I i·ii\ I:\� ,.,lot t,Jt 'I II I !,II1\p,;I;! \ ' .. � ----PBIOB FIVB 0Blft8fIIlarnnu.VoL XIL, No. 68lEEr STRONG ILLINIQUIN111 AT URBANAftree Couplea WiD Prlz I First and Secood T cams WiD From• £or KMt La Medi and D' ...Att.ractt'M Gub-OYer bo wyers, cs, IV1DllY -HuDdred AtteDd Students in Easy Inter-Clau Coo.. Dean Butler T ella Needs of UD-teats Y eI�J employed at LUDcheoD Yester-day in HutchjnlOftDINNER W',BAB umQUB 0081'UJIB8A'r F.A.1roY DBB88 PAB'I'Y FRESH QU1NTETS STAR RAISE FIFfY DOllARSFOR UNITED CIIARITIESFACULlYPLANOranae and Blue Squad Is SlatedTo Prove DaqerouaContender Dorothy Uewellyn Made GeneralChairman - Committee HeadsWill Meet This Morning At10:15 In Cobb 98Dorothy Llew ellyn has been ap- Vietor Bruder and Myrtle Ruman re-GAME FIRST CRUQAL CONTEST Standing in Inter Class League.pointed general chairman of the diu- �eived the prues for the most i� NamA WOD Lost Pct PLAN TO RAISE SUM OF $500ner to be ·given by the women of the genious costumes, Miss Elinor Haskill. Freshmen I __ · •••.••••••••• 3 0 100\)University to the faculty }'riday night, and Jame8 Arnold the pri%e8 for 1b .. ,., h II Fiftv dol1-- were turned In to thellli . or res men ..••••••..•••• ·3 0 1000 .,�. ..n018 J 30 " H t h· The com- costumes best depicting American hia-anuary ,In u e msoa, Medics •••..•..•..• t' ••••••••• 2 1 66tS United Charities at 4 yesterday. TheNorgren .•..•.• L. }' •••••..••• Williford tory since colonial times, and Helen .,.mittees follow: Jwrlors ••••••••••••••...••• 1 1 1::00 bled - CGoettler .••.••.. R. F. . ....•..••• Kircher Alla d H b rt S ith th . OJ .oxes p ae 1D obb, the QuanrangloDes Jardien C Bane F1naDce-.Ruth Hough, chairman;f nh an u e nn e prats Law ••.•.•••..•.......•... 1 1 500 dub, Harper and the men's and.• • .' • • . • • •• • • • • • • • .Ruth Agar, Harriet TuthiU, Ruth Al- or t. e best American girl and best Seniors ••........••..••.••.. 0 2 QIBaumgartner .•. L. G ••••.•..•••• Duner Colonial m t th f dlen Arline Brown Eunice Worthen. all, . a e ancy resS 'Ui . ·t.Molander .•.•••. R. G ••••••••••••. .'Crane ' J • rt S t rd . h h Be vnu y •• •..••..••• · •.•.•• 0 2 000Louise Avery, Cornelia Beall, Helell,pa y a u ay rug t at t e ynoldlt Sophomores ...•.....•.•..•.• 0 3 000. Chicago will meet Illinois tonight at I b Bee f th laStreet, Charlotte Viall. Della Patter- e u • ause 0 e rge number Tht;rbana in the first of the crucial games I . e Freshman second team outplayed.... [ G H 1 Ad of members present not in costume "- .son, � argaret reen, e en ama tne Divinity school in a slow and confident that the $500 mark would bethis week. The lllini have proved the 1irat 1l00r of the club was givenh and Julia Dodge. listless game yesterday, winning by a reached by the end of the week.t eir srellgth by holding Wisconsin to 'EI_6._..6_oI __ .ft. Qusanne F18. her over to them. This made it easier for.uA&�IoAIo&UI&_�, oaeflided score, 25 to 3. The result was.. 25-26 score, and by defeating both the . dg t d t· • th . Thnt this winter from a flnane i-rlchairman; Janet Fianner, Josephine. JU es 0 e ermme e Wlnners. eirtaia from the start and the Di-Purdue and Indiana by large scores. 'ftP U-. ,.. ....... _- standp " t· th .Rogers, Ruth .Agar, Katherine Biggins "ear .lUaue VUllIIfU.I&UIIII .,lftity students were unable to regis- om 18 e worst since the panicThe wise ones rank Coach J one's pro- of 1893 hand Phoebe Clover. Vietor Bru"er and Helen Allan as t�, a score in the Arst half. Wiheeler .' was t e statement of Dr.teges ,8.8 'strong Ic�tend�S for theA_ft"'ementB &JUt Befreshment&- partners represellted "Products and Butler ut the United Charities' lunch�title position and today's game will -........ played a star game for the Freshmen,Dorothy Llewellyn, chairman; Buth ,By-Preducts." Miss Allan wore a cos- dropping four shots in the basket dur-mean a great deal to Chicago's chances " , f. !danierre, Margaret Hancock, Miriam tume 0 maroon leather, being decor- ing the first half. Blackburn playedChicago has never been beaten at Baldwin and Mary MaeDonald. ated with post-cards showing scenes a .good game at guard and helpedbasketball 011 the Urbana floor and thePubUcity-A.gnes Sharp, chairman; around the University, and the Seal. increase the Freshman seore by mak-team is out to keep up this record.Dorothy Williston, Grace Hotchkiss, She was labeled "By-Products." Brnd- ing wo baskets. The entire DivinityThe overwhelming victory over IowaDorothy Vanderpoel and Margaret er represented "Products" and was team showed a lack of practice.Saturday by a 41-13 score, while en-Hammett. :co,vered with oil uns and funnell;r The �ore.couraging as revealing the seoring abil-8ea.dug-.Dorothy Farwell, ehairmaa; "and greenbacks. He was labeled "John Freshman II 25D." Mi88 Ruman wore a s1lk turkishc_ume, Hubert Smith represented aColoJlial coachman, Miss Haskins a Will tt R F W·t Fwas up in the air. Even Indianll.. 'o-ra p9t!A1Il ueeq 9A'811 AUn3'81 • e " • ... . •. . • •.•. I ner.. etter. .,. Colonial lady and James Arnold an Kni�hild . - .. _� ... .:...:tJdt ... � cteam_.in.· tb... slft Pl.. �'8IatII JO HAUl alLTa "8allloq' r-.0 '. v ;; 0:: - .' -,_ .•.. _ .•. �'" .Iacti&D. Mr. Arnold's costume was se- Ni h Is C Shatt k Plan Another Field _Conference, would have had llttle.n8lp Ol ..... � an ua1llOa alp �W1p -_ •. . ._. _ • IC 0 •••• "�"" ••..•.••• uc uvtrouble wiJming from the Hawkeyes � rna actnl\) pooq.loq�.N 9U Slua� eum from an Indian �el in Mon- -Ke�d&JI, � .• � .�-:::�,; Pryee . VietOr-· HaDSell' aDd-.Harr.y .loAUOll.tana and eve- detail was as in accord- Blaekb - B G' .T .-- w·t ' . , ..that night. -l-ludap ..cct pel'8es eq l'[q'8qo.ld rna -" U ... , .... �. �. • .••• ·�e,. 1 nar. spoke of the nC8QS of th Stock YanIaBa� Star I'Ior1raIda �Ol\)tUtSU! alLL -pall�d-' . s.qa:q: "a.l1l ·aDCe with the latest decree in Indian Albert faIpilles wh.ich they visited Saturday.--1.. The dallee was attellded by Baskets ,D'I. I 5 Willi· tt 2' K .In Williford and Kircher Illinois has eeml'891 .191(10 .Jupi rna qnll) aalf) -J ; 11'�ee 81", ." . e , nip-: .Mr. 'Bickham- will organize anothermore thaD 100 couples. aeild,' Otis. B�ackburn2, Alberta, Stall- lleld trip to the Yards for. Saturday itinp.The Lineup at Urbana.Chicago\)0.) women'a Commons gave a large shareof the contributions. The leaders ofthe campaign stated that they wereeon given yesterday in Hutchinsoncafe in their campaign for five hundreddollars. The reason for this eonditionDr. Butler stated !l8 being beea'usethere are more unemployed walking thestreet.s of Chicago than ever before,He emphasized that nowhere in theworld could one. do a better serviceity of the Varsity, does not mean agreat deaL Iowa had just' lost their Margaret Rhode., Letitia Fyffe, Buthcaptain alld atar player and the te� Hough and Dorothy Llewellyn.' ,Divinity 3 than the concrete act of assistanceWheeler, ••.••.. L. F. Holtz, StallingsWillett of one's neighbors in Chicago, Theactual needs of the poor are appeal-iq.two of the best scoring forwards seen Q1{1 pu,. '� rn .... 1IOSpllt �lIap!sa.ldenough students �ister their. names­in his ofIice.. on the Orange and Blue team in years. �"& a1{t U! .1al81 BU'rLiBB, GILKBY ANDBoth of them have seored heavily in 9t1nJ uo p93111d aq U!M 1{31Ia s�ua� AUlJ Fret- throws; Holtz, Willett.:FOUB ftUDBRft ftaaL OFevery game this year and Jensen. who �S03 Ol 'SlOJl(I)!.L ·qu9111aJirv.I.I'8 1811lJ Rp.feree, Boyle.VOLON'fBBB CON VBliUONJIlay relieve Williford, is in the same O][lt'Ol 0,. 8:6 qqoD 1Il !H :O[ l1l ASpol The sr.ond contest reanlted in a vic-o1aBs. Bane at center replaces Com- taam U!Jl uaaureqa aan!1II1110;) �'LL tory for the first FreaIl .. n team overstock, who is out of the game. He .� � mo\\ Dr. Butler ud Mr. Gilkey spoke �- the Law Sehool 25 ZOo The p.me wasis tall and rangy and plays a roving vABSI'fY 8WIM ..... JlAVB fore 250 Uaiversity students. lSunday fast and exeitiD8 and a1t�ough thegame. Duner at guard plays a de- Ift'IIT � 011 HAND afterlloon at the Echo meeting of th_, .Freshman led at tIJe end of the firstfensive game and is rated !B a good Kanaas City convention. Lane Behm, period by a 15 to � Kore, the lawyers A �ireular le�ter w�ll be sent by th&faeqIty committee to the members ofthe instruction dePartment suggestingthat those desiring to contribute maydo ao through the faculty exchange orthrough' the' box placed' in the Quad­rangle club. . Harry Fisher is the chair·mall at breaking up his opponent's Will Op..- ... �-IDeUgl- ,of their experiences and impreaal1()1.l2i came back strong alld threatened to :man of the publicity committee. . Maxplays. Crane is the rullning guard with ble � Wat8r Basket-· Ruth .Allen and Cornelius Tenings told take the game. Satt" W1UI tile stnr Miller and Donald Bean' have charge. ....a;. __a fine eye for the basket. I ..- receiVJed at the convention. Dr. Kato of the game, ahowing great ftoor work of the business end. Leone Heming-Norgrell is alated to appear in bis, All illdieatioa;-;;i;t to a close alld apoke OD the "Need of the Educated and besket ahootDc ability. Goldberg Way and Evelyn Cole, who have chargeold position tonight with G�ttler �t exciting.eet· .... the Vanity swim-I Chriatian Americana ill Japan." Chang and Catroll both played good gamee of the Sehool of Education divi8ion,the other forward. Des Judlen will mi�g team oppoeIi • team compoecd Tan gave an interesting talk on the for the losers. �ill tq>eak in the regular chapel periodbe in his rep1ar place at center and of lTe8Jam .... a illlllib1ea this after-i work of the Americana in Chill&' Mr. The score. at 10:45 tomorrow.Baumgartner alld Kolander will play Doon at four o'e1oek. 'file latter t8&J"D Charles Erickson late from Albania Freshmell I 25 Laws 20 --.,_--the cuarda. The team will leave froJq includes even! 1m elus swimmenl' .... OD UIe owonat\7 tile Iel4 of 8&tt ••••••••••••••• L. p •..... GolcJberg Facalty Sablcr1pUou te the OJlariUeethe lllinoiB Celltral Station at Sixty I an..- • f ed ted A· Wheeler Wilett· B. F •.•.•... Catronana Coadi WIdta thlnu that the Van- AA.,.Ill& gave or uca mencalls. ., •••Third street at 9:20 ana are alated to ihr will '-_ -1.-.JI 'L_-.lI ...... WIll. .. ,DUtil Apr sang "I Heard the Voice Kessler, Whitmore C .••.•..... Hurwitz.J uw .,_� _ani "" All members of the Ulliversity fac-arrive in' Champaign about nooD. They . • .b' of 3 __ fiI.._ � Jeschke, Alberta •• L. G. . ..•... ScofieldO'Connor wiD be the ollly illebg. 'Ie -...MAJ. ultie. are uked through this noticewill return tomorrow morning. Trailler I Karum •••••••••••• B. G ••••• Bac1llitzer,to eompete Ia tl. .eat but hia ... to aid the Committee now raising fund •.�ohnaon will accompany the team. StriteI'eiatanee in the 100 and 220 yard.,run. 8BLL mJIIOB 'IOqVB8 for the Ullited Charities of Chicago.Baatetaj Batt I, 'Willett 3, WetmorePBOFBSSOB JBl!iAiRB wiD greatly strengthe. the Freshmen. m ooBB'l'ODAY ABD 2, Kana, Goldberg 4, Catro. 3, Beo- � request ia made in conll8etionABD W(IL1DHB '10 �ALE Templeton ana Gendreau are also loot· A'1' OBAPBL 'IOIIOBBOW leW!, 8tIIbd. wWa the pl'e8ent campaign among theBBI'OBB BOIIAlfOB CLUB ed to make a gooc1 "owing in their' students fof' the same cause.--- Fret! tlNftJ .tt.events. Juniors may order class toques this Referee 0..-. So far u poMible subseriptions fromAfter the meri a water butetbaU .• morning at 10:15 in Cobb or tomor·. Freshman n won tMir Heond vie- faculty membent wlll be coU�tt'\tgame mIl be held betwen two teams I ... ."• •. row morni� at Senior chapel from t f th d h"__ d f ted th I through the malls. TIns method �lllselected from the Iquadl eompetlllg lD ory 0 e ay 11' en"-I e ea e. .iT __ ! lri 2 0 uGeorge Tl·cknor in f • • obv1ate the neceMlty of personal 801·n �n •• on n the meet. Hugo � Ian. The toque. are of SpaId· Med1CS 111 a cloeel7 fo .... t contest 24:.• •Europe." Associate Professor Wilkins •• � t 18' tt.. i 1IIft.... t h If I hC1tntlon. Money or pledges should belng Angora wool and 8011 for $1.10. 0 III ae even ng. &.e IIrs a. ."will give a review of Chatfield Taylor'lI eded 'th th P t sa i f �nt In before Fnday, .Tnnuary theBeeeJaer '1'0 OIft n. Beech l' They are of exceptiollal quality Swall n WI e Beore ow 0 n avor I •"Goldolli." Mr. Parmenter, a fellow � e f th �t.. Th -ecJ·· cd' twenty-third: after that date pC'l'ftOnnlo e � �ameL e.IIL Ie. Improv Iin the departmellt, will give a report han win live a da�ee Friday night. says and easily worth the price u they their wort ba the Meolld period but I ap�R1s mny b(' made in ordC'r to com-'. �f the Cillcinnati meeting of the Kod- I 1'-- Ball tt.u-Tea-is eerved for will probably last two yean. ··We se' ot _'L'_ .. _. th Int plete the canva"" llf!fo1'e the la� daya &Lai fri cia V. I were n au.., "" pin on e year I . •ertl Lallguage aBIO&latlOD. memben.. ... l' en on iOll-, cured neh good toquea," he said yes- mell. Schafer a1ld KllipaehUd played I' of thp. C'Rmpalgn, Saturday, .Tanua,.,.days, wea...aa,. aM Thnnaa,. from II f &L �'L h ,the t.w�ntv·fol1rth. �{oney or ple'dges4:80 to S .. 30 1.1'0Ite1' haD. Theee teal terday, ··in order that they would be Ile games or Wle ��men, eae onel •Itt' fi bu'kets. H Id I mn he. !tent to the Committee by ad·� entia .. tlaroaghout the Winter attractiVe eDOulh for all memben of ge Illg ve 0 81'IIlall p ay- dr�ing. David R. 8t('venl Box 107qaartu. . tM eJa. to be auiou to wear them." (c.atI .......... &oJ' •FeeuJty E:roeun&e. : ;�, �.... 4.-._' ....Prfeaaor Jenkins of the Romanee de·partmellt will apeak tonight at themeeting of the Domance club at 1:-15BlIIaop Oallor'1'o lJ.'aDt-Bishop GaUorwi1f speak at Junior Women's chap<'ltJa.U momiDl at 10:]5 i. KudeLTHE BAILY MAROON. TlJESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1914TO RENT-One suite bedroow, sltt iug They regard this as the Banlc for Hyde Park---a STATE Dank whichuud . bath, one or two men, within a I offers the same safety and protection 8S the down-town Banks.few blocks of U. '1'0 rent for sl'rill:! _. . ._ Almost all the 3.,00 depositors know some or the Directors or sonic one mand summer quarter. Apply Box :!,!I "l , I . h .the Bank personally. and they regard the Bank as THEIR ban;;. w lIC ItFaculty ex.is. since all the Officers. Directors and Stockholders are Hyde P:\r!;('r5, andFOR SALE-A new No� � Oliver T.YP�·I si�ce 'he policy of th� .Bank is to regard the depositors' inc.c: .. i:-: .I�: ideutical'Hitter in perfect condit.ion . .MUlit sell, with the stockholders mterests.therefore price reasonable. Write, or Let OUR Bank be your Bank.call after 7:00 P. M. E. II. Bruucmeier,Open Saturday EnDingsfi3 �Iiddlc Divinity IInll.3':/� INTERESTh D•• M 1-' --Tea 1 y a roo D :w:::=--===�-.------:-:---------- : Bulletin :0tIIc:Ial 8t1adeD& Ne •• paP«'r of the 11a1 ...ell,. ot CbJt:I&So. CLASSIFIED IADVERTISEMENTS IG. W. CotUDgbamH. S. Gorga..B. P ..... tw, H. L7DlaDWILL GIVE LECTURES HERETODAY.Junior College Chapel-Womcn 10:15 ;)c per hue. ..'0 atJ\·en.l�C1IICIlt.� "c'lcei ved for 1c::I:; tuuu :.!�\:. All c.1a�Cllladvernseiueuts WU.bt be paid III au-PubUahe4 momlns.. except Sunda,. andlloDdQ. dur... the Autumn. Winter andapr", Quartera. by The Dal1), .IoIarooDataJL lIundel.Junior Toque�obb, for sule byoN elf. EditorAthlet1c:. EdItorBa .. lDen llaDager lJ U!!O Swan .ClreulaUoD )laDager Detanical Club--l::W, Botnny 13 vance,�LOST-hl Harper Luvut ory .A .Iill·EDtered ... a.eoad-cla.. mall at tb.C!llcaso Postorttce, Chlcaa:o. Ill.. 20Iarch 18.1:'-1)1. under Act of March 3. 1113. Romance Club.-;:·l:J, Lexington 2.ncr ring ut 1l00U llonday. Piudvt IChristian Scicnce Society-i:4;;, Lex- I'leUlie leave at Information "flil'l� ill,ill&:ton. CoLL.Semitic Club-S, Huskcll 26.'l'OllOHHOWChapel-Thc St.'nior colleges und thecollege of Commerce and Admiuist ra­tion, 1015, �lanuel.Dramatic Club Tryouts.-:!, KCI t6VUSCIUI"TION B.."T�.a,. carrier: 12.50 II. year; $1.00 a Quarter.aJ' matl: 13.00 a year; $1.25 II. Quart�r.i:dltorlill-Buliineu omce, ElU_ 2 ••Ttllephone Midway 1i00. Arter 10 p m.Hyde Park 'Stilf.MaroeD Preaa. 6511 Cottage Grove .. \venue.�bitotialStudent activities form. the greater theater.Junior Mathematical Club-· 1 :1;;, Ry-part of "college life" and at the sam" orson 37.StudentActicities time create one of theDR. OS��ALD OF LEIPSICbiggest college problem".There are various kindsof German Savant Presents Series of LOST_Esoteric pin. Finder please re­activities.Five Talks On Colloids Next turn to information oOice in Cobb,Month LOST-Dclta Kappa Phi society pin. HYDE PARK STATE ]J.\NKc C' � ... , � r:I � rr !l 3 '"!.!" ST. cS L Po .,.. �OFFICERS nmECTC RSstudentThe one type is represented b.y thesefew colleges and uhiversities where Gold, ovul shaped, edged with wholethe one student activity, (how strange Dr. Wolfgang Ostwald of the uui- peurls. Please return to -l oseph iueversity of Leipsic will deliver a ser- Rorrers l' '.' IO - I I 8 Reward.it sonndsj) is study. From this type, b .. .. ... t '.. " ... t 1 t.Ies of five lectures on Colloidal chcm-activities range through the spontane } F bistry in Kent t renter 011 <e ruary BOARD-In small private family. Ex.ODS eJforts of students who gather to 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. The complete pro- cellent horne cooking. Limited numberplay baseball or produee a plav. gram.is as follows: ut table. Address (;1�4 Woodlawn ave Ithrough the more or less organized Monday, February ::?, S P • .M. nue, 3rd upartmcnt, tcll'phone Ily.leWhnt aro colloids? Elemcnt� of Park 634'.efforts of students who have a certainqualitative colloid nnalysis. }"Mmationamount of tradition in their student 11 .1 NICELY FURNISEr"l:'.....I.iO"ht, f�Olltnnd preparation of co oius. � b •life, but no great organization, to the Tucsday, Fl.!brunry 3, S P. l\I. room; 2 winuows; large closet; elec·type where eftrything is highly special- M�hanical, optical, ('lectrical, cllcm· tric light, steam heat, good opportunityized. In this class a freshman chooses ical properties of substanccs in the for two WOUten stuuents or tcachers,II -d t t Classl'fic',ltl'011S of the near Park and Midwny. 1345 Easthis line and enters as a type. From co 01 s n c. JIIH:--: A C • .\ nnol.l .. Prt"sloltnt.IWBEHT F. cv -'DII �GS. Vlee-Prnld .. nt.TlltHIA!; J.\��8�. Caahler.:\1. A. HA I!.\I,):--:. AI'<'Ilstant Cashlt"r. R.,I .... rt F. CU"'III:nl:� l·ol:lll:, vv :, .• w •• �Ctll,rl�.R. U .. rr:t" J:lT:," J " r:,,::U .. nr,. l. StOUt '1' ""' .. - .1'Danl�! F. Burk.. ,.1>10111.:".\ ,:··.I:n"John A", .. r, •.front suite, :Modern, convient, 2year, a. chief leader or two is chosen. II' t .nal changes of state, swe Illg, sc hnJ;, hlocks from University. Price $1.50 ..Professional help is secured at biz synorosis, nbsorption coagulation, pep- Enquire Mrs. Clark 54;3 University 1328 E. 57th.prices; students 'Work night and day; tisatio� "Ave. 3d. Tnbl"" for I.ndl .. l'oostrong and in1luential (\�gani.zations e%- Thursday, February 5;'8 P. M. ----------------Scientific applications of colloid WANTED-One or two girls to shareit is worth while. A student entering gone through this rigorous mill does"('r'-- rc", �onable terms. A great bargainthis mill has no time to enjoy life; 'not enjoy Ufe. easily and philosophic- 01 ,,-no time to assimilate his studies. The ally: he has lost : the capacity fotir.crcasing demand for work on 8tUfl- Iquiet, placid Uying. He is spoUedies finds Uttle compensating yield in for anyt.hin£ but work:: he is enslavedthe demands of the organizations; SOl in the habit of doing something alJI LOST-Tcp of frntcrnity pin. Lctt�rstuds" must be systematized. The stu· the time, morning, JA'Oon, and night. Delta set WIth pearls and a dmmonll.dent packs his mUlil w:tll the necessary Leisure is more abhorrent to him ��:: Libernl reward if returned to ;)1(1,factcJ, unpacks and sprflnd!; out his men· !)rohibitlon to the drunkard. Thai Ellis Avenuc. 'l'clephone Hyde l':\"!,!" My rights a"e protected iD the V ...ttl store in examination for the in- hig .... '- orga.nlaed student life is tho I Patent Otlic�I off. a nWUd t •� J(I!14.LEATlIER HIDES AND PILLOWS "Bouquet Odor"NOVELTIES IN JEWELRy AND Sold by aU Loop Depadmen' ...A. D. ADAM.S177 �, STATE ST.A:'-:Dcolloius.then on, it is a steady �lind: and fromWednesday, February 4, S P_ l\[.among the few who L'lSt to the Seroor 62nd St., 3d Apt. Tell'. Midway S5i;).ROO�Dl.A'rE WAX TED-To sLart!Chnngcs in the Colloiu state. Inter-ist to ('.,ITelate a!lll s. pervise the ac- Ij�ht·hou�ekeeping apartment for win·ter (Iuarter. Mrs. E. F. Denton, 5;19colloid Dor('}wster. Phone H. P. 6655.Chemistry.tivitie .. ; altd stud-'ll life is more ::.':'F"ridny, Februnry 6, 8 P. l\{.less mapped out. There is little spon- Technical applications oftaniE'ty; freshmen are regarded as chemistry. MRS. FLORA MacIVOB. SMITH­Admission to all of the lectures isVoice builuer aod teacher of artisticfree am1 all members of the Uunivers·singing, 'Mondays nnd Thursdays atcold fashion, and never come in con- ity arQ invited to attend. .It.rs� Knights, 5(;52 .Maryland Avenue,tact with the "cub," and the cub mu..:;t memory." :It is a retrospect over' a Wednesuays anu Saturdays at bom�,obey orders or lose his chance; "work" long and weary read of work. T!:.is 6356 Mnrylanu Avenue_ For infonna·"do something." "get results," is the is the evil of highly organized student tion adc1re�s 63:;(; Maryland Avcnueconst:mt cry. Student life at the ll"::i activities. But also it is their strength. Phone. :!\Iidw:\y ·13!l0.versity of Chicago is typical of this The "work spirit$ is the twentiethFOR SALE-St"ndard Smith-Premierspirit. The big question is whether century impulse. A student who has ..Typewrit('r in exccllent condition, nt"working units" by the impassive Seu­iors, who direct and issue orders infor anyone desiring a typcwriter forrrofessionnl use. II. n.Lemon, Roc,1ll fi,RY(,Tson l.ab. or 1220 E. 54th 8t.STETSON UNIVERSITYDELAND. FI.namA.� l.lnenln Ral1�. A. R. R ............ I"'h. D11 .. lnftlt,. .f Chlco.ap.Four col1"�f'II. n"e IIcboolll. 17 bu!ldln.r!J. rl()In r"culty. III Camt'gie unit. �Illr�d to t"ntfrColleg .. of t.lbf'ral Arb. Land of b�lIe 8l1(.11lIllmm�T Wf'at'h�T. out or dO'lT rt'crt'lltlon 1111winter. ItOft wInd. from Ihf ... a. and tile mu-I ...or mot''klng blrdll In thf onn� grove. "Igh.f'1It oollep KtAnduM. S.n_' (If' eat.loc.t..'!Z1lI!ij![mmltllu!i!lltl:X:!W:¢;!Wiliml!tIWill!!wIlIJIIDn:tU!iitl3llm:;s�ctor's inspection; and he himself elemellt which makes 'WOrkers of col­ncvet' has had time to look at what lIege men, instead of the loafer t'hathe. has learned himself. He never h:lll 1181 expected by the business world.had time to tum over literature andhist"ry in his mind, to perceive the I nOmaS J. Cavey & SODbenutfful interrelations. In learning I FUBNISHINGSIA>cke's polemic against innate ideas, For Gentlemenhe c:annot take time to recollect what SPECIALIZING IN 'l'HE WANTS OFhe learned in Psychology I and notice THE COLLEGE MANthe interesting way in which the Dhil-I Collars size 13, uposopher 'WaR f'eeUng for the truth of 31 W. Monroe Street Clncagothe psychology involved, n�r1ygrasped it, but somehow missed thebig point. Evel7thing is formal; anrl... lIen vaeatioD <0111", everyone breatlles Ia si&h of reHef: the eternal grind haalet 11)) • Httle. And when one {"throueb. one <:annot look back nnD1&D7 of the bright and c:heertul ioysaWhich eonstit1ltae the typfea1 ''c:01leJte The Collefie ShOllExhibitionDANCE PROGRAMSThe Cnllef!P ShOD1110 Masonic Temple.MAROON ADSn ttl N G R ESLJ.TS THE TEA HOUSEI.UNCHEON 12-1:30DINNER 5:45-7ARRowTANGOSHIRTSare an evenIngdress necessity.The bosoms aretucked, puffed,pleated or "mush-" rtroom. '{J2.00 up.Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc_ Makers• ' .. ,:"" IIIIUklChicag'1'eleplloDe Jrlidway 1411..... .... ., Pa� Drap. Chemlnlle .ndToilet Artldm.Fol" lIIat GrIppe or cold In 1hp ht'ad-DrexelCoIcI, Grippe. and Fever Tablet •• 2k.Ask for a F� S .. 'mpl�.Stop tbal Coup wit a bottle or (If our WhIt.PIne H�,. and Eueal),p:ulI. �oC.Rei...,. that HMdach� with ft lOe packaC"e ofDrexel Headache l'ow,lcrs.Irnmllrul!ll!l;mr:ililm.�;m:iliii�:::;::�lt;:J:F'f.l:i;nmmJllliillSWAN'S ROOM .1!iHyde Park 2015Flnt Cia.. Sernet'Buy Your Smokes andGents' Furnishings atCowhey'sS. E. Cor. 55th and Ellis Ave.the name of allY0De 1IIlD« tile DameTAN-GO on perfume or \OI1et pnp­nrations otl:er than those lIIUl1Itactllnclby me.Buy the New Perfume With the �;.JOSEPH SCHWB1'fZB8Present this Ad. at ", .. pia Ida ......zer's and receiv� IUIlJIeSlTn."CRTRF. FORTUB nA TLY MAROON LUNCH1342 East 55th Street.Try Oar 'Regular Dailyad Sanda, Dinner, 20c UpMAROON ADSBRING RESULT'Third act shows the couple engage Three Reasons Why you should F.at at the len's CO_ODSing in a :Bohemian Tevel. Tll tlH�mid fit of the fun, the mother ofLouise come� to announce that herfather is dying and to beg her toreturn. She goes in t11e hopo thatand ornamental. her return ,,·ill aid her father's reoDon't lIlante theImplem�n�--�By Von F1o�ow. d . g to reclaimSaturda7 at 8 P. II. father IS en eavorlnProduced by an excellent cast, Mar. Lo11ise for the family home., but �hcta will be given at popular priCC8, is unwilling. After a �ene, he orders�atUTday night. Jenny Dofau will her out, and when she goes, he curse�play the parts of Marta Beatrie.! PaTi., as the eq'Tlain fall ..�tDdeot _�!s 00 Plays of the WeekWheeler as her maid and Henri Scottas Plunkett.was produced for the firstGRAND· OPERA1841. The time of the ae-MartaAn unexpected appearance of MOl·dame Melba is the feature of the week. time inThe }'riday performance of Parsifal tion is that 0If the reign of queenhas been cancelled and La Boheme Anne. The story is quite unique andfeaturing Melba us Mimi, substituted. full of Interest, It deals with a maidNo announcement has been made con- of the .queen's, tiring of the courtceruing Purslful. The re ... t of the roatine and seeking other diversionweek consists of ()· .. ras whieh hu ve She is taken by the careless happl­been heard before, Fedora being the ness of the villagers. She disguisesblame yourself-if .you can't playup to form with a �trange racket,or golf club, or bas�bni1. There isno excuse for you. Snuldijlg Ath­letic Goods arc �n �le i� everytown from Maine t� ;California."I i. r herself and maid as servant and to­gether they go to the country fair.There they arc met by two farmerswho are seeking household maids.They are attracted by the two girls,season's only novelty.Send ror Our Catalogae-U'. Free.A. G� Sp1dinl. . '�.i.�' JlrOs.28 s. Wabash Ave� Chicago... MANONBy MassenetTuesday at 8 P. II.Thl!.�ilster�Key:t�Dpen5 4theDIHI�. oaf·ERVICE :Mnry Garden and Lucien l\[urator� who in the spirit of fun allow themfeature the production of Ynnon. to dicker "'ith them. A price is.Manon is a four act opera founded .,!lgreed upon and a payment made.upon Abba Prevosts famous novel,This payment binds them for oneIt was produced for the first timeh year's service, a fact which the girls�Dl �8S4. The play deals with t eadventures of Manon, a frivolons do not know. They are 'talcon togirl who for her love of finery ,te- the farm house whence they flee aftcrserts the true love of Des Grieux for having been instructed in their duties.,'he :,�'ttentions of Guillet 'Montfon- Days afterward they are recognizedtaine.Frida7 at 8 P. II. tures Louise, which, is a' eompanionThe part of Mimi, so admirablY! work with La Boheme in subject mat­taken by Madame AIda will be filled ter. Charpentier lived in the midstby Melba. of the scenes he portrays, and breath-La Boheme is a disconnected series ed into the opera the spirit of Bohe­of views into the life of art students lillian Paris. The opera was producedin early nineteenth century Paris first in Paris in 1900, and appearedIt deals with the love of Rudolph for in America for the first tim� in 1909.Mimi and traces their varied experi- The story is a plain one. Louise�nces. Parts of. the t�e bo�eminnl and Julien, a Bohemian of Paris arelife are represented deabng WIth the Iovers;: and in the first act whichcarefree life· of the students. The1 shows the garret home of Louise, itmost pleasing parts of the opera .ar� I! develops that 'the parents of Louisethe duet between Rudolph and MimI do not favor her choice. Julien's first")(i chiamano llimi," Musetta's waltzI letter to them has been unanswered,In the seeond act and the tragic duet land in the course of the act, Julienbetween Rudolph and Mimi, at theI submits a second, which meets theconclusion of which ::Mimi dies in her Isame fate.'\I�' � 1.·YOU'\"E IIEARDt ••.. ,.. •OF TOE.• � ..¥AS­TER KE"[" TB.ATFIT SEVERY .:'L 0 C �."-::DID.· nm EVER REA.RO:? A lUS'tEB:)( 0 DEL OF ATYPE'VRITERI Lionel, who in his anguish over thesummer fete and being taken pris- 1]088 of his sweetheart, has lost hill'oller lin a gambling den with Desmind. Lionel haa become an Earl andGrienx. Manon's death after havinghis reason is restored by the suddenbeen sentenced to transportation con-:tig1:.' .'of .M:.� dressed once morein a tavern by the fanners, who tryHer various adventures include theto make them return. Martadissuading of Des Grieux from enter­touched by the depth of the lovejn� a monastery, taking part in a... _;eludes the performance."Think of ALL ofthe enmblned ad­Tantages of SEV­ERi\L typewriters· you h';tTe le,en,· eoneea t rat e d laONE .. ltandardmaeblnel as a simple country maid. She has!ound that she loves him and agreesto become his wife.The opera is a: powerful musicaland dramatic work. Manon's open­ing song and the duet before the gatesof the seminary, are the best musical'Parts. LOUISBBy ChappentierThursday at 8 P. JI.Mary Garden in the title role fea-La BohemePucciniROY.'LT\·r .. :WRITF" �. .,....;.....�,.:.-.. 8 F.. )Ioaroe Sf ••ChlNeo. nt; -: t, "II II"FOR MEN om.,y - DI __trated booket de­.'.... - acrlblnc .. Dewtreatment for all-.fet7 razor blades, maklnc �. bla� lasta Illett.�·:-l>nd be bett er t,b... wheD pur.clauaea� 'Sl1ftt on rect'Jopt of .5 ceuta.CLAUDE WOLFE, .J. . Howard Ci�, IIlch. By Giordano is not favored. He claims her prom-8&\1Irday at 2 P. II. ise to elope, but she· refuses. TheAn exc:eptional east wiD act Fe- next Beene shows Louise at work withdora Saturday afternoon. Carolina her eompanions, when Julien and hisWhite 8.41 Fedora, ZeppiUi as Conntessa friends serenade her. At the conclu­sion of the aet, she goes with Julien.lover's ann&. In the next act, Julien is shown in, the midst of his companions. Louiseappears, and tells Julien that his suitNOTle.RaTing Your Clnthn Dry·CI.a.e4 a ••P",ssf'd ai frc-quf'ftt Int.n81. 70. wmInd It tn be a �m,,11 ... t proltable I.·'Ye"tmf'nt. Olga Sukarey, Lucien Muratore asCount Loris Jpanov and Mabel Bie­gclman as Dimitri. Fedora was play­ed for the fint time in Chicago but.St.dents lhlng In Dormitories lean a few weeks ago and was very wellClothes In eare of l'a .. Jt4\r. ::_ou repn- received. The story of the opera isseataUn �all!l alld deUTen .&111. based on Sardou's work and th"oUlen eall: up )lldw.y lin.music is descriptiveVARsllvTAILOR eovcry.The last aet is the old home. ThoIU' East inll Stree&. -_ - - - --- �Follow the BOYIAnd take advantage of our discount saleLiberal reductions on every suit andovercoat in Our ShopDockstader & RexfordSuite 816 Republic Bldg.State and Adams St.ST. LOUISBest Reached by Through and F ast Trains of theILLINOIS CENTRALAll Steel Daylight SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.: arrives St. Louis (viaBridge6:02 p. m, Indestructible steel cars of handsome interiorEvery comfort and convenience will be found on this train.Diamond SpecialLeave Chicago 10:30�. m.; arrive S1. Louis 7:48 a. m. Electric­lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago_Stop. Made ia Both Direction. at South Side ThrouchStatioD •• 43rd. 53 I'd and 63rd StreelaObservation Parlor Cars, Cafe Club Cars, SleepingCars, Free Reclining Chir Cars and CoachesTickela. Fares aad Sleepiac Cal' Reseryation. at76 West Adams 5t.CITYTICltET OFFICER. J- CARMICHAEL. D. P. A.�-------------------------oCHICAGG..----------------�--------.Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near SOUl· Street Subway Statioo and$3rd Street Elevated..""Broadway" can from GrandCentral Depot.SeftDth A ftDue Can from PeDIl8J1-ftIIia Stadoa.KBPT frY A COLL.a. JlANB.ADQUART.R8 FOR COLL.a. MBVBPBCIA1 .. RATBS FOR COLL.a. T • .lJlBTen Minutes' Waik to Thirty TheatresHAiRRY P. STIMSON. MANAGERHEADQUARTERS �;R CBICAOONew, Modem and FireproofRooms with Bath, S2.SO and up.----------------------_ ... ,1st. Good Food Properly Ccoked.2nd. Cleanliness aur Matto. Inspect tbe Kitchen3rd. A Minimum Price for Hi h Quality FoodClub Breakfast 15e up Cafeteria at LalehDlDHr A IAlCarie MUSIC Come InPatronize Maroon Advertisers·------------------------------�A_.iJlti-i!l·.7•• Il'1l!'5E� .. ,... ......l'r.ltl'rnlty Jt'\\"t'lr�Ll'llth'r Goods(:ollt'>:l' x 0 \"t'ltll'1I Embosse4 StaUoael'J'Wed41ag la",ltaUo ..Call1aa' C&r4aBROCHONENGRAVING COMPANYII. G. TLJU:\.EUPresidentTelepboDe BaDdolpb SIfSS GUS MalIna BlllldlDg THECom Exchange National Bank01 CIaieap.CapitalSurplus $3,000,000.00 K ... _L:ldnlp� ••.•• L. F. . ......•.•... Ka1-Batt, Odgen�.·ll F R.dJ .. cJ,�. . BeUaaa COUll'S GlAND&hafer. • • • •.••• Co •••• lloWenaaa, F'7 .J shk L. G "lfBABLY KABBIBD"�8C e,. . . . . . . " ... , .. '" . " .. OilreyLevin, ...•.. ····ll G •• • ButlerJ T&!mpletoA •• •.•• • ', ••Baskets; KDiplC� �, Ba" t Soba­fl'r 5, Holderman 3, Gilro1, ButJ.r.Free throws; HoldonDaD, Botblaa.______________________________ • Undivided Profits •.•••..• 1,000,00.005,000,000.00For all 'round wear and good service\\7" e recommend our SPECIAL WIN­TEIZ OFFER---A black, blue or grayserge or cheviot suit, with extra trou­sers of the same or stripe material$30.00T .. ULOR ros YOUNG MEN OFFICERS.ER�EST A. HA�UllLL. Pru!dent.CIIAIU.ES 1. HUTCHL"SO�. Vlct'-I'rea.CHAU�CEY J. BLAIR. Vlce-Presldenl.D. A. �OULTO:S. Vlce_Prt>aldenl.B. C. SA1UtO:SS. Vlce·Presld�nt.EDWARIJ F. SCHOE�ECK. A .. t. Cuhler.Flt.\�K \Y. S�ITII. secre.ars-,J. EDWARD llAAS. Asat. Ca.tller.J.Un-:S G. w AKEFI'ELD. Asst. Cashier.LEWl.:> E. GARY. Aut. Caahl&.DIRECTORS.T1E !:�.: ;-;';'01: E8 t N. La S3.l1e St. 25 E. Jnekson Blvd. i 1 E. Monroe St. Charle�H \Yacker Clyde 11. CarrllarUn. A Ryerson Edwin G. ForemaDEdwar<l B Butler Watson E. Blal.rCharles H. Hulburd Edward A. Shed4C:arence B'lScklngham Frederick W. Crosb7BenaJmln Carpenter E.nleat Jt... HammillFull TwoOunccllD8One ounce bag� 5 cents, COD­veci�t for cigarette amoken.The hit of Jhe Season2 I:or 25 Cents.Troy's Best ProductSUBSCRIBE FOR'T'HFr DAILY MAROON THESMOOTHESTTOBACCOThe New Florida Hotel5721 Cottage Grove Ave.is making Special Rates to students.Steam heat and eleCtric light in allrooms.Retlta.ran� Barber Sbop. BowUqa.d BIlliards I. Co •• eetlo ..PHONE HYDE PARK 41n.CARRIEBeauty D. RAYMONDSpecialist1116 East 55th Street.Teleplloae H. P. !UI.OpeD Ennlngl aDeI Sanday MQralDgli.All Work DODe at R.asoaable Prien.8WITClIES )fADE FROlt CO)fBI�GSA�D GE�TJ,J':lIE� MA�ICURI�G++++.+++++++++++++++++++++JOSEPH SCHMIDTStationery, and Toilet ArticlesFINE LINE OF CANDIF�956 E. 55th St.Imported and DomesUc Line ofCIGAU AND ClOABE'I'TICS++++ .PATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISERS Seat On ApprovalTo RESPONSIBLJt PEOPLltL�ughlinFOUNTAIN PENandRED GEMYour Choice of$ .00TIt ..TwoPopular POll·Articles pal."an,for ani, ad ......Illustralioill are Exact Sizefalllf:�t���OIl richt band IDay be liedII either ou r standard,lack opaque pattern, orNOD-breakable Trall8p&l­eDti .. desired. either illpla n or ngra'ftd finish,.. preferred.y';' may tryUllapn • -.It,Ih·_doDO&.a41' ....... -w....... r ankle &baa ,_ CUI_.... for n __ YI" ala -....,.._ I. lID, o&ber .al •• if ..... " .... , MI1aflldcKJ I. _..,. .....,.c& Ida .. 1& IID4 __ W -.4'_'1.10f«1a.en_ unl.oar�'",..lar ••• G ... ·lat 1. •_p ....... proof'" )'be eanIe4 I. &II)' ,...1"- I •..... ' Of' .happl.,�. _rt .... 1l1li7 &Dcle ....... ._._ "sLI·III •• '."rla,) t.4. Irf4l ••poia" poll ......... aJeaaba4 ......_. tena coCta .alak. n._.,. for t2.50.. ..WIllI Wri .. for __ 1I'rf"DoW '_fOfl'llL- £44_Laulblin Mfg. Co.S" .. jeItIo .............. .1oIa... . -..... _ ...- .. .__ "..-�u.� .. ,-.." ...• ,.. ' .... : ..... - f �� ...� . .. �.: ..... � ... .\ .... .:.. � ,.�-\).�.�:1' .,.:.<���� ···W� ." .•�.j• '�,' ::MAROON ADVSBRING RESULTS ed the belSt fur the lONg.The lICur8.}'reahmau n 2�Jun. !!O-Illinoia at UrbaaaJUIl. :!4- \ViJiconaill at (,!,bioa,.Jan. :llL-l'urdue at CIlI ...... 'eb, 6-0hio State at Ch11ac.Feb. lij..._l.owa .t Iowa Cit1Feb. :!O-l'urdue at LataY8tM1-'eb. :!1-0hiu ::;tate a' Col .. � ..Feb, :!4--Northwe.tera at (.J.kacae.}o'cb. 2i-Illinois. at cw ...) Mar. 6- Wiac:onaill at )( .. &oa'backJnn. 31-Nirthw�.tena .at .�Feb. 14--Purdu8 at Laf�8tt.Feb. 2S--llJinoia at CILl.., ..Mar. l1-�ort�we.tel'Jl. at B� .:lInr. 21.-Indoor CootereD •• at B .... �.ton81r1.DmdDa.Jan. 23-Nonhwutel'll at »raut ...Feb. 14-Northw�erll at Claioa&eFeb. 21':_lllino.ia �t Cllie.eoMar. 1-Wiac:onaill at Madi80iMnr. 2(l._Confer�Qee Sot· !:va ....·�ca.·Mar. 7-Wi8Co�ein �t Kacl._Mar. 14-l11inoi� d ChicaeoJMar. 27-2�.qonfe�Dce·at LhaeohlP�.WnauqMar .. 2i-28-Co�Il�·.t �The program. u cioy.u feUow,: ....1 a) Adela�4. . : _ .: 1het •• ���b) Faitbfu' J'ohallite) The Cottare KlricJ·:? a) Waldeageapncll·· bab) 'MondD&Cht�) llie KarteDl.eti •.d) l.ied einea seh.i� ..e) Jo'ruebliDpueb,·3 a) Hoi! epaia •...•.. : .. :� .. �,h) Pendant 1. 1.1· ;.,,;,�cnira\yel Mamau di� -ot . _ w..,.....d) 'Mignonett •. :Eneore-u"ve beeD .-..n-......M .Engliah.. a) Meerfahn ••.•.•••••.•. ""bb) Sonntee .c) Der Selmai,,!dl Stande ...,"-.-"t4tTRSCBmB �THE DAI.Y MA ....... GARRICKaOBEYllOOH BXPBB8aWltla AL .Tollon aDd 100 OthenWith BrUce JlcBae"Dellghtful Comed7-GreatIL�INOlSOreatest Show on EarthZIBGFELD FOLLIESH()�ard'S TheatreA .ow at Commercialized Vic.II Baa Awakened Chicago.'PO.v\-ERSDAVID W4RFIELDlD The Auc:tioneer�.---­i JCOR'I'"'acit Lai�'1 New P1QHELP WANTEDA CleaD Oomedy Drama withHenl'J' KolkerliTUDEBAKERIucJaudWILLlA"• io!'JIB DOLL GmLFiNE ARTSLOO Kattaee ft1lDdaTI: '..... nces._ ... WII.. BODGB IDftiII BOA» 'l'O 1lAl'PDfB88-a.aalne lUeeeseor to '"TO lI.AXPaOli HOME. Of ___Inter Oeeaa.Ot.V�PICI'BE GREAT PLAY OF NOW-. MOD ••• OIBII'LASALLE fI