tests with the various turner organi·zations. Th�se will be h�ld in 'B�riieu38 •••..•••••.••••••••••••• ,Scbumann which was. held before the club yes-t d'· K t th .Th 1 ed and negotiations are now on for meet.Alldallte Ull poco mU8to�Allegm ,Sevell stud.ent. will have part! iu er ay In en eater. ose e eet ,. .',." ... ,' "The followine cOllditiou mat be ' .• .'. '. with' a number of these teams.molto rivu. the ,cast of the lIaaquen J;»1ay. "Fe to associate. membenhip of, the elubWeald"" is T _.a .... _.hilled by each COllteatallt before ·!l.e'L � 'G . Ed ..1.. 5' W ,,�,LaraIl. ....... O' pJ·t-" to, be' tn,·,v'e·n tomo. now night fi". we,re ; enevI,e"v,.� . Jl!.un, �,' ',1, 'illiam ."::!�.��N_�-,�art--!!_�co�- ,-� .. �. ·ar -', .-: ·8:S;-bl,;.�U����� :!804:..��Pd.�����!�",. -.-<-- .. 'co�;:;::,�2;'a:':�,r;.: 4 __ .'(1) Colltestanta mut be regiater- koumaniaa Bhap8oc1y, N�. I, 'D ·:w.-I mbai'oll":.wm be 1,1 !n��tion �iy.'The ::Btahop' wm-,.a. ' �e" Bight .R(�v. ehie.fly on"the ban. 'Pa'�ki�n.- }asteel in the office of dean of the .Jun- jor ••••..•.••.••. , •.•• � •••• �I'�. ·f� ... :, :Dr� c.' F • .AD.dersou, bishop' of the year's' intereoUegia1ae c�pion, ",ill'IDr coDega by 1 o·clook on Monday, Mock :Morris Dance •••••••• Graicer' Pepita ••••..••••••. Selma DieDBtag Chicago· diocese; will speak on "Re- again try for ihe �ll arou�d 'title� .�� ,February 2. Huuprian DaIlce8 (11 aDd 21,..... Vietor •••• · •..•.•••. Rudolph Moritz lilious . Edllcation in the Epiaocal erts, Squa�r and Smith are -v:e�tile(2) The conteat Sa open ouly to •• � ••••••.••••.•• � • •• B�Dvonk �� •••..••••. : •••• E�elyn ColeI Church" to�ght at 1:30 in Haskell performers. They are all in i�ei� thi�JthOle members of the Junior colleger FIBft BBA'rS IR CJ1JP •• Korritoa ••..••.••.• Treva M:at�ewsl assembl, room.. year of eomPetitio� and are �ai�ouswho have Ilot already won a molar BA.aB8 WILL BB BUl( NieaSsio .•••...•••.•••.•• ,)(ax SlcklemaR." .. '.,.' . .... .. a'NIulS· ••••..• . • . . •• ,Sidnev Pedott Di'riD1t7 Chapel Bilhop' Gailor wiD .,. YJI .DI. -, .." Coach Hoffer refused to make .anT, FBBBlJ.DY 18 Df G, speak, at Di'\"init1 chapel thi. monaiag . ,,predietio�s about the chanc.es of hisat 10:15 in Haskell auembly room.team snying only that in spite of the.arnnnVoL XII.. Bo.' '10FIX ·DATES �tOR PUBUCSPEAIING CON1'tSl' ARE SECOND CONGERT GYDASI1C TEAM-HASSIAU VETERAN SQUADFEW . SEATSViolin Obligato By Mr. Harry 'V&ll4eYWe aDd-:;;;' SJaor- ..... Wo�·sGleeClubPL,.n�teWeisbach Pro.m.e. To Be Fea- ' Entertaimnent For FeblWlIY II -ture-WilLGive.Bmhms-Dvorak � --Scats Are Now On Sale Coach Hoffer,Buea � U_poIlHunguian,DaDCeS rIVe Memben of. Last y.....The meeting of the Junior claaa has Dancing in the Reynolda club� after Title CoDteadenOnly a few tieketll for the fourth been postponed, and Tuesday, January the program will feature a eOncerllt to -ANNOUNC£ WGIBIUTY RULES SymphollY Orchestra concert, which 2;"aet ItS the new date. The eon:ublt· be given on i'eb. 11 by the Wom- ALL ARE STAR PERFORMERSwill be eiven Tu�ay. at 4:15 in Man- tee announces that there will be mueh en's Glee club. The club will be auiat-The Iower Junior contellt in utem· del, are left. Twenty.one dollar aeats buaineaa to be !Settled, and urges evelf ed by the Northwestern A Capella What Chieaao will do in UlIlUti.pOraJleoua publa IIpeakiJa& "ill be held aDd eleven aeven�y.flve cent seat. member of the class to be present. choir, and probably by the .Mell'lI Glee �dergradua.te co�petiti�n �h.:i-,7!!1' .iaia .&:ent 16 OIL the afierlLoolL of F4tb-may be obtained at the office of the Ruth Allen is chairman of a com· club. This is the second aniLual con- .:more. or leu a .matter o! �P���9"nIL", 2 aJUl "- Orchelltral aaaociation, Cobb 15A. The mittee which haa arra�ged the pre- eert, and will be even better thail last. The bOP�B �f the, t� are .elLter'",The lIubject. for tile prelimiDary prolram ia rather liabter than the gram of a vaudeville entertainment tQ �ar'8, officers of the club _yo upon n,ve ve�r&Il8a � of ,,��.IIl �eeOlltelt, which ia to be held 8tt 4 0.onee rendered at the previoua eoneerta be held on February 27. The detaill Tickets are now on sale and may be valuable men. �nd, harl& had fr�� ,�_DaF.bruary 2, will be aaaililed at 3, of the aeUOL of this pertormane will be give. out at Neured from any member of the elub ' to. two yean con_fer�nce up4trieILH..livinl the contelltallta one hour for Baeh'lI Concerto No.3, in G major the meeti�g next Tuesday. or by sending a request for aeat.. to ,Th�, !�U a�ou�t �f,��,�la,-��alpreparation. Each one will be allowed with a violin oblilato by lIr. Harry Among the projeets which the Junio\" the Women's Glee club, care the fae- is all that ill �eft out �f. � ,!�.three minutell for the preaentation ".,'1 Webbach, promi.aea to brine out a elau haa in contemplation is the char- ulty exehange, Seats sell for $1.00, 75 Varsity s,quad ':lnd the Fr�8Iun-!-IL��.hia speech, and from &mone the par· rare bit of technique. The main theme tering of one of the motion pictul". .ents and 50 cents. Letters have been I The, sehedule for the �n. ��. �ottic:ipants four will be chosen to take I di h theatre. In the n·cl·m·ty of the Um·ver- - t t th f t ·t· t ill f th I been (�efinitely settled" alth011lh thei. a .tring movement, inc u ng t e· _n 0 e ra erm lea e ng 0 e r" • '.,.part in the llnala. Hungariall Dances, numbers 17 and 2!, aity for an evening iu the near future eencert, A wide publicity eampaign' is \ gren+er number of the meets have �IlThe final contest will be held in by BraJuna-Dvorak, iJUIures a pleas. The features on this occasion will be planned. I arr;tlig··d. ��e lqinois m.eet :.�� .. beKent 16 at 4 on the aftemoon of F'eb- th h· van·o· ... - u ...... nts" by memben of the held in Bartlett'.;Ma. rc. h 7, and in,. ,allant departure from e eavrer num- -- IHoUnary 4. The subject. win be liven claa. :pictu- etc. TBRBE ARB AWARDEDbers of the Ant part. . - _,out twenty-four )loura before-head, Geoftrev Levinson and Nina O'Neil ASSOCIAD KBKBBBSlIIPThe program. follow.: Jand each of the four conteatanta wi! B h bve been appointed 00. the oommittee BY DBAXA.� CLUBConcerto No.3, G Major......... aaJaaft 4ve minute. ill which to discuu fo �L_.� f 1 __Allcgro-A.clacio-AUe&rO• r "MCJ .se&�uOD 0, .. o� lOll,.tile topic aaaiened before' the judie. (Violin Oblipto by Mr. Barry WeiS-bula.)Hold, Preliminary OD February ,2aDd rmal on Feb­ruary4probability, t� Wisconsin meet .�:beheld at Madison March 14. '.!'he .cpn-!(,Tcnce meet will be Bt8ited at tile. ..... '.U�iversity of Nebraska, Ma�h �7,!nd2S. I n addition to the confereuce"meets there will be a series of eon·Of the four candidates ehosen bythe judges at the Dramatic club .try­outll Tuesday I afternoon, tlhree .sue"tcessfully qualified. in the final cont(:stalld audienae.Th. winer will be awarded.. oneSymphollY No.1, B flat Major, Opu IWIQ� .'!fO. � .PLAY ��W:. u;v'BN8'f1JJ)BN'fS IN '0A8'r'l0rt.r acholarahip. ,BUatb1Ut7 BaleLRip in the Lo":er .Junior eonteat in ex·temporaneous speaking.(3) Only those memben of theJunior college are eligible who have All campus �rgan.izatioD8 which haveNominate oD FebrUuY .6-Nomina- handicap of sueh a tSlDall �uad h� ex­not beea approacbed concerning spacetiona for the Undergraduate council peeted to make the other teams workin the 1914 Cap alld Gown, and whicbwill be made February .6 and the for tho title.desire to appear in the al1l1ual havebet-n asked to consult with the buld- electious will be held one. week I::ter.Firat heat., ia UIe cup rues �year will be rD.1l off in Batrett gym­.ot more than twelve majors credit. wiDlll .011' Febl'UU'T' 18. The 1ltat(4) Contestant. muat be eligible for hteheat ,'will be one mile; sec- He said: "M.innesota and Wmac;C!nai.hoth have rattling good teams,. botLtbl'al7:'Baud '�No report of cosidcring the fact that we WOll: 8ee.the Reynolds club library committeepubli. appearance. ond two miles. The rD.llDen will .bedivided into . the foDo'Wing groups: ncaa mauagen at once. �nizatioJUIto ,,]lom cOlltraeta ahve been Bent havebeen requested to return aigDed con­tracts. TJae <lap and GoW1l of-OOBCBBlfI1{G WOKBlMl HAT.T,8 morning elueeaj afternooll IYJIl class­es; all .",hinDersj, wreetlera, fenceT'llThe following 015c:&&1 communicatiol1 and I7mnuts, buebaD a.d, buketballia reprd to tho poaUnc of JLOUcg ill .ell!-F.wh ••• tnek mfti and VaT­Ule WODleD.'S ha1la hal beea iuued by aity track lIle" ond place last year with just ,as baawas i8811ed dter its meetillg Tuesday: luck to start on, I expect a succ�fulThe �ext meeting of the· committee . .seasou. If hard work and consi.te.tfice is in, Ellis 2f, alld tbe bUBine88 will be held next Tueeday, when thema� lDay be foulld there dailybet"eeD 10:15 a.a ,betwcn 1:30 and 6. training eoun� for anytMng, our lIIlallchiTDlan expects to make a clefinif:e.quad of vet�rans will la,nd �i'ghtTl!Itatement regarding the immediate ae-near the top at the end of the 8eUO.!'tion of the library board.order of the Preaideat:Th� headll of the "om .. '. h.alla have HOLD __,. CJOBLi.Iolronrai&bt of all nou.oe. aDd poatenpoated iD the halla. lHaeager8 haveNOelltly heeD coming \0 Ule b.all from 1I0JrO£ 00""8810. 'Mllftatile various officea of the Uaivenit1'.a:a.t without proper permiaion havepoRed .ouces, of leD. ia unauitablep1aCea. Your attentioa ie ailed to tilenplauon, in. aocorda1lM wWl whichaU .otic .. IDUR be MD' to tile headahr approvaL The .iaion �T ,.... which areto be eonduetecl b,. Jln.' Potter willbe discuaed b,. .emben of. the Y. w.TIl • ..uor ..w .... it_ ie aak· T _C. L. at a meetl_, tocla.,. in the�....-; . For the lleCoDd tillle in the Rries Dlceting of the Honor cOmmialOD thiai.. peat pnpuatiou tor .tU "til- 10 15 Lo· )I. k B throo .. , at :. 0188 Ie, u the Freshmen defeated ,the )(edies afternoon in Harper M'11. It ii iopedlio. \0 be held 1'ricJa,. aftel'HOa at" )(one" and Leo.a Coons will spealt. team, by a 36 to 29 leora. yesterday. thnt some plan may be devised to eel·a. &._ .. 11 iJa tlae Be,._ow. chab.. Kalil Apr .... )(rs Potter, w)Q ill " well·known Th ..1... -.e • e game was hotly eonteated throu:;�· 1:1::1 t" tllc student body towards 'hi"h·.. 1ected eM fan..., .� ... ...,. an aid autJaority on iIa .. igNtion, will hold out and bot' h -1'.1- _'Lo-ed fut team. '....• .. � INI .. �r idN,l�, thus eliminatIng any poDI'\0 be onp.al �.. 'Y� mftT, .. levcni cJaaea ·1. 'lIliaaiOIl study every work. At the ODd of' the1lnt h:,lE hle dC'l'ire to cheat. Two membera otTreuarer .JoIa_ Per ....... � tat 'aftel'Doon at .., from .Jalluary 26 to the'Vedit"" led by a u- to 13 1e0T., hntI the Senior elaN addressed the auem·_0 .,.... be � ia -.kIac "., .7a1l1l&1'1' 2D, '1. B�r ,laembly roo",. after the iiltel1:Dilllion ,the ftnt yeti',: hIed hodv of �tudent. at the lIyde�r a .-r-t ...... Ia.,.ak� ofl OIl Jallua1'1" 29 ,.'he �11, deliver hermen ranied and 'rail away ·from theiT' Park hj�h tlCh�ol 'taRt Tunc!ay,' anclthe c.ot1Dioa, Cblnaa.- BoweD ��I f�mou. l�re o. "Bow to Keep the oPpollerit .. · Wheeler- . led· the. Morin�l explained to tllcm the honor ayltelllffAltJloap "aT aRion 410 _ot exact· I Tnt.. Bala��e.". 'AD A-actnb haye wftll Dille baskets, while �hhafer fo1·, in' d('tail. These talks to kigb school_nol"''''_' --- --- ,- 1I.a"act tk. eotiDloa tiley, �. eel, t.. __ 1·IlVl.... _..i to ·atte.c1. _',3 -, d ·t'L.· Ih .CIIU .... � � __ AJ ,�.. RU lo'Weu a' 8I08e eMOD WI a .... ve .In lr.e, 8tmlcntl', whit!h aN UDder t e ana-The Philological aociety lDet Jut it tlaeir 41ut7 to elan al th.. �� I .' .hnlf. .. Holdenntua, . Butler . ana .'Mayer � pices \f '!le Honor co .. milSion, wiDBieht with Profeaor 11 .. 1,., 1312 •• \ted; ud eo_atl,., u.. �o"., ..,._.. ' ..... �pb,o ilia,," far'the'lIl.ed.iea, eacb getth�II' be gi\"�n in other eity schools ill tbeEast 53rd .tteet. Prof...,r Laine mittee I. charge fa aaki., prepa�tiO.i .ora Will 101i a· claa 1.DCheon t.O-... .&..iatall' .. ...m. apeke. for a ... ar-L" .mow at 12:'" I. �e CoIuIoua cafe fCoatlnec1 ....... 4.) ncnr futuro.., __ ._.Means of spreadinl the honor •• tl·111Cllt :LWoni' IItudell" at the lhlinr·sity will be dilCu88eci at the recularProfeaor Oeorp C. Whipple ofBarn.rd univeraity "ill lecture 08"Belative Value of Sautation," to-.01'1'ow at 4:30 ia Kat UI_tar.The D a ii, -1-Maroo. iiiii.==�_. : fur younelt.�:ic:.;==:C::i::::::Z:=='.1'O==i)=A=�=.=�;:::C�== "But what laarm an �., � _?,Be �1 10 15 None. i hope I am .not on. of tIlOIeP:6�UaU4 1D0I'alap. ac.pt 8uD4a7 _4 Chapel-The Divinity hvva, :WMtl iAdi' dlIeDdQ. dvtDa the Aut"JDD. WlDter aDd Haskell A888Dlbly �oom. pri",iah and ratller eu V1 •8.�!� Quarten. b,. Th. Da1I,. KarooDuw" who count every mOIll.nt whicll-- Y. W. O. L.-IO:lS, Lexiniton 14-New. E41&0r BelII10ua Education 0lub-7:30 haa done U8 no poaitiv. 100d &A ineAtIaIdIa Bdltor trie\'l&ble lou. That iaA't th. poiAt .1Dame •• Jlaaacer Bukall Assembly zoom.C1rcalaUoa er Chem1cal 8od.et7-i :30, Kellt U. am trying to make at all. Tile aWl----------------ScaDdinav1an Olub-S, Lexin&ton U. take is in the attitude we take ill lUI'EDt.red .. MCODd·cl.... mall at the• h _ .... :A· t . lItudell-ChJcqO PoalOIDc:e. Chlcaco. m, Karch II. TOMORROW sertlDg t at W8 p_ .-lpa • 111 "11101. UDder Act of Karch .. 1I7a.f W.:_"._ be eSitSophomore LaDcheon-12:45, Com activitiea or our __ 11And thia attitude deceivea AO Olle­leut of all, ouraelvea. Do 70U .UppoHthat anyone believe. that the MCoadehorul lady from the lett ill tile trolltrow would rather be at her; that 18 tol13y his atudiMj thall liatenill& to thecoach'. "One, two, three--Now!" alld18 merely on the atal. becaUM herealiaes that be ia Ilot ia collei.'fhi» year the League haa. decided to � himerely to iet what he call .I.rom •boob? Not for a miIlUt6! ADd yetthat ia the impreaaioll that oar ... 1101l"argument 011. the aludeat actiTityquestion tend. to cOllvey.Understand me righly, plealle. I amnot advocating the abolition of at&·dent activitieL Their moderatioll?Well--perhapa. Not Ileeeaaarily. TI&.thini I principally object to ia thatwe are tryi.Di to justify ourselves toeach other, adoptiDi a rather aU�li lrattitude when we do eJli&ie ill "ato·dent activities" .. thol1&h we weredoing something which at bottom ,\"C�didn't like, but whieD W� were keep­ing up for our loul'a ::3OCl. "}(ethiilithe geDtlemen prot eats t:K' JllllC".� .I.,·t 1328 B. �tIl.T ... lea for Lad." ..US confeas once and for all that we en· ';_' . __ � _gage ill atudent activi':7 .. bt-c:�1·.M WI"! Thomas J. Cavey & SODderive a ",eat deal of &IIlUMlllellt alld. FUBNI8BINGSenjoyment from them, &Acl beeauae W. For Gentlemqlike to do it. And that w. will COil· SPBOIALIZING IN TUB WAN'rS OFiD.g a decent llfe. Bey must be per.. I have read with a good deal of Wilkins, are "he ",uth� .. t or • IIJil:lUsuadecl, shown, c1eanJ7, honestl7, &lid interest your rcellt editorial 011 the pamphlet 011 "The Pre'Deh Verl, � i •.s:iDcelie17; and it they eaDJlOt be got- amount of time demanded by the lued yesterday by the Preas. �. buokten to lectures such .as �t � JIr. "proper" p�oduction of a Blackfriar COlltailll a new arraqemellt of par.Mercer, the attempt to reach them by play. Not only does your criticism digma, which, the authon believe, 1ri11that meaDs sh01lld be' abaDdcmecl, in appeal to me as emillently fitting, but make the meehaDiea1 WiJrK vf .eDl�rpreferenCe to the adoption of IMIIUJao ill my humble opinion it might well izing gramatica1 fonu euior fflr t1aetioDal adveruslDc. Other meaus of be extended to cover the vast multi· student.reachfDg them must be foUDd. fte tude of extra·curricular work common· "Most Americall atudeDta of Frenohdodger smacks of the seusatioDal re- ly lumped under the-term "student ac· visualize their FreDch. verbtl to lIO.e9'lval meetlDc tacUca of loJut ago, UviU .. !' extent," the' preface -181 "'tJaat ia,which now are regarded as more of a Oh, I know. I've heard it of tell give a local arraD.&eJIleQt ill "'01'1fra1Id 1IPOD the "conYel18" thaD & ben- enoUlh-uaed it often enough myself, to the several teuea alld fcmu. TIli.eat and abso� oat of tmIa Witll and ... a matter of fact-the old arrangement ia uaallT' eoutna�the UD1versl� aDd the modem Idea ex- lots. of·thinpwe.leal'll·at-eollege-that UIlcoueioualy, of co�o. the .Oclpreaed in the motto, "Let Knowledge 'al'e-not-down·in·t¥·booka argument e) of the p�tec1 paraclipI ia "laieJaII'OW, and InuDaD ute thereb7 bft a- Of coune we do-and while all this the verb ia atudiec1. If tIaia J»aIDphlet,rlched." EnowledD CUl't be lDcnued kDowledge which We gaill from taking the paradigm is 80 arraaced .. to -C.m �0D8 witll a cl1lb-Dor 117 en- the pan. of chorua girls in a Black·geat to viAalidng aclnta a tho".deavortng to feed it maed With a lot friar comic opera, or .inging tenor in �ugh)y CODftnie.n� lIleIDol7 imap IJfof sensaticmal matter. It is the fa-the Glee club, or soliciting advertise- the verb� The· teuea wJaiu an ••.mW.ar BWI'7 of the bad appl. in a=�_ta for ODe of Uae mat.l1 coU.,ga tuaDy treated iA tona an here pre­barrel of good ones. '!'he 0Dl7 DlOn publicatio� caD. au rely do u no aented in juxtapoaition; tb. four teueswone thaD the dodger 1f01I14 be a talkharm, do You, ill aU 'aincem,., be- of the present.,.-em an tocether;by Mr. JIercer of the same aensaUon-lieve that we are deriving therefrom the three preeent taue. fora a laori.a1 charaeter. In ,tasttce to the Y. M.aDY permanent 10od. zozntal line; the related put teuee .,lo. A., it may be sa1cl that there S. DO.Tust take the Blaekfriara, for in· the indieative and tb. aubjunotinquarrel With tile Idea back of the talk.stance. Of aD the hosts that have stand aide by llide; the te .... of eac.aud tile ad�t. Both an la1l4 takeD part in the e)eveA B1aekfriar mood form a Tertual aerl-i au til.able; but tile I8DAtlonal toile mlgbtplays, I can think of but tbree wbo verb .. a whole baa til. .1ear)T 4.-better be aYOl4e4. subaequelltly took up the IItage u their fined _ape of a _pita! P.-lite work-'MorrleoD,,8heldoD aDa BeD·zie.. Placing tbe ."rage Dumber ofparticlpaDta eaeb year at forty, aDathe total Dumber Vf!1r1 eonaenatiTel,at tbree llulldred, tbe total Dumberno llave-but wbat'. tbe ue of I,·G. W. Cotua. .....II. S. GoqasBe p.... tw. JL L,. ...lilJBSC.B.IPTION KATES.B1 carrier: 1%.50 & ),e&I": '1.00 a Quart.r.B,. mall: 13.00 a ,. .. r: 'L%6 a Quarter.£41torlal-BualDeaa Olf1ce. ElU. Z'­'l'.lepboDe loUdwa,. IUO. Atter 10 P DLlbd. �'ark ..... mODS Cat ..Senior Ootmion-4, Reynoldl Club.German Clu'b--4:30, LexingtoD 14-Education 0lub--4 :30, Belfield.�D PAM. 6611 Cot�. Grove Avenue.'ielJitotial CommDDication.Leape Du-..Tv thu .l:ditur:A doqer 18 be1q circalated &dyer.t1a1n& the talk by B. C. Kercer. which drop from itli mewliecti..I.llp aU C.ll;.ccl.ia dedd.elT & bad. move 11 ose who ha ve puiu their dues, W.�on the Part of the Y.incur euustunt ;.financial obliiatiou andK. o. A.. the orpatu,.we must mcet these or become dJIi'tfDn' wbkh fa BPODSOrtor the !Iercer talk. Be dodaer d1a­plan the topic of the taJk in· hugetnJe and in sensatioDal terms which qualified in the l'y�� of our creditors,Each member of the League who 1»really interested in its welfare willbe willin& to help shoulder ita respon­suggest a dsque stor,- in the Police sibilitiea. The other» we must con­Gazette, rather tha.n a serious topic.Talb on topics ncb. as suggested� iGamJ,lIng &D4 8eual 1m- aider &I visitor.. .Aa such they are asheartily welcome to the League asever before. They are asked to en­moraUtT." are worth wIdle, but a joy all of the ita privileges, butIleJUl&tional toDe Bbiould . be abaolutel7 siDce they are not backing ua aa aavoided. 8w:h a tone teDds to em-pllasfa. the evil iD.bences, and to working organization we feel that tosecure the best results we must dropdetract from the serio1l8 effect of Mr.their names from our list of member·Kercer'. message. it he has a aeriouaahip by the end of thiB quarter ifmessa&e. 'rake the obvious effect oftheir dues are not paid. We ask those'the dodger. rhe fellow who baa thowrOD,& point or view, it he &oes, Will Itudent. who are tor a good causeunable to pay to speak to Misa Brownand we shall be glad to, advance thedues from a fund Iriv8n us by thealumnae. We hope the new plall willmeet with .the - apprOval of tho8& in·terested ill the' League. We feel weare about to establish ourselves on theonly firm and sensible basia.Margaret Rhodes."anappy stu1f," and it 'there·fa 88DSa­tioDal .material, 'he Will center uponthat and overlook, � urJou JDM.sace. It he fa disappointed in lI1s expec_ta�ons, Probab17 he Will be iJuWfer-ent to the speaker. Nor can it besaid that something "live" fa neededto attract these fellows. It this bethe. case they had better DDt be at�tracted. Men c:aDIlOt be trapped or in- Student Acti_tiea.veigled into feeling the need of lead- To the Editor:',.IIIddpa Prot.-or to 'l'alk.Profell8nr Gam'berg of tbe Univer·.tty of Miebigan, will speak OD "TrI·J'lbellylmetbyl" befnre tile Kent cllem·In] aoelety tnniltlit at 1:30 lD Kent 14. tinue to engag ill them as 10D.i as� .tlJey do not (lOtto voca "too aeriou·'" .1�") in�erfere . witb our muU ...Obaen:�r.Professor N:itz, h.ead of the Romancedepartmen� . aDd . .Associate . &of�rlIcaIMtbIa� GIll.. _. p" 'l'Ia.8eaDainavl •• ehb wiD __ tnIIlt at8 I. IADngtn 14 ... 11. • ".MProf..,r 00u1c1 wI1I.,.ak - ...,..Sea1dle oPetry of Norway..a �ac1." For all 'round wear and good serviceWe recommend our SPECIAL WIN­TER OFFER---A black, blue or grayserge or cheviot suit, with extra trou­sers of the same or stripe material$30.00�B FOB YOU!lG MmITHBEE STOBES: 1 N. La Salle St. 25 E. JaeboD Blvd.; 1 }<;. Monroe St.T'8ree leasoOSWb710U should Eat attbe Men's Commons1st. Good Food Prop.rlF Cooked.2Ild. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen3rCL A Miaimum Price for Hi�h Quality FoodCbdt Breakfast 15e up Cafeteria at LunchDbmer A LaCarie MlTSIC Come 10••••••••••• +.+++++++++++ ••·�JOSEPH SCHMIDT ·Stationery, and Toilet Articles I THEn�1:.. L1�t-. u.'· ('A�lHl::� Corn Exchange National Bank1,000,00.00or ChlcllK'O.�porte<t and Ih::, •. t':'l Lille ofCIQA.a8 A.."'ID CIGAKt:TTES.++ ..... ++ ••• + •• + ... �.< _"t- ... i-+', Oapital $ .. --------Surplus .............. 5.000,000.00THE TEA HOUSEUndivided Profits .LUNCHEON 12-1:30OFFICERS,ER�Es·r A, IIA:\I:\Ilt.l., Prea!dent,CHARl.ES L, flllTCIlI:O-;SO�. Vlce·Pres.CHAC'�CEY J. m.AIR, Vlce-Prealdeut.n. A, llOlll.TO�, \'ke-I'r.'sident,n, C, SAlBIO:O-;S, Vlct>-Pr ... !dent,I::DWARD F. S:_·1I01·::O-;ECK. Aut, Caahl ...PRA:O-;K \\'. S:\IITll, :;,'.:rotary,J, EDWARD ll",\�. ,\''!It. Caahl""JA:\IES G. w,\!oa: 1-'11': 1.11, Asat. Oaabiv.LE\\,I� E, GAHY, Aut. Cnabler.DINNER 5:"5-7CharlesH Wack.'r Clyde:lol. carr)Iartln A RY;-Z'".ltl Ellwln G, ForemaaEdward B But! .. r \\'ratson E. BlairCharles H, Hulburd I-AJ .. 'ard A, aed4�:aJ'ence Buckin,::t:arn Fr.-<1erlck W. �:rReDajmJn Carp. Dter ErDeft A. HammIllHyde Park 2015DIUr:CTORS,THB OOLLEGE MAN00Dan me is, upSl W. IIaDroe Street 0Jw:a10._._-_._._._. __ ._._----_ ....Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroa.._ at 54da Iu.t.Nqr SOUl Street s.aJnrQ Stadon aDd.. syd Street Elnated."BrOll� ... &om GrandCentral Depot..Sneath AftIIIIe Can from PCBDqI­..... Static-.•• " .r � COLUQ. IIAN.... OOt'ARR .. ftJll OOLua • .,."•• cu£ urn roll OOLYS. r.AII.T_ lIillutea' Waik to 'I'hirty TheatresHAaRRY . P. STIMSON. IIANAGER.bDQ1JAIlTDII Na CBlCAOONew. lIodem .... FireproofRoome witJa Bath, 12.50 iaDd up....•......... - _ ,Subscribe forThe MAROON$2.50UBGB IIBIl ft JIBAB .. � .-' - -:.=--Iu1l81.8OO 1D"'� -tau a__���_��Will Pnade.Mr. E. C. Mercer will apeak to th� - The reeeipta for the football seasunUnivensity men at the mass m��iog of 1913 netted Indiana $2100.50.to be held at 4 Sunday in Mandel hall000'1 BI_e ,thebnplemeol--- It hu been eastlcated that the NotreThe Y. M. C. A. has sent out 1800 in- Dam� foutLall kaDl traveled ov,",1' SOOOvitatioll8 to the men of the Univer· milea during last 8eUOD. The lioosierataity. Dlreetor Stagg will p.r�aide at th" journey� to Heat .POULt. .PtUUl 8tate�meetinK. St •. Louis and closed the seasou by de-"I I1P1J'e every m.aD. of th.e Univ. e.raity-. �..:vely defeatiJll the UlLiverBity ofto attelld 'Ted' Mercer'. leeture," saidDireetor Stagg y�ste�ay. "�e hoshad personal experiences ana has methis problema in a way that would be Texu, at Austin.blame yourself-if you can't playup to 'form with a strange racket,or golf club, or baseball. There isno excuse for you. Snulding Ath­letic Goods are on sale in everytown from Maine to California. . At 'Ohio State there is to be acourse in football given to those whoworth while for every man to ��oiw .expect to tryout for the team. nC.:itabout. Any help that our IDIen could F&:lLget would make their fight again�i the ... ...8eDd for Our Catalogue-n'l Free. temptations that so surround themmueh easier." Syracu;se university has probably theIongeat football schedule JUlxt faU ofany of the larger schools. Ten gambsare listed, one every week from Sep­tember 26th to November 26th.Be Bros.Chicago.A. G. Spalding28 S. Wabash Ave.Thl!amr-Key·;.]thatopensthe DaDrsafERYleE The plans for a relay race betweenSale of Junior'1'oques-Junior toques t�e Michigan and Pennsylvania tenm.,are on sale claily from 10.15 to 10.45' at the Boston Athletic Associationin Cobb. The toques sell for $1.10. meet have been called off. Since theeastern' school has a number of dashChurchmen's Assoclation Keeu.- lAleD, it held out for a raee in whic!£Sealclic Poetty of· Norway and Ire- eaeh man ran 890 yard. while Miehi­of the University Chureh�n's a88�i:l' gun wanted twice that distance.tion tonight at 8.30 in Hitchcock Ii.! ._brary, Attempt. will be' mad�. to se-I At Iowa' the students h�V'te formedcure Bishop AncleraoD of' the clioeese ofl Who at they. call the "I" club, whosoCbisa�o. . purpOse i. to keep .tudontB trom wear-. inl "I'll" that they have not earned.Announce J&n1I&I'J" �ocram-Th\) It ,also Intend.·to try to keep the stu-cale d f t rt . t' f 't1..-.1 dents fl'Om wearing High School 1et-.. n ar 0 en e &lnmen 8 o· � �Quaclra I lub f J .ry. 1 1 I ters, for this praetie� tends to cheapenng e e or anua II a s : Or!Iowa: '.. tlie value of the ''1'' •..0-:;" A .ASTERf.0 DEL OP ATYPEWRITERIYOU'VE HEARDOF THE ")lAS­TER KEY" THATFIT SEVERTL 0 C K - DIDron EVER HE ..... Jndiana, will meet �iam.i u�iversityon the gridiron next faU fol" the llrntfime in the athletic history of theCljmaoa.Wednesday, January 21, �:I�ondSubaeription Concert.Mouday, JanuarY 26, 8:15--;-La�iellevening. "The �Pu8al o� th�" Ken�tuckey .l.Io��al��� .. 'b_.'1 ... ,_ �ia Ethelde Lone.Friclay,!January 30, 8:15--Fourth Sub.riptiou· 1>aDce."Tbluk of ALL oftbe eomblued a4·TaDta�e. 01 8EV·ERAL Qpewrlten),0. baTe .e •• 9�DeeD t rat e d I.o W'E .ta.4ar4··maeJal.el ....... ..-,All the wome�' student, of Kan.nsmust learn to swim before they re­ceive their d.iplom�The Bopl ... dlesperfeeU7 eTe171mo_ fona ofeeDeral eolf'­reapoDdeDeeaDd does eard..... tlDe aDd CeD­dNaed BIIIIDe be­IIIIda - wlt .... t a.......... pedal at­�h_ftlt" to acidest.. � to til.t7Pewr1ter. Tbhakof thla d ,._will UTe a fa1r17pod IdftI 0' tbeMaatn-JlocIei .ftile Bo:J&l."ROYA.LTYPEWRITER CO.IDe. The Schooland CollegePen inRegular,Safety andSelf· FillingTypes .·f,2.e.. o.· .. arcl ountainPenThe Waterman:, -Ideal tha1 is suited to yOur hand will doneat�, more undoflll a.nd qU_lc1cef wOfk than any ether writingI�pltrnent. S�c� efficte11C)' .. of tho patest benefit in student�1" where wntinl it • part of ft),,., study. The continuousute of one, pc:n dnel.. c:h.�er of handwritinl. The sameWatmna!' t ldeal WIll I�t for yea" and it always ready. Buythe pnU1ne, th4! pen '!1th• tbe famout Spoon Feed and Clip­Cap. In mall)' sazes, IClCIItific: shapes and points of every dqree..Sold by AD the Best Dealers.L. B. W .... Ca .... " 173 Broactway. New Ycwk2 For 25 Cents.Troy', Bat ProRct Follow the BoysAnd take advantage of our discount saleLiberal reductions on every suit andovercoat in Our ShopDockstader & RexfordSuite 816 Republic Bldg.State and' Adams St.We Made Tobacco Before YGor Father Was Born.Do Yoa Believe We Can Make Good Tobacco?oCHICAGG.ST. LOUISBest Reached by Through and Fast Trains of theD..l.INOIS CENTRALAll Steel Daylight SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.; arrives St. Louis (via MerchantsBridge6:02 p. m, IndestrUctible steel cars of handsome interior finishEvery comfort and convenience will be found on this train.Diamond SpecialLeave Chicago 10:30 j>. m.; arrive St. Louis i:48 a. m. Electric­lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago.Stops Mad. iD Botla DirectioDs at South Side T1aroaalaStatioDa, 43rd, 53rd and 63 .. .1 StreetsObservation Parlor Cars. Cafe Cleb Cars, SleepingCars. Free Reclining C:"ir Can: and CcachcsTic •• ts. F ..... aDd Sleepina Car Rc.-,cnationl .t76 West Adams St.CITYTICKET OFFICE•• J. CARMICHAEL, D. P. A.� .•............. -.----- .. -Patronize Maroon AdvertisersFOB 8AT.g...;:,A: R.W No." 011"r·TJpe­writter ia· perfMt:MiUlitt.L .-�..u,theretoI'. pric. hUeiabla. . Wriae, .1'call after 7:00 P_; -M. ··ll.a.':'»n.a....i.r�'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_� ss Middl. Dirillity Ball.Bead7 made OUt door Gear for WinterUlsters, FUr and fur lined OvercoatsHeaV7 Homespun Nor tolks and Knickers.Jackets ot Fur-Leather-or M.ackinawWool Latstcoats; Mu1flers; Caps; Stockings; Halt-hoseXD1tted Garters :md finger!e=s Gloves ct Shetland or Angora WoolBoots and Leggtnp.THE·SMOOTHESTTOBACCOFaD TwoOunceilDaFratel'lllt7 Jewe1r7LeaUler Good.College NOTelUel Embossed StaUoDeQWedcUDg ID'fltaUo ••Call1ag CardlBROCHONENGRAVING COMPA NYH. G. TURNERPresident III .allen Balldl ..rooms.Be.tana.t. Barbu �"o� Bown.,•• 41 Bllliardl I. CO •• HUe ..In.dea" IhlDg ID Dormitories lean'Clotllu ID eare of Janitor, oar rep"­le.tatiTe taU" and delITen clally,o'llen 011 liP :Wld",ay Ie! .. PBO�E HYDE PARK nneCARRIEBeauty D. RAYMONDSpecialist1116 East 55th Street.TeleplloDe B. P. 1141.ope. En.l.gs aDcI S •• cla,. .onl ....All Work Do.e at BealO.altl. PrIen.SWITCHES .ADE FBO. CO •• BOSA�D GE:NTLElIE:N .A.:NICUaING1m Ea,t 5nll Street. .r·��!.: .MAROON ADSIhu.s G RESULTS \. _ ... ..:.._ .... �......... .,:._ .J. .... :.� ." :... _ ..HONEYMOON BXPBB88With AI. .Jolaon and 100 OtbuaCOUN'S GlANDWith BrUce JlcBu"Deli&httul Comed7-Greatrun."--AlJ17 Leslie 1D X ....ILLINOISn. � •. _b.edul..l tQr ,.teria, Jl1JaD4oI1a 011ab ... TODlPt-.The POVVERS�01ia ebib will meet tOJUeh' at 7�" .... Beyuocla club.. �_ '» imoar-lllddl.e D1$ltyi.leI a �oker Tu8d_y night.ac: per .line. . No ad\'�&a .t.o. ;feQr' .eeived tor 1 .. thaD 25e. All cI...... " �adyentMmenia'ii_ liit 'ja14 ·w.... .��:vance. . �';¥8 '�'aG. "K ' .. .,..1' .... ; ..... 1 'F ••. WUl.tt, INW .. r�ft"--Jll Harper La •• torr·.£ .. c1i.� =aotludD, •• ' .. :k F •.... :....• �lorll"r riDi at' MOll llnck1'. -'Fia4ltl cBa�pleue leave 'at IJLfQrmatioll ·e'" � iiol4�� ·'0#·· •••••••••••• Fw.crCobb. 1 g� : .: �B. �Q •••••• 0tU, 'Lirinll .. ci1a.el�:. �'.L." Q ••••.••••••• ��...u8,TO �1l.'n1te·;beclroow,·.� . _ !Eat�1W4and bath, on. or . two •• ., witWa a ·�.t8; 'Wll"Wet 8, SUafer, 6:few block. of 11.·'l'G Nil' for·ilprhl Kay.r, B8tler,'""Bol�'f, Giho1' 2alld 81UDl1l.r quart.r • .Appl1' laos '279 '"Wij11tt, Otla.' Ltria 1.}'acuIty 8L ':FrM tll�ir.;· 1toliermu, '8elaaf81'r ·m __ .betw... ill. La �'. aad Semora wa.ponpo..... TIUa aftVIl\Ml at tlar.e- e'elMi; -tlie ·aop�Q.or.. will' play taeJ.�L08�_Eaot.rie plD. n-. : ....... re:turn to infonRadQIl .... ia ea...... � .�:;..:_ s;.. .,_.:: • : ., - '�;, ., .LOST-Delta Iappa PlU .. i-7,1 ph "L ;.:�. _8ii�f�",p1i .. �Me\lflGold, Qval .allapeel, ediH w.uaq.whole .rEpearls. Pleue· nturll te .Joaepb..l., ..,.,,_ __,. . •. "'_�er-·bi· FlotSda-D.u· Park-RO&:Qr8 1444 E. "til lit. Be"ant ei Of t'l.·.:8alloof·pf ·Educatio� who ia- �',:: 'ijinm�' ti •. Wiater quart.r ia theBOAll.D-In amall private fa_ily. � 80in �ia: IlOW ·at:-St. Ab� 'Flor-eellent home cookiq. Liaited· aambeJ ta.. ' ,at table. Addr ... 11a. Woed1awa a��Que, 3rd apartmellt, telepb.QD. 1l7dePark 637.NICELY ��t.. 'froniroom; 2 windows; larce .clQaet; cleo:'trie light, steam heat, IGOd oppOrt.Uit,for two women atwie�ia 'or 't��near Park and Kia_1'" lJ45 B.Ut62nd St., 3d Apt. Tele. Kid_ay &513. Greatest Show on EarthZIEGFELD FOLLIESHo�a .. d's TheatreA Blow at Commerc1al1zed VbTHE TRAFFIODAVID W.ABFIELDIn The Auctioneer';PiU.i:b 'Otllb Kat to ' The�h club "'in not me�t this week. CORrr'IoaUlemera W1U Dlmce=)(embera8f t .... Soutll.� club will blcl- a recep- --------------tioa: aad. d�. ill. til •. BeYD�lda 'club STU D EBAKERSatarda1' �. at 8. ,"9''' ,B1c:Jw'dV oiee builcler aDd teacher of artiatie BMdaersinging, }doDday. aDel Thancla,. at.. hQUM i. aoldiac .. iaitiatioll of itaMrs. KnIghts, 5652 Kazylaad AYe ....:ll8W .• eDl� w .• . III Ch!Qgo's Musical HoUdaJ' P..eIt'IWWedneaclay. aJld Saturda,.. at __ � __ . _ .:.. ' .. � eeL LaR IllIlat6356 Maryland AnDu.. I'or ·lafoiaa. tk. ," ... 0" � .. 1Ilaib, ... totion address 6356 llal'1.la1l4 A ...... 'Wait Oil tlle.-tabJ. nct auwer til. beU.TIl. teed'ritiee � 1M eloeei b1' a'C1aiaee Frida,. aiPL--._WANTED-,-!.: T. o=«: lahar'! .' •, ��.'�P I "�Oali� memo-'ben of u.. Y. 'w. ·C. L. who have Dot�. th�i� du� will b�"arOppea fromtb.� �e . memberahlp roD at the_ . ..a; of the quail.r.ROOMMATE -,Delta at with pear .. uel a cllaao�.The New Florida Hotel Libe1'&l reward· if retva_ to MUr.NOTICE I 5721 Cottage Grove Ave. Elli. ATeDUe. Teleplio •• JI). n�,Ba'fl.� Yon Clothes Drr-C1e .... cJ a.d' is making Special Rates to students. 10M.Pn.�" at , .... q1lPftt 'n'''":llc ynll wID Steam heat and electric light ill allDDII It tu be a �lIIa:l lJut llrulitallic I.- frout auite, Modena, cODvieJlt,.: �blocks fz;gm UDlveraily. Pri�. $00.Enquire. Mrs. Clark .Mi3· Uaiv.mt>:Ave. 3d.WANTED-ODe or tWQ pia to shan:light·houNekeepiDg apartmeDt fo! wiDt�r quarter. Mn;. E. }". Dellton, 57i�Dorchester. PhoDe B. P. 1655. Jack La1t's Hew �HELP W AlfTBDA Clean Comedy Drama wttlaBanry Xolker.;Phone. Midway .f3SH».FOB SALB-Stalldard 8ait1a.Pr.-i�Typewriter ill ueeD_t. .ocUli'" •\'ery reaaoDable term .. A. ..... ,�.for anyoD8 deairinc & tJpeWriter· torrrofesaional UIe. H. B.Lemn, 'BOoII .,RyeraoD Lab. or 1= B. M� ..LOft-Top of fratenait7 pia. ��P.� TRONJZE MAROONADVERTISERS ARROW�adras,COLLARSGrant�ofa6ne. quality. self striped iIadru.. A C.'ODar "that luis' the chane­ter aDd individuality. thatalway. accompany correct. iltjlea. , for ftcr..�� � • eo,. rllU." 'hIcw. N. T..cdItn Q/ A.__' s.arn OAllLB WIL,..· ..TIlE DOLL GIRL'FINEARTS1.00 IlatiDee ftllDdq.prlncessIIIL WII. BODOB IIIIflIB BOA» TO IlAPPD­·'GeDuine aueeell80r to t'TBB lI.AJfFBOM HOME." --Inter Oe-.OLV.�PICTHE GREAT PLAY OF NOW.... II 0 DB.. G I • L-LASALLE -I"SEPTEJlBBB 110.."With Dan :Lewta.. �J