.-'_ Vol XII. No. 39.PACKED HOUSE �EARS ! Victory Ove�i :Wiseonsin·: .Will Give, Chicago BIG PEt SESSIONS AREGLEE CLUBS CONCERT F· t Ch' • he., -r'> S·' .: 'S' FEATURESOF.YESTERDAYIrs � ampions Ipw.[ IDee, easonEvery Seat in Mandel Occupied! . ... 00) f'. ,,}'908.for Chicago-WisconsinSing Last NightHope to Clineb:j �;, tomerenee <i J TiDe '. TodayHuge .Mass. M�ting 'and PurityBanquet Rouse Spirit forGame With Badgers.CLUBS GIVE VARIED PROGRAM I CAPT AIN .NORGREN'f '·MEN::� 1'8AVE�: ADVANTAGE LEADERS ARE NON COMMl1TALXeurly eight hUIHlrCl1 loyal ChicagoJ,y Howard At}:UIlS, mndo up the first vorite since tAe .defeat 'of, the Goph· ch"l'ring hccnmu CV('II louder until Di-BIG BADGER CROWD IS COMING .• '. wei2hts are EquaLers, 'l�' is generally:.acknowledged that rt'l'tnr �t:lg!! arose and entered uponlra.li�on, .KO\-. �l.-The first· squad today's. battle will;OO :t}io hardest flf Neither team has any auvantage in iliM rlutie� :IS toastilla!·,ter. PresidentTho Sl'(' 0 Ilf I part wa... informal alit I of Ba.lgcrs composed of twcntfeigbt 'the- year, and will be -even. mOre bit4 weight. Both squads a,:erage 17H .Iudson w:tS not ablc to �e present, buteonsistetl of checrs, collcge sour�, an,1 I 1 -11 tl I �! '. terly': fought .than the· Gophe:r . game ;if 'pounds. Tho Bac1ger line outweighs II(' w:ts r�I'rcsente,l b1." Dean Shallert:> paYers anc iU Ie coac les anu. man' ' , i I .' "comel)Y. Soi&!t-lJ)'nMf hrym,.- .. aaQ.. 'ab�ts c.t.c.;.-, Mt-�sOJLrr���i;�?�:. I!IU���' a/act· i& .. possibla." :St�ength.enbd t�o Chicag() forwar�s' by two �oun�sDorwcnt Whittlest'y were strong hits. ing at 8. Tho Wisconsin headq�.�.rter"�� tJae'�����:':¥�981'-:-' ��.:..��!. ��t_t����dway_b���Ield .sThe enh�rtainlllent wa. .. closet! wiih a '11 b t th Ch' Be h if ,.. .. �'I many BdmItz-tIIe laaagen wiU' present that mncl1 lieavier Ban" th8lr oppo.WI e a 0 Icago ac.' 0110... . '.• , .-'."Goot! Night" b.,· thc combinet! clubs. r"h b d f .t .' th f' _'I. I a liDeup' fol1Diclahle to ally ·team ,in nents. Captain Norgren 8 klCklDg ha.�.I. 0 an 0 SIX Y pIeces, e r�man .' ., .." . . _.' '. '. ." _ "T.ho clubs entcrtainecl the diners at f tb-'I t h d triO 'I I the-couDu,-,- and: many :JOyal Chicago been the decIdmg feature lD prevIous tu c'uJth'at'J out intellectual power h,ut00 i.Ll eam, t e secon s ng paay_ 'tho Purity h:llilluet be-fore the con- ers, and most of the rooters will :leave p�-, _a.w� .. , tlae opeJdng •. whistle games this year, but he will be op, flo not furgct thnt there is. somethingcrct, wit.h songs anll choers. They Madison early Saturday morning,.l �d .with anxiety. posed by a kicker almost as elever as else to be obtainell anll that ;athleticsC h h 11 . ' " , '. .. himself todav, and ma::y have to sur· I t I .I Twent from the ommons to t 0 a, aro due to get inro Chicago.about 12. �., For the·tiM time·.Ja., ave y� Chi- '" �o a on� way 0 t liS enl • omorrown.ccompanie,l h1." the two teams and All h 2300 . k h' .:t.:.... � _:.-:� .•. ...;.,'_i";': ]lass himse. If to outkiek his opponent W(l ar!' goin:,! to see the '!'reatest game" .:L t 0 bc ets are gone, .� ere e�' _ In·. a--Ocm.,-to:..-,pu;1ft least ,. �tll"I'r eo ·llt..... The footbnll teams . "' . ' ',' -,",'. . , cleeisi\'el_v. Norgren will prove supe pla.1.· ... 1 or M r I II fi II f I.... � oc- �ro many rooters coming down to try a" tie for th� Co�reae8' dlaldpionship " ,:1 ,I � a s l:l Ie I or a ongcUI,ied the front rows in Mandel. their luck at the gates or .someway; :.�ess of. tJa.;�t.of �.s eon- rior on punts, but the Rn,lger quaner· time. Jt i� a I-...... eat thing, ro thin�Thirty-six in Wisconsin Club. and from present indication, there test .. But, 'to ,o� ,.:-dear titl� .the back ill a rlever man at �oring by what the conf"renee stands. for; tha�\The Wiseonsin duhs arrived at noon shoultl bo about :1000 Wisconsin: peo- CardiJual . ieam ;; � mUst. be .defeatecl. the air liM route anl1 h(� will pro\t\ ht'r." in the W �t ther(' is a. group Offlnll w{'re entertaincll ,luring tho af_ plo at tho game. 'spurred 0. .b,: ">k.uOwl� Director clangerous with his drop kic-ks. SdlOOls ",hi(:h' ;tro H<'lLs:).(·rifictng for-,1 . , ' \" • .' . The Wj�onsin Ileff'nftO i:4 the Ktrong· the sake of what. the c-ollference tle-Tho b�nd of sixty pieces an(l t�e; Stagg's :pro� � �t.UP the -hard·Mt in the C"ountry. Compost>11 of· Nuch Nircs..frcshmen football squad, numbering: "� �_. �Jl.�.cm:·lbnhaU Field inover twent��, will nl!1o be �n·.haDd to' 'yeanr, aAd,it.::·�;:&agen·.win e"ery .,'eteranR ali Butler, Gelien, Powell, anll. '.' 1,····· . <lfstie the forwarc1s will put .up ancheer the Carllinnl eleven. who,: will ¢hie.go ;mai&_ .. ill : have given every-• 'bi' -'. . I :, ••• :.. ..' almost impre�rnable clc. fenMO againstlfUMBERS OF ....THE PLAYEBS- ha"o no lal·k of NUPPOrt at any.time t 'JIg he.Iau·_·Ue,.on to .ve� dis-- _during tho g:\Inc. ��r. _ .. '. (Continued on page !)With l'\·I'r.\' !'l'at ill the house tukeu,th .. "Ulllhilll'ol gh'c und muudul i n dubs(If Chil'ago alit! \\'iS�OIlSill �a\'e t ln-j .. ·s�. ('olln'l't evvr gin.·n ill llalldd lastlIigllt, :L"t'ordillg to thc ofTil'l'fs of thodllt.. En'ry t ie kr-t in the house was I1'01,1 hl·fom t he Pur ity buuqr et In-st.J,i�ht. Ei�llty nu-n took pnrt ill t hr-Ijoint. cotu-crt, Tho enter tn.inment COII­�ish',J of SOIl;;S� solos and s}ll'l'inl feat­rres,The cont:C_'rt was OPCIlCtl hy l'the Chi­c'ago Glee dull with a song eutit lcd"JJt'rc's to \\"isl'ollsin". It was 1'01·100.('cl by "l!('r,�':, t, the :Man ""ho I""!ars a 'C' by the \\'il'('omqn club.Select ions hy tho cumbiued clubs, Mnndolin club features, and a banjo solopart of the program.Give YoUs aud Songs.ternoon hy the ,lifTcrent fraternities.They hrou�ht \ thirty-�ix me� TheWisconsin m�n will leave Chicago latotonight.Xorgrell, ('npt.,. 174, Xo. t.Pieree, ] 8;;. No. !!.Grny, 17�. '1'0. 3.nussell, ]53, No.4.Huntington, 169, No.5.Goettler, 188, Xo. G.Seanlon, 183, Xo. 7.Dcs .Jardien, ]98, Xo. 8.Harri!(, 180, '1'0. 9.Shull, lS7, Xo. 10.R:tumgartnt'r, Hi!), No. 11.Botanical Gazette is Issued.The XO\'l'm),cr numbcr of the notan·jr'al Ga7.et te W:t� issued Thursday bytho Press. It contains tho followingartides: "The Tempcraturo CocfIici­ent� in Plant G�ogra.phy and Climato­lo�y;' hy nurton Livin�ton anI)Grnc-e J.i\-ing-!lton; "Tho Tcpary, AXew CultivntClI Legumo from theROllthw('st,'· h�" G('orgo Freeman; an(I"A Compnrison of tho Amcricnn BrownRot Flln;':-lI!1 with SI'ccrotinia Fmdigc­na nnll !'. ('inl"'rr'a of Europe," by E.lr. IIan "y. Prevtons Wisconsin-Chicago Score&] ,,\!I,I-\\,i:-:I'oll:-:in, ::0; Chi'·a!!o,.O •.I S!';'_ \Yi:-:I'ollsin, l�: Chi"a�o, �!!.},';!IIi-Wis,·OIH.:ill, �:l; Chicago O.IS!Ii'-,,'hwolIl-'in, !!:t; Chicago, 8.l�!)S-Wi�I�OIl:-:ill, 0; Chiengo, 6.] S!I!'-- Wisl'onsi 11, 0; Chienuo, 17.l!100-Wi�I'0Ilsin, J9; Chicago, 5.]!IPl- Wiscouain, 35; Chicago, O. !J!IO:!_- Wisconsin, 0; Chicago; 11.l!)O:;_Wis('onsin, 6; Chicago, 15. il!'O;;-Wisconsin, 0; Chicngo, 4., HHI8-Wiscolisin, ]�; Chicago, 18.l!IOU--Wisl'onHin, 6; Chicago, 6.Into-Wisconsin, 10; Chicago, O.1911_Wisconsin, 0; Chicago, 5.!!H:!-Wisc�nsin, 30; Chicago, 12� 'Vill Chicago emerge .. from • tOI)ay'R ·Opmtons of the Captains and Coaches. alii I \\,j:-:c�ollsin meu crowded .iuto Hut;game with the undisputed champion- Director Stagg, "The Wilwonsin gaUlI1 chinsou Commons last night to attend'Mhip 'of the Conference hanging at her: will bo harder thnn the Minnesota the Lig Purity banquet given to thebelt or will -she be forced to share ('ontest last week." Wisconsin team. Enthusiasm wasthe coveted .honor with Wisconiti and Coach -Iuneau, "Wt� are fifty pcrl·t'llt shown Lyall from the t ime that they·.Minnesota· . in a" triple' barreled tie? bct��r than -we were when we played cutere.l the bulhl i IIg, but ,when the!I'he Badgers . will' enter the. contest Minnesota, and I am confi.Ient that two teams entered everyone stood 011keyed ,up for the fight· of· their lives, we will surprise Chicago. I would their chu irs anti �hcercll._ 130th thebacked by three ,thousand' Badger �- rather wait until after the game be- Chicago uud the Wisconsin .g'lee clubsumni:;,�d, students massed.jn the east fore making any definite predict.ions were l'�'c:-:l'llt aud throughout. the ev­stantl. The mighty slogan U Rah Rah as to the outcome." cniug' l't'lIdcrt·tI sO.nl"rs. Eaeh : of thenab;' Wisconsin' 'will' roll, across the Captain Tandberg, "We are going to clnsscs til' the Universlty were seated1i�d· in thunue�ou8 tOnes;' ftrging �the give Chieago all that we have and 1 at �1'll('ratc tallies and it seemed as ifCardinal players to further efforts. hope that it will be enough to get eru-h t·I:t:;s was fightiug with the otherthe verdict; til �I'I' whi-h could raise the roof theCaptain Norgren, "If we have an highest,_Although Chieago, ,Ut . the 'logie81 fa- even break of luck we should win." After the meal was finished theMatthcws. ",11'0 saicl-"Mol:lt of you are1I0t re:llly aware of, the .great . part ottllo- bi�rger' mlil-enity ,-li-fe-.Uvrt:, _,�ies play. J t iN d'ue that w� eOInO hereEhl£r Praisrs Athletics.lr� . .Ehler a memher of the Wilt-<'onsin athletic boarrl, �ill "The ath_lc·ti(·s of the �'Ollng mall really havea hig' place in his life ancl this iaTHE PROBABlilil�:"OR; TODAY'S"��'i-):�:�·�"'-...m' .�. ;::l; . j,� JIack.". ::.,.:�, 185. �etting to be more truo C\'ery clay.I am gln,1 to see that the.. glee clubsof the t.\\'o schools arc �oing t() mf!etin a sort of a contest, ancl I belifW8that it is the start of a contest, aDdr believe that it is tho start of thelnrger InO\'cment Whicn WIll end jJl1I0t haloing only tho athletic teams otth(' llnh'�rsitief' m<-eting but haviD(ethe whole shlll('nt hocly rep�nte.l ��oDlO kinll of a «'ontes1.'·CO:'U'h .JllTu'nn �pr('n'l the gloom thiek­er ('\'1'1'" � j"lTl we are nc-C"n�tomed to1':1\'1' �l:' � . ..! .10. lit' �ai.I, "\Ve ha\'_'I'()�li' • :"" I' ,;,'rc' to hnttle againstwl:at T ('_oI::-io!t'r to he on,- of the hesttl"nTn<: 1h:lt fh .. \\'t'�t ha� «,vcr hnl1. "'e.10 tl(lt r'unH' (,xl't'�·tinl! to win hutr will �:�.'. f!·�t our tl':lDl i� I!oing t,\)fiJ.!ht tl,,·ir h:lrtlt'lCt anti if' t�ere i� any,.han('o In' aro going to win. I am. !'It.ron�l: in fayor of' :l game betweenI,Chi("al!o nnd nan·:a,...I. tAl �tf't('rmi:'I ttl(' «,'h:Jmpio,,� of th(' Pllit.('tl �tat�"Make Horaen Talk.Capt� Tandh('rg wa...q not <:alled uponif· rc"!"" t t" hi� cl�iro no� to talk.J\]exantler, 168R. Half Back � ... Cumrp.ings, 174:L Half Backoo -0';"-1' " ,,"_,·_ .. ,'.·.;�168\':+t� Back·'. d} :".; 0 ",K�ler, l��. �J Pewell, lS9.Rialat Gaua-�� Catero 0 oOfstie, 162Right Endo Butler, 195Right Tackle . GeJicn, ] 8.').• ·Left Guard Bucn, 198Left Tackle J,:an�", Ii:!Ldt Ell(looo o o 0 o o 0--Left End Left TackleBaumgartner, 110. Shull 181 . :Left Gaar4 _;, _ Center . Right Guard Right Tackle R:�ht Ell'!." .- • 10 ,-,.11 t.. : . l· �....'_ • � •Harris, lQ ", De. .. J'aNiea, 1995eAlllon, 185. Goettler, 185 .Ihlnt.itl�ton. ]r,�,/" O·. : .� oarter Back.. Ru_lI. 150t'.. � • -oL. Half BackGray, 175 oo.. N Beck. R. ·Half BackNor""n, capt., 175.,:,:..j. �t, .- .•. Plerea, 18S. J. _ I.�C.ieqoTotal Weight. -. ,1.'.' of u... .' ,.' \\�t.lOf .. Baddle1d.Chicngo_19ft4, Av, 179. Chie�1214, Av. 182. C.i("�..f)O,. A,·. 173.Wisconsin, ]974, Av. 179.'. _Wi��nsi��89, Av. 184., .. Wjl'C"onsi.n�68;;, A,·. 171.OFFICTALS: Referee, Hackett, West PoiDt; Umpire, Benbrook, Michigan; Headlinesmau, EnNie, Purdue.• (Continued oa pap .6.l __,.;.. .:The Daily MarOOD I"'� --�-.-.. "---;:,-==�====-;::::::! -. --O��:-O�TII1': HAUGEUSE;o;_=- =======;:;;:B=aU===etiD=·�====�' ! • A tbl�tics Brevities7::-: I - ----. - =---=- I. I TWI'lItY'OIIl' hu u.Irr-.I rt'sl'n·,'.1 st':It� ii 1;;1\'1' I'''!"II "old n r "�I.Ii�OIl, nn.l four; CLASSIFIEDADYERTISEMENl S10:15, Mandel.Women's Assembly-1 :15, Mandel.Botanical Club-4:30, Botany 13. he the most hnmlsomo programsgiven onto at :L f'oothall ga III e.PUblhlhed mornlnxs, except Sunday and)londay, r during the Autumn. "'lDtt'r andSpring quartere, by The Dally Jolar?on�taft. TODAY.Y. M. O. A. 'l'rip-8:30, "C" BI·"d). ,huudro.l fif't v 'J1"�'" hnvr- hl"'11 SI'lIt to:Orchestz'a Practice-lO, Belfield hall: . \k ;fill t lu- I"t'sl'rv:ltiuIIS lIl:tdt' last Wl'I'. !-. . .I]t hns hl'I'n 1'1I·1;;;.n·d t hnt EI·kl'rsalJ II has :Iskt'd t'O:l�' h Y ost. of �lit'ilig:lII toIService-lI,�. h"lp hi m ill t he st'lt'diull of tho nll-I Anu-r ir-u u. ft'am this ycn r. Yost. willJlid� :t t on m of his OWII, at any raw. :il' pt.'" Ii Ill'.lI. D. "'TEl· ....asG. W. ·(.,'OTI'I�H.�XH. tie GOKG,,\SU. P. l\UtST .w. II. L,,"X.\S Oosmopolitan club-7::W, Ellis IS.SU�DAY l'ci\'l,,1 for It's" thnu :.!;'I·. All classifiedadvcrtiscn;.Cl.ts must be paid ill ad­vance.. i A��"'EdItor.lUna 0': ... ('(11 - Auguz<la �'awlte"''OI'¥\.' S�lJl'r Durothy Wdl BeUgious For, S.\I.E at hargaill-Olle suit C)eEnter(·.! 1111- second-ctaas mall at theehicilgo PbstomCl', Chicago, Ill.. Karch 18,1 �O"'. under. Act . or March 3, 1873. MONDAY l·IOtlll.·.._ "IIXI,.I" styli', origillal�:;5-"l:&.1t.' by tilll' t:tilor-SllitMaroon " .. 11 CottaGe Grove Avenue, J11Dior College Chapel-Men, 10:1:;, I- With -t ho ('lose of 'thL' football sen­iMallllt.'l. i SOil t rnv k athlt,tit·s hnvo sprllllg intoStudent Volunteer Band.; 1 :::0, L('�·:. .' . I' I' tho'·I,l'tJIIIIIIt·II.·(, at �llt' 1I�1I1, W)( ro I{ill:!tOIl hall. .h:llld)'rtlj' Yy J}a;;!.salltl from which :\1'Physics Olub--4::W. Jcyersou 32.i pros)lt't'f'" 01 a SlIt"'l'sst'1l1 season art'ZoologicaJ. Club-4 :30 Zoolobry -24. I ., -.. .'x,·(·t'.llIlg)\· �ootl,Brownson Club �6:15, lIut·: .I .... null Si7.l'-Ellllllirt·.,r or AI aroou.�i;�BII'TIOS JL\TEti.By carr'Ier ; $::.50 a year; 11.01) a Quarter.lly mall: $3.(10 a year; II.:!!> a quarh·r.Edllorlal-llulShlt'l$lI o trl ee, Ell 111 :!4,Tdl'phone llidway "'00. Arter 10 p m.Hyde I'ark 4!1C�. "110\\" to work vuur \\':1\' Iliroll�" t, •. I.h'�l'." !'.I:lih'" irt'l' ttl �tlldt'r;t�. II:t'. l.{'ttcr Clul», 4;'�"" -Iell'ersou uv ••..J(·rsl'�· Cit�" N. J.In thes:e -last-hours befo� we hail a ehinson Cafe,new cha.DiPionSlup· for Ohic&go (with Germanic Club-S, Residence �tHl\'I'lIir pr(l,l!rams, of four pnges ofofi 11(':t\'Y ;.:laz('c1 pnpcr will be g-i\'eu outat t he Iu-Iin.nn.Purduo gm;w today hytho In-l inuu union, Thr-y promise to so 0110 �i IIglo room t wo ItIQt· ks frlllllCobh 11:111, �lrM, �lllli\'all, ;,!-iO:! .Ia •. k­ron uv., �uII apt. Phone.apologies to the gentle- Prof. Cutting, 5423 Greenwood nve,men :!rcJII1 Wisconsin TUESDA Y.who will dispute the Junior College Chapel- W omen,claim this afternoon-perhaPs successfully) let us remembera few .. �. One is that the rootersPla7 ¥ .�portant a Part in the game 'as thert � . The ·feUows on the 1i.eldf .,. .will �. � ·the last; but if. we areto 1riIi. there must be equal determin­ation �n th'tt'stands. It must sb1ne onevery :face, ring out in every cheer.The wt' ole' sta.nd must radiate an in­fluence. that will Permeate the players--an �tm�here �f ')lla.y the gamefair. � Play" it hard enough to "Iria I .. 08T-Jh,tw"l·" :i;itlt :11101 Fostt'r IJ:!II.,·1 Romance Club--S, Lexington 2.Public �8, Mandel.University Lecture Associa.tion-8,Lincoln center. . I �Ot.·I'l'r football' pr:t<'tice will contin_Women's Glee Club Practice_:1:30" ue throughout the' "'inter nt Iowa,Mitchell stullio. I Tho. game has takcn a firm hoM at theTig�S Head-l�:15, Cohb l:!A. i lTni\"(�rsity, atHi sl'\'ernl gamt.'S will be!-l1'h('llulell lle-xt year.The Carlisle au t.horj t ies turned 110wuover f'or+y offers of post season�r:t.nal"S ill the West and South. a brown purse, t'Ollt:lillillg b;ltlk.ItIlOi"I'onl'ert t ivkots nnd mlllll'Y. Find"I'please return to Elizal",th �1'wl,"I".'rIn; REACTY I'LACE-�lis�l's LIH.k­served havo been turned back so th{'ro wool1 antI Nielsen. Hairtlr('ssillJ,!, .ly('.aro no seats on salc {'x<'cpt the gCIl{'r- ing anti bohbin:!, �('alp treatlll('nt, 111:111'nl a(itni&!ion tit:kl'ts. i('urill�, eI:iwl'otly, B(I,I�' lIIass:lg,' h."New stanlls aro heing <'onstructL'Ci appointment nt. your }r 0111 I'. .\JJ ollrto accommOllato about fiftot.'n hundred inRtrulllt'lItM ar(' st('rilizl'ol. E\'I'r�.tltill:!more peopl('. Tho tickct; for these' sa.nit:lr�·. 1440 F.n�t 57th �tr('('t, l'{':'­seats will not ho put on Rale until tht' ond floor. Phone IIYlle Park 67;2.HOPE TO WIN TITLEYou cap do "it and .you must." And 7'''' edUcw U _, f"eGu .... w. lor wCetc. ...after the gam�we assume it will be P""e4 her.. Coa ••• iccilloN .... N f ity i��pl'etors }I:lVO pn.��cd on tho{Continued from page I.)_O'!l.l·n ·�tn'!l!ls, As this ill�p('ction can notTYPF.""RITI':'>'G 'I c." tl." ,lollc-Mh'I'I'I.hu<,kN, nlli.le.. �I�.le:Fg� "'ill havo to b-• n.... ,..tako place before ·this mornlllg,aronn(l the cntls. The -Ch�cago l?a.c,k:tl' "ket.. laneous work a 8Jle('ialt� ..... . "",' ... th�r� is no ('ha.llce for these � .,of us remember that we � coUege, fioltl.is supcrior� to: tho' B'augere; ��l ;'.,.' .tho Rrown. 6132 V {'rnon a\'(', or JIar)'�1.. -��.�!)e ;put ·011 .�nlc until latc 111students' and. gentlemen. A ce1ebra..in.this fact�lic� hDpe for �·ic!m'Y. .... -"i.. '__ Library Loan n('�k. \\'.:lJtion is due; and it need not be of thu For Better Booting... ,Diredor"'Stagg wiH·�ullQ�cr:hiS'.play- OXE OF THE BADGERSdecorous sort that greets an operatio To tho Editor:('r� for the first thilO t9tlay ... '1;he or_Or dram"'tic triumph. Students are' Wi.th all due. praiso and .rcspect for" . .f II -I' 't '1' '• 'TIWJ.... CIl..II('r will bc a� 0 oWs._ vap fl. n '-'14"0 �.young, �d should express their enthus- our splenditl cheerleaders, is it not a1 l'ieree 2 Grav:! .n�l�troll:.4.·: H-p�' ng-, ., .,. . . .... . .' .. , (iasm in youthful, exhubera.nt fashion. mistako to :�ume that t�:� � ...�men oftun ;'), Goct.t.ler 6, $�A�� :'7�'�IJe,,\J�.�Cheers, songs, and snake dances are tho. Uni�ersity' o� ,:�h�c�o ,��ll. :1.or, :'Uen 8, Harrili't.'Ri .S·�U"11Q;�.�itU . 13;iu!#,:aU in order. But the thing to re- an�" cmnn�.t, �� p� i� t�o� ;����l�� :gartrJ('r� 11. (Kel;ll�iY:<:W�:�il-.r>l:i!�\member is that it is the clea.n spirit of• WOin�� �f:� o���r .�?J�e��.��� .. �. t� :ably rc�laee G'rni:·�t;:��lP', V��J�:�'youth that should �� ,4 'yelliag.(.�b'Y'A,:'�?�"��:-:����?� I ga.me, 'j� number 12; .l�r .......spirit which expresses itself"in the de- wome�r� rather,�hy. :..ar�: t!tey.; �& , �.. .• _struction of property.aDd whoiesale �ven haIl' �. ch:we�.·to�'��:.#���.�: :.. o�i,: oi/ T':�b:..BADGERS� ".-: •. ::",'- .. � - ".', , .. � .,... 'l.; ....... ·· _'o· ... •.,. to .. -.�. � .. ' ..,_ � j .. • t rdrunkenness is the spirit of the youths Th08O;·of.)18 .w�o>�('Irn_�r:tJie timo :. .�.: \: ..... . '.. _.who recruit the ranks of car-bam and when the ·Ch!.eago'·l'ootcrs sat in thoauto baiuUts; not the youths who make framo bleache� on the cast 8idc of!up the bulk of college men, and WO the field, know that tho girls helpe<lae representative of the best in the ill the yells then, 119.t. as .. vohenW)ll�Jy.young IIWlImod of America. 'rhe spir- as the men', 't�- be sure, 'but 'lOUdlY' -.iSttaandggIl,'ca'idtes-��W���.��liDZv'es� enough to.-mat�rj.all�· sw{'ll the tot:ll,_ � � AIIII. \'0IUl11e of ·sound.. .. _in his JJie and exercises· iil his But thi� "ear,' put in a S('t:tion hyWOl'k mold permeate the �tb:e stu- therilsel�'{'�;' 'tol�l .that they are not ex'dent �in their celebration of tIais, p('('tcil t?·.Yell (It'�i, l'erhap'�� it}�o u�- .. Ihis great iIi� Another point need J:t,lylike!), and al_JOlfed, _bu� �l!g�� at:.bardly be!ne.j.� ·.tIult of Our. duty t�nti�'n from thQ'��eerieadors, only thoof hospttalty to WiscoDSln mea. Chi- �ra�,est. o{ ffiit.·' m, .attempt to help incago aowf, when they have been dis.. an ocrasional_.,rell.courteousJ;'visitors, have been:. be-",'::: The: �is��-'6f seat seg�g�tio�cause of oulb....... Let us re- t�o gam� �R good, hut tw.o. ���n� ar�member �P.D:d � 9.Ur .enthuslaam· wrbng. Ono is the assumptton (onno& forget oUr respoDSlbWt7. ADd 1l- the part of tho men anll perhaps D:naDy__sbould �e lose, let.. be good few weak.minded girls) that girls can.loaen. No Us and aDds aDd might not. yell; tho other. is the cheer:leader'�ave beens; let JJ8 .accept our defeat habit of ignoring the womcn's �c.'- ':�irl(' hUntln'.1 hu\'(' hcen r{'�t'r\'cil forin pa.ceful sptnt,' &nd gin aD hoDor tion. '.++ +++++++++++++++.+.: .fll ... \\'i�I'oll�in rootf'rs. �one of th{'�o ++++++ +to tile team 'thU baa foa&2lt for us,' If it will be announced. 4?ither .at..-th . . Il�".' !'4{'att4 will Itc �a.\'ell. TheM«' who JOSEPH SCHMIDTJ- as though fortuDe had been WI. the Glee dub roncert( if any yelhng�ollle first will, It(' �n'ell first. Stat,'onery, and Toilet Articlestbem. After au,'lt {s'DOt die 'ridor7 i8 to 00 dOne there) or to the women's..J ,....... A_...._... h TI Th (lll"rt"ru mcn will not reo •. J"'•.. 1.:.. ' 1.1 ..... ··1.'. OL' • �A.\ I" I;;:that counts--it is the 'IOMHIWoI "'6M" _"... \'oi�es are expected and wan� 10 t e 10 r('('_"(.., ;'. �''-: ., •. '-If our team pl&ya falll7. aDd die - yell., I belie.,e a mighty change will ;.eh·. froo a"mi",on to Ihe field but956 B. Ii5tIl St. Chlcao:o. m1& ... """ Ilow-U 'w. be - ................ It. If nothing·eloe, .the men wh.. will h. for .. " 10 'pay the general a.l·Imported and Dnmestlc Line 0'vi -an be COD h t'" Capt.ain Tnndberg, ,., .. ri" The." will, howcver, beto wiD the ctolT, we W&&& -• from choice or otherwise ave 0 8l� ml��IOII I' ('�.('m.\R.� ,\SI) ('W.\R.:rr.:Stent. We have done aD that c.n � in the women'8 scction, 'will havo a. Four Play Last Game. gh'cn til.hts whit'h will admit them +++++++++++++++++ .. +++.+++.---..... f P.roba""- noDe o· . J d t 'thoutJast to'I"-I'I"r field without charge,�"'- 0 U& .� ... �hanco to yell thclr ou cs WI Four rcgulars will play their 'these admonitions an needed; evf/6Y ppearing conspicuous. Let'8 try itgame tOflay. They nrt' Capt.'lin �or- ,nlO att(,lltlall(,(, may hrenk all pre.Chicago man knows what to do. But toda'-". We're liablo to need it in tho IfYren, � P, ier.ce, Goctt�cr, and JIarrifl. vious rel'ortl�. O\'er twenty,.h·e thou·f IIJbI At toc1ay's (ootltalJ game the now.tIaq are gl�n lest we forget. face of the two tmin londs of husky Kenne.I,,' and Fit7.patrit�k of tho rc_ Fanll til'kcts han' h('on �oltl, nnl SC\'-Jing p('()pl� will he the :!ucst.s of "r('�·;;.:.:- • na<lge", ,...ported on .th." way. ·.e,,·e� .1,. co"'plet. their inte",olleg' or.1 1100",,".1 moro may he a"ommo·Riflent .Tufl!'4on: �I:trt.in A. Y(,T.OII,01--'\"':'.' ,-' �_ .• eetiq. Scnior OhserVer. I i.at.o .. c. om_ p. ct. it.ion.. Pc"n Carolan, for· I, datt'll." .. �."Anllrcw ll:l.('J..cish, II. 11. Kohls:t'lt.)(n. West of the .Cosmopolitan con- .mcrl)' of Oa.k Park, was elceto<l ea}).[ Gopbers to Visit HaJDluket. }o;n09 M:. Barton, Cart.er II. Harrison,wm Jtetum in 'rime for Game. 'tnin of the fn'shm:tn foothall team1f'Orvatory sang;. at the Graduate WJ>m-. I. .. ,H' The GOph(,T� wilJ h(' gl1('�ts or llano .Byron L. Smit.h, �Irs, Charl('s I ... , nt-A d ti The Y. M. C. A. trin to the Colorcfi, ln�t ni�ht. at t.ho final practice. e ISk h "'h.'na•. on, Davill G. IInmilton, .Tn.l::ean'., clnb Thursday.. rama e Be- J'I 1 :n�cr ,T. P. �irk at tho lIaymar et t e." .... ; ".1 .... ". G h "en'8 Y. M. ·C. A. this morning will 00 a halfhack ,anti will provo vcry va'·F. A. �m.'th, T. "E. Oon('11"', F.. n. }-'('I-lection WaR .rendered by' .ID�88 . � .....fater, HalMtt'tl antl �ral1if40n, tomorrow � .1Th t over. I'n tl'mo' '''01' tho students to see luahlo lI1:ttcrJal ncxt ycar.T I> II I A Aof tho 'Roston �on9Crva.tory., '. e ,mee •IBack. afternoon on tho wny h:l.('k from tho sf:nthaJ, • UHUM �oscnwa I, anI . ......f th'" WJ'''�olllrin ·�e. The party will No Tickets TurnedSpragu�.in'" .u in the hands of the women 0 ....... e'-") I' ."II!!>').f-,.' )eavo tho He" bench at 8:30� Nono of the tickets that were re· I mOls �amc..... dcpartmen�. ·.of PhiJ08Op�1'�. n.necessa:ry to celebrate the titie-.let all dcIlted AI ... ft7Unce 01 1I0od loUl&.'1 .. �:". _ .... }o'OR l::)Al.� v('ry ('heap. 'Vn�hhnrll�itar, full rlrcs� ('ont, 'rllx('.lo lln.lPrince Alh('rt. �i7.(, :lfi-:H\. H. P. !:.':!O:i,:l46:i Wns}IinJ!ton A,·c., 211.1 Apt..'j,., J)y.I.,\Sn, .·I.ORIJ),\;I"ft& I.IDC'Oln lIull.,. •• \. n. Ilar'·lIrcl. rho n .tJnl"rnolt,. of ChlMlKO,Four collf'gf'!I. Ihf' II('hno:I!, 1. hUI:("�':!'. :-.0n faculty. 1:. �arnl'gll' un�t. rf'flllirl"� 10 ",n!t'rCo:l�gf' or 1.lb· r.I' Arls. I�'\rd of h ,'t' !I. I !I.!lurnmf'r Wf'lliher. OUI of do r r�cr'·:HI .. n :oil;"Inter,aoft wind,. frnm .h.· !I"lI. and 1hl' TnU 1\'"r mocking birds In Ihf' •• rar.gf' gro' e; IIlgli­··st collegf' stnndar.t",. Sl'n.' for (" .. 13 Og."�a!;!t:!J!;!:U'�J.;i:l:li;::,::!,:!I;:ll!;:151,;,:t ,. I.:' i:i�I:�;:[:;a!::\!:].,FOI MEN US •• \· 1m llIu .. -tr,lI.l h.)4.kol Ile­�crlblng a III'\\'In'attn"ot ror .111.. rety razor b·allf'�. m:\kio� onl' hla.I,· i"�tI 1I4eI1m.· an.1 I,,' tw:r.'r :han wh"n !,lIro�·ha�.J. �"nt on rf'.· ... p' nf :5 Cf'nt".CLAUDE WOLFE.Howard City, Mich.Hd\1d\i«\i'll\'H1'i'it1'iiltifIL�u�IJIThomas J. Cavey' & SODFURNISHINGSCallan size 13, up1lI!.rt!ill:!. Ollly six hllll.lr{,11 of thcso11 W. Monroe Strf!et Chicago�(':iti4 ",ill It(' �olfl to Chi<'ago mcn.U, e If'V-fUMS\'lUvHl.® r.Jt,..r.1f.F��Hutler. . For Gentlemen'lPEOIALIZING IN THE WANTS OFTHE COLLEGE MANPresident JUdson's Guesta Today.. .......,.� -.:..-;:_:.� ... :__--- --l�• •Phi Pats Bnterta.ln 8eDion.I &"'�n men will be given a smokerG tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 6 byPhi Kappa Psi at tho chapter house, �riokaNJARROWX'oJCOLLARa.eu. PeabcNl,. a c... I--. .......�========�==��==�?-�iD& BRADLEY TO BE PBBAaBBB'� AHRUALWhat College Editors Think .:_ �I filBADB. PABfi \tILL'Pastor ot worcester Oon�ga.tional BB HELD DBCBIidEBChurch lJ.'alks Here '!'omorrow.Thero is 0111' impression left by the December 6 W88 the date ehoseu 5';::5 Universitv avenue,Chil':a.;.:o :,!:II1l11 t.o whh-h we have not' The Reverend Dr.for the annual Blaekfrrar dinner anll�'C't J,!i\,l'1l voice. \Ve refer to t.he \ Bradley, of Piedmont Congr('gationai th(>�er party at a meeting yesterday.r(lc,'illl,! of t lu- Chit':I:,!o (·ollt.ill:,!<'nt. In l:h'Ur"h, \\'on·('Sh·r, Mnssa�hu8(,tttl, will Scorn. elul alumni "'iIl ",h'o theirThe place for the dinner has not been - ,.. u "'"OUI' (lJ,illioll t h» lit t.le !!roul' of sovcnty ho tomorrow's preaher in Mandel. Dr., R next '1"11('0 8 .. tur'I-,." afteruoon, De.� ileelded but the members \\'111 see ay- � , .. ..' ••or a hundred Chil'a�o students elicl Bradley was born ill Jackson county, mond Hlteheoek iu "The Beauty cember fie at Rosalie h:111.III (I rf' real Iive root ill:.! th:1II tho whole Georgia, in 18m'. lie received his A.. ("h ,. All I' t' f seat t'': Sop. aJ'p rea Ions or 8 a W 12, is in Ch1c»g::\tillll('sota Sl'diulI, Part of it was .8, degree at Emory college ill 1890, .h .1' h 1.1 I. t t 0 ,I 'azriner,' O..... t e uruner S ou u uO sen 0 guea '" J I" f DI lilt" of ('UUrSI', to tlae f:a.d that tbp Afterwartl", he II.ill post-graduate work £', I ied b d 11 William A. WurrlR('r, r.,· -, 0 o.'-0 eman, aeeompam y one 0 are Kalb, Illinois, itt ill Chicago for theChil':I;':O st mlout s 11l'1,l IIIl'g:a.phon.I.�. in se ience, speelnliztng in biology, atT '11" f ,I ,I th 'ht. he monev WI ue re uuueu e nlg!l3ut more of it. W:1S duo to the fact tho Brooklyn instituto of Arts and •th I" f week end.to protect e e Uu rom Ioss,t.hnt, )Iilllll�"ta studt'uts oither lal'kl"l Se ieuees, III 1904 he received a D. D. ---_---t lu- pl'P or wr-re so st'ah',1 that uuifie-I f'rom the uulverslty of Georgia, ADDBESS BOOKS FOB�"I'pllrt was i ruprnv t ie al. Already it is From 1890 to 18�;j he was associate rHB YBAB 1913-191'too In((' to mn ke suggestions for this 'I'rofessor of .natural science", at Emory \ ABE ISSUED YESTEBDAY Vacation Problem.year, but it seems that before the e ollcge. Shortly af'ter this lao became 1t has been proposed to hold us over1!))·' S(':Il'Oll hl'�ius some nrrangemeut a professor of biology and geolo&'Y... Acltlrt'SS books for the year 19l3- fot half a week at ChriHtlllas time IIlIi;.:ht lit' III:\.Ile whereby llinuesota and at the same timo viee-presldent of J4 were dlstributed yesterday. Books tor the llUrl'ONO of holtling clusses D�dl(,l'rill:,! 1'lIuhl he unified and aug- Emory college, F'rom 1901 to �905 will be given to all members of the Un- "a.ber 22. It may be that the twonu-nt od. 'flal' Rooter's club was a ho OCCUI'i�l. the pulpit of Trinity iveraity who apply for them at the p.r *hrco classes we would miss are 0",IIOJH'IIt.ity this year nnd tho team lnck- church, Atlanta, Georgia, Later he Juformation office ill Cobb. The books or-Important, it may be that the fae-1'.1 the :<ul'l'ort SUI'h all or�nllization accel,tell a pastorate In St. John's ('ontain the names a.nd addresses of ulty membors do IIOt mind cboppingwoul.1 han' J,!ivell. Bofore ailotlacr ehurch, 8t. Louis; and finally, in 1909� all members of tho faeulty and of halt. week off their Cbristmas \'aca_�I'nSOIl rolls h�' let \l� hope to see a ho wn.� placed in cbarge of the Pied- the students in all colleges and pro- tion, but to the red blootled stulleut IlIIom orj..'1lllizctl exhihition of tllt) 1II0nt COllgr'�gational church in Wor- fessional schools. Residenees and rtlles.e. ,o{\)ur da.ys we preciouR ()DCItoIIIIUe'la_sought :'olillllcsota spirit whiell ccster, l\[assachu8ctts. lie is tho au_ t."la&dfications are given. The book This is th� one time of the year that('fOPS out at t.ililcs-llinncsota Daily. thor of "Christianity as Taught by contains a list of the officers of acl- we are able to get ,,"way from ('ollegeChrist." ministration, &.ud information on the for an actual breath of HOME, It isWILL HOLD MASS_MEETING Tho musieal progrn.rn for tomorrow location of all libraries and offices of the ahe time of the year that we aroTO PLAN NOYES RECEPTION {oIIo,'·s.. ,I If' f h U 1• instruetors anu 0 leers 0 ten ver-sity. The fraternity houtles with theirphone lIumbers 'we given, aad th6book contains three pages of informa- Capital , , ••.. , _ ..... , .. $200.000.00�nrl'lus·Profits , . , ..•... 1"u,\)()0.OOUNiTED �TATES DEPO�OB'Yron POSTAL SAVINGS FUNDLAccounts of Professorsand Stude'nts Invited.Checking A�counts MayBe Opened With$50.00.TIDS BANK IS NEABBB,THE UNlVEBSITY fiIAKANY OTHER BANKChicago Rooting.Club Alumni Will Give Da.n.ce.I What College Editors TbinkWoodlawn Trust& Savings Bank1204 Eo 63d Street, Chicagoable it> forget elas.��s anel lie bR(',k al�tllREST. One Iloy "',11 mean notblllg tqus at tho enll of the semester_ If Ithese two or three classes a.re ·80 im�!portant extelltl th� semester for throe I<1ays an(l hoM clnsse8 every day. But!at Christmas time, Mr. President and}'aculty, it woulcl please us it youwoul<1 make us a gift of the day ofDceembor 22,_Wiseonsin Daily News.Women to M�-Monday to Arrange 'Organ Prelulle •. "Toccata"., Dubeck.for Demonstra.Uons in Honor Aria.. ' ,, , , , , . _ .... _ ..•• ,. Henselt.of Donor of G�um. Processional",. "All Hail the Power".Anthem .••. ,. "To Deum" •...•• Buck."·omcn will arrango a plan of dem_ Offertory ., •. "Even Me"•• '. 'Varron.onst.ration of :'orr. I .. a Verne Noyes, tho Recessional.. ' _ •. "Onwarcl. ChristianIIOllor of S:H10,OOO for the lIew worn­Soltliers" •• ".'. , ..••• Sullivan. tion of general interest.A STATE' BANK.. MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS('n's :'!�'mnasium, at a ma.�c;-mecting at1:1!i MOllllay in Manllel. Dean Tal- Feature Chinese at Club Meetin�Chilll.ose music, stories a.ud customswill bo featured at the Cosmopolitanelub meeting tonight at 1 :30 in Ellill19. Chinese food will bo sen'cd, Allforoign born memb�fR of the Unh-er­Rity . h:l.\'o been o.sked to attendn.hot hns requ('stell that o\'ery womanin the Ullh'('rsity bo prcscnt at thoJII('ctillg, Mr, Xo�'es will be the guestof the wODl('n of thc Uni\'ersity Mon'cln�', Dccelllher 2. tA pro\'i:donal program for th<, .. en­t('rtainment of Mr .. Noyes has alrea(lyLNlIl worked out. All gymnastl.cclasses "'ill -go through (lrills. Thecln.�es on apparatus work, and thehockcy ancl u:u�ketball Rquads willw\'e demonstrations. The women's glee('luu will ::ling two songs at tho re:eep­tion to llr. No,y�, Dcan Talbot willannounce the plam� for th<' affair at:\1 Ollllay's Dlass-m�ti ng, ELECT. BASKETBALL CAPTAIN-TRY IT. BUY IT.A BOITLED BOUQUETOF FLOWERS.8ol4 b� all Loop Depadment Stores.JOSBPB SOHWBI:tZBBANDA.D. ADAMS177 N. STATE ST.PneeD' Uda Ad. at .Joseph 8chweit-.... aDd' nce1ft sample��el Flannigan Ohoaen Oaptain ofSophomore �omen'a 'l'eap. oCHICAGCD.Ethel Flanagan was elected cap�nof the Sophomore women's' basketballteam '1'hursday. Ruth Prosser is man­ager for the Upper· Juniors. TheFreshmen chose Elizabeth MacClintoekcaptain. .A game between the lowerclw;s women will not be played after:Thanksgiving because the squads cau­Ihot get in enough practice.Tho hookey squads are hard at workin preparation for the championshipgames which will be played in threeweeks,' There is mu(·h (!ompetitioD onboth teams anel the women are puttingforth e�-ery etlort to secure plaee& �--- .. -�.-.----.�--� .. _IVVanted A� Oncefacia ... at tile Umenity to come iD aDd UaYestipte owSpecial Offerto College Men .H£RZKA BROTHERS:-: Tai tors :-: .MASTER-MODELRoyal.;s a stand­machine andwilt-cut anyJUDGE BROWN TO GIVEADDRESS AT DINNER OFBROWNSON CLUB MONDAY.Tnl1�e Ellw:ml 0, Brown, of t11e Ap·pellate l'ourt, will a.I.lrt'�'; members oftho Browmmn dull at a .linner at 6:15l[on.lay ill Huh'hinson ('ale. The din­ner will be the first soeial fUDetio�of the ('lub this quarter. The Brown­son club hn..; recently been grantedmemhership in the C:.tholic students'assOl-in.tion, with chapters in seventeen.unh'crsities. MAROON ADSBRING'RESULTS -1545 East 53rd StreetTelephone H. P. 1037. Open Evenings ,and Sunday KorJdnc................• -_ .. _--_ ...wm BDtenaiD Greenwood W:omea.lI('mbefR of Greenwood hooM wD1be entertaine(l hy Mr. and Jlrs. David.All('n Robertson and membera ofHitchcock house Sunday from f to 8. THERUDOLPH MORITZ WIHSTHE PUBLIC SPB.AlDNGCONTES'r YBS'fBBl)AYtheard co, respondencedoes (CI&cf£I'iSEd .billingspecial attachments .ofHn'lolph 1I0ri;-;;' tho Lower Jun­ior oxtemporaneous public speakin�cont��t in Cohh yestcrday. The four;(,olltc�tants !'I'oko on the proposedHonor Court, An interesting featureof the ('ont('�t W:l!l the fact that allof t.he sp<'nkcrs bitterly opposed theproposition, Th('y ('lnimed that no onewouM r('[,ort., that tho entire aJr�rwa.'t unfnir, nnel that tho students�houlll not he left on their own hon·or. A�socinto Professor Clark, Rf'd Mr,N,dl4On, of tho Puhlic Speaking do·pnrt.ment., anll (lchating coach Moultonw('ro the jllflgcs, 150 persons wer�Jlr('�ent. IUIeIM ........ nrat Glass ......SWAN'S LUNCH ROOM1342 East 55th StreetTry Our Regular DaiI7• n. Sunda7 Dinners 20C and upBU770ur .moku a..ndGent-, Furgishiait"' atCowhey'.S. E. Col'. 55th and Ellis A"e. The: Typewriter 'I,That Solves "Typewriter Problem�.ROYAL TYPE\\;RITER CO�lPAN'Chicago Illinois.los. Schweitzer,...1JIII �....._... .. � T_ Y ... ,I .." ate IIoIeAcroA the Itnet ......Deubchel' GoetIker 58 E. Monroe St.,'l'1ger's Head Meets -ruee4a.7.Tj�('r's 11 ('n(1 will meet Tuesday at]O:]a in Cohh 12A. All membera areo:<pccwl to he prescot. 1111 LPa a. ........ '.111• $ mE DAILY JIAltOOH. 8A!'imDAY NOvmmD � 1913.A N C II : CHICAGO IS DARK-HORSEew 0 ar ; IN CROSS-COUNTRY RACEIi CO:I,·h :-:'t:lg;,! said that :\ot�rrt'n .hud:.ricllOl� Believes Team Has Chance to i also uske-l to ).l' l'x,·u�l'.I. but the root-Finish Well Up in Spite ot i ors would 1I0t i", 'Iuit>h'd without hear-: illg from :\orl!Y awl hl' ('xpn'ssl,.1 tilt.'"pillioll that t he tt':lms were }ltt'tty...:\ltllOll;.!h Hlinois, Purdue alii I Wls, I' It'lo�l'ly matvhed :&11.1 that wilt' U'\"'r, ('(,"sill are t ln- favorites ill the uuuualwon would tl'ally' deserve tho victory.· .'t(l�:-:_"oulltr.\· run to be hvld today illCUiUIIlI'llS, Ohio, Chicago is a. durk �t:I;.!;,! «lose-I t lit' program, ,,\\' (' ur«�oi"g to huve t he I!:ulle of our lin's·horsr-, :11101 Coac h ::'\ ichols t'xl'''l'ts t he ] ki ftomorrow, all.1 I :&111 1I0t 100 'III;! or::\1 a 1'0011 ru nuers to runke It goo.1 show \\., .) Iall\·thillJ.: hut fi"ht� ISt'OIl!'11I ms a 'illg. Chi"ago hu .... finished last ill the •• ,..I t 1 f t Iwnys t.�'l'll :1 hart teum 0 t e l'a It'"conf'ereuco the past two years, but I II· .' vnuse t hev I'I:I\, till' J.:flml' ns it s IOU •: with Campbell, �t.out nnd Goodwin, .,. ," I I. .l'l' 1'1:1\·t'.1. Tht'.\' all! It l'\'t'ry S,'t'OIl'all of whom are experienced II It'll , 111 I' .. I f I tl t tl: 'ulIl fieht hard. ,'t' sure &:L H�POI-nts t he Iine-up, something better thnu th(.·I'''' . I 1 I I. .. . Iwst tl':1111 will Will :lll. am 011 Y 101'-Makers of 4'ell:u posit.ion IS expected. North-I It"illl' that we will Il' t mt enm.wvst cru, vousldercd by nuthorit ics us ... . K. t ,. 1"'1"-P d t '1'h(\ tII:l!'S_lIll'('tlll;,! In ,'U %w. \ •• 1ro UC 011(\ of the stronger teams, defeatedyesterdny ,'\'('11 !'url':l. s �etl that beforetho Minnesota g:lllll'. TIl(' largestr-rowrl of the year ut.tempte-I to squeezeinto the hall, :111.1 neurly took the roofAmbitionto ucel in any sport 18 rendencl eulerby being property eqUipped.A.. O. Spalding & Bros. are outattento champions, wbose tmplements mustbe lnva.ria.bly right. Quallt7 CoUDts.Spalding's Catalope 1a DOWready-1'ree tor the asking.Tennis, Golf, Baseball. Cricket.. J"oot--.ball. Basketball, Athletl.e Equlpment.A. G. Spalding & Bros. Long onBy theTroy's BestGoodSend for our Oatalogue28 8. Wabash Av. Oh1c:aaoTHE'SMOOTHESTTOBAOOO1I'III�1'i ,<A CHECKMATE to your smoltethat bites and bumsl Velvet-theselected tender middle leaf'-aged in theleaf over two years-producing a mellowness thaioaIy the measured pace of time can encompass.A Savor and smoothness tremenduusly goodlP"ipe smoking with V dvet is a revelation­provius that lime only can make tobacco whatwe would all have it-smooth.1;i "Your Movel··At all dealers.J!.5�t$��l!r.'·loez .. r..SUBSCBIBB POB ftIB DAILY MAROON................ _-THREE STOR ES: 7 N. La Salle St.15 E. Jaebon Bh·d. 71 E. Monroc St. ofT with tho «heers. Captain Xorjrrenft'!'l'lu'o schools-c-Kuusas, Dennison,nnd Pat Pagl' were the main nttrac­.X ehr nska, and Ames-c-are to be repro tions although all the rcgulnrs spoke,'::clltt:�11 in th(.. meet us well as nll ofNorgron roceived till" grentest ovationthe Big Nine, Tho teams will witlles�thnt a I)}a�'l'r hn.� (·\'t·r rC('('ivtl nt tht'tho ::'\()rthwc�t('rn·Ohio f;tate footballUniversity. The crowd <'beered him�-Nortbwestem Deteat.: ('lri4'ago two weeks ago· hy a very: smnl] margin, anti sin .. e then, tho Chi­II'ago runners have improved greatly,. Four of the Missouri Y:l.lll'Y Co;"· sao Awr PtJRrl'Y BANQUET(('Ul!tilllll·.1 f'roru I':!;';I! :)glllac after the nm. The -line-up offor i)\'l'r fi\'e lIIillUlt·S :lntl RUlIy 1m.1tll(\ Chit'ago team is: Campbell, Good_to quil't thl' fmntie 1II0b of roott·r�.win, Stout, Tyrell, Jones, and Byer· Page Praises Spirit.Coaeh Page �'Litl, "It 'Wn.q tho sen.1off given to the lIIen thnt won th(·DRAMATIO CLUB OFFERS ,llinnl'sota. galliC, antI it is the spiri� of_ THREE PLAYS THIS FALL tho rooters tomon-ow that "'ill win' forus. This will be Norgren's Inst gantt'that Chi4·aJ.:0 wonlol win an.1 that th,�ywould fight to thl' finish. ll�t of Ath('m lai.} strt':-I!,\ ul'on tht' fal·t thatthe rootill;,! throughout th(' year ha,.��h('('n Ollt� of tht' hil!;!I·�t. f:lto� in thl)SlH'('l'S� of the tea,m.ENTERTAIN WISCONSINWOMEN AT LUNCBBOHIN HUTCBINSON CAl'B Amusements.AUDITORIUMEYE I. Y x x I·: S 11 J T a' If.\ ,\'And Company of 75. <l other \:lie-Features.GARRICKMR. WM. HODGE inTHE ROAD TO HAPPINESSCOHAN'S GRANDAnother Coban & Harris SuccessRAYMOND HITCHCOCKIn n Nt'w llusit'al Cotn('.ly"T II E B F: AUT Y s u o PLASALLElfustcal Comedy for Young and 0!dA TRIP TO WASHINGTONAMERICAN MUSICHALLMcIntyre and Heath and Co. of 30: Plan to Use Cra.i�-B.heinha.rdt System antI r think tlmt I ought to say some-of Scenery-Bobertsons to Give thing ahout him. I thiiak thnt ho i� THE HAM T R E ESecond Hag Yetta. Milkewitdl."Tho Ilrawhat·k·':She Phyllis Fay.Ho .Taml's Ilyrel}forth."Tho B'racelet"':Wilhurn Carl Defebaugh.:l\irs. Wilburn , Margaret Fenton.lIrs. Hanket ·., Iris Spohn.Miss Farren Gertrudo O'l\[ea.ra..The Judge _. _ •... _ .. Henry Shull.1\iartin Francis Sherwin.";ilkins , .Toseph Geary.Smithers .. " Hihla 1\{acClintock .The club is planning to carry outtht' Gordon Craig�Max Rt'inharclt plan�'Tailoring means cI othes 'of using no �tage scenery but clraperics. . _. _ I and lighting. effects. As the seatingthat gIve you dIstInctIon and In-I Nl.pa('ity· of the theater is �im�te'l. tod-·d 1 d I Prl·ces $30 :l()O atlmis.qion ,,·m bo by In\'ltatlonIVl ua goo stye. }'Ion j.to $60 I llr. nn(1 MrA. Da.yitl Allen Robert.qonI will cntert.'Lin the mombers Of. the1'AlLOR FOB YOUNG MEN('lub at a. tea. in Hit.ehcock hbraryII Suntlny afternoon, Noycmher 30, fr.om4 to 6. Associau>s as wl'll as actIve........w _ � 1 members have heen invited to attend.t Art Club Has First MeetiDJt... I Tho Art Cluh met Thursuay after_.. __ .: leaSODS U , I' I noon {rom 4 to 6 in :Emmons BlaineIIIIR WhJ JOU should Eat at the Dlen S "ommons 1 4!1:l {or the fi�t timo this year. The1st. Good Food Prop.dr Cooked. I club intentls to Maw from life stu·ZIId. Cleaaliaesa our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen I ,1ies for the rt'l"t of this fJuarter- An3rd. A MiIIimuID Price for Hlah Quality Food I �hHlt'nts :n the Uni\"e�ity ,,:hO . are in·C'" Breakfast ISe up Cafeteria at Lauch ! tcrcstcd In art ha\-o been In\'ltec� toDIDaer MUSIC I ('.omo to t.ho next meeting of the clubA LaCarte Come In 1 tho first Thursf}ay in December. without 110ubt tllC hest all arountl nth-leto that Chit'ago hn.., e\'er hall. As to Cahar,'t & ))a'lI'illJ.: E,'t'ty �i;!ht at 11Thr('c one-act plays will he the of· Wiseon�in �'ou will fillli thnt the�; arl'fering of the Dramatic club at it� 3 great big hunch of hu�ky fellow�annual .Autumn - production in the lots hig�('r than Chieago, but Chicago ILLINOISRC�'lIoltls club theater at 8:30 Satur_ has the fighting l'pirit anlt this is :L IDaw & Erlanger's Mu: leal Triumpbday night, December G. Of th('t four i:,rreat a41\"alltnge. We want our fello,V'1ishort !)Iays originally selectoo,' Lpdy to get the jump on Wi!K'onsin anll to 0 HJ 0 H! DEL P H.I N-i:Gr('g'ory's new urama., "1\{cDonough'l-\, -keep 011 jumping anll there will be noWifo" :11111 Maurice Baring's "Th" Iloubt a,.q to tho resul!."Dra-whack" will be presented. InsteaAl When the crowd let Norgren speak . d' ThHo�a.. s eatreof tho' other two plays first choSl!n the I'%ll'taill saill, "It looks to me likofor the procluction, "Tho Bogie Man" an e,'en hreak tomorrow. 1I0we\'er I ---BROADWAY HONEYMOON --allil llr. Sampson", the dub will pfl�' think that wiih a'n e,'en hrt'ak in hU'k withsellt a longer 41rallla� "The B�('l('t·· wp will win. Wo' are going to lJUt EM 1\4 A 0 A R U Shy Alfred Sutro. HI' tIl(' �reatN(t fight of our 1i\"�' he-- JOE HOW AB.D--MABEL BIt; CAN!;The plays will bo ('ast as follow�. ('auso thero are four men who will bo")Id)onon�h's Wift''': playin;,! their last. footllall ;!ame 'iu .tht'1\JcDonnugh Yernon Brown. t:'nin'r:-lity."Fir�t Bag Louise l\[ick. 'fhl' rp�t f)f tllP pla�·,'rli pre4lid"llTea.POVVERS'DA YIl) REI.A::;CO "rt':-Iellt�GOO n J. ITT 1. E D)O; \. (LA Fairy P.ay tor Grown UpsCOR�'TilE nRJ.:AT PLAY OF NOW"A MOD ERN G I R L"Twenty Wisconsin women 1\'iIl boentert:linetl to.lay hy the -W. A. A. ata lUIlt'heon in Hutchinson cafo at1l:45. Dorothy Llewellyn, ·.Julia STU'D�BAKERJ)otlg�, Agnes Sharp anti Augusta::;wawite will meet the women at th" ARTHUR nA�nlF.RSTE'X Prcst'lIt�station anti take them to the Univer-EMMA 'l'RENTINIIn the Comedy Opera TriumphTHE FIREFLYFINE ARTSVC\·et... hl�BEPER'rORY SEARONB. WEN' PAYNE"The Ma.�tcr of tho Houso," St:lnl�'�'noughton. 'Phipp�" Author of lIintlicW-akes' A florentino Tragedy, ��arWilde, Pres. .. Cuttin�, George Berl ard�haw.sity. All the women wi�l mcct In theNeighborhood room and go to tholuncheon in a body.The Illenu will consist of:SoupCcleryUoast TenderloinPotnto('sFruit SaladCherry pie a la mOttoCoffee.Entertain French Facult,-.�fr. Stoppnni, l[r. 8<>hocll� 8n,1 Mr_Parmt'nt('r of the Frenc.'b clepartmentl\·t"r(\ g\lest� of the French cluh Thur,,·(lay, They directe.l the genera.l con·versation, which took placo of thet:lIk hy Profes!"OT David who WM lin·n1.l(\ to attend. princessDORRIS KEANEIn Edwarrt S�p.l"nn" Love DramaIt 0 11 A. N C J.