·�lIuily ··�.arnnuPRICE I'IVE O�, () v. .. XII. No. 29.M .. ultoD and KeDDedy Will'Be. \)aIy Second String men in. Opening Play I ANNOUNCES COMMIITEES mEtt� ._, ,ROOTERSFifty-five Soph�cs Given Places I : TO" FlU 'L :SPECIAL-Cornwall. Whiting. Davis 'and __Owen Are Chamneii�"':Btircky. ThrOUgh Train 'to E..... tOn WillWell Now. ' I:.eave·SiXty�Tbird·Sweet and-- UDivenity 'AveDue at 12:25 ,. . . . ..... ,WORLD-WIDE Y. W. C. A. iFOUR HUNDRED WOIEftNext'Week WilJ'Be Spent in De- PRESENT AT:DINNER'monstration of Association WorkEverywhere...;_Lecture on Africa Ch\cago Entbuawm �'.5tu-First. dents at Annual: DiDD�·1.ilat:Night In Lexington •.. : itcUUR LINEUP' TOSTARTK U. CONTEST; t·,. , F'ifty-fivo Sophomores compose thoJ··_RPLE PlAYS HARDEST GAME five class committees auuouneed yes- 1I0Uf'M'ASS-ilEE11NC' IN.'IIEMT shown to tho WOIllCU of the l!:Ji\(� r �ity MISS HOUSTON TOAST�'terday by President Bureky. Ralph ,luring tho comill� w CI.. lli�:i BeJI,. tlinioJl8 of the QOa(;hu and cap· 'Corllwall is chairman of the soci� a returned missiouury, wrii tdi �i ,'(111' 1\carly four hundred women 1llleclLl.u;. committee, Frank Whiting, of the - .' difions she 11:18 found in Africa at the Lexiugtuu with Chicago enthusiasm at",;,.�(.h Stagg, "N,rthwester.a always athletics, Ralph Davis of the news and first mceting llouclal at l::W in the tho Chicago Night for Chicago Womenf-::.t. harder agaiD..""t ChicaJ(o than Lorin Owen of the advertlsing, No BE ONE OF',TIIE TOEE League room. She ",iIi. tnlk 011 the dinner last night. Frances H,Iouston,� t.iL.tt aD7 other tea!!1 in the COD- 'other information was given out about vital problems there, part-il'lIlarl,\' the adillg as toastmistress, introduced theft%'C'nre; I undentaDd that th�y would class affairs for thilJ quarter. ..' : HUNDRED' ON THE rise. of MohaJlJlJlecl:lIlI�I'"l� 1ItilliDg to lose a.ll tb'J other Kames President Burcky is able to attend "1': II L,',.:; .. : 'J �. The l)rogram for the rest of the sl.enkillg' for hockey, gave a picture of, NORTHWESTERN:,: ':! (it IICbectule if they could win classes now after a slight Illness, Tho ; , week follows: till" squads tearing down the field,�--� Cblcago." :eommitteo follows: ' SPEC� TODAY Week's PrO:!r"d!!!. Cornelia Beall told the advantages of1 r!:lptaln 'Norgren, "On account of tlle Committee Me:!bers. Tuesday-Miss Geraldiu s Brow n , lSl',' basket-ball, Mnrgaret Rhodes spoke forr','LtLulO:in the newspaper.; of the Pnr- Sodal-Ralph Cornwall, ,chairm�n; retary of the University Y. W. c. 1.., hase-bnll, Nancy Miller represented;-:':". We have no idea hoW' stzOn2 they -Isabelle MacMurray, Marian. Morti. 1 ··ConuitiolJs in Europe," swimminrr, Hazel Furchgott spoke onThree hundred rooters are expectedr: .'ly are. We should win on previ0118. mer, Gertrude Chamberlain, Dorothy Weclnesda)-Mrs. E. C, Plemlng; t!(,J1�Tal gymnustics, nnd Dorothy LIe-...... __ .tt 'to fill the L, train to Evanston today. Tl R k bl A·l f h Y . h"" 'Farwell, Alma Hatch, Agnes Bharp, .. ie emar n e uvanee 0 t e ' wellyn, exhibiting the tenms trap ,.' -.I Tho special will leave Sixty·thirfl'. Director Omer, "TIle team will pia,. 'Marjorie Coonley, Margaret Hancock, W. C. A. Work in India," she �as won for two years, related its;� ... br.-.. --e of the -p." . street and University avenue at 12:25.. R C:'10 .- .,-, Janet. Flanner, Alta Fisher, Elsio Thursday__.Miss ose Lee, a. hiuese history., r'�:lCh�, �e team has bnprov- .Eriekson, Ruth Sandberg, Adele Fran_ Six cars will make· up 'the train and woman: "Y. W, C. A. Work in China:' :lli�!'J Gor trude Dudley told ,of .the�. ±ucb in the last two weeks, and �kel, Marjorie Uhlmann, Franees Cal- .the University band will occupy the Friday-.Miss· Raymoud: . "Y. W, C. proposed equipment for the new Jdd'.: �;,. piny much better than in the Iowa I (:ar anel enliven the trip. The train A ' A ' " 1\.' , • f thlen, Lewis Fniks, Roland George, Dan . In merrca, rvoysn and suggestions or e. new,is scheduled . to reach Evanston about;Srown, Gifford Plume, Joseph Geary, Pictures typical of foreign' Y. W. G. buihling f'rom the women. Dean Tal·I r ...·p·t:in ..._- "The ill::: -::::'l1 IPht ' two In tima for tho cross-country race,�-., :Harry O'Nel·11 WI·III·am Shl'rley' Donald ' A. and missionary work will be poste.j bot slwt(·hell thc I,lans for the· . .1'ccep··i ' , The round fare for the trip will beICr f t K tTL d Lesch arounfl the walls insicle Lexington al: tioll ",hidl is to Le tendered Mr.: La; .1 aw or', en enney, yn en : twenty eents. Maroon rooters hats willand Georae Benson this week. The (laily meetings will b,,· (,rIit' W, XO:-'C!-l, tl C donor of the new.• "'. be sol�l on the train.I 1 .gin at· 1:30 and will end at 1:50. ;,uiMitlg on DCtCll-;.Ler I.---- Athletic:s--.4Frank·· Whiting , ehair- I R�presentatives of the far.famedl('�'" Chicago, OJ Northwestern, o. IAI' P I R th Pr . Trip Around·World. �on� is Fo!:Lture..,. _- i Ulan; ma' arme ee, u osser, I. Dings refused to predict "ictory atChicago, 4; Northwesterll, 6, I I Cl 1 .. r I L "'fhis is really a' trip arounel th. A cabaret ::.ho,�·, written ant)' di ..; l'aul RUf'sel, aUf e .ru.OU ton, aurens the maM'meeting for the Northwesternl�;:l:� Chicago, 12; Northwes�ern, G. iSh II _ "_..4.: R �_ t "II' C •. world in every sense of the wonl:' reetccl hy .Janct Flal;ncr, cloSOtI the. . U, nruee .ID.�lo&n, olKlr .lD.C on· • game In Kent yesterday. It had been�. � Chicago, 6; Northwestern. 6. I II' R· h rd' Boyd' d D' t Ski . -. ,sahl Miss Brown yesterday, "with thf _':\'f')uiIlG cr;tc:-tdl n:CI t, l�3.ber Beeker�� '..ni, 1.L I �o_/. ,IC_ a_ __�n _ _: �� o�. Pa�.' _:� � expee. �d . that the. wbol� Ding team?f�'.lQ'--.",:t..;z; . (cadnft AAi�e:� - . _.__ _ . pictures and the talks,. Tho speak;ers . �lizabeth :\latC:illtock, Lillian �I�I�. l�::"-·<:hieago, �6;Northweetem,'6. I�':' .,' E"rl' Wh·te· ·R·'h' ""d:'-':""'t" �.'� .. - :._ _ .... -......:.,���,..- �"'�r·'tDltfJitillr: ..'Waft'r-tfII���,j(il1f;·. - nia.·�"'iiU�Jlli���-�,.. " . ., : nansOD,' � e J, Ie ar .&aa - 'their opinions" 'ot 'the' Northwesterr, ." " l.hicago,: 36; ,NoJihwestern, 0.. 'tho . "U_� 'Wi 'LL Ed' d'n;":1 i . : and their' experien�es and stories are Mac1\lu1Ta'" were the perfoimeis.��Th&'� j�' � le&.Dam, war � e ,eontest. .. Captain Whiting. faithfully . Jl� �.5-t'hie8go, 6; Northwestern, 22. �_,�� " :! fasdnat.i.ng." trium}i,h of the evening was .. ··aoitlt to• '�l' ,.JUl1o, 6,. No'rthweate�, O. ,: and. .&alUafli.'. I �'" La. :m:en. e. e.,.. .. ,. ", '. 1.: promised �"heerleader. 'Matthews .thai" _ h Y'_ ,"Lexington" given by Katherille,' BOe-'�ii, 46.:; -:ews.--;.Bal., . ph. DaVIS, e .a1l'm, an ;. ��- : his. whole team would' be there, bui . ':�.! .. :. -Cbieago, 6; l'for:t�weste ! Be k ! wm Speak at 0nDd Baplds.. .SOli, Helen Street, Gertrude O'llar.;(;hieago, 18; North,,�rn, 6. i�nee ,ll�Gr_egor, Edward ' tie ell' ,evitlently eoald not �nd up the bu�eh i. MisS Martin, instruetor .in· tho'Sehool ,Isabel Kentlriek, 'Mabel Beeker;-Lilliaarn,'. � ',B. a.rry Fi,sher, Arthur Tenipga. a�.e ,ian.d:.beeolDlD,·,·g.;,.diseouraged: .kept·,.awa:,'i�r;-.(;bieago, 21; N:orth�� ; Ir E.lul"ation, will Jp.cture t1)' the :Bis.qel� 'Ruth Agar, Isabel llaC:M1irra734 N rib ...... ..,.. 5. ,Ileorge S. ha1fer.. ". . .' himself. � . :.�'.-' .' ....� .. , . h f,.� .......:_�hi�ago, ; 0 w�_-, �::<, 'iuelt�rgarten an.l Primary t03� ei's 0 'and Elir.abeth Ma.eClintoek.:Th�word1i, N' rth'" �..;,.;:.,;. o..! AdvertislDg-Loriil Ow,en, ehalrmau: N,,: aDd Left7. 'l'aa. .• ;:.��-(:hieago, 16; 0 �""MJ_-, -. Grnael. ,Rapic)s next Mo:!d:ay after· are as follows:.,.......1. .. _ 5' Elsie .Spindler, Dorothy VanrlerpOe'a, CaptaiD ,"orgren· and Lefty Baum-.... l'_(.bieago, 0; J.,o&Wo\wes_m, • - , noon. 'rile 8oDg.6 'Lenus Lundberg ana :M. V. BTOln., gartner- Baved' the forensie reputatioT.. ,' .-lhieago, 5; Northwestern, •... !'. ;:_:'CLieago, 12; Northwestern, O. • ' of the squad at IBrJe by eoming U: ChooSe' Sopb.o:ore Ball Team.•.• :.:-CI.ieago, 0·, Northwestern, o. Y the reseua, when' the meager supply 1\1 .. mbers of the Sonbomore Women'sGraduateS Bol4 InfCll'JDal. I'.. . L· 32 N rth estern 0 of Dings present· had. _ been enanste(l . h Th rs�:,i .!-.{; leago, ; 0 w ,. The Graduate Women's Club held an Ba .. �kct-hall team were c osen u-'. �'lll'e' ago 32,· Northwestern, o. Mr. Biekham, the Y. M. C. A. sccre· ela".". They are·. Willa Sultzer, :Mar-•• � .- .. , , informal tea ThuJ"Bday in Le:Dngto� •l!': �- ('1;icago, 34; Northwestern, o.Miaa Booth, fellow in Latin, :lIld the tary and an old' PenlUlylv�nia man, al- ..::aret WooclhouRt", Phoebe Baker� Rutl>..10 N rth te 1\ ._ 80 eonsented to fill a vacauey. The ex-, . E Fl1�'1 :'-l bieago, ; 0 wes rn, ,,-.. �.rge, Helen O'Donnell, thel anDt-'other members of the Classleal depart·.1�· j l':.:_Cliieago, 9; Northwestern, :. �ment were tile h�t_. (Continued' 'onl-- paie 2) 'gan, Irello Taylor anel Ruth Bonbam .l . ".-c'.li�ago, 3; Northwestern,. -----�---------�:_:_�--::,-�-------�-------------I!:�.:; p=:::,,�:� ��: . THE ;PROBABi..E.��;F6RTODAY'S GAME�h"tf)\a:;':_B.r chieago, 10; by North·' No,",�.�; (':'t�rn, 1� Total PointS eeored-J3y_ .... �'m:o, 430; by NOI'thwestern, lSI,1"'l o�i 1�92' \. til·18t!6.- 'ilt-c ;!''''(.�_ .• - <' !"l:l�·ed AA..:Ji BeatOn :""e'� ill1!"", 0;, and QE., footba i wn� ab,.I,i; ! ".1 ::.t No:-+)n"esteru' Y. Wo C. A. the world over wiii tit:Jt. speakers of tho evening; Louise Mieit,•LEX i� the law whieh bindS us,I for tho instep's' ·areh,·N for the neck whieh aehes us,G for the grunts in 'double' iii&reh. .T stan(ls for eruel teachero for the orclers doneN stands for noses, eyeS, e�' andtoeses.Worked hard in' Lexingtbn.. \, !�'I.. hll.: ....Springer, ; 100 ILLINI SOPBOJlOBBSAMD�� •.BAVB MOE OO�., V.Bip�er, 151Qaartel' :)Sack .-- --. .;_----. -----d-.- '0 : '. linois union have dccI.'ded upon a.�k-I :. ,'. ��r Swnr' "Wed. \he mueh IS- S C 1-9 Whit.tle 171-_,.... Kratt, eapt., 160 &hneebe�l', 191 ,Cosn�r, 160, . Stromberg, 170 Smith, 18 ruse, , , contest as a substituto for the oldc.;. , ... ,·obJe ... as to ,whether he would . ,._ Y -f G d Left Tackle Left En"'Rigtat End Rigbt Tackle Rlibt Guard "-CA_ J..oC t uar [o'reshman-Sophomoro push_ball eon test.:', •.•. de f(\b'1l1ara in today's game by: ",0 0 0 0 rhis new eontest is devised to a1rord!.i .. i,:: .mt p�tleally his regular line- ·0 0 ,� O ------0------0, a 0 � 0 0 0 0 n �pirited cla.'1s battle without the daD-'; .:. o' .', �C':-el:l'-". Kenned1".·�.' Moul�on, or ..;.ft' Guard G .I R' ht T '·1 R: ... ht End 'I.: 'I L_,J 'L f T LI L.c Center Ri�ht \taro: 'f! a<"" e '\ � ger of injury. .I'Alch oIa.� 'WlI �veI, . " 1 :�\'e teen first string men during Left End e t aCIL e 1-0Pieree.s Huntingt�n. 168 ShnU 187 Hani", 182 . Des Jardien, 190 Sc!anlon, lR.'i. Gocttler, lS;o; Ramrgartne1', '0 squa.ls of equal numbers in the fr&7,_ 0 nn,1 will line up on opposite sides of! ho field. Along the eonte1' of thefield "'ill be arranged a numbel- oflarge saeks filled with some light'_1);.st:\nee. At tho craek of the pl.tol;both sides will rush t01' tbe saebl cdcndeavo1' to 1'ctum them to their IoaJ-.Grauett, 163R. Half Back'0 o Sharp, 156L Half Backo (Special to Dail;y Muoo,,-)Urbnaa, JIl., No,·. 6'-co�tteeafrom the Freshmen and 8op�0':D0reclasses, and representatives of � n·, I�'.t� (. �1.tll(· f;e�n, will be in:\! .: ( r:lY':� posiUons, 'b�t Oth��i,se thot"',::'::,r lin·up will rem�n .unehangcd.1', � > ,.�'\. Coaeh Stagg. be1ic�eS tbat�:,. ":'ff'Tn mai sp�in� D' �i-prl�.; �.. r .. rpl,o J8-vo a. dinn�; t� the-:0. . .... ·" .... ern team after tho 1i,g�t Big­.. �, • '.�, tiPt' lut night: Harry AneDy". '''rt�i" of the football team of." ••. ,.... �·M tbo' p!'i�ipal �kC1'.1', ,�-, • ht the eOl1dit1ob8 of the oL Half Back Qual1er Back­Rus.�l1. l�O oR. Half Bade.. i -, ------------------- o.�D�.�Kennedy, 114.'Cbica80� W� .. !, WeI!1at �r UDeChit-ago, 1943; Av. 176.. .: ;.'. ChiMlgo, ·1271; Av. lRl, Chi('ft�, ggS; .-\v. Ifl7.NOrthw�, i84S; �.v. 1SS: Northw�tem. ,1" 9; Avo 174. Nort"h�Pl'teT1l, 6.10; Avo 151.OFFICI4L8: Referee, Haekett, Army; Umpi�, Ree.t, Y· higan· Head Lin� man, RennM\ge, Dartmouth.Moulton" 16!)... � � ",Wetrht or BaekAehtSkull and Crescent ann01lHepJeclging of B. lIcConueD.•IMPERFECT IN ORIGINAL........mil D�Y .M.�, Mft&D.&Y, JrO,B ...int � lou.The OiilyMaroon .=11 ====�'''==''''===.::.:;::' ======�.'j' v�,=OBmD� Sttident Views 00 Plays of the Weekllan.niliit .f�.., TODAY·SenD ..... of 1'aalt7.01 ...... � _,_, _ .....\_4IUirial ....... lIi...,.... �p to IIDU .1Ion. 8:30, "0" IeDt 0II1c:a&0 IIoU4a7 Week at .; fte. Utt.Ie- �heater. hO"'n plaee where, presumably, theyBenda: Kauu OI.q. '," � ,�·.;<�1.illlrice Browne'. POUlt er v 1� • \YiJI be happy. The Beene in the early0rdIestra Pn.cUce-10, Xent.. l.· vart of Mr. and .Mrs. P. Roe amows jUtlt._ l�-';IU(_ .l�w. u.cU\'itu�� 12t a JUil'd uue Lvftroup L � to' BYaDatooa- Forty-six repreeentatives and seven .lUiJt1.".r?s�UI.1, particu.lJUlY WI1,," oue euu- where Mr. Hauric� Browne should. be12 :45, University avenue and' Sixty· faculty delegates have been aUOted as �uerd rue predent �rlu .. uuwced guo doialg hill WOtit intert"tJung and eff�.third street. the lTnh"enlity�s .are of repreeenta· ·l�:�).:.iat tbe LitU" tueatre, 111 he I tlve work. By producing, ill hi� iuti·TOllOBROW tiv' - at the "'A�"'-n"'e of "'"'-e Catudent .....�.. ; ma� playhouse, little �tudies of real�.. ._,IIU_... .. WI.., tryin�f tu produce plays, uterary &11UU-"�" 1laJt....... ....__._ "1 Vol' ._- b d of ... -' 11 life, bv encoul"fUrin'" local writeN toMAW"""'", .. - _.�" un.-;r an �erlean eo egee, poetie, of limited appeal ""hicb woulu J --e ..lI.auciDc Ecli_ � ••••• 1I.ania auw.."ewe Bditor ••••••••••••• o..a. �Atlalatia Edi IIarQ,.Gor&uII uaiDIaa lluaau ••••.••••••• Burdette IIaa&Ci:culaliOD �cr.-� •• � ' •.•••• WiIliaaa L� create serious studies of Cbieago ornever ,see the light 01 day in au or-.. .th .�... 0 'h . ,the middle "'Nt, he would be domg, .mary: ea .... rr r IS e try1ng tu;f ,.i� u. much the same service for the COIII_; urrUDII encouragewent to w&e youug",. .nunity that the Abbey theater hb�l)laywr1ght who would oriliuarlly have.lone (or Dublin and Ireland. The Lit­il.itt.,l�·,.�ia,��l" of ha\"ing hit� phlY2t pre't " tie theater is ill suited for fairy phau-·tieDteit':l·�1sewhere? Either motive 18,�- t8.8y and light romanee, Phantasy; leaa.� a commendable one, but ••and romance, to be etrecth'e, wust bethey- result in such thiugg at An E,'I· ." , di�tant and hazy both in space antieniiia( 'With Columbiue, theu is truly• , , in tinle, and the 8tn.ge and auditorium�g.h '�., dead and connnereialiem su-01 the Little Theater permit of no suchMandelfar nll'ay feeling. It is, however, anadmlrable place for intiDlate studiesof truth as re\"ealed in plays of real·ism, and it is proc.lucing plays of real·ism that Mr. Browne will be doillghiR best work.The aeting on the whole is ratherwhieh meets in Kauaa City duringthe Christmas holidays.JWOl' 001lep OhapeI-Men, 10:15, . Mr. Bickh.J:o, head' of 'the Y. !l. C.MandelFaculty of OoUege of B4llcatiOD-4:10, Emmons Blain .204.PQaics C1u�:30,. Bye�n. 32-Zoological ClDb-4:30, Zoology 24-TUESDAYFreshmen 0laBs �O:�5,KONDAY.A.. and :Mias Geraldine Brown, eeere­tnry of the Y •. W. C. L., are endeav-,oring to secur ... � .. total Ilumber ofdelegates for the eonterenee, and re­quest that students �ho woUld' � ablet� attend hand their � to: anyelliutialOne of thtS, grea,test defences of stu­ Kent theater.dent activtties'iis tha.t they rellect' in • one of the follolring:· Charlotte. Viall,Mary Cameron, Chai-IM Molao.<!-�r, PaulDes Jar�en, M:auriee Price/'Carl Fish­er 'or Benjamin Billa.' -.Indiyidually, the· departments of theUniv��ty are btitled- to: rep�Dta·t:ivea as followS: - college 'of - LiberalArts, 16; La.w, sehool, 3; ·Medical preme, "An E\'ening with Columbine'iS,!1 stupid evening. The three play­le� . �e neither literary nor sumulat_. I 'f'.ing, 'an':', their watery allegory cou\"eys� le'sso� that is weak and uncertaiu,.. .A'� .Eveniug with Columbine" is :lp��form:\llce of ,three playlets, eachMany of us this year have s�er� schoo, I, 2,· eoll. e,ge .of :E.' du.cati..·on. , 4; . .... /by a different author but all linkedpersecution and scourging of the flesh Div, inity school, 21 •. In ad, di.·tion, eae,h' . amateurish. The names of the aetorsI together by a common theme and com·'beeause we failed to comply with a .of these departments is entitled � o.n� I nlOD characters. In. the first, "Colum- are not printed after their par� butnonsensi('a) rule regarding caps:.·. We fuulty dele� {and Ml'.·· BiekhaID 'b' , b . R '. Id A k II, HI' it was not hard to recognize in themust take some means to ,safegwLrd . lne' y egma rear equln boy DaD'l of the first play our ownand Mi88 Brown respectively will rep- d po t 1 f th hand fstudent activities,· i&>tJiat pure dem- ourNelves in the future. With au hUe 'U . C _A.' • • ...s.:: _'y, ''W': l:i.q lerro quarre or e 0 MiSH Winifred Cutting who did suchresellt .the ·Y, J.U�' • �"and pae"·. � 'C[I b' d h . th d hocracy' is _.�.�!.";"�'�' � e1fi�t . I'uility,. I offer the folloWing. plaus C L. . , w' �". . G..um Ine" an s e, In e en , c 008'...!!OOtl work with the Dramatic club last� ., • . .� 'Pieri-ot, evhlently because he is lest'ferm of... !Mre.�� .. �-.'��. �c- :.�n�vring better aoes c�d h� �volved year in "Op 0' Me Thumb". Her1c.at ltion is that in which the if the more intellectual freshmen would To � Before �. (nub;' clever, le�. talkative, and appeals present part with the Little theater�:ldent has least .to say concern- "('t to work. So�e might retort that �� ", .:' - .,,:,_. ,'; .�re to the� mother 'within her. In eompany' offers, her slight opportunitylng, p el a.Jld organization. The the intellectual freshmen wear the Two leetunlS will, be-deli�.,ed.at the �e"'seeond playlet, "The Maker of for acting, but abe gets into her char-ollly con '1 the tlt:ndents have is oYer cap. but this is beside the point. I Dleeting' of the .�hy��s _el!1b,. �1Jl 32, I Dr�lPJls". Columbine and. Pierrot are • . • . _,. 'f"7 .. ,;-�. . .". . . .".' . -, ,. " f • �! .'• aeter InslgniJlcant antics and gives athe . �ce cf. �� !'!�tio� wi:dl it. understood th� .. tlie.· �ug' iB�ersoD physle��· t������'.· .ats;. -:-�.�3� !�, living together but unhappy, for ."ery ereditable performance. Thetht is; �� control rests on the fact plans arfl merely theoretical and that P. M. Mond�y:•.. M;\ }tI�� .�il1�1. rp:�!rl"_t::i� unfaithful and is constantly ,}\est aeting of the evening W88 thatthat th�rganfza.tiODS must have stu- I disclaim all responsibility for what on ''The Structure of the Atom" and on the fte&r\:h for what he terms the .4 . . . "'::;' '... ,'", ',' '. ! ,. �. .' of Pierrot. The actor here gave thedent :su rt to live. ,rTha � may QCt!ur in case, ther. � tri�. Professor Milb&n on The Rdeetion icleat woman. A mystical individual. ..,' '. '.' ,.' f "II"� 'I I! Li'd S l'd :. part a boYishness and spontaneity thata1ford. at" t e:xample. Election by Fi:rst: try to pass 88' an upperelass- 0 a.w.o een e rom a qUI or 0 1.. :wyitP .. ,middle western aceent step" in. , _ .: " . 'nrface." I '_f ': &f,i .', I' ,'Po .,' .,' ••.. W88 both 'Wlstful and appeabng. Thetho stu: body of officers and cast man. In attempting this the follow-.; .,: .•.. ,,.."i ... ' .... �·; �,.: .. ,,-:�� .. ��eseeo'e\r,y'�oyof·theauditJri.nlll worthy part of the aeting, on thecould n nee the COD�tra.ted ef- ing ideas may be helpful: d� .ot look EXl'EOr SOO �.,; "'. '.' ".,. ,A, rid opens J'l.,tr,.t's eyt)� to the fad- � - whole, W88 ita undeeted naturalnessf(;rt and lished .results:.�� � .at anyone who� y�!1 �y �� on the. � -iri��_:'��� :tlHLt��olu;itl'nD�' 'Ii' after .�I, the idcaltcrize club; but Studei1t8 'CaU campu& An uppereJ&88ID8D'-neverdoes. ,." ,', ""': �,.:::, '-�---"- '.' '" . '. in which there was no e\'idenee of any• _ ..\, " I .J :. , �;" ,.�; _'1;;r\,,.,::u-. 1 •• 1." .• JIOIDaA.�.h4 ia'CSe&rellng for, and. then striving< -for etreet.choke B at aD7 tlme,lftbeY It is a sure and eertain betrayal of (&D��.,�I�'i,;�:Pl:trLrll�t,�i:.j;:""�'��a�j'Javillg'thetwo·united.' Th. 8,retnse pport �. ��n in first-year 'proclivities to peer into tJa.fl. - - ,:'J�"" , .• 1 .I'.�,. ..•. :... M P Roe" The Little theater cannot afford to�:. I'." . .I '. •• ..' ':. peetatiOll of hearing'tU.' .I).; bAIl third playlet, Mr. and rs.. bft th tu"d I 't' h'l CIAany way. fte Honor court isaDother faees of aU perscRis eneCMlntmed 1»n til" �. .:,'1, ...• '.': ,1. .: ••• 1 'h. .... Mart. J b h Col b' e IS pi P aee I IS W lenbably uni1led student ac- ,walks. 8eeond: assume an air of in. brought out a lArg'e· .. cr.w.d �&Ii"'" Ai.d@d 1"'7• �fn 0 WIOll, 8 OWS• • um. me E,'ening with Columbine" is being pre-b .\ ..��" '. 1 ,. I by the' Three-QUartel'8 eluh the-. root· ; �d, �le�ot; .old. ad poor, liVlng In a !tented there. The least it ean do intion y erelM&u..u&, etc., could. not difl'erence in c &lIS. All upperelaasmen . .... .' .' Oh" . ID th .. thhave �l)ced the elaborate plan DOW do this. Try to be as repoeelul at' el'B paeked ,KeBtJ', '.'�,�.,. .... I: 1��� �ttie. . ,elf 1D1Be:". �y filling tht" artistic vaeuum of the �om·be· �'de_. B 6'10_. • I BudV'. Katthe.W •.· t".·ro: ed.. the crow.d· to quarrel· With �, aeh other, and It IS this munity is to be interesting, and itJ.Dg co r....... ut..- court must po88lb e. ". -.8 , .... - ..•.. ,• cUre . p_ � 8I1�in .�rd: form no aequaintanees. They come out on the �orthwestern 'ap,e� : tlaa* l�. the end forces them to reali� will � interesting if it comes down• . .• • .'" rt ",,-,,": ...... ,". ". '.' ",". __ ..1 h"''L d team b ... _I..II:..dd " the 80litude and dependence of theU' forder to "lW. .;�..And �w, havinc '. �. sure.:1o give one away sooncl' or '.uau e eer lo&Ie leeQil .. ., . IMOA�'_�: � !.;' .t::" l:�. : .• to earth and produces plays 0 genu-,. . . '._ . .II:_ •• _ 't. Whiti·· 'X'" ..... "" . t"oR.htlon and creates a revival of .voloped this prOPosition. we come to Jater. The beat way to avoid idehti- Iws U&D" altllCmp. .. ng, .... e��" ';'. ", :. lng--litera.,· ('r "r�:t?atie Vol 1..1.d "II" 1"1_ • U· .. tho -. all·oed'" . h: , ,J�pel' and· more tender love. Ihs then�e questioD.-llow much dicieDcy do : fie��on is � eat at a reatanrant and an ..IU.�'-«Inn,e _� ��e .. eJ?- c; i u��� ,.; .;.;: __ ft. __ ... h -_'I. ., ... _..;; , '-' '. . Has' 'I. II Th' -n'L_· .u.. but cCMlld not be 'loeated. 'Fi • ..natriiok t�t: ,.they become young ag&1n and w.n_-0 _---, AUU OW Dlu.w.r. .�c:zaq t' room ncar .. e •. 18 WI IUIove lllUe . ,,-¥' ....T�t is, how much �.ban. 'be'iP.�.. � advantalre',' �� quietness, 88 the �\.- expresaed his beJief that !f�rth�el!�r� ,1er bnck supposedly to the land of Th .. expansive penon and personali_, Id" 'hard JI1. h 'D -_.... d their youth.en to persons or ��zr.��: ��OU1; llentS out 'tllere d('''l't make much nOise woo put up_� &lg�. �r.,....� ty. of Emma Carns h .. perv841ed the· .. utro! as to the .eDJrCi8e, other tb.an on aetoun't of:. their Indian reaerv� announeed that ,all the subs, �ere �n \ Thc;'ihird playlet is the best of the ··Broadway Honeymoon" DOW at Joestudent approval or disapproval of the tion. If questioned as to your c_lasai- good shape, aDd Moulton b&eked him three. The picture of Columbine, old Howar(l's theater to sueh an extont%Csult, and how much shall be � fi�ation,: always ,use 'th_e . �rm: . ··.fIrst- u� . ,. �. and bent, 'cuddling, with un1i1led moth· that she is the show. The other de-.v, enr man." . ' :er love, a tiny dog, Jistening to the. for democratic contzo�? ."�: is the B•. �. to �t. eide feature is the danriag of CarlAnother plan is to e.'PPV' a. eap in a . 'wretclie.l gossip of wretched neighbors, Ra d II d "II" I' Do Le n--" Captain Norgren said, "On accouni n a an �ade Ine n ,"eye .�an«,l. �arbori�g an instinctive desireof 'the ridieule' ii the newspapel'B of show eontai�fI some .pre� 80ngs and, for Dlusic and (lancing and gaudy:tiiit' Purple :�'�we have no idea of �enie effects, but apart from that,',. . ". -' �''''1 ,.: .' e"oth� is -at orice grim, draDlatie and Thhow strong· they . really' are.. ·One faet &l1IieIit •• b h'" too diatol preRent� little of interest. e plot• .... ,:• d "tllat .• th N rth' . gnpplng,· ot t IS "es lim(lfl and the lines and humor ard18 eert&iD an. IS at 0 w��, :'in·t;; \he milk aDd water allegory of ,,--Am(.,rn always playa'a BtroDg pme apinat. . .�. ..' . .. ." :: the pre"loUB plays, when Pierrot andCJlleaffo. N:ortIa"eatem h.. a' D� .- .-·tri.�k play.: b'lt tile halt baek, whO' i� C��n:bine wander away to BOme un·;��=-�A-·�����N-�e�·�·w-·--C--o-I-I-a-r--------------sue the J>iDpl1rill put up as good. a .: ".8ght as the old mn if 'tlaq were rlay- �-. � .•a small measure, cond1_ What CoUege Editon ThiDk:Ccmocracy�:.t,;t��,.. �bkms, aDd. ac­E!llcioncy '�'": ..ji�ti�. of .th� Jmta�I .,�� .. ,aDd participationin them �.,�ti�n f� theplmut:a.iJ:.to busy practical life.. FurthLr thaD\. .... t .••this, a stuv",ot-.activ?-ties will lead to . An Open i.ett.er to the Fr8aima ...Etli tor of the K&DSaD.:conc1usiolU! ... � ...��, '. �:nblY WL1 holdgood. One sucb'pr6Positioll, which maybe studied 'with P;ro1it:as it is seen inBMDl8 problem that cauaed tile split be-�""'.. -".' •.. _ ._ '_". J.meen RepublicaD8 � PropeaslVes In convenient pocket, where it ean be as·tho last Presidential C8!!lpalp. no sumed on a moment'. notiee. .mme tendency is·.en iD.' con.. acuv- I'reeIlJll&ll. ..lti�e assertlon·of popular 1'lP\,DOt only to coiuteab1· Or approYe, bu\ todicmte coDdit.to�.aDd methods. Inwatching this tendeiic:y ..!iDe III col- eontemplating applieatiOll for admie.:.lcge, we can leant"Jliucb tIla\ wDl be �on to the Western Conferenee. We'Valuable to us la� In political aDd . �liev(ll that their adlll_on at thisbuslDea Ute. � time should be oppoeed for two reaons.In .the 8nt plaee, we' have alre&cJ.yRomor h.. it that the )[.. A. C. I.(Continued on pap 01)too many eehoola in the Conferenee.ODe of tile � club stunts Too large a number of eehools hi . td.'.. !da."ftunday was slqing Ute Almalla\er, athletic league makes for unwieldines& lIr. Biekham in epeAkilir .bf·accompualtd b7 Me and It prevents the same eehools from game said, "I llotieed in the »ailydrum, and. ADdw1checl meeting eache other every year with Maroon that the women of the Ui�' between tile club the rC8Ult that rivalry between them Vt'll"lrity ,are beinlf given in��: ;.�� ,� othel'lOngs. cannot fully develop. Also, it, �ompli. as t� bow the: different football piayPSuch aD e%hibltloa is" a. decidedly bad tates and makes uncertain the deeiSio� arc' nlD ott. I .suggeRt that' the suhf,taste. The Alma �ter 'is)iot Intended of championships. Another evil lies �� go on· the speeial train to the PIlleto aerve as;;Vf:li.�i� !� '��, au4 tht' tcndeney, already apparent in eOIl· :8aturd�y aDd';" the way ("OAA"b tb�lhoal4 not ....!�_'.�or.:COIIl� pUr- fercnt.«', of the eehools to faU. into.two. ,I�dletl JD the flne point� 1 believe Wf:poses. ft�is "nc:..:.quau�· that IUc1a �las8C!', the fim. rate and the eeeonl\ will bting home the I.A("Oll.". r;�"'" (I':" ... ',.e- as that of ftUndA"- Was for'coim- rate inKtitution& This tendene� ----------------eQ � -: J'I� �j.. DOt1dDC '�boo1d not, be. eneburaged by the ad- in all hrantbeR of athletics, applies-'- --.L", &"'.... �.-- ml' -'on of!·..:ou.- .ehoo.", which is· ..1 i--! to th •__ J:n.I .... WMII' , ... �-- ........... 1.01' a'im l'BIOIl e eOU.lereDee, we......'t�"J � "d 10:1&.;'· "\'fte AlDi� not of proved ;&tbletie � �P;riority. Un· believe that further appUeatloDs forXl_ aboa14 DOt aplu 8pre In .. ch 1� a 8Cbool Uke ll;ehipa university, admiaion should be refused_Witt-_. tZldbftlOlL I whieh for le&l'8 h .. slaown strength consin DaU,. CardiDaLIf; ThisBight? "Square Deal"Afor "8I7bod,. is the "SpaWiasPolie7.rJ We parantee �nf"h.buJer of aD �iele bearing tile8paldnlg Trade )lark that "" ....artiele will give aatiafac-tionand a leaaonable amount of Bel"Yie&A, G. Spalding & Bros.._. ,_ oar 0ataI1 _Loa_ on Good PoiatsB7theM .... otTro7'. Beat Preduct • & w'-"" AT. ....':r'I I\�!,�.J.' � KAL COIOlUNITIES 'IN 'rEM;. diseu88 and Interpret briefty all of the:. ..:BATE AJlEB.IOA:, by Victor 1:. worth·"'hile mauifeKtations in Ameri·: . :!ford. The University of Chicago. call Letters. . Chapter' V II, The Ameri_�s. $3.00.' . .,can ·ill! Art, 1s not one of -the orvna1.\ nirual Conunuulfle-, in Temperate lectures but appeared as au article ,n1 t'rica, by Victor K Shelf'ord, Ph.D,; the Atlantic Monthly and is Included" the University has just been pub- t� glve greater completeness to thisr , t'll by the Uuiveraity Press, This sketch of Amerlean Society and life.I. k iii not intAmlll'll aM a textbook, It takes up suecessively Ar,nerican art·Itt as a eompreheusiva study of ani- chitecture, painting, sculpture, antII ... 1 behavior around the southern Lake �'luKic, to estimate the 'importanee' of: .. higan region •. It .ll·aIM wit�l many eaeh in American life aud World art.: .I ' •. ies from the stnmlpoint of their Aemrieall Education is next diseuesedI. � eudeuee upon euch other and their ill two chapters 011 'School and Col­I. utious to their env irunment, The lege, aml Uuiveraity and Beseareh:. .hor has }In.·sclltt·11 the Iucts that work. In these ehapters the. entireI. hns gathered ill the ,·it·inity of low. history of Am("l'icall edueation is brief·. Lake .M it·t.i:,:an. Althou:,:h technical Jy reviewed, und all its various man·t t: nus are, explained, it is .not .. n. book ifestnt.ious considered!vl' light rl·atlin�. It eoutains two de- 1'ho concluding two cbapters on T!le 1-----------------.­t ile.l mnl'!4 of tho country studie.. l anti American and his Governments, and W oodIawil Tru�u.nny illustrutions. It has a com- Country and People endeavor to give .. .,1 ('to biblio�r:Lph�' of each c.·hapter,· an a summary of the, things, for whieh & Savm· ga. Bank' .:..Iex of autnor» :11I11 eollnborutors for Amerfea as a nntion stands and is .sig-•Il'fl'rence, :11111 an inllt;", of the subjects ni 6.'nllt. In them" Mabie says in part: 1206 1:. 634 street. Chicago. 'Ii..eated. •• .. .•••••. ., Uln the Amerienn ·temperament, in� �pit(" of its practical energy nnel ·con·. Capital •••••••••••.••••• $200.001'.00i_MERICAN IDEALS OF CHARAO- Imming' activity, there is a tleep spring �urplU8·Proflta 1"",\)0,0.00.1'EB AND LIFE, by Ha.milton !lab- of ielealism which has 80 far found U'NlTED ftADS DBPOSINBYie. ·The IbcMillan Company, $1.60. inaMfluate expression in art, but haatWritten originu.lly to ex})tuin Ainer· Leen nn abun.lant source of national .1'OB POSTAL SAVINGS FUlID8jl'n to the .J:a.pnn("se, these letlltres in!lJlirntion in religious activiiy· edu·\\ �ro .It·lh·ered by . Dr .. Mahie as the c.·otion, nnll" practicnl helpfulness,,"filst f'Xt'huuge profes!lor from Amerit'n ThoMP, who know America know thatIn tho -t"lowery Kingdom uudet' the rt is n;' national peculiarity to be sat·L: ':lIeJ!io L'ea�lJ ";ntlowment.. . In tbe isfiecl with· nothing. Americans are notl'reftK'o their author says, it must not diNcontentcU but they nrc dissatisfied;. :,c.1 forgoUf'1I ttlUt these a.ltlrCMscs were t)ley aJways w:a.nt •something �ettertlelh'erell to nUlliencCM who were large· tban they possess. The Americans willJy familiar with Americnn bist�ry and c.ontiJlue to strive to achieve a soln·illstitutioliM Bnd in const.'(luence they lion of the humnn problem for whiehnre in sODle rCt4pe-cts a \'ery elementary no r:ii!c' or nation has yet found a.t,xI)ositioia'tof the most obnous ·facts· finnl solution. . .of American life. In their entirety, Thqt. enormous fiel.l wbich the bookbo\\·e\·(�r'., tlley CO\'el' most. of the inter· it; inten.It�.t. to eover gi\'es tbe lectures('!tting n!4{lCt'ts of the Ameri(,'an nation. at titiie!\ n;tone of smugness anti self·The fir�t three chnl)ters, Clearing the sntisfnctloo "'hi�'h it is ·unworthy toWay, Disco\'ery 11:1" �xplorat�on, .• nnd. �ttri�ll� t� Dr. 'Mabie, but in geJ;leralPossesMing the. Continent, deal 1n a this crltic·ism .. win not bol" gOOll An(·ursory wny ,,�itb the nntion's hiMtory� exhmisth'e: inelex t'ompletcs the' bool(The Ilext thr('e-,Pro\'�ncial A�erjc.a,in·l.a'I'Ung-.gr�atly· t.o its usefulnesS..Literature, anel National Literature,.. : ",.1,f 'r 'l! r, 'j '..\�,('. "th l�.t..' ..,.• '.1 :.RUTH AGAR CHOSEN· '1'0 .'J:� NEW KEllBBBsTAKE CIlABGE'OF BANQu:BT WILL BE BLBCTBD, I .... : .. 'T'� .'t�f:''.rO LITmtA.BY.,BOARD S56.B. 55th at. �� mWill Arrange. Enterta.iDment tor Wis- . lD:porlecl and· D<;ameattc; ¥ae .-ot..�:consLn Women Who Will . ----. .'CIG�RS Am> cMi�B&} ,".�'�e �:Game '1 • .1 J: .,. I: ¥�m��r� of tbe!boafd of �dltors of !�.,;:.�.t't••.•.�.��.,��. It ..•. t 'j.; n·, ,. �tb.c" 1.J,ter�.. , mont.hly�;.;\Vi.y.t mee�.�'W· I "'PI I . . .. ...�.Ruth Agar Wtul: �hMCI1" cbairman of· ·elny at 8 �'t':t'he hOme.'of'·Heney:Mead; " •. '. ftB'rSON' ULtiBiC4i .. 'the lunr.heon nn.l reception committee lG37 East Sixtieth" 'street to eleet . ;':-:--�;��: ';;;;;';;;"_7;� .. '':.�'to take charge of. t ... e Wisconsin wom· I three additional members·to the board.· fteL' u.e.:r..=�!i :��I"" ��eD hefore tbe Wisconsin game, Novem· ,.�he .. editors stated: yesterday' that they .F�'Ul" colleca. &Y.�8CbOo1-. l'l .. balJfIJuP.. Iiber 22. Letitia' Fyft'e . was elected $ere. not ready to announ�e tbe exa.et ... fac_:uK,.. l�.�CIe UuI.ta nqa1red to enter(.;o3el:e of LIbenI Art.. LaDCl of blue aide ..I hairman' of the nominating committee . elat. � .. when tbe first issue of the y� &GmD'..er weMlMi•. * of door ftCZ'e&Uon .nr wlnter• .Gt.t wi.Dclli'fioom tk.";',*," Ute IDUsScto pr("sent names at· the. next 1Il.OQt.i,ng w�.",l(ll�� �rought out,' but they bope to :!t �CU:: �tl!��a:.��:...��-of tbe W. A. A. The other membe� ltu�i,sh.it befor� Thanksgiving. Afterare Anna Grimes, Marg�r.et. Riggs,. �h�ISu�d8Y meeting the board "ill an..Mary Cameron M.I Margaret Rbo(les. nounc� .. i� ·,th�· MAROON tbe poliey oflluth M�rso "as chosen chairmap "o�. the mag&7.ine . for' the '(loming year an,lthe :Membe�hip committee, .Julin t�e;JYpe of contributions flesired.Dodge, of the Reception committee, ,antI Gertrude O'Mnra '�.of the Finan('(' p� PLAY8 OPBlIAKBSPBABB BBBB . 'BIB OOLLBGB JIAB. ,.': ALL.·OF HErr WBBK , 'Col1an .... � 111»31 W. IIoDroe Iftnd 0JdcapShnk�eare's . play h,,' being otrereclat the nlaekstone. theater this week�d·M�.� �e S�����h"I�����������������������������������.����������������players. ' The pr�am is u follows:today, matinee, Twelfth .l;light; .to­;night, Ri�hard III; ¥onflay,. Merry,Wi�� of Windsor; �eeday, HenryV; WednetM1ay matinee, Romeo and.Tnliet; WoonC8C1ay night,. Haml�;Thursday, The Taming .�� the S1IrewiFriday, Ki,g� JobD;' Satur.day:tftatiD�Mu\!h Ado Abo�t NOUai�g; and '8abr­flay night, Othello.-_ .............BOOK:N�EWS'. committee.Members of t�e W. A. '.r.A..� wi!! en·tertain the Wisconsin women 'at luneh­eon before ,the gam�. They were thepesb of Qte Wiseonsin W. A. �, i�Oe club rooms of the Wiseonshi or·�ni7.atiot:l at Madi�on, belor�' the gamelut year.. :�-:.� . \!I��o Give Langu... �esta.TIle mOclem --l�ngnage etri�ien...,tests will. be gi\'en· No'Veinber 15,' inCobb 6A at 9.FOR SALE very cbeap,:' W_'l>urnguitat', full dress eOat,� TuSeao andPrince Albert, size i6.3tf_: u.:�. 2205,M63 WnBhington Ave., 2nd' Ap�. -,"MAROON AtlSBRING RESULTS..... Sigma Nu' 'and Beta Theta Pi willmeat' 'rhnnma,.. afternoon to batUe forth., ineloor. :ba.Reba11 t'hampiOftS"p ofFiftY'f'ixth "tr� _Tb(" game "ill he',lny".l on· Vin��nt .F:i.eltl, at 2:;10 .. ·.. ..... �.. ,. . "',,' "'- ...... �. � ...... � , .•• _ ••• � I _. "lED }'OR RENT--a..utiful, Iarp �r'�LASS ... ' parlor. }"urDiahed ia mohopa7 .....Ni � AlYf.I1IStJIIllIS live Davenport ud TurIdU nU..Steam heat, electric lipt. Booa U·..... r5c �r' line. No ac.l"'erti�u)eub re., elusive, Ver'7 light ud 8mUlT. I'ne.A RROW' :=!:�:: th:u_ 2Sebe' �A�� use of grand piano. Sultable t. two.� '! - IDualt ..... &&l _.- 1236 E. 8lat, cornu Kimbark.:�LLAR··cr....·�Ac... ........... ". �. � LOST-On or near the Camp1Ur-a;, 5t> R.' SiLE at bargain-One suit of baby pin; small � with plaia'.: .. t��Tuxedo style, original cost. center and initials A. }". Finder pleue, I. � .. u'dc by fine tailo�uit ia return to Maroon o1rice."'ill ai�nquire Business ruanag_. ':_ 'of MuooD. LOST T.ooae Leaf Note Book la Har­per Library, belonging te 8. Letr..roB SALE-Fino 9 room house near Finder please return to KABOOH of •parka' and Uulverslty, Bargain,... 6025 1ice. Reward.lJexiDgton avoAIm ftUDB1ft8· IN vrrRDCBBOJD1(G ACCOVlftSJIq Be ()peD8d W�tb; ":':_' TO RENT-Luge, light bont ZOOID. IW ANTED--A student, ill every coL windows; very modem; to 1 01' II., who can devote a few hours a toeehers �r students. Nr. U. of OJ Iweek t� represent an eastern manu·C; Elevated. ·Kra. C.. 1345 E. _4(aduring ·firm and look after the In-St., 3rd apt.urnb ·o! the business locally. Pleas-.a.llt, l)rofitab1e work that does not re- LOST-A Symphony Coneen Season�wle any hou� to house canvassing. Ticket. Finder please return to .hoolOJily young lIIen or women with plen\,. of Etl'lcation book store.nt� hu�tle� who ('an furnish good refer···.41mees ;need apply. Adtlress all com-,r&unif'ntiohR to Ralph W. Bilhilan. Box DREXEL PHARMACYCj. 'Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ,)lAft JlcANANY. &. B-Corner 65th and DnDl UN ...Telephone Jlidwq 1'11� BoaM ., rue J)rqI. � ..........T.uet .&nIeI-.For that Grippe or cold lu the !le&�Cold. Gr19pe. aDd Fever TablolU" Jie •Aalt for • Free Sampk.Stop �t CoUCh wit a boute of of oar �Pine HOM,. aDd Euca1,-pt\W. 2lk:.Relleve that HeadacM wl.th & 10e padraf:e GIDrexel Headache Powdua.."P11PILs "ANTED-Mrs. Flora Mac­J\"or iSiuith; voiC!e builtler and teacher:'0" Brtisti� singing nt Mrs. Knights,5626 :i1�land (formerly Jackson)live. Term of ten le�ns fifteen dol·lars. j"or furttier information, address�!l6 Ja�k.ri ave. Phone Midway 43UU._it $50.00� BAlOt IS� 1JJIIVBB8rrY 'rBAB'�.cmIBB.�A STATE BANK:'"( .(...... ' :.�.\JOSEPH· scHMmT .'STAftOlfBBY� �0ILB2' ABflOLBS'·,- • • 0#,. �. � ,: � • i ! 'i: ! �.. i. t,;' ',Satbrday Afternoon Informals.. �t Rosali.e Hall, 57th & Rosalie Ct:. The first ·dance will be given� ,<!�,���:,·;�tov.�mp�*,;15th �t 2:3Q 0' �lock: T:) u:�r.,,!-:·,� ;,;r .. J·.· .. � r.-.,., �� .. ;-, �.: r': • :'.-." ',",'" _'...-��.� .... 'TSe��nces ��e f(?r University PeopleMusic by AURAcliEa. t• � I.. I� I :1'1 11 I I III I'" 8:. r!tB }r:thomaS J�·cave7··.: SOli. . FUBiiIHHIRua· .·P.�.SPBOIALIZDtG Dr filS 'WD'1'8 OF.� • • • • •.•.• .• ·'·1' .. ':.' _' •THEMASTER-MODELRoyal is • stlnd­machine 'andwilllauf . anyof the.rd co"esFaRdence. does .. colldellSe� billing'1ISpeci.,· ·:attachments.The Typewrit�r'That &Iv'es ·'Typew.ri.t�r ProbJcms.'"ROYAL .TYPEWRITER COMPANYChicago Illinois.TIt" U)13 �Ullivemty · .. ddreD�li�· iC'onhlining·tIro· nimb-aIId�.44t1'_' ��,of tml'l� ofriC!e,"", and fUlIlty memo.�n, ·;'a!' iaoM YMterday' by the.PreRs.·tt.II".' IlBGULAa LDIB1rI- IJO.., ft.a-r ... 1J.-�ftBft.' .·r' .......... -, .....1,1)1.1.'"". .��. ..' .0.'I, ,(I �l( Ollt_iid �HAtLWuow' llodm8'Offle;a' (Continued from p;:" 1)Chieago-Northw-*era ia 1905 ..�ent' 'praetiealit cia .. " __ t.Hf are . 'C' H I N A ' I 'N' ' r 9 1 a�' year. '" TIM; 'chiC.p: papen 'bd . w*tDMcI.i eft. 8:15!':Pitda,. .ift:�.:1i, beea' ridieuliilg the team,' aDa;t!ie'equad � 'Kat. '2,:16.Uti" been' IWldleAppecl: b;- i�urietJ' ita 'It A, • .A. • A' A' a; A I •. �' afteIDoOIl at 3:30mueh' the Baaie aianner." The team" " . .. •. 'howe.er" held' Chieqb to' a 0.0 'tie. Popular Prieee, 25e to $1.00-...:-NOWOoaehea �ODie .. and' draay� and, Captain ...Kraft, � -spoke. ,:� �ICK'�" ..� FaYbdtie� :!t'IIJL' \VII. BODGB lDria., UD.iv�tY ,�eve�' will enter to-daTs eonteBt' with almost 'every ad· l",� BOAD -ro JlAitpntBaa'vantap po8aible.', Su"perlW ':Weight, ,ex"perienee, ,and" eoaehing are au' gener· , .. Genuine 8U�eeaaor to "THE iu.Hally eeneeded to rest with Chieago.N Orthweitem' will be" outweighed, anaver&ge of '�ht pOunds to the' man. s », •--------------------------, The greatest' dl1I'erenee' liee in the 'baeJCfield where the 'aiap�� is '�� �dIrrs 61AlfDpounds per man. The Chle.go forward �wall outweiglia the' 'Purple by an av· ADother 00haD. • Bards �erage of '.eevea 'poUnds. ii �'.�Ol. D B I � 0 B:O'�O E, In spite of· the faet.:daat, there ,are III a Ne. MUaieal Comea,two:-B1lbSiitute&' iii the: liiieD.p' Oaere are' �'T if E B E AUT Y S HOP: eight' C men,' who' win' '�tait tlie Pme.Captain Kraft and" HiptoWer' are ':, ,. ',.,. _--'prac!ticallY the only' � eXPerieneed vet- :A UDITORltJMdrans iii the Purple lineu�' C�h:GJ'ady has seemingly' been' unable ��iDstin a 'fightiria Spirit'into liia'�harg-- � t'ftIB-PA8SJRG SHOW OF i9tr:es,: aDd he' haa �n baadieapped byFootbal' s,.8f:;a'�-TJi.''',", . ,to .'.... ea,.o•._'.,••. .. :- . - �Lealles Chicago via ·8IJRIf.I/fIC"'IV:9:00 P. M. Friday, Nov. '14thFrom 'Unioa Depot, Can,.t "'d�:"AdamsSee the Minnesot:a Ga·meIII • t �j.,A. J. ,Pub,l c.General Agent Pissengef Dept., , j, '141 So. Cluk St. Telephone'Rande! 3111:I Burl i n Qto nRoute' I___ I": ..',TN.SMOOTHESTTOBACCO 1�J..1INtft�·*i.:� �.� ._.:. "Iiudcd,;;'�. '"00' .•FuJi Two 0aDce T...ID 11188 OAl'BlOB�Tailoring lmeans clothesthat give you distinction and 'in­divid ual good sty le. Prices $30to$60. • ••'l'AILOR FOR YOUl(G JIBlI.el.. eommitteeLI•.... "......