" ...... �I'�""":'-�'-'at'�f'�'': '. ..'. , -.. � .::. '.. ·If �=a··"r" , _':�-. _'-�. n ,I;'•_A _ _..... . - _.. '-'. ....__. ......... ..,_,,_ ... _. •• -�. IVoL XlL. No. M _.-,.�.�� :" ....� ..U.A1r�I& 0-,: 0810£00 •. -:';,. .. ..__-�- : •. _.#" � ....... -_ CIJI.P CAPTIV AlES TO.INV£Si'JQ\'rE RUSHINC' DEBATERS TO. coNriST·AUDIENCE OF S11JDENTS �� �;I T. Up FOR LASlTIME TODAYActive., Dl.cntRm. Oi: MethOd.��mitbleTo Loqk F-MWe., An ID. Chaq. OfIntO: Rush. nw.:Rale. rJCke� Hold Debate.;__ '.. . Frida,. Nicht.,.__: . BualtiA8:.:rw_ aDd·th. ·eAll1..i- buw.L .... In IL close aame the F hma ...... '1GIVES OLD1a.ENGUSH ENCORE iD, tou�a�·w.I •.. tb8.� of i.a-: � BEl'ING' TO.0II01 team f�llo\\'�. �n·.t�e �::i ��, �;-:;��euui,Oa at ih .. meetiac. of. tJl� btu· . .: F reshman team and nosed out the Juu.Madame Julia Culp captivated her fraterllit1 .0uDCU he14 'l .. ttria, . ia .M�b� ... �t tJut t \\ U \. Ilru,r tt!�:d&1> ion by a 4: t'! �8 '&eo�� ie8t�rd�,.. �hcaudi .. .Dc6 yesterday in the concert &inll the ReT_J.d&dub. Tll. reieri of tb vtUl 8�i��� � •. tauur Wilt Ulll! lhtIJ�l.; Juniors atarted the g!l.m:e with n. rush,i. Kaudel hall under the auapieea of C:OIlUlli.ttM.· .' whieILha.l. beea coUto·d8ria.,. t._. JllLt. ,:J.:au il& J&l&lu1_d. lit" u"cr�tlv ... Willi,RW!J th.. ,e_lanky· cen.t.e.. r liCon.·Dg iwu- -. (:Licu�o !\urtb\\CIItt.'rlith4i Univeraitv Orchestral auociatioll. th. _ •• '-h .. ';' 'problem: waa �ead 'aa" ... " "." aa.J'tIUl\.lYIt "au&! £lad b k t duri th fi t two minute'• .. �•. ". �,'".. L II III"V"n&l 1'r&c all e III urlni e fII ., Guettler .... , ..... n. }' .. ,' -H, Wlllitl ..The proirBUl, consilltiui of Germall� matter. rlderrM ·to ·th ... eosmittee fer �.u. '. �t .. �t�t�: dut11l&. th" hUlt fe\. of rlay.. After. this th�' Fre8h.me� ... ':,__ ,. . :::)tegemuu ,. ,L. }' Y4:},.En (\'li"h, And French folk·sonaa. w�:. . furtber .0IlaideratwJL;' tL... ... t···I··' •• I, .J • h ld d t' d the seore w,· 1 .- • -, - .LI4wll - aa... "",ay III .u.ua�6t l\l! .. "·Uhl e an soon ie ..... De� Jardiell"., .. C. , .. '... ,G, wlti.u"admirablv suited to her rich, full voice: W111 'lD...u.I&�'·oih� 881 ... '"1' tal" rivair" bitl\"�1l tl&"lI1. 'J.'.ckel ... baliketll b,,· Knipschild and"B�ck'b�ru .' . ..' .• . .. . • • Baul1!guduer .. , .. .k. O tihll.rpaud .frankly appealini puaonablity Vacanci. ,ell tb., C�U�8 Wttri tur' di .., dQba.t41 l",r.i�ai i. lilauulel �r.. }'rom th�1L tb ... lead alt�rnu.tcd be'. . . . . •41ll-� h .;..' I,' Molander ..., ... ,. ·L. G •••••.•.• .Al�rlekaD.d, with the accompanime.nta by .u -,. t • �aew ;bgdl' .• beiac.AUt folluw.: .IlUW �Ii. 1:U8 allu lDay be obtailled: i.. tween thv teams �til with auoul(;08uraad Bos. the e1fect waa irrelltible. William. bTJDaRi .bi�; 'TlluJIla.· tb�"�.�rid�·r··ht· CUbb. tiv. miuutttii t9 play the }'reshm\: ...The tint �roup-th8 three Beethoven ColeJDa.a, Bo�. ��;: Bu.cJ1 .lIai: Tb� .��. Qt' tic:k'ota &ltd &l.uvertilling dre", ah&lad.I h . b thew.- Joli� P.rle., GeoPa8 ParkiD80D, . . " '" '. "'_1 p.:,a.... �'h :Men. ' - t Ai' . I . f8OIlp,-were quiet y c armIng, uta-� B'" "'�"t··t ... '1l6ast. TL..- ...... mlR'1.t i·1 •., ia ill th� hallda Ii! the f"�ulC:ib.el:l. ., ....... ors 6 .ll:fCiWA ,W'es �rn. ter·:.. :l»L .. • ... .L ..... li· is' 0lacked the sparkle And swine nee� -.. _nA_ -.... 1&.... JliLicbip� 'al�� :lr� pla��iD'� 'tg :u. The Junion �h�n. r��ed in Lol��.:. z,rnctic.: games (,'onch .. h.g" h�1I lQt "PeY?W>4!ted to IRU8 '& tILol'Quall liIlY�� aard alld Caldwell and tied tho sc�.r.�. h' 1- h' 'L ".l' h-1'7 to rouse the audiellce. The first -r�- - • _.. �ftd: t'bo' COlltat'" ill' 1llri� ..uum.b�rll All_ .. - �, Jf_; reguuanf t 18' w.e... �-.&. allptiu.ll ot the ru.abi� aituat�D an... l.Jle·,.au.cJll"IlIl..t ,,"WOIL' J.a- uellwu& 'H_ }'iliher thcn "ent iu for th� }'reshillc. JroPl'Cd .nll;'serimmaae- uurk. .. frolD theproblem, to look intG. rUlhiAa :i.&ethodlt "Dd hia four' basketa put hitS team; 1:-........ Intatnt : ejfgr�' to baak· their abu.. .., . program •. Tile work wf tal)- tillBl ill. at oth�r--vAiv.iii;id--aiUl--ta IIUbJR.t J , , t"c' lea.! �'he� the- whis-tle blew. \� h__, ..at' T&. IL. . hg f lar J,l ! the Cornel game Saturday 'alio,Yc:d ·thata comprehewve plaa tor a .nlalai�' ft. e . egaC • • p4t. or. a. i� d .Mos�r· starred' for tho .I uu•• Dt. The quicker Kartenlelerin. how. Ilumbft. fit. Cfaiuag fgUowera prellQ'&. 1.lI.mg an., '.. . . ! a number- ·ot the men 'b�vQ not; .18tavatea 18 be adopt8ci h"- Tile anJR -- 10"'; l'n b .... k .. t shootia'"':. Klilpsehlld au ...• v.r, .t last succeeded in dispellinr'" ,. ..' ..... ...,..'tla deba •• --.... . _. '. ." recovered ftom· the l'ffectB of th� lQIlCmitt •• oa' ruILiDc. will �.et �t S Tlaur. at"- �. t�. Filiher easily carried �h�' h"nors �lt.lth. ap'lthy, and from then on, th� W"'� V· ..··· . -h.,;.-:-' . and- strenuous' Christmas· ,trip •.day iD. til. aouta reom of tb. Beyu01<l& -.,. -�" the fint year '�eJL:A. .... mMtiu& will b. buld tl' .: ·Por· the ·first . time in "Yell" _North�club. . - TIi .. liIl8UP: a western, h�s .� to�m- of, seriou» cham-Bowl1Dc �ed1lle 1(0' � 1Ium'a� 'at lO:li ill .�eDt. Th. drw.. J�ni(\rs) l� Fr:eahmen, 2� .ill 1>,- a.ll�.1 .t .t tb. f' Wh I pion.i1bip 'contender&. The' Purple cwoNo anIlO\lJlcelll •• ta. w.. � COIL· W . -.. '"" 18 � UIIQ .aM a e OOL Moser .••••. L. F .. Kllip'llChild, . ee elcerniJl& tbe bow� Idl�'" 'j'llt- I;t�� �8� �1l4. Cll�.�:l .. ad.r �atth.\, .. ,Bohuen .. ;,.R. ·F.' . Kessler, Willett· �omplished a feo.t eq:lnl� by· f • .,... bill: teaJDs, in the Conference iii, takina dM:;.::::::.�;;: � ;:;:�:;;; ... ':..;.:;r- �,.:_:-.Q.- __ �.�� ����_.!�tO:--�p: ?' .. 12:na�. �:adopte4.�.�.P"!'".,.;.�.�"· ........ ��f·t ... ' __ .... d aoap,�. ·shorwiJi'.-.:.L. U ••••• Jaeacb,. Alb.m. .8aturfty�· .Mlillleaeta':8 ·pN:..ablJt u...anee of tile touillae;; &H ·p',.�at; for .f.u. will f_tue ,til •• uicHa:.· Th" Chat)m� Loll�" .; ·h..roest team iq. the� Wat rti! beat gaaU pm.al � ... tIl_ .��...��e.t.� ".�'t:.' ClaillllCo w�o. �r. �.�Il the a�l Bal� Wella .. R. G:Blackb1U'll;KniPSC\t-'I.�· the ho�e'lloor dtiC',t�·!ts great leqtJa,---�. �'-'-- ' .. � ... " .... _ .lIiati 1ri1l. d._t.llichiP� Buket.: Moter, 2; Caldwell; Bdh.. and \tQlwork 'of ,Northwesten ·.player8� GIVJI aX PBJZIia�-;: ,�, .' �. '.. i .... ll :.Fri�1':�' Aruold BUI, ell William., -3; 'ChaPIQD, �; ;K4p1i·" .entitIeis -;tbeJllt to: aeriIru'-coMitiHatiia.� ooai� I� ... ,.� lIe.jaaia .BU'-; ••4· Harry 'R�Ulb�r-,. ehild, 3; Wheeler, 2; Winett; 2; Fisllel: ilIlrthennore NorthJtUtern· pia, .. t ..--: '-' " .. '. TIl ..... ti'Y. i4t&Dl ia ,eompoaed; u. -I; Blackburu. I strollg.'CoJ"lleb of.:.ArmQUr Sq1l&r.�,e .D_ �--_._� ..... - WiD·....... .d n! • N· h-1-' d d' _. el 'd- ated T _1.. Fond._. ---- .' . -.-, ,. �.;..... a-lpJa..&waaaoa, t..oa Po��ra, an 11':1 Referee. Scofield; UmpIre, .I: lC � au, escJS1V y , ot:I.l.e � .,.Awarda of lledt a' � '.. ' EvautoJi root� are elaisa�::. 'CoodlIaIl. . laN·Atld.., wll. will jourae,r to hv�na; .edies WbL. '-wa: a ...... t_.'1rith Northweaterll. The evening game between the IDi- ehanC8·.for: the .title .for- the .Purple. . aed' 0 �,inity and Medic achools r.esult<.>d· 11.. team' .and, Coach Page':8 takini· tbe.>.Jb, priae." tu.. for .. a .... . : TIl MC.llip. tea .. 18 compo .:'f-or woae. will be Ii� •• ·toe u. .' '.·_ l�· .:&�ie •• "· lIle. aDd haa :. an easy vi.tory for the Medics by:theen of tile' beaIt e�_ at' __ ,� p...t ft'pti'tatiO� i. eolleei�e cir�)�.. acore of 30 to l� Tla" .Medics start·! •... '. . h N h t off .troni and were neve� he3.�ed.dre .. part,. Satanta,- .�Ilt. .. � 'LiU! ·i.·k.owa of t ... ort well t'r,brollD el_tria atud1 .... Will, ._ nt &' atl'O.ac tea- ia predieh' Mayer was the- individual star d.i8plny· c:euter and forward h�ve prov� the• .• . .I 'ba ng good door wor� . and. .bility' to maiustay of the team this· eea80D, G.,iYe ... Int_ pri .. to .� ... a .' ·p',"�'.'.�i"" t .... 'a� � •• a pe _' _the bMt eo.t1llDe. all. .. '" ., �Y - - •. " .' ,( !ohtinued OD pap' �l Whittle' playing center· ia •.. bi8 lila.bneklee to the 'w:-Q. .�}_ .... .�"��. � � �, -- who playa a 'roving �e; }_Ie P1:a,-ed. .� -:11 ---' end in the football tea�. aud i. abl.eoloQial eoet .... tb ....... ,_ �-" ,,�. '. �'''' tIM to r(\\lgh it at all tIme... JI� hU a;�,-R� ��I=�a:� .;.. �.� 'F'he . Sunday Afternoon .. M:eeting . good eye for tho buket aDd b�s ptond. . - . -...... .' ··.·I�c..&_. . :he dar of hi8 team. H. Wh�ttl� il athe heM eoet iepa 1 � � "�' c � ..• �:�� "CIi,'._ j ..1��_' ft.· f:ist (o",'anl� :'. good b"lIkt't Rhooter,--01 .1·.· ..· �.. � o.peDe.! .. week ago, h Ct·eei'":.: ... �·itatiD�-=-,. � . .......... h' aDd an aeeumh' free t rower. ,ar a1.. . , '..ad; -. Itaft beea il.riiiC- npeated ee ores Aldrieh, Vehc, nnd �hnrp �n.- �n futea.�r; �. � W'CIIIIU � ...... :" t.�- � Ita_ TCi\7 IDtenatiOulI rd_ �at ...... " .., ......Il� play:ers. Aecording to �1l report.� '��. �.t.�.·.�z P,AI! .... e���.:· EftrY oa.. of··the Iaa.�- Nol1hwclltern playa a nat •• �apI'YPaP. 'II ,� . .. .red __ nla who npreeented th4!' UDi�game, depending on �rfeot tc�� �grkdaaee, CoMIa. . � : • .•. '. '. ;._..... .of d ... -- tiaere.. hu eome 1.' d.h th --- ._. t..... .._ .. __,,# • __ -to' brinn> the ball within etri.1nl , •.aye • plDe -- '"' ..... -:--f'. . .�� wi6 a: trnJa atore. of �D��a.ai.· �Satmd« 1riUa '1iO ,.' 5 aT ,1.1 ....... .�1ao ';,i."' trzeihw. to.· .... ,_ hie .... of broad, d_oera�.ih ...... ...t." '-. .IhiMIJW..'. '.. ', .'.te *!,. . i.� •1ft.,. lis .. had world prob-�.:.1.. J..., worIcI·.-dt, .... world aoeiaJRe71l0W.,kh. Pas:z:I�"'��� ....rift flM8l1ted to thea; aDCl t� ..ti. ebrb'. ai4 » It •• "' .. �. ". t.., lIa" a�.pt.ed .� bri.� � .. e let·�Rl.'" hen��lMl� tta. ltudnb �f 'th� UDivenity. �tlar MeUIou, .MI· .. · ..... t�· w" .il't dJ !fIDd i�te� 'DOt ii�itea.well. . . : te . ••• ..an. aroup, or e�e •. to th •.Th. patI'O'UIH�. ,. � �, . .....arl. ��. the Uilivenity �pa..put7 wiD be Ja .. 14;11 '!'Ii �""'tT �.� Claieago alwa�VABOOlI'. ..... ' f01' ble. thiaga .M .ow Ka ...Clliott. it· the b_ of� WDp­til. · .... 01. "Id. The 8aHa,. ·aftet'·._ ·.eltillg', .'_ere aD the n�1ISi·.... �f iUttena del..-. will a_.iteIii' .... we ._n of til.· x.... .city'.nmttn, is tire OM OPPOmad� for... "elat boay·to _ow it. baterM'. ti: .. ·foiW tJaat 'aft neoutnetia«�., ."i� • ·WOrt ....� Tiall.jtI, Propoam. Of £Daliab ADd ·French·Folk Sonp And BeethovenNUmbers Sweep Hearentwo aonga of the Sbumann group like·wile proved entrancing' fer theirbeauty, but lacked the speetacular ele·aiDIer was completely tha mistrellS ofthe Audieace.The French iJ'oup was a complett'triumph. The bright and sprightlyWeckerlin songe u.Mamau, dit;ea-moa"�ct "�M���e�t_eJl'�. . .,!,.!!e", . �����wildly euthuaiastie" app1aaae, .to "hiela'Madame Culp responded with her ell'eore, "I've Been .Koam1ng," aa oldBac;liah song. 'l'lle Hrahm8 croap Ilt·tiaa1y eloaed the excelleDt program:'"ner Schmid," with ita clancinc awiD.C�proving the feature ot the eatire .f·t.mooD,The program as civen tollows:1 a) Adelaide .•....•.... Beethov ••b) . Faithfu' Johnnite)Tbe Cotta�e Maid2 a). W�ldeage8pnch •••. Sehumau.b) Mondnaehte)' Die KartenJegerind) Lied eiues Sehmiede.e) (o'ruehlinglnachtJ a) Boil ·epail Lul1�h) Pendant Ie hal•. Tachaikowa'"e) Maman dite. mot •• Weekerlnel) MignoDetteEaeore--'Tve heeD Roaminl-oldEqliahC .a) Jleerfahrt ••••.•••••... Brall1n-b) 80llDtage) Der Behmied�) StaDach ••_' PILL IIBft'LBIIBlft OFPIOBIIDireeton for tbe enning year wll'be eleeted and the reportl of olieen•• d �ommittc�a will be livell at theaDDual meeting of tb. darceton ulthe UDiversity aettleDient .at 6:�0 to·Diebt at tbe .cttlemellt 1l0U8e, 4C);aGran avenue. MI .. Montgomery WIlllive a brief acoont of the' atudle.earried OD in the .ettlemtriat DOipbor­bood, and Mias Vittum, ot tile NortIl..:weatern settlement,· wiD alao.·.peak.Supper wiU be eerved at 6:30. A'a opepc;itunity to inspect tbe bouae WID Degiven to viBiton aDd 'aU penou i.:'teTeRed in the .ttl •••• t ".y. ....iaYiteL MEDICS AND FRESH WIN B'ASlfl BAlL: SEASON: .Doctors Give Divines A Lacing OPENS- At- EY _rONWhile Freshmaa' Squad 2 Fbi... , �. . .lows Example Of ,. Fuit Team Vanity Meet. Stro ... Northweet.By Dd��g' Junion' em Term.. 1n Fat Comer.:ence GameARE' CILUlPIO�S.8IP· FACTORS'l'ht' 1,,�· tutla,_Chicago l':ill o1't!n til.. �U1l.["'NIlC". basketball. �eltsuu· tc.xiuy ;.., )';urt4-seriously. .WblWe Brpt!:era .Star !'G. Whittle �nd IL \\,hU)o pla,.illCt=.r.ee.Although Coach Page hu n�. all'DOUIlc.ed hil lineup it is. pIc,bahl_e t'lla'be will start . �ola�d�r and BauMgart·. ....... t. tile .pardll, ncB .T&rdien. a� ce.ter, aDd .Gocttlcr ft�d. St�i",:"aa�., G�1"ga� aDd. Kixmiller will be he.,d i.rt!se� •. Inclividuany Chiea;o acemato· be ,better than their oppoDellta, butthe -eombilUltion. work of t�e �rpl.ill ",lied . upon .to off�t thi .. -PrOt""r .Jad\ WID: .... :Prof..aor Charles H. � Judd; wile janretunred trom a ·irfp ill ,tb.·nIt, will�k;'at . the' ellapel exereDM:'1OI th.enD�e of Edueirtioll at 10:15 o'eloekthis' : momhllr' 011 "The' TraW-c 4f'1YaeltcTW i. EDgIand." . Tdldlht·" wiDj ,,\::�,t'(J;Edaeati�.1ab ••r:�unn.Betle�d btUI o. "'ne ¥�a ....of 0Maaa7.'. . ....... �.w..1 va,".. -DB DAJLY, �."OO •• ,�AY •. 1AHirAB.Y 1-1, 191'_ . _. •• .- " .. ..1 •• ..,,- ,.... .'... .. _. _ /' ..• ,Tlte D ail, Mar ••••• ::- J �.::� �.�I��r=r-JUDior i:x�un Commlttee-3 :31)" Cul�mllll \\'111 lu1dr�S8 UUl J:o'relldl etuuCullb JOB. ill iu .m.e4o'Ull, tUDlUrrQW Iit,."i�vuLl. &1.\'1'!&er's HUd IleetiDC�:;$U, "'luurl, -i in Lexillitull. .1)r. Culemall 111 Ii U�Yf.memller ut the ..t't�nch' \1el'llrt"": .. �'.Ji" COlU1Ui{ tQ tll� t:lliversity !rum JuhllHupkiwl.li ••• EdJlor.&QaIe&Ia ....B .... eaa Jlalaapr Rt'yuuldtl club,"C1rcalatlo......... JlathemaUcal Olub-4" Roulll-------------------------- TOMOSBOW.EDten4 .. MCODd-c:lau mall at theCblcaco P..aoSce. CbJcaao. IlL. lIarcb 11. Ryersou, lIhY8ical Laboratory,1 .... IUlder Act of Karcb a. 1171.Senior clau luncheoD.-l" Hutehlusoa 'th\.' J:o'letilllUllU .M.\1II1CIlJ club \\ ,u ....... ::.IRJII8C&IP'rION &ATBS. .BF .caniV: 11.60 a � : U.OO a Quarter. ca.fe.. . at ;;,:;U 'J:lluraaday ill Le�lll",OU f". tvB7 111&11: '1.00 a F : I1.Z6 a QU&J'tel'._ -p_ft __ 1 S--raa� T_.. .. """e-:I:�ll, Lex- . ,E41tOl1al-B1UlDua omce. Ell1a U.' ..... UAI. UI4 • .......... elect olbcera. .All womeu lutcn:�'\: ..Te1epIaOD. lU4.ay 100. After 10 p m. Ington hall.874. Park .1 ...Q. W. CoUIIIPUIH. 8. QoquBe P .... ,W.B.L7'"h:l.!!. J::larps1chord. 'WW M.eet- Tryout 10riwI a�ctDitotial . Graduate Women's Club--l:30, Room . membership to .Harpaiehord the wu-With the show selected. the Black- 15 Lexington hall. man'g honorary music III society, willPhilosophic awl J'0umaJ. Olub,--l:3u, . be held Thursday at 3:30 in Mr. :::itcv·frain are ready to begin their annual.Psychology BId,. en's studio. Every woman who sings,course c! preparation. �.� b .Graduate Biato1'7 club.-7: 15, Hiteh- or who plnys some Instrument, UI1S eeuIn past Year&, this has coek hall Iibrary, urged to come. The Harpsichord iiimeant almost immediate , h th ",Sophomore Sodal �ommittee--lO:15, organized for the Winter \nt· e .almIelect¥n or CIlOrus, Cobb'loa of fosterin,· �ood Jiru8ic in the, Uui-selection of the cast shortq after, and UDiveraauat Oll1�" Ryd8r div. n- versity;: aeeol'dini' to' th8 .tatements ..freq�t cIrilJs. soon bec:omtng a long ity house.l'01IDd of clatq wor�outs .. c:ulm1nattngBlack-frairin the final shoy in May. 'rh1s long LARGE AUDIENCB BEABScourse of' proparation has been neces­BaI7 to produce a show that came upto staDdard. But u a donsequence; ofthe loua clrill. otlu5r legitimate �,inuireata haft been dwarfed, studiesbft beeu awaJD.1)8d. courses llunked,low sracttlll obtalD8d aDd general DavOC l�tl r Iln.:nuty �tud.:nbl .tu�&U"d \.11 ..createcJ,..:....aJl for' the two or three H�.x . .., . ..\1. �weDlt!r of' L'airu .t..K,H,t '.•Idghta of � ahOY." � ::vet--th� wwnoJJury 'uf the .llohamwecJall CUULL'diln' ta J1eI ''7- io haft a productlo!1 tnes, "t a mass meetin& �unday att�I'that ta. up �,'�, � ThO � n'¥)Q at the Central Y .... .M. C. A. 111in charce of ,Brack1'ratr dairs have t-h� .e\'c�inlt they atte�ded n meetingstttftD. w mtUpte the evUa, aDd ::ve' 'address by G�r�� �;�erY .. oud Eddy� an· relIlcUDt to bUdge from the in Or(;hest� hall... �e" Kansas CityPi Delta PIli Ban Pl.sc-Pi Delta• '.J0D6 W01Il4 rout the produetlon Phi anounee the pladginc of Beatrice1IDIDfII'CIt1II .. "cna4e'" &lid "amamer-VaD Wqner.1111." ADA ua.. IIIIIIlU" a tradition,• ItUMtaI'd, - b7 prntou �widell tIIq feel bo1ID4 to pI .....ftm PGIltloll- Sa Dot taka b7 choice.fter ban Dot ., lost their IeU8 ofproporUOD u w beUen that Black­tr1:ar lIlows lDberenUy lho1ll4 superBethe lelltllllate fDtereata of eoDepwoIk. UI4 to pracrlbe th_ arduoutub IIIIIPI7 from 10ft of work. Withtile a4� of Dldty t� the dJreetlonof 1ttI481lt daln-wltli the awakeD­Iq of • IIOdal r.pcmalbllt\7 of at1I-4eat to VId ..... \7-aboal4 come •... feeuac towud til. FrIar aboww.fte Vld� eowmaalty 81aoa14 DOtct-.t • 1&916 � tIIat wm... wtt1l ._ --YaP � ....• � ..... .., .. a ...ooation takG by the �rder, andd&h� taken that: the dr111s areDeceslli7 w haVe. a shoy that: ta up"!. � � there J}�, �aGfuu� : mt: there· DO 8OlIIJ8&? wtereb�at1Id1M ..m :dot be J1tera1l7 abaDdon­eel, aDd 78t W'Ilenb7 the order canproduce a c:zedlable aIIo ... ? DetMable .... ., lie in the Jdgh 8IaD4-�...t d...,·nded fte m.embem of theorder are apec:tecl w produce a showf:bat Iaaa tile· pzoffJll8lonal � withelaborate dedll, apJemtd daDces, and. ail ; a1iaDd.",.. -Gf .4CMt �cal num­bers. ADd ui8ie :results' are �not trom men in the profession, menwho do DOt haft w leam the· rudi­menta of a.dIDC. wIIio can devote theirUme w :perfect1Dg their parta......b1Rfrom amatamL. ..,1 B men who haveto team tile nulimfmta of &tap daDe­_ and then perfect their -.om __a'bcml &D4 bqODd tha� � wIIo8eUme 18 AJjIpwed to be devoted prlmar­fl7 to fDt8nsb other than the sho .....It ta too IIIIIch. fte VfIIJ" Btawmen\.. of wIIat, ta, a:peetecl, sho ... '_ wII7 the10llC laoan aII4 the inC8II&Dt drt.J11qare DeC I F 17. fte otlleerB of theorder an powerlea. If ther ahoaJdabaDdon tile mD4ard Bet in the pub­Be JIdDd, ad produce a rattUng good".-"I.'sho.... Jadpd b� the PJIOP8r 1QDdard, KANSAS CITY REPORTS,JlIJJ.f" Students Attend.:Mass MeetingAt Oentral Y.· JrL C. A.. andOrchestra Ball Sunu,c�mpl1ign �oDlmittee a��ounce !!n 1:.cbomeeting S�dIlY at 4 ill '.Maudel. ;.i)r.. ., IHendl'J' __ � :._.;i L:. ilutler will i speakupon _ the impreasiona of ...,the ebn�eD"-... - ""r'ti�ll.l :and � ���T�r 19 ill8p�e theL'" ni venity stllden�. With the spirit· ofthe Kansas City conv:enti_QIl.,Dr. George Eddy, secretary of !theY. lrL' C.' A., for ASia spok.e· before2S99 in Orebestf1l hell Suuday night,on "China's Awakening.",.- .'."China's intelleetual awakening isgreater than the EUl'Qpean renaissaneefive centu�es agot he� -,i�. � Heathentemples are being desertd and newsehools are being founded on a sealeten times larger than the time ofthe awakening Europe. Industriallyand eeonomieaily China's awakenin� isequally great."'There is a call in the Koham·medan co�ntries" for journalisties andmec1ieal missionaries "said Dr. Zwemerin 11,. appeal to the aodienee. ilDi.ugthe audi�orum of the Y. �. C., A.,"Women eannot help at prt-sent,_ be·eaU8e of pologamy and the yeiL"At 5:30 the University delegati.oDhad tn togetller, when ft�rt8 of thenb-eommittees were read. Vore tha1la hundred were preeent. ,metropolitan ._.. BxceIl8Dce of plot.JDterpretaUoD, � caD well be cle-_manded; bat tile aceueaee IIa01Il4 beaeconUq w .... daDdard of WIia'caD be apectecl in nIUOn 0(' eoueee_dentl. fte llld'fttBlty eolllDl1Ul1tyaIlould be IUIe, aDA 'l'8Iaoft Uae aor-moaa pnIIIfUe of ita bIIPOIIiblo -­pect&t(0Da tiOm·. JD8Il who Uft theaIlo ... III daUp. We 8la01lkt eonteDt01IrIJ8(� a c:lner amawe pro-cl1lCUoD, it ta Oftlr, be 1Ia4'Uaat. haftDC .-r pleuare, we Jaa"JID\ wrecke4 tile .-cu. aa4 perIaaPSeD4ecl tile coDep e&l"MI'S, of JDUIJ' oftile JU1IdJU'I. w. IIaGUl -,-.,soD.. __ JIoIIda7 upec\ .r',---tJIAr ...... - ,To Entena1D Jhstcal ,&oc1et486-Members of Ti�er'lJ Bead and Hoi-psi.'eh��' will be entertaine<i'Sunday from4 to 6 at the home of Miriam Wha1in�.6056 Kimb�rk avenue..' PbL:u for' theSong Book will 'be -diKUSSed.JlatbemaUcal � to �The�nde!F&.d�at. mathematieal ·club '�UI.meet .I!'lidaY at 4:15', in, . .Hy.etsOn' 35.AU students intere� in mat1;1.ematics �,..- _.•......have ,bE-en iD�t� to ��te��� .,.. 1riD1� Club to JDei';:';'The Uni.verSanat elub will'holcf �ta-&at'�eeting I�t' 8 iomonow- iii the Ryii�i' :1tivinity i·h�U8C. All: Universalist' Iitu"H�ht8 ba�e. Ibeen asked' to' com'� t� .t�e' .me��g�, , _ t. ..... ..1. .;, I.• :.�.��'�� ����y­Tiler�:H�4- :will._meet t�r�w a.3 ;�O o!.#!e; �� .. !�r :�� )h�.;�tJ101dSClub. ,I ! .. BIdr�e ,:Leac&e:' wm' �'l'lle 'Equal "�uftrage ;�e will. , h�ld-j_tirst' meeting of the' qw.:rt�r· siilprsc1:lY.,:, 'PLAJf � IROLUDB 801m8or 0ftIBB 'UXIVBB8l'1D8 JOSEPH SCHMIDTIB ftEB BBW ,SOBG 'BOOB: Stationery, and Toilet ArticlesFlNE LINE Or' CANDIESThe .ong-book committee plana toinc:1ude in the new book the Alma 956 =-. >Sth 8t. N.� ..Kater and at 1eaat ODe charac:teristie Imported and D"mest1e LIDe 01lOng of each of the COnference w· ClOAU AND "'O�veraities 10 that the atudenh may J'eC. .. u •ognize them wheD auag OD the aeld orin auy gathering of atudent& Therewill be about 8eventy·ave IOIlp mo.tof which beloag to the University.The eommittee hopes to place the ma­terial iD the hancU of the priDter bythe 8m week ba Februal7. AD help­ful sugceatiou wiU be gladly reeelve<lby the· eOlllaittee tJaroacJa Loa P .Pa,... ia ..,. ef ..... t7 ... !i ....uave LU�1l invited �o come.of ita OfliC8ra.at 3:S0� ill Le::a:iDgton 14�';-,;,....-- . - }Oi-n.· Lectul'o 011 Defect1vel_Mr ..'Alexander Jobnson, direetor of the Ex­'ie�oll' ,department o�' _ t�e ��iningsehool at Vineland, New .. Jersey" gave aleeture yesterday aften:¥>on on \"Mod.ern' Practic'e in the �ueation" ''l'rain.ing �nd� Care of the F!,�ble Minded,"'��der the auspices o� the Sociology'�Iuk ,Hi .. wu the ant of a aeties' offour ,lectures, on' '<Defectives alid. De·feetiven�'" to be· given thro1Jg�outthe �u�lter. M:r.� Joh�il defined;' thepresent day deaDitio� of "feebleminded,". and gave � ,lIho� history ofthe developme1lt of the edueatio�. f)f -the meataDy defleient.Obi" Win 11014 .Joint JIeetID,g.­There will be a joint meeting of thePhiloeophical and the Journal dabstomonow' niltht at 7:30, in the Payeh­ology building. Profeaor Tufts ���Hayes and Dr. Kabel Fernald will reo""'.1"\ on· the New Haven Conference. ,. ," Keeping,' � F.ront". You fellows bow wLaltbat IDeaDIIWe· ve been v'ery "JCteIifuI':ia thisregard with Fatima � a,. the way, � ciprettes wee firStsold in the coIIeae- toWDI-aDd youngreed .with us tLat they wa'e FocLThen we put out for the Lisr race.to make F atimuof natioo-wKIe rep­utation. and today more ale IOId tbaaany 'other .cigarette in this country.No purer, or more carelu1ly cboseo'tobacco grows than that in.F atimu.We. puq)osely, put them in a plaininexpensive � this war- we' can afford qUality tobacco. andtwenty of the sDokeS for � S cents.Now your college crew is of utmostimportance to you-so is a goodcigarette. and it·s your aim in life'. to keep .F abmas in the lead--rightupto their good quality-right upto where you first found than. anaWill, alWays find them." �ess' fellows I You started this. 'Cigarette on its, iuccessful c:areer­and you pull a strong oar aU o�·"this counby.'. , lfl,'!'J!f(aGOErTES20 for 15tHEARD.', OF THE ".ASeTER KEY" THATFIT SEVERTLOCI-DID\"OU EVER BEA.a0:::' A WA8TE.CJ1!iilona,-llTlARROW%feltCOLLAR J( 0 DEL OP .&.TYPEWRlTEa,wr ... k of ALL oftil. eo.It .......Ta.�" of 8EV·EBAL tJ'pewrllen70. lIaT. ... ..eo.a. , r a & •• ..o If E .taa ......aell ••• !.oTAL"PEW_1T1ta CO.. -JI!e.58 K. ....ell m.JOSEPHA �EW expreSsion of a. conS(T_·:�tive style. YouwillI ike the satin laundryfinish cf the fabric-a de­partcr� I'!otcworthy for itsex(!cIl�nce. 2 for escCa.cKTt. l'UlIOnT & Co.. lwe.. bcw. N. T.Jl-lkrr ... 01 A •• oW" Sa..,..CARRIE D. RAYMONDBeauty Specialist1116 East 55th street.Tele,lIoa. H. P. UtL0.-. ETe.I.� 7 .........An Work Doae .t .......':"--. :: " ..SWITCHES .• ADE pao. CO .......AND GENTI,E.EN JI.&.lfIcvanre..+.+++++++++ •••••••••••••SCHWEITZERUniversity Pharma* hr:. over Ten Years.I n his new up-to-date StoreAcross the street from old location •APOTHEKERTheDE U TS CH,E R1321 East 57th Street. TeL H. P.131. 'Dr. leasoOs ��-io� s..oui.i'kt· a& the len's to __ ��. �e�-;nL�'BBi.lGIO.. - ..,1st. Good ':ood Pro.,..),.. Cooked..' - - Pr.' Q.n;M."aiG1 ... ,,0dIiUl oOmlD' A'2.d. Cieanlinesl our Motto. Inspect the KitcheD3rd. A Miaialum' Pric� 'or �b QualiV. F�au BreaIdasi tOe up Cafeteria a& IAuaebDiDDer A LaCarte MUSIC Coale ID iun wu th8 auemon of Dr. Frank W. I.' JeckNa -­-EellThat ChriatiaDity ia • Datura! relic-Gun-alua ill his BerDlon of "PenoD&lBe8PonaibilitT' ill .Mandel 1ut D.i&ht.''The religiun of Jesus," laid Dr. GUll·_ulua, "was manifested. in his Iovefur the human raee; Christianity is alove dair. The gift of Jeaua te tMwo'rld was life."Dr. �unsaulu. said that ''he rejeet.the literal interpretation of the Bible;atatementa are DiOt true beeause the,.are to be found in the Bible. He aLvised young men not to try to pro ...the divinity of Jesus by anything th.�.'I not a moral quality, for his me88aic'811'"' one of lov.,.The addreaa by, Dr. Gunsaulu8 la.tnight was the first of a series to begiven In MaBdel thia ,q�rter, underthe jcint ��s�je�,o� ,�he. Y. w. C. �and the Y. M. C. A..'. ".ST. LOUIS SALEBest Reached by Tbr�ugh and Fut Trains of tileILLINOIS CENTRALAll Steel Daylight Special Continues On"Twice Yearly" we dear our entireleason's stock. This sale is the muchtallced about event by men who how.Hundreds of late arrivals in Suitsand Overcoats included this week.Leaves Chicago 10:02 a. m.: arrives St. Louis (vi� �er�bBridge6:02 p. m, Indestructible steel cars of handsome mtenor 'DllhEvery comfort and convenience will be found on this train.Diamond SpecialLeave Chicago 10:30 i>. m.; arrive St. Louis 7:48 a. m. Elcctri�­lighted train. A convenient evening departure from Chicaao.Stop. Made i� B;'tb Qil'ecli':'D. at Soutb Sid. Thro •• 1aStatioD., 431'a, S3id aDd 631'd ·Street.8bservation Parlor Cars, Cafe Club Can. Sleepill8Cars. Free Reclining C�air. Cars and Coaches ..f'ta.,. School and' Business SUits:·25'� OffREGULAR PRICES�25 suits. DOW $18.75: $30 suits no w$22,.50; ,,35 suits. now $26.25 and� ,on to. our highest qualities •.; ....�lt. IIBNDBBSON. DB. BU'lLBBAND DB.. B'UBTOlf'TO SI'BAX, �will � polDta QaiDeclat YOIUDteelCoDveuUOD III Relation' to Uni­versi�Tickeb, Fal'e. aDd Sle��ins' Cal' Re .. "atloD. at76 West Adams 51.CITYTICDT OFFICER. J. CARMICHAEL •. D -, �. A. Dr. Hendersoa, Dean' Butler' and Dr.. Burton will speak abdut the, .re1atioL.:. ........... � .... 4 ............ �� •• 4� .... � .. __ .. 4�� .......... ' -of 'the .Kansas City .C:QIlVell�l�� 'tu th"Univei1Py comm.ullit)", .t the' Eeb(..m"ti� of' }�e, . ���ve��ion at fouru'clock. �unday _ iii .)(8,udel. bnt. 'Reh�, Ruth ,. AIle'n aud �CorueUWl Teni I, :"iDea '�ili: ���e t��i'r' r�preS8ioD8 aD<-,, tell' of. th�- ·in8pirati�O:-. they r'eceivedat - .the �on��Dtio'n.··' tir. 'A.atu ·an\oOhang ,Tali" wiU: .ipeak �o� "Miaaij)"�:! 1·: ", -hem the, Oriental .. D ... i- .... �4I. ViA1IIl: h,I . .� -,��, • KU._: �LI"� �'�bd"Buth aiai-·1riU'Il"'q. '_..Thia £eho meeting will be under;;,l" • � ... �..... _'!._",.;_ E C .".G�C8� "" .... �N- /�t .' -:.-':;. ",��_:.:A �i'F ..- �HlCA ••• '��E,eDiij�nresstloilieS: �.-'AND OVERCOATS -At 25% Oft Replar PricesCome this wee�l You can'ta ((�. r d 't 0 m iss t his!MOSSLER CO.19 Jackson Blvd.-EastBel_eo State ad W ......,he auapice ••. � .t�e c�",��n eonven·ion committee� eom_po� of, the 10-c.tel�ta 'to '�e :�oU4. 8tud�nt VOlullter' �onve�ti�... Tb�' delegates wi.have seats un the stage. .t;verybO<l).�u.been invite,c! ��,a�te�d, t.he meetiD!dS it haa. been planned for the, pur­pose uf exending the' impr�'oDS o.the KanBU city ��nvention tu th(whole Uiveisity community.Follow·j t.he BoySAnd take advantage of out discount saleLiberal reductions ,OD.,every suit and,overcoat i� Our ShopDockstader & RexfordSuite 816 Repu.bli� Bldg.State and Adams St. WILL TELL HOW TO FOBII TBOGPWILL ,BB .:.u: H��",WITH rBOFE880B ABEL, LBFBAXC A8 QUBSl. �. jl(cDowU.d Will Give Instruction..to Boy �ouun��crsM!"3 Harry Pratt Judson will be at lIr. 4 L. lIcDonald will give , .•.howe from " to 6 today to receive il. structiolls in how to form and train ahonor uf Profeilaor Abel Lefranc. 1'1'0' :Hoy &out troop, in his talk on' SeOUl.Iesaur LCfranc is :I.' profeaeur in tht. "'ork ;It 4:;W today in Cobb l:!A. HeDe Bit 01 Tbe Season I rla.,.I.. Yoar Clotll" Dq--a ... " •• d:-fttl'" at fn-q ••• t I ... nat. 7.. wiDn.. It to H 'a .... 1 •• , .ro.ta... I.-· .... "t .... L�;t •• e.&a 8,,1.. I. Donallertee ......I Clotlles .. an of 1 .. ltor� e. n.n- --the SorbODne. - H.e is an Uellal1�'-,,:,'!taUl'e_',_ .�. a.d d.II.,.." d.o7. pective �uutmaster:s, or worker •. with0: •• " a.II •••• dwaJ lUI. ltrofeaaor in tbe UIl��ena). At a re- boys have been invited to hear ;Seere.cent meeting of tbe Frelach elnb, Pro tary MeQonald.fe8sur. Lefran·: Itave the l,rineipal ad-d� ,\JuUcge de l��ee, and a directur in will t�ll the Scout oaths and will gl\'l.the .Ecole PratUiue' des Hautes Etutle.� instruction ill knot tying. AII' pro:i'6BLBo1' PUBLIO'lft' OOIDiI'HBB� IaooIe Glrla W Gift ProIld.DeDce toLeap. AcU't'lU8a M�mben of the Y. M. C. A. and, . other 8tudents interested in social work�;ll take a trip to the �toek, Yards,Saturday. A gllide will conduet the-roup through somp of the packingboul'!eft� th� University Settlement and'�her points of interest about theYard!!. The party �'i1l leave at 8 fromCnl)b.lilt EM' 67t1l atnet. -... In order to give promiDence to ae-CALLS FJtB8BMA)T DAYS tivitin of the Y. W. C. L. a new com-A �O. PBBIOD mittee was formed at a meeting of thePRO. BOIlS -ro W01LLD LeAgue yesterday, to carryon all workThe pertod of transition fro. the trom the diatribution of posters tolimited home life to the University "aging .campaign.. Agne. Sharp Wat,freC"dOm, through whieh the frnbman .:selected as geDeral ehairma'n, with,pamws was described as a entlcel poai- hlta .t'iaher, Alaqaret rOeen, Almation in his life, by tbe Rev. Mr. Gilkey, .tela aDd EleaDor Doty Ilamed on theeom.ittee.ill a talk'to Freahmen lDen.yeaterday.He ,outlined the theme of his addresaea The Rev. Mr. Gilkey will � onf,lr the quarter. 0Wi., to his en,..e- '"The BtudeD". Attitude towardmcnt at Harvard uftivenftly J""l fl'rarer" at a meeting of the League�Iathews and. Dr. Butler wiD- ..,eak at 10:15 Thuma,., in LeD�OD. Wo-, next Tuesday and tb. week .,... mea Were requated to arnve at the. � .. _.1' 10:15 u po.ibl ..".. .2 For 25 Cents. 1[tJ8IO COMPE'1'I'rIONI'OB BLAOKFBIAB SHOWOPBNB 'J.'HI8 A.I"'1'B1LNOONTroy's Best ProductThe eompetition for the musie. of"The Student Superior/' the play tobe givcn by the Blackfrian thi8 ycar,"ill begin today at 2:30�in the'Reyn­olds dub with a conference betweeneon�estant� the autho� and lIanagerHendenon. It is neeeuary that alleontestants be there beeause the playwiD � gone over thoroughly and defineite detaila and reCtoirements given.FOR O:'liI.Y - illl ....lEN tra tf·d bookf'l df'­scribing a newtreatmf'nt for all".t7 raaor b'adt-tl. mAkln� .,nf' bladf' lall'• Uledmf' and be �tf'r tlt.4 when pur·NaRCI. &-nl on rf'cdpt or .5 centLCLAUDE WOLFE.Boward 01�. IIlcb. Do Yoo Know" IF rrs SP.\LDl:SG,IN SPORTS IT'S RIGHT8eD4 tor O.r Cataloglle--It'. Free.A. G. Spalding28 S. Wabash Ave. & Brol., �hicago.THE TEA HOUSELUNCHEON 12-1 :301328 E. 57th. �ydc 'l?' . ark 2015_Uill!m:iiii;nl&I!J::lllm:bm�lll!!ml11lnnlm!l!T:1!l1iWt:i·'I.'I'I�;mi:n�'1'i:1ill!,1!lIISTETSON' UNIVERSITYDELAxn. .'I.ORII),\.'·rr ... 1.lnr(lln �n"r,· .. \. u. II IU\':t r,., I"h . .,Vnln'noll) ,,' (·1111· .. .:: ...Io'uur l·(II:"·g�,,: ""t' schoo s" I� hu".H:UfS. :IVII ra'·lId�. I:. Carnt-glt- IIIHI ...... ,III'f"! to "nler·�oaeg .. ot LI bt'ra I Arts'. , 1.&1111 .If b . to .kJ, ••-ummer weather, OUI of do r r, (·r·-, u-n all- tnter, ,.,,:; wind<- Cro·m tb" at-a. ",,<1 th ... mu�lc.r, mO('K'I1� blr.t. In lh .. orar'K' IC"'" HIIE'''­_oc, �lltoR'_' "'''ndam" �n.' to; .... ' .. n�'�n:!l!lm!iilrlIlllllllfi!!!l!Jlm!!UEDliD�:nilDltir]The Collette" ShODExhibition ' 'LEATlIER HIDES AND. 'PILLOWS'iOVELTIES IN JEWELRY ANDDANCE PROGRAMSThe Colleee .ShOD1110 Masonic Temple.•• ,.� , • <4 ••Thomas --i. Ca:ey.::.&·. SODFUBNISBINGSFor Gentlemen3PECIALIZING IK THE WANft OFTHE COLLEGE KANCoDara size IS. uP.,n W. Monroe Stntet Clncapi.i.MllllliI1,!ifflllnl:dl:!!hi�lIIeGli!�mmmlllur.:flF:tfttlDll�'DREXF.L PH !\-PM ACT)lAft McANANY. B., Ph.Comer 55tb. and l>re%e1 C!licag"relephone Midway 1411"he H� of ra,. DmZ'. q'Plnl�a� •• dToll'" Artirl-."'''r thllt Grlpp.e or ('0:.1 In lhf' hf'ad-DrexelC()fd. Grippe. an<1 Fe\'er Tab!et., :!5c-Ask for a Frei' Sampl ...�toro thltt Cough wit • bottle of of our WhitePine Honey and Eocalyp:ua. 2.'\c,Rpll"ve that Headache with • lOe: pulta� ofOres .. 1 Headache I"ow.l .. n ..lIRW • .m;n:nnll!l!jt!jijfSf.iD�!ti:;�:J:;�f::�lmt1iIWoodlawn& Savings TrustEarlk120& B. 63d Street, ChicagoTHE FActJLTY �TH3 STUD�'"TSof theUNIVElUJl'fY OF om�AOOWILL FIND IN"rBIS BANK ALL '!'HEFACILI'l'IES OF A DOWN'J'OWH BANK.SAVXNGS,ACCO��andCHECKING ACCOUNTSAre Welcome aDd Appreciated.RESOURCES $2.000, 000.��_""'I' •.. - · . JB1IJ Your Smokes andGents' Famishing. atCowhey'ss. E. Cor. 55th and Ellis Av ..THE BAlLY :MAROON, WEDNESDAY, .JABUAltY .1� 181' .AmDJellleab.shoot baskets, Uilroy played a 6:nmlat guard. For the DiviDity 1JC11OU.::;tnllilJ&1J "as the ollly lIlen \Vb\.showed good form, lDak�. all �v.t twoof his team's point». PO,"",ERSThe lineup of the Divinity_�edi\;and art" coddent of their a'biliv to In OhfQiro's Musical HolIda,. FIiIU ...better their opponent'. araa-enta.The subject i8 ··Th. JIiaia" �ace"' ftIB DOLL OIRLand owing to the peat mwtWt inthh' topie all OVM' the MlI.trT at thepresent time, the debate "ow.W It. YeTSft Rpeeial att1'UtioL FINE ARprincessAMoeiatt! Prof...,r rr ..... k StalT JIB. WJI. BODOB IDwill bc the principal �- at tlao7IIB ROAD TO BAPP�Scnior!\ elua ·luncheo. to.onow, at I"GeDuine auecessor to "THE IIA.Min ButehiDaon cafe. m. _bjeet winpl'(,bably be one retatiDe to Ill. fteeDttravel 011 Korea. Presideat Rudy;V.t.thews has Itatcd that .n SeDlors OL Vl\IlPICshould tum out beeaue _vera! im·portant questioD8 "re to be voted. apon.Miriam Whalin, chairmaa of thesong, committee will -bait threesonp, one of which i8 to be "GeeD.. the elaa IIOng. TIle loac aWaited.election of the' elaa lift will bemade. Chairman Ear! 8hilton 'u aa· LASALLEnounced that the eommittee' bu' DaT'-JaD. 14-Xorthwetlterll .t i:valUftvnJail. l;-JO\\'Zl at Chi�.J:tU. :!O-}lliui8 at l1r ....• Juu, :!4-WiaeollaiD at Cbioaae.Jall. :Ul-Purdue at Cbiuco!-'t-b. 6-Ohio State at Chilaeee b. lti�owa at Iowa Cit,-.Ft>".::!I'--Purdue at Laf.yett.r lob. :!l-Ohio State .t Coluab ..F' e b. !!4- -North�·eatern .t Claicaie1-\ob. :!;-Illinoia at Cbiaa&o.\lur. t;__ Wi&conain at Kadi80.�.1:1n. �J-Xirthw�.tena at CIai�Feb ... )·I--Purdue .t LafayetteF e L. :?8--1Ilinoi8 .t Cbi.aco�r are ] 1-�"orth\t'e8tern .t E •• nato.Mar. 21-Indoor Conferellc. at E.an-tOil.:.IJanuary Clearance Sale. ;TH.E. greatest sale of alltime -�rc��t;_?st. iI;, quantitie. s. and. qU��:ities and In value glnng, a sale t uat IS head and _shoul�.�rs, ,above any sale ever operated by any other store at any time. 811'imJJdDaJun. 23-Xorthwesteru .t Ev.nato.Feb, 14-Northwestern at Chio&&oFeb. 21�l11inois !1t t,'hicagolfnr. 7-�iseonsin at Madu.o.lfar. 20-.Conterenee at EvanlitGIlGymnasttcelfal'. 7-Wtseonsin nt l{adiaoD),[nr. 14-TIlinois at Chicago),rn�. 27·28-Conferenee .t LincolnFenc1ng, WrestUng'Yar. 27-28.-Conferenee at Lineoln$40, $45 and $;:)0 �27, $:30 and :3:;.-, �::.-,t();�!�sllits and $�;-', "$:30 and $3:;overcoats, most of overcoats, 111 a u v broken sizes dress sui t s are nowthem silk lined, of them silk lincd. and din ncr suits. bcing cleared at._-$18$25 $18 $25 MEDICS AND FRESH WIN(t:ontinued from pqe L)Fraternity ;JewelryLeather GoodsCollege :Xoveltles CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTST·:mllt1""l·,1 �tatillncry..... Id ln g' In vlt tIun sCalUng C�lrlh gam".lledi(:s, 30 �iviDity, l�.Mayer L .. F. Spaqler, FetterBothman, Blazer-B. }' •......• liit.lliJl&lIHeadlandHolderman C. • �tQ'C" eButler L. G. Solalldt, PriceGilroy R.. G ••.•.•... � . LaDeBaskets; Mayer 7, Bothm •• , Blazer,Holderman 3, Gilroy �, Fetter, StaB·i�s 4.Free throws, HoldermaDi, Stalliql !!.Referee, Holm ...BROCHONENGRAVING COMPANY ;-IC per Iiue .. No adverttsements re­"ei"cd for less 'than 25c. � classi1ledadvertisements must be paid in ad­.... allee.H. G. TURNERPresident GIG )[allers BulltllngTelephone Randolph 31&3IWOlBIA'1'E W A�TED-To sharef'ront suite, Modern, convient, .,Llocks from University. Price $1.50.Enquire }oIf-s. Clark ;')4;3 UniversityAve, 3d.For all 'round wear and good serviceWe recommend our SPECIAL WIN­TER OFFER---A black, blue or gray NICELY FURNISHED-Light, r:Oli• pEBA�EB8 -.ro OOJl'l'BB'rFOB LA.ft.BJD �DAYroom ; 2 windows; large closet; elect ric light, steam heat, good opportunity" serge or cheviot suit, with extra trou-f h . I· 1 I for two women students or teachers.sers 0 t e san:e or stripe materia II.l�ar l'a�:\ and lIidwa�. 134� _�st$30.00 J I h:..nd St.".,d .Al't�el.e. 1Iidway S5,.'.TAILOR FO!: YOi;N'i ME� f� I.. • � WAN'l'I:D.-Ollc or two girls to sharej- ,. �t I ji;.:llt·lwa:o;cl\('('l'illg·al'artment for winTHREE STOR ES: 'j N. La �all·� :-;t. 25 E .. l;wk;<()u "j. <!.; I " .• ; "lIlnc!') .i cr quarter. �j II". Eo F. lJcnton, 571!J__ •••••• ••••• @ Dor.chestt'l'. I'lalllle H. P.6655.1 .. I MRS. FLORA l\rIacIVOR 8JIITB-II Hotel Cumbe.'and I, Voice builder and teacher of artistit'I II • I Isinging, Mondays and Thursdays at,Mrs. Knights, 5652 lfaryland Avenue.It"\VcdncsClays and Saturdays at homeI6�!i6 llarylnnd Avenue. For informa·� Ition addrcss 6356 ),[aryland Avcnu(' tCoutiDaed Ina .... IJS'1'� '.rO ........ �8B1U08 0LU8 W_CXUOlfbeltn set with pearls and a diamond.Li beral reward if returned to 5400R"i� A Vf'nl1C.· Tclcp�one Hyde Ya!'.![·Hltl4. 1/ � �r·NEW YORK wm OIve � at AeIIr �,...'-8eDion WID VOle _ a..:ClIftIIRUBSCRmE FOR rowed hili 8Cl�tion doW'D to tlal'M po..sibilitit'l'. tht' flinnl IlelecUo. to b9made hy the d". fro. ,,_ til,,"t.1Ilorr.w at tlt. 1 ..... MLBroadway at 54th Street.I I Near SOtn Street Subway Station andS3rd Street Elevated.."Broadway" can from GrandCentral Depot.Seftllth A veDue Cars from PeJl1l871-ftDia Stadcm.II I. Plume. ),[jcl way 4390., I IIl i POR SALE-St�dard Smith:�r�micrI I Typcwriter in cxeellent condItIon, atI very rcasonable tcrms. A great bargainI for anyone dcsiring a typewritcr for• profclS�ionnl U8C. H. D.Lcmon, Room 6,d I Rycrson Lab. or 1�2� E. 54th St.I _____.I LoST-Top of fraternity pin. LetterIII �•..................... _ ... ,IIKEPT BY A COLLEG. JlANB.ADQUAllTEllS FOR COI.I.BOII JI.NI I 81'BCIAL RATES FOR COLI.BGB T.AJlBI t Ten Minutes' Walk to Thirty TheatresI I HARRY P. STIMSON, MANAGERHEADQUARTERS F\ia CHICAGONew, Modern and FireproofRooms with Bath, $2.50 and up.Patronize laroon Advertisers'!'HE DAILY !LABOON GARRICK1l0NBYMOON BXPRB88With AL Jolson and 100 0theDCOlO'S &lANDUNEABLY KARRIED"With Bruce McRaeA�ERICAN=OJOSEPH SANTLBY ill, IWHEN DREAMS COME nWilCaLard de Luxe und Dancing liI.eq�igJat, 11 II. IU.ILLINOISGreatest Show on EarthZIEGFELD FOLLIESHo",ard'S Thea�.A Blow at Commercialized ViceIt Bas Awakened ChicaCo., .:.-1iTHE TRAFFIODAVID WARFIELDIn The Auetioneer J. ,.J...COR .... '. �Jack Lait's New Pla�HELP WANTEDSTUDEBAKERW'J'LU'_»0117 BetormIDg BeaIII.LOO Katinee ft�FROM 1I0�rE:' _..Inter Oeeaa.THE GaEAT PI�A Y OF NOW"A II 0 D B B N olar.-"8EPT'ElIIBER MeR .. 'With Dan LI1da• __ .�.J