"\�J�. �'\ ,.'.'i"I'Ii)./;IIJ II\I\) •' ..., -arudtt'.- '''·f'..!'..... - '';'_''';'_�.N� .• , .•• r ... •·.PB.IOB FIVB OBJftSVoL XII., No. 63Ea,rIe �hiit�. opeD. COl...., lm4·. .. "".' ... t . .,erick Peattiit, Bunt.tt. Kaat ud Jloi-ace Fttapatru;k' b�e bMa appoi.�chairmeD.. of til. WuIalDCto. Pro ••••ade ooiDmltteee. 'lIlin7·two otll�.·Senion haT. bee. p1aeecl oa til. co�·mittee.. Tbe7 will ... � witllia. tilenext Weti't and .tart work oa �4t 4aa".� Comm1UMi are: ;F1DaDce: Earl.' Slllltoa,. .llainaa.;Xubttrt Kill.r" Jol&. GrM", BeajambCohe� G.orce Parkiuoia �. KaroWWn,lat. ' �'�uth playa were exc��lent," ani",ArraIl&8IDeDU; � . E:oJeIaa� Abt;,,� )lunar yesterday, "end eithe.,... '�"'.' .• - ��'. ';'. "! would bav.· •• 'abliJbetd a uew stanuaru.CAaUmaIl;" . Karp'ht . JlJL04ee,' . Holly agninst Michigan iu llunucl. The- neg'D- .... -tt'l ft'. __•• ,1.. If .. ;.;...·:.·.·· :.- a_.;,_ ....• Stob alld Kaplan have developed a ue L�-- �. ---.., --- ative team, Ralph S�'anson, eo.,F'''b·.·r,''A''-::.4ii·'':.-'D'';::,,·-�· 'LI_"ro'I'� .��ttleri idea ill Blackfriar shows, a local sho«. n 1... n&&UI"u&V -, __ :: u...... Powers, aud WiUard Atkins, \\i ta t·oand Charlotte ViaD.. •• 'with novel fJituationJi. Myers' an'D_"_ •• 'D'-�-n'-� Tuttle'li »how, though good! wa� W- .. ....,.. __ U6 p"ttie, chaircoav"atiQ�J. W � fOtll that "'e wer.�; Miriam Baldwia, Jlarrin Tllt­ jWltiJled ill ('-xtendiug the time limlhin. Rudy' Kattl&."a, EliAbotJi Sherer,MADAME JUUA CULPSINGS IN MANDEL TODAY NAME PR(?�t.�·BLACIFRIAR SHOW WONSIiiItcIa; ·COIeiM7fS_itie. Mat. BY STOLZ AND KAPLAN��!�. Cbaumm-Wdl • -. ,Swt;W�' On ·.ADoual � "1M Student SUperIOr' ChosenNext Week Becaaae Of Novelty of Treat-. m8nt-Breaka Traditiona. PLAN RALLY COACH STAGG DIESCAU FOR TRAellENDEBATERSCoach Moulton and Members OfBoth T earns Will Speak at MassMeeting In Kent Theater ThUD- WiDday Morning. Take Charge Of IndoorTeam For rll'St rllDe.In Yean.Will Present Program of GenDaDAnd French Soap ill MandelThis AftemOOll.Coach Moulton and the membersTO START MUSIC COMPmTION of hoth debating teams will speak at TO HOLD MEETING AT 4 TODAYthe mass meeting Thursday at 10:15"The Stud«:Dt Superior" by Samttcl in Kent theater .. The Varsity debatersKaplall- 14, and Leon Stolz, '14, ha!J ' cundidates fo- th U' 't t' J..-. are in fine shape and are said to be .. U U • e. UlVI�181 y rae ..bt>ea chosen to be this year's Black- team y te d Th' 'II b th Jl'"the best teams that the Unlversity had es ray, 18 WI E e r_friar production. It was chosen the time in several yearlt that Mr. StaRever produced. They have been work,,-judie. report, because o! absolute nov- has been able to take charge of theing for the last three months under.lty of treatment added to other good Indoor track ten- and b th trac"" lUI"J the dirction of Coach Moulton and are ""oA, 0 .. \&feature. of a musical show, "A Rhen- basketball work have been taken. car.confident of victory. Tickets will heia1a Romallce·' by Richard Myers, "11, o.f by Coach Page. With Directoron sale today in Cobb.alul Bobert Tuttle, '13, waa second. Director Stagg issued hi, call tor-MANY STAGE SEATS PROVIDED"1 um delighted to have the oppor­limity to tiiug before such an apprecia·tive uud friendly audience," saidMuuame Culp in an iuterview with aMaroou reporter yesterday. "1 am veryanxious to visit the tlniveraity af�Chicago, us I have heard .0 muohabout it,Lu speaking of her recital &iY�1&yesterday in Orchestra HalL The Trib­une says: "The very enthusiastic au­dience indicated no desire for a chaqeas ll:1uawe VUlp exhibited a .tyle 80nearly perfect in her field that it wouldbe difficult to point out any feH.turewh!('b oue coulu wish altered. Iiione wily there is an improvemeut; t�evolume rlisplayed was greater and gavr Stagg specializing on the track mttll.�rnolcl Baar, Benjomin Bills, an� and Page on the basketball squad b.>tkHarry Rosenberg are the members ofteams should develop rapidly.the affirmative team and will de-bateAll prospective truck eundidutes willmeet in the Varsity quarters in Bart­lett today at 4 and Mr. Stagg will dis-cu� the work �or the year� 1 The,0 ... �.,.rthwestt'rn at Evanaton. Michi;. schedule \\ ill be outlined, training ro�c'"gan will be representeu by �ylvan �.discussed, and the coaching p!ans a!l-Grosner, Weruer 'W. Schroeder, an')nounced. Captain Parker and the v�t­Samu(·l Wittini.for the submiaaion of these two slOOws ..Debaters � Prominentthe imprcssion of still larger reserveIlot callp.u upon by the character of hert.Jungs. The Dutch singer had lo.t';wthinlt of her admirRble control utthe softer tonal infit?ctioll8." JQh� P.rIee, ErliRc L.llde, Xatllleon Glvell Eztra TimeHarri.RJtOIl aH B\ltll Koqll.PriD_: Bllrd,tt. ¥ut, cJaairmaA;Warrell Leoaarcl, Leo. Ihtll, N4 JollA. In all the cities that Madame Culp Cle&l'7. \. I .t.. �.:DecoIaUoJa: JI. one. Pi�bick,has appeareu, �fle haa made a mo:st. .�ora �"�V�1l m�r� t��_, to. ,w�r� .. �.:f 1..1..' 'aDd Il od-lLtl chainIau;.!WeR 8b..t,-� Sla� t.:_- aV,Qnb"""'_unpre�on_ ,.... Y -Batk'� n-.:- . ',--, ihie;� -'Pcd- �. 'ftwr wete' �Ilded iJi Deeembe... earal!d many staunch friends. She ht&2!1.... x...: 11.1._ �.. .'. J6. .,Th .. dela1 ill annou�ciDg the declsmore admirers in 'Enamnd and Ger- -, ---. ... uaaot . Wol'tla"., ,- a or _. . .4 W"II_- . 'ion wu ,ca.used by the absence of on_eorc ....... ure aD ....... L,.. ....maDY ou account of her wonderful ill - _. of the judges ill Florida.terpretation of the native folk IOJlIL WILL P&BSBlI'2' LOVBftII TIle judge.. were" Richard Henr.oloaecl ill October, when seHn playwllr, '\lbp:t itt ed , Two shows �ere scleettod from this number fLud the an eran cinder men, togcther with a fewpromising sophompres .• have be-en ,. ork­Grosner iii a law student from Wash.I iug ont daily, but Coach Stagg ex-ington, D. C., was Qn the debatinJ1. pects one of the largest squads out forteams at Michipn during 1910 ano several years to turn out this week. .191�, and is a member of the JetIcr f3Chedule Is SevereBonian society, the Lyce.lm d\lb, 'tl!l"the �Woolsaek; and"honorary' law- Qr·ganization. SehrQeder has been on sev N o�h weate�B most. fof'Jio\JS 1OaII�--,­is of' unusual �verity. Four dualmeets have been 5Chedulcd and � •eral teams aud is secretary of the Mich Indoor Conference will be held atigan Union and a member of the Ad�l EVRuston on March 21- Two of �.phie society, the Lyc"um club, and th\! meets . �ill be held on hostile �oulld.Quandrangle club. Witting is a melu Clucago �ill journey to Purdue �nbel' of the Adelphic aud the Alph� .I!'ebrnary 14 and to Northwestern 9nNu soeiety and also has been on sev- March 11_ The purdue track W1l1eral teams in high schools aud college-. be entirely new to e'o/ery member o,fThe conte-st will be held in .Mande, the team and the hnndical) may proveis: "Re-solved: that the stntl'S shol.l;'establish a eehedule of minimum wage�for unt;killed .lnbor, eonstitutionnlitconceded:" The judges will be: .JuugI':. O. Brown of Chicago; Judge Gil-Ip.et of Jlamroond, Jndiana; and Profeslor J. W. Garner of the University 0Illinois.··�"ard.," a, PreMat-da,., � �lle opera house, a well know.aua, and Uamiltou Colemau, coach �Jthe abow, Frederic D\luaghey of th.: Friday at 8. The subject for dis<:us.,ion severe. The dirt track at Northwes'·pIa,., b,. I>eall Lo�ett, will .aft dl:. .., ..openlDC preaelltatioll toDilW *' ....(·'ine Att .. ·theater. Th. pIq .. �,_ , Jgivea by the CIIica,o t'e._ �,peny. Pbyaieia •• aad �ial 1t�will make lip • Ia�·.,.ri of t •• au:dience the �aillC ai.'t,· if.. JI�ry.\IcDowell anti at ... -frpta' til. U.;· el).e�ptiou whate.er of student life\"eI'Jit,. aettleme.�· KiIIt.l_.au.., til. otJaer with ideas of college base ,R. FBANlt W. GUNSALULUSaad �':�.'_�.���.. &. til. readiag of coU.e ·atories an �ALKS �DAY IN JlANDE..well u' ·�ef. swi.un � �'uld� lookiDC at' college postelL One aceeptathe judpa of tW •• MipaI ""rt,. wfu . eoD.e life .. a new and fresh a·1\ - .•.. wm Gift nm of Series.be. 'prneRt. perie�, the othel tries to chaqeIIr. Pa,..., 4i..tw of tile Pi .. Ana' '_aditio .. to conform with his notionsdl,;a���' ��' �o... Qa�. �:� of w1aat college should be. In th.!he. eo_den it b7 tv tM .. aM workiq .out of the main idea it ha.,1Il_ i_portaat "'7 _� to... .... fouad neeeaary to break many Dr. }�rank W. Gunaaulus will speak Purdue has a comparatively gree1l teaJa, .a_t- ._._ ." �..:II f'cal ed rc"nforccd b." a coterie of valuabl.,thi. � ... �t ...... fa •• �........ of til. t.-.uitions 0 DlU8l com y, on "Personal Responsibility" tonight It'' .Ymaa.or wi" tl. _, .r fraM_ 1106 ill ncard to lOngs and choru· � in llandel. This is the first of a vet�ran8. lllinois has lost Corti., a.4and qmpatil, Nt �t: Particularly in regard t·. aerie-s of fortnightly atudnt confer. Hunter in the sprints, Case and eo.ta!�' ' '. ". :"f' h . . h' h ,'n the hurdles Co�, Thompson, aad..child,.. i. t .. ..a. � •• . tile t..-' 0 t e s.tuatlona w IC art' enees on "Some Personal A8peCts o. p• ... . ,." Bullard in the distance runs. &bb i.treat. of " • ..,.. .... " t �.... ........ i. a mo� serious vein than i the Christian ;Rcligion" to be con• 1Tl the hin. h .l·l1mn, llathcl1' in tlJe hurd'nothe� w'o pnfo1'll m.aa ..... io. naec.&", ia such show.. .e nam,' dude-d by Dr, Ounaaulu.. A joint din' ... I'be h ed aud hammer, and Nevins in tho broad,i. the A ........ ·�·, .;. ,. � wiD.. c aug ." ner given by the administrative eoan·11_ 1Iarperl" Herta will pIaJ. th ,... auie competition will start to cils of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. jump. The veterans who will eom­leadi. put 01 a ... ..... .ut __ i. the �1nold. club at 2.3 1 C. L. at 6:30 in Hutchinson cafe wi)' �te fot' the Orange and Blue :lI'8Ii_ uelt.i, ';'0 �!)� � �t wi". eOIl�nllee betweeu coutestants, welcome Dr. Ounaaulua. Sanders, Phelps, IIftmmitt, McKeown,anr..e 011 til .... - tWa --- ... .e.a' ':"_L_ .ad Kan--r Hendenon. Henderson, Goetliz, Butt, SehobiJlge1',--.... ----. .... ,... _- Dr. Gunsaulus will pre�nt the per--n--f. ti.--. i.. --�"'of .w. . . Claar, and Culp. TI-is aggregation 'Will"""'"'" ---. �._., 50nal aspects of the Chri.tian religion ill�aun·- Brown tor , .. -"'..uoe .fl· , .......... -m • ",_ prove a "trong nueleus and Coach O'.. vv r- -...... __ .& A__ giving the moat modem point of vie'"..n.o_-.lI.'; I 8honld de,'elop a fOTllndable team, if a'." ..... nI_ 4fh Be •• IIr. Gilkey will talk to in studies of pe1'8Onality and religionfreshman material eome. up to os·"- .rreaIalllan elUB tllia lIIo"nllg at and will attempt to interpret thnei �tations.PI Delta �... l't � �: 10:15 i. Cobb UA upo. the "l'el'BOnal problems iu relation to every day life.The indoor t�,�k "�hcdule t�t. 1�rp ........ i.to"" at CIa. � e ... , Problema of the Freahmaa." All 1�1; All Itudents and frieDd. have beenSatwnJ..,. t. . � nrc" to attend. \"it cd,WILL BLBC'l' DIBBarOBSDirectors of thc University !lettle.ment will bc elected at the alUlua'mer.ting tomorrow at 6::t0 at the Set·tlement house, 46:10 GroBS A venue. Retports of officers and committees wiU'.' gi ,·er.. :Miss MontgoJllerr wiD Ii"a brit'f nc�ount of the stadies earnedob in the- settlement neighborhood,and lli�� "jttum of NorthwCtltern !lettlernent al�o will �peak. Supper wilbe senetl at (;:3U. All persons laterC'�ted in the settlement have been tn·vitce). A n opportunity to inspeet tho.Ilou. will be afl'o�ed. ern will also prove a handicap to th.men, who will competc there with.spikes for I the first timc this year.Chicago will meet Northwestern inBartlett on January 31 and Illinois o�Feburary 29. The Indoor Cooferencewill wind up the season in the PatteaGymnasium at Evanston- Purdue, I�­linois, and Northwesteru are three o,fthe apparently strongNJt team. La theConferen�e this ye:ar, W:ac-onsin, th�winner of l�st year's Indo<'r C:onf�t-ence. ooiug the only other serious (0011-of OoDfer· tcuder.Have Lost StarsBoth lllinois and Northwestt'rn hft�".suffered by the loss of stan, whil"(CoDtiIlued 011 i8P �- __,Ht}r voice with its appealillg yolulD�exerts l'cculiar charm on her liatenen,hbt holUs them spellbound.Her' I)rogrom for this afternoon'toconcert will be composed mainly of'German and French folk 80ngs.The ProgramThc I,rogram follows:1_ aj Adelaide , Be.tho.,..,;b) }o'aithfu' Johnni.c) The Cottage Maid2. a) Waldesgesprach ... &huma.lb) llondnachtc)· Die KartenlegeriDd; Lied eines Schmiede.r). Fruhlingsfahrt3. a) Bois e-paia Lun,b) Pen'dant Ie bal •. T.ehaiko ..... kyc) Maman dites moi .. Weekerli;'d) Mignonette •....••• Weekerli;•• a) Meerfahrt Brahm'b) Sonntage) Der Schmiedd) Standcheu PLA.Y 'eooWAJ1D8- 2'OlIJDU Littl. of the Chicago Examiner, BeU(dict Papot of the Crane high scho;,lDrama _ Vlll'-� J)..' �UII& direc:tor in the Drama League, De.,Of 80ctal QMat;Ia It ..... A' Boynton, AlIIJiatant Professor RobertFlne Ana�producer. judged the scenarios,Bieab �tiOIl8. ·"The Student Superior" is a satirbaaed on atudent life in a mid-"'ester �•• enity, "said Samuel Keplan ye��_ .�Jt .ho�s the reaetioll of t,,·Po.... *0 college life, one with n·.'The D a i I y Mar 0 0 D I �HOWS VIEWS OF L1F�---------------------------------- .'IN SWEDEN EE1'ORE........ ��n{"r�.i ...U� -·;��·�Il.l.claa:l mail Ilt the llll:u! �,\ c\li�l� _1:!1ll11l!" of si x JII�·\1I1.h·r:i.�I!" l'OJ'lomce. CblcalOc. Ill •• OI.lan:h' 111. Jl'lId�'red t lrrev .:::)\\t.'I1I:;1& ,:')\111;';;-;. :-'J�<;hlJb, 1J_n�"r �c .. t u! .... l!-ul·,cll.:l. 186:1.,.•. ,,' • __ , .•• , , • _ ... �.' .����� �1l<�TD."·"�" - \';l,j'l' l'I'l'.s .. -ut u t till' meet I II:;..1j7 ca rrrer ; $:':.;'U a.��ar; U.UU,." quarter, At till' hu:;il�;;-ll'"'till;; 1'\e"lOu::> t,);�.� '4»' !UA1l�� 13'.00 IL{ year, U.:':6 a.: Quunl:r.,,, r, .. ··'ll·· .. j .. ·.'-' .. ul··"'b�-. �'.I'f r- "'U·_< :.:t. j' • 'J' 1" t··'· }' - I'..... .... - �-.. � � _.M.... the' 1'!'lH'ttllll - ,tid <'y- ',r:tllt res :;IW�..... ., .. I��bl1t� '·�mwD.)· au. Alter 1U p m. ::>H,,1," J.·�l'k tSIiIl.__ u cornacpouulllg. 'tK"Ul'ta-ry a lid 'tow.'"·,\\'.�:d.ly :W� d�IJ:i"ll. to.un th�· vaeu n« •• ·:A n:l,urt uf till.' .'\af;.vu;u '.. t;.,� \:I:ut :11"Iol�ruuu .l'"....". :.:.U. �o�ta.�, ur�n: _A�'ubUl:,s ... }o ..... �.j •• ;:�: ·�O�'lDtlll·· .So rar, UD,�S"Ol u.1!.honcs�y ill L r till.' L'uslllUlw!"� cl.d,:; J.t.'ld till: U1gexaaun .... uons have-been reported _ ,tv· tho·llohuuys ut the L�hlvt"r:'lt�· t.'L 10\'. a': .\C':./ • .' .' .,,� �th8·:�Or\-co:ou:il.Ssi.on. w-il! be given 'l"rid:l,Y at the JlllH.!u·A -�Icling to rumor; u Igh t prograDl n t s III ElliS 'J�;. there have Leen' caO;CJ,This gives rise . to thc .t ENC�BLES WILL .SELLTICKETS l'OR CHICAGO,�Deat. question-should the Honor co-n-._ Problem .,. �ion -take steps to examine into the..• litWltiunf' .and discover the truth' 01'. .fc.Uii-ty, or: tile -mmor.: Or' Shouid ' the,)·COIDlll:.ssion takc a'1"'.lssh."e attitude; and. "wait I for' someone - td come to '�t w;�, �e8?" 'Unduubtedly,' the' commission� has ' tbe . moral ., rigllt to investigate. MICHIGAN D.EBA'l'E. Asslgment fur 'the 'sule uf t ickct s �\,)t he ' Chil'tib'O':.\] ic1li:;all dl.'lmtt', ill' ':\la�l­,; e l ' l"ntl:1Y .II igut \\:111 1,,1.' Illatll' ,at \11..:mce t ing cf .Fl.'i�ciull.'�i' tOJ�I�' .ill Cu:"u"l::.A:,' ., :\h'mbl\rs (If Fene iblcs will 1t:1 vctilt.; 'tickets 011 sule in (.oLb·at 'lU:lj, '.T':"'c only t1:eorctic'al objection that n nd l� .. J;'clurillg'thl' week,. could' be oil'cred 'would arise in case 1'1a� lor t he rcmuinucr of t hc Yl':ll'members of the comnnssion dis�overed will be diacussed ut the: l"t.Ht';ljj,,,. cases,' and then sat as judg.�s. This d iuucr, which will be lwlu n e x ;eould be met in. one of two wa�s. eitherdt�ignate 'a' certain' number 01' coni­- -!ni.;siOUCl8 'tQ' -aet' as: 1n�estigators antibn.r�-them·· from .. 'Sitting· 'on tllc' caSes.'they lJririg; 1 'Or�' if tbe' coniinission is·too . small to' spare' mcmb'ers, ·the bodylca,a..;ac5ign:ltc' �'Lhcrs to' act' as 'iilves�i­'ildng crlgcnctcs. '·'In"strict· a.na�gy, thecorclt wolnd' nppdblt' p!'tJS'ecu,iing at­to�neys. But such :3, .... V1e\V i�_ 'too' har··:tow; 'tor the - ··c·out1." no�on 'is. only a,sniall'l1art of iiie !c'dInnIillonfs rfunctioll., -these '1ntestigators 'tabid �s(:rve "ic>" get'fuatCi'i31 for i study' or' the! situiEon,��nd 'for"the 'cOncililis�on'�" _�ucE\�'o'nhl Plan A :Pro�'ess9r's _,Ull:1on ' ......\ college llrufcssor's union is Lciu:;l.rojcetctl u::; the �c::;ult uf a rl'::;\Jlu­t.ion, intro�uce�, by a ,f�clllty m,:�nlJ�ro,�_ .f?,,�r�·:1- ".' �� unu auopt�o!�Y tl�� . .i\lU.er�c,�n j!olitil!a� ti(!icncl.' . .0\;-;-.. lSocia�ion, acC"ording to au, ,almoullc�"�l��nt" ?,f, ,t�e Amcr!ca�, Ye.dc�a�ioll", ()f,�.�l>or.. �'be" !.�sol��ion ,calls J�r_ ,t,l�l'."pp�in�meDt o.f. a ,;c�lUm�t�c,,:! ot ,t��e,'',:to ,invl!��igu,t�. an�, r.cl)O��, t,h� . s�n�,us\','C(111Csllay 'ill Hufc!a'iusoll cur'c .• '\c:.Illt,ii '" iH LIe l'1ectctl to fill till.' vucuncsvs�; f this' nidiug ...- work. n�··phl.tticalJ't.lOl'k." 'The ,!)rac- .�f AmCl,ica.n institut��n a� .�;? Ji!Jl'f,ty·t:ical·quettioIi is 'W'h'ether·it would· �e, l�i ,��lOught, frccd<?�, O,f .. 8pCCCtJ amt, �e­'worth Wlille' for tlle criirimlssi6n'·to'\a.ltc ca'rity, (lr t�nl.m� for, teacl:tm:lj �f,lloliti"'b1ich a 'st'cp .. �it" Ws time., That is, the c_. .. t .�cicnc�/' .qu;:stio'll,imi'ghi' be' saia' 'to :'be ·wheth�.i.'. ---+---. He' nderson: Talks On' Alnbltion ... Stich � step woUld injure� the' . c:�us�,· the 'pufp�se', fo'r 'Which thtf co�!sSion.· "'1 ,·itin cOJlvine'cd that the yOUII�. .,' .' nleri' of' toUn"" ,hav� not enough am"em�' . WoUld stuuents"'bc i�t�gon-, "- .• . I. 'I t' 01 0" 11" s';I-d Dr. llclldcr�oll at the ',1 u�',·',tZCd by"Sucb 'a ;step ·in. a"�:>.y· :ll:lt- u ...' .'., i�,r e�lJ:lIlcl �;esterda��." ll.c 'l"IH'('lIrag-�:wOliICl' lower �e' stan'ding . of the ,co:::!· ".. . '. '. .:.m i the men to elll;r;�c, nun lIigla'cr 'alld· JiliSSlon,' and' hence' cripple its e c ency b".. - ",:. I'den th�ir' tinlbition for COlist ructl \"l''as '.1 'factor' In . moral' education? There. ,'. - . . It\oor ,�'11ich' '';'ill !Jettel; civill.tatH)':.\.· is 'no . r��n: . wliy . t'liis �hould 'te so.''T1le�e is" prejudice that 'wolild r·;3:j� III his �l�inion �('politlnic tk�truc�tivesuc-h' a'Iriove-"Ws 'none' of 'their t.U3- nmhition' bas pal'�('d its d:ly 'nild h��CSS .. i ctc�" But 'tlis" is :3 t:f!:'Ct": 1 e'aIled the" m('n to- r,attlc for hl'tt,�i'inlnu'ed 'view -which no t.hInki:og stU� ideals. ,) �', ,;.;:. -'-' "� .�. , 'dent wOuld retain; 'and' it is 'only th'e .. Ciarl: Will Gi;'c RC'.aiuill;Cthinld'ng studcnt� who need be co-a· .As�ociatc rrof�ssOr- ti. Jl. CI�.rh. \\ 111siacrcd� 'It 'is the business of the �ive' nu,"inwfpl'ctntlvc .'l'CauIllg l!e�:commission � study disronesty as thor Tu�day "afternoon nt the J::.lUC .Art�oughly as posslble to Jeatu' ine c!tu-.rotheater. He will pr�cnt a tr�lII:slatwlland extent, it it is to do 'any eor-of Hricux'lj "La .����. Houge;'rective- work; and if no one win supplythe information voluntarily, bow is the'coinmIsston to get it othenrfse' thanbi ,oiDg after it? 'Even if the etim-miSSion decide to go aU the way withItS· inforniation, and pro�te offen']­ers;'·thJs·ls entirely '�ith1n its moralrlgbt;" and no rightminded studentought to object� SUch an aet10n wou!dbenf\flt e'\"ery student. BUt waiving'tbts, thiS is DO reason at all why thecommission calitlOt seek information, bylegitimate investigation, for Its study'and inVestigation. ADd in view oft.118 faCt that 'information is not eODl-'lng 'in. going' after It 'seems to be tboo�' course open. 11 the coJllDliJlStonIs to accomp1ish much that IS naJ1Y�ttb.I�� PATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISEI�SMAROON ADSBauNG RESULTS, , ���-- • .__ .. ----.----- -----_ ...-;§·�����-�j)I�.:�p��,,�thing. The great secret of sUcx:ess'is� �ma�e money wg_r;k..fgr you. Keep it a�t�ve-:-<Jon�f :���w 'it to lie aor¥�1;·"··. !Uri\���U.a��.��n �.�� k��t.in,tlmoS:rATE 'Ba�"o.'.+hedeposts •Gents' 'Furnishings -'at'·S .. e:..,:. II' .• 'J'...... 'J1 .•. 1 . .". ·.:.I·"",,� '.'�J: �\I �.. ,,', n •• !� 'I:'�l�. ,,·,:.1'...'1,', ,;. ., .tt �. .. • I I)' j! •• ' i'" ,� . »';' )-�� ,1,; ',o,d 'JI'J�'·:·�.. ';�\��" �·'-:i�·.;·j-J'· .!l .. 0.'" , TIU:, ."ll�� ,II... r�;U ,K1-: '"" ,TU.\T"j,},'"J,T- lit .. ,,F.,VE.R.Y,.,.",.L ,I) C: K; __ D I,D:,IIIi. '·.OU,EVE. BEU':'"'", 01" ':A 'M'AS'J"P.'K"," ]1"0'1) 'F. L'OF .A_' i"TTPF.l\"'inTt�R" , ' .. I,.:.1,�blak of, ALL of.Ibe eomblDecJ aC.:" I �"Dt�g.S 'Of SEV:", 'EBAL' tTPe1n1te� " ):JOD ba�,._., .. ,e., .. ,... "eODeeD t rat. cJ ••.o . N E' . a ... dara'...aebIDel, .1Thf' Ro,.., haDd". � • r f " (! tly' eftrJ'.nown fona of. '-'1: e'. " r. leo r-­r�.pondeDe.and ...... ". �rdwritlnlt and C __'- · ... fWd nllHalt ....."lclf'tl - ",lthoat •j ,-. ,,1.1tIfI ) •• ....... 11 ,.t- ,tarhmrnt·· to ...... :. '.dt'a. ...c' t. I thet7ptr«ritC'r. Th ....' of tlal ...... d .. �;:will 'an a. fa1J17·1IOftd ... err· :t ..)lalltn-Modd ".,thfl' Re,..I.", . '. ',.. 'ROYAL'. T� .... �,,·att�· .. �i-.' --� ..53 ..... ' )1._\'".:,,«; ..... &0.11 ......:_; I,,,. ! ::'. C���,��:�' .. �·p;;:;·· MYMON.D., .; .. "I'l.;,·::&�!iJ 'speclaliaf::':'".,1 �;·;';':·'\)·lil:6'�'·55"�"·· ,:,.,. . .; .:,,�;,� oQ""Wo.";�''P:;I"I: !'. ,;.,:Ii oi-=-* i '�ye�iId;' � "* •• t.,." O, ........All Work Doa. at ��'J'�tI \,:. ' •• ··1 )it� '11j ... ,i�ni' ,.,·.�·t:.hl, .'.�.�S.' lVlTCRF.lt • .t\p'E _ ".0. co .. ma., '·'X�, m�tiri·��A��oUR't .... q : 'Id ;,;�r ;J.� .• '+1 it "iV'HmO" Ito.�·'., ... :,; ... , ..... :·'�·n't;J e"'''','II' .",,",'1.. "" � 'I ,,'" '."D .,,, ..'�'."':Ma�ODn.' .. , . '�'" . ". . .' .. , .. ,$1.511.:"For.Two·Quarters... fll;S.12, .. �,,',:t- u ,�i' ,f Ii,,. f.. �··'·,JOS£PHJ·iJ'SCHMIDT'''·'Statienery, "fl'nd J,·Toifet Articles." t'L"'H�"Ll�t} Ok' CANDISS ''''95G Jl. 6St:6 .. -.':: ....... , �'IIL... , �pOrtecl··aM·'1JOriioftiC: I.lDe':·Of.. �'. ClOAU '&ND' cm:wJrI'I'M'··•• t t .• �.' t t ........... 1: ... ;.,. t. t ... ,.·:··��.·:·�·':·····,j.·osE·pff'···'SCHWE;ITZER.;.: �·.'Th8' �U�i���sitJ/"hamulci.t for, ·over Ten yea ...."__ ••• ...l ..... j .... '.. .." ... ;I,IJ"" ...... J' •• '.• to;.:cf teo 'St .".. , ...... : .. ,-,.) ...... ,,,In.JMS. new.up- II. Ofi•AcrOss the street from, old, . location.: . D$JI_T_S··C·H·E R ,. 'A P'OT H E'K E R".Tel. H. P. 331' !11Iass r-; .,-:,.._..,.. '_. _ .... 'Tllreeleueu··,vb, 100 _ - ... h�s r- •• as .� i.' ..-----Ist. Good��c:oaliiMll'::;;:�;: ' Student' .Views on Jlays of the Week2.d. - �Cleaimli��. ¥_�J�pectj'tbe> KitcheD :- ===::;::. ==============-===--===.......:::::-=::=...=-==----=======�����===., 3M •. A'Miaimum PriCLf_ .Hlah,.� FoodClulaBrealdastlSe.up. ... I'.�.".")l. :.1� ..... ;IAaaeti· .». '.. Dbmer'A LaCarte' e , I •. 'BUSIC Come ..: .. I. ',' 1)1':S·T. LfJUISLit R.each�d "j,Y.'··�o�L �d Fad:. Tniu of tlte,."., Itr.mbIs ",',CENTRAL'•• \ .& _,II,All Steel Dayiight Special.. ..•. I Jt.,,·.-I " .1. ,'l ", ,"'.' • '•• , 110'" Leaves Chicago' 10':02' ta. m.t arrives St. Louis (via MerchantsBridge 6:02 p. m, -lndestructibl�"sie�rCaiS jo('liancLOme interior 'DishEvery comfort and 'converiien�e' will' be: f6ubd' ton; th� train."piamoQCI.'SpeCia/:'·. ,',Leave Chicago 10:30 J). m.: arriv�I'f�;t.�·t�u�' 7:48':&.: m�' . Electric';'lighted .train, " A ,�-it e�ening tde"aittindtom" . Chicago.Stop. Made in Both Direction. at SO�lIl' sia.1Dro·u.h, 'Stati�n •• 43rd. 53ttl · .... ·leSrd"Str ..... , ,.,c)bservation Parlor·Car�. t'Me Clu})'ca'��'Sleepinl, .. " .'( I Cprs: Fiee Reclining-"€hiir' Ccii's' ana; CoachetTickeb. Fare •. aad. Sf��p���1 Cir' R ... �.:tlO ... at'� •• � TICK'��T�FFIC�V �i!-! �st!��;�:$�, .:',1" '::; ,,; : I1 \. � J. CARMICH�L., ,D. P. A-• ; t I' , .� '., ' •. i i '. I; •......... �. - -"t� "/� � �,�.�,".� ��.-.('.!�' j, I•• J II .l' '.'. • t \0, • •• I. ..• .' ,• �'I! �.:· .. \.i ·li,·. j ;.10 � ::'J 'f'•.�., � .. .I '",.,Follow t"e���" '"And take . .advantag� ;9'L�Qur d�scount saleLiberal reduction:� ;()�(�evefY·���t·,a�d.' ..overc-6at in'pu�'S�op' .. : ",;',.r '-, .. -r....,.,- . '. I I, '1/ � I" , • """/.:.��.: �';. �. " �-'DOCksbid�r & .. Rexfo.rd ,." .• J..·.J,..VV·J .. b!' ,_. 'f\ • '." ...... 1\ ��\ ........ .,.�·4,1oo Sui te;'·8JQ.� R�pbDlic�Bldg.:. State and IAdams.$t.,;· " .. _ .. :sDo You KnowGat. A.. 0.. 8........ � Bros.. 5p�adGRAND OPERA ending in Rodolphe's "0 seave faDei, tH d. ot .ollan .. mattlac JD"t oaep.L'B. . 1.ONGLEUB DE NOTRE DAME ulla," I Musette's waltz ill the aeeoDd & - er a ala.lt> hatH Some·ua .. a N& -' a raeket - or- a paIract, the quarrel dot the Darrier betwMIllIIe,:.Bit ol.Jhe· Season of Beenes bast'd on enisodel' in '!\[lIr. Gcogge Hamlin Pinkerton. C1aren�eHn ..... .r To.r :� .. " D..,.-Cln." a.d •.Prl'''� at 'rPq ••• t I.tenal. ,.0. will �'8 .noYel, "La Vie d,� Boh('mt':' Th", \\'hit('llill appears :!os Sharpless.lind It to .. a7..n •• t .rolla.l. I.· opera tr('ats of the love of Rodolph:t, PABSIFAL., ·"f:"t"f'.�" i j'. ,,,,�,.'.---,,:.,) ".', /·-,".'i •• ·• '0. ..'Mtllde.t. Oyl.. I. Donallorte.C!Og" '1.-;·ean"ot :""'&01". ·J'.rI:MDlaU ... ' ..... ; ..... 'i·'· • .u..n,�9.e� ��. �,i �1�wlQ; � ,f !. t �" •• 'j t I' , ,I ,_ 1 j" I • '-; ., ,. ' ,.........---------------------------------•• 1 •• , I 1, The . '. New I. FIeriaa· aetel,', .. ', 5721' Cottap Oro .. Ave.is makbic 8pedal' ..-··to�,'Steam 1rea':' &Dd . 'electl'lc lIP' ba alltooms;: .... : .,.,",··u •• aa....t, an. .... ' .......a.. Bm�.: •• Ce.� ..2 For 25 Cents;...........Troy's Best .... ..._'" I- �ProductFOR' lEN' OST.Y" -' '111--trR tt'd book�t de-scribIng a newtrt'atmt'nt for an"'.'7-""" bladAA, milking � blade , •• ,a III.tttae ·.lId be �lt'C' •• a ""'en pWl'.�&Rd. Sent..oD .recet-pt 'of ..I eeftfa.CLAUDE WOLFE, ..... -Boward C1�, 1IlcJa.or moc'_ bl...a. lit tbe 0ft1t&'8 �... H1&'h.- _I .. MaDaarcJa •. Senel' for CIaIakC. , •• 0',1 .;,'.t: I,' MaIsonet!'onlght 8 P. JI.Mary Garden appears ine one of herwell-known roles tonight. The Jug;;·ler is one of llassenct's later works,an� in point of popularity, is us wellfa\tored as any of his well-liked operas.Th" supporting parts are taken bymembers of the company.'rIlE BARBER OF SEVILLERossiniWednesday night, 8 P. M.The story of the composition of thhsopera is an interesting episode in op­eratic history. Rossini had agreed towrite two operas for the Roman Mardi Marcel und MUtcette, tho parting· I'llMimi and Bod-uphe, a'lel tragic duetbetween the (1:i02 ,Mimi and Rolopheill the last act. r. .. 'he le:�diug purls liretaken by Tmau�c Bassi and FrancetlAMII. Giovanni Polese I\i:'�.� '!nri:«..I.:, nd Mabel Rie�elmltn Yt'�l�b�.ltfANONMasse netFriday, n1&ht 8 P. K.Massenet's work is based on whati� said to be the first really goodFrench novelt L�Abbe Prevost's BtOryof the same name attached to linHomme de Qhnlite. It deals with the.adventure of Manon. a frive10us girl .t....... 'l'1l� ant ODe.tIIa& an·.ade eaelleo. a .. au tor& .. e..ade ._ &e.ade T.s.&e4. C .... lou tl')" aadte.t tile •• !Gras earinval, and had to deliver the who loves the poor de Grieux, but 1,.�.second by .January 20, 1816. He flu- cause of her love for fineries and gay �,"AJUC. �.�'N\).�A.a. tile mod.l. gf't �"'�.A1.Jtile wont o. • .. c.. Tbl'. any rnull!!.,�arIa. are a& uaee rlgbtt'd. Oul,.wileD �rlHted - aftt>r the 81'\'t'r .. �t 1 .. ,,18-40 we offer: &b�Dl to tile public.IF IT'S SPA LDI�G'SIX srORTS IT'S atcrrrBe.. tor Oar Catalo�ae-It'8 Frt'l'.A. G. Spalding28 S. Wabash Ave. & Bros.Chicago.THE TEA HOUSELUNCHEON 12-1:30DINNER 5:45-7ished the first by Christmas, und W'iS Ih·in�. accepts the attentions of tht>without plans for the second. Collab- rich old rake, Guillet Montfontainp.. '328 E. 57th.orating with Sterblni, who furnished �Tld- of de Bretigny. Her various authe text, Roasini composed music as ventures include dissuading the dishe received the verses, borrowed rna- consolute de Grieux from his purposeterlal outri�ht from other works 11� of taking holy orders, the arrest of debnd shaped, worked up ideas from Urieux In Po gambling den, wnero JI('songs be had heard including one llal1 been winnnig from Guillet, Manbased on a RURsiun air to pleal-le a on's unth nfter sentene� co! trunspor.nussian lad}" and finished The 'Barbcr t:ttion for her pnrtieipntion in th('on time. When one of the numbers gambling nft'ail" eonclndes the stor�'proved a failure on the opening night, 'i-he mu.llJic is based on the mio:tr l�eabe. �ook another from "Aureliane." nnd is splell(lid in every way.ThiB borrowed number, the serenude Mary Gnr(len sin�s Manon, and Mur .in the lIrst aet, Is now accerted as the ntore ue Prieux. Charlier will ef)n'm(tst beautiful in the opera. Rosina's uuct.part in one trio has been lost, nfforJ·ing an opportunity to extemporise.The story is a happy one, dealingwith the efforts of Count Almuvi�:l DON QU!CHOftEMfl8senet.Sat. Afternoon. 2 p. M.the poet, and Mimi, embroiderer, ('t,.. "·a':Dcr.lean Intermingled is the story of Mar('('1 �da,..n»n- and Y'l"ette. Snatchcs of the Boh�m· Last ::)und:.y·s perform:tnce of Parsi_.... ,..ian life of the lAtin qnaricl'8Tl' !'hown. ful was hailed as a triumph for theqlla1Tels .nd reeoneilliations of the Chicago company. 'rhe tradition3r10VCTS, and the opem ('nds \\'ith th� heaviness of the work was relieved byd�Rth I)f Mimi through ntness cnm"ed skillful cOl'h"lucting, and the 8Cenery,by the privationI' ·of her povcrt�·. whilt' of cOUJ"SC not' adequate, wu as8triekeD life. h .'el �R coulu be cxpected. The transSeleetion of the best music is diffi· ff'rm:ttion SCl'nes are doomed to be Capital,!\f:try Gard(.n features th(' east of tb.,to win the love of Rosina, the ward mntin('e production. The story, base<1of Doctor Bartolo, against the wishes on the adventures of the eeeentric;'of. the doetor, who wants to many f;panish knight. of course can be fo'·Bsina himself. The affair is brught to .lowed by everyone.a successful, eonelU8ion� with the help MADAME BUT.rEB.FLY.of the droll rogue Figaro, barber and Pueeintgeneral town .factotum. The tavoritenumbers include the serenade, the buff Sat. night, 8. P. JI.This favorite is one of the mostaria of Figaro, "Large nl factutum," fnmiliar operas in the rgpertoire ofthe chamber aria of Rosina, and several the company. The modern characterother, eaptivating numb('l'R. The mu�i� cf the plot, dealing with the ad�enhlrc'"throughout ,is lIiost enjoyable. TI;� (·f Cio·Cio·San, who is loved by th<>east is featured by the debut of Flor_ ... \mericnn officer, Pinkerton, and whoenee Macbeth, (lies after his desertion of her. an·):Hl«ls to the popular int('rest, althoughit is rather a shock to those who lookfr medieval costumes and subjeets.. LA, BOIIBIIEPuccini'rhunda,. night, 8 P. M.IA Boheme is tt disconnett('d seri,,� l[aggic Tyt{' sings qo.Cio·Sa!' and("lIlt� 8inC!e the entire work is a' �park. el i�appoilltment8, but they wcre notlin!t production of Italian gt'nill�. f�i1llte8. On tho whole, the perform·Perhal's among the fayorite bit� nrc :lIlCC of Parsifal i8 well worth attend·the duet between Rodolpha and Mimi ing. I.a .. "t Sunday'. east will repeatin fhe fln.t act, c, :\ri ehiamano lfimi;' � he work •Subscribe forThe MAROON H�;de P.nt:: :!1/l5STETSON UNIVERSITYDEI • .r\�f). FI.UKIU.\.Four c·uU··J: .. ". '1,.- S.'hdU -. �; '" _". :.: .. :-4', rUl"'u'r�' .:. '·,.rll .... Kt ... un'fll ••.• �.' ••. ,t ', .... �"'f·... If'I: .. o( 1.1t .. r.tf Arl" La ,',1 ·.r I, .. ,,' i �.""n",�r ,,· .. "thf'r. 0111 .,r do r r· ,'1·· ,'". ,II\·jn ... ,. IU" "·�nd. frtln. 'hI' til, n �""� I'·;VU!llt.�:£!IIiiE!EIl�i:I"!'l::iJl!IT�]mr.:;Jri'i',t�;" ;::n;": ::�i�toll?'�e ShonE vhi"!tion� BATHER HIDES AND PILLOWS'lOVELTIES IN .JEWELRY ANDDANCE PROGRAMSTheThe Colle�e Shon1110 Masonic Tc:nple.",WAN'S LUNCH r..JOM1342 East 55th Street.Try Our Regdar lhily:IId'Sonda, Dinner, ZOe Up.rDble. 'or Lad ....'l�omas J. Cavey & SOD. FUBNISBINGSFor GentlemenPECTAT·XZING IN THE WANTS OFTHE �OLt.E(1E M,,\1'ICoUars si%e 13, up• w. Monrop. Stn'et C!:i .;�g\)�"F,U.l, P J-I I'.. � U "C Y, KAft McANANY. R. Ph.'orner 55th and Drexel Cnicag'1'elephone lWidway In 1 . ,,.� n __ a' r. .... Dr-wiP".. (·" .... 1 .. ,,1 .. �nflTan.. Artlrl ....'.·"r t"'l11 r.rh.� or ('0:" In !!1" h··,.IL'· ". ".:enid. r.rln;"l'". "n" F�\'f'r T,,"· .. · � ��.. , .,,,It rnT' ,. 'Frp� �:1�'"��I)p t"at Oon�h ,,·it " hoI'I .. ,,� f·· .... ,,", '". Plnp Rfm.-y. "nfl. F:II"'l!""":- ,!'",R":I��� that Rp:I,b .. '·' "":1, • 1" .•. , I.'::' ·.rDrexpl " ••• \It"h .. I'"" ·,·r-Bl1!U!�U��J',�·j�,I.' ""'", ' , �:THE"',m Exchange National B:'.:'lk$3.000,000.00Snlplua �,ooo,ouo.ooUncUvided Profits •..••••• 1,000,00.00OFFICERS.ER�Eg'r A. IIA;\DIII.I�. Pru.J .. nt.CHARl.F:� to. HUTCHL"SO:S, Vice-Pres .CHAU:-':CF.Y J. Bt�A'R, Vlc('o-Prt's!df'nt.D. A .. lIOUI.TO:S, V!ce_Prf'aldcnt.B. C. SA)DIO:SS. Vlct'·Prt'"ldent.EDWAnn F. SCIIOE:SECK. Allltlt. C:nh:er.FRA�K ,,'. SlllTH, Secrotar)'.J. EDWARO )IAA.8. Ant. CIl8l-.hl'.J.\)'E� G. WAKEFIEI.n, A!O!O:. Ca!hler.LE'VIS E. GARY, Aut. CashIer.nIl$CTORS.CharluH "'acker)fortin A Rp'nonEdward B ButlerClaarl .. H. HulburdC:arenee BockintrhamBaallDln C&rpeat.C C»'de )1. CarrE,Iwln G. Fort-man"·at..'I'On E. n:llirEdward A. Shfld4 ..F�erl{'k W. �b,.EnleM A. Uamlll1llTIlE BAILY MAROON. TUESDAY. JANUARY 13. 191-1�������������������1',':" ,I"; :t :,d {,at I o nvsxcs. llusic w il. they were not able to, overcome theJ,,� ll:rlli:-:lil'd hy Lewis Fniks. lead. ,�Villard was the It�r for the se,1 L)JC I�",' I' ��T LL phomores. Russell .showed �ood for:n_ � ri , _,J.:.. .;).!..A SAYS RUSHING •� I RuL�S ARE RESPONSIBLE on 'floor work. For the FreshmenFull Two FOR RECENT LOW GRADE� Satt and Knipschild did the belt work.�������������� __ ���������������������n£ with the guards not farbehiR�j']'(,)ullgel1 31111 conccnt rut ed rush inj;MRS FLORA M�cIVOR S:..rrTl:- �·('ar·!'. He fully agr('cd with ])c:,CLASSIFIED I \ ... I '1' 1 I Linll" howev('r., in ('onckmninO' th,'OH!C :,Hil lIer no( t('a(,lcr t.f :Ir;i�ti,' '"ADVERTISEMEN1'� �inging, ':\[oll,lays :-Ind Thllr:<d:lys a! mdhl',l (If fr�tcrnity ru�hing U� t'.:\!r�, J-�l1i��ht�� ;j(;;j:.! :'Inry:alld .\"('Illll' hq;c fador in tlu,,' majority of fail5c per line. �o advertiseDlents re- Wcdncsu:IYs an<1 �:.lturda,ys at hOin�, :::�::I.cei\'ed for less than !!5c. All cla.ssUied 6356 ::Uaryland Avcnue. For informa- --+---COACH ST11.GG ISSUESadvertisements must be paid in ad-' tion a<1dress 63;')6 :\Iaryland Avenue plans to lay ita reeommelldatloll. bEo·CALL FOR TRACK MEN'Phone. lIidway 4390.ROOlIlIATE WA�TED-To share! LOST-Xo. l.i W:ltcrman fOllllt::in },'''11, :lIat of Thorsen. thc crack dIstance m .n,front suitc, lIodcrn, convient, 2 light browwn color, cOlltainir.::! ::!rl�e:l. � � ("oa('11 Olll:lr� lJo\\('vC'r, b('liev('s that th 'blocks from Univcrsity. Price $1.50. ink_ Probabl.,- lost in Cw;hier's ofii'·e. I '\ITj,le h:ls a �hancc to turn out aEnquire llrs. Clark ;;473 Unh-crsity Hch:rn to llaroon oflice.Ave. 3d.AD the comforts-When good fellows get together­thea V dvet is supreme This su­perb leaf has hu�g in the warehouseover two yems-a tremendouschange-all harshness is nullified­the leaf grows rich-remarkablysmooth-and in the pipe, Ye gods Iwhat a smoke! It·s too smooth tobite-too mellow to be anything butthe best smoke on earth. That·swhyifs called Velvet. One tiD is ateVdation. At. all dealers.One ouncebags, 5 cents,Convenientfor cigarette�okeraEmh',,,sl',1Fraternity J'ewelryL�ather GoodsCollege XonlUes "-{'tl,lIn!! Ill\'itliull'"Call1ll� Car';,.BROCHONENGRAVING C:.'::;:-,--'H. G. TURNERPresident 61G JIalll'rs Hulltlil!;:'Telephone Uandolph :UC:For all 'round 'wear and good serVIceWe recommend our SPECIAL \\lIN­T'ER OFFER---A black, blue or grayserge or cheviot suit, lvith extra trou­sers of the same o� stripe material$30.00TAILOR FOR YOU NG MENTHREE STORES: 'j �. La 8:u1� :-;t. 25 E.vance. WILL JUDGE COSTUMES I'RESIDUN OPEN CLANSCHEDULE WIftI VIcroB"k' I�������������,Members Of History DeparlmclllWill A,ward Pu:z�s At FancyUr..::-.; D'=ld In 1\'�) Holds ClubSaiUl(L1Y i\j,ght,\'( L.:','I'''; v! UII.,' IJI:,ttll'." (.h'i'artJlh"�1I.. 01' ..«: ;" j.l.;;.:\':- �lt t lre costume llai!;!! I", 1. ,�, ;1,_.J,i� ehdJ :-;atllnl:l�'. Th rer­j':U,','; ',Ill i'l' :t\\:tl',il'tl for (Itt' IH';i1n".;1 l::"V:> o r' !Ill'" a ud wuuu-u .ll'l'ictillgt'll..' L(.'lliLIf'� (.-1' dint'relit IH_'riud!". '1\\·ui:',./;\ ,,1[;::1 :'\',:I ... I� wi ll iJe niude to t hc: II') :-,·t, ,::.,.1 .1 .... 1I:I\'il,g till' UlII�t u n iqrn­,', -t . .. t','. Till' illt.'lItioll IIr t lu- ottil'l'r:<,,:' 11" ,1.,1. i:- tu f'o llo w vost umiug U1';,:;117." ;,:111 rvc cut iv held at the.\l'I:;UI'�·.1. t t: � 1'·l"t..':-l'!I:ati\'l' uf a cost umiug:;[ tl:t..' Hl'YIIldds dull where itII d 'l' I"",:-il.ll' tu r e nt lIrl'l'SeS for t lu­l):dl. Till'.:'l' 1I0t d csi rous of goiug to .:., ..... r,:u\\ II Ii: ru, c a n obt a iu cust umes:t J,l:tl':;:-tn'll' a ve uue :lII,1 lift�'_fifth::,:i:;; .!Lll:11an In Clm:::ge(_'kq""I'l':ls fur the danl'c huve U,),yd I)\'('!l dll'M'!t but )iiss .:\Iary \\-uo'!lIjp:;,t:: wi l l have charge of tho,IllY tl:e rrn t ern it ies last tall was :&�:!I',I �,\ "11 :,!:, �l rva suu for the Iurgc nUJllIJI�ri of F'resh mcn who fu iled to "rnuk ,gl,.,d·· ill the Autumll quarter. Dean. ',i:II:-li::ii of thc Ct.lh'gc of COlllllll'rcl'::lld Alli:lilli..;tratiull yesterday ma.1t�:", ,..t:tl('llll:lit that sevcnty perccnt ottit.- j'::ltl'rllity lIlCIl in his dcpartnlent\\ l' l't' l'l"lu\�' gra(ll', whereas ('Illy tWl'llty1'\'I'(:I'1l1 ot the 1I0u-fl'atcrnity mell wcr, .Au(.tIICl· rl'a:;;on advanced by llr_ ll:�r�Ii:tll for the cxtreml'ly large I't'rcent­:Ig,' I}f Fn_'sll!!I:1l1 failures in his depart-1!I'!:t W:1S th::t full�' a third of theThree Quartcrs club men were ill ,hi-n_"j', or till' fivc studcnts dismi!:'�'!ron! the Colkl!c of Commerce :lnd .\.1lIIilli:-tratinll. ft.UT Wl'rc Three Qua!"terl; club men_,\:- ,�::!" i� the fir:-;t ycar llr. �Iar,sh:l H 1I:'IS hnd Freshmen under his <;11:':'!'\'i�'iqll, 114� eoul(1 not eomparc thi:,Y":' !.':- m:llI her of failures with lal"!(Continuc.l from pa:.::,� !).,_ "lin� team, and the stul1ent� at titE\':1r.:-lon :-rllOol nrc banking on hi'�NICELY FURNISIlED-Light, fron� FOR SALE-Stanuar<1 Smith-Premier jl1dgmcnt.room; 2 windows; largc closet; elec­tric light, stcam heat, good opportunityfor two women students or tcachers,nenr Park and Midway. 1345 East62nd St., 3d Apt. Tclc. Midway 8573. Typewriter in excellent condition� at\'('ry rC:lsoliable terms. A great harg:lil�for :Inyonc desirin� ,a typewriter forprofe�si(lllal u!'c. H_ n.Lemon, Hoom fi,Ryerson I .. ab. or l!:?!:!O E. ij.J,h St_WANnD-Woman who wilt enter LOST-Tcp of fraternity pin, Lctt.'rUniversity in tho Winter quarter Delta :-;et with l.carls and a dlamollfl.wants position to carn board and room l.ihcTal rcward if returned to ;),100W A.N'rED-One or two girls to sharolight,hou�ckecping apartment for win­ter quarter. Mrs. E. F. DentoD, 5719»erchester. Phone B. P. 6655. ImH.doing hou�cwork ncar the Unh·ersity.Address XY46, �Inroon oft'ice. EJIis Avenuc. Telephone JI:(IC I'a;!� Exchangc Professor Speaks four, Innch, aftcrno01l, diDner, �nl'"Th(' first aim of literature is to evening cngageml'nts OD Friday, Sa't'urOLVIYPICAmusements.GARRICKHONEYMOON EXPRESSYearlings Defeat &phomoroa ·12-8 inFast Game-.8eGoDd Fn8IuDau'ream Meets .J1ID10D rocIa7 With AL Jolson and 100 Others,',.jtI,,, 'dcvdop }l\lOulIlify. This h:l8 heen reali:l('d hy �Iolicr(', for his work empha,sizes humanity rnthl'r thnn complcxPhilol'ophy," :-ald l'rofessor l .. c l'·ranl�.r.x�hange Prof('ssor from "'ranee inthe first of his lectures on Hnbeln'�yesterday. l'r('sident Judson intrl)­unr,(,d �1. 1.e Franc who is the firstof the Exchan�e ,profes.qors rccom-mended by the Yrcnch ministry toFOUND-A f01lntain T,('n in the 1.7ni- the t:ni\'crsit�- of Chicago, l'rofes�oT'Vcrsity prc!',8 Hld�, I_,oscr rn�y haveI I.e rrnnf"s !'Iuhjf'ct was "lfolicrl! l'tsamc by paying for tIllS a<1vcrtJsement. les Grands Questions de �on 'l'eml'lt.' TIll' intra-mural basketball champion­:-:hip series for 1914 waa ill&quratedyesterday afternoon by a Freomanvictr.ry over thc Sophomorea. Tile Grit�'t':tr men suceeded in dHeatiR, theiroppoucuts by a twelve to eight 1IC0re.TIll' �allle was closely fought through­out uud not until the laat minute wallthe result certain. The Bophemores..;t:l rt l'.1 oft fast and wero not, headedunt il t he first half wu almOit hilhedbut nf'ter the Freshmen gOt tbe leadt Ju.�' were never stopped.I n the first minute of I'll,y Willtlrdof the �;)phomores dropped two .enIR­t ionul shots into the .basket from themiddle of the floor. Sutt, the diminu­tive F'reshmau forward, however '00!1got his basket eye working and h istwo ungera and- one by Goldi. put, tho F'reshmun in the lead.At the end of the firat half th8 score"'JlS 8 to ·1 in fa,'or' o� the drllt ye�u In.wn and, although th't Sophomorescame back stronger in the aeeond haH. i COlAN'S GRANDWith Bruce McRaeA�ERICAN .UtileBAl.!.WHEN DRE�MS COME TRUBC&"ar�t C� Lu xe :111<1 DaucilJg EV�1'7l\i;,;ltt, 11 1'. III.ILLINOISGreatest Show on EarthZIEGFELD FOLLIES•• ,,_ _,; JHo",ard'S TheatreA Blow at Commercialized Vic.It Bas Awakened Chicago.Today at three the second game ufthe series will be played between th» THE TRAFFICFreshman II and the JunioTa. In tilevening at seven the Divinity 8choo�will mcet the mediCI .Score ()f Sophomore-FreshmanGame.Freshmen I, 12 SophoJlloFeti S}Goldie, Whitmore· -L. F. . •.•... BuhellSatt� Knipschild •. -R. F Plumt'Fishcr, Niehols ..... C •...... MeCo.nnellJacksonAlberts, Kendall ••. L. G ••• •. _ ••• Spark'",Marum, Otis ...... ·R. G ....... W,Jlar'Weinma::Baskets; Russell, MeCoRnell, Willar.l2, Goldic, Satt, 2, Kendall, Knip8Child.f'ree throws: Satt 2. Referee, .Nicholl' pOWERSDAVID WARFIELDIn The AuctioneerCOR,,)"'Jack LaWs New PlayHELP WANTEDSTUDEBAKERHa.tUeWILI,TAM8Will Hear Bepoda of Oommt�Named ro � De JtabiDCBal .. ID Ohic:Lgo'B Kusical Holiday F.u�ftIB DOLL GIRL. The- most disputed matter to eom:­tip beforc the intcrfratp.mity coullr.i'this afternoon ia that of hiah-lChooipledgirlg. The eommittee OJl' rauing FINE ARTSDoll7 Beforming Heaelt.fore th(' Couneil at this meetiq. Otb�TLOO Matinee 1'h1l1'8da,.matters to be brought up are til. llum­ber of dates allowed 'eae1a fratenaityand tile requiremeDta frr illitiation •TIle �(1mmittt'e reeommell4a • rul·,�tating that a man i. llmitecJ'to aixdate" with anyone fratenaily III anyone "'cck; further that there aretwcnty-four rushing dat" ill a weelt: -.r-princesslIB. WM. HODGE IDftlB ROAD TO HAPPINBS8"Genuine suc("cssor to "THE MANFROM 1I0�'E:'_Jnter Ocean.day, and thrce, lunch, afternooJl.The other rcr.ommcndatiOll d tbAtno student shall bc initiated witla le"llIfhan threc majors and five gnde point!'of tTniversity work.• THE GREAT I'I .. AY OF NOW"A II 0 D B R N G I R L"BeJlntll Gina LedUeProfeSt!or &h('v:ll, of th(' Iliatorydepnrtmcnt, g:\\-e hift lceturo on "I'�_eriek the OrC'nt, Herald of the NewGermnny;' ,hst night at tbe NorthSidl' c('ntcr of the eniv.nit1 Lecture LAS�LLE·'SEF.rEMBER MORN'With Dav. Lem..,.. "._. - :,: