"w,"�'I. ·'t" flstnnttVol. XII. N' o. 79. PBIOB FIVB MamaUlUVBB8ft'Y OF OBIOAGO. WBDN'B8DAY. FBBBUABY 4, 1914.(lUCK OF FORIAUTY TO HOLD RAIiY;.,FOR OHIO NAME PATRONESSES FOR, FEATURE RECEPTION Mass-MeetinglYlanned For Kent TRADE SCHOOL BENEFITTomorrow at 10: 15 - CoachStagg Leaves For New York Mrs. Judson, Mrs. Mechem, Mrs.Today Henderson and Mrs. Heck.man Are On UatUnivenity Band, Glee and Man­dolin Out. ADd Tomaso'. Or.chestra Furnish MusicA Mnapp,Y JIla�meeting for the Ohi«ALL snJDENTS ARE INVITED State. baaketball,pme }'riday will be HOLD BElEFlT FRIDAY NIGHToneOther Artieles.Plans for the Reynolds club . libraryNEED $300 FOR LIBRARY UNDERGRADUATE; SPIRIT" DECLARED nfs£1 FINECommittee Plans Canvass for Sub­scriptions Among Members InCampaign For Club IJbrary Of Univenity MapziDe luued Y ..One Th d V I terday Diacuuea MaDifeda·ousan 0 umes tiona of T �enc:yare rapidly drawing to a close, andheld in' Kent tomorrow at 10:15. Coach according to the committee the booksInformality will characterize the Page believes that the Ohio contest Mrs. Judson, Mrs. Henderson, }frt. will be installed in a. short time. Bids. annual Presidents' reception which will will be the hardest game on the sehed- Meche-m, and twelve other promiu,�t. will be received for shelving today' bybe held in the Reynolds club Satur- ule next to the Badger games. Cheer Chicago women will be the patrone� the committee on expenditures, andday night. Evening dress is not eX' leader Matthe\\'. expects to have Kent for the benefit for the University set- the contract will be awarded as soonpee ted. Carrying oat the policy ot tilled by one of the lar&est crowds thizJ tement trade school which will be :IS the bids have been opened. ThEmaking this reception the big chancefor students and members of the Uni­versity faculties to eome into contactwith each other, the Reynolds club CYf- year and has promised to make it aregular pep session.Coach Page and the members of theteam will talk, and Pat haa promised given Friday night in Mandel. Severul only task re-maining before the comalumni of the University will be 0'1 mit tee is the securing of the book!'the program. The complete list of Three hundred dollars more will bepatronesses follows:ficiall have sent anneuneements to all to let Ioose some of his celebrated The PatrOne8aes.the students and to all members of the dope on the real stren&th of the Ohioinstructional staff. aggregation. The tryouts for assistBulletins will be posted on the and cheerleader will alao be continued.boards in Cobb, Haskell, Law, Ellis, and Motthews expects a large nuw­college of Education, Lexington, Rey ber of men to turn out. He 8Ilid yes­nolds club, Hutchinson, Hull Inbori ,tories, and the dormitories. On ae­eonnt of extending invitations in thest>ways, every student, the elub official!"believe, should be aware tbat the reoeeption is not a Reyn01ds club aft'airalone, and that his presence is d(>!'Iired,Haye Kan7 Attractions. terday, "It is up the University tocome out and show the team that thewhole student body is behind not onlythe players, but Coa.eh Page aliso. Themass meeting will do a great deal to­wards showing this spirit, and the menneed all the support possible in theiruphill fight for t�e champiOnship."Practice is llJM:ouracblg.This week's practice has been one ofthe most encouragiDg this aeaaon. Th(, Mrs. Harry Pratt Judson.Mrs. Joseph Bond.Mrs. Frederick lves Carpenter.Mrs. Frederick Delano.Mrs. Wallace Heckman.Mrs. E. Fletcher Ingals.Mrs. Alexander A. McCormick.Mrs. Charles Allen Marsh.Mrs. Arthur J. Mason.Mrs. Floyd Russell Mechem.Mrs. Martin A. Ryerson.Mrs. Charles L. Hutchinson.Mrs. Bertram Sippy. sufficient to assure a total ofthousand volumes,Will Canvaas Kembers. jA campaign will be launched as S�!l1as possible to canvass the club membership for subserlptfons, The Oill�cash contribution, received during thepast week was given by J. V.· Nash,who gave one dollar. Nash also COli'tributed fifty volumes, selected h�himself from his private library. 1'h('collection contains works on poetry,philosophy, biography, fiction, religionand college life. The works of Poe itfive volumes contributed b�wereMrs. ehBS. Richmond Henderson, Henry C.' A. Mead.Mrs. William P. Carey. The committee will meet again 'I'ue»team baa .orked as. Dever before, �nd lIlstoI7 of SchooLt1i�'_�8Ii are'-�.- to' pJ&Far-ft �trall;"8eilO61'ii-oile ofi)ie�iie.i.· Iig'_'m';;��BOoit � ,_. -.- .; ,'�machine. The bUketsbooting has bet-n aetivitie-s at the Settlement whieh· is IN ��'!'OH. GYMbetter and the me� are fitting into trying to increase the efficiency ottheir positions. The strong Freshmar. young working girls. Last year the Recent Depredations in' LOcker BoOJrusquad hu_ beea do1n.ecI regularly, and sehool was supported by private sub- N'ecessttatet AdopUoD of' Pre-every man OD the Varsity is pla� scriptions, but since the Autumn quar- cautionary IIeasures.his game. Although Ohio State h .. the .ter, it :is being eared for. entirely l-�ftrestige of having defeated Chieag.. women of the Univervity, Mis� (ic'r.' the part of some University woman, ;I�twice last.. year, aDd win eater the trude Van Hoesen of !h� Sehonl of some woman passing as a UniversityF.ducation, has plannefl tho conr�,,", �tudent, a check room has be-en estab'knd supervises the in�tr\1eticn whidi lished in the locker rooms at Lexing'prepares girls to take p.)sitions Ill! np' ton gymnasium. Articles of jewelryprentiees in large dre9�making ('st:th, money and clothing have disappearee'permit the usc of the entire club f,)1' Twent7-Fov WID-Compete In Lowerthe reception. The President and 1Ih1, . .Jmitor PRbllc 8pealrfng Oontest. AI' a result of wholesale thieving o�.. lmost under the very eyes of l{i�Besides this work, a c1:lss in CtU'j.:- Dudley and of the attendant.ing and one in gymnnsticR ar., h('k On ftc('ount of the peculiar sl·ttlatl·ol.Judson will receive on the 8econd Ooor u'.I Twenty_fo'!r students will compet,· once a ,,·cek. The incrensing demanr of the locker rooms, which are partl.'north room. At the north end, b('SIIIIin the p�eliminarietl of the Lower .lun Oh the part of the girls in the flt�kthe fire-p1ace, in a seprate group, the in the gymnasium building and partl�ior contest in extemporaneous puhlic yards distrid for the work, and thl' in T�exinllrion, connected by a secon,·deans of the University will r('Ceivl' � ..flpt'aking wlaieh, will be held this af- inr.reasing call on the part of tht" om floor bridge, having two exits, mor,ternoon &t .. in Kent thfater. CoDlest_ ployers for the girls 8hoW8 the SllC-("t"s� or 1('8."1 difficulty has been experience<'"n&- _on -eiYe their .... RSi-1M'nb ft1 of this work. . k' . 1Be .. loG WU& ....... .,- to eepmg artlc etI secure.Hi!ltorical gronp, ynolds club tht"n- 3 and w111 '1._ aDowed onf' hoor for ---_- on ---,.._ ...u.:: U __ wt �&V__ The 108." of a tailor made suit atter; Classical, Bonth room, secon.1 p-pa'ratl·oD. Each -kt"r will talk. .., -1'-- On the program Friday night arf the end of last quarter, and the di8-floor; Modem Languages, library; Sci- for th- _iDutes. Four of the eon• ..,.., l{arjorie Benton Cooke, "99; G('rtrud, appearanee of a dreS8 valued at fift�'ences, Hutchill80n hall, north fire-te--D- -.!'Il· L-. eh-D by the l·ud-,c.. _ WI wu.,.,. "'_, .. �" PP.rry, '11, and Frank Parkt"r, ex-'ll dollars last week have led the authorplace; Medical, HutchinsoD hall, sooth " ,, .to compete iD the ftDals whieh will bEl ities to install s check room with rfire-place; Law, Hutchinson, northwest held withi. a week or two. )(embe .... lIB. DAVID WILL 8P3AK special attendant. Locks seem to b(eorner; college of Edueation, Hutchin, of the faeu1ty of the public BpakinglIOn hall, southwest corner; Divinity, deparbleDt win aet as judges.Rochinaon hall, BOutheast eomer. Tht"The faculty will receIve as follo"''':ltecepUon LInes.A'r LUlfOBBOB GIVBN no item with the thief. for sweater!'BY IUHIOBB '1'BUB8DA'! suits and shoes -havc disappeared fron·Speakers in the hal win be atlUniversity manhals and aides will di !IIigned topiee twenfy-fOlir hours in ad,red the guest. from the Dorth toweTvance aDd will be giveD ftve _inutf'foentranee to the ch�k rooms and the JUDior clal'tS luncheon which is hto present their subjeeb. The winnerthence to meet tbe President and Yn-. be held Thursday. A novel !r.lting arwill reeeive a &eholanhip for ODe quar-raDgement will be introduc('d, and thter..Judson.nosday. All students deeiriag to ellt('rmuat_ regi8ter with. tle d.. of the.Junior eoUegee before Pebraary 9The contest i. OpeD to an Upper .Jun HARVARD GAME IS .DlSCUSSEDNothing could be more health���the undergraduate spirit at Chicap •at present, a.ecording to the .JaDoar)"number of the University Magume,which wa� issued y�sterday' by" thePress. The article goes on to' �y':-It shows itself in athletics.Practically every man. availablefor football, even slightly avail·able was on the squad this fall.and remained faithful to tb� end.Whell the eleven, departlSd� forMinneapolis, to play Minnesota,they were dragged in a' 'iiIly·hodown Fifty-l8eventh� street' ,''-andcheered by at least 1,200 studeDtafully two-thirds of the unde�nate body .. A" the--same tUDe thatspirit shows itaelf in hone8ti'appll­cation to study. With 8 cb8:ml'".n-ship to distracn them, the marksshow that the. upper classmell' did.on an avera�' better :work intheir studies than in any Autumuquarter for a long time previous.That spirit shows' itself in collegepolitics. The best�kDOWJi maD inthe Senior cl"", on the oeeatio.of the class �tioD8, fail� to boeven nominated for 'president. �.completely had he kept'tree 6f' en·tangling allianOl[8S; and the 1'Nal'was that the n� day he was' Dom-. inated by' �itioll.· �.�� L..� __ ,-- ,� -e1eeted"'by--.·_��)oritY.��'complaint was made to .the. Deaaof Women that the ffuew" -aaaeawere demol'illiJ!iJig. - she ,�- Ieft';- 'thematter to an nndergraduate-'eGm.­mittee. A�ngeDlenta ·were ,_ad.in accordanee With' wllich" - 'KiaMary Hinman, a: hi2!ily 'q1lil1llitMle�rt, demonstrated the,· 'rirtuesand �efec1Js �f the recent .. �I� .ofdanelnJt; a commoD-seasc"eeDsoJ"­ship" by. undeJ'2'l1lduatea'-Wu: __tablislaed.a�d not R "-flm 6f ohi�_ti�n has been rai.,oo .inee. It 'fafaIr to say that the present_ uDder­naduate tendency is to h'bn� &lid. IIUpport in all waYI' tbe'kDow'idealaof the Univenrity.���a.me .The sllbje-et ·of the Hnrvard pm" hItnken up, and reason" giv�n' for' Cbi­pogo's refusal to conte:o.t ",jth the 'east­ern school. The renRons Jtiv� itie 'thill,first, footbaU I!lrMdy focOnRe8 too D:m�hpuhIir. intt'rel't on R minor actlvity"aDda sma)) group; Aeeond, th�t sTl�h a�me is not altogetht'!r fair to the COli.fAN",.e."Chj�ago·s p01lition in � great city;·the magazine _p, ·'makt"B 's �m •here finaneiany profitablt' to the i!,l't;_tntions in 8IIIal1(>r place& The-' c..,ference motto. like that of the fourm\1�keteen, i8 ·one for all and �n' fMone.' For Chi�ago at the fi"" big ttp­pnrtnnity to give- the go-by tc? 01le 4)fthe lockers with astonishing regt11nr'Mr. David will be the speaker .at ity� though by far the majority of ob..ireb ha"e heen taken frOm the hook� its r('g111ar oppon('nh. would bt- to de.,.this motto, and would �m Mlf �1t­in the little locker rooms. .Tewelry ing in a high dt"gl"l"e. lfic-hi,",n i."It must be BOrne onE' who 'knows th.. Otht'r arti(")("" in this month area vaudeville and dance in thc Re�' plaee perfeetly, and who follow" m�' "The Old Alumni AuoeiatioDs altdnolds' club8 at which exhibitioT'movements earefully,�' timid Yrw. Pt'rry Xt'w Plnns," Pl'e8ident Harr·s �ddressdanees will be given by membe", o·the class. Plans are on foot for a !"i'�mmittee expects a larg(' numht"r tcbe pTe1llent. Tickets may be obtain("at, the t)oor.On February 27 the daM will hn'" f'luntain pens, and money sf't'm tfho,·e been the favorite artif'les of tl ..pilfeJ"('1'S. A �nm amounting to eightdolla", W8ft eollcett"d dnring on(' clnw.hour a tlhort time ago.the locker room "Mother" yt"8terdny,'Everything that bas disappeared, hn�o'dock dinDer in Hutchinson cafe, t,gone either when I have htoen on thf',be followed by a visit to 80me neigh oth(>r side, or wben I bave not })('enborhood vaudeville show. The date fOTt.� eveDt will be aDlIOuDced later. (Continued OD pace 2..) hound hy no �tl�h re�n"ibilit;�.., an"r.ould fRirly a("coept the ("haUt-Dge. Yayl"ht" win d('Cisi,'ely'"at the Irrst ('Alnv�ation, and t.he u.Ulttroutine eomm('nt on tr"i ,-"n.ity ."fai"­Attention iK a.gnin �nl1('d to t.hf! faetthat ther'! is no alumnuil 01' th�. �of tru�eeII of the Univcnity, .The University band will play inI Hutchinson, and Tomalo's SpanishStudent orchestra will be on the land____ i:ql-i»....the Beynolda-.elob_·:, ,�4t ,:-:GJe.ean(l Mandolin clubs also will enter­tain. The bowling alleys will be openalld plans are being worked up by tht!club officials which will permitof them being used by all. Re1'resh­ments will, be served at several paintsin Hutchinson hall and in the dubThe decorations are to be very simple. consisting of palms and other ornamental plants.Mandel hall will be used as a checl�BOLD pBJ!I.IMDfABY mroom for women, and HutchinMn caf ..'EBlft, �'rBB 'rODA'Y8S a check room for men. This "'illPreliminaries in the Upper Juniortontest ",in be held iD Keat lIut Wed-As80ciate Professor .JameR West'fRlI Thompson of the department ofHistory, has recently been appointedehairman of the program committeeof the Ameriean Historical alulociation, ion who have more U.aD DiDe _ajonwbieh meeta this year in Chicago. Tht"And lea thaD aeventeeD and oM-bal'.p1'e8ident of the AlI8Oeiation i8 Pro- ('-ODtestaDta mUR Dot have won an�fCMOr Andrew C. McLaughlin, bead(\f the History department in the Uni. l;pper .TuDior extemporaneous �kin��.nit7. I -,0.;1' '.Ii - ...... ,". - .'rim DAILY IIAltOON. Wl:DNESDAY. FBBBUABY 4. 191'.in the locker rooms. 'Ye huve had t lu­greatest ui1Ticult�- on :\lolltIay :lfh':T Ia e 'D a i I J Mar 0 0 D ;- --._ Builetm----- ----�.;;:::::Ir.=...=.---------- --_-=._TODAY Brief Campas NewsBickman Takes Trip-.lI r Bickuruu�or college chapel, 10:15, Mandel. left yesterday wtlrllill� to v isj t lU01U1&21College of Education chapel. 10:15. Illlin'rl'ity. 11,· ,·.i.1 h·l i .•• ,.\·.Emmona Blaine.Glee club reharsal. 4, Mitchell Tow_b. W. Co&Uqu.H. 8. Gorp,Be P •••• ,w. B.L,.... er Studio.lie •• EdliorA.&IaIe&Ie8 BdltorBadae .. Kaaacer Junior Mathema.tical club, 4:15, Ky-ClrealaUo. iI.aacer erson 87 ..EDtereel .. MCODd-clau mall at theChk:qo Po.tome.. Chlcaco. ilL. :Karch 11.1I0a. IUlder .Act of March .. 1111.817B8C1UPTION BATES.B,. carrier: SZ.50 & ,.ear: 11.00 & Quarter.B,. ma11: SS.OO & ,.ear: 11.%5 & Quarter.Edltorlal-Bu.1Dus Offlc.. Ella U.T .. lephoDe Mid •• ,. '00. Atter 10 p m.H:rd. Park "".(Continued from page 1), .11&1'00-11 Prea. IU1 Cott .. _ .Grove AveDue.CJfllitotill .noons when I am in ntt endunce at t h-:Stud�t Ute this .year is being Bartlett swimming pool. The nf'ternoo»Baken up, dusted out, and ruthlesslyremodeled, by an trre-Take It Announce Pledge.-'1'hl' <luuc.lrungll'l:.uuuuuue e tlae plec.lging of Hvleuitu Padgt·tt of \\'uHlungtoll, D. C.Botany Club lIIeets-Assistuut ProWant Divinity NameS-All cuudiMrs. Judson "At Home"-Dr. -Ost>slowly. W�l\dertUl examples . of thewi�dom of' this rule are found in laW', START DANCING CLASS wuld of the university of Leipsig willTO DmECTOR STAGG l't> the guest (If honor at Mrs. Judson's"At Home" this ufternoon.lIthc:::-e progress' is slDwest. At anyt)-, the part ot wisdom, when someonearlses With a brand ·new Idea, andson, started the campaign. "T am �1"­everyone is shouting for it, to say, that it will be On t1te regular progrnT'�s.top!. Let's look it over carefully.Let-s Bee how it lIts in, how it will hy next quarter. 1\[O!�t of tlw fa("lllt­arc in favor of the pL"\1i."work in tuture years." Such a personis apt to be condemned, and the rush Holds Open Meeting.how he wouldD.'t haft to give Lawler Will Give Tea Today-The first ofthe Wl·tIncstIny social teas to be giventhroughout the quarter will be heldtoday in the League room at 3:30. ThePresident Nyvall Will Speak-Presidt'nt Xyvall will speak on "Den ny-ro­n.antisca rorel,.;en i skandinavisk lit�f>rnt-tlr" or "The Nt'\\' Romantic :Move­ment in ScantIinavian Literature," atthe Scandinavian club at 8 tonight inLexington 4. llr. Nyvall is the presi­dent of the North Park college an(lsl'minary near Ravellswood .. ' He is :mnuthorit�- on Scandinavian literature.Elect Representative':'" Elsie JohJl�Hold 'l'a1f,._PllD-About fift�· FrMth-.lones any more fees. ADd the result? The .January Dumber of Mod('rnman womf>n attended the TaffY'pun!h'e tomes-"Code of Cl'riJ. Proeed. Philolo�y "':IS is-'me(1 h:r the Pr�s y('�1U'e." wetgh1ug aenral pounds-eases tertlay. It cont.nin� trn :lrti("I .. �, on.' �-e�t('rday afternoon in FORter hall.of them bcinfT on "A �\'W Rtn ..... Dj. E."lch one dreMCd a doll, whi�h ",ill be-thrown oat beeaue of signing a doeu ... ..ment on the back Instead or �t thp. r('('tion for 'l(u�h ...:\(10,' Act 1, &('n(' tnrn('d over to the Setttt"ment. R�cK .. ating "':IS a",.rded first prh�(', anllhesd-(the legislatures were so de- i. ••___ +____ Kath('rine Brown second prize forPi Delta Phi Pledge-Pi OC'lt.n Phi dreR.."ing the prettiest floll. HelentermfDed to make the lawyers reformthat tbey made their codes oblt­nnnouncc� the plcdgin,;: of Pric>illn � .. :" Af1nm�, I'hnirman; l�iI1ian Risset, :\(ar­gato!7) - and iDDumerable amend· bert. J!nTC't lfnnroe and H('I('n Aaron s('rvcdmenta, am01llltIDg to huDdreds of rul�� .,.ear. Is- this reform? Yet Freshman Club to Meet-- Th ... ·r(,R!a· on th .. r('('('ption committee.mon �rodern Pictioll nncl Dramatic dullncb an 1lIl1'ol't1Ulate result is almost,,·m meet tooay at 3:�O in the �eigh.the fDmtable outcome of haste. '1'hls Gle .. ('Iuh ,,·m hold a rehea�1 for thel.orhooo room.teaon from real ute ma,. be taken ('on('('rt to � given on Pehnmry II',to heart by oar eampaa reformen In at another meeting-eonsider It over- trn-lny nt 4:30 in the Mitchel1 tow('rdeallDg with our Uttle problems. Some night. Make haste slowt,.-then there flt11flio. Plans for the annual trip arf'f"�:4or �h:trl'e guve u titereol'ticoll 1t."C· AND THEN INVEST ITUniversity Public lecture, 8, Kent. t ure 011 Europeuu univerait ies bef'or« The best way to accumlate the surplus is by opening a Savings Account. onthe Butuny dub yesterday uf't er noun, which 3�/(, interest is paid. One ($1.00) Dollar is enough Io begin. andScandinavian club, 8 Lexington 14. then add t it regularly.When it a +ounts to enough to warrant investment, buy a FIRST MOR.INSTALL CHECK KOOM To Address Math. Club-Yushio Ish. GAGE on C'-licago Real Estate from a Ban" which has inspected the proper"IN LEXINTON GYM ic.la will address the .luuior llutht" ty---"nows ;ts value •• -and loans ifs own funds on it. Thi5' will py 5. .! to fV�,mut icu l dub 011 "Some Jllu�trutiOlls ot' interest .• With absolute safety and this is as much as any .al c investment wi,1Ar hit rn ry Constunt s iu Differlltj.d earn.I-:t!uatioJl�" at 4:15 this af'ternoon ii, This Ban" has several choice. small First Mortgages in amounts from $500.n�-ersoll :�j. to 55.000. with titles guaranteed by the Chicago Title and Trust CompanyKEEP .. YOUR:SAVINGS IN HYDE PARKDew Idea Is propoNd by someone, or InI01IIe meetfDC. �e!" BftlTonewants to ras11 away, and car!7 out th"Jdea. lIetter walt-debate the matter wnn't be 80 much to be undone re�­tun,.. 'l'hIs ma,. well apply to th�movement toward abolishinglists" in the Cap and Gown. Cllonor- Glee Club WID Rehearse-The ){f'n's Open Saturday Evenings8% IN'l'EBBST '87..HYDE PARK STATE ]jANKCO�N"D orr 83 � ST. c'5o L'A"'- .O�CBBS DrRECTORSJOH:"l A. CAftROLL. PreetdeDt.ROBERT F. cuasnxcs, Vloe-Preeld!!Dt.THOllAS .JA�SE:"l. Casbier.U. A. HARlIo..�. A..IetaDt Oaahlu. Robt-rt F. Cumming!' Frank W. Ho ...Cbarle. R. Horrte JanH-1! J_ CarrollHl"nry L. Stoul Thomas JnnaeDDaniel F. Burke Thomas A. OolliMJohn A_ Carro:!." Keeping in Front"You fellows bow what that means rWe-ve· been very soccessfuI m thisregard with Fatima Cigarettes. Bythe way, these cigarettes Wele 6rstsold in the·coIIeae - towns-and youagreed with us tLat they were good.Then we put out for the bisz race.to make F atimas of nation-wiele rep­utation, and today more are sold thanany other cigarette in this couDtry.No purer, or more carefully chosentobacco grows than tbatin F atimas.We putposeIy put them in a plaininexpensive � this waywe caD dord qwlIity tobac:co. andtwenty of the smokes for I 5 cents.Now your college ctewis of utmostimportance to you-so is a �cipette. and it-. your aim in lifeto keep F atimas in the lead---rightup to their good qudtr-right upto where you first foaod them. anawill always fiDeI them.Success fellows I Y OQ started thisc:iprette on its soccessfuI caJeer­aDd you puB a ItIoDg oar aD 0Yf!!tthis country_ ..,.�'"' . 20 for 1.5.'2lw6w:1I ... FM/Jr" g'.VVa n ted•••••••••••••••••••••••••••At OnceEaa .. at t. U.ta., Ie a.e ia ... iaYestipte owSpecial Ollerto CoIIep MeaHERZKA BROTHERS:-: Tailors :-:now undf'r �on�iderntion. Propm.ition"for trip!' to Seattle and GalvC1rton havel 1545 East53nl Streeth(' ... n rf'(,(,jved, but nothing ha� M yet Te1epllon8 B. P. 1037. Open BYeDtDp aDd Sunday MondJII.hN'n fl .. finitely ()«'Cided.• »_ . • ••� , .•" •dates for degrees from the Divinitythat the suit disappeared, it was takl'Ischool at the end of the present quar­within twenty minutes after I left.ter have been requested to leave theirsistible outburst of the Miss Dudley and :\[i8S Pierce were innames at Dean Mathews' office.democracy ideaL We the passageway, a nd a basketball gamt·are determined to have was going on in the gymnasium. It is�bso1ute democracy..- But in this work hard to think that some of the stu, �oynton to Spea.k-.Dean Boynton-which is most admirable-there is a dents arc dishonest, but tile things ,1,) will speak ut the college of Educationerea,t chance to do more harm than not walk off by themselves:' chapel today at 10:15.good. After all. the reactionary is aSUBMIT PETITION TOmost usefUl. person. Let us make hasteThe dancing pet it ion, sign('d hy morerate. lawyers are the_ most damned re- ]than eight hundred shu ents, wag sentact!:n:-.rJes in our magazines andto Director Stagg lnsf night for �Ollthcnght today. And yet what hap·slderafion while he is on hi!'! trip t«pened when people got mad, and set New York this week. �Ir� Stngg stntt.,·,Jut 1.0 -haVe reform. right away quick. that he would not give an)' decislo: h·u.s are purely social, and are givcnwithout waiting for the "old fogeys'" tountil he wns sure that the University by the Y. W. C. L. in order to get theshake -the dust off their backs andmen wanted dancing.' The StutI .. nt women acquainted. Programs will becODi«! 'across? These "reforms" perhaps d('ouncil endorsed the plan_ planne for .the various afternoons.. �:� the m� bitterly rege�. h """-t- '1 The Ueligious Meetings committee will,- PaitBot7(;ur-lepz'� �y:- Itj� '-�:Y"1lm' qUite eertniri'1 l'·-.,,,,l Ion WI'lmcceeed," said Horace Fitzpntrid, have charge of _thc tea this week.wh� with the help of George Parkilof opinion go brawltng arouud and A!-l�O('iate Prof�or 8tnrT will !'!r't';ll,over him, as a brook pours over and on .Tapan nt the CMmopolitnn ,.lullaround a bowlder in the channel W1mn mf'etin,;: nt 8 Fritla.,- lli�h� in ilu'" this happens, it is unfortunate. Take Hitchcock club room�. Th(' .TnpnllPSt·an examPle from law. People groW' m('mbf'rl'l of the !"o.·il't.- will pr".·i 1(''VeXed With the musty old teclmicali- a program of (lnndl1� "\tlll sin;::n:!.Ues of legal proce4ure, and deten- This met'ting is 0l't'n to :\11 rniv,,':':-il:- uns el<'Ctl"d gl'neral gymnasium work� to wipe them out. How did �tutIeDts. r('presentntive to the W. A. A.- advis-they go adout it? They wouldn't tru.CJt or�- hoard yt·sterday. The other mem-the legal profession to work things out Atwood Leaves for Harvard. bl'rs of the hoard are lliss Dudley,BloW17 and 1lUl'et,.- No; they were go_ Dr_ Atwood I('ft �l1Of1a�- for enm' �inn Beall, Katherine Biggins, andtng to lhake out the dust and wipe hrid�p, �(.:lst1.., where he will tak(' I1p Ruth Prosser, who comprise the execu­off tile cob-webs .&t ODe fen swoop. his new posoit.ion as pJ'lOf('�qor in Har- tive committeo of the as."oeiation;ftq devised codes ''to make evetY- vard univf'rsity. Prof('��or Atwood is Dorothy Lewenyn� hasketball repre�n_WIle � ID&D Ids own law- a grndnate of Chit>ago, nnd has heel) tativ<'; l.aura Walter, hal'lebnll repre­�--etc. etc. "FiDe" said the farmer ('onnct�d with the Phpiogrnph�- :lnil spntaive, and A_mn. PaTmclet', hockeyfD the legfslatare as be stroked his Geology d('partm .. nt� for t.h(' Inst tCll rp-presentative. There will he a meetbeard and voted tor the biB, thtDkiDg years. in� of the board today.Modem Philology Is Out. .. I •• •••· .'•4 � •"l'.. .9'-tt•· ,-.' ,-.,4f '.•· . �... -.1· "· "_1• •I ••, ; .•,.t·,•· .'· � .·l• •••tI•,'1• 'I.' Ir• I; .'Jltlit ,._' "•" ."••"Il 'I .,• I• ' �.... -.1� ".. ,'., IF-..... 18 Ilyl • .r I. Donallorte. leanOeD .. I. eare of " •• !tor, eu .....,.. Fine Arb in the University of Mi�hi·......... eat.. •.• ..Unn taII7. gan, has been delivering an exten8ivt'eD.n eaII ••• lelwaJ' NIL .-eri" of leeturee on antique art for the nue, 3rd apartm\!nt, telephoneAfth.�logial IMtitute of Amerie3 Park 637.you're a believerin outdoor life­and i n healthyr e c rea t i 0 n-i t ' ssafe to say thatyou're a Spaldingen t h u siast-Golf,Tennis, Cricket,or what not.Spalding Catalogue sent free.A. G. Spalding28 S. Wabash Ave. & BrOLChicago. CLA"'WILL�� FBlJ)AY IIOBlIDlG8eD1ora WQl DUcua Usttuc of Wom­en·. ActtriUea in Oap aDd Oo1t1l.At a meeting "f. the &'Ulur claaa to00 held Friday at 10:15 in Cobb 12ft.the umiasion of the list of individualhunurs of the women of the claaa fromthe Cap and Gown will be brought up.Twenty women of the class, who haualreadj' turned in their honors, haverecalled them. An attempt will bemade at the meeting to reach BOm4!agreement on the question, ManagerGeorge Lyman of the Cap and Gowu,said yesterday, "Although the listingof the honors makes the Cap and Gownmore complete, the activities of thewomen may be found under the vari·ous organizatiol18."The three lower c1aases will meet at10:15 Friday, in Kent, to nominatl'members of the Undergraduate eoueil,.Juniors will meet in the east room ofKent, Sophomores in the west, andthe Freshmen in the theater. ARRowTANGOSHIRTSare. an e ve n i ngdress necessity.The bosoms aretucked, puffed,pleated or "mush-" troom. ",2.00 up. Facile PrincepsNo beyer age can approach-has eyer eyen challengedthe supremacy of Coca·Cola. It stands first. Thedrink that will refresh and delight you with its distinc·tive and delicious flavor-its wODderful thirst-queDc)a­ing quality.Delicious - R.eCreshingThir�t-QuenchiDgTHE COCA-COLA CO�Atlanta. Ca. WlaaaeYer,"0. ICC aD Anew, lJIiWtol Coca-CGIaPrateraltJ' "ewelr)'Le.ther Gooel. �_ .. _.. ,CoUe�. NonlUe. _A.I �-- E.Ito .... 8latloa.r7Weelcl1.� 1."IIlatioa.CaIIIac Carel.YOU'VE HEARDOF THE "JUS-!- '.,TER KEY" THAT•FIT 8 EVERTLOCI-DIDYOU EVER BE�-0:1" A MA8TEB_..,J( 0 DEL OP A.TYPEWRITER'"Tblak of ALL .f'be eoDlblaecl ad­y.ata�e. of 8ET·ERAL typewrlten1'0. '.T. see ..eoaNatra'.eI ..o If B .ta.clan1•• e .... 1&OYALTl'PZWIlITBa co.1IIe.158 K. • ......, St ..Cla� .. DLNOTle..aYl.� Ton Clot .. " DrJ'.CJeaa" ...Pnuet at fft4lu., I.tenal. �. wID... It 10 h a ••• 11 •• , »reata... ...'Y ...... t.lUI East .fD 81net.--------------------------�THE TEA BOUSELUNCBBO. 12-1:30Dnnu:R 5:t6-7 Nominations may be made later by Cluett. Peabody & Co., Inc. Makerspetition to the Undergraduate council. .1_ .. !-,., .. � - •. I·_· ..... _...; ... •• -'.-AU petitions for ree1aasi1ication shouldbe made to Miss Ott in the office ofthe Bureau of Records by Wednesdaynext, and to the eounefl, The eleetio'n8will be held Friday In the outer offices 5c per line. No advertisements re­of Deans Gale and Lovett. The Fresh- -eived for lese than 25c. All c1aasi1ledmen will' select two members and the advertisements must be pa.td in ad·other two classes three _ each. vance.CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTSLOST-Gold watch and chain. No. of BROCHONENGRAVING COMPA NYH. G. TURNERPresident 118 •• 1Ien Balldl ..LEC1.fOB.B 8J!RIF..s OK c�se 75563, No. of movement (EI-OOLLOm ClIEIIl8DY gin) 450999, somewhere between Cobband 5715 Drexel, Monday afternoon,between 4 and 5. Finder please reoturn to Miss Dow at 5715 Drexel andDr. Oshrald'. second lecture on "CoLloidal Chemistry" ill Kent·1.aat night�-aa . delivered 'bdore' 'an auw.ence·which filled the halL The aubject ofthe lecture Wall •• Mechanical, Optical,Electrical and CJlemical Properties ofSubatanees in the Colloid State. Claasi. receive reward.TO �-Well furnished, pleasantfront room, in new mod. bmlding ;reasonable. Young man also desiresroommate. 5421 Ingleside ave., 3rd apt.fic3tion of Colloid .. ." Midway 6114.1'0 Dight at 8 in Kent Dr. Otwald,,-m speak on "Changes in the Colloid LOST-"English Poetry" by Manly, inStnte._ Internal ChaDges of Stat!:!, }<�lJi8 S, Thursday. Finder please reoSwelling, Setting, Syneresis, Absorp. turn to Information Office.tion, and Peptization." LOft-Tn Mandel Hall on Tuesday af·ternoon, January 21, a small blackWILL LBCrUB.B OK PB.AX1'TBLB8 and white striped silk bag, trimmedwith black velvet a rhinestone buttonProteaor Oroa to Speak in Haakel1 and black tassel. Contained a hand·JIueam FridQ. kerehief marked N. A. D. and a smallamount of money, Kindly retrun to thePresident's office or to 4609 WoodlawnProf�8or Herbert Cr088 of the Uni· avenue and receive reward.v"nity of Michigan, will give an iI··lustrateel lecture at 4:l0 Frida,.. inlTukell ..... bl,.. room on ··Praxitelf>s·� FOB SAL&-A Dew No.5 Oliver TypeBOARD-In small private family. Ex­eellent home cooking. Limited numberat table. Addreu 6134 Woodlawn ave'Hyde Teleplaoae naDdolpb IUSI�HICAGe................ - .. - ... - ... �CITYTICKET OFFICER. J. CARMICHAEL. D. P. A.writter iD perfect condition. Must selltherefore price reasonable. Write, 0caJl after 7:00 P. M. E. H. Branemeierthe Athenian 8eulptor. The leeturewill be illustrated with stereoptleonJIIHdetl, giving views of the antiqueseulptnre whieh is related to the art 53 Middle Divinity Hall.of Praxiteles.Yr. ero. who is Profeuor of thethroughout the middle state8 and Can- JIBS. FLORA lIIacIVOB SIIITB­Rd�Voice builder and teacher of artisticsinging� Mondays and Thursdays atHold IIonaIa& 8errice-A morn. )(ra. Knights, 5652 Maryland A venue,ing pray�r eerviee i8 being ht'ld ever.v Wednesdays and Saturdays at home,day t.i.. wek under the auspices of 6356 Maryland A venue. For informa·the Dl�nit,.. students from 8 to 8:15 tion address 6356 Maryland Avenuein Hukell 26. All meaben of th.- Phone. Midway 4390.Uninnity have beea invited.FOB 8ALB-Standard Smith-PremierTypewriter iD ex�el1ent eondition, atvery reuonable terma. A great bargainfor anyone desiriDg a typewriter f<.rrrofeaional use. H. B.Lemon, Room 6,B1enon Lab. or 1220 E. 54th St.1S2I B. 57th.billa lor I .. dl .... IlU-Univenity debating soeiety win �!lTd. Park 2015 di�ullMlC) Ilt a -.eeting of FeneibleflPInt CIaI. IIenIee tonight at 6:15 in the private dining ST. LOUISBest Reached by Through and Fast Trains of then..LINOIS CENTRALAll Steel Daylight SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.: arrives St. Louis (� �ercha�tsBridge6 :02 p, m, Indestructible steel cars of haDd�me !ntenor 'nishEvery comfort and convenience will be found on thiS tram.Diamond SpecialLeave Chicago 10:30 j). m.; arrive St. Louis 7:48 a. m. Electric­lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago.Stopa Mad. i. Bot. Directio ••• t Soat. Sid. nr�a ••St.tio .... 43rd. 53rd a.d 63rd Str .. taObservation Parlor Cars. Cafe Club Ca� SleepingCars. Free Reclining Chair Cars and CoacbesTick.ta. Fana •• d Sleepi •• Car R ... "atio ••• t76 West Adams St.... _ ... -.-.- - .. - � .. - .Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at sttb Street.Near SOtJI Street Subway StatiOD aDd"rei Street Eleftted."Broadwa,.." can from GrandCentral Depot.Seftllth A ft1I1Ie Can from Pean�l­ftIIia Stadoa.KBPr RY A C(nL.Q. IIANn.AnquABr.RS FOR COLL.a. M.NBP.CIA£ RA'l'.S FOR COLUO. nAil"Tea Mimltes' Wait to Thirty 'I1IeatrewHARRY P. STIMSO�. MANAGERn�DQ1JARTER8 "_,R cnlCAOONew, lIodenI and FirepI'oofRooms with Bath, $2.50 and up.•Quick on the TriggerWith a Snap-Shot EyeTHE crack trapshooter has tohave steady nerves and musclesabsolutely u:nder. control- alwaysready .to swing �IS gun into placeand bring �own his c1aypigeon. Thismeans trained, not to the minutebut to the split-second. 'We present the names of somefamous crack shots. They like tosmoke, but take no chances on atobacco that might "throw them�ff .. " They use Tuxedo becauseIt .IS mild, relaxing, steadying­strictly pure. GEORGE W.�AXWELLlcallinl: trap,..lovo!cr"/ find complete enjoy­ment in Tuxedo. lt's a nerve:sleaJieT arid a sure }:I<:, slou»burning tobacco, I'�9I-9/'f�F.-h. 24, Tu�. 3 P. ll •• Juniors-Dh-init� minute!' 4'a�h. The tnt prize will bf'F.-h. 24, Tues. 5:30 P. M. Frel'h 1 Sen :\ �holanJhip for two quarters and th.­F"h. 24, Tues. 7 P. Y. Fresh I-MediC"!' �ond a ,.eholarship for ODe qnarter.P('h. :!;;, WC'd. 3 P 11. Sophs·La"}'RESHM'AJ( FIBBr n:.AlILEADS 0LA88 LUGUEFinishes First Bound . With OleanRecord of Victor1es--La.w5 areSecond.Stuudiug ill Lnt ru-Muru] buaketbnllLengue:TCUUl�. WOU LostU Pet. BOLD BALLY FOB omo --r­��������GARRICKThe World's Greatest Entert&lD.er,HABBY LAUDBBand. Co. of IntemaUloD&l ArtiataIt� It...d. �: . !� •-'Jj Tlte Per/eel Tobacco for Pipe and GgardteTuxedo is made of only thefinest, choicest, selected leaves ofperfectly aged Burley tobacco. ItIS made by the original "TuxedoProcess" which removes every traceof bite and sting and develops allthe wonderful mildness, fragranceand flavor of the Burley Leaf in away that no other brand of tobacco,has ever successfully imitated. _.J TOll A. lIARSIIALLInrnous cravk s hot., Tux�do tobacco is Itn­que:stionabiy the acme of�rfeciion: smoking Tuxedomake:s life beau worthlicing. II.��o,£U� rF'reslunen 1.L:1W &h(lol .I' F'reshmeu II. .Sophomores .(lll'di("s .i Juniors lOtio Amaaemeab.fCont;nued from "age 1.)'. ,.6:1:::1:� game eonfideut of repeating their vic.tortes, Conch Page's aggregation eaube relied upon to put up a 8ueeesafulfight all the way through.Stagg at Bales JIeettq.Coach Stagg will leave for NewYork, where he will attend the annualme-eting of the f.ootball rules commit­t� F'riduy and Saturday. He will alsoviRit Cornell, Columbia, and severalother eastern Universities while in thv('ANt. He will return early next week,und resume hiB 'preparation of thetrack team for the Purdue meet.Director Stagg does not belie,·e thatthe Rules .eommittee will make anvd(·finite or radical change in fhe nl·":ing rules. The sentiment througho'"the country appears to favor the prt·�ent game. It is, howeve-r, posstble thn tsome minor ehanges will be made.Coach Stagg has received sugge,tions from conches ull over the COUI"try in regard to proposed eha nges itthe rules. Some of the more Important�uggestions follow:Fonra!d Pass.I. Adding a penalty for roughiv"fot·ward passer after pass.2. Legislate against forward p":r'"l'hind line of st!rimmage with intt>'"to save differen(!� between passer on,lnoint where boll W1lR put in plry.3. If the ball after pas8 got's out r'hounds, before it touches th(> grou'l"or u player, it shall go t othe ol'Ptl-ients at the point where it goes Ill"4. Forward pass out of bounds ,.or a player, it shall go to the UI'I'Inents where �all was put in plny.5. Incomplete forward pus!'! P •• n-.'izPd ten yards.6. Intentional throwing the b�lI l'the ground should be regarded �.iI .fumble and not a8 an ineompl(>ted forwRrd paM.7. A penalty for aD incompletl'forwRrd pa88 over the goal line il' tn.q�v�re.The players should be Dumht'reit.Forbid center hiding the h�ll hho1din� it. ••COlAN'S GlAND•UNEABL Y KARBIBD"With Bruce McBaeYOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERECoaYeaieDt pODC.... 5 FUDOaa srr_n tin 10in'!.r-lin.J with C with aoLl letteriaa: ClDOiltaae- .. oof paper CDn'ed to fit pocketIn G/a.a Hamidor.. SOc and SOcFREE Send us 2 cents In stamps for postaeeand we will mail you prepaid a souvenirth Unl"'-'" S tin of TUXEDO tobacco to any point io• ,,_._ tates. Address " .,.FRED GILBERTcelebrated trapshooter.. The coolest, m03t fra­grant tobacco to my expe­rience- Tuxedo. Leads inmildne:ss and purity. "�� .)o G ouu "Delightful Comecl7-GreatFun."--.Amy Leslie In Ne"" THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANYRoonal105 111 Fifth Aveuue' New York lJu\"illg come through t he t'ntin' fir�:round without a def'eut , l"'rl�hml'n 1n re the Icnd(,111 in the rave for botlthc cluss and Univeraity ehumpiunships, No other team was able to gh"t lu- yearlings a stiff argument, nnethe only team thnt seems to have an�ehunee to heud off the Freshmen ittheir march is the Law team. The lawYNS were defeated by the first ycamen in the early purt of the sehedulebut since then they have improved au­will give the leaders a hot fight wlH':th .. y meet again.OJlI�- one game in the first roun-'wns postponed� and tbis was the Div iuiry-F'reshrnan II game which will h1'1n;yed ofT on MaTch 2. T,he Rt.'COIlround of the series will start today n:three o'e lock when the Sophomoreand Freshmen I meet. Tn this secon­round, each team will play each othet onm once, The championship withe determined by the standing of thoteams when these games are finishoIf two teams have the same percentnJ!'th.·y will play extra games in order t.determine the winner.Second round Intra-Yural basketbnls,.hcllule:Date. Opponents.Feb. 4, Wed. 3 P. M. Fresh I..soph�Feh. 5, Thurs., 3 P. ll. SophR-Senitll:Ft'b. 6, Fri., 3 P M. Fresh IL,Junior:.Feb. G, ;) P. ll. Seniors.-Divinit:Pt.·b. ft, Fri., 7, P. ll. lleelics Fresh IFeb. 9 l\f on., 3 P. ll. Fresh I LSenimFeh. 10, �ues., 3 P. ll. Sophs·.Jull;nr!'Feb. 10, Tues., G::W P. ll. Div. llelli,·F.�h. 1], Wed., 3 P. lr. }'r�h II-Ilj\Fl'b. 11, 7 P. ll. Lnw-M�tljl�:Fd). 12, Thur, 3 P. l(. SOl'hM.Divit.it�Peb. ]3, Fri. 3 P. ll. .1uniors,Sf'ninrFeh. 13, Fri., 3:30 P. lr. :Prmdll·I ... "\\1·\·1.. 1ft, lIon. :; P. ll. PreMh I .. JuniorF.·h. ]6. lion. 5 P. lr. lledics·ScniOl!,Feb. H, Tues., 3 P. 1I. Fresh IT_Soph·.·f'h. I;, Tut's. 6:30 P. M. Div.-I.:lw..\·h. ]�, Wed. 4:30 P. 11. One mile rm-:ul basketh:.!'mcn- -ClIJlS.F.-b. 1!', Thur. 3 P. ll. }o'r�h I·-Divinih·Feb. 2:1, lion. 3 P. ll. Fresh jLLa�\ lLLIl'lOl�J ULlA SAND�RS�N •I·',·} •. 2;, Fri. 3 P. 11. .Juni011l·I�"F"h. �;, }o'ri. 5:30 P. :\1. Sophs·llt'iti{·!',"'('h. 27, Fri. 7 P. ll. }'resh 1·}'r4'l'h I!:\1:.1". 2, lron. 3 P.ll. ScnionJ-I ..."\\·:\f:tr. :�, Tut·s. ; P. lr. Postpon('m(,1l1}'resn n·Divinit:y:\r:1r. 6, Fri. 5:30 P. :\f. .Junior�_M.··li.··'·'n�·i"J: fn�t hut "howinlt poor fornin b3S"kct shooting, the lledit'fI f .. ll lwf"r(' the .Tunio11l to the tunc of a 2fto Hi s�ore y�terdRY. The .luniol'!took the It'ad at the start and piled tl'n s('von point lead before the lflet1iC"·,!ot �tnrted. �e fim half endeit wit1-th(' thir,l Y4'al' men leading 13 to ..nnit nlthongh the lledi�II �am(' hodo'�tro"s::er in th(' �ond half Rnit h4'l,'tlll'ir opponf!'nb ('ven, th('y 1\"('r(' ne)1a 1>le to ent down the lead. In Tn.:: StJ�!H.il.:iE GIRLWith Joseph Ca.wthorn and.100 More. .•Ho�a.·a's TheatreA .Blow at Cowmerdallzed ViceIt Has Awakened Chica,o.Flowers for the PromOHOIOll COBSAGES OF OBCBIDS, BUTTER-FLY SWEET P '::AS,VIOLETS, AND LILIES OF THE . VALLEY.NO EXTBA. COST FOR SHIET.DS AND TIES.Place your Order Early. Choice Assortment of Cut Flowers andBaskets Always on Hand.PALMS BENT.3D FOR ALL OCCASIONS.A. McAdams W. J. LagrottaTelephone Hyde Park 18. 1303 E. 53rd Street.M. Shil"lderrnan.TAILORS .. CLEANERSH you want your clothes Pressed and to stay Pressed callup Midway 6958. "We Call for and Deliver PromptlyOr�er your SPRING SUIT Early and have it ready for EarlySpnng Days. 25 per 'cent discount on all orders taken now.1114 E. 55th StreetTbe Hit 01 Tbe Season THE TRAFFIOPOVVEkSFANNIE WARDIn the Laughing Successof Seven CountriM.MADAM PRESIDENTWoodlawn Trustat Savings Bank1201 E. 634 s� ChicagoTHE FACULTY "'l'HR STUDENTSof theUNIVERSITY OF omcAGOWILL FIND IN'lIDS BANK ALL THEF ACILI'l'IES OF A .DOWN'!'OWN BANK. COR'I·t.Jack Lait's New P1a7, .SAVINGS AOCOUNTSaDdCHECKING ACCOUN'rSAre Welcome azul Appreciated. 2 For 25 Cents.Troy's •HELP W AN'rBD• � .'&ESOUBCES $2,000, 000. Best Product A Clean Comedy Drama WithH.nry KolkerSTUDEBAKERMR. LYN BAB.DIHGIn Sir Arhtur Conan Doyle ..Thri1l1Dg Bew PIa,.THE SPBCKLED BAND •------ •MAROON ADSBKIl\G RESULTS HITRSCfHRE FORTlI F. TlA f LV �t A R()()� HOLD pJtET.DII)fAlLY IN.:ID:!ft :�'lER TODA�f("ontinned fl",DI Pace 1.)FINE ARTS"THE SWAN SONG"By Tcheko ....up H Y L19A '.rhree-Act Comed7_ C1cel7 JJamiltonnri7.e prt',·iously, and must be eligible·for public appearance.The topics will be allotted TU8Sd:1Y·1t .. in Kent and the. speakf'f8 will bf''tllowt,(l t.wenty-fonr honn for prepar:t­t ion. Cont('stants will speak for fiv('minllt4'� in the preliminaries, and fmITwi1J b(' �h<men to eompete in the 1Inals.Th(' final contenders will be as."igne-G�IIPi(·8 forty-eight hours in advanee ofthe t'ont('�t and will talk for twelvf' princessTIle Pavorlte IrIah Actor-8IDpl'F I S:It B 0' B A B AIn tile DeUghthl BoID&IICeIN OLD DUBLIN •OLVlWPICFil'her at cent('r, Darrenongoe at forward, and I�vinson at tuard were th,­"ta11l of the .lunior team, and Holder.man nnit Gilroy played the be"t gamt'lilfor the lo�Mt.The &Core:,TunioMt (26). Mediell (16)llarrenougue .. R. F. •...•..• YayerRyerly ..••.... 1.. F. •....... BothamFisher c. HoldermanI.ollet'gnrit R. O. GilroySherwin I,. G. .•...•.• ButlerJ..evilUlon. Al\4ERICAN JlVlIlCBns"ket,,: Darr4'nollJrne 3, Fisher 4, IlALLREADY MOBBYWith'. "ROBEBT OBEBLASALLE'I'ABGUAYBVAI .. ol14'sgard, She",·in -I, Mayer, Bntler,Holdf"rman 2, Oilroy 2, Bothman.FrM' thro,,·s: DarN!nongoe 2, Holder·man 2.Referee: Sbafer. •'!'be . c,.c:lonlc ComecU8DDe aDd.Her .JubOee Va1ldni11e 00mpaIIJ'-With lifBIL AOBONY1ON-!"a­mat Scotebmau. of .AD.