� - .luituVol XIL. No. 71TODAY RUlQ :�GAB, "JlO�7Q.L: DEDICA� TOWill Decide On Subject Of Class MURRAY WI) COTILUON Professor Emeritus in tbe DivinityPipes At Meeting In Commons . r' '�l � Fo��' Recorder IsCafe At 12:45-Lovett To Talk Semon Plaa to Attend Diviii1ty ·Honored by Cap and Gown,Buket -Ball.',Game,a.Qr.e; DIUlCeLUNCHEONCHARITIES CAMPAIGNDRAWING TOW ARB CLOSE i916 PARKER CHICAGO OPENS TANISEASON AT EV ANSroN .ArliDe Brown, Donald Delany,ADd Anna McLaughlin LeadIn SoIiciton' Contest Coach White'. Aggregation I.Favorite In Flnt Con­ference MeetWhether the Sophomore �en will 'rhe, eighteenth annual Cap and(;own will be dedicated to Alonzoprocure their clasa pipes now or not"CHAIRMEN URGED TO REPORT will be decided at the elasa luncheon i PLANtoday at 1 in Hutehioaon cafe. De1lnite, -One hundred and fifty dollars wa.: plans for the sleigh ride to be giv�n The Senior program today includ\l, Untverslty recorder. This aetion WIlS Swimming fans look for a faat meeteotzibuted toward the United Charities this quarter will be cihwn up, and the. cotillion and a basketball.iame be taken by the Annual board beause t)f t�ni�ht ,,:h�n Chicago and Northwestcampaign by six o·cWck last night other aocial functioDIJ will be dis- tween he class. team and the_ Divinity . the long service Dr. Parker had ren- e�n _opell their Conference . aequati; .when the daily collection was made .. cussed. Dean Lovett will deliver a school. The-basketball game will start dered the University, as he has been schedules in.. the Patten gymnuium atThis would seem to indicate that the I short address. at 3 :30 s.�arp! and the cotillion willhoped-for amount of 1ive hundred dol- A atatement of the clan finance. n�t begin un,til the game is over. �h�lara 'Would not be raised, 3S but one- will be ,iveR by Treasurer Weinmalll,sOCial committee .plans to have allthird of the campaign remains in which and ticket. for the quarter will be put Seniors go first to the game, and thento make the collection. Scarcely one on ale. PreaideRt Burcky ba. re- in a body to' the cotillion in the Rey·of the organizations has reported quested all members of the clau to be noIds elub, - - ',ElABORATE PROGRAM �etcham Parker, ProfeSsor- emeritus EXPECT PAVUCEIin. the .Divinity school, and retired TO STAReonaeeted with it one way or another Evanston. Both aggregations ha V8.ver ainee its founding. sta� enlisted who are expected t"however, and the experience' of the present at the luncheon. The luncheonpast indicates that from them comes will cost thirty-five cents a plate.most of the moony. Dr. Parker was born .in. Poughkeep- break Conference recorda. Chicago Lasie, N. -Y.'- where his gni�dfat�e;) hadfounded' the fi� Bl!-ptist _ Ch�rch. �e exc��tionally_ str�ng in the ,baek stroko_.�dua�,ed from. �he _U�ive!8ity of Bo. a�d f�rty. an_d hundred yard swimaa,qester in '1866 and then took- a COUnM' while _Northwestern is eonsldered ua-• 'II ... ..' .' ••••Ii. the Rochester Theological Seminary beatable in the breast stroke and t ,'10",bi�h h. e com""l.et�. in :187.' o. He, �;.8- -_.r. hundred and twenty yard race.The committee has spared no expen ..in makin, the cotillion the most nov".and elit�rtaiuing; aft'air ,of . the . yearRuth Agar has seleeted :the favors, andTwo contributions of ten dollars ANN'OUXaB 11PPIBB J'UMIOB 'ft'C'red � e�ll: as_ �stor of i�e A�enh. althon,'" IL their ilatura has 'not been di- P Ii k h haa been under Coachwere received in the Y. M. C. A. oftice PUBLIO SPBA.Ja:M'G OOlft'BS'r � N. Y. church, where he- remained untfl av ce_, � .0, a .... w_ ... . _yesterday, and one subscription of five vulged, .they are said to be quite orlgt- 1879, being. then. i��f��� to B: Chi- White's, especial tutelage for the. wt.nal, . Lew Fnicks is going to furnish .." t - t d t ve thudollars was handed in. Arline Brown --- cago ehureh, In 1901, Dr. Parke! rp· wo years, IS. expec e 0 pro .Hold. 'PP.h--a �- "IIP'_·t F b the harm.. o.ny, and for· his ,caceom' .. ., '.'t- f th d Pav has brokentured in nine dollars and a half. and. -.� AM.-.u OD e 1'1l- ceived his title of Doctor of Divinitj sensa Ion. 0 . e ay. '.... umed the leadership for the indi- &17 11; m.oo.. :Four tor pli�es" he �aa selceted tw� of the b�t f��m' 'the :Baptist U�oil· Th:�logiCftl the. Conference record in the baek-. . ff d h �--... artiSts obtainable, According to Chair" '. Hi ti . •. 't'h' t' h' stroke at win .... d l·f he could be re-vidual pnze, which IS 0 ere to t e 6�• • • SemmarY. • eennee on. Wl..8 � --,JIlap. Howell Murray thJs affalf will U: it t Ch'" " b- ,. 1891 served for this event only there seems.olicitor turning in the most money . ,D:lve�, y 0 !cago. egan, In.. .. , 'during the six daps. Donald Delaney u P 1'· . tUrlli� fl �a� ppponunl�1 1p" tQ�' in the eanaeltr of membel' of t1le to be 'no doubt that he would esta.bljsll.re IlDlnanea in the Up1*' J llmtlf 1>, f � 1 t 1 b ' .." '. ,aecond with five dollars, and Ann3 bll .. mem rs 0 e e allfi 0 e"fU ow board �t trust�eA- In 1901 'he' � ap '.. record that would hold for years.pu Ie apeaJung contest wID be held t d �h I nli '.' .' ," �. . '-. . -McLaughlin is third with four dollars . K - � eport, .mso VOl at ",. 00 I ou--a of ted' Uuvenih ... ord.r in wlUaa The iJltereollegia:te b�Slke..,recQrd... "'-In em tL.eal.ce On February 11 AU , .. � n-, ·01 ��.. .-.--�..,_.,,-� <_ - __ , •- ,The remaining place� w�r�_ b�nch�.�: JIiDde. <fWiri :....-1ItW- ,. - ,req��.e_r--:-:����,-=..:. _'�apiMlW-lie�.,;ned�p to h1a r�· 'is 1:18, Pavlic�k. �as made the hun-._•L' .a-=__�f-- -.r::'t�"--d4·1 -.:---*. . � take up 8Oe�a prote.loa. tl t last dred yard sprint In less than 1:14-----::- .tween tuoee'mng In rom ree o· must register with the deaD of th ' ,remen , yeu. '" ._-lars to .fifty eenta. .' ,e :Ruth 'Apr aud Howell Mum7, whc, . many times. The. lengthening of thoJumur eollege8 before the_ . JLiath of :w"iU lead the ooti11ioa. bve � apared sprint to 156 yaros i:; not expected toPoatals were Bent to all organiza- lleU month. The conteet ia opell to aD I nrither pain.· nor trouble in pnp&rlllR 1L\IIQlJBB8' �GrVB' PLAY tax' his strength. He also swim. th.tion chairmen yesterday to bring in Up:,r .JuniOI'8 who have leas � Dine I for the event. Mi .. BlmAan haa give.' .. � .. 'm-: �OLDR forty· in :20 flat, whiclA is, atecond.their money by Satunla7 night in ',r· IIl&JOn, and not more thaa 8eventeen tIlem 'leveral nOW and laney Amnii � 0:L1Jll :�, BVBl9"B� faster tha. _ t�e 'record of Wood, th�.der that the campaign could be cloaec1 'nd a half. Contedanta must _t )abe ,which they have been pact�ng falth- Purple favorite.'011 time, and in order that the final J'e- won any npper .Jnnior extempon.neou fully in the hope that these figuresport could be p�b1ished in The Marooa speakiua prize preVioualy and mat bt Dlay be added 8ucceSBfully to the rou "Pepita" will be preseted. this even- �. v .. �, � �for Tuesday. The central office of the eligible ·for public -ppearaaee. tine tel1'aichorean evolutions. ing a� 8:30 in the theater 'of the Rey- Neff will be. Chic:&go's �in.-rtay inUnited Charities has furnished the Y. The topic. will " UIiped Tuesday, . Treasurer .lohn Perlee has asked that n�id�.: �J�b by: � t�� . ���e� ,_ �dDlis� the century· distance.. He has a, re.!­M. C. A. office with a number of illus· the tenth at 4 bl Kent. ad ..,..t.1'I all Seniors pay up their dues imme· sion will be by lnvitatioil on.I1'., ':rhe ord of 1:00 }-5 at this distance, .. �"d .t ti h rt d haa -nt out pn·nted will be anowed. 6Wen6y.fou- hours f,owo .... .: I Th . h be 'dra ve '! a s an ..... • •• u,ate 1. ey may eit er pal to should take his race easily. Olson aadmaterial describing the kind of work preparing their speeehea. The prelia- him peraopa)ly or left in faculty ex· �aat 10110"": Norhtrup are Coach "'h'te's other Pl'O.done in the numerous branches. These inaries will be held the next day ba "')lawurs, bo .... No. 171. Th",aA dOI'ng .. h .... PepitCL •• .- .•• :••••.... Selma Dien�tag.. fA." ....,... Or...· peets in. this event. Northwestern ismay be had on application. Kent at 4 aDd four student. will, be -latte;' wUJ pleaH eneiOl8 the monoy ir Vietor'·. � ..•.•. � ..•..• -.' Rudolph Moritz.generally conceded the first two placraThe work of the Y. W. C. L. office selected to eom� for the 1IWa. Eaeh an envelope with their name written Nicoaio '.•• �' •.•.....•• - •• ll�: Sickle in the breast stroke. Ennis, a veter-nerson win 1r ave minute.. p )(orrltoa ...•.••.•, ... - Trev&, Matthewshaa been crippled by the iUne88 of l' -_._._ plainly on the outBlde. Treuurel' �I'... • _ an Of two years' experience, is a. fut. . I The final contendel'8 will be .... ign.ec1 I ·n '-_. C bb haD d f The Yarqu18 ..• � ...••• �ldney Pidott)lISS Brown and thIS branch of the . ee WI uu ID 0 every ay rOlD '. man, and. Scholes, a Sophomore, ha •.. h' falL.. f beh· d topics forty eight houn before the 10·15 to 11-45 �baatiana ....••...•..• , EvelYIl ColecampaIgn as Rln ar In ex- . - •. .... :1T_rd been bre3king his teamm!lte'a reconl. Th f th Sch I contest and wiD speak twelve minutes· Pedro -•...•...••.. .-u&& La�ncepeetatlons. e success 0 e 00 consistently.of F.ducation under the supervision of each. The ant. prize will be a eeholar-. PLAN 20 � O� lfBW Wood of Northwestern is concededLeone Hemingway and Evelyn Cole, ship for . two quarten, and, the aeeond 80BG BOOK m IIABOJI WJLL AWABD PB1ZBS m the best chance in the two hundred.however, has made 11ft for this to some a aehoJanlaip for cnae q�- . .OBA�BtO.Ai.- ooiftBft d d· N ff d-r The JAW_ Junior pieli.i�a win I !.on Pane IUId Dorotll7 UeftUn An . __ ... -, --- - - i ,-_, an twenty yar sWim. e anextent. . 1'0&' D!VllUi' 8f'UDBRfi Goodman should finish in the orderbe held 011 Febnaary 4. Th. tletaDa,' BIIlton; JOlla are- Is ... ,,_ . - -., -.Lo P --.6 ret t half named. Coach W"'ite's squad wiD .n ayne Y'lXt"e ay pu a of thia coateat weN alloUKer i. tle ........, ....crosn. boxes in the buainea otraeea, the DAILY )(ABOON 788terd-,.. . Anno\ln�ement haa been made �Y' muster one of the fastest relay team.wholesale department of the Prea. do- . Material 101' the new 80111 book i� t�.c�.;.mi�t�, .i�, ���:� .. � �J�ll Been in Conference cireles for yean.ing the best wor� The Bureau of rapid17 beiag collected and graduaU,. Richard �n�1l peace, �d prUe Neff, Olson, Northrup, and PavlicekReeorda is backed by most of the JVlQOU LOIIB J.I8I'L1I8I. ':uaallliag bat form. The ed.itiq co... tllat _�, ��r!�, .c�n� �W��I tJae have low('red the standing rt'Cord !Ie"·_"eetat01'8 as the logical winner. Ou� GAIIB - 110 ....... 1 mitt.. -et ,)"e8teiday, alld it .tat 9\�� st�d��: of! ����\ a�� eral times in practice, and if not push·of the men's haD coutributec1 ave dol- .ed aat tile plan of the boot read, � �lll � �e��, o�, t�e .e!�� o� eel too hard in their �pective event.:lan, but tho other foul' bve Ilot been ill A""'_ ., � ...... 1ftIzd ud aat ..By DeW' .features would be April 10. n. .wpeech_ aUt' tleal the,. "ould repeat this f('at toni&bt.heard from. T .... Aa. DIf..... illeluc1ed ill the book. One of the fen ... i�h, ��� .J?�'� o�','."�:,i���ti�� Rf'dmoll, Lyman, and Neff' of Chieqo'11-11. ture.· wm be tile iaelaaion of the Alaa pease question or arbitratioll aacl �_ have made the length of the tank i.;Xatera ·of· an of the uDiversitiea ir DOt exceed two thoUAlld wOrd� ill the plunge in :41, and this record willBo"'eu' • .Jullior buketbo.lJ 'the Wmera' Conference. " I�Dgth. The �nt, an� Meolld priR8 prol,nbly be ('nough to deft'at l{c:Crary,will be seventy and forty doUan ft· "'ho is Northwntt'rn·s sole plungt'r .Captain• tan were IlO match for � Soplo- i Letter. bYe been written .to alumnimore. 1eateM&7 a_ ill tM a...nce)ormer 'elaa pnai�enta, .aDd formol spedhrely.: The' e,,!n� wil� be. �.� � Water BuketbaU.. l-.s· ":""t..._,_ �'I. book ill Memorial hall in Evauto .... All dieof their leader weat doW1l to a 11-8 . .w.u .... 011__ eOlieeuuDg tDe ... '. -. .' ,',defeat. Bobea .... oa tile aiM Bul and a..wera are heine reeeived and vln.i;t� ��a�nta., who .�i.h to eoapete Water . baaketban, the now Confer·witll, aa lajum tHe, _act .. _ ... 'Iuted upO" Lon PaYne aid lut nlah' should Me thei� ����. eDee pme, will make it. initial sp-ing wu of DO' avail. NeilJa_ team' itlaat' tlie ptibBeatioa' would be a "reg- peaftd tonight. If the aport reeeivel- I']a lcl I'lL.' .. boo�"·· • . ..,m' __ -. .A... ---...;. ..... :_: proper IRlpport this year in the ell:bi·played wltll aft1' nap, aact • plaejiU l' 0 �"leagO tong .. "au. .& ... "II __ �I' bition mauhes, it will be adopted ..wu liatl� tlll'OuP01It. Ii Material wiD be givo to the print;. '. hofe,.or George C. "lhipple of. .,•. .' , ' '. , a J'�lar "port. Coaeh White IS ••At th" net of tle lInt lalf tle aee· .;en th� ant week III February, autl It. Harvard university; will· lecture 001 .• ._ • th lead b '. t� th t th book ·n be t .,.. � I' thuslastleally In favor of the ...._O_T-.r aft were I. e 7 :Ill. expee a e W1 ou ''Belative Value of �tation" today pme, and ell:peets it to prove _ti.-(o.&iaM ....... to) (Qm"ll1Iecl OD pap I) at 4:30 ia Reat tiaeatN. fact01'7 81Ihatitut. t,.r "ater pc)i .. '� Preach 8aDclaJ'-Biahop Gailorof Memphis., Tenneseee, who has been.�king at the chapel meetings tbi.week, will preach at the aervice lDMandel, Sunda,..P. JIoaltOD 00II to Oauda-Pro­feNOr R. G. MoultoD, head of the de­partmf'nt of General Literature, huleft for Winnipeg, Caliada, where hewiJ1 give a short .erig of lecturea�. ia expected to _Ul'll Tuada7.ftIB �y JIABOOlI. nIDAY, J'AH11ABY .• es, 1914The --"'---� _._,---------Sophomore I,pDcbeou.-:..12:45,· Com '.,,'raterDIt,. "e"'t'lr�L�atb�r Good". Collt!lC� �o,t'lllu EDlbu ... 4 8taUoa.17\\" ecl41DC laYltaUo ..C&lI1q CaN.BHef' Cuq,u New.Cosmopolitan Ol1Ib IIeeta- Arme'ni4nmembers of the C08Dlopolitan club willfurnish' the entertainment at the clubroom ill Ellis 18 tomorrow at 1 :30. Thomeeting 'will also be a "Good Fellow-'. ship" night and it is hoped that all ofthe mem.bers will be present. Frank,Weak)y has been eleeted correspondingDlOOJIPLEIrE 00UB8ES 'secretary of the cluD owing to thePu�1Iabe4 IIlOI'D1np. ue.pl BaAdQ aadIINdQ. d....m. lb. '\'UUUDD" WlDter aad:r:lt..q quart.,... by Th. Dall,. KarooA molUl r.at ..8eD1or 00ttW0D-4,· Bey.wid. Club. 'BROCHONENGRAVING COMPANYG. w. COlUachaJDII. g. GorpsBe P. " •• 1w. II. L,.au New. E41torAtIaIetIa JW1torBaala... .aaacerCI.re .... Uo ........ 1' GenD&D 0lub--4:30, Lexington 1 ••EducatiOD 0lub-4 :30, Be14eld. II. G. TURN ERPresident 818 .&lIer. Balldl ..Telt'�ODe aaDdolph IiaEDtered .. MCODd-c:lau mall at lb.Chlc:qo PoatolDee,. Cblc:qo. ru, llarcb II.110.. UDder Act of Karch J. 1111. ANNOUNCE BBGULAftOKSOOVEBIllG OONDrrIOKAL QB81JBaK:BlPrJON aA.'r1!& resignation of Dudley Grant.B,. carri.r: U.flU a ),ea.r; U.OU a Quart.r. F'ollowlng is the announcement COy·B,. mall: 13.00 II. ),ear; U.%6 a nWU'ter' ••• d' . _':'1' d 'ftA- __ I'II-'b _............. D�tor1a1-Bu.jDe .. Otl1c:e. EH.la "it. . ermg examtnatroue In con ltiowu an .�MIAII V£I& �r\)feasor CU:-Telephone .Mhlwll), ljOO Alt 111 .�d. l'ark 41111., • er p m. I ineomplete courses as -givell out b)' ting will apeak at the meeting. of thethrough the bureau of recorda.MaroeA I'r .... 'fill Cott&¥. \]rove Avenue. German club this aftern\.on at 4:30 In<ifllitotial\Vh�ther you �.ill'( i: II.) �u' ,!,'� !::i�·�--for refresh­uent-for pu�e p:t"asur� i.!:' .. l;.,,:.�·,"; Coca�Colascores goal, It suisfies Y":l '.: a 1:: .u n- r and with acompleteness po::;.,;i:>le t..> n,) o�hc: l.C ": :.-Df!C.Delic�o":1s-Ref=:cshiDgThi!:":;t-Q�cn.chiri3 l _,:�HE COCA-COLA �o., " ". .'Atlanta, Ga.,._ � '!�I:' iDkol Coca-ColaExamination in conditioned and incomplete courses is administered olllythrohgh the bureau of recorda.1. A course reported with the �deof E (conditioned) may 'b� made up(a) by repeating it in class, (b) by u Lexington. He will talk on "Marche,undo Sage auf Deutshem Boden." Con­V'ersation classes will be held at 4.The communication from Observerltri.nted yetterda7, conta.tna a c�thought. We certa:iDl7C&mlO� JustU7, partici­pation In student activ- the fourth Saturday of' the student'lUes ('J) the baata or, ,u- Florence' Heaeoek, treasurer ..rect, pos1t1v ...... 4_ f .' next quarter of residence, or (c) b)e aa&A4 or the Participanta-that is, we cannot Just11':y the J.oJJ:c I the regular class e:xaminatioR at the PLAN TO �. OUT N'BWdr.Ul a candidate for the Bl8ckfr1a,r!. end or the n�xt quarter of residence. SONG ,HOOK IN MARCHallow goes through by sa71Dg It ts�tram,:.l, ��< ch�n�e_ �f grade points is allowed - ---'1ng ll1m tOr his U# �. • 1.i_ .... j �e ..... ,:.it ia repeated in claas. A third - (CoDtinu�d 'from page �.).u.&e wo.&;_w� ... ,probably will be sell:iDg 'bonds �,�,.����8tion is )lot allowed. tho eady part of' March. The price ofn1ng a shOe fac:!JQry. Observer ,.AC� . ; � .. :A course reported incomplete for eaeh volume :will be, one dollar, and Itgests that we face what he san .. :tJi8 ::r;.ck �f final examination may be made campaign will be started soon togath­bald truth ,of the sltuatiOD--JI_laa.w1'nLC.eJUI�� up in �omemallnersa.couraereport.erthesubscriptioDs.Itisthe plan tothat We are in these activities �� ',�_,with the grade of E, or, if the GU' hav;e .. twenty students, on a committeewe ijke the work. PerhapS-. �there is de��..i.· .out of residence, under the di to aid in getting the ·subscriptions.,some truth in this as an expl&natlon. rection. �f., the Correspondence-Study _.; .:�� . .P..aYJle� .AA� Dorothy LlewellynBut DO matter how true.tIle explaDa.- Departmellt< � 1'8re the edito�� �i·;ib��'bo�k,·;�rd'J�hDtion may be, the fact that ... e partlci- 3. A course. reported E or incom- :Greene is the busineaa manager.pa, te in such work because. ,we:Db itl'Pl� �r ,.lack �f,��. A'XamjnatiOIl, if .is no justi1icatlon of the· QIItem of not made up by thp end of the nex�student activities. The Sta.�·tIIat quarter of residence, may be �ea man lives a loose ute bec:a.1Ise he up only b; ��ti-;;g it1i.. 'el&ar:,,! : �Hkflel to do so may be true enough- •but It does not jutslf7 h!a·'ch0tc8. ADd ,GIVB·filA;Df �.� ; .jttsti1ication, rather thaD eqlaDatlonis what must be fOrthco� for stu..: WID "Entertain MIs. Potter .Dda'dent activities, if the 'Present inteDM Attemocm. �specialized system is to colltlDUe, with M;" Potie� will be eDtertain� at-all Its demands, a.nd Ita treadmill of .. . •.A tea in Foster hall, Monday, from 4 toroutine and complex macbjD"'T. 6, aeeo�ng to th� �nnouneement ma4�justification has been suggested-tha.t by Leona �00D8 at League meetingthe weary piDd teaches the feUDwayes�erd_y. Her first lecture will bewho par1;1cipate, to work in that per-.. ". -.given Tueaday at 4 ill Harper asaem·104 of their life, their college career, bly room.. .when they are most apt -:=;.:: .Ruth Morae spoke of the Bib!ethat it broadens their iD: Stud das8es which will be formed iiiwith this sqgestion. pes the corrol· Y- •f 'h+ a few weeks. Every woman ill tilelary, that such a- foUDdatlcm 0 6U' 'ty' eligible f th elauea.·serftS onJ.7 to JUsut7 those .who: choose mverBl 18• �r eae,,ch ice, aDd and baa been urge to lom one of themto participate tor their 0Posten are up for signat� now inelves student activities no riPt toLexington. The Normal c�. ill Bibleclaim the partic1pa.Uon of aDJ'ODe.Study is training now wider the lead­This justlfica.tiOD JDaJ' or may not beerahip of lli8II BroWlLosound; but at aD7 rate, it pla.ces pm:UdpatiOD 1D student acUvlUel OD •basis in accord with the twentl8tla BBLIJOl,f OOBD1J�cent1l17 sv1rIt of "Butlel Get reo � ,m_,�GS1Ilts!" and teDda to deTelop in parti- ft. BUP'PBAGBIMJlBti"'---1"dpants a Qirlt �t wm make them --- "h1lStlers 1D the lnUdDesa or profealon- Aaailaat Prof_r Nelson of theal world. ADd after all is sai4 aDd �blio speaking '·�partment ia .oa� 'The CoUesEe' ShODdone, probab17 moat of the efforts *' dueling' a ��urai,'- ill-' effective public. ExhlhidonID&7 be PUt upon & remed7 b7 force of Ip8&kiDg for twonty..five lIlemben' oflaw w1ll be wuted, slDee sUl4eDt so:- the Chicago Equal Sutrrage Reiet)'. LBAftIBB BIDES Alm PILLOWSUvities, Uke e-:el'J' ot.1ter social lDstlta· Among the prominent womeu takiq 1IOVBLftBB m IBWBLBY AlO)UOu, is one that is repJ.ated automat-, the eoune ·are")(r..-J'.,T. BoWell, .)(� DA1I'OB PaOGBA118IcaI17 through the 7e&n Uld decades.' A. T. Aldi8 and lIrs. William )(.�r- The Colledp ShODWe may depend 1U)OD it-they wtnllYe1lllick. .;' \L:t? " 1110 IIuoDIc S'emple. Subscrib'e forNeighbOrhood Club Elects O1flcers-Ie ScoresThe following officers were elected bythe Southeast Neighborhood club yessecond, written, examination admiAis·teray afternoon: Caryl Cody, presi­tered through the Bureau_ of-;.,Becotdf dent; Marian Hicks, secretary, andObserver'sIdeas.cThe Schooland CollegePen inRegular,SafetyiandSeIf- FillingTypesJ . ountainPen" The \Vaterman's Ideal that is suited to your hand wm doneater, more uniform and quicker work than any other wi'itineimplement. Such efficiency is of the greateSt benefit in studentlife where writing is a part of 'fUry study. The continuoususe of one pen develops character of handwriting. The .sameWaterman's Ideal will last for years and is always ready. .Bu,the genuine, the pe� with the famous Spoon Feed and Clip­Cap. In many sizes, scientific shapes and points of every degree.,CU:E1T, Pa&.oDT & Co..lwc .. TaoT. N. Y.lItLWn of A •• ow Sa1nw Sold by All the Best DealersL. E. Waterman Compaay, 173 Broadway. New York ..... " I J I.' h'" I'" 'IIf1Il purpose; and when \heJ' DO longer '1'Iaer'. Bead Picture. .do so, DO exeeutlonft will be needecl DREXEL P R ARM A C Vto pUt an ad to them. )(embel'8 of Tiger'. Head will laave IlAft. IlcAXAlfY, .. Ph.The Cosmopo11an el1lb Is coD411C:Uq their pituN taken 'for the Cap ad CJamIir &6Ua aDd Drael Chic.,a campaign for Dew 1DtIIIlben. '1'0 men Gown, BuDday, at Koehne'. north. .de S'elephoDe 1Itcl� 1611 .who are IIltmeatect lD ..uo lD Bull 'I'empIe... u_ ..• ............ ., � ...bI'oa4811iq \heir 'W'1 ... --.IA _ .1__ ..... _... & ...... _ .-& _ .......w.,....., - - _., -.&&' VA .,« u..t Grippe or cold hi til. lIM1d-Drtx��wIdIe In coDep, thIa II 't'I8W, ... their )lOme' �. 'fIae CoI4. Gr1pPe. aDd Fe .... r Tabl«a, ".aD :oppottaul&7 �'atDI!7'u 1l1DIIud-, .. _aec:te4 A_ _ Alii: for a Ffte Ramp!e.-I ntM 1M _ .... Stop (!ltat Ooucll Wit a bot.t1. of of oar WIII('of iD'78StlRaUon. fte OoIIIIQoUtu tUnri1ae4 � tiaaD' 0D8 � PI ... HOM), &114 Eucal nt a.. 23c.cl1Ib �orda. eIaaDoe to become ac- meeta � _a-a-_ Jds __ • .____... Reline' tMt HMl4liCM .uta a lOe pacbp of----- --.--.. ... Drexel Hea4acb. Po.den. .tulDted WlUI IDeA trolll all Ofti' .. .. of Jd8 0,.. nee 1ID4...... l The MAROON$1.50A Good0IaaDce.�� 1'1 \" • ¥ t !V.'s Eyes," "The Hea� of the Hills," Constantinople. Mrs. Barueh of ·the"The A.mateur Gebtle�an" "The .Judg- Univ�rsity of California will give the�e�t' .!louse" and "�d�ie!' report of the Coamoplitan elub convenThe Ju,t does not e0!1ta.in a sensa- tion held during the holidays in tb Itiona! or morbid book, Ilnd will eon- University of Iowa. A buslaess JDeet-, • ." "J!. '," I .' �'found those howlers wh think we ar" ing will follow. Jblame yourself-if you ean't play . ." ,. k �ll busy gratifyi�g an appetite forup to form with a strange ra�. et, ,morbid. thillgs." Tho'uai 'no��: of. theseor golf club, or baseball. There is Pno e·xc·u8� for you. Spalding Ath- may b��,ilQe iasUng ��rb,':- �nd .be 'letie Goode are on 881e in e�ry 'C��ri�.ed : in ' i.i�rarie� � for. .!ears totow .. from Maine to CaIiforQia.·· , 'come, they aU 8h�w ��i� �.�c!..:�l?ility Com Exchange National,of their authors:.-J)aily Northw�8tern.•• 4 for Oar Catalogae-U'. Free. _.Don't BI8IDe theImplelDent--- ;. :A. . G. Spalding28 S. Wabash Ave. &: BrOLChicago.thataplnl'ibeDaanatERYleEYOU'VE HEARDOF THE "11.&8.TER KEY" THATFIT 8 EVERYL 0 C ][ - DIDYOU EVER BEAa-OI!' A .... STER,.. 0 DEL OF ....TYPEWRITER'"Tiliak of ALL of .tbe eo_blae4 ad·Ta.laCe. of SEV·EaAL tnewrlten),0. 'aT' Hell,." 'eo.e.. tra,.r1.o W B .taatarcl_aeIlIal'ROYAL .TYPZW81TD 00.1M.A K. II..... It ..Clalea& .. DLJOSEPH SCEDlmDTStationery, and Toilet ArticlesFINE LINE OF CANDIES118 B. 65th .. � m.Imported and DomuUc LIDe ofCIO&a&ND� ................... , ... � ...THE TEA BOUSELUNCHEON 12-1:30DINNBB 6:4&-7 wm � �. 0cm41ttcm1.. :Autranig Bodikian will talk on :th�What e,.lIqe Editors Thiak', :. =... IelerL conditiolUl of Armenia at the C_.';"1-he' Bookm�n haa compiled ita list politan dub meeting at 1:30 �t�rd"y:of the six' beat sellers for 19114 and in in Ellis 18. Antranig Bedikian is at.eludes, "The Insid;' of' the Cup," "V atudent from the Robert College of"..EDlSOOV:o. BLAZE' BABLy ." ...•_ . =, .• i.. Oapltal .�AY·lN BOlD OF·PBOFE.SRO� > B'!��.� 1·�urplU8 '.' -�_'1 •Fire waa diaeoveied in. the. home of Undivided Proflts'Professor Euientlla ���ci8 i: Black_Iburn� 1228 .WjeSt; �56th . �tr�t, . yeater'· .day morning.· ��i�'" � '. �olu.me :. of OFFICEIUJ..' , ER.. x ES"r A. HA)UULL. Pruldent.smoke issuing' from' t1i� basement, lit CHARLES L. HUTCHL x SON. Vloe.Prea..• - CHAU-�CEY s. BLAIR. Vlce-PrMldenLBlackburn hastened':' beio� t�: ��tiu- D. A: l!OUL'TO�, Vlc8_Prealdent.B. C. SA)llifO:'IlS. Vlce-Pruk1ent. ..guish the llre� He: 'sueceeded in putting . EDWARD F. SCHOE:'IlECK. Aut. CUb I .. ,FRA.:'I:K W, SlUTH., Secr.caey..�: EDWARD �AM, A .. t. Ca�ler.�AlIB8 O. WAKEFIoBLD. AMt. Call1t ....LEWIIJ S, GARY. Aut. Cuht8l';'it out before the firemen appealed on. -..the seeJl,8. Blackburn B&7S that "theaeeo�'nts '�f the fire' P�·D.ted: i� �hedowntown paperS' 8:re �alse. in. e-yery.particular! --�"""'-' .Ch&JteeH Wacker CIJde M.: carr.Kartin A RJenon Edwin O. ForemaaEdward B 'Butler w.taon B. BlalrCIlart_ H. Hulburd Edward A. Sbed4C:.z.e1lCll BacJtlqbam Fred.tclt ·W. en.b:rBeM.I1D1n �_ � A. BaauIdIISubseribe fOr. r�e Daily Marooni.... . ::,::.:"-,, ..., .. , .... ·IIC. YORK..:"".; ":'i�' made OUtdoor Gear for WInterVJatea, I'1Ir aud fUr 11Ded oftrcoata .:\ Heaq �eapJql �CB folks aDd �� .'0" + s- • -.. .J�� ot:J'Fu-,-Leatller�r JlacldnawWool Laiskoatsj .�; Caps; SbM:JdnPj Balf-h�EDltte4 Garten � ��!esa Gloves of SheiI&ud or ADCora Wool. � ;• '.�! ... : . .JOSEPH .·��SCHWEITZER-,The \lniversity P�l1I.'a ... t for over' ten Years., .In �_;� up-to-da�' S�re.Acroas .. .'tbe .• �.t. from old' location.DE U'TSOH E R AltOY.H EKE.R·� �... '.;", .132� East 57� Street.. .,.�. TeL H. P.331� .•....... �.� ... � .. � .. - ....Hole', 'C'ulJlberland• . e. � • - .- «HBWYORKBroadw .. at _ Iu.t.He sOm' Street � StatlOD ..5SnI'Street BInated. ."Broad .. ,.. cars from 0rD4 .. : ... Ceatral Depot.SneIltIa A .... Can .... �, ..ftIIIa ......�.M'" BF .. ·00£1 .. 0 ..... If..... DQv ". .. ro. OOLUO •...BPaol.l.£ t'R PO. oou.... " .....TeD IIiII1ateI' Waik to 1'Idrt7Tbeatr'e8HIeRRY P. STIMSON. IIANAGERatiDQVAIlftd Na CBlCAQONew, Modem .. PiteproofRooma with Bath, ... SO aad ..,.I17d, !Wit 20161111 B. 67th.'I'a.... for La41� ..8UB8OB1BB 1'0.� DAILY .'·00.!...- --- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••ST.- LOUISBest Reached by Through and Fut Trains of theru JNOIS CENTRALAll Steel Daylight SpecialLe�ves Chicago 10:02 a. m.; arrives St. Louis (via MerchantsBndge6:02 P. m, Indestructible steel cars of handsome interior finishEvery comfort and convenience will be found on this train.Diamond Special�ve Chi,cago 10:30.,. m.: arrive St. Louis 7:48 a. m. Electric­lighted tram. A convenient evening departure from Chicago.Stop. Mad. i .. Botla Directio ... at Soutla Side TlarouslaStatio .... 43rd. 53nl aDd 63rd Streets 'Observation Parlor Cars. Cafe Club Cars. SleepingCars. Free Reclining Chair Cars and CoachesTickets. Fare. a .. d 51.epins Car Re.erTationa atTIC�T6FFICE 76 West Adams 51.�. J. CARMICHAEL. D. P. A. Phones: Cent. 6270-Auto 64-472. ... -.-------.� .. ----.- .. �VVanted At Oncelacl ... at 1M UainnitJ to co.e ia .ad i.watia.le oarSpecial Ollerto College MenHERZKA BROTHERS:-: Tailors :-:1545 Eut53nlStreet........ B. P. 1031. Open Evenings aDd Sunday Morning...•.......... _ .Patronize laroon Advertisers-_ --,#- .,." .,..,_---- .. ....,. � ...._-The Secret of Gooel Battingis similar to the secret of good business-it happensto':some and just misses the others.U there ever was a commercial home run it· s_Fatima, the Turkish-blend cigarette. The expertwho conceived this blend was some batter I Fatimawas 6rSt·1ined oct in the college towns-the student� quickly proclaimed them winners, TodayFatima is the I:iggest selling cigarette in th:s country.The secret is--1xn'e, good. choice tobacco-s-noexpense in the package-quality all in the smoke-"Twenty." _(k2O_15��HICAGCi)....... _ _ .No... in Our NEW HOME. N. E Corner State and Jackson.Another and e, GreaterSale Begins TomorrowOvercoatsMen's and young men's vicuna, melton,patent beaver, kersey, chinchilla, fleece,Elysian, pilot cloth and fancy tweed over­coats in Chesterfield, shawl collar, con­vertible collar ulsterette, great coat, stormulsters and Balmaccan styles. Nearly allthe Chesterfields full silk or satin lined-v-most ofthe others half lined with silk or satin. sizes 33 to4u. These �;t!.f)U, $3.), $j7.5U and $-10 $20overcoats priced atThe SuitsPractically unlimited assortments of men'sand young men's suits in worsteds, tweeds,fancy serges and homespuns-the rangeof colors, patterns and weaves being prac­tically without end. You'll find any modelyou prefer-s-the lot includes full English. modifiedEnglish and standard sack styles. The sizes are33 to 4H. $:32, $;{5 'and $:)8 suits have $20been reduced to ,-Two Other Important Clotbiug Sales$22.50 to $30 jUt!s & overcoats $15$18 to $22.50 suits & overcoats $12.50CLASSIFIEDABVDlTISEMENTS for two women students or teachers,near Park and Midway. 1345 East5e per line. No auvertisements re-All -,--....I�ed 62nd St., 3d Apt. Telc. Midway S5j;tceived for less than 25c. \OI.iIoDiKUadYertillements must be paid in ad- NICELY FURNISHED-Ligllt, from; I SWAN'S LUNCH ROOMroom; 2 windows; large closet; elee-]trie light, steam heat, good opportunity 1 �2 East 55th Street.I ROOMMATE WA':\TED-To sbardfront suite, Modern, cODviellt, :!hlocks from Univcrsity. Price $1.50.�. Harper Lavatory A din·· Enquire l\Irs. Clark iJ4i3 Universityaft riq at noon Monday. Findel Ave. 3d.pI-... 1.'Ye at .Information office illlj�ht·houMckeeJlillg apartment for win­� �-One suite bedroow, sitting tel' «Iuarter. M r:-. E. I .. •. Denton, 5719.. 41 bath, one or two men, within a OOT("hester. Phone II. P. 66;;!).I.. bloeb of U. To rent for spring... ftJIlmer quarter. Apply Box 2i9 MRS. FLoRA r.I;.cIVOR SMITB-JaOAJtD-In lmaIl prh·ate family. Ex. LOST-Top of fraternity pin. J..ett�r• .u .. , bome eooking. Limitetl numbe ... Delta !let with pN'rl� nnd a diamond.• ' tabl .. .Add ..... 6]34 Woodlawn ave· Libernl rc,,·ard if returned to �4UO• .., aN .partment, telephone Hyde Ellis A venne. 'l'clf'phon(' 1I�'dC ,'a!'.!tI'Uk 111. IUDf.!'Oa .·'B A. new No. S Oliver Type·wrltter ia perf�t �on.!ition. �(\:l!t sen,SMreton priee reasonable. Writc, or..u after 7:00 P. M. E. H. BTUnemeier,• Kidtll.' Divinity Hall.L08!,,-Eaoterie pin. }'indcr I,Jc85o re·h1"D te Information office in Cobb.IA)ft--Delta Kappa Phi society pin.'"It, eTal Ihaped, edged witb wbolcpearla. PI ... " return to Josephinc.... l-&H E. 54th St. Reward. .. �I�"e;�?�"'·: .�.CKA:, .::r:t:z. �� :rm.:� .; .: BOKBYllOOH EXPBESSo�eDd.d· t� ���altJ'Of *' ��;. WhIa AL Zollon &Del 100 Others'v�rait1 'a ;�::� �'-�_��.od :01 � .11 ·.tIlit .. � ...t·a�d.rd. of '.;' .� ,� l� � , - ..... -----------.�i�"1 �,:�� �. ���J�� C.arrs �:.eoU"," t�e P4 <: eDfl1lJ1� �. �� I.. .'al'is tb�t. � .� � ... ;� -:� : UJOWlLY IIARlUED"'. J." • '. • ., • -.'.'. t : f' • r_ .. -rprol)ati'oll bllt wlLo" '.oc·_·a.&qaftt.� 'to �':�p� .fie,""\!. .�� �p.y $50 �ra tuitto. ·AaJ···� ,1\to· maT �""b'..a!J�"1ii&I �·�-i�he. 'to be"f ftiUtate& ..... te' ...�bar&eJ 'SloO dtr.... :. ..; • !'Suck a nle"� e!Iw!_ •. --i 1-.-.-.-.---------:.tudent. w)l�. � ����.'I!,� II-..LINOIS;plaCle .a4 .... i-e "c; •. tie.�"�·8f�1 � ..:dro�Ped ·.ll·�hro�i.h 'ikt4!.-fOir ",ean : Greatest Show on Earth,of . u�de·�nctiiaie � lif.: 'IBia"t' tU .eat- :thy ltudeat: w�q . D. �� Y�·.Jazinea 'W.oold·1IOi1e .a.� �. � �. of.this lort &I. a Ilage 'ob.· It �o�hav •. liUle. e�!tCt •. ��,�,.�¥.�.� H- :o�a .. d's Theatrertlular �o�b�tip� .�� �, .. �. ', ;. ...-: 'J'would � w.��.��l'o� �_: At. Blow at Commercia1ked Vice:-··UWith Bruce McRae�UUl Comed7-GreathD."-.A..Da7 Lealie in Ne ..ZIJ:GFELD FOLLIES.....-t- .........�··�'-----.TV1IIOBa·1:.68Il :�:6'; :"QAla;"W'ilOPJIQ.u • I' Baa Awakened oJtca&o..»I ,/filE. DAFFIO.:Try Our Re� Dailyand Sunday Dinner, 20e" UpThe New Florida Hotel5721 Cottage Grove Ave.is making Special Bates to muleJltS.Steam heat and electric uChi .·ba� an. room&WANTED-'On'e or two girlM to sharoRestaaraat., Barber 8'o� Be.O.aDd BIlliard. I. Co •• edIe •• : -," ,... ..... _.. . � - � ,_.. _._ . �.-' .rConutiued I fro. ' ..... Ll._ "----two poiat IDUIiL .Ia_�l� .. .bOWERSsecond!' of tile MeGad _periDCl tJae J 0.' �iOTa.,titef the.· _re, '5iat. 1teq: � to ,.�"hol� the pae. uci were:IOQa'puMd. . DAVID' WARFIELDPlume for tbe' So.P�.IW!"!����"�r&D&l1. (or the JUIIItn lid iIL. ... � ID The Auctioneer.,PHONE HYDE PARI( 47n"CARRIEBeauty D. RAYMON�"SpecialistVoi�e buil.ler and tender of arlistiesinging, llondays and Tbursday�. at 1116 East 55th Street.lirs. Knights, fi652 lraryJand Avenue, OIH'. En.lap •• d· S .... ,. .•• raJ .....Wednesdays and Saturda�-s at home, All Work no.e .t aeaH..... �63;'6 lrarylnnd Avenue. }'or informa·tion address 63:;6 )(aryland A,·enucPhonc. llid"ay 4390.FOR SALE--Stn nd:trc) 8mith·PremierTypewriter in (�Xf�c)Jent t'ondition. atvcry rC'a�onnhlc t(·rlll�. " great bargainfor anyone ()('sirinl: 3 typewriter forrrofessional usc. II. RI.cmon, Ro(,m fj�Ryerson Lab. or 12�O K 5�t� St .�-:.I .. "ATROXIZE MAROONADVERl:ISERS:'�:C' ., ...."" .;. '-'1"'.'. 'iQi.: _ ...,\. ..11� :1illeuJ)! .. -Sophomores (13) JlIniort tl)'. .. "-.RuueD;·· Cole.· ... :a� F... ' .� •. � .. ...,"PIUJil� •...•• � •.• �L. P.· • .:' . .u.PIaI ......VcllO.ueU,I. �' •••..•• �G. .••••..••. �. • . .I.' Whitiq�·� . , , -:·W�i�Dl.U.",."., B. 61 .. : .:.:M�111toa. . .....,/:,��r��, F�rier ... ·t� e.·".�.... �., Bade .. : Cole, a-...:u, ......... :a.CO�Dell,: Spar�1, �OIIW, .' Dar ••. ;.�, --------------Pi.bar, " S�OD·EBAKER:Free throw.: m... .. -:. ':.r -:' r.. 'Ref .. "e: Satt. �t"', Hie,�01". " t" •. , t,�� .....Jack Lait's New _PIa,.'r,B� KolkerHaUl.WILT,TAMB---... ....... � .- ... ,. Vi._.!De L#Dr,� pti� e, til. Pbe )I •••taiD· �.Ml/ J[�, d. ..-It ...fore' the 'Ed"'�., ...." �t --------------4::10 lit 4:30 i ....... III. &.r!lalr ..........j�t . .,ill be . �� ::.� , �;",1." �f�·�ees.EVeT10ne h ....... nW.';-";-. ... WII. HODGB in� Lo.C. �. . ftIJI &GAD 'l'O IlAPPINB88. ;, .. ·o:e.�e·J_eee880r to ·''THE MAN"...,.11 ROME." -:l��r Oeeaa..����� .'All .a.nta.i_.I_I .. �� � _Tited to .ttncl.:r,.��.� �Yl\,lPICtrip to t •• 8tOe1t y .... � .....row mond1iC, �� .. , d:'" ,.Cobb. The party ·wIII" �wIdJi'- 'I'IIJr.OREAT PI .. AY OF NOWlaave heell 'IleJpef'bY'Gii tr (SuI.tieL TIa"'Soelai w... -. - 0 D • a. G I a Lit·onlY' 0_ of' Ita ". kW" iii'S .ub,, .... , . .. ., . � •. Jwill al., be � ,. �. ,;1--------------."':A"."�" '.&.•. LE� ...... Il._ ............�A! �,.�'!����i�1��.��·,·.-..'wed WeIPticnooi·: .. ·,,· ...... =- .'011o.hit �om.en:, :� ..prewia�.t; EW. J"� ·�·:n};e�.� """'.I·S�.'"_.__., ''1iBPi'BiIBBB .ORK".. : .,..,'.