I'I�� IttoII .rxi,I, I.I'1 �I•.r-,••:1; VoL %II. .". 78. laily --....-.'rn.dtt.. ..• " � sPAlo. FIVB· 0DftpUJ·:m·:ORGANIZE JANUARY LEAGUE. WORK AMIPTS mm ART INIE, CAVALRY TROOPS JOlmulll�Ii�-IS-FIREDActivities Of Y. w. c. L;Are Echo UIUuu.wm,Of SpUit Of.Kansu, City Con-vention Mia Brown'Says-�Have Cub Write. Up!Benefit for Uni-Publicity CoiDmiltee . venity Settlement Trade SchoolBefore It HappensExpect To Aroue Student Inter­_t In Veature At MeetingToDisht In CobbPAUL O'DONNEU. WIU. SPEAKPaul O'Donnell, who graduated fromthe Law 8ehool in 1909, and is nowa lieutenant of Troop F in the Firstregiment of Illinois National ARRANGE NEW GROUPING SIJGCBDOI.S 'AUS.) .,Univenity Manballi ADd Aides BY PROI· CIIAIRIANWill Assist At R�OD � -''; ',. -v. '.President In Reynolds Club Next wm .Adop� E�_nat-:�Saturda - - -- Make Aanual Dance .....y:...-. aenbtive of' UDivenit� .. 'In view o� the large attendanceGIVE PROGRAM FRIDAY NIGId' which is expected at the President'sreception, to be held in the �yllold&A "young hopeful" (known in traa. club next Saturday eveDing, it haaas a "cub") dashed into the Maroon been necessary to modify somewhat more democratic Prom have been aM·oftice early Friday evening. Visiont the arrangement for the grouping of ed for by Chairm&D Murray. AnTof many things to come- during the the various departments. According studenta having ideas which they thiDkto the present plan, the de-partmenta will help to make the annual dano.evening were flitting through hia •.•,,-m meet on the second floor of the more typical of the Univeraity .panmind; and across them, like a block have been uked. to . eend them t8club, at which places will be indicatedveil, was that confounded Settlement by placards. They will then be es- Howell Murray, box 223 faculty �trade school benefit story. He had his corted by the University marshalaand chaDlte. .. Every eft'ort will be. made 'to makeprogram, and explicit instructions to 'aides to their locations in the final,.touping, which will be announced iJJ. this Prom the most repreeellt.uv.tbe near future... dance �ver given at the ¥Ilive�*y, .tb..chairmen declare. The attendance of··There is no reat.80n why the attend- - .the larger part of the faculty, alumlLiTBB LBAGUB Jl( .JAlWABYJanuary 5 to 9 •••••••• Daily teas,January 9 •••••. Social Service teaGeneva and Kansas Cityreunion.January 13--Leeture by Dr. Gun­_ulwa.Junuary IS-Tea to Winter Quar­ter FreehmaD.January 18 ..•... Echo meeting inMandel.Jan. 27-Lecture by Dr. GunsaulusJanuary 26 to �aea by MrsDwight Potter on "Im­mi«ratiOIl." "write up the story,"He glanced at the program-over­looked the date-s-and thought, "I can't:3uce at this year's reception should'not break aU previous records," saidPresident Parkinson yesterday. .. An- WANT TWO HUNDRED COUPLESSuggestiolUl for a bigger. bethr,'and students from every division ofthe University will be 80ught a��.:The classes will vie with e�dJ. other:tor the size of their delegatiODL �oh"Several years ago the U ndergra�a­ate counsel changed the nam, of-. �)a�:W�ton Prom tQ,the.Senior.��"'_Raid Chairman Murray. yesteni-:aT�';"This year we are. doing everythiitc::in our powee to counteract t�· -. t�.dency im.plied �n th�s c,hanp. We -.:r,�t.everyone at the dance, We haTe -'-.two hundred' couples as our goal; bet·I see no reason why we. should ao'"west and the Juniors in' Kent east. easily surpass that mark,"It has been announced that UniT __ 'February 13, in the outer offices of to ask men who do not attend theUni:".Deans Gale and Lovett the Freshmen versity. Any other feature whi� �ilI_and Sophomores will eaeh select two. promote the idea of an oll-Univenrity_and .. Tuniors three members. Petitions affair will be adopted� the eommittNfor reclassHieation must be made not dl?elaretl.Kent Sykes was elected pfttrident _ eIthe Pen club Sunday monia.g·; Hen",Meade, eeeretary; and,' Jam... n,-te. •.forth, historian. The �Iuh i.i�Jolin Greene, Henry.Meade. and H"� .Enoek.Dr. Ostwald Lectvee'1'odaT.Dr. �wald will give the ..eondofhisledufts on Collodial Chemistry"For the month of, January the go to that. I'll use some advanced newsLeague baa been carrying on its work paper stuft' and fake the story." So hean an echo of the spirit which inspired did. The night copy reader yawned,the convention at Kansas City," said glanced over it, corrected a fewer- nouncements have been sent to everyO rt ·t· . h 'student in the Univ.ersity,· and thereppo nm 168 m t e way of riding MiA Brown yesterdaY'. "An echo rors and signed it. Nothing was wrong, :cla88 will have a distinctive bandand rifle pract' '11 be ._ eel t h f 'is absolutely no conflicting social or I 'Ice WI oner 0 meeting wae held on the eighteenth, on t e ace of the story; he turned to �which wil� be worn by the men aetoM.those who join tile troop. The old ea- to which all Univ6lsit,. .tudents were ask the club a question, but the fresh- 'athletic event scheduled for next Sat :their shirt fronts. The Seniors "illble s1..OO t th f 55th h o1f .urday, This is the one chance thatu a e corner 0 street invited. At the first meeting of the man ad dashed about his business. :",eat' maroon; the Juniors, blue; :thitd C tt G . b L the entire student body has to unite 'an 0 age rove avenue 18 to e re- eague, delegates spoke of their im- * * * • :Sophomores, yellow; and the Fresh�n.modeled and trasformed l·nto . ..1._ in paying their respects to the Presi·an preSSIon. of � convention." "Say, how did that Settlement bene- _greeD...!Ant.··Rrmory, provided the new troops are The Y. W. C. L. haa made· plans for fi ,To Counteract �eDd"'-.t story get in?" asked a visitor Mon- -Iestablished. Every University man Bible Study claue� and fifteen vol-_, day afternoon. The wild_eyed newshu been invited to attend the meet- unteers �e DOW in tn.ining. A pub- 'editor dropped his pencil, let out Iii •. ,;' =:. __ ..: ..... ,. licity cP'U';� .� .. � .�ed'f'l .wild�y�n, dashed uJ( aatl-do.wn -the.of­adverti8e the eomiDg activities of the fice, ran around a chair fourteen times,League. A brief aecount ot· the other vaulted over a table, shot out of theactivities ia given above. door, and when last seen was running Nominations �or member& of· the Un-,madly toward the lake. That was the dergraduate eOWlcil will be awle by the798th time the question had been asked, three lower classes a� meetiBgS Fridayand the strain had been too much. at 10:15. The Freshmen win m�t inKent theater, the Sophomorews in KentAnd now the night copy reader muststate in bold-faea cap�THE BBNB­FIT PROGB.A.J[ FOB . THE TRADE Nominations may be made later by peSHOOL OF TBE UMIVEJlSITY 01' tition to the Undergraduate council. sity women who wish to attenc.J· t1ie'At the elections to be held Friday Prom may consider it perfectly proper.theGuard, will speak before a meeting ofUniversity men at 7:30 in Oobb 12Atonight.It is planned to organize three nowcavalry troops of the First regimentof' the J. N. G., on the South Side, oneof which it is hoped will be composedexclusively of eollege men. It is forthis purpose that the meeting tonighthaa been called.BntraDta are OinD VDUl -00II IJI� WIlf BOWLIB8 �'l'o JIaDd In fteJr ..... l"BOK PBJ EA!TA PSI�y AFl'BBNOONThe time limit for registration inthe Lower Junior extempOraneous pub Phi Kappa Sigma toek two of theIie spt'ftking contest has been extended three gaUles rolled against Phi Kappauntil noon today. All Lower -Juniors Psi yesterday afterllOOn in' the Bey­who wish to enter the cont('st must nolds-club. La Croix of the winnerssign up with the dean of the Junior took high score an� high _verage. Ph,i.r.oJleges before twelve o·clock. Psi took high score in thc third game.The reason for this extension 0" PJd Kappa BIcmatim� is, that inasmuch as Public Speak- FAtstlake . _ • • • . . . 92ing I, which was formerly a required La Croix 150eourse, is now an elective, it has been Whiteheaddecided to drop the requirement of tht' Sblins .... ,....... 169••..••••.• 153('ontest which ruled that entrants must BowerlIave had or be taking this course .TIle extension in time baa been mad" Total.. • • • • • • • • 68Jto accommodate thoee who did not PIlI KavPa Nknow that the ruling had been altered WhitiDjt ••••••••PBOIUJAII � WING llallaOP �POLD'AB CLUB ShalerKoaltoaQIVJI PAlf...A.llBatO&B The program will be given at 8:3015- to the Unde",,",duate council, but. t'-l14: Friday night in Mandel hall. Ticket:.. lfi.4J8 Ott at ���- Bureau of Reeords, b� IDItruct Women VoWr'L14.7 'may be seeured from Mrs. James Wedn('sday, February 11, at the latest. Women of the University were' in-'Westfall Thompson, 5427 Greenwooej strueted in the detaU. of registratio. -168avenue, telphone Hyde Park 667:;. and voting, in preparation.for .t.h� e.0Ja�Tickets will be mailed for orde11J r('- COJ11'Lft'3 PLAJ(8 FOB ing eleetion in a talk ,on "The )(uDiei'72:1 eeived by telphone. WOKBlMl 81mB CLUB• pal Vote" by :Mrs. Elta Stewart. ex-The program follows: OOBOBB'r ON FEB. 11 president of the nlinois Equal 8u',....,.league, in Lexington han' yesten!.,Arrangements· for the eoneert to be RftA1'1l00"given in Mandel, Februry 11 by UaeWomen's Glee club are being com·pleted; and everything promises thatit wiD be a big ;;ace... The maDagerhall asked that aD ticket. which Jaavcbeen BOld be returned to the MitebellCHICAGO SEftLEIIEN'r WILL �OIVEN FRIDAY BVi:Nmo, FEBRU­ARY 6� 1914, and DID NO'!' takE.place last Frida,..Sale of Tickets122 109187118 140 •NOMINATE 1p!VBBBS,_OF·�A�-·� 01f ,FBJllA;'Y'Dorris Humphery Tower Studio befON 1 o'clock, today,Xarion Tracyor sent to 6030 Greenwood avenue. TheAs an extra feature a dance will be sale of Be1lt8 will commence in Cobbon Wednesday.tonight at 8, in Kent thf'ftter. He willProfeMO'I' Buck will 8p8ak oD. "W._,ro ....iution.· Effie Hewitt, '13, "ill, eoaell of Speaking a.d S�:rinlt" at a mee�'"�tile penons wllo are taking part in tbe n1 tile Clameal cln1) toni�lIt at �:UI,in Lexi� 2.144:142735Gorgas ••••••• ,'. • 111llcFarla1ld • • • • • • -121 136139 149151 Original Monologues •.....••......136 llarjorie Benton Cook\?129 Harp Solo .......•..•... Edna HeatonSongs •......... Mabel Sharp Herdien.......... US114113 133133 162 Interpretive Dances .. Gertrude Perr�'142 Frank Park('1Dorotlly Graham--Voore •.••••••••Dea.a aad Mrs. Sliailer Mathews en· , . .. � .. ' .....tertaned thirty members of the Cos­_opoIitan elub Saturday night at their'ODIe. The Central Ameriean memben Total ••••••••• _ .71 133were in cllarge of the program, Daniel Saturday, at '2:30, a. Seore ClubHastings ae�ing u -ehainnan •. Speeches will iiT� • dance in �l. Ball. ThisW"el'e made' by Defido Cordova, who is the, eec:oDCl infonaal dance giVeD byspoke � tile future of New Mexieo; this elub'since tWr reiaatataaent tlau.Daaiel �uti!lP, "'ho. told of adveu· qu.�r,· aDd' t'9 'ope to make it "lures in J�mai�; and Dean Mathews. 'Peat· neeS .Tietet.�$1 aad .ayAlfftd Pe�1'8 rendered two violin 80· be hact fro. Conwell, Wlalti .. , Plume,los, and Claarla Boutte'l' Ang. te8eii' or WiDanLThe next meeting of the club will,.be h�ld in ,tile Ritehcoek' elub room�Friday e�ning,. when tile Japenettememben will proviae the program. Afnture of tile .fFair will be an mus­hated leeture by Profeaor Starr.. given in Hutchinson commonI'! immt'­diRtely after the -program.'rile Parpose.The pul'p08e of the bent8 is to l'leeuf('money to help the trade school depart·ment of the University Settlement,The trade school pr�� young girbto enter the world of industry. La�t. u.aa ..... Ia ....... year tile Trade Sewing eellool wal'l�� Sa.ner apoke at. �� diaaer I opened and girls were prepared togiven Jut night b,. t!te Grad_te Worn· take lHM'ition8 in the large dressmak­ea'. elab aDd the y_ W. C. L. in Lex· ing establishment� paying at IE'Sst 8i:lup.. dollan a .... speak 'OD "lfeebanit.al, Optic-"l, F.1�.Members of. the. Brownson club will trieRI, Cbemi�al Properif'tI of Rnb­. 1.-1 HPri.·8ci.lla"give a playlet entit � !rt8nr� in CoUoid State." The pnblieFebruary 11, at 3:30 in the lWynol,lt- is invited.club theater. Tbe play h�s been writ-ten by 'Mabel' O·Connor and Lynn ..Snllivan, botll me.ben' of the' 0rgtln-TllS DAILY MAB.OON. 1't7ESDAY, PEBB.l1ABY S. 191-i..... The Bail, Maroo. ..JOint rehearsol ot men's and WO!l1-en's glee clubs.'7:30. Mr. Stevens' home,Ent.red .. MCond-ela.D mall at tb. 5828 W-_.:n-Chlcqo poatomce. CbJcaao. IlL. Karcb 11. � wn a venue.11101, under .Act of Karcb .. 1171.Pabllab.cl _onat..... ueept BUDda,. andlIoDdu. d1lriaa tb. "'utUIllD. Winter aDd8prlD. q� b,. Th. DaU,. lIaroon.lalr.o.w.Co'�"'"H. 8. ao .... sB. P •• as'w. ILL,.... l( e... Edl&or� Bdl_B.me.. .aaacerClnalaUo ...... erSVB8C.lUl"TION &ATE&.87 carrier: IZ.&O & ,.ear: 11.00 & quarter,n,. mall: 13.00 a ,.ear; U.2& a Quartn.Edltorlal-Bwne.. omce. Ell.. %4.T .. I.pbt)De Kld.a,. 100. After 10 p m.tl,.de Park .....�Ilrl)on Preu. Ull Cot�. Grove .Avenue.Cflljtotial -_ - --- ----�==: === Bulletin__,..--------_._--- --'�TODAYJunior college chapel, 10: 15. M:1ndcl.Dramatic Reading Society,". Lexing·ton 14.University Orchestra12:45. Mandel hall. picture atBotanical club, 4:30, Botany 13.University Public lecture, 8. Kentt'heater.Classical club, 8:15. Lexington.TOMORROW.Senior college chapel, 10 :15. M..'lndel.College of Education cha.pel. 10:15,Emmons Bl.a.ine.An article in the Maroon last satur·Glee club rehearsal 4. Reynoills club.day gave the imPression that thepro-AnApology gram for the benefit of Junior Mathematical club. 4:15. Ry-erson 87.the University Settle-ment trade school wasgi�en last Friday. Thiswas erro�11& The program is to begiv�n this coming Friday night.The reception for President Judsonto be given by the Reynolds club nextSaturday. is an occasion University Public lecture. 8, Kent.Scandinavian club, 8 Lexington U.Brief Campus News are an ev e n m gdress necessity.The bosoms aretucked, puffed,pleated or "mush-" $.room. 2.00 up.Cluett, Peabody & Co .• Inc. .MakersCLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTS;;c ver Iiue, No advertfsements reo"civet! for less than 25e. All cla.ssifiedadvertisements must be paid in ad-vance.Will Address Y. W. C. L-Dl'acone�" TO RENT-Well furnished, pleasantReception Goodwin, who represents the Epi:;('o- front room, in new mod. huilding;worth the attention ofpalian Church among collegc women, reasonnhlo. Young man also desireseveryone. The general will speak at the League nl('t,tilll! roommate. 542, Ingleside ave., :Jrd apt.impression has it that Thursday at 10:15. The commit tvc s :\Iidway 6174-=have been urging the women to l'OIDl'receptions are a bore, through which LOST_"Ellglish Poetry" by 1\[anl.y, inon time to the weekly meet ings. "Wethe·· .... "'" .. , .. ---_ ... ·t -- pass, but . h Ellis S, Thursday. Finde-r please re-��.... AU.II&OOII ask the eo-operation of all t e wom :»turn to Information Office.which do not interest others. This im- in formiDg the habit of comi ng. l'.'!time," said l\{j�s Brown yestcrdcv.pression may be true as applied to LOST_I D MaDdel Hall on Tuesday af-"The meeting will be more worth wh iil�..... eptious· bu· the -Aleen of the terDoon, January 27, II. small blacksome .. "" ,.. UAA.. to everyone eoncerned if you eon: ('club are working to provide other fea- promptly at 10:15.'· and white striped silk bag, trimmedwith black velvet a rhinestone buttonAnnounce Pledge-Rf'tn Phi 311 and black tassel. Contained a hand-�ce to show guests through th� nounees the pledging of Ernest C. :NitL kerchief marked N. A. D. and II. smallkitr of Chiea�o.'dub, eombine to make the reception amount of money, Kindly retrun to theTake Y. M.. C. A. COmmission Pic- Presidents office or to 4609 Woodlawr.an occasion that wtn please everyone ture-The Y. 1\[. C. A. Freshman com- avenue and receive reward,surroundings. A little touch of the taken at 10:'15 in front. of Cohh hall. FOR SALB-A Dew No.5 Oliver Typewho is there, simply by its .pleasant mission Cap and Gown pidure will beold-woJ:!d glamour is good for even themost democratic. It elevates and re . dinner to he �iven by the Knns:tl'l City therefore price reasonable, Write, 0fines a sense of dignity, and gives �ampaigD committee at (j tomorrow in enlI after 7:00 P. M. E. H. BruDemeiereverYol1.e Who comes in contact with it Hutchinson cafe, C. W. Whitl'hair, tlll� 53 Middle DiviDity Hall.Y. M. C. A. secretary from In<1ia, willa higher estimate of himself. To at-. sJl�ak.tend an affair of this sort gives a newidea Of what membership in the 'Uni­versity is. Students then caD see that India Y. M.. C. A. Man Talk�At:1 writter In perfect condition, Must sellBOARD-ID small private family. Ex-Hold Joint B.ehearsal--l[cmber8 of cellent home cooking. Limited Dumberat table. Addres.q 6134 Woodlawn ave·the meD's anI women's league ('luhs willnue, 3rd ap3rtm�nt, telephoDe Hydehold a joint rehea�nl toni�ht at 7:30 Park 637.nt the hom(\ of :\rr_ St(''\'('n8, 5828they are not raw matertal. which isWoodlawn 3'\"enue. Dorothy �t.raehan! 1rIBS. !'LORA. JlacIVOR SMITH­ground through a gigan�C educationalm�nager of the women's �ll1b, reC'Juest� Yo ice builder and teacher of artisticmachine. EVU70ne who likes to' feel that all ticket!" or money for thl' ti�k- singing, MODdays aDd ThuTSdays atthat he has some digntty, some place, ('ts. he turned in at �fit('hen toWN Mrs. Knights, 5652 Maryland AveDue.studio t.ooay or at th(' reh ... nncnl thi� Wednesdays and Saturdays at· home.some standing, in the University, will ev('ni�.profit in greater self respect by attend.ing tile reception. ADd If t!a1s cons1d· 6�!i6 MarylaDd A\·enue. For iDforma­tion address 6356 MarylaDd AveDDE"To Address Freshmen-�rr. c. W. h 'r'd 3P one . .a 1 way 4 90.Gilkry will aacltess t.he Fr('�hmn n m ... neration ls too fine, too subtle, he will on the' "Prohl('ms of the Fr ... �hma n" FOR SALE-Standard Smith. Premiersame elemet that creates pleasure at.have & great time through tile 17ery today at 10:1:; in Cohh 12A. Typewriter in cxeel1ent cODditiOD, aTvcry renscDnble terms. A great bargainfor anyone desirin� a typewriter forrrofessional UI'C. H. RT.emoD, RO(im fl,Ryerson Lab. or 1220 F.. 54th St.Glee Club Will Rehearse-Tll(' ;\r('n\�refinod people motion,dances-mustc, the crowd, weU clothed, nnnOl1nr. ... !1 thf' pl"'flgin;! ef Knthf'rinf'Rrown of Chieago.everywhere,beautiful sarTOUIldings. And above all. (';J('(' �luh will rC'l,f' ... r!l(' 'V('(tn"'�lln�· .,1'.ODe can drop in for a time, and leave t('moon at 4:!l.) ;11 tl,,. nf'�'n,'lt1� ('1.,1,when the dafr no longer ls interesting. on the third flo'),'.AU tIleM elements together shoUld ap- Call for Registration-All npf'lit':lnt�peal to enl7oue, aDd combine � mate for r.hnTtrr mrmhf'l'cihir: in th� TTnh·N·Thetures. '!'he muslc, the abnosphere, the�ity ol'C"he!ltrn hn\-I' l"';'n n'111f'!ltf'if t,,)tpglMer on or before Sl1nifny, FC'h. �. ------------------_.-------STTBSCRJnE FORTill-; l>AlI.Y MAROO�An the �ampll!o1 n"w!o1. and tl en invest it.The l est way to accumlate the surplus is by opening a Savings Account. onwhich 3�(, interest is paid. One ($1.00) Dollar is enough to begin. andthen add to it regularly.When it � m suuts to enough to warrant investment. buy a FIRST MORT�GAGE r n ':hicago Real Estate from a Bani. which has inspected the property---Imows 't; value---and loam it's own funds on it. This will Iny 5'.: to fi���,interest .• wih absolute safety and this is as rncc'i as any �,�Ie r-ivestment wallearn.This Ban" has several choice. small First Morlgabes in amounts from $500to $5,000. with titles guaranteed by the Chicago Tit!e and Trust CompanyKEEP YOUR SA VI;\!CS IN HYDE PAl\KOpen Saturday t�\'eniDgs3'1�) INTEREST 3%HYDE n, DTI �l"N·'TE 1� :,�:�TKr...tUU\.. �j_l�� J � ll,ji"4;_-hl._'__CO�N&'A Otr �3� ST. 6. lA'-<f"OFFICERS DIRECTORSJOH:"o: A. CA !tROLL, PreslMnt.ROJiilERT F. CUllXL�GS. Y!ce-Pre.ld .. ntTHO.YAS JA�SE�. Ca.hler.)1. A. HARlIO:"o:. Aulstall't Cashh,r. P.ul)f'rt F. CUI"m!nJ::O "'nllk w. HowesLharlt'll It Horrte J" :11':0 J C:JrrollII f'n r)' I. :,:.HII T· ... uLls JanMDVan .. ·; 10'. (lurk.. "h"''':I!! A. 00111_J"hn A Ca rro.L'SHADOW' - the smart fall and. .winter collar style that keeps itssmartness and style when you wear it.The LION' collar features give the reason-espe­clallythefamous LION "Lock-that-Leeks," 6for75cor as usual 2 for l5c.l/kiP@arsCJ.Idf!# BIwId In AlDerJQI\JNITEI) SHI!lT II COLLAR co .. Maken, TROY. N. Y.CoUege FriendshipsMake coDege life WOIth .. hile. Coca-Cola is. frleDdworth kDOWing and haTing aU the way through fromFreshllWl to Senior year. It will fin JOUr coUege da,..with pleasure, laealth and beDefit.Delicloas-RelreshlDgTblrst-QaeDchlDgTHE COCA-COLA CO.Alluea.Ca. . rf!\'., ,•l. ,••••f'� I :t,\'- 1 i,II\" .,.1�"� I.." , -I•I•- \1� ;\ ,I,I'" I; ,.I�... ,J. •t, . •� /f· �,+,",:, IF-you're a believerin outdoor !ife­and i n healthyre c reation-i t' ssafe to say thatyou're a Spaldingen t h u siast-Golf,Tennis, Cricket,or what not.Spalding Catalogue sent tree.A. G. Spaldiag28 S. Wabash Ave. It BrOLChicago.I YOU'VE HEA.RD...OF THE MJ[A..S-.... _. .__ 1-)TER KEY" THATFIT 8 EVERTL 0 C ][ - DIDYOUEVBRHE�-'OF A .A8TER. .,.0 DEL OP A.TYPEWRITER!"a"T .. IDa: of ALL of"'.Dta�e. 0' 8ET·BBAL t7Pewriten70. .. • .". He ..eoDeeD , r • , •• ..o }if E .taD.ar4m.e ..... 1..> _ '!'Iae IIoJ'aI .........pel'feeti7 e't'ew7kDowa f.... of•••• 1'.1 e ....r •• poDde •••aacI d.. eard........ aacI c..­deuecI BUIlD. .... d .. - "'thoU •e'..:.e::� .::.• nr. eod t. til.t)'pOW'l'tter. TIaIDkof t� d 7-wm •• Te a falrl7pod Idea of tbeBluter-Model .ftbe Bo:Jal."ROYALTl'PEWBITEB CO.IDe.II & Bloaroe 8& ..Cbla& .. DL"'"b ... t.8&.de.'. U"lalr la Dor.ltorIQ lea.,..CIotll" I. care 0' " ..... r, 0_ n.,..... taUn ean. ..d deU .. n �,.tllen eatl •••• 4"7 'U5.+ .1111 Eas' 57t11 8treet.-------- ..... ---------------�THE TEA HOUSEL'UBOIIBOR 1�:30DIBlOIB 6: __ 7 = .� _I�------------------------------.!Activities And News 0 fStudent OrgaaizatioDsSubscribe forThe 'MAROONrtcr. Bead aDd � in the past ha ve been rather utlel�"MU8ic is one 'of the fine arts; per· They are doiug a good work now inhapll the finest· of them. Certa.in� it putting out a· Soug Book. But wheuiM the one which taaka the de- the book is issl&6d, their real workvotees the moat; for music i. the should bgin. Th�y should popularizeonly art where the work of the ere- the book; and haviug dono that, broad­ator cannot appeal direetly to tho en their field, and work to arouse In­public. Anyone OIln look at a paint· terest in really good music, Th�y areing, or read a poem; but musie must 'Rtudents, aud personal work by th�mbe played by someone who has tbe would be hampered by the indill'er�nttechnical ability to breathe life into appellatlou, "Highbrow stull'," thatthe printed score; and this training is I robs the older man's appeal of its ef­something that is based on years of ted.wo� Cert��y � vkw of pa� reco�� ������������������������������.But to those who appreeiate .the both organizations stand condemned, 10good things of life opportunities to far as they may ask University reeOl;'hear good music should be the more nition. Their work with the So.appreciated. And these opportunities Book redeems them for the present.are provided in abundance at the Unl- Their future standing depends largelyversity, And still they are but little on whethcr they continue to do some­appreciated by the Universiy students. thing. Their great field is that ofWhat is the trouble? Are our stu- arousing intrest in good music; anddents so crass, 10 materialistic, so probably their only real permanentshallow, that they cannot appreelate jU8tification will be founded Upon ef­the beautiful? Perhaps; but there are ficient work in this field. "Scrapmen who enjoy an exhibit of good jobs," like putting out a song book,paintings, who like good reading; but will not be enough. No permanent or­who have no interest in music. Th� ganization, with pin and a place in thetrouble with them is a wrong standard. Cap and Gown .. is needed for this; in­Music to them is rag-time, which real- dividuals can be gotten together forly is no music at· all; and they have the purpose just as well, and disbandedbeen spoiled by it, 88 the devoete of when the work is done. JUdgmentthe "nickel no'Vel" is spoiled for good 88 to the future of these societies willreadi�. depend upon this.In order to give these people their An ideal structure for the purposereal opportunity to enjoy something would provide opportunities for stu.really worth while, they must be given dents to study and play music, as wella cllance to overcome this disadvantage. a8 to hear it. We should have cham·One cannot go to a Symphony concert ber music organiztions-trios, stringknowing nothing of music, and enjoy quartettes, solo programs; so thatit to any extent. There are no tunes every student could leave the Univer­that can be whiBtled on the way home; sity, able to know and appreciate thethe music is not obvious •. But to one best there is in music; and every stu­Who �ci;i8ta�8"c �dhlq��f har- dnt who can do something, who canmony, tranaposition, coullterpoint; perform, will have had the opportunitywho can appreciate the characteristic." to develop his or her talent. BUildingsyncopations in Sehumann, other types such a structure. is a difficult task, andtypified in Brahms-.every number on to aeeompllsh it will take some time.the program is marvelous in its beau- Here is where a permanent organiza .ty. A syncopation devfJl10ping into a tion can be useful; and Tiger's Headnew rhythm is 88 beautiful a musical and Harpischord are the organizationxtrick as is on of Coaeh StaggPs best to do it. It is distinctly up to themtrick plays a thing of beauty in foot. to make good, if they expect to retainball; it is like an end run, with heavy their place as recognized organizations.interference, starting from split inter- And finally, it might be said that theff'renee that seemed shaped for a for honor idea is entirely out of place.ward pap. It i8 the bea�ty of order The University of Chicago does notf'volving from apparent disorder, anll appreciate the idea of students get­faReinating as seen in either aapeet, ting together and forming a society,How to give students this appreia- the purpose of which is to enable thetion? This is the big problm which if! members to pat themselves on thuI\t the root of the broader question, back, and say how good they are. So·'How can Interest in musie be aroused?" eieties mUfJt do something, or quit.There i. little question that inter- It would be well for both organizafion»Nt shouli be aroused; musie is too to remember this. An attempt to setgood to mia. Who and how? up an "honor idea" in reeruiting memoNOTIC. Here is the opportunity for Tiger's bpfS is the one thing whieh will insur�B ...... � Yoar Clo'.e. DQ·CI.......d Read and Harpiaehord. Both societie!' death.Pm... ., f�.ea' late....... �. wIDI.. It to .. a •• an h' .nltaMe ID.$1.50 Follow the B071And take advantage of our discount saleLiberal reductions on every suit andovercoat in Our ShopDockstader & RexfordSuite 816 Republic Bldg.State and Adams St.Pla&era1&7 ".welQL ..... er Qoo4. ��CoDer. lioYeIUe. � , E_bo ... 4 StaUoae17W...... lD .... ta&Io ..CaIlIq anaBROCHONENGRAVING COMPANYH. G. TURNERPresident III .allen Bd ....TeleplloD. RaDdolph lUll--------------------����--------�------------------------THee leasons Why yoo should Eat at the len's '0 __1st. Good Food Properly Cooked.2.d. Cieanlinesl our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen3rd. A MiDimum Price for Blah Qualit7 FooClClub Breakfast 16e up Cafeteria at LoamDbmer A LaCarie MUSIC Come IDST. LOUISBest Reached by Through and Fast Trains of theILLINOIS CENTRALAll Steel Daylight SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.; arrives St. Louis (Via MerchantsBridge6 :02 p, m, Indestructible steel cars of handsome interior finishEvery comfort and convenience will be found on this train.Diamond SpecialLeave Chicago 10:30�. m.; arrive St. Louis 7:48 a. m. Electric­lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago.Stopa MM. i. Bolla Dinctio •• at So.t .. Sid. Tlaro ....Statio •••• 3rd. 53rd aDd 63n1 Stroot.Observation Parlor Cars. Cafe Club Can. SleepingCan. Free Reclining Chair Can and CoachesTick.b. F ....... d SI"pi •• Car R ... natio ••• t76 West Adams 51.CITYTICKET OFFICE.. l .. CARJOCBAEL. D. P. A...- -.�.- --_ ....•....................Hotel Cumberla"dNEW YORKBroac1wa7 at ,Mtb Street.NUl' SOUl Street Sulnrq StatiOD aDd$3I'd Street Elnated.."Broadway" can from GrandCentral Depot.Sneath AftII1Ie Can from Pennayl­ftDia Stati-.If.pr BY .. COLL.O. _ANB."DQU".'l'.RB '0. COLUO ••• 'RBPBVl .. L R.U'.S FOR COLUa. ,.. ... 8Tea lIinutes' Waik to n.irty TheatresHARRY P. STIllSON. MANAGERIRADQVAIlTKU 1\;. CBlC.&OONew, Modena aad FireproofRooma with Bath, 12.50 and ap.•••••••••••••••••••••• •••• bTHE DAlLY MAltOOH, '.rUESDAY, FEBB.tJAB.Y 3, 19U.TIll! Hurvurd st udvnt who i� JUIIC'illg his wuy to u collt'l!� diploma 1)�'i �ivilll! talll!o It'SSIlIl� \\'1)'11,1 starve todeut h ill KUlltlU�.-naiJ.y KUII�lll.New Diploma Suggested.-----�---r�:tConeleEciitorsThink - LAWS AND"::::'" LJlAGUE-Not at ltansas!THESMOOTHES1'TOBACCO·MUSIC hath charms-add a pipeful ofVelvet and you are a whole orchestra,Such is the pleasure of good tobacco.Velvet, the tenderest leaf-aged in the old Iwarehouse for two years-a slow, sombre,time-process of mellowing-in which allharshness is lost-the Bavor tc.ied, sweet­ened, made exquisitely smooth. A .smokewi tho ut bite-mmic without discord IVelvet is known to be LIte most carefullymatured smoking tobacco-o�ly �e canproduce its de1ights-only patience IDSUIe5its pleasures. All yours!At all dealers.�qF��ar. En'ry nniversity I!r:llhmtt' should1":ll'n' away with him n n unwrlt ten di·1'10111:1. l':tys t he l ndlunu RtUllt·lIt. whidlwill ndmit him to the Ulliv('rsity of1 .if'r-. 'rht� d ipuoma might reud :1\ 1I0W all men by these l'rl�S"lItS:That I, M.... University Man,huve a g('neml knowledge of Lit­orut ure ; that I, hnvin� read andre .rvnd some few of the world'smusterpiees, and having my own.·""t'l'l'tinn of the relafive merit ofwhat I have read, have thorough­ly mastered and digested a halfdoZt'1i works which constitute my"Rht'lf of Books." Conscious thatthis k nowledgn equips me. partial­lv at Ieust, to cope with theproblems of life, I have �rantedruvself this Diploma, signed it, andaffixed the ofi'ieial seal of Self­Efl·ieil.'nl·y.-Illuililia St.udont ,£ull 2 oz. tinaFor all 'round wear and good serviceWe recommend our SPECIAL WIN­TER OFFER---A black, blue or grayserge or cheviot suit, with extra troll­sers of the same or stripe material$30.002'AILOB FOR YOUNG MENTHREE STORES: 1 N. La Salle 8t.De Bit 01 Tbe Season THE2 For 25 Cents.Troy's Best Product+ ••••••• ++++++++++++.+++++JOSEPH SCHMIDTStationery, and Toilet ArticlesFI�E LINE OF GANDII-;S9S6 E. 55th St.Imported and Domestic Line ofCIGARS ASD CIOARETTES++++++++++++++ .............. +++.Collel!e ShopThe1110 IIaIIoDlc �emp1e.The Colleie ShopExhibitionLEA1'BBB BIDBS AlO) PILLOWSNOVBLftBS III �Y ARDDAlfCB P&OCJBA.IIB Corn Exchange Nationalof Chleago.CapitaJ $3,000,000.00 Se�t On ApprovalTo RESPONSIBLE PEOPLltLaughlinFOUNTAIN PENand6"he Ink PencilYour Choice of$ .0'0Surplus 5,000,OUO.00 Th ...TwoPopularArtlel ..for only POlt­paidloan,add .....Undivided Profits. 1,000,00.00 lIIaslraUons are Exact SizeDREXEL PHARMACYMATT :McANANY, &. Ph.Comer 55th and Drexel ChicagOFFICERS.ERXERT A. H'\�DfII.J •. Pr('s:d,·nt.CHARLES I •. I-UcTCHIX::,iOX, Vict'-T'res.CHAU�CEY J. BLAIR. Vlc{"Pr(·!<;dl'nt.D. A. �rOCLTOX. Vjce_Prt·1<ldt>nt.B. C. SA�BrOXS. \'ICe-Prc'sh1I'!nt.FRAXK \\-. S'\IITII. 1','cl'l':ary.EDWARD 10'. SCIIOEXI-�CK. Aut. Caahiet.J. EDWARf> �IA.\� .• \s!<t. Ca.hlf'l'.JA�IES G. \\'AKE,,'IEI.J:l •• \ss:. CashIer.LEWIS E. GARY. Aut. Cashlt!r.DII!ECTORS.Charl�!lH Wacker Clyde:\1. Carr�Iartin A Ry('nun EJw:n G. ForemnnEdward B Hutler \\·:a.<lon E. B::tlrCharla II. Hulburd Edward A. SheddC:arence lJllck:l1gham Frt·derlck W. Cro�b,.BenaJmln Cal'J)f'l1ter Ern .. !'! A. lIammlJlSWAN'S LUNCH ROOM Telephone :Mi:1way 1411The llaa.e of Pan- DnlP. Chnalnallt andTolin ArtldNoFor that Grippe or cold 111 the head-Dre ...Cold. Grippe. and Fever Tablet •• :!Sc'A.k tor a Fl'ff Sample.Stop that Cough wit a bottle or or our Whl.·Pine HOMY and Eucal)·ptu •• �o<:.n"li(·ve that Headac�e with a tOe packap ofDrexel Headache Powdera.���']1lillffi!illiliil!ii�lllf:&ilmmililli&!lli�m!iillJii�llilllllIlUfUlHIIjmm;mUl1llllll1DlIdH:u:I!IlIImlll!lll!llt:l!I!_S�'STETSON UNIVERSITY1342 East 55th Street.Try Our Regular Dailyand Sunday Dinner, 20e UpSOD DELASD, n.oamA,.rm. J.lnc-oln Ral1�, A.. B. RIU'YU'd ..... DtJnlv""lt,. of Chl�Four collf'gt'll. ftvt achl>()!!I. 17 hulkUn4tl. Ge'In racully. 1� Carnt'gle unit. N>qulred to enteJCoile�e of Llb<-ral Art.. l.and of blue ski ... ,!lumm('r weather. out or door I't'creatk>n anwInter. soft wind!! from thl' �R. and the mUfltror mocking birds In thf' orange grov.. HIP'�"t coJlelire lttAndardtl. Send rM' cat.kI«.tl!�lmi[!:lll1!lmmi1;millfliiaJ!naif.lli!:�Uil;m'rJ111'i!1I:Ill!l1l1llll!lill.CARRIE D. RAYMONDThomas J. Cavey &FURNISHINGSFor GentlemenSPECIALIZING IN THE WAN'l'S OFTHE COLLEGE MANCoUan size 13, up Beauty Specialist Am1llellleata.De1'eat 8enion u4 DlYiDit7 In Fut GARRICKOamea-Catroa. aDd. 8co1eld.8cof'ie14 Star. The World's Greatest Entertainer,BABBY LAUDER&D4 00. 01' InternatiloD&l ArUat8Law school and Junior basketball :}� '1 ,. �:t.!UU11S were easy victors in the twogames played yesterday afternoon.The Lu \\'s won from the Seniors by Ii:q to IH score and the Juniors defeat-ChlcagO �WITCnF.�. A DF. FRO. CO.Rt�G�A�D GE�TLE.E:,,( .AN.C(Jal�O31 W. Monroe Str�ct fan��[�f�'rd�� riJbt baod lDay be badD eIther our staDdard,lack opaque pattern, orNOD-breakable Trausptn­eDt. a. desired. either iaplaiD or eograved fiDiah,u preferred.You -J t..,.thlapaa a_II:.IIJoa 40 110& lIa4 " .. .,.., ........a beUar ar1lcl. thaD Joa caD ....u,. fur 'II,," 'III. '.1& "'IK •• �noca I. .nJ other If DOteDUrel, Mtbflldo..,. I ..,. ....• peel ntur. "_4 _ .01 aeD4,_,I.IOfOl' I ...en o. LUYI. oar f_a _4........ I.r a&. Ga. IDIt "'DCiI. •�I,"'lele" proolkl ... ph. IDa,be .rrie4 I. ..., poalUo. In...,c1r.e' or .hnpplnc ...... 1 .... taD,. .Dr:J. a' lint "'ncb. Pl.U-�':t. �n:�����I:t!:.-: Dn rrenougue.=,;..'b.,";! ;:: ���� :=!! l-fpmmpr ....•. R. G. • r W('tmp-rwanle.... Wrlle fnr........ Wri ..DOW "la, Joa f .. "P ... •• Add_ Lol1��n rd .... L. G. ..••.•...• Prir..-LaUlhlin Mfg. Co. W('l1�.s" "jntlo a..... R k A. T 'I ! B ChDetroit. .Iela. n� ('I",q: oaman ,yerly, ap------m:tn. J)aTTenougue' 3, StaDings 2, Shatr�'BIl!II��jlIl1j;ile::j!illil!lilil!j!lli�!lIl!Iml!li-: tnt"'k. OstcJ'&TeJI.1116 East 55th Street.Telf'.lIoa" R. P. !t ...O)H'n Enalap .ael Sand.,. .onla,..All WorIE noae ., Re.Ha.1tle Prien. AIMERICANmtoOXLT _ .....tra tea MoIret de- ,� & a ••treat.at for all.tet.,. raac»r b· .. "� maid .... �. lut• IlteHm� anc'! bf' ""ter u.... .Il_ par­':'a"Pd. Sfont Itn rH .. tpt 01 .I eeat&CLAUDE WOLFE.IIOftI'd �, ..I!J the Divinities 15 to 8.f n t Ill' first game the Seniors heldt he Luws during the entire first half,but they were not able to re-peat iutltt' see 0 11.1, and the winners piled UI'a InrJ:t· score, Catron was the star 0.­tht· gum." making baskets from aU au'glt�. �ofield "'as not far behind hit­h':lmmutt' when it eame to shoot iu,hnaket s, and St riker played !l. sta)game at guard, Watl'rbouse lint! St':!tun played the best gumes for thoSeniors.The score:Laws (34). Seniors c 1!)1.Goldberg R. F. ...• Wat�rbou8tCat run I.. F. Yurr.l�Boyle C. .. Williumll, Harrb-Hurwitz,Scofield R. G •.........•.. Sestor'Striker L. G. "•... Pearce, RehnBasketse Waterhouse 4, Murz:ny. WilIiams 2, 800ton 2, Goldberg 2. ('otrOI6, Boyle 2, Hurwitz, SeoO ... ld 3. Steike:3_Free throwse William8�Referee: Wheeler.The .Junilor.Di'\"inity game was slowand une-xeiting. Neither side "'tlR abl·0 score many times. In the first h:>Jfthe .Juniors led by a 1'.1 to 6 seor e. Th.Divinity held their opponents bett e •in the second half, but they ",ere un­"hIe to make any seore themselvesnn.�could not overtake the .J uniors.Darrenongue and Tolman at forwards, and Lollesgard at· guard, oilpl:lyed first elaa games. and it wo�the8e three who brought vietory totheir team. Stallings played the hpwfor the Divinity making half of. their.poi.t ....The I!&!ore:.Junio� (15). Divinity (In .Tolman, Byerly.B. F Stalling�Ch:lpmnn •.•.•• L. F .. Holtz. Shattuekehrrwin ..... _ ••• C_ •••••.•• Ostt>1'grerFr('(, thm,,",: Tolm ... "R.-fer('e: WiDett. •Thi,. aft.-moon the JuniorS' alld Yed_;� will moot in the� � pme of tb,.fim r'Ountl. The Reeond round in thpqpri.-,. will be started tomorrow after-nooa.'1'0 DI8C1IIB Buo .... VDI .... U_"eome Euro.,_a Univenrites" willbe the 8ubj�t of Dr. Sharp's talk lK'fore the Botanieal club at .:30 thisa fternoan in Botan)" 13.SeandinavIaD Oblb to Meet.The �nndin",vian club will meet to­mOTTO,," night at 8, in Lexington If.PrrRident David Nyvall of North Park('olleg(' will �k on "Den ny-roman­ti�a roretM!n i 8'kandinaviak literatur."FOR lEN COIWf'S GlANDWith BrUce :McRae"Delightful Oom�-OreatILLINOISJULIA SANDERSONIn TIl.:! SUNSHINE GIRLWith Joseph Cawthorn and.100 MoreHo�ard's TheatreA Blow at Commercialized ViceIt Has Awakened Cbica&o.THE TRAFFIOPOVVERSFANNIE WARDIn the Laughing Success01' Seven Countrl_.MADAM: PRESIDENTJack L:Li .. 's New P�HELP WANTEDA Clean Comedy Drama witllBanry KolkerSTULEBAKERLYN BABDIHGIn Sir Arhtur CODaD Doyle'll'1'hrWing New PlayTHB SPECKLBD BAlmFINE ARTS'''nIB SWAN SONG"By Tchekoy."p H Y L"A '.rhree-An ComedTBy Clce1T B'amiltouprincessThe Favorite Iriah Acto�8tDprF I 8 K E 0' B A. AIn the DeUghU1ll B.omaaceIH OLD D1JBLIBBEADY .0lfBYWlt1lBOBEB� O_B.LASALLE·'8BPtBJIIBEB .0....With Daft t.wIaBVA '1'AHGUAYft. . C7eloDlc OomecUeaae aDdHer J'lIb1lee V&1Iderille 00IQaIa7-WlUa NBIL llBN'1IOH-l'a-Illest 8cotchmaD of AD. ..1J.,\.�\\ !� \ :t"'",.1I J,I