F'rauk Parker in his Juterpretatlve -dances, took the audience by storm at TEAM IN TITLEtho lJrogram give in Mandel hall last _of the class meeting yesterday. Mar· Presldent and Mrs. -Judsoa wiil re- u'ght for the benefit of the University Pat Page came into his owu. __garet Bhodes speaking on· the sub- eeive this evening, at what promisea Settlement trade school, under the di., night and watched. Jlia .. reju�Juniors Ject, and for the advO'Cates of the move, to be one of th most brilliant a1fairs rectlcn of allllD.D.i of Sigma. His first basketball at� trounea , the .: atroacRuth Allen, Ka.theriue Biggins, Paul started with an explana.tion of the of the Reynolds club soeial calendar. number was with Dorothy. Graham, Ohio State team to the tune of a 3'z:.,lItDes Jardien, Frederick Gritliths, Goof- movement, saying that it was an in- )1\·itatious have been extended to gi,·ing a Preueh ballet dauee, The score. Everything that Chicaeo _keel .fery Levinson, �Iary MaeDouu.ld, Hel div idual matter \\"ith those who have every member of the faculty and ot Dance of the Young Arab followell, iu �he games of the past two:. �en Ricketts, Thomas R,ruJJ, Cowan taken the step, and that no attempt the student body, and au at.teudaeue and he coneluded with Amid the Veils, was apparent last _night, aad the Bu�.Stephenson. would be lQ8.lIe to force the change of approximately three' thousand il::4 a Greek dance. eyes never hat! a ch.an.ee from Start toSophomores �ner&lly. expected. Mrs. Habel Herdien, well known for finish. Chica.g� _lot the jump.;·� .�Dan Brown, Jessie Brown, Ernest Earle Shil�n. toll�wed with a state, ParJdDson Will Introduce. her singing throughout the country, opening whistle and smothered .. tJuiCavin, Margaret Hancock, Lenus Lund- went that the list was DOt & reeognl- President George Parkinson of the opened the program with two numbers, sluggish team work of their oppoDentaber�, Edward Reticker, Ruth Swan, t ion but ra*-er a record of the class Reynolds club, will Introduce" the which found the audience in a splendid completely.Kp.nt Tenney. members. H:e added tbat the list had guests to President and Mrs. Judson, mood. Her second group" in the mid. The result of last n.igh� :CIIIDA-�Freshmen 11 definite concrete va.lue, which stu- who will stand at the southeast corner dIe of the program, w� enthusiasti- pareutly elimiD.ai�.�, � •. &0*.Martha Barker, Frances Broomell, dents were not �� at liberty to of the second floor. Next in the re; cally received. the championship run.ning,.&IUi 1ea.y.s-.Pranklin Chandler, Dunlap Clark, Wen- spoil. Lynne Sullivan was the ne.xt ceiving line will be the University Gives Monologues. Chicago and Wisconsin to fight it out;dell Dixon, Helen Jamieson, Riehard speaker. Roderick Peattie and Buth «leans, and the various departmental Miss Marjorie Cooke gave. two Ger- in the final game of the. �.:.sKuh, Frank Moo-an. Marga;ret Mun- Hough concluded the discussion. groups, as follows: Classics, Schoolof man dialect menologues, ··Suffering :MadiSon. Marc" 6. This�. :of.e� .......nM". Beach No Dedalon. Education, Law Sehool,Medical Sehool, Wimmins," and "The Trouble of a pl'66umiDg that' Chic8g0 ancl.�,.Bat4· .Interesting contests are promised I .•v No decision was reached. The mat- ad Lan !.Iother,·' which won the favor or gel1l can win: th_.� rem&1.·niDg, .. �.II Science, Divinity, and M ern .the large list of nominees for the Un· tel' will ba . discussed a(pain at a soeelal h . everyone. She followed with an Jtal- however, seem8'�ost a certaint.y., ¥to• -r-- guages. The faculty of t e Historydergraduate Council elections. A long meeting next Friday at 10:15, at which ian love story. She appeared late in less some unexpected slump, ooC; .... ;group will reveive in the south rOom .- . . . I·list of nominees was the result of each «lefioite action will be taken. the program with "Heroines." With the champiqnship hinging oD: �.... 00 the seeend floor.C'--s meetl·na. . '0_11 h· f h . MLqs Edna Heato f I ill '1· Chie. ago-WisconsiD gaune, it. w-ill r r ....UWI,.. Cornelia � c all'Dlan 0 t e pin Inosmuch as the Club reception 0 0 n anapo rs, . .._....J \ • '... rembers of the Under·"_.1uate COUD.. omml-ttee ou ecl that one hun ·OO!l,ve a well·received harp. solo the semble the old intersectional ma.tc� __.w. 6"...... e , �. • •room cannot accommodate the number ·,e-. , .. -t"l"1eil unounC8 thaC 6Vf!Jry liominee dred and twenty pins have been sold. of guests expected, a.ria.ngements have Ballade of Hasselmans. � P�k- ���.'Geta� iiiiitI."'..:..'.:- .. __ ._... ";'.-_: -,.. -.,.. �; .... _:� .. - __.. '_" -.-most hand in his list of activities at Howell Murray � as mU1"-�nio� -;vw.d.-� shi.ft.eerlaiu_Gf:.�� .���.���_ �o�lowed; _ �i.- .. Gertntde -.r.... '\:.._ .. __ 0llt'.8,...in. .oaJer:- __ detatiid.De-·imretigL aa--:poU.ible"':"':- __ ci��:-::.i partmental groups to H��i.iD90nh hall 'Perry, associated with the Unit�«l From the tim.e - :BaWngiit�e� - �: .b·l· � d th ---� .. Charities, ml.,ve an interpretative dance the first basket 'of' the game after triIltJ un er e poiD.t system. Candi· smoker is annou. """'" for Sundav, Feb. . th . h th· t 0-.., later ID e eveDlng, were en s a·of the M08kowski Last I>a.n.ee of Au- min�tes of play Chiea£o OutPlaY8d. 'th;'_ .dates found ineligible will be requirCtt 15 at the Psi Upailon house, 5845 Dor· tiona will be indicated by placards. .. ._.. .tumn, Miss Hinman having arranged Bnckeyes in every' department � tbe,Music for the evening will be fur· . . -.....;the number. Misses Dorothy Graham game. Every Chieago 'man .stuek, .. tel .. 'nished by the University band, under number. Misses Dorothy Graham, his opponent 80 closely that the gr��.the direction of Mr. Blanchard, by th..- I,art i,of the f- shots 'Ohio haa.' ·.-at- -die·Doris Humphrey, and Marion Traey ""�O '&I'D .. ...w'IW'W. . ..ft.·BB Men'a Glee clnb, and by Tomaso's basket� were from difficult ail..r8ii aDo-d..-.va ... .._._.-� ... v gave the trio arrangement of the Mo_ 6""The point system is a good thing." .OOBVOOAUOX ORATOR Spanish orchestra. The guests will b('mnt Musicale by Schubert. The pro- practically impossible. Molander - aDd'"said Erling Lunde in speaking of thif! Barvazd ProteB8Dlf"-wnI -� Orad. giveu. the freedom of the club, thl'�rram was concluded by a dance, Amiel Bauu1ga.rt:ner but up one' of the: 6eeiyesterday, "and the Couneil is going uates .t Close of SpdDg bowling alleys and pool and billiard the Vales of Thessaly, by Fraok anel guarding games seen in Bartlett siDe.' lto see that it applies absolutely. Tt Qaane&o. tables will be throwu. open for the Miss Gertrude Perry, under the direc the d�ys of Page and Hoffman. Lett,'may need revision, but until devist'cl. vening, and no charge will made for tion of Miss Hinman. showed his aeoring ability' by eagi�,.'it will be enfo�ed as it is." Kuno Francke, professor of German their U8e. Frappe adld eake will b(' Crowd is Present. three goals, twice dribbling' the 'lengtJi .Tt is stated that the point sy�tem ap- culture and· .. rator of the Germanic served. Mandel hall was well filled, anel th..- of the floor. Molander qualified'· a. :Museum at Harvard University, will CN_ftI .... _-' .plies on a quamr basis, anel an�·onf' Deco$tioDB an ..... �e. managers of the benefit state that the one of the best free· throwing ...... st •.elected who becomes ineligihlc clur_ he the convocation orator at the spring In line with the informal tone which thousan(} dollars which they set as in the Conference, caging five of hi.convocation. Professor Franeke W3Sing any subsequent quarter of his term ill to m-ark the reception, the decora their goal, is assured. Nothing deli- seven attempts... horn in Kiel, Germany, in 1855, anti f· pI t. Th D J 1· N I G-tl' rIn the couneil will be require«l to reo tions will be 0 the Sim es e cor- nite is known concerning the exart es art len, J. orgren an. VOl. �graduated frooi thL Kiel Gymnasium ed -..I. bl "Sh� ,sign or withdraw from the ac-th·iti� ridor of the tower group will be amount reali7.eel. The program W3� all play remlKa.a e games.;. v"'J'which cause the surplus of "point�l·· in 18i3. He received thc degree of bnnked with ferns and palms, and II followed by a dance in Hutchin80n. eorraled five �s, Goettler l'oar, ".DcI'Ph. D. at the un,-ersity.of Munich in hower Of ferns and roses will be placec! Norgren two. Stevenson, Shull; � .ISiS, and th." degree;o,f LL. D. at the in tile President·s corner on the 8(.'("- .JUNIORS UMDBBTAKE 'l'O Gorgas, and Kixmiller replaeed .'FDrALS Dr 40 YARD DASH unh-ersit7 ot. W�oDain in 190-1. H� ond floor of the Club. The final ar- COIlPLftB CLUB FOND regulars in the last minutes; of play •.has been eonneeted with the German rangement of the decorations will ht' Cherry, the much touted 'Buekeye .....Vanit7 Sprin- WiDa Heat in Pre- department o.f H .. p .... �rd. 151·11""e 18Q·., .. �. wm Attempt to CoDect B-nund_ or d I I th ...: ."" • .. O"'t -� made by Miss Langlev, hood of Green w&." co,'ere cosey e enwre game,liminaries of Ffnt Regiment "Sam X� -ro IutaIlMeet. profe880r of Germ.an, �ennan litera- .... ood hall, and Mr. James A. }�icl.1. Boob and although he wq the maiosta,.· .01-'-tore, German eultv.re, and as eurator the Marshal of the University. the passing he was· unable to _Oot.Baraneik was the only Varsity of the Germanic Museum. "We ha'.e been working for o'·er a }'ifteen men of the .Junior ("lass un- t"tredh·ely."'Printer to qualify in the preliminariel' Kuno Franeke is (!he,·alier of the month now," said President Parkim�·),· .ll'r the leacle�hip of President Kent PIa,. Armour Sq� -ra......,..ot the forty yard dash of tho First: Royal Prossiall Order' of tlae Re,1 yC!'terday, .·to make this e,·ent a rt':)) SykM1 ha'-e und�rttlken to C"oUect th.. lAst night·" game was tbe last. (.,'011'Regimcnt meet last night. Therc wer.. Eagle and of the order of the Crown, SUt'eea. In a way, we ha'·c b<.'Cl. r(>St of the thousand dollar.s n<'Cfle.l t(' ferent'e rontcst for �'bieago· vDtil: a,.ten preliminary heats, the winners. a fellow of the AmerieaD Aeademy of placed on our mettle this year, fOl' in�tall tlle libnary in the Rcynolc11'1 week from :Monclay, when . tit&-· teaa.only, qualifying for the finals tonight. Arts &lid Scien0e8 &lid a member of th .. re was serious talk of di�nt.inuin� ('Iuh. They plan to divi«lc the membeT_ journt>ys to Iowa •. F.riday· aD4iI Satw-·Barn.neik, with a "oot handi("fln, won the American. Philntlnn. hieal Soeiet.v . 1 h· f h I h . fif ;lay, FeJ,ruary :W. ancl 21, ·Coee. Pace:I· �-r the Pr�i(lent·s recoept1on 33 an annll:l. � Ip 0 tel" tt Into teen f'rottp�his heat in 4:3·5 seconds. Mr.Keown and of the Jlodem LancnuuJ:e A-.-i" . will take the hunr" to Purclue aad-,,--. "'""' ..... dub afFair. We felt, howe'·er, that. tlll� f':l.("h man Reeing thc memht-I"l" in hi:ot th'" I. A. C. w s ..... on� Knl·rrllt of tion. lie iR the author of -veral Ger. ( Ohio State. In the mcantinae· tbeu... "" u.. ... ov wouM be On aU accounts m�t un ort'l. tlh·ision pt'l'8onally.il'I, .'}c:, �, . -(' ,.:: .. ��. _. t./ ..latly !laronftVol XII. No. 82. UlIIVBB8I'rY OF OBIOAGO. SA-rtJIU)AY, FEBBUABY' 7, 1914.NAME MANY NOaESFOR' COIJNCIL PLACESRUIOONGBENEFIT BIG SUCCESS CmCAGO OYERWHElISomo srATE QOIN11lHONOR USTS DISCUSSED GIVE RECEPTION INSenior Meeting Oi�usIes Question CLUB THIS EVENINGof Abolishina Activities Recordsin Cap and GoWD _ .. Reach No President and Mn. Juchon and"--�II·00 Members of the Facultiesucc Will Receive Large Crowd Fills Mandel and IsEnthusiastic Over Program­Frank Parker Scores Triumph in Vanity Returu to ChemP;o.Dances ship Fomi and TI'OIIDCeaBuckeyes 37-14Many Candidates Are Placed inRace for Membership inUndergraduate BoclyWhether Senior acth'ities recordsWILL ENFORCE .POINT SYSTEM should appear in th8 Jap and Gown THROW CWB OPEN FOR GUEST&took a prominent p1aee in. the buainessTHE NOMINE}<;Sto withdraw from the race, or resign cheater Avenue •. �e. jinx vaudevillesome other aetivities, should they be will be �veD.b,.·.*e ;class in the Beyelected. Ilolda club Friday, Feb. 13.BAB.AHCIlt QUALIFIBS FOB• I....the University of Chicago, ran �('('onct man and American works inelo(lingto McFarland of the I. A. C. in the "Soeial ForceS in German Literature,"first hea� but failed to qualify. "GermaD Ideals of Today," an«l "AGorgas, Cox, and Whiting will rom. History of Ge�n Literbare."�te in thc high jump, an.l Thoma....4J, ha,·(' heen t,,·o harel pract.ice .. ,.DU,.,�l"ht'tl11I('C1. TUM'.Iay Armour- Square,who conquered the Varsit,. earl,. iathe �uon will ("orne to Bart.lett. for· a.�c<-ond gamf', anti "ri.lay tb. ET ....ston tt>n.m.nate, for the Reynol,l.. cluh il' rt'al!� Kf'nt 8yk('!' ancl 8:lmll�1 K:lplan ha'·,the �ial clearing hou!'e of the ."a1ll h('('n appointt>«1 to fill t�e vat-andes in­pus, aDd conscquently there �houl,1 Ill" the lihrary ("ommitteo left hy F.arlat. lout one e'·ent of n �tri .. tl�· l'IOI"in; IShilton and Clycle .Toyre. The romnature which wool «1 hrlng tOgcthf'I, mit.t('(' u it ",tanc1" now ronsiRt. .... of.. ,·erybody who is in any way r.onnel"t- Dt-aD Boynton, Hiram KeMi�ott.,"Men and )liMiOlls," anonymoos, aneled with: the Univennty. .�r('C1eri�k Croll, Samuel Kaplan, Kent"Human Progrea TIara MiMionR," by "With the aid of Dean Talbot W('Soutllem Club MeetiDg-Thc South· .T. L. Barton the two books that form· .have been able to set"nre an e,·en'n!:f'm ("luh will meet at 4::{O ncxt Monda�· cd the prineipal exhibit at tlte Stu· b hIt Iupon whieh there wool«l e a l'O tl t' Yno (!oufJiding engagemetlt.". The re·Bomf, anel Mdhrc in tho pole "ault to·night. The Beore:Chi("ngo (37). Ohio State (lot).Sy1c�. and a libra:tian yet to b(' f"lf"'" No�ren, Shull .. R. F ..... Cherry, GinnCf1. This rommittee will ,...not' for one Goetler 1... F. Bli ..'l: •• u.a� •• .,... .. ,.... '. in l..cxington 14. Important bu�ines. .. dent Volunteer convention at Kansaswill be eli8euMCfl, with a program nnd City, have been placed on temporaryprobably an informal debate following. exlaibit _ Q. PI'-. year, Mcl it... c1uti� will be the 14{'I('«'tion of the boob Rnd the genernl. I �ttpervisiOn of the library., Stevenson.ftlB DAILY KABOON. SA'l'l1B.DAY. FBBaUAaY 7. 1914.... w. COtUq ....B. 8. a. ... P ,w Lnaaa TODAYPresident'S Beoeption at 8 at theReynolds club.Y. :M. C. A. field trip 8:30 Cobb.Score club dance at 2:30 in Rosa.li\!halLllle ... Editor is opposed. not because it is so greatAth'''' Edl&GrBaDe er in itself. as beca.use it presents a detiu-Clhalalloa er ito step, though small. in the wrong dieEntered &a MeOnd-claaa mall at the n:ction. We IU8 glad to notice thatCllJcqo Poetoalce. Chlcaco. IlL. )larch 11. -iss Correspo- .lent does not want to110" wader Act of Karch I. 1171. .ID.uu -U-I1_ system over the west door 01 Bar t ,... �, 'lIr. Editor, d1d.nt you wastoa good. .I--� lett gYl1l.nasiunt. At preseut -uo ligh ....y-., of g11D.Iling on avery.,. . of ally kind are to be found there awlvery -sma.u ta.rget? .. asks Winfield -lll'uce students who are obliged to lI-;L Scott Ball Is To Give Lecturethis exit often stumble upon the steps Seriesbeneath and pitch h�dloug to thesidewalk,817B8CalPTION &&TEa.s, e&lTter: 82.10 a "_1': '1.00 a Quarter.S7 mall: U." a ,.ear; ,1.%1 a Quarter •. &4Jtorial-Bume.. Otrtce. Elila U.relephone Mid • .,. 100. After 10 p m.Il7d. Park "U. -Maroon Pr--. UI1 Cottac. Grove Avenu�.ClllitDtialor Passe? I[ 1. s Correspondent.Yes, verily, Kiss Corr�_spondent 'tis smallgame indeed.-tbis agitation about thelIDaor listB. The Maroon stands ac­.ClIUI8d or valuing honors too highly.If this be. the impression created, herenow, wm dbcoarage activities. TheMaroon aJread7 ba oatUned i1a posi­tion on acUntiea per te-that they areaD rfpt for tIloee wtlo want them- CommUDication.To the Editor:-A� a student of t.hj:;1l-lIiv�Nity I consider it ruv privil« .. �· .... :::.: .r • I:' I ...and duty to call1l.ttelltion to tht..' aiJ·, __ ...... 1iiI •• �-- .. ��;;o.;;;;;.i;i;i;O;i;O�W�;;;;:;;;;;������;i;i;i;i;i';;';;';'''-'''''''' ··_·�·_'···_·'';;';:;:''�;':':':''� . __ �� __seuce 01 any sort 01 esteruul llghtil:;; •tltrow the machine out ot gear; Dlllj'we ask that she do not stick hairpinsinto it?COllIJucuciug 'J'ut..':ld:w .. Februarv lUWinfielu Scott lIull ofw �he .North·'\.l.�t:«ru :\h'tlic:ll �clJool will gh-c a l:IC.J'il'Mof weekI")· Jecturos 011 "Eugenies."TIU' subjeet TueStluy will be "Uerl'llit,Y,It'! Laws in Nuture.':These )t..'t'turl's will be given at Ab­rnham Lineuln Venter, Oukwood Boule­vard and Luul,,rely Ave., at S o·dm'k.SpasmJ t.ickcts for students arc i5 cents .•8inl!Ie admi!tSions are :�5 cents, IThe subjects of the following lel.­tures arc:F e b. 1 i-Heredity as it AfTl,(·ts t110Physical, Mental and :Morul Qualitiesof the Race, HOW TH.� NEW WOMEN'S BUILDING WILL APP�AR.--_ .. - - - -- .. ----- -.--- .. ---- . ....:....---=Ll. . . :::;�: ..: �'.' ..--� --........... --�- .. _... � .. - --"-- .---.- ...1'-_.Design tor the Building Donated by Mr. La Verne W. Noyes.�---------------WILL LECTUBc: ON EUGENICS ..... , .... ,Jpleasantness of this exlstiug overaightaAd now the Ma.roon wishes to contra-djict. it, deny it. repodia.te it, in the by the uuthorit.ies. Fur this reason, itis not uureusouable to ask thut pruper�. emphatic terms. College honorsstt'l's be taken by those ill power tvameliorate thil:f slipshod neglect and toaq '. evanescent, trivia.l, u�ly worth­Ies&. .And. if. college honors seemed. toave �me i.mpartance in the criticised ,n'fluest. the placing of sutlicieut :111"ample illumination before the west,editmal. it was by way of concession.door of Bartlett gymnruJiuru.For it .. college honors are worthless,whoon � �uld object to a. p� oftllem �g over. yea, many pages?Tml7, ,.iI they be the froth and bubbleof coD.ege life, this poor MiSBI !Ia.ryJonea, of ColumbUs, Ohio.· is causinglMsaelt lUlDeces8a1'7 sorrow. Bathershould �e rejOice and feel � thatabe has had. sense enough not. to gochuiDg �-o'-tIle-IWisps. and so shecan tell he friBnds, and thus Win instruction until he �(luire'S a ecrtni,proficiency. This seems to mc to hta very good thing, and one that tIll-+ aclmiratiOD. No. the bln",der ot .1 March 17 --Environmental Sille of-- .O&M; t:nh-crsity could well auopt.which we.st&D4 90 jilstJy �nvicted is J would bc willing to wager that l�ugenie.:t Thc Guarlling of Youth.just that which a1rords the abolitiolV cvery year the University turns out Problcms of Society.:IBta their real .ba.ttle..cry. For iI these men who do not know how to swim. GIVE WEEKS LECTURE PROGRA![lIsta indeed be c'v3Dity lists., who Thc importancc of learning how toshOUld "W'ODJ'. it ·concei� individuals t:\ke carc of oneself or somc onc cIsI..' The program for the lecturcs givcnwish to put them in? Bather let them in watcr necd hardly be clwelt on here. under the au�pi('Cs of the Unil-ersitydo 210. and SO shine the brighter by We have ample tank facilities uncl a Lecture As�o'('iation during the w&'kcontrast. On this hypothesis. the only swimming instnH'tor. 1t seems st.ran;:l' heginning FCbruary 9 �s as follows:PGSIIlble f01lDdatlon for a. movement t.o that the Physical Culture tlepnrtmellt lfonclay evcning in thc fullertonaboUah honor listS is thf) desire to pro_ I - I h- 1 f avenue Presbytcrian Church, ('ornl.�t:1� not lnauguratel t IS mOl ern (':t-teet these same ·foolish people from the tin's Fullerton avenue and Harn:i1ton (·ourt.d.-lslon that' wm be their lot should Profcssor I'. Schevill, of the t;'nil"('r.4ity .they publish their "vamties." And Brief Campus News of Chicago, will concludc his cOUJ"HC on-- Correspondent 'takes the other =. "Thc Making of :Modcrn Germany."tack. She bases b.er argument on poor, Extend Picture Time-Scnior pict His topic for the evening to he, ··Wil·doWDtrodden IIary J"ones. Passing this ures for thc 1914 Cap ancl Guwn mUM!. li�m II and the Victories of Pe:l.('�."point, what is tile Dezt bomb-ahell shot be in by February H. Tuesday cvening in the AbrahamInto tile � poRUon ot the Maroon? I.incoln Center, corner Oakwo�l Rh·tl.Volunteer Band Meets Monday-The'l'IIU-tIlat the· �n fa wrong in nnd Langely avenue, .Dr. W. S. HallStuclcnt voluntecr bancl will meet :\lun8Q1Dg that it tile honor Ust and. by of Northw�tern Unh-C'r8ity ll�l.·alday at 1 :30 in Lcxington H. Thc topathe way. may � Kuoon beg leave t�chot\ wi.R begin on his Eu��nic·!.tao caD thae thiDp activities reccmIs for discussion is "l[otivclJ." llnmb.: •.• ('oursc. His topic for thc e"cning i!'of thc band will speak of the mot i n'l"JaereaIteto?-the aCuYltiea record then. to be. "Heredity: It. .. Laws in Xat.'Jre:·for mis8ionary work. All int..t�r('�tetl-be abolfahed DO one will go out tor ha'-e been invited to attcnll.Prtan? 'l'nIe. tile IIaroon would bewroag hl a.yIng that-touche, it wedJd. aDd ... one for Miss Correspond­em. Htn Is what the Maroon believes.a114 ... tz7fDg to say-that such .1mcw.za_t Is • 8IDaIl indication or theWI'ODC sptrlt, aDd the growth or thattlPfrft, rather than the concrete move ..ment In whfc:ll It fa being manlfested I"C\po!it:tn dull g-a"I' tltl' "'�t snc'C'l':!!,r,1) I'ro�rnhl (If the' �'Nlr Inl'lt ni;:ht. it·Lectures on Pra%iteles 1TitdH'o�k hall. A�'1(winte' Prf'(f'l"s,,1Professor H. R. Cross of' the lTni,,('1"!';' �":Irr �pok(' on thf' "Im'i.lents lin :\,�.ity of Michigan ledurcfl yC'st.ertlay 011 I.f�t Yi�it in .Jnpatt." .Tn!"nn�C' mll!llit"UI4 to oppoee that elemellt, by en- ··PraxJ·tele-," l·n 11" ak ..... l I ... 11 1 1· . fT··.. ...., '" .t'L."!U�m I�' :-!f1, :t c J8CU�'non 0 • npan('l"(' palntlnJ:!� IIIdl a IPfrft as that back Rcom. He 8howcfl a. s('ries of �t('rf'. rnll o\\" ('11. A��oeinte Shira T�ahiro nnclof tile P..-at acttaUon. Is as unjust oT,ti('on "iews of the work� of Prn�_ �'iss :\r. Aoi alflpO "pokC'. Amon� thl'.. woa14 'be .. attempt to drtn aDJ" itclc� nnfl tho� which nrc attrihute.l gr:('st� was the "TnpanCl"e Con.qlu to CIli­a. Into act1ftU_ ftf. preaent move to him.To cast aside tho fact thatace ident.s might occur in this fushio-,there demuius still tlla.e disagreeabh, Ul1·Swimming InstructionTo the Editor:-At many colle�I'sand universities such us Ohio State fOI"example, every man is required til F'eb, 2-l-Eugenies or Rat�e Breeding:the X o w Awnkenin!.!.tnkr-n lessons in swimming before Itt' �:\Iarch .3-hllpro\'cmcllt of tit., Pitis. �'1'aduated. As a purt of hi� \\"or1<in l'hysical Culture he is gi"en thi:-\ :UI.l Elimination of the Unfit"llarch l(LEn\,jrf¥lnleJlt�.. Sicle ofEugenics. Childhoou CulUllrc. Th('Problcm of the Homc.Professor .T. Paul GOoc]c of the Hni."e�ity of Chicago, "'iU continuc hisWill Give ShoW8l'-A tea- .. np �how"r ('OllTSC of iUustrated Icdur('8 the !'!amcwill he gi"en hy the sooial l'olllmi .. tel' ('�'l'ning on "Our National R('soll"·C's··of thc Leaguc next Weclnes.lay af"�r· in I.ihrary hall lraywOOfl. His tBpi,'noon at a::lO in I.exin�.on. E\'l'ry �irl r(lr the c\'ening to he "Our Ohli;""rIt.iulInlllst hring a tca·�up. to thC' forest."Announce Pledge-Alpl1a T:lIl OlllC"�a annOltn('('s th(' )ll�.lJ.!illg of l'a1l1 c.llla7.('r of Alcflo, Tllinoi�. Gives SuccessfUl Pronam.('fl� � o--.��..r-".u-�Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near 50tb Street Subway Station and53rd Street Elevated."Broadway" � from GrandCentral Depot.Seventh A venue Cars from Pennsyl­.ania Statloa.M�� Shl�dermaI1.. TAILORS & CLEANERSIf you want your clothes Pressed and to stay Pressed callup Midway 6958.We Call for and Deliver PromptlyOrder your SPRING SUIT Early and have it re&ldy for EarlySpring Days. 25 per cent di�count on all orders ta�en now.1114 E. 55th Street"'ralrnlq .Je .... e1r7.... ather 0004.Collep N'onlUH Embossed 8t&UODer'7WedcUDC layltatlo ..CaW... Card. , ..I\.., . -,•BROCHONENGRAVING COMPANYH. G. TURNERPresident III Ballen Bddl ...Flowers for the PromBUTTER-FLY SWEETCJIc. ICE CORSAGBS OF OlWBlDS,VIOLftS, AND LILIBSNO BrritA 00ft FOR OF THE _ VALLEY.SBIEI·DS AND TIES.Flowers andPlace your Order Early. Choice Assortment of CutBasltets Always on HandPALKS RBN'l'ED FOR ALL. OCCASIONS.A. McAdam.Telepbone Hyde Park 18. w. J. Lagrotta1303 Eo 53rd Street.. .. _ _---_ .�anted At OnceEacla.aD at tile UmenitJ to come iD and investigate ollrSpeCial Offerto CoUege MenHERZKA BROTHERS:-: Tailors :-:1545 East53n1 StreetTelepbone H. P. 1037. Open Evenings and Sunday.�--- - .SUBSCRIBE FOR i'BZ DAILY MAROO.4 ,\.,I\.,, . � \•· 1 �t! �.' I � The DonchesterSHIRT BOSOM always lies flatand smooth within the waist­coat opening, because theend of the bosom is not at­tached to the shirt but slidesover the band ofthe trousers.ARROWSHIRTS$2.00 end up.Cluett, Peabody & co .• Inc. MakenT�� KEY" THATFIT SEVERYL 0 C K - DIDYOU EVER BEAJl_'O� A. JlA.8TEBJI O'D-E L 01' A.TYPEWRITER'"Tblaa: of ALL oftbe eOIDblae4 lUI­Taata�e. of SET­EBAL tnHIwrlten10. "aTe ..... ,eoaee. t rat e 4 ..o If E .ta.4ar4maebla ••TbeBo7a11aala4llMperfeet17 �kDO,", fona ofceDer., .or­re.poDde •••aDd doe. .. nIwrftInc and �­df'D1Ied BUIiDC be­IIld.... - without •"Inlrle "'pedaI at­taeblDf'Dt·· to add• xtra eo&t to tbetypewriter. ThIDkof thl. Dd �ouwill baTe a fairly«ood Id.. ., tile)(.At�r-Model .fthf! 807&1."ROYALTWrEWBITEB CO.IDe.G8 Eo. ........CbIea& .. DLFOR MEN O�LY an m __tra t� booket de·scribing .. Dewtreatment for all-.let'y razor bladl'!O, maklnc �e blade l.sla Illettmp, and be bMt�r tb..... when pur·u-..ed. Sl'nt on recdpt or .. 5 cent ..CLAUDE WOLFE,Howard Ci�y, llich.SWAN'S ROOM CLASSIFIED!DVDlTISEMINfSWILL BOLD VPP.BB .J1JlIIOB�8eolftBftF1rBt cna. -r&1tea P!ace Hut WedDea.da:r-Bace is Open to 8oph-LUNCH1342 East 55th Street.Try Our Regular Dailyaad Sunday Dinner, 20e Up8unscRlm: FORTil .. ; DAlLY MAROONAll tho campus neWL 5c per line. No al.hertisewents re­eeived for less than 25c. .All claaaUleclPreliminaries in the Upper Junior advertisements must be paid in &4-ex�mporaneous public speaking eon- vance.test will be held Wednesday at 4 in THESMOOTHESTTOBACCOKe-nt the-ater. All students desiring tQ FOR SALB-Rell1ingtou typewriter 1'0.enter the eonteet must be registered 2. Price $l;;.UU. Inquire at I:!:!:! B.with the- dean of the Junior colleges (jIMt �t. :!nu Plut,hefore Tuesday. Contenders must have- MUSIC hath cLarms-add a � 01Velvet and you are a whole Oichestra.Such is the ))Ieasure of good' tobacco.Velvet, the tenderest leaf-aged in the oldwarehouse for two years--a slow, iomhre.time-process of mellowing-in which allharshne:lS iF. lost-the flavor toned, sweet­ened, made exquisitely smooth. A anokewithout bite-music without �Velvet is knOWD to be the most �UI&l'matured ,smoking tobacco on)Y � caDproduce its deligbts-only � IIIIUIeaits pleasures. AD yoan!At all dealcn.����a,;.more than nine majors and less than '1'0 RENT-Well furuished, pleasuutseventeen and one half, must not have front room, in new mod. building;won n pr'ize in an Upper Junior contest reasonable, Young man ultlo desiresprevlously, and must be eligible for roommate. 54:!; Ingleside ave., 3rd apt.Midway 6174.,pu blle appearance.The topics will be aasigned Tuetiday LOS'I':-··Eugllith Poetry: by llinly, in,at 4 in Kent, and speakers will be al- Ellis S, Thursday. }'ind.,r please reolowed twenty four hours in which to turn to Information Office.prepare their speeches. Four contend' avenue and receive reward.CnJ will be picked to compete in theliuuil:l. Bach person will talk for five W.A.NTED--.Freshman with some ex­IUi;..Utes. perience in camping or uow engagedThe final speakers will be assigned with work as assistaut in WiticollluntopiclJ forty eight hours in advance camp, July and August. Address W. M.uud speeches will last for twelve min. Kiplinger, Morgan Park, Ill.nates. The winnar will receive a BOAlU>-In small private family. Ex.seholarship for two quarters and the cellent home cooking. Limited numbersecond man will receive one for one at table. Address 6134 Woodlawn ave.Quarter. nue, 3rd apartment, telephone HydeThe hals in the Lower Junior con. Park 637.test will be held in a �w weeks.. JIBS. FLORA ltIacIVOR SMITlI­Douald Bean.. Lyle Sellers, Stuart Voice builder and teacher of artisticWuJsh, Max Hale1f, and John !(cCann singing, Mondays and Thursdays atwill be the CoOntlenders. They will be Mrs. Knights, 5652 Maryland Avenue.allowed twenty four hours to prep,are Wednesdaya and Saturdays at home,their topies and cUh ODe will talk for 6356 Maryland A venue. For informa­th·e minutes. The winner will receive tion address 6356 Maryland Avenuea quarter seholarship. Phone. Midway 4390. --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••DELTA BIGKA. PBI ANDPSI U. Tn: FOR SBOOlID ST. LOUISFOR SAT B---Standard Smith-Premier,Typewriter in excellent condition, atPLA.OB m DlVIBIOH verr reasonable terms. A great bargain'Delta Signa Phi tied with Psi Up'silon for aeeon� pla.ee in the seeonddivision yesterday afternoon- by tak­ing three games from Alpha Delta Phi.Wheeler of the losers was high man,with an average of 181.Alpha Delta PId. for anyone desiring a typew�ter forrrofessional use. B. B.Lemon, Room �,Ryerson Lab. or 1220 E. 54th St. ,Best Reached by Through and Fut Trains of the'ILLINOIS CENTRALAll Steel Daylight Specialwritter in perieet eondition. Must selltMrelore priee reasonable. Write, 0eall after 7:00 P. M. E. H. Brunemeier53 Middle Divinity HalL Leaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.; arrives St. Louis (via MerchanbBridge6:02 P. m, Indestructible steel cars of handsome interior 6nishEvery comfort and convenience will he found on this train.Harger ...... ; .. , .. 130 139 122Wheeler ........ 174 178 193Horton . ..... , .... 149 107 155Schlabach .... , .. ' .. 92 108 148Croll . � .......... 105 120 113Total ..... -.- ... ' 650 652 731Delta BiPl& PId.Sloan .. � .......... 123 134 132Piek . ........... 149 153 160Rankin •••••••• 0 •• 95Gea.ry ........... .... 127 140Hurwitz .......... 122 207 175�upple .......... 182 160 15!lTotal .......... 671 781 Diamond SpeciallIIe Bit of Ibe SeasonLeave Chicago 10:30 p. m.; arrive St. Louis 7:48 a. m. Electric­lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago.Sto.,. Mad. iD Both Directio •• at South Sid. TlarouchStatio ••• 43rd. 53rd aDd 63rd Street.Observation Parlor Cars. Cafe Club Cars. SleepingCars. Free Reclining Chair Cars and CoachesTick.t.. Far .. a.d Sleepi.c Car R ... natio •• atCITYTICKET OFFICE 76 West Adams St.R. J. CARMICHAEL. D. P. A. Phoaes: CeDL 627O-Aate 6H72_ _ _--_ .SONG BOOK BA.LII ISOODm :rAft; WILL00 m PBB88 'rODAYIIA('('ording to Busine88 �(anage-rGreene orders' for t.he University Songbook are eoming in fut. Three of thewomen in eharge of tlle sale ha'·e reeeived orden for between fifty an.ll'Iixty boob apiece. Letters have been�cnt to some of the most promin�ntalumni aDd they are re8pOnding witha large number ot orden. The manu.�ripts will go to the printing hOUAetoday and the book will be ready for ESTABU�HED 18182 For 25 Cents.Troy'. Best ProductNOTICEDear Sir:-SpriDg clothes are the next thing totbJDk about. The New Patterns arccliRtribution by the '"'t week in Man-h.bere aDd they're Fine. TbeY're veryllanager Greene has requ�ted dtat al1moderate in Price, too.the orclers be in by February 15. Garments for every requiremcntfor Da:r or Evening Wear,For '!'ravel or Catdoo: SPOrtEnglish Haberdashery, Hats and Sboa,'l'ranks. Bags. Leather Goods.� RepresetaUve, MIL WA IJtER, will be at tb.HOTEL LA SALLEFebl'1lU7 12tll, 13th and Utla.Come in and see them wben you can.BespecUuU7 . Yours,Predict � Pla7Member.s of the �ut of "Pril'lcilla;'the BrowD80n Club play, pre(ti�t th3tthe pertonnanee next Wednesday af­ternooD win be the beet that has e\"('rheen giveD by the elub. The play,whi�h is a two aet (!omedy, will ��ven iD tile Reynolds Club theater,(or dub membe,. aDd thf!ir friend!'-'1'.fifB DAlLY JIA&OOH,8A1'UBDAY, FBBBUABY 7, 1914.THE POINT SYSTEM • Fresh. gym. teamSoph. g,ym. teum .. '" ..•..J:o'elH"iug team . .Until October 1 Atbletee JIk,y Hold WreNtlillJ,: tl'UIIl . . .. :!One Bl� Posit! Besides lie Uuiv, football tt.'UDl ';on a m_,. busk et.hul! teUll't' ..bership on a Team. .. basebull team ..•. track team .. · ... ,; .... SwimmiuJr team ••Maroon. AutuDln Winter Spring 'I'eunis team ........••l1alluglllg Editor ; ; ; t'11(·('I'leader... • • . .. ..Circulation lIgr. 7 J a Freshman football ..... , 5bllSlUC� llallager.... '; 1 1 basketball team ..Athletic Editor.. 5 ;) ;)" baseball team.. .•Xl''''!:! J:;llitor " ..;, Literary J(agazine.A�sodute Etlito;,tl' '::':. 5 S 5 ":llitor ill Chief 1Ueporterlt .•.. " . .. .. a J J Lit. ,M:.:,!. editors ':.�:. 4liap and Gown. " .. BUB. Mgr. .. GlJauugiug .Editorlt .... ; ; , Honor Cum. jut1e� .. 3ilusillt>SS ..Mallage� .. ; 1 6 GIVE RECEPTION INLiterary Editor J 6.bsociate .Editor :!&addriars.�Iall:tger ...........•.�buot ',' "' JIJ ul'l,itall'r .........• • .CostuUler.;\:-':-;i:;t:wt l:��t'U'�;I��'" .•Property mau :: ..Assistuut Propert.y ..Pubfie ity man .••.••Score ...•..•..•••••Cast .......•.... , .Chorus .Clubs.-Dramut ic Club Pres. ';Dram. Club Bus. Mgr. 5L>rum. club, winter playeast.IJram. cJuu� spring playl'astL>rulIl. �I'u'b,' f�ii 'pl�y ..cast 2Pre::.<ideut l'an be in' �nyca.st. •Prl'sidcnt of Peuc.ibles 3l'rl'sideut of Pen club. 3Prt'sidcllt of Pow Pow:!i'n'sident and cast ofGcrman club . :,. . •. :!i'rt'sidl'ut and cast of}'rellch dub :!j>1'(�si,lcnt Glee �i�b:: oj.hs. :U:.;r. Glee club .. 1A�st. Bus. Mgr. Gleeclub ......•. '.. . :;Glee club D1ember�':: 3l'�t'�' lIf Rcynolds club;Librarian " •• 3Trl'nsurer 5�el'reta.ry 4Y . .lL C. A. COhlmis_�i(lll chairman . . .. 3WOMEN.MEN.BOOK NEWSTHE OLD ADAM hundred pounds weekly.Thoroughly extreme and exuggerate,l,By Arnold Bennett, George H. Doran the story romps its jOYOUIt way frolllCompa.uy, $1.35 net. one ditliculty to auother, lfachiu 110 ..I, with the rest of the world, an. . only manages to overcome them aUbN1lthlesslv awaitrug the sequel to• • »ut in the breathing spaces UCt\\l'CIi"Clayhanger" and "Hilda Lessways." '110 startles himself and the Pive 'fO\\,I1�But when I recall how far inferior by a. series of minor exploits. For"Hilda" W8S to its predecessor, I awnit the first time in his life he succeeds iuthe third member of the trilogy ill spending hill entire daily Income durOlueb doubt and trepiditlon. AII'I if lllg a brief stay at the Loudon hotelinNi�l'\"I"hjJe Bennett, will cont inue :0 which no ouo from the provincial F'iveb�i1e the tediousness of wuitiug jJY Towns had ever had the temerity tvsuen "larks" as "The Old Adam," I all'-ut er before. He secures the gre.lft'st.willing the t"xpl'et.atioll to some re-actor in England to lay the corucr­mote, indefinitt:' future, for "The Oldst oue of his theater, and persuades theAdam" is worth while, even if it ut ,cream of society to patronize his prv­tains a different ultimate literary dcs.ject, He startles t he some noleut metiny from the great triOg)·. rropolis by setting off at night, f'rom :�In it we meet ugain Edward Henry steel girder one hundred feet ill thl'Maehin, the Audaeious Deudry of :111-rir, a huge rocket. He stays in Xewearlier work. At fort�·_three the sue-York two days without disbur siJlg nuyeessful sole proprietor of the F'ivemoney but one cent for an cY(,llin;!Towns Thrift club enjoys the euv iuhle, paper, and fillall�' ant! most tll'l'i!'in'h'position of father to a family of three, hI! forces up the run of llis poeti(and comma.ndel' of six thousand poulJllsannual ,lrama to one hunared alitI olle lJi:!ht�!income. But somehow the Of course all this brings on a Iwry"eard" is beginning to doubt the real-ous collapse that lasts tllree lIIonth�ity of his hard_earned reputatiou I'Ul':lnd at the end of it Mm,·hill '!e:'itlt·',audacity, and is secTetly beginning to, ' , "0 confine his future acth·tics to tll"question sa well his present ability to Fin� Towns.-But neither this fina] de.li�e up to his early promise. Slightdomestic friction throws him in till' "isiou nor the sum of al1 his prc\-iom'\TlLy of a half option for the sitc 0" C'xploits is suffic�ent to startle his wif,-from that normal wifely solh'itn,l.­a London theater'. He secures it wi:JIwhich first dro\"e him forth in 'liles'a hundred pouu(l note which he Jm ...of admiring appreciation.�ally set fire to as a squib for hi. ...cigar, antI thus incidentally r6b,-"inshis old self-con.fidence and establishesfore�er the reputation of the j,'iyeTowu in the eyes of the Londoner whotarries through the deal. Despite the romautic treuu of thl.'w(lrk, its details are worketl out \\ iththe admirable Bennett realism. Eu-ward llenrY'H home with the gilt radioators, the absolutely latest thing ill League.President of League 1 7\·it·e·Prcs. .... S ,5�ll'lIJbcrs of Cabinet· 4 4S('('retnry " ":! :!St'<.'ond �abinet .J .)Women's Athl�� :�tio�l_)resident of W. A. A. .. 4,'I'(·rC'tary·treasurer 3 3.\1 eOthcrs of Ad,':. B;I: 1 1�Ianagl'r of pluy.... .• 1.\Il.'mhel's of east and('horusCouncil .President of Coun�i) 7li t'm hers u "4Clubs.rhnirnr. of Jnto('r club 4Pr(':oiclent of Nei�hbor.hood clubs . 3Ca�t of Fren('b' �i;.h: :t,':l�t of German club 3Presi.lent anll (':L�t ofllnsquers <)Mcmers of GJ��' ·c·I;.b ;Dram. ('Iub, \\�inter('ast ....••.. , .•...• :.,.• ,. Sprin� ('ast" Fa.1I east 2CLAssES. "Pres. of Senior class 7Trt'nsurer '. ,. " 5Prc's. of .runior class 7TrNI.<;nrcr 4I'r('s. or Soph: '('i�;_� ... 7Treasurer ...''' ..Prf'sitlent Fresh. class 7,"J'rca.�u.Ter (! " .. 4Chnirmnn Socia.l com 4Class. •"·il'� "rf'�. ot Seniorc·Ia...'1'4 ' 6\. i,'f'- "rt:�: .'�i .. �th�;(�Iasse� ..•••• ".• ...llt'mller!' of Conncil ..�('f,). Senior ela�",.. ··6Oth,'r secretary. ..3Teams. ....\, em lH'rs of b:tskct.han tc.... mBa�f'han te�··.·.····n Oc' key team 3�rann�('rs of tca��" i(f('neral Chairman �iQII3,lr:mgular fete "Cla�"'1 ... hnir, of (etc ..IL/n. Coms. memben.· 3f!OCIAL AlT AIB8-'f't'll'lIIent I!ance chai'r 5" .. dan('e sub. ('h. 2,:' " ('urn. chairman 3\\ :ll"h. Prom. chairm. .., .f II ('om. ('hairm. . ... t!'r"'3� Hop chair •.•.. .• ('om. ('hair.! Iltc'r!o:c'hoJa.'4tic (�hair.'f('om. ebair.TEAJIS.After that; events follow tllick �,JHI lights, and the bathro_om with lh,�;i·fast. Impelled almost against his dll ti\'ely all motIern appliances, is exnl tl�,M�hin, by sheer wit and audacity, along with the simple wife who willsecures the remainder of the option, aUlJoy him by wearing an a})rOll, the'bui)(ls his tbeater-the only playhouse domestic milieu whieh a mall lik�in London where one can see and hear ,Mnehin could be trusted t{) de\'elopfrom. e\"ery seat-opens it, owing tl) 'round himself. The petty domcst.icthe machinations of a woman, with pique which sends forth to the musica poetjc drama and a star, in neither hall and thence on to his subsequentQt whicb he believes, antI sa\'es the adventures in "psychologized" withwhole project from 1iQaDcial ruin hy Benuett mastery. Only one possibilit)"ecuring a famous suffragette for tlw of the story seems not to have beencast. Isabel .Joy is her name antI l.on· "realized" to t,he full. It is the rela'don has gone mad about her he('aus<, ti(ln� of h('ro to Dr. Stirling ulJIl Rol,she is making a World tOllr whi('h will ('rt Brin,lIt'y tho :m'hitol't, hoth ofwin ten thousand pounds for the �nf· whom aTe reintrodu('e,1 from "Thefragette eause if she completes it in lratatlor of the Five Town�," for a.ono hundred days and gets arr('ste(l \'Cry slight part in this hook. Thos!'twice. The prize is in sight exc('pt two are prohably the only people it,for the f'eCond arrest which lfa<>hin th� world who .coultl pro\'e a. ma�'heffeets for her, and by way of return- for lfacbin, and one woulll like to s('(ing the favor sbe agrees to appear in tllem try to put him in the seeon,1bi!' play and Ave it, for a paltry two rnte pJa<"e where, after all he belongs.�"ICAGQ.For all 'round wear and good serviceWe recommend our SPECIAL WIN­TER OFFER---A black, blue or grayserge or cheviot suit, with extra trou­sers of the same or stripe material$30.00�B FOR YOUNG MENU E. JacboD Rh-".'1 E . .lfonroo �tI'IIBEB STOBES: 1 N. La Salle at. \':lrsity J)ebatin� team 7 ;)32314G31 CLUB THIS EVENINGI( :ontitlued from page 1.) ,;, ----------------------------_-----------7 3 (·,'ptioll has been given mort' pllhlic'it.'5 than "\'\'1' before, Arrungenreut« hay"5;j !ll'I'1l lim.)" for tllC' l'lItl'l tuiuuu-r.t ":; �ruests aud we fel'! that if :111." (lilt' \\ I"2 uttends does 1I0t huve a n t'II,;.,.":II.J,2; time, they have only tlll'lIJsh'I'� tj blame, Lastly. t'\'t'ryhcltl." l'UUllt'''' t',j with or Interested ill t lu- .·uin'r,.;il:,5 has been inv it ed, uul I 1':111 sve no T\':Isou wby the evening should not be tilt'•. best affair of this sort ever gh·t.'l1 !It:! the University."•• CHIOAGO GVERWl[ET.Mgo.mo. STATE QUINTE'l332 (Continned !re,m page 1.)Des Jurdieu .... C. . ... Zimmer.IJH1(·IIl'J'Gorgas. Troutm:Ul.lloJ8nder R. G. (3r:11:!5 George.7 7 naumgnrtner .. L. G , nit'hmow;Baskets: Norgren 2, (;ol'ttler .. � nl'�,. .rardien 5, Baumgart.ner ", Gl'urge J.; Cherry 1, Graft' 3...�7:15 Free throws: llulamlt'r ;;, Georg" '.4 Wehmond G.;)43 3 Referee, Reinman; Umpire, \\�eMtufr.EXPECT CROwD; Fo.B CONCERT5 ) ----..-----4 women'S ulee UIUD AJlatt Next WedDes_:. day Is PromisiD,lt, According ToPresent Outl�:.�I ('crt t� be given by the Women's GI�'f'Cluh Wednesday at 8 in Mandel Hall.A full house is expected at the Con-6. - :\"'('arly e"ery seat is sold, ac(�or,linJ.:; �o Dorothy Strachan, manager of the4 (!Inh,144 The A Cappella Choir of Northwesi('rn :In(} tho Men's Glee Club of thi::-43 3 '·ni\·t'rsity will assist the Women,3 nnnt·ing in the Reynolds Club willfollow the concert. Posters with the2. ., l'il,tllr�s of the members of both Gle('Clnb ha'·e been put on tbe bulletin:c322115 �������������\����,��������������������lFLORENCE .. KYBB8Flower ShopSpedal BeducUon to StudeatB,! FO R75;4 17"744 THE PROM;44 PhODe II7de Pam 30.1377 Bast 55th Street.��:���������������iI:)1!r���6fi3 Woodla wn Truit& Savings Bhnk1201 Be 63d Stnet. 0IdcapTHE FAOULft •THE STUDBlft'Sof tileUNIVEnsI'l'Y OF omOAOOWILL FIND INTHIS BANK ALL �FACrr,1'1'IES OF A DOWl(')'OWl( BAlIK.1•. .!33a SAVINGS ACOOUXftandCHECKTNG ACCOUXftAre We�oome and Appreciated.337�R�UROES $2.000, 000.7 .., .......... -- ........ -- .......... �I!J Amusements. I))r)1\ :/(1'l'he World's Greatest Entertainer,HARRY LAUDERand Co. of Internatilonal Artists:J35 COBAN'S GRAND4ti3 "NEARLY MARRIED":;,,. t�.LIIWith Bruce McRae"Delightful Comedy-GreatFun."-Amy Leslie in NewsILLIN01�.nr l.r.�wuu (;01. wthorn and100 r.toreHo�ard's TheatreA Elow at Commercialized Vice (\i.It Has Awa.kened Chica&o.TIlE TRAFFICIIIIPOVVERSFANNIE WARDIn the Laughing Successof Sev(,ll Countri�.MADAM PRESmENTJack Lait.'s New PlayHELP WANTEDA Clean Comedy Drama withHenry KolkerSTUDEBAKERMR. LYN HABDIN'GIn Sir Arhtur Conan Doyle'sThrilling New PlayTHE SPEOXLBD BANDFINE ARTS"THE SWAN SONG"By Tcheko","P H Y L"A Three-Act ComedyBy Clcm,. HamiltonprincessThe Favorite Irish Actor'S1DgerF I S X E 0.' H A B AIn the Delightful BomauceIN OLD Dl1BLIHo LVlWPICREADY Mo.NEYWithROBERT o.BEB \',LASALLETango-FUled Song·Comed7"SEP'l'EMBER MOB.H"With Dave LewIa II jA�ERICAN .V810BALLEVAThe . CyclOnic ComedienDe aDdHer Jubilee Vaudeville Company-With HEIL KENYoN-Fun­niest Scotchman of AlL