lailg sr.-mn !t"� ,_ .�'6. ';.. -.. ,"., _. : - ...Vol XII.. No. 74. 1J1UVBB81'rY OF OBIOAOO, .WEDNESDAY, JAlnJABY 28. 1914. PBlOB· FIVJI· �.. ....,.. . '" . � ...... _� tv". .."BAR ATIII11ES FROMHOLDING BIG OFFICES"A Two·hundred couple- Prom" .wbe the aim of the committee in chlii�of thi8 year's Prom, aeeording to lhannouncement made yeste�ay af�i-�The orchestra has been fortunate in noon. The largest crowd that hasIy decide41 upon, a Beethovea Svm­ter October 1, according to the revised phony will be included. The lest ofpoint system as adopted by the Under-the numbers will be anuouneed later.WILL GIVE CONCERT SOON "TWO HUNDRED COUPLESFOR PROM" IS SLOGAN . . .BEGIN BOWUNG CO� NEW WRESI1ING �:"TAIE$'I_� .,,�_gDelta Upsilon And pelta KappaEpsiloo Victors Ov� PbL PsiAnd Sigma. Alpha' E�University Orc:bestra Organizes 00A New Basis - Close CharterMembership Ust February 9 This Year'. Chairmen DeclareThat Annual Dance Will BeAD.Univenity Affair Delta Upsilon opened the inte1'·fra·Revised Point Syatem is AdoptedBy Council Y ea�rclay-ManyCbanaea Are Made The University ereheatra has been . "-working hard sinee the first of theELECDON SET FOR FEB. 13 quarter on the program tu he givenFriday night, March 13th. Althc.ughAthletes will be barred practically the program has not yet!Q d�d·.l��-from holding any important office at- COSTS LESS THAN TEN ooLLAll' ternity bowling season yesterday af.: Iternoon with a clean aweep over Phi' BEUEVESKappa Psi. The match was decided;hy the second game whiCh Delta: u.took with even greater eaae than the �tion of ,Coach � et�ert�n, a�first, more than a hundred pins eepa- practice in preparation' for' the : Coll.­i-ating the two teams_ BaldwiD' of the' fer�nce' �reat1ing meet at LiD��"victors was high man, with Tolman of NebraSka, .Mirch·' 27: and 28., _ �the same teama poor seeond, 'Moulton squad this year is" double the' �. ofitirred for Phi Psi. The seore fol- any ainee the beginning of the aport.t;;...: Coach 'Netherlo� c·omei. � the�Vrl';��-Pi.t Kappa Pat. sity with. a splendi.d n:putat!OIL'ta·t.)Wagraduate council yesterday afternoon.The amendments proposed by the com­seeuring the auistance ,f Mr. R(Jh�rtmittee in charge were accepted with W. Stevens, who is now t.h.l h.-lo'\ 1 !)fthe provision that the proposal to the department of Music. Mr. :-tcv­.trike out the clause reading: "Ath·ens before joining the far:fllty. "!lS :tletes may hold one big position besides professio�l aoloist. At th,: eeneert.a membership on team" should not go the Univenity irt'ldents will be en­into effect until the first of next year. ever attended a Washington Prome­nade haa been 160 couples, the recordestabllshed four years ago. By mak­ing the dance a. whole-University af·fair the ehairmen this year expect tohave at l068t 400 people present. sChaefer .. � •....,"oore _.�rga •••••••••.•�ulton ...•.....'nn •......... 134 140 136139 163 t'llrn1 113 -175146 158 ISO125 107 133abled to hear !lim play either 11 COD­"The reason for striking out this eerto with Orehe:ltM acc.,mpanim .. nt,clause," said President Lunde of theor a aborter num��r with orehl"stru.council last night, "'is that we feel accompaniment and a group of solos.that no man actively participating The orchestra has ju,st purcbased "In the past the Prom has been anorganization affair," said Howell Hur­ray yesterday. "It was originallystarted as a private enterprise, and atone time was managed by the secret 665 881 73:-2,083146 In157 149123 115152 '132181 iT."in athletics can do justice to both hismajor activity and his athletic work.This provision going into effect in theFall, will carry out to the fullest ex­tent the fundamental proposition uponwhich the point system is founded, todistribute the offices more evenly andto prevent any student being carried,through his popularity, to an office for. �hieh he has llleither the time nor the'- '_ --�ability.""" ' __ ''_'' -'!'he 0baDges.Some of the changes made follow:Cireulation manager of GIe Daily Ma­roon, 1 points in autumn, 3 in winterand sp�!'�; "usinea manager of theMaroon, 1 points every quarter; re- Grand totalsocieties. This year there will be as Delta UpsUbu.two violas and two baas violins. Theseinstruments, together with a harp, wi.llmake the orchestration eomplete, TheKa,. Ask Outsld. KeD. 1 rdfriends of the orchestra will be happy .eona - • . . . . . . 134to know that a �anent organiation To aid in giving everyone a chance Knight .....•.... 118has been e«ected on a Itriet member· to attend the Prom. the Undergradu- Tolman •... '.... 1�ship basis thus a.-.'iring to the Uni- ate council has passed a resolution Baldwin ••. . . . .. . 171varsity a permanent student organiza- that campus women may invite out-tiou, A large number of students have .de men, disl'egarding the tradition of Total 745 819 747�ported ��_ .�_raals this quarte.r, former yean. Alumni have already Grand ;'total ' ,:. .2,311�d"tb ��b�;;h�mbli'fGia .begui-mati�'Te.ei.att�· AJi�.ort _. iJii,"��'·���1.d��4iii�·membership of 50 studeata. ThOle de- i8 being made to have members of the Gamma Delta and Sigma Chi' w .. �st­siring to join. the Ofth.Mi.. 'trill be faculty attend the Prom for the dance poned until next week.given until Feb 9 .. he. the charter itaelf, instetld of going:.merely as chap- Delta Kapp� Epsilon defeated S�g·membership .� win be clOMMl- Pros- �l'oneJI. 'ma Alpha Epsilon in the Ant tw�peetive memben ah.01l1d· lee Mr. Ora· "The Prom, c�ntTary to what most gaml"S of their match last night, there-gun in BelAeld HaD 159. people think, is not an expensive af. by deeiding the first contest in themany freshmen as Seniors.' Norton .•....••.. 155 PR�PECTS . BIUCHTUniversity wrestletaj "under the .di-AiDa.Netherton i. an all-round atlilet ... ·, , ';having starred in football traek, .... �bal' and tiasketbali. 'ne b .: ·�duit.'·.. , , ...... "':.! ." • 1of Indiana UniverSity- and was a lfs.em- 'ber of, the v�rsity .. football' te� �he�for t�o years; - ('6r : a�d '08l.·;·1td.'.. .� .played a��st th�, U �i.v�rsity' �f .·Ch.i-.eago in the days of EekeraaB.· pd_Steffen. "\'!he'� lle fi'uiahed his' �n •• '.coone, �e :i�ok up th� �;ork':':o(' o��ganizing a, systeJ;ll oi' physical _,u-.,ti�n in the Gary public �hools.':· .. is" � . . .. �8y�tem is now .reeognized, as one of-thebeet of ita kind i� the: �orlci •. �::'��Year ��th�rt.on. w-as . coach' in �­ling at University high_'Khool a.a� ....•. ' . t� • tJ.· -.ftrl at tli �.����1:.8 5� �_� -�:'�--"�- ..Pa�k Y. !II_ C� 'A�'···Dunng'···tia."·"pastfall he coached the' .f�t�U 't+� �:uBunien. Iow�.. : The coach .. couaiden. the �Jlacprospects for - ihe' coming y-c. .. ' ��tee .. e�u'raging. Two of t�e, ola_� : .... e-"Hart and Madi�n,' :ire ba�k, a�' it .i.porters, 3 points; business managers of fair," said Earle Shilton, ebairman of p�ond division. The Sigma Nn�Alph"the Cap and Gown, 7 points in autumu � �VAL OP the FinaDl!e committen yesterday, "I l)t-Ita Phi contest was closer, eflch hav·and winter and 6 I'n spriyu"., abbot of YBBiBipliA». OONCBB'1' h .g t' I t 1.. 1 _.. expected tllat arou�d .these ,h�·o ... v�t�r-_ ave talked with a lot of men, many In won a game a a a e .. ?ur a� .' - ..RI kf' 3 art • h I ans a suces8ful team can be �ilt •... _Itac - 1'1ars, points every qu er; of them who are k1lown as society mg t. n the sixth frame of the. I . . . Latter Pan of Propam i. PuUcuW- the men are 'trilling he saya_ .. tbat he i.hosplta er, 3 pQ1nts in spnng; aUlst-,_ w.,... -.cetY8d.. men, and they have all It:lid that there third game Sigma Nu WftS in tlte lea�.d' rt AI .. n h - h . h sure th�t 8. Wl'estling, . ch�pi?�laipant costumer �n a88lstant prope '! is no reason why it 8h�:Jld cost mOTe �ray WaR Ig man WIt a seOl'e of5 . . Y t rd ' h h I "03 - th fi t . h De' 'L will be broufPht to Chicago. th.i., POLDts each in spring; the cast es e a,.. concert, on t e woo, than ten dollars to attend tbe Prom." 1D e rs game against t e A.�. �7 points each in spring; assistant bos, was typical Starting with an indif- �y working a little co-operative Harger, with 189 pointa, led for the He is desirous that more men,. espe-cially football pla,.·��, �me o�t f,or.iDeas manager, of Glee club, 3 points fcrent audience and indifferent work arheme with fraternity brothers and Alpha Delts in the. other contest. .'in autnmn and winter and 2 in the by the orehestra, the whole feeling im' resi.dnts of the _me halls, men ean The fil1lt S�gma N\J4.Alpha _Delt game the tfIam.It-� . . Direetor Stagg in speaking of, '"'". t-rem 'l:'U In a tIe �o� neeessitating'�extra frame. The final MOre �s 676 ling, says: ""I would be grea�ly. p�to 675 with the Alphll Delts on top_ if more of tbe footl.ll. �e..' ,,0 .. 11 �out for this sport, beeauae �. eo��_it ODe of the beet form. of traim .••that football playe':' can have." ,':8cIled1l1e Pndlee .....Wrestling meet. Will be eelaecluledwith, Reveral teams befo� �be .Co.fer·ence m�t. Negotiation •• �. �o": . Oilwith the University. of_ nl!�i� ,�DdIIOme of the local Y. .1:'. �. ,�' �o� tb •arraDgement of conte8tL If. t�_ '•• -gotiations are sueeeaful, tb. �Ien_ill be in exeeD81lt eODditioD ��e •. til ••time for the big m�t �ni��' '.' .' ..pring. proved, and the program was awept go for much cheaper than that.'.A few of the changee among the to a strong conelusion.w8men are: Viee-preaident of Y. W. The Bach CODCl"rtO' for string orch�-, 8PBAK8 BBPOBB J'UlfIOaC. L. 3 points ev_" quarter; second tra, met the uaUl fate of. BacJa.-..eD Sigma Nu won the second, 70.1 to· 679.eabinet, 2 points; and secretary, 2 indifferent reeeption whleh the obll­points. Honor commiaion mem'bel1l gata by Weiabacla, played in splendid The Dekes won their first game by IiHOBO. COMMT88l0N margiD of only two poiDts, 702 t0700.are given 3 points each. A number fashion, eould, not break up. The 01'- The eeeond was _sier, Delta Kappa. ad - h.--6 did ot to ._ 1. Letitia Fy«e addressed the .Tunior �psl·loD rolll·ng up' 745 to S. -A.' 'E.'_of other mInor changes were m e, lD- c 1C'_1'a n wal'lll up 1_ worA. ..eluding 5 point" in winter aDd spring until well into the Bela"ma ••• uaaber. Women's chapel yesterday on the Hon· ,;�ofor freBhman debating team and 5 From then, IIJIDpadaetie work a.d ap- or CommiB8ion. Her talk inel'uded thepoints in winter for Sophomore debat· preeiati'Ye reeeptio. e1aan.cteriSec1 tile election and meetings of the eommill'ing team. A complete announcemeDt .. ft.raooa. sma, reports of the students, and allof an points all they &taad DOW will TIle Eae.eo ao.a.aaia. rlaapeoc1,- other work cOILDeeted with the com'be published soon. wu a ato�oue of .upri-, aad the lUiaioa. "The Rudents and faeultyNolDID&te on Feb� 8. ·'ultn.·aodera" ftdiac b�t a ripple believe," said Mia Fyffe, "that theNominations for members of the of laag.ter froID t •• a�ieMe betOft' Honor C'ommiB8ion will make;t Do ne"­eouncil will be made by the three lower tile appla1l_ broke loMe. Tb MockelaBSl"S at meetings on Friday, Febru· Morria Daaee of ·Graiacer had a dub undl"rstanding betwl"en the instructoRary 6. The eleCtions will be held onf'! alld awiDg, wltie., witJl it. .onl touch· and the students. Onr idea ill to getweek later. Petitions for nomination, .., prom ._ a�b1e. Several behind the; the student14withdrawal and rcelaseificatioD must of tile Bnla.. BlIaaariU daDCe2' and profeasol1l Bhould be working to·be submitted by February 10. Tbeae bro.' tile procra- \0 a neeea- gether, not apart. President .lud8onpetitions 8b�uld be BeDt to Mi. Ott ful eoadaioa. aDd the dealUl are heartily in sympathyat the bureau of records. In the future TIle propaa folio .. : with tlte movement. The Honor com-all matter 'of recla_fieation will be Ooaeertci No. 3, G )(ajof........ Ba.e.handled by the �..roer·s ofticer in' ADepo-Adqio-A..... 'miuioD is an espreaioD of the 20th(\"ioliJa Oblibato b7 Mr. Barry Wei.. centul'7; we are Iiviag in a social agebee .. ) where we are respoUlole for the pen. The line-ups follow:.... AlPIaa BpiBon.. Foeter.Hob.Ki:.oniller.G1'Q'.Deita � BpdlOD.Btead of the Council ClaaificatiDn lilltswill be posted today in front of CobbU. VeNany.Gordon.Northrnp.RuaollOoettler........Boyden.8lekle.8petICer.DarrellOugue.8t. Pierre.CQed"" - ...... ) co ......... 6.)- .. _"'"- - Aak 8t1Ident Qo4perattcna.Thfl tinivH'8ity rf'(Ju� the C!o-op­eration of everyo� iD its plans fortho goneral hf'tltth of the student bod,.Every student is reqQht� to reportimmediately a�y iUne.. 0';" iadiapoai'tion. lien will report to' Dr: ..... ,_omen to Dr. JOIMPIaine YCniDg.8upat '- ... � : Profeaor Sa •• 'Wll1 apeak at OLe Col. of &lweatiea.ltapel ,ti. .• oni.. at 1(1:15' I.: RIa-........ 11.;'rHB. DAILY JIAIlOON. �NE8DAY. .TAln1AllY 2£. 19U. .The D ail y -1-'�======-===,�����=========MarooD: Bulletin0tIIdaI "'Dt N.wapa�r of Uae 11a1ww- �'======;:T;:;O;:;D;=A:;Y;;::======a1'7 of Chi_co.. Senior college aDd college ot Com-PubUah.d moraine.. except Sunday and I .Monday, durlnc tbe Autumn. Winter and merce and Administration chapel atSprlnc quarter.. by The Dall), Maroon 10'11: i ---delataft.' • 0 n -..u."",.- ... w. Editor I College ot Education chaPel at 10:15G. W. (.'ottlDgbam ." ...H. S. Gorp" Atbl.tIH Editor in Emmons Blaine 214.B. P. Ma�t·· BasID". MaDagnW. B. L,.maD Cll'ealaUoD .... gnt'CBSCRIPTIOS BATES. Mrs. Potter's talk at 4 in Harper dullars from till.' small estute hiN !-I11l!B" carrier: 12.50 11 year: 11.00 a quartf>r, MIl lef't, aud usked thut it I:,.� UN,,·I t o I'll r-By mall: 13.00 a )�ar: 11.25 & Quarter. • .... u •F..!ltorlal-llu»lness Orne". EIU. 24. I 1T •. lephonlJ MI.lway 800. After 10 p m. Mathematical club. 4:15, Ryerson ��7. e nuse 0110 or JIloro books. 1,1 n Ptor·II", .. l'ark '8C9. Sociolo.t:rv club, 4.'30. u r �6. 1 I t I� J"»J yo; � sunn e ter to ul'<ll1 !1I)"lltvn, ;\1 r.I(&':OOD Pr"al'l. 6:;11 Cottage Gro"e Avenue. Women's and Men's joint Glee club Gunton stuted that O. lh'u,'y W.iS hisEntl'rt'd &a aecon<1-cla.. mall at theChicago pOlltomct'. Chicago. Ill.. :Karch 11.n08, under Act ot )larcb S. 18n.�bitorialThe position ot most ot the "clean:livint;" advocates is this: "I am anolder man.-I have been'through the mill' andI know. Take my ad-Morclity,.I Score clUb luncheon at 12:45 inHutchinson cafe.Northeast Neighborhood. clubtions at 3:30 in Lexington.Masquers at 3:30 in Lexington IS. .. RECEIVE OO�ONPBOJI G�N ESTATEAak That Boots be Purchaaed in Mem­ory ot Former Student.Five doUnrs h!'fI been ('()Iltribuh',lto the Ut.·ynohb club library f'uud b.\"till' futbt'r of F.dwiu GUllton, l,x·'l:!. tlt'­eeused, \\'hl-n in college, Guntou \\':114prominent ill Rt·ynolds club ue t ivit ies,elec- being an especial favorite at till' :om'lk­·:>rs a nd other social f'uuct.iuus, B, ..euuse of this, his father ·lok the Ii-.·l,rehearsaL postponednight. until 1iomorrow son's favorite author, -mI cXl'rt',,'sl�llthe destre of huving t he m-ruey speutfur this writl'r'M works.Communication. Bida for shelving the hooks hu veIs "Cap and Gown" Represent:!tiVt'? been received from fin' arch iter-t s, antiOf fho $!ino already rnised, the PT't's'not,. nR yet, nitled in the cump:ti�lI.DANCE IN REYNOLDSCLUB TRIS FB.IDAYiors (lechled to gi v�':l (h I!I�� I"rill:tynt :}:30· in the Re-ynolds club.. Onl�'tht-se pi; �ntlng'" f;i':-t!'�: tie k�!N ',dll 1",admitte-el. . The' dance- will he conclud-'� in time for tbe _women to :lttl'lHlthe Paeulty dinncr.Ruth Allen, IJ'homaf' Ryan nnd Ot'of·kept. One wonders if .th('lM! wiil Th(' foubd among the mt'mbers of tlie' .frey Levinson wert' nppoint('(1 011 t!u'organizations a conslder:lhle number of .committee which is to arrnnge for :Lmen who will hnve the. conrnge tl' tllenter party to be givt'n next w('(,kbreak thest' appointml'tlts :m.l It-cdat one of the 5;,th str('et trt'ntt .. r.-.their support to a mov('ment whieh. Plans are aIM beinJ: made for � e'lll��thouJ:h finding its inr('pti')'l i'" (,hi�a· vaudeville some tim(' in F('hrunry.go, hns become nImost natill":ll in ih It was decide thnt n committt'l' hi'appointed for the sclt'djon flu'vice and let it alone. There is noth­ing in it." And this is just what the. �N'llg fellow will not do. He wouldrather take the chances ot disaster in­curred through "independent investi­r,r.tion" than accept the advice ot oth­ors. In a way. there is soUDd basis torthis opinion, regarded as an a�stractlogical problem or conduct. It may.'�;cH h said that the tellow who learnsrty because by actual experience snl ie it�.·Corkanlows the emptiness of immOrali.� any ac�ivity that may lead to social bet l'erson.nll): the 800 membt"!'S ,,·h .... 1m V('j, terment, it �e�s r;OIil,·what. �trn.lIl!{' toI'" much more ftrmly set lB.' .. hiS m.oral-J 'find so' 'repr�ntati\'(' =;n. (lrga.niz:l�il):1it, y, tll an the tellow Who has beenas the "Cap n,nd . �own" . (,0l1l4phi1l':"fraid-wh'ose virtue is born. not of.. with other reprt'se�t�ti\'�. or_J:an.i;�l'ChOl'C0 :m1 knowedge. but is tounde4�ions to prev("nt· qU.ite n I�rge: numh- .• � 'the unknown. The who.leupon lear OoL ..... .difficulty with this view is that it. �v�r;1 k .. the loaded dice with WhiCh. the..00 _.J L I's played. The fellow who,Startsgame 1 �� ...•t be "a good tellow" maT' �meod 0 .throurr,lJ, climb to the highest. �t o�,and cling thereto with athe ,,·agon• . dntes ns were recently .annoUncoo �,. 'p But when he does thiS,death-!lke gn ,t take with him the bodyhe dot'S no the. d that started out onand rem.. caxeer. Grant that he"good fellow. .. ental poise and keen-can reg:-.:n the m ,. will not do to say health, be-ness (It th wild liv-even a year ot ra ercause ril wreck at necessa ying does no haS, health) which heyoung man s to do S::0.llC.ill take a ye�T or solost. It '" b t.. the fresh, em erantb ·s-to regaID th S da F 'b 'rW 11• bich is th.� strang un y, e rua_J •point of Vle� wAdd th:-3 to the time 10:OU--Chi Pai.r YO\l·_hflllI1e.,..� . 1""0 r 'f'-o Ufe' .l! .... tIme need- \.:.. - ron ... , as�.nt in t·hp. • &ay'. • • .11 00 AI h D lt Ph'spe r.l1tation aC1U!te.\ l)y '!l : - p a e. n I.ed f'Jr t1li:� re. .ut, and tha 11:30-Drnmatic club.f w escapades to d1e 0• .12:00-Pen Club.estill greater. All told, aloSS is this "inflcpend- 12:30-Beta Phi.h starts out OD .cbaP w 0 ',nted that he 1 :00- Gn mma Alpha.l·nvestigation. graent 1 ,. (tor thP. asser- ! :30-Phi Knppa Sigmn.hUgh c ean J"comes: rowho start'i C:-.'il no"; dO!); 2:0()-Sigma Alpha Ep..ulon.tioD tha one_ . .I 1;e6 ur' you 2 :�O--Sigma Chi.therefore. "�oung rt S d ,. 1 .. at 4:15 in Ryerson 37. ..\f'.'lj�tnnt. Pro,1 your own tat� by a - ,. tu ent . 0 untt"el'.do not sea fcssor 'MacMillan will !'penk on Puu''is not tnt". and f!'\"elY 'ft�� BAa� B· ........ - .. �CEi "etc., etc., .a.,ggUAalU:l �.... .ftAAU .cAlA"...... conult',. Pendulum."ng, it-many of thefelloW knoWSyoung assert this diS- Will Begin Selec:Uon or Regular Teamrefonners whoverytheir own c:tamrlc) must Next 'Week. Order8 fOT Sophomore ela"" l'i,,�nrove it by It O' th '11 f �I' ...., simply in lost time. wlIlg to e I nt'''f' 0 • J"-O( ��I:n('l' mny lw pJal".ed at any time with Ricoh'y a big pncepaI t alone is worth. it (and it W:lyman, womt'Q's athletic conch, bas' and lfnt.hew� chairman of the ('om·tbo time os" deen-se .. tAA k tIll t' h h .:I 1 y_.:I buti not &, ..... , 'I' ·a pmc we a!' c('n lie a .... \I, nciUe,", or with m('mb('r,. o( Skull an.tmight be-for s .,.ctioll worth something to a :\Ii�� Bell (If 'EnJ:t('wofHI high "cho01, Cres�ent. C1as� til"let'ts at twenty'moral conVl . k'-orld, even, perhaps. an a1nmllU!4 (If Chif'aJ!CI, I� now t.'l 109 fi h 1 1 1he .. Ive ccnts nvc )�n nut (In :-I�' (' 1\'m"n and t , .... h tbe price) little can he said ('lJ:\r�e :\llIt puttinJ: the ('anftieIate:4 Trensurer Weinmau.wort "take :\ fling." But through strenuous work daily. An un-at;ainst a choice to•ry question. All told, the usually Inrge number has turn('(l outthat is thetVegO after the young tel- (fir clnss tonm�, nne] the work of elim· or of Mil'l5 n�len K('nelrick8, a fllrml'1'best way 0 d • h U' . h 1sent to hUn the real prob- ination will b<'gin work next weele. "tu ent In t e DlveTslty, w 0 ('a "'(':-1low is to pre ... .h can hope to get and I The SenIOr aggregntlOn IS consul("r('11 ne�t month for Chinn a" n mi""ionnr�',lern-what c W Iexpect to 1)ay (abandon- I �trong, hnving such plny('r� a14 DOTO' the omen's Epi�opalian dub wi1�'hat he can meet tomorrow nfteTnoon at 4 in T .. 'x,i g the lurid.-colored. horrible ptc- thy l.lewd1yn, Xinn neall, lIn Tga retnnd mental wreck mId Frn ces Jtou�ton With ington 14. DT. Page of St. PRl1l'�tures of pbysical a - \ 10( cs nn n ..Allwhich can t,e satelY disCounted), and the (>xc('ption of'th :\fcClintodc, chufth (If Kt'nwoocl will "flOOk.leave him to solve tbe problem for the Fr(,:-Ihman t(':lm e10(')( not show to 'Brh:�f ..pbinn women have been invitl'dhimself-is i� worth the p11ce? advantaie. to atteD�t he ma tter iR now being eousidored hyDoes the 'C:IP und Gown" represent the flnuncinl board, The UniversityHit, "spir it" of the University? If so. may pay for the shelving, hut :IS yetiM it unreusonuble to expect �hat the nothinb definite has been said. Wurkbusiness managers of the "Cap aile]on the shelves will begin in tr-n dnysGown" shall not make it uppenr thator two weeks. The U'niveralty Iibrur ie-,the spirit of the University is openly have contributed ]50 volumes, n 114.1opposed to the observnt ion of February huve offered to catalog :.111 the book«,1 as "Go to Church Suuduy ?" It mighthn r<1I�' he hoped thut the P ni versity ent club membership has gin'n onty awould in ill any way endorse such a smal! part, In order to com 1'1 t' t -e • thl'movement, hut with the Unlvcrsit ' .. ·s �$l,OO(l expected, fift("{'11 prominentreputution for onthuainstie support of members have undertuken toTo 'l'h� 1 -Iit or ;of�uch�iscuflsed clnss pipes_Brief Campus NewsLMrs. .Judson ·'At Home"7 Todq.Mrs. Jud8k>n will be "At Home" to-duy in honor of Asso�iate Pro/(''''lornnd lfrs. WRlace Atwood, who willIt'ave Soon (or Harvard.Math. Club Meets �odaY-Tht' lfath·ematical dub will meet this nft('rllon'lIra,. Order 1916 Class PipesWill Bonor Former Student-In It"n' CLEVER 'dressers are all 'wearingthe smartest collar style of theseason-' SHADOW '-the LION col­lar with all the LION comfort features.Look for it in your dealer's window-the style with"Pliab!c- ��o!.nts." 6' for 75c-or as usual 2 be 25c.MiilJip/!!!!UNITED SH!RT tI COLLAR CO., Makers, TH,O�.·.:N. Y ..._ , .....9f.met:l f�om joining t11(" rnnkR of th",,�who "·m "Go it .. chuTeh. Sunan)':' Andyet this is just whnt mu�t b� ,�I�e. rr.suIt of the 'sppoi�'�'�b, '''o��iPp "organizations" . to have .. tbt'i�:'-. .ph�)� .graphs tnken on February Ii' if 1411",Th .. list. �s announ('ro wa�:'...... ", .....�HICAGCD.Follow the BoysAnd take advantage of our discount saleLiberal reductions on every suit andovercoat in Our ShopDockstader & RexfordSuite 816 Republic Bldg.State and Adams St.RESOURCES $2,000, 000.Woodlawn Trust& Savings Bank12M E. 634 Stnet. Oldcaco-.rUE FAOULft ""rHE ft'UDmftSof theUNIVERSI"rY OF OmOAGOWILL FIND INTmS BANE ALL filEFACILI'1'IE8 OF A DOWNTOWN BANK.SAVINGS ACOOUN'fSaDdCllECKING ACCOUNTSAre We!oome and Appreciated.Don't Blame theImplement---blame yourself-if you can't playup to form with a strange racket,or golf club, or baseball. There isno excuse for you. Spalding Ath­letic Goods are on sale In everytown from Maine to California.Se.. for Oar Catalocae-Il'. Free.A. G. Spalding28 S. Wabash Ave. &: BrOLChicago.YO�VE REARDOF THE .. AS-'TEa KEY'- THATFIT 8 EVERTL 0 C K - DIDron EVEa REAIt-0:1' A. .A.8TERI)I 0 DEL OF ATYPEWRITER'wr •• alt of ALL of"e eo.It'ae4 ....,...&&«el of SEVeERA.L tntewrlten70. ...... Me.,eo.ft. , r a , e. I.ON B .taa ......u .....The"7'81 .......perfee� e9W7� f __ .,.e.era. e.r­re.p •• 'e.e....... �WI'Iu.. ... .,__...... IIIIIIq ........ - wHIled a=e:ter::a .::.ntna net .....tnre.altft. 'I'IaI*., tI.1e � �wm .. a .... a fa1d7........ ., .............. .,''"' ..,...."ROYALT'·PEwarrza CO.IIIe.$A K. ...... 1M..Chkac .. DLMAROON ADSBRING REStJLTf BIltena1a 8opIaomon 001lUlllttee- Neighborhood Ol1lb to Blect-ofti�r8 PI.ns wore made for a .... Iay to ht' gh· .. nThe Sophomore soeial committee will will be elected .ooay at the meeting in the Reynold8 club thMltre Ft>bruary Try Oar Regular Dailybe entertained at a reception today at I of the Northeast Neighorhood dub nt 11 at 3:30. A tea will all'O h.. given3:30 in LesinllOD. h.ll. 13:30 in Lexington. in the Hutehinson common.. ad Saada, Diaaer, 20e Up4\ ',eEcih�m= =- ST.-LOUISBeat Reached hy nrolllh ud Fut Trains of theILLINOIS CENTRALAll Steel Da,light SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.: arrives St. Louis (via MerchantsBridge6 :02 p. m, Indestructible steel can of handsome interiorEvery comfort and convenience will be found on this train.Diamond Speci.,Leave Chicago 10: 30 p. m.: arrive St. Louis 7 :48 a. m. Electric­lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago.Stop. Mad. iD Bot. DirectioDS at Sout. Sid. T.roua.Statio.a, 43rd, 53 I'd aDd 63rd Str_t.ObserVation Parlor Cars. Cafe Qub Cars. SleepingCan. Free Reclining Chair Cars and CoachesTick.ta, Far .. aDd 51_pi. a Cal' R ... natio.a at76 West Adams St.CITYTIeDT OI'l'lCER. J. CARMICHAEL. D. P. A...--_._------------------_.tnUeralt7 .Jeweh7Le.tIler G004.eoUec. NonlUe. EDlltolle4 81&"08e1"71f e441DC ID ... llaUoDsCall1DC Car4.CLASSlnEl)O\'Elt1BEIDln:iBROCHONENGRAVING COMPA NYH. G. TURNERPreaideDt 818 Kallu. BaU41DCTypos. What B field for the wag! I�����������������W'hat material for the shameleRlI joke 5c per line. No ad�erti8ements r&t-Ar, eeived for less than 25e. All c'aMI'ed-� newspaper never makes mistakes. advertisements must be pa14 in ad­Tbe type, the heads, the make-up are vance.till eorreet, or they a� all wrong. Th., ... ..�,newepaper makes buns, ludicrous bulls,the most absurd bulls, but Dot mis- �ST-ln Harper Lavatory A din·aer riDg at noon Monday. Findeplease leave at Information oflice iCobb.takes. There's no middle ground.Dr. Angell reeently told an Interest­ing story to the Detroit SaturdayNight. Once he reported a fashion·able wedding. He had embellished his TO RENT-One sulte bedroow, ait'i.description with all due fo.rm and and b tb . h·a , one or two men, W1t m acer�mony, ending with ·'-Dod aU ':"L.� few blocks of U. To rent for spr��belles and beaux were there." The and 8ummer quarter. Apply Box ��morning after it was "-and R.ll the I'aculty ex..bulls and bears wer" there,'Recently, we had an experienCe witha perfectly staid and honorably intoa- FOB SALR-A new No.5 Oliver Typ,t ioned Austrian nobleman, {Jrivy eoun- writter in perfect condition. Must .el1dllor etc. W"e announced him in eta therefore price reasonable. Write, orblackest type, as no entrant in tb.,; call af�er 7:00 P. M. E. H. BrunemeierMichigan erOS8 country team. Wo are 53 Middle Divinity Hall.sure at this time Mir.bigun did notwant Michigan as such, and even we LOSi'_Esoteric pin. Finder please re­ourselves would have been unwilling turn to information office in play a part in such a game. Buthe was put there, on the Morning LOST-Delta Kappa Phi 80ciety pin.After. Gold, oval shaped, edged with whqleA Detroit paper recently used a per- pearls. Please return to Josephin�fectly respectable likeness of So per- tlogers 1444 E. 54th St. Beward.feetly respectable dean of ours as theintroduction to a story of the wicked­ness of an embezzling banker. BOARD-In small private family. Ex·cellent home ecoking. Limited numberat table. Address 6134 Woodlawn ave­telephone HydeIsaiah bids us "sin no more," butthe first edition of the English serip- Due, 3rd apartmeD.t,Park 631.tures printed in Ireland has it "sin on10 oro.· TelepboDe BaDdolpb IiaTraining Time�'means denying'}ounel£ maLl rlt'3tant things. It neTer- bars out Ceca-Cola, The leading athletes and ball­pl&yus in the country endorse it. In training quartersor'cn the fie:d t!ley drink it fo·r the refreshment and'beDefit they have found it contains.Delicious -- Ref"reshingThi::-ct - Quench�nGTHE COCA-COLA co�Atlanta. c..., W:.e:teYn)"<>11_ an Arrow. l�ink of Cu..a-Col7..----------------------------------- ---------------------.--------------------_ .. _- .. -------------_.: ,. .Wanted At OnceNICELY FU'BNISBED-Light, fron�A eertain publishing hOU80 once de-room; 2 windows; large closet; elec·tenniMd to get out a perfeet editionof Horaee. Aeordingly, proof sheets trie light, steam. heat, good opportunityfor two women students or teaehen, __ �_��o!!17 and a sumerror near Park' and Midway. 1345 Eutof money was paid for everydiseovered. Wh�u tho coition fin"li1y 62nd St., 3d Apt. Tele. Midway 8513.appeared there were aiX uneorreetedW ANTED--One or two girls to shareLaugh, when these things oeeur, It's !ight·housekeeping apartment for win­ter quarter. Mrs. E. F. Denton, 5119no time to sneer or doubt.-Miehigan Dorehester. Phone H. P. 6655.:-: Tailors :-:Daily.WILL GIVE FBLLOWSBIP8 JIBS. FLORA KacIVOB �Voiee builder and teacher of artisticNorthwestern and WeJlealq Announce singing, Mondays and Thursdays at8cholarshf» O«ers. Mrs. Knights, 5652 Maryland Avenue.Wednesdays aDd Saturdays at home,The Alumnae Assoeintion of Welles· 6356 Maryland Avenue. For informa­ley college offers two scholarships of tion address 6356 Maryland Avenue$.150 eaeh for 1914-1915. The Susan Phone. Midway 4390.ll. Halowell Fellowship is availablefor graduate study in eandidacy for POB SALB-Standard Smith-Premierthe Y. A. degree at Wellesley, and is Type\vriter in exeellent condition, atopen to graduates of any college of very reasonable terma. A great bargaingood atanding. The Mary E. Horton for anyone desiring a type�ter forFellowship is available for graduate rrofesaional use. H. B.Lemon, Boom 6,study in eandidaey for a higher degree Rye1'8On Lab. or 1220 E. Mth WeDesley or elsewhere, Rnd is opento Wellesley graduates 0011. LOft-Top of fraternity pin. LetterApplication should be made by per· Delta set with pearls .nd a diamond .sonal letter to Profeuor Annie S. Mon- Libe'r81 reward if Nturnecl to MUOtague, WellC8ley college, and lIhould Ellis Avenue. Telephone Hyde t'a-rS"ontaia:1. CertiSed record f!'lOm the regis·trar of the eollege whieh awarded theearlier deere--2. Testimonial from instructors asto ability and aehievem8llt in the linesof study propoeecl.3. Testi.monialft from qualifiedjudge8 as to health and eharacter.4. 8peeimens of scientific or liter·3'1 work in the form of pub1ieat.ions,papers, DOtes, outlines, eoUeetiona, etc.ApplieatiQns DlUst be in on or be·fore ."ebruary I, '191'- 10M. Eacla ... at ... Uaitality to ca.e ia ad iaftStipte oarSpeCial Ollerto CoUeae MenH£RZKA BROTHERS�;IIII IIDramatic Badin, Sodev--.TesseBro,,·n, president; Bruce Martin, !lee.retary, and Fay Graybill trea!'urer.,,·ero the oftieers elected by the Dra·mati� Rt>ading 80ciety yesterday.Bold Echo Meeting-The Tlivinityschool �hapel period tomorro"· will begiven over to a Kansas City Conven­tion F..eho meeting. lWports nnd tagcnr.ral discussion of tho conventionwill be the program. 1545 East53rdStreet �;-.r.Iephcme B. P. 10S7. Open Bven1Dp aDd 81Ulday KomiDg. � t-----_._ .. _--------------.The New Florida Hotel5721 Cottage Orove Ave. DREXEL P BAR MAC YIs IDIklq 8pedal :&a- to s\1I4euts. MAft JlcANANY, B. Ph.Steam lI_t aDd elecutc upt ill all Comer 55\h and Drexel ChiC2groo-....... nat, Baner s..... "wO ..... JIIIlIart. I. c..aeelle .. -.re1ephone 1Ii:1wa, lUI..... H--.e fill Pan Dnp. n� ...T.lld &I1Ie1-.For tbat Grlrpe or cold In th� h�ad-I>r�ll.1Cold. Grippe, and Fe\"�r Table: •. ::ko,.HOKE HYDE • .4.1[ 1712. Alk ror a Frff �mp!�.�top that Coulrh wit a bottle of of our Whit.Pine Hon�y and Eucal)·p:ul. 2:oC,R(':I�\"e that Uea.Jac.'� with a JOC pa"kar �rVr<r:r.rl Headache Po ... I�rs.��:a;i�UWIliWi!mim;I:'lai!��8;;j:i.i:;:w�·F.iilIli!];:�).1. .8UB8OBIBB roa.... DAILY IlABOOlf ----------------------------------SWAN'S LUNCH ROOM" 'f1.-;�. •. .. '- ..Plaa to PreleDt Play-The Brown­!'Ion club met YetJterday in Cobb 12.;\. 1342 East 55th Street.THB DAlLY IIAAOOH, WEJ)HESDAY, JANUARY 28, 191-1.-_._ •• _. __ ••••••••••••••••• 'EXPBESS APPBOVAL OFHotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near 50tn Street Subway Station and53rd Street Elevated."Broadway" cars from GrandCentral Depot.Seventh A venue Cara from Pennsyl­vania Stadon.KEPT nv ,A COT.LEGB MANH8ALJQlJARTERS FOR COLLEGE lllfNSI·ECT .... L R.i.TBS FOR COLLEG& T.,AJlBTen Minutes' Walk to Thirty TheatresHARRY P. STIMSON. MANAGERlIF.ADQUAHTF.I!S F'1,R CHICAGONew, :r.lodem and FireproofRooms with Bath. $.:!,so and up,There are a hundred ormore varieties beckoningto you from every smokeshop but there is only onethat is" Distinctioels Individual"the purest and best of to­baccos -delightful flavor-mild and satisfying!Your college chum.20for15'""Mo,.. Fatima sold i" thu co •• try tMz. tnI:I otller cigarette IFor all 'round ,vear and good serviceWe recommend our SPECIAL WIN­TER OFFER---A black, blue or grayserge or cheviot suit, lvith extra trou­sers of the same or stripe material$30.00TAILOR rOR YOUNG IrIEllTHREE STORES: ; N. La Salle St. 25 E. .J:i(�k�oll Hh·d.; I E. l{OflToe St.lbe Hit of The Season956 E. 55th St.CJ(O,\RS ASP CIGARETTESC.+++++++++++++++.+++++++6CARRIEBeauty D. RAYMONDSpecialist1116 East 55th Street.Telf'pllonf' II. P. ttn.2 For 25 Cents.l'ATROXIZE MAROONATJVERTISERSTroy's Best Product (Continued from vage 1.)Symphony No.1, B flnt Mujor, Opus3S , .. , .. Schumu nn(0) Andnnt� un poco muestuso,(L) Allegro molto vivace.(c) Larghetto,(d) Be herzo.jor Euesco�foek l\Iorris Dance ..•.... GraingerHungarian Dances (li-21) ........COMPLETE PLANS FORDJNN'ER TO BE GIV1:N GRAND OPERA NOTESMO�NA. VANNA.Fevr1er.Tonight, 8 P. II.Penier's Betting of the Maeterllnckstory will re-ceive an initial Chieagopt'rformunce tonight with a prolllisingeast. The Maeterlinck story has it thatPriu.'.ivulle, general of the Florentine(e) Allegro animato e ht'�ieging Piza, demands the wl·f ..Roumauiun Rhapsody, No.2, D lla· ...,of Guido.the Pi zan leader,for a night,ttS the price of betraying the Floren.t iues by furnishing the besieged Piaan8.. .. •. •. •. .. .. .. .. Brnhms-Dvoruk wit h food and ammunition. In spiteof Guido's appeals and rage, Monna.Vn nnu stands firm in her determina­tion to sacrifice herself, and the firstBY UNIVERSITY W()MEN act clORt's with hr-r dl'parture.TIlt' next turn of till' story is in theFoibles and mannerism of members tont of Priuzi\":lll{'. It devl'lopR thutof t he fuculty will be "shown up" n t Ill' is ,·hiltlh.ootl lover of l[onna Vanna,tho d inm-r to he given by the WIIIJlt'1I :11141 when sho rofust'!,\ to abandon Gui­(If the Univeraity for the fuculty, Fri· ,10. tilt' gt'tll'r:ll spares her, and eon­day night. "fo'acultute in Urbs," is t lu- sents to st't·k shelter from the F'loreu­skit written for the occasion hy -Iunct tim's, (who have learned of his trench­F'luuuer, and it is sn id to include many "I'y thl'ou�h Tr ivulzioj ,"rubs" on the chnrueterist ies of fuvor- (;uido :wt14 in unre'nsonable fashion,ite professors. Other ·'stunts" ure he· when �{onlla Vunna. amid the acclaimillg propured for the program wh ich (If t he e rowd, returns with Prlnzivalle,will follow the dinner, • He refuses to Ilatr-n to explanationslh_' - of the Women's Glee e lub until �1(lIIIIU Va nnn, beeomtng wild,have agreed to l:Iing several parodies determines that she is fret' to glvewhich they are prepur ing, 'I'hey arc herself to Prlnztvu llo. - Th(' story endsrequested to obtain tic�.etl:l f'rum lIar- inn wild «Iimax of r.o.nftieting emo­guret Green, Tickets wil! bo _Oil z:rulc tio�s unll collupsing tWent' Cobb aud Lexiugtou today uud t o- �rary Gurdon i!� cast for the titl� Toleday auu tomorrow, and o uly ;;:.!;j will with Lu('i(,,11 �[urntore singing Prinai­Le sold, owing to the Iimited cupucity vn lle, Yanni Marcoux will take the>of Hutchinson. pnrt of Guido, with Huberdeau, War·1 '_1 J .1 D \' nery, Confesso, Def'rere, nnd -�ieol.av.'resident uuson, eun {aUace,in the suporting ports.Deun Boynton, and Miss Ballou arcthe faculty members who will spoak attho dinner. Dorothy Llewellyn will bvtoustmistress, the studeu,body. lIuny members of the facuit.)already have accepted invitations tvthe dinner, After the affair :l numbe rof the women will go in a body: tuBartlett, to a�end the Purdue game.The chairman of the dinner c�mDlit·tees met in the Neighborhood room inLexington yesterday afternoon t� CQm' APPOINT UWIV'BB8Ift'plete I')ans for - the dinner. --OP OBICAOO GBADUA'I'EWILL GIVE FELLOWSItIPSNorthwestern and Wellesley AnnounceScholarship Offers. '.,.The Alumnae Association of ""'cHes.ley college oft't'rs two scholarships of$::50 each for }!H4-1!l].). The Susanlr. lIalowell Fellowship i.� available'for graduate study in candidacy f.,rthe M. A. degree at Welle�ley, and isopen to graduates of any collt'ge ofgood standing. The Mary K 1I0rtol:.. ontain:1. C�rtifiC'd rN'ort] from the rC'J:i�­trar of the ('ollC'gC' wlaich nwar,l,�l tilt'Nl rl i.-r d(>gr(>c.2. Tt'�timClnial from inMtruf'tors n14 BOWLING COH'rBS'1' BEGINS(Continued from page L)Alpha. Delta PhI.Har!!:ar.Wheeler.Schlabach.Cleary.CrollEthel HaDks, t09, Is WOIDen'a l"1eldAgent of CoJlllDlsaion of IDdu­trial BelattODS.Eth�) F.. Hank8, '09,_ has been ap.pointt'd one of the two traveling agentsfor the r.hiJtJren's bureau of the nell'f.-d�rnl ('ommiMion of industrial rel3-tionR. Sht' will be the women',. field:!J!f'nt and will have her headquartersin W:tMhington.Aft('r her graduation. from the Uni.versity l{is.� Hanks w01'ked at Lineolnc('nter for a year, and studied the eon·.litionl' (If women workers from the in­sidf' :t" a fn('tory .knitte1' in the ho.I'iC'ry millM in lfilwaukee. Sh·e elltel'edthe knitting factories at ·a wage of $4:t w.-C'k a 11(1 worked up to the pomtionof (omwomnn. She paNed the sfat('('i\-il f':tnmin:ttion for the pGftition of.1.-pnty fndor�' infllpector with th�lail!hC'�t J!rn.l('�. lli88 Hanks u. a reli·tl,·nt. IIf Lincoln. �eb�ka, and a gradmltf' of th(' X('hrnska State Normal�hoo), and of the Chieago SehOoI ofCh'i"M rind T�hilnnthropy.•• ++++++++ .. +++++++++............ Pt'llowship is available (or gradunteJOSEPH SCHMIDT fIItndy in candidacy for a higher degrel'at \Ven('sley or t'll'tCwitere, and i� openStatior;ery, and Toilet Articles"":\1-: LI:"E Or' .�A:-.:nIES to Wellesley graduates only.Application I'houM be made by per­Chlcaco, m sonol letter to P'rof�MOr Anni(' R. lIon.Imported and Domestic Line of tal!l1f', 'V.-II(,M}(,y ('oll('g.-, nnll shun)'lto nbility nn,l o('hi('\"C'mt'nt in th ... lin(,:4Op4''' F.1"f'nln�� anti S.nda7 Monl.�An Work Done at R .. a"onable Prle(,10 of Mtudy propo�.3. TestimonialI' from ql1nlifif'cl8WITCnF.S "" DF. FRO:' COMBINnS jmlgt's as to health nnd chaT'Rct('r. Score Club Holds I.aDclleoD.A.�D GF.�TLEMf:� ""�ICtJRtNO 4. Specimens of scientific or liter· The 8f'orp ('luh wiJI hold. luneheon:tTy work in the form of publi�nt.ions, this noon nt JllltebnlUlOn Common ..pnpers, notes, ontlin('.H, colJedions, etC'. Ti�k('ts for the ('oming danec Feb.App1i�ntion8 mmrt be in on or be· itla, :trc now on �le at $1.00 a eoo­fore .'ebrunry 1, '1914. pla_ GARRICKBOHBYKOOH BXPBB88With AL Jollon and 100 Ot.hencool'S 61ANDWith BrUce KcRae"Delighttul ComedJ'-G�tFIm."--A.mJ' Lealie 1D Ne ..ILLINOISJULLA SANDERSONIn TH:: SUNSlllNE GIRLWith Joseph Oawthorn and.100 MoreHovvard's TheatreA Blow at Commerc1al1zed ViceIt Baa Awakened Ohicaco.THE TRAFFIC·pOVVERSDAVID W AB.FIBLDIII The AUctioneerCOR'I'Jack Lait'8 Hew Pla7HELP W AlftBDA CleaD Comedy Drama WillaH-nr::v KolkerSTUDEBAKER.JULIA DBAR'8eaaon'a Laugh, Love and ColD PlayHBR OWH KONBYFINE ARTS"COW A RD rA Great Pla7 In , ActaBy :a. IL L 0 V B -r '!'princessLUBBMost Powerful DramaIn Fin,. YeanOLV�PICBBADY KONBYWithBOBBR'!' OBBBLASALLE �: 1•sI(s}J1clJl8aee8u'VA: , 1.JFbmptl1Cif.tla:e:tlCBa1ulTblt(1(', J ill.,• .,J