�,J�, � ..;! �lrJ,i!ll of tho spread, and three prizes have� President Ju.Ison will open tho 'boon offerclt for the prettiest, tho,� speaking and will welcome' the Wis- most unique, and thc funniest cos-� consin team to the University. Direc- tume. Miss Talbot, Miss Brooken-�'��;'St;;� ';ili-�l���-w-e-Ic-o-m-�_"'ridg;'--��-cf-Miss- Wallace, will' � --the_': i�, on behalf of the Athletic Depafrtormetnhtt� judges._ Coach J�neau will speak 'Tho women will mect inWisconsin t-:am, anll Captain Norgren I)orhood rooms for the inforillal re­antl Captain Tandberg will make short ception at 5:30, after which a lineb 'U I -th will be formed to march into the gym- year. Any student who has had threeI speeches. The anquet WI c ose WIor more contribntions a.ccepted by the en, '08, both of whom were captains master, L W. Jones, baritones;, A. WoOYells anll songs. After the bf,nqu,,!, nasium for supper. A program which f eh ' hi I -talks Meyer W A Royce :M S McGowan..board during the year will become el. 0 amplons p e eve� , gave ',. - ,.. ,the tcams will attentl the Glee Club is being prepared by Ruth Agar anllyear's about the teams with which they play- M. A. Cook, W. G. Freeman, Baase&,:Concert in a body, but will leave at Miriam Whalin will be given after igible for membership to nextTh If" 0 D 8,board of editors. Next year's board ed. Catlin, who is coaching at Apple- e 0 lcers are: rren ., �the supper. bo!'-d ton, Wis.. told of the historic Chicago_ president, R. C. Lange, vice-presiden�will be chosen by the present 0" •Michigan game of 1905. John Voight, J. M.. Gillette, secretary; M. B. WW�_,•II• .. ,,\ I•· '/f•, r Ilatly marnonVoL xu. No. 37. UNIVBR8Ift OJ" CmOAOO. '1'HUBSDAY. NOVEMBER, 20. 1913.PREXY, COACHES, ANDCAPTAINS TO SPEAKMcm[,ers of the University of Wi»­ousiu Glee and Manuoliu clubs wllUtwill tuko part iu the concert in .Ma.u.-PLAN WANT FIELD RENAMED I WISCONSIN CLOBS WD1ARRIVE AT NOON FRIDAYSPREAD NAME.FRANI WEBSTER'LIT' MONTHLY EDITORANNUALWo:nen Prepare For ThanksgivingDinner--Affair Will Be Givenin Gym-Will Sell Tickets and Board To luue Magazine ForHave Costumes. Rest of Year is Defi,aitely CboeenWomcn of the Uuiversity will hold --- I Petlficna asking the University au,their annual Thanksgiving Spread CONTRIBUTIONS ARE SOUCITED thorifies to rename the athletic fieldAlumni Favor Plan to Name Ath­letic Field For Director-Coach " ,Is Given Great Ovation at Foot- Give FU'St Joint CoIICeIt Withball Dinner. Chicago-Will � EntertainedAt FratenUty HoUleSPurity Banquet Will Be Held Te.morrow at 6 in Hutchin­son CommonsSINGTHREE HUNDRED WILL ATIEND PROGRAM ANNOUNCEDb,)'II111asium[Wednesday in Lexington of the University were circulated atFrank Webster, '14, was elected cd- the annual football dinner given byitor-in-chief of the Chicago Literary tho CI.icago Alumni dub at the Grant!Paelfle Hotel. The plan received thePresidout -Judsou, Director St:lg;.!, insteat! or tho Lexington commons a�Coach .luneau, Captaiu Norgren, un.I in former years. This change was duoCaptnin 'l'au.tberg will be tho speak- to tho fa"t that the commons mnaage­ Monthly at a meeting of the boarders at the Purity Banquet given for men t refused to servo more than three of editors held yesterday afternoon attho Wiseonsiu team tomorrow at 6 ill hundred women or to serve the spread the home of Dorothea Washburn. 'I'hcHutchinson COlllCOIIS. The fraternity otherwise than as an ordinary suppcr, election settles the executive board ofhouses will dose their tables ant! over Tho spread has been taken cntirelythree hundred men will attend. BOUl out of :Miss Coburn's hands ana will euthusinst.ie support of all, with the tiel F'riday night will arrive in Chi­exceptiou of Coach Stagg who ex, cago at noon. .• They will go direetllpressed himself as decidedly opposed to the Reynolds club where they wiUto tho plan. When Charles Winston, be assigned to the various fraternitlthe magazlne for the rest of the year .'!l6, who acted as toastmaster, made houses at which they will be enterta.ia-'I'he methods of seeurlug future con-tho Wisconsin and Chicago Glee clubs !bo managed by the women themselvestributions and the eligibility 01 future nnuouneement of th? plan-it received ed, They will rehearse with the CIll·'will be present, The prh-e of the din- with the- help of a caterer, tho support of all. eago Glee club in Mandel at 3.editors were discussed.Tickets will be sold for the spread "1 am greatly opposed to ,"vl'ng the Following is the list of membera o�The date for the first issue of the b-this year, owing to the fact that 100The field my name," said Coach Stagg. "as the Chicago club: Lon Payne, B. C.magazine has not yet been set. v - rwomen who gnve neither money nor 'b [haNe no desire to leave a Iastinsr 'I'indall, L. H. Lundberg, H. T. Moore,editors expect to have It out in a out, �six o'clock the doors of Hutchinson food attended the spread last year. memory to my name at the University, H, Smith, 0, Hedlund, finlt tenors] J.two or three weeks, when the businessCommons wlil he thrown ol,en, and tho The only articles of food that may be �ly Role reward is in the fact that r C. Henderson, J. V. Kuckynka, C. L.arrangements will have been eomplet.,classes will cuter and witloceupy tho donated this year are cranberries ande!l. hnvo helped many young men to p�_ Weinman, R. 'Va Miller, F. L. Gray_sections reserved for them. The Glee potato salad, and will be exchanged• Need More Mater1al. tieipate in sports and to live clean ;bill, L. S. Hay, ,}'. Selfridge, secondclubs will give a short song before for tickets in the League room. Tick- lives, I do not think that I deserve tenors; O. K. Morton, -W� O. Coleman, ,A number of contributions are inthe teams enter. The players headed ets will be on sale Friday. All wom, the honor an, y more than any of the J. A, Goldberg, A. C. Hodge, H. F.the hands of the editors, but more are"n students and all women working in other p fesso h "" Adams J. B. MaeArthur. E. StaDle ... ,needed before the first issue can ap- ro rs w 0 are grvmg up • Jtho University offices have been invit., - their lives for the welfae of the stu- W. Roe, first bass: E. H. Lunde, J. A.,',pcar. The board, consisting of Pranked to attend. .I 18 "Feature Costumes. W �bster, Henry Mead, Dorothea. Wash- en.burne, Janet Planner, John Greene,Costumes will be one of the featuresMabel De La Mater, Samuel Kaplan,.Lawrence McGregor, and Mary Mac- .ecnsin Saturday' were heard frequent- anist.D ' ial h ly in the ,course of the speeches. Coach The members of the Wisconsin clubonald requ�ts that any maten t atstudents may' desire to submit be Page and Captain Norgren declared are: A. B. Taylor, C. Boucher, C. ,J"haDded,in- t&J: auy�, .. ��·,t that, al�P-..-,,��Atg!-)!.�..=.: Je�:.. �, .. �illi��oS: EdwarUa,._...::.;.._.."... __the Faeulty Exchange. strong team and will put up a great. . L" Dobie, W. E. Ross, first teDO�;be f 'b" t fight, Chicago will come out on top R. C. Pickett, R. S. Zwemer, J. Cran.,.the 'Neigh- The num r 0 contn utions a.ccep •ed will be made the basis for eligibil. because of the indomitable spirit of dall, J. H. Abbott, F. W� Coon, sewn&.ity to the board of editors for next every man on the team. tenors; J. :M. Gillette, H, A_ Davu.,Mare Catlin, '06, and Walter Steff- L. C. Ward, W. G. Faust, B. S. Buck,,;ner is twentycfive cents,Each class will assemble separatclj­F'eiday night before the banquet. Atby Captains Norgren and Tandber�will enter at 6: 15, and a short yellsession will follow. Cheer leader RudyMatthews will lead yells and songs Predict Victory. Green, J. Morrison, F. W, Hamilton.,'I), Whittlesey, L, L� Northrup, �Predictions for a victory over Wis- George, second bass; W. S. Gibbs, pi..,Director Stagg dismissed tDe VarsityCROSS COUNTBY SQUAD at the ('n(l of this year.early last night, 80 that the men coultl Contributions are to be of the same '96, and Arthur E. Restor, '01, were iams, manager"attend the Alumni Banquet at the LEA VBS FOR COLUJIBUS also �n the program. Oliver J. That- The Mandolin club is eompoeed oforder as those printed in the maga...Grand Pacific. The practice session Lon" '�"'--ce. "i:"-=- An <Mr far cher, a member of the History depart- the following members: R, E. ��'_ .&IoIAww&...-g zine last year.' Essays, poems, shortwas sbort and consisted of signal prac- A __ --'I CO'�'e-""- GriDd at ment from ·1892 to 1906. paid a tribute .T. L. Dohr, J. E. Bnrke, H. M. �tz,�� u.L _... stories, and articles, either expository •tice and instructions in the Wisconsin Ohio Sta U··�v---:,,, -. ' to the work of Coach St........... E. l�. Canw>ntcr, first mandolins; ,�"" &&.I �",& .. .., or argumentative, are desired. These � - "-plays. Norgren, Russell, and Harri:;with editorials and C'ontributions will Coach Stagg was 'visibly affected by Eo Nelson, F. R" Wahl, S. H. See'l7e, ,practie�u kicking_ Norl,Yie is getting Coach Nichols anll a cross cruntty make up the eontents of each issue. the tributes paid him and voiced his W. Reed, second mantlolins; J" B. Rotthis punts away in bettcr shape than team of six men will leave for Colum- ,objections to renaming the field. A crs, R. C. Buerki, H. T. Greene, O. 1;).ever, and shouM average over fifty hus, Ohio, at 10 tonight for the Con- � CHANGBD FOR speech by Captain Norgren and the Smart, guitars; W, C, Hyde, cello; �,yarl1s Saturday, if he does not have t\) fereDl'e cross country raee Saturday LUNCHBON '8A.TUBDAY introduction of the squad closed the B. Coxhead, flute.kick against a strong wind, Harris morning. The team is composed of 'rO WI800HSDJ WOllEN e'\"ening. The Chicago Mandolin club will alMlworked on place kicks and negotia�,l Ca.mpbell, Stout, Goodwin, Tyrell, By- - Fifty members of the Senior class t:lke part in the entertainment.. Thea large inajority of his cfforts. Rus- erly, and Jones, Illinois, Purdue� and The time for the luncheon to Wis" were present at the banquet, thus giv- official list of the members has D�sell tried some drops. Wisconsin are the favorites, witn consin women next Saturday has been ing the class gift fund the sum of ten been announced. The final reh� ,Freshmen 8c:rimmage. Ames, Chicago, and Minnesota tho changed from 12:45 to 11:45. The dollars. This amount was pro�ised by will he held tonight at 1:30 in !IaD-Pat Page staged what will probabl�' Ilark horses. change has been made' 10 that the Harold Swift on condition that 50 dcl and all members are expeet;a" tdbe the last scrimmage between the Coach Nichols has little to say in women will not be late to the game-. men attend. �1O present..frc .. hmen. TOIlay and tomorrow the f th ... _ The price of, tic keta,, is fifty cents and Thc tick�ts arc nearly all sold,' a.. �'egarll to the prospects 0 e ...,..m.ycarlings will be kept bu�y ilIustrat- Northwestern defeated Chicago by a all Chicago women are urged to get OOIllllIftBBS FOR GAMB NAIIBD few good seats rcmaining on the maining pla�'s to the Varsity. After Sat- small score in the dual race two weeks their tickets as BOOn � possible. Abou' floor. M:lnagcr Lollesgard has Ul'ge.'\Irll"�"� �me thc Van;ity will be m,"en 'h th' Cb' ago run fifty Claicago women have signed up, UDderc1ass WOlDen Selected to Con- all of the fraternities to hayo a rep-Ro' �-. ,,- 'ago, but smee t .cn e Ie -.. 111"nner at thc States anti will occu_ Camn_ ',but it is Dot known how. many Wis- duct Amlual Basketball Contest... ners have improved greatly. "'py boxes at a theater in thc evcning. bell, Stout, an(l Goodwin are f'Ure to consin women_ will be present. Ruth'f ApI' h"· el. c of all the details of A committee was appointed to chose t"'rtainment of the vh.itors. Tho Gleefini�h well up ncar UIC front and 1 .... • 6 vh h a nla.v and two cheerlea(lers for the I '11 h "( d It· ... �the other men can lct out an extra·t e lunc eon. &' clll) WI re earse In ., an c a .. """fresh-soph basketball game were nam­,bun;t of �peec.l therc is a chance of LOVBft SPBAKB ONChiaJ:o fini�hing w«,11 up. For the la�t OO-BDVOAftOH A'rtwo �'ears Chieago has fini�hetl Ia.�t in SOPHO.ORB 8PBBADtho Conf'ercnee, hut somcthing betterthan the �enar position is waiting forthe team this �a... on.E,"ery ,Plembcr of the Big Nine will('ntcr a team anll Kan8a..� Dennison,Nebraska, an 11 Am� the winner ofthe, Mi88O\1ri Valley conference winalso be repregentetl, The team willwitness the Nothwcstern.Ohio Statefootball pmo Saturday. rcsentative at the Rcyn01tls club Fri ..lay at 12:45 to arrange for the en·Four Will Take r� in Finals.llaclelino Woo.I� Aclrian llc}'arlanll.Ru,lolph Moritz anll Stuart Wal�h willeompete for the honors in the finalsof tho lower Junior contest in cxtem­proaneo\1� puhlic speaking at 10:15 to­morrow in Kent 16. tiny-ccl at a joint meeting of the Freshman Following is the programYodern Fietion club an(l the }'r�h- night:man Athletic club yesterday. Tile PROGRA�(.play committee is as follows: Rut�Sheehy, chairman; Jessie Roo,"c, TheoGrifriths. Pauline Levi, MaTgaret MC'_Donald and Kathcrine CbanlUer. MaryDC("ember 6 was the date set for ther. "H('rc's to Wi�onsin".""' U, ofC. Glec Cluh,Sophomore danco at the luncheon y�.tcrday at which o,'er one hundred.'membel'B of the claa wero present..))ean Lo"ett gave a short speech on Knoedler and Mary Allen will act a...a "C"'" •• ;U. of W. Glee Club.TI. "Ca\"ali('r Song ... , The Combine..tGleo Club!l.1'0 Hold Conversation 0la8aes. ''If('re's to the l(an Who Wcar.lConvc�.. tion C.a... ses in German foT'beginncrs anll a(l\"ancetl stu(lent8 will00 opcn('fl hy tho German dnb at it...weekly meeting at .. in '�xington 4and 5. Mr. Sehroctter will speak on "Co-&lucation." Mans for a class pa- cheer leadcrs.per to be i88Ued periodically were dis· Dean Talbot ha... !'Iuggestcd that here­(,USBect but no definite arrangement!; after the W'omcn belong to only ono(Continued on page 4.)were made for it. of thcse two campus organi7.ations,"Gottfried Kb!ler."2'BB DAlLY IIAJtOOlf. IfJIUB.8DAY, KOVEJOD 20, 1918.Six hundred tickt.'lts for the Chi-TODAY. eago- WiscolUun game were sold atGlee Club Dress Behearsal-4:00 in llallisoll on the first day they wereMandel. put 011 sale. Indications point to theDiviDitJ' School Cbapel largl'!it crowd in the hit.tory of tho10:15, lIas-school atteuding' the Chicago game.FOI'IDCI'btJDiYenit, of t:bic:ap Weekl,..� .. iq Editor •••••••••••• 1Iartia ........... Kclitor ••••••••••••• Geor&. Cottiq ....Alb1etic:a EditK ••••••••••••••• Har17 Gocau•• aiaeu lI&Da&u •••••••••••• B.-u. IIaa&Cir eulatiOil llaaqcr •••••••••• WiWua Lpua kell assembly room. Athletics BreYitiea '.Over 0110 thousand under-graduates art"Eq1l&l 8utrra&e League-3:30, Lex. expecte-d •to be present .Wi!H'ollsin will hold a monster m3SS-�bboliahliedda dail, except SUDday .. lloada,. French Olu'" 1.'30, Lexinsrtou 18. lll("Ctillg to tryout the new yells sub-any ,. duriDa thrce-quarter. of the u--'t '"�UuiYeraity year. Graduate Women's Club-4:30, L{'I.�. mit ted for the contest which has beenEntered as accond-clau mail at the Chic:acoP06toffice. t:hic:a80. ilL. M.rch 18. 1108, un- Ington 15.tier Ac:t of Karch 3. 1811.SUBSCRIPTION RATES.8, carrier. 52.50 • ,ur. $.l.00 • quarter.IS, mail. 13.00 a )'ur. $1.26 • quarter.Etlitorial-Buaincsa Offic:e,. Ellia 14-Telephone Kid •• , 800. Menorah Jleettng_7:30, Cobb 6.A..TOMORROW.Extemporaneous Spealdng Contest ho the slogan of the Wisconsin teamand rooters."Tie the Titlo in a Knot", seems to'Ve aren't saying' much about nextA great injustice is � .... done stu- .. _1ftf ..... as a p .. ....:_e, and p :10 ..� �&M6 _W£I& er.IIAPs ev, Saturday's gnmo but we hope the samedents who wish to secure tickets for !CD, they can 1lnd sOme real J... ....:Q-ua� as you do.their guests at the tion. But the case of the studentWisconsin game. fte is d11I'erent. Ever7 student has aavailable supply of right to see the game, and to get Uck-tickets 'Ss gone. a large eta for his friends. subject to tho A good lino will be obtained on Ne-number into the hands of scalpers. Of :rights of every other student. But lbraska's strength when they moot 10-course, the first impulse is to blame no student has a right to victimiz� his wa Saturday, It will be seen whethertho Athle�c depa;rtment. .Perhaps fellows. .Students should. be coDSider- the Cornhuskers have a good claim for"""ere is admission to tho conference because ofloLl some justice in this; large ate of..each other, and the student whotheir defeat of Minnesota at the be­blocks of tickets were sold on inso1fic- abuses his right to tickets by attempt-fent. guarantees, according to men who ing to charge a premium from other ginning of the season.bought them. But the atbletic depart.- students, is as bad as the one who 18-mcnt. may be credited. with a sincere alizes a profit from the sale of his fel- .James B. Craig, '14, left halfbackeffort to stop the evil, -h..... the ""tu- of the Michigan football team, hasw � DoL J.(iw·s stolen ten-books. The sca.lpea.' thebeen chosen as the recipient ofa.tion was realized, until someone can. generally is in a place with the quack Heston-Schulz trophy donated to theprove the contrary. The big evil doctcn\ the tax title· shark, the loan most valuable player on the Varsityseems rather in the order of preter- shark, aDd the other vultures who prey team,far Lower Jun1ors-lO:15, Kent.. G:bitorialY. w. C. L. lfeeti.u!!�O:15, Lex­ington 14-Student scalpers ue playing a partNonCE.in victimizing the UniversitJ' public.The Daily Maroon will do everythingpossible to expose and control this ev _IL Freshman Da.nce-4 to 6, Reynoldsclub.German Club-4:30, Lexington.Ticket8ca1ping_" :.roing on the past week. The winnerof this contest will receive a free tripto tllo Chicago game.Pointed paragraphs from the Min­nesota Daily."Go Chicago," was the yellAnd Chicago went like H-l.Dear Wisconsine"Ve Svedes,"en�. • Outside reservatioDs .... re- upon the misfortunes ce- Decesaities ,ofceived and .1iD.ed dudiDg the week pre.. their felloW men; but the student whoceedin� that wbens students were engages in this despicable occupation Five hundred men have signed up�rst able to secure tickets. Wby sbould is eten wane. Not only is he OVel'_. to play inter class basketball at Mich­tickets be OD sale downtcnrD at 8pa1iJd_ .tiding all the dictates of etb1cs, and 'igan this year.Commemorate Gettysburg Speech.The fiftieth anni\"('rsary of Lin('oln'A ('1:l!�!'1 ('ar4l, whi('h aTe on l"nle nnd nl!"odedication speech at Gettysburg wn.. may he obtainc41 nt the c1an<'e.commemorated at the Blaine Halt Fifteen Attend Muquers Party.chapel exerci!les yt'!Cterdny. l[r. Ty- Fifteen women were pregent at tht�ron of the history department was ,lfnl"qnerl" party ycsterelay afternoon.the speaker. Irma RaduSt"h, lIargaret IIc��lonn. DoMth and .Tcs."je Brown enter·".,I' togs, to anyone who wished to bU¥, public morality; he is fOl'getting hislong after students were being tumed plaiD duty. to the men to whom he isa.way at the gymnasium? And. how closely bound in that a-eat brother­was it possible for scalpers to b'D7 hood of fellow students at the U'niver­up the big hocDings they haVe ill one sitJ'. Bia conduct is mean, contemp­day? Pra.etically the entire sea.tIIut tible, tnacheroua, heaztles& Th. stu­�pacit7 of the whole field was BOld dent body wiD. ostndze aDJ'one whoJlon�. A fittle computatioD wm. steals te.xt-books in order to sell them.show that it would take a doRu clerks The student Uc:ket scalper should come.to get rid of this number of tickets UDder tile same baD. Let us get ridtn orUiDal'7 lots iD ODe day. '!'lIe res- the8e maba ill oar midst. And hervatiODS must have been IIWIJ' aD4 their CODduct is the result of thowdltrlarge. Entirely &pm from "pmna- l� rather than caljloUS i.luWfer­tees of good faith," wll7 sbould UIJ'- ace to the Dghta of ot!Iers. let Fbody be allowed to bu7 .. block of show tbem 80 emplulticaJJy the wrongMtJ' seats for o�tsiden, whether' he tIley 18ft dolDg, that thq w11l ceasescalps the tickets or �. gives tbeil' openUons. And as fae tile oth-. them .to his frie� when studeatBt en--it is hiP time tbe7 were "sentwho support the game, an 'llD&ble to to CoTentry." They an the t7P8 oflIecure even one ticket for .. trieDd man tba' is DOt d.esIrecl at the U'DLor a relative as a consequence? ften venlty of Chicaco.is neither just;1ce nor reaIIOD iD com-pelling students to take JaR cholce. Plan JIeeUDg f« Noy_ BecepUOD.i.A mass-meeting for all the wom·en of tbe University will be held nextTuesday, �o\-:-embcr :u;. at 1:15 illllandel Hall. Plans !IJ: t he Verne W.Noyes reception will be di�ussed.Dean T.albt;t ,,-ill p 'ci'itlt: '1t the meet·'.rhe men and women OD tile campusarc the people who IUppoR foo\baD,who keep up hte enthuslalm aD4 fa­terest, who cheer fae the team, whoencourage aDd enthuse the plqen b�personal talks. Why should thq becompoUed to stand 1iLck, wJaIle otherS i�.who are coming simplJ' to Bee .. game,'calmly se( ure their pick of aeata inany quantity they deslre? A falnfancl hctter l"y!CtC'm wouM be to throW'open the ticket sale to stadeD1a first,nuiriDg hem to give proof of theirnsidence in the UDivenlq.The worse phase of the whole acalp- OoancOlon Give 'rea '1'0da7.big iDcident is the fact that stu- Sarah Thomp�on is c-hairman of thedents an III tommittee in ehnr�(; of the Upper-this occupaUoD. �- claM (!ouncillon' tea which is to hehaps pntlelDell wttll given today at o4.in FO!Jter. All thellalble � eaD freehmeD aDa the upper councillors of.8D4 acuae far eJll&llq III tlcket-t tho univcl'llity bave boon invited.I1Itudent'Scalpers The Minnesota Daily remarks inTuesday's issu� that the Chicago teamgreatly outweighed the Gophers. Min­nesota, after holding the Maroons evenin the first half, came back strong inthe last part and completely outplay­e41 them. Shaughnessy also outpunt-00 Norgren. If the team had used op­en plays during the whole game, �hereis no doubt but· that the results woul<lbave just been the re,-erse.Beligious EducaUon Club JIeet.The Relii;ous Eliucation Club willmt.'Ct in the Reception room of theiHMkcU Oriental 'MuS('>um at' � to­clay. Dr. Kato will speak on the I'Psy_(.hology (If Oriental Religious Expe·rience."YEARLINGS WILL HAVEPLBN'rY OF ICE OBBAIIA'r FBB8lDIAH PABnFrC!Jhmen will have all the ice creamthey will want to eat at the freshmancI3n('€', a("cording to the class officers.The party will be from " to 6 n.tthe R('ynoMs c-Iub. The 1917 men anllwomen are requested to come alone.'Xo one will be a<1miUed without atained the �lub.Bryce, '12, Jlana,ges Pie OompallJ'.E11!Jworth Bry<'e, ']2, ha.CI gone toMilwaukee as general manager of thebranch of the Cue Pic Company, inthat �ity. �.� � �.n.nOl\aNjARROW",«chCOLLARCI •• tt. Pc.bod,.. a Co.. I ... Ambition:'0 excel in any sport is rendered easierby being properly equipped.A. G. Spalding &: Bros. are outfittersto champions, whose implements mustbe invariably right. Quality counts..Spalding's Catalogue is nowready-!rec for the asking.Tennis. Golf, Baseball. Cricket,. Fo·.�ball, Basketball, AthleUc Equlp::Jlent. \ ...••-,0._ --., . ,f i 't Ii,.'. �A. G. Spalding &; Bros.Send for our CatalogueCh1c:a�o. 28 8. Wabash Av_Tbree Reasons Why you should Eat at the Men's Commons1st. Good Food Properly Cccked.2nd. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect tbe Kitchen3rd. A Miaimum Price for Hlih Quality FoodClub Breakfast 15c up CaffCnia at LUD�hDinner A LaCarte MUSIC Come iDNOTE the style in the new LION'SHADOW.' And the LIONcomfort features make 'SHADOW'one of the easiest collars smart dress­ers have ever worn.u.. the famous .. StIo-Over" battoD-hoIe. "Eas7-Tle-SUde·'..-ce aocI.·· PliabIe-J\oiD .... " 'b 75c:-Z f« Z5c.I/fOn (i/[arsc:¥ribIt 8tWIId In AmerJcsVNIT£D SlURT II COlLAR. co., Makers, TROY, N. Y.¥,I�4Ie,., - ,f i 't I ...., . 1·'Ok S.\LE at bargain-One suit ofTil!l'r'� Hend men nre asked to reoc1othes__Tuxedo style, original cost'Ol't ill full Ilfl'M� tomorrow at 7 :15 in,-ran.!('l hall to usher for the Glee club $55-lIlade by fine tailo�uit issmall size-Enquire Business manag-er of Maroon.Professor David to Speak.Professor • Duvi! will address theI-reuch club today nt 4:3U in Ll·X�Ug·tou R, CLASSIFIED 1ADVERTISEMENTS I__ Ifie per line. No advertfsements re­ceived for Iess thau :!5e. All class11icdndvcrtisements must be paid in ad·.'OUND-Wateh fob. Iuquire room 25,Zoology building.side of the last quarter, the tenm IHIInot �('l'lIl to he fighting the fight ofwhich it was cupable.Jt is cas,Y to sit' luu-k at II I ... rj t.iv ize Chinese Night Celebrated Saturday., "now to work your way through eol­l(>��.'· Mailed free to students, In·CllilH'st' lIi;!ht will he eelebrtrted at t'I Letter Club, 459F Jefferson ave.1110 JIIcctill;! of tho Cosmopolitan club Icrsey City, N. J.�!ahlrll:tY at 7:::0 ill Ellis IS.In. u.sotn hn� :\. powerful tcnm. ThN�is 110 r-r it.ie ism, 110 ('Xl'USC to offer. We Accounts of Professorspimply look to the team to c1cfent IL and Students Invited.Iinois next �atnrll:lY a.IlIl keep �Ini- Checking Accounts Maynesotn in second place, The tcam has Be Opened Withrefled ... l grt'at e're,lit upon itself, it� $50.00. TIlE BEAUTY PLACE-Misses Loek-.. one'h, :tllcl upon the liniyersity. Be TmS BANK IS NEARER wootl and Nielsen. JIair,lressing, elj·e· Ieamle MinJl('sotn ('nnnot daim th� THE UNIVERSITY THAN illg and bobbing, sl'alp trcatment, mnn·I t'hampionsllip this y('nr c10es not lessc:! I ANY OTHER BANX i(.uri�t;',. chiropocly. Botly mnslIago by I..', the �Ior�; of scc'onll pla('c nor the appomtment at your home. All ourC'hampiom�llips we ha\'o hall in the 11m A STATE BANK. instrument.q are stcrilizc,]. Eyerythingijorit�. of tl,o :"earM sincc l!lO:;.-�lill· \.- ������=====_=_ !':\.nit:lT�·. 1440 East 57th street, se('- 'tD '1 '"''1''\'''''1''''''' ,1,',1",,' ::,": !' " "" "",,:'i onel floor. Phone H,Yele Park 6i'i'2.n('sot.'). nl Y. ;'!', ,;;:: ,',; :,:i, ,I: .. : ,: '; " ;" ," ", :,' '1,.(� , STETS��T.A��.t����:�TY Il FOR M1:'N ()�I.\' nn 11111"- "1''''''. 1.ln{"oln IInll"y • .\. R. JlIln-lIrc •• Ph. n, TYPE'\'RITING nC:ltly elOll('-"Ii�'('el-.... -:j� L ��;�;';:l� t."ol�' t n':.�� Uni\'t',ntlty of C hlt'a itO, - \ lalleous work a sp('('ialt�·. :'ilis, B.(I J Ir.'a:lll"�! fpr ,111 F,'.ollr ('01:"1:(''". th'., h'h"":�. 1-; hll >1Ir.1;�.:;0 nro,,' ·n. 613<) ,rl I'afdy I'a:r..)r h':1'!'�' mak!n� UIIt: lIh,l.' l.ld :11 f:lculty. 1:i C:ll'nf'g:,' un:,. rt''lUlre.J to entel' - ellHHl a\·('. 01' ][:Irl,ern I!!'·!'im.· a:1'! It" h,II.1' tll'll1 wilell pur· t'<) 'c,:: .. of l.ib,r;J: Ar:s, I.and of b:lle sid· R. I 'b L Dchali( •• l. S"nt un rf'('.illl of ::::. ('('Ill!'. �:::"m{'r weather, out or dil r r..-cr"Jlivn all .1 rnry onn esk. "'·:U.i CLAUDE WOLFE. \\ IlIler. !'nCr wlnd!S trom the St::1, and the ,mu�lc, Howard City, Mich. of mockIng birds in th,' ')I'ar.gt' gro':e, H!gh •.t '!SI col:('g� stan,lards. S�n,1 fur cala:o;;,I ",'1 :l'mr!!lli"t'I;l'1I:IHl'IUII' :::I:II'llilllljlll'II';"l;rllIIIW"II'III':II'U·li:UI!'1;ll:lir;I�I';;w'n::.�I I, I' ,rUl!lI!l ',,1 .. ,10 k' .. C ::.1" II J1.i!JI,I, 1.1I1.1,JI U,III ,," I " hll.�,iiillIIUiiiilliI'J Waterman4JsWhat CoDege Editon ThinkThe Typewriterl1-.at Solves "Typewriter Problems.'"ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANYLOST--A Boston Saft.'ty FountainPen at the Unlverstty of Chicago Ath.lctie Ficld, Thursday afternoon, Nov.l:lth. Finder please return to Iufor-Illation office In Cobb.FOR RENT-A suite of rooms and al­so one Btngle room, two blocks fromCobb nsn, Mrs. Sullivnn, 5802 Jark­son av. 2nd apt. Phone.I"OK t:;AL� ver�ap. Washburnguitar, full dress coat, Tuxedo :WI!! Prince Albert, size 36-38. H. P. 220:;,.!i.jij::J Washington Ave., 211t1 Apt.�M&M�i7�iN'�1Thomas J. Cavey & SODFURNISHINGSFor �tlemenSPECIALIZING IN THE WANTS OFTHE COLLEGE l!4ANCollars size 13, up31 W. Monroe StrPet Chicago A �i-T::'CT''?1\Jr J\ .. rt:-,-,�_ �-' 1 .... rJ.1-\. 1 £. to yout smola� i�nt bites and bumsl Velvet-aha�Bbckci tender middle led·-aged in theleaf over two yeare+-producing a mellowness thaionly t�c measured pace of time can encompall.A il�'yf): and smoothness tremendously goodlPi!)e SY1:d';�2 'with VcIvet is a revelation­proving tl.at time only can make tobacco wbaawe t'; r, ��:J ali ha v e il-smooth."Y our Movel··A!. :it! dealers.,,� • ,yo • .(f'_ __ �. �.d. AI...cl5Je.!( qf./,�ur... -.--.-- .. -.- .. �.- .. --- ...""anted At OnceEach man at the University to come in and investigate oarSpecial (liferto Colle geMenHERZKA BR,OTHERS:-: Tailors ':-:1545 East 53rd Street.The Gopher Retrospect.Xow that the vhnmpionship game i�a tllill:.! of tho past pnrt.isuns of llill.nesotn are tr�'ill;! to fi,._ n ire out how itnll IllIpPI·lIt·,1. :\0 eXt'U�M art· Iwill;!o Ifl't(.c!. CI .. i'·a�o l'Cl'IlIS to have won(:�irl.\-, although thoro is a lurking' sus·,),it·ioll in t ln- mi uds of thoso who sawthe :.:alllO that poteutiully at lenst l\linnesotu was as �t.r()lI;! or �trollg('r than Equal Suffrage League Meets.1\1 rs, .J. Paul Goode will :lllllr�M theI::t·(·tillg of the elli\'t.·rMit�· of Chil'ag() vance.1 .quul 8ufTra;!e Leuguo today at :!::Will Lexiugtou Hall.Ti�er's He� Will Usher.relephone He P. 1037. Open Evenings and Sunday Morn1Dg.that.++++++++++++++.++++ ......JOSEPH SCHMIDTStationery, and Toilet Articles}'INc LINE 0 .. , CA�IHES956 E. 55th st. Chlcaao. m .. __ __ . __ . __ . __ .�'.. ... �"'4 " -",-_�HICAGG).Patronize Maroon Advertisers:\(ilIlH'sota t enms never S('('III to hr- )'Ia�in;; ul' to their full capne ity. Ont lont'crt.Imported and Domestic Line ofCIGAnS A"J.) C!.;.-\H;;TTES .••••••••••• ++++++ •• ++++++.THEof NI ASTER-MODELRoyal ;s a stand·machine andwifhout anynf'tcr II :'::&lIIe is over. But We mean58 E. Monroe St., theard correspondencedoes condensed billin'gspecial attachments .Tho tr-am play ell a wonIle'rfll! ;,!llllll' nu.l was h�'att'n only be - ---------------c'nll:-;p t ho luck broke well for an equ • Tnllv ;!l)oll teum ; h�' which we mean i Woodlawn rustthat Chicago has n team of whi .. 11 �he ; & Sa vi IJ g s B a 11 kmay just ly he proud. However tho i 1204 E. 634 Street, Chicagofight-ill:.! !'pirit shown hy the Gopers,lurill:.! tho last quarter of the game Capitnl , ,. $200.000,00wns an inspiring thin;! to sec aud ,8nrplus-Profits ' ... 1l.u,\JOO.OOafter tho first st.ing' of dcfcnt had pa.��I'll the se nt.i me nt, was unanimous that UNITED STATES DEPOUTORYFOR POSTAL SAVINGS FUNDS. ' --'--The Schooland CollegePen inRegular,Safety andSelf· FillingTypes 'euntainPenThe 'Vaterman's Ideal that is suited to your hand will doneater, more uniform a.ld quicker work than any other w;itingimplement. Such efficiency is of the greatest benefit in studentlife where writing is a part of �'Vcry study. The continuoususe of one pen devclups character of handwriting, The sameWaterman's I,!eal will last for years and is always re:tdy. Buythe genuine, the pen with the famous Spoon Fet"(1 and Clip-,Cap. In many sizes, scieridfic shapes and points of every degree.Sold by All the Best DealersL E. Watermn Company, 113 Broadway, New Y O1'kThe Highest Grade of Tobaccoin .: Ten-Cent Tin _-.1.-1wsE SEATING CAPACITY WISCON8I1( CLUB WILL AB1tIVB ,A� KOOK �AY __Two Thousand More Spectator.Will Be Accomodated 8y T em­porary Bleachers at Saturday' sGame.will disport themselves as usual onthe field between the halves, and a Xli.III all effort to enlarge the seatingl'u}I:U'ity of the Athletic Field so thatsome of the thousands of people clam­'oring for tickets may be aeeommodat­ed, circus seats, that will increase thocapacity by two thousand, will be (Continued from page L)Ill. U. of C. Mandolin Club.IV. uVim"................ Smith.U. of W. Glee Club.V. a. "Hail Smitlng' Morn".. Spof­forth.b. "Piekaninuy Lullaby" .. U.of C. Glee ClUb.VI. "Boston 1'1tlu1" ..•.•••• Beeker.U. of W. Mandoliu Quartet.Eo H. Carpe nte r, R. E. Maurl.r,erected for Saturday's game. This II. C. Nelson, J. D. Rogers.was decided ul)on after a consultatiou VII. "Siug, Smile, Slumber" Gouuod.}Ictweell Director Stagg and Business U. of C. Glee Club .. 8010 by H.llallager Merriam yesterday. F. Adams.The seats will be reserved by sec- Part Two.tions and will be sold for a dolar. Mr.�rerriam will have them on sale Sat­urdav morning, Wisconsin has writ-I tell :lown for some more soots for theI vtudeuts :UHl blocks of these will beerected at the Southeast and Noth-I t':lst corners of the field. There willa.Jso be several tiers in front of theconcrete grandstand. This will in-ereaso tho capacity of the field toabout 25.,000.Tho Three-Quarters club pledgesII:1-,Freshman candidates for the Three­Quarters club will appear on the cam­pus this morning riding hobby horses.A horse show and derby will be stagedat 10:15 in front of Kent.Tho clubs annual stunt-fest will beheld between tho halvee of the Chiea­go· Wiseonain game. The "Its" arcpreparing their acts and will reportto President Matthews today for fur­ther Instructicns, From present indiocations, tho performances will bo thobest in several years.Itnumber of clever stuntspromised, have beenESTABUSHED 1818'rAA.MA.TIC CLUB HASDINNER .AND BEAMOF 1915 PAGBAN'r�����fenttrmtiCi fi!rnialJing "obs.BROADWAY c:oii.1WEIfTY-5ECOND ST.ftC. YORK.OUI' I'epresent_tiye. Mr. WalkeI'. will be at theHotel La SaD. CJaicaao. Hoyembel' 20.21 22.BveDIDg Clothes aDd H&berdashery: Fur-lined Overcoats, Barbed.JolmsoD, New Bond Street, LoDdcm, 8Uk Hats Dress Shoes and Pumpa.c:m:BIB%KAS SUGGBSfiON&-� that·1& 1ISII81 much that _is. un1lSDal in � Bags, TravelllDlCoats and Bugs, DreaIDg Cues Buor Sets, Flasks, Pocket Books,Stud Boxes, Ciprette Cases, 'Umbnllas, Walking Sticks, lIo1Den,Bouse GowDa azul .Jackets, � Pipes and Pouches. ,lfcssor Robertson at the first DramaticLibrary.WILL GIVB PAGEANTA'l' BBOBPnON FOB.,. �I;.j........ _ ... .: � bo represented. One woman will beat the head of each division whick�Tailoringthat means clothesgive you distinction and in­dividual good style. Prices $30to $60 • 0 •�ALLOB FOB YOUNG �'l'HREE STOR ES: 7 N. La Salle se, FBBBBXAK CLUB BIDBS HOBSBS25 E. JaeDon Blvd. 71 E. Monroe se,................. � Yearlings Win Sap Derb7--PrepueFOl' Samrdq Stunta.-mC:OUEXCUlGEI,nOlfALIAD A New· Collar., CWeap.Capital $3,000,000.00Surplus _ ,.. 6,000,000.00l1ncUVided Proftts.....•.• 1,000,00.00OFFICERS.ER:o.:F.!;·r A. HA�nll1.I� Prnldent.CHARI.F.S I .. HITTClIl:o.:SO:-:, Vlc�-Pre •.CIIAt;·XCEY J. Bl.AIR, VIC'e-PneI4mLD. A. 3.IOl!l.TO:o.:, Vlce_Pffsldent.B. C. SA lUI O:o.:S , Vice-Presktent.En", A nn F. SCHOEXECK, Aut. C •• hlu.FRAXK W. S3.IJTII. Secretary.J. EDWARD lfAAS. Ant. CallhI f"!'.JAliES G. W A KEFT'ELD. A-.t. C'aah1ft'.LEWIS E. GARY, Asst. Cublel'_ Education Club !lean 'ralb."F.(lneatio�· in Japan" was the sub­ject cliscu8.."6cl by Mr. Steiner at thomeeting of tho Edueation Club lastLODC on Good Points Mon(lay in BeIUield 159. Mr. Boyce87 the Muen of . also addressed the club on If�ucationTra7'1 Belt Precfuctin Pe1'Sia and the Near East.DlnECTORS.Ch.r1e"H \Yacker C)Jde lI. can-�hrtin A RY(,rMn F..dwln O. FOremaJlEd",.ard n Butl .. r Wateon E. BlairOlarlu H. Hulburd F..dward It.. SIl..sc1C;.renee nuckinlrham Freod.r1c-.k W. �78eaaJmln carpent.. En.- A. s-mI., Informal.Pan Three.VIII. "Silent Love............ Agar.U. of W. l\Iaulloliu ClUb. A UDITORIU:MEVE L Y N N }� S :d I T a' 11,,\ WAnd CompaD1' of 75. C} other bl«Feature&GARRICK1m. WI!. HODGE lD� ROAD TO HAPPINESS"Genuine sueeesaor to "THE MANFROM HOlfE:'_Jnter Ocean.eOlIAN'S GlAND!X. Another Ooban • H.arrb Sneee81.':'l'h� I udifferent Mariner" _ . Bul- RAY K 0 N D H I � C H 0 0 0 Klard, Solo by D. Whittlesey, In a New MUMical ComedyU. of C. '''T H E B E AUT Y S BOP \1IIl�lh .1X. UAfton Water .._ Olds.U. of W. Glee Club.XI. a, "Sweet MiRR Mary" .. Whelp­ley. Solo by Lon Payne. LASALLE"Y arsity· Toast·'_ Gounod.U. of W. Glee Club.b. "Annio Laurie"....•. Buck. Muteal Comedy for Young and 014U. of C. Glee Club.n Alma Mate17"" ..••...... Lewis.U. of C. Gleo Club. A 'l'BlP TO WASHINGTONAl\fIERICAN MUSICHALL"Good Night" .........• Buek, McIn� and Heath and Co. of 30The Combined Clubs.er, some good material, and with a lit­tle more practice will give the Seniorsa hard fight. The squads will prae­tice today at 3:30 on Greenwood field_Choruses to JIeet �OIIlorrow.TRY IT. BUY IT.A BOTILED BOUQUETOF FLOWERS.80ld bJ' au Loop Depaztment Stores.JOSBPR SCHWBl'fWANDA. D. ADAMS177 N. STATE ST.PrelKnt W. Ad. a\ .Jo.epJa 8c:Inmt-aer·. aDd reeeift ampleboW .. �HE HAil T B B B IIII..) f.I.,I I0"Plans for a University pageant in B.ABXBTBALL SQl1ADS191.5 were outlined by Assistant Pro- PICK CAPTAINS TODAY:HOCKEY TBAK8 BUSTdub dinner of the year in Commons Freshmen and Sophomore women's ILLINOIS(·.afe last night. Professor Clark, head basketball squn<ls will meet today atof the dopatment of Public Speaking 1 :30 to elect eaptains, Plans will be KIa.. • Erlanger's 1Im.1� 2'riumphgavo a short talk on some of the play-wrights he had known. New associ­ate members were special guests ofthe club. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson willentertain the club at a tea Sundayafternoon December 30 in Hitchcock made to have a game between the low­er elasswemen next week.The Junior and Senior hockey squadsare working hard and preparing forthe championship games which will beplayed in two weeks. The Seniorsquad has a better show for the cham­pionship for they have nearly all ex­tperienced players, while the Junio�are made up of Freshmen and -Soph-DONOB OF lfBW GYJIomores, many of whom never playedthe game before: They have, howev-A pageant will be given at the re-�eption for Mr. La Verne Noyes, De­cember 1 in Lexington gymnasium.All the activities on the campus willwill be composed of twenty women. Members of the "Deep Sea" andAll the women of the University are "Tent in Araby" choruses of lasturged to come out and show the don- year's W. A. A. vaudeville have beenor of the Ida Noyes building that they asked to meet tomorrow morning atappreciate his gift. The women will 10: 15 in the Neighborhood room to'0 given definite instruetions concern make arrangements for the Thanktt­ing thereception in Mandel, Nov. 2:» :ti"ing Spread.--- .... ---8VBSCBJBB FO�..m DAILY IIABOOX Cabaret " Dancing Every Night at 11o HI DB LP H.I K Bo H!Ho�ard's Theatre----BROADWAy HONBYllOON-_w1�BilKA OABUSlOB BOWABn. MADm. IIcOANBpOWERSDAVlD BELASCO PresentsA GOOD LITTLE DEVILA F&lr7 Pla7 for Grown UpsTilE GREAT PLAY OF NOW"A II 0 D B B N G I B L"STUDEBAKERARTHUR IIAYMERSTEIN PresentsBilKA �BBN�IKIIn the Comedy Opera 2'riumph�HB FIBBFLYFINE ARTS.BPBB�OBY 8BARn.B. mBN PAYNB"""e Master of the IIOU8O," St ... nlcyHoughton. 'Phippft" Author of ltindieWakoa' A florcmtinc Tragedy, �nrWilde, Pre811 Cutting!', George BernardShaw.princes.DOlUUS KBANBIII Edward SlJe14on·. Love Drama_OKANe.