r: IUity-_VoL XIi.. No. 66 1JlUVBB8ft'Y OF OBIOAOO, FBmAY • .T.AlnJABY 16, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTSWILL'MEEt MICHIGAN EIGHTY-FIVE P'RESENT LUNCH TODAY TO START ADD TO UBRARY FUND HAWKEYE QUINTET ISIN MANDEL TONIGHT; .... .,. CHARITIES CAMPAIGN Co Ann I H OF UNKNOWN STRENGHT. VICTORY IS EXPECTED Make �esb� f�� Class Gift mmittee ounces t asAt Senior Luncheon Yeslerday Received $533.50 at meeting-In Co' TL __ .: So A __ Sub ChairmeD Of Committees La·· Night=-Expect s R- ..... t I, et- Little Material 15 Available OnN--a!-e Deba":-- .... _..... Jour- mmonl-- 1 ilia: ngs nn:. '"' " .,,� L..e_._Uy ...... ...,._... Submitted �iU Meet In Commons T B Lar Do Iowa Game TomorrowDey. To £vanatoD To Meet wuCafe To Lay Plana ters 10 ring ge nations Opening Game At 7:151'4orthweatern Squad.. Additional contributions to tho Rey-Eighty·Jive Seniors attended the classANNOUNCES HEADS OF GROUP .nolds club library f�d havse swelled FRESHMEN TO uLAYluncheon yesterday at 1 in Hutchin· I"tho fund to the amount of $533.5Udien and Frank Selfridge; Phi Kapp: N. _-\.. Funkhauser Jr ••........•_"·estern. havo strong teams and wc Dear old �ourteen-dear old four- Psi, Dd,Clne Mann and Harry Gorgm; .r. w� Mack ••....•....•••.....will ha�e .to fight to defeat them. teenI� Beta Theta Bi, John Bake( and Ua� ,' __ '- __ .';_"_' .:._. � suIt the dope ,,:I C .::rl.! 11,' Y :;l:,li'�I::!(cm«nrwe:-shoma-�o-uer-ia-t_ead· . ..;,..-��-.:..-:� iB4.. Jet .. ua id� -"_"'-'�---'.. '"�-. .. . ._;- r'- '�-�-.,--'''- -_ •• "_-"".-"-', _- --.':--'''' - .• ' _ ••-'I UauuK" --&renee Mae Gregor; Alpha Delta .Ph $533.50 The team is coacil('d by �Lln,'y i\..'f1tSigma' Chi, Cowan Stephenson andMor. Moul�n stated that no oneDear old' fourteen-de�r old four,; -HowaN. MeLaaDi' Phi ... Delta. Thetn,ahouid atav awav from the debate on ' �., ., teea. George Parkinson and. George Shaffer:the grounda that it will be uninterest·Of aU claaaea at the U Psi' Upsilon; Rudy Matthews and Ha �ing. He said that the subject to be�one are half 80 gay and �appy old Moore, Delta Tau Delta, Robertcli8euued aro simple and of interestOr as friendly as you. Miller and Harry Bogg; Chi Psi, Reb.to everyone, and that only those whoand' George Cottingham; Delta Upsilotdo not attend the contests declare Oh Chieag�h Chicago, Warren I.eonard and Stanwood Bau.them tiresome. Debating as a college Who in learning stands supreme, prtner; Phi Gamma Delta. Harol."t h d la ed t be the ideals You have no sons inore loyaladlVI y e ec r 0Wright and- Robert Harper; Sigma Aof the University than aay other ac· Than the class of fo�rteen. pha Epsilon, Earle Shilton and Donal!tivity on the campus. Tune-Alma Mater from "The Prank.. Delanl; Sigma Nu, John Burtt an... �ves Phi Bet's. I of Paprika." . I Rvan �rrenogue; Kappa Sigma; Ed·The members of the affirmative Close in friendly'phalanx standing, ward ThomaS and Ernest Cavin; Alphrteams are Arnold Baar, Benjamin Bills, Nineteen fourteen--.U •. �f C. Tau Omega, Edling Lunde and Orvir cand Harry Rosenberg. All of the men \Y'Or'k and worth at our eoummantl- DrOf'ge; Phi Kappa �igma, Williamare now in the Law sehool and were "'iD£ :� ..;;-::"'_" , Bosworth and Liebert Bower; De1t:�rmerly undergraduates in �he Uni· .Fare we�fo"'llrd mardap;:;'" ·SigD'Ja Phi; Hoyt Cox and .Josephftnity. Baar was on the wlnnmg tealD Ours the quest and.oun the .�ng; Geary;, Beta. Phi, Bernard Vinissky andof last yea.r and al80 ,of the Literature Wlaat we . .-It aha1l be Gar teD; Claude; W·. Sprouse; llotar Boarc1�college team of 1909_. Bo8eD�rg won .tRope -ineite. U; �o.or, l!iac1iac, Suanne Fisher; Esoteric, Ruth Allen;tile Rosenwald p�blic apealung e,on' Keeps 118 bolden to our goaL � Quac1raDglera, Helen Street; Sigmatest ill 1912.. Billa was on the 80· '.announeements made.I Co &.:- .-....a _.. "-, (Continued on page 2.),kamore t� and baa won severn__ �(�Il:WM:::u:wu:_:O�.�r-P:::_-�� l:f!_ :_� _:_: -------------- __. speakiDg prizes. All of the members ,. I • .•of the aftirmative team. are Phi !eta • ; .�' � '!BAlI WHIOU IIBB'f8 MIOBIGAlt ifPOlUG!tr IX JlANDBL:. .Kappaa. . Balph SwanaoD, Leon Powers, ..... ,., f: ·:l,., ('and ''ImaM Atkins are the negative I" ,). =- "men and have all beeD prominent onotber debating teama and in variousTh� sut,jcct for diseuesion is: Re­solved: That the states should estub­Iish a schedule of minimum wage forunskilled labor, constitutionulity con- �he gift committee, but no action wustaken. Three cluss songs were }.Jre·seated for acceptance, but no choicewill be made until the end of the quar-firmly OPENERcommittee, which met last hight in t he give those expect lug tu at. l'lld t r.cclub and totaled U}.J eauuts for the last }\1.'Ylloldli Olub faun' urcss 1,a1t v i l.u tseven duy's work. illli�ht an OIJportuui;y tu ::.,'l· tl:e ,'J,l'The eounnitt ee unuouuced that manyI test, the eurtu in-ra iser "ill I", st a rt vd16tt'�\i .. have jlJccn :f..!l.lt o at U:JA;_'.� I at 7 :1:;. President l 'urk iu-o n \'. Iii L"lufor contributions and. tha� it expecteu up the. grand march u nt il u lt c r t ueto receive substantial rucreases 1I1i game 311d the gucsts w i il att"I.d t ..cmOlley und book douutlous, as a rcol game in costume.ault, during the next week..Announce CODtributf,ons'l'lti" t.'.:lIlDEFENSE IS ONLY WUK POlNtson safe. A&litstunt !'rofessor �'redoerick 1::)tarr uddressed the class on hi!f Sub·chairmen ,of committees in the within the week since the last meet- Coach Page will send h is dl:tllll,ioll'Thc \'artiity uffirunrt ivu debutingd J United Charitl'es campaign 1·11 hoi .... ing of the library committee. Twenty· ship contenders ul' ugu i nst 1,racticaE,:'-recent travels in Korea an apuu, ex- ..team will meet l1ichigun in .\luudel luncheon at 12'.41;; today In the C ... _. two dollars was received in the week, uu unk nowu quantity t oru o rio w \'.111.'11plaining the university system in Ja}.Jan " ._.._tOhi�ht at�. 'rho uegutrve team willmons f t I I f th according to the announcement of the Iowa .. Iuvs in Bartlett. J II ord er tuMr. 1::)turr said he found it very difhc�lt ca e, 0 ay pans or .. e open' r .;contest with �orthwcsterJl ut .t,;\"uu�· ing of the campaign next week. Dr.to speak .Englil:lh uftor huvrng rorergutuu at thc same timc. C'ouch l1oUltoll 'D tl 'll 11 f h. Ianguuges drilled into hu.l :w long. ,.uU er WI te 0 t e need for churit�,�a. been : working wrth the teauia lor work throughout. the city, and of thethe past three monthl:l uud its eoutideut �uggestionl:l for clUHI:I gift were }.Jrr- methods for meeting the need. Invi-that both will will out. seated to Earle ::;hiltoD, chairuiau 01 1ntions have been sent to the seventy8ub.chairme� and they will be Istructed in their work during theluncheon.The campaign will last a 'Week, withthe aini of raising $500 for the United\Charities. Campaigns in previous year,netted between $300 and $500."Lieutenants" will head the group.which win canvass the campus forsubscriptions. The fraternities, hallsclubs, faculty, and the school of Edueation will have charge of the unit.The list of those appointed by the com.mittee in charge of the campaign follows:. .Delta I\appa Epsilon, Paul Des Jarceded." The judgcs for thc contest in ter. The songs follows:Mandel urez Judge Edward O. Brownof Chicago; Judge J. H. Gillett ofHammond Indiuna; and Professor J.W. Garner, of th university of Illinois.Strong In Opeh Pla)'8 Tune-hIt's always fair weather"191·1 here's to you,Forever may Fortune woo you,For you're full of the spirit that"We have the best teams that haveevt:r representt.>d the University since1 came here in 19U5," said the coachyesterday. "We are strong in openplaysI' tricks, and word passes butweak on defense. Michigan and North. makes other people say1914 forever-the classbO�hd toitetherIn a union of friendship, and thewill to wiD its way.Tune-"Oh my darlin, Clementine."Roderick Peattie and Henry Mead: \\ illas our men are full of .fight and con- Of the days we've spent togetherWhich aro, passing like a dream make its initial uppeuruuve t u.u o rro wl.'he followiug contributions were all' .in the opening gume, 'Jirl'.\ l·.1I11!lg:-!nouneed;Previously donated $511.50.J. A. }'ield ..E. L. McBride .....••••..••..••J. \V. Linn ..........•••..•••.K A. Henry .........••••••••••T. w. Baldwin .D. P. Abbott .Marion Talbot . will play a eurtain rurse r \\ Itil illUVareity reserves. The squ.ui i nc ludcs$5.UU Shafer, herger. �lcLallgilll'" " ..... ..:1·,fident..' ..collegiaie activities,;:.. '. 1.01) Rothermel, and 'l'uwull'Y:5.UO is the re�lalt of thl.· �ifting uf a ;-i'lil.tll1.00 I()f nearly sixty canJitiatu, �lllll :1":-3.UO cording to Coach Pagc illdud.·s :;:,u;C3.UO lof the most prollli�illg mCII ill .year:i.3.00 Iowa Plays First Game:!.OU Tomorrow's gume will. �.'".. ,:�- '1- i:: ... 1.00 first. C.,nference cOllte�t i\ Ill! :.:-; �: I'l"a famous alum n us uf the tLl \\ k \ ''ye i tl-"'Chicago tc�s in athbities ha,'cheen winning a stTaight �n of vic-tories Rnd we will do the aamc as the'otben," ftnid BiII!4 at the mass meetingyesterday. Baar said that both teamswould win and bring the honors backto the Midway. 1I0o"er, a �ebater of1909, said that the tellm� are 'the bestthat the Univel't'ity has ever h'«d andwill 8urely win. Rosenberg claimedthat tbe negative team was second to. I- ..JlQJI..�. � j \:.. .. '\� BapUze KetbocUstl Ij ".', �."':"We have been working ��d �dl �: :.':t,(Continued on Pace ". .� _ ..- '...... _ .. stitution, who was ill hi:-; t illle a.MISSllS 8!JEBBB AlfDBALDWIN-WILL LBADwho captains' the ::;qlluu is an:urdill�WASHINGTON PBOJIBN'ADBto Coach Page the best left lla IIdl�J.catcher of big league :tbility. l;anlllt:r,Elizabeth Sherer will lead Washing· forward ill the Cunfercnce.ton promenade with Howell Murray on very ngl!ressivc 'und a fast dl·;:I·,.l;VCthe nigbt of Friday, February 20, and dribblc�r.Miriam Baldwin will lead the left wing 'fhe loss of Bcrry, lu�t SI':t:-,vll'S l'np'with Earle Shilton. :Miss Sherer i� a tain and the guard who sClln"j 111':lvily'member of the Esoteric, and Miss Bulcl. ngnist Chicugo la::;t ,Yt':lr, \\ iii Ill' :-'I'ri­win is a member of the :Mortar Bnan�: ollsly felt. The Hawkt''yI's b:1 \ I' till \'cKalailu nnd Harpischord. I promising new men it! Vil'k, l'ar!"lllls,and Gross, the :!}leed art.ist:-; uf t!t\.·football team. The probulJle lill(':�p :111,1ahility of the tenm is \Il1k�IO\\ 11, :11·though nn extenl:'ive pral't i('l' t :.: p \\':IStaken in [:.wo durin!; til,· iI .. :id:I.''-:-:.Iowa will m('('t �tillnt'sota I 11':'1. t \',,'1'1,:.und tbe results will furnish a !.;1<" ot'c;�mpurison of Cltil'ago alld t!II' c;,,; 111"''''The offi('('� for tlli� flllart4'r ;ll'I': 1':-1'-;;-SOPKO.ORB CLASS �KERr A� 10:15 DrWEft BOO. III xmrrSophomore. will hold their first me('t·ing this quarter today at 10:15 inthe west room in Kent. Plans for tht.'social festivities of the qunrter willbe diseu8t'led. and 8Cveral import:\nt --_ ... +----- --SOUTHERN CLUB PLANSDANCE TO CEL3BRATEGENERAL LEE'S BIRTHDAYTh .. !'I."cw omcer� w�n' iusta llt·\.l :11111plans consid('rl'd for n n'I'l'!'t illll :11111d:lne� in c('I('hrntton of l. •• t"� l,irtllthynt the bi,monthlySout.hcrn cluh :\r on4In�' indcnt.Pntt:-.- :";(>\\"1,"111: trl':I�;tr!'!'. 11 'i� I'r{llcDnnil'l; l'l·(·rf'tar,Y. l-'l:lIll'I':- (;""111. II.was (lecid('(l to hol,l ml'C't i ng-� t \\ j,'ea mf'Jlt�: �t. ,'=::0 in ('".,11. hi � ;,'\'" tobf' put on ('ol,i, hlll]t·tin 1)0:1 I'd �:'\·,'raldn�-� ',(:; •.• �(' fh .. nH,(,tinJ!.'TJa� -(,(,jebrntinn "ntH't' will hi, h,'l,1Ratl;�dn�" :Jnn'uary· !!:', prohnhl:-' in tIlt'n(,,"�old!' . �1\11;�;, ;f>j(,l'idt'nt l:i,·h:I T"ll�"nI np�inted th .. 'f(ll1;'win� c1.I�ir"':('n oncommittt'l'� to flrr:ln�(' tl", _(Ir: I'n'I tt'rtnin'lwnt, .Tohn Pllil'!'s, i',i'\ ifatiJlnj J)l�rhRm lfnth('\\"�. },rol:rnm. 'r-"·vrf..:eGibson ..w _ .�� .....JI_�"'__,I'�",,filii DAJl,Y' IIAB()()., rBIDAY. ,lAIIVABY 16, 191'.�:- ,;-;:-:�: ....The ._:::a -Daily ..MarooDI BaUetia .. and Arnt Lev ... ; Freshman mec1le8;' "0BABIftU OAMPAIGN Charle-a Hicks and Perey Bailey; Seniar ..I lawa, Benjamin Billa and Lewis Biro .., ('ont irlU('t1 from pace I.) Sophomore Laws, Ernest Reichmann- - -- and Howard El..Ua; Freshman Laws,ln�lDl_ ·.a:U'*'L&1' l.Marg�r�t Rhode-s; Wyvern, Arline Steven Curtis and Oakley Morten; Y.-- 'Bruwll: Phi Beta Delta, Sarah..... . .A I:Swiwmillg nreet UUts I,)CCu �"U\:Y_l\:,," .w.. C. A., W'illiam Lyman Samuel"G.., w.,Cottingbauu l't"w. EdJtol' Sophomore Keettng-lO:15, K e nt , Gru\": Chi Rho Sigma, Esther Aldray; I W lla C . ..'u. s, Gorga, AthldiClJ J!:c11tOl' l..Iy COIlCU h U,h: lJ"'L"��ll tue \ uUU'J I • e , ralg Redmon, and Vugll An. ,.lie, 1". llabl llUhlll\'"1Ii1li llanagUj w e st.I Pi Delta Phi, Adeline RlL88D1an; Del.g"rman'.IS\\lllll1l�I'ti U&.IU IL tt:UAU �uW"U,t;Cu V� � .. �.• I" :w. 11. LYWUD ClrellllltiuD llaDagel' ��_A_ dan- ") 30 R ld C" th MOod h W h t.&" ... � ,,�:, eyno 8 0, arre 0 enoug; as lDg on North t N� hbo hood IbN� • .lC�&.I&&ll"U I&&,U uu ., UrtiH.)' w""U, hUV•• • " eaB eag r cu, ancy� club' ,� ietur Gutwllhg and Maur1ce Ottoson; Ml'l} lIIo." rth t Fl F I,Eutt"r.:d Wi S�l'oDu-clal>lj maU at tbt.' •ure illdlgil..ll� fur cOlll�tlhou, lv,'• IeI'; .. ,0 ,,'es, orence 0 ey,Cblca�o, . .POIIt01llee,. Chkagu,. 111 ••_ .ou�rcb iii. I' German 0lub--4 Lexington. I�lll(:o)n House, Lathrop Roberts and. So th t 1t.r" ,'IT1. Ii So th tnUb, UDuer .Aet ot �",rch 3, 1K.3. , 'l'uel:ldoy ut rvur 0 C1UC". .. ... .J' I U east, .lUlrlam '. na In; u welt,,;.... .'. Undergraduate Mathematical Club- Floyd Weakly,' Spelman House, Mar-: Lyn S 'lli . 'u A ACt I'lSl:lllSl·.lUI"j'IU:S K.\T.I.\aS. I Jl1�et will be t.h� 1irtit' of ltti KlllU I ne u van, n. • ., 0 ne ra,tj7 c:&rrju� $:':.i.v U )t.'ar; $l.UU ... Quarter. 4: 15 Ryerson 35. guret Chaney and Ruth M.orse. NIl .•lJy mILt!: �".IJU a year; u.;:� Ii Quurtl:lr.' '. "• UI.:S Z:;"UOVII UhU &.I!At! .... eeu urrlLllt;\:u lvi' Bt-all and Dorothy Llewellyn; DaIry'!:,;tJhorllll-lJulIIl1CSJi Ville e, l::1H. ;:4. W&lker Chat--4:30, W�lker museum.I l�iJ:nlll Xu, Maurice .Bogers; Phi Beta:.l.'.lc"hoD� .l.l1o.1wa)' buu, AU"r' 1U"'" m.. the l'url'UtiC ut glviug the "1Lf::Ill'>' ...• Maroon, Martin Stcvers and BurdetteH7.I • .P�rJL, ''''!I., ,, . . I Glee .Cluh-4:30, Reynolds club.. Harrv L. Huber' Phil Alpha Delta'tUtU l,ructacc lUut...:ll uerore tuey \;1' .. •• w ,• " Mast; Cap anI' Gown, James Tufts andM.&rOOil"i>reu,- es n '-·ona';_, Gro\'1: AVl:nul:'j' ; Co�opol1tan Club-"Esst India .Sumuol Busler; Phi D e lta Phi, Rav- � .'tueir eourereuce seueuu.e at ..t.VU&.IOLvu • ,. root-rack :Byerly; Reynolds - dub,.. - .• - -. , I Night" 8 Professor McClintock's'. mond Duly; Delta Chi, Arnold Baar:: • ,-'lot 't - 1 ", on the tweuty-third, �J:hc lUl'll�&I,)ICU . I George Parkinson, Harry English, and�ul otla " home 569' University' Avenue.I Gamma Alpha, Lee KnIght. .." I bI '. " \\ 110 ar� clltcrcd are U t:o&.l�"r UIl... Doe Brat fish, C08Dlopolitan e u �Some ;lle�,p_l.e 1_!lay wonder. why .. the Kic'hfft'an Deba�:15, Mandel...... h H II C Ii T' d�\\ hite .. ud th" J.t'retihman lIlcml"el's 01' I 1,ort n, orne us elllnga an ,Thomas Confessor, Student volunteersubject of 'rushing, is being urged 'K) '" ..=========:.:!XT=:-====-._ = the team, 1LI'e '1'cmFleto� \..o\.'u ......... ,I Chester Dunham; 'Middle Divinity,; band, Victor Hanson and Asher Ma.It . may CODlDlUDI· cation. . ,. d k A H if \,.J', Clarence Hamilton and FAlward lIenry; . there Brownson club Paul Pierce andsee� to them that the ..a&.ur uc, gUI', 0 man, '\ ll1urc\, f ,"J' .J .J "', ,. h \\' I South Divinity, Marquis Shattuek and I Edward O'ConnorI vOu�IUU, oUu ... ,ewmull, ..... oue !Jno •'. I k' f f h d·d t I Raymond Crall-ford; Snell, Charles W8- The nam('s of the lieutenants will,.-IS 00 lug 01' urt el' can 1 a cs (l,&'T th Ed't Th I f a._'rhouse ad Richnard Jeschke, Merwyn be announced in tomorrow's Maroon.crui� men, .e�,ectivcl.y, a.nd the so- ,�. (' I or- e pan 0 op('n· this tuam. I. h ... . .Palmer Philip Kearney and Raymond,II d f ults 'b m� t e Readmg Room of Harper Mem- 'fhe VunutJ' team that WIll tlWUU' , I .ca � �., arc cllart;ea :0 to the men ' .'., :\nderson' Greea lIaU .Janet Flannel' _ '.rhree Make Barplschord-Ellinor,concerned, '�d not to .+loe syst ...... This orial Library on 'Sunday- of�rlloons, will huve the same lineup thut h "& • , , I.. B d Ad l'" w..l �'. " ; and Dora Parks' Kelly, 'Margaret JIn:n-: Hunter, Chrl8tlD� rownc an e I��......... . t . , I put into effect for the .first time last be used In the ChlCOgU-Nol'thwesterul ',h f 1 d'�y seem r'.le OIl sUper.i:iCla e:a.mi.na-. mett and Ann Grimes. Foster; Har- De Lent were t e success u �an 1-tiOIl-. but an"", real .study. of �e system Sunday, will be continued so long nR meet. Jt WlU I"e �umposcd of LYUlllll, , I. • d t toZ,• r'l"'t Tuthill and lIilda MacClintock. (lates In the lIarplschor tryou yes cr-' the Uj,JC made of the, room s('('m8 to j' 1 d ,..� Il th I 1) ....,at Chicago w:ill. revea,l. rather, gl,aring "l'( mOil on ... 'c In e p unge; a,·-·MId d ljustif,,· it. The hours, arc from 2 to 6 k N N J> 0 Sophomore medics, Charles � 0 an er aye .defects. In the first �l�oe, "rushing"_ J lice. orthrup, eff, uogue,. 1�1Il,that is, the attemp�_ to produce ,a da.t- p, M. Entrance is, from, .the East ,Porker, .Mooro, and Murray in the .·natpI'DIt)' Jewelry. , Tow'er. No books are deli ,e. vered ,from f d' God'"�lin�, �ect by ela�.o.ra.tc entertainment, orty yar sWim; 0 man, .w.oorc,display' of campus honors, and careful- the stacks or from the" Reserved Hart, Lyman, Stolz and Shirley inly planned Pyschological effects de- Shelves in the Public Catalogue Room, ,the two hundred yard brea�t strokc;signed. to create an almost hypnotic de- and no departmental libraries nrc Pa\'�cek, Ne,ff, ,Parker, Olson, Saunders,sire to be®me pledged, is absolutely open. A liberal selection of periodi- and Poague in the hundred yard swim;rcp�gnant to the whole idea and the eals from the Periodical room will Pavlicek Shirley, Goodman and .Nor.Whole philosophy of fraternities. Wit- be found on th� iabi�� in the Mn:in thrup in the one hundred and fiftyness the deliberation of the great fra:' Reading Ro.om. The purpose of the yard back; and Nell, Selfridge Olson,Plan is to afford students opportunity d hternal orders among men, and the right Rhodes, and Saun ers in t e t\\O;meihod of reCruiting men is obvio!!.l. to use the leisure' hours of Sunday �enty-yard swim. The relay teamTwo Chapters at Chicago have taken afternoon in., general cultural readi�g, will be selected from the followingsteps looking toward � better system. :E; D. Bl1rt�n. m�n; Pa,·licek, Neff, Northrdll, Pal'ke�,But the very fact that the system is Saunders, Olse� Moore, Poague o,ndHitch k meets Section. Beads :, (,c� -.'�. Murray., The eve�t� will be t�e �melR.. �', .�I�S�y,. 'Y 8��.er Sml��, �. Y'. pL8 �se. in th:8 ;regula!" I �0!lf���n�,�C�oke, Rudolph Montz and �!eph�D; t 't th t' the' ··tw·"o' bu�arc', '. . < .• '.' -:,. " •• "� , • " , ," " ,.' .' ,mee s excep a,cerued hav� so strong a pJ)lition !;!:aU ).Bchu�ter were el�ted heads of s�cb�sl yard breast stroke and the one hundredf 'hm ',' , .. ' ,. In Hitchcock .hall, at a house .me, eb�", g, a: nd fifty yard baAk stroke will prob-r� en .�wi#. �v.e, up, � �nce !or"memb��. __ � other r��ties, i! 'Wed.neaday mght; It, was .... ofed to aby be shortened:'to one hundred yardsthey ima�e they have a chance to hold' hte· quarterly, house ,dance: Sat- ,aach. f '"�e" one of the two,. the t;!:....'"'et! urelay; January 31.��------------------------------W�k pledge period f�rces on ch�'P-te adh·· , ful. The money might much· bettera "'antal·n for the team. The Freshmenrs e��g, t� it and almost in- ... rtolerable burden 'of �g enter- be app� in bu1ldb1g up the chapter will also elect captains for their swim­tairiment.· And . the' high standard in many wa� � sho� a good ming Rnd water basketball teams.th� set forces up the standazd chapter �ve to spend a huge sum of The men to represent the Universityfor "the ottWr �haP�� Consequently, �.oney on. a man, in order to pledge in water basketball will be seleetedthe existe��e of this practice, when �? U �e men in the chapter is the from the following: NoI1hrup, ROdgers,it is ��t universal, increases the in� true � on_ �ch a freshman should I Lyman, Olson,. Pierce, Tolman, Parker�ten'lity of "rushingt9 in the pernici� pledg� htmseJ:t, spending money is an Selfridge, Moore, Goodman, Shirleyevil tendiDg to obscure the elements S d N If P k d Redons, SC!lSC of the word. '1"0 cure this ....• aun ers, e, ar er an monorOf the problem in the freshman ::e� tendcnc�., the pledge day shouldmind. These' are a' few little aspectsbe . adop�: universa.l.J:y or be ab�n- uter, Ooach WAite· wm sia,e Contest �­tween .Kcgwau aw\1 .a:·l�ttU- I08IcIal aJ&udeD& !'\�"'."I""U of tile IJ"�ait7 01 (;hlnaco. TODAY.Pu�Uah" moroin... except SUD •• ,. aDd•• DU7. Curiae lh� Autumn. WiDter aDd�prlDe �uarter.. by 'l'be 0&117 .IIarooDaLa!L Freshman Meettng-lO:15, Kent th e ·- .. ,persistently.Reading on Sunday,W.ilyRUShing? system ,workspr('sellt,pretty well that it re-I ••• tbrr Good.Colle�. 1i onlUe. E.bo .. ed StaUoaery ., -'.We4dIDC .Iaylltlo.... ... ��c.ma •. C8d.· .'BROCHO'N·ENGRAVING COMPANYH. G. TURNERPresident 818 .aUen Ball4lqa •• dol •• II.Stationery, and Toilet Articlesn,.�; L.I"�; O�· CA.::o.m,SA,. LE'·'After the meet the Varsity watetbasketball cadidates will meet' to elect u56 E. 55th St.Imported and D.lmestt:- T,IIt� 0.CJGAaS A'!'IiD ClGARIC'ITD• +++++++++++++ .... +·+·�·+··I Continues Todll7The New Florida Hote · T '• wice Yearly·· we dear our entire5721 Cottage Grove Ave. !eaSon·s stoclt. This sale is the muchis makiDg Spedal B&te8 to madeDts. t allted about event by men who Itnow.Steam heat aDd elecutc U&ht iJa aU Hundreds �f late arrivals in, Suitsrooma. and Overcoats iDcluded this weelt.Bnta.na" Barhr 8.... Bowa...ad BDlJada .. Co_..u. ..not prevalant here, makes the three,week peri<H;l-rather an evil than abl�g. �ess ,the. chapters con-Bave New Home At Pelms71vaD1&don� entirely. 'l"ake the former solu­ttoWs it �Wise to bve a pledge day of ru.sIdng as conducted toda7 at Chiw' Alumni ane) undergraduates of Betacago which show that ca.retal thought chapter of Phi Oaaima Delta laid theand hard work is needed to deY1se a cornerstone �f their new home ai thee1fectin, aDd wise rusIlIDg university of Pennsylvania on Janu·ary LEvery one of the 100 delegates fromKansas City convention got a broadand sane viewpoint of modena mi.sions. The coming Sunda,. afternooDEcho meeting in Mandel hall ia the at­t('mpt of the delegatea to brin. baekto the student body as a whole thespirit of the convention. No man �an�laim to be educated unle� be haulsomc ietea of the modern expansionof Christianity throughout the world.This Echo meeting next SUDday after·noon will be the students greatest 01'·portunity to find out ju"t what oc·curr(>d in the recent convention, whichwas one of the greatest conventionsthe world haa ever seen. Every col·lege student should know of the workbeing done in the foreign fields. Thil9Jo;cho meeting offen a great opportun­ity to all University studenb to alt·«;ertain the solid fncts. Arc you ,eo·in, to miaa this? Harold T. Moorc.worked. o�t a� Cornell and Wisconsin?And would· the results be the S2!!l8 ,roper,system.it either systen;a were adopted. at C!!i-cagO? This depends on local condi­tfons.,. This. scanty outline, of themethod to be used in attacking theproblem of a pledge day, shows thepr�igious amount of 'W'!)tit n'!ed'!'"to' get a satisfactory answer to t'hl!!q�t"Stion raised by this one angle oftl!.e rushing problem at Chicago, Andif � pledge day is deemed inadvisable,how sure that it will be abandoned?!It, would hardly be right to force chap.iters to abandon a practice they re�lis for their best hl��rest; a.nd nopower can compel them to pledge be·fore they wish. How then. meet theinflnence that tends to elaborate andintensify rushing? How curb thehea\"Y expens� the drain on men'stime, the 'snre tendency toward hastypl��Jut, without sufficient examinatiOnan 'around? Surely something is wrong Iwhen chapters spend a thousand dol-" ,lars' in recruiting men for one ye�:: IIand when the total rushing bID of theCh3pters on the campus is considered.the' present system is abviously Waste- The' Sunday Afternoon Meeting THE TEA HOUSELUNCHEON 12-1:30�4e.� 2015� •• +++++++++++++++++ ......JOSEPH SCHMIDTPRn�F. HYDB P".I 4747.SWAN'S WNCH ,ROOM1342 East 55th street.Try Oar Replu DailyaDd Sanday Diaaer, zOe, UpCARRIE D.Beauty " • .,lU.:But �Tea.. H ..o�. E.dlap _, .AJ _ ...,n w.rt,hM-::AI,A ..........SWITCHES ."DF. ... 0. co.aurasA �n GE�TI,E.F.:'f JU.lI'lCVaUaThp f'Al1"4e ShODExhibidoD •......LEA'I'BEJt BIDES ABD PILt.OWI'NOVEL'l'IBS IX nnna..&Y ADDAJroB � Today!ScHoI'_ Basiaess S.:25% OffREGUlAR PRlas$2> suits. now $18.7>; $30 suits DOW'$22.>0; Sr3> sui� now $26.2> aadso on to ou� highest qualities. .E'eIIiII Dress Oedaes'ANDOVEICOATSAi 25% Off Replar PricesCome this "ee':! You canOtafford t.o milSthis!. MOSSLER CO.19 JacuoD BlYCI.-EutIet._ Stale .........� DA!l.y,M'�1f .. :� • .TAlI1Ufi' ,11. 1014 '. '.������������������������'�u�m, , •• ���i:::;:::.:::::: •• :.::}, �'�.AEBH OK 8A.ftB1)AY Wanted At OnceEacl_ at • UIIi.IiI, Ie a.e ia ... iaYellipte _.Special OUe.to CoIlep MeaHERZKA BROTHERS:-: Tailors :-:IUS Eut53nl Street2'eJephcme B. P. 1037. Open BYeD1Dp aDd � JIonda&.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••sr.r.otnsBelt Reached by Through aDd Fut Traias of theILLINOIS CENTRALAll Steel Da,light SpecialLeaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.; arrives St. Louis (via MerchantsBridge6:02 p. m, Indestructible steel cars of handsome interior- Every comfort and convenience wiU be found on this train.Diamond Specialheave Chicago 10:30 j). m.: arrive St. Louis 7:48 a. m. Elect ric­lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago.Stop. Made iD Botla Di.-ectioD. at Soutla Sid. TlarobalaStatioD., 43rd, 53rd aDd 63rd Str ....Observation Parlor Cars. Cafe Club Cars. SleepinaCars. Free Reclining Chair Cars and CoachesTicke .. , Fare. aDd SleepiDa Car R ... ryatioa •• tCITYTICKET OFFICER. J. CARMICHAEL. D. P. A.76 West Adams St. 'that opensthe DaarsafERYleEYOU'VE HEARDOF THE "KAS.TER KEY" THATFIT SEVERT 'L 0 C K- ])1-1)YOU EVER HEAa. -,O� A _ASTER_ 0 DEL OF ,4 -"Til'" ALL oftile �1.e4 &4-",.atapi' of SET.'Ea..U" tnewrlten),0. Ila",e aee ..eoaeeD t rat e 4 lao If E alall4ar4.. .elllae!Tb. 80"" luUidleep.rf.etl� .. �bIG..... fona' ofe •• era. eor-!.:.i' p � e De!r;wrltlDe aDd C'"..... eed BlIllDe be­.ltIN - wlabeat aaIacIe ... ptdaI at­t.b_ftlt·· to addest,. relit to lb.t,..pewrltft. TbIDkof thl ........ d �_will Ilan a raldJ'coed ... of, tb.• alller-MMd oftbe 80,..1.",ROYALTYPEWRITER CO.IDe.Thomal J. Cavey I: SoDFU'BRI8BlHGSFor OeDtlemea8PECIALIZIKG III � WAlftB OFTIlE coLLBGB KAKCollan lin 13, up31 W. lIonroe Stl'MtDRF.B.I. PH ARHACTMAft McANANY, B. PIa.Oomer 56th aDd Dre:z:eJ Ohlcag'felephoDe JI1:!WQ' lUI� ·R ..... ., rn. Dntllr"o CII_1a1il •• ftTftn.c Art .......Far th., GrlpJ)f' or �o!d In tM bead-Drn.1Cold, r.rh�, an" Ff'\,f'r Tablet •• 25c',,\Ilk fnr :I Frf'f' �mplf'.Stop that CouJ(h wit • bntt'le of of our WlIlt.Plnf' nnnf'�' �nd F.11('3Iyptus, roe,Rf'lIf'Vf' 'h�( nudllchf' ,..:th • 10e p.cka;oe ofnrf'l(f'1 neadache powden. ing on Fitness. of ,Stud�t�.The Miser'�ro:.: ·'-:"·&uqIJOia Geuti1�e: :---':;�. : �he, ·.���t�.- �ll,qll�r;.teherdaD-The Rivals., ���e(,l fdr"&andaL�� Eiletny of 'the People.' "Sba--':You N�ver 'Ca�' T�Ii .:" I ', .lones-The '!.iars.. Dolly' :BeforDliug Herself.PiDer�The 'Yagistrate.Wnde-:The iin'porlanee of Being Ear-, ,est .�.-- Seuiprs have been asked to havetheir picture. taken for t}J.e Cap andGown before Saturday night. Th�ptetures are to be taken at the :Koehnestudio in t�� Monroe building, Miclli· ,gan and l(onroe avenues, Aetivit�,card8 mlly � obtained from the ��rack in Cobb or at the Cap and Q9"office.Saturcl&J": Appointments for camp� organiZJi.­tions have been announced' a8 fo110«-8:8 :30-Phh Beta Delta.9:30-PI Delta Phi10:00-Womena Glee Club.lO:30-The Q�adrangler Club.ll:OO-J'unior llockey Teams1l:3(}-Phi KapP,a PsiP. JIL-"1 :OO-Y. W. C. L. Cabinet and Council.�UDda7l'):OO-Delta U�silonlO:30-Phi Delta Phi12:ao.-Washington House1 :3()......J)elta ChiClub12:00-Pen Club12:30-Beta Phi,. 1 :�,GlUIlJDa Alp�a1 :30-Phi Kappa Sigma2:00-Sigma Alpha Epsilon12:3()-Sigma Chi, College FriendshipsMake college life worth while. Coca-Cola is a friendworth knowing and having all the way through fromFreshman to Senior year. It will fill your college dayswith pleasure, health and benefit.Delici ous-RefresbiogThirat-QuenchinfiTHE COCA-COLA co.,Atlanta, Ca. W!.rnner"""1 • -e a, Arro.I '.';. :(.',o("J,(:d,�1.e�ryo�� fo!" assoeiate membership in 2:00-Delta Kappa Epsilontlhe Dramafie club ,will be held Tues- /2:30-Reynolds Club Officersday at 2 in Kent theater. Members 3:0()-Delta Tau Deltaof the faeulty,' '�nd' men and women '3:30-Aeaeia.KoDdaJ"·in the_club wi})· act -a$ judges. All;students .will be ,eligible for the trial�. 12:3().......Seilior Hookey Team.Stud�ts "w�,� be allowed to give I81IJldq JID1I&I7 25. parts f��m tL� ·joUowing play�: . At the Koehne Studio Bush Temple; :� 'Shakspere-olullus C�esar. Corner Clark, St. ahd Chieago Ave. t'As You Like It. Take Car' Ro�te No.' 3. rMoUere-�1� ,lllilicules. 11 ::OO-The Blaektriars .,11 :30-'The 'Three Quarter• IJ.·: 'i, ': 'l .• .�-�.J"e�.�� ,,',.9:.OQ-Chi Pai,iO:3(}":_Iron M'aak ,�ll,:QO-Alpha Delta Plti11 :3O-Dramatic ClubI KEMBERS OF F4CULTY m 11:00--Plii Ga�ma De"tlaJUDGE DBAM:AIC DIALS l:aO---Si&ma NuWW Act 'With Cllib J(embers In Pass- 12:00-Phi Delta Theta12:15-Psi Upsilonanbert-En�ecJ: . Any organization which has not y�tG��-The Sil,!el'" Box �ade arrangement$ to ,have its pieturoBostand-The Romanee� taken has been requested to consultAU· parts will have to' be memorizOO� the business managers of the Cap andA time limit of three minutes has been <lawn any day at 10:15, or between.set 'o�· the �ei�tion8.·· Studen� wish- 2 and 6.ing additional information may get it I Sell----P;;Oarda of Clusfrom the Information' Bureau or from.., , -,I b Post cards of the Junior class \\'111Frank O'Hara president of the cu.. . ! be put On sale today by officers of the--+--- 'ITo Entertain Soc1etia-Members of class. The cards were printed fromTigers Head and Harpsiehord will be the negative of the picture which willentertained at the home of Miriam be ued ill the Cap and Gown. In-WhaJi�, 6056 K,imba,rk annue, sun-'I dividnal �an1s will cost five cents, andday from " to 6;· aix will be 1I01d for a ql$rter.'fIIB BBGAftVB DAM WHICH GOBS 'fO BV.ANftON"Keeping in Front"You fellows bow what that means IWe· ve been very successful in thisregard with Fatima Cigarettes. Bythe way, these cigarettes were 6rstsold in the coDese towns-and youagreed .with us that they were good., Then we· put out for.tLe ,:,:ace,-,p:Z�1�of==�d.b!';;any other . cigarette in this country.No purer, or mOle � chosentobacco grows than that ip F aIimas.We purposely put tbem in a plainiDespensive Wlalppti' in this 'ftJ_we can afford quality tobacco, aDdtwenty of the smokes for IS cats.Now your college crewis of hostimportance to you-so j, • goodcigarette, and it- s your aim in lifeto keep F atimas in the, Iead-rigbtup to their good qualit1-right �to where you first foUnd them, anawiD always find them.Success fellows I Yoa -...l.. ....cigarette on its sucoestf.t career­and you puB • strong oar aD overthis country. ""a�!k« J ,.'alII II ... rI ,.DR. BOPEllfB AJG) DB.I PAGE GIVB ADDRnlBB81A� 0B1JBCBIIBK'8 DIRJfDI Dr. Herma. Page, reetor of tho: Grat'e .;piseopal church, and Dr. Job.Henry HopkinI', paRtor of the Epiaeo­: pal Church of the Rl'de('m .. r, gave ad·.dre!'�e8 at the dinner of the trnivl'J'ftityChllr�hm('n·R n!'l'I�intion Jut nigbt inlTu'tchin�on. Victor Rnld('r, preftid�DtI of the organu..ation" introducM tilespeakcMt. Twenty men were preaent.STETSON UNIVERSITYDElAND, n.oam&.Pm. U .... Ral1q, A. II. ........... DotJalftft1t7 fI6 CIa ....Jl'ftur eoll�"', en 8Cbool .. 17 bul1cJtnp. ••• fualt,.. 15 Camecte ame. ftoQul....s to �n_0011 ... of Ubf'ftl Art.. IAncJ of 1>'-. .. I ....RmmeJ' weMber, oat of door ""'"CIlIa allwinter. aof-t w�. from tbf' ..... aa .........or mod,� btra. 111 tb� oranp � ....- ... 4"ft1l .. � JIIt"ncJ.rI!,. !IIfon .. ' .......I '�, �I" 'to- ',-... · 4____ =. . ----- -- ,,,---���-�-�������������������. � �� ON SUFFR�G!�Mrs. Ella Steward Will Give Snil� GARRICKNow in our NEW HOME. inst across from our old locationFine Suits and Overcoats at$7 to $1 7 Below ValueOVERCOATS of kerseys, meltons, patent beavers, c hinchillas and .m;anynovelty weaves, in every color. Re g ular Chestetfields smarr 42 Inchdouble breasted coats, -l-l, 4G and [)O inch single and double breasted ulste-ret te swith shawl and con verti�le c?lIars:�. a�d p�p_ula�palmac�.��s, all sizes. $1883 to 48, many of them sdk lined. �2;), $:!, .;)0. sso and $.);) overcoats_SUITS of all wool worsteds, vicunas, tweeds, homespuns a.nd pI�in and fancyblue serges, with stripes on blue or black grot! nd�. sIlk mixed .wot"st�dsand dark mixtures. grays, browns and greens. Re�ul at on sack. serni-Eng lishor full Envlish models, some silk lined. some line d with imported $18Irene or Si�ilian cloth, all sizes :�4 to ;)2, $25, $27.50, $30, $3:3 suits,Overcoats and Suits at$10 to $25 Below Real ValueOVERCOATS of chinchillas, fleeces, vic�lDas, finest meltons. p_atent beaverspilot cloth Shetlands, box cloth Elys ians and hand woven. tweeds, finestforeign and American overcoatings, Chesterfields, double al!d sl.ngle breastedshawl collar coats, .dou?le br;asted l�ls�ers and g_reatcoats, sizes .�4 to $2548, most of them sj lk lined, $40.00. $-l;:>.OO tnd $;)().OO overcoats,SUITS of finest imyorted w�.olens from En�land, Scotland, Irela�dt Ge�manyBelviurn and France. Fine worsteds, vicunas. tweeds, homespuns, In allcolors, d�signecl and tailored by experts. many silk lined, all sizes,$35.00 .. :$-to.O()$42.50, $45.00 snits. This lot also includes broken sizes of high 'class $25dress and dinner suits,, .Haberdashery Hats and CapsMANHATTAN and..... A r r J w $1.50shirts, $1.15. $:2 Manhat­tan and Arrow shirts$1.35. Reg u 1 a r$1 neckwear, 65c. ] 00dozen full shape silkscarfs, great values at:�5c, 3 for $1. Unionsuits, $3.50 values,$2.25, $2.50 and $3.0(_)values. $1.H3. 50 dozen$1.50 pajamas at !);)c. A SPECIAL _pur­chase. In smartnew styles is offered at$1.85. Broken lines of$:3 and $=3.50 soft hatsare clearing at $1.H5.$1.;")0 and $2 wintercaps chincillas and mix­tures, fur bands, 95c.Great values i n furcaps ,at $2 to $25. �. ,5 Shoe SalesT' HE ·grc�ate.J portionof our shoe sec-tion IS involved in thefive clearances now inoperation. Up to $Hshoes at $4.8;', up to $1)shoes at $3.H5 and upto $5 shoes at $:!.H5Great sales of viscoliz­ed storm boots at $3.;�5and $4.:35. -- .. __ ._----01 Five Lectures Under Au-pi­ces 01 Suffrage Organization--­League Changes Name),1 rs, Ella Stewart, 5-!(H Harper a vc­uue, will give a series of 1i ve lect U resOil women's suffrage during the wint e r(lu:!I'tt_'r. The Ietures will Ll! umlvrtIlL' :1 u�liees of the Equal 8ull"ragell·u:,:ul'. The auuouuceureut was nuul»1,.\' o!lin'rs of t he league uf't er a JlII,,'t­ill:': ,n't't�rday in Lexington.'fhe program fif the lectures follow!":J:1I11mr�--19, "}'ormalities of Yut i ug ,"Ft'!.ru:lIY :!-"lssuc Juvolvcd in t h ..�I uue ipa] Voto."I'·t·h:-It:lr.\- llj._"I�stH's Tnvolve.I ill'1'U\\ nship :1I1t1 County Yote.").larcJj :_:,-"'fhc Vut e for j'rt·:-;j,II..·!It iu l,.Electors and t he Powers COllfl'rn'Jb�' the Xew Law Yot e awl )'I'II}'IO:Isitiou.'· Amusements.HONEYMOON EXPBE88With AI. Jolson and 100 Others---'------------COHAN'S GRAND"NEARLY MARRIED"wi �h Bruce McRae"Delightful Comedy-Greatl"Ull,"-_"-my Leslie in Newstill': iLLi�OISiGrc:ltcst Show on EarthZI�GFELD FO�SLectures w jill Be Open :'rh{, leet ures will be gin'lI ut :.::::,!! o"",,ard's Theatreill Lt·xillt.'ton H. 'fhl'Y will he tll'l'l!, Hplete immersion."Professor Lardner of Northwt'st,'rn: § TU IJ EBAKERhas stated that both of his teams ::n·I'in excellent condition and -will put lip Richard BatUan good tight. Dean Holgate will gi ve 1I CARLEthe address of weleomc in Fisk hn lltonight. Miehigan men are said to 110 IIn Chic:l!!o's Musical Holiday P-UriVThe mass meeting yesterday \\,:18very well attended. An unusually goo,ll _ _ _attendance is expected at thc dehatol.onight. The advancc ticket sale l':tsl FINEbeen promising, membcrs of Fencihlt'l\ Isay •. :Michigan Alumni arc to bo Prt'S-1ent in large numbers.to n ny on« who wishr-s to ,'OUH',7he orvanization vut ed �'I'stl'nlay �'J,ch�llg-e its nnme to the "Civic League.").[rs. B. H. Bn rueh of California, \\ 1;,.:"':1S vice president- of the Los Allt!l·!t'..; I'StdTr:tgp league, told how the t'ufTragesentiment was popular-ized in Los An­gcles.---+---_WILL MEET MICmGANIN MANDEL TONIGHTVICTORY IS EXPECTEDshow Northwestern a hot time" :-;aidPowers of the negatives. Swansonhoped to see a special edition of theAmerlcan on F'riday night telling ofth« victories of t he lluroon men.Atkins said. "Xorfhweateru has notbeen beat on their own grounds forfive years. They trimmed us last yearand we are going out to Evanston tobapt izo the lletbodists. We hope n n-Iarc nearly sure that it will be a com-very strong.Tic:ket Sal. PromIsing�HICAGO. ROOMMATE - \V ANTED"'7To sharefront su_lte,' Modcrn, eouvient, :!bloCks f'rom, University." Price si.so.Enquire M.rs; Clark 547'3 U�i'vc�ityAve_ 3d.W�One 'or t\\"ogirb to ahureIigbt-housekeeping ap!lr�mellt t?r winter quarter: '}fJ� 'E. .... Denton, 5;1�1Dorcbester. Phone II. P. 6w5. moB'l'Y-1'lVB PBESEN'r(('ont i nued from pagf' 1.) A Blow at Commercialized ViceIt IIas A wakened Chicago.TIlE TRAFFIO- ,.- i. ..POVVERSDAVID WARFIELDIn The AuctioneerCOR,..'Jack Lait's New PlayHELP WANTEDA Clean Comedy Drama withHenry KolkerWILLIngTHE DOLL GIRLARTSDolly Reforming Herself.1.Ou Matinee ThursdayprincessMRS. FLORA JlacIVoa BIII'nI­Voice builder and t�aeher of art ist ii,singing" Mondays and Thursdays atLOST-O('lta Knppa Phi �cicty pin.M,.,.. Knighht, 5652 Mn-ryl:md A ,· .. nn!' When in later happy meetings,At some crossing of the way".'V .. e:tc}rnn,::c our genial grect.ing)';.Calling baek our eollcge (1n:'�,Only they with mem'ry lendingGlory to eaeh comrndes fncl'.Will tll(,�{' Ilnys, now near their ('IH1- _CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTS (;0](1. 0\,:11 �lHll'ell, l',lgt'll with wholl'\re,lno.."dny:. anu Snhlr(la�'� :It hOIll,'penrl�. Plf'a�1' r('t II rn to .lnscphin(' 63;;(; lhryland Avenue. For in(lIrllwRO'::ClS 1·1·1 t E. ;i.Jth f't. Tlewnrl).tion address 63;;6 :\Inrylanu Aveni;'Pllone. llidway 4390.r .. , per ·Iill�.- -:\11 -aol\'crti�"I"�I;ts--rc: I �, .• 1 ,- All 1 :4': d' BOARD-In �mall prrvate famlh·. I'.x·,'ci\ (,01 tor Ic�s t 1:111 :,.;'c, C assUlc ' •id i d I f't'Ii(,llt home rooking. Limited Illlmhl'Tadvertisements must be pa n a -I lit tnhl('. Ad<1r('�� 61::4 Woodlawn aVt'vance.nile, �rd apartment, telt'phone H)-,I('- II':.rrk 637.FOR SALE-A Aew Xo. !j Oliver Typ .. ·writter in perfect condition. �Iu�t :'1('11, Itberefore pricc r{'nl'!onahle. Write, ')r NICELY FURNISHED-Light, {:ontcall after 7:00 P.:\r. E. II. Hrllnf'mt'i('r, room; 2 windows; large closet; elee'53 lfiddlc Divinity Hali. tric light, steam h('nt, ,::ood opportunityfor two women stndents 01' teachcrs,LOa'r_Esotcric ;::-;inder plcal'c re,l near Park nnd �ridway. 1:l4r, Eastturn to information officc in Cohh. l6�nd St., 3d Apt. Telc. :\Iidway S57�.. LOS'l'-Tcp of frnternity pin. I,ctt,·: w('n in tll{, t�ni\"('r�ity hn'\o'e h('en CR­Delta fret with penrlR ar.d n d:nnwn:, TI('('inlly invih,t] to romc nnd mc('t theLibc1'Ul reward if returnet1 to :, If! I worn!"n f)f th{' Y. W. C. L. Caryl Co(l�-,Em" A_,"enuc. Telephone J1�t1(' ":'1", th(" rhnirman of tll(, memhersl1ip com.lOCJ4. I .: -: �i Imitt(·(", will Imve ehnrge of thc t('a...... ' _, -FCR SALn-8fnndarl) �mith-Pr("mi,,:Type" rit('r in exrt·l1t·nt cOIhlitiun. :,'v('ry renRonnble terms. A ,::rent hnrJ!ai,for anyone desirin,:: :l t:"p('writ('r ( .. ,profcssional usc. II. n.Lemon. Ro(,nt IiRyerson L."lh. 0," 1 �20 F:. 5-1: h f.t, in�,In life'R lyric hav� tlleir 1.1:1('(',- ..... -----LEAGUE MEMBERS WILLHOLD MEMBmtSmp TEAFOR THE NEW WOMEN�r('mh('rl'! of the Y. W. C. L. willhoI,) a m('ml'("t�hip tca from 2 t.o 4:today in the L(,:l;:.!lIc room. New wo0 MR. \\"1\1. HODGE 1DTl l.E ROAD TO HAPPINBSS"(;"II'JIIII' :-;II"I't':-;�or to "TilE MAXIl;O�1 II(I�I E:' --'nter Oceaa.OLYMPICTilE (;I:EAT I'LAY OF NOW r."A MOD r. R N G I B L"ILASALLET,lllEj0-Fillccl Song-ComedyWi:'h D.1.ve Lew ,,�,J