\ '\!! I�!-JiIIi'II'\ I ,.t t'�;I: ... '.�;__ -.e! .': '�, II;Ii -'Iatly mnruItU.. .',, Vol ·XII. 50. 73. VlIIVIIJUIftY OF OBIOAGO,2'UB8DAY, JAKUABY �, 1914.. BADGERS SECURE BIGLEAD IN TITI.E RACE 5fART BOWUNG SEASON UNITED ,CIWUTIESPhi Kappa Psi - Delta Upsilon, cAIPAIGN·e�_·Sigma Chi-Phi Gamma Delta. -. ,.'Matches Scheduled For 3 P. M. Total CoIIectioaa Sm&Uer.n&.a10 Club In Previoua Yean-faJI SortOf H�or_l500FAtULTY'�ACCEPnNG ARTHUR DUNIIAI ww.PiaiCleDt JiicLoa � 0 Be Amoag COACH FRIAR IusIc'S� At Wainen·i 'Diimer '.Friday...;_Att�d 'Purdue Game Mally Are Competiq in M..-I Bod· CoDlest-Earie Bowlb,.,'lOo a y Is Among Contestants-NOI1Ireu, Kept OD SideliDes TillGoettIer'. bVury, AvertsDiQraceful DefeatPresident JudsoDf' Dean Wnl1llc� The Interfraternity bowling seasonIS ONLY EFFECTIVE PLAYER Deaa Boyuton: and Kiaa Ballou wiU DUNHAM SAYS LYRICS ARE FINE �iJl begin this afternoon at 3 with Phi ARUNE BROWN wINs COrtTESTspeak at the dilL1W!r to 'be giTen for Kappa Psi meeting Delta Upsilon, andWith Wisconsin safely ensconsed in the faculty Friday night by the wom· Al'tlhur Dunham will be in charge Of Sigma Chi rolling Phi· Gamma Delta.the lead for the Confarence basketball en of the Univ,ersity. Dorothy LleweJ. the music for the Blael,fJliar sit.,tt At.S Sigma Alpha Epsilon. will meetchampionship, Chicago will begin an llyn. will act as to&llbliistresa. Ac· this year� He will be the only jriai� Delta Kappa Epsilon, and Sigma Niluphill fight for first .. osition this week, eeptauees from the facultY' have been in the music competition and will ttti� �ill contend with Alpba Delta Phi.Purdue gave the strong Ohio State coming in rapidly the committee memo suggestions to eomposers, The music The matches scheduled for tclmorrowte-am a hard �ght last week, and . the bers say, and it ia expeeted that every reheal'8&ls will be in his charge, nllLt at:! are Alpha Tau Omega v Phi Kap·Boilermakers can' be depended upon seat 1\'il1 be taken.. he will conduct the orchestra. 'Mr. jHl Sigma, and Beta �ta Pi va. Chito' put up a wonderful game against Owing to the liDlitl8d aeeommodn- Dunham was music coach last ye:u Pii; Kappa Sigma va. Delta Tau Delta,Coach Page's team, when Coach tions of HuthiD.80n �afe, the nwnbel Al'U). and Phi Delta Theta va. Psi Upsilon,'r hn b . h· qu d t Ch·c go th teh s hed led f 8 In the contest among ·th· e'l-ndl;":..fl..l .. -laug rIngs 18 sao , a of persona pr_nt will have to be "I believe that the arrangement per are e ma e 8C u or. YUoI .. 1MFrirlay. liriiited to 325. Tidet� ca.n be pur. fected with Mr. Dnnham will be a b� "Doc" Bratfiab.' haa announced that 80lie.itors, for the 1arg� a� collect-Amongst the wreck that the work ehased in the League room or from boost for Blaekfriar music," sald A b ��ery one of his cust'omers bowling ed during the campaign, the fiist pi:�,of Page's suppoaely ehamplonahip con- members of the committee-. A seetfon bott Murray yesterday. His reputa- d�er two hundred in any game during ')f two dollars was a1\'�rded .to Arli,.ed h h .:lI • • d h' . -t"e' serl· ....... ·ill be '"\-"n a free hal"r Brown, whose eolleetlon amounted' .. ""tenders brought own upon t e ea· ... s of the commodiOuS' rooting stand has tion as a mumCl8.n an, 'lS experrenes D "'.. .. !!t- .. --t twelve dollars. ..of three thousand Chicago rooters only also been reserved a\ the Purdue with the w�k, as well as his sugges •••. The amount e'Oileoted h�s I......-n. ..one fact remained to encourage those game for the women who: wish ·to at- tions, indicate the best possible re- �w; -�ho have been hoping for a cham- tend after the dinner. suIts.' p� P.ETIftON 'rO .Jisapointment to the. committee,... "Ja�pionship. That was the work of Nor- Cha1rmea Meet �. Fatb &lUI Bowlby Compete. OB.BA.'l'B DANCING CLASS have been hoping and working _tor 11I 1 k t t totai of five hundred dolla� •.gren who was apparent y ue y 0 ge : 'Chairmen of the eOllUlll·tt ......., Inelud- No date has been set as the dead FOB VNJVBBSrl"Y Ki:N ' '. -.... ..,... "I think - the University is .out! efinto the game at aD. Too largest and. ing Ruth Hough, ' . DorOthy Farwell, Ag line for the song competit5(1D. Thomost enthusiastic crowd of rooters, the habit of_ giving,' said -wm�' t.Y-nes .Sharp, Margaret Green and. Doro- contest probably will close toward the' lIuch enthusiasm has met the stu- hfill d B I ded m. a-, �._ t e manager of the campaUr.Q.,.,that has ever e art ett, crow thy, Llewellvn, have beiea--:'Uked to end of. February. Lewis Fuiks and dent petition to COjILch Stagg to ereate 'Ttdi "'- yesterday, "but eonsidering the fact;every available bit of stan l.ng room meet. at. .1:30 today in the Neighbor- Earle Bowlby, '10, have anuouneed a dancing clase tor men one day in that the ea�p.ai.·1II'n was only h�lt .'�.'long before the �ening whistle blew, hood room f bID'· . �-thei� intention 0 su 1ttlng muslt� .. the week.• Au.ording to the plan un- 'long this ti,��e as it .hB. e, b. een. iJl p·te.',._,and remained loyally with the team ...... h II T -- i '1I."�1 O·bb H 1 h la Id k�,tc e .I.oIetIV tt, JD.:¥O I s, owarc der c0D81dera.bon, t e c sa wou ta'_' vious years, we did fairly welt. n •.until the end, although the game was Ad B1· H II· Ed d O·C·· la :h '1__ h . 1 1 .. J'U!fIOBS ""''''., 0,_. ama, 188 a lng, war On· i the p ce of t e re�� p y�ea c� - '8tudent�..b ve been so tUed of la�� iapparently lost in. the first five min·....... '-...... r Artllur Hensinve� Frank 'Whit- ·ture elauea 101. .&h �u.oiliiWld tu _,...,-. _�� .. _,-.....:� . . : :--'- . ala -=..... · , ��r!·7-"'.�:"-� -� ,_ . '-- '. � ·��cl�� �a;ci,a�&;p" .�tt;nd.} A"=p8�1��::;:' :;;';:Z:::f --;I::::�:�� --beta··�lforgnn SUblltltutes. G�1I&_ '!I n; �w aDd V�- ��lton, ue among others wh'o are tor would be p�vided. Mr. Bickham and lli88 Brown wiltCoach Page started Goettler and iDe _ ._ 33-12 8cen. go� •. to enter the competition. The proeet has grown out of the de- receive the late contributiona.Stegman at the forwards, while Nor- _.. ....u- �- type of muaic required bieludes maud for dancinc refOl'1lLt f t yea-' e-pen· : ,.J:t..i..' "If the Um·versity aa.o.L�-,wout4,"gren, a ve eran 0 wo ...... -StaJId.1Dc III 111 J.eacM.�_ a l�g prologue 1lor the chorus, fOOT '_'_"W_'ence and the mainstay of the tee..m· .• - college sOngs, three . love 8Ongs,and ont� . have· proper dancing," .,..·the peti- LBOftBES 05 PUBLIowork of the squad was on the side F:::; •. I- ·':0. � 'ht.topical 8Ong. Most of the lyrics art.' 'tion, 'they should pR)vide � mNIlS PLAYGBOUJID 'SYBi"BIi'lines. In his place was Stegeman, who ·Law. ••.. •••.•. 4 J 1,: in the hands of the authors, Leon _of iDBtrQICting � men in the ·aew _. Jacob .�, ��. �� '*�.was .playing his first big game withF _L_ � 1 750 Stols and Samu.el Kapla,t, and may be d;!nees.". 00Dd1.' Ue __ V,.*.. _. , 8trOuc. .PIA..e,\'pry chance in the world to blotw up, : r�: . II. .. ..coD.8Ulted bv anyone :. ho wishes to Coach Stagg' has a eommittee con- tor -a_,Sop."""_ . r 0 • 2 3 40,) " d h h -z;a.and Goettler, who had been out- at 'the "M�iN t C� f II tb sidering the plan, an opes to ave ..... _� 2 3 ... 1\1\ enter the CIOn� - �s 0 a (' �-:upas.!' •.•.••••• �I : J 'I'Y' a statement from it in the near fti-game for over a year and who had Be 1 3 250 I.vries may 'be obtainedf. of 0 ohn nen' II'.-. h dred d ift I dniora ,. 'ture. Whether or not the pro,oi-t· w·,·ll �v un an.. y peop e cro.w. '.moreover not been in the best of con- .. go;,.Juniors .....•.• '1 3 250. derson after tomorrow.! ed Haskell hall )"e8terday afternoon t.8ition nt nny time during the season. Divinity........ 0 3 000 Some IIuic Wri\teD. .�, be put through is an open question. hear Mr. Jacob Riis of New .. Yor)r,.Del' .Tardien at eenter and MolanderSome music has �.i writtt-n :aI- ,City give. a lecture on "Uow -Newd guards were logical men to start. 1 V k C H PI'rndy for a few lyriea.t This mllsi("� HAVE SEAft roB 'rODAY or ity Got er aygrouDd�",halS not' .vet been acepted.' . InfQrma . At'conling to Mr. Riis, New York_'Four 5umbers WUl Be Oiftlll by Old·tion concerning the lY1'ics already s�tcago S7mPh0u7' On:hest.hft. got her playgrounds by ac.cideDt.. A.to music may be obtainoo from Man, block of tenement bousea e.lled lIul·ager Henderson. Seven seats are still unBOld for tIll' 'berry Bend had been the scenes of"The lyrics are exc(Option"Uy good;· 'Chicago Symphony eoncert in Mandel ·so many crimes that tbe city .. bo�ght:,this afternoon at 4:15. Five of tlietW it up and leased it to the temant .. Thesaid Dunham yesterday, in spe�\ir,��0' tile mulfic praspeds," thei prologt1f'ofrering someone a '111." o;portnnit:.for J'Mlly elever worK. I thl"k weUof tile prospects 80 far." The total amount turned in to. til_ .t!nited Chnri�es at the close of the�campaign last Sa!UJ'd'ay night. Jr ......$260. The campaign le8.ders how�el". . I.·., .. , fexpect to take in about fOrty dollarsmore, . inasmuch as there has � auresponae from several of' 'the f�t��-_ties, clubs and other campu� or&a.Di�.,.:zAtionLThe question that the entire crowd In a 810w and uninteresting game�ns asking was: "Where is Norgren?'· yesterday afternoon the Laws won. Inand not only a large part of the 1Cu' easy victory over the Juniors. Thedent body, but it is safe to &"l.y sev- winnt"rs completely outclasaed �heireral members of the team were beatell opponents as the 33 to 12 scOl'e shows.men when the lineup wae announced. Whenever thi& lawyers would get theFor the first five minutes there wao; ball the third year men' were unable ;are iu the boxes near the stage, an� buildinp were later tom . down . aadthe site converted into' !I. playrrouDd.Thet was the beginning of �he pl�y·ground movement, and it W:\8 f�Ttherhelped when the state legiBlato,.:passed a law prohibiting the eJ'eletio.ot sehoolhOOBe8 without playgroun-d.· ia�eonneetion. 'nle", are todDy 220 play:groun.ds in the city.Mr. Riis urged Rtrongly that til.boy be given a chance to play. U..id: "'At the boy kiek up his ,'bif.l.'and have a good .tilne. Supeni-, bat.aot too muc-b, and that' he hoped to 8Hthe day wbNl Blaekwt"Il'8 isl�nd would'be converted into So public play·nothing in sight but 'Wisconsin, and to ��,;e their team work, and as a re­except �or a free throw by Molander su��e �la.yera- bd 0.0 diftlculty iDChicago had not a single chance. tc- dr����' the �it�t:'roagh the net.BeOfe. The Badgers, on the othC'l The first half ended with the scorehand, played rings around Page'. team 20 to 8, and, although the Juniors_ltd seemed about to walk away with played mneh bettel' at the .. It of tilethe game. At the end of five minut�8 second period, they eould "t holdthey were leading, 5-1, and only hard their oPpoDenta.luck had prevented their annexing n Goldberg, Boyle aDd Striker playedgnater lead. star games. .. CIlap.aa.... the OD),-8Jaon PaaiDg WlDs. .Tunior who· showed . a..,.- ability toChicnga was �ompletely o.t �B Be ore, making more tb. ..If of hi8against the short pBS8ing game dis- teRm's �in.ta.played by Wisconsin. Every Chieagoman appkfently forgot all the coachinghe had ever received. Tbe passingwaR wild, the Wi3eonsin guards werefree ,practieally all the time, and Chi­eago could neither shoot, pUIS, dribble,or guard. Goettler twisted his ankleafter five minutes and Jeft th.e game.IWben Norgren appeared on the floorhe was 'greeted by the greatest ova·tion ever aceorded a player in Bart- :two are in the bakODY. This aft(Or·:noon's program foUo"W8:'Coneerto No. 3, 0 Major........ Bacb_-\JJegro-Adagio-A11egro.(Yiolu. Oblibato by Mr. ·Harry Weis·bach.)'SympJaony No.1, B flat lIajor, OpUI!38 ...•..••...••••... _ . SehumaDn, Andante un poco maest080-AllegtQJVlUOBS IJ.'O DJ8OV88. tOLA88 PJPB8 'IODAY;IIBIrl' m JEBlft ftlBA1'BBThe �dvi .. bi1ity of 8et!uring d.� molto vivaee.LaI'RJaetto.TIl. _or.: pipes will be di8Cul8ed ftt the .Tunio!'Allegro animato e gra�iosooclaa meetiDg this momng at 10:10 in ;Roumanian Rhap8Ody, No.2; D lIa-Kellt theater. A report will he mad,. jor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .. EDHeOfor the Junior vaudeville. The t!om- Mock Morris Danee •... _ .. OraingerHungarian DaDC'H (17·21) ... .. • • • . . . . . . .. . . . . Brahms- n,·orakJan.iora, 12.• . • • • •••. !lOller .. ittH appointed to arrange for ehar-Law School, 33.Catron. 0 •••••• K. F.Goldberg ....•• L. Fo •••••• Chap.a� tering a Joea) moving pieture th(Oatt'fBoyle .•• o •••••• C •••.• Dal'lMloape will make its report. Planlt and rul�Striker� .....•• R. G. •...•. Raa.er for the class �g cODlpe�tion wiD beRadnitzer .••••. L G .. ,..... 8Jaerwin .nnoullced.�oI.W. �oaM."Baaketr. KOBer; a.a,.a. 3, Striker·5, &yJe' of,' Goidberj 5, �. '2. . .Free tiaro�: Mowr, Claap.a., .BoYle.. Bet..., WheW. wat. IIlINuI Btad_ta· ..... Mr. Henry M. Hyde of tiafl Chie&loGraduates aDd former lItudents of TribuDe, will add .... �� PC!lI �Ch." a'the tTniversity of lI�uri· have' beeD 6: 15 ill the privatie di.i..,-r.O(.m rei tb.ukoo to' eolT'Ctl()Q1td with William T. ComOIUl t�morroW'. ..\II �1I\ber:t 18·!JIo Ad� FreIIameD-Dr. Nathan· Cross, president of tile Chit"&gO Uni- t:eDclillg to be preaent ... ould, ..... �eil'ie) ButJn will adcJrea the FreUman versity of Missouri alumni association, n"mes to Cottllil." h. t.e )I�N,... at 10:35 toda,- i. Cobb lu. 315 Plyaaoutll eoan. otic. tod.,. •ft!B DAILY IlAROON. 1't1ESDAY, JANt1AB.Y 27. 1914.The D a i I y ·-1 -.Mar 0 0 D -=: ====='===B�uU�"""�e=tia�====��:oalclal 8&ucleD& S� ... pa�r of t.Iae 11 ........Ilit7 of Cbkqo.Publl.h�d morning.. except SUDda7 andlIonda7, durlnc the Autumn. Winter andSprioK quar tera, b)' 'l'be Dally lIaroonlitafr.G. W. (:otUnt:bulun. s. Gorgu'lB. I". �la!>'W. U. Lyman ��"'. EdUorAthldla. EdltorBDlilDe .. li.aagerClrealatlua X_DagerEnt.·rt'd a» set'ollll-cian mall at theCbjca�o Pustortlc"". CblcaJ;O. 111., llarch 111.1!10ll, unuce Act of l1arcb 3, 1873.<fbitorialThe lIonor commission now is en-gaged in publicity campaign de.HenorCommission .==xTODAYJUDior college men's chapel at 10:15in MandeLJunior conege chapel, women, 10:15.lIrI:lndel.. Dr. Butler addresseS Freshman men,10:15. Cobb 12A..meeting,TOMORROWso radicnlly opposite from the typical . The lecture was attended by 41)0Clschoo� boy" notion of relations 'be- men. Mr. Stagg presided at the meet­tween student and faculty-ean be irlg. lire l�rcer has been lecturing tobrought into living, aggressive, exist- 75,000 men annually since 1904 undp.rence only by a long campaign of edu- the auspices of the Y. :\1. C. A. andcation. The commission is doing well the universit.ies .. He will remain inby starting at once .. Details need not Chicago this week and will speak at.be arranged before bidding for student chapel meeting and at the fraternity�pport: they are immaterial it the vi- I.OnsAStal idea � sure to live and grow. The •c�mpaign now started shoud be as 10Jl.l{ SOl1'l'llEJUl CLUB HOLDS:mrl as thorough, and as convincing asthought, ingenUity and whole-souledwork cau make it.DISCUSS AMERICAN SITUATION cha}M'ron('S at the Southern club re-,A ntr:u';;:: 'R<-cl ik in II�onclition of th� ..:\rm�nialls at th�mf'l'tin;:: of the Co�m�'olit:ln club �at- DANCE AND BBCBPTIONIN RBY;NOLDS CLUBProfessor and Mrs. W'illiam E. Doddand Miss :Mary J. Lanier acted asA committee wa" npr"i, it"(J to maliCtho r,r�limillnr�' 'lrr'I"� 'll�.";t� for th,�IntcTnntion:d nig-Irl, ",hi·:I: '\i1! ht' "J,'I'�the Nl.rl�· prlrt of npxt qllnTtf'r. Thist,...j,·('n tll(, �("'rf't:H�':-<hil' ,)f th(' ('1'lltrnl ('onvention may he orelcr ... d n;,"· "It theoffice of the Y. M. C. A. or the Y. W.C. L. These reports �en f.)f Ilne tIollar to ersons ordering in :tclv:lIIc.}. N nmoney "'ill have to bl! p:,hl 'Inti) Ap·.li�tric.t. the>Kansas City Convention Report;;.Verbatim reportM of th� K:lIJ8n� City('nferf:Jinm�nt is 'I!l :lllTlI:t1 afTair (,fthe dllh. Ddir.it � J>1:tT'� fnr tlle ni�ht Mrs. Potter t:o Lec:ture-M"" Doro'will l,c n "no1Jlwc'l l:1tt'�. It was ,,1�(I thea Potter will deliver her first talkaC'(!i<1cc] to I,cI'p th.� ciut) room open on on "Immigration" today a.t 4 in Har·Sund3Y nftcrnnons fo� tll(. l!('n,'!:r oi per :\111. .All women of the Unh·er·the 'members. sity have boon invited. NOTES ON TODAY'S PROGRAM BYTHE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA=Concerto No. 3G Maio:.In March. 172� Bach com'D!et",l �i",concertos written fOr Christian Lud­Wig. Marnave of Brandenburjt. Amou(,!them was this concerto. In the orian­nal form. there are two movemp.nts.both ot them in lively tempo,to provide contrast. an ada2:io move­ment is interplated. the slow movementof the Bach concerto tor viOlin in Emajor being used. the key botnzebanged from C sharp minor t.o C ml­uor, Mr. Harry Weisbach. the concert­meister. will play the adagio as a vio­lin obliga.to: The openilut Allegro hin G major. 2-2, the 1inal, movementbeing Allegro. G major, 12-8..sympohny No.1, B Flat,OPUS 38. RObp.rt Sr.'humanntheme is drawn from the openinl! me:,s,ures of the introduction. Some fort"measures are oeeupiNI in workintr 0\ "rthis theme. and ;followinl! it the �n'­ond subject appears in the darinctl'land bassoons.. The Exposition is repeat d ..Immediately followed by t� ;;"1 It ISment which is cone' e. t'�eI(lJI'with th fi . h ern ccI prHlClpa!lyc rst eJg; t notes f th .�ipal theme Th R . 0 . e I)rlll-'th . .�. e ecapltulation ;)rlC"ISIVI Its pnnclpal suhject rnthf'r ill f I.,.manner of the J;Iltroduetion th�n inthat emp]o.yed :.:t the oTl�ninl! (If t!leAllegro. The second subject is J.le.sentro mur.h as before �ncl rio'\\, 111:,­tenal is brou�h forwarfl in the dO!'li Ill!section of til" Coda.II. (I..arghett;o, E flat Ttl lilT, :t Stime.) This movement is hiHtcd on t h ••following theme sung-this exnr(.� .. ,i"ni'J far from beinl! inapproJ)riate�-ll\'the first violins. It opens �s foJlo\\:-: !'''ftl'c·r·,jll!' tit.· rl"':'lIiTlC •. f thc..· tit1t�• I •• ' '!!'.!'It trio. "'Ic,..!.- :\fol'l'i�'" "r. f:r:'ifW'" ;1111(,(.,1I \'. I AIII·;.!rCl animatu l! grazzzioso. thp foll.n\·i"" "II thc •. """p •• : "Xu f"lk·h jlat m:l.ior. :!.:._! tinw). The finnl\! l1l'lloli,· trlfll.·"turrs :.t ,,11 ,,� •• 'nel1 llt';"e-01 "IIS with fi\'e �'OIlOrfHl� measur� (If in. Thl' r},,·tlltllil' , .. ,,,t .,f tIlt, r.ij't·e i�illtr(,lllldi"lI cin'rt to Ule full orc'h��· 'f,,��:s .1"1!f"'·:-<}"""','· TIll' WO!'K re­t·. fort", thl' rh�·thmic·nl figure of (lIIirf's no otl.C''.'' an:!l\·t;,.:,} explnnntion,,1.ic-h is J!i,\,C'1l irnllClrtnnt treatm(,Tlt!"t"T ill tlle' 1Il0\·mc';lt. Thi�, as will .d'ungarian Dances. Johannes Brahms1)(' S('t.rt frllm th •. s'.h.ioirlt'11 quotation. (t·ourth ::set).1 .. ::,1" :It or,,'I' illtn �lH.· llrin('ipal 1mb· lOrchestr..tteu !Jy Autoll Ih·orak) •.... t !!i\'I'1l to flo •• first "io1in!4 1i2htly Tht! origillal inspiration which wentflC'r"J1lI':111it'�l, (Xo. 7.) to the conll'ositiuu of the HUllgarianJ.)l1nces may !Je tntCl.'tl far Lack in thoCurt.'l."1' of .Johannes Brahms. It WWlt!ll: al'l'�·ll.r.t.nce uf the UUllgnriUll vio­�IJIISt, • Z·.c1u:!.r:1 HCIIII'nyi iu Humburg,and IllS '�I'rfClrmlll1"c'S in flint city'�dlO.rtJy u ftl'r t.he �I aC,\'a r revohltion.wilich it"t) tht' �'(lunl! (;"rman IIIul'Iician-Brahms WlIS tJll'll ahout 15-to fl.>eltIlt· fasdllutiou of Jlulll!ari:lIl music.In tilt.' .third anu fourth 1100ks of theUllng:ITIUU DaIH·('.s, Brahms mnde somu-thinl! of a dl'lt:lrtUrL' from till! practicehe h:ul luJuph"lI in till' fir!lt' t.wu ofdrawin� Upon material. much of whichhod bt\Cn th(" COnllwlUtiClIl of livinl!. orat leust reC('ut 1I111lcarilln composers.In the �cf'onc1 �Ti<'s he made· eoxten­"ive folktlllH'S. :utholJCh--(ls in theC'nse of Xo. H-MnH.· of it W:lS hisown -oril!inal work. �.The orC'lu'st'!'a for which Dvorak�orf'd th fi\'.� dan('f'S is �s follows:Two flutf's. "iC'f'olu.two nhoes.two r.lari­nt'ts, two lmssl)('ns. fw.r hurns, twotrnmpf'ts, thr ... , tromhf'nC'!I. b�si:t. drum,('� .. mhn]s. frinnl!'C' "n,l string" Onlyin No. lR nr .. kf'ttJ.·.lrums employed ..Tn No. !?1 a hnrn is I!i\'l'n employment.Tht' tMll!.i tHlc1 keys of the dances aresubjoined.No. ]7.2-'" timl'.No. ]R.Ba::hThe C(llIll'crs.·r of this work-the >lOll(If u RoulIlnninn fanner--displayedgifts for mu�iC'. and particularly (Clr\'io1in'l'iayin;:: (�arly. The RoumanbnC'ompos('r's prilwipal works for orches·tra :m': �uitc·. Opus 9; Symphony fort\':n flute'S. nho(.. English hom, two('hrin('t:", twn hassoons, t.wo horns:TI rt'C' J';ollmnn;�n Rha!lsodiC8, ()Y'dSJ 1: �\·mr,I'f"!,�i .. "(ln�ertante for violin.:It'll :_l' 'lllint,·t.. Elle�eo's three Rouman·inn RlHll'�o.1if'� �.re I'('speetively in thek('\'� of .. \ m� ior. 0 major Md G minor1':nf>!'If'o'� mrn,'�ody is scored fot}lrf'(' fl .. tC'�. t,··(, oboes English homt"o f'l:trinC"!t. +"'0 bns!toons,four horn",f"'o tTllm!l('t�. th .. "o trombones. kt'tth>(�rl1m!t, (,\·mll:-l. two h. .. ,rp� And 1'trinl!�'I'll(' n ork OIIC'n" (T.('nt, 1) major. 4·4This theme is in turn t.nken II" J". ti�'I'\ witl. fI s"hl"" t in the 2'trinl!'8the violon�ello� nnel the ohoC' anl1 hNn. ",ltidl. :) Hltl'lll!It introductory to thetho uC'ompanim(,flt l'n('h time h ... in:rmade more elaooTaTf'. At. the clo"ethe trombone� f'ntone solemnl\' a flhrnlolt�foreshadowinJr thl' opf'ninl! th('mc ofthe Scheor7.o, into whieh the sluwmovement leads without break. _. -;:f.,Hon.III. Sch�rzo. ()Iolto vivaC'e. n mi·flor, 3·4 time.) The {)rinci{)al 8t1h:kdopens in G minOT in the 2't.rin(r!' (n�"ho"'n in No.4). The sixtoon mea�'tire" which fonn the first part are rr'­penf'd. The 8Cond part opens ,,·;th nflialogue between tho dnrinet t'.n(lh""soon, foltowM1 hy n Tepf'tition .,ft'he openin� sixt(,f'n mea8\lre� of thl�Sc'hc-r7.o. This dhision is a1!to n'peatl'.l.There .ra two trios. Tri" 1 f .\1 "Ito piu vivace. D major.:!-, t":1::" is has(.'\l mainly on the COil­vr-rsa t ioun l ,,:tssaI!O between thest rinus:11111 wind. with which it opens (see:\ "••j :Iho\·t!)... \t'tt·r "xtt'lldeu treatment of this thel'-t1H'I':I. .. rct urus (No.4). The secondt I in fr-Ilows immedintr-lv. (No. 61.Till' !-'dwrzo is ;lc:dn reneatcd and if'1', 1II11'l',1 hy :1 �od;l. t.he material of'\hieh i:-: d ru w u na rt lv f rom tile second.Ij\'isinll "t t lu- :-:�'hC�T;1l und partly from", .. i., tit",,· .. ;!'I ..... i,·t"n ('onsiflc-rahl(' ('m,.10'"'"""Ilt l�t"r. '1'1.(, f)rinripa1 suhi,.(·t.; .. ni\'fl ('lOt h\' '1" .... trinS!1'. t'nd Tel)('tlt·",1 h.·;,·" ,,, .. ,1, f ;mC' with fll11f'T instnl'Tl('f'l:1m:1tnr\' nn�s'H!� fonow in theolH\(' nnd fllltC' �lJ('f't"��iv�ly, Rnd th�re:-ITt' !'I'H!!.!('�t.ion� of the oooninsr mf'1l'"TI"('� t)f tl.t" Rlwl's(lch- (riven to t1u�\·io1in�. OVf''I' � t ... "",n10 in the Rtrinl!!''-nlr"'f>,l nf':or tll(, t>"ic1f!o of the in!ttrn·mt"nt!"-n mf>lM,·, (,xflrC'�Nf ('t t� dou-k"r"nx. i� �l1Tl(P lw tl1(> F.n�1iAh horn.T"',i� i<.: f'1C',·C'l""f>-l ...... t1 f'ventnanv i�(..11,., .. ,,,,, 1,,- .. rf>f"rn t", thf' lim !lmh-i"ct fT, t�mrloyment being :\180 giv('n 1.0 the iutroductory meusures, A work­'lIg over of this 1,t..-aUtl 1iuully into the1'1.,::Iiug sect.iou (Yire, :!·4 tibe) whutlosubject ill given to U 11',10 viola."Mock Morri&"Percy Aldrid,Ke GratDcerThe composer of th� work, the sonof u well-kuowu Austrulian architectund euglneer, received bill first musi­eul edueut iun from his mother. At thnuJ.:e (If t eu he wus t ruusfcrred to theChrl' of Louis l'uptd. t heu livin� ut,�lcl!Jt)lIrllt'. Luter he was aaaoclutedOIl> u pupil, f'r ieud, und co-worker, withK wast, Fvrrucio BUI"Olli, a IIU Grie�.The "�Iock .:\Iorris"-oll(' of tit twocl'mpositiollS eut it h ... 1 .. 1�lIolll·UlutliC! 'fit­Iljtg"-iM wr it teu for whu t Mr. Grain-1!l'r culls u "string sj x-some (six sinl!lo"lIl�'f'rs� or fUT a .. st rirur Lund." (:011-sistent.ly with ent husiusm for Brlt iahfdk'!4ong's and t'olk-duuccs, the com­poser stvles the inst rumvuts for whichhe scored his work : "F i rst fi.lcllf'. St·e·ond fielell(·, tIl i r.l fitltl k m idd le fi.lclle •alit] firl't nnd �("'1J1l11 ":ts� fi(lcllt·H."}:\·('n th,· din·,·t:c',::s ill t lu- "C'Url' come:IN IIC':lr :'-'; l.o:-<�il,l .. t .. fit" ;\11!!I(I-�:axon,'I,'nlt'lIt-.; Itf tlr'! Ell:!'li"h tonl!lll·.Point system COmmittee1:30, � KIO.Brownson club. 3:30. Cobb 12A.Dramatic Reading society, 3:30,2"(.;n:O;(�HJI>TJON lUTES. Lexin£ton.n,. car-rIe r ; $::.�o a year; $1.00 a Quarter.�Y lDall: $3.00 IL year; $1.::5 a Quart�r. Conce b th Chi Symphony1.<.1I:orlal-lJu::ilnl's>I omc-, Bllia ::t. I rt y e cagoH;;�"��.J.��e ,��i�wa)' SOO. After 10 p m. orches�� 4:15, KandelUniversity Public lecture. 8. Man­lI.r�on Prea,;;. 5:>11 Cotla�e Grove Avenue. c!el.Senior college chapel, 10:30 Mandel.Mathematical club, 4:15. Ryerson 37. Tht� symphony ill B Oat was beeunSociology club. 4:30, Harper Kl6. L . ..Signed to acquaint stu- at. t'lpzig in -Iunuury, IS401. the Ii r: .. tJoint Rehearsal of the ·Men's and s_,kctch .,f the wo'rk ha\'illl! Ol'CIIJtil'Jdents With its PurpOE� set u I'"''' !Nomen's Glee clubs. 7, Mr. Steven's . I Ol:lnn 011 y four cl:tys.-.-Jan. :.!::·:':Ii.:!nd methods. Little ot home, 5828 WOodla.wn avenue. �'hc e:!,oIJ,letc first movenlC'nt W:lS till-a definite natU!'� h2.s Ised F e!Jruary 4, the Ml'COIlCl ulld thi.d'I. d id d mOVl'ments FeLrtinT1.· 1:.1 and tIle 1'111',11"ueen C<' c as to Procedure; but in oJ'-DISCUSSES TEMPTATIONS was finilihed �e\'en d:ays htcr. Thethe rne'lnti,me. the commission Wisely OF COLLEGE MAN'S LIFE work WUl:I, as we know frum tIlt! mas'fJ19ugh proposes to get to work estab· tl'r himsl'lf, ",rittt'n with a sft�C'1 l.cnH;;hi.ng a sta.nding among the student.". Mr. E. C. Mercer Speaks Before Audi- �'Iaich ht' had pick('() UI' us it la ,. (InSchulwrt's grave" ttt \,jenna. 'fhen'Tbe first need of such a. campaign is ence of 400--.Direct0r Stagg were two thiol!s which insJtirC'clto win aprova� support, and co-opera- Presides Sehumann. One of t]l(.'se W:.IS his hap-tion.;_There is no reason why the CO!11- piness in his marrlRl!e with CI:.r:t. That there was 1t.'Ss immorality in Wieck, :md another WUM the intluclH'l'M�siQ!l bhould nQt meet with favor. of Spring. "1 have durinl! the past'7'.. l:!_..... plan has been submitted,." ·altered. the Americlln co]Jeges at the: prescnt � 1 .. I- "" .. 'w cays, Ie \'�'t'oft· to 'Vend. fin-rcrnorleled, and studied from every time than ever' before Was the state- i::lhf'd. in �ketch at lenst. 0 lnhor \\hichment of E. C. MeII'cer, the college h:ls filled me wit'l joy, which ha� als·)c·:;r.�civahle point of view, full oppor- :llmost exhaustt.u me .• lust think of itt . f evangelist, who spoke in Mandl·1 Sun-!Ullty or .. criticism has been given, a "lwle symphony, nnd, what is lIIort',..... J d:lyafternoon. He advocated a stren- c._,. ,I" COt'll I �T�-' T :J·I·� � .�n(L tJ.�c !' an has been apProved by a n ""Il'llIg sym Iiony. 0::> I anot Icr w:·s � £;fJi!'!.:i. �:!.;;;;:"!..!.:iia-d�cisive student vote. The idea for UOWl program and athletics as pre\'t!n' n poem b.r Adolph Bocttl!er n fri"lltl �.� : :: :_ ....:�.� ,::___�. � :-_�.-. .�.i..J.ch t.he commission stands is one tatives of sin, and praised the rdig- of �chumnnD. ·--13- -- -_which must meet with th aproval of ious teachings of the day. 1 (Andante un pcoc mne!ltnso. B \ •. - .-�j �"'=. �� ��,evec�� t::::1l-:ing person. So much for Tn speaking of intemperance, �Ir. flnt mn.ior, 4·4 time.) " l ter tllis trippilll: Dgure h:lS b�en".r�rce 'd' "If � t ke d 'n' A' t d t' "8 I ; •.. ,!'" .. d !mk :i.uu forth !Jet \\'''''11 tho firstapproval. The only huge task which.a..., r sal. a � ..... n a sara. n 10 ro uc 1011., measures Oil:.! "'''tile drink takes a man I have observ- precedes th mnin movement. A cn's- :11:11 :;l'l"'I1C� \'iolills :L II ... ·\\, idea is hearuface,: the orl?ani.zation is that of win'd hili who f H cendo and accclleruntlo at the l'lost' II. till' stnllg:-; (I'i.z:'.in,to) u'nd wood-niI!.!j �!lPPo.rt 3nd co-operation. It is e t at t Ie co ege man a s, (,f this leads into the principal sl1hject. '�;lId itl" !'il'CIIIIII "hragc, Lrusquely setone �hing to �cure �e academic ape falls from the rcsult of trying to 1�" of the Allegro Molto vivace (B tlt,t �c,!'th hy the strings in octaves. beinl!'. a good fellow." � examples., he cit,( major, 2-4 time). The mat('rial of thil' 11.""')tcd to thl' Gl'l'lIillg measures (Noprov:ll of a. student. who revie? the. .11 of tIll' mOH'm'!ut. Jo'our measurt-e:plan ;mnerson lly rdi't ,_...... not only himself but several \\'( A-_ . If.:_ • ,,.. '.t' t I I' IfJ'():Ql':h� theo:eti��e:intn�: vi=.e� known athletes who hftve "gone t: _di!ti�gg:::r� :\0 1C�I:rst I' InISt) a�e quoted abc)\'eis a.no!:her task altogether to get hi!D . pac e." He told of his dilJgrace, his 1 (SjCootooo-. ! .. a TIl(' Tl':t I second theme occurs in F. t' d h' h � f r I : �: -; m 1l'ajor-thc orthodox :!te"--in the clar-working with the commission, both for Juvena lOn, an 18 met orl 0 Jig.., .-'k �VWao. ... �• il.etS and hns�oons, to be continued byhonesty in his own work :m4 in the ing the temptations of the you� � f75 ..t;l f = s.�� the e'}JOe and dl(.':ll rOI.ooted off in thework of others. This point of view- mall. �.__ _ � --, 1'1.11 orchestra. Its rhythmical outlinei:; nbo drawn from the introduction l>fthe movmC'1Jt.. At the close of thistIJI' t-:xpCl�ition is rep('ated.The Dl'\'eIopmcnt is largely takenI!I' with !, working out of the intro­ell I't My I'll ;·:rsc. A cadenza for therliltf' It·:-c1s into th Recapitulation, theol.'ning phrase af tho prineipal sub·.il ;�t hc\illJ! played two oetaves apJl.rth .... the fluf., and first bassoon. The re­niaininJ! suhjc·ts are repeated mueh asin tll(, EXI'CI!'Iition and a coda of someh:,mi:tnl�'" l,rings tho movement, andtIlt' SYlIll'hnny, to :L close.Roumanian Rhapsody. GeorJte EnMcoD Major. O!lllS 11, Mo. 2.Cosmopolitan Club Will Hold ''Inwr, e.eption and dance Saturday night in: na�o:inJ Night" Next Quarter. the Reynolds club theater. The daneewas given in eommemorntioD of thehirthday of General Robt'rt E. Lee, onJllnunry 19. Professor Dodd delivereda short address on the life of Generaltlrflny e,"('ninc. A fC'ntllr(l of the evc'n· (�e.in� was the rf'port of the Xational The Southern club met yest.('rflny atf'onv"Hfinn (If ('r :'!llni'"Ji!:n: I'l\l!'.� ,1:30 in l.cxington ]5, for � "gala flay""'bi�h "ns }1I'1.1 nt. the rllin'r!'lity !.f prnl!ram. The afternoon was !'Ipent inTown dllrin� tll(' Chri!"tmas Iwlic1n:-·s. :t very informRI way.The Chir:l;::o ('1111, ":os rl'prel'lPlltC'{l hy�fr. P:d,ln, n fOrllH'r stIHl,'nt. o! th ... Anelanlino, F �harp minor.Vivac(\ same time and key.Molto vivn('f'. D maior, 2·4�jmQ.No. ]9. All f'grctt0, B minor, 2-4time. Vivnc.'. F. mnjor. (Th .. fi�t tem­po rM:llrns for th .. tlthel part of thertipr.e.)N'o. 21 Yiv:l('e. F. minor and major,�" tim".CJ#ilona,-llTlARROW7itc1tCOLLARA XI':W expression of aconscrvati,'c style. Youwill like the sntin laundryfinish of the fnhric-a de­part nrc noteworthy for itsexcel1�r.cc. 2 for 125cCI.crrT. h.nlcnv & Co.. '"c .. T.OT, N. Y.Mnk,.,.. 01 A •• :> .. Sill.,.. I,,"1'BE BAlLy iUBOON. -ruESDAY. JANUARY et, 1914.Don't Blame theImplement---blame yourself-if you can't playup to form with a strange racket,or golf club, or baseball. There i�no excuse for you. Spalding Ath·letic Goods nrc on snle in everytown from Maino to California.Sead for Our Catalogae-U's Free.A. G. Spalding28 S. Wabash Ave. & Bros.Chicago.The.,arler-Key,, ;ftnat Dpensthe DoorsofERVleEIII::ARDOF TilE ""AS­T}:R KEY" TIL\ TFIT R f:VERY1,0 C K - DID\'OIT EVER REA.O� A llASTER.... ,1'( 0 DEL OF ATYPEWRITER'"Thlnll of ALL ofthe eomblned ad·Tanta«n 01 SEVeERAI. typewritersyou baTe seen,eoaeen t rat e d Ino Ii E standard.maehlaelThe Bo,.al handl"p II r I � e tI,. e\·e..,.known lonn 01seDeral eor­rellpondeneeand d_ C"DrdwrltlnK amI Con­d�nMf'd BlJJlnl( �lildf'lll - without aIIlnKle ""pfflal at­tatohm�nt·' tn nlldextra ("OIIIt tn thet:nM'writ .. r. Tblnk01 thl" --and ,.OUwill haTe a fairlyKoocl Id... or the)11I"t .. r-)lod,,1 ofth .. Royal."R01",'LT\'.· .. :WRIT .. :R CO.Ine.514 ..... !\Ionroe St.,(;hia4"o, III.The New Florida Hotel5721 Cottage Grove Ave. This is sonu-t l.i nz sJllIII!I�' comfort- n stut e of vague seut huentufif y tu Oil\;':11,1,', :IU ulld,·riyill;.!' ur t it ud« which we of rt'ul self'-Iu lfil luu-ut , :11111 it I'roVI·.,ch'si�lIatt. HS IJOllr�t·ois. ubout )ll's. too hig for he r, 'I'im» will nor 1'1' rui i:W:II'J't'I1'S Iutvst I'wdud. 'l'u the ma·1 11 �('tait'cl review O�· tll�' f:d:<p. S�I'I'S illoj rj t y , IItI doubt , t hrs will S"t'lll u : tlll� developnu-ut ; It IS sll!lll'I\'II� Id•. Iha rsh j1ll11!1lWllt, fur tlu-y will Ii ud I :1Ote !Im! unt i l the ('Iost:. uut wit lrst.n nr!UUIIIY arn in hl .. • :1I111 ,,'\'('11 luudnble f'_�a'llI:� Its Ill�llY, ShOl'tcollllII:,!S, that dcv- If i: is a small amount dq;mit it here in a Savings Account, get 3�,(, interest.tun's in the book; t lu- eusy style, the jCIOl'llll'ut IS Sllll·l·l't·l�' n ud 110111',,11,\' d" .')l.OO is e nougl. to open an account anJ secure a pass-book.il:tI'I'" ,lesel'illlilllll" rh .. • reu llv gout! bits l'iell'IL """l'lI .luuet l't'lll'lllll:"S tl;". If' 'I· '. 1 F' 1\.4. . d H d Par' Real. . , ., , I .. . ,It IS ar��cr. 111('11 uuy � • Irs! ':<'rt�age on Improve y e Ieof u nu lysis, a nd til .. , nnuueutu ry VI\'ltI - uve (If Salh' s husband we h·e) lu-r dl"I' E I t 1 I 5·· c r > \\" I I h . II F' MI w" ':'$ a C. <)_1:(, i:l' 10 ", , ,e �.P"C S('\'CT<l C oice. srna irst ortgagesgleams of insight. 111 spite vf the &1- eisiou as COIISIst('llt wit h ln-r I'!ta!':�l' . f' - nq � � ('(I" b ' � I ' (;(" . h . IIn c.mount s roll. '':')\)\,. 10 "':).v ,v, �;H!n�:) ,:.: to '.'{/ WIt tit es guaran-lusiou of reality created by the fa- ter, Hud l[r�. Wurren stopped there, teed by thc Chicago Title and Trust Company. There is no better or saferu.Ilinr set t iugs of .lackson Park, the all might have been well. But she a1" invcsrncnt,Univeralty campus, the Lake Shore pears to shrink from tile sufTcrillg sheDrive, und Hulst cd street, and by the has illflided; and hust eus to curtail.BOOK NEWSis making Special Rates to students, Youth. It is primurily the attrndiOlI ('ontinne his seri('�� of illll�trntc'd kl�·Steam heat and electric light in all of the \ll:1olOwn. 1-�or th(' boy ent('rill� furl'S on lrexico, speukill� 011 "Th�'rooms. ('ol1ege, there shoultl . he no partiClllnr City of )r('xiC'o" t.oniJ:ht :It the Ahra'.�stau •• " Barber 81l0., Bowllns••• Bllllanis I. Co •• ee,lo ..PRONE HYDE PARK 4OZn.THE TEA HOUSELUNCHEON 12-1:30DINNER 5:45-71328 B. 57th,Ta"es for Ladlttk Hyde Park 2015Fin' Cia!'. Sl'nleeMAROON ADSBRING REStJLT� l::'I'j,t'j' a 1111 Brul'l., $I.J;;. ed to truce the growth of -Iu m-t f'ron:;;rllllp uf vn rivd pt'r�olls which include It isn eu l low Inst ruct or, a I:Hl�· of fushicu ,1 I 1 I- "�ry ueur, you lave (011(.' t h ewho go"!,, in for r hemu courses us \\'1,11 thing, aud I shall reward you.a� sun'r:1�e, a womn n with a past, a three years and three mnnt.hsComrade Yet tu, several settlemcut as if she lltiicl:uud the hel'oint' .Janl�t BpJ, you suffer, (you must sufT .. -r t ha t yonmuy develop your sotrl }, :11111 then I'llkill foolish little Sally, alld give Y"uVick." Alld:,;o is )(1':-;. \rnrl'l'lI .. ,,11-1tent to t'lld h('r tlll<', apparently 11111:0'"hlllly--thc whole bears the tuint of su­pt.rliciality. For af't er all the thi"t.:which makl's a work v;L1uuhle or not isits creator's attituue toward the lif�.1 \ d' , I" �I'ioml of hu\-ill� \'iolatt�,l not. o"ly sull·\\ hieh he stjmulah'u. � 11 It IS Itrcth:�t llrs. Wanell faib. ::5he citl1di t! .. ethicnl !lntl nrtistic staTl,lanls, hulcanllot or will nut soc life truly. abo the Il'ss tl'Il\lOUS ml'!lSlIl'l' of goo,lThe author of "'rhe �Inill Hllutl" ",CL tu<:te.----',---=r-��-=What C��[��itors Thi�'c::: __ ellc.� or at le!lst the possibility, vf I'le'meditated "crookeuocss:'As W:1S su.id at thc out:wt, this "e,:;a·College "CYnicism." ichml" is merdy n disguise. It is a('ulll'gt' :-Itllelt'lItS arc apt to nssunll'pose that the boy will tlroJl wlwll t!wllwntal dis�ui:;e. 'rIH'Y nrl.' apt to adopt real affairs of life confrollt him. ! t' ;,.lllelltul attitlHIt�s whieh art! 1I0t nat;l- ,loubtful if nny college students,' eve::1':11. They nrc upt to be attracted by the most crabbetIly "cynical," feel at('ertnin viewpoints of yout.h... ,. heart ally cloubt of the ultillHlte gOoJl1', Tbeso ,.disguises, these nttitucles,;lel'.� of things.t hesc viewpoillt�, nrc 1I0t permant�!lt.But becauso colege "cYllicism" is suo1'h(',Y owe their existence to thc fllctperficial, it is not necessarily harlllh·�s.that it is not until u boy rcnches colOn the contrnry, it 15 pl'ruicious, t'l"!t,�c tlmt he thinks at all. Throughoute:lUSC it graclunlly trains the minu tohis life up to that time hiH parent:> ,Il)uht :md to scoff. 'rhe worltl 1'''''':llIel tl'lH'hers huve done !\ll his thin·�-iug for him. �l's:-;es l'nough iconoclasts without tlOI'When t he hoy enter:,;volllntary uddition of spurious 011":',"t1ll('�1' h(' i:-; Hllpn'pared to form sounti!,leals nrc shattered soon en(lu�h in t.ill·"Jlii()u�. He is cUlIfnsetl. lIe fl'l'ls tlw II'ourse of.n lift,time without these 'ld,I'r('sellco uf many l)t'Ut'f�, of various,11'11 spurs to their clestrul,tioll.«·reells. Hl' reulizzes tlmt tlwre is hert!'Vlwn the stuclent s('cs the vUllit�· 01':\ (','rtain nnwnllt. of' thillkitlJ: goillgtIll.' "t'ynicul" pose, antI lcarl1s : It·,on, :11111 thut to bl' in fa!'lhilltl, he nHldtvalue of sillcl'rity, there will he f\'Wl'i: hillk too. He must assume some nietl'··c.vnics·' in our colll·g('s.-The lntliall:ltal attitu,le ill rt'gard to the people:1J.lllit him. H" mUl't talH' to himself Ht.uucmt.S011l,' 1)('lief that will make Ilim con· DEAN ANGELL TALKS:-!ist(�lIt with hi:; judgment..\t this timt' (If lifl'. tllere is for till.'':ollcge stUU�lIt, a cert:lill attrac.tion inthe :lttitude of the .. yni,·. This fas· ON PSYCHOLOGY TODAYAT FINE ARTS THEATERIll.'an Angell will spcuk Oil "Prndi-l'ination iR <1u� to the furl that cyni' cal .<\pp1icutions of P�ycho11lI!Y" thi:-­cism is farther removl'tl, of dl m('ntal aftl'rnoon at 4 nt tho Fine Arts fllt'a';"hast's, from the normal thollJ:ht. d tr('. .-\�('iat(' Professor Starr willnovelty in contniuing the wtme car,!- ham Lincoln Center, Oukwood h(,ul.,frt�l.', joyful outlook upon life which he \'arrl and LanJ:l('y a\'('nue. Thes" "'CollU� po!'!'('ss('(l throuJ:hollt hi� sehn'll· tttr(':o! arc �i\'en undor the all�pi('l's of,lays. Rllch un outlook would he child· the rni\'c�ity Lecture a!'snl'iatioll.ish; it "oulll he too simple, toonaive to !'ait the mnturcr mind of tlll' •Second Gunsaulus Lecture - PI',I"r:tnk " •. Gllnl'tlulus will �i\,I' t hI' �."l·('ol1t'J!e man. "·or!'e than tllUt, n hop ..one1 of h�i IN'tur('s on "130m,' I'('r�()li.dr"l attit.lIcle (If Illin(l wOIIlll he an at1] A:-pt'c:ts of the Christ.ian H"lig-i""" til't:t.llIle of lInsophisti('ution. It won,_of the'. niJ:ht at S in :\rnn«I('1. t:dkillg l'll "1','1'1wtrny a dt'l'loralale iJ:nor!l1H'e'l!ltllrnl ell.'pravity of the worlel.So the coll('J:(' mUll man a!lopt� nl' Ronal Relationship to .'t'sus (·It li�t:'Score Club Lunches- Tileth" one thl'ory "'hih he eon�i<1er� in· ('luh will 110M n lunC'hf'on tomorrow :1 tfamhl(', the h,,}j('f that his f{'now'mcTI l�:'I:; in th(' Commons ('nf.,. "Inns f,,;arc ut hest, un!'crllpulnlls. He culti· th .. n('xt clunec, to he g-in'll l\·l,rll:l ry,\:ltf'S a rcluctnnce to helieve that lli!\ ;, wil1 be c1iRcllsR�1.ft'llows (,""1'1' nct t1i�interl.'ste(lIy. II ..sce8 jn most of their uctions the pres' ::5ubscrihe for tIle Daily �rar',"n. IS useless unless it is put to work. It accomplishes nothing as long as it ISinert. but becomes a power when set to work.l'i:,!Jd(0'''1' BANKKEEP YOUR SAVINGS IN HYDE PARKOpen Saturday Evenings"".,V," IN'rEREST 3'10�hallion x A C,\HHtll.T.. I'rt'�!,!'nt.H()g:·:I�T F. C".\l:\: i xo s, \",·.'-I'r(',;!.1'·nt.l'!1().\I.\.� .1.\:"::':-::":, C:1�h:,·r.\1. A. 11,\11\1'-':":, .\�!"�I:1n: C:,shkr. H,.I .. -r: F. Cllnl"':n!;� F'ra nk \\". HOWH,'!,;,!" � I: llo'!Ti., .1:1l11··S J CarrolliJ'·�!r�.- L . ...:.:('.;1 T!'om:!� Jan!'Oot'n(';Ink: F. 1::1:1:,' T!:Olllas A. C. ... ;lInsJ.)hn A Ca:·ro:1.Follow the BoysAnd take advantage of our discount saleLiberal reductions 6il e-,;ery suit andovercoat jn Our ShopDockstader & RexfordSuite 816 Republic Bldg.State and Adams St.Ir--sT.LOUISBest Reached by Through and Fast TrainsILLINOIS CENTRALAll Steel Daylight SpecialLea\'cs Chica�o 10:02 :l. m.: a;, .. i\,cs SL Louis (via MerchantsBriJgC'(d)2 p. 111. Indc;o.!rt.:diLlc flcci G'.rs of har.ds(',me interior finisltE\'cry comfort �md convc;;icnce , .... it I be iOllno on this train.Diamond SpecialLe:1\'(: Cl:ic:lgo 10: 30 t). ID,: anove St. Louis 7:48 a. m. Elect ric­lightl'J train. A, ccnvenicnt cvening departure from Chicabo.Stops r�z.de in Both Directions at South Sic!e ThroughStatior.s. 43rd. 53rd ana 63rd StreetsJb(,"r\'�.ticn Far!m ClI:', Cdc Ch.:b Car�, SleepingC�r$. Flce l\(,l'::ll:ng U-�ir ens and CoachesTic1tcts, Fares and Sleeping Car Reservations at{ ITYTICKET OFF:iCE 76 West Adams St.R. j. Cf.RM:Ct!AE.L. D. P. 1\. Phones; Cent. 62iO--Auto 64 ... 12F rn !('rnll�' .1,·" 1'1 ry1."all1,'r C;,",,!�(·lIl1l·t!" :" It\'l'lll,·� 1:llIl",� .. t·" :-;t:tU"n"r1W"lltllll� In1'UaUOD.Calling CardaBROCHONENGRAVING CO�P.ANYl'r('�i(JentTd"pllonr I:;ar"lolph :Ur.3rBB DAJLY MAROON. If'tJESDAY, 3ANlJAltY Z1, 1914.For all 'round wear and good serviceWe recommend our SPECIAL WIN·TER OFFER---A black, blue or grayserge or cheviot suit, with extra trou­sers of the same or stripe material$30.00TAILOR FOB YOUNG KENTHREE STORES: 7 N. La Salle St. 25 E. J:.ebon Blvd. 'j I E. Monroe St.SKATING in the keen air--tbe companionship of apPe lhepleasure of a tobaccoaucb as V dvet IVehd • the best lcal-aged Oftftwo Jam iD the warehoalc a slow.IiIaIt truIfarmation from harsh ledto • mdIow IIIlOking tobea:o. TIDle� eftdalhe bite---matan=s aLeiood �GIlLe Ieaf-a Bayor• d al-aood waa&dully aood ISacIa • taI.cco tabs lime to pr0-duce cdiw care � bat thisia aM ..- we all waD&-60 wL,_llua1l.w-. THESMOOTHESTTOBACCO-���-. ����toeFuDTwoOuDceTmaThree Reasons Why you sbould Eat at the Men's Commons1st. Good Food Properly Cooked.2.d. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen3rd. A Miaimum Price for Bish Quality FoodCluh Breakfast 15e up Cafeteria at LuoebDbmer A LaCarie MUSIC Come iDDe Hit of Tbe SeasonNOTIC.DaTlns TODr Clot.e. Dry-Clea.e4 •• dPress.d at 'nq.ent IDtenal. 70. wID•• d It to be a •• aU b.t prolta.le I.­ye.t.eDt.Stade.t. ..yl.S ID Doraltol1ea leaTeClo.... I. eare of ,JaDltor. o.r repre­... latln ealls aDd delh-u. dall,..• t .. era call DP lIld".,. 'i!"JOSEPH SCHMIDTStationery, and Toilet Articles.·I:SE LINE OF CANDIF.81:l!1 ":a�t ;"tb Street. 2 For 25 Cents.CARRIE D. RAYMOND Troy's Best ProductBeauty Specialist1116 Bast 55th Street.Tel .... o.e R. P. 1441.Ope. E ..... lns. .Dd S •• d.,. )lonl.rs.All Work Do.e .t B.awo ••• le Prien. + ••••• +++++++++ ••••••••••• CLASSIFIEDOYIITISEPmfl'S BADGEBS SEOUBE BIGLEAD Dr � BAOBI������������,.lett. Tilt.' way in which the football5e per line. No adverttsemeata reo cnptuin braced the team was wonder.cerveu ror lcz;� thuu :':;Jc. AU claaaUlecl ful, Team play had ('.lways been hieadvertisements must be Paid. in acl· strong suit, but in the erisis hi. bas.vance. ket �h�otin.g nearly w� out thenlul!:l'r's lead. �·o aeeurate sholl.\\ ithin two minutes after he eoterted�S�-In Harper Lavatory A diu- the game tied the seore, but Wiscon8irand bath, one or two men, within bwns 110 match for the Badgers, andfew blocks of U. To rent for spriug when the final gun was fired, the Bad­and summer quarter. .00P1'ly BoX :'!'jU gt'rs won' in the Iee d, Hi-H. Chicagothem Wt·fl' e red it ed to Xurgrt"u. J)t ......S .Tardit'u 11t'lll hi� own with Van Gent,FOR ALF-A new No.:; Oliver Typ.�writter in perfect condition. l1ust sell, :111(1 Baumgnrtnt\r played \!. gond de­fensive g-nmt·. Rll-hough h!8 pRs14inrwas wild. lfol:,nll('r, Stt'geman, a ndGoett ler were, however, off form, andtheir oppunents had no trouble withthem. For Wisconsin, Harper andLnllgt' led in the scoring, but everymnn plSYl'd 8 steady, ('onsillltent gamethat surpassed Chicago's wild )en·�rnSSt'net operas, having been pro­NICELY FURNISRED......Light, fron duced the firKt time nt .Monte Carloroom; 2 windows; large closet; elee in Hl)O, The libretto, by Henri Cain,tric light, steam heat, good opportunitv follows the Le Lorraine version morefor two women students or teachers than the Cervantes. In the versionnear Park and Midway. 1345 East adopted, Don Qu.i(�hotte is a magnani·62nd St., 3d Apt. Tele. Midway 857:,. mous and chivalrous gentlema.n, ratherthan the familiar crack-brained figure,ner ring at noon Monday. Piudeplease leave at Information office iCobb.TO RENT-One suite bedroow, sit\in& (Continued from page 1.1\\":'8 Hot to be denied, and Iwept thestill disorganized Chicago team .. � itllfeet, Wisconsin Ied at the end o! th('bulf, 1� 7.With only three meu p�yins: nllytiling Iik« their regular game, Chicagomade fin' fil'l,) hask<-ts nnd four ofFaculty ex.therefore price reasonable. Write, orcall after 7:00 P. M. E. H. Brunemeier53 :Middle Divinity HallLOST_Esoteric pin. Pinder please re­turn to information office in Cobb.LOST-Delta Kappa Phi society pill.Gold, oval shaped, edged with wholepearls. Please return to -Josepb inedogers 1444 E. 54th St. Reward.BOARD_III; small private family. Ex­cellent horde cooking. Limited numberut table. Address 61:J4 Woodlawn avenue, 3rd apartment, telephone HydePark 637.WANTED-One or two girls to shar.liJ.!bt·hou:-tekee-ping apartment for wi nter quarter, l\Jra-. E. F. Denton, 57}'Dorehester. Phone H. P. 6655.MRS. FLORA. JlaclVOR 8MITR-Voice builder and teacher of artisti,'singing, M,ondays and Thursdays atMrs. Knights, 5652 Maryland Avenue .!:lUvors.GRAND OPERA NOTESDON QUICHOTTE.lfnssen('t.T'oDight, 8 P. K.Dun Quiehotte is the latest of theund Dule inea is a gay courti8b.n In­stead of a simple hustie, the Don isinterf")Jted in reclaimiilg Dulelnas, andeven ofTt"rs her marriage. She refuses,in order not to ruin him. Sancho Pan ..za, however, is the familiar figure, and'the opera shows the well-knownscenes treating with Don Quichottle'sadventures with the windmills, the,::innts, and the brigands, and hisWednesdays and Saturdays at home':�ath.6356 Maryland A venue. For informa·'rh(' music is declamatory, intertion addresa 6356 Maryland A venu('lIp�rHed with arias, and haa been de·Phone. Midway 4390.dart'cl among the best written by Mas·Sf"nct. ,. a nni Marcoux will sing theFOR SALB-Standard Smith·PremieT tittle rolf" ,nod Mary Garden, Dulcinea,Typewriter in excellent condition, at with H('("tor DUlfranne as Sancho""ery reasonable terms. A great bargain Pnnza. Cnmaini will conduct. Thefor anyone desiring a typewriter fOT program for the rest of the week isrrofessional use. H. B.Lemon, Room RRyerson Lab. or 1220 E. 54tb St. 3" follows:�fonnn Yann:,-(firat pedormanee inChieagn.-W:edneeday, 8 P. M.LOS'I-Top of fraternity pin. Letter Tnl .. s of HofFman.nd aQunrrel-Thunday, 8 P. M.Delta set with pearls and a diamond. Lover'sLibeY'B1 reward if returned to 5-10r�lIis A venuc. Telepbone Jlyde "a!"!(lO'J4.PATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISERS Gnlll Perfonnanee--Friday, 8 P. M.llonna Vanna.-Saturday, 2 P. )( •llartn-Snturday, 8 P. M.Twenty m('m hera of an art dan{rum rni,,-ersity Settlement were en·t .. rtnim�l hy I .. incoln house elub roomInst niJ!ht.. Th('y were under thr.tutc'lngc of Roy Baldridge, '10, whoWill' on., of th.. leading mC1l of tbetor I'lq-TWt'lvn �flmpu!'l. Iloth the young_,. and thenlf'mh('ra of Lincoln bouae aniated inwomen were 8Clected )"t'!'It'erday to t:, k('part in "The Col1t"ge Ball" to be pre­Rented by the Freshman Dramatic eluhnext quarter. The fol1()wing pas.� thetryouts: F..sther lIelfrige, Aliee Kitch·ell, Rotb Sheehy, Margaret MaeDon- Hold Try01lt. JIoDdaJ'-Tryouts ft)rth .. cast of the play to be given thi,qunrt�r hy tl.� J.'rcsbman DramaticMAROON ADSB.KJ.sG RESULTSSWITCHES .ADE FBO}( COllBI�G8 Id Y· . G ld· , ...AND GE�TLElIE!{ JlA1IflCUBING � B. 55th St. Chlcaco. m. a, Innle 0 Wln, �uartha Barker, duh will be h�ld Monday at 4 in Lex·Impo-"'d "nd Domc�c Line of Marian Spake, Ellinor Doty, I�ueyA....... nwE inJ;ttun R. All Fr�bman W'omea ....CIGAR..4t AND MOARIt'ITa Wells, �ith MMdeJsohn, nnd Alicf>++++++ .... +++++ ... , ••••••• ·RoQkw�� GARRICKHONEYKOON BXPBBS8Wit.h AL Jollon and 100 OlheraCOIAlt'S GlAND"!fBABLY KABB.IED"With BrUce KcBu"De11Pttul Comed7-GreatFun."� LesUe In Be ...ILLINOISJULlA SA�DERSONIn TH':: SUNSllINE GIRLWith Joseph Cawthorn an4100 MoreHo",ard's TheatreA Blow at Commerclallsed Vicen Baa Awakened Ohica&o.THE TRAlTIOpOWERSDAVID WARFIELDIII '!'he Auc:tioneerCOR ... '.Jack Lalt's New �HELP WANTBDA Olean Comedy Drama wit.hHenry KolkerST�DEBAKERJVLIA DBAR8euon's Laugh, Love aDd Cobl PlaJ'HBR OWN KORBYFINE ARTS"OOWARDS"A Great PlaJ'1n tActaBJ' R. X. L 0 VBif' If'princes •LV ...lion Powerful Dramain FiRJ' YeanOLVIMPICRBADY KONBYWithROBBRT OBBBLASALLE'-sBPl'BIIBBB KO .. "Willa Daft LnIa.... ....JI .:'j