''AaltI!'fCTOH. D,C.I T!.o vC'f�m.n� who will hf' out. (0I Ull,jr oM pOl'itionl' nrf' c�ptain lla,nr·'':It(.hC'r; Rnuml:art .. nr. pltrhrr: �orI !!tC'll. fiN" hase: n .. s .Tarllif'tl, thir·haQ('; l�t"Ona.rfl, infi('lc1f'r: nnll Gray. Vhonati, Rtnin!'. Hn.T'$trr, :\Ircl Roh",,·.lint LocRt" Ret.I.i .. ,wMlai ... �i ontfjpl(ls- O( the nM\"! m('n, lIarpC" .... ana Abliolute17 �! �'n.l PieT'f"f', ratrho1'1": C1Nlry� Kixmil �d •. , .: '. ;.,) �_ " J:V!tC .... �..... ','t I .. " nnd Cummins, pitA'hr1'1"; CA,'rn •. I Il00 .. , c1ot:chacl ,..�" . .; ('('�npn Wi1IaT'fl, MonU(ln, Gcor�, Car aoo.., prlva.te ba� � ...!N"- 1J�ni!', Yatthrw!', Rrynn. nn' .rit.ftrs.vm::r��:-:. �.... i�;pat;rirk, infieMs: nnll Shun, Wit Clfford' Me .........."('n, and Knh·jn!4ky in the 01ltfif'1.1 ap �tA.AOE1l. ,,_j , ... or the best. ·---ii1"-�·r·r •... ./II� •.•• COlO'S 61AlfDWith BrUce McB.ae"Delightful Comed7-GreatFIUL"-Am,. Leslie in HewaILLINOISCHRisTIE M.t.:OONALDINSWEETHEAR'l'SHo""ard'S TheatreA Blow at Oommercialized VIce'It Baa A wakened Chicap.'l'HE TRAlTlOp.<>VVERSF�.N·I'E WARD'In the ,Laugliiug ·SucCesS·of Seven. OOUlltriM. -MADAM' PBEiiiD� ". .Jack Lait'. New PIa,.BBLPW� ._:. !A Clean ComeQ Drama WttlaHem7 KolkerS�UDEBAKE_.:.@;� �� RABDDrCJIn Sir Arhtur Ooll&ll DQl ...'l'JuiUiDg New P1q'rBB 8PBOKLBD BAlmi "iI-1-pIN.E· ARTS"MEA8uB.BFOB MEASUBB'"=:q=qp ... nces�. MOat POwerful, ��.l'U�Y�THE LURBO�VIMPIC.... � - ..� Favorite IrIIh Actor· ...E I 8 It B 0' B A. AIII tile Deli&hU'1ll Bomuce� 9LD D1JBI.IR·LA.SALLE'rango·Ftllecl Sou,-OomedJ'"8EP'rEJIBBR 1100"With Dave LewlaI; 1----------------------------.: !� l\JlERICAN 1117810, �� �L'. \ BVA 'rAlfGUAY'1'he • c,.eJonlc· Comedleue UIIlBer .J'abilee Vaadeville �-Wlua XBIL ltBRYOM'-Piia-, 1lI_ Scotchman of All.