e·�r 1 ,. .• !lurnnnVoL XII. No. 8L � OF OBIOAGO. FBIDAY. FBBB'UABY 6, :191'-EXPECI' RECORD CROWD DANCE AFTER PROGRAM :FOUR UNDERGRADUATE ARRANGE DECORATIONS ClllCAGOJE'lS FA$I' .AT RECEPTION TONIGHT Will Raise .Mooe, Toaigbt For CLASSEs Mal TOI)AI Will Emphasize Patriotic Side Of . _ STATE �Trade School At University Set..' Washington Prom-Program To -, _.t1emeot-FruikParker Appean N�te Couac:il M� -, Bear � Flag And Seal Coach .cr;..!e:,m":::.Ha ..in WocvJlaDd DaDCe Nommeea MuatHand ID Liat Of University .Op.v....n� ...of Poinb to Council r--UIDuncing in Hutehinson eommous "Two hundred couples" is the slogan, CHERRY IS SCORING STAIEXPEcr ATIENDAICCE OF 3000 will follow the beiJ.eJit program for th� SENIORS DISCUSS HONOR um that has been adopted by the"commit. .'_r • ".University.Settlement trade sehoel to tee in charge of the Washington Prom..'l'hree thousuud are expected to at- be given in MaDdef tonight at 8. Near _ All four undegraduate classes �U\ euade. It is hoped that this numbertend tho President's reception tomor- Iy all the seata have' been sold and a meet this morning at 10:15; Senions in will include many faculty memben 88row night at the Reynolds club. Prom \'ery successful a1fair is predicted. Btu- Cobb 12A, Juniors in Kent east, SQP'_' representatives of the Univerarity com- Chicago. O�. �.the responses that. have been coming �UnoA 'sU!U!1Ul JoO} loorpliJ "P8J.l al{l om ores in Kent west, and Freshmeu i� munity. Norgren ...••. R. F. • � .. ' ...... �.in to the Executive counnirtee the re-01 uaA!lt eq. mM. tq's!uoJ' 9p8lU .A9UOW Kent theater. The three lower elas� The chairman of the committee in Stevenson ..• '•.. L� :F •.• � ; ••• Chant ;.eeptlon will be the largest ill the his-aqJ, -sp.nul..lal18 'e�avp et[i pU9JlV AUlD will meet to nominate members of t�� charge of the decorations claims that Des Jardien 0 .. Zimmermachertory of the University. The fact that ,,'urWt 118�l(nq eql puenv al{a quap council. t�e8e will be more elaborate this year Baumgartner .. R. G.· GNt�there are no conllicting engagements girls, 'l'eeently established at the 8et- The Senior class will meet to discuss t�n ever before. The gymnasium will Molander L. G. .• Ri�oll�!makes it possible for students and tlement. the question of leaving "honor-Iietsvout b� trimmed in lig.ht green and pink,members of the faculty to be present, Two new numbers have been added of the Cap and Gown. Several women '\vith festoons at intervals of every twoto the program.' Miss'1Ieaton of Mi�. of the class have refused to turn in 'f�et and iattice work piliars coveredneapolis will play the harp, and several any honors to be printed after their with flowers and vines. . The eighteenof Miss Hinm&n'S pupils will give in names in the annual. Whether the are lights will be lowered and surterpretive ·dances. class wiU give its sanction to such ae- rounded with pink shades and stream.Farmer StUdents Danca. tion or whether it is to be condemneders, A large Chicago "C'� will beOne Of the ·numbe�: which shooM will be taken up this morning. �laced at one end of th� h8.11 and a0nl7 Pair � ,picture of George Washington appro-Many of the foremost women in the priately draped at the other.cJaas have declared themselves to be The orchestra, surrounded by palms,will be stationed dire�tly opposite' theentrance to the h8JI, the chaperons be­ing station'ed at each end. " The de�o·rating work i� being done by th� Na_tional Decoration company, and i.e un­der the personal direction of X:�l,' �V •Miller. "Greater suess haa been laielon the' patriotic side as more' �.U::�eepHi 'wjai ,.7.ta, ��'ot'':th';-,��iDifO-h�··M, teaw�lIIf"71.e�OIIIpIll,'IftII_II8.M�I'�r'_'_·, .. ., '- . ans, and present'! one o_f �he· �'-'! ��\Prom,·" Saici Horace Fitzpatriek;, . ehalr·...• .midable lineups' iii ·the·· COJ�.� of the' 'deCoration eo�mit�� �tlt _..' • .... 'Captain . Ri�'hmo.n(I luui beeia;"Bhiftetl-Wnight. pard . and , is ;'p1a,1.g" a :�fte PrO&rUIULPrograms will be of white cart1boar�1 g&me� Che�' m.ae .ua.'. ��. J.. ,.. .,.,' the Tn(lian. game, aDd::.'·� (:6�and bOund in �ooJdet form, with reel, ..W· hite, and blue" eord8.. .Each progriun Purdue. In, addition. lie' �s. ��"".!..�were inelined 'to' lean' toward t'he Bide , h 1 G-'" f_"baUwill have the Amen.ean 'flag engraved finis ed payers. . ..� 0.•. �' •..taken by the' w�men.:· Why put the, ' fame is running tJJe .floor at gu.'ani.·,.....on the back and ill., 'fly leaf, 'will bear.list of activities in the Senior :group . Fr�:.n the ·p··�eseili �tl�k �ti:iaa-'.'. the Universiiyaeal.when the pictures of the organizations wiJ1 -shift hi;' Ii'neap . iioi.!·ewh&t til' �to.are given elsew'here, was the principalPOUR WILL OOIlPBTB . .; night's game: Stev�".b.&a;"__�rargument they had to' o1fer.· IN 'OOlftBS'r PINAL2 )ng a fast game all week.�d.lai.-.workImportam Qa-:Uoa. _.;..._ the Patdu� ,pme .... � ,�_im �"This i.e an important question for AJmounce Wbm.en of PreUmiDar1es In starting� Norgren, ne. Judie .. , �the ela.ss to take a stand on," said Lower .JUDiDr Oon� � BL gartner, and. Molan4er J�k �: fvIPresident Matthews yesterday, "and temponDeOaS Spealdng ,the remainder of the [>9IIitioJUl.we will have to thresh the matter out Donald Bean, Lyle Sellers, Stuart At MaameetiDC.this morning." Walsh, Max Haleff, and John MCCanl The first, basketball;. rally. jp,_.: .. tAll persons nominated for couneiJwere the winners at the Lower Ju�ior ... e.<rt.f'Tflny "f� w�ll.· a.ttend�.��4must see that their' points conform extemporaneous public speaking contes, plenty of enthusiasm .w�, appu'�<?an�_ith the revised point system. Atopy helcl Wednesday, and will compete in didRt-<"S for the cheerlead�I!" pGIIitioeof this' re,·jlted . system Will be pub. the finals which will be held the lattel tricel out again �d Coaeh, ,Pagth.aadli�hed tomorrow. No student is a))owe.. part of the month. Each COntestant scvp.ral members of the. t�".JPOk"to �arry more than ten tMrints of &c. was allowed o.ne hour in which to pre. Ste,·enson, George, add . �mcart.ef'tivity. Every person nominated mu�t pare his �h, and three minutes in �represented the playen.turn in a list of his points to the un. which to deliver it. Bean spoke Jon Rteven"on said, "O.hio 8tate)" •. t"dergraduate eounciJ riglat. away. "Open leetures at the Unh·ersity," ScI. best team they hay� .had. i._ .........len on "Play the Game," Walsh 0.1. They are 80 good that. m� �' ..... '""Culture," Baleff on "The Unemploy Con f.-renee teams �iD D.ot :p1.,.�",e.1:' and McCana on ·What. the Stu' 'Ve are not afraid of tIIem •. aa. 'wedents Have a Right to. Expect fron wm heat them." Left)" 8pok� ... � .. �the Faculty." 11'1'. Bramhall of the 10W'�: "We have been asked JDaD1.Jime.C. B. Pavlieek took �ond pla(te il' polit.ical �ience department, and Mr, why we lost the 'p�e to ·'\Vi�o,.iia.tile 150 yard b�k stroke at the C'-II' Ncl�on of the public speaking depart. T wnnt to eorree� the rumor,. that: b�atral A. A. U. champion8hip tank me .. ' . 1 hf'en goiTl� aro.und, It wa.� not. Pat'.ment, aded as JU( ges. I . .'.'Jast night in tfie Illinois Athleti .. (tIlth. Con�tants in the finals will h4" a: �nu1t. For two week� befo':E' . the g��Marsbals and Aides, Undergrad.uate CouDCil and Club OfficenForm Reception Committee'l'he purpose of the reception is to!Kive the students an opportunity ofmeeting President and Mrs. Judson andthe members of the University faeul-ties in a social way. The tone of theaffair i.e to be informal, no student be­ing expected to appear in full dress.AnnoUDce Grouping.According to the present, plan, thevarious faculty groups will be sta,tioned on the second floor of the Rey _nolds club. As the number of guestsincreases, Head Marshals James A.Field and Earl Shilton will direct theshifting of the groups to Hutchinsonhall and the :first floor of the Club.President and Mrs. Judson will receive. - -·-�·-t1Ie·-pests-at�tIte-I08�""ar1l.'8r'"the second floor •.. ; George Parkinaon,president' of the Club, will introduee. prove' of especial interest to membersof die UliiveriJitY' Will be' a woodlanddanea by 'Ftank Par�er and' 'GertrudePerri, f��mel' studenta.:·. The story of ·· .. er,; much in favor of the new move­f:he danee,.' �1c:eh from 'ODe of the old ment, ..It seems to me to be the onlymvths' of Pan,-18 -01" .. Di&iden who, be proper thing," said Helene Pollak yes­in� d�";n from he� haunts by the pip· tf>rday. "To be fair to those personslng of 'P&D� cOlDeS fo' a�Dee with him. who have had no chance to seeure hon;'. . '.. ill�"';' b ora, we ought not to parade those thatOther aeleetions, W· ,uo g1ven y.nn ..... we more fortunate o.nes· have."Marjorie:--:Benton "�Cooke,' -.,." .w.rs.\:MabetHerdieD,' �.:.iDoria Hwnp�" M�, of _�h!, m.�B d� __ n��_l�� ��.�l'. ..-�� .... >:� .:tII-���.' • �-m ��agre8 er:-'and"K1IIr 1IaricJIr ..... -3. '. 'adly with the Maroon's editorial t-o-day," aid Boclerick Peattie yesterday,''the � and Gown is· a class reeordand .. lJDeh should eontain a state-_." .... _ .. --TO ,BOLD: 8BOOlI'DtAllJlUAL.- .. � DIau.Jrmr" ..... I"BB. 18;}.:...r.:.t-�\ �-.�On Wedllesday, Feb. 18 the seconflannual pep;:�test� in long distancerunning will be pulled 0'. This event,which waii'illstituted fo� the '!"t timelast vear was sueh a nceesa that ith bee• n made an annual event. Itns '"is held to give these meD who are notproficient . at._ �nning to make theVarsitv team,�a ehanee to eompete anelelevelo� in -this line: Every Universityman is eligible to enter.The runne", will be elivided into thesix "011 ..... ing �p8: Graded gyDlDas·ti .. s, swi��. wrestlers, and fen�ers,basketball aDd buebaJI men. Freshmantrack meD, &ad. Vanity track meu.There will be'� eupe given to eaehamong others, an article on "Student group, maki�g a total of eighteen.Aditvities" by Lynne Sullivan; a short These eaps Wi,. be awarded aeeordingskit, "N orthern Lights,., by Roclerick to the' staD(ling of. the nuanen in twoPeattie, a poem entitled "The Other" �es, a Diile' and a two IIIiIe nee. Theby Margnret Rhodes, aD arti�le hy Ma· �o.ring fn ·the raees win be similar tobel De )a Mater, and a story, "Gool'ie" that WIed in 'eroea �oaDt'1'. TIle 1mby Janet Flanner. It will be o.n I'ftlp. man �ount one point,· t� �ond manat the PrCl'S Wednesday morning, at 10 two points, aDd _ OD. Tlae m .. hav­�ents per copy. ing· Ute least D1UIIber of poi.&. at the('nd of the two J'8t"eB will be deelaredwinner. Chicago will attempt: to down . u..Ohio State hoodoo tOnight,. anQ 'P.ici';'cletally win the first,�" '.(ro�..:....OIH".,since athletic I'elation� .�n laat.1,""�Ohio made a clean sw'eep of the _\"we)games played lut ��n, and a�' i�cations 'show thaf tDey'nave Ji�rli-"eveu chance of ·repe8.tng toui�( :��ile ago, however, .eems to' h'av&.: �:i'�the slump of the last . two 'w�b,::. ... �the last praetie�: �ons, .h.aYe:"bMJlthe best of. the year.Have Veteran Lineup.Ohio hu play� but two C9nferfteegames, but has 1"on both tit·: til ... �Purdue and :Indiana·, h'ave :lHK�biu..1 e fated , Indiana. �beillg roted' .bpa�:.1!13 S('ore last Wl'CL' Coach �.,,;.��The reeeption eoJDmittee will eonsistof Head Marsh"'" Field and Shilton,the University lIanhala and Aides,the CUp B'nIda. WBl .... ,Opm to 8t.1IM'enta meut of what . �denta have' doneBmoDecl fa: An -_'Bn.1I.dh- of here." Some of the men, howe�r,VAB8I'1'Y IIAX �AKB8&BOO., PLAOB IX 150TAB]) BACK 8'1'BOKEVirginin Ilinkins, 'U, hns bN>n in_ Last year the time made in t.h� P"vU�ek swam set!ond to. Hebner .,f lowed twenty· four hours in whi .. h tl' he train�l us for Wiet-OJl8in •. _ U.strumrntnl in bringing the Honor 81'8- ra<-es wu eonsidered fast for men who the J. A. C., who holds the wor1<1's rc,· prepare their spee<"hctl and will talk "'orkrc1 R!' ha�d ..� he ('��lfl to tl. ...'tp.m before the students of the Uni· 'had 110 pftetiee in this braneh of a,la· OM in thitt e'-ent. I. Mott, of the T. for fi"e minntCl'. The winner will r('. out a W'inning team. b'ut we ..,ent )laCk't f J d' I h . Itics. The wi linen in tile swimming A. C., was third. "el've a -hola-hl'p for on" quarter. on him. When we got in Ute p�. weVf>nn yon lana. n er capnclty a8'- .........,_ ,Y' ..... _1.. h eJa88 wllo was the lasteat ranner, ex· Pavlieek led for the ftm two length'" Studellu desiring to enter the lTppt'T forgot �\"erythillg ,� la� tntd aa .. !'I,,1t�retary of the .�. C. A. 311e as. . .outlined a eampaign similar to tbe ('lading the traek men, made Ute mile bpt Hebner beat him by superio.l' fonn .Tunior extemporaneous pub1it! fllP8&kin� trieel to. play our own game. .. ��. i.one ul'Cd here and in an art ide in thp. in 0:26. It ia expeetecJ, lIowever, til at in tile turDS. (!ontest mu.� register with the dean whRt btiat, us.' -We' did aot �on� .....Indiana Student she told of the early eVeD better time th&IJ this will be .. ..,: 150 yard baebtl'oke. Fir."t. of the Junior .eolleges before Monday ol'tler.. tI, .. t game, }lot tomorrow nj�'difl'ieultiellt of insta11ing the ttyMeJn made thi. year beeaue tile men are Hebner, J. A.. C.; Beeond, Pavliee'k, evening. An Up�l' Janiors who ha,\"('! we wiD win, f01' me wm go i. "-here at the University, and of how taking more iDtI'est iD tile neeB and Uni\"enrity of Chicago; third, Mott, T., (Co.tinec1 .. pap t) (Co.tIn .. _ ,... Co,Jnany they were overeome. are praetieiac UiIy. A. C. TiIH, 1:56 2-G. Imembers of the Undergraduate coun·eil and the o1ficers of the Reynoldselub. 'The entire tower group will, bedecorated with plains, ferns ancl roees.'1'0 APPBAB ON OAJIPUSWEDNBSDAY MORNING"The Literary Monthly Magazinewill positively appear next Werln�s.day," was the statement of tho hoarc1of directors yesterday. The financialdiffieulties which have held bn("k thepaper have been eliminatefl hy thf"strenuous work of Ogdon Coleman,business manager, and if the magazin.­has the proper student IAIppol't, it willbeeome an established institution.The fortheoming number will containHonor SJBtem at Indiana University.TODAY 8peaD-WilliamShirley, Jr., spoke yt>8tt"r,lay at the5 Ryerson meeting of the }'rotu·1t dub ill Lexiug-4:1 I "ton.ed iu it� cI.htoriuJ 1.1. l·war and intcrel>llUg statement of u. porut of view re­gardiui: tho omi�ioll of ··houol"·h:ns...... At .... "'- parade troW 'rbe Cap aud UOWll-�.·ct, aJ:t\!lmovement seams to be..... WLV�. d all, only oue point of view, 'I'he urgu-of honors is UD,d.emOC'ratic. � loP e-ments of the editorial, so far ag the,}m---.-? Everyone knoWS that the"'--"g(\, are e�gellLia.lly souud, but they dotraditional' statement, . "All men U'8not go iar enough, 1t is true that tbebom free and EQUAL." ia an utter a.b-person who wing �n this .l:Scrawule atlt.:aBUrdltJ', unless e$aitJ' is taken to college honors WlUS largely through 111:._A'f·e upon •· .. ·n etIortr:f, and that the persou w hvmean equality of rtgbt to � un Law."either fails in it or reuiaius out of it,...--nnal ability. And equality is not,,-- does so chie1ly because he is too UUg�,of opportunity. In xeal life, it dDe&not mean tltat everyone should havean equal opportuD1ty to beCOJI1e a. bankprCSldent. AD people are DDtft.tted for in the annual should bristle with hone'OUWPht. lJr-lists.the task, and to provide so.ch OIPrv·_-It does not follow, for several rcu.'-� __ -"".I involve. a. huge amount ofMI....,. wvlU'l�OI1S, a.g 1 gee it--auu 1 perceive that 1IIOClal waste. The equaUty principle isa�i about to st;ir up an aucient an� per:·be d-'..d th8 right.t1da: No one shan mu-·to' uUlize far tILe best good of )liJDSelf· and SOCiety wbateVer penonal, edDca.-.'ta,ges he inquire why these lJgts are gO great 3.1.,'tlonal, and fiDandal adQ,D·to de- Honor as they .l:SCCm to be considered;may ave. From thiS it is easyJ'he editorial which inspireu wy reo,. f the4Uce "the . ordi.DaZ'Y applica.tlDn 0 , .llarkl:l otIers an interetsiug an::lwer, byrul��t no one who haS but ffIfIT ad-• mplication, at least. It stateg that it."'--'eci the right. lhe list zsystem, or gome .such gvstem 01vantages should be � ".� But it folloWS awarding honors and recognition 01to re3Uze upontho faithful workers for the Univer-.. evita"bly tbat if one personj� as inhe sity were not in action,' "immediatelyhas more advantages thaD another,. .we discount heavily all willingness t'.>should be allowed to realiZe more. To work." I t goes on even more fer\"ent_.....a..... ag1 h('Cn invited.use the typical case DOW � -.y with the fear that ··the least com·tated, to say tlia.t it is unfair far theseI)etent students in the . community'·who have gatnecl maDJ' "honors" to ob_ will drag ··the stronger to their level,"ta.in reoegmtioD fae them, is to per'- and end8 with a burst of gelluine emu­"ftrt the Vf!IrY prlDdple of equaUty, and tion against "that person or groupdemocracy UPOD which the whole po- w'hich attempts to saddle its opinionssitton of the "anUs'· is ,&keD. fteor wishes On the community, by agitaI'nle works both wa¥S; it it is unfair tion, a parade of example, or creation.' for the strong to tzample on the weak, of sentiment." Such a display it says':.80 Is It unfair far die weak to .drag "is throwing the whole ma('hine out of�b;.('k the atzoag. Nor caD "consldWL ·'�r. Such a movement is Ilemocra.ey"tloD far our feDDW belDIIJ" be uaed.. �one mad." �ow nothing is farther.a. fo1U1datlOD far the poeltlou. mea fr(.m my pUJ'p� that to tlel1lng� eam·y, ICdemOC2'l.CY" wDl Dot do. U we are to pus maehincry or go mad, much les." to· consider the teel1DP of everyoue, aDd .lrag anyone down to my levol. But it·be eareful tILat die Ilot;II1'D1, tile lDcom- seems fairly obvious tllat if the joyt pe�t, aDd tile lDdtJfereut. are spand aud interest of taking part in collegeactivities, and the alleged . seJ'V�cean RIlle of regret, we take a.way inwhich they render tAl the Universityth;'t Yery act the wJlole sUDI1I1U which are not, without honor lists, sufficientfmpro9fDg �wards for participation in the�, then· Wf1l PI'Od theBe people OD to it is time that a little inconvenient re-tlJemae1.. U tJI. maD who does pair work should be done on eampUM, nctJdn, Is to ba.n tile AIDe ataDding machinery, and that some of us shoul�_"" __ appear a trifle mad. Really, Mr. Ech-&lid the ame I'8COIDltlOD as the \OQiIP leal ftor, didn't you W&."tc a ( 0 gun·",!to does a 1� DO CIIle neecl do &117- ninn upon a "e1"V small targct? Di,ln'twfI1 be...·., of Canton, Mis...ouri, an(1 was latertlJlDl; and proba.bJ7 .very Utt!e you even almo�t give yourself away? hono�c'l with tht' dcgTee of LL.O. fromdone. But tfIW college studelltB work Still even if there is to be no ap_.at dftrfrolt tasks for the IIbeIr 10ft of preeiable falling off from thc ranks ofthe work; tliey need tile ItlDl1:I1a of thc Blaekfrianl of the Y. W. C. L. onappIaue, of posldoD &IIlODC tIIeJr fel-tcnr-wtucleDts. fte wtloIe acltaUOD• boat tile Cap aDd 00wIl "laoaar-1f*"Is fOllllded 1IPOD an Imp..abl. aIUa·taa. Mathematical club,LabOratory.German club, 4:30, Luington 14-UDlverslty PIlbllc lecture, 4:30, Bas·kell AssemblY Boom. Profe8lOl' Cross.Ohicago-Ohlo State Basketball game .7:30, Bartlett gyumasium.Philosophical club 7:30, Harper mo.CosmopoUtaD club, 8, Hitchcock hall... W.CoUlq'"B. 8. Qorca�Be P •• as&w. B. Lnaaa •••• E41torAUaWIea .....B rCIre'alaUoa rEIU.recl .. MCODd-cl&a mall at theClllea.o Po.tolllee. Ch1� IlL. Karch II.1.01, UDder Act of Karch a. 1111. llbral7.Glee club rehearsal, 4:30, Friday,811B8CB1PT10N B.&TB8.B7 c:an1er: 12.60 a 7ear: n.o, a quarter.117 mall: sa.Of a :rear: n.n a quarter.Edltorial-BaalD" omee. SUb U.T.l�phoD. KJdwa,- 100. ...fter 18 P ID.!bel. Park "It. Mitchell Tower Studio.Gra.dua.te Women's club, 4:30, Lex� .iDgton 15.UDlverslty PIlb11c lecture. 8. ]tenttheater. Dr. Ostwald.IlaI'OOD PnM. 5611 Cottac. Grove .... nDu ..Cfllttotial CommUDication.What 1& tllia ideal. of democraeyAbo� Honor-List.&.wl::.ich just now seems to demand theTo the .Blliwr:aboUtloD of Senior &4JLon_BealDemocra.cy cr-lists" from the Oap. and Gown. The deft.D1te,speci1lc idea. back of the 'l'he Daily .Maroon of }'eb. 5 preseut Betas Pledge Cne-Bt'tu 'rlll'ta PiunUOUUf.'t'N tht' plt."tlgiug of l1ilo �.Gihb� of Alton, Iowa,JIa.th Club M'.eet.s Today- Tbl, Cu·,It'rgru,1uatl· llatbl'U1atif.'ul dub willmeet to-lay at .. : 1:; illThere will hl' ditl(.·u!f,Sioul'l of "The Du­pllcution of the Cube" uUII '·Cu.lt·lt'r_III i Ill"} CoefTif.'icubl."Northwest Olub Elects-Offt·t'r� o.t he Xorthwest. �('ighhorhoo,lt'!I ... · ted �·e.ster'l:l�· ure: Ruth dulSwuupresideut ; Lourn v iee-prcsi- •Sl·l· ret a r�··"'nltcr,dent ; and Auua �1f.'Guire,treasurer.Sixty Attend Luncheon-Sixty mem-bers of the .Iuuior class at teudcd th.elnss luncheon yesterday ill Hutchinsorcafe. Mr. David of the French ,1t'pnrt·merrt was the spenkcr,Graduate FraterDit7.IrI.eets-The l'�iPi graduate frateruity met at a diunerlast evening in Hutchinson cafe. lfrKenueth Halleck spoke on "SomePoints of 'Recent Research in ThyroidDisturbanees," lIr. R .• J. Swanson 011"The lIinimum Wage,' unll Mr. HaroldG. lloulton on "The New CurrencyScore Club Dance...-The Score clublOO la�y, too incoDlI)otent or too uis_ will gh.e a dant'e Satur,lay afternoonuiminating-perfectly true, though hat !! ::W in Rosalie hall.t.J.e6 not follow that tho :::;enior phalan�TrR.n�lyYnnia univcnlity •He WM ordained 88 a mini�tcr in1881, anll has preached in !'Cveral town!'Re�ount of vanished honor_li��, there of Virginia and Kentucky. Mr, Powcllmight be no appr�iable gain from is a trl1�tce of the Louisville Free Pub.theil'" omission. I do not fee), how- )i� UbrATY, and is the author of "88_dous que�tioll anont the value of COl·Jege u.ctivitielS. Without getting it too'horoughly aroused, 1 shouJd like t"(CoIdlllued Oil ,..e S.)..,:� , .. Seniors Meet Today--At n meetingof the Senior class 't:o be heM today a.t10:15 lin Cobb 12a the matter of aboL:shing the honor-lists of t.h women oft.l;� ��USR �11 �e_ b.!�u�ht.p!._ •• A����:b('r: �f the womeIY haye not hande,l inth(>Se lists, a�d an attempt will bpm:lde to sou�d the senti�eni of thed:lSS and reaeh .a definite agreement.German .Clnb KeetH-Dr. Stoppaniwill sp .. ak at the meeting of the Gt'rman elub at 4:30 today in L .. xin,;on14. The subject of his lecture ,,·m h('"Uber Ttalieni�hes, Romanisehes, \lIHlAhnliehes." Con,'ersation d8SSCt1 forbeginners anel aUyuntetl students willbe held at 4 in rooms 4 and 5. An m('m·hers of the German departmf"nt hn\"(lTake Field '.rrlp-The trip to Olivetinstitute whi('h was g('heclnlt'd for lAstSaturda.y will be taken tomo1'TOw. Then:u:ty will meet in Cobb hall at 8:30.The t.our will include the Olivet Set­tlt'mcnt and Institutional tburth anellInn House. An members of the lTni­"N'sity bave been invitE'ld to join thrtrip. The tour is one of a M'ri� un­.1er the auspices of the Y. M. C. A.DB. EDWABJ) POWBLLWILL BOLD SBBVIC'38IN JIAlO)BL SUNDAYThe Rcv. Dr. F,.t1warll Lin,b:1Y '''oW·cll, pnstor of the F1'St Cbristinn thurehof l.uuiMviH(', nelllm·ky, will he thrl"le:1cll('r at the Sunday �crvite in llan·,1('1. Re\'. Powel1 was horn in KinJ!William eounty. Virginia, in 1860. II'!rC('('i\"('ll the degr .. e of haf'he1or of art."in 1881 from the Chril'tian unh·c1'Sityvonarola" and "The Vidory of Faith.";tu. _,Ro])ingHis OwnAmerica is the land of self-made men. It is characteristicof Americans to rely on their own efforts -- todo things for lhermeivu. The millions of ,. Bull"Durham smokers are of this energetic, self-reliant,American type in all walks of life. These menlike to make their oum cigarelles, to their liking,from ripe, mellow, "Bull" Durham tobacco­prefer these cigarettes, made by their own hands,to any ready-made kind they can buy.GENUINE-BULL DURHAMSMOKING TOBACCO(Enough/or forty hanJ-maJe dgardle3 In each 5-cent 3QCIc)Particularly notice the unique and pleasantaroma of "Bull" Durham. I t is as distinctive to"Bull" Durham as the cocked hat is to Napoleon.The "Bull" Durham aroma is produced by a secretprocess known only to the mak­ers . of this tobacco. You getthis delightful fragrance only in"Bull" Durham.FREE An Illustrated Booklet,showing how to .. RollYour Own:' and a Bootof cigarette papers, will both be mail«l/rre.to any address in U. S. on postal r�qu�t.Address "Bull" Durham, Durham, N. C.THE AMERI� TOBACCO COMPANY •••11_lIIllIHumIHlIIlIIlta":.M. Shln.derrnSIlTAILORS & CLEAN�RSIf you want your dothes Pressed and to stay Pressed callup Midway 69;8.We Call for and Deliver PromptlyOrder your SPRING SUIT Early and have it ·ready (or EarlySpring Days. 2; per cent discount on all orders ta�en now.1114 E. 65th StreetFr.lronall!, .. ewe...,.I.eatller Geod.Cnllep BonlU .. E.boaH4 8&&UoaUTWe441a.. 1 .. 1&&110 ..cawac CaIUBROCHONENGRAVING COMPANYII. G. TURNERPresident III .aDen Ban41 ..Tele».oae "a401.. IIAFlowers for the PromCHelCE CCBSAGBS OF OBOBIDS., BUftEB-FLY SWEET PBA8,VIOL"3'1'8. ARD 'L'Q·IBS OF THE. VALLEY,NO BX'.rB.A 00ft FOB 8BU!J.DS AND TIBS.P1:rcc your Order .�. ChoIce AIIIoJ1meDt of Out nowers &lidBaaketa AlWQ8 OD Hand.PALIIS _�BD FOB ALL. OCOASIONS,A. McAdams w. J. LaRTott.TelephoDe I17do Park 18. 1303 E. 53rd Street.._--_ .VVantecl At Once�- -Eae .... at th Uai,aiQ t. c •• e ia a.d inestipte G1II'Special Offerto CoIIep MenHERZKA BROTHERS:-: Tailors :-:1545 East53rd Street'relepbODe B. P. 1037. Open :beDiDp aDd 8unda� IIorIalq.._-_ ...•••i....... - -.�I J.In the PSI lJ1I'81L01I AJIJ)- OBIPIlI WIll -m1taJrAJlBJftKA�· YBftBB,1M.Y ------------------1CLASSIFIED �UVEIlTISEIUNIbever, that tfuch is the case.1int place, by way of these lisu, weare posting our belief that beiDg "chairman of the 1iDance cowmitte� of theinterc1atJ:J hop" is on a par with win·DiDg the f;clz scholarship-or at leastwe iOlllly that belief. We are, all l)eanVinct:nt (was it not?) used to tUiy, aug­meDting the difficulty of telling theside-show from the main tent. We areeelling a thing all honor which ill real­ly a di version, or at most a labor ofdoubtful value, l'erhaplI IIcholUlltiesueeess i� of doubtful value, also, butit would distress the gear of Uuiver­Rity m:lI'lliut'ry for me to say so. Weare, 111 short, l'ubli�hing our immatureity and poor judgment.We arc doing more than that. Weare saying to the outside world, thatintimate world of parents and sistersand eousins, that "Mary Jones, Colum_bus, Ohio," with that white space after Psi UpsilOD aDd Chi Pal were the �_�. ��������������h � per line. No ad�erti8ementa re-winnen in the b�wlin, ma.tc es y�8' "eh'ed for leu than 25e. All d .... fleclu-rday afternoon. Behm of Chi Psiadyert18ementa must be pa1cl 1D ad­was high man with 18!i, Chi Psi takesthe title ia. ita diviaion. yance.Chi Pa.RehmWhite 160149133121123HendersonCole , .Murray692Total .Phi Gamma Delta.Boyd .. ,. . 1G1Maris 143111WileyDonkerKennedy(her name, was a failure, 01' a noneu . Total. . . . . . . . . . 668tity. It may not, as the editorial sug_ Psl UpsUOD.gests, be any disgr-a.ee to Mary .Jones (;outehie 128that she possesses that white space, Matthews 152and she may know that it is none. Butt Bent . • . • . . • . . • 161how are these other people, interested Brown , .. 1.. 111in but not familiar' with, the college Hunter ••...••••• 156world, to know? Is it fair to finishoff some plodding, busy student's col- Total ..•....•••lege years with a hurt, and with a hurt Delta 8fmDa PId.which benefits nobody? Shall not we Sloan .BEoniors, at the end of the interesting Pick • • • • . • . . • • • • 150and pleasant journey, stand up togeth· Fukete ••.. '..••. '. 108moeraey gone mad?"Mabel De La "Mater, '14.er in friendly equality, even in "de- GearyHurwitz .Supple .TotalBower •...••.•.. 185111128136195921487741431271138666 119 FOB SAT,B...---Bemington typewriter No.2. Price $IG.OO. Inquire at 1222 E.120146 6IKt St. 2nd .nat.11G 11M TO BENT-Well furnished, plea8&��111Total.......... 822DeltaU ......�orton •••.••.••• 1�7Leonard 119Knight ••••••••• � 135Tolman .• 01 ••••••••Baldwin .Total .•.•••.••• 748'Alpb Delta N.Harger 115Wheeler •..... �. . 125Horton 145Sc-hlabatk 114Croll •.......••.• 123Total .••• 822PhI Delta fteIa.Bt-e •••.•.•••••• 98A nc1ermaD • • • • • • • • 54Weinman 97JefCery ••••• '" .t. . noTotil •••••••••• 411 front room, in new mod. building;128166140133176 reasonable. Young man also desirea6;4 roommate. 5421 Ingleside uve., 3rd apt.Midway 6174.157110 LOST_"English Poetry' by Manly, inEllis 8, Thursday. Finder please reo168135212 15i743 turn to Information Office.97162 LOft-In Mandel Hall on Tuesday af­ternoon, January 21, a small black69:� and white striped silk bag, trimmedwith black velvet a rhinestone button142 and black tassel. Contained a hand·155 kerchief marked N. A. D. and a small120 amount of money. Kindly retrun to the186 President's o1tice or to 4609 Woodlawn149avenue and receive reward.139156125118151749 752 WA.NTBD-.Freshman with some ex-142182 perience in camping or now engagedwith work as assistant in Wisconsincamp, July and August. Addresa W • .M.Kiplinger, Morgan Park, Ill.126 BOARD .In small private family. Ex-133 eellent home cooking. Limited number148 at table. Addresa 6134 Woodlawn ave"nne, 3rd apartm�nt, telephone Hyde650 Park 631.11512�128162143757Phi Kappa. Sigma' won three games KBS. FLORA JlacIVOB 8'IIrftI--. that UplllS from D. U., and Alpha. Dett, three fromVoice builder and teacher of artistic..... Daars Phi Delt laat night. Baldwin was. higb singing, Mondays and Thursdays atof man, reaehing 212. The scores: Mn. Knight8, 5652 Maryland Avenue.EIMC Phi Kappa 8qm&. Wednesdays and Saturday8 at home,.. [ La .. CroiL. �.� _ •. 11.L:.. 11� 8356 Maryland Avenue. For informa�Whitehead • • • • . . 127 166 132tion addreaa 6356 Maryland AvenueEastlake ••..••.• 185 117 158Phone. Kidway 4390.Stains . . • • . • • ..... 137 185 179Y01J'VB BUJmI0:1' 'DIB tIJU8.P-� U'P TJU.T:I' ITS BBayL 0 C K - DIDYOU EVEa BlUA011 _.A. JUS'l'Ba 1M 151 FOB SALE Standard Smith-PremierTypewriter in exeellent condition, atvery reasonable terms. A great bargainfor anyone deairing a typewriter forrrofeaaiona! use. H. B.Lemon, Boom 6,Ryerson Lab. or 1220 E. 54th St.FOB S4T.B----.A new No.5 Oliver Typewritter in perfect condition. :Must selltherefore price reasonable. Write, 0eaU after 7:00 P. J(. E. H. Bnmemeier53 Middle DiviDity HaD..0 D B L OP A.TYPEWlU'l'Ea.-r.t.� of ALL ofUte a4-Ta.__ of SEY­EJUL tnewrlten70- ".ft ......... Ir.le ...01l'B ................ 1'I'Ite � ........erfeel!7 �..... ,__ .,ce.er •• e ....re •••••••••...... _.WI'ItIIIc ... c.­..... -.a.c ....... - .......::'::';;'£leW .........ntis ftII& ...lJ ... , ........, til .. __. 7WwID ".ft. faId7.......................... ..tile � ..aoYAJ.TYP� 00-...A B. • __ ...�DLfOR lEN ony - ......tra ted booket de-acrJbtne a lIew1 treatment for all..ret7 ruor bladeR. makJnc .. bla4. luta IlfeUme and be beotter tb... wb.. pr­� Sent on reeetopt 01 "I eeDta.CLAUDE WOLFE,JIcnrud "'-. IIIdI.�. 803 198159149138145164 128128120153202753 731128135127110173 128119120101113 THE TEA BOUSE673 lID B. S7tIa.58t Ta .... for Lat ....938.110213974 136M11815486 SWAN'S LUNCH ROOM1342 East 55th Street.Try Oar Re" DailyaDd Saaday DOmer, ZOe Up491 568C08IIOPOJalAK OLUB NOTte.FB&.ftBB8 .JAPAB'BBB Dear 8Ir:-noaB1I A'r iiB8ftBG 8prfDg cloth. an tile nen tiling toA88OC!iate Professor Starr wiD speak think aboat. ne Hew Pattema areon "The Incidents of My Last Trip here aud Ulq're FiDe. '1'h87're ftI'7to .Japan" at the Japanese night of moderate In PrIce, too.the CosmopoJitaB elub, given at 8 to­night iu Hite.eoek ball. Only themembers of the elub anel their guemwill be preeent. Among the prominent'\'isitont e%p8eted is the Japanese Oon"8111 to Chieago.AtMoeiate 81airo Tashiro will al808peak. Mia M. Aoi win read f·Koto,·,sa. .Japanese story, and J&paD88e mUBiewill be given in the eOQne of the pro­"._. -"---Whether JOl1 drink it to qUeDch thint-for re&aJa­mem-for pue pleasure in its deliciousness Coca-Ce1ascores coal. It satisfies 1011 in a manner and with acompleteness possible to no other benrage.Delicious-&efreshingThirst-QuenchingTHE COCA-COIA co.,.AllaDb.Ca. ........,.011 ..........�"c...c:.Ia"Keeping in Front"You fellows bow wLatthat means fWe· ve been very successful in thisregard with Fatima Cigarettes. Bythe way, these cigarettes were firstsold in the coDege towns-and you. agreed with us that they were good.Then we put out for the big race.to make F atimas of nation-wide rep­utation, and today more are sold thanany other cigarette in this country.No purer, or more carefully chosentobacco grows than that in F atimas.We purposely put them in a plaininexpensive � this waywe can afford quality tobacco, andtwenty of the smokes for 15 cents.Now your college crew is of utmostimportance to you-so is a goodcigarette. and it· s your aim in lifeto keep F atimas in the lead-rightup to their good quality-right upto where you first foUnd tbem;- andwill always find them.Success fellows I You started thiscigarette on its IUCCeSIful c:areer­aDd you puB a aboDg oar aD overthis country.� .. � ."7J1Ui ... .Ii.51 ..ST. LOUISBest Reached by Throlllh and Fast T raiDs of tileILLINOIS CENTRALAll Steel Daylight SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.; arrives St. Louis (vi� �e�bBridge6:02 p. m. Indestructible steel can of han�me !ntenor 6DishEvery comfort and convenience will be found on thiS tram.Diamond SpecialLeave Chicago 10: 30 iJ. m.: arrive Sl. Louis 7:48 a. m. Electric­lighted train. A cor.,"enient evening depoarturc from Chicago.Stops M.d. iD Botla Dinetio" •• t South Sid. TlaroallaStatioD., 43rcl, 53rd and 63rd Sir ....Observation Parlor Cars. Cafe Club Can. SleepingCan. Free Reclining CI.air Cars and CoachesTicketa, F ..... aDd Sle.piDI Car R"'n'.tio_ .tCITYTICKBT OFnCEIt. J. CARMICHAEL. D. P. A.76 West AdalDs SL••••••••••••••••••••••••••.... :"'.. :::-� .. '''.�I""""""""""""".""""""""""--""--""""""""""� .80PHKOKBSDOlV,NSBJaOB. ".. 'ftAJI FOB 8B�OND TIJm"'. Now in Our NEW HOKE, N. E Comer State and Jackson.This Great Sale Reachesa Climax on SaturdayHUNDREDS of garments have been added to each of the items,bringing the sale up to a point of perfection seldom equaled.We'll probably be taxed to our capacity trying to serve great num­bers of men who know the famous Hub standard of clearance values.At $15 You can buy the very suits and overcoats we sold earlier in- the season for $22.;30 to $:30 now for $15. They're the verynewest style, pattern and color ideas, the late December arrivals modeledalong the smartest lines. Where is the man who can resist the op- $15portunity to buy $22.50 to $30 suits and overcoats during this sale atAt $20 At this price �vc offer suits and oV,er­coats that are finer than any we veever offered in any clearance sale---our actual $32.50to $:�8 lines. These were specially produced for menwho demand the distinctive ideas. Everyone of thesesuits and overcoats is the product of a mas- $20ter manufacturer. $:�2.50 to $:38 values, at .At $12 50 This pric�, usual1� too low to• be associated with depend­ability secures the pick of our lines of suits and over­coats that sold at $18 to $22. If you require gar­ments that will render satisfactory service and thatare smartly styled, buy one of these $18 to $22 suitsor oyercoats which we are $12 50clearing at •Fancy Suits andOvercoats $29.50To DAY is the last day of this special clearanceinvolving the very hi ghest quality suits andovercoats obtainable. The suits. most of them Atter­bury System productions, are our $40 to $48 lines.�he overcoats arc our $40 to $-15 $29 50lines, all now • . Fourth Year Ken are Beaten trom8tar:t--l'1'eehm Play MedicsToldght. Amusemeati.- ----.GARRICKThe World's Greatest Entertainer,HARRY LAUDBRand Co. of Internat1loDal Arttsta111 a game featured by good basket. i!t b ... · .. 1 �:shootlug' on the part of the winners,t liP Sophomores succeeded in defeatingthe Seniors for the second time thisyear by a 26 to 13 score. At no timl'during the game were the fourth year11Il'1l dangerous after Russell hadI started the scoring with a string offour sueeessive baskets. The winnersworked together in fine shape andshowed some of the best team workthut has been seen during the serles.The Bophomors divided the basketsthroug l .ut, Russell makillg four nnl1Plume, Sparks and If''('ollllt'll t Itr"I'pnch.The Seniors, haudieapped by tiltlead that their opponents obtai lied :;ttil€' start, fought gamely to draw uphut they got few chances to score 011neeount of the fast guu.ling of theSophomores. Williams, who scoredmore than half of his team's points\\'38 the star for the losers. SPfttorplayed a good game at guard.There will be three games in tho! league today. At three o'eloek th('Freshman second team will pIny tloP-Iuniors, The Seniors will line upngainst the Divinity at five, and illthe evening at. seven the Freshmm­first team will meet the Mellies as f)eurtaln raiser to the Chicago-Ohio St.atf'Score of yesterday's game:Sophomores (26). Seniors (1:\).Plume •....... R. F. Waterhous(\Russell .. ' ••••.• L. F. . Seaton1f (·Connell C. .••..... WilliamsWillard .•...••• R. G. Leonard, ColemanHo«1ge.Rpnrks •.•.•••• L. G. Behm, Fitzpatrick'Baskets: Russen 4� Plume 3, M('Con.nel] 3, Sparks 3, Williams 3, Water­house, Seaton, Leonard.Free throws: Williams.Referee, Nichols.DlV'INI'1";y' DEFBAT8 JleCORJIICXTake Past Game .by 15 to 12 Score-8ta11iDga Scores.When Men Speak of Sweet Tips You AreListening to Connoisseurs of Tobacco The Divinity sehocl basketball tean-CmCAGO M3ETS FAST wen a fast and hard fought game fromomo STATE QOlNTE'l . �f(,eonnick theological sehool Wednes-Il:J�', hy a 15 to 12 score. Sta1lin�(Continued from page 1.)1------I �:IIllC with n Ililferent spirit."Asks for Bi2' Crowd. .Page asked for a hig crowd, lie snill,I· ninn and elwrry arc the MCorer� fm: Ohio. All woek WC' have been prnct ieIi il't! to ;""1't them. Do not think thatWI' nre out of t.he running for tht" GOl' .f"T(,twc c' hnmpionship, \V c are not."'C' han' just started.I "There have been eight hundred season; f i"kC't books sold, but there have onlyI ,',-II flve hundred students at the Jr.lm('�I ,,'hat we wnnt is to sec every one outI t ornorrow night and hear them root.iT!". f('llows will play a much hetter� <:;"'Ilr.l'. if there are a lot of students!. - ler-r them on."I 'Ti� opponent is Ald.,nnan Willis O.I 1�:II'" �Iatthl'ws nskC'll more rnen to' XnnC'(', republican, Profeaor Hobeni .. ,. c' 'Ollt for th ... c'hnC'rl('aeling poai., "'n� nominated at the progressive meet-;n� hC'l,l at the ('ity ]Jeadquart�, ]f): FOUR WILL COMPETE Wl'st -Inekson boulevard, by a vote of! IN COln'ES'l' FINALE 'l:t to )1).IContinned (rom page 1.)t ions,i 1" 1" thn!l !IinC' tn:tjorR anll less tha.nI . ,,', I" 1c'C'1l :�nel nne_half nre eligiblc; ('nflf clttnnts mn!'t not havc won a. pri7.C'li!l nil 1'llp('r .f nnior C'ont('�t pre'·iou."ly:1I!,1 mnst he> C'1i,:tihle for puhlie ' np.I pN,rnnC'f'. The prf'liminaries _ill 00helcl Weflm'!'I(lay at .. in Kent. nrul Holtz starred. tor the Universitynnrl Marba('h tor McCormick. Thes .. oreDivinity. McCormick.St:rlJings .•.... L. F CarpenterHoltz ..•......• R. F 1 •••• MarbachO�tC'rATcn .....• C. • .Snoddy, McClul'('PrjC'f' L. G. . ..•.. : .. EVanI'Wilmf'r R. G. .•.... RobertsonSnoddynn�k('tR: Marbaeh 4, Snoddy 2,8tol1-'n!rs ii, Holtz 2.Fr('c throw: Stallings.A�"Of'int(' Profcssor Hoben has been"'ntC'rf'el as the pr�ve 'party can,'i,l'ltf' for alderman of the 6th warcl.Speak lit Hvdf" PaI'k Center.nr. Hf'nele>�on 'n·m deliver nn nel·d�" on "Community Co,o(l('ratiorwith �OC'inl AS!f'n .. il'�·' at the annnnlYfl .... ting of the ny,le 'Park .Tu'\"eni1f''Protl'C't.ion AS!'IOC'iRton at the HydePArk .. ent('r, !l4:l" T.nke avenue, Yon_"ny night at 8. eOlIAN'S GlAND"NEABL Y KABIUED"With Bruce McBae"Delightful Comed7-GreatFun, "-Amy Leslie in Ne ..ILLINOiSJULIA SA�DEB£CNIn TH.:: SUNSlllNE GIRLWith Joseph Cawthorn and.100 MoreHo",ard'S TheatreA Blow at Commercialized ViceIt Has Awakened Chica;lo.THE TRAFFIOPOVVERSFANNIE WARDIn the Laughing Successof Seven Countri.-.MADAM: PRESIDENTJack Lalt's New Pla7HELP W ANft:DA Clean Com� Drama withHenry KolkerSTUDEBAKERJm. LYN HAlIDmGIn Sir Arhtur 00DaD. Doyln'1"hriWDg New �TBB 8PBCKLBD BAlmFINE ARTS'"fill: SWAX 80BCIWBy Tchw ...."P H Y L"A '1"hree-A.ct Comed7By Cfcel7 B'and1tonprincessThe Favorite Ir1ah Actor-a.­F I 8 K B 0' H A B AIn tile Delfghttal RoIIIUICeIB OLD DUBLIB'o LV 1M PICREADY KOBBYWithROBER'!' OBEBLASALLE·'8EP.l'BJIBER KO ... "With Daft LewbA�ERICAN .tT8ICBALLBVA '!'ABGUAYThe . Cyclonic ComecUezme &DdHer ,1l1bilee Valldevflle �-With BBIL KBN'YOX-FIm­nieat Scotcbman of AlL .\. )• •I", �t ., i I·4'I.. '.. ,'.",.,_" �- I./