.fIIttttt'dU'n�41.·latlsVoL XIL, No. 69Alumnus Says No-Senion AreDivided On Question-Presi­dent Matthews In Favorthird sueesaive victory of the aeuoll.The lead alternated between the twOteams throughout the eame and- �the beginning • of the last thi�y ,.._c�onds of play, 'Ulinois was leading �yone point. "\Jen it seemedmust be up."ShortY" Der�Jardien drop·ped a ball in the basket an� ha� i�scarcely passed through the net whu,the final whistle sounded. The �a� •.BOWUNG SCHEDU� OUT MAR. FIYE DEFEATDlR BY ONE POINTSHOULD SOPHOMORES FOUR CANDIDATES PASS CONTfSf ·ANNOUNCEDHAVE CLASS PIPES 1 Successful Students Will Appear BY UNITED CHARITIESBefore Dramatic Club This Af­ternoon At 2- Thirteen Try Out I WiD ,Aw� Priz� To �_tFor Membership CoIl� .Laq_t �t_ I I>uriq CamP ....Out of thirteen candidates, four -1916 MEN UPHOLD NEW IDEA were ehosen yesterday at the prelim DONALD DELANY NOW IN LEADinar.)" tryouts for associate mp.mh�t·"By no means should the Sophomores ship in the Dramatic club to appear A prize was put up yesterday ;�purhuse their eluse pipes thil. year,' before the club for 1iD.a1 eonalderattoaan officer of the local branch of _ ..said Hirum Keunieott, '13, yesterday. today. The club at 2 iA KeJlt the!Ltt"r. United Charities for the man or .�"They arc hardly out of their swad- The students successful yesterday ,are: IIlan bringing in the largest amountdling clothes and need bottles more, William Roe. Dunlap Clark, Budulfthan pipes." l.Moritz, and Genevieve Edmunds"They arc absolutely too young to, Announc:. No Plaaa .have pil'es"-Merle Coulter I The judges were �wtn�t I:rofessor"The very fact thnt we have pipes Robertson and Aaslstallt I r�.f'·8soris reason enough why they should not! }'lint of the Enelilili department, anI chart with columns for the name ofhave them. It is just the same as in Assistant Professor Blanchard of the Sigma; sec_n_d_-w-P "I' Skid rt t N an the contributor and the amount he"...I d D Ithe case of the Senior mustaehes"- Uu 1C pea ng epa men. .L 0 •, Sigma, Delta Kap a Epai on an e tuWillinm Bosworth. nouncement has been made of 'WU:1t or abe hnl collected. Amounts already Tilu Delta; thir Sigma Chi, Deb"If any elass gets pipes, thcn they play will be eiven ill the 'l'riDg. turned in willi be reck*ed in tho T�eta Pi, Phi Gaall will. AB a result a man will get total, and the prize will be awarded 'Psi; fourth, SigmSOPHOIIOBBS AND LAWYEltSfour pipes during eollege and will next Monday. Delta Sigma Phi,VIO'IOBIOllS YESTEBDAYcherish none of the four more thanthe rest, Now the Seniors look upon Each Bowler Must Be Member ofClub and Have l....ess Than Thir­i)-Six MajOR Credit De. Jardien'. Basket DecideaCcmteat A. Referee BlowsFmal WhistleInterfraternity bowling contests willatart Tuesday afternoon on the Bey·GAME MARKED BY ROUGH PLAYnolds -elub alley. ,The fraternitiea havebeen divided Into four divisions.The teams in each disivion will eoa- Chicago defeated Dlinoi. la$t n.i&Mtest ngainst each other in the prelim- 12 to 11 in a closely I fought, roulb.and tumble eoutest and thus won it.Inarles, the division ""'innens in. thesemi-flnals, and the two winners :of the��rui-finala, in the finals.of money durmg. the campailn. l� The semi-finals -will be held on Feb.order accurately to keep tab on the d hA4: 1 F b���ry 10 and 11 an t enn a a on e·amounts t�.rned in, Mr. Bickham in r�ry 17. The ivisions are as fo1the Y. M. C. A. .office has posted a lows: first, Phi ppa Psi, �pha Tauwas exeremely rough on both si_4e.Nu, Psi Upsflon, but the ,referee seemed to pay panio·'Alpha Delta Phi, ular attention to the Chlcaio plal'Up to six o'clock last night, Donald and Phi Delta Theta. \\ hile most of the Illinois roughne ..The KUla escaped hi3 notice.SeD10n and Fres.bmtr.l 00 Down 1.0 DelaDY lead with a total of five doltheir pipes aa somehing dear to their The regulation bowling tournament Thc entire Chicago team played aDefeat in Hotq Fought l,al'1l, whilp Anna McLoqhrua. 8tood. b 'last college days"_Lane Rehm.Battt. rulcs WIll be enforced, Every mem er good Jitnme, especially "�1 �u,ai-d. w"'�."Let them have the pipes if they with. a. total ,of two dollars. Bumola, of a team must be D. ��ber of the held their opponents to a �le,�.want tllem"-William Lyman. The Sophomores defeated the SeL have reaehed the omce "of, a sum d� Rl)"Lolus dub and must have ,}e� of .field baskets durins;,. �e, whu�')"It seems to me to be all right for iors yesterday afternoon, in a elosel, A_ "I � fU.Unp A_tua "I I than than thirty·fi.ve majors credit. game. Des Jardie'n playe\l. exception-, 4B8I!IU3: 1[toq q peorQl'allo or .Mop , .'_ _ __ __ :._. ;.the Sophomores �o get their class pipes fought contest,' by the Beore of_ ��_.to _un.iD._ &lUl .. Harry 1 � .but· tbell Louis.�{Qrton haa .been- �hoae� pre�. ··all.r_:weU.. . not ·oelr ,aeori!,if ���.' tJ-DoW •. In- faet it ahow�-.:Teal biter· -s Tire - seeond yeu.;.u'l8d by awe-· .. _"_. '-::;: -.". ,'-_ ._ ". eci. --th .; �I dent, - of the tournament; 'Bobert Mil· Chie�go's, b. asket8 but.. hOldi�i A.e' li .•.," .od arqouatlr "'ere not reeelV .at e 0_ . .'. _ "_ ' .. _.,.est iu nnd affection for Chieago� points at the end of the ,Int- pen .ler, secretary;' and William Gray lino,is -center from inaking A slngl •.Rudy Matthews but the Senion came back atroDC aad .. tel)., I ehairma.n of the committee on fouls. fJt!iire. 'The teamwork displayed, bi"The fact is, that the Sophomorea for a IWhile threatened to take the . Becelq ]few 0Jaarta "F..ach - f�t�rnity will h8.ve 'to' bowl Shorty and N'orcren was the f�tu"',have pipes. "lhy not let them have lead. The basket shooting 'of both I A member of de8Cri:ptiv�charta were o�t its',seh�u1e' whether it .is elliDin· o�.the cvenir:tg and th�orang� �D\dbl�.,Pipes "'ith th.ei� class numerals on teams WIle very poor but t�e play, received yel1Jerday. by the Y. M. f). A ated in -·the .first rouD.Cl or not" - said team'seemed unable' to solv8Chieago·.them instead of some old pipe with especially that of the ,guards waafrom the main oftice. of the charities President Cowan StepheDsOD of the trick piay& Williford, the �ght for�no meaning or assoeiation"-Erling snappy throughout. :Murray aud Bar·�nd were put Oil exhibition in the Interfraternity council, yesterday. ward. for Illinois proved himself quiteLunde. per starred for the Benion, the latter The ,schedule follows: ' proficient at toSsing free throw. and-_'I. U la local office. Mr. Bunyan in Haskell I '.Seniors Divided making two b __ eta I as we as p y. The 8eIle«pJe it was becauSe of this faet' that 11-Seniors wue divided on the question ing:tn ('xeellent game at guard. Cole liblllry alao received a new consign .January....::.....1 P. M. Phil Kappa Psi. vSI lin�is came sO dose to ,winnIng. Page'.,of Sophomore class pipes when np- and Weinman played the best' game ment, which he ia exhibiting in the Deha U:_lsilon Ave misSed Molander when it cain.proat"hed yesterday. A few of them, for the Sophomores. corridor between HaSkell and Harper 3' P. M. Sigma Chi vc Phi to fJt!oring in this department as nolieineluding Prosidlmt Matthew� could The 1IC0r.. Jihraries. In the School of Educati(\1a Gama Delta. of the other men showed any abilitysee no harm in the second year men Sophomores 11 Seniors 8 8 P. M .. ,S. A. E. va D. K. F.. in taking advantaJite of their oppon·notices have been sent to aU theb'Jying th('ir ela88 pipes now and have Plume .....•.••.•. L. F •........ Murray 8 P. M. Sigma Nu V'S Alpha ents foula.W h claaes announciq the campai,n anding th�m throughout their college Cole, 'Moulton ... · ·B. F.)... ater ouae Delta Phi The lineu!"eareer inl'tead of enjo�;ng them for Whitinc the two chairmen, Leone HemingwayJaDuary 28-3 P.' M. A. .T. O. va Phi Chicago 12 lllinois 11onlY a few months. Others maintained! lIcCoDne),·...... •• C. • ••.•••••. Barris and Evelyn Cole. will speak in chapel , Kappa Siama Goettler R. F. . _ . Willifordth�t 8ueh a practice would be an in· I Weinman .•.••.••. L. G. Behm, Harper today Oil the subject.. 3 P. M. Beta Theta Pi '\"s Gao1l!Q ,fring.ment on Be;'ior Pren>gatives. I Sparks .••••.•.••. R. G. Hodge, Col_aD loOn PaY'" yeoterday _ed Cbi Poi NO'K"''' ••.•... L. F. . :;Ki",h ..The SophomoTe9 themselves are, al:'., Basketi'; Mnrray, HaJ'!l8r ,2, Cole- 8 P. ll. Kapa Siawna VB Del. Des Jardien. _.. C. . ,., Dan.charge of the end of the campaign --most without exception, in favor of man, Cole2, Wienman. Spark.. ta .Tau Delta Baumgartner R. G. . ,Cran •.t!arrying out the propomtion euggested Free throwa; Kurray2, Plume 3. relative to the busilleaa &ad library8 P. Y. Psi Upsilon v. Phi �tegeman .• _, .L, G. . _ .Vuner.t the last e1ass meeting. President Referee \\tDett. forces. He will be auiated by Edward Delta Theta ShullBurkey gave hi. nu01' for favol'-ll"nIJImm, DowDed - LaW78D Reticker and DoD&14 Beaa. )lisa OttJanuary 29-3. P. M. Kappa Sigma va Basket.; Des .Tardien3, Goettler IIDg having the pipes 11(\1'1 as follows: The Freshman team lost their fint of the Bureau of �ordl ia confident D. K. E. ' I Norgren, Kireher, Crane.V. Pipes III 00IIeIi game of the 8eUOn when the Law tbat Iter 0 will 1-' tb. W'&D, bnt 3 P. )I. Delta Sigma Phi \"S Free throws; Williford 1.MIt has always been th� eustom for 8ehool defeated them by a 25 to 15T :_ t1' f d Sitnn. Nil.' , . I Referee, NichO.l�s,_Umpi_re Reynold ..Jimmy w_..:.., of" etlc ame, oes -.0_tb 0_· t h th • 'n aeoN. Th. game was cION and ex-e �nlon 0 pure ase e pIpes 1 not qree witJa laer.·. 8 P. M. Phi Kappa Jill v8 __ � 1"0. B BBlUOBtb W• t -& I tbl"' -y little eitin... dn";...... the fint half but the .&�_e In cr qvaner. n no , - --- Phi KapP& Sigma PI0!'UaB8 18 aXYB1Q)BDnRe ba., been made of them. Gradu· fint year men w.ere unable to keep up8 P. M. Sigma Chi VI Chi,atetl! as a rule do Dot eare to 8ID01t� the fast pace eet by the Lawyen dur- B411C&UoDal Clab LectueN l'ustal ea�s ba"e ,been sent. . to. allpires and thUII they n.re east aW1L�1 ing tbe seeond period. In spite of t� _1 k J'-" 31\ ., P , .. S A -.:0 VB n..lta the Seniors ""h� h:LVC not bad ih"trk d' I ed th law Mise Ethel De Lo"5 will s»ca be• anllary ,,__. . .m.. • • r... � , .after only a few montb., nee. I thinkj la�k of teamwor lap a�, et fcft the Educational dub }'riday af Tau Delta indh-idual pictur�s ta.ken, notlfpnltbe pipes abould be u_i ",Jail. we arolstudent.8 showed a creat Improvemen ternoon in Belfield Hall at 4:30. Sh 3 P. M. Psi Ullsilon VI AI. them that the tlmo hmlt. for tb�"in aehool." over th.ir work of yesterday whcnwill sDCak in ·'The aewest Scbool in pha Delta Phi ! picurcs haa bl'cn cxtended to }'ebruaryRichard Mathews is the originator ofi they ,,'ere defeated b1 the =en. the Kentucky Mountain .. " Mil'S ])0 F('bn1.ftry �, P. M. Pbi Kappa Psi 4, 1914.the project. He sai·l ''':It witl. thel Schafer and WlIee1er, of the maDLong is a graduate of Smith College A TOil' In ordcr to insure insertion in til"h• 'L.__ team slJOwN "It well b1 8Coring twelve VI • • •L_elan numerals on t c �JpH, memud and hal been doing work among the 3 P. M. Beta TIt .. ta Po v I Cap antI Gown the picturcs mast U9of tbe cla- eould eom'.) to know eneh of their tam. points. For ,tbe Lawy· I takcn before the dato named above,....h poor of the entueky .0ulltainB. The Phi Gamma Deltaen, Catron and Striker were t e stanId beother hotter. lecture .. open to aD. 8 P. M. S. A. E. VI Kapp:l February 4. Activity cards shouIs Good MwertlIIDa Th ... ore.Si«1Ila ! filled out at on�e and dropped in ,Box"Al .. o/' be declared, "in the eummer Laws 25 Freshma. U. 148 P. Y. Phi Delta Theta va' 280 Fac."ulty Exchange or taken_to tb.h 1 ·11 -- Ooldbe-·· • L. F. • •.••.••••. 8ehafer Glee OhIb '1'.... 00w:e1'1 'I d G Offi . Ell' all L_cW cn we are away, peop e 1f1 .,...,'" I . .,.. .I Delta Sigma Phi , Cap an own ee an JS U'C"'tbe pipeI', and inquire what they are., Catro� •..•••••• R. F ••••••.••. Wheeleri February 4--3 P. K. Sigma Chi VB t"'cen the houn. of ,10:15 and 12:-15Til tbis manner we ean give Chieagol HunntaI The Women'. Glee �lub win bol.l ita Beta Theta Pi. I and 1:30.6:00. Th� aeth;ty ea.a.lots of good advertising. Fnrtbermor& Holmes •••••. •• C. . ••••... KeLallghunlannual .Jetteerl OD l"abrata:-y J i. in. 11--------------- , (ContinG" on pap .... ) (t:ontinued OD ,,:lee %)(Contl...a _ pep '-) (Olatlaui .. ,... &.) IIuclel.XBE BAlLY MAROON. 'WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1914T h-e-D-a 1· l--y----;;-- -! �tudy, cO.IWW.ttee, sleep, etc. J.�:; ws-·========::=:::::::=::=:=;1';1 a roo D i._ I ue j�t; every man chouse for h1maelI, 'IOmcJal bllJdt'll� x-« "1'.1Ipo·r .. e t11" lJalwer-11 ,.,' 't eversoae resu",,.t ,,-,_ -"--'-e."It)· IIr L 111;'''1.:11. • a .... u. .c -'II .,_.u.ut \OMU,""I organiZed student ll!e has 110 ri&ht toPubll"h,,� m o r ni nj;», e x ve p t Sunday and IKon<1.)'. durin" tile .\UlUIUIl. Willter u n.I dewauu the allciiaDce of everJ'��",rlll¥ "Uaftcnl, Lly ·.l:lu, l.Ial.y .l1aruulI. -stAtt. 1"J:aJ.£ LWlT - l'oir SlOOOBO. W. Cotllue;huu. :\l'\\1S Lllilor 'D!C'"UB�o IS EX�ENDED11. �. Gur;;a" Athlt·Uc .. Editor 6 ... �u, 1'. ;\la�t llusiut'ss .\lunagerW. 11. Lyuiu u Clrc.·ulallou l1auugcrCrgJ.:ui..:cu. .;;;tUUCllt activities may' bel .Iuuuury :�;; l!.)U.saicl to ·I.!C ill line -�vith the twentieth! (.-\ t the Koehne Stud io in the Bushcentury "'irit or work.! Temple, Corner Clark se., and Chieugo ! IThat is their justWca.-l .A YC. Take Through Houte xo. 0'. 1,111tion, if it be a jUStiti.-\ 11:00 The Blackfriars.. ca"ClVll..� .l:SUt 15 tne '\ lo!��O T�c Three Quarter Club. II!spirit cno which the universities and e.oo TIgers Head. 1'1·colleges should foster? Or should their! .lnunry �8, 19!1,influences be against tho pen-men: :: :�() Till' ;Sib'�et Club. I ' .rush of modern life? Many belic7e! .• Junuury 30, 1914. :i;that pre�cnt-day life is absolutely ir_i 1 P. �l. Spelman House IIrattonal; that a man wears himself! Fcbruury 1,1914 Iout, burns out his nervous energy I (At Kohue Studio in the �onrol'b ,loses his individuality becomes a 'UIl itl Building).in thc vast money-making. machin� i 10:00 Chi P..-icalled modern society under present i lO::Hl· Iron Mask.methods of living, They contend that' 11:00 Alpha Delta Phimen should enjoy life as they live it, I 11 :�:O 'l'he Dramatic Clubanu not rusn tnrougu tneir ruJ.01;e\l.! 1:.!:00 Pen Club '.. IIspan of years, and tumble helter-skel-I 1�:30 Beta Phi liltter into oblivion, without having takani 1:00Gamma AIl'ha Itune to 1001; auout tncm Wllue on: l::W Phi Kaflpa Sigma 1.the way. Ad yet there are Plenty! �:OO Sigma Alpha Epsilon i'iwho feel that such an existence is \ 2:��OSigma Chi .1th b tt M t th· plea. I 3:00 Lic(\nln House '.. IIIe e er one.L en ge ell' -I I "sure in life through the sheer Joy Afj illworking, through the thrill of swing- 111IiD.g big things of being an effiCient and i· MR. E. C. MERCER I..ECT11RESnecessary part, though a. small one, of IN MANDBL HALL SUNDAv.II,,'jthe social machine. And that inta.ng- \W'ill D rib "b--- V_ .... I y esc e 6ersonal .-..�rience andible something called society or man-I Beto� lillkind, profits by an increment of caPi-1tal goods greater than· could be gainedi 'l'he pitfalls of the students' life and I;'fi����������e:thero�aW�fr���cv�will�ill�������������@����g��.�-�-�--�-��_-�-��-�-�-_-�. "live for yourself" idea.. How to: be JiscusSt.>U by Mr • .1:.. C. Mercer at .----choose between the two views? WhoI 4 Sunday in Mandt!l hall_ 'rhis lectureC:ln say which is the better view? Uno: is given under the auspices of the Y.� so�eone can _ShOW defini�IY leav-I .U. C. A., and every man in the Uni­lDg aSIde appc:t·.Is to altrwSIDg etc.'), versity has been urgl',l toattend the Com Exchange Nationalthat a man gains more for himself! lecture.by adopting one policy than he would: �lr. ::\{crccr has spckcn in ninty per-gain for the other, and it can be f .I c::ent 0 the AmerIcan �oncges telling Capita) .shown so that everyone will accept it, the stllTY of 'his life. Early in hlslas true, men will choose for themselv�: i!ol1egc car�n ho ba.ra.. driukillO' 'Surplusf 'h { . r- I:)and no one can blame them or t!lC!r. :,:r:-uually sinking. low.!r and low�r Undivided Profits 1,000,00.00choice, whatever it may be. Men canI �. ven years ago when drunk nDd halflive in the whirl of modern li!e, or i • I 1 • 'l't d .1 ",l.' 11' la·: .. e Into _.I.; famous Jerrytlley can withdraw themselves, and I \. � \. ley w� tCI: strc.!t JI.i:ssion in �cwtake time to enjoy life as they live York •. 1 . t,. that time Ie htes hisit. And the same rulc applies tl par-· - . S'I rl'l!(" ptlOn. IDC. th�. h\! h:-.� h.':'" Iti· t' .t d nt activities. Theclpa lon lD sue lectllring to college students in orderstudent who becomes impatient when ..to l\revcDt others from maklDIl theothers refuse to plunge into the whirl .t 1. cl·d. I' l1'.1� :\hoC ro 1of orgnnized student Ufe, is as big-'oted as any ancient or mediaeval 'Per- iWill Elect Omce�Tbe Southeastsecutor. lIe is attempting to forl!e::\\'i�',h'Jrhlloll club will elect officenJthe choice he has made, his view-point Charlt'!01I Wack"rtomorrow at -1 in the X .!ighborbood "artln,\ Hy. r�l>nupon everyone, when ne has no ri��t F.,lwar,! It ltllt; .. rToom. Cllar�{'!1 II. Hulburt! F.,!warti A Si,,..l.\SO to do. Th student 'Who does notdevote his time to the �rlnd of ath­letics, Bl::! ck frl :1 1", :rwI:lroon. etc., i� Neighborhood Club !leets--Tlu�every bit as J:ood :!. Cb!c:nJ:!o m:lll as SOlltlnY<'st Xcighborhood club willthe fellow who plunges into all these D1cd todny nt 4 in the Neighborhoodtbings. The former has a perfect rtg�t. ro(tms.to cboo�e to enjoy life, to rc:\d. togo to theaters, to 1r:\vel about tbccity and sec Ufe :lS it is shown upand down Halsted street. He is notmad; perbaps, if we look at Indf17ic!ual Gents' Furnishings atgain, he Is more sane than tbA '"Prom-,fnent student" wbose Ufe is a m�.d, Cowhey'srush from cla�s-room to committee1 S E. Cor. 55th and EII·ls A MAROON ADVSmeeting to practice Hbrar7, m� • vee BRING RESULTS,t.:vlltinueu ,bum l'u&;e 1) Iu.uy be obtuiucd lrulll the rucks in .Cvull llall. or hum the t:ap and liuwn IIUHic.:c.·.:\lll'uiutulI..'uts lur group pictures IILa ve UCCU urude at the Kohne �tuuio! in the �lVl1rue iHug., corner .llonrue St. I�u��:_ :'.::_: 1 ,,:va,,;;.: �I'u.·� Avenue. uud ::\lichigull AYe., as fullowsr-------JUlluury :.!-l IVH.11 .A. �l. 'fhe Chi Rho Sigma Club..l::llh·rnl ,,,. .. e '·"al.!-c! .• s s 111: •• 1 at th�Cll1ca�u l'vd;lI�:\.·I.·. L11I,· •• s o, 111.. "uan:u l�.lllul). UlloJ..r· ,\1.'" \.)( .11; ..... , 11 J, lb.;;.�U'::-('lOl·l'W:,\ K\T1::S.�� l���: i"� �.,;j.�J ).1,,:�:>; .. 1�;1.:�:\)� �u��t�:.el.LoJ1Lull:d-Lu�'IlI·".; \...1111,· .. ·, Eliitl :.:".T.ll "l1vl." :.;.";" ... y :lvli. "I. 1< e r 1U P 111.llyoJ. i'al;';' t�,_:".CuiBone?Buy Y our Smokes aDd _--- -�--. -.-'::::__--=.:�:=-:--=---:':-' - - __::..:-- - -----Now III1'1'II� %!J-;-r-� <ltri?rr1YJl i·V.?c//.It!:!!J J' b U �.,(;I' V..J' Iin our NEW HOME, just across from our old l.�cation I Ir I'Iit1,.1� IA Shirt SaleThat Is "Competition-ProofIT is not an. averages sale, nor one of those sales thatb ·d "I '1 hi 1"ecause someone sal, .. ct s rave a S irt sa e.WE planned this sale=-long a�o. ;\nd we found a vcr ,: rep u.ib lcmaker, with too much yardage on hand, who was \\·ill 11�:: to. 1 I 1 . _. "d 1co-operate wit 1 us. t cost 11111 a pretty pcnnv to 0 so, alit asa result we're selling fine shirts far below their" real value.$3.50 to $4.. Shirts $1.85 1,200 plcatcd.lil��ligct' and soft cuff � h:i'iS inRussian cords, cro.s stripes combin.u ion plainbodies w it h fancy bosoms arid cuffs. (.� "T Q 5$3.50.and S-t shirts at � oSc,",$2 to $2.50Shirts $1.35 3,600 shirts in all styles, many soft ��lirtswith extra cullars to match. French Pcn.uuz s,fine madrascs and a great variety of $1 35·fancy fabrics. $2 and S2.50 shirts at QFineShirts $1.50$1.15 2,-1-00 fine shins, practically our entire S l.50linc---beautiful \\'O\'cn madrases and $1.15cordcd madrases---atAndShirts S il k - :. All our $-+.50 and $5 lines of silk shirts in$3.5� white satin sti-ipes and neat patterns, $3Q55the gr�atcst yalues on record, atAll Sizes 131/2 to· 171/2, many extra sleeve lengths------ - --- -:- -=-= =-==-�..THE \Ban�\I III$3,OOO,Ooo.co Iof Chieago.5,000,OUO.00OFFICERS.F.R:-';F.�i .\. 11.\ '''"1.1 •. Pn·l' .}'·m.CHARl.ES l� lU:TCIII="'80="'. V;cfo-l'r.,!'CHAV'::SCEY J. BJ,'\ I R. \·lc,'-1'r.·"',).,o:.D. A. lIOl·I.TOX. Vkl'_l'n·:lhl1'llt.B. C. SA�nl0::SS. \·iC'p-1'r.·,,;.Il'nt.EDW,\HD F. S�1I0g="'l-:CK. ,\,.8:. C:l�1: '"FR.\:-';K \Y. S�l1TH. ,::,.cre:ary.J. F.DWARn �l'\AS. '\!I!!t. (':lshi'TJ'\�'F.S G. \YAKE}O�IEI.D •. \!<!Ot. C'a"h"'r1.F.WI� E. GARY. Aut. Callhi!'f. CLEVER dressers are all 'wearingthe smartest collar style of theseasoil-'SHADOW'-the LION col­!�r "7��vith all the LION comfort features.l�ooL. f-::·� it in your dealer's window�thestyte with�'PE�\\:):� ... �'Jints." 6 for 75c-or as usual 2 for 25c./MikliA'In!:/!DtnF.CTons.Clyd(' :\\ c. rrE.lw.n <.;. F .... · O:.In\\'�.l!'on F.. B:·I�rC.ar<'nc" I:lIck:ns:;),amR�nalmln ·Carp· nt�r Fr· .lt�!(:k \\. <."I"t'�h�1':ro"1I1 A Ilall,mll·The Colle;ic ShonExhibition �;:-'::lT.� S:n:RT Ct COLLAR co., Makers, TROY,�. Y.LEATIIEB. HIDES Al-'P» PILLOWS INOVEL'rIES IN JEWELRY AND JOSI�PH SCHWEITZERDANCE PB.OGB.A!l8 The University Pharmasist for over Ten Years.I n his new up-to-date StoreAcross the street from old location.The Colleee ShOll1110 IIaaonlc Temple.DEUTSCHER APOTHEKERTel. H. P. 3311321 East 57th Street.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••TracltDon't Blame the .Jnn. 31_:�irthw�sterD at Chicago----------------------------�----------------------------bnplemen.t---Woodlawn Trust& Savings Bank1204 E. 63d Street, OhlcagoTHE FACULTY "TH� STUDEN'rSof the'UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOWILL Fnm INTIDS BANK � THEFACILITIES or A DOWNTOWN BANK... � .. ' _'._"_,., .. ,.,SA VINGS ACCO�TSandClrnCKING ACCOUNTSAre Welcome and Appr�ciated.RESOURCES $2,000, 000.blame yourself-if yo,u can't play'up to form with n strange racket,or golf club, or baseball, There isno excuse for you. Saulcling Ath·letic Goods nrc on sale in everytown from Mnine to CaIiforni.n.Send for Our Catalogue--U's Free.A. G. Spalding28 S. Wabash Ave. & Bros.Chicago.Thl!.aster-Key', that apens,thaDaarsafERVICEYOU'VE HEARDOF THE MlIAS.TER:'l[EY" THAT'F ITS EVERYLOCK-DIDYOU EVER HE.&.B.:-0:;' A .ASTER,MOD E L OF'ATYPEWRIT'ERI�,;I:�:.,j,t .. ·...•. :·... : •• : .. 'r�.�.� ��. MTbl.�, of ' ALL oft� eo.blaed ad·Tanta,�eft of SEV·ER,\L' typewrlten ':JOO baTe Hea,eoa�." t ra' � d laONE .tandardmaelllaelThfl Ro�1 h_dl ..perfect.,. nerJ'known fona ofIrene ... ' cor­rt'''polldeaeeand dOf'll ftaI'dwritlnllt and C __clC'ft1'f'd BI,IIn •. · be­"Id" - wltboat,."Inlltle "AptdaI at­t" .. hmf'nt" to add.dra ... t .. thet,.�writ"'. Think, nf n,III -.ad :1-. will 'aTe a falr17.Itnod Idt'& ., the,.""t..,.·)lodd oftht' Ro1&I.",I ROYALT\'rl:WRITER CO.Inc.,," t;. "onne St .•(;hl ..... e, III.M'AROON ADSBKlNG RESULTS'); .... , .. TBJI WINTER SCHEDULEBasketball.Jun. 2O-Ulinoia at UrbanaJan. 24- Wisconsin nt Chicugo.Jun. :lO .. -Purclue nt ChicugoFeb. 6-0hio State at ChilagoFeb. IG-lowa at Iowa CityFeb. 20-Purclue at LafayetteFeb. :!1_0hio Stutc nt ColumbusFeb. 24--Northwcstcrn :!.t ChicagoFeb. :!i-lllinois :1.t Chicugo�Iar. 6-- \'\'"isconsin at Maclison Feb. 14--Purclue at LnfayetteFeb. 2S--I11inois :1.t ChieugoMar. ] l_?I!"\)rthwestern at EvanstonMar. 21.-Incloor Conference at Evans-tOilJun. 23-Northwestern at EvanstonFeb. 14-Northwestern nt ChicagoFeb. 21-111inois !It ChieugoMar. 7- Wi8con�in at l(adisonlInT. 20-�onfl'r('nce !�t Evuust onG7JIl1lasticsMar. 7_Wisconl4in �t :\[adil4on:\(ur. 14-11liuois :!.t ChicagoMnr. 27-28-,Conference nt LincolnFencing, WrestlingMar. 2;·�8-C.onference at Lineoln ST. LOUISBest Reached by Through and Fast Trains of theILLINOIS CENTRALAll Steel Daylight .SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.: arrives St. Louis (via MerchantsBridge6:02 p. m, Indestructible steel cars of handsome interior finishEvery comfort and convenience will be found on this train.Diamond SpecialLeave Chicago 10:30 iJ. m.: arrive S1. Louis 7:48 a. m. Electric­lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chic:'.go.Stop. Made iD Both Directions at South Sidc Throus;hStatioD., 43rd. 53rd and 63rd StreetsObservation Parlor Cars. Cafe Club Cars. SleepingCars. Free Reclining Chair Cars and CoachesTickeb. Fare. aDd Sleeping Cal' Reservations at76 West Adams St.CITYTICKET OFFICER. J. CARMICHAEL. D. P. A. Phones: Cent. 6::70--A�lto 64·472Waterntan49sThe Schooland CollegePen inRegular,Safety andSelf-FillingTypesOuntainPenThe Wate�an's Ideal that is suited to your hand will doneater, more uniform and quicker work than any other writingimplement. Such efficiency is of the greatest benefit in studentlife where writing is a part of ftJery study. The continuoususe of one pen develops character of handwriting. The sameW atennan's Ideal will last for years and is always ready. Buythe genuine, the pen with the famous Spoon Feed and Clip­Cap. In many sizes, scienrific shapes and points of every degree.Sold by All the BestDealersL E. Wate ....... Compaay, 173 Broad ... ,. New YorkSubscribe forThe MAROON52.50 �_. __ •• �o_�Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near SOUl Stteet Subway Station andS3rd Street Elevated."Broadway" can from GrandCentral Depot.Seventh A venue Cars from Pennsyl­vania Statlcm.KEPT BY A COLLlla. JlANHIlADQUARTIlR8 FOR COLIJIlGB J,BN8PBCIAL RATB8 FOR COLUall TIlAJlt1Ten Minutes' Waik to Thirty TheatresHARRY P. STIMSON. MANAGERHEADQUARTERS F\iR CHICAGONew. Modern and FireproofRooms with Bath, $2.50 and up.... --.--------.�--��• Tbree ReaSODSWhf yoo should I':at at tbe Men's Commons1st. Good Food Properly Cocked.2ad. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen3I'd. A Minimum Price for Hith Quality FoodClub Breakfast ISe up Cateteria at LunchBIDDer A. LaCarte )IUSIC Come inFor all 'round wear and �ood serviceWe recommend our SPECLAI..I \V'IN-TER OFFER---A black, blue or grayserge or cheviot suit, with extra trou­sers of the same or stripe material$30.00-rAILOB FOR YOUNG MENTHREE STOBES: 1 N. La SalJe st. 25 l-:' .h.ck�\)n Gi\ .r.: : 1:. :\to'lrocSt.I,"�BB DAlLY KAltOON. WEDNESDAY. JANtJABY 21. 191'�17 � •• eb7LeMUr 0004.COU� NonlUe. };DlbO¥5t'd StaUt'!!ler,.WeddlDC IDTIt_UOD.Call1DI' C�rd.BROCHONENGRAVING COMPANYH. G. TURNBRPresident GUS lUalll'ra BuildingThe Secret of Good Battingis similar to the secret of good business-c-it happensto some and just misses the others.If there ever was a commercia! home run It sFatima the Turkish-blend cigarette. The expertwho conceived this blend was some batter I Fatimawas 6rst lined out in the college towns-the studentbody quickly proclaimed th�m \\;n.ners.. TodayFatima is the I:iggest selling CIgarette In th:s country.The secret is-pure, good, choice tobacco-noexpense in the package-quality all in the smoke-"Twenty." .£n.1t�(k2O./Or/5tif[I',.' .---.-----------------.---�'Wanted At Oncefacla.aD at the UDinnity to come ill and investigate ourSpecial Offerto CoUege MenH£RZKA BROTHERS:-: Tailors :-:1545 East 53rd Street�elephoDe B. P. 1037. Open EVenings and Sunday Morning.._----_._----------------_.�"ICAG(i).D. RAYMONDThe New Florida Hotel5721 Cottage Grove Ave.ta maIt1Dc 8pec1a1 Rates to students.Iteam heat and electric light in allIOOIIIL"' .. ana.. Barber Silop. DO"UD,... BOlla .... la CODD�UOD. CARRIEBeauty Specialist1116 East 55th Street.TeleplloDe B. P. !Ul.Op .. n F.,....nlnlf� And Sand.,. )lornlnlf!l.All Work Done at nf'.�on.blf' Prlr. .. ".PBO!": BTDE PARK 4111. 8WITCIIF.S )1.\ DP. FRO)' CO)fBl'S{;SA'SD {;F.'STI.f:)IF.'S )U�ICURI'SGr.� .,.- � -PATRO�IZE MAROONADVERTISERS956 E. 55th st.� .. ,. Chlcaao, mImported and Domes. Ie Line 01'CIOARS ASD CIOAR'E'1'TE8+++++++++++++++++.+++++++. CLASSIFIEDADYilrl'tS�ISVallee.�LOST--.lu Hurpvr Luvut ory A diu·ner rill� at IlOOIl .Monday. }'hllJclplease h��L"C at Lnf'ormut iuu otlicc iuCuLL.TO RENT- One' sui tc bedruow,Faculty ex,FOR SALE-A uew xo. :; Oliver T.Y!,t!­'Hitter ill perfect cond it.ion, )lu�t sell,therefore price reasonable. Write, orcall after 7:00 P.)1. B. II. Brunemvier,,';3 )liddlc Divinity Hall.LOST_E:wtcric pin. Finder please return to information oflice in Cobb.LOST-lh,}ta Kappa Phi society pill.(io)d, uvu l shu ped, l'dgcd with wholepeur ls. Please ret urn to .Jmll'l'hint·Rogers IH-J E. ,';-tth St. Reward. SHOULD SOPHOJl0Jm8JIA� .. � ..� GARRICKICOlltiuued fro. Pace L)HOllEYJlOON EXPBE88With AI. Jolson and 100 Otherscowrs GlANDWith Bnlce McRae"De11chtful Comedy-GreatF1m."--Amy LesUe in News'!lLLINOISGreatest bhllw on EarthZIEOFELD FOLLIES_ JuC "cl· HliC •• 'v au\cfU:.CU1CUt!s rd· k h .��� .r it ta ell me t ree yea,. to � Ulceived rur k:i:S tuau :!;jc. AU. cla.ssiJicd.bcast'l:( pipes are held up y "lUcia. ....,'.advertascuieuts uiust ue paid ill ad-uud that if they are' orelaNd 4a.ri.DCthe Sophomore yeu: they,�. h.�.aunto 1.1(' here in tuDe to·r 6c;���ti�i.Only one word ot eautioa wuspoken. George Shaffer �xp� 'Jiba.self U8 favorably ineliDecl to ... � tke,it1t'o� but added that it 1. � tra4itionsitt iug flint the Seniora mould ha .... tu pi,..,u nd hnt h, one 01" two ruen, within h nud he does not believe ill breakinct.rndifions unleu ablOllltely .R�-.ft'\\' bloc k s of F. '1'0 rent for spring -,JI> )-, n pil)C and I want his to be the bNtand suunuer quarter, ..:\p1'ly DOX :..,.1(lnl' I have eVer �"Gull' Willard was highly pleuecl witlat.he plan. He contended that iD aulDeBOARD-Ill smu ll private family. Ex­ce llcut lunue cook iug. Limited numberat table . Address tij::·! Woudluwu uvenue, :;rd upu rtmeut, telephone HydePark (.i37.NICELY FURNISHED-l.igllt, f:ol1•ruom ; 2 wi ndows ; large closet; elect r ic light, steam ln-at , good opportunityfor t wo women st uderrts or teachersnear Park and Midway. 1345 East(i�nu st., :tu Apt, Tele. Midway :;57:1.I\OO�nIA'rE W A;'I;TED-To share UpailoD(l'olltillueli trolD l'aJ;t� :,3 P. M. Si&ma Nu va P.iS P. lI. Delta UpaioD VIIPhi Xappa SicIlIAS P. M. A. T. 'O� ". �lbU.vsiloll.... ,,'February 5-3 P. M. Phi Gamma Delta Ho",e.l·n's TheatreA JUow at Comwercialized Vic:eIt Baa Awakened Chicago.VB Chi Pai3 P. M. Pai UpaUon ., Del· THE TRAFFICta Siama PbiFebruary 6-3 P. M. Alpha !>eta PAl' _V. tDelta Sip .. Phi �O.WERS3 P. M. Delta Kappa EpaUob r""va Delia Tau DeltaS P. M. SiP. Nu v. Phi."Delta ThetaSemi FiDalaFebruary 10-3 P. !Ill Diviaioll No. 1--=- _Enquire MrM. Clark ;,4j";; UniversitjAve. 3d.frullt su if.e, Modern, eonvieat, : va No. "hloe k s from Un iveraity, Price $1.50.· February l1--FiD&la.VB No.311-3 P. lI, Did.lon No. �Striker· ..•..•.. L. G. • •.•..• XDipeebilCa,. Willilt -,.--.-_-_-.------------Seofield .••.•..• R. G •.•.•...•• K.lld�lll � .• TUDEBAKERMRS. FLORA MacIVOB. SMITH- Baskets; Schafer 3, Wheeler 3. Gold. ;::,Voice builder and teacher of ar.istiberg, Catron.4, Hurwitz I Striker 3,singing, :Mondays and Thursdays at'Scofield !!.,�lrs. Knights, 51):;� )rnryland Avenue\V AlI.-wrED-Ollc or two girls to �ha.rt DAVID W.ABFIELDIn The Auctioneer.lack Lait.'s New PlayHELP WANTEDA Olean Comedy Drama with'Henry KolkerIj;.!ht·hou�e);:eepillg np:lrtmt'nt for willfer lJunrter. :\1 r:-. E. P. [)(!Ilton, ;'71'Oorl·)wstcr. Pholle H. P. fir,;;!i. SOPHOIIOBBS ARD L4w.tBaaVImGmOV8 .�;y(Continued froID pe.p L)Knipechi1c1, WillettFree throws;\\"cdm'suays and Saturdn�"s at hom�Scofield.63;;6 �Iaryland Avenue. For informa"tion address r,3;J6 )Inryland AVE'nu('Ibde 1'Uk, �1�LOST- Tcp of frntcrnity pin. Lctt,�r TII"I.,. fnr ...... Ie.. Pkd CIaa �-------------------- .. --------1_-4----------------------------Thomal J. ta.e,'·� .s..!FUUJIIIII1IHFOI' Om" •�PECIALIZING Dr ..... W4JI'III ..'1'JIB OOLLBG"'�-':�Collan ... 11, .,31 W. Monroe 8tnd .......Phone. �Iidway -1390.FOR SALE-Stnndnrd Smith-PremierT�-pc"'ritcr in excellent condition, aT'"cry real'onnblc terms. A great bargaillfor anyone desiring a typt.'writer foT'rrofc!;sionnl use. H. n.Lemon, Ro<>m fiRy<'rson Lab. or J��O E. 54th St.Delta set with pearls and a d:amonll.Liberal reward if returned to :, .....Ellis Avenue. Telephone Ji� de I'n ��,I fI�14., ';:;F$jTlr!��;i;:f.l:ll7.mila::i1'l.'!F.IWili!��1�!n!�m!ill'l!!RFnllm'lllJT�l8!llmrDREXEL PHARHAC'MA'l"l' McANANY, B.. Ph.Comer 55th and Drexel Chical!Telephone Midway 1411Thf' 1I"""f' of ' ...... rf' Onl!;,!,. rhf'mICOIII.. "n.'Tnllf't ,\rtlC'lrw.For :!.,�, (;r;:'I't" or 0·,,:<1 in th.· hf>:l"-·l". .. xf'"'"01<1, (:ril'pe. :lnd F,·\"f'f T:lh: .. tl'. :!!;(­,\�k for :l :" ..... � �:l�'p'i.:';t{)I' t},at COII!!h \\,:t :, l· .... :'· or ··f nllr ""hit­Pin .. IInn.-,' 1n,! ElI('alY":II�, :!;-c.R •. 'ile\,,, tha'! H('�r.ac"'· with R lOe packa� 0'Drf'ltf'l lIf'lulacht' Pow,len.r: .. JIiIl:::ru:u:ni1:n:!:;i:�:imil�mill:;;rr;E;:·'::I;i::i,:;n::!!I;:i�;:;;l!:::m!m;:mimfi:ffi!!D:llii'iSWAN'S LUNCH ROOMI H++;�;;;;+++;�����;++.Stationery, and Toilet ArticlesFI�E J.1NF. OJ-' CAl\rt)IES1342 East 55th Street.Try Our Regular Dailyand Sunday Dinner, 20c Up II O�V�PICSTETSON UN��Rsnv,DII:I_A"O, ��.� .r"",- 1.1"",,, R.n� • .L"""""'''' Dt1.I�"�Four �ollPCt''' n,to eaItool( 11 .� •In faculty. IG C.m.c1 __ColleCt of I.I� ... I Ar'" LaW., ......IIl1mmer .... tMr. out ., door ._ U_ all.Inter. Mfa .Incb from tIM -. ..or mocklnc bIrds In th. ......""t en111'1fP ,.t.ncJ.rdll· r 'l!lIuHU'''PI'ii _Referee Beqer.THE TEA BOUSEL'UNCB:BOB 1S-1:SODIlOfBB 6:46-'1328 E. !l7th. WILT.lAMSftm DOLL GIRLFINE ARTS; IprincesslIB. WJI. RODGB 1DDB JtoAD TO RAPPINB88�1oI�e Reeeuor to "THE )lAN�)( UOME." _.Jnter Oeeaa.THE GREAT PLAY OF NOW.. & • 0 D B B. G I B LitLA 'SALLE"liBri'BMBER 110...,Wltll Dan Lewla