�.tt, ,'1··1.1.'lti" ' >':J'\ToL XII. No 75.WIlL HOLD CONVENTION TICIETS FOR FACULnDINNER SEU SLOWLYTAlE SUBSCRIPTIONSFRIDAY FOR SONG BOOI FUND APPROACHES $600 CHICAGO lIAS EVENtY .. J�'. ... , r • - .... �. oJ ,."Library Committee Acknowledges BALANCED TRAel- TEAlReceipt of Donations-Numer-. -_ous Books and Periodical. Are Staa. PI'eMIIb Sqaad Stroq ,IDBei Co tributed Every Eve.t For �.,. ..mg D T... ill YeanGeneral Meeting Of A1umi AndActive Members Of The Pen -Cl b Will Be Held March 6. Tboqb om,. Sixty women HaveU Bouabt, Chairman UeweDJ'DNew Members Elected Expects Good AttendanceMust Be Ordered Before Febru­ary IS-Book Sells ForOne DoUarThe first annual convention of thePen club will be held Friday, Mar. Il, FAaJLTY ATIEND IN NUMBaS Previously acknowledged $M4.50 MEET THE PURPLE SATUIDAYMaroon Press •.....•........... $1.00Eo D. Cavin, Jr .••.•••••..••••• $1.00C. 8. 8. Stewart .••.•..•.•...••• $1.00AWMNI FAVOR UNDERTAIINGat the Tip Top Inn. Thia action wasSubscriptions for the new Univer· taken at a meeting of the active club As the ticket sale stood yeste.r�ysity song book will be under tho SUo last night in the priva.te dining room afternoon, there will 00 no more wom­perv iaion of one of the Sophomore of the Commons. Many members of en students at the faculty dinner to­honor soeiet ies, nnd the following the club, since its founding in 1905, morrow nigJit in Hutchinson cafewomen: Miriam Whalin, Dorothy have established themselves in liter than there will be faculty members.I] I] D tho. W·]I·ston Leona Morethan fifty of the faculty have 8. 0 Courts _ ..•..........•.•.... $1.00. ewe yn, orotny I I, Uury and newspaper activities andCoons, :lfarjorie Uhlman, Lillian Bis-an attendance of nearly all who have signified their intention of being pres- R. R. Teichgra.eber •......••..• $1.00 winning calibre. Northwestern, on th�sel Adeline Rnssman, Helene Pollakever belonged to the club is antiei- ent, and but sixty of the women have W. P. Harmes .•••...........• $1.00 other. han�, while. the sqnad illcludu.-:and Leone Hemingway, These women purchased tickets. Last year at the Winston P. Henry $1.00." !)ated.$3 00 a number of stars, espeeiall,. ill. tile'have been asked to meet today at Richard Henry Little, Bert L. Tay· faculty dinner given by the men, there Eo F', Kline ••.•.•.•••... ....••..•distance runs, is weak ill the dub.10:15 in Cobb 12A. lor, Opie Read, Hamlin Garland, and were five hundred people present. It. G. Moulton .•.....•..... _ .••• $S.Ot) and .field events.b k '11 b ld f In order to reach the number ..... t by BenJ·. Bloomburg ••..••...•.•.... $1.00h 416The song 00 WI e so or one several others well-known in the news- _, In t e UoLty yard da8h Directorh h d ed Donald T. Grey _........... •.. . . . .75_dollar, just enough to cover t e ex- paper circles of Chicago, will be asked the committee,tWl) un r more wom" Stagg haa four men Who are rankedF;dwin Ganton, '12 $5.00penS<! of printing it, the management to speak. These men are aU honorary en will have to sign up for the din- amo.ng the fastest in. tlie Collfe�"0 h Edwin W. Eisendrath, '13 ••.... $10.00says. The book will contain 1.. pages members of the club. ner before 6 tonight. The women w 0 and between whom there is praeUeaUj' ..h W. P. Lamberton ..............•. $1.00and will be bound in maroon with t e Three Ken BleCted. are selling the tickets say that many no chQice. -Cap�in Parker is the fU&�coat of arms of the University stamp· At last night's meeting John Greene, students have prmnised to buy tickets est man in the West in the 'h�dNd'11 tai U' 'ty h ed th t D Total .....•........••.... $5RO.25. _..,_ed on it. It wi con am DlVeJ'8l Henry Meade and Henry Enock were but ave not seeur em ye . or- yard dash, and although his size 'h&n�_'.songs, AIma Maters of the Conference elected to memberahip In the dub. othy LlewellYn, the general chairman, Gi ..... �"" DoIIan. di<ap. him . .oDle"bat in the 'sh�ri.��"universities, hits from Blackfriar ant] They will be initiated Sunday morning stated last night that she believed a Contributions from stu�ents, alum", event, he wiD prove a consistent wiD-W. A. A. shOW8, and hall songs, at 12 at Koehn.'. studio, when the very creditable showing would he ni and membe rs of the faculty areaer, Mathews &ad Knight, botl! "ir.; .Al1lDlD1 in Sympathy. club picture will be taken for the Cal' made. The tickets cost fifty cents, and swelling the Reyn�ld8 library fund at-liable veterans, are a�ut �,fut�.�'.'."As the books are selling for this and Gown. Officers for the c:oming may be seeured in Cobb or the League the rate of about twenty dollars a their leader. Barancik is th. �e"'" 'of ,�'low amount," snid Business Manager year will be elected. 1'OOm. week. The larg�st individual contribu- the' 8oplLomoree in this event�'" lbiaT t.John Green yesterda.y afternoon, ',it P1Q1et 18 Feature. tion received "i� th� ·last· .iwo wee� etitica regard hia as the equai 0'- tJ.."\-will be necessary for us to know by DECIDB OK' �_ Cornelia BeaU alld Janet FlallJler was a dODat�oD of ten. doUam: fromveterans, and Coach Stagg i� l��""� .-F b 15' t ho many COpl·CS we 'DftB �InIWrA_ D_A.wI ',_, ""'" uF u)"--- Edwl·n \'" R;-dratll who was grad_ "�" -, _' _, " ._., _e ruary JUS, W., - -. �_-:- �� , "4."! -will·take-peria·Ja· .. p.l&y� "�....... '" .':,1 J�'::�� __ <" ...... ,, ....... �_ ,-fw,�-to 01111:34. =-=1 I, =j-�'win" s�ii ·�··a� �ot to �rde�DiOre-thali" ;._ -in Urbe," w�ch is to be 4?ne of the tlated last spring. wJ.d mu. Of lI.ftues.., ' ., ' .,OJIicago Jreu Ha .... · 0Ja0ke of 814.--we can afford to pcLy for. Letters. are feature. of .the entertailUllellt. Speech- The library eommittee, has an"'. :Ward is praet;ietUy as :fut a. Il�': .. :al . nd Will Hold PnHmtpart. BarIT ia ''. . ___being sent to prominent umm aell by President Jud.aa, M_ Wallace, nounced the gift; of. the. following teammate-"ln the clUb, but will prob-: � _W'L ha J'.�.I' • •to the alumlli. aasoeiations. Ii' ve Dean BoY1lton, and Mi. Ballou, and books: Five voIUlll�z1 of... popular . sci· ably be reserved for the iau� .. II� c.- ... '-received several replies, congratulat "Government Ownerahip of Tel.,. songs by the WOlDen'. II� club will enee from Profe880r Salis�u"; f�u� is Coach Stagg's foremost e&Jldlda�' ",,-.ing us on the idea of putting out the phone and Telegraph LiDM," will be complete the program. volumes from Mr. Moulds; fif�ee� vol· in' this e..-ent. With .Case� Kuh� �.''-':Dd'" _ : .AOnjt book.'� tbe sUbjeet of the debate. in which Among t�e members of the faculty umes of "Life," bound in half-Moroe- Nicholson, the veteran huJ.d�1'8 of the ',.;the Chicago Freshmen oppose the Who will be present are Dean and co, given by Mr. Charle8 Hutchinson; Co�ference gone, Ward -.pould . haT.:ron List of Delinquents. Sophom�res and the Northwestern Mrs. Flint, Dean Linn, Professor and Mr. Boynton's "London in Engliah Lit- little trouble eleaning his "event - B.p .Names of those women who are Freshmen. The contests wiJl be held Mrs. Marahall, Profe880r and Mrs. erature," given by hiDUJelf, and Paul this year_ Captain Parker will b8 w.ea' ,members of the League, and have not early in the spring qua�r, and both Thompson, Dean Talbot, Dean Wallace, Hunter Dodge's ··Sonas of Chivalry," in' this event; and Russell apeaR tc,.tie·· --:.paid their duCft, have been posted on will take place on. the campus. Pre Dean and Mrs. Angell, Professor and presented by himself. best of the new men. "V�th -Ward i.ct,- - �the bulletin board in Lexington. The liminaries to pick the teams will be Mra. Miller, Dean and Mrs. Boynton, Parker, Chicago should finish finit'.n�· :. �Y. W. C. L. is carrying on a campaign held in the next few weeb, probab1.r Mr. and Mrs. Cutting, Mr. :and Mnt. PLAN CAVALRY DQOp BeCond Saturday.for the payment of all debts contract" February IR. Robertson, Mr. Von Noe a� Mr. and m BB CO�&BD OF Tn the middle and long distaneftcd on the campus. Due to neglet and The question for debate has beel? 1Irs. Walker. UMIVBB8I'1'Y S'l'UDBH'l'l ev�rits Coaeh Stagg haa the ·la�:'forgetfulness many women have leff submitted to Coaeh Moulton b,. the The menu for the dinner (ollows: number of promising eandidate8 Bee"their dues unpaid, and this state of Northwestern debating authorities..... on, the Mid�-8Y in yean.. .J.1St whielaaft"airs is seriously handicapping th� Chicago has the choiee of sides and Puree of Tomato Soup. Three neW8 troops are to be addedmen will compete in the various eventiefforts of the T .- .... e. Coaeh Moulton has thia matter undl!r Gravy. to the First Cavalry, Illinois Nationa. will' probably not be deeided _until the.'�... Rout Fillet of Beef, PanGuard, whieh has heretofore eonsisted day of the meet. In the mile and tWuof but ninf'. The Regimental head- mile Stout, Goodwin and Baldwin, "n. '.qua-rters have their armory on the the foremost of a host of eanciidat� .North side, and it i. beeauae of this But neither Stout or Goochrin appear -,that it was deeided to locate the ar to have the speed to defeat Kraft ofmory for the DeW troops on the South Northwestern. Campbell, Botd,Bn.tll.side. Eaeh troop drills ODe evening ft ed, Parker, Leisure, Stain", and �e.week, and during the spring and BUm- Con�en. will be aeed in the quartermt'r is given instruction in target prac- and halt. Coach Stagg has �D �r� •.tit"e on the State rifle range. The an- ing regularly with hi. diatan� meDThe petition to the faculty for :1 nual practice mareh is held during the �ince ChristmaB, alld the e"�. of' h-i.­vocation period. All expenses on theS(' careful eoeching are evidenced in thetrips are paid by the State. ThiB giv� improvement the' n�w men -partic.lar.R chanre to all young men between the' ly h_ve shown.ng� of lS and 45 to 8eCU1'e reereationnnd military training without inter­fering with their d.ily work.If about sixty University men eanbe enlisted, they will be plaCed ina separate troop. A reeruiting ofllef'the movement, and since it Beems to has been established at 3938 CottageGrove avenue, and 8e11teent HarryCoan will be there eveuing to reeeive• pplieatio .... For the first time in yeal'8' CoaI:Il'Stagg will be able to pl'eBent' an evea"Trevon Arnett .... _ ......•.•.. $2.00 ly balanced track team'in the dualH. W. Humble ••.••••....••.•. $1.00 meet with Northweaten SatuMay.Dr. R. R. Gates .••• ' •.......•.... $1.00 '. .Prom present i.ndiealiona Chicago will-'W. P. Jackson. .......•.....••.. _$1.00 ha ve at least two men in· every event,and in many three, who are of -pollit' "advisement. At the auggMtion of thp.eoaeh the Sophomoree have challenged String Beans • .... • •. Mashed PotatoesLettuce and Tomato Salad", lIa)·onnaiscCherry Pie a la )lode.Tea, Coffee, Chocolate or Milk.the first year men on the _me anb·The Freshman kindergarten elus of jed, and the same ade will·be takcnthe School of Education will give a by the Freshmen.Chinese tea Friday in the Emmons Northwestern has a record of win-B]nino Kindergarten rooms. Rose Lee, ning three out of four of these eOD. PAUlO. to ORBAnwho is chairman of the refreshmentsteab, and the coaeh is very .mou. to 'l'ABOO 0LA88 FDID8conlmittee, is trying to make this af·develop a strong team this ,.ear, and FAVOR Wl'fJI ftUDBJrrSfair typical of the many Chinese t'eas make up for former defeat.. The th�she hns attended both in this country Freshmen who qualify will be workedand in Chinn. 1\[iss lfartin of the fac· hard and will have .. an ineentlve ela. in tango dancing, to take th�not only the satisfaction of meetiDlttho Evanston team, but the' material plaee of part of the gymnasium work.h .. met with great favor. Many nam('�h.ve alre.dy been reeeived, and ifthe preeent rate is kept. up, practicallyulty �·ilJ be present.'1'0 Pick AssIsta.nt Cheerleader- prospects for the tuition for one quar­ter, which is awarded to each memberTryouts for 885istant cheerleaders willof the team whieh wina the FrealuDaa' Strong ID �e!4, BftIl�Chicago appeafl' fairly "trong in. th� ,fleld events. De.. ,.Tardien, NOrgTen, __Parker, McConnell, Spark. h!\ve .• nlI!hown good form ia the NOt, 'altbolll11' ,Rchn.-eherger of Northw-eaW':'II, w�th _record of over forty·three. feet, -It:'Pft1'8 to have it over them .. "'0IIi�begin at the Purdue basketbnll game Sophomore eoateat.The intramunl eonteat, aeeordiq topresent plana, wiD be held &boat _lreelt preeediq �e iatereoDegiate de·bate, whiell i. .lled1lleC1 for tile �irdFriday of tile 8priDc quuter i. 1IaD.(C.t1aM4 _ ..... , ,Ceatia ..... ,... 4..) .tomorrow night. Two assistant cheer­leaders will be picked within the com· every sta�nt in the University wiH.ign . before Saturday _ Sinee none oftile faeulty have taken a stand again",ing month from the Sophomores whotryout. One assistant c:heerleader willbe 8Clected from those two at thc be- be 80 popular with the students, it ill!probable 'that the petition will bt­paaW ia tile afIU fulare.cinnin. of tho Autum. quarter.iI,,. I'(2'BB DAILY MAROON.' 'rJIUB&1)AY, JAlIVABY 29, 1914 ..Tile Daily811B8C1UP.l'ION BU'B8.BJ' carrl.r: U.iO a ,. .. r: 'LOO a Quarter.BJ' mall: 11.00 a ,.ur: 'L2i a Quarter. nne,Editorlal·Bualaea Otrtce. Ellla U.Telephone IIldwa,. 100. After 10 II m.Ibd. Park 4111. .--z ond· with 19LDelta Tau Delta defeated Kappa Com Exchange National BankSigma in thr� straight games lastnight, the scores On each side beinglow. WilJ�t was high rnn n with B Oaplta) .•...•....count of 181.TODAYChapel aasembl1ea, Dh1Di� schoolrector Stevens, 5828 Woodlawn ave-POint system-that is, the inclusion or.. with 195" )luna,.. rolling a dose 1t"C.cellitorfalMarooD � 6511 Cottac. Grove Ayenue. athletes in its provisions-at some Windrow� u�Pt 8aDdQ &ad 10 15 �--'- lL-...sa,. tIM AlIt1UDD. WlDter and at : in.uADAe.pdq Q� bJ' Th. Dall,. IiI&rooD y W L. 10 15 T .... _,_ .......8td. • • O. at : in �1INn.G .. W.CO&Uq .....II... 8. e.qa,"1'. Xu,W."L� French ClUb at 4 in Lexington 8.N .w. Editor8 1 5.000,000.00AiIIII&Ia..... Graduate Women's club at 4:30 in Psi Upsion took the first two games up U8 ••••••••••••••BuIa... XaaacerCln.-uo. Xaaacer LeXington 15. from Phi Delta Theta, thus deciding UndlYided Pro1lta 1.000,00.00Philosophical club at 7:30 in Bar- the cont�st. Both teams made ratherZIltend .. MCODd-cla.M mall at the per mo. Ii poor showing than was expected.Clalcap Pc.a.mce" Chlcaao. IlL. Karch II.H11", ua4w Act of IIa.rch a. 1171. Ken and Women's Glee clubs joint unter with s score of 200 in the fir!oltpractice at 7:30 at the home of Di· gnmt', and 169 in the second, he-lped toswell Psi U·s a.era�.The Scores:A. T. O. VB. Phi Kapp!. Sigma.A. T. O.time in history, and not forever yield Mey"r .to the dominating influence of ath- Hupp ........•.1'aesday � Undergraduate council letic:s?abolished the rule aempting athletesCommunication.AfhletesRule from the provisions ofthe l10iDt system. At Sunday EngJl,gements.least, that is the prac· To the Editor:, AtkinsI .. undeTotnltical e1I'ect of the ae- There appenred in yesterday's i�:;IJ(� La Croix 158Phi RapS, Sigma.Uon. ne rule, however, is to apply, of the Dnily Maroon � eommunicnt ion Whiteheadbeginning next year. This action is lamenting the fact thnt the Cap and Wassonunique in many ways. Perhaps the Gown, by scheduling nppointments fur Eastlake .. :. •. . . 110most astoUDdtDg thing is the fact that several campus organizations on Feb- Stains .........• :]59SUch an �cePt1on over crept into t1!e ruary 1, would, prevent students "fromPOint system. The point B7BteJn was joining the ranks . of those W110 "·madopted for three purposes-.6.rst, stop· 'go to church Sunday.'" r n order to 121161164123143712145101 OllTICERS.ERXEST A. HA),UULL. Prealdent.CHARLES 1.. HUTCHL...,.SON. V1ce.Pru.CHAlJ'XCEY J. BLAIR. Vlee-Pr.-lc1eot.D. A. J,lOULTON. Vlce-Praldent.B. C. SAlUIOXS. Vice-President.FRAXK W. SliITH. S.cretU'J'.EDWARD F. SCHOENECK. .Met. C..bler.J. EDWARD lIAAS, A_t. C .. hI�.JA30lES G. WAKEFIELD. Aael. cashl ....LEWlz:J E. GARY. Aut. CUbI ...136115139159178 17714:>14�13919P THE$3�ooo,ooo.ooDIP..ECTORS. ARROWSHIRTSThe ARROW label is yourguar .mtcc that the garmentis made of durable, fadelessfabrics, in such a thoroughway that we depend uponits good qualities to sell younnother shirt with the samelabel. $1-50 and "p.Cluett. Peabody & Co., Inc. MakersCharleeH Wacker Cb·de)1. carr'''Irtln A Ryerson E.Jw.n U. ForemanEdward B Butler Watson E. BlalrCharI_ H. Hulburd Edw.r.3 A. Shed4\' .renCt" B'lcklnltham �crlck W. ero.bJ'B-.JmiD C&rpeDter Eme .. A. HammSl'781 704 FOR MEN'168146 ONLY _ 111_·tra ted booket de­scrlblnc .. newtreatment tor all.tety -rlLZOr blades. makinK .,ne blatlto l.st• Illettme and be better tb..4 when pur­'!laRd. Sent on receJopt or .5 cent ..CLAUDE WOLFE.Boward 01· • .,.. Mich.152119169 llfiTotal . . . . . . . . 679 752 6:1(,Obi Psi VB. Beta Theta PJ.ping men from befD& overburdened prove his point, the writer inserted Obi Psi.vith o1ftces, wf1.1:ingly or unwillingly; the list of nppointments for th�,t flay. Rehmsecond. to secure a reasonable am.unt To me the contribution .seems amus- White.of attention to studies and the par- ing; for what is to prevent anyone Coleman.ticular activities by those parttCipat- from going to six o'clock mass, to Cole .ing; and, t.b1rd. to keep men from vespers or to "go to church Sundf':v'" l\{urrn): ."caahiDg'in" on their popularity gain· evening? Those who regularly n t-ed in athleitcs,_ etc .• by r1lDDing for tend church will attend, since the np- Total.class ofllces. To have made the e�- pointments for the photographs do ri··' Beta Theta Pi.ception in favor of athletes in the first take the whole day. But those, who Coulterplace, was to defeat every purpose or do not usually attend, ,,:ho hnve been F.ckles .the plan. Athletes, of all,�ents, � persuaded to �'join the renks," ote., 1 -Kendall ..•.....those who ha'Ve the least time for some pretty girl pinning a button, 1, -Lyman .........•other activities. Imagine a member of the' pleading tones of some sweet voi. '. M'.iUer .� football team tr71Dg to find time over the telephone, or through t­iD. which to edit the JIamon. or a hypnotic or mental suggestionmember of the baseball team ranni� some evangelist, would receive lit"Chi Psi Wins.a FrIar sho.... .And atllletes ale those benefit, and would never repent ti.' Delta Tau Delta.who have the widest acquaintance, and offense to himself agniu, if he was in-Iohansontbis is of great help iD. any class elec- his right mind. Any psyeholog'ist would Williams .......•tion. Why the exception crept in, is tell you that. Z. M. G.a l1i)stety. .And no ... the council pro­poses to wait' until next year. TheTo the Editor:idea seems to be that It would be aniDjasttce to athletes who had intendedto participate in other activities thisyear.' A more weak-b.eed argumentwould be hard to find. It this polieybe adopted, the rule should not beginto app17 untfl an students now here,from sentor to fftShman, shall havebeen graduated. Coneretely, the com·fng C01IDCfl electious ale in point. Nex,fan a councfl member camlot play onthe footbaD team. Bat the coUDdlts'�,in'YIUDg members who will be on thebuebaU team this spring. .Just howetIldeDt will these 1IleJnber'q�? An:1how eIlctent wm the counCIl be. U afew of these members are in the or·PldAtIon.,· From begtJming to end,this exeeptlon in fa.or of atllletes has Answers Communication.The query of "Student Volunteer"in this column yesterday is s�arcelyworth the answer; but for, the .,llenefitof �ny others who dislike the idea ofCnp and Gown picturt's being taken on'Sunday, r wish to say that a numberof years experience has shown thatSnnday is the only day on which en·tire groups can be brought togetherfor a picture. That this l� deplorableis agreed, but that it is necessaryshould be--and to the org:}"!"Iizations.is, quite obvious. It tr.iJ.:ht i e n v,o·y1suggestion, Mr. Shd('n� Volc"tl'(�r,lh�.!you use your splendi-J .energy on some·thing constrnctiv'J inatl':1.1 of "":lstingit upon a situatb01 t'h!lt !UIS pNvnn tobe inevitable?n, D. D. otalMeConnell .MillerWillettTotals 675Kappa Sigma.McCayCavinDunnT. RyanBln�kettTotalsPhi Delta net&.MatherO'ConnorJl'freryAndennanDBee •....•••••.....•.•..TotalsPsi Upsnon 140147125120135667135125182151lSI ,12'4'" -liG73217312813210114111913189133131---603beeD aded4� poor move and evaCOlluhie ••.•..........tile eDdiDc of the ezception character· DECIDE FOUR MA'1'CBBSRudy Mathews .•......•18tlcal1- hesltatlDg, cWrtdent. and, to IN BOWLING TOURNEY#Ricky Mathhew9Chi Psi, A. T. 0., Psi Upstlon, and !Bent .....•.........•..Delta '!'au Delta are Winners.De a IItreet phrase, "alo�.". Whatfa tile matter? Is the coun.cU afraidof the athletes? Is it afald to takea flnn staDd suc:h as 11 demanded bytJae belt IDteresta of all concerned.,IIast 1\ limp aloDg, and bow and ac:rapeto the Moloch of athletlca at 8T8l'J'tam, placate, �1'T BPlatn, aDdMJaope tIaa\ It ham'\ oft'eDded aD'T.oDer If'he 'IIIt11atiOD certaiD17 lookslib It. At � raw, may we ho"tIaat uae CMDlCIl will uve Mt'ft...... to aAopt tile "" beart of its Clli Psi and Alplm Tau Om('�n Tnn"'ere returned victors in the matches\",(,lItcroay nft('rnoon in the Reynolds�l\lb. After losing the firllt gnme, ChiPsi came baekj strong and �,\�i1y tool(the other two games am1 the match.A. T. O. had nn appnrently easy time"'inning from Phi Knppa Sigmn, makeing a c1Nln sweep of the three gnmc�.Coulter took the honor14 for high score BrownHunterTotals 183187110181157 123177131136Btl818195111109124 16�10,111Q116 It Takes Practice To Become Perfed.Tobacco When Chicago Was A We MadeVillage691 6').-_.15813313211717] 13411!l1421:l4]60.72]10013798112100 1·)'­_I1810813�130547 Sir;1 c) .._, 117148w�SolAA79140108102 ,,-, .�..... ., .... _�HICA.CD ..S56 556106129112 ]:t3109uo11�16�200699Breutecl Writes for JoumaLThe January Dumber of the Ameri·c!\n .Tournal of Semitic LanguageI' andJ,iteratures W88 issued by the Pressyesterday. It contains an artit!le byProf'eMOr Brerurted on "The An�ipntHistory of the Near F.ast." Follow the .BoysAnd take advantage of our discount saleLiberal reductions on every suit andovercoat in Our ShopDockstader & RexfordSuite 816 Republic Bldg.State and Adams St.&: BrOL her "eareer" marches forward wi*,maidens who adorn our magazine eov-Chicago. ers, one of those with an irresistable the tramp of inevitable destiny. Jot,was never made either for failure orattraetion for ODIe only man who ex-acts his first kiss at the dose after for .any other sueeess than she achiov:00. Marbridge fools thl. andAmateur playwrights,· take heart! brought in with a thorough disregardThe Chicago theater soeiety has open: of Monomy, have nothing to do withed a home for the erippled ehildren of the adion. It. drama consi8ta ot un-the stage, if their eurrent bill at the emotional request of Jack Folliott flam of (save the mark) femninistic poetic -love at fint sight' for a wom­Fine Arts theater is any indication. that Phyl, bored with governing andpropoganda is the "good" sister down an who drops from the e1oud8'� andThe darling of your brain cannot be a di8eharged for impudence, "go awayon her knees begging· Phyl to recon-WOI'Sf'I play than either Phyl, by Cieo- with him" for the plea8Ures and lux- who promises to stay �n,] ("ar� for himsider, and Phy!, as . the eurtain de-Iy Hamilton, or the Man·Eagle, by uries she desires. Phyl's aceeptance is out of pity to offset this realism; dou-seends, condescending for Cathy's sakeHarriet Monroe. motivated by no subtle twist thatto let Jack "make an honest woman of ble catstrophy (we presume this is thel4iaa Hamilton, who is a foremost eould lift the Situation from the trit- drama) when his friend arrivett -yith�I'."worker 011 behalf of the wom.n quos· eat trite. the news. that he hftS not been the firstFrances Waring played the difficulttion, doubtless . thinks that in Pbylshe Granted her ..... oblem, however, ",s to fly, ad then adds to hi� 1hclippotnt-I"'" part of the good sister in her .dmir-haa eontributed IIOmethiDg to the prob lIia Hamilton would be if she began ment by walking off with th\� ondNOTte. ingly sturdy maDner, .nd Mi88 'Mona1em of the new woman. A19. matter with .et II how does ah- proeeed to woman •., Limeriek, who becomes leu annoyingB ...... You Clo' •• DQ-cJeaaet a. of f.et Phyllis Cheater is the oldest ftIOlve it for the etemal benefit of The incompetent jarring eombinn ......... • 1 rn. ••• 1 I.lenal. 70. wID as one gets used to herr gave a con·••• II 10 - • ..au •• 1 .roalaMe la- kiDd of • woman--the one who wants femiDillJD '. An. enernal eatastrophe- tions of prosaie realism with wild- sistent sketeh as Phyl in whieh sheto live off bel' wom.nhood without the entf- ) .. - of J"aek's moneY which . la 1 d·� It flights of imagination are decidedly.... .,_ � managed lOme partleu r y IIIICUworkiDg. ADd .lthough )(jIB Hamil· ---l-t th • rod ti f inartistie. The blurred symbolism and.h ••• a. Uyl... I. Dorallodea lean nee�_u .. ea e JDt uc on 0 an paaages with remarkable eontrol.f • 110 ton talb eDdle8elv .nd red.ad.n.tl" tL d Ii L te t b L tLCIo�. I. an 0 ••• 1', o. n� � " 0 uer .ng ng cuarac l' 0 rea.. ue fte MU B .....•• lalhe ean. ••• .elJTen taIJ7, for two tiresome .eta, aile tlaro'Wtl not 2_ L fl _..6 I ..6 L H.e"_ .. uer rat m_"er y 8"ro .. e. er 'ui_ Monroe is something of D �rit .• �.n eaU ., .It .. ,. HI5. If· . h h 111 ....one g eam 0 Jlung t upon el'. seeond is Phy)'. he1'Oie Belf·sacriflce h. f � it" and something of a poet, but if t. eThe fll"IIt .et of Ph"l eould, with "lae."e ofrers to stiek b .. Jack in his nd·· h ,-." Man-Ragle is any i ,uhon 8 e ..nothing of a dramatist. In lL burst ofpoetry she doubtless conceived the air·ship man as the Man-Eagle. Rut in­ftteed of writing a 1yric about it, 19heaH a dried-out drudging siRer, when mun needs dip into "Drama" withMin Chester I. all ugly toad, one has moral seruplea no longer. The eVflryonc elee. No need to have deft.I'd like to stamp on her in the road. third il a Hindle �kes-y piece of nite ilSUeB, to know what thf!Y are, orHere Mi. H.milton, weakly endeav· busilloMl, when J.ek, now that he basto work them out clearly and (!onl'ist­oring to work up on '.t1IIO�here," hu no walth (II' 80eial position to lOBe, entl,.. The ''Stuff'' of the Man.F.ftltlehit upon the ke,,·note of her theme. .. b PIa,,1 to be his wife, and she, with 11 • erudel" realistic Mt at the airFor the reel, the .et tells in ereaking .n infinitude of good ftUOns, refuses, .hip in.ventor's shack on the .'rizona�xpoeitlon • type story without indio bouule she "didn.'t ... ke her offer for �esert; still more erude and ghastlyvidlJality or subtlety. The ehildren a reward:' But that il'l not the worst! buanMII of feeding him beeaul'e he isaDd aU tIa. memben ot their bolDe, Fourtla mutedy stroke in this flim- too .. CrOaeCJ ,. Ilia dl"e&lIUI to e.l'ei •Don't Blame theImplement---blame yourself-if ."ou ean't pia"up to form with a strange raeket,or golf elub, or basebalL There isno excuse for you. Spalding Ath­)otic Goods are on sale In everyt.o'Wll from Maine to California..... for Oar C&CaIo ... .-U'. Free.A. G. Spalding28 S. Wabash Ave.thiltaplnstblDaanafERYleEYOU'VE HEARDOF THE MJlAs-1:'"'1TER KEY" THAT'1FIT SEVERYL 0 C )[ - DIDYOU EVER HE�-O� A .ASTER,• 0 DEL OF ATYPEWRITER'"TIaIDk of ALL ofthe eoablDed acl­...... _e. 01 SEV­ERA.L. tJ"pewrllen,.0. Ia ..... e see ..eoDe.D t r. , e 4 I.f' N E .taaclard... ���I_. __ - .The Be7aI .......perfeell7 �kDo.... f __ ofceDera •• or­re.po.deD.oaad doe. eudwrltlDc •• d c..­.... Md BUllac be­"dee - .. tboat aaIqIe ".peeIaI at­tae .... eat.. to .dde:rtl'a Nd to tbetypewriter. Tlalakof till. .......d ,..wID •• n. laid,.pod Idfoa of tbeM .. ter-Model ofth� Bo�I."ROYALT�PE"'RITEB CO.IDe.51 P.. )loal'Oe 81 ..Chlcaa.o. DLlilt Easl ,,� Sine"SUBSCRIBE FORTHE DAILY IUBOON TJaree leaSODS Wh7 JOO should Eat at the leo's Commons1st. Good Food Pl'operl� Cooked.2.d. Cleaniinesl our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen3rd. A MiDimum Price for Hlah Quality Foodecnventional "Ideal' about them. Each ealibre seem 10 essential? Was ahe, ChI' Brealdasi 15e up Cafeteria a& Laoebafter. all, simply life---atuft manufae-] � a • -,,-�- BUSIC "-me IDis but a step for Joan in her transfor- I ., ..... � 4�..-.c '-IVmation frOID salesgirl to star. Her im- tured, hastily and eareleesly in an oldpulses are in every ease made elear worn mould, beeause destined solelyto be fed wholesale into the inaatiablewith a singularly unbiased hand, bu�in the one instance where Mr. Vanct> maw of the stage?"allows himself to pronounce upon Rather rough in plaees, and bearingthem, he reveals remorselessly the IOmewhat the merltieious stamp ot.�hoJfteomings they donate in. his hero- the beat seller as at the reintrodue­ine. He says: "She brought to her tion of Joan', family at the end ofwork nothing but beauty and an un- the book aDd of Mlarbridge at theshakable self-confideDce 10 thoroughlyseene of her Jut catastrophe-theingrained that it escaped suggestingbook 18 further redeemied from theBOOK NEWS ST. LOUISBest ReacW by nroqh ad Fast Traiu of theD..LINOIS CENTRALAll Steel D.,Iig"t SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.: arrives SL Louis (via MerchantsBridge6 :02 P. m, Indestructible steel cars of handsome interior finishEvery comfort and convenience will be found on this train.Diamond SpecialLeave Chicago 10: 30 p. m.; arrive SL Louis 7 :48 a. m. Electric­lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago.Stop. Mad. iD Bolla Di .. ectioaa .t Soalla Sid. n .. oac.�t.tioD •• 43 .. d. 53 ... aDd 63 .. d Sir .. bObservation Parlor Cars. Cafe Cub Cars. SleepingCars. Free Reclining Chair Cars and CoachesTick.b. F ...... ad Sleepiac ea .. R ....... tioa •• tCITYTICltBT OI'l'lCE 76 West Adams 51..T0Ul �,. bJ' L. .T08eph V� 'At last'-the perfect human kinot".Little Brown • OoJD»&llT, $1.30 aet.' phone record."Joan's story of revolt from th� A big thiDg ub )ut the book is iti:lstoeJdng-counter and hee rise by de. convincingness. One feel& cunficJutvlous ways through the sub-strata ·of that altbough it is not :llwa�'8 tho r­stageland till at last she beeame a o1!ghly plausible in b'l'�b .l\'tnil:l n. tLosuccessful star, is a bigger and more rapidity "'ith which Jo u a�quirlld IIprofound piece of work than anything soeial veneer under Marbridge's influ·enee, 1)1' the eompleteness with whiehMr. Vance has heretlofore attempted. she sathdied him for awhile, despiteHe has ceased to pause over the sugar- her shortcomings, or e'-en the Iueksyrup of the conventional Best Seller whi�h facilitated her rise to a remar",­and mixes ua a new eoektail from thewine of life. Joan is not one of tho able degree, nevertheless in the 1a1J')three hundred pages of pursuit andexpression to it' when she says, towardadventure. She passes tarough a serales of passionate encounters-with a the end of the book, "The girl hasstage hand at the hippodrome, with an given herself to the theater ot herown volition after all. Or had she?unsueesaful playwright, Marbridge by Had the right of eholee been accordedname, with a aeeond-el888 aetor, withher Or was i� .bnply that she hadn stage fop, with a soeiety roue, witha successful prodncer--and nowhere is been designed by Dature espeefally forthere a breath of the much-abused that business to which workers of her Ll.�CHAEL.D.P.A.-._ .. _._-_. __ .. _. __ ._----self-eontldence. " His disapproval of- 'her . iii 80 �S· thUr-ta the 1D0r., � of. Mr. Vance's former novela bY',remarkable in • man of Mr. Vanee's a .plelldidly realiatie piature of theliterary attitude--that he tnk� per- same family ill the early portiou ofROlla} delight in reporting the eriti· tbe work, and b" a Mal linoerlt" ofcism of her genius made by "the one treatment am,. .. to whleh few of ouracidulated eritle who bailed her ns, I Am.erlcall 1l0vels attain.Student �ws on Plays of the Weekconsiderable beneftt to the pia", be trouble, without regard, of coune, towholly omitted. It contain. bat tWf' the obvious faet th.t even Queenslandvaluable lines out of hundred.. These aDd. big good·)ooking maD is infinite.are the children's "Ode to • Gover- 11' preferable to London office-worknea": ESTABUSHED 1818�M... ,tCW VOilA.., Garments for ever)" requirementfor Da,. or EvenlDg Wear,For !'ravel or Outdoor Sportbe at theBOI'EL. LA 8ALLBFebruary 12th, 13th &lid 14th. .undramatic talkin.eq of the �rk aro{'ertainly trying, and the one worth­while piece of bU8i�19 in the play(probably beeause it is th� origiualpoetic vilrion with Which MiM MonrOQstarted) comt'tt without the !"Cope orthe actUAl drama. It is the bit of pAn­tomim� ,,·hen th(' Tndifln AnUI'ka hand!4the Man-}Aig1e th(lt thrt"'e engl(' ft"Ath-fOnt of his tribe.Miss Limerick and Walter Hamp­d .. n did in�resting work in thi" play,:tnd Miss Limerick's c�ume, 10 atro·{'ious in both acts of Phyl as to d(lt·!'erve special comment, made her foronce in • way .s good looking .. herpart demanded. Ornnge i" doubtlessMiss Limerick'. eolor.. L:.�...Jis the best leni-j:;�d .o,·erin the wllIeho:.L�t"-n ctow,:msiorml1uon from har�h ,�<:;'lw lJDolin� tobacco. 1 ::.:cy evicts the bite--catU!es theualitics of the leaf-a aa�'�r�ood-wondetfully goodltobacco lakes time to pro-dDI�'-eJ;lreme care withal, hut t�lissmoke we all wAUt·--.J� ,..,uy THE DAlLY MAltOON, THURfJ>AY, JANUARY 29, 1914.THESMOOTHESTTOBACOOFuDTwoOunceTma--------------------------- --------For all 'round ,vear and good servicee recommend our SPECIAL \VI�:·ER OFFER---A black, blue or grayge or cheviot suit, with extra tror­rs of the same or stripe material$30.00TAILOR FOB YOUNG MLNerutty JewelryLeatber GoodsColll'ge NOTeltles Ern boss(',1 Stationery"'cddlng InvitationsCalling CardsBROCHONENGRAVING COMPA NY" H. G. TlJRX ERPresidentTclepllonc GIC lIalltrs BuildingRandolph 31C3Tie Hit of The Seasonn,. ,'" 2 For 25 Cents.1,t,oy's Best ProductJOSEPH SCHMIDTStationery, and Toiiet Articles.FTX I,: Ll); I-: 01-" c.\:\" D! j.::-3956 � 55th St. Chica�o, DLImport.ed and D;l�cs"'ic Lin� of(:J(;.'R� .. 'so f'I(l,\RETTt:Si++.++++++++++++++.+++++++,. \ The New Florida Holel5721 Cottage Grove Ave.is making SpecIal Rates to students,Steam hc�lt �nd er::c�r�c light in allrooms.Rc!'Otanrnnf, narhf'r Shop. RowllD,nnll HlIlleu'II!I In ('onn",·U(ln. CHICAGO liAS EVENLY .BALANOED TB.A.CK TEAM I(Continued from page 1.)Boroff', :\roor;'. n nd Heller will b .. , usedin the rol,' vault. T'h om as is "':u,;il�' GRAND OPERA NOTESTALES OF IIOFFMAXOffenbach.TOnight, 8 P. X.till' best of till' hu m-h, butshould In nd second pluce, :1I11.1:t 11(1 Jlelll'r Iiuish well up. Borllf The Tales of Hoffman is a music)[lIon' ' st'f t i IIg to the well-known GermanT:tl('s by E. Th. A. HofJ'man. The Pro. AmusemeDts.GARRICKHONEYMOON EXPBB88With AL Jolson and 100 OthenCOlAN'S GlAND"NEARLY :MABB.IED"With Bruce McRae"Delightful Comed7-GreatFun."--Amy Leslie In Ne ...ILLINOISJULIA SA:ND:E:RSONIn Tn.:: SUNSHINE GIRLWith Joseph Cawthorn and.IOO MoreHo""ard'S TheatreA Blow at Commercialized ViceIt Has A wakeued Chicalo.THE TRAFFIOpOWERSDAVID WARFIELDIn The Auctioneer--.,�CARRIE D. RAYMONDBeauty Specialist1116 E:l�t 5St�1 Street.Tf'II'Jlhonf' 11. P. :!� 11.Opf'n .:'·f'nln�!I all,1 Snn,lay )tornlnJ:"l'oAl1 "'or" l)on(' at Rl'a!iion:abll' J·rlr .. � •Will Give P:m-Americ:m Program•. \ "!':o n ,\ n."; if':: n·':1\·('JlI:('..\ 11:'('t'n invited. With Cox, Gorgas, u nd Dl'� -Iurd ieu. 11I�1l(, shows n group of students ill:111 vet eru n Iti�h jumpers, this l'''('lIt tho Luther wine-cellar of Nuremburg.�('t'ms to bl' well taken cure of. Whit· Hoffman, one of their number, is rath­ill�. Tenny, Russell, a nd Horwitz an' er �l()(lmy, but in response to the de.the most promising of the lit'\\" eun- munds (If his fellow-students, starts ud idnt es. .'UlIIt'S of Nc.rt hwest.ern, till' sonjr. ITl' wanders from his text intomllst d:lu:.!l'rtlll� oppoue nt, is !� :.!(HIII prn ise of the charms of woman, Tbl'mu n. hut jUlIIl'illg from u },ua .. d n,H'!" sttllh'lIts rally bim, claiming that he is\\ ill )1:llldit·al' him to some extvut , in 10\"('. He denies this, und by wayIIf ver ificat io n, relates h is unfortunate10\"1' oxporiencos, Th('�(' stories forl:1�LASSIFIED'--' ADVEirrjSEi\'it:NT� H:l' t('xt of the oporn.Til" fir�t 'uh t ••• '('n t!rt' IS With O!ym.pin, slIPpos,'d d:tllghtt'r of Spalunzllni.--�-. ------ ------ ---.------- - ._----fn rimous N('i,'ntist. OlymJlia rea 11_,' ·I . .l>t,,· pl'!" li ne, :'\ 0 31h crti�elllellt:c re .�"pi"l'o! for less than :!;;c. All classified a wonderful m('('hanil'nl doll, boughtadvcrttsemcuts must be paid iu ad. of Coppelins, After various advr-n-FOR SALE-A new No.5 Oliver Typl' man slays her unfortuna.te lover, andwrittcr in perfect condition. Must sellas he demands hr-r, mocks him,lea\'ingtherefore price reasonable. Write, or with Dnppertutto.call af'ter 7:00 P_ M. E. H. Brunemcier·.·:!llI'C.�LOST-Itl Harper Lavatory A dillner riB:.! at nuo n �rullllay. F'ind«I,le:l!"c 1":I\"l' n t Luf'orma t io n ollie!! iCobb.TO RENT-Olle suite bedroow, sit!':n�u url bn t h, OIiC or two men, w it h i n :.f'ew blocks (If U. 1'0 rent for sprmsn nd summer quarter. Apply Box :!'!IFaculty ex. tun'!'. lTutTm:ln Ilanc('s with his be-10\"(',1 until Ill' �woon� from exhaust inn ..Coppr-lius. in rl'nlit�· till' evil demon\\"110 is p('rN('('llting HotTman, appenrain a Tag" bocnuso the Ilraft. with whichJ �palan7.ani 11!�s pn id him for Olympiais wort hlr-ss, n nd HofTm:>n reeovorsfrom h is swoon to S(,I' Coppelias smash.i lit! 01m�·pia.Gilllil'ttn is t ho hf'roin(' of the sec-011(1 advontu re. Shl' iN the tool of thoevil mnrricinn, Dnppertutto, who is thesame Copp('1in� in nnot-ll(>or guise. Shehas n lready ensla\'('(l S('hlemil, andhrings about a qllnrr('l in which Hoff.IIofTmnn's third unfortunte nffair iswith Antonia, daughter of Crespel.Antonin is afflicted with ('onsumption,LOST-Esoteric pin. Finder please r('·turn to information office in Cobb. n.nd on thnt a('('ount, has bee� forbid-den to Use her fine talf'nts as a singer.LOST-Delta Kappa Phi society pin. The evil spirit, in the guise of Mil"Gold, oval slwped, cdged with wholl' nkle, persundes her to sing, and inpenrIs. Please return to Josephine consequence she di('8.fiogers 1444 E. 54th St. Rewnrd. The epiloguo shoW'S the wine-C'ellnr.The stud('nts thank Hoffman for hisBOARD-In smnn privnte family. Ex' story, nnd lea.ve. The mnse of ArtceI1cnt home cooking. Limited numbeinppenrs to eomfort him, but he hn�at table. Address fil�4 Woodlawn av(' .3rd f:11l1'n into an intoxieated stupor.nue, npnrtm,�nt, telephone Hyd('Pnrk 637_ Ch:'lrll's Dalmores will sing Hoffman.Th(' tlJre(' women will be personated h�·NICELY FURNISfJED-Light, fron; Floren('(' l[acbeth, Mabel Riegelmnn,room; 2 windows; large closet; clec :'lnd Ali('(' Zepilli. Dufranne, Crabbe,tric Ii�ltt, steam heat, good opportunit� an(l JTuherdenu will play the villains.for two women students or teachers The Tnlf's will be followed hy :1ncar Park nnd Midway_ 134;' Easl one-nct comedy entitled "A Lover's(j:!nd St., 3d Apt. Tele. )[idwny S57:l. Quarrel:' The libretto is by Comitti,53 Midllle Divinity Hall.\VANTED-Onc or two girls to sha.rlli;!ht·bou�ck('cpin:; npartmcnt for wintcr (Iuarter. ]Ofr:-. E. F. Denton, :'71'Ooullester. Phonl' n. P. (jfiaa. :'lna the mllsie by Attillio Pa relli , nml'mh(,T of the eompnny. Zepilli, Bas·si, Poll's(', , nd Berat will tak., thepnrts, with Pnrelli eondneting.MRS. FLORA MacIVOR SMITH- D�CmE ON SUB.TEC'l'Yoice builaer and teacher of artistj(· FOR l"B.E8lIXAN DBBA'l'Bsin:;!ing, Mondnys and Thursdays nt�rrs. Knights, 5652 )[nryland A\-enuc (Continued from page l.)Wt'nncsdnys and Sahmln�'s at home rl('1. Tt i!'l hopl'd thnt this will put thl'r.:!:i6 "Mnrylnnd .A '\"cnnc. For informn· rhicnt!o tt'nm in good shnpe for thl'tion address 63:i6 ){:lr�'lnnd A\"enu(· !nt('r cbsh.Phon(', lJidwny 4390.LOST- Tep of fraternity pin. Lett�r the finnl nrrnngemr.nts for the tryoutwi1l hc nnnolln�l'(l at theDl'lta set "'jth pear.s nnd a dinmond. FreshmnnLihr>ral rcwnrd if r('turnM to MUo :Ind SopllOmore ('ln�!'1 mootings on Feh·Ell' A runr"- 6, in conne('fion with the nomi-',IS \"('nne. Tcl('phonc J1:pfe I'a-:-!( .IHJ!J4. nntion� for t.he nnl1('rgraduftte eonnciJ. COR"I'. J 'Jack Lait's ·New Pla7HELP WANTEDA Clean Comedy Drama wltllHenry KolkerSTUDEBAKERJULIA DEANArrang'l'ml'nts for the orgnnizntiorof n �t rong' ,1 ('})3t i ng 8()Ciety in th"SWIT{'.H:S ;\l\ TIl: f'nfnr CO�,nt�r.s FOR SALE-Stnn,lnr,1 Smith.PremierA ......-n lTnh'l'r�ify nre now being developerl., r.l-:�TJ.l:�II:� :H.\�HTnl:,\O TYP('\\"Titer in ('''I'('))cnt condition, nt l,�' the Ff'n('ihl('�, nnd it is prohable\'('ry r('nsonnhle terms. :\ �rent bargair. that the tryollt� for the Freshmanfor anyone c1e�iring' a typcwriter forDl'nn :\r:lth('\,,� \\il1 "ntnt:.in the h'nm will !'I1'T\"e the pnrpose of a try·rrofl'��ionnl u�e. n. n.l..cmon, Ro('m flC . out for m('mh('r�hip in the new orgnn-.oSIJloj'(llitali dl:i, :Jl}(l :dl fOfl'i;:n horn r:y('rson Lab. or l!.!:!O 1';. ;,4th St. izntion. The (1('t:d18 of this plnn nnd Season's Laugh, Love and Coin PlayHER OWN KONBYFINE ARTS"C 0 WAR D 8"A Great Play in i ActsBy R. :M. L 0 V E 'r 'rprincess'.rilE LUBBMost Powerful Dramain Fifty Yearso LVl\tlPICREADY MONEYWithROBERT OBERLASALLE'rango-Filled Song-OomeclT"SEPTEMBER IIOJUrWiua Dan Lnta- ... _.