.v.1. , ..•.•_ '_ •PBIOB :FIVJI craB·" ,J.• "'f- .-. ...... ,.'. . � OF OmOAO<!, �AY, NOVJ!MBBB 25, 1913�• "'" I�, � l'� .) I �. ,..: .. -!J �.::, :.. .: ; -: .':' I •.s '-.�J�; 't.'S' . .. JURIST ADDRESSES CLUB BOLD tBABsQYIrIi . FITZPAlWGK IS 'CHOSENlfiIREE CHICAGO.B.g , Ab. 'fWd ,TO TEAl J .......'- - Brown of A_.;._lI ... te Court 'SPREAD TOIODDIOW . ..; : -." I � � I\ft Succeeds ,Milton Morse'As Vice-�!__ . � at Dinner of Brownson pr�ideDt of Clu�D:""';de .TO., .,uR. Out Fi.e New FOGIbaD Em- � _ _:�:. M" '- _-.:.. "The Viwul··· f D-.IL. . � 11" ,.' bJJ.ni" FOUr'N_ . �ty- embers Are Planning .' v:atio .. 0 rUU7 Siah�' serve RelieShfficiitS' iii ReynOlds D�LY MAROON PIKea ·N�-'t' MeD' for a D� By Williston, MaaIoaalcl, aDd Smoker gi'en, Dea Janliea .... _� -.UDImown Author Ia Feature on AaCool.· .:rellee EIiY .... , ,. . .'. . Judge Edward o. Brown commended _, .' mOlY WNQID THE DTLE, the attitude of the University in ale OJ! A UC! 11111. JUDGE' 1V\l!"I"I'1U� Horace }'itzpatrick, '13, haa been apelo�ing religious freedom .... d IaUtu!le IiAI1i> III.... """IU� poluted vi ee- pr';-.id eu t of the Beyllold� 1I00GiElfIS GIVElI ClPTlIICfof thoUght, in an address to members "The Vi�cli�ation of Polly Sigh" a dub, to HUCC�'\.!. llilto� Morse, ex-'l3,Pet.. of the Brownson club 188t night in ttkit portraying a trial in the Student who is not in residence, The ex��·Ctieqo •••••••••••••• 7 0 0 . i,ooo HU:tehinson cafe. He illustrated hi=- I Honor Court of 1923 will be preseo.tod t,ive �ounci� chose }'itzpatriek beeaus«.itliuaeeota ••••••••.•.. 2 1 0 666 remarks' by ref�reneee 'to the existence: at the Thanksgi\"ing spread in Lex- :be ran .Mo�_ a close ,8�ond in Iast,,�, •••••••••••••• 2 -1 i 666 of: rellgi�' clubs in the University. ington gylDD.asiu� tomorrow night :t:Spring'tl elcciion. }'itzpatriek is aWieeouiJal' •••••••••••• J. 2 1 33a -rena 'of O&t.bOuc Settten. Members of the cast are: member of Phi Gamma. Delta, Black·. ilnaGia ......••.. ·.... 2 2 1 500 in his address the Hon, Mr. Brown Polly Sigh ••••••... Gertrude O'14eara friars and Iron .Mask. He :waa aub�' .•••••••••••••.•• 2 1 0 666 dwelt on' the'pUt of the earliest, Cath- Ann Atoiny •••....••.•• Agnes SharI' stitute halt_baek on the Va.rsity toot-liicii&na •• ,' ••••••••••• 2 4 0 33:; olie seitle�ather Marq�etie .and �r. Pol Eeon ••.....•.. Cornelia Beall oall squad, ·this year.ohio :State ..........•. 1 2 0 aaa 'other Jesuit prleetBt-in -laying tho Z�:· Ol<v '.........• Patty Newbold SerVo i�i�� Fnda.7.:��� •••••••• 0 6 0 000 found'aiiolia for building up '!1. .great FiizT Ology ••••••••.•.. Nina O'Neill At l.b� tiCnri.D.1o�thlY meet.mg of th ..< 'li''ltteen' Var8ltj· tootball men were �ple and a great community. �e Mra. G. Ology •••..... Charlotte Viall l£eynolds dub board. ,of cJ.i,rettors.�&rd8d.th� oradal'-C- tor their work called attention to the patriotism 'of Mrs. Vi Sigh ..... �Marga.ret '·.FentOn whlch Ch0S6 'E'itzpat�k yesterday, h- �� 'the �piOuhip team.; Only. tour the set.tle�, Judge Brown' holds a Miss Talcum •.•• o ••••• Dorotliy Davis' was also. decided that refreshment.-." 40- . 1Ii_' ah' iucluded, althoogh aeat.. �· the .Appellate court. He is' a. .M.isa SlAymen ••••..•. Mabel Beeker will be served after the Beynolwn:iul>� , mq: be' adc1ect' • this prOmiiielit CathoJie. MiSs Walnuta ••••.•.•.. Phyllis . Fay smoke!' Friday. This is a. new teatul'.to lid aa· ... ,��··Iwa ari.t.. tootball'e 8eventy..1ive attend8d the dioner last ':l'he sketch was written by Mary which will·lle cOiltinued if·the pro�c .... ,fan. J..ut 7f1&r DiD.eteen Varsit'l night Pa� Pi�rc�, p�esident' of the MaeDoiiald, DOl'othy WilliSton and an appreciation is ahOWu. HutchiD.sun·\."1o •• :.went �ward�, Dine of which club, in��Odu� '�udge B�wn. unknown eollabon,tor whoSe' �e onl.) eommona will be used at the coming!..... 'liveD to new.men. The omCial Sell ficketa fCll'DaDce. the {'omp,-!�ra kllow. ' ; informal·' dance on. December·� 'Log�pietare Jrill. be �en' ap.d. the 19i" ;t'he .club ,is plaiinni�g a. d�ce the Ch�"bom: the' ''Te�t in Ar8:1>y'. will be placed in the· grates 'through-....... elected today: at 011.0.. ev��� �! �da,., I?eeember 5, in the and the "DeeP'�Bea" nUmbers �f . !Nt' out_ the entire club in the De&r tutuze..': .:�1I Sh"1I Sparlra 'I '--h, ."';d Bevn. olds club .. Kembers of the ex�. - year'.�. A. A._" �ow 'lri.lbiDi . bitS 'ai, ": - -.. ."_, -.., �..._. _ . _.' •. ,,_ .• 1..':" •. , .. :.,., ';'" lONll OANDIDA'rES.AB.B O�� are the m.en to WbODl utive eommittee; Edmund Jordan; the party. IndiVIdual stunte Will al-' , ..•. -... . -."" ,r' ,; ", .' .... �.L IS . be . ".",- ' . .' . FOB W. A. A. OFFICES� emh'kn. wOre awarded. Tho au.... wan, Karle Sullivau and Thom- 80 Oil HIe program. Cornelia Beall,' . _:_:::_:.:. .�\ 'GI.�� ·iDChia.·.��. Nor.' �; Ryan, have charge of the Bale of J'8.!l�' Fltumer and Ruth "Apr. wh() �, covert aiJA·:JIttk· Bun':rOr pfta...,;.�. � .�: .. �,..� �_ ,. �_., ',: .. '.;'. are on tlie eODUnlttee of arrangement8, 1Iienc¥� ocae. 'iUalaJ'DIa .lardi- 'A .. ..;. lJpptine+oD... xOn- :::;;r�...:.�:;§.� t .. " ..... ' '. ' .�. _;�!�'_�\lJc!J"the;rha.jo .;: '. .��9. ..• • _ .... J . ,�...,. ..� 'D�AUV, .!!!!aCU&-hi� AlID '-, . " "n "' t�· .. .�",� PibpUrick. : " aBCiJiQw -ro ',AnDBBSS CLuB n� aUoUa� , ',r .<., �.' c'; '·.4;":�· -;", �:-p��.'far""-w .•. ! �. �.-., :oui* -;:..; I " " ,, . Booiu' -will be' on tie. weSt aide of . were ',kbl1�lt1;e;�l; bY. : the· DOmlDatiDgYnA .• ,��. cl� Of tb Bad-' '''_t-.., 01, o;� 0!Db' DbJe ,�gtoh ��ua ,�e ·Women,- C��Uu�l . t����: : ··The ',ekletion• _ 0 .. ..• .' � ...... � , NJI'_ j _. the,. eater for the spre..l will m:8reh - will take' .pJae' 'TWiBd&,. =December 9,.... rdq.� �c"" .-.-_.t.:� .. ,:. .. ',' '.. ,",�:�JIrer .. elaba 'to the CoafeieDoe " .'.' ,. .�rOlll the N�hood room around aD;d "all 'memberB of·'the-·ai8ocia,tion..... , '1 l.i·· .... ! 'a' \ S . � ........ the � r aia 'receive . \heir' m:iY''Vot. e. 'Tlio8e'who'h&Ve-"not'joiDed.. �!'r�n.... ,. � .. taa'. ,men. ' ".' . ,r ... -\QIIat � . 1 - p1ate& �e''''wom8n''1i&ve "beeR" re: maY'do' BO"be(Oi:e the final·meetiDg:of�� � . ,_�,'pmee �V" �eetor Stagg, PrOC__ JlaeClin- . _...i-:''S �, r ..... . " .,' " .l,.- 'POt tied ODee. n. ...... ; .. W· d'Dr G' _..... ..;.._ ... 1 queswu to"c�"iJi cOiebUu.e..'i'he'theAdvisOl'7.bOard··WJdC.'··'h'will:1H.-:Iteld. .'. " ,. ,...-or- all • I'OIlOW W�.......- 01'1 • '� '. '.".'�,.� __ maY',be r&&ed .. ODe of �e taAlt1 at the CoamopolitaD club JU� of �e c� � be )(i�' J:'�lday, DeC.;�.� ..�.;:��'".r,'_ � 'ib. UDiv..a9, � 'given tonight at 6 in Hutch.- ��e,.� T�t, ua lIia8 Breck-, The can� � •..� �,.�105 team _ 'PIQ� _� � 'eate: .' EulOpo Benitez will' enn� . PnIIIdImt.�:�,�. wlieh' call eom.pwe' � .peak' tor the PIailippin� Kunfy .Tieketa weI'e, lMl.t on � in tht: Cornelia Be&u,'tIa� ". ;�� :�� of s&tarday't � lor the Chinese, Eugenio Fernan- League rOoIU yesterday. The �ommit K�tlieiiDe' CoVert. '___ ' .... t" int Coni eh d..!- Ii . tee on"�oratio� will ��t at 2:1: I.LOuiee lIiek..---._:";' ,< , •• _./. .�., � , __ ce &III. �areia tor the Podo Rieans, HaI'. .. -..:.;_:".._.-!,,:p;;.."'pioaalliD tin$4t.. :_ •. �,. . ._ ' oldl tNtv __. lor the. Swediala, and to plaD the wOI'k of the Dleiobe�� "Mi.r'�r _. The meiml� .. eoDsiat � of: K�e: 'IN,_.;�MiD ..... : � ,��� �U8cl to MC- 8lil'o TUIDro' for the Japimese. Fnulk 1JO&66 ......... '... ;_.�.'.�: �ai��:·_� .. ,_� �,'eakl7.'.'"�� Preside at the diDDer.· BOut'T1irbi '. JPUh,��" •• ,_. Po� .�., '�"8aaee � � ...'>'",,:�� O�7, .. � �.� iDd Chine.e.women·ar&·u livel�· PolatO.'B.l.c1' �"""'C!Il-��:";'. ··-��-h· ":. � ..; ..... 4�+; .deI-*"' Wi8eGuift' MItl7'and pretty ... Amerieu. wom-' A-t"liU nv �" ••. . .' Don-Dv: ..c:":.1,·ic:r_· NaD''''' vm:;;;".. _..FiJIIlIaoit\�Cll� �',".0UaF.. _ � �., .atemellt made b7 Jlr: z. ... _"'4 VAU.w ..., ---.,�,�.�',oC:·�'" "'�'_Ia, .. Wi:.t"'o.Aiopon&aa. �,._ ...... Caaq ::::. i..-u:... Butlor ... dBuelt�.W�·��� �.;# .'i.i:���" '., �- � .� �a1, night. He d� W__ WIll ..-ccptlOD. deserve. the, taekle ,pc&.$iOD& Io.M-",-.: .... ft.,.��, ; ...,.. .... eIuecT'tbt:tbe Chiileee·Bepublie·is.. AU' WoiiieD· are � to' attend WOID_" Glee Olub'''� 'rocIq. men w-.. the J;D&inaa1.8.�f the w-...• 1.�; �.� ���'�:.��{�"'" �� and 'daat i� 'be' ��ea'. to, tile ..... meemag ill Kandel .today'at- The-'W��en'a' 'Glee '�lub' m�� tor eonaiD liDe, whie� �aa �e �b�i __.... �._��.,.� �"_�"'�'" �..•. , �,_ �. row. off the ., UIIl. ""1t.:. Lot 1:15, �.• ,c&ea... .tH··.plau tor the La ..,.,' tlatt West. �Uer. � choeen 0Il; ..�."4.... �.:.. .... _ ... 'aT_L, �'. -.z:.;.' � ..... __ T ....... 4 f 61 extra -p�tiee' 'today' *� 3:30 in' the .. . __ ."" �, .. _w_-! wUIT ., � an _ 0 .. IInt.UDpI"fJII- Venae No,-ee' reeeptiOD. to 'be held, <. .. , . ..' All·Amerie&ll Jut year •. GoeWer uut_u.�, aet":--:'i;_..a �. VI"'" • , _..... f &� _-=-) . . . _ - maio. Director "SteVeu' haa request___ '� 'UJ maJ!'., •• , ..... �ou 0 &...,' CIdiawe lute.ad .o.cla,.. De8a Talbot will - " ." . Shull 01 Chieago, aa4 .'P:�er.. � .. �.... -.-cwa.. II . . eel the 'PreeeD... ee o. f .n-. - memo her - �" ---:r:�'.�,.'1 �T�,b7 �.-'tW � p� 'b,. .. � IL, �o.' lIr. Le.. �.-. _, i. i �.::'.v,t\ ' --" due al80 dilplayed elaampi� .qual--�_ ._H •• �.. ;I�. _ , �,.�,".m-.... . LieM. 'Ilata, :.: .. ' '-�. -. -: ._.' ea. a! p�' will 'be' decided on' for 'th� iti.. . ._riD I � Yenl� 'NoYes' reeepU�D' next Mon- ' . �,.. �. �:.� ·tIM".. � � eaad7,"� &"--..LDa..#iiiiD� •., . 'j . GIOSS9P of Purdue .. � .. ��'o�,:'e ..... : ..... &i.q' .. ,.· '�· � ... ; !._ 1 �WDAYoir �. Wieeollan'are given �.,,� �- •. �8.e� -�'�awk.,_'�..: W. .. l"AliU.y DnoJlAftOlC tiOl�s. Glosaop plaJiDg ce� -,,� .• ...a.:-:NMIL...... lI·T..Al __ DC i _a.. IUW.:· i . f" _.__ .'e....,.. .. _ . . ....., •• - ;' .' '. 'Dr: 'B"-';_d� '!..:in �1r 'Th' -"_a�B PB�· niainsta,. of the Purdue line. B ....:At .'.""" m.Ja"'la":� _j .... 11& W�.�� on '. _�v � .....'JJIIaeIa. J� c»Io .-... &ad ';'01'".,__ It _ ....... to iI:_ of _,. BOiitOiatio"o, tonlPt :ar mm Or 'IIPJIIKU t�o only maa in tile eo..f�' ji.. ..N��� follow ill tile Old. .... . l 8' b gi\'e Des Jat'dien a laard i .... t,·,....rea. �' .. Cltridau ,.rt7 'for I1Ie Se!mior,.� � '-4��eL � �l.,� __ tho e-• � U· ___. . .--..I..... f� of • 8eIi_ of lectures on ·'Some I All lratenllties on the campus will ateordiDg to many eritiea be OiQ\playedTIle -Wi8eolilbl .. Cllitap pme eteuty. �" •., �....-:..::-= ,� .a:aa··:Awalithropie ProblelU of �chaDge lreshmen with each othor Ue laDky Chicago center. Keeler ofdea� ·.tIle 8Up8riGrlt,- of"aee uaZeePri-.1 d.u..� .��,'.,:'I. Itve.a'.imdar'.·the auSpiees. or b� the end of the Spring quarte�, &e. Wiseonsin proved a great atd to art-S ..... � ... Wiaoula loapt ....., aL Y .... Co L. leT aDd Buck his team mate..· �.• " ., .. _." i' f.�. ":. '.. . , ;� ••• w. ad the'Y.11. C. A. by cordillg to the pl..- of the eommitt�, n.ITI..,. �t .�; � • .,�le �� "�. lDUe1 . . .�� 'lladenou.;· 'rhe J_, 1«" of tho Interfraternity �oun('il �hicl: of ,CbiC':Jgo ancl . GeiMnbUl' Of : 3in.......,. ap1ut .. u.. .... Ckieago . , ' l�' 'u. , . - I'S' arranmng the -hedule of V.·"1·6., State deservo mention....,....,_. D'1 -. sit, tare 'of Ute Mi.' wit 'be gi"ell on. De' e- on. .......... '1'wIee, wIalle.tWa eeoriDR .,-.' tea � .• � , . The lisi;�r"�*�h&iil.eit dteh:'wu"an 'Dt!s �ar(lien Of. Ch� �l�_.i.;'.� ..... E • .1- faablecl. Bel- ti__ al---.·· .. ' •a ...'-"b." - ..;:. J _ w ... · IS eel h' . • 00'• ..... '�_� ......- _ ,.,.-" Il�De�rl&�"IWeekr ..... ';b .. ecl' on'. tb,� IS 1J081tion on the All.. D�.... :� i �!!?P. D._",9:- . � • �.c.,+'-;�. ".�C .. + '.,,���'. at ;�.._ Ia December I. nUDI.rnfal equality of; e'.pten.· Th �am tot' the 1'("C"o�'l -Um�; :. �it't.,.�:�.�,�-.,,�.:.,... ,.' ...f!'.. � ..��,._ .. 'f �.. � �,� .���!� �T .'1.; .' �DeeelnbfJr "w_tIIe date for the,'" 8e�ule ·tm. :t1t� �a: eX�"a'h wif I�ayetl' a"IOCMe ,lefen8h:e prn�. 'Mark·,_._•.. _:D.I�,. �"�" 1Itar,.. ;_ •• ·----.·0•. - J', .. ,"' .. [t� •..... :_J,o._ . .-!_.�- .:S. ,L,' ',�.,.···.l.�l�··"" '. _�,.··.)ta ...··I·bl� � • ..l.-."\' �'. . . . go '.. th· E '._ ��n _ ".� :J ... � "T ........ � _---. V" � .. BJ.... ae". E.,1n,'. �.' ·�"inll�r ''&nd'� tbcate. be .m1i� by. haviar.. tb8·top·Of thill ... g n.. p.. e hne.'. x�('pt .l�;.t�,. Pu.�r.,:". =��.,��;�r�o t':!.tl � ...... -:a patty iiiaWa Of Deeemher 6 .... "" _ Ot <..aptm m-u.. __ of'foia1ld. dae .. plai. tbere ... -, OD?, '�,""• ' __ .' ... . �'"'' :1 � .... ....,. 8pecl. p �. In '<o.e SatUtdai 'issue of tlie in .. imha---('Witla ·... L •• _....L of'·· .. Le• Caaferaee, who eoald toa�Ja I'i ...1M..., .. _. ..... J' .. " ..... --tliia:. 'IIABOON . e -e"7 - IIIR W _._--__"'__'__ ." .... • CC.tiaaecl .. pap '") .K'!ducLL30E11reI LRIy)Nll.·yHli���nt'Arcl• MAlE All-STAR TEAl.:'R. E. Solon, Minnesota.ar, Butle!', W�o�B. G. . Glos8oP, pW.du..c. Des JarclieD� C�aeo. r -�L G. ' Xe.r, Wiseo�. �L.' T.' Buck, Wiseon.ak.: .L: E. Oliphant, Pui-du'e.Q.·B. Bussell, Chicago.'.It a, Norgr�: ciuc�, Capt.F. B .. ShaughnesSy, ?ij-DD��'L.' a, 'i.t:ctAhDon, ��. ..�: h the selection of an ..m:.coid��·· -eneeenee eleven �coD.sideiatioillaQ';�;:··given .to the men io.o8t viliabie tM�··,·th�ir re8peetive teams. . Thr_"�''''­men- th.i-ee Baager8 &nd-·Oiiee-':�· ,\,1/'8018 pIal;ers' have be;,1i ineluaeci ��- ...championship' team:. Purdue- wftli t&�: .strongeSt team: ii1 years"b&a"beeD�Ja.o.i.:· -. I .... 'c_"ored' by -the seleetion of °two:- atan:N�rgren,l nee J'ardieD iuid-R..iiieJt���·I .. ' --the men' picked fr�m ,.th.···ci'��ahip Chicago'team. ' . ;,'. The enQ po8itiolis- � giveido-:H6loR"of, MinneSota· and 'Oliphant" l,r-:� -'··�:-'�v�va.�iiL.:t&i '.­COnferenee-and"ili -8.daiiiOn�ta�Ihb.-9uf:�':h� displayed �eat':" o1reilaiv�:��mii�"" ;throUgliou'l-·the-seuoD:· In .. ·Qaj��: ,_�nn_' game'lie -ahCnfea';� -�.'drivirig ·power- an(rpie�eci� u.it� ...,gO 1iil8' for:iRlbsfaDtiiLl giijitfi. timi·a.:·- ..� tiDle.·' • Oliphant; 'a1� 1l"P1aja .".� Daek ·thi-oughOO;t·�li1telo'� �: .'.gire!l· tile" other - end' .po8tti� � ilk· .. ·� ". th� 'iriRjJiBfai "0C- thi Naiao�;�·.: ._.aDd . tiea 'wisc�DsiJl' 1)y �-. 'lroiicrerm-'"onm ill tJudiast" ·three Diill1i�-'7,l �.� .•It is 'only'�" 'ole the' -Uelt Jtiir''­ava1lab1e" entia and ihe' &1iQlld�': o�·,h� b&ek - material that- he .. �.�a.t' end.' 'CJierry, ot·' Ohio' -sbi.--"iiiia­Krause of 'Indiana: were ·OtJ(er-·�a.,who deSerVe hOIi()iiLble� melit.lb..:. ... ,;. ,:Tlae Dail,JU:15 Mandcl."._CI.C .�dl&url\ew. Ed1&ur T'i&enI Bea4-1U:30, Cobb 12A.AUaldJa JWlturB ., •• "auaagerCle UoD llM_SU WIld CeUe,e EditonThiak - CLASSIFIED'ADVERTISIIlENtS---A Matter of � and, eenti.=======-=-:-='=�==-=:===�====-�--PubUabed. morl11nc.. except SUDday aDd.IIonl1a7. -.1ur1DC lbtl AUlumn. Wlnler and it.)" 1�;.oprlnc Quarter-. by 'l'be Vally MarounMid. Junior Bolander, who was reeeatly electedcaptain of the Illinois - eress-eouutry Se"eral "ears ago the 8tuclellt eon- !ic l)cr Iiue, 1'\0 advertisements re-Ohapeil..-Women, team, is the sDwllest man that ever ferell(.·e ad�pted a syste� oi·class ·i;u,.. ceived for less than 25c. All c' ..... ' ..'won a varsity' "1".' tees, Under the plan these trustees advertisements must be paid in ad'.Prayer KeetiDg-7:15, South Dh'iD-... D .•. IS&ennU. ,,'. CoUlqIlaajL IS. Gurpa.B. 1" ..... t\V. .IL .LJ." Women's �meettn.g-l:15 Man- were to have pOtiSessi,!n of class funds vance.and annually render reports of theII I elass finances. "'OR S_\l.� at bargain-One suit ofThe system did not work. It did elothesc.; Tuxedo style, original COd'not work because the trustees were :!:55-luatle by. fine tailor-Suit ..._ 'not expected by those who worked for sDl�l1 Rjz�� ..inqui·re· Busine88. manag'Ouly one student walt suspended at their election, to do any real wbrk; ·er of Mnroon::. • •. � -by Professor Coulter, 4:00, Pine Arts Michigan for bi�iD:: IJart in the riot th ... ir offit'c was cousidered generally _after tbe Pennsylvania game. He was to be purely honorary. The incum, "IIOW to work your way tbrough eollege." Mailoo fre� to students. IDCom- convicted for earrying' a fire box, and "ents had DO pressure brought to bear t'l Letter Club, 459F Jefferson ave_.' for saying, "Let·s get the cop." on them. no reports were called for, Jt.'rKey eity,' N. J.2. in fa('t the class did not expect them, ---Water basketball is being tried out and so, when the secretary of the. re- FoIi- RENT-A suite of rooms aD(l al'if1l'tDtW Senior College Cha.pel-l0:15, Mau· at Illinois. The game is played aL cpnt conference wrote to the trustees so one single room, two blocks fromft. Grand Opera season opened las1. del, 1ll0l:lt exactly the same as the Indoor asking' for report. .. none were forth- Cobb IInll, �rr8. Sullivan, 5802 Jackn1ch' a.nd wW. oontinne until the Jilid- Neighborhood Club's Annual ThaDlts.. game, requiring the same Dumber of .eoming, SOli 80\' •• 2111) apt, Phone.cUe of FebrU.a.1'y. '!rhe givinJt D1nner--5:30, Lexington, players, and calling lor practically the A new system of nudit.ing class ac- __Gn.Dd Opera number of times stu- ciIARLEs LORINT OWEN. '16. \;a.me formations. counts has now been adopted. There LOST-Between !i5th and Foster Halldents will go will de- DIES YESTERDAY KORNING - are three members of t.his board, a n brown purse, containing bank-bookpend largdy on the -_ A thousand students turned out to faeulty man appointed by the presi- concert tickets and money. Finderpttcea which they aze charJted for � Was Sick ODe Konth With Typhoid- tbe open-air mass meeting at Illinois dent, an accountant appointed by the please return to Elizabeth Newbold.• ... _1.e+o. Kember of Alpha Delt and before the MinDesota game last Sat· -bursar, and a commerce student elect ..... 111. NjiDe..-ven .seascm .�...__bve been cUsPosecl of at the UDiv&r_ .Blacktriars. • urday. They watched the team go ed by the conferen('e. This committe.t' TilE llKA trTY PI..ACF_Misses Lock-- through the final signal practice. is n. w in charge of affairs. Its firstIIi'tJ' and there are DO more lett. Sci Charles Lorin OweD, '10, died of ty· woot! nnd Nielsen. .lIairdressing, dye.,' _ ...... -ts .....1ft'" to .... __ olI thev _n; -- duty will be to publish reports of �las!1.&A.1oIMoUMol W_ -� # W.IoU. phoid fever at his home, 5821 Dor- Fake tickets were sold by Chicago 6 th • nO\ 9re ft-d then to"'-�e to p!!l."Ir' the regular rates. Last nan�es as e� W'.,.-...... - chester avenue, early yesterday morn· scalpe-" in 1l."_�: ._ OD last week. An in· . 1ti &0 � C"o-operate wltb c ass tren.."lurers so a�'SfJaZ a Grand Open associa on was mg. He had been ill sinc.'O Octobcj',yestigation was started wheD some of to pro\'ide for the regular submittalformed at the . UDi� to make it 24. At .tirst his illness was Dot thought. the students reported that they ·hacl of reports. The new system proviel�eaAer for studenta to attend. the OP- . b t afte wet3k it wasserIOUS, u r a, bought seat� in the ceDter of the west Jts own enforcement.era. lleinbersbip was secured by a de- fouDd to. be. typhoid. Last week he grand stand. No tr .... es of .the :'_L... h h t.-. .1;&1&" It is highly desirable t at t e ma .po8lt of' 1i.ft7. cents, which went toward was believed to be recovering rapidly. salesman could be f�Dd. tel' of student finances be plaeCfl OD ndefra71Jic )the expeDSe8 of the orga.Di- On November 20 he had. a relapse, and.--business_like basis, and no matter howuUou. and on certain .Dfghts each on Sunday his conditioD becamc cril. Jimmy Sheldon eDded his career as, �ornplicatecl ensting records may be,week membem ware given seats at re- cal. Yesterdsy mornillg at a quarter football coach last Satuiday wheD hh. they shonM be made puhlic. O"t �us�',ducecl prices. This concession was of 10 he died. Indiana warriors were overwhemingl�"made b..J the GraDd Opera �t OweD was borD on April 22, 18v;t defeated by the Purdue aggregatioD. everybocly ......... Wi8('oD!'in 'I>o.ily Cardin· J.ibr;nry I.onn Desk.· W-3J ..OD the grounds that students wez:e as- He prepared for college at the Hyde, -- aL,.. . .tha A report was curreJ1t on the IndiaD:\._.. "'OK �Al .. �· ."cry ehenp. Wal'hburQaentia1Ji � in culture and t Park high s(!hool,. �� �n�red: t�e_ �UI •'campus last Saturday mO�Dg thaton .. "'_ Walk. .llUitar, full. dre� . ('ont, ',Tn:!U"rto . ftl1dattendmce at the opera was a' metJlod versity in the autumD of 1912. He ; .. ,&,.IU_' W&a. . " .. . ,. Oliphant would Dot be m the liDe-u! Prince Alhert, size 3.6,..18 •. 1I�..P .. �2� ..of roUDdiDg out their education. Low- was a member of Alpha De.lta... _ .. ,for PureJu' e. The:.'ruftlnP_ .. '-_-'I, I' •. 'thai"" There were three of them-tbre&• - �V4_ �.. ,.. -"H6:i' WIlAh�"'�lI A'·.�,; .;?!,cf �P� .. ;", ' •••,. pIjcea, - -- ,_ be- and among other organltAti • .., of "the Boilermaker:.'" WOnder ',"''' fouD.. gi>ls on tho .. id."';�k-al'm i. _.' A" ,:: ":�,. "" ,: ",':, •fon u,. repreaentiative number of the Skull and Crescent and the Black·in front of ODe of the fraternity lone pedestrian �oming from the' op�o- _.,._ .• �' ' .. _�_ _ I •••-studeQta oould go. 'rhi8,.ear so f� friars. Aside from his-college work, site direction hesitated for the three . "r ,.t.1Ie.manapIIl8Ilt has zetused to enter his interest was chie1ly in matters t. ho�ses with several. brokeD bODes antlto give him. a share .of the wal�. �.\) i_!bIIiIIDlI!nllmlllnmil'hn-U�lu:nmmh�lfiil�R'!i!IUim9:�i11l1l1iii",�iuIi�1into ia.Dy· SI1Ch agreement, saJiD.c that art. He cOlltributed many sketche:J�. fraetur�d sk� waited.a moment, theD turDed. �u� on '�!���'"m" �1:!�SITY ,.th� Saturday pertonnances 1lll the to the 1913 Cap and Gown and de· Twenty_three hUDdred Badgers &e' tho parking. He dic.ln't.. do thIS be ... � u ..... 00"0-. A., � .. � PIa;;�� for cheap open. The propos.. signed the poster for the Blackfriar . cause he wanted to' but beeause it .. ,!D1yftWlt,. 0' Claleap.,. . .!.1;f eel companied the team to ChIcagO last .' �our collf'Cc •. ·ft\.� IICboo:., Ii bu!!dt�p •. :10al tiII$ SIIeb aD association be ODD performance last spring. He had plan b d was the easIest way. IL facull.... 1 .... �a. rnl'-'e unit. reqUIre4 .. to �n&eI' 11 '". Saturduy. Sixty of the an were '" -... iii' I_ .• "',,_ _.,ld - ."" ... Ir meet . hi k • pi ., tL: 1 Collegf' of I.lb.1"31 Ar,.. Land or b "e .,.... •agaiD IoAAUI yeaz .� .v � Ded to take up illUSt�tiOD as s. wor. seDt. And he IS �om &lnIDg, 11.18 on6 "ummer weather. out. or dO-Jr' � rf'eI'!'s'lon :�l! 'J '.....ItIl··.· BUch' heartY support 'that the l'D II·fe. 'urhen he .eDtered college he walker h t ed out on the park. 1,"lnter . .ofl wind" from tho- �a .. a.nd .!�e ma.w'" n-- W 0 urn. .,f moclll .... blrd. In the :ora. r.c� CTO\·�. �lab..-� would :r8ach the thousaDd did not expect to take a. degree, bu. Coach ADdy Smith of Purdue was ing to let three girls continue ,thcir �s.t ClJl:e;;' standards. St"n.t for cal.I";"'�.mark. Last 'SeE 'then were over Ave �hanged his plan iD his first year, and confined to his bed with malaria all ann in arm stroll. No doubt he ,iK -.,c!btlmIiiIIBIIlL:I!Iill�il!lil1:L:l"�·!'hUDAlted memben. .Is it worth the wheD he returDed thi_s year he mean. of last week, an� was up oDly lon� a hartl.hearted selfish sort ·of a man OSLY _� u�;. ·",n_ to 4ft' .h - th I d' 'FBI lEN tratf'd boOkf't' de-� Opera COJD:P&D7'S W&U.&Q '"6- to go on with his class. enoug to WItness e D lana game or he wouldn't have expeeted thrce'.. :lI.Crl�'nc: .' ••.. t\ .... ,.1.DOn· ,the requests of so larKe. a bodyI . His father and mother and his brot; on Saturday. girls to give him a part of tbe walksafet,. razor b:atle8 .. maltl�;a!-:;!I�1a�: I::of students? U it reaU7 wiabea to er who will enter the University in ---The_v _'er� ha"ing such a goocl time, a Illetime and bl' beottf'r than when. pur-, 'ViscoDsiD had a Dew yell lor the ..chaBed. Sent nn recdpt. of .u eenta. .• \propa.pte culture aDd art. should it 1914, and two younger sisters survh'e these three �ol1ege girl", ancl it woultl CLAUDE WOLFE.Cbicago game but did not spring it.Howard Cit-,' lOch.not cater especialJ,. to the needs of him. William B. Owen, priDcipal of It was HIT Chicago-Smasm Chicago, have. �poileel the eonversation snel th<> "Jpez80u who an profeasecl17 interested the Chicago. Normal school and for- Lay Chicago Low, Rip 'em up, Rip 'em fun if they bad walkecl single file P3.8till them merly head of the Uni�ersity higb up, Go Wisconsin go. this selfish maD who wanted a partschool, was his unale: The fUDera.\ - of the sidewalk.De. ftree Quad;era c:lub uhlb1tion wil take place tomorrow at 2:30 from Plan Amlual DlviDity BaDQ.ueL ADd besides a sielewalk i8 macle ju�t8atmday wae in maII¥ nspedts DOvel the house. Tuesday, December 2nd was ehosen three breadths wide so that three mer For OeDtlemea&114 eDter'taiDiDC, but ; as the date for the anDual Divinity TY girls may walk arm in arm; an.l 8PBCIALIZING IN 'l'lIB wA..irrB OJ' )·dtben wu the same obi Y. II. O. A. Bolds VOl1mteer Bally. school banquet. Members of the f�' the parking, so that the lone ped� 1'JiB OOLLEGB IIAlf ., ,. ...• reia7 that baa been At tho devotioDal services in Has-ulty, their wives, stude.� aDd guest.'i trian may get out of the way of thi� cOnan IlIA 13, up ..'"paDe4 �I for ,-an. kell assembly room, at· 10:15 today, have been invited to attend. laughing, talking, thoughtless trio.- 31 W. lIoDl'Oe StrNt1(ez\ 7eK we oaP' to .. aom� the Y. M. C. A. will hold a rall�. for.'; -Daily J{llPl'IIUI.reaU7 De1r. fte dUb might chan(e the Kansas City 'studed <VoluDtee&1 Tier- BN4 AJda SolI« Book._4ue. of aboa' ODe 40Jlg per capita eonveDtion, which will take plaee duro Tiger's Bead will co..operate with· fte HoQW �UMI ba¥ a paab.baU. '!'hen iID't one ing the Christmas holidays The meet· the UDdergraduate COUDCU eommis- TIle honor "y"tool bas p�l a ref.Ia tIda pm of the COII*7. azul a ing will be led by Professor Hoben; sion in bringing out the new 8On3 crepduPl pf tbe stu.tept body, aboutpuhbaD contest would adA ma� I W_ lL Stallings, Maurice Price, and ,book, at a meetiDg this morning in 60 pM'f'ent of the "tut1eJlt8 conC"erne.lto .. aDIlual TIne. Qaane:ra ''8t1IDt.'' R. N. Crawford.. -Cobb 12A. JlaDy new 80ngB will be voting. In view of'tbe tad that it956 B. 55th St.. ""__--ooct. .u_':" A--" lllea. ""f_ .. O --_ .....,.T __ �- 'D__• put in the Dew book. was a p�t.aJ ('art1 vote, thlll Is dlsap-�.... "- ---... ----. � UIIDII -- ..... � Imported, and Dt)Dlcst1c, Lt� . orThirty members of GreeDwood housc Chicago finished next to last iD th'J ; pointingly light. Any honor system toCIOA., MfD ".gA"...."..JDinoia Bled8 191& Oaptala. be • 1Ql('�eM must havc enthusiastic' + .were present at a tea given by Mr. cross·country race at Columbus, Obio,aDd' lIrs. Vavid Allan Robertson and Saturday. Campbell led the first half Urbana, DJ., Nov. 24.-Ralph W. tmppon of tu WHlent body. We c:\.n_members of Hitcbcock house Sunday. of the race but could not hold his Chapman was eleeted captain of th� not be lukew.,m about it. ""'ItboughJollD Oreene presided at the tea table. lead until tho end. WiscoDsin won the Illinois football team for 1914 tonight. tho f�ulty hu not yet petecl upon. � .; race. "'I., He tu.. played lor two years 0Jl Uae ,)Ie referendum, there is no que8�ion :R���q:·E�?riTS'wm BDtenaiD OeImopaUtaDS. • Varsity Ai eeuter and tackle. Eugen" but that It will give tho system a.. � ...The Y. W. C. L. has invited tho FortJ' SeD10n A� Smoker. • Sehobinger was the 0111, other eon�· fait trial. It Btloalll bet " mRttor of. ,. . , ... ..: : .. , rCOUlopolitan club to an entertain· Forty senior men were entertained ant. Chapman is a 1DeJJ)_ of Phi pride with us to make good. Fallurt'. �.,. ,,: : ._ - .:, -.•• & at 8, Friday, Deeember 5th. at a smoker Sunday afternoon at tbe KaV!l:L Psi. ., '_ would he humiliation in.teet1. Let u�PIa' U Celebrates PcnIDdIq.'. Phi Kappa Psi house. The time was : rOllvtll� $Jae worM, and �pcc"ial1yWD1 JIol4 PraJW-1IeeUDc '.roclq. spent informally visiting and .singing. Beta PIal Baa PIedp. tbOM �b�er" � .... " fa.eul�y-tbeT() Th'c" Chl'(!� chapter of' Psi 'upsnonTIaere will be a prayer·meetiDg this Refreshments were served. Phi Gam· Beta Phi annooneea. the pledging of are some-that .the students of thi!t celeb�d the eightieth' UhlversarylIOhliae at 7:15 in South Divinity rna Delta will give a similar �air ThHdor� 'A. Stamu of Oak Pult, unh-ersity can keep a 'Pl,�ge of hon· of 'the� 'founding o� tho f��lty 8at.�.. :. '1'4,_ • _ .• , �' • J)cccmber 14tb., .. : ,111.. _ �I pI'!-Wpeeonsln Daily N� llrday nl.h�· a� tbe Hotel ;� ���' ..&IIMe'ate &Won,W\.'V� :)haJI�r � WIIil!I01Da O'��Ul AU�Ullla �wawlle A soccer touruament was held lastdel. week at Wisconsin, where conSidera-Women's Glee Club-.3:30, Bteveus ble interest In the sport ,has beenStuuio.Botanical Club-4:30, Botany 13. aroused,£nu:red. _ .ecoDd-cla.aa mail tIot theChlC�O l'UlIludic-=, Ctuca�o, '111., March U.lllUlI, unllt:r Act 0": ltarcn ;$, 111.3. UDinrsity Lecture Coune-LeetureIfVBl:K:lUPTlON BATES.lJ� \!&rrler: f::.bU II. )·ell.r; U.uu a Quarter.b� mll.u: l:S.UU II. year; U.:=5 a Quarh:r.�JlorULl-hwuDel58 utrlce. ,t;IUa ;:t •. 'J.· .. 't:pbUDe Allaway IiUU. Aller 1v p m.870" �lU'Jt Ulill. Theatre.Cosmopolitan Dinn.er-6: 00,uions cafe.Romance Club-8, LexingtonTOMORROW.Maroon Preu. 6511 COttll,," Grove Ave Due.ing and bobbing, scalp treatment, maD'iC'urin�, chiropocly. Body mas��ge byappointment at your home: . All ourinstruments nre �teri1i-zc�. � Eve.�ytllingsanit:1r�·. 1440 East 57th str<>et, ReC'­ond floor. Phone Ih:de Park 6772.'·.,TYPEWRITING' neatly elon�Mis�el­laneous "'ork - a spe('ialty_ . Mis!' B.Rrown. 6132· Yernon ave. or Harper.... ,. . . . - ...tI\Wl\Wi\iiJ WSiit\itl\'WI\'Ut\'$ ''" Wi a ,IIThomal�& .. �'" :.!")................ +++++ .......JOSEPH' 'scam..:'"Station'ery, ..�r:-d Tqll,t ��Q'" : ...n!'E LI�t; Qt' (':A�()I� �.<111 .... .,. ••• _.. "'._J, '..-.� •'r't,.. �., .... 1,) .... �i.. , '.. OOK .-'-1 KeU7 Fnshmen an Bn� I •.�NEW'.. 'S . Tlle D�W �c,men of Kl'lly hall (,I:' �;"'( ••, tertaiued the older residents with �&. ....... •vaudevllle last night.I,' .I.e........... the People'. theater in New York,BIa ... � ADVD'i'Uaa � BobIrt must have given the author much am­....... ' 2'M _""'''8" �. uaement, for it 011'ers him an oppor·S1JI.... tunity to employ his familiar meth·It i J. _omiDg tile fulaiOD for GIll' odB o.f aa.t.ire. We meet nobody newMritWa. lIOYe1ieta to 'take a vacation at Mrs. Pearmain'8 faBhionable lunch­.. ci; NpIe their re.aen with the eon in hon01" of Brainard, now a mucht tJaereof. Mr. BeBaett doe. it at sought·after millionaire. Dr. NathanielIre ' iiatervals, aad very eDtertain· Butterfield, the sleek president of Eu;too. Now Mr. Herrick'. D&Dl(.' reka eollege; the ambitiou8 editor ofoa a volume marked by the Bunker'. Magazinej the banker whoe of the cuBtomary sedate green "did not commit the crudity of talkingud by the presence ot .. tint· fin%LDce or even business' but "discuss-d 'Yery obviously western front· ad 'public service' and 'the new spirit__ "'�lIIbola of the metamorphoSi:t. ot capital' "j-all are old friends. AndMrs. Donnie Pearmain herself, thedaughter of a milk magnate who"married into 'glue" and as a patronessot the ari8 "was in a fair way ofIi ving down at least the odor of milkand attaining the coveted reward of� ......, journeyinp, nanow ese� 80cial leadership"-is only an old,;� is 8Wprisingly characteris- triend with a new name." 1.', " • playful mood Mr. Herriek Melody White or Louisiana Dela-... the notioR of peking fun at court, the slangy little Westerner, who, Odie formula and here it lB,-- develops a marked dramatic talent, ilftNt almoad in the kernel of a new departure in Herriek's heroiues,ibaaen a faint remiDiBeenee of and is autficiently pleasing and enter­.a�D&I'd, the hero, is an at- taining tor the slight role she is called, .... ,ed:ition of the author'. ta- upon to 1ill As for the other char­type,.-t.he broken idealiat-- a.eters, they are a reporter.playwrightI. All UDaUeeeaful playwright who who makes good, a dark stenographer" th.la is rOmaDce and not re, who 'play8 the' villain's part, and, best) tDlDes into poeseiIaiOD of a vast of all, Ballinger, the prize-tight mak,. fOWlu a municipal theater, nate who reads Paradise Lost with'. era the heiress MelodY' in IIi:t the aid ot a dietionary and 'voices a"Dted actress, and marries her .. pragmatie philosophy, the fruit of a\. _h a mere extnaeoua tri6e .. devious lite..iI�1IDe of two. milliou is forgotteD There can be no doubt of the au"'0 under the apell of a per- thor'8 �usement with this, his latest:wItll*laee to Cyl'&llo, and the beaIlty creation. But that fact should in no­Seine·at 41&"" way �der ,"'His Great. AcJyenture"� • pOrtion; ot"the bOOi:�'''frbD1 entertaining a' wide I reading pUb;II deaJa witll the eet.bU*"ment of lie who have hitherto stood aloof_•• ..., B.a.- Dec8m_ 8. 0aWDg BDtertaiDa 0emIaD Club.'. .', d�Dt and lrIra. JIarTy Pratt KiM Zimmerioan was the �er atKm.' Chari. ee ',: HiteheOck aad the meeting of' the Gennaru,'•e Club atd lin. A. C. BarUett will be tJae reaid� �of 'P;roteaaor .Outt;,ng,� 1101&8" with .Mr. �d Mra. Robert- 54.23 Greenwood avenue, &t. 8 yester­it. at Hitchcock hall froID. to 6 daY'. She diaeussecl the use of wordsj,oadaY', Deeember 8. in 'Goethe'. "Iphigenia", as the basisof a new method in the writing ofDnmaUa IIoc:iII&J' ... 2'odq.TIle Dramatie ReaffiDg eoeiet7 will liteIVY' history.--��--meet tM.&7, at 3 ia Lexingtoa 14. Btudat Aulves From � HYDE PARK STATE BANKCOlltNEA 011' �3� ST. & LAi'CIF'· AVE,OFFlOEBS. DmECTOBS ,�� Ro�rt F. Cummlnp Frank W. How_... ..av JOH� A. CARROLL. �Charles R. Horrle 3ames 3. CarroU, ROUERT F. CUllltI�GS. Vl�Preeldent. Henry L. Stout Thomas 3an.en� • THOliAS JAXSEX. ea.h4er. Daniel F. Burke Thomu A. OoWfMlol. A.. HAR1IOX. AalataDt OaBhlu. 30hn A. CarrolL. 1_5 I:: :_I,:��• .' �. ;' • ."" ' ,.".',' • .. JT.b.... for L.d..... .'In' Clan tWnlef'SWAN'S LUNCH ROOM1342 East 55th Street.Try Oar Regular DailyaDd Sunday Dinner, 20c U�'Buy Your Smokes andGents' Furnishings at'Cowhey'sS. E. Cor. 55th and Ellis Ave. .'is the Best reference a person can have. It meansSTABILITY-RESPONSIBILYand INDEPEN­DENCE.A person is often judged by the Bank his checkis drawn on.3,000 Hyde Park residents and Business Peoplenow nave accounts in this Bank, and the numberincreases daily. The City of Chicago and the·United States 'both have accounts here. It is aSTATE Bank and subject to the same supervisionand inspection as the down-town Banks.The Savings and Checking Accounts of Profes­sers and Students Invited.Keep Your Savings 10 Hyde Park3% interest paid on SavingsOpen Saturday Evenings�noka;ARROWJt>otchCOLLARClaett. P ..... � a Co.. lao. ' lI"enTRY IT. BUY IT.A BOITLED BOUQUETOF FLOWERS.Sold bJ' all Loop Depanment StorctJ'OSBPH SCBWBr.tZBBANDA. D. 'ADAMS177 N. STATE ST. IPn8ent this Ad. a.t J'oseph 8chwe1�Mr'. aDd receive samplctbottle.MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS -_. __ - .. -_._-_ "Wanted At OnceEada ... at tIae UDiversity to com� Da ad Dayestipte owSpecial Offerto College Men ,HERZKA BROTHERS:-: Tailors :-:1545 East 53rd StreetTelephone H. P. 1031.' Open Evenings and Sunda,. KomiDg............• -_ .. __ .. __ .....JOSEPH SCHWEITZERThe University Pharmacist for over Ten Years.In his new up-to-date Store �Across the street from old location •-'DEUTSCHER COETSKER! 1321 East 57th Street. Phone H. P. 321Eulogio Benitez, who laDded in SanTHEMASTER-MODELof the Royal is a stand-ard correspondence machine anddoes condensed billing without an,special aftachmenfs.The TypewriterThat Solves "Tyrewriter Prohlems.�'ROYAL TYPE",RITER CO�lPANY58 E M St' Chic3fTO 11Iinol�.. onToe., JO.... , tD IIIlUate x.u Week.P_ club will hold ita aanual initi- li'ranciseo five days ago from Manl.has just entered the post-graduate.tion WedDesday Dicht, December 3, C01UBe in law. He won the oratoric:"ill • CoIDmOll8 cafe. MoRee. will con� iD the university of the Phil·be MDt oat durina the week to the ippinea recently.aew17-e1eeted m� iDfor...... them oftJae illitiatioa. --+--IIIi4 t'a O"CIIock � Clarence P. Freeman, '13, is now at-Al�oap DO de4D.ite Practaa )au the Durud hospital ot the Memorialbeea dMded upoa, til. Ta-aq Ten IDatitute for Infedious Diseases withO'cloCk .in .e.t .. � toaip� ia • _vere (lase ot diptheria..lIr." BoberUoa'. �g fa Bitda­, �oe�.fO ••_ I l..i.�wm � _ 0dPa of oa.LDr. BeiDbl'dt TId...., of .·Uait­eel 8ta_�� of' JIbie., will di.­e.., � Oripa �'eo.poIitiOil 'ofCoal" at • meetiDa of til. Bot.nieal.Iab today at 1:30 i. Botaay 13-wm ... 0Iab � um.&TIle Ulliveni'7 ADd I17de Park Y.)I. C. A'a. will pve • Wrkq diaD ..to tile CoeDiopolitaa dub '1'landa7 at�'e 117de Park Y. K:.o. A., Ard and�heaer. � 8eDUmat.TIle movement for the adoption ot.. honor system in the Univenity hasre..u.ed dormant entirely too long.WiW. tile last week Cluistian organ­izatio .. aIld tile student governmentCOQDeiJa have reeognized this fact, and� commiUeea have been appoint­ed to invatigate the honor system asII8ed elMwhere.There CaD be little room for doubt'&JaM honor eeatDwU auat be arous­ed at tile Uaiv_"" rtom the manY'dUr'ereat .,.... .. __ among other�ou.., Xu... "wId be able tocbooee tile moet eati..taetory.We Deed 1a00or _timeDt:. It is on-17 a peRiOD of ee1eetiDg the beat..... of ealtivatins it. Beporta from... eomaltteea will be awaited withIDtereat-Dail7 Rail ....' .• DI_lId AMI' I' .me". Old., ·�-.view ., Berup JIiatori8dteOra..atik" 1tiI1 be .. _b� of lIr.8toppaal'. talk bel ... u.. ..... Mehlb Wa _ala. ia � J, ati .. dock. Mr. 8eMell wiD aIeo .,.u-.. � New aRne til. au... . ; -: . ..;•IMPERFECT IN ORIGINAL--•. .'!HE DAILY JIAltOON. �AY HOVBIIBD·2i),-191S., t Cout iuued from page 1.)Debating teams from the four so •• _.,., •• )i.JIII ••LilPht men and oue woman from thl'� E Y }; _L Y N N .' S in T .a' H � WLiberal Arb college at Northwol:Jtorn· , .''110. :....,. ,. J.;; ••• Y'�"� ,.-1 Holwrtl'l'lI of .Minul�sota W� also aI and . four men f'rom the Law depart.: good iuau. Itusscll of ChicU{;o iI:J thego and Xorthwesteru. Six men fromtho four society teams will be chosenfor thc Varsity. Some very good ma- ... ,:� '''t' � .t,honors. He is the main cog in the . '"I. I· hi ith hi t 'fi terial is trying out for tho Michiga. ... A·MERICAN .. Mt.Jsac·i hop H�r Illa� mc WI IS crt! ll'. HALL�debating teams this yoar. Two menl·.. " ." .i plunge�, hc docs nlOst of thc fon\'ar,j Me. ,Intyre.. and' "Heath and co.; 'Of '30�iJer� of lru.t yeur's \'arsity teuJm�, tho: passing aUlI also punts. Picrcc of Chi·I • winner of. tho chief oratoricul contl':-; . . j. .I. cago pln)'cd a wonderful game agaInst T H ,E. '. ,H A Mat Michigan last year, and mcmber:::: Wis'�Oollsin and .:\lcliinnis of Iowa il'of last year's te::uns . at . Colgnt"IUld at the university of Colorado ar.�t'ompeting for pla.\:t..� Mr. Ray .. Jm·nwl, tho Michigan uebnting coacb, ba.spoken enthusiastically of MicbigaA's.l:hances for winning the triangular ill.tercollegiate championship in January.t'ntcretl tho contest, thinring he was Professor }'ore�t Ray Moul�n:('11' "1'1'le _.:\lc·F·,"lanU will receive n f II' e U ..... program for the quarter � OW5: • ;. . •��holar�hip for one quarter. Wednesday, Novcmber 26, 8:15. ';\ G�. (? I? .. Ll T.. : � � .,0-1::' \. I Ll-'irlit SubscrIption Dancc;Friday, December 5, 8:15 P. Y.,REPB.ESENTING KA.lfY hLadies' Evening; "Wonucrs of t e C" '.- .... .;..,·_.• _H_•• _. _ ...... _COLLEGES JIlIET DEBE Hea.,·eno" Professor l'or.ot Ray Mo.l· tOR"I'The Association of Alumni Seere. ton;llontlay, December 8, 8:15; Ladies'" THE GRP-AT' PliAY 'OF ·'NOWTwo HU�;�Freshm� D.an�� . 'FiN�: �J.C,I·�,·· :.-Two hunur('ti freshDH:m attendeel the a E P'E B If 0 B' :ri' , S's'A R'n'.th(' , B. IDEN PAYNE·I.' ..first dan('e of tho; �artcr. held ill "The MMtM" of the� House," 8taa'"''of R<'ynolfls club Friday .. a,fternoon, HO\lgh� ... :·Pb&pp.�·_Autul'.p( Hinlli ... ·. Wakcs' ,.A. florentine Tragedy, Oeell�Wilde, Prest" ("'uttinp, George Bei' ·atd .1-lhaw. ',.. ... ..' .,.::.,::'"Chemical Analvsis by Means ofPo�iti'-e Rays" w� thc subj�tof Mr. ��. ,�. - ' .. : '.: '. t.;T.ocl)s audre�s before the Physic!l ('I�h, ,'p' .. I�����.· � ".�: .at their regular medting in Ry'�rsO:i DoRRIS KEANE:l2. at .. :30 Y("8tcrelay afternoon. Alit. . " .. ' .In' Edward Sllf'ldnn. Love Pra�.silltant Professor Lunn spoke onAmbition meut were e lrose n ill tho l'relimillul'iol'lfor the debuting tc:1.1II� at Northwest­ern last Thursday. .:\lcmbers of, till:faculty of the �ew school, and of t��Euglish department acted as- jut.1gcs.'I'he question for this year's triatll-oPll­Iur debate will be "lk'tloln'd, That a.schedule of miuimum wagl.'tJ should beestablished for uuskilted labor, eoust.i-loginll choice for quarter. Pete wasl,la.\,illg his lir st Sl'aSOl1 of COUl'gO foot­'hail :IIHl improved rapidly 3.S tho �u·I sou udvuuced. 110 played hi� best;galllo uguiust, Miuuesota. Hightoweri of Xort hwcsteru, although on a Jo�inO': team, is a. great OpCl1 field runner anti: ulso U strong man ou defense,: Nor�n is Captain.• I Captain Norgren of Chicago is gi\'clIA. G. Spalding & Bros. Long I on Good Pomts I the right half hack posit iou and theBy the Makers of I�.·.aptuiuey of the honorary elev ou.Send for our Catalogue . hI �orgic i� tho' greatest punter III t eTroy's Best Product : w est and' easily outkieked ull op}>o: nents, He practically won the Millue-I i sot a ga1ll0 by his long punts, which� the �I iuuesota backs were unable to.: haudlo Ill' is a great driver and IsI •I t he cleverest DIan in tho country inl throwing forward passes.The other half back positionto .:\lcAlmoll of .M.inucSota.to aeel in any sport is rendered easierb7 being propedy equipped.A.. G. Spalcl1ng & Bros. are outfittersto champions. wbose implements must� inva.rta.bly rigbt. Quality counu ..Bpaldlng'a Catalol11e is nowrea47--free for the aaking.Tennis, Golt, Baseball. Cricket,. Font­ba.ll. Basketball, Athletic Bqulpment. tutiouulitydebate thc concluded." Chicago. wHiatrirlll:l.tivt) side t)f the-II a. Wabash Av. question agulust llichigan, ill Mu.udci,and the negative abraintit Northwest­ern iu Evanston, J:l.nuary 16.Obiea�oMlCHlGAN DEBATERSWILL MEET CmCAGOAND NORTHWESTERN'cieties at .Michigan, the JetTcr�oll.ulI,goc:, WeLster, Alphu Nu anl Adelphia, wiliHishold i ntordepur-tmcutaf couteste �hisstrollgcst point was, drives off tackleweek, to determine the campus challl;: and he played his best game against piouship and the per�olllJel of thl"Chil'ago. Gray of Chicago and Par;teams, that will argue against Chiea-THESMOOTHESTTOBACCOOVER the LiDs with � and Velvet iscompanionship indeed IVelvet, the &nest leaf· from old Kentucky­aaed by time-the only make-sure process.1be leaf hangs in the' old warehouse for over2· Iears--graduaDy changing from green tomeIIo� you get the smooth, full Jlavored..,od � smoke that the southem plantersihemselves like., Never a bite in such tobacco.Velvet I Don·t forgetlclnell��� an·SNIS of Iowa. are given honorable meu­tion. Shaughnessy of ':\lillncsota ist.he Iogical cuudiduto for full back: also a goou Dlan.III McFARLAND IS GIVENI LOWER JUNIOR PRIZE;I, MOBl'.rZ INELIGIBLl:.Aurian McFarlanll bas been: nounceu the winner of the Lowcr Jun- LADIES. BRIDGE OPENS., ior public speaking contest whicb w� QUADRANGLE CALENDARI held Friuay. Rudolph Moritz was! :I.w:lrtll,.l tho pri.ze at first but owing Club AnnoUD�s Se� 8oci&l �en�1 to the fact that he bad won a Lower for Quarters Pro� ,�ultoni .Junior contest before, he w� dis. Lecture is Feature.I qualifieu. The rules state that a stu· Members of the Quadrangle' club: dent who )las won a scholarship in a opened their social pr�am of th�Lower Junior contest in extemporane· cJuarter with a lauies' briclge last nightous speaking is ineligible to- compete. in the club reception room. A feature,)Ioritz lllisunticrstoou the rules and of the quarter will 'be a ledure by;Thl'Fun 2 ounce tinsFritlay, December 19, 8: 15, Sce�nclSubscription Dance; . J .. I,Monuay, December 22, 8:00, Christ­maR Rc'·els.ALUMNI SBCBBTABIESSUBSCBIBB FOR THE DAILY MAROON taries, ::L national organization, held it!"};Yening. Britlge;second annual convention Friday and ' ..}'riday, December 12, 6:30; " .. ClubSaturday. Tho Friday and Saturday Dinner and Smoker; .8afternoon sessions were beld at theRtJynolus club the other at the UBi,�er8it.y club. Forty�1i\'e men fl"oprt\­��t.ing as many colleges and unive�i.I tit'S were present. The purpose of theW E h· I- f E 1- h convention is to (tXcbange experienecs. are s �'vlng a ne,v Ine 0 ng IS nad opiniOflS- The following men weretScotch t\veeds, Serges and Cheviots. ('1�t�;::�'l::t���:: E. B. Johnson, ofI �tiltncsota. • }'I.Specially selected for ColleO"e fellows I }'ir�t Yic('·Prcsielent, lIr. H. S. War·bwit.k, of Ohio State.�nd specially priced for $30.00. },:�ur.z?: �c�conu Yicc·Prcsitlent� llr. E. R.Emllreo of Yale.T.lULOR Fon YOUNG llU:N Will Take Trip 8a� ���'.The Y. ll. C. A.-Y. W� C� L. fielt\ t,ri.l'.to the C�lore.1 llen's Y. ll •. C�· A. �eltho Chicago bl�k belt 8checluled !:or.last Saturuay morning w.il� �e .takenSatnrflay of ,this ,wec.k. The �tywill 1(,3V(' the "C" bencb at 8:3Q.,Secretary, lIr. W. B. Shaw, of llicb-THREE �TOn ES: 7 N. La Salle St. 25 E. J; ckson Bh li. ;- 1 E . .\I 011 rot' St. i.:;an.Treasurer, Mr. A. T. Prescott,.. \ I.ou isiana.1Iiee leasons WIly you should Eat at the Men's Commons \ Collect Senior Class Dues..! 'lit." Good Food Properly Cooked. I .Tohn P('rlee, treasurer of the Sen·. i.d.' Cleanliaess our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen jor cln�s, will he in .Cobb tbis morn·. �..... A' Miaimum Price for Hlah Quality Food ; ing at 10:15 to reeClVe the duc8 of. '. '�f��' . the rln�s memhcrs. They also may be;.... C�.·1Iftakfad 1De up ('areteria at l�uncl1 ; �('nt to the faculty exchange. Tb�--- __ .. • � ... _"... MUSIC Come In _ be� a � K' I clues this year are $5 per mcm r. "Thoml'�on's Atoms". .• ",... ......... .;.-. � . .I. -i.......'" _ '.'And Compa.ny of 75. 9 _p�. �.. ,' "Features.'... ; :' .. :' ��GARRICK.· ..... .,MR,: WM. 'HODGE in.. 0.·::_,,THE BOAD TO' HAPP� '.··.. Genuine- h�<"("�KHor to '''I'UE; MA'5". l-'l(O� 1I0�IE:"�nter O���:. " . ; (; '- ',COHAN'S GRAND, .... ..� :!.' f• ,I' � ._ •. ": �.,:;�.:An0�r.�oh� � .. � ��.�.�,�RAYMOND HI�CHOOO�.. •.,,. .". , f·.· .,. ..In a N.e� �.';lsi<;a� Co�� j;� .• ,,:."T II E B E AUT Y S HOP. . .{usic31 OOllled� Cn,. Y OUDI aDd' OldA· TRIP TO WA�GT{J.: .';,,,: ;U�B;ct & DB�J('i�lg' F.'·�r�: Night'�t 11 .· . . .. ". '. ., ..... �'. ...... . .I'LLI�OISa H "'(J HI"I.' ' .. .... .. .".._ .....DJ;LPB!X' •• '-H��.���d��;._ ��tre··�.OADW:A�,. ll��OC;>� �--­.1dth ."BII.A O,ARU& .. ,�E HOWARD�BL M·CAHB;·· . .. '. ...' i.-- -_ - -.-- --- --_ ----.... l ......DAvin 'BELAS·«.:O· I 're:.ell bt·.. � .... !\ ..eo .� .... ' ,. •••• .,.••to • �. f •• - •• t •• •• ,..:.. ;... :. ...�'" �.;.. ... ,.;"...:. ;: ...�T,�����.����. :.; . . J •• ..; .•.. ':1' '��:;., :::r __ARTHUR, nAf-��F.��:rJ�',� •. ;.rr.�J'ta ..·. E ,M M A" .'l Ii" BOl�"'�. r ... : I• '" ..' ." _" ••••• �!" I·...... ,. �'J ;."". . •. . •.• ,!.. :.1 .... ",'J;'/J. -; � :In �� ��� � 'rrl1l1llp1l..... ;� .... ,....... : ",' •. �··lvi ,."," ••'.'.',·1It 0 AI .A N c ). ".