ADnual in�itationaiPerformanceWill Be Held in Reynolda... Cub Theater, Dec. 6cluJN . �in·- the Iibrary, To that 'i�" ��e�·. �hat. iD���: readers ofthe DAI.LY ¥AROON fill out and 8end. It "has D�en"aeci(1edto a book-..... ,I,. • • ... ...�. '.- ••.• l .. • ... .,� .••• "plate embodying the official club seal,",'_ - _ ...Instead of :&D origi.�.:�� u pre­�i�ualy announced, ���j .. �tiOD. w ..ta.ken·in the intere:sia ot�·uniforaUyto... �.'iI!i.i1! ��,I. : .. �:'t 't:f t ........r Zt �1 �I !(l �i .�ff �-f ,_.��t .\. �;;;.1-"t':;' '.\.'. " .-;..... ",::;�annish Overcoats..for the Midway Girl.�. '.. . "... '.. .... ." � '..... ... : :',THIS· se�son:: the. co-ed.. .. has takerilto-tQ.e·stylesof her' brother students: iMannishovercoats for youngwomen'are allthe craze.� And they�re··:·sensiblek. ..coats for schoolwear, too. Warmand comfortable,neat and stylish. IJmittee_ It has the power to do s0me-thing, and it DLaJ' reascmab17 be eL WILL SlJBIIft vou:a OF . . BDtenaID AlmnnM Oblb __ ben..P8cted to· do somethiD& ;.. .OBG.A.tUzAuoifs OH�OOUB� . '�.!Talbot:and lIi .. ·Breek8urldge-.. --V'��� ".• • .•. ·r·· "eJJteriained members of the' AluDmae• . _,_ ,.. I....•Is it 1lDl"eII.SODable to e%P8Ct well- Representatives of Oampus � club af'tIte ,:University • tea in Greendecorated stands for the W iscoDBln � tions to JIaet; ''rOmomnr�In_'' hau.,SMuiday.afternoon. lIiaI: Karygame? With practlcal- lIaI'pe:r for DiacuIlOJi.· ¥eDowe1l. talked. on the tatara work'Stand b" two weeb 111 which .__ '.;. 01 The Alnmnae club at the Settle-. ," , . "), .-';".;.,� .. ' � .. � ...,."..,� _...,.. : ',:Decorat.foDa to plaD, tIun ia ample RepreseDtatives of all � .. tor- :�"" .. �e, �ub.�'�,Jortime to make plaDa for 'ganizationS will meet at 2:3() � '- tltUcnrOiil_�U.""1JrO'"adequate decoration. Featured ill wa ;ro� in. Harper, .•.. to. v�:. � �����d .. �et.�,�8 ���t. '.I".. t· should be some WlscoDSiD CGiara 01' the Honor court. The vote will shoW' ... ,.�.�� 1 ' •• Z r.,. !banners, by 1I1Ir7 of waleome oto tihevis- the sentiment of the studentr�y in' :'�I: �� -_� • "'�.,...ito' '. __ .a 6"' _ _.. ... _ .a __ 6:,"_ d th :". &i�� .' The constitution of the UDivendtylS, iUIU. _ V---..; � .... OD.B, .u& or- regar to e Il8W movement_ :�.1ItU.., ... :-. .•• :....... . . ....,._der to look·like � at an saTe dents �Y··the m�'imd ��'eatra baa bee� ��,by �� • -. ident· Judson.I stray wisps blown by the wID4s &PillA �Y one will be allowed to ,�.;.:-:::.\ .: .#•I tho towmB, IIhoald be faid¥.- op;';;OIL . : . _, ., � .... a.. Bniea·· ��«:. _:=. d=:-�\=: ea,ADth�O::::':�: iabeto�� .�::..;:�-:=··the center tower, aDd. if poalbIe. ODe the Uu'dergraduate counCil, or; by pe.: . this .�o� at 9:15 in llaDcleL Dr:or two othen. fte work Or decantfDg titiODS filed with them.· The commia- • :..---9---the stands is In cbaZce o; .. sit,uil &lid siGn. Wili' include two repre88�V_ .' �pal'" to HeR m.kiMCrescent, the Sophomore soc::lety. Bav:. from each -upper class and one: from Dr. John Henry Hopkins will ad-ing been given t1ds nspoDSlbiJity, thq lower', the representation dren �he. Episcopal men of the UBi- -------------­shoUld make CGOd In CODClDslve fash- from each to be equ.alIy divided be- vanity at 6 ThUrBda7 in ButehiDBonion. I . tween men and. women. N� will eafe. '. . .�� be voted u�n; by th� eluaes iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil. In an U1iCIe nprinteci .. � � tlhey repreeent. .. . . . .the Maroon from the W....... Car- A direet vote �iIl � taken on the DIIUIL.!,u..R.."tf C YcUDal, am_' oUaer Honor court question.ln a feW' weeks. � I&Ua ... �t.JdDp r-ntndfDC WIL. ' �"'.. ---coDaiD studata *-.... WD1 DIIiCua "alreiii.... :"' .. ". . �I_ .. · � I�ltIDC ChIcago an:t Mr. F. � &�n; h� '�f �!�� a. ...... � � 'DIl .' , ...week' that .Judp JlabOllQ' keeps � ford-upon AvOll ··cftlnMftv.of 8laD8IL' ..... dial' Grippe or GOa. ID 11M �--:-r:-_"" I ��'.�. '. CoN.. Qdppe. .DeI � TaJ»*-. Ik.�ce court S1IJIdq �"""nA two el- pearian pl.y� which � now -at-��� � tht ���.:=,:'!1''''ow ... ".ements appear. One 11 a nUler fnIJI Blaebtone theater, will give a talk D_' PI ... '1loDe7 aD4. s-lrPl-. ..... '. . '. . _Ie" &bill Beadaabe ·WIda .,r.Dd buoyant uprealOll of � an on Shakespeare at. 4:30 toaiOrroW� in ... -.� B .......nberaDce, a recop1doD of Ute fact tbat Mandel. All members of � "uDiver-' •••.••••••••••fenon will baTe a pod tIlDe. 'rile aity have been ·iIlvitecI. to .the ta&'" Af�'other is more 1IlDiater. It refers to' the ter his address on 8Iaak�e, KJ:.ldnd of a good time � Will be bad. .'Renson will tell �t. the -plans for aDWithout In UIJ' 1I'Q preac1dq &PiDSt ADgI�qUOD paput, muatriting thealcoholic liquors, it caD be &al4 that progress of the. nee, which Will. bemlch a celebratioD as the CudlDal aD- given in three divisioua in 1915, Intticipatles OD the part of WlacoJUdD IDeo in London, then in San Francieeo, at _ II. IIUa .. GIll .... m. _ ••••••••••••••••••• _ ••••••is cause for CODcern. It ..... rather the expoeitiou, and later in India. Mr. 1IipwteII' ... ·IID_ ........ U. "a poor "ce1ebrati01l." that wtDd8 up In Benson is kn'OWD as one' of the m_ QIQ.AWe 'A.."'G> ClQA .......... .. . ' ,",., .a pollee com DG\ morDiD& ftia Is prominent sponsors for the world· pa- _simply a 1Id8clIrectl01l. of the IIOIDlIl geut. .impulse to do .. ethiDa 1lD1que-1iO Pt ".: ftBiW. 1JB1VDIIIrI',out of tbe beateD t:raek of eoa9..uoa- WID JI'� Ball foe ,Ay.... DBLA.�. 1'L01lIDA... --_ ..... u..Ia ,.L ............ D.� alit)', aD4. lIye ftIIt to peDt:up em- Miss Sophonisba Breekenridp, of the 11 ....... a.-...beraDee by.� aaaaetIdDC." ID.. Household Eeonomies departmeat, Jan )'oar ooUcee. tift eet.oola, IT tnal1ttnp. 10aD f.� •• � .......... reeI to enterstead 'Of 'IiviDC � abOlat 1aow to night deni� a report to the deet tbt eou lAeftl AI1& J.aI of bhle •• Iee.. RID �. oat of 400r � au· bNk 0 ... · OWD pod JaeaH1a &IIIl np. she was going to ran far .Ja..... wIDt«." � tNaa tIM ...... th m\ldeutaUOD, eoal4 1lO\ tile OudfDll baTe 'Th� report appeared in eeveral of tile :!t:= �� -=-. �­betW -..1 tal _ odIIIr .... of dail7 newspapers.The Daily Maroon I' .. .N° end of man­nish coats forwomen here. Smartulsters. belt backs ,double breasted. effects � . :- -TODAY A· jo'y� throDc:ot Iowa -dena,I'rea1Im&D _liae Led.. 9:15, clad for. tile '�.}*t ill night Wrta,Mandel,. .-. � para4�,t!ae.i.veeta of Jowa Cit7 .. ia.tChapel Senior. Collegea:aod Sehool .Saturday· after the overwhelmiD& de_M.· ... · ...... _,,_, . __ .1IIutia ...... _. C ..... . ,. u.&. ommeree and AclmiD.iatration,· feat· ot··Ind.iau. They eet are ·to a..... �-. _., - •• - - _ •• Geor&e Cetti .......A&Ia1etia �_. _. ••• _ •• __ 1IaIQ Goqu 10:15, MandeL n�mber of boses and barr_ they had....... 1Iua&. __ ••• , •• ",_B IIut Glee 0lDb ����, . Bepolda eolleete�: as well as a w&gOn �d ..QrcaaIa&ioa JlUa&u. -, •• - _ ••• WiIliaaa L-.... eI b. . •.- u . ..... tr,ollel pole.A880Qu .. S BDl%OBS Bro1niacm 0lDb..-3:30, Cobb l2A. . :GeoJ'M� �liaJrer, Augusta Swawite, .Jmiiar Jlatbem&U� �:15,. The Carlisle Indian footNU .team�i».a_ O'�eill, .Dorothy Well 'ByelaOn 37. .' . will pl!:'y Spokane University. onSodolOlJ' . 0lDb-4:.30, Harper )U6. ChJ'i8�:�_hb1i&bed _dail7 .uccpt Swada7.. KoadQ.aII4 . AoudQ. auraq WCC1uar1C1"a oi &De P.eD Olub---6,. Commons cafe. ,-"'IUYcr� �car. The University of Oregon students. UiuClll .. ..:oad-clua aWl at the Chicqo Dramatic B .. dfOC 1Iociet;7---3:30,!'� Uucaao. ..w.. Jlarda U, l».,-, UD- '-..,; ........... n· 14. do thinP up �t. In holding a big.. �.oJ. Marco J. n1� �....,Sopllomon 8oda.l OommfHAe. 10:15, mass meeting they seeue '&D: old houae._ .. ' SUBSCIUPTIOH KATES. Cobb lOB. and it is·;the work, of·the �8Il to! �. CUTJCro• '�DU a �C&l". 1.1...,,, • quartu •._.- ··.II,:-IDaIJ.·U_\JU. �c&I'. 11.0:0. quanu. move this. house to the aeene 'of' tho'· A&iIonal-.a51WDCU UJDcc. J:a&ia u. TOMORROW .4- •r. � 'lcJat1aooc .Ib1.Q ¥QUe 11l&8� m�r &Dei •. Bet 1ire � to· it..'. J ,..,. .. _, .Asaem""-_ "",,;..' Divinihr:;4'� �,.� '. GfIIi&otial "'-'- 'UAJI' , .... uv .. "l: ne InterfratemitJ' eoUDCil. has ap- School, Haskell·Assembly Boom, 10:15.ft ·�tDted � committee to formula.te rush- Ycnmg W __ .. 0hristtaB �� .. ;:.".... iU rules. Roo� 14, Les:iJlP.n 4:30.� ;. . rhIs com- ':FreDch Olnb-Room 8, Lexington,'f,. Bpsbfng' Diittee baa been. In ex-4:30;;: )l� isteDce tor a week or Graduate Women's Oblb-Room 15,�.. more. .In View of the Le - gt " .30'I' sIn on, ':It. ••" . �� �t ruahiD.g ecmd1t1ona at Ohica- Pbiloaophlcal. Qlnb--At re8ideaee of WiMonsin came baek strong in their�" go· are thought bJ' ma.ny to be Jd&bl7 Pr f Tuf .... 55'51 U· -hr' game with Ohid· State . Saturday. The- . , . 0 essor -, mvel'8l ... .1 ave-UDSatisfa.c:torJ', it is DOt unreasonableDue 7:30 P. lL .. Badger's one ambition is to end theirto expect that this· committee :will M '. � meciioere Beason by defeating Chicago1---------------------------1leaR ascertain aenUment among the a week from Saturday.hfl&rity-some other IIl8UI8 of apreaa-fratem.itiea and others .who are COD- .eemed in the matter. If a cootlJma, iDg J'outhful em� and COOV8D- WiseoDBin has aboIis1led their latest. 'Uon" of present conditl.oDa resolta. In �oiI.-break:it:Ig ·:tendencies? ft1a acqu1- spo� pig between the halvese8c8nee In' sensel-' aCta of.-'l1-- f h f thaD I' - d thatthe. necessity of .. clraati.c· .action, m�. " ..� .. I.! '--au 0 t e �. games. t 18 88.1of the respoDSib11i1i7 tor such a con- StUdents bJ' the student 'bocl7 fa ODe of the. h�e ,soeiety ob�ted to thisthe big elem.en.ta .at the root ot�._�� p-�-eclition will rest on the preaeut com- ... --- �1oU&&_cia critidslils of ��ea. 1110 81ft.. JO ..... NJ8IIlO 0$ wre 1I8A. BecauSe of the gOod. time m�e inthe �rOml-eountry �ieol cup· raee Sat­urday, Purdue 8%p8Cta to have a teamwhic� will plaee well in the confer­�n�.e er�ss-country rsee to be held atColumbUs on the 22nd.CardlDal.l •••••••••• , •• ( ••• � ••••••_IOS£.8· SCHMIDTftABoa_�, ftILft A&BDLW8PlNB LINE 01' CANDIES. . etc.--- newgrays, browns,blacks and greens.':I! ..•. ' Moderately priced,:�,;",,( .... at $12,$15,$18,$20. . . �: � iANew CollarAmbition'to ucelln &Q' 8pOI't fa 18II4eNcl..... IbJ' being � eq1dppe4. .. IA. 0_ 8pe'MDc • ..,._ are ouUluen Ito clwDpfOas, 1I'Ila8e IIIIpJeIDeIda BI1ISt :be iIlnrlabl7 DIIat. Quii�' eoan .... iSpe'dlDa-- � .. DOWreaq-lne for tile a*Iat. .-r-eDIda. 0GIt, "'ball, Cdck� 1'0 t­baD, BuketbaD. AWetIc 1Jq1dprMDt.Lo., 00 Good Points.7the ...... ofTroy. Best PrOtIud A. G. Spalding & ; Bros�8eDcl f. oar oatalope28 .. Wa'buJa Ay.211 ., _ B. •• 1017.'HERZKA' BROTHERS:-: Tailors :-:1545 East· 53n1 StreetThe suit you want is here. The style, thecolor, the particulars-"Just. Right." .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••,II.� �� ...INTERESTING COLLECTIO� OF n"'Ebcs iOF" 'oLD CmCAGO D;&YS club will entertain members at a sooct­is in charge uf the entertailLlllent aDdMnrgaret Chaney of the J'efres1uDMt&.Y esterday tho Northwest dub Jaad afroue ill t !It'i!'' rooms. Behreehmentawere served.* •__;._- _ .. =-. . .1'he.... &'Uthwest Neighborhood club",ill gi"o a party at 4, in Lexington.Guessing' gatn68 'will feature the pro­,gram. At 3:30 Fri.}ay, the SoutheastEVERYBODY will be wearing the"smart longpoint collar style a yearfrom today. Get your'SHADOW'collar now-while the clever dresserspre wearing it.Ask your dealer for 'SHADOW' -the style with the66 Pliable-Points." 6 for 75c-or as usual 2 for 23c.I4i!LliA'!-,;}!�TE,D SHlR.T tI COLLAR CO., Makers. TROY, N. Y." : ... 'An e.xhibit i; 'bei�g �ul.1e in eonnee., na� the nc�i' _ year. � Among The ?a.role of Cap� Heal.} at thetiOD __ w.i�h:. Professor Qua.ife·s History. other relies of too Chicago massacre ·hands of'· the British commanders atof Chiengo and the OM Northwest", nre a n�mb�' of important manu- M�ekin�J..and ,·a. eon�pOra.ry- accountpublished by -the .University Pr�8 -fe" �eripb,' y�noW':' with;��e, �})i.c� ��re .�£ �h� pro':isi�,en �ha.Dd. lV.hen Fort'(('nUy, nt·ll«!Olurg's bookstore" Th,� rescued fr..oni a ,DULSS. Qf rubbish .. i�p· .�,earborn was .. �vaeua�, .are shown.In:hibit i_so a collection of; relics fr��, t)�� 6r;i :Hidl�'�·��:out.� ye�.�!l_'J'�� 1at�� �tJ,� �� .J,ut the .v�x�\-: the Chiengo of old Fort Dearborn One of them recites t�e brav'e'�figDt of question, of �8 :pJp't', impending star---",lays. Corporal Bowen in the' disastrous bat·· �>ation played in the evaeuation." . ItOne of the articles on display is the tte n.m��g }�e ��. d�neS� ti�ai"tb� is an bi�:t�nt"eoiD'cldenee th8.t:�� .w�iq�� � ��m�����.�;��� ����'�·��·�·��oo·�����������������������������LWhich was brought by its �wner on desCrib�:' the .8Iaug{.ie�·· �f I�Cajit4b' �lilllidreU yeiu:.·:tO'a'4dti.i after 'Cap'WD"his honeymoon from Louisville to Fort Heald's slaves-a reminder of ··-the HeoIa;l\vrotf,,·rt.:···'�AmC)iig the I�di� �:.Dearborn in -Iune, 1811. Together'with . ti�e-"WI1�� ���.81��erY lIouri�hed in t.icles shown are war ····el1i�� �� >its master' the trunk went through the OhU!ag�". � � .. ,�.: ... t : I b..9{J 'f.}pip6!t "�il-�liat'msi;<·· .' ' .'. ..' '. ..".. \ ..,11...: �c .• , -,- .,., _""1 . \ .• a ..<O!' ... voL :J ••.. � .. =:'.�.; ··.x. _t_ '4:::"�.�B.:�ERSONG� �� -. i.:1 �. � Na:.u�:fO� �esota ��l\;':'I'··'·"BaaebaU C:\ame';Sa;·J_iot.:Pla-Ye4f_,.,.= : ON ··FAXILY .�. �;"_I �1� .���e� lDten.���g. to �o,:.tQ�. ,:. The Beta. Theta Pi'�i�a 'Nu ,indoor. '. --. I '.- 1.. trlp··to'-�ltnResota.· Me asked to .l�YQ ib::weba,U gaDlCf 'aehooaaea" 'fGIr y�.ou� Br1e4,. Serious Causes 10� '. D� 1 �oir . � t�e gyana.sium �� ·slay, W8&.not. -played;·� i�'was inl-; .mest:ic Difficulties-WID Give 1 today with Mi� A:gn��Vay�an,. .. )', , ·poMiblei to .getktJle pla,MB·· totether. .i' Anotlaer Lecture SooD.1 .', -- ' ,. l' •. '�a f ,.' .,' -":". " .-...,;;.._ '." - -I : :�.J.A:chtnsidfbdcdbD' �"-"��:"'- -\' ooaral.··�·:":J "':"l.' '··T· � ·JV�..:.: ... :J ... ,. ��;. _� nf. "lJa���"lIiiLeatl •• �r"'i· •• � .. .J�1i 1........ .J�; �fe t�.j. 'Wi. ?l!enderBU�t\ � l t . ,,¥ r r: " .... rr.� . .... ::JOji� .fft... WIlw��I' r�talk last Bight ,in· Kandel, Oil "The � be t�e.,8�b�ect o� �; a_(ldress �y J.f.=. .' ; :'" l ..... -;,:. : �,;. ''':�1_.' Family �"ba' '. :MiW:'� and Perir;. Ho i Leaver(. befere· the SociiOlogy :�lub' at &. Sa:lings &DAbriefty ��;t1a�.�e serious causes 14:30 in Harper )(6. ...;:-} .. � .... 'ittlit;'\Datcaco"of �)���s, bringing out ,� . C.plta1'·.��"�·�·��'.:�·:·:.:.·$'tO,��:'�!+-:���I¥:.�fe. A later CLASSIFIED'� : sm-pi�Prollta �.· •• ::��:�·lW,�OO.. ��ee���;.1,"!friroui'ttie brighter si(ie ADYERTlSDIENTs. 0l!I��'" ��' . 'DBPO�Yof �the Same problem. '�'i,; ··I'O.··.POirAL-�BA."V'lifcHf l1JJfD8In speaking on family misery, Dr. �.;��.-:-}��;,:..�:v���.!nta"!'re-· A�"�r"Pao�"·· .. ··,MiaehOn-�id ''The Ji�rDid�·t:Jniiy1..i� eeh·ed for less than 25c. All clem'· '. �AJfD' fttJi)B!mI"Di"YISaelf-Bllpporting; the earnings of the i aClvertiseiiiiDta tnust tie· paid In" ed- . ,.; . "father generally being sufficient. This cJi:BOJU::RCi' AOCoUlftB:vance. . ---- ·'1' .----- :. fad is �� .protecting dyke �ins� . : '--. . ""'� .,; ;.; \t)�' /.: :.> .� ,., 1Iq.... 0J8aiI4: WlUl'floods'. of .pauperi8m. The direct causes' :FOUN])..;._W aleh fob. ;>'Jdqune 'room(�J $5O.Q() .whieh ,:'(l:i�lve the domestie bond are Zoology building.' ftlJ.8 .'ilAlot .:Is nABDdiae�>'�iee, . �.��e, incapa�ity, .. a�� ,Jt9Ic 8 .. \T;E�':·b:frgaiD...,...9ne ; suit . of � . � mAXoften a �ombination of mIsfortunes.. elothes..-Tuxedo 8tyl�' ���Al costThe indirect eaUsC8 are not 80 oh'·i�",· , ,_ . ._ .. :� .; � _,YJJiB&_. .... ,'. $55-lllade· .by - "fine tail�ui�.·; :-� . '. ,,:.,-:,. '.. : .: -; lA':.' - ,$'";I'.�.'-'N.''·.iZ.!.. · �"'._ ,.",.: .. 'but more fundamental: tolerance' of ,.. ','r .' • • small size_.Enquire BU8iness•. _ � t. ��. 'q- _IOHI,. ... -'-".�����d���oo����.: t=��������������������������::������-=:�::��-:����� . er of Maroon. .;. : :' .. ,.'; .' .- -.fety and health in workplaces, fai'u�c :" ... ' to establisb I,o:eial insu-:anee, inequita- "now to �ork your ,!a':;t�t:o�gb -cOl­ble' 'distribution of thc l'rocluct of in':. lege.'" Maded free to· 8tllden� In... ,. 'dnatry, tolerated drink traftie an4:�' _��*:���!�I�;.4;��.}.::�n _.!e�rial' evil. }'or these all of us aro ic-- LnCl.T' n_' .• h' -'�;..... � .• �.:·b' Th f .'- - " . �.. -:-�II :..��� .. t.e ;::.�.p�I'pOnaa ,.0 0 tOD8equenees 0 �ese. _'. .' .� , I.. .. - baby; . JtUI·�·osma.u;. ,1"';"&IIh:·-drith plam .tauaea are hunger pain weaknees, ,for- . � ,.� .. ""�':-" .. ' .. ;o,''''�,,!''.,,: '.. "•. ' ',' ,ffft�'aad;iD�16 :A.'�";�.n1t4.r pleaM -,I .ling, family quarrels, starving 89U� . �t,iiia� =to:-· �� '-�; � d 'all.d body-with failure to educate-tire· . ':' .. , ':. .. � . .;...-":' .• � P .... ·,,;·.·..:·;:.! ."'.1;,:- •. ,';'" . :--' ��u ...... '--'�.r.hildren and maintain the vital rela.. TO RENT-Large, . light front room; Itions with 8Choo�, soeiable ei!'CJlos, �' :w.indowa;: � very - DlJ)d�F.: td 1 �'1. ·t� .the chureh." teec:hera. OJ: .�d!!nt&. .:.Nr. U. of OJ 1" .....OJ :Ele"at� •.. �_ra. Co.· �� 'E. 62lhl ; - �.S� 3rd apt. .' ';'''. es --':.',�\ ".: S�tQrday Aftern�on Inlonnals, ,�::,,:.:.� atRosalie Hall, 57th & Rosalie cc...... '[he.Jitst dance will .. be given.: November 15th at 2:30 o'clock... iw '1Mr.r- '''''':':'. . .·The dances .are for U�iversity PeopleFRAPPE Music by AURACHEIt.:;;i'I,.... -....THEMASTER-MODELof the Royal is a stand­ard correspondence machine and'does condensed billing wabout anyspecial attachments... During March' four lccturee on' tbeaspects of Islamism' will be given atthe Univcraity by Dr. Christiait Snouc,lEe Hargronje. Doctor Hurgro�je Spent..... J;..r in Mecca and soon &.fier pub­lished the results of his 8tu�es in aIliaDdant work, entitled "Mekk�". La­.;ter lie wu Bent to the Dutch East In·'. I"dia Colonies, where the government re-tained hi':" as adviser on Mohammedan'and nati",e affairs. At present he isprofeaor �f Arabie and of Islam atthe Uni",eraity of Leyden,. Hollud. .- . --.Jo'OR �AL� ,"cry cheap. Washburnguitar, . fuU' dreaa· eoat,: Taxeoo an(lPrioce AIJ»ert, l5i.7.�. 36·38 •. H. P. 220:;, •:l.J63 W�s'hin'"gto�' A ,>c./ 2nCl ...Apt;.'\ ." . .... .. .. -. �. The�.iypewriter'. That Solves "Typewriter Problems. 'C'.' ROYAL ·TYPEWRITER COMPANYS� � �9n�oe St., .. Ghicago Illinois.Thomas .1. Cavey. SoilI'VBlO81IlJIGB.. . -.- . 1'01' CJeDtlemeDIIPBCIAL1ZIRG m 'rIIB WAlftB OJ:'rIIB. COLLBQB IIAB00Uan .... IS, 'lIP31 w. IIoDroe 8tr'Mt � .. ',.. I', ' •I � I.... -.-.-. -.-..... -. - .... '" .� .. :. t '!: , ., .; �, .: "!,-! .:· .· .,;,", ..,, ;i �f �, .�, �· .· ., 1:�"• I,f rh'· ,., ,, �· ,,.;"._ .. Vt�� ... , ...WtIn I'nia ...-.... · ...all � .., OIW�&HALL.... �.BUB'I'ON HOL1lB8"India" will be the Abject of the PAN A � A A G A I •Y. w. c. L. misaionary meeting today J A P A H. I H It 0 B a .Aat 1 :30. Mrs. E. C. Fleming, who has WculDeaday eYe. 8:15. Frida,. .... 8:11.Saturday Mat. 2:1&.£unday aftemooD a' 3:SOPopular Prices, 25c to $l.00-NOW MJOffieial·-Football S,.e�;al·Trai..,Rtto .illnes,.ollS ••inn.Leaves Cbieago at t.M PeM.· Friday, Nov. 14th. .-Vla-..BURLINGTON: ROIJTE• . GARRICKI 1m. WM. BOooa ID.: I �HE ROAD 1'0 BAl'PIlOIIII����rill -n .. ",.;", .. ,..·.·....,r to "THE lILUf... HOll llOME."�nter Oceu. w,...... �From UnioD Depot,-�Dal MId �d.s illCOlAN'S GlAND nnvc.. ,ADOther Oohan II Baab �BAYMOND HI�OBOooaIn a New Kualea1 CoIIaeqMISS",M,ARJOJiIE MELCHER "T H E B E AUT Y Ii BOP III('cN(hi. -A J. Puh' 'l� :,�:.• • " ' .� t.,General Agent Pass;nger 'D.�pC:�.ii141 So. Cluk St.· TelephOne· �«L'11!r! had wide experience in Y. W., C. J..., ,,'wor� bo�h here an� abroad, \\'i,U �.' A UDITORI'_'l\,4'lle'r "work aDlong young women i'u La:. 'PoUceIIl&Il' . AImtaal ....., t.hore, India; . will touch . closely upon"tdlitw'ork �i' MiSs' MarjorY M�lcher ill-" -, - �:pASiJmG miOW'OF 11lPCal�utia. Two -letters from Mi88 Mel.,.- eher will b� read at today'll meeting. ntii .!:n,BBlfIOB OOJIIIIftBBS.>. �'ioB iBAB:ADotnrimDlficketa Will be �1acecl on Bale Toda¥,., 'm'cObb' 'Bellina �Umm .r A··�,'-r0··W4llllJ1(cr.f6.'(boll�nUed·.-Iro�. �age L) ,," Keeping in Front"You fellows bow wbattLat means IWe· ve been very succ:essful in thisregard with Fatima CigaretteS. Bythe way. these cigarettes were firstsold in the coDege towns-and youagreed with us. that they were good.Then we put out' for -the Lisr race"to make.F atimas of nation-wiele rep­utation. and today more are sold thanany other cigarette in this country.No purer. or more carefully chosentobacco grows than that in F atimas.We purposely put them in a' plaininexpensive wrapper-in this waywe can afford quality tobacco, andtwenty of the smokes for 1 S ceDts.Now your coI1ege crewis of utmostimportance to you-so is a �cigarette" and it- s your aim in &feto keep F atimas 'in the Iead-rigbtup to their good quality-right �to where you first founCl them. anawill always 6Dd' them.Success feDowsl Y GO started thiscigarette on its suc:cessfuI careet­aDd you puB a strong oar -aD 0'Ietthis COUDtIy...,.�:5Jt • --Friday '! at' 12:� �iD �tke�?o..p� �e,. ��me-Dta "for, the dual c�nCert .A:�ER·IC�N' ':.'f�f.._ _. . .... ,.. . J ... • ....1 ..:a smoker for:f:he:.elt'·of·th'&�cIaM Sun: by the Glee dubs of the Univeraitiell ALICE LLOYD • 00. 01' 7&day altern"".!' ; Nova_""- . O� ; •• rUle' 'of, wiseCJlWIl . and.' C.hic."" in Mandel, -, � lurlD"."1i FnDk F�-�, . � �" •, .• {! - ,- , -," ""Dance�IIIId" • 'Jar41eD De DaD8e"?hi ,�.ppa fa laoue" -4 :.,��cJill'" 'fritlay ,�p� November 21 are com-, .Dar illtth"��Ule"i+D?�ii6ttJIl pl�",ancl'a larp,lakering o� ��' ""�L''L"I' N'" '018' _ -�;-;,preeedi� 'the,'�t ;aa_.l'7�,i::' Pi ';Q!!;both �hools·is �tiei�ted. I _ " ,.' "'. Piails,�or,�e.UmU1·��h;� Post.o adyer�pg'thl' a«ai� hav� .1Qa� II��''''_:''_I;,�of, �nior men.were����.�.�e·been posted throughou� Hyde �a.'rk�, -0 'K '- '0:. B'::' D:B\1t.�'B.J.·'.'.length. The ��mpetitioll' will open and at All the d�wnto�n clubs, hotels, I !ThursdaYI:·l'i'ov�moor'�O,:·tlie� eb.8s m� �d �t "the eoulltq"cl�.bs about theassembling at the -o- beIi�h :for :6u&l. :�;Q' •. ' ,��,����t:�e��'1 &1&, ':��g .Bent '. ". . --�� - Tti'". ·instructionS. .n.e :eoDte8t :�ilr;e�- .tc all alumni,:rbe HO�.a��;r eatre. ,�." �." '.. " -�ADWAY·':-"Bi.OO._ne - a" month, ':"and ''the Senior' Women 'lhrM-Quartera . dub men will. earr)'�ill ':.J»e - �k�. -,t9, :4ICt.:. •. ju�: o(:t,Jte- �igDboards :boosti�g both the' Piui"t)·Dlustaehes �hibited at the enel :01 'tnt BaDquet '8.1ld ,the concert immediatel�',�� �Qw.�Ii�. �j.�� _�OANB IJ,following..Sections of chOice seats will be re­��'ed for ihe '��mni �f' both 'Gni·versitief', and" 'f�� 'th� women, wh� �::�ause of' the Purity banquet of the '�WE�, DAvit) BE� Preeea.tamen, will atteDd �e �01lcert in aA GuO Ii L I � T.L Z '�D BTl Lhotly. A . Dumber of frOD.t boxes willbe resen·ed for the Glee club. 'Hotel CumberlandHEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near SOUl Street Subway StatioD aDdS3n1 Street Elevated."Broadway" can from GrandCentral Depot.Sneath Aveaue Can &om PemaQt-­.... StatIc&KBPT BY .& OOLUO •• AlIB.ADQUART.R8 'OR OOLL.O •• .wBP.CIAL 1U7'.S 'OR OOLUO. "'.&11.Ten Minutes' Waik to Thirty TheatresHARRY P. STIllSON. MANAGERBEADQUARTBR8 �R CBlCAQONew. Modem and FireproofRooms with Bath. and up.