dollars, thus making the fare; for theround trip $12.30. Both tourist antiPierce is IIltured.. 'what 'is not. dishonesty, both 'for 'the will be made by prominent newspaperstandard sleepers will be included. The students and the fa.eulty. The 'com- men of Chicago. Mzs. Ella W. ·peat.. auspices anu--itB "ieiivitieidl1lve at· allsleeper farea "'1'11 I,C .. " folio ....., stand- Snit? Pierce, the old reliable plun, g- ""'; ,.� " ......""'" .. .. u ... '" .. '" U ,mission, they 8&", is a means tow.ard tie addressed one of' the meetings of times liatl for 'their 'eDa'tii Dutchman, just to prove that Gray 'J , ' •, 'ard lower, single, $2.00, double, $1.00; .an :end and. not �'end itself. tho Club last year: The 'innovation of "of the cause ltotli-ll-er'e;; �rm tJut -.,upper standard, single, $1.60; tourist was not the only cripple on .the squad" -._. _� .......... . .,; Iadios n.·g' ht,· w· hieh was' bezunTaa t t.ire state.limped onto the field last night ana . ".' -�� .. ' _WllUU., �-..-.-". ... ...... "'''''6'''lower; singte, $1.00; tourist, upper, '"The idea: of reporting classeS of yoar, will be contdnued this year. This .' �_·.-l'iaii"_�ua. gl 4! roo announced that his leg was in b8.dsIn e, .... ". ' . � .. '., ._-'-Have Lunch Car. shape. Johnny discovered that the cheating :was.. only pnt down 'as tem- ,allair will be given in .Tune.: It provc.l "T�e club.�� �9? .�� ':fOj� for tileold charley horse, which bothered porary,". said, Lane Behm yesterday. a' great success last year. The feature next yea:r., , witl} .�� @�. :�tereat illOno of the features of the trip willPicrce a great dcal last year, had're- 'fIt -must be found out ,first from 'the 'of this dinner, it is planned, wil1 be cam" PJP,.. '�xu.�g,.fo .. r":�... ,,,� ,',' .A\· �.lI"., in tllOM�be the lunch car, in which short order . • b '1._, h . -.. . .,. �..turned and immediately put f;lnitz on students whether.1.t 18 est ,to DAve t, e a one act skit, written and acted by dtates which have .&SO, far. '!*m bac;k-==: r:� p�ces.°�::e�::al r:::::: the hospital list. In all probability, ae�', and ; ofrenTh der appear �Q�e �embe� of t�e Cl;b:'L e1 b • II w�d .�� �1���0��'�� --- •.at Vi -DOlis at n;';'" A.t-n.d .. _ Pierce will be out of the Northwe8� � -other •. ", e'.pen&lties:,lw�.,� . _�em!l.!� o._loUe u 1!L�-� .._ g���(;� ll��'.�!i-::'iifi-""'·--- ," -.-, ... �--� �-v game.' MOuJtOi,'wb;;has been,playing' 'Mtf.�_-:-df¥Nt.ion��: th;;�iDi8- -;o� .are:. GeOrge C�ttingham, seere- -ti' .. af. - .-- .,morning. There is a regular leaving sion, as ita;'cleblte,:�� can not c�v: �-';"_-ireasui-e�; .Toba' Pe'rlee, historian; continue.d, i��� .. �'"V.r'�· , .,.. l' f a consistent game, will take his, plaee. P-&J the W n"'an'a �*'v Cl� of � &lUI-.lnneapo IS or the return trip at --er, all duBes.: .'l'tdIJ;" deeided '&.t. ,Fmn.,'; .k. -O'H .. �.'Clyde W� Burton ",,� ," '''J., .•.• ,�- -The former Wendell Phillips - star -i:J --y th- __ 1 1i-1� "..# _ • .i.. baa-eight Saturday evening but the special _. .__ .. , S :V�lan 8 g��-. �",; . ...,.; .. �_�"';"'II!r �. a strong reliable back and has ��eD ·the··advjee�""c·tIae "'IICUI� 'whO fou!,d :Rascoe, Martin Stevers" am:--t" '. oliti � in ."--I � lite.will no, t leave until teli-thirty. Stop_ 11:>- h� .• • Leo' n; �to' 'Iz, Bernard TJ':ln' 1· --�, ' Tam- In _p ea 'foI'",,--' � .-:�. � .p' h d figh ' ' through,t VU":" espeJ'leDe8 the e�Jid�_ � 'I U SB&:.1'I'" � "over privileges will be included anti lerc� � al�. . .- -tioD1t-"lRUTOUnding each case :b�ght :D,-renforth" �a�tte':MUt, Harry ThO_dllb_otf«ml,WUam.�_�tni='this .feature is expected to increase e 'WeD. , , Willi L an .. oppo� f.:�� .The strong freshman line aD,ve 'tlie- to"tIIeit" attention we� always ���r- (,lorgas, BUs,S Halling, am::yman, • -=the nUDIber making the trip. 11:>- X diseU88ion, .. ct.:-.._ "'l�PB �V • .' 'ent 'thereby: ·neeeesitating varied ,1� Cowan Stephenson, Phillip earney,The railroad tickets will be on arslty a lot of trouble last night an'cl of, progreaiTe' ac&ioL�._ - .. ,-plaved, the regulars even. Dl'reetor elaionB to It the eue."'� and �Hays McFarland.Bale Monday morning in Bartlett. Thc ." ;' '�e quiet �jelijjQVct: ia maa7rebate will be made to students on Stagg cut the sqimmage short to make SBJJIOB LA.�·0B0b states- of the V�lor�""" �fl· al drill C • 'amCAOO lnG� fi�the train and all tickets purchased nt way or a ong SIgn • outchle �a - '- __ vwnr, p' .. ;an •. bas, .. -'L .. ve'..all'·-tIiia .... -�ec1- .....-.&"�, .. ADD.UI�� 8Al.:.B CLOSBS U .OOB ... 11:>-....,. � -.--made the only touchdown of the day, .he eye 'of what'.we *"�pleiMea to eaI;lancl Harris raised his goal kicking a��, .Is ,W�.'IOn.,_. __ ' b,. Six the general puWWJ· .'j'W:\he mCnr8-erago by bootiDg the ball over the Votes ID en- " ". -, 'Women to Give Speeches After DiDDel' ment has'be8il� ... t. •extra point. .... fD'� �ekets! 0GatIIILLineup:VoL XII. No. et. lJJI1IVBB81'l'Y OP 0BI0A80. �ftlUB8DAY. JlOVRMBBB 6, 1913. ·-;;PBlOB' nY.B OJDIB., . -'� .. ,- ;_ ,;;.:: ......FRESHMEN DEFEAT£D}:O BO.'.�N TO·' P.EN CLUB'S DINNERipwfto..ttEOitGAiZEVanity With Substituted, Backfidd .. ' ·_�:.THIS ,��, prg�tion 'Will Vote on New . EQUAL, �GJ a.oBWins from Yearlings"In Short, . . � : Members at � In Commons, ,_ .. _Scrimmage-Pierce on·Hospital AD ��c ��':_ <;¥e.NextWeek-Plan BigYear W�.���t·.'-'.'�TodayList.. �;, " .�� BelieYe ,Recom- In I..e.iDaton 14 to_ menck� MiauadentoocI Membcrs of the Pen club will h :IJ, ';' " .�� PIaaaCoach Page's husky freshmen held . -, .the first dinner of the year nextFOUR DOLLAR REBATE MADE the Varsity to. a ;.0 score in a .ahorl, RQDI � ,DISCUSSES, cOiI_lOrt � ednesday at 6 in the Commons cafe, MISS: .ANDEiSON ·.:m .. 5rEAI.. ., �ew members will be elected to the ._The lliuuclSota football special will snappy scrimDlage yesterday. Contrary.. . I .to all expectations, Director Stagg ,Repr�ntativ� of all orga�izatio�sl dub at the dinner. All men who arcused part of his first string squad in .on, the ;.t".aD1pus will be present at the lintcrested in literary work of any kinclthe game. The substitute backs, who meeting o! the Honor eommission , to- _e eligible to membership aad will'are scheduled to play most of the day at. 2:30 in,. the Harper assembly: � voted on at this meeting.Northwetcrn game, were in the lineup' room.. Some of the recommendations George Cott.ingham, sccretary-treas-arrangements for the big trip had. beenbut the regula.r Iinemen were used. made by the_ ecmmisaion have 'been �C:I' of the club is in charge of thecompleted. Director Stagg said, "TheIt is just possible that. Director ,misunderstood ,by the student body, diWlGr and' all old members who arefreshman vnrHity team and the bandStagg will 8tart his second string �embers say.. The purpose of the or- t� $ present have been asked to noti-will also make tho trip. backfield in Saturday's contest. It is ganizatio.11, they declare" is ':lot merely, f;r ,Cottingham. President RoderickThe athletic department will make . to 8l·�t, ,oo,t," ,those. who cheat In class '1> tt· h ithdr f ' Ilecertain that Gray will not start as his -- t-ea, If) as WI urawn rom co egea four dollar rebate to all studentsinjured knee is still bothering him. work,. but to prev�nt cheating, if pos- � quarter because of illness 'andmnking the trip. Tho regulur roundMoulton, Kennedy, and Fitzpatrick sible. �m, be unable to attend the dinner.trip fare to llinncapolis is $16.30" of T '---- -ore" 'I"U _which the department will refund four worked in fine style last night' aut! his :can be. done they believe, by &.&iUI. ... ..,�should show up well in the Purple con- making a standard, of honesty in class Plans are being made for a numbertest. ' .. work" thus cre_ating JL .. elear idea" of of' dinners this year at which addresses�TA FOOTBAllSPECIAL, IS ARRANGED�1:he� Unh'crsity Associatioa l�J;;qUaJ SuiIrage"meeta � af�ill Lexington -w·� dae ....80n of 1!113-1914:. "AU' w'�'ei are uk.ed to attend: this meeting alul W a,.CODIO' better' 'acquauited.-;'itli� tM wod.o! the orga.niZatio� Th:e"'�tiDC ..scheduled 'fot '3:30 in LexiD.gtoA 14. ..Miss -Agnes' Alid��D' 'ior� .eu.­tary of 'tlio 'Or�OD "�in d8li'Ye�a' short,' addre8li-tlii8"ar��n, �which she will' tiii-if (;ve;'.;tlie reeoriltTrain to Minneapolis Will LeaveFriday Evening, November'14, at Nine.10&\'0 tho Union ::;tatloll lor Minneap·olia jo'ritluy eveuiug, Xoveurber 14" atnine, Tho Athletic Department an;nouueed yesterday that l,racticallyallof the' Club' �to' the: mee"tiDK •.�rhis t.1ub:i.ii!otll� past hii8,;r...-erved �.Ulliv(,r�ity ·througl(th.tU)u6� �which have boon'aelivereci��� Uathe gymnasium must be paid 'for atthe regular price. Sleeping car stubswill also be sold at the Univcrsity.SeldOm ,if eVer:&' �tJ·,;o.;; hel _-Every efrori-will be made to boom ,deDt sufl'ragiat8��:Uae ...-, '. this trip and' 'the Athletic (lepartment Varsity; Des Jardien, �cnter; Ranis Louis SillJ8I!I ,," ��� vietor over .. ion ,IAIld .. ltat· d� yoU,""': tJa. Totei� making. arrangeDlents to take carc an.l Scanlon, guards; Shull and �- J'uli� :Risk i�· tile: ��or, law presi- TicketS for "Chicago Night for Chi_ tor?",·.1ike·tli8 gin bi "8' __ plar.of tJn-ee hundred rooters. Badg� ler, t�kle8; Huntington, Baumgu.ta�, dential nee., .�y.: a, ��ty, of six eago, Women". may be' purchased till. with "Wh,.. to ·vot. Willi, �-., eaame.­bearing the words "I am going to SJu,rb,; Breathed, .1IcCon�eU, vot:e& �:tll:e ���,,, .. _'e ..... elee- .noon toaay. 'They can be secured from Some of thtt'inDer �ii'iie or tWa .(Minnesota" will be distributed and quarters; Fitzpatrick, Coutehie". fu�- Uon,.: Adol� ��� .. b the p�i�' th"e' folloWing, woo.e�: Edith Smith, fight of womeil· tOr'jojll' lIiiiI at ..worn on the c�pus during all of h�ks; Moulton and Acker; full�k. d�Dt 0' •. _J'umo� �a ��rling J(�. M�rgaret .C1�p, Alma Parmele, Flor_ polls emerges from tile Iai8t of _next week. Arrangements ha,·e been }�rp.shnlcn; Alberts, c�nter; HardiDg- well is tle �yeU",� president e�ee' F.oley,' �ary Camer�n, Margaret 'mueh Striving for ·the .tedameal, Traut, Stutzman, guards; Jaebo,a.� ff)r. tile .�Dg �eaI'� �t�e elee�ons Co�e, A�gu� �wawi� and Helen Per· ilege' of' "aBoting."Waea"'cr, tackles GowaM, 'Pattel1lOD, took ,plaee .yesterdq. ':IDOI'Ding, the "_Fostcr, ends; Gordon, quarter;. VI;ll- ,Salor ,m� •. WU .�!l In tile eourt G�e Hotchkiss, chairman of theiamson, .Lea, halfbaeu; K8Il�all, room, $lte Ju�OI' 'i�! ��:. D�, and mODU eommiitee, has arranged for a Jluquen to � PIq at .....Sehap.(cr, fullbaeks. tlae:FnelaWII" �,� .. .,.tIa. ,�.B,PNad. The menu is:'Jnade at the press for a number of�egaphones at twcnty 1lve cents npieee, and they wiD be sold on thetrain. A monste.r Chicago bannerwill be carried in the parade in Min­neapolis and will be plaeed in the Chj·cago lIOetion at the game. :":i.i' .. \�'�ABLB'r IR IIBIIOBYOF�P&BBID�PLAOBD 11(; �"'NWllk"ig.�::��e�'_ :OppO�," .,-emln-:�: .:Jt���.fe���" Three·to 'One Fenlinine roles for "Pepita" .....&58ign"cd at:"the �.,"'.-z;.ta ,..tcrclay.· Th4""oI)owing� e. .... :Pepita ....•••••••••••• Gertrad. Colelforrit()1' .•• '•••••. � ''l'reTa "'KaHIl ...&bastian3 .• '.iT :j ':�e'_ n-._.. • .\........ 'va �The play '1nll � _ gtv� ��':tlae BeJa­oMs club, und�r��e �i�·�(K the end ot i'he' �r:' It b s·.two-aet. pla�' ����� � �,tecl troatlJe Spanish by neu 1vaIJaee ad )In.., ,- - \. .. . - . - .. -�Otis Skinner.l"BA'rBRHI'DBS KAYGIVE .JOIR'l'DANCE;PLAN SJlOKBB 800. A tablct in memory of Dr. WilliamPlans for a Pan-Hellenic dance are.being made by a committeo. appointedby the Interfraternity council Tues­day. Two other committece wcre ap­poin�l at the meeting, one to' drawup plans far the annual InterfraternityImlokcr thif' quartcr, and the other tolook pll the present Council rules �on­t'OI'Iling pledging an� rushing and topreeent IRlggeeUons for reform at thenen meeting. The nen meeting will.iM Jaelc1 Taelldq, November 18.:' Rainey Harper, first preside�t of theUnivcrsity, WBe plaeed in the main : �Dn _.�r'bor" .ie��·.�: ':5,; 1913_ per, in favor of retA1ming athletics re­hall of Jlarper library Tuesday .. The (Speei�.)��e ... �l��tl Qf Michi· laUoDs 'with the Big Nine. 'The reotablet, which is the gift of tIl� elau pa .8tudenta � ��iJ �oted over tul'D8 follow:of 1008, reads as folloW1l: two to one apiiln ��i�g to' the. For Against"To honor the memory of W:illi- .��ereD�e in • � .. !o�.�\akell today.Rainey Harper, fint president o�, tile .-.,.e,$ldent v�r:W� ,��J" three � Students ••••••••••••.• 9Il 2524Univcnity of Chieago, bona 1856, di� ,01le, � �4 , ��, r.�� ,,�Ilst re- Fu,ulty •. • • • . •• • • •• 89 491906, this bnilding w .. eree� :by. tana,. �d �11. �D ,��v!r� ,·.�e' fae1l1ty .Mi�higan Alumni (Anngifts of the foo�cit'�. of the UDiv� T� � � , '0., ��. I� _ ��� �f return., Arbor).. • • • • • • •••••.•. 10memben of tho � of tru8tee8:-anIJ Tlae' � v,.e .fonowM" _ .'sUeDllOUS. �nQ �rbor Alumni A880 ..• 19faculties,' alumni stUdents and: o��� . �p. :1f1U�' ".:"� '.� : conducted '-friends, A. D. 1912." by u.� Jliehipia n.a11� "e'_aent pa.. �otaI 1029.' ,�- -.-�, BabooClt·tO �"IWda 0Ia1t.A1'�i�t.'lni '�o(_-t "B&bem wiD ad­drf"ss the French' Ciu6' � at .:10265'1 in Lexington S.'9..... ",,'II i ��:,/,i �(i BIB DAJi,y VA""" .The Daily Maroon" ...... "I WI.t�E:.&t.. ......===-��====--z=============�==��JLW.n.ue ., 411"... �JlA.'k" ., ;, ," � Pawaa.� � ,_........ y. w. o. L.-I0:15, Leape roo�DiYiD1q 8dIoal 0JIaItel 10:15, . JIu.kalLBq� 8dnp �:30 ...===;Alumni Who Were "The Biggest Men'In CoUege" When at the University.Do ;roll lED ... _ w ...... _. In � week or .,;;' the DAILY MA- ID1 of the UDiveni.t7 who were "the BOON will begin a series of artieles ' .�. bigaest men ill collqe" ill their un. about these men. A short st�ry about . "dergraduate d&7a? Do �u eVeD Imow one of the tweh'e alumni or alumnae, I .of one or two men who ma� probab17 who were moat prominent when in. 'c:labD that dJatiDction? Ann't �ou ill. college will appear every few day. � itereated to bow IIOIIleth1Dg about until the series is' exhausted. To:theBe a.l11lDD1 who were the biC men choose these twelve men is of eourse ',when the� were at Ohicaeo? more or le88 of an arbitrary matter ;The DA IL Y MAROON believes that as di1rercnt people would piek out dif· Ithe student body is interested in the ferent persons for the honor. _ �alumni of the University, and partle- So we are going to ask the upper-, , �1ulnrl.r in those who will live forever classmen, who bave hoard a good deal '1 ,in the annals of undergraduate netiv- of the tradition of tho Uni"ersity, the :itie6. What student is there who hwm't members of the faculty and the alum- •heard of Eckersall, Steffen and Ken- ni to help us in this matter, MakeTh., � .. �ted out fOllu\\", asprin� in .tlae University Daily Ran-1I&D.a&iA& &ditol' •••••••••••• 1Iutia SlaY ..."ewe Kdi_ ••••••••••••• Gcor&. ConiDIUm.' A&JaIclic. Editor ••••••••••••••• HarI7 GoIaaa.aaaaiacaa �u •••••••••••• Burdette IIu&· CUculatioD ll.aJu&u •••••••••• WiUiaaa L7JDoUa san: _'Lex·' I., The- i��. 'litteriag- of' th�iupn. street. with paper. Students .mouldPnDcIa 0lDb-4 P. lL, �*a.'_� n�t hE' SO':'tltoughtl�GradDate WOIIIeIl'. 0lab-4:30, Lex- 2 Slovenlinetlll· �f laDgu&g8. W"iugton 15. ought to do our part to preaerve theGraduate WGIDaIl'B �:30 .. Lex language' whieh we have as a heritagel"ubliahcd dail,. exccpt �UDda,. .. Kooday.• • Mandnlin --'" 1·.30, m6-'- .. AAk ··d·· , ·t _6'- t'---md holuJa,.. gW'iq &Jucc-qua.ncu 01 UlC --- v.&I&»- MiM,,- an Improve 1 nw.aer IIAU degrade it.UDIYCU1l1 )'car. Cl b R -�DLCrcu &a k�OQd�clua aWl at tUc l:hic:qo • u OOJIUI. 700 many �dents are lazy and eare-· tl06lO!Dcc, Uu�o. JJJ.. Alarc.b l�. l»U�. uo' Ck'aduate V�__ I'n_'" 1 :45, ' Pro 1_ in th ... ; .. · .1.."" .l\ct of Karen�. 1�1� -I ..,� -.. ...---u.fe880r McLaughlin's residene� 59U�.. 3. 'l'he :,��u�ti�n of friends by. nlebiuDei. ':·tie. �oae, abtruaive inti­maey is for private, not publie use •4.. SmokiDg. iIl- pUblic. Tins is an,other habit whieh, like drinking.should he in private if indulged in 8 tSUBSC1UFr.lON .kAT�BJ' carner. ,�.ou a ,.car. ,l.UU a quanu •• ". &J..L&JJ. JOi.uU a ,.car. ,.1..:6 a qwuLcr..IW1torw·lh, .. wcu Odicc. £llia � ...',l'dc"mODC Madwa,. lUlU. Woodlawn Ave.mJlOBBOWSouthwest Nel&bbodlood. OlDb-Of-. , �o editorials from the Kich.isa.n. .oaily were printE:d yesterday ·in thecolWDDS of the JIaroon. Oosmopolita.D 0lub-8" Ellis 18.ThO Micma� Both were to the poiDtView ----DaDlel7, that the Con- 4---.-u.ti ....ference board is cca- TIM "'or ..... , -:;;-� for ........ McCLURE IS(lCbitotial ficers and council" 10:15" Neighbor­hood roolD&German 0lub-4:30" Lexington If.Soutbem 0lub--4:30, Cobb l2A. all. No gentleman will smoke before nody? Rut do the undergraduates, out a list of the persons you thinka lady. ' particularly tho new members of tho deserve this honor and send it in to5. The loud aad extreme clothes University know very much about the faeulty exchange, audressed to the•'lr01'D by .some girls. Even though sty_what these men did when they were Prominent Men editor of the DAILYJlABOON.'_: . .,."1�"- "posed of fair-miJldecl men. who will be·. . DreaH Mrw. O�...,.... .....just to athletics aDd.Mich1ga.n. From .· ., dQr&efl .. _ � of .... telA..the CoJlf�nce point of view. i' is - .hard' to Understand wllJ' this need be lish" elothes should not be worn ii in school?without ,�autY or good taste. ery tiny break in Wisconsin's play, DB.6. Exeesees of soeial life.' Coedu· and that is one big reason for their.. eation has ita dangera. Any gD04l vi dory.thing' be' overdone. Don't be Minnesota must be credited for aafraid' to study toO muelL� for elaiming that a "jinx" is fol­lowing these drop kicks. Certainlythere is not a better drop kieker inthe .JVeat. Presldent of McCormick SemlDaI7 WW •said • The idea that UDivenities which great team" but we would like to seL'T. Unwil:lingness of .iudents to reo the boys plays them again. The re-spOnd to the" advances of the fa.eulty. It . ht b d·ff t.!lU . uug e lorenHats off to Frank Bellow8. Whil,�he was on the field, he played the.; .- feared· by aD element at Jlicbipn. fteConference, far trom being a body de-1------Fiah--Salad-------· �oted to the opposition of athletics ill Creamed Chicken in c....favor of studies, exists to �em ab­�OD f!f studies by. awetlcs. Itis hard to see h� aD7 '*':Idea.t. no· comes to college prof� to leam,and who' pays good c:uh to tile reid&­�"�'for tu c:hW:e, caD feel aD7 doubt (Continued from pap L) . "OpeD 8eAme."cross bar and bounded baek into theMichigan need but expresa a willing"ness to return to the Conferenee an.l field. After seeing this sort of hap"she will be extended a UIUUlimoua in_ . pening twice inside of two games,B&flger. speetators ean hardly be blam­vitation •.We bue this prediction upon a let- well on his quarterbaek runa and inreturning punts, and his kicking wasas good as e'·er. Better even than thedrop that seored Wisconsin's threepoints was his kiek of forty-five yard:l. The BevereDC1. lfeClure is the authoragainst the wind" which struck the of several volam-, .... JUeh inelude""Poasibilities" "The )Ian Who Wanted '1to Help", " The Great Appeal", "En'. ,';' .vironment,\ !'The Growing PRStor'P, ,.• • I�and "Supreme Things"_' -j.,� kDirector Stagg w�ll speak at the Y.M. C. _� IUDeheon for Freshmen to-', if'.• JDr. Jamea Gore King McClure, em- Jinent theologian and man of letters, '\will be Sunday'� preacher in MandeL �The Reverend McClure was born in r' ,­Albany, New Y9rk in 18"8� 1:1'1870 he received his degree ofbachelor of arts, at Yale; then I Ihe graduated from Princeton Theolog- ,ical Seminary in 1813. He beeame !doetor of divinity .. Lak� \Forestnniversity in 1888. Following this, he:!- ireceived hia D. D. degrees at Prince- : •ton and Yale. Later he was given his ; :'�" JL. L. D. by IDinois college. IIn 1814 he was ordained to the ipresbyterian.. minis�. During the � �next few years he held pastorates in 'l-'New 8eotland, N. Y. and Lake Forest, aDlinois. He aecepted the presideney Iof Lake Forest university, and N_ "ImaiDed in that position until 1901.,- -;Sinee 1905 he has been president of..__\ .the KeConniek Theological Seminary,CId�: ,1 favor normal atbletics woUld. elect to To the Editor:''When we invite students to eall atthe 'contrO� board men who are In your editorial columns yesterdayour homes,. �ey ought to at least &entivioleJitl7 �.pposecl to college sports is you referred to an ,artiele by Proles-.. their regrets or ea11 onee. 'If we canh&rd to grasp; aDd the idea that these .sor Michelson whieh appeared. in .the game of his life, and we belie"e sin_- . ·forgive '. tlie!b .. for being young theymen wQuld go out of their Vlay to be Astrophysical Journal aaying that the crely that he had been able to la:tt''ought to.foJ'live _ for being old."mean to mchfca,D, shoUld. the Wolver- "seienti1i� aehievements of our f8.eul- through the entire game, things wouM, . 8. Sunday dinners and parties. Sun· .ine institution tetum to the Big NiDe, ty are apt � go unnotieed until stud- h:"'e taken on a different complexion.days should be kept in' a quieter antli:o equa1l7 inconceivabIa. The baBlc ies a_re no .1�ngeI: a n�essary evil "Buck's" much discussed generalshipidea at' the root; of fears on the part; ,which mUst' be tolerated iD order to purer -,ray .and students should go to left no' room for a continuation of t.he. . " .. chureh . at ,least onee.of the Wolverines is the old. notion tbAt eDJoy college .life," by way of 8X})laiil- ".' . -. � ... '. critieism to which it has been sub. _. . . 9;' ... DisiDtereQednesll of the 80lemnfaculty memben can have no sympa.- ing the brief mention which wu made ;. ..:- ..'. _ '. jected. He ran the team like a vetel'1.'1. •'el :.- th ..... _� AI, Bnd .plore senous stu.dents on matters ofth thl t1 that athlett of Wle arti e m e .DUU"UVI& ev",umns. . . - ... .... an, and his choice of plays was neverthy wi a e cs-: cs are'. "�.: -". .• stUdent. u.tere8t,.." ·These student. ...opposed to 'scho1astlc intensts, aDd I happen to hve _� the ar:tiele 1>y " . -'.'. que�tioned. by the bleachers..__ � . behalf' -f tho :"houItl. 1lCJt let"the louder ones expr�l" Ifhence. will � fought at fJVf1r7 tum by Dr. Michelson �, o� . 0 ,e . I ... " .:. ".'. �';. -'. . there were any better taekles duro. ". -..._ , " L_.' '�''-".:.2 o"'--f . r.nblift oP,nio!l, as 181 beihg done re_. thO ,than th Be"_·!.'.;. .... lk men.:- -e UDiv. eul ..... of·� .. reporter. who,""'" .u.ave.IMIQ to 1rVYJ.f1W- 1:.-:- :'--�-- L-._,�_ ,:..:-; _. __ . • mg e game ose that; llowtlIMOU& .. ", �.I& ..."• ish-' :: + ... _� m. m :- '0'"' "rdiJlg·tnahmaD � aDd tJae Mb' '. . ."g� shows how far· � notion is � Jot, I w "to '!!y --:'.... l' o::m. n, . :-louri' lfoatball- game. _'.' _ : '. ". : made; they 'w�re' 'Dot 'to be seen f��mthe uuth. .�.Bare, athlatics.t �az troJIl no mere .UDd�� and ind:�.: . .". '. ,: , .', the press stand. So hard and fierc�. " b ' . • eel 10.- Neglee�.of atud.J for general �ul, be1Dg opposed to, or even. dit- .scarcely �y. one. ut an 'upenene .. . . . - was his taekling that he used himself· fezeD,'1'rOm them, are a _part of � physicist could underStand i_ta purport. "ture.:. Too. many.people do . not ]mO\\. up in the game. H& carried the ballow' to apenci theu.· time.. Lear· studies. De athletics depaztaumt is a. Any oile' ��� questi�D8 .. � a1aoo.M. to .d.isCrimiDa� ;. ultimate: fruit of: regular. divisioD. of, the J�ty,. Just as , consult the artiele for himself, aD.: �_ . Istudy is to eome to .�Die eonelusion as· :!�e depart:meDt of GneJr, with a pro- do .not doubt that he -.m � eon�e- �to' �bt·� ��-V�uable'aDd beauti.JfessoE', . ,and With advantages of com- eel, fUl.. : PulBo17 �' equaled cmq by .. )(ere Un�.ergraduate.of .. tho BDgIia1i depadm� 'De aole OBIOAOO BIG� ftOEB'rpurpose of the Conferuce is to pre- . &ALB 0LC)BB8 D lUGHrvent the extreme o�te to tile oueas to the wisdom. of sa� aD �tion. TIle doubte of JIIcb1PU stu­'dents, which the � has aoqIit to • II'· ,The Olub· LiblV)' Badialaes ter th.�t was reeeived b7 & lIichigan�mcial .from an omeial of the JaighestCUe standing iia . one' of the largeet Confer·'('�ce-UJiiv8nities. The oaieial not on. As to the rest of the team, a greatly promi8ed Iaia' own h:-.t. lRIpport eleal might be said, but we'll simplyAfter the dinner" speeeIlfJII b,. mem- _ - -J •..n be· ;but predieted tha& KiclaigaD eould rest register our own humble admiration ofbera of the varioaa teams � pv- eleven men who fought their beat, antIen. Cornelia Beall will talk in be- assured that .he would get this unani·• •• . "ent down flPting. Kappa ..... Baa I'1eda.half of the basket-ball team. ; Loaiee moua 1Il. 'YltatiOD.. ._• _. But we'll -t Chieago m'" the K S·Ill.... of Hoek-. N� Kiner of The letter .... eoddeDtiaI" and Wt"• e-. . "':--- _ appa agma aDnOUDees the p]c,lg- •• , .'6>&Je m-- be ba8Id on a IIdsaDd_ � -'" -�", ." • .' same!-W1BCon8ln Daily Cardinal. Ing of Je'PPY By f Sh rt, 'I' - 'sa_"" WHo �-swimmiDg; Hazel �hgott of gea ..... !Ire, P�y��· �1Il 1I8iIIg th� ume. of , u" an 0 revepo -. 1'-.�gofthe� .�. B Th----��------------------·----��·lf�gymDUtiea and Helene Kenn,. of bUe- the 3U�Iao� at � time. owever c ',' .'balL )(embers of the athIetie depart- Miehigau Dail,. stands ready to pro· A "ew.' Co, liarAn iIltereatina chalice to esUmate ment ma,. also be �ec1 UPOD to talk. cluee tma letter to .. ,. O1Ie' w10 doab� ':i Ithe caltural iIltenat8 of UDI."t7 A. ca'baret show eODtainiDg seVeral the autheDtieit,- of the aboVe Rate'men is dcmted � the unique features wD1 follow, Isabel)(ae ments--lliehipa Dail7-acUon of tile Be7Dolcla Kuna,. and Buth Agar will IiDg I� -club 11'--- __ 1-- -- -=--'n • .._,.. Game.--'" �- songs, while Eli�h llaeClintoek will .. _ ... -----to eonsalt the memben preeent a elog dauC80 Lillian Bi88ell No losi1lg WiaeonaiD team ever putin reaard to choice of boob. fte com- and Kabel Beeker. will pye a. short up. beUer fight. They fought as wemlttee wisely refuses to force "c:uL. sketeh. had ia� that they would, every man� upon the members; aDd U the Roth. ��, . general chairman, played' tJie game e'VeT')" mi1lute, and th�feUows want Bobert W. Ohamben In stated tbat the sale. of tickets was faults of die earI7 gamee were nohis la� mood, proba� Chambers prngremng weU, and that less than ,lODger e01lspie1l0Q8. StiD, they lost.they will P'- Thackeray, Obaucer, 8fty aea.ta were left. Wbl· IIIDs aDd IsbeD will DOt 8gure JmIIIl- We (all hardly I'ftoneile ourselvestofDentIY 1IDIeIs there Is aD adequate 4&- , lin. mtcheock VIIlta BaIL Rc1mlttiDg tIIat Kinneeota has a teammaud. N .... aD4 opponputa of col- lin. Char]es Biteheoek, the donorof tmperior to oan b,. _ great • marginIe .. 111&7 8DcI material tOT IIIUl7 aD4 Jlitebcoek hall. was PnMDt at aa ilL as the .eorel.aleata At DO time dielheated � III tIda J1ttIe "'_'e .fonnal Sunaay afterDOO1l neeptlOD Bey eouIstatly plerM t1ae 1IeM1gerfd 0IdcaP ute... ,. 1(10 -. glVft b7 Vr. Md Kn, Davia ADea clefen., IU'8l7 ala ti.ey . make tntBobeIIMnI. cloww, bat tlaey took ........ of eYe•Oliveslee� morrow at 12:45 in H"tehill8On eaf�.He will talk about the ideals of the"University man in athletics.0:'.. ;·A "Square Deal",.for everybody i. the "SpaldingPolie1." We guarantee ea4"hbuyer of aD artiele bearing the8paldnlg Trade Mark that tmcohartie]e wUl give satisfadioDand. reaso1lab]e amount of ller·vie.. , ,, .Loa_ OD Good POiDts87 the Muen ofTro7'. Beat Product -".1 ,';A. G. Spalding & Bros_18 .. W.-... A. ....�I. S"·j ..l� C-,{'.,'.1 ' ,�,.. I�.11 ". , 8BRIOB uwa 0B0a .�jf'.;;�(CoD=:B�:� -.-� - VMliIIOW�; other olr,._ e1eeted are ufol· A RR OWVi.e p ..... deD:-=: ElleD Markley, �LLARSecretary, Dudley Campbell, .• .....,. a c... ............Treasurer, Raymond J. Daly.OcMlDcUlonA. L., Arnold· Baar, Harry-81'71 been tbr cur.tum and this eom- Butler.miltee will arr:lIl;":" nlt :affairs of theJ'UlIIo& OO __ ftBB J'O.Yiwt �01JBOBD BY �Co1Uldl1or8 « ,d, Hi •if Wi .... "If, . 6aa.. WiD � Haft.ODe ·Oc.u..itteewiaida WUlIIaDaP All� Saturday Afternoon InformalsPresident Kent Sykes of the Juniortlua yesterday annOUllced the elasscommittee for the following year. Th�elaaa ..-ill have onl,r one committeethia year in8te�1 of Kt-n·r:ll as has- for_ at Rosalie Hall, 57th & Rosalie Ct.The first dance will be givenNovember 15th at 2:30 o'clocke� A �eetil·J.! of the committee hasbeen called fOl" tomorrow, Tlie timead place of the llJ(,t·tilJg will bo an­nounced tocla�·. Viee.President, Joseph Brady,Secretary·Treasurer, Kiss MaryBrenaugh. Music by AVRACHEItThe dances are for University PeopleFRAPPEThe' committee follows: Eugene Martineau, Jose�h' Goldberg,Kont Bykes, chairman, Merwyn Pal· C�meliu8 Tenin£8. m'c;ou.£Xe��runONALBAIIImer, F'rnnk Selfrillge, lIugo Swan, PnshmeD fill Levinson, .Tohn Baker, Fred· Viee-President, W. W; Hammond,erick Croll, Thomas Ryan,' Edward Seeretary, Miss Mary Van Zeller,Thomn.q, Ruth Allen, Kntberine' Big- Treasurer .. H. D. Moyle.gins, Grace Hotchkiss, Nina O'Neill, Oo1lDCf1lorsHilda lfcCJintO<'k, Katherine Covert, Henry Shull .. Lyman Wel� OakleyLouisc Mick, Ruth Wilhartz, IrisMorton.Spohn and Phyllis Fay��.ICA". 'IOapltalSurplus • � e •••••••••••••• $3,000,000.00................. 5,000,000.00Undivided ProAts .•••.•.. 1,000,00.00OFFICERS.ERXEST s: HAlUIILL. Pru1dent.CHARLES 1. HUTCHLx SOX. viee- Pre •.CHAU:NCEY' 3. BLAIR. Vlee-Pruldl:Dt.·D. A. .xOU�TON. Vlce_Pruldent.B. Co SA1UIONS. Vice· President.·EDWARD F. SCHOENECK. Aut. Cashier.FRA..."lK W. SlUTH. S�cretary.J. EDWARD lIAAS, Ae8t. Cuhlt-r.3AlIES G. WAKEFFmLD • .Met. Caahter.LEWIS E. G.A�Y, Aut. CUhlu. TN.SMOCl[HESTtoBACCOIN a deLate. .there is., enMt1- the issue. Does � IIDGIltIitobacco bite or doem·t it)Velvet is age4 2 �eJirinates the Je.f 'LanhDeM ..dmellows and looes the ridmess..Produces a fine ftavor. and •smoothness that SlDoba appec:i.:.ate above all else.Gentlemen--tbae is oaly 0De.ideto this smoke �-=-tLat •• thesmooth side-uVelvet.- �for Velvet at your deaIen.J!n.1t� .. 1x If AA. or Y. W. C. A. secrctaries, etc.They will train leaclers of those peo·.At'the Y. w. <;. L. meeting at 10:15 pies which are just now awakeDin�todayelasaes of social sen' ice will be from a period of arrested development,presented by members of the League .. and aim to stand for the best in bothSuzanne Pisher will speak on "Ou! of the dashing civilizations.ehallenge to Social Service", and Helen Heretofore a member of graduatesC�nes will talk on tho settlement from our Unlverslty have joined thowork at S�uth Deering. Miss Brown ranka of those g�ing to these eoun­will gh;e a Jist of the vacancies in, the tries to' help allay either the awfulcity settlements where University "physieal suffering with medicine, or.womcn are needed. . tho famine slaughterings tlirough en;gineering, or the degradation of wom�en and superstitious through scientificeducation; and to help release and d:i�Mr. Franklin F� Reed of the Chicago reet the deep religious impulse of theirl,ar delivered the first of a series of )CopIes.six lectures on Ceopyright Law before But the present group· of studentsatudenta.' ot. . the law depB.rtment ycs- has been idu ... need also by ¥ae. �ritt.··C:ay aftel1lC)�·., ;��\) 1', �olld 'lecture. iealnesa of �e .situation.·.· F,.m',"'D·., ur be'- �v�n toeh;-- at .. :.;0', in ti� .. eakes to automobiles, our industria!north room. of the Law building, anti produets h�Y8 b�n pushed i:nto almostthe remaining numbers on sueeessive eve'I'V llighway by eager drUmmers.. p-JWednesdays and Thursdays, November Tho oltI imlustries can not stand it12, 13, 19 and 20. The course is open The result is wholesale all law 8tudents and will not be"Says Hon. John W. Foster, "They arerepeated until 19Ui. attcmpting to bring about .in govern'ment and society what it required cen·turies . for Anglo-Ss:xon and. EurOpeanraces to achieve." Such an era i8 fullof great perils, and their leaders rea·Jize the need of gronnding or preserr­ing the best in both· civilizations.I }·or at this very crisis old restraintsY. w. o. L. Meets �oday.DIRECTORS.CharlHH Wacker Clyde 11. carrlIartln A Ryenon Edwin G. ForemanEdward B Butler Watson E. BlairCharta H. Hulburd . Edwanl A. SheddClarence Bucklncbam Frederick W •. CroBbyBeDajmin �t�, Erneat A. Hammill............................JOSEPH' SCHMIDTBrAftOBBBY, . �OILB-r ABTICLBSFL�B LINE OF CANDIESGives Lectures on OoPYljJdlt Law. 96a B. 65th ... Oh1caao, m.Imported .. &114 Domesttc L1De of. CIGARS' :A-.lIQ) CIGARE'rI'ES."' .. ".�"�""""""'."00. ,·ST.��LA-�I����... . .• rrn.. � � A. a.. IIe"",QI :na.,D • .,._�r.,�" .- ···�;::1JalYelllll;r el CItJea&o.Four colleen. 'he, echoolS, '11 bUlhftnP. r,oIn faculty. 1�' Canecte untu. required ,to enter­()oHep or � Arb. Land of blue .klt ..• WIlmer weather. out of door �reatlon anwinter • .ok w1.nda from the .a, and t� mmlcGt mockllltr bll"Ib In tbe orance. Ct'O\ e. H�-. eat collep· staDdarda.' Send for cata:oc.DREXEL· .pBARMACY":-XAB, .Xcf1QJlY,·& Ph.Comer 1CiD. u4 Dnsel Oh1cagol!felephoDe ,JlidlrQ 1U1I'M a ... fill rue ...... CIa .......... or.ue& �.. or that Grippe or' cold In the bead-Dr-exelCold. Grippe, aDd Fever Tab1oeta, 2k-.Au for' a Free Sample._3&op tbst CGUCb wit a boute of of our WbltePine HODeY aDd Euc:alyptua, Zc.Relieve tbM Headache with a lOe pacbp ofDrexel Headacbe Powden.1JlUVBR8l'rY BQUAL81JFFB,AGB LEAGUEWJLL JIBBIr 'rODAYFun Two 0aDce ,....Students interested in the Universi·ty Ecjual Snffrage league have beeninvited to attend the meeting in Lex­ington 1-1 this afternoon at 3. Thepu� of the meeting is to reo�ganizethe soeicty and to make plans for theeoming year. A full statement as tothe purposes, past work, and .p�an8 ofthe league appeared iu the DAILY'MAROON yesterday. Both men antiwomeD 'are eligible for the society. ���£:��fm� !::!�!'!!r""'·... YORK.0. ............ tatWe. Mr. W ....... wiD," at tIaeRet .. La Salle CWcap. N�" .. 20.21 Z2.BveJdIia ClOtMa aD4 Babeldulaery: Par-UDe4 0nre0atII, .."..ololm8oD,· ... Boa4 8tnet, Load.oa, &Ok IIAI � 8Iaoea u4 ......� .- 0JIIU8DIA8 SUOOBftIOBB-All itau Ia .. II mUda tJaat Ia un1llUl III � Bap, 'rraftlllDl� aD4..... DreaIDc a... Buor Sets, I'laaa, � Boob. �__ BoDI,.Oipntte au.. Um'brellas, Walking au_ ....._Roue GowDa aDd .Jackea, BqUsb Pipes aDd PoacbeI..and sanctions are losing their force orAnd instead of oft'ering �- ', ,It I It' lit'; II ; -l.dissolvingthose underlying our eivilizati�i·entific method and the Christian spir·th .' narit--we I,ave (except for e Dl18810 -ies} neglected 'the fanner, and inplace of the la� have exhibited onthe whole, diplomatic inirigue anfl ThODlBS J. Cavey" Soil. .."..,88' 8GB',' N GeatIeIIumBPBOIAL1ZDIG JB 'BIB. WAlI'IB OFI!fBB 'OOLLBGB IIAB'�,,,,1S, Q.U w...... IItnI* caIapIThe following squib in regard toI he Kiehigan IIituatiOD appeared' i;yesterday'8 Chicago Tribuue:The he 8tudents up at Kichigan.Are voting-Do we wish apiaTo joiD the western conf'renee, orcontinue 00.\ of it? ren! work of the. "student volunteer."And when the votes �av� all been And it is almost· needless to say that.tlaeft, aeute eommereial immoralil7!No wonder James . Bryce asks wlaat�oia"l respon8ibility could be greatertlaan oqrs? ..... , ':' ' .._.,To cope with �i8 situation is th . .,_'..eastThe regent&, just as in, the past,Will meet, whcn they, get ready,and act as thcy Bee fit. the adnal construdive value of suchmodem missionarY effort i8 amply left·tifled to by western C!ommissions antidiplom� . and native leaders. , ',.� � !PATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISERSI IOOIlllU1CIOA'rIOK. ,.Thi8 i8 .what. the "volunteer band":;tand8 for. And it 8hould be said ,tll�t tile ineentive behind the "volun·-'!'be Vol1mteer Baq4.. . .Thfl1'e are between forty· five and fif�A . an students in the Universi-ty men�t1 who expeet to go to th� Orient andother eounmes 88 teat!hers, p'hrsician�aWetiG cUleeton, pgiaeen, Y. JI. C. teer" hu 8Omehow' always been a vi.tal appreeiation of the religiou8 prin·ciples for which Jesu8 �Xaudee T. Priee. I ,..... .. .' .. ' .,,_DEPOSITSOpening DayAugust 1st. 1912$50,000.August 1st, '1913$600,000October. 1st, 1913$700,000A STATE Bank for Hyde Park. and a fair indication that thisBank promises to be one of 'the large Banb' :ootside the Loop. ,Keep Yom SavlDp In By� Park3% Interest pald.�OD Sa_Open Saturday EvenIDp I,Year14 Months� ," HYDE PARK STATE BANKCOlltNIfA orr &3� ST.··& LAKE AV�OlTIOEBS DIBBCr.rOBS."�' JOKY A. CA'BROI..I..-. �ROlmRT F. �G!\ v'�'Pree1cJeut.THOllAS ;rA..�SE!'ol. �eI'.K. A. B.A.RlI<?:-: • .A8II8taDt 0UhIer. �1I'.Camm!Dpl"raGk W. H�a.rlH'R. !Ionia .Tame..T. CarroU!leDr)" h. Stoat·' "l'!lOIDM.J&D8eDDe.aIoel 11'. BUrke '. 'DIoD1a8 A. OIWM.JoB A. C&nol1... 'pm4·-==1l. ."'.. lIi.....• - �.� .. � ., � . . . INCllINA 191 3WedDudaJ' eYe. 8:15. Frtda� "Ye., 8:1S.Saturdq Jl&t. 2:15-1-'0& S'\LE at bargaiD-ODe suit of ,�complete collection of books on P A • A II A A GAl.clotJ..�tL-'l·lU:�u .tyle, original cost' musical subjcets" which the' director.$55---l«lade _ by he tailor--Suit ia of Harp<:r ,liLrar; have been pl&lllliDg Popular Prices, 25e to. $LOO-NOWamall size.-Enquire Business manage .: ' '. ' , ,for some time, has been made poaaibleer of :Maroon. ' ; '._ by a pft o�.,$2oo presented b1 -We. GARRICK'FOR SALE--.Fine 9 room houe near. friends of the, University .. h� "wishparka and University. Bargain, 602� their �� withheld.Lexington avo A part of the proposed musical 1LW ANTED-A. .�udent, in .�ery coL brary already lu&a been plaeed fer ref_lege, who can devote a few hOW1l a erenee � �e reading Harper, "Genuine successor to "THE )lANweek to represent. � eastem. manu. and includes besides musi�al diction-facturing firm and look after ,the in. aries and. boo�s on standard operas a ' . FROM HOME.·'-.lDter Ocean.• lIB. WJI. HODGE In'number ,of valuable referenee works inFrench and G��, .. &",them thl)Petis "Biographie: d� ,Musieieu.a'·:fudNagle's "K�'r-Le:rikon" in twenty.t1t0 volumes. ' ..terests of the' business locally. Pleas­ant, profitable work that does not r.,..quire any house to house canvaaaina.Only young men or women with plentyof hustle, who can lurn1sh good refer­ences need apply. Addreae all COlD­mUDicatioDa to Ralph W. BUlman, Box437, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. COlAN'S GIAND�)BAYMOND BI�OHOOOEIne)udes Operas. , •In a Ne� Musieal Comedy"Many patrons of the - Symphony '"1' H E B E AUT Y S HOPcon�erts wish ,to read, up on the pro-PUPILS W� Flora Mac- grams," sai� M�� Hanson, .AssociateDireetor o� the library, yesterda, Y., •. :!'�d, '. A. ,UD.ITORIU .....I,-or Smith, voice builder and teaeher � .lw.of artistie singing at Mrs. Knighta, they will gladly take advantage; of5626 Maryland (formerly Jackson)' �e proposed collection �f musieal lit­ave. Term of ten lessoDa Alteen dol- et:&ture. Besides worb of reference,lara. For further wormation, address we expect to, include in it also JlU'DY6356 Jackson ave. Phene .Midway 43UU. of the stan.dard opera seeres,"Besides the books already in the li-brary, the collection will, inclt�de_ tJlefollowing works, which will be pur­chased within the next two weeks:, . .Annesley:. Standard ,Opera Glass.,Baptie; lIa.ndbook �f :Musical Bio­graphy. PoUceman' Ammal Bendt."THE PABSING SHOW OF 1912"..' .LASALLE}'OR RENT--Beautiful, large frontparlor. Furnished in mohogany� Mas­sive Davenport and Turkish �ocker •Steam heat, electric light. Boom ex­clusive. Verr light and ADDy. Freeuse of grand. piano. Suitable for two.1236 �, 61� corner �bar� Banghan: Iguaz, Jan Paderewaki. A���-ICA,,�N. ��Baker: Biographical Dictionary of Tbeatre,', Smoking.Musicians. .�Tailori:p-g means clothes, FOB SALE very cheap. Washburnguitarj ,fu,ll chess coat, Tuxedo andPrince Albe� � 36-38. ,Ii. P. 2200,5463 Washin�n Ave.,. 2nd Apt.THE'MASTER-MODELof the Royal, •• stand·.r4. c�rrespo"ence mlc"ine anddoes -, cOIIclensed' IJilling wltlrout In,special �'JfDents.that, give you distinction and in­'-, dividual good style. Prices $30to$60. : ��B FOB y'OUlfG JIBJ1'THREE STORES: 1 N. La Salle St.15 E. J'8CDon Blvc1. 71 E. )(ODl'Oe St.Tbree leasoos_.yOU shouIdEatatGae leI'S Co_ODS1st. Good Food Prop_1r Cooked.2.d. Cleauliaesa our Motto. I_pea the Kitchenlrd. A Mi1Iimum Price· for Blah QuaIitT FOCMICluh Breakfast lie up , careterta at LueIaDIDDer ALaCarte IRJSIC _'-.c.. ..IJUB8I1RI8B FOB � DAILY IIABOO.The TypewriterThat Solves "Typewriter .Problem s.' ,ROYAL TYPEWRITER<COMPANY58 E. Monroe St., Chicago Illinois. . Brown': Biographical Dictionary of LEW" FIELDS In "ALL ABOARD."MusicianS. '... � ..Clemellt: Dictionnaire .des �� ILLINOIS- �-.-De Bekker: Encyclopedia of. MusicL<iST-A pearl searf pin, .. 1RUT0undedby diamoiids,-----1Oinewhere on campus.F'inder please.' return to informationo16ee, or Albftt· Pick, s-; 5300 EastEnd Avenue.' Bewarc1. and Musicians.Ebel: Women eomposers.Elson: The National Music of o HI o HI D'B �P·B.I. BAmerica"Chopin and Other fusical HO�ar��& - !heatre .--.ISBOADWAY 'BOlIBYJIOOB_wsaLOST__Loose Leaf Note Book in Ibr· Finek:per Library, belonging � S. Le1f. Essays.Finder: please return to MAROON' of- Finck: SODgs and Song Writers..fice. Reward. � . I .' Gilman: Stories ·of Symphonic :Mu- BII'XA OABV8. �OB HOw.Apn. MA,!�;:XcOAlOITO BENT-Large, light front J'OC)IIl; I si�windows; very modemj to 1 or 2 Goepp:teechers or students. Nr. U. of Cj' I Meaning.Cj Elevatec1. :Mrs. C_ l345 E. 62Dd Guerbcr:se, 3rd apt. as._ Guerber:Operas. Symphonies 'andStories of �amou� �r-' pO�ERSDA vm BELASCO PreeentaStories of the Wagner AGOO D LIT T L,E DE V IL. -, �:! T I,.. .,iU_"'DBPO.- ,... JltJJ.Y IIA1tOOB Guerber:: Stories of .Popular Oper_as.Hubbard: American HiatoI'1' and CORrr·Cyclo� of )(usic. ".," ..Krehbiel: How to Listen to :Mu_ J'OJllf BYAIIB. LBlLA.1IcIIIftUsic. Ja ,. , ... � �CIII �., Krehbiel: Book of Opera.LavigDac: KUBic ,and Jluici&DL ... H B •c L 0 V, B 'I. Y 0 V. CILahee: Gl'&Dd OJ-a 8iDgen ofTo-Day. . . . .. - . -.. . . ..Moore: DictioDaQ' �f KUBital -I�: 'S TUD�BAKERI' , - .formation. I' ...... 1 _,;.) __,)(ason: Open. Stories. � 80IIp 8114· � •lle8paddon: Opera SynopMlLOrlorcl IIistor7 of Mulc. IBif'llWlJl: DicU0DArT of Music.Bichter: )(anua! �f, Harmony.Singleton: ,Guide:�. :the Opera. •Streatfield: Opera: �� � De- FINE ARTSvelopmeJlt.Upton: Stanclard CoDcert Repertory. � B. '111 L LOW J' A 0 K • St'D·E ,WO L F H O.P P ••�".'� ,...� ...... ", ,1D'1D8II OAP&IOBCJndaate 'Wom.'II Obab ....The Graduate' W OID81l'., 'Club willmeet today, in � 15.It 4j30 •. The. ClUllica1 . department, .... I eharpof the, .D�DmeDt today- �­mente will be eerved after the meet:I .... prine •••DOi&&bi DA10I}II,� ... .wc.'i � 'Dralu80KANO.. ." -. ",,- .. _._j .... . ___ .., ,· ),If"• 7��" ", ..,••••• IP..•• I·1·t�:.-•j ..,••