....-;-·. t· �I· ).,"I'· "•• I�• t l;..••...,,• Inily !laronnVoL XII. No. 28. U1UVBB8I'rY 01" OBIOAGO.ltBIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1913.WOMEN HOLD ANNUAL ·GLOOM IN PURPLE CAMP 1 COMmllEE MEIiJERs:···:DINNER AT 5:30 TODAY DisaPPoaraLce o�,BegularGuard ANNOUNCED iEsrERoAYand Latef.t Injuries to PlaJ'eraBrings DespairSPECIAL L TRAIN TOEVANSTON TOMOPROW TO AMEND HONOR RUI...EStho gymnaslum was the extent of to­'l:t.�"s l'r:( tice at !'Ofthwesterri. Heleno Pollak, Sam Wells, HelenCoaches Grady anti Schommer Illus- Street, John Henderson, Lewis Fuiks,trated the Maroon style of play and Arline Brown and Harry Coriler: aredwelt especially uI)on tho open forma- chairmen of the Settlement DarieaBepreaent&tivea of Campus 0qaDlza­tiona Dec1dea to JIab SeveralOhanges in OoDatitut1on-benty- Miuea Beall, Millert Furchgott,Five attend. Jleettu. Uewellyn, Mick and KenneyWill be Speaken ISpuial to Dails Maroon,)Students. to North ... estern u, H . ,neJb, enderson, Fuiks,'eomer,Misses PollAk, �t -� '�I:Brown are Chairmenwm Leave Si.dy-Thircl and UBi­venit,. Avenue 12:25TomorrowsnJDENT RATES TO THE GAME �o\'cral changes were madQ in thoeoustftutlon of tho Honor Collllllission <;ABARET SHOW TO BE FEATURE L"aU!Jton, Nol'. 6,-A short, signal . " ..',. "at the meeting of tho representatlves drill with a chalk talk afterwards in FIRST MEETING WILL.lSt: ,$0011held in the Harper A&5embly room,Mcmbers of the differcnt Women'syesterday, 1'ho section in regard tothe athletic teams will speak at the Chi-reporting of cheating waseago Night for Cbic:Lgo Women dlu­changed to read. as follows: "Reporting ner at 5::;0 tonight in Lexiugtou. Cor­ill to be done by the students them- nelia Beall will talk for the basket- t.ious used in the Illinois game. committees as announced yesterday.brselves, at leastJ by 'those who feel bal! team, ...",·all"'\;' "'11 f ' I 1 11' th (' I Ch . C I Tb· i:_• .i..'\ .. ., ":'ul er or swnu, n a I esperate e ort to 83."0 0 .Jonera, airman 0 eman e �testrongly enough in the matter. Those " .ming, Hazel Furehgott for geuerat few remaining uninjured veterans, of connuittees is given below. ' Therowho do not care to report a first gymnastics, Dorothy Llewellyn for teu- Coach 'Grady 'has decided to drop will be a ni.ceting of' all the commit·od'ense are ��d to speak to .,tho nis, Louise Mick for hockey, and Hel- serimmnee almos t entirely and there .", . r i',"'- .", , teo in a few days. No other iilfonna-person they Hoe cheating .. 'ene J{cnney for. bascbai.L Several has heen very little this week. The tion 011 tho dance has been �OuD.eeaA second change was made in the members of the faculty may be heard ;freshmen have been clrilled in Maroon yet.part concerning the appearance of the front. pla.,'11 and have worked them in great The (.'I)JIIII.ittees follow: 'accuser and the accused." The section A few tickets for the din ncr are not style during hte few serimmage ses- The Ocmn:il1ttees.·in regard to penalties was changed to yet disposed of, They may be obtain- sions.read, "These shall be left to the dis- ed in the League room. Wilson. Guam. Disappears.cretion of the commission and will be Havo Cabaret. The Intest bear story developed to-carried out by the f�ulty'" The reo A cabaret show will follow the din clay, when it was learned that Wilsonmaining sections of the constitution nero Isabel Macl\Iurray and Ruth tho regular right guard, has been abowere approved by the representatives, Agar will sing University songs, Eliz, sent from classes all weok and no one'ro Sn)$::.lte Be»or:t4�, abteh MacCJintock, will put on a elog has been nble to discover his where·, IIt was decided a.t the meeting th'lt dance, anti Lillian Bissel and Mabe. ....bouts. Cosner, '15, has been workingthe various representatives of shouM Beeker will present a sketch. in his place. 9rady has instituted npresent the changed constitution to The mcnu for tho llinncr follows:' thorough �yst.cm of tackling pra.ctie�BOOST FOR XORTU.WESTERN SPECIAL ANDFILL KENT FOR PURPLEPEP SESSION AT 10:15A special through train on tho Lwill Icave tho station at Sixty-thirdstreet and University aveuue at 12:2Gtomorro,,' morning for the Northwest­ern game. Tho train will go straightthrongh to \El'anston, making 110stops, ::;tutlellt fickets to the Purple Finane c-ll elene Pollak; eh�ab jMargaret Anguera, John B&ker� ThOtB­as Goodwill, Gracia Alling, E4na .. �­trowitz, George Morris, Kathl.een Har."\riugton, I .. eona Coons, Mary' ':M:eDi1n..ald, Emily Pnrry, Ruth Clossoll;. IJja.. .belle Kendrick, Dorothy Da.vis •. Gi1fordJ'Iume, William' Lyman; Siiz&#ne"'l"iih­er, CorneJia Beall, Dorothy WillistOn,Margaret Ithodes, Ruth. ��8!.!�, �­jorie Coouley, Donald Crawf0l'd, .U�eeWorthen, E.lward' Kixmille'r,' . MllrieFanning, Helen Leonard, Mabel O'Con-that tho mass-mcetlog for tomorrow'K th<>ir respectivo organizations ancl cl!!. i-'iKh salad, cre3.l11ed chicken in caises, inco the disastrous Iowa game, an.l nOT, Harohl Wright,. Mabel Beeker,olives, racli�hes, hot roB: the rcsults }Jave been appreciable. Tho WilIarc\ Dickerson, "PhyllIs 'FaY, 'AU-ganlO will be held in Kent this 1ll0rll termino the attitude of the membel� gusta . Swawite, Dorothy" lleWellYn,. I Coffec, Cake, Ice Cream. ,ackfiehl for Saturday's game will be Mar.]·on·e Uhlmann, L:vn.ne ,S.�":"".an.,ing "t 10:15, The coaches will 81)cak toward the proposc(l Honor Court. ,t . Of ¥-UA",and the members of the second tealll, Indications Promising. mado up of Hightower, Springer, Grover 'Whimsett, NiD:A .. 9��eiP"r I�intlications }loint to the mos. Sh,.ays an.' u Grassett.,. .. .spohn and' J'osep�' G.�. :... ': ..!ho lDaL8F...!..!.� srame. will,,�lso be submitted at the next .mee ' J. .# __ '......., .... --.- "_'.' ' .... ,.," ',,�,.._-. , · .... · ... ,�����l!eI_tUJrt�I!m!o'"Nilgnreverneld at �e. ena who W. Dee, n, .Rnth. A ,Esther -Bu�-".p·h, ... 'I:'t,.�:.'�; .called upon. In spite of the fact will be held next Tbursday -f,:�; of • gar .. - �" ,- "- University, according to Ruth out of the game' with' a eraek�, LiIldsay, M.ar. ..;;._... , .. ·Han.''. ·�.M.·',k,'_ .. " '.U',",;':'.;_ .that this game is generally eoncedctl Harpe.r Assembly room� The���· 6-"·. � ��_:"It �r, general chairman, last night, shoulder blade, and'McCosh have been Cameron, ElIzabeth Shet'er; Fra�to be an easy "ictory for tho U ni. 1Wenty·five representatives pre.at.·': .., . ,I n . th 1 Albert 'Cummins, Fr4lderlck'_�OLS � .• ftftft.a� doing the punting. Both· are fair, al·; oscn a. 'versity eleven, tho athletic department . .n.l.'-J.,g; � �Augg. .' . .' '.' By:erly, Mary Sturg� �C�"UQ�.rtmSON, sn.JSBUBY. COUlftBY. FOB IIBBT �hough neIther can compare W1th�. iifirlam BaIdwiJi' Harnei' TUthill, nen.expeets a large number of rooters to �n Norgren. . ;� '�'rsont Heien'" Riek� "�1..oRbemake the trip on the special train, AlfGELL AND SKBLL , . .--,. ! '. ek Bobert Simond' and ·.Ta.JieMa�elects Sc!ua.d For Bace With N. U'. Gmhn ami Patterson, both '", ,.. ,.. " . , .. ,� ,��� 'MEftING at Evanston Before Football b:lckfielt1 men, will be out of" :' .• �.'. . ele� :�t, ehaim;a).;---:.- Tomorro.... game, one with a dislocated should �* Hoogb,' Boderie� ."eatti� ErJb1gPresident Jutlson, Deall Au..:ell, O"au and the other with a broken ankle; 1d�uunde'Do�r-;!lLa���n'". 91�d��;,�. . ns, . I"VWlY "ewe yn, ...... wreae&will be scnral adclitional features. Salisbury anel Dean Sm91l \\"lll r .... l-r�- Coach' Nichols yesterday announeetl There is little' hope expressed that Tharp;: �_iam· TempletOn, r ':Xeil�Matthews will also malte some further 8('nt the Unh'ersity at tha &ft<>,'!!ith .:ho names of ·the men who will malt!! tho tcam will be able to hold Chicago �ykes,:.PftJderick Bur�'ky, :Ne1� .l!!r-m t •. rega d to the ..... Iff th" ....... t' r I th h· O'Pen,_ �aJl, e !la.nn, 911., 8I'••. l,es... : P.�,ker,announce en s n r �.n· annua �on erence 0 � .7_12" .(In \. up the team for tho Xorthwestern to a ow seore, al oug It is felt that Arthur �Goodman, Xatbenne' Bi�is,nO" ta trip. American CoUeges which !ll )o,f;s rll. th\" :.-1al cross.country meet at Evanston tho men will fight harcler against Chi- I.illiait·.-, Charlotte :'Viall, ': Leb."ti.Special of Six Oan. university of Illinois today ancl to· "t.ontorrow as follows: Campbcll, Stout, «ago 'than most Conferenee teams. Fyffe.. Doro�hy' V!lld�_: ...�erA h I '11' - Ei<1m�. Doris �e&1 .. '1lawaennemorrow. mong ot ers \\' 10 ,n rlt' Tyrell, Goodwin, .Jones, Teninga, Mer� ,\'arslty in 81pal � Coven 'altd .• Tuliette-'� .::. "c·.'l'p,sent t�e Unh·ersity are Mr W�ltcr. rill, Colwell, Morris, alia Newcomb, Director Stagg put his regulars DecofatIDg. aIUl ��DA. Payne, Unh'ersity Recor1lcr, t'r" Tb through a gruelling signal drill last Henderson, ehainnanj �na �er,e fil'8t, nino will �tart, and tho last Roland' Geo'_;, n'eooOre Pariit;fir-fessor Nitze, Professor Tarbell and Dr. niht. 'l'be Old Man is perfeeti'ng the . .,�two aro poaiblo substitutes. There is' smret: Ri�·Dorothea.W"'bu�-:-�Dtomorrow. Tho special will consist of Steiglitz. Twenty.three of the leading formations to be used in the Minne· B H rold T !l""_. DuMllOiL" som, e question a.'J to the elimbility of rown. a. ' .. ��.." :"'.�<Y'_Ji'--SIX cars and will make no stops be· universities of the United States ar� c· sota game and is utilizing every poe' Knight, Franklin B.' �� bU'let-' h d E t Th f Stout, but it will he settled by that Wh.·t�, Fred' Griffith- ' Robert -n...neen ere an vans on. e are members of the Ass. odation, and at ·"1 'f th' '<0.., " �time. �I u 0 oc�aslon or IS purpose. Graee Hotchkiss ancl Marg&nlt �for the round trip will be twenty the annual conferente the representa- The second team went through a�ents, and the athletic department will tives discuss matters of interest to all The race will be he�d in eonnection .lefensh·e scrimmage with the Fresh·iocK the difference in the bill for the universiti� ud particularly relating ,with the Chicago·Northwestern game. men. The yearlings were given thespecial train. Tho train is expected to gradnate work. The Chicago de"';' Northwestern is the . favorite in the ball during the' entire session,' an.lto reach E,·anston about two and par· egatea will return to the tity Sunday. 1Df'et. C�h Nicholas says, "The used the Minnesota shifts. The Var·.ade will be held between the station showing of the men in this raee will lUty coped with most of these eompli�ud the field. One car will be reo ILLINOIS 'rO HAVB fc;reea.st �ur "howing in the Confer_ ('ated formations successfully, althoughBerved CftPeCially for the University lOIW BU'lLDlKa 800.; eDce, and although we' DUlY not win, at times a slippery baek eluded them.band. Director Blanchard expects to � $120,000 IS DO.A� �c wilJ gi,'e Northwestern a hard Tho coaehing systom is crippled' bymuster a 8quad of nearly fifty men ftght, and may capturo the inclividual the temporary 1088 of Coaeh Page, wholor the trip. {Trbana, Ill., Nov. 6.-The univer:ii- 1I0nol'8." is on the hospital list wIth a torn ten·gan1e are on sale at the gymnasiumat tho regular rate of fifty cents. TheAthletic department at NorthwesternBent down fi\'o hundred student tickets for thUJ game.Cheerleader Matthcws announcedand every etrort i8 being made to in_crease the number. The mass· meetingwill be short and snappy and thereThe Northwestern speeial L trainwill lea"'e the L station at Sixty·thirclstreet aDd U'nlven1ty avenue at 12:2587· . • ,r-",Jlmdc..._Lefis Fniks, chur'lftu;George Leisnre,' Miriam Whalbl,: '!K.Parker, Max Cornwall and. �ph.Cornwall,' . " , .. , ..Bntertainmem-Arline BioWii, 'eJlalr.man; Layton Northrup, Du� �t­tl«"1'eY ,anfl Arthur �aup�. .," ,"PabUdty ancl PrIn�U1'1 Com­meT, chairman; Hugo' 8.&D���Salisbury,' Kent,·Tenney, .��:�icker ancl ":alter Ly:'o� •.To EuwrtaiD Alumn .. ,. "The price of htu(lent tickets for ty of Illinois is to ha.ve another nt!w. 'The Purple men aro prndica.lly all don, incurred while leading his charge!! �1is.'4 Talbot will entertain the .e ..the gamo will be fifty cents. Five l.uilrung, An appropriation of $120,·)flO v�teru.ns, ancl in cnptnin �borne and againRt the Varsity. Pat will probab, bers of the Chicago AlumDae' club athundred tickets are now on sale at has recently been made for an Edl:C!II Traxler they ha"e n pair harcl to boat, ly be around in a few days. Green hnll irom 3 to 5 tomOl'row.the Bnsiness Manager's ofl'ico in Bart. tional building. The new lluiJ.till;; .TamC!", who plarcd in tho high jump :\Ii�� ,q;':Y \:cDowell will .speak �ODlett. Mr. Merriam also announced thnt will be essentially a laigh.8thool l'ro- in both Conferen('c tra .. k meet.." last Score Club IIeeta. I'r0l'0�e,l 1'!!tIlS for the work of t.hethe student tickets for tho Minnesota ,"iding educational facilities for 150 year. has t ... kcn up nmning, ancl ha." Tho Score club heltl its fortnightly club at the Settlement..game will be sohl on tho Minnesot:\ pupils. The primary object, however� de,'cloped into n. promi�ing long di�· hlncheon yC1'terday noon in lIutchi",Bpeeial at fifty cenu. apiece, Posters will be to pro"ide teaehing experienee tance mnn, Kraft, the fn."t miler, i� 80n cafe. The ncxt meeting of the Stagg to Addresa ��-�__ for thMe who e�t to become hi�- eaptain of the football t<>am and ('an. club will be Tu�ay at 10:15 in the Director St.'lgg will talk· to .. Uaeadvertising the trip havo �-.:n reo . . ..-!lllehool teachers. The 8<!hool of Edu�:l' ,,& run. The other mcn who will run Reynolcl! clnb. FT<>�hm�n tOtlny at 12:-15 in HutehiJa-ceived and RI'O being distributed among •d 11 tion will have charge of tht. n�w tOl' North,,'e�tern are Grn.'·, Ferritl'.thfO fraternity hou8CS an ha 8-Stall to 8pnk. building. and will npervifle th., wot'k. Cunninghnm, lroTri�, Wnrtl an.l M(',at h• The teac-hing staff will con�ist of uni- Ke-,.her,DircdoT Stagg will tqlC at t I!! .,vf!rsity mudenta who are preparir.g forhigh·sehool work. son f'n� .. '. This meeting is opeD to allSeDion to Meet 'raeIda,.. mcn of the Hl] 7' daM. Thia' will" beBenio", will meet Tn('sclay d 10: 15 , tho �('on.l of the !'Cries of �ji�n.in Cobb 6A. The memb!'1"4 0( \lw I to he �j\ "11 til the Freslam .. b1 �.�IM5 �o�mitteee wi�l be announcC(l. I Y. II .C. A...(CoDtlDUed on pqe to) (Continued OD page I.)DII DAILY .Awoofr, I"BIDAY, lI'OVJ!MBBB' 7, 1915.JIa&s JleetiDg-10:15, Kent.Dramatic Olnb 1I.eetiDc-l0:15, Cobb.1�South.est Neichborhoocl Club-Offi· III88 BABD OB08BIIBBAD OF 8UlTBAOB'LBAOUB YESt£&D.&.Yllai,,,!.iJ, .t t;�u.pttmnal ",ad.-l � ... ,.,n i'OUAYlliB8 Zonia Baber, associate profe2t·lWr of the Teaching of Geography andGeology in the school of Educatioll,was elected president of the Equalcera and couucll, 10:15, Neighborhood 3utrrage league yesterday. .Mrtl.K&Da&iDc Editw •••••••••••• 1brtiD Stewer. room.lIew. Eciitor ••••••••••••• Gcorae CoUiD&bamAtJalec1ca Editor ••••••••••••••• Harry Gor&u, 8Maineu ,Ma.n&l:er •••••••••••• Burdette )Iu,chcw.t1oD MaD01&er •••••••••• William L711Wl ;; :30, Cobb 12A.Gelman Olub-4:;;O, Lexington 14.PublWl�d �ily except SUDIU1a. llowlal' Southern Olub--8, Ellis 18.ilDU hohuOlYIi d\Ui� Uucc·quarleu of the Ohicago Nf-t For Ohicago Wom""Uni\"erilty year. A6A& "'"t:DLcred a. second-class m;ail at the Chicaao r: "0 L . t, Po.ioiijce. l.:1iic"l:o. 111 •• l1arch l�. 1908. UD. --i):", exmg' on.o .ler Act of Marcil 3. 1�1:S. Oosmopolitan Olub-8, Ellis 18. Mandolin Club �8 New KeD.SUBSCRIPl'lON RATES. TOMORROW .New men were givena thorough try.,'.IS,. carrier. U.aU a yur; $1.0U a quarter. Student Orchestza Rehearsal-lO, out nt the Mandolin Clu.b meeting held.Ill,. mail. $a.uo a year; $1.26 a quarter. ...&.ditor�1·liu5iuc� Uilicc. J::.llia 24.Telephone l1idw&7 �OU.meet twice a week hereafter to prae­in a recent editorial on the 8IlbJect) at tico for the joint concert between Chi-�lJitori&11 all times, and not onl7 when the men eago and Wisconsin. The first practiceli a ccnunuurcauou pli��..;.j, yeater- are faced with competition that forces will be held Tuesday night at 7:15 atda�·, Mcre ulldcl.�r ... duac ... takes ezcep; them to do their best, it is not enough. the Reynolds Club.tion to certain editorial Songs with long, SIlStalned high notesFormcr17UDiYcr5it7 of Chicap WeeId7.Junior Olaaa EXecutive Committee- Jan.(.�. l�. ;_l'cod, was chosen vlce-peee-:Ideut, Katherine Keith secretary, andHelen Hare, treasurer. Cora Bain andM lI:I. Vauderbergea were chosen to filltho two remaining places on the ex­eeutive committee.Kent theater. last night Tn Hitchcock. The club willSpeaks on Schools of Paris.Whiis:iiight remarks couceming un- on a.kward vowels cannot be sungderuaduatg i n d i 1f er-. e1fectively by a crowd. . nat is the Mr. Arthur Bovee head of theFrench department at the Universitycnca to the wor:;'" of fac- reason .... _ no one can ever bear the h.&IJ high school was the speaker at t eulty members. The writer states that last partof "Wave the Flag." It can't meeting of the French club yesterday.tho articlo bi' Professor Michc.!son re- be sung. A material help in the mat.. Y. :II. O. A. Arran.!!cs Trip •.ferred to in tho editorial, was too tar of Chicago alng1nc would be to Miss Jane Addams will meet the Y.technica.l and advanced either for the increase the number of "singable" w. C. L. and Y. M. C. A. field tripundergraduate to read, or the average song. party to be taken tomorrow morning.reporter to write about intelligently. to Hull House. ,The party will leaveThis statement re1lects admirably the the "C" bench at 8:30 reaehing Hull, entire condition to which the criticised ff ... ....u .. ti.... House by 9:45. Miss Addams ,will tallteditorta.l referred. In the first place, Tlae ecfUor U flof rf'.pot&rible lor 17,.,.... on the "Life and Work - " ,of Hullit seems to assume that the editorial House." The whole institution will bepreu,;cf 1aere. OOtMll.�Iou"""visited and the various phases ofr 'referred to a slap at student ignor- aiulled u CUI e17Uet&Ce 01 1I00d talll&.dent wolud, be equa.lly lost. And this are looking around for touchdowns tofa tho 1irst po�t' to tho criticised eel- :beat Minnesota we ought to watch outltorial' namely, that the ,average stu- for stray tunes that0 will have thedent, ,atlPposedly here far inteDectu.al swing and expression of feeling thatorder to �eet the position of the ed1- cago" and "The March of the Ma.· Neighbodloocl Club PlaDa Pazt7.torial, should take the reference to roons." Both are good, but let's not The South-East Neighborhood club'Professor ·Michelson's article merely as be satisfied with them. Let us hope will gi"e a party for its new membersaD example, and then undertake to de- that before the championship year is on November 17.ff:nd the absolutely gene:rallaclt of in- 1 iii sheil, someone will .. fiml a tulleterest,:'OD the part of the average un- . at when set to words will h:we ev- Mr. Bo",,>e who has recently returnedfrom France discussed the publicdergraduate in research work and ('ryono willing to sing time and againschools of Paris. After tho talk thescholaStic achiev ... ment of .faculty when they see our teams in actiOD.members. Again, the commUDication Rudy Matthews.anea of advanced p�sics. But wouldnot the condition be the same far theaverage student, no matter what thesubject of the article? Let it beGreek,' �thr\.pology, hi.story-the stu-, fmprove!nent,�" is utterly 1ndi1ferent tothe 'Wor,� of_ tho faculty in aD7 depart­ment whatever. And sure17 it is DOtt90 .mnch . to 'expect that a studentshould be fa:miliar 'eno� �th a�least one subject to enable him to foLlow '�d' appreciate research work inthat line. Here 'Undergraduate, in Kent 10-15Cosmopolitan Club Meets �t.The C�mopolitan club �;ll meet :,.. " 'h D •night at 7:30 in Ellis 18. A list of ear t: e ,ngs'those whose presence is .�bpeeially tle-'.,sired has been posted on the bulletinSpeakNew Chicago Songs. work will be explained. Mr. Bickhampays that the trip will be over iiitime for students to catch the specialWe need somo new songs here at train for the Northwestern game._the University of Chicago. While we German Club Keeta �oclay. f �J •wo hear in "U-rah, rah, Wisconsin,"and "We're loyal to you, Illinois." Oursinging this year has been fine, muchbetter than in the past few years.From both student sections the sound "All members of the German depart-meat are invited to meet with theGerman club at 4 today in Lexington4 adn 5. Professor Cutting will ad­dress the club in Lexington 4 at 4:30.comes out in equal volume, and wecould expect little more from ourpres­ent songs "Wave the fiag of old Chi· hoard i\l. front of Cobb.member:s snag French songs and teawas served.implies that it is unjust to expect theaverage reporter to :review 8Ilch a HULL BOVSB lfBBD8 WOBKBBSwork intelligently. Of COUlse it l&But stich work need not be given to Want Univen1ty Women to SUperin-&lveral University women aro need· roollUl... ,17 intelloctual group mown as stu- c.l at lIull lIouse to act as chaperoneP. Haft �011.",��,'on Tuesday and Friday nights. In erban., I� Nov. 6�Tb_e'. flnt'-for-addition two women are needed to suo mal eonvoeation of the" eu�nt yearperintend the girlB' clubs, one to play will be held iD the U�v,etiiitr-" �di.points involved, but would rather set ancl the other to direct the singing, torum Friday at .. o'eloek. Tb�, ��reforth the character of the work, what accor.1ing to an announcement by Miss. stutlent body, all mem�ra o� ,illetrue­it means, and its general place in the Geraldine Brown, at the Y. W. C. L. ·tional, administrative, �a, �entifl�meeting yesterday. SU7.7.ane FishertL together '"with tho Univenityeo11' . .., : , . ,�poko of the interesting side of social band will gath�r in the audi�umsen'ice work, anel lIelen Carnes toldas one body.even roch a tTeaCDe:lt of resear\.""1 of t.he �tt1emcnt work at South Deer·work would be received indifterent11. ing.tho average reporter;, if there werethe demand for stich information thatthere ought to be, from the 8Ilpposed-denu. such articles would be reviewedby competent writers. ftey would notnecessarily deal with the 1lo.e ad.enWlc:progress of science. This is none tooobstr.1sc or technical for anyone. Thepoint to the editorial criticism is thatMuch of the dift'c:ulty in obtalDinggood IdDging from the Chicago crowd.4Jat football games fa dueto the faet that thereare few nod 801lP tosIDe. Even tb01llll tbe'IPfrlt wen the equal of that of IDI­DOlI (to coDtlD1le tile spec:1k reference � I,Have Bei&hborhood Part7 �.Ruth, Swan and Anna MeGuire havecharge of the �y oithe No�westNeighborhood club, to be gi,!� _ 'fOes·day from 4 to 6 in "the Neighborhoodtend Gida' Clubs.Glee Club Bolds Beheanala.With only three weeks remaininguntil the Wisconsin concert, tho Gl�eluh hns a great deal of work on han.1and reheal'88ls are being held twice "week. Preparations for the trips to.Toliet, Kankakee, and Culver are un­der way, and negotiations are �in�made for a trip this spring. PATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISERS ' � .."atermans!v,".t"..6).�The Schooland CollegePen inRegular,Safety andSelf-FillingTypesountainPenThe 'Vaterman's Ideal that is suited to your hand will do!leater, more uniform and q .. ickcr work than any other writingImplement. Such efficiency is of the greatest benefit in studentlife where writing is a part of (v(ry study. T'he continuoususe of one pen develops character of handwriting. The sameWatennan·s Ideal will last for years and is always ready. Buythe genuine, the pen with the famous Spoon Feed and Clip­Cap. In many sizes, scientific shapes and points of every degree.Sold by All the Best DealersL. E. Waterman Company, 173 Broadway. New York •'.':';' ..ltIasslDeetingHERZKA BROTHERS ,r ,'.:-: Ta i lors :-:1545 East 53rd StreetThe suit you want is here. The style, thec.olor, the particular�-"J lIst Right."�e1epbone B. P. 1037. C-pcn Evenings and Sunday JIoming. I',I\ 1•..... -- -.--- .. �ANew Collar •'.•. '"II, \ I.. •."Square Deai"Poliry."hUYI'r of an article bearil.;: 11.0�Jl:ll,lnig Trncle Mark that 8Uchnrtic)(.' will give satiHrn"tiall:lIHI n 'c:t!�onable :tmonnt or �r·vil'o.Loa _ �n Geed PointsB7 the MUers ofTro7'1 Best Product A. ·G. Spalding & Bros.Send for our Catalop828 S. Wabalh A�.•.. ' ...-,•• .1- • #...\ I• , .•'.• .,.",4 L-- ...r �.• '....II, \ f',.. "1 The pros declare that without them·........................... �'-II::":::"' __ D_I:'::l' :a�_;:::1:-I3M3E:;:-=:4it�-:'\�-';���i-Y"'��Ithe Prom is meaningless, that it will JOSEPH SCHMIDT �be impossible to get outside girlS. Th�eons dedaro them to be a shameful;)C per line. No advertisements re- waste of time and money, and thateeived for Iesa than 25e. All dauf0e4 their abolition would encourage tho 966 B. 65tIl at. Oh1ca&o, IlLad'Yerti.aements must be paid ill ad- men to invite university women more Imported aDd. Domeatlc Line ofvance. largely. CIGARS .L� CIGARETI'ES.It i� very Iibly that bills will be ••••••••••••••••••••••••••FOR S.\LE at. bargain-One suit oft'lotheR-Tuxedo style, original cost Introduced in almost every session ofFour collece., ave acbool., 11 bulidln� •• 00 1·:�.-:-__ :'1__ --�!j5-lllado by flue tailor-Suit is the legslature. There is no question S1 ETSON UNIVERSITY •.small size-Euquire Business manage but that Dl&Uy people of the state at. me. u..aa =.� . .::� PIa. D.er of Maroon. large couslder it a decided blot. in unl- l1.annl&,. .. CWeap. .__ versity life. They cannot conceive In faculty, 1� Camecle wrIta required to enterf'OR SALE-I'ino u room house near CoHep of �nl Art.. Land of blue .klt •• !,:k how %' state unlverslty founded upon awnDlu _eMber. out of door ftcrt>atkln allpar sand Unlversity, Bargulu, 6025 , .. liller, at wtoda from tbe _a, ..... d t"a mu-teprlnciples of democracy can tolerate _. ..�I.exington avo r of moclrJoc bird. In tbe oranee cro\e. Hleb-it. eat coUeee staDdarda. Send for cata!oc.WAl\TED_.\ student, ill every eol; Very many of the students feelthat "P_'M""'YWMIWwIllWmnUIWjIDlllIDIiiIIID �II·ge, who vnn devote a few hours a the wouitl like to attend at Ieast, oneweek to rl'I'rt'�WIl t :111 easteru manu- formal dance at this university, a' DREXEL P BAR MAC I· "fnduriltg firm mill look after the in- dance "her" present.. That is a very )lAft JIcAlItAlfY, B. Ph.terests of tho business hk'ally. Pleas. natural desire, and there is nothing Comer 65th azul Druel Chicago .. ����::::�..;-:::�-::-��::�::-.�-::::����������- - 2-nut, profit:'lIlc work thnt does no' re- 'relephoDe lIld-w 1411funuamentally wrong about it. The -_CLASSIFIEDDVElIISIIIENISquire :lII,Y house to house eun vassing.Only yOI"'� men or women w ith ",lcntyof hustle, who enn fllrlliNh goocl references need npl'ly. Address nil com­munh-ut ;OllS to ,Halph \V. Hillmau, Box4:ti, }>oughkt't'I'I'il.', N, Y. Prom of the past, it seems to the edi­tor of the News, developed into afunction that eannot be defended, ev­en if only beeanse of its extravagance.Thero is one time of the student.'scareer when he not only desires to FINE LINE OF CANDIESI'M ....... rue Dnp, Claeaaleala aDdTwIll. AnId ..For tbat Grippe or cold in the head=Drexe.Cold, Grippe, aDd Fever Tabl�. 25c",Aalt for a Free Sample.:;top that Coueb wit a bot.t1e of of our Whitt'Pine HODeJ' and Eucalyptus. zse.Relieve t.bat Headache with a tOe packace 01Drexel Headache Pow den.PUPILS WANTED-Mrs. Flora Mae have "her" attentl,.......taking it for '··.\iT\i'·'.\ii}$I\iifhW'l\1�jtJlIvor SllIith, voice bu ilder and teacher granted she exists, but his parents as Thomas J. Cavey. Sonof artist i.: �illgillg nt Mrs. Knights, w('ll. This is graduation week. WIry FUBliISBINGS5626 Mnrylntltl (formerly Jackson; not abolish the Junior Prom and re- For Gentlemenave. Term of ten lessons fifteen dol strict the ODe formal Varsity daDce SPBOIALlZIlfG Dr � WABTS OFlars, For furthcr information, address to that week, barring all but sen; 'rUB OOLLBGB JIAN6356 Jackson ave. l'bone Midway 4311U. iora. 00Ilan me 13, upAs a matter of fact, few students 31 W. IIonroe Stzeet Chicagol'OR UENT-Beautiful, large front really care to attend the Prom butparlor. Furnished in mobogany, Mas· they uphold it boeause they do notsive Davenport anti Turkish rocker. believe in interferring with others. all the time. Pep UP! That teamSteam heat, electric light. Room ex­clusive. Very light and sunny. FreeURO of grand piano. Suitable for two.1236 E. 61st, corner Kimbark. That is wrong. To cite an extreme can win! Lend a hand now, you fel-analogy, you and I may not care to 'lows in elasses. That's where en-be highwaymen, but we wouldn't think thusiasm eounta, Can't produce itof interfering with t'tlcsc who am like a lizz.�(l the minute the game bt'­Washburu }lighwaymen. A thing is wrong, or i� bins, start it now.-Wisconsin Dail�·Cardil!al.FOR SALE very cheap.guitar, full dress coat, Tuxedo and ::.1 Ji.;!.t: if it is dou1>tf .!, it llrl)babl"Prince Albert, size 36.38. H. P. 22o:J, I' \\"JC bg. Unqu&5tion3t.t7 the Pr III5463 WashiAston A.ve., 2nu Apt. is ilou't; ful.-Wi8Con�� Daily !'iChS,LOST-LOOBO Leaf Note Book in Bar .ApID, Get ChicMo!per Library, belonging to S. Left. Licked! Well, we should say Dot!Finder please return to MAROON of- Haven't b�n to fight yet! .Just be­fiee. Rewarc).· cause Minnesota was lueky enough. toTO RENT-Large, light front room; 2 recover a fumble and a. couple ofwindows; "ery modern; to 1 or 2 doesn't fight alone. Every one of usteeehers or students. Nr. U. of C; I punts near our goal line when the ballC; Elevated. -Mrs. c.. 1345 E. 62nc1 was' han dled by men who had beenSt., 3rd apt. knocked silly early in tlik game, is noreason why we should quit fightingThe teamWhat College Editon Thiak - for tbe rest of the season.fights with them.�- ...You individual sttltlent. reading thispaper propped OOhintl your cogee-areLast year the stullent conferen('e you a quitter? Don't smugly answerehangod the date of the Junior I�rom no, but think! Did you ever hear ofto February 22,·so as to do away with a soog entitled, "There are no Quit·t�e obj�tions advanced against the tcrs .at Wisconsin"? That song usedold style extravagant Prom. An at. to bo pollular here. We wonder whytempt will probably be made in the it isn't now. We aren't peMimistie,prescnt conferencc, which seems to be for we lloo't think of the future. The'delibemtcly "stacked," to restore the future is perenially'bright with hope.Prom to its old . position. Irrespective Let's make it surer tilan hope.of whether. the majorit.y of the eon- You student that rf'�s this mustterenee membera, or the majority of tak" your responsibility. It meaD.students even, do not ("are parti�ularly )·ou. What are you l}oing to cbeerono way or the other, PeTeral facts tho team and to help "get Chicago"must ho bome in mind wben reeoo_ on the 22nd. If Chicago whip" Uin_sidoring the question. nesota in the meantime, we have' aThe Prom of the past has been ex' right to at least a drink out of thetrem('Jy formal. Altbough many non· ehampioo8hip cup.trntcl'1lity men att<>nd�d, it was sup_ F.ach one of YOD know at leut 'Deport�ll largcly by tho fraternitics, th" player or man on the aqua.l. Tell him,bnrd('n thcro falling on thol'O who stnd show him by your actions, thatstayed away as well as on those who YOD know tbo team tan "get Chicago."went. A Jarge numbe� of girls from Jt'� the fight anll the team work that(lut of town wero regularly in,·it6l1, ,11008 the bU8ineM.. The ,fight i_n, the"often :at great expcn8C, introdu('ing anelement wbich took tho Prom 8()I11e'what ont of tho An·Univenity fune­t{ODR. The organization of the Prommade hou8o parties ut'Cessary.HOU88 parties aro the roek on whieh.1IICD have split OD the Prom question. men �omCf' from enthul'ium. A .man"an't 00 entbn8iMtit! when he'8 b�e"edby a bun("h of dam& We aren'tknocking we aro warning and adVi8'iDsr.Fight till the lut whi8t1o blOW&.Fight till the lut game i. over. PigJat� MAROON ,ADSBRING' RESULTS58 E. Monroe St., Saturday Afternoon Infornlalsat Rosalie Hall, 57th. & Rosalie Ct.The first dance will be givenNovember 15th at 2:30 o'clockThe dances are for University PeopleFRAPPE Music by AURACHERThere are a hundred ormore varieties beckoningto you from every smokeshop but there is only onethat is" D;�tinctivel, Individual"the purest and best of to- .baccos -delightful ftavor-mild and satisfyinglYour college chum.20for154�HICAGG).of THEMASTER-MODELthe Royal is a stand­f172chine Er:d1I..-itt. c �f 2 r.yard CO"£S�cl!c£l!ceiCES (cr;cEr:!£d billrrg, special attachments.Choose from 20,000 Overcoats on Our 4th "FloorTHE most stupendous collection of fine overcoatsever assembled in America. And, best of all, these20,000 coats are divided into more than 300 styles.and each style is again subdivided into a great manycolors and patterns, There are Balmacaans, Ulsters, Chesterfields,'convertible collar coats, strapped seam coats, belted coats, kneelength coats etc., practically without end, There are sizes for m�n 'of every build-s-large, small, short, tall, thin 'and stout men' can be "perfectly fitted. There are prices for Clerks or. Capitalists-$15,$18, $20, $22.50, $25, $30 to $85.Young Men's SuitsWE'VE been rapidly expanding our already greatvolume of young men's" trade and search for thecause reveals the fact that we know what young menlike and what they want to pay. Typically youngstyles, colors, patterns and prices characterize ourdisplays---the newer ideas from every good designerare represented. Third floor, $20, $22.50, $25, $30.Atterbury ProductionsATTERBURY System clothes are as much un­like the ordinary clothes you know as a master, art-ist's work is as unlike that of asign painter-s-they're the highestpriced and finest clothes made inAmerica. Every stitch of themis done by hand, every designthey show is exclusive and dis- J. . ' Itmctlve-every feature of Atterbury System suitaand overcoats reflects skill of the highest t-/pe.'Suits $25 to $48, overcoats $25 to f85.Sporting WearOur 5th floor is ready with some mighty..attractive Sporting Apparel-motor coats{o r men and women-mackinaWl aDd golf coats,slip-ons, etc.Almoauce Head KanIIID �y.This ycar's head manlaall 1ri1I �announced TUC!lrlay aeeordiDg to in.formation given out from the Presi-• Gen&'8 (lfriee yesterdq� I'1IIl ....... CIa-' ................. at Aa ......Southern students III til. UDlVen1tJj DeaD Shaler B. Jlattheww spoke at_ill meet toc1ay at 4:30 ill Cobb 12Ato pcrfect. aD organIzation and to plan Apburn Theological eeminary', )lODday,a p:opam for tile winter. and a' OberUn eoUep OIl Ta�7.-- -. -- _. -.- -----AtIaIetia Bmities "-Fifty men, representing every de-partment of the school, are esavae­sing the campus at Michigan to raisefunds to send the band to Cornell Sat- AII1JRBII'B-mOIWIIDTb HALLBUBft. . BOLIIBBCIIINA IN 1913urday. Four thousand tags at twenty Wednesday eYe. 8:15. I'rlda,. eYe. 8:16-eents apiece are on sale. The cam- 8&turda,. Mat. 2:15.paign is being conducted, not to at. P A • A • A A G A I •ford the band a trip as compensation 811D4&J" aftemooD a' 3:30for their services, but to show the Popular Prices, 25e to $l.00-NOW.team that the student 'body is back-ing it up. GARRICK'lIB. WIL HODGB IDA special "train has been charteredby Miehigan to make the trip to Tth- '1'BE ROAD TO HAPPllIBa 'aea, At least sevcnty·five people mustmake the trip or the plans for the "Genuine successor to "THE llAJ(team wj] not ma.terialize.FROM HOME."�nter Oeeaa.Several hundred balloons were an­chored on the side lines during theWisconsin-Minnesota game. They were COlAN'S GlANDto have been released in case WilSCon-sin won, but even though they lost, Another Cohan • BarrIa Buccellthe balloons 'were released before the BAY II 0 N D H I � 0 H 0 0 0 Itend of the game. In a New Musical ComedyuT H E BE AUT Y SH 0 PThe following is clipped from theDaily llIini: A UDITORIU�'NOW that it's allover we all handThe Notre Dame students are back­ing Doria&, their quarterback, forthat position on Walter Camp's All.American football team. A l\,fERICAN r:.mTheatre Unique-Dining, Smoking .. :Another sign has appeared on theengineering building of Iowa Univer- LEW FIELDS In "ALL ABOABD.",pty. It reads "Indiana Next". Iowais planning to raise their conference ILLINOIS .standing by beating Indiana by a Klaw • BdaDcer'll Maatcal �larger score than Illinois did.it to Chicago. They have got BOMBteam.Oliphant is being tried as quarter­baek on the Purdue team, GI0880p andO'Brien now being tho regular half­backs. This eombinattion � tohave Iaereasdo the team work. Policeman' Ammal Bendt.'1,-BE PASSING SHOW 01' 19lrLASALLEMualeal 00med7 for Youna &lUI 014"A � TO WA8JIIl(Q2'01I "DB LP H.I· ••". '. .o HI 0 HIWisconsin showed something new in � -spirit at the Minnesota game Sablr- ------------ ___day, when every Wisconsin man rose o""ard'. Th 'Ireand with hata do1f'ed sang the Minne_ H ea,---BROADWAY JlJ)JlBYJlOOll­sota song which they had learned be-forehand. wt�The Daily Dli�ompliments the JOB H01UBn- MABEL JIcOAlUI(lliicago Baekfield on ita smoothworking. It says that Stagg's baebexhibited the best interference seen PO\I\TERS.... O,D a western gridiron for a longtime. ; : nf':I ,..J.;;. .... AGO 0 D LIT T LED EVIL----.---morning's mass-meeting. CoDtnry to JOIIB' BY.AII8. LBILA IIcDIftU,his usual custom the coaeh is not ex- ID a ... � KIIIIal,�.peeted to pull any bear stories, forit e&Il hardly be seen how Northwest- ... H B. L 0 V B I. T 0 V._.. Iau even a chance of holding Chi_-----------------------eaco to a low seere] In spite of thefad that the second string backs will� the game, most experts expectthe .eore to be large.(Continued from page 1.)(Continued from 'pa�Cl :) BII.A OABV8DAVID BELASCO PreaentaSTUDEBAKER,DE WOLF HOPPE.ID 11188 OAI'BIOBTIle race will gtart and finish at tho w::.NE ARTSNorthw�tem football field. Nine men C -will ran for each side, but only eight IJ'HB YBLLOW �AO •• ,�wiD eount. The fint oe to finish willaeON ODC, tho next two, and 80 on.The team ha"ing the smallC!lt seerewins.�mdor C1us OommIuee to Meet.The exeeutive commit� of tho Jun­ior clP8 will mcct this aftemoon at3:30 in Cobb 12A. prince.. ,DOB8D KBAlUiIII B4war4 llaelclOD" Lon OniDaBOIIANO • , .....· J/•, .h l·�,' I.\ ',: \".:�/1· "t";'(' l"\· ', ' -" )• I"· ;• I.\.