(\iI ."I,. iIIII ,\'1I .:.latly illurnnnVoL XII. No. 83. PRICE FIVE 0ENfttJ1UVEB8r1'Y OP 0BI0AGO. TlJESDAY, FEBBUABY 10,1914.The following women are membersof the club: Edith Abernethey, RuthRULES LEFT UNTOUCHED I ADD NEW NUMBERS TOCLEE CLUB'S PROGRAMVARSITY MEETS FIRST FEW cHANGEs IN LISTSNATIONAL BANI TEAl c� �. T�rrow to Hear_ �dates--Muat Submit ListCornel Game is Cancelled-PlayBanken TomorrowAt 7:30�en�, T .• ney.�� One hundred and thirty·five couplesMartha Barker. have sienified their intention of beingFraDeia Broomell. present at the Prom, but only fifteen�D. .Chandler. have paid up. The UnaDlQe committ�Weu4eU· �on. has urged everyone that is going i.o umpire and referee.Helen:. 'J"ie8oD. send the money to Howell Murray, box.. . 2. No person shall be . allowed toRichArd Kuh. 223, faeu�ty exchanee. Every effort is . . .... dorf, Leone Hemingway, Harriet Jones,F.P.nk )(orau.· beiDg made to bring. the .number of walk 'up �d down th� aide Iines during F .. dn .,Keit1l -neae-K�"·Bcbi.-Mae�·-'J". . " _ 'MIte-<at.Bl1S;:':_.&..l�8-withltr the-pbiY." .:1. r J•_,.;._; _ .... :.:.H:·S W'X ....._-.-...:.�- ..... ��gOi!rI;-"p-:-iO 20(C-"-�'·,:,:··-,,;,;-_ -- �........ kinnon, Jsabel McMillan., LOUise .Miles.ing eaelosure m,ust be seated, . _ .O1lly ODe �laaDp hu heeD aDDoun.eed The committee chairmen declare that U like ODd f ,Ebzabeth NIcol, Florence Patnek..• " 3. nsportsJlUlo.&.U c uct or any ..in th" u.t of euclicJatee for lDem� the Promenado will be the.. biggest, b .of b d hid Miriam Richer,Geraldine Soares, M�leplayer to e out oun s or e .ship .on the .. U .. �." council. best and. moat democratic aJfair of its �- Spalding,Evangeline Stenhouse, Gladylt. among the substitutes while the ball K hDunlap hu witladraW1l 'beeaue he is kind that has ever been held at the . Stillman, Dorothy Straehan and at-is in play. The penalty for this isineligible u�der til. point system. The G'niversity. "With only eleven days suspension, erine Waltz..,ledioD- CoJDllliasiODers �lieve the point left, till the Prom, it is necess&.r)syste� will ca�' tho withdrawal of that all who are �ing shOUld sign upf'everal other candid�ee.. . d' t I' 'd Ea I Shil h .ullme la e y,' &al r e ton,c aJl:' "There shall be no intentional rougbAll potiUOIlB for :Wl.�th!lrawal, nomi. f h fi -. man 0 t e nanice commIttee, last ing of the player kicking the ball:'Dation by petitiOu. � �1asai1lcatioL . ht. "N _L Id' .DIg 0 one :wou mIss thIS year's Scr1mma- on hen- Yard Line.This week will mark the half way '1.._ 'I:. ·tted· bef re noon to ell- ,.# R th A"'armust uc Ruml ., 0 -Prom, as it is going to be the greatesi. u �.Point in the Conference race. With p�tio f �1 -·ft t' 5. After a touchback or safety tht: C f .. -t- M I .1' t (R�' )morroW. _ n. or �&88l ca lIln aifair of the University social calen. on u ...... IS a euu' Us �'lulemChicago and Wisconsin playing in cham should be _nt to lbss ott at the Bn- (lar." hall shall be put into play by scrim-. . . . .• .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... Verllipion ship form, there seems to be little rrau of Recorda, and the other peti_ mage on the twenty yard line. Charles E. Lutton.chance for Northwestern, Illinois, or tions to til. �ndergraduate. eouD('i1. Where Bas Bill BeeD? 6. If one team kicks the ball out of a. Inaia.n Serenaclf> .... Beresforc\Ohio State, the nearest contenders, to The dasses will meet tomorrow at Absence from his usual campus J>ounds twice on the kickoff, it shall b. At Dawning (arrangell by Mr.forge ahead. Chicago will not play lO:lS to 'hear the. elaJldidates speak. baullts has led to an investoigation by go to the opponents on their forty yard Stevens ......•........... Ca.lmanagain until the tIeam travela to Iowa F..aeh "ancHelate will be .D�wed oM det�tivee from the MAROON con line. Mrs. Stafford anel Glee Club.Monday. Northwestern has three minnte and'" half in whieh to outlinf'! cerning the whereabouts of Willi.am 7. There shall be no intentionn! "A Cappella" Numbersgames in the noxt two weeks that will hi!' platform. Lyman, Circulating Manager, who ha� roughing of the thrower of a fonvar.; Chrishl1a.� CaroL.;.,PrO"e hard nuts to crack. This wCl'k Submit Actl.tll.. b<'t'n missing since Friday. It was tlis· pass. Listen Lordlings Unto Me.the Purple team meets Wisconliin anll Candidat..lS mun !'end a 1_ of their t"on�red that Bill is making daily trips 8. A penalty of fh'e ynrll:4 is im' .••. Old Frenchd I h' t f bo I Th;ee Kings Have Journeyed.llliDois, both on f� floors, and Retiviti. to tJa. Couueil befcWe 3::l0 to. to Miss Hinman's tlancing elass, anll j:;. pose on a payer w 0 IS oU 0 unl :....•. �...... ..•.. •. Cornelioua'Dext week Wisconain pl.ays at North- Slten(ling his spare moments in polish- when the ball is put in play, 8-'t('cl)t Solo .... ". _ .• Miss Livingston� 0- .. •• .. rn. If Grady's are able to . h T H . I the kit"ker and hoMer of a plac-n ki(''k Holy Night Id . Germann........... -- Ing up on t c ango, �sitatlon, ani9. A backfieM man playing in tIll Russian Group.. Gnhy Gli,le. He (lisguises himself so Che b1· .. H'lC"Ynn .. Greteha'Dl'noffline shall confonn to all rulC8 rcquiT. " ,.7-A· tea-ellp .hower for the Lea.,1f' �le\'erly that it was with extreme tlif- The Legend .••• Tsehaikowaky,-_. -.-.I-� 3· h ing the Jinet!mlcn to n.'''llme ('ertain po. Ra h . If1\"111 � JlftD .... cuu1l:l8Uay at In t (l fit"ulty that the dete«>ti"cs disco'-erell Gloria Patrii ...• c maDlnoLeague rOOlll. .'Et-ery girl ought to bt' him. �itions with their hands anll fl'et. Part Songs.10. No player shall ent"roa('h on tIll' AU AmonI%' the Barley· .. 8tirlin�williDg te eo .. ud help the Leagu.. However, Bill is not withont Co01_ Ar hyd y DOS .. Welsh Folk Sonr:ht'utral zone after either sille ha� line.lout by briagiDg either a tea-eup an,l pany. The two authors of this yea.r·!' (Solo hy lli�s .Jon(�1. ....·d T - R "1P in making shifts. Sb ,,_. S ·n.sane@r 01' tea Cft�" au �one em· BJackfriar show may be .seen nightly Dedare Touchback. � 'alts. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . aningway,.. Y�rday, elairmaD of th.. th t l' f T D 1 r rnfY PART lI.., at "8 Uf 10 0 erCM. 0 an, g 11 I... 11. If a ki('ked ball !'trik('s th('Social COIII.1tteo of �e Y. W. C. L .. on the parlor floor. Rumor hn." itthat ··.\W:l�· with Grief. A"'n�' with Care"goal posts an,l r('hounll" a t.()uchnf·k Struu��Bliss Jla11ing has (lecided to attenll "hRll be Il('('laretl. Glee Club.the Prom on a bet, anll is t,."\killJ: l� (·har:td..r :-; .. n:.: 8t·I('.('t('Il12. The position of th(' f(,C't in.li('nt. �Ir�. lIns�('lf('loIt...... ns from one of hi" I1.vlle Park �ir! \ 1 ,. lIn, \""" whC'th('r a forwarll p:l�" i� NlUJ:ht it \' .i t IDC' �olo 0 "':' mont'friends ll3.llame HO!'."lf'k.. th(' ('nd zone. '·l.lt'al Son�" llirinm Wha.linDC'tecth'('S will be $nt out tOllny � ]3. Tripping may hC' .lone "ith tho 'Pln'lIi" Fav.hi�h Fulk �nn1!· ••..•••• Arthllr Footo)I('n',s G1C('1 Cluh.H. Throwing a fonmrll p:t..�� on tll· Tlllf't--"T1: rk to thC' )[antlo1inl'··�rollnll wh('n a player !,C'� h(' is nhollt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Horation I'nrk,'rlrr!'. �tnfTor.1 anel 'MT's. JlRl"Sl'lfelrlt.Vol'aDteer BaDd 1Ieeta--"Mo:h'e1\ .If to he tackled will he p<'nnli7.('.1 tfOTl SprinJt �('11J,! (La CinqllintniMi ar·Yards. rnnA'Nl hy TTnn!'il('y.Modern Mi�ions" were di!lCll�,l at· Women's Glee Club.the Student Yolunteer han (1 meeting Wintf'r �arol .. R, If.. eAtcrda.v. Speech� were m8Ale by Gilkey Speaks 'l'oda)'-The R('\'. �Ir T!�e Comhin('ll Gloo Clubs.J Xorth",·�t .. rn Uni,"('�ity Hymn,},fillJ/ Davis of Burma, Tnflia; lIiS!' Oif_ Gilkey will Wk to the F�hmen on (�":t('rnmfJlIe �1:lIt \' en, .. Ih.".lnfor(l, Mr. Salftn,lt, Vit"tor lIan�n, WiL j th(' '·rrohl .. m� of thn lTnllergrallnnt(''' Chicngo "Almn lrntC'r" T.l'wi.Ii •• 8talJi.p, aDd Geo� Coleman. 1. today at 10;15 in Cobb 12a. (Arraniell by :\1:-. ::)1\:\'''11 ••• )BADGERS LEADSTILL INTeam.,Vitlt:ollsiII Won••...... 43 Losto11 Pet.1000�33Chica.co 5NorthwesternHlinois 5Ohio State 1144Iowa 1Purdue 0Indiana .•.... , .. " 0Minnesota .. ' .. '. . .• 0Owing to a conflict of dates the gamescheduled with the Coruels of Armour6ql18re has been ealJed off, and tomor­row and the Varsity will meet tbe FirstNational tea.m of the Banker'a league.The curtain raiser will be played at7:30 and no admission wi1l be charged.The :first game will be between th ..)fedics and the Freshman V·arsity.The First National team is easilyleading the Banker's leacue, and j�composed of such stars aa Green,Pritchard, and JOhnsOIl, all formerWest Side Y. M. C. A. players. Th�yi �er� beaten by the Varsity in a closer.:.r.:-:;:�'-;'".dD.rem-l)· iii ihe'Be8a�, but ·t.he-;;':f ' dition of several new men has! 11 .t.Tel'lgthened the lineup and they ex-. : peet to put up a :fifty per e:ent betterI.. (1\1. �e tomorrow. The CorneDs, whoclaim the National title, and whomCoach Page was anxious to sign up forII a return game, had a eondietiDg date\ whieh could not be eaneelled.J' : Conference Baoo HaU BuD."\ )! I1\.� �apture ODe of these contests they willbe doing nothing more thaa most fan�look for.Wisconsin is traveling at a fast paceand alth(Jugh they have eight. moregames to play, it does not appearlikely that they will be headed unle�aD unexee�(l slump occura. The twoNorthwestern games lDay prove still't"ontests. Illinois won from . Pur(lueaDd Indiana by eaBy scores lut weekand ha\"o been strengtllened by the re­appearance of Comstock, tho regularcenter, who was injured early in tJteBeaSOD. Ohio State, while still formitLable, appears to be out of the rnre.Purdne, Iowa, Indiana, and :Minne�ot.n..are hopelessly out of it.Hold BeuDion 'l'JaundaJ'-All ANNOUNCE PATRONESSESAND PATRONS FOR PROM Football Committee Makes NoRadical Changes in PlayingCode--Director Stagg Returns TICket Sale Large For Entertain.ment to be Given TomorrowNight in Mandelof Activities to·Council By 3:30 Attendance of Two HundredToday Couples Is Aim of Commit-tees-Few Have Paid According to Director Stagg, whoTHE NOKINEES7507l-l666500000000000 .-�Butll AlleD.Katherine Binin ••Job Burtt.Paul D_ Judien .}'rederick GrHfitll.Geoftery Lev�nllOD..M,ary MacDonald.HeleD Riek�t.t ••Tbomaa Byan.Cow.a StephsnaOD.�l)aa. :&0Wll..J� BrOW,b_. returned yesterday from the uuuuat CLUBS WILL ATIEND IN BODYLIlIAN LEARNING GABY GLWs meeting of the football rules cOmlllitrtee in New York, the general sentiment According to Dorothy Stra.cban,.m&R-Patrons and patronesses anounee,i among both players and officials ager of the Women's Glee club, Mu.­yesterday for the Washiniton Probie. throughout. the country is that the del hall will be filled at the concert at;nada include: game should be changed as little as B tomorrow night. All the froDt;President and Mrs. Harry Pratt Jud. possible. The changes that were made boxes and most of tho seats haTasun in the roles were minor points, and 110 been taken .Mr. and Mrs. James R. Angell. ritdical action was taken. Solos by Ruth Agar, Phyllis Pay,MillS Mary Howell. Last year was one of the greatest Mrs. Stafford and Mrs. Hasselfelt haveMr. Ben A. Murray. seasons that football has ever exper_ been added to t.he program . .MiSii Hos-Mra. Edith Foster Flint. ienced. Throughout the country the sack, a former student of the Uuiver.,Mr. LaVerne W. Noyes. game seemed to appeal to specta.tors to sity, will give a whistting solo. rfheMr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Sherer. a greater degree than ever before, and informal section of the program -WillMr. and Mrs. C. A. Shilton. kii.st experts agree that it is as near�' be featured by mandolin, violin andMr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Baldwin. perfect 8JI can be expected. The al- guitar selections. The women's elnbsMr. and Mrs. William D. MacCliD- terations made in the rules were main; of the Uuiversity are planning to attendtock. Iy in the direction of better .sports; the concert in a body. The Harpslchord, ... ".ErDeet. Cam.�t 1IaDcock.Lenus L_Dlldbere.- �dwar.;l! Betie.ker.Bath Swan. will usher.Women's Glee Club.Miss Marion Talbot. manship, and aimed to e�t out smallmatters objectionable to both playersand spectators.Complete List of Changes.One '1'h1rt7·flve Going.Agar, Lucile Babcock, Lucile BatC9,1. By mutual consent and agree- Helen Brooks, E\"el�'n Cole, Kathleenment both teams may have the option Colpitts, Adeline De Lent, Phyllis Pay,of a field judge, who shall assist the Elsa Hayes, Kathleen Harrmgton,Evelyn Hatowsky, Katherin� Harter;PART I.-4. "The team running into a player"i�cut out and the modified rule reatlli. "Carmena"-Waltz Song WilsonGlee Club_ClW:ago Women's Glee Club.Donn in the Forest Ronald._,It .o.ea ",y. been .inTited to the>Weda�ay �iaI tea which will hfoin fharp of the Sot-i.l �ommittee ofth�·Leape.wt�tC'h for further ('"i(len('� of l�ni,"('r· hantl ns well 8.." with the Ing.)In. nOl'eDe. Warrea Brown. of EDfl- 8ity "Pirit..I'tn- land wiD pYe u exltibition of Englishfolk d��.iDg. fOT all UDiversity womentoday in Lexiugton gymnuium from 1to 2. All WOlDen han been iDTited t�.lenh who attenfled the con"ention at attend, .. d tlOM who wear gyDIa.·Kan!ln." City have been invited to a mum pit... will be allowed to take panreunion in I .. exington ha.n ThuI'Rday at in thf9 leaon. Knabe", of the during4:30. A spr()8.(l will follow the �jal c-IU8n �ially )laT. Moe. urpd toc. ....boar.I'BB BAILY MAROON, nJESDAY, FEJmt1A1t.Y 10, 1914.The MarOOD '!'BE WOMEN Z or. �E CLUBDailyPu_Uabe4 lIlorDlnc.. escept BUDd a,. and1I0D4aJ-. dvlna tbe AUUlmn. Winter and8prlll. Quarter-. by Tbe Dally lIarooD.tail. .. - --=- - . -=-::=-:r;:;.Bulletinb w. CotdqhaaB. 8. Gorp.B. P. Xal'w. II. LJ'-- New. Editor Women's Glee Club-Collcen Bebe:,r.&weUa Editor sal, 4_6, MandeLBall.e.. KaaacerC1h:�Uo. Xa ... er Glee Club-Reyno-lds club, ,1:30, ur-stairs.C!assical Club-S, Lincoln House. Ellis_t :1(' t'ruuu-. ,\1 v (·stlll·ti" t nstvs arv l'a"·University Public Le«:turc-8. Man· i! v sn t i�(:t'd. :l'Jltl us lOll!.!" :IS I vun t.'lIdel. Mr. GUllSaUlus. \\ itJ.',ut. -Iue trouble which is ph-tu re.I'lti which is t'r:"III(·. t ho arf ist.i« sitl,'(;1' I!I\' uutur« is full,," nppensed, How-Chapel-Senior colleges and the Col l'\'er: ill .'4i:-_ years of ruther \":Irh·t! ('01lege of Commerce and Admin1strati(,l!_ kl!(' (·x)'(·ril·IIt·O ] h:IH� never seen aJ-'r('sh'lHlII ('arryiul! a carpet ba:!. Ihave 1I('\'I'r C\'(!U iuml!illctl such t·lotJ.t'":I .. n-Iorn the poster Sophomore. J know._ f no .Iuniors who continuously wearRyersJn l'itlH'r:l trm-k or u tIl'l'S� suit. nul' cn nI reeone ile mv sense of the fitness tn.a nv -J1ntur:tI l"�utlitions ",hidl woul.l, ill itil(' :,;p:t:'c of nne brip4' summer, t rans­f"I'11I tile «onventionnl poster .luuiur 'il�to tht• vouvent ional Il0stA'r Senior, IYet there must I", :1 reason fur :111this. .-\ re there really such t,nll'�?Persoually, I nm IncIined to duuht it­"I'I;OIlSl\':J would.therefore.he more thano-Intl t� have from YOU nil edituri:ti�piuioll 011 The Coll�o Poster, I!_�Cnu�� a nd Cure. and also SOllie sta�nl('nts from the members of th« t'!:l:--:-:;'!-' IS�l reJ'rt'sl'llt(,ll-or ruisrepresented.. pro­"i,letl t hese Iatter nrc of snflil'i,·nt. uu-r- -it to hrillg them up to thc-c-ahem-c-Ilt,'r!lr�' stuudard ot vnur valu,«! pu hl i-meetf.np), With smooth going at othEr Women's Activities.-Women·s activ- "�ltjt'". Faithfully, Itim th 'ds, d Int_ SiIllJllit'iSSil_"US,88, en rap! an so on. 0 ities will get a great help in the newt.bis stream flow others that alter its buUding. Women controlling such af-Cha.racter. Some of these contribu- tairs have a great opportunity in thec Brief Campus News ItiODa' are good, and others are bad, re-shaping of women's student Interests Discusses Newspaper Editing-TIll' INow and then someone attempts to w:'l.l·ch �n be caused by the new build- J I I" 'rl }' I' I J r I�. W.LU. 'c .runrv num "'r 0... re '.ng 1:-1 I • on -dam it up; others spend their tiJne ing. I!:&J wns issued hy the Press ycstlmlay.c:JN.ring the chanD.el. Sometim� it Bla.ckfriars-The show this year (Jne of the etlitoriuls, "The Gute Whidlspllta, flowing in several channels. promises to be one that is worthy of:> ,�Iul'lt be Defenclt�,I,". (.:tIl('tl :ttt"Jltionaome smooth and others presenting ob' college organization. Also, the officerr 'tn the present l'olltiition of nl'wsIUlI'('1'sta.cIes; for instance, compazoe. the are awake to the evils of long drills ('t1itjng:ts set forth ill nn :ttltlrt'ss I,y"BIadd'riu- chaDnelv with the rocky This is a matter of vival interest to a�l Professor Scott of lli"hig:tll.golnc for debating. Of course, th!5 since the officers are helpless in t!:!LEntered .. HCODd-cla.. mall at theChlcaao Poatofllce, Cblcaco. 111.. )larcb 11.nOl, under Act of Karch I. lin.8DB8C&lPTION &ATKS.B,. carrier: 11.50 a year; 11.00 a Quarter,B,. mall: 11.00 a ,.ear; n.n a Quarter.li:dllorlal-Bualne.. Office, Em. u.Tel.phone IUd. a,. 100. After 10 p m,H,.de Park .111.Maroon p ...... 5511 Cottace Grove Avenue.CJellitotial -��------TODAYJunior college chapel-women, 10:1!j.�.ndel.Miss Brown's Normal Study Cl:tss _.1 :30, LexiJutton 3.Botanical Club--1:30, Botany 13.University Public Lecture-l:30, Haswell A�embly Room. Prcf'essor Dcbschutz.Biological Club-7:45. Hutchinsoncafe.TO�10URO'.'.·.E.� now and. then it pays to stop 10:15, Mandel., College of Bducntio:.:,a bit and take stock-to see wha.t is 10;15, Emmons Blaine hall.OotmcU ping on around, and Mathematical Club--l:15,what is the trend of the 37.E!ectioDS times. Particularly is University Public Lecture--:l:�fI,this true, just befor� Haskell assembly room. Prof. Dob­election-for the people elected to the schutz.Oounc.il are among those who will b� Women's Glee Club Annual Concertmost influent1a.l in determining the --8:15. Mandel.ing the coming year. Take this con- it that the new Counell is up to thecep\ of student lite---.eonsfder it a mark set by the old body. Re...electioncourse or events in student aff� dur_ ----+---great stream, dashing over and brawl- ot ou�oing members who have beening around obstacles at times (tor in- good in something that might well bestance, when fa.cfUties are lacking for considered for the future.1i&nre is utteriy usaless and tantastic matt.er without student co-operation.in itself', but it Jqay convey an idea;namely, that student life is a c:oherentwhole rather than an agglomeration of To the Editor:seParate actiVities wbich e%ist simul-_eo1Dll7 and by coinddence in thesame community. AccordiDg:ly, at thistime, it JDa7 be useful to look at someof the ''high spots" and get in toucbwith the tzeDd of the times. And so.henwtth fa a fragmentary surveywb1ch may suggest an adequate one toany penon who cares to make it.Spirit-This year is charaoterized bya wholesome spirit of aritidsm.. Or·pnjJ:atiODS an being made to showtJletr � to correct evils, to get inharmony wlth the others. ADd abovea.1l, all the orgauiZatlOD8 are doinglIOUlething, or trylng to do something.fte o� cfa.Dgar is too much enthu4Ji_UIIl &D4 too bast¥ reform.Point 87Btem-fte poiDt S7BteJD isadopted, With an exception in favorof awetes which was bad, but whichwm be remedied automatically. Thisfa a creat achfevemen� and sbould bekep\ up to the last nitdl ot efficiency.lIonCll' Commission-The Honor Com_mfa:ioD haa been launched. Wha.t itwUl do nma1na to be seen. This i!:one of the tasks facing the students,wtlfch they should not neglect unW thecommfalon finds itselt, and gets tol'UJIDlDa BIIloothb".17DClergraduate council - The Under­cradU&te eoandl was a ''whiZ,'' in theVft'IlaC1I1u, Jut Year'. It has done bigthfDp In 1QUl7 W&7B, Dot the least be·ing tile Song Book (wlth an inddentalltUriDa up or �. Head &11"ll.arpa1chord). Students should Bee to CommmUcation.Dear Sir' I am ra.ther hesitant ahoutatlt1res:ling- .this eommunieation to you.ir.n.'4nHlcl. as it has nothing whateverto do with the Honor Sentiment or�tll.lcllt Aeti\'itios-thc present para­mOllnt campul'! is�ues. Thc mattcr trou­!.Iiu;.! 1110 is an-ah---ellitural one. Mr.),;ditor 1 can find no satisfactory. ".e\'en ;easonahlc r('ph' to the tluestion."Why is a Coll('J:!c Poster?"Co'JI�i'lf'r the a,'erat!e l'Ittitlent'� cn­r('cr :1'1 it is fh'pil'tell hy the inspire.l­er-:,rtist� who are rcsI,onsihlo furtllese Posters. Ae'o('ortliulr to them. theFre�hmnn mll�t ('ar!,)' in oJ)e hanel ac'arl,et bag, from which protrudes tll'end of a ('ollar. and in the other ahlllg)' "otton umhrella.. I D\'ariablv hewcars trousers whi(�b have been stunt­eel in their infnncy. and novcr quiter(':tched their full 1rT"_·" white andhJa('k .. he('ketl so('ks. auel a foolisbgrin .This humhlo Wllh, in tho next pie·ture. hn.'4 rcnchetl the gor�OO\L" SOJlho­me .. rc·hutterfly stn$!e. Ill' now hlossnm:-l forth in hlw.in2 raimcnt thatwuuld l'Ihallle the l'Iartorial inMtincb ofa negro minstrel. and n smokes a pillof tit1"lnic climell:-lionM. Thus far thernlC'� set'rn to he iron-eJa,l.lloro latit.lltle is pcrmittc.l in Jlor_tr�'in� the .Tllnior. A .Junior rna)' ho(·it.her :10 athl"tf\. whol'!c cle'-eloltmenthns 1'1111 "rinc'iJlaU�' to bnir an.1 MhnllL'!('r�,. or a smilin:r t:t�lor':,! .lumm,y, (,Intiin a tlrt':"-s suit nf n('�t, �·,'ar·s ('lit anllpf'rf('('t fit.nut the �"lIillr-t"e nohle S,'nior-­oh whnt. a f�lI \\'a.� this! Tn:'!tea.1 oft!i(' ht'n\'\' th('\\,('(1 n('rclIl� or immacu·Int(' H('ai) Brummcl of' a yoor �o. w,'hn\'o a rnther nna('mic le�okin$! \'Ol1n"mnn. hnlg"in;!' hrow""l. with knohs �nt­t.f'r('.l hith('r allli "on o\-('r hi� crnnillm.Iiko thosc ".(' f'intl on. a Inte potntt�,Gonc th" purple anti fino linen of �.('�­tc·r,'·C'ur. :tntI in thcir pln('o tho !lomh(',:",:H'ntlf'mi(' i!own.Tn mattcr:'! of n.rt T n.m neither qllnli,fi('.1 nor inf'linf'oll to h(' hYP"T('rit,if'nl.Tn fnf't. :Jf'Rorllinl! to one of my art,i�tf· if-nll�, T 11(' fin I�' lhi nc :l hout, a pif'f liT:'t..h:.t 1. hI. Yf' any r:('lIt to cri..irist. I� The words "I :"'I-)7;r)L ."' LI'\.. STATESUPERV ISION" over the door ofa Bank are a beacon light to guide all.(iwho seek the best securitv in theirBanking connections.Your STATE Bank is as colossal asthe largest Bank in the citymeasured by, the standardsgovern STATE Banks whenwhichBegin now byBanking relationSTATE Bank. establishing yourwith your nearestWill Take Picture--The .Junior \\·u_ Safe - Deposit VaultsS Per Cent Interest On SavingsKEEP YOUR SAVINGS IN HYDE PARKOpen Saturday Eveningsnit-n's I·Jwir picture for till' Cal' and(;OWII will be t. .. keu at �lallcleJ at 1O:4:ithis morning.Announces Pledge-Mortar Bo:trtl!:! nnounc(>s tho p�e.lgillg . of �I:trrit,t IMarston of 8:tn DIl'go, Cahform:!.! ,. JI-I:O: .A.. CARROLL. p� Robfort F. Cummlnp Frank W. How_1- Charlf's R, Honl. .Jam�.J. CuroUI ICUBERT F. CUlOlL'108, VIce-PreeI4eDt. Daniel F, Burke Thomu .A.. o.w.Monlton Will Speak-Professor �(Clnl.John A. C&n'OIl. HeD1'7 L. SloatI II A_ HARlIOX. A.8III.:.ant OaahSer.ton will giye an iJ)u!4tmtc.l 1t'C't:lr" onI �'The 'Von.lerfuI H('a"('n�" nt th(' :\(t'-, lYe' � �(':the �remori:ll e'll1m'h, ;;4th ancl Ill:lI'k_1i 'r. 1:0 .�:on(', Thllrs.lay r.igJlt:1t 7:4:;.== ��Score Club Holds Dance- Bc\'('n'�'fi,·c f'oupJcs attent1eti th� Score (·lull I11:.n('c Saturelny aft('rnoon at n.n!4:t1it· "'rat�rnl&7 .Jewelr,.hall.Tonight-Dr Embossed 8taUoaH7W eddla.. 1.�IaUo ••caDIq cu..I.ratber Good.Collep NonlUfI.Frank 'V. Gunsauh)� will �h'I' th'lthirel lecture on "SODIO Personnl A"1-peets of the Christian Reli;!'ion" toniJ!ht:It S in :Mandel, Rpeakin� on ··P('rsnIJ:l!('ommunion with God." BROCHONENGRAVING COMPA NYBotaDfdal Club t() Meet-nr ..... org(·I'. FlIllt'r "'j)) alltlr��" thc Bo1."lni('nl"',,}, thi:'! afternoon at 4:�O in Rot.nnyenCICE CORSAGES OF ORCHIDS, BUTTER·FLY SWEET PBAS,VIOL3T8, AND LILIES OF THE . VALLEY.NO EXTRA COST FOR SHIELDS AND TIES.Place you Order Early, Choice Assortment of Cut Flowers andBaslcets Always on HandPALMS REN'l'ED FOR ALL. OCCASIONS.A. McAdamaII, G. - TURNERPreshlent &1& Kallen • .u ....Tele,.oae RandolI''' SIQFlowers for the Proml:t on "The International Ph�·tCl� .. n_.. 1. .. h tofrom"\':l"llin�ton."---- .-----Will Give Two Lectures.l'rflrp�sor F.rnf'�t, \'on noh!-:C'Jlllt7. ofI hI' rni"prsity or 1f:tll .. � "crmn.ny, wi!! I"'duTe tOf1n.,: at 4::l0 in the 1Jn�kell•"Th '( .. kin'" of tIl;'���f'l1lhly room on (' .\ .. ,..(';Inon of th" Ne'" T('�t4 ... mf'nt .. " Thi"will h(' t}to fi�t of a �ri� of two 1(,1'ftlrp� on "Thf' Hi�tory of the Canon."f)oh�lInt:r.. Thf' w. J. LagrottaT('lcrbone Hyde Park 18. 1303 E. 53rd St.reet.�j"('n hv Pro(('�!"or.'11 h tri ·('·n tomorTOW at,�f''-'oTl.1 t.n lk WI (' .... \.,. �o "The Brea.k of the Cnnon." I", nn J SUBSCRmE POB '1'HE DAILY MAROOll I,t\CJ Viilona -anARROWJ\btcl�COLLARA XEW expression of a('O:�S, 'n·:�t i L! style. Youwill iiI, _. t l.e s:�tin laundryfh,i',!1 :�r the fubric=u de­part I: !':' ! .oteworthy fer itseX�.'l'IL·;K·c. g fur 25cCUJr.n. ".,AIIO!l\' &. Co., tsc .• TROl'. N. Y..1flll.'l'rs t,f ,\IIIt:,\\' �IIIR1'l(, that apl!nstheDDDrsafERYleEYOU'VE HEARDtOP THE MJU.8·T�!!. KEY" THAT,FIT 8 EVERTL 0 C J[ - DIDYOUEVEa�.....O� A. KASTER• 0 DEL OP.ATTPEWJUTBal"TIlIDk of ALL oftile eo_'IDed ac·."aD __ of SEY·E:aA.L tJ'pewriten),0. Jaa.,.e Me" .eoDee. trate ...o 11' B .taaclar4.. aeJalaelThe Bo7aI .......perfeallT fta7m.oW'D fona ofce.era. e .....re.p •• de.e.and dOH eardwrItinc ... c __d_1Ied BUllaC IJe­I'Id ... - wit .... aIIllnJtle ... � at·tlM!h .. ea'" t. addI':d... �t to tbetJ'lJewriter. Tblaknf thl. __ nd 7-will .a."e a falrl),pod IdI'a of theMa"er-M� .,thl' an""." .ROYALT�PEWaITEB CO.IIIe.58 Eo .........��m.A­FOR MEN\ ONLY _ ......tra ted booket de·acrlblnc a aewtreatmeat for all"'.t., ra.zor bladc�. maklnl' ne blade lut• Ilfettme and be bMler lb... when pur·ualled. Sent on recei'pt ot ... 5 ceata.CLAUDE WOLFE,Rowam C1�, llicb.THE TEA HOUSE,II,III LUNOBEOH 12-1:30DIKN'EB 6:t6-7 .'-..1 __Gordon .Russell .Nortbrup .GoettferBreathedTotal .Dt\lta. Tau Delta...J ohunssouWilliamsCatron 126llcConnell • • • • • • 161Willett 1 155Total 110 � • .&D.Y MAMmf. TUBf mAY, i'i:DtiAl,Y 10, 1014.I-------������I����������������CLA�5SIFIED I!UVf4lTISEMDrj '-,112189145118139129159115101U5160124123155168140121143127 100149139200145716119188135150221803lJO1141391130584136152137152129706170127184168166815BBOWBBON CLUB WILLPBB8Blft' '"PBI8OJLLA."WBDBB8DAY Al"fBBHOONI D. K. B. -rAKB8 .�FBOII DBL-rA -rAV Dm.-rA.. IN CLUB Y..-rBBDAYDelta. Kappa .I:.'psilon took three�ame8 from Delta. Tau Delta yeaswrda,Yafternoon in the �ynoldB club. R�8��was hiJ(h man with an average o� 1,.,Tbe score:Delta Kappa EpIUon.M(.'Nally ••.•••.• 119Sinma Xu and Delta Upsilon won illh TO RENT-Well furnished, pleasanttheir divisions last night, defeating front room, in new mod. buildiug ;Phl Delta Theta and Alpha Tau Omereusonnble. Young man also desiresgn. Both winners bad rather an easytume of it in the first two games, andwere put to it to w�n in' the third.Norton of Delta U with 211, and SaintPierre of Sigma Nu with 221, wereBiological Club Supper-Dr. Arthur,I. Kendal] will addresa the Biologicalclub on "The ��ta.boli8m of Ba.eteria,"nnd Professor Matthews will speak on"The AmOUDte of Residual Valen(!e ofSome Anenheti.es," at a ;:45 Sll'Ppprtonight in HutehiDson sale.Wpdnel'day afternoon) February 11,the members of the Brownson club willpl"elMn� the sketeh, uPrieciUa" in th"RCYI,oltt:. dub theater. The perform_:In('p wi1) be given for (!lubnnel their guests only.The play is a two-aet (!omctly, writ·tne hy one of the memben of the, duh,nnel eleal" with the adventures of anin!ltru�u,r in a eorresponelen(!e eoul'!k!.who faUA in love with one of bis RtuHarry •••••••••••••••• EdwiD J'ordanPrieei1la •••••••••••••••••• PyIU. FayJl7de Park 2016 high men for the evewn&.The seores;Sigma HU.Spencer ..•.••...• 123lJarrenougue 142Ilammer ••••.. '\"1Bell ••......•..• 130Sickle . -, ,1111 B. 67th.'l'aMa for J.adlf:1'o Flnt CIa". 8enleeSUBSCRIBE FORTIlE DAILY MAROONAll the eampua Dew ..;... St. PierreMr. Smith •••••••••••• DoDald DelanyLily •••••••••.•••.••••. •• Marie BeesTom ....• • • • • • • • JohD )leGallowayDora .• ;; •••••••••••. " • Sarah )lulroyR-... BIIiRoRIijck •••••••••••••••• �. ole }ler liue. �o advertasemeut s ze­eeived for JeH� than :!�c. All c:la.5Jli1iedadvertisements must be paid i 11 ad-136 vance.19� ANYONE plaunirig' to truvel ill164 rope next summer CUll save l'lII1Ki.l­erubla money by goiug with a jit'rMOu_ally eoudue td purty, COlllluuuit'utc withx. Y . ., :!:�, lIaroou office.- Total 669Phi Delta neta..O'Counor .......•Stringham •• , •...Jeffery .... , .. , .... 155801 WANTED-3 bright, cuergcth- �'UUIl��men wanted t'l.r profltublo suuuuer9� work, Guaranteed salary or euunuis.,164 siou, Cal on G. C. Burton, rOUIII :::ai.1:�:; Del Prado hotel.169152 FOR �AT,F_Remington typewriter No.2. Prlce $lfi.OO. Inquire at 1222 E.712 fillit St. 2nd Flat.roommate. 54!!; Ingleside uve., 3rd upt,Midway 6114.LOST-"English Poetry" by Manly, inEllis S, Thursday. Finder please re­turn to Information Office.11 venue and receive reward.W.Aln.'�re8hman with some ex-126perience in camping or now engaged186 with work as assistant in Wisconsin116 camp, July and August. Address W. M.127 Kiplinger, Morgan Park, III173 BOABD_ In small private family. Ex.cellent home cooking. Limited number698 at table. Addresa 6134 Woodlawn ave.nue, 3rd apartment, telephone Hyde110 Park 6S7.160 MRB. FLORA JIaclVOR153 Voiee builder and teacher of artistic106 Bingi�g, Monday. and Thursday. at128 MI'8. Knights, 5652 Maryland Avenue.Wednesdays and SaturdaYB at home,657 6356 'MarylaDd Avenue. For informa·tion addresa 63!i6 Maryland124 Phone. Midway 4390.129142 FOR BAlrE Standard Smith·PremierTypewriter in excellent condition, at137 very reasonable terms. A great bargain168 for anyone desiring a typewriter for700 rrofesaional DSe. B. B.Lemon, Boom 6,Ryerson Lab. or 1220 E. 54th St.2111378] writter in perfect eondition. Must Bell136 therefore price reasonable. Write, 01 i4 call after 7:00 P. M. E. H. Brunemeier709 53 Middle Divinity Hall.De Bit ollbe Season2 For 25 Cents.Troy's Best Product ElI- THESMOOnt£STTOBACCOBee ..•••.•••••.••, ·Weilman ........ollent!'. The cast. follow,,:Professor •••••••••••••• Thomas Tyan ������R1 ����,:�iFlora......... ••••• Mabel O'CoDDor FLORENeB II. IIYBB8 nn- -THIS tobacco is a friend just1 b;fore the exams, You' wantconcentration and you want it bad-smoke Velv€t and you'll get it!Velvet tobacco-the finest leaf-agedover 2 years-time matures the leaf asnothing eite can. Time develops a mel­lown�s and fla"lor that are rare indeed.There is no bite in V elvetl Fill yourpipe with this tobacco-th�n you willappreciate why we named it" V e!veL ..At all dealers.FaDZOuoceaJDS tOeTotal ••• ". '" . •• 623A. '1'. O.Lunde ....••..••.... �Windrow . . • • . . ... 135_-\tkins . . .. . .. 93Meyer 143Blazer •• 166Hupp 141Total 678Psi UpsllOD.Norton .• ' .0 ••••••Leonard.. r ••••••••Knight .Tolman .flnlelwinTotalFlower ShOll ST. LOUISBest Reached by Through and F ast Trains of the'ILLINOIS CENTRALAll Steel Daylight SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.; arrives St. Louis <vi? l\1ercha.ntsBridge6;02 p. m. Indestructicble steel cars of handsome mte nor Ii IshEvery comfort and convenience will be found en this train.Diamond SpecialLeave Chicago 10:30 -po m.; arrive St. Louis 7:48 a. m. Electric·lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago.Stop. Made in Both Directions Dot South Side ThroughStatio •• , 43rd. 53rd and G3rd StreetsObservation Parlor Cars. Cafe Club Cm. SleepingCars. Free Reclining Ch&lir Cars ar.d CcachesTicketa, Fare. and Sleeping Car RctcrvatioD5 atCl'l'YTICKET OFFICE 76 West Ldams St.FOR THE PROM .... J. CARMICHAEL. D. P. A. Pl.cncss Cent, {2;O---Auto �4-472PhODe B7cle Park 30.1377 But 55th street. HotelNEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near 50tft Street Subway Station and53rd Street Elevated."Broadway" can from GrandCentral Depot.Seventh Avenue Cars from Penm;yt·vania Station.KEPT Rl' A C01.1.Er,g ,11.1 \'I1BAnO(:,AIlTER� rOil (�O!,,,Er.F. .",:\.ST'ECTAL RATER rOll cor,r,EaE TE.O:�T�n Minutes' Wa:k to Thirty T!1C;1!U'"HARRY P. STIMSO'I\J. MAN.r\G!:;�,_ •nF.ATlQtJ"RTtm� F'I,R cnlc.\(m ''-, ". . tNew. Modern and Fircp: co! '-. ......._.: / IRooms with Bath. $2..50 and up. , , ___- .. - .. ----���������-,:,'�, .� • �'-_J_-,.-, �, �,.�BE DAlLY .IIA&oON. i'UBSDAY. FBBat1ABY 10, 1914.Amusements.Tobacco That is GoodFor Your Ne"esTUXEDO actually soothes thenerves. It is just mild enough tokeep your nervous system in poise,your muscles in tone. Unlike othertobaccos, Tuxedo burns cool and slow.There cannot be a speck of irrita­tion in a pound of Tuxedo.Great singers smoke Tuxedo justbefore a performance. Public speak­ers testifyasto its soothing influence.Doctors recommend it to smokerswhose throats are delicate.The secret of its superiority is the. unique "Tuxedo Process" by whichall the unpleasant features are elimi­nated from tobacco.Another reason is that Tuxedo ismade from the best tobacco grO'U'll­the choicest, mildest, mellowestleaves of the highest grade Burleytobacco.. Tuxedo is widely imitated-but noother manufacturer has succeeded inmaking a tobacco as good as Tuxedo.I Tuxedo will give ,you the greatest: pleasure and satisfaction.that.moneywill buy. . :.YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHEREeo..-..e po.cla. 5 F� creea '''''10ba •• r-Ii •• " witb C willa 80Id I.�.-. C. ...001 ........ CIIn'ed to fit pocketIn GlGa Hamidon. SOc and 90c. FREE Send us 2 cents in stamps for post­age and we will mail you a souvenirtin of TUXEDO tobacco to anypoint in the United States. AddressTHE AlIERICAN TOBACCO COMPANYJlooaa 18 ill Fifth A'ftIIIIe New York JOEL HILLMANproprietor" Harvey's"Wasbio&,toD. D. C.•• T uxedo is a gooJ, UJIJo/e­some tobacco, wilh a mild.ness and fragrance 011 ilsOLCn. II odJs many degreesto my pipe pleasure. ,.L.S.BROWNGen. Acent of the SouthernRailway at Washiogtoo"TwceJo /ras gaineJ andmaintained 0 /righ reputationfor superiority. Its coolness,mildrras, and genuinesool�:ing qualilie3 are unrivalled,�PHILIP Ii GOODWINthe illustratoruTJ.ere·.zest onJ enc:our-0iCliu nt in C'i1ery pipeful 0/T uzeJo. TIle awulal, moslM10lhing .smo� I know .••k�41J'r. succEs�- :\Iarc'h 10 und iu, Eu,·irolllll .. 'ut.al �id, ,­of Ellgt.'llil·S; Child Cu)tul .. ,--tbl• Prot. __ �_��������������h.·1U of t he I101lIl'. �lardl Ii alld :!:; GARRICKEu\'irOlllllt'lltal �i.le of Eugel1j.,� t!n' Grc<lt MU�l:a.1 �uu:ess of the Season,iUlIlillg' 01 Youth-the Problern of :So THE:11,,1 the var ious fncul'ty groups. Takillg the Iead about the mi.lollc' II.During the early part of the even- lac first half, the Seniors succeeded hiug the University Glee club alternnted :;h�\'ic� the Freshman second teau,with Tomaso's On'hE'Stra in entertain- further down the championship J:ldd."in:,! the gnest.s on thp !'I('('ontl floor, but yesterday by a 14 to l:t svure, Th,'�lt('r tllt- - oN'hest.ra r.-movetl to th.. !!:t.IJI(, wa� c·lost· throul!hout; tilllt' af·ter time tbe freshmen thr,,':Itt'nl',1 t,"nlc·on�� of Hllt('hinson haiJ, wh('rt'take b�k the lentl that thl'Y Im,l Iu ... !til,'," pla�·('tl for the clnnf'('rR til) mid.RECEPTION ISGathering At Club is Largest ThatEver Attended Annual Recep'lion to President and F acultyOver fj It eeu hundred Jll'lIpIl' bru \'1.',;tilt, t'xtrt'IJ"� culd Sat�r"a�' lIight ttl attr-u.l the l'rctiitlellt'!I' rt.'Ct"pt�ou whir-l:\\':11'1 held in the Reynolds dull. F'ruu'l::W uut il II :1 cont iuuous linl' passedt IH' Presiden t, l-eiug Introduced by(; "0 I;!t' Park i IIS0U, Pn',sitlt'llt of thv:�t·.\'fllll.ls t·lull. Though t he utt eudnueeW:iS t lu- Inrgt'st t hat has en' r hel'u il('\'idt'l!c'l' at a n'('l'pUoll at tht.' l'lli\'l''''... i ty, tilt' t'ulllllliUt't' ill t'lmrgl' who all­ti"ip:ltl'" t.h is, had So lai.l their plun­that tho whole :lfT:lir was cnrrie.]thro\lgh without a hitch.T'h';"R;';;;tima- Commit tee, eompose-!of the l'lIi\'('rsit.y Aicles and :\I:tr.'�hal:till' l"u.lt'rgraclu:lte Coune i l and thoo!Tit·t'rs of the Reynul.ls e lub, hend .. dh�' J>rof�ssor -Iames Alfrl'll Piehl, tilt'�rnrshal of tbe Universtty, and E:trl..\stur Shilton, first ushered tho gllt'shto til .. " check room, COthh'ting them IICY'to th(> second floor of the club. Her-t lip." were Introduced to tilt' Presi')ellf·'i:!ht. :\ran�' of thnst" pr('s('nt who cli.lnot. clnn('(' spE'nt tI,e ('\"ening nt th(' hP·;nr.tl t� ... bJes ancl in tile howlinJ!' :lJJI'�':'",}tida wer(, thrown opl'n for thpir ('i:·"rtninlll('nt frpt" of ('hnTgt' .Tho "'holt> towpr group wn� cl('('�.. �t('tJ with mnsst"!'1 of palms. ro.s� nr" PL:BASURE SEEKERS:-n.ESHKEN LEAD LEAGUE;ABE PASS.ED BY LAW� .\, ..... e.arillJg First Team, Althoqh Meet·ing Def ea.t, is in First Place­Seniors Win. COHAN'S GRANO"NEARLY MARRIED"Stanuiug of Interclass League.T"':thl. \\'Oll"'J't'ShUIl'1I I. oS•• :I\\'l' , ,., tiruniors -lSophomores . . . • .• -1,.'rt'sluut'l. J r, -1.\1t:t1il's � With Bruce McRaeLost Pd.1 S��1 �;;;-1 ;;11110) -l-tl0) -114·1 -t:..:'"Ii -tilt.t IIU! "Dcli�htful Comedy-GreatFun."-Amy Leslie in NewslLLI�OlS:-il'lIiorl' .. , ..... ,.-1(I CHRrS7lZ M..L�l).')NALDFreshuu-u I, althullgh �lIn\'l'ill� :1.lefeut at till' II1U1"� of tilt' Sl'I''':,'rt'�hlllall t eam last 1"I'iday lIi;.:lIt. i;til1 leadi ng tht' It.'a�'1It'. Till' I:I\\' st u·ll'lIh! are }In'�sillg th(,111 l'lllsdy. II"\�!,'er, and ,,'XPl'lt·t to jump into the It':,Illy tiny. TIll' .Iuuiors e li mhed Ill' 1-. hirtl place during the week, INS WEE T II n ART SA Blow at Commercialized ViceIt lias Awakened Chica�o.THE TRAFFICPOVVERSbut just as they s('t'me,i ahout to ftlr�'lh('u(l, the ·Seniors woulll �trl'lIgtl�1'rbo Senior team .playt.lll it� l�t g:lm�''Iuring the whole Sl'ril'� "\1111 the - t.,:,��ork: w.a.� too .mudl (ur.. tll .. ir·· oPP'1�ellt8: WilIi;lflls nucl. Rt!hrn.scora.-jJ �Ofl��oot1 :shots, _ with. :\rurray .. not·. (or II"hind. .FANNIE· WARD. In ·the' 'L:lughtng Success'. '.1; pf .. , Sevon -Co�ntri_.." �! '¥t"P¥I fBtESIDENTi::��1""l " "l'''rl'!'I. an of whi('h w('re nrrnngetl h-r'. The' score: .nrnfessor Pielcl an,1 lfiss Lant!ley-.Dree leasons Why you should Eat aUbe Men's Commo:s1st. Good Food PI"operl7 Cooked.2.d. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen3rd. A Miaimum Price for High Quality FoodCIaIt Breakfast 15e up Cafeteria at LunchDImler A LaCarte MUSIC Come 10 On(' mpmbeT of tht" ('ommittpt> !'Inic1·"The :n-en.t SU�f"R!'I of the rf¥t"pt.i'""liminntcR nny po.'Ulihility of clis('o­f;ning t.llPRe anntml aff'niNi. for i�""O"ps whnt ('an ht" !lonp. T t.hink it.... ,Q n �l1f'f'P!'lR from !'Itnrt toO flni!'lh, nn""",it'hnnt tlonht it i!'l th(' bi���t nll"l,("�t pnt.4'rt:-jnm('nt pf tht" !'Iort thnt, h .....n,'pn h(>t"n J!i\"l'n n.t thl" TJni\"('�ih·. :0'"'''V timt". Thp !'Iplt"nrlitl ('o'nrwrntior"f tlop r('('('ption f'ommitt('lf'. tl,,. f:r.t'n1t'·.. ril fhp !'!hHlent!'l wnR whnt nf'('()mplh'+."il thi!'!."M. ShiI"lderman.TAILORS &. CLEA.NERSIf you want your dothes Pressed and to stay Pressed callup Midway 6958.We Call for and Deliver PromptlyOrder your SPRING SUIT Early and have it ready for EarlySpring Days. 25 per cent discount on ail orders taken now.1114 E. 55th Street�"ICl.GQ.For all 'round \vear and good serviceWe recommend our SPECIAL WIN­TER OFFER---A black, blue or grayserge or cheviot suit, with extra trou­sers of the same or stripe material$30.00�AILOR FOR YOUNG MEN�EB STORES: 1 N. La Salle st. 25 F. .• hC'hon J-;I\d.:1 E, �rO',rof' �t "H('re'ljt�;: Its I.nwl" in Nntl1rp," i.tll� !'Illhjert of Dr. WinfieM SC'ott Hnll',·fir�t l�t,uTO on the general !'Illhjt"('t ofF.l1J!' .. ni('�, to h(' ;rh'en tonight. at R nttht" .-\ hr!lham Lin('oJn Ct"nt('r. OakwCloc1hlU11c\"aT(1 antl J.angl('y n'·('n11f>. nrIT:.)), who j� from th� Northw�pr!tTni\"pNiity mt>dical !I('hool. win �iw.;;i't If¥tllTt"� on thil" �nhjp(>t on �11C'C'�'h'" �fonday and TnN'rlny ("· ... ninrro­'!'h .. lM!hlT� :t.rt" unclf>T the nll�pi('� n�tilt" TTni\"eMlity T.4¥tuT(' nl"�O('intion.ThP �fontlny night If''('tnr� ",'m hi'<Tj"pn nt tht" Fullerton A ,'('n11P 'PrMln-·fl'!'inn f'hnT('h, Fullerton avenuc nn.1Hnmilton ('ourt. nnfl Tll('�clny niJ!ht'f'dllr� nt tllp Abrnll!'m T.inf'oln Cpntl"r, COllT�O tif'ke� nrp !l("·l"nfy.fh·"i'("l1t� '01' !It.tHlpnt�. thp TC'g1l1nr pri,.,.ltC'int! $1.50. flinlZ'lf' nclmi!l!4ion will "rtllirty·flvc (tents.Thp lef't.11T(,lII :trp n!l fol1ow!4:Pc",rtJnT�' 16, U('reclity: Ttlll T.n.w� irXntnre. Fehrunry 17 an,1 2�, ""1'('.1-ih': n!4 it Aff'ed� f.he PhY!'!if':ll, lr('ntnl.. ".) �rornl Qn:tlitielll of' UII" Rn('('. P('h.rllnry 2. nntl 'Marf'h 2. F.llgcni('� 0"P-nl'p Rr(,p(ling: a Xcw AwnkeninJ!'f:lr('h :l nncl 9. The Tmpro\'('ment of' )IAl'fMH:n,:T.t• Fa ant] Elimination of the Unfit. ..•••••••• Iii1 ••• _.---._--WILL GIVE LECTURESERIES ON EUGENICSAT LINCOLN CEN"rm' Jack LaWs. New Pla�8euiors (15).:t�hm ..•••.•••. n. F •.. , .. ".. Wheclt·iHurray ...... L. F. .... KniJl!'whillYillin-ms .••..... C ... ' '. Beut, Kes .. dt'r"'.·aton R. G. Alherts, .fea.�I·hk('oleman, Malln.L. G K,,'lltlallBaskets: Rebm 2, :Murray, Willinm:0;. Coleman, \Vhecl�r 2, Knipst·hiJ41 :!,Kt'ndall 2.Free throws: Murray, ·Wbeeler.Referee, :'Uebols. HELP W AN'l'EDA Clean Comedy Drama withHenry KolkerSTUDEBAKERlim. LYN JlABJ)IHGIn Sir Arhtur Conan Do�le-.Thrilling New P1a.yTHE SPECKLBD BAlmNOTle. FINE ARTSDear Sir:-f:pring clothes are �e next thing tohink about. !'he New Patteru areere and they're Pine. They're very!oderate in Price, too.Come in and see them when you can.�Youn, .l.. _ __"M:EASUB.EFOR MEASUB.E'"=-.. ;;. :princessMom Pow�� �In Fifty Yean,THE LUBEVARsllvTAILOR OLYIWPIClilt Ea .. , 57111_8_ ....__t._ The Fa.vorite Irish Actor·BIDIWr I S X E 0' H A B AIn the DeHghttul BomauceIN OLD DUBLIN• •� HOTU Of' AMOICA.lII IDEALSnOTEL POWHATANWA�"I""GoTO"". D.CLASALLETango·Filled Song-Comed.7"SEPTEMBER IIORB"With Daft LewIaBe.t Loeatocf R.t.1 in ."'tntt ..... anll AbllOlutc:' ftoePIwt'.adDed. m .......J:lmO!'J:A. PZ.&Jr.aooma, d.��ch� bR''',_.­.1.so, .- 1IPo.00 .. , private 'batb.� f3.OO 1lp.Writ. fer So&:wenir Boeklet "B" wit" ..,.Clifford M. J...ewt.,, AIWERICAN:m_°EVA TANGUAYThe . Cyclonic Comed1enue aDdHer J'ubUee VaudevUle CoIllP&DT-With NEIL KBRYON-I'Im­nlest Scotchman of All.