...urnu",.....·'Xm.,..�:a. . .. - 1J1IIVBB8ft'Y OP OBIOAOO, nBSDAY DBOBIIBBB 2. 1913.a_DimE WIlL CENSOR DANCING'START ncm SALE··�1t_:.'SfAm.E Qub.·.and Fra=ties To Appoint 11JESDAY, DECEMBER'9.,. .� Member. Of· Committee WhichT�J';���:�� Will Try.,To Govern Dancing Mem� Of Settlement �ce...... ..:.:... - -n.;.-L W.... At U· '.ly Committees to Wear Dau.es· \� -- mvelll •Fi-t Day Of Sale' ·;lewit ...• : . - .... !- Representatives from aU University Coa.eh Page will open the basketball.�.�" .. � .. dllbeand_tieowillfomiabody POSTER IS BY GEORGE LYJIAN sehedula of the year with a game .AlIJIINAE1IEIIB£RS'TAftM. �. of eeuon,. who ahall be.l"8IpOD8ible for against Lewis Institute Friday at 4.�...... � �. ftr •. tdp to ·tho e_t cIaDdag of tIio mombeno of Tickets for the Bettl.m.nt Dance Official basketball practice began last President and. Mrs.J1!I{so", ;amI.TbIee�. �'�"� .�'. tho orgaDizationa ... hich they represent. will be plaA:ed on sale next Tuesday. ight with .. host of· veterans and .. Women D.e- � G.!l."II.II.... :·la.:CW"O' ... ··�7,·cUiea,. :Each .elub will. appoint ita OWD. repr& Members of the committees, wearing ot of' promising new material in sight. .At D:�o�tioD���··�u�.,liI: �.�:·fOr.,�· ,8entative. Crit.i.� of any �dividual daisies, will sell them, and for tbat A number of practice contests are.�.�:,.aiv4. � �o zaiIr ahaU_ be. made through this eensor. reason Tuesday will be known as eeheduled for the latter part of the �JNG., . .6l.IIA, tiTEIt AT c:tOSE:-,...:_ .. ' .... �ei.��. ��' �eee plaDa were made at a reeent "D:wy Da.Y1" �lacards a;wertising month, and the Conference season_�.�" aIld .• "'" \ � ,0( U.O ·ineoting of Univoroity me� and women the dance will appe.. on the campus op .... .lanuary 17 with Ohio State play· All the .""t��i� es, of the. Univ""",,,'-..., ... _ . .....aeci. interooted in ecmeet daDemg. 'this afternoon. The poster is tho work mg, in Bartlett. Eleven Conference.... omen w ere J:8P'--_ at the- _op- .... 'di!i � ...... �. JlOOII � ., )(eetiDp will be held to determine of George Lyman, and represents tho gam... .have been scheduled and of- !.ion. lP.V:." 41. Io .... or. oL �d V..a..;'. j' ��,.-.,-- . wIII..""'It .1rioat .• �tates . proper a_anemg, � figuro of Generosity Ieading a door of on.. are being made to fix a suitable Noyes, .dCl_nC!!: 01 .tho . .ld& Noy iD-"".�""-':'-Q,. �. the . .-en �hiel< lIiso bLur. Wood lhnman will dancers, aloi far another. n�um. Mr •. l{oyes, l!aoid""t JudSoi.;'"�"".� "�., iRIl" � , . and. 'IrilI m_1oi .the. eorrect '''The sl_ 'Fifty Cents for the Uni- The ,metiee schedule Includes games lob;8 .Judson, lWos .WaIloee, lliB.:r.I�...... _ -- v-. � � .6r�C� .� form.. The women w� m_ versity Settlement' is the watchword of_ with Lewis Institute on December 5, an.� 14i82t Breckentidge were. met 'anti:... I..u __ aDd.lt.1a.,probable that. '�ay Dee«m.tber.�.t at 10:15 m Kent, the workers," said Chairman Coleman Evanston Academy on December 10 at eseeeted through.-.the �di4"� ioOJ:U��.' �;.:...., �"��: cb.. th� .. n.- .... ill. be. no- ehopel - yesterday. "Although the ticket sale :30, Northwestern College of Naper- of LeJtingtOIl by.' the .maiaIi"';� 11. .._...........t!.:iw. ... -.......: :a_&t:;a..--:",,� __ _._;_ '-'Iub, lie. lIlbIy that. d&y-.. On Thursday, D& is the most important part of tho "ille on December 12 at 7:30,. and., ,,�. _ ..,..... - -- � 1eI_ --� ca"receptlon.'_ The IDanhaJa-' who' are .al8Q-411J,,� �·.�il.;; .. - p1u." .omber. 11 the mOD will hold a similar dane., "yery e8'ort is being put forth Wheaton con.go at Wheaton on De- University .. aides were: su....... 'PWliii';c"_i"��' . pthedng. ·to make the d�ce itself a more enter ember 13. Coach Page will take a head. 1I1ar8Iaal; Letitia 'Pyire,<M�g&r.;t.... ��� �. ,� Btana l!fn� taining affair than ever before, if pos· second Varsity five to wheaton for this Rhodes, .Margaret 'Rim..;. ArIb.e:llro�'�.: ��'t'�,,� >. . . Tma mQ\rAleQ.t has been initiated by .ill h . --.xoo, .. ..,�JM.�"'_.:tM.."_ , .'. : . sible." game. Negotiations are st angmg Cornelia. BeaU", Chaiiette: :VialJ;'�' HaZ-·�&L .. ..&...:�...;u .. ;,;":,;,, _ct·�· �. f.acWty ,who are unwilling to take Tell Fortunes. re for a trip in the Christmas holl- . "'- 'D.. ' ..... � .' _'.'�. � .... �. ....:...,. tIae -.I Qf ..... univoroitios as �orth- .Fortun.e-telling booths will be bnilt '."YB, but no definite arrangem,ents _"::Kihill, ·-tlt· H� and Aeleile�I' e: �-::z;:::·· ." ... 10_'-:0- D_. � ... are pro.. Hound the 'daneiug door. Women will have been mad� as yet. Chieago will P!eaoiJt .� .�•• �.!�•••� ":"' .. 00··.. ' ":'Y � .�.. bltecl.. .: �� .matter. � �owever, :00 h.ave eharge of a fish pond, selling meet Illino;" Wisconsin, Northwestern, . . .'" ---.-.� --ty-_, A· pantomime repreaentin.-. tile' var�',�:r.-, /h ." I �. �:. ., �.. , '. . left ...... �_'hr. ba. the. haDda. of .the 8tu·' h k . Th � . "'1!11.' , ....� •• � .• , 3.d'_"';,� .. �-J .. ebaneea to 00 pnzes. e our Purduc, and Ohio State lD tw.o games, ious .interestS of the Y.· W. C. L. wui. ��). x � ." �,�c'1l!."" • ", .:.��.�. .�. A, • ......wee .... been .fonaed. .el;"aaAa .. -ill probably be in charge of I I ee. Mi'l'l'nesota ..' .----. WI - .....". - --.. .... nd will pay owa on � .. _;.. 'p're&e,·nted ... ·m·ihe- T.-_�.· ;.�._ 'Daa__ .. _..•• -.� .' v, •• ' , .............. "' ..... the mteresta of this eam· �d wilL .�..:.&....-;.... �_ ,. .,. _··��.:l. ... iJiII--- . '. "".��...... . __; '.. " �;re����nt;�ths,__an .. I Dd.;-lndiJma·;have·beea-d&�.·� 'hahe��.ti;��:.�""! ',�.'. ,. ;: �. -== . - �. iW\i.L" . -,-,� ."If; .1& with _. other as to whieh makea the he aehOOOle. Qnadiaag .... Peie � � , .� : ....... &,;,;;.:1' .'I .!jTitif:: � 1V..u. :::..�,,;..'*.,u:=: ':-.� � lIlOD�y. as Is done at the Quad. 1&11\ V_ :aad<.. Lake GenevP. ; •• Heift: BOO.?·,li .. :" :.�' :' ':"�<'�_"'" ...... -'.. ��'" _ .-" .. .• � .nt �gle Fete. -. .Th.,'.'� deeoratioDB this year With eight veterans on hand and sev- F' ..:I_L· .'C -1-" 'Cod.... "., ;.• '�,\ '¥. heeD Md to .... of tM c1i1rem � .e.t neno..uwlp •••••••••••••••. !'9 .. 1'.• .,", '. ,: � .• ,;, .' _....." . ...• '"WIll be vary ..... pl., though som" nov ioaI. promising _ond '1ear men on the Camp- iue Girla •••••••• EtheI-�'• .. $.1 T¥ ...... -..ro .... ...,... GOgIIl!Ia-tl� � than f<'aturea are promised. . String, Co"'h Page is well fortilled with Cateutta . . )(�� -G�• < : ...... iD � J'uzoooiiz . to e10et �v .. who lIhaIl .. t. "". • _ ;"aterial. Molander, Nargren, Des Freolunen'::: •• �� �� .. �. ��.i ·"i - __ _:_�:·2.!.� .. -- OI'l'BB BBDVOBD BADS .lardien, Bammgwrtner, Goettler, Stev· Uppe.· r .Cl.� C�ll8el.�r •.•. Rui4 .. �."� MBMBBBS OF GRAND d K d th '..... Pewell will p1&7 to • .uJd.,.oQt DB. aARRJft 0)1 OBDI'A enosn, Gorgas, an enne y ar� "Good Times ••.• ' ••••• J�lUn� �.. rtJ.• OPBBA.· A8S0CIAftON ad h will be ........ � � .• �;k..Mr...noija 'rBLt.8 Of .CJJlIIIftI.UI men from last year's squ. w 0 resh�en �rotie ••. �da'.�����;". ��ti .';'i.ia'_� So __..... - :m BIB � 'lledueed rates are dered to mem- available. Shull, Stege_n, Georg'!, C· Book ••••••••••••••••• �� __ A!itJ!:�..:..'iIt!��.�,�-�-"""--:� ; � of tho UniVersity grand opera"" Kixmiller, Holm, '!'harp, and W.ilson ap- oeial Bervi�' Hele .. eanu.o<n':,�:Val�i�·�1 �.� � lTlaat ClIle Of tIa�' � telcJs for8Qeiation for "Samson et Delilah" to pear to b� the m?St promising ofwill�e Clair8 Vo�� ·���C���� '���:.��:iI''''':;''�U_.. : ....... � mt-Ioaaz:y work 18 ia au.. was the .ncw Dlcn. The freshman team .ialogue . in. the. lieighbo.... r.h.oocl.. _,�....,. ..... .... � .., .�. D. "n 'bfJ given tonight at the Auditorium,. _�-iilii '�."�';��3 to ;.� .�t of Dr • .1. C. Garritt, --. at H,d for "The Gid of the Golden West," commence praetiee this week. A s�ort showing _th�. P�.o�.,�e. ��ta�,,·.:itl;fi"_ii.)Ii)I� •. .JIii!&.��. '� 8t11dea' V�t_- -:otm��. tile att"",tion for tomorrow night. serimmage was held last night betw_ oed e1ubs.. .l(;..,. SWu",. ��';'t,�;.... ;tk.lti...,;·��,·,:,...··,... �7. 1>1'. Garntt 18 Pre8l�eDt of .tJae ;Membera of the assoeiation may se- the Varsity teams. he �uat4!! WO-!ae.a'8 eJub" .. �,,,f�.ww4i1;., . ..;.u.w..., : 11'Dioa Theologieal oehool .. Nanking, ..... eoupon. in Cobb I6A. whi.h are 'the track sehOOule this year ineludes he G""Iu'!1e. w.!!!'Oeu in. �_l'"'104 .. ,.. at � �. ....,. � He Aid that it - "'" ...... � be exehanged for tickets at the nine meet., five indoor and four. out.- lIr. Noyes .... � ... to .tIjl> .�'_'.�;t.(�.Ii'�' �. : � br tile: -- ..... tJaat· aD CIoiDa bebox olfiee down town. Tiekets Bellin. 'lloor. The sehedulo will open WIth < and then> to. the .. QIIIIIIII!i'ID .. '''''''''.' .. ,W � �PlIU4�fllf - � 'WItIain· tIoa· - tear8gularly at $3 are 08'ered at $3, $2-50 meet with Northwestern hero On .lan- arade ...... held.·lot "01Ii ... �.�\i,�"":... '� �,.w;.. .oIooald - .ftIa._d·pI-.·CIoiDa .. 'a _ at $1.50, and $UO BOats at $-15. nary 31. On Saturday, Febl'1UM)' 14< tho f the. W. A. A..&Dd,,"_,, __ '. __ , ... ;' .• �.:::�.'."�;' � .. � �8A,'� leader- ol.bi&. H. p'Ye .. _tliD. �f J.(ellLberahip in the assoeiation entails team will go to Purdue, and on Febru..leties.�_.� � . .' the ...... k of til. l'mt<BWl, .... zdl." .. 'WtiatiOll feo of &tty _ts paid ary 28 Illinois will come to. Chicago. __ : .. � p( ,!IpI.' '.. to*i��� ... Ua.�. tnt 'of tJa. Orieal. 8in7 yean -co he Bald, oaq one� and those who joined last. On March 11 Chieago will go to North· The Glee dub � � �\i�,;� ..... l ��·p .. _'.·...:...�- .. ·� 0111- tJae .- .... : ........ ; now tile '.. _ ..... __ for a dual meet and the in· � __ t" d ·Ha. b V ...... �... -- W__ y r--y� pa.y 110 additional membership w....,...&.. �we . an. al,�' :�� (,'E.�-"&-..:..· • -..;;.1� ...... �.: wla. oIe�of·.cm.. ia opea to all pMIple. .door Confe�enee at Evanston .. on Marcbuerite �wa�te iD h�or o(�. ��y�, .,_...� �.� nftA -.-::-=__ d,es this year.. . ., ... . "'e... � atfeD b7 tM Obieaso·�: T,day there an._.,_... � ....... ,.eOD· 21 will wind up the indoor season. pirits of the gymnuiulll recited '!.��� �.�,f�: � The �.aw.e. BeplbIie'.O1J5OB RBW Negnm!'rom DInctor � omposed. b,. Janet FlanDer. The apinta� . _ ....... a •. haD",." .... � by � ABHA telegram was reeeived from Di.S .. �4P.;� PLBDGDfG BULBS A7:! ere:.. '1!o1l\� .• ::.:;; .. �;.;._'�; . the;.� •. IIuT Ioaden Ia.th OOVROIL lIIIB'rlJiG �DAY roe tor Stagg y .. terday morning fron. ymnuipm ••• , ••••• $� c�.i , �" . � .. � ... is fa". of Cozafaeuuo·Pinehunt, N. c., whero he i. spending oed TiDi" •••••• , •• �ie c-Ie.rat AIIefro � ��, :'� , w_ � & �,J'eIigi& Waa Iooba .short v�ation, announcing his safe no- tb ��u ....A.aaa �I'" -- :New rules regarding Freshmcn �key •••••.•••••••• �o ,. ��, '" � to 1M Ualtei 8ta&. - ita greatest arrival. His family did not accompany rade Union '. __ ._" e .. Jtat._. berille 9l9t.,) an-' ti.riO· pledging will be submitted at tbe�... _• -.-. �. D. ...IoUa --� ....read. hl'm an(\ he will return before tbe BoaoIa._ -.Jar·tr." u-a1 meeting of the Intcfratornity eouneil Baakf'tbaU ••••.•••.. �erine.. �. ',. ".,,' i.u 8 "" Wedne0da7, Dt!eember 1 ,Christmas holidays. Camp ... FoIli .. "•• lII1oI>el, ",,�,.. �'... ,:.... ......•.....' th 1;ainni9 IHIIlberw of the Student today. The proposed rules arc:.. :......... , �.. V .... teer Bud will p to tile meet- 1. Limitation of the Dumbcr of dates DB. LOEB 'lBLL8 SlGMA Buoball ••.•••.•••.. :.Alma.�,--- ,...'" Fha" have. _ 8� OB ABft-.'. Claieago N"agbt" •• BUd •. · �_ .... "h) ADepo _ .. -I._ .of... all.. tJa� CIaiea8o.8tudent VoIun· _at a � man m ., -... GUV.-..... '". .&..1....... ....'2. Extension of the 7:30 rule to 8. I'IOIAL' aBPBODVOftOX willlJDilig ••• � •••••. �de·91l�!! := ��.at tile .Kooq Iutitute.� JI _II.., __...... --.3.. }'orbidding of prcpara.tory eehool _ aneillg ••.••.•••• __ �-- .... 1..Recent experiments in artifi�ial re· enDis •••••••••.•• Xat.lleii ,BI_-c.II\. .�� .. t!.�,��· ...... �� •. J _" or ""'-1256 fnshmen .,legiDI· .Dr' '. ro '.' '-� • . ...., ._-- - WI'II' t'"I tie were c""'laincd by • . Da 'I' _=- .�_., _..:-:.Ii....: , � .,....,A rt 0 tho Interfraternity pro. u� on -a' &lDW' y ••...•••••••••• .�._.....'. , ._....a.__ -n-a.... & .. Dt..-t-._'. _1_ ":"'ht,.· repo nX. b .,� ....- - • _�&Y__' ¥MY vae1 Jacques Locb at the Sigma I gat er Kf'lDben. of tile Alu ..... ehab.; ....••• • •.• • •••• • ••••••• " •• ... .... & p�1 deled-8. 8IIloker, to be given Mon(lay will )(. bt.a. . ., .... - ,. .:, ...... .4 .. ' ..... :..... _ .... wa_ .. •lr_. ;.-;-_ wei .... s read by Chairman Evan,. anc\ tho Pan ing in the Quadrangle dub last mg. • eong of '93 wriUea by �:., .. �.,., - fte.�.- ..... UIo &-h.ed Dr. Loeb, who is nOW' eOllneeted WithWaVw-.aD,· s1aowillg' tile __. ........... ..............; .. .. ftI....1 _ t1ae FreBhmaa Helenie danee will be diaeuued. Se .., _ •• __. . ..' _.. 0_ · poaaa., . .r-r- .'E'- h tbe Rockefeller in.stitute of New York, Uaivenity· i •. tw_h ,.... .. .AII •. .._· ., 1IJ(l�.. • �. , .•• ", '..... ..... -. 110 fI7lag to _ til. uleo fOr the .zelIange of u" men_ber of the 'Uni. .,I .) �.W:"'" �� __. of __ sth have beeD drawn up and will be pre· was formerl,. ai .) � � " ••• �. nona.. �� v�nity faeult7· .' I.L�_�"""" �.�.� .. �.�. : l .• -� •. ; ;;_;__.�--, TO PLAY LEWIS FRIDAY WOIlEN'GIVE IECF.P1JON .TO JA·mn W.IGIES..' DONOR OF GDINMIQIlGame With Institute Five WillOpen Basketball Season-Offi­cial Practice Begins With LargeSquad Of Candidates. Preteld P • ....,..,.�·....,�_tmties'efY.W.C.L �:'. TIle ScJ.eI. Ie-.ftm DAILY .'-00., !'UB8DAY, DBOBIIBBB 2. 1915... D. SiennQ. W. ColtlacbamHe s, GorcaaB. P. Jlaa'lV. B. L,m.aD. matic club Thursday, Deeemzer 11, a.tSociet7-3:30, 4 in the Neighborhood roow. The castThe D ail)' Mar 0 0 D 1-=' =====;=-BaDdia =----I, WOJIBX OP FR'B8BX'·FlCftO. CLUB WILL PBB- Student Views on Plays of the Week8B!ft OOIlBDY -rBVB8DAYTODAY.Publ1t'h�'d mornlne.. except Sunda,. andKODd:L),. dur1nc the Autumn,. Winter aDdaprlDC quarter-. b,. Th. Dally MarooD• taIL Chapd.._Junior College Chape1-Womell, 10:15. Mandel •Senior C1aaa Pin Commi�10:45,Cobb 12A.Dramatic Reading "Smith Mystery'" a one-ad comedyby Louise Wilson, ,-ill be given by the fte Younger Generation. talked to tll(' audienee in terms knownFreshman Modern Fiction and Dra- "The Younger Generation" by Stan, to tho Publk- Speaking department aaley Houghton should appeal iuthnately "refercnco to experienee.' We &J't\ from:ttl everyone who has or has bad pareuts, the ,"t"r�' first set clown in a familyand should interest every parent who e irelo whieh we nll know '·e.ry w,�ll •is bringing up or has brought up child- for if it i�n't our own family, its tileren, If you happen to have the kind one that lin's jUMt around the corner..Miss Jessica Smith. of parents who insist Oil knowing where Thero is the father, fussy, domineer-.you are going and what you are J.:Oill� illJ!. n r�pt"t"t('41 and respectable mem­•• •• • • •• •• •• Margaret McDonaltl to do there, who must fir .. I out at h('r of tho community, a pillar of hi.Miss Paulino Smith .•... Sarah Mulroy breakfast what time you carne home church ; th .. mother who thinks thatR' h' L � lft.8t night, you will pronounce a fervent overvthiuu f:l.tt'r does is just right;081n8, t e mald •••.••••• ucy "\ ells "amen" to tht> close of Stanley Hough- the ·('l.lf'�t son who g('tR clrunk as aRuth Sh001 is eoaching the pla.y. ton's (It.'lightful play, And if you hap. svmhol of revolt, the claughter wit"leges and the C611ege of Commerce and All the Freshman women are invited pen to be just that kind of a parent l;er 10\'(>r whom she is for('�l to m�t;vourself, you will come awav from th; ('11 tho slv and tho \'OUIl��t -sen wlao 0Administrationn, 10:11S Mandel. to attend. .,.. .Blackstone theater with perhaps it nnxiouslv nwnits tho time when he willLecture by Professor Soares on great deal more wisdom than enthusi- h(> twcntvone nnd have his c,wn wnv.==================- asm, Tn flu·t, 'th(_> ehll-Iren nll ha"t" prettyWhat CoUe,e Editon Thiak Wher(,:l8 "Damaged Goods,' "Tb(' much their own way, hut t,h�y have toTratrie," and their like are play» to resort to -artifi('t" nnd h'inJ! to �t it,which the younsr person goes �lone am] l�·in� is nn t":dr('m"lr�' clis�reeahl0"Tho Younger Generat.ion" is exaetlv nfTnir. pnrt.icula rly when fatht>r lln.lRthe play to which she should take hl:r out about it. Then there is the uncle.mama and papa. There she will show from r.ermnn'·, who romemhera thatthem just the kind of home atmospherf' fufher, WhPh �n �·outh. on('A (!ot tipsythat is I!eneratcd when fathers anel ancl �ma..",heel a shop k('opt"r's winelow.mothers; a..'\.",uming that their parent. It i� h(' �·ho ('f!J!!4 on the ('1.1t"st �n t�ohood and parental responsibilih' gh." nc:k .1n.l If ht" np\'('r W:11" clnmk In .hlsthem the priYil('ge, try to hoM � per- lift". St:n.elin'! ht"for(' his wholp• fn�lIlv,sonnI property t'hilclren with growing his wife. his ('hile�rt"n nne! h'�. IrDn­limbs anel minels, insist on intrnclin<# wileel oM moth(,T fnth('r 1" hnr1'Cltinto their lives at nll times, nncl eurbo -fort'ecl to lip nn.1 _ nnn� '-the .morn]with a pitiful laek of imagination or peclestal ernsht"s nn.l ht" fin.)s. hlms�1f,humor, their (wery spontaneous im. on n t'ommon 1,.,-('1 of l'n"Ul"�t,'- �'thpulse. It is an oM, oM situntion, that, hi� ('hiMren. No more elom'n(,(,�ln:,of Stanle" Hou�hton's new�t DIn". a.'\ t'hen, yon mny he surp. F;1t�"T I"n.t:trup of Kalamazoo nnc1 nycle Park :l." in n position to .l"n'in('er. . V,,.torv ."of Manchester. a.,CJ often tragit' in it� to tht" ('hil.)r(')1 Wl1n know. thnt o""�results as eomic. Hc has mncle a cle- the oM orel('r is hroken, it ean n("'ptlicious, w'himsit'al t'omec1y of it in "Tho h" Te"torcd_Younger Generntion," b,:!� if you wnnt Thc play iN Il"tecl byone of those ex­to I!et a glimpse of the otheT tho eellent }o;nglish cOUlI,unit'S who work 80�c sic1o, Teatl not only Sncl('r:nnn'� well together thnt no sin�h� 0110 .can he"Arngll�" but reatl also in the papenl pickecl out for, pnr�iculnr praise orabout boys who mn awav from homo blame. I.la \V:atermnn as the grancl­ancl more often enel in l\fn.clison strp('t mother, has an excellent muo-up, butsaloons of grim Chit'a�o than in thn while she continues to reatl the everyhan prt'siclent's chair of romanl'e, of clay lines as if they werc_ from athe women fo�ecl into r('('klcss mar- Suphoolean tragedy, she wm be, to sayriages with the flh'oree court 3.", t110 tho 1f!3St, t.ut of the picttir&. - Owing{·nlv ultjmate fUlh-ation. of many of tho :to p�r business tile plp_v will_ be with­�rl" w'ho claily stanc1 hefort" thn jttcl�"� tlrnwn nt the enit of this week, butin th.. Chieaqo momls ('ourt. It is a there still is, in the reritaining Cewt.iJ!, big question that tho ,.lavwrieht, dnys a chance to !We one of, the mosthas hanfllea in his play nnel th" fn. .. t warming anel appealing little cometliestbat he 'ha,s Ilealt with it lie-hUv Rnel 'thnt has been here sint'o ":Alit'e Sit bywhimsi(·ally, cloe.CJ not alter its pr�por_ the Fire." It shoult) not be miased., 0tions., ; Speaking of BarriCy,� OJLe-act playThe theater is a place for amusement, :of his (this one in'$hl'� paJis�tW:��not a scbool, and perhaps it is better "The Younger Generafioii"� oD� the - biltand more palatable that this le880n :at tht> Blu.kstooe. It ,i .. ealled "BaHslaould bo �ght us in three acta of an Hour." As �,ex�ple of, stage art­pleasant, Don-pre8l!hy comedy. Ana itil'(', it is clever and, at momeDta:what fine, warming comedy it is. Our interp.sting, although it's eruden ....intereet and OUT sympathy is held makes- it n�terlY'�tinJjke any 'Of Barrio'.throughout, becau.se from thE' b�nnilJg other plays. BacJ Mting' does Dot i ....to the end of the play the author has prove it. - 0Jlaaactac EditorNew. Editor.A&IaIe&Ica EditorBad.en JlaaacerClreDlado. Jlaaacer Lt>Xington 14-Becita! b1' Kand P01lrell-4:15, Man.del.Sophomore Social Oommtttee-10:1!J,Cobb lOB.Chapel Assem�The Senior Col. is:Nina o'x-m Aueusta S"'awlteEntered aa aecond-clau mall at theChlcaso postomce, Chlcaco. Ill., March 18.1908. under Act of .March 3, 1813.SUBSCRIPTION BATES.IS,. carrier: $�.50 a year; $1.00 II. quarter.By mall: 13.00 a year; U.%5 a quarter.Editorial-Business ome-, Ellis U.Telephone Mid way 800. After 10 p m.lI,.d. Park 4869. "The Christian World Movement"10:15, 214 Emons Blaine Hall.MarOOD Preas, 6511 Cottage Grove Avenue.genen11dea. of the other SUDeJcts. J:Su�These days intervening between the one good thing � avoid In t.b1s eennee­c1088 of the footbaJ1 season and the tion Is suggested by the Iltwient whoA universal emblem of Syrn- -pathy, Generosity, Encour:.agement and CoOd C"�r ,I , ,for six years has in �,mlun ',' ,-supported,the Anti- Tubercu­losis Movement in the UnitedStates. '.,May "EVERYBODY" get the 'ha-' :bit and use the· Red Cross Chnst"-1inal examinations are For several years there has been 00'�asiona1 agitation for a blanket ath·sele� three eas:v courses. It Is the 0'1)- etie tax, but as yet nothing has beenposite of this course; it Is the student acomplished toward that end. By Buchwho selects, 8&1', three Pol Bcon read- a tax we mean a "fixed assessment1ng courses. Let; whoever can say levied on all ,students tor the Bupportwhich student is the more fooUsb. • of athletics. The fee would be paidLookAhead. pecu]ia.r In ID.aD7 'Ways.By common consent. a.IuD. has oome into stu-dent actiVities; everyone is pre�(or 18 supposed ito be �) for1lna1 examina.tiODS. Some students,who have been wise In their time, and&elected eas:v courses, are be� tq&'8t acquainted with the subject, In or­der that they J:D.a.y pass the ex;ynina.. Legislation condemning the pledging urged against Buch a tax is that ittton in some sort; of fashion and drift of high school fraternity men was ad- :would work hardship on those studentsvoeated t th Z ta Pro . "Who are working their way througbthat much further toward th.efr de� a e e nnce conven-tion of Ph' D Ita. Th ta' -u chool and cannot a1ford any addition-� who ha.ve beeD doing normhl 1 e e In .w.adison,�k, are beginning to review, with an WiBconsin, last week. Delegates from 1 expense_ This objedion might beIdea of workiDg up Othe fine po�ta twenty chapters endorsed the position Dlet by a proviso that any student sothat bring.B �es, and. the coJlSCious- which Phi Delta Theta, Beta Theta Pi ituated might be excu.sed from pay­ness that somethin real has been nnd Alpha Delta Phi have already 1D0nt of the fee, by statiXW his reasons.learned from the !o�, And stW. taken deprecating the initiative of I 'here would be no publicity in regardothers are hailing the time saved from h�gh school Greek letter society memo to the excusing of such a student.footbaJ1 �. _ other acti� as a bers. For vastly the majority of us tho�ceo f�r just so much more pleasure. Officers of the general council of Phi �ee would not work a hardship, an.:�ese _ � are � ones who will, pro- Delta Theta urged the delegates from would absolutely seeure the Athletict:_eed at the last minute to c:nm fran-' all schools to cultivate close relations ;1epartment in financial matters, elim----�, to baaow �IID_ from with men who have no fraternity at-I DAting as well the sale of tickets andt;r1end8, and ,th�, � 'the oaes fIODl lIliations, and to become friends with luttons. Each ono would bear anaDlOllg whom' will come the cheaters other Greek letter society men. They I qual share of the borden. The schemeand cribbers. The dUa,p who is oonteD1; ath-ocated this as ,the only legitimate orb successfully in other schools, not­with a Slight eouua.ct with the SIlbJect, way to protide a strong moral backing . ably Michigan, PellIlSylvania andfor cultUral. P1irPoses, (culture in the for thc efforts of fraternities in opposi- 'ricneton. It would surely work ataense of soc:1al PQlish) and who wa.qts tion to the bills in various state legis- ariseonsin. •no more than a 0, will not cdb. Be will l�turcs, seekin�. the expulsion of n&-I 'l1.he question is simply, "are the stu-do a little re8diDg, pay a litt.le at- tionals fraternIties. ;lents willing to be ueeaed five dol-t.enUon to the cJa8B -cUscuaslon, talk it RBICBIIANN ' I arB each for admission to all athleticover With his friadB,-, aDd Just abo. u:LLS jonte8ta'"OF LIBRARY ABlJSB8 I .get through. -, And that is aD he wanta. As for scalping, it would have littleA'r .JUlIIIOB I"ftr.a "ftB'r ' "The good student, as a rule, 1rill not ".---.-;au "hanee lVith the system Wiseonsincrib; he knows toO well that sadl COD- The practice o�ing books from J>aiIy CardinaLduct 18 merely a cheat upon Jdmselt. the Harper lib-- and tearing p'ages ---6---'rile feUcrtirB --J lfBW8 OP ftIB COLLBGBB.. who an caugIIt J»eI;ween from the encyclopedias was condemnedtheir own ignorauce of t;he coune and by Ernest Reichmann of the Under- Purdue-Two hundred Purdue Fresh-the desire to dodge the shame aDd per- 5e .per line. No advertisements re­ceh'ed for less than 25e. All da-tfledadvertisements must be paid III ad­vance.pm DELTS ::MEET IN KADISOH with the regular registration fee and,.-ould entitle the student to admissionOondemn PledgiDg of Kembers of Bigh to all athletic contest&"School Fraternities. The strongest objection thus farCLA.SIFIED,0_ The, Seventh SeasOn of tIae:Red eroa 'Christmas' Seal. "graduate council at Junior ehapel yes- man agricultural students were in Chi­terday. The students were warned that eago last week to witness the Intet'·their e�nduct must improve or the fac-I national Live Stoek Show at the stoeklIlty wll1 have to impose restrictions on yards. This trip has become an annuallibrary privileges. He stated that tho affair, and is required in the COlIne.lihrary is not to be used 88 a soeialcenter and that the Undergraduate P8IIJIQ'lvaDI&-The annual push·bollcouncil is trying to create a senti- fight at the univenlity of Pennsylvaniament that will protect the lib haa been abolished, and hereafter thefrom misuae. rary e1asa aupremaey will be decided by a_. flour rush. 600 poandtt of Boor are putOITBR 8PBCIAL 'rBAIR' iuto ten sacks, whieh the Fl'eshmen do-AlfD BBDVOBD BAD � feud. II the Sophomores sueeeed inVOLUN'rBB& OONVDfiO. q.ening all the aaeb in a given lengthot time, they are declared the win_}o�or the aeeommodation of the dele· Den; but if they faU, the verdict g�gates attending the Student Volunteer &L 'E'-..-Lo ... e 6: n:eameD.union, which is to be held in Kansasci'ty, December 31 to January 4, the �&IUI for a HoekyChicago and Alton railroad will opel'- lfountain club by the students atate a special train. The train will Pennsylvania whoee bomes are on thelea.ve the Union station at 8 p.m. Tues- ,aeiflc coast or in the Northwest.day, December 30, arriving in KansasCity the next morning at 8:30 Lm.On the return trip the apeeial trainwill leave Kansas City Union Stationat 8 a.m. Mouday JaDuary 5 aDd willarrive at Chieago at 7 p,m. FOB RElft'-Pleasant light warm out·side room near Univel'l!ity. Good trans· -t:1::!=�����ifI�;:�e;!i:J:'portation, steam heat, modern improve-ments. Use of parlor and piano. $2.5473 lTnil-er.sity Ave. Phone CIarkohaps other consequences of a buDJt ortwo aze' the oDes who wm crib. Fewof them do· it With caUoas fDditrenuce.ftq �o about their work of.preparI.n«»ODIes, of -consulUDg frlenu, with shamaDd apologies 'Eo themselves. ftey azeeat and hurt b1' their own coDduot. Uthey look ahead now, aDd get 011 �IDg terms With the coanes, thq wiDROt be forced Into W. distinIIIIqchoice. FOB BF..."'iT-A anite of rooms and ai­ao ODe single room, two bloeb IromCobb Hall" Mn. 8ulliTan, 6808 Jack·BOD av .. 2nd 81)1. Phoo ..A good idea In aeled:iD« coana Is toII'OUP for a major 1ItU.d¥. Wllen a atu-dent has required TYPEWRITING neatly done-llieeel­]aneoul work a speeia1ty� Mi. B.Rrown. 6132 VerDon ave. or Harpel mas Seals on all Christmas mailLibrary Loan Desk. W -31. and packages.FOR SA.LE AT ' �,:roB HALg ve'f7 eheap. Wuhburn - The - , ·plw, luU drea eoat, Tuxedo and Uaivenit J of Chicaro PreasPriuce Albert, size 36·38. H. p, 220.;,' ad Emmons Blaine HaDstudies out of tile waT.aDd 18 free to elect, becaD ,40 one of twothfDgs. He can set out to Jtet a «en·en! acqu� with JIlUIl' of the.. bJecta offered or he can special"" Apod way of biendi"g tile two Is to..-.ct ODe C01lDe on wtich to specIal­.. aDd to aelect two otIlera whlch wm*" nqufn ao JII1lda work. 'ften tIIroaghtile quaner, tile lItddeDt can 40 1D­....aYe wodt � ODe of Ids ooanea, aDd M63 WUhlngton Ave., 2nd Apt .The New Florida Hotel5721 Cottage Orove Ave. Dree leasoosWIaJ TOIl ... Eat utile len's to_ODS"1st. Good Food Prop-IF Cooked.bel. Cleaaliaeu our Motto. laspect the Kitcl:ea3rcI. A Miaimum Price for Blah Qualit7 Food 'a. Brakfat lie.. Cafeteria at .......... ALeCarte IIVSIC ec.e •PHon HYDB PAaK un.DO man Uwa DOaIIal III tIae otJa- two.Ia tIaa.\ waJ'. he � Ret "'elP8dIltMd Wi ...... " 1000 Btudentl left Ksdi·-wledp he WUda aa4 -' .... SOD fol' ThaDbgiving Day, although,... time UIaD DeCI.F!'J' In pQ1II& a the Friday fo11mug was not a holiday,• 4 -tItit1,.-----. �.DAILY�, 1't1ESDA'Y, !)BCBiIBEB 2. 1915.�===�5iiEi:============- ===_. t .DR. HOPKINS SPEAKS THUBS­Brief Campus News__ � DAY--j)r. Hopkins, rector of tb·.!Church of tll� UcdccJUcr, will speak toWILL ftUDY SHAW PLAY-"The the Episcopal men of the UniversityDevil's Disciple" by Bernard Shaw will at a dinner at 6 Tllursday. in Hitch­be studied at a meeUng of the Dru- cock cafe. This will bo the secondmatic Reading Society in Lexingtou mooting of tho Uuiversity Episcopal14 at 3:30 this afternoon. Parts of wen. �no�a;ARROWJf'otchCOLLARCluett. p�.,. A eo.. I... ..d ....Buy Your Smokes andGents' Furnishings atCowhey'sthe play will be read and Marcia Eis­ner will iliacUBS Shaw � a dramatist.--Clyde Coleumu, tho Chemistry stu-IJUKlOBS WILL HOLD DANCE- dent who was injured Frhlay whileAll University 8tudent. bave been in­vited to attend the first. eonem given",. the University Oreh8i&ra at 4:1:> I'BIDAY-All men of the 1917 classnext Tuesday in Mandel han. . No ad- have been requested to attend thomi:Mion will bee harged. The program Ii'reshman luncheon at 12:45 Friday inwill eODJist of eompositiotaa of Schu· Hutchinson cafe, in order that the Y.bert, Str&W18 and Mend�n. M. C. A. class commission may bo"It is the object of the eoneert, to elected.ih_ the students that we are alive,"Mia William Weise!, a leading membert.Mtarday. "This will be our first pre­"*'ttlUon as a student organiution. We.... IOiDg to give the University an eye��r." The orehestra will consist otifthleen violins,. one ���la, cello, oboe,�b and.llutes and- t ... clarionets .-Beta Phi announces tho l'letlging ofitm iioriii. Howard C.· Stanley of Genoa, Illinois.L' b. program will be _ fo1lowa: .:I�. lLilitaire No. 1 :SehubertpiaODY in B minor ••••.•• Schubertbe. ".ao.en aua den Suden" Strauss.... me frQaa Midaummer·Night's".. ' .�. • • • • • • • • • • • •• Mendelssohn�e- .,' ....... und& .••.••••.• Schubert soeial commitiee of tho Sophomore�ann.. :.& lUIW, .elMs,will meet tomorrow at l(?:lS in �.1!� _ ...... � ·Cobb lOB to discuSs plans for the class TRY IT. -... BUY IT..:, : . ��:::-OJQBA 0"" ee Saturday afternoon in (be Roy-j A BOTTLED-BOUQUET..;............ nolds elub,i. OF FLOWERS.� at _'e new China is theON COL. [Sold b,. all Loop Department. Stol'os:ae •• ill \ke department of Pn.c- . KA�8 WB.rrE8 .. JOSEPH SCHWEITZERuua iii..' • )h .• �. C. R\1dd, wbo ,LEGB KAN-Dean Mathews h.as wrlt-AND... ��, od .(nim bls missionary lten an article for December ��su� of_..i. �._;.� .. d .. th ...... - �e Nortb Ameriean Student .entlt1ca... _-. la �� COlI uc" e ,,-- I"' ,�: Jeeeiv�·;¥a � degree at the !"Bringing. �� to College Me�:"�... coliM.':·hi"-Peila,·Iowa,-aad his 1 : . � .. --'El'DT"nA-a". - ...... �,.... I �PHOIlOBB8 JlBET .II: -.&.&1'. ..&.-D.B. M. tJae ���9'. {a 1903.d b. �phomores will bold a meeting .atTIl will inelu e a IS' . '• .ew c� .•. '10:15 .Friday, in Kent theater.tori� 1III'VeJ' � .. �e ,�ial ongtna, . ,CoIlftaclaaiaa �. �evemente.· It WILL BliU:BTAlN COSJIOPOLI­will �� Up Uae _� IlituaUon of -the TANS--All students connected withagresi .... WOI'k, �.... the leader.s the Cosmopolitan club and the Stu·ad tile n .... of �·�le. . Alao th\' dent Volunteer banll. have been in.oppofttIaiV � � work will be vited to a Christmas pa�y by �h� y,.. � ·ne.· .. of � cOQne is to W. C. L. to be given at 8 Friday nig�t.�.e a cOlDp�ve � of �e ��a1foftes at _work � CW ...PB1I O£n DIftI.".fiilBi'BBII JIBOPBi 1'B8B • 'lOIIOBaoW lIIGB"r,-TIlirtoen men will be initiated intotile Pell dub tomorrow nigbt. The n80-pilyte8, wearing the conventional at­tire tor weh aD oceaaion, will 88lembleba tile Reynolds elub at 6, &fter whiehtIley will .be conducted intO the innerilJariBe. AD unl1lU&l t.umout.of the mem­'ben of the club in college is expectedand it i8 rumored that Frederiek Carr,ex-'09, fCMlncler of �he club, will bepreeent.0B0JIBftBA WILL GIVBOOIlPLIllBlftAltY OQHCDr1Im_ Public to B.dIr Procnm of0IUBIcal B'umbers III JIaD.del1IU1i�J''.. ...JiBW AlmBU.· ....&DD8m�Qr�.��_w............A. aew "Faealv � -.liel prom·.. to rival tile older'....., � tat.... e OD BIacbtoa •• � ia Wagidt uP aboU tile comer "'·KiUarkanau ad AUa atreeL TU�aadeata of the "BOw" are Deu adlin. Angell wlao an· cleiteniiag tileBIacbtoDe avealle coI0D7 Uaia ,....to occllp7 tIleir new reeideDC8 at lUIEaR Fitt,.-eighUa atl'eet. The 1a0g8ewu bea'u 1aK Spring, and was eom·pletecl Jut week. It ia a three..storyil&luetare, CODtaining eilbteeD rooms,ad ia built of pavera' brick to hare.oabe witla �e neideae_ of DeanIIaO Md Prof .... Hale which ad­jGi. it OIl .tIle Weet. Other faeulty� liviD« ill tile i.....u. vi­dait7 are Dr • .lac1d, Deu Boy4oD,Pnte.or � Dr. .baa, 1Ir.�"'Jk.II"'''.. . Juniors will hold their first informalof the year from 4 to 6 Friday in. thoReynolds club. Admission will be bytickets, whicb may be secured fortwenty· five cents from members of thoelaas ticket eommittee. While the nowdances will be permitted, the waltzand two·step will make up tho largerpart of the program. Lewis Fuicks'orchestra will furnish the music forthe dance. Bllli:T���iT.lllni::il:llili:ulmlilli�!im::;E:!�E:]:!�·!:'!::::::E:\;!::::l::l:!:lliIll:�STETSON UNIVERSITYDEL�"'iD, I'·LOKID.�Pm. LlDeU1D Jlull.7 • .&.: B. llar\-aN, Ph. D.VW\"er.,d&7 of Cblcaco. •Four collt-celi, uve schools, 11 buildings, 00in faculty, 1:; Carnecte unite required to enterCollege of Llbual Art.. Land of blue .kll: ••summer wea.ther, out of door recrearion allwinter, .eoft winds from the sea, and the musleof mocklnc blrJs In the orange grove. High­eat CQll�ge standarda. St:nd for catalog.lW!jB!I1!!I!lliilij:lii;ilffil'I!Hmmllilm:ll'mmmll:n:lillimlilWIDIIWUII11IIImQBURNED STUDENT IMPBOVIlIG FOI MENFBE81JMBN' HOLD LUNCHEONTIGBB'S HBAD KEETS TOMO�8OW--Tiger's Head will hokl a meet­ing tomorrow December 3 at 3:30 inCobb SB.BETA pm ANNOUNCES PLEDGETHREE QUARTERs CLUB IN-ITIATION-Forty·eight members-electof the 'three Quarters club will boo in­itiated toD;ight at the University club ..SOPHOMORES PLAN DANCE-TheMr. }"'. W. Packey, of the firm of Shep·ley, Rutan and C.oolidge who designce)Harper library, will speak at the Tues·day Ten O'Clock tonigh� in Hitchcock.�r. Packey's subject' will be·· "GothieArchitecture," illustrated by lantern8lides. Mr. Puckey is a graduate ofMusaehuaetts institute of Tcehnology,and has studied three year at th('� Arts ill Paris- He is patron oftJae Obi� �ter of Beaux . Art.oJstad_ta.IlAY :RO'r PAltK AtrrOKOBILBS-SignA, warning against parking auto·mobiles on the driveways, hav� been80t up iD several places on tho eampus.GIVB -rBA POB DBAIIA'fIO CLUB-Sixty penoD. were present at tho� giVeD: 8�Dday by Mr. and Mrs-.David AlleD Robertson and HitcJ:leockh01l88. 'l'be pesta were members of1-be Drama&ie dub aDd Foster houBC.\v. H. 8peDeer aad .lohn Canning pre·aclecl at tile tea table. OSI.Y an mlla­tra IH1 book et de­licrlbln� a. newt rcu t men t for allsafety razor b!a,.h·s, mak lnx one bl:lll� lasta. lilettme and be be-t t e r than when pur­c.!lased. Sent on rece+pt or ::. cents.CLAUDE WOLFE,Howard City, Wcll.experimcnting in tho laboratory, is re­ported as recovering rapidly...t(YY.W.C.L. WILL ENTERTAIN FRI­DAY-The Cosmopolitan club will beentertained by tho Y. W. C. L. Fridaynight in tho. League room� The Collefie ShODExhibitionLEATHER HIDES AND PILLOWS'lfOVELTIES IN JEWELRY ANDDANCE PROGRAMS mom-r!-L:r:!\f07��--nt�1Thomas J. Cavey & SonFu-XNISHINGSFor GentlemenSPECIALIZING IN THE WANTS OF,THE COLLEGE MANCollars size 13, up31 W. Monroo Street Chicago-SOPHOMORES TO HOLD DANCE-Tho first Sophomore informal willbe held Saturday aftcrnoon in theRoynolds club from 4 to 6. OnlySophomores with class tickets will boadmitted. S. E. Cor. 55th and Ellis Ave.The Collefie ShOD1110 Masonic Temple.JUNIOR WOMEN WILL HAVEPARTY-lunior· women will be enter­taiued at ·a candy pull at Foster hallWednesday froin 4 to G. An women ofthe Junior class have been invited.Dorothy Llew('JIyn,· chairmall of the SUBSCRmE FO�'rUE DAILY MAROONcutl'rtninlllcnt· ('0111 III i ttce,'many ?�W stunts. promises.,..��·SMOOTH£S"-TOBACCOSEE the singeffull of glee piping up' �the pipe full �f Y�Iy�, helping out I. Velv�·tLe 6De"stof Jea(�ed over two years­toned down-4nellowed-fit for "Prexie �himself. Tunealonecaneliminate aD Larsh­ness-brmg about real smoothness anddevelo� the taste that's good Wbeaexams. loom � _and uncertainty is•a tin of Velvet will �Dpe-1 • d ...... �·concentrabon an :KlA.il-:-." S$IIlOOth� At aD dealers._(kA. D. ADAMS177 N. STATE ST..Present this Ad. at Joseph Schwei�zer's and receive sample; �W� :�"++++++++H-++++.+-"+++ I: JOSEPH SCHMIDT I f.o z .;Stationery, and Toilet. Articles i_Fl�E LINE Or' CANDIES956 E. �th St. Chicaco, m.Imported and. Domestic Line ofCIG.\RS .\XD CIG.\S .... "TI'ES+ ... ��� •• +++.��++++�.�� .•.. - _.THEMASTER-MODELof the Royal is a stand­ard correspondence machine anddoes condensed billing without anyspecial attachments.The Typewriter ,That Solves "Typewrit�r Problelns:ROYAL TYFE"-RITER COMPAN'58 E. Monroe St., Chicago Illinois.'!i: .�IJ� .. *'TJie �lnOr�'man�.has·--�THE MORE particular he is how he invests it and where he keeps it.'The lettering over the doors of State Banks ··UNDER STATE SUPER­VISION·· is a powerful beacon light to guide all those who are looking forthe best safeguards in their Banlcing connections.; Your home ST A TE Bank is as colossal as the largest Banlc in the City whenmeasured by the protective features which govern STATE Banks.Your Savinlf' are amply safeguarded in your own ST A TE Bank and be­sides. this Bank will render any other advice that you require. You may in­quire about a title: a deed: administration of an estate: secure advice regardinga safe investment: secure reports on the financial responsibility of those withwhom you wish to transact business.3000 satisfied Hyde Parle depositors now use this Bank.Equal Safety and Protection-more Personal Attention---more convenientHours and Location-are some of the reasons why so many converts are madefrom the LOOP Banles to the Local State Bank.THIS' IS THE Hyde Parle STATE Bank as its name implies. and the onlyState Banle between 43rd St. and 63rd St.Y .... are invited to use it for all your legitimate Banking needs.Safe Deposit Vaults Heal Estate Loans3% �_paM on SavIDgs.. �. Satordat EvenlDp�- L QA'BROLI.-. PreIIIckIILIIOIibT .... CulnaNOS. ��ftoJUS JA.."'lSEN. CuIat.er-It .L HARXQ."'l. � 0ubIer. Robert Jr. Cumm1zIp FraDIt w_ How_Charlu R. Horrie Jam. J. 0ur0UHeD.17 I.&. Stout � JaueaDe.Dlel F. Burke TboDWI .L �John .L C&rron. .JOSEPH ·S€HW·EITZER·The University··Pharmacist for over Ten Years.In �is.· new up-to-date Store.Across the,:' street from· old location.D� APOf'HBKB&1321· East ·57th Stn;tet. Phone B. P. 381'. WE are showing a new line of EnglishScotch tweeds. Serges and Cheviots.Specially seleGted for College fellowsand specially,priced for $30.00.�.UIIaOB FOB YOVllG JIBlI.au STOBE8: 7 N. La SUI. at. • Eo J.ebo. Blvd. 71 E. :Monroe St.Economy.. a c:0"" .... "..... Jaa1IIt, bat__ It Sa cxde4 to eur.ae.III tile pardau8 01 daeap ...IIac gooU, bec:aaa �. annpaewate4 to.. "J1I8t as1'004" as 8pal4-IDrs, It uaaI-17 turDs out tobe VIIrT upen­II •• in the ad.Ou Catalogue, (mailed tree)"aws how_by purehuing.. oraly Athletie Goods bearing.. above Trade.Kvk-yoa. wm reaDy pradice true ROD-•.1 4-•din .. B .... , - Geed r.iabA. O. Spa) K a, ros. Mak f... t_ .. oatIII... By the era 0Tn,'. Beat Prodad•• • &111* .Y. _',Nn;r.w;' __ maiDiY "' •• _1, U1S._. � ':, ._t" ............... ,., �l-""" "10 .......... _,. �--"C..r ........... ""!. .... � .. : •• -.,_-,- ..... - .... ,. •, :',1-"•..IIupJtil$e&IwdIID••-,•I•DRAMATItt�,.i9B�;StiNoAY.,U��·.Qf�RcI ... ��cationr.· Oubr .. Suaday' .SchooI .CbidreD; Will-:: Preseot ·8ibbc:&lPlay at UDiversity. .AJI1IOUJIOIi; D�� POa 'B�i G.i«iik·�KAY OO;ft:DKlOBtfl'GARRICKDatea :preriouely &IlIlowaeed�' tor- diE" . '. _ � BoDCi1i"" .�h ... pioiiahip bOeJiey game&; have 'beeDehanged.· The' 1ira game ·.bet.een t"�, AMe.eMlLI., "..-..&...JUllior and t$eDior eonege women will ··OeDuiDe 8Il("t"etI8Or to '1'HB: KAirA cJrama.tiza.tion of the Book of Job be played Friday, at- 1:30 'on Green· FROM HOME�'._JDter �will be presented Sunday at 3:30 ia woOd· field. The Beeolld· game of th�Mandel by the ehllClren of dle.All Souh He_rie. will.� p)a�ed. We:d�y,. DeSunday sehool under the auspiees \)f eember '10, at �:3�, and the �t gaanothe Beli.giooa EdUCation dub. The December 15 at 1 :30. �dr&D1a was· given sueeesilfully· last" Th' te' h bee la. . e_ two. .&Dl8; ave .-. p yiDc. ADOtIa. 00haD • Ji.uda �tJpring at Lin�oln center, and the elub, "very cia,; �eetiD' their teaqa work. .a o' o' K ,�_believing the presentation of Biblie8l � '. "': .. .. ' � J. A Y • 0 • D. B I , � . _ � 0.aad . ft,..,htma �D8t thelr own back N � .. _Z __ I Co� .literature in'Reh a form to be of �. .". - ""... '.' .. lD a ew,.lllMlMGIY... �' .. '. . .... fiolda lor. ,I)�tice. To�orrow th\! '''1' B. E B E AUT. Y B·B, -0 Poou.cational value, has Beeured a·.repo-; uada will la at 1 :30 aud at the . .. -..... ,.ti . f th forman b til· ,. ,sq .. , P. y ., -.c:;�n 0 e per ee y e 8&ID& �e time- ����ay< ,�e ��iOn,hope. to, win ,.tJae �t,. tw� g�ee &D� �AS�L.E!;Tho rendition of the play is under�,_ fore... ,ar�.,; ,lay.. iog ,'. _dDi,•m to. tbethe direction ot Mr. llaUriee S. KuJuUi.In proparing' the drama, lle hU "101:.' . hockey banDer. If the Ju�o�. WiDMulcal Come4l', I. YOIIDI ..... PMone game and th� _8er:ti01'8 one the last '., ' . : t >• • • • � -e,lowed the Biblie&t text· with Ad8lit:J�- . .. ...._1. to· 'f ....... 1: \,I._ baU:le."ill.be.for..tIu,:.titl� It,,,,thercw.or nlng some 0 _ loDe oager epeec_ . . . . .. .only to keep within the time. limita:, : � . W1I18; the' firat" two _, gamflS., .. t�"Th additi f . "-bar of 1 Uainl g&lDe.:will: be pl&yed .. u.,former.eon.o a. no.u&& 811t8er . -' ...' � � .. ,ye&l'&A 8CriDPDAge bet.wee�. tbe F�lIle�'�omen, .. basket ball_plaIJe... �d th�8ophomol'ell will be pulled off Tu.�,beeember g in Lexin�n KymnaaiuD.... 3:30� ". Tlae :wo· lIIdadJr .• e �prMtieiDg: nice a � ... :.ud ·.uJaibita Jdgla' grade' of ·baIL�·;�"':Jp.v •.,been provided for the .pec� sa .an atudanu are invited to'vlew U .-...: ...... ,�- �.y..__._,.I �, - ....�. ��-eh�ters, villagers, shepherds _ aildwater camera is for the purpose of giv­ing movement and.. eoior to .the per� AdJaIr .JbmJDInteID ... ..,;�I"r. __ .. _.!ormanee..........;& 1GB . J � • J£�.' .womeu . sang the IIOng writteD ill honOrof the oeeaaiOD b,.lIU7 E. eoUtaey..1'" aDIl • .".. .......�eside.t Jad80D gave a non ad·dress iD whida he aalioUeecl �.thenew gyauaasi1Ull woGld be :aita&ted' OILthe Midwa,. betweea' WoOdJaw.: _dXimbark· aV_aeL lIr� NOT_ �edtil. WOIHJl tor UtaI' dea��on.After th •. Alma Kater Jlr. N� adhis patty walked baek' to the' Preid­dent's home bet.wee. two. U •• of w0-men evanying Japueee laa-.&DB. ftOlm 8I'BAD A��AL.J)If"I'i'i BAlf_q1)ft; IIABT Aft&lO)Dr. J ohD Tbllotli,. Stolle, pastor of'the Foarda ��� ellareh, wu,the prineipal apeaker at the amau.a1�quft of. t .. , Dinlllt7:""" heldlut night. TIle p.., who numberedmore thaD ODe hundred, IDeluded _­dent. and faeult7 memben of tile de­partment aDd their wlv ..