r,I'" •I .�."B,.:8IVe•i laily .arnn"VoL %II. No. 42. PBIOB I"lVB 0Dft.UNIVEBSITY OF CHIOAGO. THURSDAY, NOVEKBEB et, 1913.lAUD POWEll PLAYS IHOLDp�G:::' BYHERE NEXT 11JESDAY' KASQUEBS IN .JANUARY WOMEN DISPLAY FANCYCOS11JlES AT SPREAD COURSE COACH PAGE srARTSBASKETBAU PRAtTlCE:NEW LECI1JREDr. c. s. Hurgronje Will DeliverFour Lectures on the Aspects ofIslamism And On The Life Of luues Call for Vanity Candi-M hammed elates-Regular Seaio ..o. �N�W_Behenraals arc being held twice aUnusually wee Crowd Expect- ",·t>ek for "Pepita Boyes," a two-act Six Hundred Are Present Ateel To Hear Recital By World- play which will be presented by the Thanlugiving Spread in Lex-Famoua Artist Masqu'!r:; at tho Reynolds club theutre iDgtOD Last Nightin the early part of next quarter. SinceFOUR . NUMBERS ARE OFFERED the CD.lJt WD8 picked, MilJS ElJthcr THREE PRIZES ARE AWARDED: . F'ou� lectures. on the aspects o� Isl�. HAS HARD PUCI1CE,SCHEDULEHorner, '16, has boon eoaehiug the I __ JtJ,ul w il] be delivered at the Unlversity)laud Powell, world·famous violin. players, She is being assisted by' Deun �lli\"�rsi.tY women forgot their schol_ �\lr�n� the winter quar�r, by. Dr.ist, will give the first of the artists' Wallace of tho French depaa-trneut , lD8t�c Cltg-Illty and appeared as Tur kiah Chf1Stl� Bnoueke �urgr�nJe proressor Conch Page is mustering his basket·.recitals ot the University Orchestral who translated the play from the maidens, Threc-Quartem club pledges, of Ar.J.blc at the university of Leyden ball eaudldutes, Official practice willassociation seeson Tuesday at 4:15 in Spauil:lh, in collaboration with Mr:J. I navy and army officers, colonial dames Dr. Hurgronje was born in Holland ill not start until next week and the foot.­.ManeleL An unusually large advance Otis Skinuer. Accoruing to the coaches' and Spanish coquettes at the annual ,1857. Becoming interested in the East, haJl meu will not begin active work.sale ot tickets is reported, and the the play il:l progressing rapidly and a Thanksgiving spread in Lexington ill Moh3.mmedaniam and the Arabic uutil then. A large number of eandi­atage 8Cata, usually offerOO at rocita.ls good performance is expected. Last, gymnusium last night. Margaret Rhodes Janguage, he took a year's leave of abo dates are, however, working out dailyin the put, will not available on this year the Masquen presented "The }'u.r'1 won a prize as "Bath-house" John for I Helice from his work as lecturer on under Pat's supervision. No Pl'8A!tiC6oeCaaiOll. Away Princess" by Suderman. The cast weurlug the most unique costume. Mohammedan law, at the university of will be held today, but there will btlMia Pewell ",.as born near Chic&gp, follows: I Blnnc�e Davis as a girl of 1846 took Leyden. T.he grea.�r part of this. tim,.., sessions tomorrow at 4 and Saturday atand in early childhocl gave evidence Pepita Reyes Selma Dieustag 1 tho .prlze for. the sweetest and .Lynne I he �pent m the city of Mecca Itself. 2-of wuKical. .genius. She received the Victor •••............ Rudolph Morit:r. ,8ulhvall � LIberty took the pnze for He IS the only European who has ever With the opening of official practiceadvantages of the best possible mus- Pedro Biduey Pedott [the prettiest costume. Dean Talbot tq>ent a lengthy period of time in the next week Page will get right down. toleal training; and also a liberal .foun- Morritos Trcva MatthewS I nppenred ns the witch of Halloween. holy city of Islam. As a result of his work and will proceed to try out the'dation ill the other fine arts. While Marquis ...........•..... Mnx Sicld.� After the supper Louise Mick reo studies, he published a standard work uew men and eliminate all impoesi.bili-.till a young girl she gained recogtni. Nicasio •............ Reuben Chadburn c:tecl several monologues. Phyllis Fay (In the subject "Mecca-" ties. Coach Page plana to get histion b,. appearing at the Columbian ex. Sebastiana •..•........•. Evelyn Colo and Mabel Becker and the chorus of Sent on JIisslOD. team into working order 88 soon &sposition with Mrs. Beach, the noted I Campus Follies sang the "Tent in In 1885 Dr. Hurgronje was appointed possible and then concentrate on. de--composer, in a "Romance for Piano and UNIVEBSIn' WOlllEN TO I Araby." Dorothy Llewellyn and a lecturer at the university of Leyden veloping the regulars to the highestJVioliu" written by Mrs. Beach. DISTRIBUTE BOXES TO I chorus sang "Deep Sea Yarns" ,'The and shortly after was sent on a mis- point of efficiency. Practice games withBAzIk. With Leaders. HOME FOR INCURABLES. Vindication of Polly Sigh," a sketch sion to the East Indies, For seventeen Lewis Institute, Armour, Ev�toD.Aa a reeult of numerous concert Two hundred and sixty-three boxes portraying the Student Honor Court of years he carried on his work here. It academy, and various strong Y. M. C.tOUD in America and Europe in recent .will be distributed this morning to HI2:l. VJ:.u� presented. was through his advice that the long A. teams and athletic clubs will be1ears, MiA Powell has been given ree- the inmates of the Home for Incur. 1923, was preseneed. drawn out Atche war was finally scheduled, and a hard practice ached-option on both continents as one of abies by University women under the Members of Cast. brought to an end. He crowned his ule will be mapped out.tile l�ading contempora.ry violinists. auspices of the Social Service commit. Members of the cast were: colonial work with a monumental Freshmen to Orgamze.AmoD& the maay � offered ber 'tee. The boxes were piiCkc'a yesterday Judge Pol Econ � . :.: ... Cornelia Beall treatise on the Atchinese. The regular practice seseio� un'by the musical preas is the following under the clirection of Adele Frankel, Polly Sigh ••....•.•. Gertrude O'Meara. On Monday, Marth 2, his talk week will be held at 4. A fres�by GWitave Saenger in the MuaicllI Marjorie Uhlman, M.nrgaret Cole an-I Ann Atomy A ••• Agnes Sharp will be on "Mohammed; Past and Pres- squad will be organized. and pittedObaernr:.. Gertrude Cara.bin. The boxes contain Thc Ology Twins ent Biews of his Life and Work." Th� against the Varsity daily. The quality"The liat of modern violinists who apples, oranges, grapes, figs, dates, Zoe Patty NewbcYd. subject of the next lecture, on March of the freshmen is uncertain at present,c.an be placed in the master class is nuts and candy. The money for these }'izzy ......•.•...•.. Charlotte Viall 3, will be "Featurcs Common to Mo- but they will be re.inforced by & DUm'not a very � one. Such names as boxes wu eolleeted by puhlie subserip- Mrs. Vi Sigh Margaret Fenton hammedanism and Modern Thought," ber of former college stars, wlao areKreisler, Yaaye, Thompson, Zimbalist, tion from among the women this quar lIi�s Talcum •...•..... Dorothy Davia next, on March 4, he will speak on �ng graduate courses in the Uni-�IU&D and Flesch are uppermost in ter, $50, the largest amount ever ob- Miss Wall nuts Phyllis Fay "}"eatures in Mohammedanism Opposed versity. Berger, forward on. the cham-our minda when we try to mention tho tained for this purpose before has been Miss Slaymen l\fa.rgaret Green to Modern Thought;" finally, on Thurs- pionship Wiscon.ain team last year, is..biggest; ud it is juat he� that wo nUsed this Autumn. The sketeh was written by Dorothy day, March 5, Dr. Hurgronje will in school and Page has signed him up... e ena�lecl to place Maud Powell-at Williston, Mary MacDonald a.nd Bliss tell his idea of "The Possibility of an for the yearlings. Stryker, a forme�the top notch of the representative GIVB OOSllOPOLI'rAK Halling. The last name has been kept lJnderstanding:." Nebraska star, who is also • footbIIDlist of players and equal to any of CLUB IIBH DllfNEB A'!' .seeret for the past few days and was man has been working out daily, a.ndA8X FOR OOlftBIBU'rIO:NS will play with the freshmen. Thus far'!'O Lr.rEBABY KAGAZDm the best known freshm,an material in.-cludes Schaefer of Ottumw. Iowa,Boazd of Editors of Monthly 8eDds Out Rothermel of Hyde Park, and severalAppeal for Jla,teria1-bc.wiDl ia .. deeisive, aa energetic and will be furnishctl h�- the LacliC8 Aux·.. fir�-_ .. _uy great player's has e,'cr net as marshals a.t the La. Y.-rne Noyesilliary soei('ty of lIy,l(' Park. The clubbHn, and her interpretation of what- will leave Cobb at 'j:! ::�O for tho tc�eption 1I0nday from 4 to 6. S1l88.I1neeyer .hA _playa is the very enenee DC Fish«'r has been selected head ma.rshal.Hyde Park Y. At. C. A., 53d and Dor·The oth�rs are: Helene Pollak, Ruth editors has sent out an appeal to allthem in the artistic rendition of everywhich the literature of the �'iolin mayboast,_ She plays with all the purity HYDB PARK Y. II. C. A. AT 1 only learned yester<1ay.and immaculate tone production for'whick the gi-eat Spohr wu famous; herI ii:I iIII A large plate of American turkeyhas been promised every man belongingto the Cosmopolitan club today at thoHyd(l Park Y. M. C. A. The din ncrTen women of the Senior class will PrOtlpccts at Wisconsin are not as:­Contributions are needed for the bright u usual. Be�ger, Van. Riper,Hinman and Johnson all' veterans andforthcoming numbers of the Chicag. valuable players have gone and leavtllLiterary Monthly, and the board ofTEN SBNIORS TO BEMA'RSBAT.S A� NOYESB.BOEF.rIOH ON MONDAY other players of class.Want Stories.A song in honor of Mr. Noyes writ­ten by Mary E. Courtne)', will be BUnghy rul the women. Copies of the Bong.A&BA!IliB SIIOKBB FOB I were given to all thp. women who at·Dl"!'BBFBAftlB.IQft IIBH A'!' tendad Ute mMS meeting Tuesday.BBYlfOLDS CLUB. DBa. 8 • Nen Monday all undergraduate wo-I men 'Will usemble in the League I't)-)m,�l fraternity Dlen will. be enter· the Neighborhood room or the fIlY11l.wned at the Interf'raiernlty smoker. nwum 3t 4. Graduate and profession­which will be given December 8 in tht! ; al 8<'hool women of the University havoUoynolcls club theater. Georgc Parkin, I been uke<l to meet in Lexington 15 atSOD will give an exhibition ot tumbling. 4. the writers on the campus for availablomanuscripts. Short stories, verses,sketches, and special articles on livetopics are wanted, and students withliterary ability are asked to hand insuch material to the Faculty exchan�Tbe number of contributions atcepted from anyone student will '>emade the basis for his eligibility to theboard of editors DQt year. Any stu­dent who haa had three or more con·tributions accepted by the board duroing the year will be eligible for memobership on the managing board for1915, which will be appointed by the only a nucleus of three old men. aboutwhich to build a team. Sands, Harperaud Van Ghent, however, fonn a atI'OD.combination. .Much conJidenee is ex­pressed in the raw material, which' i.believed to be strong. However, Wis­consin will find it hard sledding it sheexpects to walk away again willa tw_­ty-eight straight victories over COILf'erence teams as W88 the cue ill tilelut two years.N. V. 0IaIma 8tnaa �Northwestern claims to have aI!trong team, but with oa17 three vet­erans back too much eouldeJlCe eunotbo expressed in this report, Kinne­GOta, Purdue, Ohio State, &lid DlinoWd87'. rea;ital:'rM�artistie cultnre and refinement." chester, where dinuer will be servedPolowing is the program for Tues·' .Agar, Cornelia. Beall, Margaret Riggs,at 1. Harriet Tuthill, Letitia Fy«e, RuthThe club will be entertained hy th.JHough, Margaret Rhodea and Arlinepr('scnt hoard.The editors will hold their next meet. are all (lark hol'8e8 about whom littleis known •Y. w. C. L. }'rielay, December 5 at "he1. Coneerto, G minor Coleridp-Taylor BrOWD.Leagu«' room in Lexington. Thi� will(Dedieated to )(me. Powell) be the last meeting of the COttmopoli-tan clut- this quarter.a) Allegro maeatoeob) Andute 88IIlplieee) Allegro eon brioI. 8oData, E maJor (for violin &IItlpiaao) •••• • •••• •• • • •• Baeba) Adaciob) Allegro ID& DOD tantoe) AdaaJod) All-.rob. a) "Gaze WiUa Pit1".... Tenagliab) BoDdo (from Halner Suite)•• • • •• •• ••••• •. .• •• •• lIosart.. a) Hu�priaa Due .. (A .. � udB abIor) ••••• • . • • • • •• BralllllSb) Ill •••••.•..•• , ..•. �oyeDe) 1Iia.1e Walta ••• ClaopiD·Powelld) CaprieI VieaBOla •••••• Kreislere) '-J;Iejre Kati" •.....•...• Heba1AJpIIa __ wm BatIrtaIILAlp'a Delta PIal freD.e. will fJIl­wrta! •. �e Deb Int 1ear meD' at!aDe __ eul7 ..u .... &lid apparatus work. }'urty millul.4 lJof boxing and fifteen minutes ofwrestling will be fea.ture..l. Ed Zec.ltlic.:4 Saturday's Y. Y. C. A. fleld trip willad Lew Fuiks have workec.l up a mu�- he taken to the Chira.go black belt andieal comedy. Smokes, cidcr, coffee an,l I th(' Colored Men's Y. D. C. A. The.lIer retreabments will be senctl. All· party will loave the "C" bench at 8::10.fraternity men and pledges have been Graduate W�eD Meet Hen Week.Will '1'ake -rrlp to Black Belt.ing Sunda1 nj�t, November 30, at thehomo of Dorothea Washburne, at whichtime it is probable that tho date willhe announced for the first i88lle of the Pea Club to lid*'- .... LThe Pen club will bold their unulinitiation next Wedneeda,. ai,'t ia theHut.ehiD8on cafe. FifteeD IIIn will bema.g:l%ine for the year.iavitN. }'ranklin Evans is the chair· The Grac1o&te Women8' club will Art Club Post1»ones Mectinl'. initi:1tc(1 into the B«i�t,. performing� of the program committee. I''ran,k_ hold ib, next wookly �a. Thursda.y,. Tho Art "lub ha... po!'tponctl it. .. reg- I tho UIIUaJ literary coatortion.. Allb. Evau, Cowan Stephenson anJ Ev· Dct"ember 4, at 4:30 in Lexington ]5. ular weekly meeting until Thunt4lay, I· members "ho expect to atteIId willert&. Rogerson are the members of the lorncluatc 8tndent.s in the Science de-I n�cember 4, be<'nu� of the Thanbgiv. !'end their names to eeeret&r1 CoUiq-committee in cbarge. 'n.ft...t.ment will be the hosteaes. i Jig holida,.. ..... I,_,-- .. __..Daily MarooD � DAILY IIABOON.om�"1 St�nt N"'IiIJaPft' ., the lhalver­..it,. or Cb .... cu.I'ubllftwt,l mor ntnxa, except Sunday and "'''' __ '-_lh.n<iay, �illg tl ... Aurumn, Winter and .&.A&&WUU>giving Day-t;ui\"(�rt'ity -huli-�prln� QuartN" by 'rhu ViAll)' )1aroun clay.... Iutl. Independent IIeaD& tempt DIUl sarcasm us Ill-bred undeIf a were not for Stanley Houghton, the elrcumetauees as it ig uuurotivate)1. D. �trnr" lIaDDglDg Editor Vosmopolitan Club Men-Diuuer atu, W. CoUlugbam New. Editor 'j'OMOHHOW.u. S. Gorga" Atbl�. EdItor 11 I P k Y. M. C. A 53dB. P. M •• & BadDn. JlaDager yt e ur � atw •. H. Lymaa Clnalatloa Jla .. �u Dorchester.�late EdUo... Walker Soc:1al.-4:30, Walker 2.t;,'()� Shll1r .. r Vurothy W.,1I ReYllolds Club Smoker-$:15�Iila O'��'lll AUJ;ullta 8wawltflt�n't'r.'.J UII lIel'ond-clallll mall at thel'hh:at:o Posrottlce; ChlcaJ;o, 111., March Iii,l:1o)li, und .. r Act of March 3, Ibi3. tho Amorieau theater, at least the Chi- I,)' her previous behavior.... :ago part. of it, would surely have to becomes npopleet ie ; the family frieHII,go dark, Auother week of repertoire attt'IUI'tiug to pour oil ou the trouble..under the uuspiees of the Chicago w ... �.'rN, iN ordered from the house forTheater society Iauuehes the fourth ever ; ;'Utl the father dies of a stroke,In uet III thc family, about to b.uu-tpiece of work from his pen seen her eSHOW EXHIBIT 'l'O PROVELA'.l'lN LIV):; J:..ANGUAGL this season, "Iudependeut Mean8" is a dispossesse.. l, receives a vlslt from titcomfortable bourgeois comedy which, fuit ln ul family servitor who left then,though filled with excrueiatlug diff i- Oil rt'l'l.'i\'iut{ a Ieguey of 20,000 pouud-.cult.ies for three acts ends happily ever f'rom au .Au�tr:tliau u nvIe, E,lgar haafter in the fourth. :-ought in vuiu for work; hig wife, seA..-oruiug to the eouvent ional "brew" cure in the promise of a steuograpl.iISUIlSCBll"TION B.�TES.!!� n��fr:ie�;.:;-�o )�elret$;1.tko� �u�I�:::�r. Miss Frances Sa.bin of Oak Park WellEdltorlal-llullinl·slI ornce, EIIlII :!4.'1', !ll>hone . :>.Ud way 8110. After 10 p m.Hyt!� I'ark 41iG9.The DAILY 'MARCON -will not bo A. HUH:{::; balJlU, wadler 01 Lat,lu iu Ukpublisllfd tomorrow mormng as to� Val\. 1'ark higl1 ::;chool has placed o.ic; a Univenity holfday� Publication exhilJit iu LilJCOln 1a.H at the l;Chool the\Ow be reSUllled SatUrday, November ltotai.He collodion of material wiudlThe Winter quartet· opens FrIday, Btates.JaJluary 2. This is·the··day after New 'l'he �oUectiou - il:i of spl,'Ciai illtcrcs.Year's. A moment of 1.0 Lini\'erl:lity people IJecause .Mi.:l::.·thWght will be enough. �alJill \\ � lllaWrtaHY �istcu. lU buill!to· convince anyone tba.t iug up the collection 01 exhilJi� bJ. such a date' is incon- memuets 01 the LaLill, ul'ech. aUIl .1."for- everybody. Studehts who u,a.lJeC uCl,arLlUchl:. IJA. Lue Li fil \·�f';. __jive out 0{ the city must come in to 'i'ile exLibit w� IShowu at th� .sell .... · t.heir honeymoon, shortened becaus disiutegrating gentleman. Louise Ran. snnit:l1'�·. H·J(l Fn·'t ;'7.1 "'r 'ct, �e'"the Univeisity, in many cases travel- of f.�.tuc"tl·on· t .... o '''e''rs ftfl'o' "ud at Ule pair he{'ame bored with their own .lolph not only acted but looked th_u... .. J" � ... on(1 Boor. Phor:l' JI�·.I(' 1 - .: --.ing almost aJl day on New Year's day, traded many \'il:;itors. eonlpany. The explanation each ('on· sHont suffering gentlewoman, and Dn.l·10r Ol1e day, with two days then fol- 'l'he iuteutiou 01 the exhibit is t fides to the mother of- how it happene(l. las Anderson as Edgar, and Maud Les_lowing in which there is little to do. show the vital iufluence of classi. affortls Houghton a splendid opportun- lie as his wife gave many keen bits TYPF.WRlTI�C. Il('atl�' Ilone--Miscel­�'illS in itsefi is quite a hardship. Add )anguage8 ou the life aud literature 01 ity for :l. keep "PSych910gical" study of of interpretation. Whitford Kane in- Inneous work n sPl'( inlty. Miss B.to it the tact that Pra.ctica.Uy every- touay. She points out that Latin is the hUtolband and wife aiscovering each '-ests the family friend with fewer of Tlrown� fi13!! "t'rn!�n fl\', •. or Harper�ing acomplished on the 1irst day is an Lhe fouudation of the }'rench, Italian, other. Each is childishly peeved with his objectionable quulities than anyone '.ihrnry Lonn Desk. \\' ·:U.assig1X.ent of'· texts, lessons and ill ::)panish, Portugese and Roumallia., his mate's shortcomings, without hav- who ditl not witness Mr. Kane's skill­some c.:ases, a short introductory lee- lang\lages, and that Latin anu Greek ing any conception of his own. E(lgar ul work would believe possible an.l "-OK �AI.": Vf>T:,\' ,'hp:tp.tnrc .... nd the hxdship becomes even art are the fundamental .forces of QUl. espccially, wi�h hiIPj conservativc polio even Frances Waring as the faithfulmore burdeJ,l.SO�e.· • � cOUld not modern system of arts Md' crafts. - -In: ties and his 19th ceuiury con�eoption of St'rvn.nt. played comPetently though. heltexts, assignments, etc., be given out eluded in the collection are a numbcr "woman and the home" h'lS .much Teatl- method approaches a little' too close toiI:. a bulletin, if it seems abolutel7 De- of McCutcheon cartoons from' the Chi- justment to. suffer. His bombastic the burlesque.cessa.ry that the students should Jla,vo cago Tribune which contain classical preraganda is met, argument for argu- A repetition of "Press Cuttings" com_this information?, CODlllloD experience allusions and show that the elassicaj nlent, with cold hard facts by his pleted the rather lengthy bilL Theteaches that 'only a de-,rotec:l few really clement is a prominent one in our lit I young hard wife who baa the. impa-J{et their �books and prepare their erature. tience of youth for the class distinc-lessons on the second cia,.; and these tions on which he was raised. When,tpw would hunt - up a bulletin aD- Hold Funeral Services Yesterday. in act IT, the financial crash comes,nouncement. It may be said that such The funeral services of Lorin Oweh she turns on her father-in-law in th� an(1 of Kane as Mrs. }"arrell was non�a method eneouraeeS loa.ters; but real- were conducted by Dr. Edward Curti,. prebCnce of the family friend with con- the less worth while again.ly this argument has little weight. Stu- of the Woodlawn Presbyterian chure!. -------��., ��--=--.dents compelled to leave home on New yesterday afternoon at the Owen al)art­Year's ciay, in order to attend a first mcnts. An address was given by Dr.class da�,. which is fOllOWed by two Alonzo Ketcham Parker on bchalf 01d:l.ys witbwt classes, � have some the local charter of Alpha Delta Phi.moral right· to loaf. COllsidera.tion of - __ +-_every el�eut o�. tile Bi.tuatlOD, leads Plan �y for Ten O'Clock.to the :oohclusloil. that the Winter 'An original, lively smoker will �Q'Carter should not COlllmence until gi\'cn by members of Hitchcock hall o'nUond&y.�·�n1lal7 5. December 10 at the Ten O·Clock. A.ll:.rOOfl I 'res!!>, :>:>11 Cottage Gro\'e Avenue.NOncE..(fbitotialA :NecticdHoUday..y-cnient'.rhe last interruption in the steady&rind of studies Untt �tiOo. timois the Settlement Dance.'.rhe. cIance is to begiven December 13 inBan.lettSettlement0InDaslum.'l'ho bt'cak in the COl1I'&e of prepan-tion for the end or the q1JAlter is a.mc;st wholesome one for eveQ�lonccmea.. It means a lot of 'WOrk forsome few people,. but Qua, aner aU,need not be more thaD IIl_UOlled. This.ork 1& one of the UUeen forces� h1ch are at work UIlIlotlc:ecl azul �applauded, day and ni&h\ Dlaking stu­dent affairs go. Participants U8wIiUnJt to do the work, tor the pleas­ure ..of seeing their efforts result Insomething worth while; SO they may bepassed b�}ritllout further notice. BTlt,for tho ma4�ty of students. the Set­tlement Dance m� .o�. all eveningof tuD, aDd the kDowleqe th&t thofun is h� ab>q a "0I'UI7 cause.ADd It ... : .. �CGme rtUef tn themonotoQ"' ';hida _'dl � coLlep lU'e nnW balket� � tntoute In .razi�. F� eTeI'JOiI6 CcM­cemed, � �emeDt Dance is worth _ftjI.t.'i'Pliij,!iF!i.i�':"!IllimIWF'ilf'��""··'·(I"IIIIIII61company are still not sure of the com-I STETSON" " ..UNIVERSITYplicated Shaw lines, but the inimitible DELAND. FLORIDA......... U ..... Hail",·. A. II. lIarval'd. ... D.comedy of Iden Pa.yne as the orderly . llnh....,.lt,. of (,hlnl"GoFOUT l'Ollf'gu. n\t' schOO,., l; balld1np. GO:n facully. I:. :;arn�gll" unit. rf'ol'llre4 to enter'_"':'.jt' of 1.lh· rl' ,-' ,.: 18. t.llrd .If blue Klea. ."nnllll .. r ,w ... tht-r .. III o! .1., r r�c:reatlon .11,,·Intf'r. �f, . wind,. t:-'lm Ih. ,.,. and tile mas1e.• r mockln« hlrds In 'hI' or.t •• gt' ",·ov.. mp-lit C'ul, .. IC" ",utnd"r,11t ·�n.l 1o, catalaC. ..��lr+!t��'!"�:�.;�:·I,i.ri::�'!:lr.. ;;!:;t!tth:I·�JllII'••••�lloOl lw ... t.hers M..ter1aJ. to ProveVontention.JIGI it ion with tl.e famil�' fr iend, grow ..contemptuous of his f'aihrre and Ieavvllim "till he will grant a woruan_'s rightto thiuk for hersl·lf.·' .As a last rc:oorEclgar, too, is forcctl to turn to thefafliily fl'it'lul. Through that gentle.man's deft management the couple isrccouciletl; he secures his reward in thefavor of Mrs. Forsyth; and the cur·tain goes dowll. on the young peol,l.with the promise of the Great }'ulfill·1I:('ut reuniting them. .'\0 whct tl::>oweuts re-,'1\,"1 lui Il"::i:- !.laall �;:'t· ... " ,,1 til:i .... _.C •• llS.-----��- .. ----- ---��---���-----.-------��----� .... -c.'1'0 • John Craven Forsyth, "a gentleman"by virtue of his Independent meaus,bas, through spoculation and poor in·\'(�stlllcnt, seriously impairetl his fllrtUII��, :nlll has ulienated the a.ft'�tionsof his wife as well by the coan-ellt'��alHl brutality of bis nature. To adtlto the pot of difficulties, his spoile.1son }�tlga.r has impetuously married ngirl with "new" ideas, and the fine­souletl wife, by turning in her loueli­Ile�s to the e,·er_present fanlily frien.) .1h�.OJ .. b.\1.E at I, .. q,';:&1 II_ One suit of,nlllt·le. 'rll:\t'''" :-<ly It�, on�ina1 coata nl: ",iZt'_! .1111" i tt·r or Mnrnolt. VESa:'IecotilieajDlauectlUDlb.·mb:"8181streugt.heu .. ue stuteuieut t lnu,�:,. Ii Ill' t:lil .. r--8uitII,.IIIII1IIII qaPdt:.i!t:Loatiu is lJot a deud language,::>uo gathereu l:ie\'erai year� Ubo, alhlwhich she has siuce showu iu mauy 01th� pl'iucipai eitie� of the Uuitcuhas, oll so untleservetlly, aroused the It was only splellditl acting whichhusbatld's jealouSy. mado this convontional dap·trap ac-The play open with the unexpectel! ceptable. C. lIaviland Bourke as Johnreturn of Edgar and his wife from Jo'crsyth gIl"e a powerful picture of theshort play, written and ac;ted by Hitch·cock Freshmen will be the feature 01the evening, A trio, violin, cello, an,ll,iano 'will also furnish entertainmt'lltOther stunts are under consi,leration.'tlEW YORKBroadwa,. at 54th Street.Near 50tn Street Subway Station an453rd Street Ele .. ted."Broadwa,." can from GrandCeratral DepotSeftllth A ftDue Can from Peanql­.. nia StadOD.":ET'r B\' A COI.I •• a. M .• "IT'UI'QI "RrBRR FOR oOI.l •• a. JI."':"IWIA I. HA TBR f'OR cOI.r •• a. ".A."Ten Minutes' Walk to Thirty TheatresHARRY P. STtMSO". MANAGERl1F.AIlQUAnTF.RR �,R CHICAGONew. Modern and FireproofRooms with Bath. 12..50 and up, 1I0\\' to wur k ,"""t \\':a�' :hrough eot­I('!!t'.·' �!:Ii,,'d fr.,., til �t .. I('nts. Jnt'l Let.ter Clulo. -l.i�II' .I,,:retsOn ave,.It'rltCy City. l". ,I.'OR RE�T-A !otuih' nf rnllIDS and al­';0 one .. illgl(' room, two "locks from·uhl. Hull, �tr�. �lI!I:\·:t: •• ;;802 Jack­·'on t&V •• �1I.1 :1l't. I'holle.LOST-nf>:'wt'l'lI ;;:ith :11101 I·'oster lIall,l' brown I.ur�(', c'ont:lilliq: bauk-book,c·ont·ert tic'kl,t:;J nllt! !IIolley. Finderplease return to Elizab.·tll Newbold.11:1 i r.1 rt's.qing, dye-ing and hohhill!!. s('alp trl�:itlllent, man­!I'urin;!, .·hir0I'0.ly. ro.l�· massage by'lppointmt'llt fit yon r }tOIl't'. All ourirstrumcllt:\ :�T'(' stl·ri!i)',"1. I·;verythingWashburn�llitnr. fun .tr('�� '·o:tt. Ttlxedo andr�n('� Alhf'rt. _�i7r ,:l� :t�.__ It •• P._�205,"=4�:-t Wn�lli"J!ton 1\ ,.(." .• !!II,I Apt, -OSI ..... _ w __tratt't! boOket de­IIcrlbl"� & DewI rt a I ment for all.. tet,. razor b .,14'11. maklnJt one blade lut• I!(elimf' and bl' bt :Hr Ihan wheD pur­c.."lalled. &ont on r('ct'!'pt of ::; Cellt.a.CLAUDE WOLFE,Howard City, Mieb.'FH MENBay Your Smokes andGenis' Furnishings atCowhey·ss. E. Cor. 5�th � Ellis Ave.SUBSCRIBB Fl,·."lIE DAlLY IIlABOO. .u.iI Buy Your Books,I,•,I1IIItIHotel·Cumberland..----- -. __ ,••• AT •••Woodworth's Beck Store,OUR NEW STORE. 1311 E. 5,th STREET IitiIrUaiversit7 BeaksLaw Baaks • • Ntw 8cd Seccnd HandMedical BooksPhJSldsta BegIn SesslODS.O,'er one hundred physicists fromvarious parts of the Unitetl States willgathcr in Rycrson for the regUlarThanksb";',·ing mooting of the Amer�eanPhysical Society tomorrow and Satur·cla7. �fioka;ARROWJrctchCOLLARHarper WUl Be Open �oday.As today is a University holi,lny nocJasscs '",ill be held. Harper library. will be open from 9 to 5. The circu,lating departmcnt will be cl�erl :111Ila�·. AU classes will meet nt the reg·ular hours tomorrow.Currents Topics Club Beorgan1&el.�tudents who were interested in theCurrent Topics club last year will re­organize under the learlership of thopresi(lcnt, William Wed gwo1'th , duringthc latter part of next week. TheCurrellt Topia club is an informalmc for the dj�u�ion of the news ofthe ,lav.!'lIB DAILY IIAlIOOH. DUBSDAY, lIOVDIBBB 21. 1�Athletics Brevitiesftree Bic lIeD. }'i ve hundred euthusiastie WisconsiuIn Dr. Theoclore G. Soares, Edward students heard the reports of the Chi- , ''I � Woodlawn Trust& Savings' Bankl204 '1:. 63d Street. Chicagoc. Mert'er and Graham Taylor, the uni- eago-Wisconsiu game Saturday in theversity Y. M.. C. A. has secured for it� Wisconsin 1:.l;llInusium. <""'pital •.....•.•....... $2Ufl.OOO.OOSunflay meetings three of the most ef-teeth'o reformers and speakers in tho ,\OiN('onsin will have a nearly noweountry. Their message should be par_ baskctbnll team this year as Berger,ticularlY' powerful when given to aud- Van Riper, Hiuman and -Iohnson haveIeuees of university men who are keen- .gone_ Thore is, however a promisingly alive to the problems these men squad of sophomore candidates who arebave dealt with. expected to help bring another cham-Don't loaf on the street Sunday night piouship to Wisconsin.after supper. Drop in at the Majesticmeeting and hear a vital message froma big man.-Michigan Daily. BiJly Goldie was unanimonsly electe-tcaptain ot Wiseousln's cross countrysquad for next year.Wearing Your Bat?A number ot students appear to The Daily Carclinal of Wisconsin h:think that their hats should be kept blaming the stiffness of this � r ear'seontinuously upon their beads whether fschedule for the poor show iJlJ,; 0 thethey are on the inside or outaide of tb,· Wlseonsin football team thiK year,University buildings. Jgnoring for themoment the great danger of premature Captain Glossop of Purdue has au­baldness arising out of this practice, it nounced that he is engag,�,l to 'Mi�!:. may yet be said that the practice is, Alfrt'cl Hendrick, a young Indy whombad.tho Captain met at the Indiana gnlll\"Unh·ersity training does not stop two 'fears aJ,to.with the mastering of a few cataloguesubjects and the gaining of a sheep- Th� 1913 Iowa football tenm 11M theskin, but should elothe the finishedh I ° h h ° to f ·_1 tie clistinetion of having scored moreIIC 0 ar WIt t e DIce lOS 0 SOCI"" e -tte t 11 1 h· it I points ngainst their opponents than anyque 80 as 0 e p rm to meet Sl u-• •.• hi f other team of college el� in theabons nn81ng In IS uture career. ' ..H bi . I . d }I United States. They scored a total ora Its UnCOnBel0US y acquire an •• ted d 1· • t' I three hunclrecl and five points Ieadingpermit un ue ieense, 10 nne prove IdifrleUlt ta overcome. It is the little Notre Dame the next team by oyerfifty points.II,.IIIII1IIII.u, Wngs that count in a man's Iife,.should not a gentleman doff his hat in.the presence of a lady, hIs superior, in- The University of Washington isstruetor, or cllief and at the entrance poa.tly exelted over the theft of theof the home, place of businees and COI-, championship track trophy from theirlege hallr=-University Daily Kansan i:'ymnaaium.Waterman41The Schooland CollegePen inRegular,Safety andSelf· FillingTypes .ountaitlPenThe Waterman's Ideal that is suited to your hand will doneater, more uniform and quicker work than any other writingimplement. Such efficiency is of the greatest benefit in studentlife where writing is a part of roe,., study. The' continuoususe of one pen develops character of handwriting. The sameWaterma�'s Ideal win I� for years and is always ready. Buythe aenUlne, the pen With the famous Spoon Feed and .Clip­Cap. In many sizes, scientific shapes and points of every degree.Sold by All the Best DealersL B. W.aer.a eo...,..y, 173 Brottdway. New York\\\, �u rl'hIM.l)rofits jl.".\I()().ooUNJ.TED' f.TATES DEPOSIrOBY1'OR POSTAL SAVINGS FUNDSAccounts of Professorsand Students Invited.Checking Accounts MayBe Opened WithS50.00.THIS BANK IS NEABEB.rUE UNIVERSITY THANAMY OTHEB. BANKA STATE BANK.The New Florida Hotel5721 Cottage Grove Ave.Has boon remodeled and newly furnished.and is now open under New Management.Rooms by the week run from two dol­lars per week on up. Steam heat andelectric light in all rooms. In connectionwith the Hotel there are Billiard andPool Hall. Bowling Alleys andRESTAUR,\N'T.PHONE HYDE PARK nneTRY IT., BUY IT.A BOTTLED BOUQUETOF FLOWERS.Sold by all Loop Department StoresJOSEPH 80BWEITZEBANDA. D. ADAMS177 N. STATE ST.Present this' Ad. at Joseph Schweit-zer's and receive samplebottle.JOSEPH SCHMIDT ,- .THESMOOTHESTi TOBACCOI OVER the LiDs wilL � and Velvet iscompanionship indeed fI Velvet, the best leaf from old Kentuciy­aaed by time-tbe only make-sure process.The Ieaf hangs in the old warehouse for over2 Iears-gradually � from green tomeHow--then you get the smooth, full Jlavored.ROOd tasting smoke that the southern plantersihemsdves like. Never a bite in such tobac:co.Vdvet I Don·t forgetf��t!,:Full 2 ounce tinsWE are showing a new lineofEnglishScotch tweeds, Serges and Cheviots,Specially selected for College fellowsand specially priced for $30.00.�THREE STORES: 7 N. La Salle St. TAILOR FOR YOUNG MEN2.') 'K .! .. bon HI\'" 71 E. M 011 roe St.JOSEPH 'SCHWEITZERThe University Pharmacist for over Ten Years.In his new up-to-date StoreAcross the street from old location.DEUTSC'BEB. APOTACKEBStationery, and, Toilet Articles I'nNE LINE OF CANDIBS-' 1321 East 57th Street.956 B. 55th at.· Ohicaco. m.Tht: TypewriterTl;at Selves "TYl (\\ r itvr I roblcn.s."ROYAL T�"'PE'" RITER CO�lPAN"58 E. Monroe St., Chicano Illinois.Imported and Domestic Line ofCIGARS AND CIGARETTES+++++�.� •• t.tt"".�·MAROON AilSBRING RESULTS Phone H. P. 321Three Reasons \Vhy you S110uld Eat at the Meo's Commons1st. Good Food Proper),. Cooked.2ud. ClEanliness cur IV ctte. Inspect ct e RifflED3rd. A Minimum Price for Hif b QualifY FoodI Club Bftakfast ISe up Cafrferia at I.oo .. bIlinner A l.ararf.. InT�lr Com. InTI-IEMAS1"ER-lvIODELof the Royal is a stand­ard correspondence machine andC'C'E:S ((r.iu !(c tillirg "iff CLf cr.,special attachments.ftIB DAILY JiA300N, IfBU1UU)AY, NOVEMBER zt, 1913.1I � .. � .. ��38�� ;;;;��'TRlBUNE8PEAKSINPRAISE OF DIBECl'ORAMOS ALONZO STAGG REGISTRATION FOR WINTERQUARTER BEGINS MONDAYESTABUSHEO 1818'�/uM?�����l'ntlrutrn':l �fumi5lJin� 'nobs.BROADWAY COR. TWENTY-SECOND ST. Seniors, Graduates, Divinity, Medic31and Law Students Register NextWcck-Juniors Follow.The following tribute to Director::;tag� appeared as an editorial in yes­teruuy ruuruiug's Chicago TribulIe:A word of congratulatlou to Mr, Tillll' �whl'll"ll'� of courses to be of-,AloIJZO St:lgg_and several to the Uui- f'ercd in tho Willtl'I' quarter wvre IssuedI veraity of Chicago. The winning of a yesterday at tho Iufurmnt.iou oO·it.'e ill! Coufereucc footbu.ll champloushlp could Cobb, :1I111 n'g-is�rat ion ill all depurt­lue overcuiphasized and the loss of it meuts eX('l'pt tho) .luuior college will. I c�uIti be OVl'�lIlOU�lIed, but thc diroe- lIl'gin :\Iollday un.l "Ollt iuue t hrough;I t ion of a uuiverait.y's athletics by :lout next week.111 au who not only shapes his material Shltlcnt� ill tI,e (.;1':!t1n�lt", Div inity,: Into wiuniug form but keeps thc sports �"111 )h'dic al Ilt'P:lI'tllll'lItS :11111 Seniorsi uuder his direct.iou clean, honest au-I III t ho Coll"gl' tit' 1o:dlll':I t ion will re�is·fai� i� a genuine asset. So long 3.::1. the I tl�r :!ai.I�· l'�I'l'l't �atur"ay from 10:UIIL urversrty of Chicago h3.::1 Mr. Stagg I to 1_:I,U With t liei r n-spec t ive lle:Llls_it has this asset. :\}('J11IJl'rs of the Law sehoul will fl'gis,I '1'hat he does wonders with the men tor daily from 10: 1:; to 11: 1:; withI who ofTl'r themselves for uulversitv Deuu Hall.: tcaurs is a testimony to his ability·; l\lt.Hulll'l's of thL, �l'lIior college whoSend for "ChristIl!:lS Suggestions" � i that �II!, has ,maul' and kept athlctics· at i\h:L\',O rt'l'��\'l'd fl'11llirl'lIIl'llt. l'ards will........ if....;.;:�i,,�.:, ...;;:�li:::.... � ......... �A � ;the UlUvcrSlty wholesome is testluiouy register With Dean Lovot.t III Cobb DA• �::�::���![l�E2��t4i%��fHibi���s�F.:5F�I"'�'illIlIlIlIlIlI� t I' I r'_---------- _ . : to his character. There was appreci- a us rl'gu nr ot Il'C hours.I able humor in the exaggeration which All other Seuior collcgo women willA New Coil said Stagg could take seventeen candi- register ill Lexington:! at rC�'111nr or"ar dates and make a Confcrence cham- Iice hours, names .A to K with Deanpionship winner in the team he built .'liller and L to Z with Dean Walluce.therefrom, but there is something more All other Seuior college men will reg·i i!! tho statement that he would be the Ister iu Ellis :!·l at regular ofl'ice hours,i first to advise the dropping of any one names A to K with Denn Boynton and01 the seventeen whoso record in- L to Z with Dean Liun. Seniors infringed auy of the austere Conference the college of COnlIlICrl'C and Admin­rules. ist rution will register with DeanMr. Sta.gg, We believe, has that type ,l[urshall in Cobb lilA on :\londay fromI ('f a. discriminating, honest mind much I!I: 15 to I:! :00 and from 1 to ,1; 011needed in Amer-ican �ollege athletics, I �uesllay: �. elhlel'l�a�, 'l'hu rs.lay, Fr i.lny,where frequently a POUlt of scrupulous Ifrom Hi_IiJ to 10.·1iJ.honor iM blunted if success may be I The .hollrs at II 1 plm-e of rcgi st.rat.iouachieved. He showed it in his sane of Jumor college :uIII uue lnssified stu­criticism of the Olympic games in Lon_ dcnts will be allnoulU'cll later ou tho!lou when his word counted considcr- weckly calendar. I"pper .Juniors, thosePoints ably to uisabusc the American mind of having uinc to l'c\'cntecn majors, willtho opillion that the American athlctes register during the week begiuniugI hall fallcn among hypocrites antI l'ecelllber S, whilc the Lowcr Juniorsthiel-es. aUlI uuclal'sifieti students will re�ri:lterI That Mr. Stagg frequently wins is during the week lIl'ginning DccemherI the good fortune of his ability; that 15, with their respecti\'e deans.I h(' is "clean" is the stability of his� <..hnractcr. ER FIVE FELLOWSmpS� FOR UNIVERSITY 'WOMEN:JIave Tea for OonvenUon Ihiega�I Mrs. Judson entertained the Univer_: �ity delegates to the Student VolunteerI convcntion at her home from 4 to 6ycsterday. Tbirty-eight men and twelve 'Lx'ifc fellowshill::l of, �OU each hal'O� � �� ����!womcn have already �gnified their in- Leen allllouncell I,y the :�s�aitoiu �itcntion of attending the convention Collegiate AlullIlI:tc for l!I}.l· HH5_ TIll'whic·h will be held uuring the Christ- L·.c..urol'can fellowship, o{'cu too auy woo"EoW YORK.Our representative, Mr. Walker, will be at theHotel.La Salle Chicago, November 20,21 22.�en1ng Clothes and Haberdashery: Fur-lined Overcoats, Herbel"tJohnson. New Bond Street, London, Silk Hats Dress Shoes and Pumps.OHRISTM.I\S SUGGESTIONS-All tha.t is usual-much that is unusual in Trunks, Bags, TravellingOoa.ts and Rugs, Drcssiug Cases Razor Srts, Flasks, Pocket Books,Stud Boxes, Cie�rctte Cases, Um brellas, Walking Sticks, Mu1Ilers,Honse Gowns and Jackets, English Pipes and Pouches.Ambitionto excel ill a.ny sport is rendered easierby being properly equippeu,.&.. G. Spalding & Bros. are ontfittersto champions, whose implements mustbe Inva.ria.bly right. Quality counts ..Bpalding's Cataloguo is nowready-f'ree for the asking.Tennis, Golf, Baseball, Cricket. For.t­baD. Basketball, Athletic Elluip:::nent.A. G. Spalding & LongBros. on GoodBy the MiI'ers ofTroy's Best ProductSend for our C:ltalogue,. a. Wabash Av_ Chica.ICO.......... - .".. Associa.tion of Collegiate Al'Ullll1aOMakes Announcement of N(.xt Year'sScholarships of $500 Each.oCHICAGG.SUBSCRIBE FOR THE D.ULY ruuu&OCN(,TS (or t.he eonyenicnee of members.mas \'3.('.ation at Kansas City.Georga E Vincent helped receive Mrs. lJIall hoillillg :L Ik!;rl'e ill Art� Scienc,�or Liter:l.turl', alld the Alice Fl'ccm:u.Palmer .:\lelllorial feHowshilis whichTo meet OolllllliJm1on Nut Week.The election of members to the l'l:cjuires a l'h.H. tll'gll'l', arc buthF:-eshm3n Y. 1\1. C. A. commission will given hy thl' a:,;:-;u"iatillil i.\.�l·�I·.be held at a luncheon of the Freshman p1il':�tioll� for those IIlU:-;L bo filell onmen interested in tho work at 12:45 !Jr hcforo�chruary I, l!ll-l allIl sboulclFriclay, December 5, in Hutchinson be addressed to l'ro[es!!or Ahby Lenl'h,(:3£0. Va��mr collcge, l'ollghkl'cp:-;ic, N_ Y.The \\'olllau'::I };ducatiolla.l a..-;sociatiollThe Highest Grade of Tobaccoin � Ten-Cent Tinr.MTI�lIIn "-:tcker�':'lTtln A Rvt'l'!IflnE(lw:tro1 Tl nut!f'rCharle8 n. HulhurdC:lIf('nc(' Hucklnl:hamR('najmln Carpf'nlt'r Ch'dt' :\I, CarrEdw:n O. F.1T(':nan,\VaLc;on E, m"lrF.dWIUd A. Sht'ddFnderkk W, Crol'lbyErnul A. nammlll of Bostoll offers :wother of the samePut. Lockers In Beading Boom.Four of the book-cases at the south ;':'t 1;"1':,1 t� }'I', a\ :iilal.lc for :-;tull�' iu('11(1 of the Reynolds club reading room Iiuropc. .Al'piil'atiolls should be sentha\"o been com"ertcd into clothes lock- to :\l!:;. :\ 'I!'woud F. Hallowell, \Vest.B('t1foroi, :'la:-.:;., alloi Illu:-;t Itl' ill by th • .)fir:-.t of Fl.'I'rlia!'�·, Tj.t� fUilrt h of­fcrcil hy the Baltimorc a�:;O('iatitlll fo,'tho J'r(llllfltioll of L"lIi\'crsity Ethll�a.­lion of '\'Ulllt'll, lIIay lie UM�41 for �t.ullyi:s both l�ur0l't� allli .:\lIleril'a, AIIJlli.$3,OOO,COO.OOTHECom Exchange National Bank01 Cbk!ap.C?pital ............ l'at.ioI4l' :-;llOulcl bl� :Iddre!":-;ccl to Dr,5,000,000.00 :\[ary �hcrwood, The Anllulcl, Ba.lti·1,000,00.00Snrplns ' ... _., ....•Undivided Profits .,. _ ....1Il0rc'. :\tc.!,Th(� l:o�,tll': .. \!lIlIlllae f"llowship i:4te, i,l' a\\:ll'.ied tn ally W()IlI:lJ) I;nHb·atl' of all :qlpro\'('.1 ('olll'�p, who ha.�ntrt':ld�' 1,ro\'('11 Ilt'r ahility a 1111 in_it.iat.i\'·.� hy S(lllle sort Clf rc�('arc�hw(lrj,. h11luil'i('s Illa�' 1)(� a"4\r('s�C'll tl)cith('r Profe�sor Ahhy Le:lc,h, Ya�;HC'(lll('g;\�, or Prof ('�sor :\T a ry ,,'hH,)1lCn,lkilll'l, Wellesley ('olk�e, '\·ell('sl�.\·,l\[:1!1�.All appli('ntion� :-:llOUld ('ont,'lin ('om'pl('1r. !'tnt(,lIl('nt� of th� ('a,n(lill:ttc':-;prl'Wioll� �.whoolill�, all,1 e\'i.len('c orher c-1l:1rad('r, ahility :Hill hC'n1th.OFFICERS.F.n"F:�'r A, 'J,\:'\DIlT,T., Pr{'lII'o1f'nt.CHARI.E=-- I •. Ht�Tcnl:"�O:S. VII"f'·Pr('�.CIlAH:"CF:Y J, nT.AIR, Vlr('-rrl'�!dt'nt.D, A. �lot;I.TO:S. Vil"t'!_Pr.�!t1l'nt.Tl, C, !U �nlo:"s. Vlce-PJ'('sldent.ETlWARn F. S::;TlOE:SECK, Alllt. CA!lhlt'T,FIt.":"K \V. S�TlTTI. S('crclary.J, F:J)WARD �'AA�. AlIIst. t;9IIhlfr.J'\:,\I1.;� G. \VAKEFI,F.T.D, .\ut, C."hlt'T.I,EWIS E. GA RY, Aut, Cashlt'T,DInECTORS, GARRICKMB.. WM. HODGE ill".rUE ROAD TO HAPP1HES8"Cl'lluille successor to "TIIE MAN"'UOll 1I0l1 E:'_jllter OeeaD. ,,I;a:� ,COHAN'S GRANDAnother Coban " Harr1a 8ucceMRAYMOND HI�OHOOOEIu a New !\fusical Comcd,.·'T 11 E B E AUT Y S n 0 PLASALLE�fusical Comedy tor Young and OlclA TRIP TO WASHINGTONAMERICAN MUSICHALLArthur Hammer5tcw's Now Musical.Jollity�IGH JINKSWith Eliza beth Murray, '.rom Lewis &Co. nf SO.ILLINOISKIaw & Erla.uger·s Mu.leal Triumpho H! DEL PH_I N B •II�" ! ��' �T .�'1 �., , ;(. (� IHo�ard's TheatreA Blow at Oommerc1al1zecl Vice.It Baa Awakened Oh1c:ago.PO""ERSDA \"ID BELASCO I'resentsA GOOD LI.,TLE D8VILA. Fairy F.ay for Grown Ups\,1TilE GREAT PLAY OF NOW"A :M 0 DEB N G I B L"STUDEBAKERARTIIUTt IIAlD(EnSTEIN Presents,EMMA 'rREN�I.IIn the Oomody Opera 'bIampJaTHE FIREFLYFINE ARTS, ,�.'Repertory Season-B. Iden Pa.JueAn Especlally StroDP: Bm"INDEPENDENT MEA!l'8"Stanley Houghton"PRESS OUftINOS"Geoqe Bernard Shaw.princessDORRIS KEANEIn Edw:lrd S�· .. 1c!on·B Love Orarr.a.ROM A N C &/II,