Arbitrator Williama 01 Mine Work­ers Says Labor Is Working aloogSame LiDes as Church for Bet- Coach MouItoD aDd Memb.t ofteriD& Mankind. T ....... will Speak .t Today',--- Ma..", the preaent day church Cd -make itaelf the ,reatest beD.efactor to - Next week the anD.ual sublCription -EXAMINER CENSURES SEVERELY mankind wu the statement of .Mr. J. ASlEMBLE IN lENT AT 11:15 eampILign for the United Charitiea �� SHOW �lo.NS� CAUBlE- begin. The campaigD. wu omitted laat _K. Will.iamaJ official arbitrator of the .Coach )(oulton will diseusa tile year because of a combiution of cir· Chicago deeiaively defeated til"U�ted Mine Workers, to aD. audience chances for a double vletory in de· cumstancea, but - in years' previous to �urple basketball team yesterday asof 200 in Harper yesterday. .Mr. Wi} bating, and the six Varsity debater. Oil that it was a regular affair. The ex- �vanl:!ton by a 28-10 score, l'Ut doorliama said the church kindled the the two will give their opiniQIl» ecutive committee of the United Char· work by Coach Page's chumpioullhipvision, awakened the eonseienee and of (;'hic�o'. eh&Jlces, at the debaUn, ities has announced that it will en- aspirants wall respousible fur th8inflamed the enthusiaam of the people. ma .. meetinc at 10:15 today in Kent. I#,)urage the campaign as a regular d· downfall of Northwestern, wbose muchhIll the past the church has juBti· 'l'he parade for the ··pep" sesl:!ion WIll for the University. In previous touted strength failed tu materialize,German department, especially advo- .fled the employe� for all of hia exae- start in front of Cobb, with the drum, ,. ... rs students annually raised from Before the opening whistle the teamscatcs it as showing up the selflsbuess hi - d be! deei f t h d ed d lla ' t d I b t f h •tions and consoled the worker for 1» just .. It oes ore eersive 00- three to five un r, �.�. were ra e even y, u rom t u atar.and ignorance of the present genera- woes," said Mr. Williams, ·'Thoae ideas ball eames. Rudy M.atthew. w111 Ieuu AIm to Baise $500. the Chicago quintet completely out-nOM.have passed, D.ever to be recalled. AU the orowd ill Kent, in a program of The aim of the present campaign h· classed their opponent •.·'1 don't believe there is any truth in of the different creeds of today are songs aD.eI cheen. *9 raise five .hundred .�ollars from the �he Varsity displayed all the speedour lives," he said, "that cannot be bent on showing that the hearts of all With predictiona of Victory, Coach ftlmpus. Students, faculty, and those and aggressiveness credited tu th,em.dealt with straight from the shoulderm�n are cooel and that all should be Moulton and the VarsIty debaters 01 epnnected wrth the business depart· early in the season. The team al:! 'aif tile occasion seems to demand it, both teams said yesterday. that the} lQent will be. approached, but the whole worked smoothly and tho ind!treated fairly."and if the people concerned are sill' Workers Get BalaDce of JIfOwer. were all ready for both Michigan and neighborh(1)d will not be canva8seel vidual work wall up tu standard, CQaehcere. 0 f th t· rt NorthweStern. The men on both teams this ye,ar. Groups of ten under, a .sub- Page started the eombinafiou that hasne 0 e mos rmpo aut "In the past the employe" were in• th . thO Id ] th t G d . .:1 in are confident of winning. ehairman, will, act 8S cafnvaasing te�ms been 'V:'orking together for the s In IS wor la a 0 sam, control of the labor of the world; ...l'enoDJle1 of � The traditional obart will be hung week with Goettler and Stegeman athLet the earth bring forth living er'ea- ithe future the workers shall become IU· . . ':Amold Baar, BenjaPlin Bills am] in Cobb flO .how th�.,-pJ'ogresa of· the .the forwards, Des Jardien at center,tures after their kind." This truth preme. Labor advances all of the time, , . -_y .... ,Harry Botenberl will make up the tampa1rn. Orville. �er of �he . .w.. and Molander and Baumgartner in thewith the stamp of Godhead upon it, has although its demand. are met slowly. afJirmativ. team to debate against C. A.- will make houdy corrections to guard positions.80metimes been made of small avail L' I d ot recognize unions be· I.I:.Imp oyers 0 n. Michigan at Mandel, and Ralph Swan· the chart P.oS die mq!J,ey comes in. Pub Chicago took the lead in the finti:through selfishness and ignorance. lIr. eause they are in favor of them� butson, Leon Powen, and Willard Atkins. ,lictty will als� obtain t�rough the three minutes of play on ringers byLovett shows up this ae1fishness and because they are compelled to. �'ho will have the _egative against North- media of blackbOarda English themes, Goettler, Stege_Bn, and Molanderignorance in simple, utterly sincere, passing of the power from the em- westena at Evanston. chapel, and t8�:.- � pu�lic _ apealdng The c\-ose guarding of every man ODdrastic terma. I aay, "Success to him!" ployers to the workers is �oing on be- The annual triangular. debate io. �la�es. The ��;-ra.tive . c�,art8 .u� ,the te�_ in the first. pe�iod was 80 "e.fIt·, a big play, 'The Cowards,' and if .f�� �� e1��D.�}!,!e.: __ .:-- ��:e $ _. �. �� .. ia.�c&iA;!"=���-=,-dIo_.:-.ujHt:icl·teCti.e;;·tial"' Dot ·a�·�iiigte field It,- '-'- _-- �- it doesn"'i- io -h';rd;ih�i is b�cause �� UIllou An IDilmtaWe: ·lleptln· t __ :-will -oppose the Chiea .Charities may- be ·0it&1.� for a:- on was chalked. up for the PurpI.8. Twoare small people and because we are "Trade unions are iaeritable and in· go aftlrmative - team in Kandel; th" the c�pus d��ng t� eam,paigu. • free tlRows by H. Whittle w'u thedispensable. They are the bMt 8Choola Chie&ftO ugativ. will argue agains� .A. list of th08e:�ho are�to eqaae �n total seore, while Chicago marked upof ethic. that we have. The peat � North"estern aflirmatives at E\" the active wor� o� lh" oaapaIaD. W1�1 fourteeD points.featuree. of the PreM1lt movement an autOA; qd the· Kiehigan a1tinnativE", be announeec1l. �.. ' orro"s MAROO • JliDrth1Nlltem Braces.Profeuor .Manly, although admiring Is .. ..:;Jthe trameranee of power from the wiD debate· the Northwestern neg?- O&mpaip -� - The Purple braced iD. the IIeCODd DArthe constructioD of' the play, doubt. 1 r-employer to the worker; the adaption tive. at AnD �r.· That the campal'ga ia timely m,ay be ioel and. baskets by H. and G. Whittl.i,hat it will ever be popular.- He exof the. "get aU you can aDd give aa .0000wenem I'oalb1e Dark Bone.' seen from ... balleti. 'reee_t»y pub- at the opening of the half, gave thempressed his opinion as followa:_little as pOssible" idea by the working. The Northwestern' teams' have not liahe(] by the Unit" Charitiea: the jump.,. The �lly la8t� but a few··Any�ne who attended lIr. Lovett'sman a� a IHllOn to the employer. heeD. ,h'en much publicity and COn8l" "The demand this year is UDUlual, second., and Chicago 800n began with the expectation of seeing "Let 118 stand unafraid. When we I' �.hOOI t· at ",ill, N0ll'.r��,. Sh�ll, Stevenfc.tined 0_ .,.... U (COlltlnued OIl ,... "something sensational must have been have changed our Id .. aDd adopted _. . "son and George were ejected ipto th.greatly disappointed. It is a simple the new plana evel')"oDe will become a = fray" iDd' kept �p the �o�i� rate.and Btrong presentation of a sinous part of the univene aDd DOt merely aM. The final seore, 28-10 repr«!��ts thesubject. Perhaps ita most atriking maa of protoplaallRlrroalldeCl byakiD The Sunday Afternoon eetl0g comparative worth of the teama.feature is ita delicately controlled to be abued ...... .; �ble. Our Stegeman, playing hi. firat Confer-. - r--- With creat 1501emity and calmness,strength. Mr. Lovett haa resisted tho Iivea will be e-l-� ... 01188 birth ed_..- on,. hundred students, who representtemptation to overemphasis, as he has I·n&<-' ... 1e -o-'d m be .. �-"':a to " h' hIN - "1'1 v_.,a___ the University of C lCagO at t e sev·. that t.o llentimentality. In structure paradi-.. It wiD be •• � depart. slightly from recent mode18 _nee. CaD the e'ure. ri8e to the oe·for the sake of pre8eDting more of the euion a_d pro", ibelf ... peateetatol7 and giving greater scope for the benetaetor of Ule world. If _, it willdevelopment of tile elLan.cter of tile Ja&".,.,..... peat ........ "eeD.tral flgure, thaD is DOW customary. � WID .. ftIR.;".The contemporary play fa Btructllrally na. Jlathwa PI at tM .....i_deed "a narrow cell" aDd permita illC. It .. dIat t.. artie1eaittle breadth of actioD or development. will be pabHlhllla werW.Mr. Lovett's play will hardly be pop- � .. wu... C.lllar, but it afforda dear evidence that oawua IW ... ft!»AY"hen Jae pta_ a theme lor which thepublic euea, he will write a play for'I ,,"ieh tit. public will eare great1,.."Ja Po1Nlfa1 !'laT.Dean Linn emphasized the f'aet thatthe play ""aa a live one, full of inter·eat. and lJinccrity. He said:·'Mr. Lovett"a play has the grf'atquality of i ntcre�t. The idea8 are real·and the dialogue vigorou8. I think theandienee was for 80me time doubtfulof the mood of the plRY and occasional·Iy pnuled by what 8eemed incon8i!irt�ney in both the heroine and Ruthvon MftYf'r, the musie teaeher; 1- . think aIM that the burle1KJUing of tbnJ ... -,••• .. ... ". -.. arnett-' I' /IVol SIL, No. 65FACULTY HAVE PRAISHFOR DR. LOVEll'S PLAY UNIONS HELP CHURCH WDl DISCUSS CHANCES WILL HOlD CAMPAICN EASY VIaORy. OPENSOF DEBATING VIt10IY Studeota Will Organize in TeamsTo Raise Money for UaitedCbuities-Cam..... was For- Cbicap Outplays And OYer-merly Annual ALir . whelma Nodhweatemby 28-10 Score- " �Profeuor AIleD Say. It .. a BiaPlay ADd DeservesGreat Succeu-.Nothing but praise was given byfaculty members approached yesterdayfor Dean Lovett's new play, ·'TheCowards," which was presented for the. Ar.t tiwe 'ru�sday night at the F'iueArts theater. Professor Allen, of theDOt ready for Lovett'. meaaage."If� Dcnabtll Popaluit7.wm ..... _-..; I •• '" at14M'... '.'II�IJ �,, __ ._-.rr ...... . enth quadrennial ::;tudent Volunteereonvention, faced the vital facts of tbepreaent age. These new facta regard·ial the needs and opportunity of ·the'.,...oJe world should DOt be the mon­opoly of a few. At the next �undayArternooll meeti ng, the Kansu Cityd� .. tes will focu. all the entbusiasmia "olle big echo."The expaDsion of ChristiaDitytbrou,hout the world is IlOW the motlt.rpD.t project appealiDg to the ed,,­cated lIlind. By both direct alld ill·c1� _e.ort thi. npremely import· encc game, fully lived up to expectations. His speed enaDled bim to plaTaround his guard and his eye for thebasket was responsible for a largepart of the seore. Des Jardien pla.rt"dhia opponent to � standstill, anowinchim only one basket. Goettler withhis ,,-eight and aggressivenesa filled iawell. Molander and Raumg&rtDerBIIlotbered their forwards, and �ftyin particular broke Dp the oppoai .. ,team work.Northweat�rn displayed speed all.laggreaiveDea8 but were unable to play:IS a· machine. Coach Grady's _hemeof white cape to .. ake h. lIlell coa·spicuons was not eteetive.· Th. Whit·tle brothen seOI'M all the points forallt hetor ill human progress is setforward. TIle mi88�Dary propagandais .ot IIl1lited to thoae who have a�·eepted their respGnlibilit,. .Her the their team.Senion wiD d.w. ..,... e'" alftat the laaeheo. toc1ay at 1 ia Butell·iD80D cafe. TIlree till.. .... eo.·templatec1 for cltt. ._ • bUlot willbe takeD tKMJay to deeic1e tile choiee.Miriam WhaU., eJaai� of t'e eommittee will Abalt til ... _ap,one of ",·hich is to be e..... u t" 1'he aeore:Cbicago, 28. Northweatern, 16.Goettler, Norgren ..•. R. F •. D. Whittl.Stegeman, StevenBOn. L. F. . ..... Elli.De8 .Jardien, Shun.... C. .. G. WhittleRaumprtDer R. G. .. Aldrichpeat eommi88ion of the Savior, .leaus.l>ip�maey, commoree, en,tneeri .. , law,medleille, are .. ald. tre·.elldadou8 contribution. in ae greatJlltflJertaklq, Every e.o1lege .tudent.. Geld be iDte.,.,stec1 i. mimoll" Vei,llMolander, George .... L. 0... .. Sharpe,Parkacia .. IODC.Oar Univenity Jau alwa,.. _1Itood fort11l6. Students uoulc! _ IIOt � . �id Ballkets: St�geman, 3; Des .JardieD,.�; Norgren, 2; Baumgartner, Molander,GOt'ttl�r� �; H. Whittle, O. Whittle.Aaoeiate Profeaor Frederiek- Stanwill be tJae priaeipai�. m .... b­jed will probab� be 0_' rewatl., •hi. reeent tftyel ill: Rona. of fad.. The echo .eetllll ._.,. not... tion, but 80lid -.# ���iacto tlis btg.c01Ultraetlv:e problea �icllthe dud eDt body o.f a. U1liftnltyMould be inte1'e1'ted iL�Yabe.part of the minister was moat unfor�Chainaall Karra,. h .. aAouaeec1 atnnate, and quite cODtrary to Mr.I.ovett'8 intention. Finally, I believe ... oker at 3:30 Den Saad.,. at t ••Delta Kappa EpeiloJl .oue, I'TH Free thro .. : Whittle, 4; Molaud.,r,(Co.tinued OD .,... 4.) Woodlaw. ana ..... ._:T_4h_"·._e _D_a_i_l_J_M_.a_r_.. o_._� I ;-. =:-- :i5;Ueba--' .•Publlah� moraine.. except B1lDda� andlIoal1&7. durlDe the AutluaD. WlDter aadatprln. quarter.. b)' 'l'he DaU)' Marooa.Laa.G. W. CotUDgbawu, S. Uorp,B. P.· lla2ilW. H. LJ'maD 1'4 eWIl EdJtorAthletlo EdItorBua.laen llaDq�rClrclllaUoD lIa ... cerJ::lltered aa lIecull<1-clau mall at lh.Chkaaru Postomce, Chicago. 111., lIarch 1¥.1911b. undee Act of llarch 3, 1803.ZSl:lllSCIUI"TIO!li IL�T.t:2S.iJ)' carru�r: $::.;'u a year; $1.1111 II. quarter,iJ)' w"ll: $3.011 a )ear; $1.::r, a Quarter.J:;<.1llor1a.1-J.ju"III�1I1i Ufllct!. BIU. ::C.'.r'·'t'pholle ,)111.1\\:.1.), ouu. After 111 p 01.H7111i1 ,i.' folill.KarlJon Prclis. t,:ill Cottall:o Gro\'e �\'cuuc. _.._1 .. , _.-. -·.1VJJAl..Senior class iunc:heon-l, llutchi�!.Equal �U1lr,tge League _. =>:Jl', Lex- Tilt- �t'lliuns were no match fur tlwirrugtun hu:ll. J f:I=-· F'rvshmun Ul'l'OIll'ut� und we re tho.l'rench Club-.j, HovlU S, Lexiugt ou t't'ut·_.d to tlao tune of a :!5 tu 14 scoreh::.ll. I �'l'sttonlu�' uf'teruoun. At 110 t ime duroGrnd1l3te Women'::; C.i.ub--i::;u, lluuw �t.: the �llru� were the forth yt-:l�: n,t'!.� ti:III::tOrtJu�. "1' tu the Iast Iive uri nutvs]. :Iby the Seniors only scored t h ret imr-s but when Hudy �lnttlll'ws wentl,i Lt.'.!\illgtou h:tll.Philosophic and Journal Club,-I :Jv,e losely fought contest and u nt i l. t1,,'j"=-ydwlugy .Bldg.Graduate History club-': 1.i, lli tt'il' �r.l he preceded . to t'ta .. :" •. �IIIl}lOh i II�.)!It of five difficult ehances t hu ttl.,eue k ludLJiorary.Sophomore Social Committee-III: 1:1, c.·Ptot,rlcndt>r IJ:\d ut thl' �(lal f'ou r dm,.·plod through tbt.' netijfbitDrial I CoLb lOB.Tuesday saw the 'Interfraternity Universalist CiuD-S;council dealing' with the rushing prob- it.)' house,dotng some work on theb .1' - ',first pcrlod was hulf ovvr till'. h-an,�problem. The report was inc'om_plete,: arid evonu anv expertenee t lre 80:' -. '... .•.• were on even terms, From t he n 0 .•and the matter was again refe. rred to crety bas ever had. Tht.' Increase i:; ... . .. howev er the Frvshmcn, l}l'g.�<l1I to· p.d! .·rutunlt,. " .. ,,,,Irythe committee, the personnel of that from :!8 to 40 per cent in various 'de-. .. ahead aud in spite (If III:UI�' .sllh�ti:.bodv bein. g somewhat altered to' ft'.' pnrtmenrs of our work. This requires . . . '. .J •• . >' . tutjons. Ly Ul(, Seni(lr:�,. till' fir�t y�;'i-. ·Th.,t cOIllInittee now faces nn' increase in RtOlicf Dishurs('ments:vacanCIes. ." . . - m�n c«?uld not bc.' sttlJlP�'cl. 'fhe fi'tstsqu.�,rel .... ·.th· e'... grea.t r��ibllity of..We ha\,�e not ·iilcre. �s(:d thl' nllmLcr'"of ." ...........'.. ....., half _entlcd. in their favor., 9 tu -t.d . om�t' hi�g- "�o�th 'whlie and Per.; .. our· employees;' but -' Wt.' hnve worJ{t'domg s . .... .... . :Tb.� Seni«?rs. ea� .. '. back . d.t,�t>rmirit'cl ,;'manent to·.settle the rushiJig probleni .t.hem .·al.most.. to 'th_e �,brcakillg point itr t.o e.\"�'n up. t. be seore. put_ti.. n� . in itl·. .. .;. order to meet tilt.'· situatioll. Tht>r(' -at Chicago. No m�re �onsultat1o�.of & .n}ost an. �ntire. new t('�._ T.. h�.' "'rl'�h-. . has'; been an,. increase in contributions·t'ew students,. inte�ewing a dean or . . . - . men, however, contillued t,o incrl'Us�\\:�thin the last' six' w(,eks, hut fuNy '" .two, writing to Co�ell for a copy C!·.r. . •. . tbt.'ir _lead .. u�tii �(utth�.'ws - w(';.t in;.. . Q150.000 more is' needed in ord(,r tothe rushing rules and then tak1ng ,;a.!l •.. '•. .Ken. dall _und Kessle. �· for tIll)':meet the situation in full:at'tcrnoon oil' to tum 9ut a syste�. �. ," yearlings, and Matthews, iillrray and,. The increased d.eniand for as�istallcosuffice. The comlnittee should g�t de:, i� sho"'n·. b.}� tl�c following figun-s:' Harris· plilyed tile bt'st game for til,'tailed and. exhaustive statements or I .... . Seniors.,Ielp giveu families '_'not known befon'the views' of: everyone interested. stu:. oece;nii�r,,-:· 1912-- •. :� ...•... _ •.•.• ' ;;9 X�� lineup: ..dents and fac:ulty� :compare: th� <P��:-' })��eri\Ber/ J�}r3,' (15 :;day�) • _ .•• _ .14 ih !!5.�ent the remU.ts to---:tho� who, hate ox: Applications' to . 'tii� d('partm(,lIt furPressed· oPini�ns, study· other rtishbJ.g-,' :h'o�eleSs '�eni '.systems against the background �f th� �b���b��, -ifii2 .-.•. ·;· 113 Ma.-um '; .. :R. F .. Dickersoll, W:lt('r-college C:0xF�nity. in �� '�ey;� ���.����r!: 19;I.S���p5:�ays) ••..• _. _��o hou�':'discover ut.Ma�,msa;·lQ'Stema� co� .� '--'-''', . '.�. �1r •• � � .4."� -__ Nicbols. Jack�on-' C.' .Harri8, Wmi.nm�=-- -� '.. ",.". ,., .,.�- ... "''r��OFfiCGN SLIDES !.;' .••. ,' ·L.'.. 'sehe ... n"eJ:t8';� "' .. :_·HargAr···'!unnly into +'hA local' situation' and �'+'h.�c-; _'\.:-�:I'::;--· .. --.--:--·,r ........ l_'" . � . ,�" . ....,.. •• ,� •, .,-r: .• :.. ..... _ .... :.' t ��: .'··�::t.:ro·��� SCOUT WoRK KendalL .. '... ::.R ..• G_';l· .. Pierce-".R�'hmslowly, ca11t;i0usly, but earnestly,l bUild ',���;.' .. "� .. � .' Baskets: . Waterhouse, . Harris, .)lat-up 'a thorough SYSteln fe;!:'Cbieago: '1'h&' .�.���.; 1?�v���t of Movement,...;.." . , .� .... '." .. ',' 'Give I-"'_ ti �..;. 'Ir_ "'-'_ '. r thews, 4; llehm, ·Kesler., 3;: Bla(!khur'n;system need not bt!.comPlex·;·ir .ine-orr .... :: .... '.', �.��.. c.. �n.� _".,t-AJW&g to .'f Sc: �id�ols, 2;. Alberts, 'Kendall •. 3_W'O funda]J1�ntai. niles' � . d�� iaiicij;� '.�':_ ::: �. �: �: :: o�� Class. . .Free tbrOlVs: Nichols :1.;them, and' be SUre ··'that· ih�: '�tenf! :�. 'F-O�S'�ere'oPticon pichir('s were t�setl Referee: Niehols.. . .' f . • AR ROWis framed strong enough and carefully to show the work nnt') dt'velopment of In a hotly contested game tbe L;·\\' -.�: .enough to insure 3:deq.u3te enforcement. fae ·Boy Scout movement yestcrdai n� scb�ol came out .v�t�o�. o.��.r._the SOph- .....The �roblem of enf9rcement is :In,' tht.' Bo�· Scout rnn�ter eourse. llr.· L .. �m�re8 by' a 25 to IS ;ec;re. Botb it!aml'4 S H I RTSother element:' but 'it' Will not be au . ..., .. . •L .. .McDonald �nd Major l���K.�lv�� gn\:� p��y'ed f.ast but, the Lawyers showt.,l .,. _insuperable difficulti� 'or (":'en a knotty··.. .�:Jstruction in knot thing, nnd reviewed �ore experience �nd were not to heprGblem, if the System which is to be ..the wigwag signaling tilllght last we('k. stopp�. Catron played a stnr gameLine formations a.Dd (Irill was giwn. for' the" winners, making five bnsk.l.t::.Scout oaUls "ill lw the subject of I Plume was the leadi�g 1;lrlYt'r' on tht'RushingQuestion lem. A report was pre­sented by the commit­. tee' which has been'�orccd is founded on' common sense.· and is the best for all concerned. IndOing hie;, the committee is underiaktng. ' ODe Of the greatest tasks which Can be· put upon students in the course o� theircollege life. Whatever they do (ev�n. it" 'they do nothing) will have a pro�•Sound effect on fraternity life at..cJrl­eago. ,Negligence-failure to do any­'tli�g-Wm have the greatest effect.AIld' 'oii the other hand, . approval of· tJi�· pt.esent ,system. if carefu� un­prejUdiced. �nd conscicncious. stu�yshows that it is the best we could worth ? great deal. Fraterni­ties could continue as they. are. fcc'.inr.:. sure that they are in the ·righ�.But whatever the result may be Itshonld be founded on an abunda�ce ofstudy, hard work, and effort. There ltyder div.n- .Tllt.' freshmen .. team played '��'l:n IH'tthe sophomores and their gam e ' ugu iustt he ophomores and t he ir �u:l.!dl' �hu\\t·.iII:l:,kl't �Ia.ootillg abHit�·. '1;11t> .. ganu-tarhOt1 uff. as if. it were going. to 1":0 ::, •.WILL HOLD CAMPAIGN[Cont.inued from page 1., Beady made Out door Gear for WinterUlsters, FUr and fur lined OvercoatsHeavy Homespun Nor folks and KnickersJackets of Fur-LEather-or MackinawWool La1stc:oats; Jrlutrlel'3; Caps; Stockings; Half-hoseKnitted G�!tc!'S and fing zr.e.c Glov�s cr Shetland or Angora Wool'Boots and Lcg-gillgS.-- .......------_..--...... ..,,..._-----, . �-� liit! W-a=·£IUbOIlUd StatloDer,.l'r�ddIDg IDYlttiOD'Ca1�DR' Card.BROCHONENGRA"ING CCf"'PANYH. G. TUR:"'EH GIS lIallen iI.UdIDC·I:nndulpb lUllToday!. Mossier Co.Group of &'o-::+q Tying Knots. President1;.19 Jeckloa U'"-E ...Continues Todll7"Twice Yearly·' we clear our entireelson's stocle. This sale is the muchI alleed about event by men who Itnow.: Hundreds 01 late anivals in Suits, and Overcoats included this weelt.School and BusineSs Suits�25% OffREGULAR PRICESSlS suits. nQw $18.75: $30 suits nowS22.50: $35 suits, now $26.25 ands:> on to our highest qualiti�s.Clu·:tt. P"·.>ooy & Co •• Inc. MakersEveniDg Dress ClothesAND OVERCOATSAt 25% Oft Repiu PricesCome this weele! You can't .. 'afford to missthis!MOSSLER CO.19 Jackson Blvd.-EastIetwft. State'" W .... ·:is no pressure of haste; everyone iswfm:1!; to give tl!e committee aU the next week's clal��. Thc moral nnd social, second year team and Sparks nlsotime it needs. The Honor commission �tanding of the mo\,('mc'nt will be ('x·! phlyt'd a fast game \\'h('n hc walll pnt in.I!�.s worked tw,., years to get what it "Iained nnd the or�ani7.ntion of (,X, I" 'rht.' score:.has acquired �o far; the Point system hihits nnrl 14()f'�ial t'nh·rtninm.-nts, will 1..:1\\" �;t. Sophomflrt'�� ')l'\· .\ •. G •. Spaldl.� a Bros. .• pe.dwho C tlm"�ncb nf dnnan I ••• k1 •• J •• ' o.�took over a year in the making; and h(' ('o\"('r(,fl. All l·ni\· .. r�ity men ntron 1 1-' •........... Plu!1�" Impl •••• ' _. nr a sl.�le , So.e.we cannot expect the members of the nre intert'!'t .. d in tilt' hoy training 1J:!'''Co (j()ldbcrg I. HU�l"('ll, �(lnrk� tim'!. a bat - a racket - or a ,airInterfraternity ('.onncil committee to bc('n urged to ntt('nci tilt' �f'outmn�tN Horwih C �'H·onnt'llrevamp the fraternity system at Chi. traininl: dn�!les 1)(,f'al�c of tbe- num- Strikcr •.......... R. (i •••••• _ Wt·inmancago in a fortnight. The only impa- bt'r of demands tllnt art' ,laily ('oming H:uinit.lwr, ""rank· L. G ; .. : Cule.tieuce that will be manifested Will l)e into thf' Y. �r. C. A. office for l'Icont· BRsk('tl'l: Catron, ;j; Goldherg,:;·; III�r·. With wasted time, delay, tndi1ference. �.U\gtt'rs and boy workcrl'l. \\,ltZ, 2; Strikcr� ""rank, Plum�, '"Probably tbe committee realizes aU Sparh, 2; RURs('ll, :M�ConncJl.Mrs. J�son Holds Rec.eptton�is; we hope it does. And we are. 1-'ree throw�: Plume, �; Catron.eoDftdent that some worth while result Professor Ab('1 I .. cfrnn('(', the n(OW I The FTcshmnn s('Cond tenm will roM'tWill be a�ed-we are waltlng tor Exchange prof,-s1mr, �'n8 th.- gu('st �f.' the Divinity 8C."hool today at thr('t'.It. honor at a reception gh'('n by Mrs.! ---+ _Hnrry Pratt .Tuclson YC!1ft'rclay nt �('r 'I Lo wm -- • -..:. ---..., I• Ye\\ ..... 0.. -.-.. "..-, ){,:l n S.ncl fnr Oar Catalngae-n'. Free..Mandolin Club to Meet--Th� �f:tn.' home. Wives of som(' of t�(' .trt1stf!"�: •., . � .. ,_ .I h f h 'I.' h 1 rt ('nf: Lovett "nil not meet hl� f.n�h�li '.' A. G. S ldin ... Bdolin f:lllh will mf'f't todny nt 4:�O in nnd m(' m('r� 0 t c .. renf' .' t'pn m j .. i .. ' ; pa I at ros.the Reynolds dub. a8l11isted ill the receiving linc. class today DS he IS not ID tbe c tJ.. 28 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago.The ARROW label is yourgual .mtce that the garmentis mad�. of durable, fadeless:,. fabrics, in such a thorough· .way that' we depend uponits'good qualities to sell youanother shirt with the samelabel. . $IS0 and up.CARRIE D. RAYMONDBeauty Specialist! �. ( ��st 55th·.Street.Trlf'phone B. P. lUI.'i!Jtf'n .�H'"lnlt� aa. sa.�a,. .onl.p.UI Work nonf' a' Prleell.t;\nT�ln:s 11,\ UFo . FBOM CO.DI�GSA�D ·G.:�TI.I-:MEN .ANICURI�GDo You KnowU IT'S 8P,\I,DIl'fG1:Ittit SPORTS IT'S RIGHT�lTR.-SCR1B.� FORTHE D.lULY ¥ABOONBIB DAILY M'WOO& ftIftIDAY. JAJlVdY 1& 111'.&B CJUPDijJl'''PPOB -- - ,Awud' N... at lO:30-ftfteto � aDd ftree toW ......•......................... , .aBYXOu. CLUB I'Altft iiiST. LOUISlest lIMcW by ThroIllIa .. d Fad TniIII of tMndLINOIS. CENTRALAI' Steel Daylight SpecialI.e.ves .Caicaso 10:02 a. m.; urives St. Louis (via MerchantsBridge6:02 p. m, Indestructible steel cars of handsome interior 'DishEvery comfort -and' convenience will be found on this train.Diamond Speci.'Leave Chicago 10:30 p. m.: arrive St. Louis 7:48 a. m. EIectric­li&htcd train. A convenient evening departure from Chicago.Stop. Mad. ill Botla Di .. ectioDa .t So.tIt Sid. nro •• 1aSt.tiOIl ••• 3 .. d. 53 .. d aad 63rd Str_taObservation Parlor Cars. Cafe Club Cars. SleepingCars. Free Reclining Chair Can and CoachesTick.b. F ...... Ild SI"pili. c... R ....... tloll •• t'.. CITY_TICltET OFFICE.. l. CARMICHAEL. D. P. A.76 West Adams SlCIlJllataacee.The cut follows:Pepita Reyer ••..•..•• Seima DienstagNicasio (bel' fatber) ••. Max S. SieldeM:arritos (bel' slave) Treva Eo Mathews8ebutiana (bel' aunt) •..• Evelyn Cole__ � __ -��----------------------. The Marquis (her admirer)l3idneyF.or· .all 'round wear and good service PidottPedro ••••.••..••..... .Millard Law reneeWe recommend our SPECIAL WIN-TER OFF�R---A black, blue or grayserge or· cheviot suit, with extra trou­sers of the same or stripe material$30.00that openstblDaarsofERYleE'. HEARD·Capital •.••• •..• • • • • •• • •• p,�ooo.ooSurpl1ul •• � • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.000,000.00 .llASQU'BBS W!£LL GIVB "PBI'IB""UncUncted PIo1lta •• ; •••• � 1,000,00.00 III�" __�o "'A""'uce �wv-Act PIa,. on .T&Il1IaI'J'is.I ! lIaYiear You Clotb.. Dry-Ct ••• N·_d! P ...... d .t fnq •• Dt IDI.n&1. 7 •• ,,81i 8Dd It to be • • .. aU ... , pro....... I.·I'I SI.deDt. U.-IDI ,. Do,.Uarle. I •• nClotllea la eare at .Iaaller. .... I'e,,,.aeDtaU.. ealI. ..d deUy.,. "'17 •.lot.en ....... ,d.aT._IU ..I Mia :Mary Wpocl" HiDDlan • .Mr. andMra. GOrdOIl J.' Laing, Mr.' and .Mrs.!l'revor Arnett, Mr. aad Mrs. Freder­iek W. Croll, .Mise Mary Luujae Aber­nethy, lIr. Rollo L. Lyman, Mr. BolliDID. &uabury, Mr. Arthur Bovee aDdMr. James A. Field will be ehaperon�at the Reynolds elub fancy dreaa party .Saturday eveniDc.Two loon of the elub will be ueafor dancing. The dancen ,,111 dre� ttl.eoatumMi repreeeDting h18torleal Per-'ioct. in Ameliean hiatory, repre ....... ,tiD_ of hlatorical characters, and ·At':UrN of army and DaVJ life. 8�prize. will be given, one tb the _illwith the best eostume on the floor.. 'and two to men with the belt eostuof eolonlal times and of the late1'modern periOd of Amerkan history.Three womeD will also be given prizea'for the finest costumes. The prizeswill be awarded at 10:30.In order to, enable men and women tolIee tbe baaketball game Saturday, anllto attend the danee afterward, CoachPage has set the time for the start or�he game �t 1:30, without any prelim-Iinary match. Dancers will he able toIlUPlld the .. me ill eOlltU1Dtl, and to".0 .. the .treet to the dreg party im­mediately after the close of the game. Follow the BoYIOF THE ")lAS·-' .TEa 1LEY" THATF', T SEVERY.. L 0 C 1[ .. - DID- - rou eVER BE.UtO::?"_ ,i' .ASTER·x O'b'E L OP A:.: TYe:uv:auTEa�\ .J;.."-ndak' .f ALL of. o. eo •• '." ae·� ....... of BEV·EBAL &newrtlen'70. ....... Me". '.::eo.M1l Ira , ....o 11 E .taa4ad" .ae .... i NOTICEVARsllvTAILORlin Baa' inll ......' .. " ..... ' .. ,.,'.�'-��{t-.� :THEt:���:Com ExC?hange . Nat!'onal' Bank.. .,.......OJ'J'lCJ:1UI.ER.VEST A. HAXXILL. �nt­CHARLES L. HUT<:HL�80!f. V1�PIU.CBAmolCET s. BLAIR. V1C&-p....a.eDt.D. A. .lIOULTON. Vlee_PrM".nt.B. C. 8.UlXO�S. Vice-PnaIci_LEDWARD 1'. SCHOENECK. .u.t. o..hl_.FJL\...VK W. BlUTH. SecntaQ'.3. EDWARD XAAS. Aeet. callbl�.3AXES G. WAKEFIeLD. A __ �t_.LEWIS JC. GART. A_t. Cubt_.DIRl!lCTOR&Cllnl •• " 'Wacker Clycle 111. carrllartln A R,.�n . F..4wln G. Fore .....Edward B Butler Wat..,.. s.. BlairQaarl_ H. Hulburd Edwlml A. .. eMC ....,Dpam � W. �R a..-a- a....6.. R-mFOR' lEN ONLY - .......trate4 booket cl.-• eerlb'" a D ••. treatmeDt for all.f.t7 r...- .. 184-. maklDC 9.. baacS. luta IIl.dIIl .... be ,""ter � ... wb .... r­�h....s. __ ncdpt 01 .I cn&a.CLAUDE WOLFE.JIowud �. 1IIcIL. BIX MEN DYING OlJ'rIN MUSIC OOMPE'lTllONFOB BLAOIU'JU,ABS 8HGWPreliminary preparations for the�PlDpplling of the music for the lUMk­friar .how were mlLdu Ytlllterday atter­noon In tbe Reynolds club. The lyries. wero . read and explained. to . the menwho are trying· out. The music willnot be ealled for until the latter partof February. The following men aretrying out:· I;ewia Fuiks, Mile Gibbs,Howard Adams, Mitchell Leavitt, Bli�Halling and Edward O'Connor . And take advantage of our discount saleLiberal reductions on every suit andovercoat in Our ShopDockstader & RexfordSuite 816 Republic Bldg.State and Adams St.We SeDt Our Tobacco to The Northern Troops in TheCivil War and You Know Who Won The rightSWAN'S LUNCH ROOM De Bit ollbe Season&O'I'AL·TYPEWKJTBa ceo, ..... .TlIREE �TOR B8: 1 N. La Salle 81.'l'AILOB FOB YOUllU ...Patronize tUOOD Advertisers ··Pepita" a two. act play by MissEli&abeth Wallace and Mr. S. Otis•.:skiraner, will be presented January 2:;in the Reynolds dub theater by theMaaquera. The produetion is under thedireetion of Esther Horner. SelmkDienatag as "Pepita" takes the lehuiDC part. The Btl'ey i� of a youngSpanish girl ""ho gives up a brilliant.tage eareer for her sweetheart· .. atthe moment of her greatest triumph,and theD is foreed to leave him be·eau .. of a aeries or unfortunate eir- 1342 East 55th StreetI,Iaad S1IIIday Diaaer, 20e Up IT ..... for Ladl... Fin' CIa.. Sern_Try Oar Regular Daily2 For 25.Cents.Troy's Best Product..........................JOSEPH SCHMIDTProfeaor BUcJateJd .. Ad4na Ohlb ., dlJati an prutected bl tile V. a. Stationery. and Toilet ArticlesProfessor Bliehfeld of Leland Stan· CMlb-I oir. a rewvd for FINE LINE OF CANDI ES"'Ia ..... t. Barlter 8..... .. __... Buuu. ••• C .........tile DalIla of aQona � the IWIll· U56 B. 55th 81. Chlcaao. m.TAX-GO on perfume or WUet PAP- Imponecl and DomesUc LlDe 01anti .. otJa .. tIaaD tho. lIWI1Ifaetuncl ClOA_ AND ClOAJlZ'l"l'D_... .tical tomorrow afteruOOD in Ryerson. Buy the New Perfume With the.Profe8lOr Bllehfeld i� p&saing through "Bouquet Odor" The New Florida HotelChicago OD Ida way to Europe. .... laW aD Loop � .... 5721 Cottage Orove Ave.& D AD & .. � II making 8pedal Bates to md_a.J. ea. BIft. f1 E. K.neSt ..... IIMIoor - 'I'Icket Boob fte. �Atlaletie MUO. tieket books for tlte 177 N. STATE ST. Steam beat aDd elecu1c liIbt ta aDindoor ""'D are ready aDd may be AND"aa b,. ' .... tiq tieket books � ·W.......W"Bin.fiB&.-m,.Mr. Kern.. at ,i. ollee iD Bartlet� .._ � at �_.. ........,.. ••• 11.. ncIlft, will leeture on "The New Prineeiple ill Geometry of N umbers, withsome applieatiou, Notably QuadratieForm.," at a meetiq of the :Mathema·. ��- .. :::;- .. i'A�;;JLH ... JIA V. PBADJI-:' .. FU�..J)B. LOVft"N PIAA�Now in our NEW HOJlE_Just nc ... ·�ss from Our Old Location.January Clearance SaleTHE greatest sale of all time-greatest in quantities and qual­ities and in value giving, a sale that is "head and shoulders"above any sale ever operated by an}' other store at any time.S40. $45 and $50 $27. $30 and $35 S 3 5 to $48 suits and $25. $30 and $33overcoats. most of overcoats. man y broken sizes dress sui t s are nowthem sillt lined. of them sillt lined. and dinner suits. being cleared at$25 $18 $25 $18CLASSIFIEDOVERTlSE_J�Dree leasoDS Why you sbould Eat at the len's Commons1st. Good Food Prop."I". Cooked.2.d. Cieanlinesl our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen3rd. A Miaimum Price for High Quality FoodClub Breakfasi lSe up Cafeteria at LuuchDinDer A LaCaiie MUSIC Come In�- .........E C .A.GQCI\. "'AII�" BOARD_In small private family. Ex­eellent home' cooking. Limited numbe,at table. Address 6134 Woodlawn avenue, 3rd apartment, telephone HydrPark 637.;-,e per line. No au\"ertisenJenb rt't'ei ved for leas than 25c. .All c1assi1iedadvertisements must be paid in advance. ._ . iA ••• _I h•• .-(c.;ununueci from �. 1.., �ICK'BoilBi.uo. �thut t�t.' 1'lay waa �� e«ect epiaudie;A \'. :�tt cu.�ght by the poicD&llcy of yui·"'1.1� tiituationa, but 1 wu Ilot .... pt• .doug on any curreo.t of emotioll aa 1\'. U2>', • ,fur inatance, the Arst time 1Iu-u rd Ibllon's .. Oho.t .. •• But I thoughtt�l' ·play aa a. whole �·u a p4)wf'rful1,1:1�', uud a. splendid te.tim:ony·'o the(IUalitil\1I ut mind and heart of itat "HEABLY MtURD"Wi ... BnlCe JleBuau! !!Ur.·'Boynton Praises CoutrucUoD.Till' ('onlltruction of the play "iUalso llrn��t:d by Dean. Boyntoa. "Itseemed to me," he laid, "that the pia;\\ 88 remarkable in its coutructioD.There WUII hardly a wasted word fromopening to elose, The nature of theplot has been in my e8timation rather0\'er.empha8iz�d. "Cu�\'ard8' i. limplya special application 'ot· the broadthesis, that sound livin� otten d�lIlaud.more c?urage than the '-verar. maa orfamily or eommunity call bout.'.. The plot, Which treat. of the -ioYeand fall of a-New EDglaud hi�h echoolgirl. and finally her death due to aniUegnl ol;erat�on, waa Arml,. upheld bymost of the Ioeal newspapers. Onlyin one instance was it condemDed. TheExaminer denounced its as "unflt forthe stage," and printed ita condemna.tion on the front pare �ith the ··stori ••.tlf war, murder, and other �n.ationaltuples." Yesterday's News criticizeJthe fact that the pl�y did not :confirmwith modern conventional pJ�y writinJ!but added that the play; waa OUt'worthy of 'any playwright •. Tbe Be�ord. �Herald and Tribune "ad Dc)thin& butr, 'C-�O-R--"'-.praise for the ('ntirt" play, the !:tttequoting many of Chicago'. prominentsocial "'orkers 8S advoeating 'its ub-jicity immediateiy. ;.. -, p "Delightful Comed7-Gna'FIm."--.A.m7 r..u. 1D ....iLLINOISOreate8\ Show OIl ButaaZIEGFELD FOLLIB8H0-.,.vard'_ TIi_tnA Blow at Oommerc1&lUed VIet.� .;:,..- /:�I;�pOWERSDAVID WARFIELDLOST-Delta Kappa Phi soeiety pin.Gold, oval' shaped, edged with whole WILL D�� 0BAJr� ,pearls. Please' return to .Josephine O}" D�"�"', � .. .&.ftQ. VIOl'OBYRogers 1444 E. 54th- St. Reward.tLOhtllJUet! ·trom 'pa'""" :,L08'r-F�oteric pin. Finder please re- -.1_:"_' 9_turn to .information office in Cobb. quently, little is luiowli' gf their'. '. ':�f'��ngth�. 1t i. th.ought that theyI ROOMMATE W ANTED�To' share i in�ght prove the dark hOl1Jea ot t .. "froDt ,uite, Modern, convient, '2 contest. Michigan 18 nowil to be veryblocks from University. .Priee $1.50. strong, the members of both· team.Enquire Mrs. Clark 5473 University being experienced and coddent. TheAve. 3d. ;'. liiehigan debatera were .elected ia th",.inter,sOciety debates held earlier iu In Old ... lIwdeal IIaIfdq ._..,th( 8eas�D�. aad are �lDp0ee4 of the! NICELY PUBNISflED---Ligbt, fl'om; following" men: DegatiVesj S,.lv:anjroom; 2 windows; large closet; elee- Grosner, �erner Sehrotder,: aDd SI trie light, steam heat, good opportunity Witting; amrm'-tivea: - �l )lohr, L.for two womeD students or teachers. Dnid, and Lyman Hulbert. The )iieh- FlrrwE ARTSnear Park and Midway. 1345 Ea.t igan teams have beld dai�y rebearal. :62Dd ,St., 3d Apt. ·Tele. Midway R57:\., under Coach Ray Immel, instru�r in", -:o�tory, since .January 11'Ooaela Immelbas' Mid. tbat be ia weU ._tided withW ANTED-Onr or two gir)!. to !'hn;;; . tbe. .-fl.eJlaten, and thinu' that they areJjllht·hou�ekeepinJr apartment for wfrf;. the equol, if not tbe� peen, of thoseter (,uarter. lfl'l'. E. F. Jlf"nton. i);,fl "'ho defeated both Chicago and North .• --------.-;------­n�C"h�ter.. Phonp n. r. flr�)!i.CHICAGG.All the comfcm.-When good fellows get together­IheD V dYd is supreme This su­perb leaf has hung in the warehouseover two yean-a tranendouschange-aD harsImess is nullified-. the leaf grows rich--remarkablysmooL�-and in the pipe. Ye aods Iwhat a smoke! h's too smooth 10bite-toomellow to be anything Latthe best smoke on earth. That's whyit', called V t'lvet. ODe liD ia •� At an dealers.�� .. �eu�Gc THESMOOTHESTTOBACCO��JIBS. FLORA 1lacIV0R BMI'nI­Voi�e builder .and teacher of artil'tirsinging, l[ondays and Thursday. atMrs. Knight., 5652 Maryland Avenu("Wednma,.. and Saturday. at· bomef}�!)6 Maryland Avenue. For informa·tion add rea 6.156 Maryl:lDd A venuC'rhODe. Midway 4390.FOR SALP--Standnrd Smith·Prcmit'rTYrewrit('r in exceUent condition, atvrry re ... on�ble terms. A groat bargai:for anyone dt'8iring a typewriter forprofessional u.c. II. n.Lemon, R�om IiRye1"lOtt Lab. or 1220 E. 54th St.',LOS'l'-Top of fraternity pin. Letter11\c Delta let with pearls and a dlamontl.U -I LibeTaI re,,'ard j'f' returned' to :He"FaD Two Elli. Avenue. Telephone_ H)'de I':l�'��-- 1i lUVf. , !-,-� .. _ ...... -.'.-!_ BBLP W Alft'BJ)..A Clean Co� Drama willa_'STUDEBAKER.....2'BB DOLL GJaLw(>stern last yea�.MtCll1gan WOl·*tq � p"n�.Michigan mell wiD be npported by ... WJI. HODel ...their alnmni in thi. city. Diie to the ftIII aoAD !'O JlAltPU_a�tive work of ....the KieIaiga. U.ion,. "Oe ..... _eeeaor to --THB )LUf-'large crowd h ... prolllilled to be pr.e.ent in Mandel FridaT. "'IIOM HOME." __I.ter Oeeaa.Tickets for the debate an ao'f .0.Mlein theconndorofCObb. ��can ----------------�-----------­be obtained from memben of Fellei OLVI\,4P�CbJ('ft, "ho have charge of the .. Ie of .:-: 'lltickets a nd to the publicity work.Judges Are Aml0auce4.The judges of the debate iD Kandel. will be: .Judge E. O. BroWll of Chicago; .Judge Omett of H .... ond, lDdi·ana; and Profe8tlOr J. W. aaner 91the .lTnivel'8ity of Dllnoi&The fiuhj�t for dieeaaloD fa as fol·lOW8: "Rnolved: that the state .hoald(,8tabli8h a sehedule-'of 1Ili.imam wag •. f�r onskm� labor, eoutitutionallJ�oneeded." Thil topic. Ie of. aa� ... aIinterest as it is one of tile leadin,que.tioD. eoneerninl labor toda7. t'IIE OBBA T PI1.\ �'OF NOW-.' • 0 D B· ••.. ' G I .• L",.1LASALLEWIUI Dan Lowll .�J - ..._--.-� I..-..