SHD.TON MADE THIS I GIVE TEAM BIG SEND-OfF' TICiIDS, FOif GiPia', . �,�p� �9¥Mrt:n;Fs BEtA r.iD', FRA.iERNriYYEAR'S HEAD f,1ARSHALIHaveMass-MeetinginKentl"hur&- "a'd:iitIlOI'Drnm; ���;,�::� , AMAHS ONCAIII'ISday Moming=-Chicego R:00ters . ing.Spr�aclto:be Given Novem ..Will Drag Varsity to Station m R.a'�I!·r.-.��.-�.,�..:; S�.�.�.·: her Twenty-S� •Tallyho from Bartlett.. � Jr""'" � __ n. -- ••••" .. . Seata.a�.BardeIL. ::. Commitleei' lac .the ThankSgivillg. '.�'.' t#;.J..t...� .�-': ,:�", .- ��:.:, t8j»'re.'d.· :wer�' anDOunced by G�Derfu1,� IIANY IESEl.YA11ONS IlADE ChairD.!aD Lynne SulJi�'a�' yesterday, ELEVEN CHARTER .EMBEIS1,000' Tlae' �pre�a "whi�b � gi\"�� w�ally666 a�ae; . tht' ··a�.i��· of tho NOighbor. B�ta Phi, a new nationai fraternity,666 Railroad ueketa, berlh ri8ervatiOlUi, hood clubs, will be held No\"·eiD.�� 26 wh�ch was organized �y Ulliversity500 &Del Iitiid .. i fOotl)ait tie'et8·· for th� ill "Lexi��rio�, Caryf q�tly haS beeu men, 8JlllOUDCOO itg existenee yeater-500' bla ')(jn� trip· are· Jib� ok Mfe appointed �SiB�rit gen�rai cliairDiiuL ii;ij- �. Ei� v en men compose .the eha.r-250 at tU � ·)(auge�8 om�� 'in ' tie 'coili��itt�8 �: te� �e�ber�iP .of �e local ehapter,000 �artlt'tt. In .pite of ih� taet: ttiiii fte Oommi� whi.!h. is Alpha, the mother chap�r.1ll000 the ticketa, were. Dot p� ', on, .8&1e ,fbi.·;:.ii::':". A";':�" Sharp' " . tb� .fr�tern.ity. It was founded De;imiri Dearly. Doon· yeiterdtLy; lIr .. Mer- �... cha.irm&n, . c�mb. 29. 1911.. . ,. - EditJi� Siiiiili,' ·tluiii,· . Catherine1iai:A reporied tliat a large.Dumberhaol T�e fraternity: existed Bub � :un-been ·.di.pO.ed . of. �Ii .ib� . PZ:08pects Bosso�,_ .���,� .��h, .. , ���:Gr�y, Mar· til the first of this month, when_ i� 'tr�.A rouxiug scud-off will be given the tor'. bi&'crowd 1Vere·eneow:agillg. Of �Y.�'i �aDc��, •. ���h","�r�e�, . .',J�et. ��oi�i�ed by the' Board of StudeD.tteam when it leaves for Minnen.polis the � � priced t:ieke"· fliat l������r,. t��� •• :¥..���lJe� ... ��e� o�P.ruzaiio� ,Thursday. The big celebration will we� reee1ved· bom lIin.�,·ovei; ��". :��arpr��.:�����.: 1J��lot�e .,Members of t�e local chapter �y�standing. He has l,el'lI prominent in start at 10:15 when a snappy m�· ODe half beeD"diIpoIIecl ;fit.. . '-r.�� O.raee ;Hote)�kiDS, and FloreDee been iDstrumental in forming �Gleo club aetj\'itit'S :t1141 lJa!'! beJonge'll mecting ",iii be �eltl in Kcnt. Se,nio�· The llt1i\1�d':���� leave oy. jFo�. other' �hapter�&. Beb. at No��ea�_��.tto sevcral honor soeicties, fIlcnlbcnt of the team, who finish their :..... :..ii." n..:�i\"�· '''7 i t.;_' i,·:.l:,·r .t.� .. ' U· liJ· .'. 'JleDo-EJsie' JO.hns chairman; ·)(ar· Ga'm�a at Armour iDstitute, and DeltaCh Late ' " . ,,61' wie Dur�."n rou_, .I.rom Ule mon . . ,.osen. l'ompetlboll thIS fall, will talk. Dlree· . r ·ti· ':..It. '�!,��� .�I·l-'. l:� �, t'- "9'" Th' ,I 'garet Ohen'ey Marie SullivaD, Lillian at the univers_ity of Dl��o�.Ordinarily t II(' head lIIar!'!hal is ap- sta on � nuay evemng a . ,e ,.pOl'ntcd thO c SI,ri II!!' J,rccelli 110' his Sell' tor Stagg anti Coach Page may als.) , l ..:C .��;! i.:· . Ii;'''':' riur" e;lase··-:a' Swawite. Ella' Ludeman,: Treva Mat· CharteJ: JIem�;. ..,.. h ,. . pncEI 0 _A&-, w en:,,\ . .... . Th f 11' form the charterior year, ],a:-:t Spring Pl'l�sillent JUtl- 110 �resent. At oJ the rooters WIll gat�. ;nt··t1lle :l:Ni..Je�:..ty '''ui'·be'!'$r6.30:''�U$ the1VS,� Buth Victorsen, Alma Parmelc, ._�. 0 owmg me� .'. . .... .:_., ' 10 front of Bartlett antl drag the; 'h''".; ... ...:_'\!,.:O;o! .• n'��L!i::!... 1111..' :; or·" 'ri;.Ji�" Pri'Bel.'lla 'NyberO' Rhoda Ptei1fer Iren" ni�!Db����ip of Beta Phi�. Fro�,.��son, who arl'(lillts tl:t� h�:tIJ marshals, ,t e Aouuetic �l'lWlIo&LLen� w a , eo, ,..,S 1 K. K, tt-nm over to tht.' lllinois Ccntral St.&- ',' 'f" :·cr,r·of·H'," ,.'" d' ';n''r ...... , .. II. t1i4i'''� traitr,.i j. to'I ,_.. Ta·y· 10- Nellr ... Barrett,' Bu'th S-" �d,ua.te S<'hools,·. ,amue .; ,�.. �,.'!�.was not full�' CIIOII,,11 .n··(IUnintcll with n oar 0 -- on n .. , - - ........ ,� � -, ,re u .... D• • Chlc·ago.',· Joseph. � GOldber. g; ,Chi,•• ·.c,.a.___I I h 1 tion at f'ifty,sc\'cnth street in a tally - i'IAn' .. �'- '.Ie·;D,·\':':;'·· J.��� �t.e·� tUp"', .. ..,;�.t'.t.: ').,'11..- an'·e·;'D�; Ed'n'a Be' n,' n:"-eli.& Doenr, .the new n:nr!oOhal:-l to �(' Ct·t tie ent, IU.& • __ a _ __ Ul n .DV ,n"''''__'_'' '-"'C .',Chi' ." .h I __ ":_lIII!': , ... 1 .. "0"_1 g�;' Bernard. W.· Vini�,. .' e&J;�.;.. and tho choit·(, \\·a.� withhl'lll until thh 0, i,reservations can 1IGW' ...... &e.c\U'ed, ·.,F.dri.'. '.uUu..:ld, vera. L.uDd; .u.e e� ',' . . .. n'1 C . N" P' H' . � . �, - Claude W. S. pro,u, 88. , '14, B. l.'.c.h, mond, .1.. , •.. ;aptam orgren, Icree, arrlS, : the' ioll�Wi�i' pii� > .poib'Cio;e-:- \U1iDt;·'VaIeat&'spati, Lwa Coy,' Gailyear. Huntington, Oocttler, Kennedy, and ;Be� ... (8t&1ld�dt� .. �·r "�'�'IBYaD/ Iaigaret O'CODDor, ·CatheriDe. J�ph �� Gord:��,.'��7 Chi��o;' ��i�.'i F-'t t' k th tc h ill I .. � 1 I I • • Do' th'm"�, '15,.Y. u.rphysbor.o, m.,; �.rmaD,•••.•,PHILIPPINE STUDENTS I ric are e ve rans wow.. : .,,'.... , .. ,;- � :�: lieit�; '�dOl �'" apriDpnl,' Ethel FlannigaD and Jnv.... _ .., l finigh tht.'ir terms of competition this !le��l�l��Il� �'���:;'h.i:"'�.�"'7_:'·:""�·"_!J.�"::'�·'N"'e;'� .......... �..!:.. .... .....::. '.'. ", ". .... •...• " : u!"l:�.".�arn� �1�, .. 9���;',���I HAVE CHARGE OF PBOGBAM.. . :llOUo e J'ppe"r �.r;W& (.D�.. ..lII.����. .. '. • • 'I:, 'J. •••• '." _, '.··DaVid • ,I' .- year. AU ��11 �:�:lI:QnV. �t the i�r) .\��>;�e�·'jj&i;.· twCf··'�.a�� i· !�MI� �".��ri:ih·�· � � if�.ei:Ai£' ���, .. 1 ���··�i1I.·:.)t���i" T'. ---_'---4iGH:I�lEat"'.OPIDD��l1li"�����QlMjMl� •.,....,WIWll.Ili1iUlL__... ..s;S.... IQ�I.1I(lI(,-a __ ��...,:;IIIIIII".;I�-W..J _,.... --:-.�"". �. ',,-'. .- .•. '8Ia . � -:t,! .'" ••• ,..�:�.�- ·�·lre;£.-tiC,,·,From pbina, Japan, ][ore&, IDdfa latest" plnns f'C)r tho YiDneSota 'ml) isl):'';: 1.�,:�,� ,::=-� .�j.t ••• iW""( l),;;ii �";..� ,.'·.·,}IT ';"��.1 ii'�� rl·"l·r'''��t·�".. -,� .... ' .' ". , .... �� .;and Sweden. I,will be annouaced, and -songs an,l :, �tscf·�� -� way,.. 0; ,.� a. �� Wa1� .': � .... , ,,-r:os " '.':".:':' !Oirlra��: L8i-oy"-Goicistone, . ·11,·:-1i .. -.-At·· 4· .. L !be�.. ,.'" " . . :: :�' .. ,lI�� ,�;-;: ..Drltlll&��'4. �\'1t. ���'-pi��'C't.eeTS ,vill be rehcarsed. _0 . ,·r, - .•. �." . "\"l ." " B' h .� ,........ .. ....� . .:..S;dents fr��: tI;�-Philippine8 will rooters will briJlg the enth� to! .. ' ...... , ..... ttoJ.. ....... ·: :;,;, �y�. NM'&. Waldenf ;·�11cJ. nt �., l�" ;. 'The u'ew' f�rnity is hoaaed d-C 1· I b ft, .. Ii-..... by gathen'Dg l'n front · .. t .. :.. . .' f" � -' '. - ' ...• .cl. .. . '.. . ..., • .' . , , . 5701 Drexel. avenue.have charge of the o�mopo ltan cu ........ - v �;;.��.t�·�Or_�·�tQ,��;". o;d,i.:Ni�· O�Nein:. ehiiirU;��,Jl'Iecting f'riday night in Ellis 18. Th(.' Bartlett aDd taking the Varsity to the !d�Qi8,oD1;:-�riirbo"'�fi1ty' eenbL-. Caras,' M� -"M:�eTh;Daid,':Pb�be'!cio���;'��"'.schedulc for this quartcr and the Dext 'ltntion in the tallyho. Two yean ag'.) -·hi·':e�·-.. 'J....'�:jp' be":' :... ".··.. 'A·'b.'aa.·�.-ed·· ·�.o··�:·.�·e�.. �ts..',.· . 'I .... :-, ." '....+ rol ·,t ., PAN�BBTrJ:.JPPO D���:� .. ; :"!..,... ..,...- .... ,. ��.-Miii;..r-Katiileen .n.iuTinpn, L"'�!!1� _auiDeludcs programs by members repre- oyer three hnn�red and filt,)" .en· tuna.' a� .Le �nn_;;"�·:"·�'id·,' ·.are·····o· 'D" -:... e··10·· •. ,...... . '" P'LA)OrBD FOB 'rBIS a_eel out tor this oeeasion and gave' the· .� �,:� ,��� �: ..... :-. �.i. ti�:Wl;u.·ds, J��'Bro��, �er. �o��.senting China, Japan, Intlia, Korea, �e� ';I'Ile special: atudeDt rate, is 'er' i�o'�i� '. i.v��y.:·. lrriari� I spaulai.,g�Swedcn anll AmeriC'a. A (tinDer will tcam a �: lnS8nQoodd..ofr· __ ftA atiY. e�tL� .g;�l� �I� ��{ Fl��.��e," iOI��: , ... , ... ,'_'bt' hcM NO\'emher 25 in Hutchinson -.wi U.IWIo..-,in p�__H�iei' ,�Ji8i-d;' .. eh.&irman.;ear With all his cripples coming &lcmg' : ·TM 8peCial.-will.arrive. lIinneap- ; .. , .' '. " . -'I:' I .�.': '. 1,'.:,.' .e.• I D' S '1 ._..... . olia Saturda .... morning.about 9. Break·, "Helen. . Came&, .. :M���t, Ham"" .a:ne�:The .. 0iTict.'rs for this quartcr are: mre y, !rcctor tagg WI I .... e DO 'J .... ,. . •.• • ,) .'d C L .. han......... wI'th thc Var ...·t,v thl'S w i.'· fut .. wiU be aerveci in the lunch eat', j{..arg�r.. �t.·· Rhod'es- and' Dorothy.Van-William Bosworth, pro:n cnt;. " .... ·0 .., " ..,,S 1 I U .. nd In aU """"babW- an ----.;;. hiela will be-iDeiuded"'in' the ..-.. ... 1 �erpoel.··TaD, vicc·prcsitlcnt; a ,\,0( or nson .... , • .,.., _�... Dr---t. .... \., •. I.. ....... .. 1... a..aM m .... :. ��. �. \ P.I1bud�....,...Do�tby. :willistOn anllr�or«1in<l'... Secretary; D, II. Grant, cor- for the regulars will bc tabooed.' � .. .....-- � ra-- ...�pondin"'. sccretary; Charles Soutter, Varsity emcrged from the Northwe.t� t8raf.g �i·�rwin-T_ve at 1 ....30 jA��'.s;..�;;�'te.': ..'" D�':":'J.!..a_.;''' ";y':"t'ft .. : -�ci! Will" J.riTer i.: Stmlta-Buth Agar.trensurer. lTaroltl Tufl'cnson ha." beel! ern contest with hardly an iDjuij� �-oI' v v ... .,. -n..!� ......'.f·a·L!....!:A� .. .:..�� ......i..1I..!l··B_.Qt·mom.: j JI:asle-lliri� WbaliD:':'1 ted . t l'tor of the IDter- KcnDedy was removed from the Par·: "'1U'I;-5" ,1_. -- �mv � 84.:a�onnl ��::;I:n: et 1 .pIe gamc, but merely sutrered a _1 i.g.'·: SiOP:ioTeir'piivn. �m&i"be-"'01;:'f'haking up and will be able to get'd W"'·it:"deei*; .tJ.II, .' Vol. xu. No. 30.-.��I. Member of Sigma Alpha Epsi­lon Fraternity and of Owland Scr;cnt Waf FoUnded at cmcqo tie­cember 19, 1911-HaS "I"IireeOther Chapter.OoDlerence stanctfn.g.RANKS HIGH IN SCHOLARSIIW '(;hieago •• , , , • , , . , ' , • ,5 0 0I *llinlll'sot:1. , ..•. ,".. 1 0 0Earl ton \\':'::4 ::l'l'oiuteu thi!4 Hlinois ••• ' ,. " •• 2 1 0year's head marshn l=Lost, to Nebraska, 7-0.tLost to lHchigan Aggies, Iowa ,," .,.,." •• ,. 2 1 0Purdue • , , , , , • ' ., ,1 1 1tWisconsiu •• , ..... ,.1 1 1President -Iudson. 'l'h« :tl'l,ujlltmellt ofthe head mursha l has been awaitedwith unusuul �Jlt,'rl'st this year, and J ndiana , •••.• ' ., , • , ' .1 3 0Ohio State , ••. , .. ,.",0 2 0Xorthwestcrn " •••• ,.0 4 0many prominent �Plliors expressedthemselves last 11 i;!lit :IS bl'illg l'll'a!'ellwith tho result.8hilton is n J::t'llIlll'r of the SignnAlpha Epsilcu f'rnt e rn i ty und Owl aUI:Serpent, He 11t;I"s vue of thc fourHenry Strong lJolJor �H'holarship=­awarded t.his �'l'ar for high l'dlOlnstie"'Bad Letters to Fn.temitial In Bead. to --Xatare .. of DaDce--P1aIIsIDcompIete..l"raternities at t'he Unh'e�ty > ...iii'hold theIr first Pan.H�li�ni�· �� .. ��tce,,��i \·ea.:s some' ti�e- th� � •.Thi� a("t�on was takc� at � *eD�ntM.'ting of thc Inter-fra��i��. e��.('ii, The' conSent of the. faeulty ',h�"J.t.'Cn S('('nrcd o� conditio�:�that �ere�� uo f�R�mitY C'o��titi��' in: theI" ..••.• •. ... 'form of booth� as wa.... the ("ustom 1ftthe PMt. Letters h&,'C heeD Bent thetr8temitiet" with the followiDg qUeS-tions: , : -.r : ••... In what quarter of the yeN' Roaldthe dante be held?8hould it. he fonn:al?Do you agree with the committee_that the alumni he allowed to atteDd.?Givt'! minimum �1I'I.ate of the D".,bel' . that. .(':\0 be expet"ted frOID 7f1UfratemitY� '.Shoo]" tropper bt't. �n·('oCt during thellrogrC1'8 of the 11an('0?Plan� ha"e not y .. t heen c1cfinite1ymade an.l an mll!Jrf'�t,ion� will be weI·{"omM b," t.he C'ommit�, The next:mp('tjntr of \he Tnt .. rfrat-C'rnity C'ounc-il.will b .. h('M NO"('mh('r 18, at 2 in 1heReynold... dub., LITERARY MONTHLY WILLSTART YEAR'S WORK NOWKo Editor·in·Cbief ChCseD Yet-lIa'ftBdaord Composed of HiDeEditors.With th.. tcc1cdion of. thc hoard ofcIlitorK complC'tell, the Chicago Liter­ary monthly will hring ont its fintnumhcr of tho year within thc nextmonth. 'rite In(,lllJ.('rs of tho boar«lmct. �1H1lla�' night at Ute homc of IIcn­r-:.· llca,l, 1:;::7 ea:-;t Sixtieth street anllwalle pbm; for the ('()min� year.No .. tlitor·in·dtjef hn� yet been nam·<,el, but. one will he l'ho�en �oon fromtho foUo\\ ing hoar" mcmher8: Doro·then Wn�hhurn, :\I:try Ma.cDonalel, Ma·bel Dc J.n, Mater, .1an�t Flanncr.Frank Wehstcr, .10110 Gr�ne, Samucl1{aplan, J .. awrcnl'o 1\fncGrc�ol' an.)lien"," Mcall, Tlll� hoar(} .,,·ill hold it."lien 'mcetin� wcanc�tlay, No,'cmber19 at,tile home of Dorothea W:u-hbul'D,� Dorehestcr avcnuo.IN ORIGINAL '}� DAILY M.�., �AY, NOVEJDBB. 11, 19l5.beg, ,borr J",V, OJ 5t'lal the necessarymoney. B�lt to tl1( se who will uiake inl is being written, a crowd of men The Daily Cnrdiunl pril1t� the fol .such a: trip !o, t1!(; first time-talle t�'· are gathered cheering. or )looting as lowing advice to Badger stu,lents.' H � ;-, Bother feilrlw':; WO::'Cl for it a.ud go, The the returns of the city election are Advice to the '�Amly" Tbt is Q�ing t:l .... YDE I A D II \}� T A "'E I A 'TKcum looks huge for a dars trjp to see thrown on the screen. Chi�o Next Week. � U lftJ. !l-ll..,.:U"ootba.ll game; but the same sum will This is an example .of a type of: In celebrating after' t�e' g:im�; earrynever buy. Dlore-�jD1r,JI.;.I'1!rC ·';I�. "00 probll"m which shQllld be,of mO;Fe.thac:.a compass with you�' 'The seas art'prov,�de as man:' happy mewori('s feI passing interest to Purtlue studenta. a�t to becomc "cry rough.:4iter YC:l1'S. .'Y. u: Q! tt.� fc.lloWB may It seryes to illustrate the point that :'Don't buy one of those tall huil,l­:::',avo·. been peeved wIlen the Frl'fJuDan in the search for specific knowle,lgo' illgs from 8Om� �ha�c� -�q�-;Unta·Il"l�.foot�all �a';ll "c!E'anca. up" t��c tra...'1 along special .,�i·n6S, we: ,should - not' let As these, buildings '=1re slty�rapOnt, (thl·last time; �nit 'Rho:do�s llC.t In:1;;,l !.ow ' our. intere!it: ill' civic :��. bec��.�;(�- :chanc'es �e·�t!t·�.����.�tl�4!�t�t".1l"�'O1heJ. he recalls his rueful face as he ert and apathetic. , Proba.bly the qu� .. ed? .'. ". :. ::. .. il!>': .. � ··::..1·�-�(_:I'';'E�w.�,his evenin&':, supply of cigars tion citetl will affect us in a personali . Rememb�r tlm� th� .. tw�!�·�. o'�lO(o'kcrUS,Cd. into �rown Duwt!e:r 'ny tlle ,illfb : way, but. i�asumch. �s .. w� sh�.l be �h� I' cl.�ing Inw._ �oe� not apply in, Chicago,of 'file heavy "fr�.H·. li.ll.'�:men? Chi- futuro cItIzens of 'comm1,lmtles, Cltl- ana I\�� .�a.�. �udge .Jol!� :;¥�c!pe.r;c.go�iellOWS never go, t03"thcr as they zens, who, we are �old, will be e:<peet' I h:l<l" - ��; e;ve� .s,�;J!l!aJ!",,!,OE'li'!�"-,,. Three Reasons why you Should Eat at tIie len's CO_ODS _.,do <ft .1. tri� like this. .cv&}i·.1 mm who efl· to t�ke a Jeadmg part in affairs, I In c��_ C�����, }V.:l.� ��n;k;,�� to• t . ' _. , __ . _ . �. ... -!las �one is a bOSODl fricl!,l of -overy,. we ��S' �t t� CJu�c!'\"'eo; � �u!ti�3.te;.n / t�� . ItlRr.'kston8 for' cfiniler Mar' s�- �'! 1st;. Good Food Properl� Cookj:'.I\;.) .r i' A c.;.:.;j �XAT �.i:ono1f!sa on board. As th,. train rolls intelligent kiiriJet�g�:'�7pOliti��1 an 11 , t�gi��bets:· -Ai�··(j,�·:��T-.;��·�);.· --; �d.; �le8DliDesa.(\ur.Met��,.-�.��jp�� ihe:K�t(� the night, there 10; :I. seen!) of ciyie matters. .' . lunCh at the:.q.�.� r#�fi6.�'��i:�e " : 3rd. A Miaimum Price fo� Hil h Qualit7 FoCMJdct�lllent from th� woIJd, of l:mty The,a �� th� .�� ,t?l�:t;ion of g�e� �B�:?arker or.. ��y,�?mber �f CI�b.Brealdast llie up :.'" 'Cafeterla at LmieJi:in �e bun�h, that never will fade. yesterday will attraCt notice, lmt the I t� Haresfoot',Club �an:·tel�}·o�:�"flrp. '�"DiaDer A.LaCarte l\�SIC CoiDe IDThis�,ri.lone is worth the money; it js result from the 8tantlpoin� of cause I . .All "L��,. trains �re. no'"! ;. t�,�O\�gh_ I.��q��y�t���Md�d�n��M������'����'������':�.-�-�---�-----�-�-�--------.-----for any price. Add to it the ronl it ought to b�. ,The results in ��ner�l! the�Mic1'_Vay, see"iliai ·yon·�.g.�� yt'f'l�e .. : A New Collargood.:time going and coming; truI joy of yestertlay's elections were �r?ught i f��� reaehi�g .. �,·ariston ... '.' .�_ .' ", . 'or being,one oC the loyal fellows 1f'bo about tb�ough. th� wor�ing �u�. of �e�� .. I: B�fore Jea.n�g �ralh"Eion,. 1)�y.! :1_.-. ....;.._.-------------­::tand shoulder to shoulder aDd' face tain laws.. The tcnt1encies. of the i ROUND.. TR��. ii('ket� < Also - ':lt� �'.�::l 'tho jibes of the crowds on Hennepin tir_n� mny be seen in them if they are i ti: left "�hile. irt:. ·Chi,. a,roi'�' ';'8�ot���": I::::.� n;"t:n::-:: til:'" �nn: :�::�:;�,;�:�j.:�����i\\";�:;:.,�:�� i .���i'l,,""':" II," r""::,,,:,. �p:���!,,"� bN; II.'the hC:ld, to cheer the team; tho:: era"l1'} wntc·l1fng. in tl1't<f;it�lT{�nc1 �c� as stu_ i ". -. ::- .... '.-fifteen dollars never could buy all 'len.t�, ,�:jth 'tlw }utur� ,�{ ,t:it.i7.��ship! . . .'. ".• i. Itho I is h( f' . �··"·t . I .. 1 : ern} Ilublic m'-es. to excel In !lIftV"-' , __ ... -.. ....... -IS. t worth any price; the ability � \Ore 1l�, ow,\:;". v- 0 ourse �'Cs to Shll ,. : ,.... ,_. ' ! - .._& - Nt &� -- •with 111' . int .11J·g 'n' tty t' ·1' .•.. "'j. � .1 . "t''':' -t·· P .', Our I CI. \'i,·tioJls !<t:I.J1,I. Our. (:IIJ'io',;_ I by be1l1g propedy �art �teen is r8aUy a priv- C (� •• IC; oen �l ua lon.- ur-� . I A. G. Spaldlng'. Brw. an outattenliege, and no adequate measure to give "ue Expone� :�: " .. ity bn.'l heen snti�fi�,l :nlll,'yi)llr� :J.�"'(" i. to champlnos. whose implement. 11111&:: For �t'\'fm yea� !uu·h. a "(.lte hi\� bl'Pll : be jnvvfabl7 rlgh. t. Qaalit7 c:oanta.for tbe return received. Any red-blQt,d- -. .., . . , .cd fellOW who appreciates fe1lowahlp, " ; t'llIltcmj.J:ltefl: Wc ,,-t're'- ('itl�'pr wi:,,:; Spalding's Ca.talogu.' is DOWloyalty, and a rattling good time. .. N� Alibi. : f'n�n�h o� fo01i"h ('n.(II�;!h to nnolrr.: read7-f1'ee f� the ukID.c. ,TIt(' :\[idlignll J)ail�' ":I� '.;0 nlihi to; �tanll t1le c-amrniJ!n. W('. f(\ll.�llt fail'"should be on the special Fridq Dlght. I lJ'ennis, Oolt, Baseball, Cricket, PO:)'- " .. i,otTer.. We' to�k tho "jjtu (;onf('r(,li�'t�' I�', we fO;lgbt j!'R11(,�. an,l ·'we. fOll:.!�t· ball, BasketbaD, Athletic Bq1l1p!D8Dt.�;. ,,:';rI(' 1:(,(,�1I�(, We:> �),.ji_i'\��ll tll:1·t· it: �a�: "'it� argllm'('nt!"_l(if'hi��� }In·ily.�· -j : I.. ,.jto :\11('111�:l1l'� �)('s't.· .hltc.rt'�t:, � to' ally; . __ i Long on Geed Points I A. G. Spalding &. Brosh!'rs'�lf ',":th },('t· nill(' ilui�::';r:-it �1''1' ,. I .: •Prflsi,1('nt ";''', ." '.' �RAMATIC CLUB PLANS. ! By the M�kers of Send for our CatalogueI !-Ion, S�\ eral vcnr� :l<T(" I , . I -real boys with the col· 1.,.oi."tCfl to t�l(, mi.(l.,w('�ter� u'�i:';�::I·'. FOR PLAYS AND DINNER,: ;fro)"s Best Product 28 S. Wabash Av.lep sPirit. '.fo come out t f h fSI ICS 0 t e ·l1t\lro.: ... It "-a..q on tid...' " . . . '.. ' :to see the two leading }'I""'" I l)n,,' tl t I TIle Dra.matic club s mntatJOnnl·pa' I.• ' ••. 11= Ia. We �o:· '-li- a rccl' . , Ielevens of the Conference --.We tor t.r-llll'C'O tl �. 'f' ': ; .. ' '. '. fornl:ln('e in th� 'P.cnlOl,ls club t.lwatt'l' �• . . Ie .011 ereJWc.· � _. • .:tho title, and cheer with the other ten \YP nutst (' f> tl : n('('(.mher ;J. nn(1 th(' quartcrly Ihlln��r:. 011, SS_ �at'HI(�rc :uc �OLlI.� ,• Jor fi!tcl)n thousand Chclago men, is !1'il:"� :1,1,ollt tl: .. : . .' ':- I for nf"," nl'''I()('1:1te memhcrs. '\'C(llh'�':I � ·.e prl'o.;('llt COli f('rt'IH'(' • . . ._.....,goc:;n enough; but to foUow the team/I' that :l"_"ra'-nt. Illa�·, :'\o\'('':' '�" III the CQnrn.1Q:l':!. ' ... �. . e lis e:>xtr4·llll'h·. Tt W:l": •. �.to a certain nctoey, stand on a snOW' 1 "llr ('(HI\'if'ti tl. 'J' .' .. (':ffc, will I.e :1.1110Yl;:" :i'� ]';·'.ns 41i"CHS�·"·1_l . on "It.\ l<'lll:::1n ('oul"!�ept r;t:tnd, omply to cheer the boys ].,· ... t: link .. ('('.1'1' 1_ 1 nt, the hl('O'till'! of t.1I1' (.!:!I. :It. lO:i,i:I '. • ... I lOll� ;\ a.;., In- aft'·on the fic.ld, �d remind them that they I (,1.trnll(·(', nut. I,· ..... I t.otin.y in Col.h 6.\. The nJ(,pting ;-. ,'. ' pll • l� 01,llllon 41('('rN' ....h�vo lo�. followers, is the real test. I otll(�rwi!"c. <:. . ! for adh'e fll�J111'cr' : :" tl,(' d11h onl .....l'.nd 3 te'1it·it _was. To stand out In WP. how h .. for fl' 1::-'.. � --- ..... -----. e 1I� pu )11c- OPtnIOll. 'Ncir;hborhocd C:· .. ;'G H�y( P .:., icsthe arctic blasts· and see. a mediocre We will not' . .-" .' I. . - . . now. lIor .1111 we (',"cr.) at. i : \f('mi)('TS of t.h(' '\�\();th- ... "". :;('igitr;�m1C-to' I'81se a feeble cheer .that t(,Tllpt to f . ·t· I .. ;,-� .'�' .' , OIs. Ollr. \'Jews upon ,"QU. h"rhoocl ('luI. wi11 gi,'(' no party t.oa�\-·ooundP.d 1iDer,..thaD.the. 1IeaYiest thUD- From tht' Ii . . �! • .I, "' .. ,. , -' Ir!'lt. we '}-1'-111('(1 (,r!,lnll\' I nt :l.�f) ill J.f'Xill,l.:t.on. Tho SOHt.hwf's: ..cicrclap 01' 'a '�O" that goes ro1lfng with \"011. So f _ -. .d P'C ill street at tb WIs- � .... .. me 0 � 0\1 hnve !-;('en fit.' ('Iuh "In �I\'C a party tOIl,orro\\-.own. I ty.seT� � . .: e: ." ,��. hrt'nk .n,,-a�· �nncl tllrow the puh1i(' I(",()�nn gam�th_ at Is ,the ma* Of. �ef' In_tf) ('onfu�ion ,y h f +!o�al C}11c�gO'''meD � womea. All ·.h�w ff':" 'ti: �,' e a�e .una Ie to tell' Bold Speaking 'l'his Week. IJ• � , . e 00 ve you were Ot • • . I(.1-eciit to' the sPirit of tile Chfcago i;" I' '. �- -.. � '-: lr opmlon I FinAl" in tile Lower .Tunior pnhli,' II . 011 � nrgUlllentnh,-f' c'-cr ·th·· 1 .aowd at N'ortInrederDl pends u on th ,) mg (e-l �eAkni� c-onteRt will 00 helel the lat·� '-'::__. P 0 credenco that the gon- tel' part of this week.The Daily ,I ---.------ -� ... -.J.=11 ���B:::::auetiii�;�·-=:··=--==��·':�� Athletics Brevities .··� .. -:-l, TODAY - .;: � • .'Cnptaiu Rowe �f )lli�J(s JI�:- ��'�IlSenior Class Keeting�O:15, CobL . .... • . I.�hif� froUl .big rl·:..r\i'r�.'/ llv�iiioll at.12.A.. 'full buck to right gtlai-cl.; 'l'hi:--� dial.;.;"Freshman· Class' . Meeting_;_lO:15, . » .has been made beeause -lib �i.lrJ·:�lr"�1Kent theater.·Dramatic Club-tO: 15; Cobb l'>A shoulclcr could uot gtiilld·�.tlle� .1!e:-l\'Y... work or Hit' llaa·kfil.'J,I.Junior College Chapel-Women, 10:15.�(antlel.Botany C1u�:30, Botany 13�Jl'andoJin Club_7:15, Reyuol.lsMaroonillgne"� to JtIt'et the' �I iehignn ·.�A�_gicg" to deeide ,the. 'Wcstern �haluP.ion<Rhip outside of the ·eOn_fc�oucc.. ': .•. :Formed7'UniYenit)' oJ Chicqo WeeId7.ManaciZ1£ Editor •••••••••••• Ibnia SteYer.New. &!itor •.••••••••••• GcorC. CottiD&bam.Atblelic:. Editor ••••••••••••••• 1lur7 G.cuBlaine&1O Mua&cr •••••••••••• Burclctta 1Iu&Circulation Mauccr •••••••••• Willlaaa L7ID&Il The' Ill·\\" seat sale 1,I:Ul at J lIilloi�. provides for a uou-smoklng tit.'Ctio�·;� ill:which seats way be obtuiued upou :ll"plication.ASSOCIATE EDITOBSGeorg" �h:t1i'cr,Xinu O'Xeill, Augusta Swawitc.Dorothy Weil club.ProCessorManueL------------------------------- .Xotre. D�mc h-;:-;;'uoullCt.,.l �its will-PuLli:.bcd daily except Swula7.. K0Dd:a7.a!l� holiday. durina three-quartcr. of theUI1I\'cn;ll)' year.Emcn.--d a& second-cia .. mail at the ChicacoPostoffice, Chicago, 111., March 18 1908 un-der Act of l1arch 3. U73. • • TOMORROWChapel-8('nior Colleges and sehoolof Commerco'· aiia Atllliinlstrntion;10:15. Mandel.'_ . BroWnson Club-3:30, Cobb 12A. The Daily Carilinal- of WitICouMiu IsJunior Mathematical Clu1),:_4:15, Ry- . backing a movement to send tho Bad-erson 37. - , gers .to the Chicago-lIiJlllc�ola �:UlIl'Sociology Club-4:30, Harper Mltt �aturclay. It iK thought that this l,la!,Pen CIub-6, Commons eafe would give the team a few' poinh'rsDramatic Reading Society-3:30, which might be '_of use to them ill theiri)'l.C.�t;fI rc;o".,;.a.S to the Lexington 14. game 'with Chieago,Mi��llC'ich game, .Noth-iug need lJ� 5,!" to What CoDege Editors Thinktnt)<;) wlJ.o nave zone onsnch a trill l;).:f'IC. to J)cr.';II�,d·:: them togo; they �ill be 011 board if they can� UBSCRIPTION RATES.By carrrer, $2.50 a :year; '1.00 a quarterny_ mail, S3.�0 a :year; $1.25 a quarter. •.r::dltorJal-llua�ness Office. EUi. 2t.1 elephone MIdway 800.Outside in the street, as this edito�-�bitotialNext FridaY' nls{h-: a. :;pccial trainwill leave for �'lleap(ilib to carry theGoing�:Minnesota. The entire capacity or thc �Iilllle!lo,ta stands has been disposed of aJrl'a,l\'for the Chiegno game. )11 ,th.e stu­. dent section only 150 scats are .Idt.Interest In Local A1fa.irs.The loyal ha.ndful oC· ChiCU'o root.­ers who saw the Northwestem gamelast Saturday are theThe IcyTest (...81.' 1-:1l'l.ll(oj..i I:,nWHO ARE THEY?Nine responsible, conservative Business men--allresidents of Hyde Park---probably one or moreknown to almost everyone In Hyde Park.THEIR SWORN DUTYis to safeguard the interests of the depositors. toconduct the affairs ol the bank in compliance withthe strict Banking laws of the State, and to act asmanagers for the Stockholders.The more you know about a 5T ATE Bank thegreater security you feel in depositing your morieythere.This Bank has on deposit Postal �avings Funds ofthe U. S. Government, and Funds of the City ofChicago.Keep Your Sa\'iogs In Hyde Park3% Interest paid on SavingsOpen Saturday EvenIDgsCO'-HEft O� S3� ST. & LAKE AV�OFFICBBS DIB.EO'lOBS ,',JOH� A. CARROLL. PresW�nt_ROBERT F. CUllllL�GS. Vice-President.THOllAS JA!IlSE�. CUbler.11. A.. HARlIO�, Aalatant Cashier. Robert F. Cummtnp Frank W. Ho".Charlu R. Honle JaJDe8 J. CanouHenry L. Stout Thornq JanaenDanIel F. Burke Thoma A.. Oo�John A.. Carroll.,. ::'.1Amhition'Subscribe forThe MAROON$2.50 -fllfAg81tIhi11\'t'1-sIi01�.. ,·1na8e:IIi'J,If·JiI1IItC'I.;, !,. ii ...; -- j.i'J:..6 .; "-BIB DAILY .''I00)I, .,.,.aAT, JrOV.""BB 11, 1,IlS. _,_BOOK NEWSDunne a hc� about the what-, au'wby ..Can't say's I ever _kuowed.Heaven to me's a fair blue Htretch ofsky.};arth's jest a. dusty an e 'X1Uh(llc of the tirtlt named qual.ity and "Cnrtlignu Buy" with -_ "cleangreen w.indy bltlows notching out thesky" i8 another. 'fhe seeoud Is bestconveyed by these Iiues from "A\V auderer's ROIl�":A wiud's in the heart of me, a fire'�ill my heels,I am tired of brick IUlll Rh:HlC nndrumbliug wagon-yheels;I hunger for the sea's edge, the lilllitMof the laud, .Where the wikl old Atlantic isshouting ou the saud,Most eharming of nll, however, areth,. .. oems with bits of nuecdote, Thatof the second Cape Horn gospel be­::ius:Jake was a dirty dugo Iad, an' he gavethe skipper chinAu' the skipper up an' took him aeraek with au iron belayiug-pinWhleh Iitifl'ened him out a rusty corp,a8 pretty ns you could wish,An' then we shovelled him up in asack au' dumped him on the fish.I n "One of WaUy's Yarns' occursthis' passage if similar purport:1/ seetl him in the white 0' the wak •. ',I seed him lift a hand('N' him in his oilskin tJuit 'n' a11),I heard him Jift a cry;'N' there was his place on the yard 'n'all, 'n' tbe. stir�p's bustedstrand. '.'N' the oM man saitl there's' a' cruelolel sea runDin',It's hal'(1 but I ain't agoin' to let aor this otiter bit from ".�i IJ a �\)ng (" boat be lowered:::;hl·.· .. r"" J I';'� SO we left him there to t1ie.""oS) !. ::,!.[ fo"rarll It � .1\)"8, ·11' he. A y3rn of the ho'sun's contains this(!Us«'08 hi!:> eye, stan7 .."l whi .. h emhotlieR more of tbl'':N' <:11':1•• he layiJ 'n' t)l�l.�t I I"a· .. s bnJ.1n(>�s, ('harDl' antl spirit of the bal-l'lna ",c. latls than anY' other single pa."s.'lge of +++++++ ++--+.'N' I w@·.alone with his corp, 'n·· the. the' book-:, " .JOSEPH SCHMIDT�d� green sea ·and the' sky." '4Jt�!c(' n' -Bb)emn;<gOE;pel; 'm�t he' 83.y�,·Al�gl{ . a strain of melancholy . "but a man as' ships ahoord -s '�8"l'ATIOHBRY, TOILET ARTICLESruns through. Drost of ·the poems,-death steamer tramp,' he. gets� h:&and diseomfort is not the onlv note. • whn'.·k of the Lord......:· . FINE LINE OF CANDIESSome Ju�.y� the, quiet content ud oth· Sut-h .a& roaches crawlill' over 'hi'ers the rolli('killg joy of the sailor be- bunk, 'n' sna)ccs insille bis hread,fore th�:mast._ "Vag.ab�,nd" which be- Anti work hy -nig)it an'l wor:k bl (layaiJ1a L�r-. _: ... " -., . :. ': " -' enoUgh to strike him dead:·'" ..t:AL�WAftm BALLADS b� JohnM..."eI4, fte ..... 11." OoIIIpa.Q,SLOG.': -Of death and burial; of fe\-er' shipHnnd sqWPJls;. of hard fare and harchrtasks these .. ballads treat. Stark and, rude . &8. �omes their subject, .theyl.a\'e �et t�e :tragie 8weep of drfanlae ombined with the weirdness and tangof the sea: It is drama, to be sure.'·Sot of. the princes and prelates withperwiggec1 charioteersRidillg triumphantly laurelled to lal'the fat of the yearsI:ather the 1W0rn("ll-th.. rejf¥t4'41-th.,men hemmed ill with spears;Tho men of the tattered battalionwhich fights till it dies,Dazed with the dust of the battle, th edin and the cries,The men with the broken heads andthe blood runuiug into theireyea."In consequence, aeordiug to M88C'"eld's "consecration," these marinerstell their tragic yarns and sing theirgrizzly songs ill the language of .tbeships, thus lending an added pathos tothem because of their very limited,halting expression. What could beQ10re poignant than this bit rroui 'jo'e-ver ShiD":'N' Dick has got the fever-shakes, 'n'look what I was toldtI went to get a sack for him tokeep him from the- cold)"SR can I have a sack?' I says, "forDick 'e'K fit to di.,'"Oh sack be ;shot!': the 8k:�p"r say",, "jeB� let the rotter liJ r·-- -.U's crucil ;when a fo·c·5�le gets the fe­dit' ---.Bd.1ton Want �. of Un17emty.u�Uqe 80ph0mona to'frJ' Out.Class pidures for the. Cap aDd Gownwill be takl..'D 'l:hursday and Friday inf�'Ont of Walker. , Tb... freshmen willmeet at 10. 5 .r'riday. The editors oftho Cap "n.l Gown wish these picturestc be as fully repn:�t·t!t:ith to of th"C"J�� BM pOMible nntl have urged allnlemlJf'1'8 of theAia,·r,·n: clllS8CS to ap­()Car (or the photographs.s..,:eral' of the a�iate eclitol'9 ofthe CS!P. and Gown have not reportedfor work yet, aDtl ha'-e been requeste.lto appear at the office as 800n M pos"ible. They are .Tamee Tufts, Ousta'Arli� George ShafFer, William Shirley,Joseph: F;shman, Nina O'Noill anelDorothy Llewellyn. Sophomores hRW.heeD urged to try out for the ,--,ran'eie6 .hi�h exitllt in 80IDe of the' de-J.artmont& SueceMful· �ontestant�'Wil be eligible for poI'Iitionl4 nnt yf'Rr..Fif'�'n' freshmen ba,'c J't'ported forwork "ready.The ('riit� are in need uf photo_graph& Pictnres of mRA.» meeting�'l'b11'O Qnartc1'8 duh aetivitief'. or an�'e,,("nb (If "tuclent inter�t "ill be.�t"ct,t�l. Copy ill' now �in:t :)rep=-rf"Cland w01'k. i8 w�ll under WRy. the nl."·&{rei'll say.i .:1�> IIUB80BDB FOB.... DAILY JIABOOlf .. -. -,', . DELA.."ID, FLORIDA.Capital .... _...... $S.�,OOO�OO PftL u.e.Ia BaIIq. A. II. 1Ianard, PIa. D_SUrplus ••..•.••• _ ..•• _ •. 5,000,000.00 . l1 .. nnI&7 .r CIaIeqo.Four collecu. he ac:hoola,- 11 bulldtnp, 00Undivided Prollts 1,000,00.00 In faculty, 15 �cte writa Mqulred to enterCoUece of LlbEl .. 1 Art.. LaDd of blue akle ..summer weMber, out of door recreation allWinter, .8Of.t wS.Dda from the eta, and t� music. of mocklnc blrda In the Ol1lDP erO\'e. HIch­est collep standanb. Send for' cat.!og.-, 'CLA- S- SIF •• D }'OR RENT-Beautiful, 1·-. bOld.• ••••••••••••�••••• �.�. J • ,.� -.�_ parlor. jo'urlliHhed in mohogany. )(u-no a . 7' DVER'IISfIIImTS sh'e Davcnport and Turkish rocker.1�, - -- __ . StCD.lll heat, eleetsle light. Boom ex-1'[" ... t· l'l'r Iiue, No :.LtlvertigeUleut!; re- elusive, Very. light and sunn1'. FreeA RROW .�el \ .. 'cl 1 or l�tiaO thau 25.:. All Cla.ssi1ied.1 use of grand piauo. Suitable for 'WOoadvertisclt.euts D::.ust be paid in ad- 1236 E. 61 • K' b k..'COLLAR .aace, Ii, corner rm arLOST-On or near the Campus,-ai·O.k S.\LE at burgain:'_One Buit ofCIa ""c... baby pin; small design with plaln.ett. .� a Ce.. .... d�tl,eK_ Tuxetlo style, original COdt eenter and initials A. }�. Finder please�!i-.h,lltle by fine tuilor-Suit is return to Maroon ofrice.slUull size-Euquirc Busincss manag­er of Maroon,WashburnER:SEs'r A. HA11lIlLL. Pns:�en-t.CHARI.ES L. HUTCHL"OSO:S, Vice-Pres,CHAU:SCEY J. BLAIR, VIce--PrHldeDt.D. A . .llOULTO:S, Vlce_Prl'.aldcnt,B. C. SAlU10:S.s, ,Vke-Preaktent. ._F.DW ARD F. S8HOEXECK. Aut, Cash!er.·Io'RA.."OK W. SlUTH, Secro:ary,J. EDWARD lIAAS. Asst, Caahhr,.JAliES G. WAKEFI·ELD. Asat, Camlu,LEWIS.E. GARY, Asst. Cashier,DIRECTORS.CharlesH \\'ackerlIarun,A. RyersonEdward B ButlerC21arle. H. Hulburd\';,arence Buckingl,amBt·naJmtn carptntn' Clyde 11, CarrEdw.n G. Fore.ToanWatson E, BlairEdward A. Shed4.FrH!erll'k W, t.:rosbyEmtlrt A. Hammill LOST-Loose Leaf Note Book in Har­per Library, belonging to S. Lefr.FOU SALE- .}·ille 1) room house near Findef please return to MAROON of·I'arks 311tl Vl1hc�it'\-. Bn"g"'n 6025J ...... , 'iN�. Reward.Lexington av,\\·A.""T"D " TO RENT-Large, light front room; !., L -J'" student, in e\'ery eoLlege, who can devote a few hours a\\ eek to represent an- eastern manu­fnl'turir,g firm and look after the In­t .... rests of tt.e business locally. Pleas­l��at, profitable �'ork that does not re­OHare any house to house canvassing, windows; \'ery modern; to 1 or !teeehers or students. Nr. U. of C; IC; Elevated. Mrs. C.. 1345 E. 6!ndSt., 3rd apt.·Patronize our advenisen. "l'BBBB BUlfDBBD AftENDBECEPrION FOB.,ST1JD�SThree hundred attended tbe reeep­tion given for thc Baptist t'tu.:�ntc.of the University Baturdav uiglltat the Hyde Park Baptrst. dlUro!�,Woodlawn avenue ancl Fifty_sixth'street, Mrs. Edgar T. Goodspeed wasehatrman of the reception committee,which included also.. MI'9. Tr&\'or Ar­nett, Geraldine Soares, Ella. Satterth­waite! Luella Davis, Dr. Charles W.Gilkey, Lawrence M('Gregor and Blis�Halling. & LOST--A Symphony Concert 8euoaTicket. Finder please return to aeltool)lIly youllg men or women with plenty of Education book store.I,f l.·ustle� who ean furnish good refer­t'n('es' nee.l .apply. Address all com. t'OR ::;AL_t; very cheap,munientioua to Ralph W. Billman, Box':li, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. . guitar, full dress coat, Tuxedo and, Prinee Albert, size 36-38. H. P. 2205,546� Washington Ave., 2nd Apt.PUPILS W AN'rED-Mrs. Flora Mac-I "or Smith, voite built1er and teacher "HOW to work your way through col-o, artistie singing at Mrs. Knights, lege." Mailed free to students. In-51;26 �aryland (formerly Jackson) t'l Letter Club, 459F Jefferson ave.T t Jersey City, N. erlll, 0,. ten It'Nlons fifteen dol-__ CmrIlCMr. WEBSTER-S. MEWINJp,....t�.lUST ISSUED. 1I. .. aw, ..•• T '_'u." e-. ......-.,. ,......0. , I., .... ..-al : ••.• s.,.............. c........ ....... Wx r PradlaIy .......2hI.AGIB. all 1LLtJS1'U'DOIS....... 'WOIlDSAID�··VIIiia " �- CboIoIItHollltlrOU __ 01 .. --. -aft 'rim BaT In 8cbo1an1aIp,ew • ......, AatborIty, UdIItT. lara. )o'or further information, addressfi:�!i6 .Jnckson 8\"e. Phone M.idway 4390..;j.. I},· ,I: .!.. zp.:.,!; ze; .... MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS'MAROON ADSBRING RESULTSSaturday Afternoon Informalsat Rosalie Hall, 57th & Rosalie Ct�Cbicqo, DL •�:Imported and Domestic Line of I'CIGARS A�D CJGARETrES ......... +: •• t. �,�, t .,�, � .�,' ,. �_ • t��. The first dan'ce will be givenNovember 'I 5ih at 2:30 o'clockThe dances are for University PeopleFRAPPE Music by AURACHER:Thomas J. Cavey. SonPO'BlOlJBIlIU8Far GentlemenSPECIALJZDTG IN � WANTS OFTBB COLLBGB MAN001Jan .... 13, u,�HICAGG.of THEMASTER-1vIODELthe Royal is a stand­n:cdJine andwifl:cuf En,ard COu£s,,(fidel1(e. cloes (olIdelJsed billir.gspedal attachments.The 'TypewriterT�:at Solves "Typewriter Problems."ROY AL TYPEWRITER COMPANYChicago Illinois.58 E. Monroe St.,,'J.t..... .'Official,:._ .. '." .• �, 1'.' .:».ttivities·· of the Capus OrganizationsNOT�'rom time ·to time ut1clee ter tho Sc.·ore club plans to give a diD·�:= :- =;e!'It� � Iller [u Hutchiusou cafe to the capt.a.ill9..tiona, maIdDg a 1Jt1Id7. of them, dis- of tile CoC)k county high school foot.­cuasing their work azul their usetul· bull teums, ut which men prouunent,ness, and c:oJIli.q to a 4edaion .. tothe value of such uUc1e& ft� »n_ iu Uuiveraity athletics will speak, andceding 'aZticle, which a.ppeared on ·Oc. enthusuism for the Uuiversity will betober 31, was about; the Three Quar. aroused among tho high school men.ters club.only. just criticisms against the dub Comer 66th and Drexel Chlcago·seem to center in the narrowness or Telephone lIIidWQ lUlIta aim and the assumption of the title Tbe BoaM of PDft !)rap. CIa ....... aadToIlet AnSel.. 'For that Grippe or cold In the bead-DrexelCold. Grippe. and Fever Tablets. 2k' .Aak for a Free Sampl�.Stop that CoUCh wit & bottle of or our Whit.Pine Honey and Eucalyptus. �Relieve t.b&t Headache with & lOe paclrace ofDrexel Headache ··.'lIlIea"o"'_ .,"" •- ,.:� .. �ealle. Chicago via BIIRUNGTON.9:00 P. M. Friday, Nov. 14th• • � ! •n.; t,.. ""' .... ,, , ..'."1'\",',- \ From UnioD Depot, Canu MId Adams.... , ... 5ee the Minnesota Ga'lD.e---�! BUlil!l�ton:RouteA.J.PuhlGeneral Agent Passenger Dept.� ,141 So. Cluk St. Telephone Rbd. 3117BurlinQtonj . Route'OBC�H�;BUB�ON BOLIIBSP A Ii A 'JI A :·:'A G A I !J: ;TAPA •• 11- KORBAWedn�7· eft. ·8:15 • Friday n.e-. 8:�5.Saturday Jla1;. 2:16..., T·8uII4a¥. � �. 3.� "'ItPopular::. �ees,.: 25c. to �$L�OWTHESMOOTHEsrTOBACCO�, .U�, �,.,'-.:;t,,f; f�r the Sophomores of eleven of themto band together in a soeiety, from �UfiI'WqIE'IlUI!!II!i!IIlII.IIIl!!_which the others are exe1ud�. �o AJIlJ8BIIBRft.the aver:1ge observer, it would seemhroader and more. bene4eial both. t'l Ho�ard'8 Theatre-tho dub members and to the frater- ----BROADWAY HONBYJIOO1l--, ."fI��O4'•'1'AILOB FOB YOUBG IIBWTHREE STORES: 7 N. La Salle St. A �DITORIUl\4.•. '1'BB PA88IB& _ow 01' 19U"FaD Two Oaac:e T... LASALLE•••••••••••••••••• A DIP '1'0 WA8JII1IGftmA.���ICAN r::l��ALI� LLOYD ," 00. 01' 75�1'DDk1'��Tailoring �means clothesthat give you distinction and in­dhridual good sty$60. Prices $30• •1& E. Jaeboll Blvd. 71 E. K01lJ'Oe 8t.................. �J Score club and Skull and Crescentare generally known as ·'the Bopho­moro honor societies." A careful studyof these two organi;ations will showwhether it comes under this clasaifica­�on and whether it fulfills the fun�_tions of such a society.SCORE CLUBOtri('ers of the Score club make thefollowing statement in regard to thenature of and purpose of ·their. soelety:"1'he Score club was founded in 1901as a Sophomore honor society by rep­resentatives of the eleven fraternitiesthen in existence at the University.�he members, twenty in Dumber, arechosen from the freshmen of the elev­en fraternities, who have been mostprominent in University activities. Themain purpose of the club is to havemen from the different. fraternities get�gether and form strong and lasting'ties of friendship, so that they mayreceive benefits by association witheach other and bring about a generalharmon:" and co-operation between thefraternitaes,"Tn a general way this purpose see��to be carried out by the dub. The"�p�omore �onor soe�ety.". When. there are seventeen fraterni·ties on the campus it seems narrownities at the University. to include allthe frAternities in the dub, aa theyare all Included in the Interfraternitycouncil However as the club make�no pretension of being other than asociety of certain members of eleven Tho 8l'orc club bas a laudable pur­pose which it fulfills in a generallysuccessful manner and seems at pres­ent to be an organization that shouldbe fostered, It should not allow ibel:lto be known as a "Sophomore honorsociety", as it would then be open tosevero criticism for not carrying c,uttho ideals such a society should have.The membership of tho society is verylimite-I, but that seems to be entirelyDo private matter, and if the membersthink it to thelr interest to keep itso, no objection can be made.GIVE TBAM: BIG SElfD.OFF.(Continued from fa:,P 1)into the Varsity. If the weather per­mits, it is probable that open forma·fions will be used entirely Saturdaj".Captain Norgren will be depended up­on to gain with his long spirals, andif the offense fails, he will be reliedupon for long gains.,,�I�I"llijlllrlll!ll!n" lUI' !1I�III\lIHllillllll"I�lilli"�IU!:liII\l�Uil'rtIHI!I1.'t:I' :::"1' r,.DREXEL PHARMACYIrIAft JlcANAHY. a Pb. ..withBIIIIA OAR'US.JOE BOW.ABD--MABBL McCANBpOVVE�Sfraternities it is its.affair as to whom DAVlD BELASCO Presentsit chooses to take in . A GOOD LITTLE DEVILTo CAll sueh a body a ·'Sophomort'honor society" is however,. a aeriou<;matU-r. The societ.y makes no effortto carry out such a purpoee and it COR"Iseems it wouldbe to ita own interest •to Ave the dub boWD. cillrereDtly, to JOHN BY AIlS • LBILA. IIcD1'rYUIn a New MDl_" IIulcal �.pr�teet it against, hMSh, critie�s� asn�t fnlfilling such. a purpoee� Wb,en . :lsociety is called a "Sop�omore hUBor8Oeiety" it is _ ..... med ,that itpreposee to include th. 8op�0�0J'ccl� as a whole into ita, p�tiV'em�bel'8hip.Amf)Dg the many' � ��ts_ill fa·vor, of the society 1D&7. \"be.! _.d. thati.t is not secret, it& coutitatiOD andminutes being open to. the .PtlbUe, pdit makee no effort·at being .a.eoUeetionof the best men ill. tle . elallf.·or eventh�. most prominent. . Through ; itsdan¢es (which· have been f�nth� yeaI' by the faeulty. beeaDae., ofab�8C f)f privilege by .Iast y�s memo�)OI'8) it affords the stu.d�ltta:. of; .. theUniyersity a well su�rrieed, eoeial, ae�tivity, the proceeds.of wlaieh, enable STUDEBAKERDE W 0 L I' HOPPE.the club ·to cODtribu� to �, UDiver­ILLINOIS sity Settlement, the Y., II:. c.' ,.., theKlaw a IIIIaIaan JIuIcal � Wulaingt�D Prom, in caae �f .a de.��. and to the· other UaiTenity. �i .. -o HI 0 BI D B �. B.I • B I tioaa which pre888C) .f�jund�_TOW1U'd. the latter put of tJa. quU'. In JII88 OAPalOBFINE ARTS·aBPBB�OBY SBABO.B. IDEN PAYBB"The Master of the Hou8e," St..1nJ...�yHoughton. ·Phipps" Author of HindleWakes' A flon!ntine Trage«ly, O�arWild.-, Press Cuttings, George BernaTdRhaw •prloce&8DOBBIB EBAlOIIn Bdward lIIIe14oD·. Love DrsmaROJIANCa tj.I