, .... y- ,.... ._ ._ .VlIIVBB8Ift 0 ... OIiIoAGo,_ WBDJlBSDAY DBOimIBBa 3, 1913.SOUCIT m·. ft.0I' nfREE QUARTERS ELEcts IlAD POWEU" GiYEN CLU8' LiaRAkY -. OONORS ONE-FOURTH .()F,� FOND,'.' FMJI-JI,FOI,DAtD Jack A_·iaChoaeo President of OVADON BY·'AUIJIERCI a.&anee from fori;'�und .. �.$25.()(j FOR LIBRARY RECEIVED.,..a �nol� ,Club ••••••••.•••••••• 200.00'--- .Freshman Society at Amwal '&eo,' rge Parkinson •••••••••••••• 6.00Pulillllll:i.fI�·QUI:III···.·i ..iillteNeNt .. Siiiids·LOitt Il ..... ,.. I -_&. N I:' Chop-."Min Waltz"" Re--I..I- Cub Lib .. _·Commit-�uet....a iabt-l"ifty Nco- m. get ,J. Lawrence Laughlin •••••••••• 2.50 7""" --.IIJatIaw::Eid"·'.rTxbta �L. Ai Ini· -...I GiYea Greatest A.-�;-tio .00 tee AcImowl-l-ea Welcomepytel· e balcu. '6'ap .. -_ n· Owald B. Smith ••••.•••••••••••• L �.·'�MurAtoinni;. -UIeS Rare Old V'aoIin. DoNld Fol'lDall, i917 .... , ........ 2.00 CUb Contributiona.IIGIN"TICIET SALE TUESDAY Jack Agar was elected president ot _. Maq lIattbew"_ i914 •••••• � ••••• l.OO -the Three Quartel'B club at the awul3l FRANaS' IIOORE IS.; PIAfftST 'A. W. Cooke, .1914: •••••••••••• 5.00 (l)ffI1UBtJTORS' NAME mom. . initiation and banquet in the Uni- I lik .a..eli;' Murra7, 1914 •••••••••••• LOOA letter � eDOloeiDg . tickets for the •• t was e playing in London,"Settlement claDee, W88 sent out to au veraity club last night. Dunlop Clark said Maud Powell after her violin re- .... er S. P. Meek, 1916 •••••••• 2.00 OllB-fourtli of the money necessary to, was ehosen vice-president, and lTank-.tal da . . "dings D. Jones, 1908 •••••••••• 1.00 instaJl a library in the Reynolds club........ ofl the faeuliy and tct maay c.1 yester:yo, in giving her impres- has been received by the commit.tue. lin Chandler and Norman. McLeod sions of Mandel as a concert halL "You & Edwin' Earle;' 1911 •••••••••••• 1.00proawaent al1lllllli 7esterda7 to enlist I ted t .. � d t T __ P "'913 1 00 and is' acknowledged elsewhere in to-"L_l_ t were e ee secre_., an reasurer, ought to be proud of this beautiful --- ayne,.L •• •• •• • •••• � �. •_au- IAlpport or, the', great ; campus ti I 'ni:--. L. K . . '1913 1 00 day's issue. It appears certain. that.respec ve 7· h th . h on... � eDlllcott, • • • • • . .• .plailaDthroP7 of th& year� Poisters for all, wi lts atm08p ere of old V.A.- the required $1,000 will have been re-00l0.I._ .1___ t.._ Fifty l'reshme� were inducted into f � I d hAm. Fl.Jmck W. Croll, 1915 •••••••• 1.00..UIIV � appeued va.the camp. 7-- oru, won er wymore errean eeived before the winter 18 well' b.6 ...... _�_. "';I�. the club Sixty alumni, some of them universltles do not build great halls Earle 8hilton, 1914 •••• � ••••••••• 1.00",,"r......, UI _ r- plaeea. They . gun. ContributioDs are b8iDg &c-.. L_ .:.:..:..s.. of' G graduates ot the University attended like ..... andel where th ...... students may Cowan D. 'Stephenson, 1915 •••••• 1.00are ... W� fM)q. Lyman and .w. � knowledged d&ily and should be &d-. Ao' oIII.L «__ • G • the banquet.._ ..... _. hear the best mUSl·C. The musI·cal edu- �aIile8·rWithlield •••••••• .' •• 18.00�. '�_e M6I&£V 0.... 8D8I'OI!I1ty dressed, "The Reynolds Club Library� .. tIle daDeer& The plalut of the Olub AlUJDDl Give Speeches. cation that the University of Chicago· -.--Committee, Faculty Exchange, U.·OfJohn Cleary, '14, presided as toast- 'retal .' 26950PUblielt7 .. ,cOlDlllittee aI80 iDelude the is giving its students in symphony ••••••••••••••••. _._._. __•master, J aDles Donovan, '13, spokeSa .. )" ptaper8 iD all of wlaich .pace �oncerts and artists' recitals is splen- -BIB mDOoii 'SCiDrDtiLB. 01 for the alumni' Emest Reichman fOl didwiUfprobabl7 be MCUed to capl t h Be ." ''Pu'-ke6!.aIL·t e mora 'and ·John Breathed fOI -- ---the project. Few artists who ha.ve appeared In-'. . i ." .. _ .. the Junil)pg� B'chard .... tth nee. 5, J�wis Institute�at Chicago.... 1IcDawC to ap.Jr. . --.., 1 .w.& ews, as Mandel have received that measure' ofoat K_da7, Deeemb« 8., Klas tIC-' president of the active Three Quarters B!PPreeiation accorded to Miss Powell Dee. 10, Evanston· A. at Chicagodub t k h • th ··ti ti Dee. 12, N.' W. College at ChicagoDowi8u. will tMk • th.e.'lomt ·ehapel. ,00 c arge 0... e 1D1 a on. throughout her recital yesterda7. She,J--'- Agar r� ded to t-oM-- f th D� 13, Wheaton at Wheatonenftiae lor .JuDior �n and wOmen..... . -r-D . VW¥tW" or e resonded to the ovation with three en-neoph ..... __ . Jan. 17, Iowa at Chicago'l'laoau Col� Ua1rman ot-'the-Set.-. .,- cores, besides repeating two favoritetl __ t cluce ....uttee will ·.1Ilao . Club pledges were required to bring numbers, the Chopin "Minute waltz" Jan. 20, Illinois at Urbana'box-' o· c .... dv and .ttes f Jan. 2..t Wisconsin at Chicago. "_'.... -., . . ague or and the "Caprice Viennois" b7 Fritz ...,the older membel'B of the club. Kr8isler. Jan. 27, Northweetem at ChicagoNUmbers Are Luted. Jan. 30, Purdue at· Chicago'ALVIIXI GIVB'DABOB aA.ftBDAY As is wmal in'an audienee of "regu- Feb. G, Ohio ·State.at Chiesg�Feb. 20, Purdue at LaFayetteJar concert 'pa��DS1' �e plC!fR appreeia�At- qon :was 'give!:to the more--f&milhir. �.�;Brab.a,'--'_ •D&aee.," the Beethovea "JIJaUet, .. t1i6Clac,pln ; "llinute . W8l�- ud" the . �an "Roildo." The . apeDiDc number,"ConcertO ja"G' 'Dibi� de4Ueated bythe composer, ColerldpTaylor, tci KiaFeb. 29, llliD�ia at Chie8pP�e1I, w� liked espeeiall7 for -thomeltiDg tones of ita second movement:. llarth 11, . Northwestern at Evanstonl£a�h 21,' Indoor CoDierence .£ EvThe Bach "Sonata. in E major" 'whichlollowed delighted all with ita' stately, P8IlaiDgp.WnBUiDgr � ·GJ'P'!"st;Icellar�h 27 and 28, CoDferenee at Lin·old-time grace, with the suggested air,_ . times, of old minuets. The difficult,----------------------------1allegro movement was espeeially com-pelling. The "�uet Antique" byBoieheriDi, given as aD 8Ilcore was ex­quiaitel7 played. Another encore num-ber .w .. the Schubert "Ave Maria." &noir pins laa�'been' oraei-ed�and' wililIisa Powell paid a compliment to an-...be 'distributed' Frida7.' The pins areotler famous contemporal'7 violiniat, thle BalDe'in; demp u"Iast"yflm"&Fritz Kreisler, . b7 giving hi. "Caprice --'-A* f� leDIor 'OJ... �Mem­VieDDoia,." whieh .me gr&eiGWI17 re-peated in response to contillued ap­plau.. The intricate "lIinute Waltz"anuged from the ChopiD eeOn by da\lartist henelf abo w .. repeated.PlUda IIoan �Much appreciation ia due the" ae­eompanist, lIr. 'FrUeia JlOOn, for hisA committee wu clloaeB to· illveeti- �pathetic interpretllltioa of thupte fraternity· l1IUiDS and to fol"lllu- piano settings of the variGWI Dumbers.late rulea reprdi�g it at the 'Cniver- Alth� his playing lleemed IJOIDC-a...� ... L"WIIt.�1Mi ,n.qalrecl·:fOl' -t7, b7.the Senior delega&ea at the wW coid at first, hi. late� aecompani·. IDterffttenit7 COUDeil meeting .,-- manta offered a pl-":ng -�ting toad .... OL 'ft'4dlcUta leU . lor . tweD' � "...... _.terela7. Ke .. ben of the committee,,'II .. ce ... New-4uees wiD be per- are: William L,mu, chairmaD; George_;uet Wt· u.e 1riJ(' be .... y Wll)taa,... . Par1r::iDaoa, .lolD Perlee, Burdet�... \W__._ 'pla1ecJ.; , Faib" orela ..----.- Kat, Ba,. MacFarland Robert Kil-tra wID �...... I� aIHI FraUlia Eva ..!'lie 7:10 raJ.' was· adopted but the.I-'A. .AJ_tllt DuwtIiT .u.wel.' ,ale �. tile ... ber of c1atea a.,......... ... ... ..... .." petl- :rr.u..a bve wu 'tab1e4. The...... 111&., I Nt, .. tw· � pnp pJecJclBg nile wu droppedII., ., ... 'W. A.' A." ...... .b7 tile eopelJ, 'pediag tile report ofr�._ "..� -nee. .dMj...,� eGIDIittee. The 1:30 raleI'IWI; 111& da7 I. jGIa- prori4Ie. oa ahool IliPta a � •... .. . w:- A,," A.' '__' ..... '., __ tie na1aecl' .ner -s, aDd.. ' J:d 7 • Ida' ,.. 1'�'ftIW ·1 ·frUeraft7 ..... by... .--.. .�.I i .... I'� _-' _�-- ... - .-\- .,... and �!I!�� � have beeD.. und lor tile au.eceediv.g·.chapel 8%­em-.�t.the week.� lor tIae c1uee will be plaeecl'. '.' '.. ' �...... � ..;·D :e&be· • ....a .. ". .LAo._.. ,......... �:aJI-t .. i.; ..... tif"'\W .... ".. ·Gift Up;:� ...... V�-.,.if�.:_; ...�.. - t:-:· '---A "=:-.Ia:P"_l .. � __ �.���·-"Da1a7 '-'�.: • �''''''�;''' be .. .AtuJDai;'� the &ant. Cluir will give� ...... �:_acl'UJiivenity' infonnal Of·the., �'-e.t.:�.�v.,.. pertoa.:.. 1- SMaida,.· afternoon at 2:30 a&.. ." r;-' p-tfl;i;' -- .ao.U8 au, , 57th meet and Harpel.... � __ �'t.... .Vell... A1ln;e:her'.· orelaeetra will���D01I' fandak mule lor twenty cluee&_." ..... " Frappe will be Ml'VecL '"UDl __ :Wa dace is better patron-bed' thaD' \lae Jut one we will prob­abI)" have to �Y8 tIaem up," said Bur-- dette· Kut 7ealerda7"!' "However, &to_.-lut. eJa. Mttritl_ wiD be eDded a lot of students were at MiDneepoUathen, I thiDk it is sate to precHet- &mueJa larger' crowd this time. TJda iapnetieaU7 ·the··'" 'geto-together UiIi ..venit7 dab-· of the quarter."Bud7 JlaWaews :Robert Killer adBardette IIut are the Score dabaJuDlDi who � 8pOD8OriDg tl_fw tile flOuter witla-'a' cl&Dee in the.... el1Ib FricJay afternoon from" .to Ie The executive' committee� to' be oat iD fulf forM to·'­tW eV8r7o.e' pe.: & 'Uuee to claDee,.. d tbt tlaere .,...'IlO:pr ...... · ...1QecJ. lin. T. G. Allea·..t "'�WIa-tired Pieree wiD:a.- ..,. ....-n. ,,--. _ ., .,. beat,if •• �.�·!eJaa-:ia:tIIe "UaiT ..rIdy," _4· PWIIa.at 81� ... JaR Dip"Mud we .... · ..... ,:to: P'"e to, tIaeeaapaa at ';".I':68t: t115; __ cla' I.......... w.Bt'·1riInl �.hi1e.;. OuJut � ...... ·.,....-wen·,atIndecl·aM we .,.. neI'T ..... :aeaber oftile daa'· to: be,"" ua 'Pri"y after- � .. 7:30 ...... � aDd.......wmPeatln .....-..ar ..APJIOIlftI OQ'M-'WBB '10�"". the .. AndaDte sempliee." :Feh. 21, Ohio 8�.e at Columbus'F�b. 21' IlliD. � �.- - . - 'I_ .... _� �*·:i- ""j._-! .. 1I �-,. "._��)a 3, Norttaweat.it': ... �:Ev .. eoBlOIreh 6,. 'WlaeOJllliD at: JcadiBoD�ek..Jan. 31, Northwestem' -*: ChicagoFeb. 14, Pm1Iue � LatayeUeanston.coin, Neb.Seuior PIpes OlClaecl Fifty pipd,which'�hth;'e been' o ... (ten�(l from 'Eng,­laird 'win be- her�"for tlie 'Semon. .,e".fdre,;·the ·Cltri·&tmas··v�on. Fiftyben of the Senior class haye. boonUked .to eend tIl� elaaa dues of $5to box 171;' f.eUltj exchange or toTrea.urer Job Perl" ripi awa7. t:., Ohicag»," CheckN _ .. � .. ld be madepayD.ble to the committee. All re­mittanccs are acknowledged by le�tez:the oJ:quiaite tones of the violin. KiMPowell'. instrument was a genuine oUGuadagaine whieh .• he dieeovered inCalifornia ave years. &CO after it h&lllaiD unused and forgotten in and oleltrunk for over 88vent7 years. Sheeoaai,lers it the fineR instrument pos­aible for her uae, and it haa a remark­ably strong and lJY1IIpa.thetic tone, eap·able of the finest possible degrees ofahadiD�.... ••. ......... '8igma NuUDouaeea tlte pledgiDg of Earl B .eou- of SeD-W, OIrl,"_, as well as in the �olumn8 of the �-RoON�BookS Are' :BeCeived.'Besides the welcome cash contiibu­tions the �olllJliittee gratefully &e­knowledgC3 recei� of a. n!1mber ofbooks, among them: ··Tr3.frie' a.ud 'Di.coveries," by Budyard Kipling; dO­nated by Ii. ICNewman and "Jiulithe"'and "Horo and Leander/' by lrliirtin,- 'Schutie, donat� by the author. �e'eommittee 'eSpeCially. appreciateS' iPtia .of bOo� P&rtlcUliLrly when they have.-- � :_; ����·Jt·� \'-j. __ .. -':�"a1l'�ty' members who' have'''wntteli' boOb . will contribute copie.·'of them' to the Club C library.'. FneD«W ..'of the clubs �who'liave' mtablc -DOOle.in' their' libiariea and' are' 'willing -to .parCwltli ··them' � . Order -tlUit· thJ dub''library 'ma7 00' augmenteU -are--uiged.to ha.ve sueh �volumeS deliv'erea iii 'CaN'of the eommttee at 'the Cl�-Olie hun:':: dr6d. aud fifty bookS 'will'De aonaledby the University . libraries.aqgestiona: JCaCi� .With- abriOst every contribution' eameSUggeStiODS as to the way the libr:l..lIhould be made up. "Cyrano de' Ber�gerac," hThe Wreekers," "The H4>tlor­able l'eter Sterling," "The Virginian;'"Books and Culture," "In BudhaFields,"• "H.iatory of American Li�r­aturc" and "Les Miserables" werenmong the specific works desired bydi1rerent peraon& Opie Bead, BenTYVanDyke, G. K. Chesterton, Honor.(ConUnued on pap 4.)(I'IJl .......... .., ta tile ·tacal tJ" achazl&e.)Ac:cardJIIc to & -...un paIlq lMlofted lut spriD& b� the special com-mtu.e, tile � fa to .. bail, up � a 8IIlecttOD a\ Am or more obvl.­GIla'" � bowIl boob, aDIl .. to lDc1ude tlle toUowtDc da88eI:L PidbI. i. IIodem DnIDa. 3. Modem Ba&p."' Bt�. &.'rra'ftL. 6.Spcma.7. � ...... UClllllIDaU\U\IOIUI.8. fte Uld� of 0Ideap.Be �\tee wID �e Ul4 COIIIl4er UISW'eD to tll8 foncnrIDC�-: ....L IIIMRM �tMr _,.. or II be eecarecl ID tll. am �ePZ' of tile� , . .i. IIaodI aQ .,.. aboft ..mIODecl• 'be dropped or deferred tW. la_?a:._.�.��_.� �··_.··_·�··t:.:.;;:w··a-c tM -'F ..--,. ....... _ .'- Wbt � 'w.b? ................................................................................CLASSIFIEDDVERTlStItENTSftm D.AJLY .4-00., WEDNESDAY, DBCBIIBD 3, 191:l.T h D• I M .::c:=_=====::;;;:==::==::============� I '1"0 HOLD AJOroALe a I., a roo D I' BaUetiD· I------------------------- �G �o�TODAY.Publ1ah�tI mornlnc.. except Sunda7 and Ohapel-Senior copeges and collegeMonda),. uurlD� the Autumn. Winter antI.princ quarter-. by Tbe Dally Maroon . of.ta.tr.AMoelate Ecl1tonCrt'Ori" SlWrcz UuNlh,)' WtoilNina O'':'';ell1 AUl:usta �wawlteEntered WI tieconu-c1aaa mall at the�h1caKo pOlltomce. Cblcaco. 11l ••� Marcb 111.lllUIi. under Act of llarcb 3. 111.3.Chances toLearn.' ,zeal to convert the heathen, would notbe interested in the lecture.. an(would be inclined to jeer 'at the sug�gestion that he could have profited byhearing, it. And herein the averagestudent makes a great mistake.. Hemay not' be' interested in missionarywork. it is true. But the lecturer whoappearS before the University publicis a.bnost always a man ot SQlDe sta.nd�ing and a\ta.inmenta, and he is sureto say �me thing worth everyone'sattention. While most of the Iec­tares given before dubs and. 0l'ga.D1Za­tiona are not devoted Pl1mari1y to giv�ing information on commercial coD.di�tiona, few of them take plaoe Withouta.1I0rding the thinking stuclent someidea tha't .1S worth while. It D1a.y beof, a co�erciaJ. venture; it may sug_gest a new line of ',thought, a new cul�tural .m� .It woUld. take an In-different; l.i:ftener indeed to avoid anyidea at aU. 'rhe aVerage studentWOuld. do w··:n to ..""£& pay some 'attentionto lectures. .lie Iieect· nc.' go Wlta ti..:intent of get:H ... _might . --t; every word.. HeWell attend, H _that int8rest ...-� to the PartsIIlainder � him, and devote the r�..... _ of the tiJne to thoughts ot&lolA � .& ... _ -lect .�o� 'Who uses his intel�h ;:;: DeecIa juSt snch times, when� . Without boob, paper 01' ��to do of the � And here is a Chancethin 80, �t the laDle time dOing som�g else worth 'Wh.D.e. At least, sucha JIlethod of '.as _'- SI»ending an idle hoor is- WI While as � ... _ T .....shooti _ - ---s �e 01'-t; POOl in the alub.i'icketa tor twogl'and OPera perf� ofhave been o1fered at re-dUced ra.'tea to students.Orancl OPera, This move 'is hi...t.l- sat-rickets. �isfactoey. The operacompa117 has o1fereclseason tickets. but the sale· has notbeen OVerwh.l_� __ ._natul' � laqe. This 18is al, because the aven.,ge stude .. ,not �evoted enough to mUSic to takeWhatCOlDea, say, every Tuesda¥ night.fte lIlustc Phil.taune who Is to be re.generated lIlust be coaxed, by aDoWinghim to go to the performa.ucea thatmost interest him, and not by eudeav­Ol'lng to crazn a re&ular weekly rationof mllSic down his throat. For thisreason, reduced rates for Bin,&1e per�fonnances are greatly desirable. Thetact that the opera company is of.ferlng them for some performan�leads to the hope that it will gradual-17 resume the polley or last �-acoDSistent scale of reduced Prices foraD performances. Such a polley WOUldgiTe tile opeloa. added cultui-al and ed­ucattonal vaI�e, to -Wq noUdng of 01ll'aeUbh satisfaction In being able toIaear opera at reduced rates. Connuerco and Administration, I-'OR Rl-:NT-A suite of rooms aDd al­RO one Mingle room, two bloeks fromeoLL lIall, l\(rli. Sullivan, 5802 Jack-Oonteata Are Scheduled for lfIodaJ' &D4 ��������������� :'011 a" .• 211t1 apt, Phone.Tomorrow at ,--nne BYedta 5c per line. No adverttseuieuts re-!fIhia AftAmlooD. ceived for less than 25c. All class11lcdad'Yertisements must be paid in ad-I TYPEWRITING bcatly dono-Miscel-Rillo room nenr Uuiveraity, Good trans-"'0& �Al.� very cheap. WnMhhurl1... f II d tTl 'Ilort.atioll, stcum hent, modern rmprov e-guitar, u ress eont, uxeuo :tll'. .d _ $'')Prince Alhert, size 36-38. H. P. 220;;, monts. II 1'0 of parlor an prano, ....�463 Wftflhington A ,.(". , 2nol Apt. ;j4i;� l�ui\'l'n-it�· ..:\\·e. P!lOIlC Cla�ke- D SteYer. .all&lrIDC .Edlturvance. k . . . It .-.- M·. B:. w: ColUDgbaDl }'Jew • .EdJtur Sophomore Social OOmm1ttee--lO:l: The fourth annual swimming cham- Ilatl('OUS wor a spccrn J. 1 Il •:: ;-. «;::::-s B.!�.�a�� Cobb rea plouships will be run off at four o'clock LOST-A gold wntvh, between Ch(>IlI' Brown, 6132 "e�non ave, or Harperw. H. L:JDla. Clre.laUo ..... eer Schoo' of Education I"ft._ ...... , '0.'1:;:, todav aud tomorrow' to determine the b" 1 1) I •. I I ibrarv Loan Dt'�k. \\'.31________________:l ".w.�..,,, istry u1hhllg am rcxe a "(>11\1 e. '-':l!'ll'I' '. .1 .Enullollll Blaine 214. champion swimmer of the University. W3S market �1. P. Findl'r I'h':llW Il'a"" I . __Tiger Head-3:30 Cobb 8B. AU t"ni\"crsity men are eligible to com'at Jnf'ormat ion Bureau, Ht'warll. FOR RENT-Ph .• nsant light warm out-pete and Coach White is desirous ofMathematical Olub--!:15, Ryersonno large list of competitors. The eventsthat will be held today are the plunbre,z;VBS(;IUnIO!'li BATES. ---dolln Cl b-4 30 R 1.1 1 1�7 carrier: It.6U a year; $1.UO a Quarter..IZ&AIl U:, eyno us e uo, the forty yard backstroke and the life-l$,r mail: $3.IIU a year; $1.::5 a quarter. So the)l;dlturial-Hwunt:� �)JI1ct:. BUill ::t. U rn Club-4:30, Cobb 12A. saving' contest.Tel�pbonf,l llJdwa)' tiUII. After 10 p m.S71ol. P.uk .aU. Honor Oommi.s8t0n-3:30, Harper The men swim the events Indivldu-MarooD PrUSt 6611 Conace Grove Avenue. MIl. nliIy and are given points according to(flulOr,al Pen Club Initiation-6, Commons their performances. They are basedA rather short notice w:as �ven cafe. on a percentage of one hundred pointyesterday (If an address on the sub- but a man may obtain more than omTOliORROWject of missionary work hundred points it he breaks a tan:in China.. Proba'hl- the DiVinity Chapel-tO: 15, Haskell as-UAJ record. 1 f a record is broken thesembly room.average student, who is swimmer is credited with two addiY. W. C. L.-I0:15, Lexington 14.not 1i1led wtih burning tional points for each fifth of a secondNeighborhood Clubs-Council ant!under the former record.Ray White was the winner of lastyear's meet, scoring the largest num­ber of points eyer made in the historyof the Unh·ersity. Fast time is ex­pected to be made in all the eventsby the varsity and the freshma�swimmers, if the results of the intra·Varsity meets go for anything.10: 15, Mnnelel.37.officers, 10:15, Nelgbborhood room.French C1u�4, Lexington 8.Graduate History Olub-7 :45, Hitch-cock parlor.MANY GIVE SPEECHESAT ANNUAL BANQUETOF DIVINl'l'Y SCHOOLtho Fourth Presbyterian church, talkedDr, John Timothy Stone, pastor ofHOCKEY READY WE are showing a new lineof EnglishScotch tweeds, Serges and Cheviots,Specially selected for College fellowsand specially priced for $30.00.�..utEE STORES: 7 N. La Salle S1. ss E. Jnl"kRon lit"e!. it E. ::\fonroeSt. IINVITA'nONSon •. Practical Christian Activity" atElizabeth Hurd, �2, Is Helping Kissthe fall banquet of the Div-inity schoolopera 3SSoeiation, students may secure Dorothy Llewellyn, repre�nting thereductions of from a dollar to seventy- 'Unelergratlua:te council, spoke yester.five ('cnts for "The Girl of the Golden day at the Junior women's �apcl,West" at the Auditorium tonight. asking for greater consideration of theOn payment of the nominal fee,' rights of fellow students in the rea«1members of the University secure cou- ing room of Harper library. Earl·pons entitling them to reductions or Shilton will .speak on the .same suh.seat prices, wh.en presented at the Aud- jed at Senior chapel this morning.itorium box o1rice. A selling desk forthe coupons has been fitted up in Cobb IlATBBM�UCAL WO:RDBBJ6A. :Mcmbe1's of last year's Uni. 2'0 DBIIOld'r'&AD BIBversity grand opera association are not 8IDLL 2'0 PBOFB880�rcqui1'ef1. to pay du� this ycar to takeaf1.\-antage of the low seat tariff. .mcnt. Gamble, who is still a studenl80ph Women Meet Today-Sopho· at high school, multiplies any numbermore 'Womcn will meet at 10:15 today of digits with the greatest facility.'With the women of the social com· I.ast night at the DAILY MAROONmittt'c in Cobb 12B. Final plans will office he gave an exhibition of hisskill announcing the correct produ('t.of any large numbel'B propo8Cd to himas rapidly as most men �a.n write thefigures. Young Gamble claims thf'otNeighborhOOd CounCil .ee�Tho he has poS8C88ed an abnormal powerXci�hborhooo �ol1ndl will meet Fri- to figure arithmctic problems and b&flay :Lt 10:]5 in Lcxington to di!4Cu8S Jievcs that his method is almost in·})lans (01' a final party. fallible.Iast night, in the School of Education..MallY students responded to toasts,After the program' of speeches, the19u<"l'ts, students and - faculty members,and their wives, all' sang the AlmaMater.D.. Shailer - Mathews was tons'mrustcr. H�.� introduced various mem­bers of the -_Divinity school council,who gave reports of the work in ath­letics, the Y .. M. C. A., missions, socialservice, devotions, social, financial anc1administrati'·e departments.RBDUCE OPERA PRICES TOMEKBEBS OF l1NIVEB8ITYOn Payment of Fifty Cents Prelim­inary Fee Students Get cutRate Coupon&-By pnying initiation fees of fiftycents, to join the University grane]Pri('cg of $3 scats have been cut to$2. for students. $2.50 seats scn at$1.!'iO anl1 $1.50 seats at 8C\·enty�fi\·ecents. • Wayman With COa.ching.Jnvitatrons lor the women's hockeygames have been printed and may be'secured from the gymnasium ofrice inLexington. The schedule for the annualSenior-Junior �hn.mpioDBhip hoekeygames on Greenwood fielel is as fol,lows: December 5 at 1:40, December10 at 2:40, anel December 15 at 1:30.Doth squads will scrimmage todayat 1 :30. The teams are rapidly round­hlg into shape and undoubtedly :lgood game will be .staged on Green·woocl field Friday. Elizabeth lIurtl,'12, has been helping Miss Waymancoach the women. Miss Hurd playetlat Bryn Mawr for two years and alsoplaye<l at the University..3PEAX AT CHAPEL ONSl1B.JECT OF TA.LBJ:NGIN BABPBR LIBRARY ��R FOn YOUNG MEN._-_.-_._----_ .. _-_.-_ .. __ .At Onceh� nll� for the rlnnce to be given Sat·t1Tllny from 3:30 to 5:30 in the Rey­noM!" club. Albcrt A. Gamble, the mathematical'Jlhcnomcnon from Rochester, N. Y., i'lon the campus this morning elemon·strating his ability to one of the professors in the mathematical clepart- VVantedEada IIWI at the UmenitJ to come in and investigate ourSpecial Offer. .to College Men_H£RZKA BROTHERS:-: Tailors :-:1545 East 53rd StreetlfIelephone H. P. 1037. Open Evenings and Sunday Morning.... - .. _--- ---- - - -- --- •. �- _._ .. ---------e .. ------ . I:.• Hotel Cumberland ,�.• �: ..... -:._; '.'""t .• o_.� __ .-.;.";' .. �... "HBWYORXBroadW&7 at 51th Street.Near $Om Street SubW&7 StatiOD aDdwei street Elefttecl"Broadway- can from GrandCentral Depot.Sneath Aveaae Can from Pamql­ftDia Stadoa.•• PT BY ..t OOL,..O. IIANB .... DQU ... IlT.R.B 'OB OOLr..O. JI.YBP.Ol..tL IlAT.S FOB COLr..a. ".AJlBTeD Minutes' Wa�k to Thirty TheatresHArRRY P. STIllSON. MANAGERBI!:ADQUARTlDR8 J\iR CHICAOONew, Modern and FireproofRoom. with Bath, $2.50 and up.......... __ ._---------_ ... ,'SHADOW' - the smart fall andwinter collar style that keeps itssmartness and style when you wear it.The LION collar features give the reason-espe­daIlytbefamous LION "Lock-that-Locks." 6for75cor as U81JaIl for 25c.I/fOn (i/{ars0Ide# 1JIaDd. In AmorJesUNITED SlDRT II COLLAR co., Makers, TROY. N. Y., -_.- BIB DAILY .'1lOOlI, ,�lIB8DAY, J)ECEHBmt 3, 1913. .2 .WUtc.IlepLlit.a TI.i..k -I .... Gon_ A I!�l .:__ -= ",.," .. �..... Wo�wn Trust� • CJoool _ . � & Savmgs Bank'JUlllor Day and Thanksgiviug!- 1204 Eo 63d Street, Oh1cacot� bring visions of turkey and dane­I.,. Iud� we hope that the vaea­tiP, 80 welcome just now, will be wellA«ed with jollity of all sorts: a goodtaree and prom here, and much'na&nbgiving everywhere. Most of all.. e deplore cramming for examinationsduring the half week's break in study;tor vacation is given us to be eonse­crated to relaxation. That is the realvirtue of the farce and prow; they aresimply a good tiwe; and good timet!well distributed are as valuable asCood lectures or good courses.All eastern colege editor states theother side of the c�, too frequ�ntindulgence in good times aptly as fol­Iowa:"A rensonable combniation of thetwo types should be more efficient inevery way. And it would seem thatthe college bred man ought to be ableto make the combination better thananyone else. Why not try it, a Iit­\1e more undivided attention to work_ben working, and then forgettingiLbout it when the work is done?"-Th�haily Californian.�terestiDg 8taU;;; of Princeton'sFlwIbmaD Claa.Eighty-lour colleges ,and univer:sitietl!ire represented by the parents of theltudents in the present Freshman class. � � to The i. Princeton university, but of its 430Freallman Kodem Fidion and Dr� 'embers only �n claim tha.t bothiiieir parents are coll� gradu:a.tes.�gures were today made public by the�nive",ity authorities which show that1i8 or 55 per cent. of the entering stu­dents have parents wtihout college ed-WOdd JIoy81llellt Is SubJect-Pr . .L, 0- w::ation. The fathers of 129 Freshmen"-or �ee will speak on the Christ- �uated from college, and of this� World movement at the eehool of j.um'her 45 claim Princeton as theirEdueat.ion ehapel exercises today in Alma Mater. Fourteen boys state thatEmmons Blaine 293 at 10:15. Uaeir mothers are entitled to wear the.Tobit_ CJIapeI Hen WeeJr-.One Jun. eollegiate hoods. The average age ofthe class is l!Ilightly more than 181ears, the class birthday being Aug.�3, 1895. The occupations of the.fathers of the entering students r:angctrom that of policemen to that of See·retary of the U. S. Treasury. In these.gores it is curious to note that buttne father is recorded as "teaeiu�r:'There are, however, eight' "professor& ""Business" and "manufactUring" of�OUI'88 lead the list of oeeupatioDs hya large margin 140 fatlaera' being reg·istered under these heads; The otberleading occupations are lawyer 39,banker 30, physician' 20, minister 19,real estate 19, broker 11, insurance II,engineering 10,' publisJaer 10. Of thetotal nnmber 148 are engaged in pro·ressional work, 256 in 8Omo butrines. ..teld and 26 aro eitber retired or claim.0 occupation. In religious prefer­ences the Freshmen are led by th�Presbyterian&, who number 155, th�}.'piecopalians figuring as a close'�ond with 131. Tho other leadingtgores are Catholic 36, Methodist 29,Congrega�onal 17.-Tbe Daily Prince-Brief CuapU NewsPa Club ImuatUo-Thirteen meawill be initiated intO Pen elub tonight.at 6 in the Commons eafe.Leacue ,vUl � OJD'b-Coe­mopolitaa club membera will be en­tertained by the Youoa Women,jChristian league at the league room.in Lexingtcm Friday night at 8. 'l'IillIwill be the last meeting of the ..clubthis quarter and all members hav&been urged to attend. The meetingawill he resumed January 10, when •Swedish program will be presented.DUcuaa "DeYii�llile"-BernarJShaw's play, "The Devil's Di8ciple,.·w:aa read and diseuseed at a meetiujot tlae Dramatic Reading society y�terday afternoon from 4 to 6 in Lex·�ngton 15., Students A14 Big Boek Sernce­Dr. Hober and six men of the Di.vinity school 8pOke and worked illthe evangeUcal meeting held at BitBoek, Illinois, Friday, Saturday anri�unday. .L Dr. Hoben is the generaleeeretary of the Juvenile Protectivjaasoeiation. Many boys' clubs and j;Boy's Secmt camp were started.tile Freshman, Sophomore and Juniorclusea may be ordered at the Cap andGown o«ice daily betwoon 2 and 4.FnaJamaa stck WitJa �hOid-RCt1.,beD ChadbOUl'n� • � .,t theFreshman class, is v�ry ill with ty­phoid fevttr.bera ot the Honor commission willmeet at 3:30 today in Huper assembly1'0010 ti conaider further plana tor theeampap tor honesty in examinationsin tJae �nivenity.matie club will hold a meeting todaat 4 in the Neighborhood rooms. Of·&era will be e1eeted for the comingyear.ior Chap81 Hl'Viee for both men &Ddwomen will be held Monday at 10:15in Kandel The two regular I18rviceaJaave been combined to permit all Jun­ior eollege students to hear l6aa KarylIeDo,rell in the intereat of the Uni·venit,. 8tee1eDHmt dance. The Ina)J'unior eollege exereiaee of tJae quarterwill be held Monday, December 15, at10:.15.An Cbb to .. 2'aiiwiiow-'1'heArt elub will meet tomorrow from "to e in Emmons Blaine 493. Ever;studellt in the Univenrit, who is ia·'wreeted in art is invited to attend.-1IatII_.tI.,.. CIa1It �irate Profeaor Wilezynati will add ....U.e J'ullior Katlaematieal club at itanpJar meetiDl ill BytmMMl 37 U 4:15Glee Olab' � lfrIp-lIemben ofthe Glee elub will leave Friday at.nOOB for Joliet where u.ey win givea eoncert u.at Ilight. A teature of tbetrip ",ill be the inapeetion of the at&t4ppeniteDtiary Saturday, ",'ere the clubwill probabl1 Bing tor U.e prieoners.FOIt7 .811 will .ue tJae trip. '-C'The �urit,an was the man whonovel' allowed himselft a hOlidt-y,Bome one said. And it has been reoplled that the modern American is theman who takes a vacation every da.y.uThe Puritan missed much of the!joy of living througb too much intenseconcentration on his tasks and duties.�e modern man- sometimes misses thepl8a.sure of a holiday through havlngone too often.ottoni an.MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS STETSON UNIVERSITYD.taAND, FLOIUDA........ u.e.Ia �. A.. B. IIanu4I. ... Dol1a1ftlft1l,. of C ......Four coll�., ave ecbool., 11 balJc!1np. 10ID faculty, 15 �cte wri(a reqUlred to eDtwOtUece of Llbenl Art.. .LaDd of blue �.ummu WeMber, out of dour ftCreatlon allWinter, .-ok w1.Dd. from the .. , and Ule m1M!oof moek1DC blrd.a ID tbe orance crov.. 1lIab­eat collece Standarda. Senel few cat&lclC-Capital •••••••.••.••••. $200.000.00Burplus- Profits • • . . . . . •• l('u,\)()().OOUNITED STATES DBPO&r.rOBYFOB POM'AL SAVINGS FUlfD.FN MEN OSLY - au....tra ted booket de­acrlblnc .. De ..treatment for all-.tet,. razor blades, maklnc one blade luta lWettm& and be bettter t'haD when pur­e!la.ec1. Sent on recdpt of %5 eenu.CLAUDE WOLFE,Howard City, 1I1ch.Accounts of Professorsand Students Invited.Checking Accounts MayBe Opened With$50.00.THIS BAN][ IS BA_THE � crJIAlfANY OTBBB. BANE Bay Your Smokes aDdGents' Famishings atCowhey'ss. E. Cor. 55th and Ellis Ave.TRY IT. BUY IT.A BOTILED BOUQUETOF FLOWERS.Sold � aU Loop Department Stores.JOSEPH SCHWEITZERANDA. D. ADAMS177 N. STATE ST.Present thJ.s .Ad. a.t .Joseph Schwelt;. ..... --------- JHo ••••••••••••••••••••••••JOSEPH SCHMIDT§:tationery, and Toilet ArticlesFINE LINE OF CANDIESA STATE BANK.zer's and receive samplebottle.Thomas J. Cavey &:FUBNISHINGSFor GentlemenSPECIALIZING IN TDB WAND Op.THE COLLEGE MANCoJIars size 13, up31 W. Monroe Street. ChicagoThe Seventh Season of theRed Cross Christmas Seal 956 E. 55th st.�ported and Domestic Line ofCIGARS ASD CIG.mETTES++* ++++ ••• " •••••••Patroniae our advertiseR.A universal emblem of Sym­pathy, Generosity, Encour­agement and Good Cheerfor ,six years has in the mainsupported the Anti- Tubercu­losis Movement in the UnitedStates.May uEVERYB�DY" get the ha­bit and use the Red Cross Christmas Seals on. all Christmas mail, '.!_ and packages.FOR SALE AT: -The-University of Chicago Pressand Emmons Blaine Hall There are a hundred ormore varieties beckoningto you from every smokeshop but there is only onetbatis.. Distmctiwl, lruliuidrud-the purest and best of to­baccos -delightful flavor-mild and satisfyinglYour college chum.The New Florida Hotel5721 Cottage Grove Ave.PHONE HYDE PARK un.Booms $2 per week and up.Steam. Beat and Electric LightRESTAURANT IN CONNECTION.��i-"SUBSCRIBE FORTHE DAILY MAROONTHEMASTER-MODELof the Royal is • stand-ard correspondence machine anddoes condensed billing without anyspecial attachments.The TypewriterThat Solves "Typewrit�r Problems.'ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPAN\'58 E. Monroe St., Chicago Illinois.� I.� .-Christmas FurnishingsBAT�ROBESofTerryand handsomely $ 1 0designed blanket effects, tomorrow at $3 t.OFINE dressing gowus of cloth, silk and $35velvet displayed at from $10 to •THE largest stock of house coats in $16.50our history, priced at from $5.00 toHOLIDAY neckwear, a special value in $5large shape scarf at $1, others 50c toorCANES of everyconceivable wood, inmany styles "and:i�::gs, $1 to $12- 'f.,.,�'I Cameras andSkates Subwa,yncxwB OWNIE Cam-R eras make splendidXmas gifts, all $12here, at $1 toA D l;;s�aTe:'\�e �i�fits any foot, pair, 13- Ahuge stock of $3- 75Skates at 42c to.. , Slippers Are·1:1 Fine Gifts-. FELT and bath-room slippers ill"many styles and colors on��PI�!, at $1.50Op. ERoRmAeo' Everett,and Cava-lier style slippers, manystyles and $ 50leat he r s, 3.$1.50 toUMBRELLAS forboth men and wo-men, man y newideas, priCed$1 095c toCANE and um.brellla sets, sure toPI�n:, s:Y$5 to $15JOSEPH SCHWEITZERThe University Pharmacist for over Ten Years.In his new up-to-date StoreAcross the street from old location.DBUTSOBEB .APOTBBKBB.1321 East 57th Street. Phone B. P. 331EconomyII a commendable habit, butwilen it is cazrled to atnmesJD the P1II'dlue of cheap atll­IeUc goods, because thq anrepresented tobe ·'Just asaoocl" as Spald­iDA i' usaal-17 turDs out tobe very e%pen­live in the end.Ou Catalogue, (mailed free)"OWS how_by purchasing-7 Athletie Goods bearing.. above Trade-Mark-you..w reaU7 praetiee true aeon·�- ANew Collar-LoDgA. O. Spalding & Bros. OD Good• a Wabull Ay. By the Makers ofTroy'. Best ProdadP.iab .. AiD __ eab.!dlvlUes -.rtll� _,8S OtgaolDtiODS�. ��--�-;- ��- -. . . G�R.CK'l'llE IRON :MASK. past. Individual membent are break- . 'JIB. wM.'-UODoB IIIThe Order of, the Iron· Muk is an ing away from this, 'but SO far the so-has made no formal announcement, ordone anything o«icial that would in­dicate a change of policy. Consequent- fected. Probably this episode. will notly, discussion of its aims, methods and � repeated, and it is to be hope«laccomplishments must be based on Ia, that it will not. Such conduct is, t- USlCth I t ted -- tati Aft,tER. ICAN:;�·H"'L:--formation more or less tom.mon prop- cay e eas unwarran BU6C on. __erty, but not verified by the preseD.t The democracy of class societies inactive members. our universities has often been ques- Arthur 'Hammeatein� New .�tioned. The question eeeme justifial)leThe primary purpose of the soeiety in the case of the order of the Iron - _!...J_ ...is to correlate and assist aetivities of Mask. Why shOUld members of thothe Junior elas& Any general aetiv· Junior class band together into aity, looking over the entire ·1leid· of m�ic order for the purpose of fur­student organization and life, is In- thering the interests of the c�ass? With lWu'--&'" lW ........ _ _ ,.'I'�advisable, as intruding upon the 1le1l1 I .: UVWl _ .. ey •. .£O& __ at;ied b th Be - • T Further, if the society has the fune- 00. tit 30. '.:.:., ....OCCUpl y e mor soelety. here tion of boosting the worth 'while ac-are exceptions to this rule. For in- tivities of the class is would seem thattance, the Junior aoeiety handles the all such activities should be repre­rooters hats used at football games. sented equally. Why should athletdesAs far as known, the sole legiti- be much more completely representedmate activity of the order is· helping than any other activitY?·worth while class a.etivitiee-a purpoise If the secrecy ban is soon to be 0 HI.which has been' more or lese c�t- lifted and the order can ahow worth 0 H! D B L P .B.I :JI:..IIently fulfilled in the past. This year's whUe;.p1Up08e&,' the ; order -of· the honsociety has not shown definite results Mask should' be allowed: to, exist as ' . d.' . Th . - ,of its activities 80 far eXcePt in Junior �iety. otberwise it shoWd be H,�""ar s· �� ,handling rooters" hats. .The committee is as aDXioaa for aid Two of' the five Dlinole men an-al6ng lines of mggaatioll8 .. to t� Bounced as pusing the examinationsof boob to proeure, ete., .. it is ax- in. maUaematiQ ad latia for th" ..ious to reeeive the tunds with which *hodes aeholarah.ip, &1'8 University ofto buy the boob. It reeognized that Chicago students. William H. Kurzi.1 ; 'r B B F I· B B FLYin�itably public opinion will' ao ad Maurice E. OttoeeD, �h seniors,strongly favor a library in the clul. will represent the University in tht,that the funds will, naeessarily, be anal trial lor the candida.ey at the FINE' AR"IS"forthcoin� and there is no tendeney committee meeting in December. Thoto press the issue. The committee other three nlinois men who qUali1lc«1. 'PhiPPS"-StaDlq BowdatoDhopes that a great many individual!' are Ch�ter V. Eaaum, Knox college;will contribute, rather than that the Cyrus 8. Gentry. McKendree college; ·Death- of 'ftntacU ... -IIMrtetUak .individual contributions shall be rela· and Charles L. Street, Yale college.tively large. Where pouible, thename of a donor will be written onthe bookplate that will be puted in Engleke will speak on "The Awaken­eaeh of the elub'. volumes. That itthe name of a penon . donating fivedona"-'- Of cOone, where .. peraongives a boot hi. name will be plaeed ington J.J. All students 'ave beeD in­in that book. False modeat1 shoalel vited to attend.die8rded as a purpoeeleea and undemo­Little can be judged' 88 to what the eratic organization. The Order of the '1HZ BOAD' 'l'O :JLipPD1B88"Genuine successor to "THE MAJfFBQM JlOME;'· ---Inter Oe-...ciety has made no formal announee­ment of any such intent.One of the big criticisnlS made thitiyear by those who knew tl_le personnelorganization eompoeed of members ofthe Junior class. They are,elected at.the close of the year '11'OlD among theSophomores by the outgoing ehapter,and during the IRlbaequent year, when of the order is that it ia not trulyrepreesntati ve of the class. The orderthe members invite class-mates to join.The order is modeled after the east- �ing secret, no public announcementia made of its membership 'until tht.·ern clB88 society, with a badge, andwith a tradition of strict secrecy; that Cap and Gown appeara in May. Thl·members of the Ju:ior cl8B8 have nois, members will not mention or-' dis­euss the onler' exeept . among them- knowledge of membership or basis onselves, while custom prescribes that which to judge the worth of the Ironnobody shall mention it in the pres- Mask until the year is almost over.ence of a member. Members. of last An incident last year has broughtyear and this are breaking away from BOme sharp criticism upon the Order,this tradition, but· &I!I' yet the order The wearing of prominent insignia atthe Prom, and refusal to discuss it,was felt to be undemocratic and at_order c.an and will a.eeompliab, sO loog Irolr Mask should abandon secrecy &Delas members e1iag to the traditional demonstrate its repreeentative char­: secrecy which has surrounded it in the acter, if it is to eontinue in existence(Continued from pap L)OKB FOUB'rII OF F1JlO) oppress no one in this matter, BajFOB LIBBABY BBCBIVBJ) committee members, because thesclleme of inserting the names is ratherto emphuize the personal nature of thegifts and the pencnual interest 01Balzac and Vietor Hugo were among donon,: than to. preserve record of thltbe individual 'authora favored. Ad- donor'. generosity down. to posterity.vice as to types of books 11'&8 given by PeraoJlS having ideas as to how theseveral contributora.. "Emphaeize bi- library should be eonstituted are inography and travel," said 0118. "Get vited, to ,anawer any or· all of the ap-,fraternity, literature," said another. pended questions and mail their an ..Still another· tlaougb' Utat poetry WI'I'II to the Beynolds dub library COm­should be procured in.stead of boob on mittee, faculty exchange. As befor(Education - and Educational,; Inatitu- -'-ouldmentioned,. contributioll8 lUI bltions and the Univer.si� of Chicago.Two persona thought that modern ea­BaY!' should not be ineluded ill the U·brary at 1lnt, wlaile othea were sastrongly in favor of that type of work.CoamdUee .... Aid. addreaed in the same way.1J1UVBBIIft'r BBlUOBBAU 8UWB88PUL IIIBBODBB Ja'AMJ'IrAft01n;· CO�'S'�DAnother ,00IlaD ' •. JIaIda., ..... ,:RAY 11-0-11"'1). 11 I � 0 B'O O.O.E.In a New Musical Comed1.'-T H E B. E AUT Y 8 H 0 p_MUaical Comedy tor Youq uul 014A TRIP '1'0 WASBIN01-O.JoUit7;II I G H JINXS'ILLINOI�� ... '•. Ei!aD&er'8 Jllidcal 1Mjjijjf,'.� _-, ,:pOWERS�CORrr·'TilE GREAT' PLAY OF' NOWB'.:II·A � ,B.B • � .1- .... 1'LoD8IOIIle Uke"--Barol4 Brlg1aoueiug of the Woman Voter" at the nextDletiDg of the Univq1'Bity �a1 'Suf- pr ... cesslrago league tomorrow at 3 :30 in Lox- DOIULtB KBABB.'R ' ,0, ,M ,A 'N (!..., In B41ra·aetdoIl·. Lon � •. j