laily ...arnrm IVOL XII. No. 77. . PBIOB nVJr'�111IIVBB8ftY OF OBIOAGO, BA-ruBDAY, .JAlWABY' 31, 1914.CHICAGO IS FAVORItE SELEcr FRIAR OFFICERS "GEl ACQUAINTED" WITHOVER N. U. TRAeI TEAl Harold Wrigh�de HospitalerAnd Ogden Coleman. FilthMember Of Executive Commit- Two HUDdred Women And Sey.tee--Give Four Performances enty Mem�. of Faculty DineIn Hutchmeon Common.Coach Stag.'. Well BalancedSquad Look. Good In To­nisht'. MeetOMER HAS COTERIE OF STARS Harold Wright and Ogden Colemanha ve been selected to fill the vacanciesin the Blackfriar exeeutive committeeChicago appears to have the advant· caused by the graduatioll of .f.)ll11age of a well balanced team against MorriSOn and Balph Stansbury.a small coterie of stars in the opening Wright has been mad. H08pitaler, andConfereuee track meet against North- Oolemun tile fifth member of the P.CU1'western tonight. The first event, the mittee. Both have been promineutpreliminaries in the fifty yard dash, in Blackfriar activities throughoutwill beiin at eight. Coach Stagg is their colle,. careers.credited with having at least one star Harold Wright aa in th� churus ofin every event and the aecond string "Capturing Calyso" in his Preshmuumen are of the best calibre seen on year, was assistant eostumer • f "1'hethe Midway in years. Pursuit of Portia"alld 1f'\'i costumerHave Fast Sprinter Reynolds Club Officers ExpectThat Annual Affair In Honor.Of Presid J d W'll Be SteveD.oD Shoot. Two Be.ketsresi ent u 'On 1 In rmalMoiDeritaADaOiax ....Great Success Gam 20-15.e, .events of the year, according to theexpectafions of the officers. No other seven minutes of play Chicago, throualaUniversity events are seheduled for SteveiuJon'lI two speetb.cular baateta,that night, and elaborate preparations wiped out Purdue's' lIve point '·1.4,Son at the dinner given in Hutchinson dare being ma e. and in a fast rally walloped th.commons .last night. '''l.'he impression that this sort of af· .Two hundred women and seventv 1 BOileri:nakera to the tune of. a 20-1iJ fair is uninteresting is absolute ymembers of the faculty attended the , id P id t Parkinson yes' seore, The game w.* ·the· slow_ ._�wrong, 'sal res 1 en --second "get together" banquet held terday, "and we hope to prove it eon- in Bartlett this year and· the i:�owcl didon the campus. The affair was marked . . ....elusively. The club has planned many not display· any ·enthuaibm �tU theby the utmost informal'ity and free- . f t that s· hould at. -.Interesting ea ures rally in the closini moments.The faculty tract everyone."members. who were present enteredthoroughly into the spirit of the affair, Faculty" Will Bec:elveFACULTY LASr NIGHTPRESIDENT JUDSON SPEAKS"I congratulate the women of theUniversity upon this splendid attemptto create a new relation between Itu­dents and faculty," said President -Jud-dom from last year's show" ,C fh\) l)nnks ofHotchkin, a sophomore at the Purple Paprika." Coleman was alu in theinstitution, is the only serious rival 'c C 1 Heehorua of • apturin, a yp .. )."in the dash. Because of his Inexpert- and took great enjoyment in "showingwas appointed costumer of "The Pur-enee Knight, Parker, Barancik, and each other up" at every turn.suit of Portia" but "',... f;)rc�«! toM"athe\\'s should all beat him out. In Program Informal will receive in definite parts of theleave school at the time ell ",e-:")untthe hurdles Ward and Parker of Chi· In aeeordanea with the general club. The reception lines will be arof sickness. He maDaied ,the Black- J ideago are easily the favorites as Omer scheme of simplicity the program was. ranged by the marshals ao· ar es.h dl f 1 thO friar party this fall at the Hotel LaT The bo ..... Iing alleys and bifliard nnehas not shown a ur er 0 e ass 18 not at all an elaborate one. he Uni YOSalleyear. Osborn of Northwestern is thefavorite in the quarter and halfbeeause of his past performance, butCampbell should run him off his feetin the. longer distance, as the North-,-oteru:-sta"r ··is. ,unfamiliar. with .th�cork �ck in Bartlett. Kraft and Give Four ShoWLThe dates of this season.'s show havebeen announced aa May 1. and 2, and8 and 9. The performances will .allbe-in M"aJUW �. '._ .Traxler of Northwestern look good in .BBltBFl'i' PBOG&&II I'OIlthe mile and two mile, but Goodwin, �8OJIOOLSt01;lt, Williams, and. Baldwin are sureto lInish well up._0_ aud Des .Jard1en In ShotSchneberger of Northwestern has thebest record in the shot put. N orgrenand Des Jardien are Coach Stagg'!Ibest men in this event and there i!4little to choose between them. Thoma",of Chicago should win the vault easilywith Bolof secOlLCL .James of North­western is a good man in the highjump, but Cox, Gorgas, Des Jardien,and Whiting are counted upon to bent. him.'!'he Bnb:i_ The benefit program for the tradeschool of the Settlement was given la:-tnight in Kandel Hall.. Frank Parkerand Gertrude Perry, two former stu­dents in the University, gave severalinterpretative dances as did also Dorothy Graham, Doris Humphrey, andMarion Tracy. Marjorie Benton Cook ..gave a few original monologues whi�h"'ere �ery well received. A harp soloby Edna Heaton and some longs by""Mabel Sharp' He-fdien completed thl'program. versity orchestra rendered a few seeleetions, Buth Agar gave two solos,and the Women's glee club sang threesougs. For the rest the diners were RECEPTION CHICAGO BY DERATE:RAUY BEAYS··ftJRDUEPlAN HUGEThe Reynolds club reception for thePresident of the University next Bat­urday night is to be one of the bigIn addition to President Judson, thedifferent departments of the fRcult�pocket tables will be open for the l1S\of women visitors. This is in aeeordwith the plan, one of the ideas ofwhich is to display the advantages ojthrown upon their own resources for the clubhouse to the general public.eaterta�.t. ..... ' .. ..:� ..... -;-'<'rr"-- _ _; .lYDl-��--.- '_0·:0:..·- ._ .. ::,8peats Of W�'. G�lslDm In addition to the University band t�mmates came to the froDt.� witkAs wal e%peeted, President Judson the Tomaso, orchestra. will furnie] seven mhiutes to play Jed, his speech, gave to the women the music. The: orchestra is a favorit(' SteveDson-B Shots Win :,recent developments in the matter of for such affairs in Chicago, and, Ill� -:A-- .free throw by George seored .ChI­their new gymnasium. "The commit cording to the ofticet'H should prove! eago's first point in. the ·�riod; alldtee on Boildings and Grounds voted decided addition to the features. then Coach· :Page ejected .Stev�last week to accept the plans which According to President Parkinson who had -been On' the IridelinH evfthave been submitted," he said, "The the reception will be· a big aid it since the Opening game with Nwtta.Ida Noyes gymnasium will be, very ap getting faculty members and student western, into the fray� The: little:fel.propriately, the most beautiful build acquainted socially. The· rt'l�el'ti •. l low proceeded to come .through. On the campus. So far as we know will be informal largely, as far· a� :\ long shot that put. Chi�go witbiQat present, the ground will be broker the students are concerned. scoring ·distauce, and Norgren tied· tli.early in the spring."Talks on ClassicsMiss Ballou gave the only otht'r ser'ious speech of the evening, urgin�strongly the need of a elassical education and the benefits to be deriv�nell, Matthews, Breathed; Northwestern, Osborne, Warrick, Thayer, Hotch·kin, Schneberger, Hightower.50 yard hurdlea--Chieago, Ward, School, one of tile Bew adivitieft of not gone np; you haul them out :t!'Parker, Russell, Whiting, Gutwillig. the Univenity of Chieago Settlement. the Romans hauled oot their gladi �core ·immediately. Stevenson. !tit· thebasket again and placed "Chicago ill�he lead. After that another� btmketWill Be Assisted B� Ken'. Glee Clll"t hy N orgTen followed by Po 8Ueeetlatu�and Northwestern A Capella �hot by Des .Jardien clinched. the 'pmeCJlo!= 'lnd ended Chicago's scoriug. OUphaDtd h Ch' R 'k The recital was well attended. Aftt'r therefrom. b h P d50 yard as - lcago, a1'Rn�l.The Men's Glee club and the Uni. rong t. ur ne's tetal to 15 by ... frMKnight, Parker, Ward, Boyd, McCon· the program, a dance was held in All the talks "'ere well re�eivecl throw.Hut("hin80n ComlDo�" Dean Boynton's remark that "the eol. "ersity of Northwestern "A CapelLChoir" will 'assist the Women's Gle( Although Pnrdue· diaplaytld gooddnb in their annual concert February t08m work at times, Chic_go ....1ao1ild11. A dinner for the three clubs nt have beaten the Boilermaker.' (feei�lIutr-hinson Commons will prec:ede the sively, and it is apparent that'· ·tTi.CQncert and an informal dance at the team is still in the �idst· of laSt 'nek·.Reynolds dub will follow.. slump. The paNing was· pOor :alldReheRrsals for the concert. are being several of the men showed an ine);na­held regularly every Monday and tion to lose their h .. ds at eritieal: mo­Wednesday at 4:30 in the Mitchell menU. Stevenson replated ·St�geui.DiTower studio. It is said that the pro and Shun went in for· .T�rdi�ii "iftThe proceeds of; the affair will hr· lege professor is the only eommodit�d(l!votec1 to the .aPPOrt of the Trade on the market today, whose price hn�Parker; Northwet8ern, Schneberger, The aehool ia one which aims to in· ators-to make a women's holiday;'JamM, Gannon, Hill. erease the eftici8llcy of the young girl was greeted with applause from th,440 yard run-Cbicago, Boyd, Stains, just entering upon a businelll career, faculty, while Miss Wallace's toast "WeMerrill, McConnell, Parker; North· to place her in a position and poSe cirink to tho men. To all we give OUTwestern, Ilotc:hkin, Thayer, Osborne, ably oqnee her for a few yean. The baDds-to some our hearts," elieit('(1Hawlcy, Evans, De Witt, West, High· department is usisted by the School eheel'8 from the students.of Education. Auead Gametow· •.880 yard run--Cbieago, Campbell,McConnell, Leisure, Colwell, Goodwin, IIBDIOAL FAOULft' 18Merrill, Moore, Cornell; Northwestern, GIVD' DIlOfBB BY MBROsborne, Kraft, De Witt, Thayer, OF BOPIIOIIOU 0LA.88Eva" •.I mile run-{Thicago, Stout, Williams,Goodwin, BaldWin, Colwell, Cornell;Northwestern, Kraft� Traxler, Cun·ningham, Ward, Ferris.2 mile run-Chicago, Stout, Goodwin,Williams, Baldwin, Colwell, Cornell;Northwestern, Kraft, Traxler, Con. The rest of the program eonsiBted ofa song by Kr. Headman, ee1eetions byningham, Ward, Ferris.Shot put-Cbieago, Norgren, Des.1ardien, Parker, lIal'r'is, Sparks; Members of the faculty of the Medi'eal school were entertained by themen of the Sophornqro Medic. classlast night with a dinner i. the Com·mons cafe. Dan Dod80n and headsof the ditrerent departmeata instrumental trio eompoeed of Gib}".,violinist, SchUlter, eellist, aad Rogers,pianist. )laurice P. Bogen waa toastmuter. • •• Dt1· ••• w .... ,......t. After the dinner, which was pronounced a deei4ed tmcc� .. , many ofthe women adjouTned to the Chicago·Purdoe basketball game in 8artlcttgymnasium.IIeet At Dean llathew's HomeDean Shailcr M"athemt will "peak nttho Cosmopolitan dnb mf'etin,:t at hi�hom .. , 5;36 Woodlawn avenue, at SSaturday night. Mexico and ,Jamaenwill be dicussed by DeUide Cordov�and Daniel Hastings. Several womenof tbe Y. W. C. L. will sing. Allfon-ign bo1'1l memben of the Univers· �tegeman, ' R. F. . OUpUII'Ticokcts, "'hieh may be obtained frotTStrven!lonmcmber" of eithl'r colub, nrc $1.00, j: Ncrgren ....• , .,L. F .... B��kenbNuglaWOMEN'S GIJ3E CLUBWILL GIVE OONCBB'lgram will include some novel featuresbnt the details have not yet beendivulged. PORten with pictures of th"three dubs "'ill be out in a few dayRcents n nd 50 cents. BOILERMAKERS SPRING SCAREComing from behi'Dd in the ladChicago started 'cut with a rUsh aDdin the firSt ten· minutes annexed ilseemingly iafe lead, while' PUrdue � evidence of effective play. ! lD 'th.latter part. of th� half, however, Page'.players slumped badly and the. Boiler­makers came IUlJir tying the. BeOre.They were just nosed out at the eDdof the period, 96. Purdue ca�· baekstrong in the opening of the ':aeeondhalf and held Ollicago: seorew;.·: fotover half the period, . In the mea_timer,through accurate free throwing by Olioph��.:aDd . hi •.• terlmg."� ��rkt:�the InRt fow minoatE's.The Lineull:Chicago 20 Purdue .liDes .Tardien, C ".' .. KenalerShullM olallder . , R. (;. . .. , ' BerryThirty·five memberlll of the Fresh' kindergarten cla� attended r Ba L G n 11umgarten,. . . .•.•.... '... 'on.Chinese Jl&rty yC8terday in the Em. Stiach1leldmons Blaine kindergarten room!'!Chinese tea, rice cakM', and ChineN.Candy were 9(l!rved. Alii th is week i8the Chinese New Year's fC8tival theity and other students interestoo ha"\'" nff'air walll made tytlical of a CbinC1'''beell iayited. New Year'. party, Baskets: No1ltftn 4, Steven801t 2,Des Jardin 2, Oliphant 2, B�k�B·bNugh, Kensler, Berry.Free throw.: Molander 3, Geolje-·l,Oliphant5. ..2'HE DAILY IlABOON. SA'f'UJmAY • .TANUAaY 31. 1914.Tile MarOOD : THENational BankD ail,Q. w. ColUqIaaaII. Sa Qorca�B. P .... ,W."L� ... Profeulor stevens Lec1mesTODAY Problems arising in the course M Corn Excha.ngcwork among mentally subnormal chilo�=-------Dean Mathews, 5736 Woodlawn ave- IHicil'lIt hull uv 'to .a few yi..:urti aCllbl'l'n' )t'ft- to the'" ��odi�t;l il'rofl'Ksioll.EDtered .. MCoDd-claa mall at theC'hlcqo PoMoIDce. Chicaco. llL. Karch 11.190a. UDder Act ot Karch Ie 1171. nUA at B.Sophomore dance at 3:30 Reynolds but thut 1I0W such cusesclub. t reated by educut iouul UlldExa.minatioDs for conditions and in- dren were discussed by Proressor II .... l1dM ....mca. ueept SUDd&:r aDd C. Stevens, in the firl4t of the lecture»lI.-4a:r ........ the Autama, WlDter &Dd completes at 9, Cobb 8b.:r::c G� b:r The Dall:r KarooD Track Meet-Chicago vs. Northwest- given by the Phj losoph iea l dllh on up-ern at 7:30, Bartlett. plied ethics, Profes!4or �tl�Xt'IiS stufedNew. Ecl1tor ,AtIaIeUee Editor Cosmopolitan club at residence of thut the curing of the mt'll�lly deBame.. ..aacerClnalaUoa .aaacer811B8CIUPTION IU.TES-B� carrier: 1%.60 a year: 11.00 a quarter.BJ' mall: 11.00 a ,.ear: U.2Ii a quarter.Edltorlal-Bu.IDe.. Office. ElIl. U.T .. lepboDe Kld.,a,. 100. After 10 p m.H,.de P"rk tan.lIaruGD P ...... 5611 Cottace Grove Avenue. Y. M. C. A. trip to Olivet Settlementat 8:30, Cobb 12a.•Brief Campus NewsCJfbitotial Leave Cobb at S:30-Thl' partyIn his remarks concerning a "Moral- taking the Y. W. C. A. field t rip ttlOlivet settlement th is moruiug', willity" editorial yesterday, W. D. bas,Ieave Cobb 12 A at 8:30.contused the tssue, His were bdlll:KUt+t!mea ns."It is a miatuke to utrempr !! fur'111:11 training of meutullyought to be taught, but through i n­d irect methods Much �\s play. gardellwork, modeling, weaviug and ImKkl,tmal:.i;,tr:·----+--Warn Students Against Typboid.011 neeount of till' prevalence of ty·plioid fe v e r in Chicago students haveMoralityAgain hoen wurued aguinst usiug wuter 1lIposition is summarized Education Students Meets-Stuclt'1I1,,,;milk that has not been boiled, antifollows· �- few of till" Household Art and Honn- E"o'3B • .. �..... against coming in contact with typhoid-ho ''take a. �.f .... " come nomics department of the college uf . 1 t TI- .. � fever put ients or convu escen So It'Education will meet ),Ionday at II): 15back; second, those wbo do "comeback .. ·• c!o so With mental suffering anrI half hour, wn ter water ill U'niversity buildings isin Emmons Blaine 214 for u sociu] declared to be perfectly sanitary.motal scar, and. � compensating eie­ment; and, third, the statement thatspecial meeting of the faculty (If thethe reformed person may have deeper colleges of Arts, Litl'mture :lIId �cienceconvictions is anJIWered by the state- this morning ,at 10 in lI:.lrllt'l' �I:.!S.ment that the world no longer will Special Meetin�-Thl!re will he a What College Editors ThinkStudent ControLThe D:tily Cardinal and thl! D�,!!�·Nl'WS of lust fall arc no mor(', but illTonight--lIitt'hc!u(�k their (1111('" iK another Daily Cllnlin�tIWill Give Tea Sunday-The Sellioi'social committee tlIlOUIICl'S :l h'u :SIll;'. sertion tQt such a mora! experience dtJ.y afternoon from .. to (i at the Alph�,may deepen a man's convictions. And Tau Omuga clmptl'r hou8e, !I:.!:� l!:lstits implication is contrary to the whole 60th stroet. MUis Ott will pour.Give Dancetolerate aDJ' "blemish on the record."bouse will give a clancl' ttt S tonight with u n(,w chart('r nnd t! new signiliiDferring probably that there is noin the club room of the hull. )'Ir. nllcI c'all('(,. Thl'.pr('sellt Daily Cnrdinnl wi}tt'C0Dl in aoc:lety' to come back. The Mrs. Dnvid Allan HoLertson will chap, be turned over into the' hunlls (If tiltthird POint of W. D's position perhaps -ro.... !'Ituc1l'nts (':trly next sem('stcr, when itis \'Cry likel.)� thnt n speeial electionmay be explained most quickly. In the,.first place, it is no answer to the as-trend of social movement. We aretrying to give peoPle a chance toford and MiKS Martin sJlloak befort, tilmeeting of tho ZoologIcal Club llond:;�"come back-" .E1forts on bebalt of thedischarged convict are a good eXampleafternoon at 4:30And now for the first point in W. D.'sZoology building.argument; that few who start on tbebroad road come back. Probablv thisstatement is founded on a �elnsion thatc.baraCterizes JDaII7 SQ.Perllc:ial morality evening at 8 in Room 12, Haskell Mus. body, is on�y running the paper�preachments; it is reflected in the enm. Mr_ Law will speak on "A po· ground and laying up trouble for it·statemen�' "'flake a cI.rlDk and the calypses. "drink Will take you." Everyone knowsthat tb1s Is not rigidly tme. On. fact.most average young men do not wal­low in wickedness; they dally With ita bit now and then, and when theyare brought face to face with life by his address \\'a� '-Rt'i� Eindruecke au�marriage or business they alougb it off Deutschland."as they WOUld a badlY-fitting coat.Of course, W. Do's statement is trUeenough in its application to those wbopositiftl7 roll in the muck: but thosefellows are h1lJlL8D BWiDe, 2nd 'We azed:laeuIIDg noma! people. As to th'!second poInt-ecar, mental anguish. etc.It au tb1s "WU'8 true, there would stinbe tile pin from the social point ofTlew. that the sufterer is absolutelybed In Jds morality, and 1rill work tohelp otILers. fte mental anguish partmay be dtKounted; most fellows think.."1 have learned my les!oD., �nd nowrm going to plUg in the rigbt direc·tion. Morbid remorse is unhealthyand b� Dot prenlent. ADd flnaUy Jo:xami::.ations· for the. r�mt),"al of will be n respon�ihl(' body to ,t'hic-hand f"QndamentallJ!. W. D. hl\s missed1y �ont1itions antl incoml'l(,t(,M incurrt'C nl1 compL .. int� may bo r('ferreil, nn.ltbe whole point to the editorial. Thein the Autumn qnnrt('r will he heM.... �torla1 dt4 not purport to justU,. \)r"""'" this m()rnin� from !. to 1:! in Coh"adTl- taking a lImg; it was addressedSBto thOle who are worktng against thetendency in an dort to convey theIdea ther aIlo1lld DOt Injure theircaue by rautng tmpo8l1ble bogeys,which the J'RD& feUDw knows are un­tz'IIe, tile .aroit j'DtlJ' raistIlg in hismiDd • supld.oD of IDI&Ilcerity wldcbpea_ SD.j1IrM tIae ef«<Unn .. Of theWOI'IE. Address ZoologiC21 Club-Dr. 8ht: iin Room 24 of tit will be hdd to choose a hoard of COli'trol from th(' student body. Thiii Loart1of five men will supervise t�· policyof the Cardinal at loo�t in so far al'the 1I(,\\'s and editorial d('partmentK art'concerned.A college, newspaper dot's :not existfur the purpose of the staff; ,it is th,­servant of the student body. The stafTthat regards itself as above the con'trol of the students that holds the sta·New Testament Cl�b Meets-The dent body in contempt, and r('st'nts in·New Testament club will meet Monday terference on the part of the ,gtw)(,llt,self. If reporters arc allowed to col'lrstorie� because of p('rsonal spite, 01' ifSpeaks Before German Club-Assist· reporters are out of sympnthy withant Professor Go('ttsch wa� the speaker the a�pirations of the great mt\!'s ofat the me('ting of the Gt'rman Club students, the sooner the:r ar(, relicveclyesterday afternooll. The Suhject of of their jobs. the b('tter.A few :r('ars ago a great many students believed that the old Daily Car,Should Return Lists--8ix hundreil it!' n('ws staff, anil this fee1in� lat('r.names have been signed to the p('ti' in ('onne<"tion with other fneto�, rt'"dinal was �imply th(' mouthpi('('e . uftion for a dancing class and mort' slllt('iI iu the organization of Po !\('('onrlarc expected, a� severnl of the fmtern' paper, owned anil controJ1('(l hy:1ities have not r('turned their lists. group of studentfC. This W1\S iI'onf' be'These lists should be sent to lIornce�aus., the old Cardinal ,,"tiS ,not dir�t.Fitzpatrick at the Reynolds club 01" ly in the hands of the student bodythe faculty exchange h('fore Tuesday. and the needed reforms diil not �eemLi�ts are po�ted in the club and in ;mmln�;;.�_Cohb haU. Today there is only one paper, andMortar Board Dance-The ),(ortar h d' h . I .Itat, acor mg to t e artlc es IImw" -,,,pita) $ 5,000,000.00'udivtdr d Profits ,.',' ... 1,000,00.00OFFICEr�s.EIt"I'��'" 0\, 11,'\1\111.1., Prn:d .. nt.CIIAItI."::' 1.. !l1'TCIII"f.:O�, vie .. -Prea.CIIAt':-':\:,EY J, 1:1.\11:, \,!c,'·Pz-t,aldI."Dl,It, A ,\11'1'1.'1".", \·in'_I'Io'sidenl,1:. C, :-:,\ )1.\10"';, \ .. l','·I'fl'�i.Jl'nt,"'It.':-':'" w. s xur u :-""'!'t':"ry,t-�IJ\\',\HIl I", S, 'II' t!':"I·:CK,, Ca.hlerJ EI)\\'AI:U )1.\.\:-', ,\"r, t�:tshl.r,JA)Il-:S'_; \\',\;�Li'lU,I'. Asst. t.'a.hler,LI-;WIS E .:Aln'; Ass:, Ca"hl .. r.�ha'·lt,!'t1 '" ,,,·kerI:trt;n A I:�·'T'.'"·:.)war.1 B 1111: 'I:har:�. II II";!,,,,·,!·:all."flC't' 1:'1<"1; ,'C ·,·r,·t"naJmln (�an" 11',.' 'Gil: fineness oft he dothmakes possi ble the satinlaundry fir.ish heretoforefound only in the wryhighest priced co llarsOWJ\btch COLLARDI.P.i:CH,.lnS.("U·JnT. I'KAIlOIJ" &. Co .. Ixc., Tuo,', N. Y.J/"kt·r. uf AIlIiOW SIIIKTIC("h,' .. �1 ("Irri: '\\ �I ti F4In·.'Ulfl,I "" !.� B.·.lr" -, :0,..1 A S�,,,'. '" >k \\' '_'r.",t.,'"r", .... • A .'.'tln,"· :.1forr25c�::W I ::-:( 'I: i 1: .: ro I''I'll E 11.'.11. Y \I.\I:OO�------_._-I.e 'College FriendshipsMake college life worth while. Coca-Cola is a friendworth knowing and having all the way through fromFreshman to Senior year. It will fill your college dayswith pleasure, health and benefit.Delicious-R.efreshingThirst-QuenchingTHE COCA-COLA CO.,Atluata. Ga. WbcDC'l'C1'rOIJ � an Arrow. 01 Coca·ColaThe Schooland CollegePen inRegular,Safety andSelf-FillingTypesHoard heM it!' annual formal dancenp i� amenable or "hould prove am("�t night at the �(etropo1t' hotel. ahle, to !'tudent opinion. A" "oon "" ah�ni-(l of control can be eleded, anilit will be elected '\"�ry shortly, thC'rt" OuntainPenattend to �omc rontine matters of nilmini!'trntion; if the Cardinal is notwhat the student!' de�ire, thron�hloid Analysis. Formntion amI Preparn· their board they ",ill be in a positiontion of Colloicl�" ),[onc1ny ('v('ning at to make reforms ns nceded.-D:lily8:00 in Kent theater. CardiAal.Hold Condition Exams 'rodayWill Speak on Colloids-Dr. Wolfgang Ostwn1c1 of the ljniv('rsity ofI�eil'7.ig will d('liver the first of Hseries of five l('ct\lr('� on "\\'hat ArcColloids: F.l('ments of Qllalitative Col· which will be in a po�ition to ""Tlt'T''\'i�e the paper along lin�s de�ired h�·n mnjority of the �t\ldents.If t.he Cardinal as con(lucteil sin�.�Decemher 1 is what the student� "'antthe board will have nothing to do hut The 'Va! ('�:--,�n 's Ideal that is suited to your hand will doneater, mil;: ;niform and quicker work than any other writingimplemc;lt. �'-:,:ch efficiency is of the greatest benefit in studentlife wherc -,', � i�ing is a part of nitTY study. The continuoususe of one :' 1 dcvc10ps character of handwriting. The sameWatcnn;jl:'� :,'·�al will last for years and is always ready. Buythe genlli:,(', :' e pcn with the famou� Spoon Feed and Clip­Cap. In !�I.';;: �izes,scientific shapes and points of All the Best DealersL. F. · .... ���nn.n Co_pay, 173,Broadway, New York !t,IOon't Blame theImplellent---blame yourself-if you can't playup to form with a Itrange racket,or golf club, or baseball. There isno excuse for you. Spaldiog Ath·letic Goods are on sale in everytown from lIaioe to California.Be.d for Oar Ca&aIop�I&'. Pne.A. G. Spalding28 S. Wabash Ave. &: Bro ..Chicago.YOU'VE BEABD. �OF TBE ".AS.. ', ... - ,-,TEB KEY" TBAT...FIT S EVEBYI.OCK-DIDYOU EVEB BE .....-0::.:' A .. ASTER.... :.� _,. 9_"'�""M' 0 DEL OP ATYPEWRITER'.,"Tblak of ALL oftb. eolqbl.e4 ad·T.ata�e. of SEV·EBAL tnewrl&en,.0. b.T. He ..eeaeea , r • , • 4 I.o }If E .taa4ar4m.e_I •••ROYALTwpzwarrza co.IDe..·U B. M ..... 8& ..Cb� .. DLNOTIC.•• TI.1r You Clotll" DI7.CIeaa.. ...Pre..... .t f�.e.' I.lenall 7e. wID••• It to h • ..all h' .,. ....... Ia.·Tn'.e.t.t·I IVARsllvTAILOR� ...--------------------------�O"LY _ ......tra ted booket 4e-8Crlblac • a."treatment for all"'et7 razor bladN. mak!nlr ,.. bla4e luta Ilfettme and be better �... .bea par·c.h.-d. St-nt on recelopt of AI' eeat-.CLAUDE WOLFE,IIcnrard OUr, IIIdt.FOR MEN 5c per line. No ad�erti8ementa reoeeived for less than 25e. Al:l cla.IadAed.In a history cIa .. one day ProfessoradvertUementa must be »&14 ill ad­Terry started in to explain the down-vance.fall, of Napoleon. "He was batteredfrom three Irides. Englnnd on theNorth, Germany, on the E'UI!, aud L08'1'-lo Maodel Hall ou Tuesday af­Austria on the south, "Iw.�Pt ngninst teruoon, Jauuary 2;, a small blackhim," said Profl'88Or TE'rry. "':I:xillg and white striped silk bag, trimmedeloquent, "He \\"81 like u rt)(:k in ml«oeeau, beateo aod Iashed by the \\'b \'1�1'on three sides, with ll�tl·.:,ptt :1 Htth·moss growing 00 the !la.�k-·· "Al�nt>, amount of money. Kindly retrun to thealgae, doctor," Interrupted, Dr. SwiftPresident's office or to 4609 Woodlawuof the Anatomy Department, then aavenue and reeeive reward.Botany student, '·MOBs doesn't grow i ..FroID TIae Facalty Buqaet----------I I' , : i . t,.:• '. I •From fte Dbmersalt water." CLASSIFIED �U¥EIlTISEIltl\ ISwith black velvet a rhiuestooe buttonand black tassel. Oontained a haud­kerchief marked N. A. D. and a. small2'0 RBlft'-Qne suite bedroow, aiUioaand bath, one or two men, within aIn introducing President Judson, few blocks of U. To rent for sprinaTonstmistress Llewellyn t<'ld of himand summer quarter. Apply Box 279that he once stated that women should "'acuity -x.not be allowed to teaeh in collegesand gave the following reason for thisview. "Women," said President Jud' FOB SAlfE A new No.5 Oliver Type80n, "are oot serious in their work. writter in perfect condition. Must sellWhile they- are teaching they have therefore price reasonable. Write, 0one eye on the students and the other call after 7:00 P. M. E. H. Brune meierroaming around the horizon to see if 53 Middle Divinity Hall.they can find a cloud as big as amana hand," President Judson, in self BOARD-In small private family. Ex­defense re�orted that he knew by thatstory age of Dorothy Llewellyn inas­much as the speech from. which theabove remark was quoted, was de­livered thirty two years ago in Min·NICELY FURNISBED--Light, fronlFOB SAT·B Standard Smith-Premier"WeU," said the iofant prodigythoughtfully, it seems to me He is Typewriter in excellent condition, atvery reas�nable terms. A great bargaiofor anyone desiriog a typewriter forrrofessional use. H. B.Lemon, Boom 6,RyeTBOo Lab. or 1220 E. 54th St.• Junior toques were put on sale atthe e1us dance yesterday at :l:30 in ••••••••••••••••••••••••••the Reynolds club. Several orderswere taken, "MixeR" and old fashionedsqnare dance. featnre the afternoon.. Stationery, and Toilet ArticlesFuilts' orchestra furnished the muaie. FINE LINE OF CANDIESThe dance wu ended at 5::l0 to giv(' 966 B. 65tIl ..the women time to attend the wom�n'�luncheon in Hutch in lOll cafe •oeapoli ..Dean linDt whep h� 'bought L,sticket to the dinner objected to haviog,Dean. Boynton PQt OIl the IIBt· ofspeakers. "Its sort of hard, when youhave a desk next to him and hear himtalk all day to go out to dinner inthe eveniog and have to listen to himagain • ., We noticed that Mr. Liondid not att�d the dinner."Mias Wallace, when a little girl,looked into the mirror one day andsaid to her mother."Mother, did God make you?""Why of course," answered the fond'Parent."Well did He make me . too?""Certainly, my dear"doing better work every day."Sell 'l'oques at Dance eellent home cocking. Limited numberat table. Addreu 6134 Woodlawn ave­oue, 3rd apartment, telephone HydePark; 2 wiodowsj large closet; elee­tric light, steam heat, good opportunityfor two women students or teachers,near Park and Midway. 1345 East62nd se., 3d Apt. Tele. Midway 8573.W�One or two girls to sharelight- housekeeping apartment for win­ter quarter. Mrs. E. F. Denton, 5719Dorchester. Phone 1i. P. 6655.JIBS. FLORA IlaCIVOB SJIftlI­Voice builder and teacher of artisticsinging, Moodays and Thursdays atMrs. Knights, 5652 Maryland Avenue.Wednesdays and Saturdays at home,6356 Maryland Avenue. For informa­tion address 6356 Maryland AvenuePhone, Midway 4390.JOSEPHThe Student Volunteer Band will.g.e.ts IITI.1r I. Donaltel'lel haTe hold an open meeting Moodav at 1:30ChUlel I. eare of ..... ter, OV � <#H.taU.... ean. ••• ..Unn taII7, in Lexington Hall. Several "echoes"otllen eatl ., .14".,. NI5. from the KaoBBa City Convention will. ' be given by the delegates. Specialattention is called to the reports of th,'nddreaes of John R. Mott, Dr. Mac'Donald, Secretary Bryn, Dr. Swt'melft nd Robert E. Speer. SCHMIDTImported aDd Domestic LlDe of'...... ++++ .SWAN'S LUNCH ROOM1342 East 55th Street.Try Oar Replar Dailyand Sunday Dinner. 20e UpAtwood ConclUdes Lecture Course'1'0 Speak On lllmeipal vote A8!ociate ProfeMor Wallaee W. At·Mrs. Ella Stewart will apeak on wood will con�lude hi" iI1u�rat('(l"The Muneipal Vote" Monday at .. ::40 coune on "SeMlic Features of N ort hin Lexington 14 under the aU8piees"f America" with l\ lecture on "Over thethe tTninnity Civic League. This i" �an .Tuans to the Mesa Verde, a Visitthe Beeond of a Beries of talks on to the Home of the Aneient Clift'·"The Significance 'aod Formalities of Dwelle"," tonight at the West Endthe BalloL" AD interetrte-d have been Woman's club, 37 south Alithlnnd boule· Follow the BoysAnd take advantage of our discount saleLiberal reductions on every suit andovercoat in Our ShopDockstader & RexfordSuite 816 Republic Bldg.State and Adams St.• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••ST. LOUISBest Reached by Through and Fat Trains of theILLINOIS CENTRALAll Steel Da,light SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.; arrives St. Louis (via MerchantsBridge6 :02 p, m, Indestructible steel cars of handsome interior 6niahEvery comfort and convenience will be found on this train .Diamond SpecialLeave Chicago 10:30 p. m.; arrive St. Louis 7:48 a. m. Electric.lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago.-Stop. Mad. iD Bod. Dil'ectioD. at South Sid. Tlarou.hSt.tiOD., 431'd, ,531'd .nd 631'd Street.Observation Parlor Cars. Cafe Club Can. SleepingCars. Free Reclining Chair Cars and CoachesTicketa, F.I' •• aDd SleepiD. Cal' Reael'YatioD. atCITYTICltET OFFICE 76 West Adams SLK. J. CARMICHAEL. D. P. A. Phoaes: CeDL 627O--AatD 6f.472� •... - -- - .. .... .�HICAe ••FraleraJl7 �ewelr7Leatller 0004.CoDep }lfonltle. E_bo.H4 StaUo.U7We441.� I.TltatIo ..CallI .. cadiBROCHONENGRAVING CO,."PA NYH. G. TURNERPresident .1. Kallen B.O ....Tele.lloDe RaadoJpIl II •.. - .. - .. _ _ _ .Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near $OtIl Street Subway Station and53nl Street Eleftted.."Broadway" cars from GrandCentral Depot.Sneath AftllUe Can from Pennql­ftIIia Statloa.ICBM' BY .. COLUa •... IfB.ADOUARTBas POR COLUO. II.IfBPBClAL RAT.B POR COL L.a. ,.... IIBTen Minutes' Waik to 1'hin7 TheatresHA.RRY P. STIllSON. MANAGERRRADQUARTER8 �;R CHICAGONew. Modern and FireproofRooms with Bath, $2.50 and up.- .. -.---------.-------- ... �Tbree Reasons Wily you should Eat at the leo's Com.oDSlit. Good Food Properi,. Cooked.2ad. Cleanliness our Matto. lalpect the Kitchen3I'd. A Miaimum Price for HI,h Qualit7 FoodCIa. Breakfast lk up Cafeteria 'at LueIIDIner .l LaCute BUSIC eo.e ..THESMOOTHESTTOBACCO� �s�toeFuDTwo, OuncelJDaFor all 'round wear and good serviceWe recommend our SPECIAL WIN­TER OFFER---A black, blue or grayserge or cheviot suit, with extra trou­sers of the same or stripe material$30.00�.AILOB FOB YOUNG MENTHREE STORES: 7 N. La Salle St. . 25 E. J 8�.kaon HI \"(1. 'j 1 E. �I onror- StDe Bit ollbe Season Woodlawn Trust& Savings Bank12M E. 63d Street, ChicagoTHE FACULTY &TH3 STUDENTSof theUNIVERSITY OF CmCAGOWILL FUm INT.HIS BANK ALL THEFACILITIES OF A DOWN.!'OWN BANK..SAVINGS ACCOUNDandCHBCKING ACCOtJN1'SAre Welcome and Appreciated.2 For 25 Cents.RESOURCES 12,000, 000. •Troy'. ProductGive Fourth FreDeh LectUretnlk ,,-m be delivcred in French, thePHONE BYDE P .ABI[ 1741. topic being "�[olicre ct IC8 grnndesquestions de son temps." 'Cards of ad·mission will not be required.CARRIEBeauty D. RAYMONDSpecialistIUS But 56th Street.1JIeIe __ .... P. 101. IIut Begtster b,. JIoDdayStudents who expect to take part ino.n Z....... ... 8 ••• &7 •• n..... thp. Lower Junior contest in extcmpor·.... W�.... AI aeu._... Prtees.aneous spcaking must be regiHteredaWITCBU_)lAD. pao. CO.BIlfQ8 before 1 o'dock lfontlny ,,;th the .Tun·� aBlfTLB .. lf �C11&I1fQ ior college dean. !'Ova BY Oft-FoBP08I'UO)J - OF OBBD­L"'3ADBB LAS!fI mOD(Continuoo from page 1.) OnlY.four Sophomores tried out forthe nnaition of eheer leader at lastNorthwestern, Schneberger, Gannon, r--,, night's "nme. They were Dall Brown.,Bubhit t, Smith, Wbittle. eoHigh jump.--Cbicago, Cox, Gargas Lyudon Lisch, Harold More, alld MaxTenney, Hurwitz. Brown, Des Jardiell, Cornwell. Rudy Matthews say. he isWhiting: �ortbwestt'rll, Hill, James, disappointed with the small numberIf owry Gt.ringer. Patterson, "·bittl.... and urges more men to try for thePole vuult-e-Chieago, Thomas, Bor position. The next trial will be helt.rofl', Heller, ll�ore. Brown; Xortb- At the mass·meeting before the Oh10western, Xiehol, J."oISt., Campbell. Stah' game, February 6.Tomorrow: 10, Chi Psi; 10:;W, IronCatron's Baskets From Sidelines WiDf lIask; 11. Alpha Delta Phi; 11 :�r..Close and Exciting Contest Dramatic dub; 12, Pen club; 12:311.from Preachers &'ore club; 1, Gamma Alpha; 1:30,Phi K:lppa Sigma; 2, Sigma Alpha.. llnking the winning basket in th.,Epsilon; :!:30, Sigma Chi; 3, LincolnIast thirty seconds of play, the LaWI<house,CHICAGO 18 JlAVOBlDOV'BB •• V. �CIt DAJIPSI UPSILON LOSESTO ALPHIA DELTA pm'.:udy Matthews Sets High Mark ofPresent Tourney With Scoreof 207 SOPHOMOBEs INVr1'BSENIOB AND J'l1NIOBMEN TO AftBND DANCE.Juniur and Senior men have beenIl\"ited to attend the Sophomore clns«l:ul('e this afternoon nt :l:;W in t lnReynoltl", club. Otht·rwi�. admisl.4iolwill be by t ieket only. Prt'sidl'lIt Bun.k,said �'esterday that he expeeted all UIIusually large number of tilt> el:t�s tlattend. In order to get tilt' mt-Illbt.t:of the elass nCfluainted several "mixer"dances will be run curly in the (lrt.gram, There will be plenty of chunl'tto dance the waltz a ud two step. LouiFulks will furnish the music. F'rappwill be served.--4------ADVISES STUDENTS '1'0GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY:FACUL'l'Y FAVOR mEl"Jt is n good thing for people to g'121 to church, If some of the f"llow", i,175 college have not been going now i!t :'164 good time to begin," said Proft'sso'lIS Soares yesterday. Dean �htbew!t anl�15f several other members of the fucultvexpressed themselves as f',,\'uring tlu'plan of having :l "Go To Ch'lre,h SUl!dav"-Alpha Delta Phi took two game�f'rom Psi l�JlMilon yesterday afternoonPl"Ii F. came Luck in t he third gnme aIh.'WOI1 llY a good mnrgin bt·ing grt':ltl�adided by Rudy lIatthews' 207 w hicl:breaks the existing record of 203 hek'by Grny, The gnme scheduled between �iJ!ma Alphu Epsilon and D.-It:Tau Delhi was not completed. onlvthree rneu bowling on a side. So A. Eis 1t'!Hling in two games but the finaloutcome will be in doubt until thtot lu-r two men bowl this morning. Th.Alphn Dt·1ta Phi·Psi l.7psilon score fol73f13� TAXB PICTURES FOB207 CAP AND GOWN TODAYSUNDAY AND 'rUESDA'i GARRICKBOXBYllOO)J BXPBBUWi" AI. .JolIoa and 100 0t.IIeD.I;',I1\i! ICatron wilt" the star for the lAlw1" w�iation until the lut few )·can, 3ndand he put hif' team in the lead ju8f '8 a mem1K-r of Phi Be" Kn-ppa. III!The New Florida Hotel The fourth of the !leries of public before the final whilrtle with n diffi. if' the author of ··F"l!�h Building" ftnd5721 Cottage Grove Ave. lecturcs by l'rofe8.'JOr Ahel I.efranc, cult IIIhot from tho 8idelinell. The Di "Faith and Sight."Is maJdDg 8peclal Bates to at1I4ents. exchauge professor from the Sorbonne, h d . d"d I IItnl'X ---4�---viuity team a no In tVt un .. . GRADUA1'3 WCIIBlf ANDSteam heat aDd e1ect.ric light in aU will be given Monday afteruoon 3t hut the whole t .. am played together Y. W. C. L. !flO GlVB - .JO�rooms.4:30 in Harper AM .. mbly Room. The nnd were hard to beat. DDfHBB ftBSDAY lUGB'l'Be.Ia.n.t, Bartter Slao., Bown ..a.d BIiDard. I. Co •• eetlo .. lows:Alpha Delta. PhiHurger 1 .. 1.1Wheeler 172Schlabach '.. 129Horton 13SCroll 123 155134HI143156Ht15,16.1 Appointments for pictures for theCap and Gown nt Koehne'� studio fOjtoday, tomorrow and Tuesday follow:Today: 9;:iO, Feneibles; 12 •• lunio:hockey team; I:!:?O, Senior hfl{'kt!�iPam.729Total 103Psi U1)SilonCoutchie ..... 144 HIlIS114124:162Tuesdny ; 3;30, Beh Phi.TOMORROW KOB.lONG A'r nThe Rev. Dr. William Pierson Merrillwill preach the sermon at the relig·ions serviee in Kandel tomorrow at 11.Or. 'Merrill is the putor of the nrie�Presbyterian church of New Y('rk eityHe has been an aeliv:) jnember anelrecording �retary of the Exr.c&th eboard of the ReligiOUS Edueational ItS'The Beore '.Women'lII Dawnin� ConeiouSlle88 ofLaws J8 Divinity 15 Set Loyalty" will be the �bjeet ofGoldberg ...••.... R. F. . .•... Shattuek Dean Sammer'1I addr888 at the dinnerCatron ..•..•.. ' •.. L. G •.. " ... Wi�er to he given hy the Graduate Womell'"Striker ••.. ' ••... ' C ......•.. Ostergren elub and the Y. w. C"L. Tueec1ay inSeofield .• · ..•..•... R. G •.•.....•. Pri� Lexin�ton common!t. . TIle dillner i8Otis .• • .. • .. • .. · •.. L. G ...•... Solalldt being civen for the graduate women,BaRkels; Goldberg2, Catron 4, Rtrik- the fMulty womlPn and the Y. W. 2, Scofield, Shattuck 2, Witmer 2_ L. .,]Visory board. Mi. Kate 8eottOstergrell 3. illl e"ainnan of the committee ill charge.Free throws; Shattuek. Tit"ket. ma11K- purcbuec1 ill ihe Lea«.Referee; Spanller. • .. mo •• COIAff'S GlANDWith Bnlce Jlc:Bae·'Delightful Comedy-GreatFun. "--Amy Leslie In NeW'llILLINOI�JUl.IA S.:��D:BREON� IIn Tn..:: SUNSHINE GIRLWith Joseph Ctlwthorn and100 MoreA Blow at Cowwerdallzed ViceIt Has Awakeued Chicaio.THE TRAFFIOI ��ratthews ...•Bent .Brown ••.....Hunter .. ·· ... 101126122159 POVVERSDAVID WARFIELD ITotal 652 659 In The Auctioneer. �!LAWS BEAT DIVINITYom IN FINAL SECOND!came out on top in a fast and close��me ngainst the Divinity team. Thesc,!r(� was ]8 to 15. The Divirrity tearrhas not won a game this year but gav('the lawyers a great scare by gettinlra lead in the.' first half and keepinpit until the game was almost finishedThe law students were unable to worktogether at all and it was only throughthe individual work of the men thatthey were able to win. 'The Divinityon the ot�er hand dililplayed good team'work throughout alld really de8Cl'Vedto take the pmc. • IJack La1t's New PlaJ'HELP WANTED �IA. Clean Comedy Drama withB.nry Kolker >II'STUDEBAKERJULIA DEANSeason's Laugh, Love and Cola PlayHEB OWN KOBBYFINE ARTS"0 0 W A B D 8"A GreatPla,.1n4A.ctaBy IL JL LOVB!fI'r, ,,I �prinCes.�,'RB LV •• :1J, !.IOLYMPIC.BADY OB ••LASALLE I, 1\" I'-I. ,.J