,. laily .arnonVoL xu. No. 36. tJNIVEBSrrY OF CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, NOVElrtBEB. 19, 1913.-TI£KET S£ALPERS BOLD 81GBLOCKS OF TI£KETS FOR GAlE .FRESHMEN WHlTEW� IT AKE SENIOR ncruass I ALUMNI m HONORSECOND V ARSITY� 1>0 I Photograph! For Cap and Gown FOOTBAU. MEN TONIGHTAre To Be Taken At Koehne·sStudio. Michigan and Monroe Men Will Hold Almual BanquetStreet, At Grand PacificHotel at 6:30Pat Page'. Yearling. Using Wis­consin Plays-Down Suba inSnappy ScrimmageNo Reserved Seats Can BeObtained at Gyrunasium­Downtown BrokersHave OfferingsHyC:e Park pupils have secured a num- While the Varsity was eujoyiug abcr of ushers' tickets, and are IMNllng well.earned rest after Saturday's con-iYUckets were so.Ld to lJlen sta.ndin�ill Iiue, and tickets wero on sale atSpalding's after the 8310 had. closed at Seniors have been urged by the' Captho omna,sium. REGULARS HAVE SIGNAL DRILL and Gown editors to have their pie- SENIORS EXPEcr l'O. ATIINDA scarcity ot ushers is threatened. tures taken as soon as .possible, Thephotographs should be taken at Koeh- Harold Swift, '08, will donate teAIIC'S studio, on the top 1l00r of the dollars toward the Senior clau �ftMOllroo building, southwest corner of if fifty men from the Senior cl ......llollroe street and Michigan avenue. tenel the alumni banquet for the too ..Tho l,ictures wpl cost one dollar anel ball team at 6:30 tonight at the GrUAlproofs will be sent to the ... students. Pacifie hotel. Senior men will ....mado to see that men admitted on usb- around the Varsity understudies and TtA seniors will select the one they at 5:�0 in the Reynolds club to atteAlilcr tickets would work. He added that emerged on the tOI) end of a 15_0 score Ilrn.r· er and send l't to the Cap and th b t t th .1:Ticket scalpers have seized upon the ,. , � u e anque oge cr, accoru.DC HChicago stand for the Wisconsin game, extra ushers would be provided. He using Wisconsin plays. The ghost Gown, All pictures must be taken by J'resideut Matthows. Prices to tIMtPrices !\re soaring, and probably will f..id that employment ot High school ball was used throughout the game. -Iauuary 1. Seniors will be $1.50. AU othel'll wlll!'each an unprecedented figure by the students is customary. Tho Varsity merely went through a Need Associa.te Editors. have to pay $2.00 for ticketa.time ot the game, Tho tickets out- Says Scalpers Wenl W3.tched. light signal drill, 'working on the new Several associate editors are needed We are out for the money," ..w.Bide ot those reserved tor the sea- Mr. Merriam said that the blocks plays for the Batlger game. for tho annual, and Sophomores are Rutly Matthews, "and O%pect to tI1k�son wero gone by yesterday morning. ot thirty and fifty tickets, so tar as Director Stagg left the reulars to urged to come out and try for the a squad of more than fifty to ce1e_Standing room may still be obta.illed. ho could tell, were sold to men he their own devices for the greater part '·acaneies. The business ',m2\nagers brate Chic�'8 first footbhll caa...Business manager Merriam said yes- knew, or on good guarantees that the of the afternoon and watched the havo issued a call for sophomores who pionship since 1908."terday that holders ot the season tick- tickets would not be used by scalpers. scrimmage closely. In spite of the business positions. Applicants should Team wm Attend.ets will be safe. There are 560 sea- .He said tlia.t the scalpers must have fact that all the first string men are ,1>.('0 Delany or Byerly at 2 in Ellis. All members of the team will atte�son books sold to men. Section -&. obtained their tickets a tew at a in good shape and appear to be able Proofs of the class pictures have to banquet. The senior memben o�which has been reserved tor men stU: time. The only mall orders honored to last the game out, the fact that been received and the best ones so- the eleven, Captain Norgren, Kennedy.dents, accommodates 648. Allowin� before the sale to stUdents were alum- Stagg is watching the second string' lected for the Cap and Gown. Orders Leach and Fitzpatrick will be thefifty dollars for hcdders ot student nl and others who through their sup- men so closely, woultl seem to indio for pictures will be received at the guests of honor. "Norgie" will mak.-tickets who will not sit in the sec- port ot the team were entitled. to them, cate that he may \1.� alOmo of them Cap and Gown office. The pictures a speech.tion, 700 tickets may be sold. He .2Iccording to Mr, Merriam. in Saturday'S eontcst, The regulars measure 11 by 14 inches, and will cost Coach Stagg will give the chiet a4..said that nothing could be done ex, The Waterfall syn61cate 18 o1fe� went, through a grilling contest Sat- one dollar. dress. Alvin Kramer, '01, will .peal;cept prevent the salo ot tickets bv tickets at advanced rates. Ticke1a urday and were subjected to a terrific, and Marc Catlin, captain of the e--.# Expect PUtT Women at Luncheon.scaJpers at the grounds. 2l'8 on 'sale a.t the l·JJ..!ner house t� bat�ring. A pionship team of 1905, who won u.., t least fifty Chicago women are h f C' ....Startling Conditions Seen. the following pric�three dollars for l'reshmen ��or. expec�� to be _p��n,t ,.at tL_e. lunch- o�ors or hlcago. b: aeo:�lDg �-.-, -StVtlbi-g-- COiid{tfo�.�we�reveaJearone'ctonar-ucictB-_at�'fJle-_.1ft\ieii:jiid - .... ��--, .. ,� _ .. , ..- '. -. ,_ .. -' ,---" , ... »<r : ':- ... �-...afety--OA- u' ...... n J,,,.tM,, __ ,, Although the second team ope�ed �p loon tor W-J.SeOnaiD women Saturday at .. ...�.yesterday. Student reservations have line, four doUa.rs for two dollal' -- its oft'ense. completely the husky fresh- 12:45 in Lexington. Ti.!ket.<J vnll cost ei...uve game o,f - the �, will .. �been sold out, and ..... 1 .. 'OPers have been �.t the thirty_yard � &Del 4ft dOl- a short talk. "Wallie" Steffen; w ..� men broke up th� a.ttacks consistent- ,fifty cents. Ruth Ag&:- is in chargeunable to secure tickets they had. re- Ian for tickets near the cent8&" of the f ' captained the 1908 championship �lye This weakness of the seeond 0 the luncheon. 'served. Blocks ot trom thirty to 1ll- field. and who was an All-.Amorieaa �string men has been wprrying Stagg to. w, will also �.1P. -all Sh D J Choruses to �� Frfda,7. 01"-WILL CHOOam EDITOR WILL HOLD INTEBFBATEB- seasou. ull, es arc.1ien, Sean- Members of the "Denp Sea" and Two hundred. and fifty meD are ..OF LITERARY MONTHLY NITY SJ(OKEB Dr TBB ,n, and Harris would probably have"Tent in Araby" ChO:'!8C8 of last peetf'<l to attend the banquet..AT TODAY'S MEETING CLUB THEATER, DEC. 8 ably removed from the Minnesota. year's W� A. A. vaud�vilJr. ha.ve been.game had there been any capable sub-. asked to meet Friday morning atThe etlitor-ln-chief of thc Liter:ary Tho Interfratcrnity smoker will 00 stitutes. These men were almost com._ P J1(::15 in the Neighl;orhOOtl room to resid�nt udson retJrr.I:,J YC8t6T",Monthly will nrobahly be chosen at held December8, ill the Reynolds club 1,letely used up &lui stu(·k to the game . f IW',_- \make arrangements f.n the ThaDks- morning rom a week'.J trol, to "'.�!ving Spread. . York.ROOTERS' SECTION IS SAFExnem at various prices. Business man- test, Director Stagg staged a scrim­ager Mcrria.m fWd last night that usb.. Illage between his reserves and theScarcity of Ushers is Threatened cr tickets would not be honored. after freshmen yesterday, _ Pat Page's-Hyde Park Pupils Are Sel- '11:30, and that every effort was being bunch of husky _ athletes played allling Ushers'TicketsPresident Beturns From BaR..' thc meeting of the boarll of editors a<'ortling to tho decision reached by practically on their nerve.nt :! tolin.y at tho hOllle of Dorothea tho Illtt'rfraternity council yesterday. Tho freshmen 8('orccl two touch-Wasbburn, 5542 r,,, .. :·llCstcr avcnuc. The members of the smoker committee d{)1Vns and a ficld goal, holding their Kra. Ooode to Address Leasae. Kato to Address Club Tomorrow ..Tho magazinc will p:",.hahly be is:mct! aro: J'mllklill B. }o;van:4, chairman; 0I.poncnts to no scorc. Carolan, Sch� Mrs. J. Paul Goode .... m ;l(1tirC!\.'l !he K. Kato \viII 8p� sk before t ••...tbet 1:1St of tit: 1Il0:t:h :ultl contribu Harry Bogg, II ask ell Rhett, Ever\}tt efer, Stutesmau anti Lea were the University Equal Suft'rage league on I'ttiou� Ellueatill!· tlnl, to",orrnr, .iala'tious are beill� sclirit:-d by thc edi- Rodgcrson, Robert Miller, anti Cowan yearling stars. Carolan seored the ··Woman Rnd the C')mnlllDity" tomor- at 8 in Haskell 12, on "Psyeholncr-"tors. 'riley rna,,. ('ollsi:,t (Jf pocms, stll- Steven�n. Tho pan'·bcll�nie .It,,e�· first points for the freshmen,.wheD he Hlt at 3:30 in Lexin�:oJ1 14. Be- Oriental Religious Experienee."rics, c��:;a�':4, or nther w: : <'fial of a lit- was tliM-llS:ccd alill will be voted on at bootctl t�e ball o,'cr on a drop kick it Jta from c-ommitteoa who han� bl!C1lemry nature antI may bo given to any a Inter meeting. Several changcs in from tho t,,·enty yard line. The fresh- -,"\'if;iting the City COluu·.1 :and th • .,of the etlitors or placetl in tho Faculty tho by-laws concerning rushing w(!r\! .man line held and Penn got the kick Ectual Su1rrage leagul) will l� lend. trip party will 8tudy t�e Cbie.� ....Exchange box. ,In the future tht' dil:lcusseti, anel will bo yotetl on at thr. awa.y sately in spite of the efforts of All University women have been in- The "b'_'.cgro problem Saturday. .._..ho.vd or editors i� to be made up from next meeting of the cooDcil December the Vanity to bl()('k it. Carolan went ,·:ted to a'ttend th9 meeting. hr.l'" and the Colored �en'. f. II. C.thORO who hn.vo hantletl in contribu- 2. The prindpal changes eOllsitlcretl o'-er on a buck se'·t'ral minutes later"ern the prohibition of high school after he anti St-haefer had carried the:l'lctlging anti the limitation of fresh- ball the length of the field on a se­man dates. The Y. W. C. L.-Y. M. C. A. 'e14.:\. and other negro institutions win00 ,·isited. The party will l�:lY. it8:30 from the "C" bencb.tions to the magazine. The Freshman Dramatic and Mexl('m Fiction club and the FreshmanAthletic �lub will hold a joiDt meet_iDg today at 3:30 in the Nt"ighhor· U I '1 ·11pper_c ass count'. lors � I ItIY« ahood room&. Changes suggestetl by t.ea tomorrow at 4 in (o�o�tl)r hall., _\11Dean Talbot will be discussed at tht> Freshman women ha,'" b'�!n ift""ite.t,whether they ha,·o counc-illolt Qr .et.Freshmen Hold Dance. ries of plunges anti end runs. LeaFrC!'hmen 'will hold th('ir first Ilan('c 8eoretl the 'la8t tou('hdown on an endrun. Stu�man played a. IJOnBationalolll� ('Iuh. Georg<' Anll�man, trc:t.-.- The Graduate 'Vomen's club weekly game in the ('('nter of the line andllrcr of the (')a�1'4, h:1-� namcll the follow tca "'iIl be heM tomorrow in Lexing_ hroke up thc Varsity plays maD,)"ing stllllcnts :1-'( 1ll(,lllher� of the tickct. ton 15, at 4:30. The women of the times. meeting.c-onlmitt�: Helen Allam�, Yergil Au· P�ychology nntl Phil�hy tlepRrt· CotmcOlOl'8 wm 01 • ..., '1'8&.Friday from four to six in the R('yn- Oraduate Women Ba.ve 'rea.Dela., 80111 Book.J:erman, Helen Arron, Lillian nis e1,I:cuhen Challhollrnc, Frank Chafllller,,lohn Jo:,I�('worth, Theo GrifTith, R"h_crt .JC!�chkc, Walter Keeley, �IaryRnoctller, -":li7.aheth �rl'CJint()('k, Xor·man McClcOII, ·Elmcr Miller, �tarJ,."'arct�Monroe, Pauline Myhert, and Will·ia.m Templeton. Fre�hmcn who ha.venot ohtainccl their ti('kct�q yet �ont.lROO anyone of tho memher� of thi!'eommittcc. Mf'Connelt at qunrter, Coutebio andmcnt.q wilt ho ho�wl'1(e� lIen in th<' Fitzpatrit"k at ha.lf back, and Moulton Owing to a change iD plans the Son�gra1luato ,I('partmenb nre in"it�tl to at fullhack ('omp�1 the Varsity back. Book will not bo published until aftert hi� met-tinge fielti. The line WM made up of Whit- Christmas. Tho delay is due to a de·----+--- ing at ('ent('r, �1('Connell and Redmon eision of tbe Song nook committee,Will Talk In Swociiah TODight. h t th book tai· II th Ch·at gUMII, Lea .. h antI Williams at tack- tao con n a e I-nr. C. n. Wnttoniu!' ">'"iIl �t!t1r('S� th,' Ie. and Sparb and Rehm at end. ('ago 8On� 80 far a.", history and the�anltina\'inn rluh in Swel1ish at n alumni can be traced. Tiger'8 Hood,mt-cting tonight at S in 1 .. ?'d"�On 11 Orpntze Freshman CommlsslOD. th(' mUldcal bonor �iety, has prom·'an.1 1:;. The Ruhj('('t oi til(' lec!l1Tt' Step!' will t-� tnken townrtI organiz· i� its npport in improving tlao book. Merrifield to Conduct Service.Mr. M('rrifi('lti will I'onlI1l('t U,.,ThankRgh'ing �n'it"e of tllo Y \V. �_._I ... tomorrow at 10:};i. .\11 Uni\"'t�"itT'women ha,"o hc<on urge.l tf) fttt"nll ,hi,�rvi�e.'l'yron to 'I'alk at School '1'odaJ'.)fro Tyron, in�tnlctor in th� "'part·ment of tho Tt-a('hing or lIi�tnr�: ,.nt,�p('nk at the �hool ()f E.ln�atif)n('hapel to,lay at' 10; Ii, II, i:mM,...Blaine 214,: i� "S\·cn�knTna."infnt!'t i Y:\i"t.!:(bi"tor· ing a Fre�hman Y. M. �1. A. commi!'_mon to promoto moral an.l religio1!!'tadi\'ity in th� Hl17 �1a.. .. � at th� m�ll'�Invite All Women to 'rc� Innc-hcon Frif1ay at 12:,13 in Uutchin-An (r�hmnn ,,-omen hn.." bccn in· !'On �nfe. MT. Gilkt!�· will tnlk Ol!vile.l to a tel' at Fo�t�r hall Thnrs- "The Tc1enl� of the Unh'cr!'ity man inday trom 3:30 till 5. lIis reliliou8 life." Lama Ad*,- "tllMaaticlaM.Afl."tiKtant Prof�T Lunn will nd_Senior Women Have Luncheon.Ninet.('('n Senior women nUcnllcl1 tht''ltln('heon y('�toTaa.y in ITntc-hinl'On�afe. Mi�� T.anglcy 1-'pokc on "Aes­thetie Ideals of the University." «1J'M1.<1 the .Tunior ·Mathemati�r.l dnb onJIn. .Judson at Home 1!0tLJ'."The &opc of Camot·s Thr,ory in_Therrnodynruni�s" at tb� r .. ·gnlnr meet·I 111'8. Jndll'On will holl her �t'co .. ·t ":A,ine today at 4:15 in R.rcnon ::1. lIome" this afterDOOD from , ...<lCbitotialThe latest development in tileReynolds club library situation is theappointment of a faculty committe(.that will co-operate with tho club Com-lluil,c�.it� .f ��i,. ...�fiici"l �tu�,.t �, ... , •• n "Fifty Cents lor the Settlement­Everybody" is Chosen At Re­ception Given At The Home OfMrs. Walton. TODAY.ChaP6l--Sonior colleges and the Col­lege of Couimerce aud AthuiuiKtl"'.l.tiou,llanclel, 10:15.Sophomore Luncheon-HutchiusonForm�d:rUniyefliity of LhicaKo Weekly.Cafe, 1:!:·J5.··.Fifty ceuts for tho Settlemeut- Mathematical club-Ryerson :li,�\'crybOtly·' W� the slogan adopted 4:1i} •for the Settlement dance at the re- Scandinavian c:lub-Ellili, 14 andceptiou for the dance eommitfces at S P. 1\1.the hOUlO of Mrs. L. A. Walton, 5737TOlIORROW.Woodlawn avenue, yesterday. "The Chapel Assembly-Divinity School,object of the slogan," said Thomas Haskell ASl'Cmbly room, 10:.15.COIl'Ul(,1l general chairman, "Is to y. W. O. L.-Lcxington 14, 10:15.place the responsibility on the Indi- EqUal Suffrage Lea.gue._Lexin�,'ton• an01.in� EJitor •••••••••••• Martin SteYcr ••• w. Editor ••••••••••••• Gcorlc CottiDcbamAtJaI.tics EI11tor •.••••••••••••• Harry Gorl&&... ioCls Mana�er •••••••••••• Burdcttc MastCircwation ManaKer •••••••••• William LYlDaD---------------- �--ruhlisht-d daily except Sundays, Mondaysftlll holi<lays UUI ilia!: three-quarters of theUEit�te:rs::{ .. �c:�olld.dasi mail at the ChicagoPosto!.icc. l'hica"o. Ill .• .March 18. 1908. un­lcr Act of ?Iarch 3. IS73. viduals.14, 3:30.,Thls year an innovation has been .... _ So hi- C bb l<)A 7 3�mora.h s1e",,- 0 _,:. o.made in that women will pay for their French club-Lexington 8, 4.own refreshments. The eatertaiumeut. Graduate Women's clUb-Lexington,com�littee promises novel plans. It 15, 4:30.was suggested that possibly there will Religious Educational club __ Has-be a fortune tellers booth.kell, R..Mrs. Walton was assisted in receiv-ing by Mrs. Terry, president of the NAME FACULTY MEN TOSettlement League. Lynne Sullivan, AID LIBRARY COMMITTEEHelene Pollak, Arline Brown andUniversity Libraries WID Donate 1MGracia Alling presided at the tablein the elining room. Mr. Coleman made:n, plea for enthusiasm to the seventy­five men and women who attended th�The tickets will not bes,SUBSCRIPTION RATES.By carr ier . .$:':.;;0 a year,: S �.OO a quarter.By mail. S:U�u a year.: il.�a. a quarter.Editorial-Busme!'s Office. ElliS 24.Telephone Miuway 800.Vo1U1!!es to C1ub-Send Letters-Tcnight sta"rtS'�the--- events whichmil' usher in the Wi_;.!ollsin gameSaturda.y. The semi- For Contributions.AluraniBanquet annual alumni banquet reception.will be held at the placed 011 sale until De'�'�!I1 berGrand Pacific hotel.and Seniors are invited to attend. The; Athletics Brevities mittee in obtaining, installing antibanquet itself needs little mention.maintaining the library. It is under-The huge "pcp'· session is well-knowntho reports stood that the University authoritiesWireless flashes giving vas one of the greatest demonstrationsof the M:ichigan�PenDBylvania gameof Co:lcs:e spirit shown at Chicago. I t-were sent out frOID the WIre ess s a,d' .r: th ye"r The banquet thiS ._. f Y- h.urmg e ... •.tion of the University 0 lC rganYeo:.r will be the greatest ever held. ·Saturday. This was done for the ben- club library by the University Iibrar-Not ouly will the alumni be �nter- station that might wish ies, Dean, Angell is chairman of tho. nsh. efit of 3.11Y_bini:lZ � prospective ChamPIO IP the results. faculty committee which includes alsoteam, Imt members of former cham- Director Burton, Auditor Arnett antiptonship teams, including Ma.rc Cat- The Boosters. club of Indiana unL Assistant Professor Robertson.i;.n, the man who with Ba.dcnoch' is versity held a practice yelling session Five thousand letters to students,(ij,rcctiY responsible for the score thaton their football field Monday in an- alumni. and members of t�e faculty �fd.c!'cated· Michigan in the historic 2-effort to arouse enthusiasm for the the University will be sent out Mon-to�O _game of 1905 will be present, and Purdue-Indiana' game of Saturday. clay soliciting" e�ntribu.ti�n�. for theelaborate features have been planned.fund of $1000 needed. before the Ii-'And the opportunity for the SeniorMichigan docs not think that thir- brary can be declared established. It,class to make a showing is a big one ..teen is unlucky. The 1913 varsity is expected th3.� no less than 1000 books!Five members of the class are on the football team, the thirteenth Wolver- .('an be obtained with tho sum sought.cleven-Captain Norgren, Pierce, Go-ino eleven coached by Fielding Ii. lfcmbers of ihe faculty and alumniettler, :!!untington and Harris, and de-Yost (thirteen letters-count them) de- who have themselves written a bookservo the support of every Senior.feated Pennsylvania. in the big game will '00 asked to donate copies to theFurtllcnr.o.e, the word has Rone outamong the alumni that 1914 is oneof the GREAT classes, and the oldboys will be eager to see how the Se_niors turn out for the a1fair. And last7Jut not least is the fact tllat Har- volunteered the services of the com,mtitee following the announcementabout 150 books would be donated theof the year by a seore of thirteen to library.nothing. May Change Loca.tiou.Steps will be taken at once to haveThe Wisconsin Daily Cardinal ex, a suitable seal designed, uaing thenresses ; tl" great thanks to tho Ma- club seal as a basis for the design.roons for defeating Minnesota. !t Campus artists of present and pastalso remarks that the 1911 Chicago- days will be asked to submit sketches.Wisconsin game will be reacted ox- The committee had a mooting! last('ept that this time the results will be Tuesday night and, as previously an­just the reverse. nouneed, will continue to meet ea.ehTuesday night at the Reynolds dubAlumni athletes of Michigan have until the library shall be installed.or·ranizcd a club known as the "li" The l'(!W libr:lrY in ��(' Rt)�.no:.!�Ich�b. All former wearers of the "M" club will probably be on the 8C(!ontlThe st:ltcll!ent tnat the joint con- are eligible to Jom. Tho pUrpOKO is floor, iMtead of .tho first, as origin.(crt of the Chicu;o and Wisconsin to arouse greater interest among for- ally intended. Tho object of havingGlee clubs is to be a mer "arsity mon, and a mooting will . tho lihrary upstairs would be to av­success is most encour- 'bo held annually at the Michigan Un- loid the noise and bustle of tho poolaging. Such a concert ion. room and continUal conversation. Ifis a splencUd thlng fromthi!' plan was followed, the' present.over:; point of view. Not 01117 does Sixteen members of tho freshman Jibrary couM be used for a newsp3-it create firm friendly relations be-football squad wero awarded their per and con\'ersation room.twccr. the U!livcrsitics, but in the Ut_ 1 '1 numerals at Michiiga.1l. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiii��CSa�''''tle tonh of competitiou it is most .f:ttir.g ;::; :1. prelude to the football Freshmen Hold Dance.r;an:c. /�ll<l for stirring up ChiC3.!ro The first Fre8hman�'�lnrie� � t.iii';ecnt.l��l£��;:m, it a.ffords a welcome ad- given Friday at 4 to 6. Men antlilltica to til':; ma£s-mcetings and pur_women will attend tho affair alone andity bar..flt1ct:'., providing a chanJre "n.rrangements will bo matte to matchfrom the cheers and speeches whichthem at the (lance. All Freshmen areU111:ll1y fonn the celebrations before ato present their class cards at theg:ln:.c. . And finally, the Glee club de-(loor.me5 support for its efforts. The or­ganization is trying to e;row in tn·llucnce and ability. Such an effort torep�Cf,cnt the University bette de- Classes in fencing will begin today.Rohert B. Miller i:-. the in!\truetor. Menserv� the support of everyone, not...'because It is the dort of a student 'nay arran go hours WIth hIm for In-worth t· Monda.ys, Wodnesday&organir.�tion, but becaUSe it Is a I "tme Ion on.1 F ·d from 3:30 to 6:30.while OTga.ui.za.tlOD. anu n aT-'old Swift will give ten dollars towardtho class gift if fifty Seniors are pres­cn� :S7crything together urges a.llSenior men to be present-the pros­pect of a royal good time, the repu­tation of the class, and loyalty tothe team and to the University.Glee Clnl)ConcertDREXEL PHARMACYMATT McANANY, B.. Ph.Ohlcaco• Comer 55th and »rue!Telephone 1lid1fa7 lUIThe Roae ., PIrft Dnr..... CIa_'_" and'Nlet ..&I'IIe1 ..For that Grippe or cold In the hNd-DrextlCold, Grippe. and Fever Tablet.. 25c'Alk for a FrH Sample.Stop that Cough wit a bottle of of �ur WhitePine HotM'y and EucalyptU8, 2:ie.Relieve that Headache with • lOe packap ofDrexel Headache Powden .Begin FencllUt CIasses.MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS A Fall CollarGraceful LinesMedium Height2 For 25 Cents.The Schooland CollegePen inRegular,Safety andSelf-FillingTypesountainPenThe ,"Vatennan 's Ideal that is suited to your hand wil�. doneater, more uniform and �uicker work than any oth�r wntingimplement. Such efficiency is of the greatest b�nefit In s:udentlife where writing is a part of ftJ�ry study •. _rhe continuoususe of one pen develops character of ha�dwntmg. T�e sameW aterrnan's Ideal will last for years and IS always ready, B�IYthe genuine, the pen with the famous Spo�n F ccd and Clip­Cap. In many sizes, scientific shapes and pomts of every degree.Sold by All the Best DealersL E. Waterman Comp8llY, '173 Broadway. New YorkNOTE the style in the new LION'SHADOW.' And the LIONcomfort features make 'SHADOW'one of the easiest collars smart dress-ers have ever worn.,H_ the famous uSlIo-()ver" battoD-hoie. 6&Easy-Tie-SUde"epace and •• PIiabIe-PoiD ... ., 'fcx 75c:-2 fcx 25c.fIiOn (i/lars� a..t in AlDerJul1JNITED SlDRT tJI COLLAR' co., Makers, TROY, N. Y. •Ij,.I. .,\1•f)•ECLASSIFIED IDopel ADWERTISEMENThAt tho present tim", Mh'hig:u .he powder, IWUl�tiUles-thl'y are the Istun-Is before the world as ono of th. fuse which se1l:l the varsity off. 5e per line. No advertisementa rl'�rt'aft'�t tt':UIIS of tho country. Four ToHiug through tho Ioug af'teruoons ceived for less thau 25c. All cla.ssi1ledWt'I,IiS n:,:o �li1'hi�:U1 wns trounced by \ with 110 personal guiu, Iu at 5:30 or advertisements must be paid in ad·� team, that h:ll� �0I10 through th. 6 o'clock, dripping with !Swoat liko vance.!'l':lSHII uubeuton, Chiengo Is another westr-ru teum, that iN a valid tlti.eoutender, I)irector t;t. John and the others. But,rest we forgot, Iet us remember those,'t'Pl�ry subs, They are more thanWhat coueg;Edi��There are a hundr� ormore varieties beckoningto you from every smokeshop but there is only ODethat is" Distinctivel, lJUliflUJ""rthe purest and best oCto­baccos -delightful ftavor-mild and satisfying!Your college chum.rcho hurdest working regular, A show..,'r, rub down, a tlul'por at their ow.�ul'l,ort('d truiniug table, buck at 6:30sr .. for a tulk by Couch WHce."Be hack at 6:30 sharp,' was the,·0IllnI:1I .. .1 of coach OUl" eveuiug, "A!I!ology midterm tomorrow," was thex-ho whil'h fuited to reach hill retreat- FOUND-Wateb fob. Inquire room 25,Zoology buniling.1-'0& S.\l�E at t;;;'ain-Olle suit 01clotheA._Tuxeuo style, original cost$55-ul&de by fine tailor-Suit issmall size-Enquire Business manageer of Maroon.�I il·lai;wn II:lNstroll�.':4 t enms 0110 of thoAtin t he vouutry.the �:lllll' timo lli('higan hu .... a thir.week • It, f.'at ngaillst her.W._· nre waitillg with great Interestth .. opinions of eompetont er it.ic ....\\'l" au' waitill!! the sclee t ion of thoillla:,:ill:J.r�· All-Auu-ricun» and All­\\'l'sh'rlls, with an almost equal Inter-ec: iIIg back. --"IIO'V to work vour wnv throueh col-Talk about putr iotlsm and, school lege." Mailed iree to �tlldent; Iut'l Letter Club, 459F Jefferson an..Jlirit. Here there is plenty of the uu, .lersey City, N. J. 20for15¢.ululterutcd nrth-Ie and every man LO�T-A Boston FountainSafetyikes to perform, sliglatl�' ut I cast, for.he i mpression he makes 011 hi:i audioouces, Thl"NO subs are never seen,«nerally never appreciated.JIICO in a long timo they get thel. POll at the Univeraity of Chicago Ath.Ictic Field, Thursday afternoon, Nov.13th. Finder please return to Infor­mation otrice in Cobb.WI! nr» wuulcrm.z jl':.: where ll: 'IIi;_:a Ii w i II hI' 1'1:ICl'd, just how III:UI�'),la."I'I·s will receive re"ogllitioll anllill what pol'litiulIs.--�lidligau Daily,A Su!;gestion. ,·llUuce. They step iuto tho breach- FOR R}�NT-A suite of rooms and al-Apropos of the JIIeeting of the Ath ':&1111 fill it. PIU!!'-'l'lS everyone anti4__ _'" so one singlo room, two blocks fromIet ie BoarlL held �IOIHI:lY uigbt, it i:-. why, there arc men on that squad 01' C bb II" 0 all, Mrs. Sullivan, 5802 Jack·iutercst.iug to note thut tho quest.ion ours who have won their varsity "0" son av .• 2nd apt. Phone.of whether or IIOt tho baseburl coach out h avo been beaten out by tb� now••."'-'OR ::5AL,t; ver�ap. Washlmrnguitar, full dress coat, Tuxedo a1111Prince Albert, size 36·38. II. P. ��O:;,5463 Washington Ave., 20.1 Apt.Discouraged? No indeed!eli should be allowed to sit ou the men,"ouch and coach the team durrug th. niors too, there are, and busy withg:UUl'S was discussed. other cares, But every ounco theyThe questron bas brought out much van give Ohio State, this, their lastcomlllcut in tho collegiato worM iu year, thoy give.gcueral :11111 is I>articuln.rly significaut Thomas J. Cavey & SonFUBNISHINGSFor GentlemeuSPEOIALIZING IN THE WANTS OF \TUB OOLLEGE MANOollarB size 13, up I31 W. Monroe Stftlet Chicag., lII •["''''®®flyS'e14MU� \••••••• +++++++++++++ •• +.�IBUJllpe.l, bruisell, hattered, perhapsto Brown IIlCU, siuco busuuall is the :.Jccdillg they turn up overy after·1II0st succl'�siul branl'h of athletics at noon with that exuherance only possi·Brown, at It'ast from tho stanclpnint ',10 to those with lofty purpose, butof \·it·toril's· :1Il.1 t1l'fl":LtS. It iii the they ne,'er think of that. Slap themollly form of iutercollegiate athietlcl-i on the back-give them a little sky·rO(' ket and \vnhoo all their own--Ohi()Stato Lantern.,............. _- .... _--_.-_.Wanted At OnceEach man at the Univenity to come in and investigate ourSpecial 0 ff�!r'to ColIeg eMenHERZKA BROTHERS: -: T a i 10 rs :-:_. 1545 East 53rd StreEtTelephone B. P. 1037. Open Evenings and Sunday JIomiDg.----_._---_._ _. __ .in whi.·h Brown can cOlllpete success·fully with tho Big }'our.Obviously there nro two sides to thequestion, but tho arguments tbat sug-_" gest themselves immediately aro in fn.­vor of keeping the coach off th,bench. W oultl not tho games instantly i.;&omc Car -more iDtcrcStin-g If··the Are We Going Back? SCHMIDTJOSEPHFrom all reports IMt Satnrllay wasn reel.letter day in the Lawrenco ehur- Stationery, and Toilet Articles,('hN-- It wu U�ersity Day .and Jlpe� Ft."IIrJE LINE OF C'ANDJ BScaptain wcro moro than a figurehead: dnl preparations were made for stu· 956 B. 55th at. 0hlca£Q. m.Undcr tbe present method it is the .1ents and members of the faculty. :tmvone4 and Dclmest1c Line ofprofessional coach who detormines Every church was crowded both morn· QIOABa .A..�D OIOARETr£S .•••• + ... ++ .. +++++++++++++.ing and ovenlng.It was a gootl thing but the ques·when the piwber is wa."ering� whella pinch hitter i:i ne�lt!II, or in otherwords whell thc "break" hn..", come.In short, he iN tho IlT:lin of the teamalill tho playl'r� littlo moro than pup tion now naturally arises whether 0:' _l'lIlfmr.!IIJlIIii!lIIII!i!IlI;1IMPfflr.!!;Pjirii!fl'l!T:'1l1!11'1111l11lllllHii£IIIOt we will wait for tho next aDnual STETSON UNIVERSITYUniv�rsity Day beforo we go back. DELA.ND, FLO It 1lJ.\....... I...IaDoIa Ball.,.. A. B. Hanard. PIa. D.pets who do their he�t to execute hiN 'rhoso who -enjoyed themselves anll 1Jalnftlt7 of ChIeaco.commands. (·onsidcrecl the time .well spent shoulll J'our ooIl� ... fin ecbOo!s. Ii buUdtnp. DO:n faculty. 1� carnegie unl.ta required to enterIf thc proposel} plan of allowing tbe tl')· going next Sunllay and then keep Collep of U�I Art.. LAnd of blue skiN.summer wt'&tbel'. out of dovr recreation all\ .. Inter, 8(lf, winds from the Ita, and the mustcI)f moc:itiDC bird. In the orance STOVe. H!ch­". collece atandarda. �nd tor catalOC. -cal,tain to be the real hend of the going. Those who felt ill at ease anelteam, at least during the games bt, out of plaee should try 1t again In �HICAGG.•�ame!{, shout.1 be alloptetl at Brown, oreler to befoomo better acqualntetlwouM not the games be with tho atmosphere of the church.quite as finil4hecl antI clever exhibi. Tho I'tu.lent who fools awkward intion� of ha.."eball? Woultl thcy not ('hurch is lacking in something, Dotarouso m\l(�h more intercst an(l spiro ,110 church_The Daily Kansan.it?--I3rown JIeraJd. O�LY aD m.­tra t<'tl booket de­Hrlblng & newtreatment for all..ret.,. nLaOl' blades. maitJng one blade- lasta IlIet.m� and be beotter than when 'Purlcha!lled. Sent on rt"ceiopt of :5 cents.CLAUDE WOLFE,Bowud C1t�. lOch.FOR lEN•Patronize Maroon AdvertisersMembers of tho Menorah 80d�y wi1lHail the Sub. hoM the first meeting of the quarterTho men h('hinll the gun� i� thf' tomorrow at 7:30 in Cobb 12A. Samw:sy we often �pe:lk of Coaeb Wilrl', Leviton will presitlo. THEMASTER-MODELof the Royal ;s a stand­ard correspondence machine anddoes conder.sed liilling wifhout anyspecial attachments.m COIN EXCllUGE ffATIONALIAf&., Cltleap.I.I�I 'i ';'j•""'tt- :" 1l p,OOO,ooo.oo6,000,000.001,000,00.00CapitalSurplus •..•......•.Undivided Profits •.......Ambition OFFICERS.ER�E�1' ..\. HAlUIIT.L. P1'u:d�nt.cnAIU.E� l ... nl�TcllI�l;O:O-:, \·lce·l"re"CIIAU�CEY J. 81 •• \ lit, \·lcc,PI"!'.!dt'Dt.n. A. :\1 0(' I.TO:O-:. V!ce.Pr,·.ldcnl.n. C. s.\:\nlos�. '·i('('·Pr<'lIhl"nt.Jo:nW,\HD F. SCHOJo:�ECK. Aut. Cashif'r_Jo'H"\�K \V. S:\IITH, �('cre:ary.J. EDWARD l'''\A8. ,\"st. Ca.hl(r.J,UIJo:S G. \\·Aln-:Jo·I-I;:I�[l .. '5SL C .. h�er.1,EWIS E. GARY, Assl. Cashier._ ..to excel in any sport is rendered easletby heil1� pt'opel1.y equipped.A. O. Spalding & Bros. are outfitter!to champions, whose implements mustbe invariably right. Quality counu ..Spalding's Catalope is nowroad,.-free for the asking.Tennis. Golf, Baseball. Cricket, Fo:t­ban, Basketball, Athletic Equi,�eQt. Problems.'"• DIRECTORS.�harle�1I 'Yackel' Ch�e�. Carr:\lartlR A R)·t'�n "�\Iw.n G. fo'ore.n4lnEdwal',1 n Hut!('r Wat.wn E. Rl:.lrChar:ts II. Ulilburd F.c1"·llrd A. Shl'ddC:arenee Rucklngt.am Frt,lcrlck \V. Crollb,.Bt'naJmln Carpt ntct' Ernt'llt A. nan.mlll Chicago Illinois.S8 E. Monroe St.,A. G. Spalding & Bros.Send for 0111' CatalogueMAROON ADS9RING RESULTS28 S. Wabalh Ay.Now in our Key Boml"-;Just across from our old locatiODTHE YOUNGcollege man whoadmires a gracefully rollinglapel, a perfect "hang" and"drape", an air of real individ­uality and distinction, shouldsee the young men's overcoatson .our fourth floor.IWE DO theseovercoats anments", they are pricedfar from extravagantlythough they be lavi.shlycopV". TJ·fYl... th ",�I 1913, A. D. and C.styled and 0 f hig - .power value, their prices are enjoyablymoderate. $20, $22.50, $25, $30.Iinjustice by referringh "to t em as mere gar-men t s" - the y areachievements--achieve- , -'ments of which artistsof the loom and need-:;�.... _-_ _ .••••••••••••••••••�Tailoringthat means clothesgive you distinction and in­dividual good style. Prices $30to $60 •TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTHREE STOR ES: 7 N. La Sallc St.2S E. J aekson Bh·d. 71 E. Monroe st. PROIlIBrrION IS APPBOVBD Colvin, presiding ofl'ieer, reports theIcontest to have beeu of neurly Ill' hi�h. iMany Colleges Have Clubs 8tucl7iDg grade us auy he has attenued in his!Liquor Tra1!lc-Bconom1c Deets of wide expezieuce with oratorical con,: A UDITORIU�Alcohol Shown. tests. -Jacobs spoke on "Tho Decree I: E Y 1-: L Y X XES U 1 T a' II .\ �,y. of the Century", and Carwurdine 011: •The Uulversity of lIinncsota. Prohi- "The Men of the Melting Pot", Juror� :'.'t' 1'1 '.' t' . And Company of 75. 9 other biIPul IOn '"' Uu 1� OU III a vrgorous cam- 011 Thought nud Composition wl'r.," ...I,u.igu for 100 members, The club, Dr. 8. G. Juuis, of Humtiue uulversi;which already enrolls 0\' -r :'0 ft�rong ty, Dr.- Homer J. Hall, of Indiana,JUl'U, conducts a liq .lGr I)roh}t,ru stu 'lv neve N. P. Henderson, Governor L.('!a�:-:, :l Sl rles of Ie-tuze« aud a pro, B. Hanna," of X. Dakota, und 11011.11I'·:tit�11 orutorical coutcst. Joshua Leveriug of Baltimore. or t1l,_' GARRICK"Xo booze for Iowa stullonts",is e, nino orators l'ligibll' to compete, one,rule rigillly enforced at the university Jones of Ohio+-wus stalled in a snowof TOWIL The rule, which was first Ilrift near Cleveland, so only six ac­l':l��("l hy the uuiversity Senate, has tuall�' particlpated.been reenforced by a. resolution of the Cite Medical .Authority.stnto legislature. Antl now some ofthe students have organized a clubfor training for future anti-liquor ser;',;;':0.Penn State Has Class.Pennsylvania State College has 28men in a liquor problem study class atlon of humanity. After:!j yenrs ofunder faculty leadership and 12 men most minute experiment, conductedprepariug for a. prohibition oratorical with the calm, unhiased attitude ofcontest.Cornell, California,Northwestern, Ohio State, Ohio, Syra· tho true scientist, Dr. Emil Krnepelin,rofessor of mental diseases in theUniversity of l[unit·h. has dcmonstrat L A SALLEed that alcohol is a nnrcotie first, lastand always: that the stimulation is i MUSical Comedy for Youngpurely imaginary, and that one doesMinnesota.,cuse, Columbia, Ohio 'V esleyan, De­Pauw, Kentucky, F'lorida, Georgia,Baylor, Nebraska, Nebraska Wesleyan,Stanford, 'Vashington: Wisconsin, 10' less and poorer work under it� influ,wa, Missour-i, and Oklahoma universi- ence, although, curiously enough hoties, and Kansas State, Iowa. State, thinks he is turning out more and bet­Swarthmore and Oregon Agricultural ter work than usual."-I>r, F. Bowers,colleges all have activo prohibition in the Associated SUlH1ay lra�azillo ofdubs to study the liquor problem. Oct. 19.:Many Are AffWateCL Heading tho page with "Eight Sc i- THE HAMActivo leagues in 206 colleges and entific Reasons for Abstinence fromunivcrsifies in 2-1 states, is the latest. Alcohol" and underneath, "First Ron-t f th I te 11 . '"� P hibi Cnhnret & llanl'inJ,{ En·r.\' Nit-ht at 11repor 0 e n reo egiate ro I 1- Ron", tho Tulane University ". oekly of ,..tion Association, the virile, efficient November 6 devotes 1 1-2 pages to a.orgnuization of the college prohibition discussion of the character of alcohol ILLINOISmovement, and aleoholie beverages. This steikesAt Ohio State university and at us as a worth-while 010\'0 for a col- Kla.w & Erlanger's M1ll.ical Triumphthe University of Cali��rnia, the men's lege paper.vises that the competitors write ora-tions and use them also in the ora­torical contests of the IntercollegiateProhibition Association.Ten Book Sclopted.Used in 50 colleges and universitiesas a tcxt book, atlopted by the UniteilSocicty of Christian End.vor, andentlorsed as thc best Amorican bookon the subjcct in a refcrendum vote­by the leadcrs of the anti·liquor movc­ment, is the rccord of tho 1913 edi-tion of "Social Wclfare and the Liq-nor Problcm," written by Harry S.Warner, Gcncral Secrctary of the In·tercollcgiato Prohibition Association.Salem, Orc., the state capital, hasjUl4t. \'otetl "Ilry" after a vcry sevcriMtrugglc, 'in ,,'hi('h thc Wi11amette uni­vcrsity Prohihition Cluh figured la.rgc_�y.Before 3,500 cnthusiastic auditors,who intcrnJpted again and again toapplaud tclling point.!", the oratol'ft intho Ea�tcm Intcrstate OTatorical Con·t��t of thc I. P. A. at Columbu", Ohio,No\"cmber 11, clobatetl in a great con·tcst, in which U. C. J�obs, of Hop�Collf'J.!e, Michigan, and John C. Car­war(lino of Garrctt Biblical Institute,and womcn's prohibition clubs are run­ning a hot race to see which shall ha.vethe largest membership.Presbyterians Active.25 Presbyterian colleges last year Be-cured the $25.00 prize annually offerec.lby the Presbyterian Temperanee Com­mittee for Prohibition oratorical· eon;tests. Prof. Chas. Scanlon, ConestogaBldg., Pittsburg, Pa., who is in chargereports keen intercst again this year.Annual prizes of $100.00 are offered�I-. - -B-roaHd:a·EO;·attY��·!'K·StrCeet.-�;'; b;;;;�;' _ .. _. ;:2:d:�:�:::::D::;�:�::the articlcs· may be either essays ororations,' Dr. Clarence True Wilson(Shawnce Bldg., Topeka, Kans.) ad-Near 50tn Street Subway Station aDd53rd Street Elevated.."Broadway" cars from GrandCentral Depot.Seventh Avenue Cars from P�l­vania Statloa..KEPT RI' A COLLBO. JlANHBADQUARTBRS FOR COLLBO. 1I.N8PEcr.HJ 1:.1 TES FOR COLLllO. 'l'.AJlBTcn twI:nutes' Waik to Thirty TheatresHARRY P. STIMSON. MANAGERnF.ADQUARTERS FVR CHICAGONew, Modem and FireproofRooms with Bath, $2.50 and up.••••••••••••••••... Tl1., werc awarded first and sceondhonors rcspcetivcly. Dr. D. Leigh• SUBSOBJBE FOBIJIBB .. DAILY JlABOOWWoodlawn Trust& Savings Bank120& B. 63d Street, ChicagoCapital •.••..•..•...... $200.000.00Burplus-Proflts •.••. , '" It.u,\)OO.OO� STATES DEPOSITORYroR POftAL SAVINGS FUNDSAccounts of Professorsand Students Invited.Checking Accounts MayBe Opened With$50.00.TBI8 BANK IS NEARERnIB 1JNIVEB.SI'rY �ANY OTHER BANEA STATE BANK.TRY IT. BUY IT.A BOTI'LED BOUQUETOF FLOWERS.Sold by aU Loop Depa.rtment Stores,JOSEPH SCHWEITZERANDA. D. ADAMS177 N. STATE ST.Present this Ad. at Joseph Schweit-zer's and receive samplebottle. Amusements.Features.MR. WM. HODGE inTHE ROAD TO HAPPINESSI naN ow llll�ical Comedy"1' H E B E AUT Y S HOPand OldA TRIP TO WASHINGTONA�ERICAN MUSICHALLMcIntyre and Heath and Co. of 30T R E Eo HI o H! DE LP H.I N EH0-wsrd'S Theatre-- ----BROADWAY HONEYJlOON-_withEMMA OARUSJ<>E HOWABD--l'4ABEL McOANBpOWERSDA VI,D BELASCO PresentsA GOOD LITTLE DEVILA Fairy Play for Grown UpsTIlE GREA'J.' PLAY OF XOW"A MOD ERN G I R L"STUDEBAKER'AH'I'Hen II.AlD1EHSTEIN PrcsentsEMMA TRENTINIIn the Comedy Opera'rrlu!nphTH E FIREFLYFINE ARTSREPERTORY SEARnNB. IDEN PAYNE"Th� Mn:o;ter of the nO\l�e,.' Rt:mlevHOllJ:!hton. 'Phipp�" Author of HinrlleWakc�' A florf'ntine Tragedy, �nrWi1t1<" Pr('ss CuttinJr�, George BernardRhaw.princessDORRIS KEANEIn Edward She1don's Love DramaROMANC. •�. Ir 1'/....'r,• .". I I• lt•••�., 1 �,I• I /• to• t', f• 'S,1.' '<'"