I,.':1 �- .................... .". ...l:1I.Ii",'f!\I'i� .-[I.I.- I'·I\\11 'II'./-Tj;i·!�(/'\!IiIII,ilII.11IIiI·\1,I I I(I'.,. 'l\ Daily -flarU1l1tVol. XII. No. 26. � OF OBIOAGO, WBDlIBsDAy, 1I0vmnD 5, 1913._." ,y-:: ",.' ., . PRICE FIVB 0BlIftCOACH STAGG DROPS COLEMAN FOR CHAIRMAN I SOIUBF.RT SYIftIOIW 'HOLD SAllJRDAY DANCESiASl FORSIETcm TOSCRIMMAGE FROI usrs WW Have Charge of ftIs Year's FAYORrrE AT;CONCERT � A111D!Di of Score Olub WW�ement Dance-.Frank Selfridge 1is chOND as Vice Cha1rman.son was . given yesterday in Man.j�lhall by the Chicago Symphony orehes­t·ra• From a m1lsical standpoint, the�hubert Symphony No. 10, C major,was the feature of the .program, al­though popular' appro,·al selected theStrausS number as the iav�rite."Till .f�ulenspiegel·s ¥erlY Pranks"the business managers of the Cap and '\Vas a merry skit, full of eharaeteris- proval of the Dean of Women in thisGown last year. Selfridge is a Junior tie ,Strauss effects, and thoroughly undertaking;and a member of Delta Kappa Epsil- pleasing in every way.. 'The nu�bel ADnounce Betums.on. h'" At the first danee the returns of the iHhcll plans for �bw.ning. a sum suf·concluded t e program, but in spite of U .With tho exception of Gray, the reg_ hi d. . Chi .. nfn\-MI·nn .... ota gam-e wI'11 be an- ficient to establish � !i��� of 1000HOLD DEBA t IS lsadvantage, it was aeeorded the ,,_- �'""uln.r� "mergell from thc Illinois game TINa FINALS . . nouneed, volumes by the end ��. �e Autu� .ON �Y'ft warmest reception of any number, . ...minus injur ies, Dolly gR'oe his knee :J. .It �AY, NOVElllBBB 14 quarter, So. promising·.is the presen.t.The Debussy suite, . co�sisting 01bad wreneh am] probably will not play Six MeD Will be-Ch-osen- From 'rwalV8 _four short appealing' ���bers, ranked �O�.; ���. DODGBBS �tlook that the co�tt6t' thinks it.;n the Northwestern gamE'. Be is C tc . , - .. '. , . �O&Jible, if not likely, th� the Jibraryon stants-Two Judges with the Coriolanus overture in ·popu .. � For "Chicago' Night For ChIcagotakill� it ensy these clays and is fav- Al_A_ .Sel ...... - .'..' ,. from the. yery ��art .will'illclude many�.._,., __ larity. The Schubert Symphony failell ,!,om�" Comp1.ete4.orillg tho hnd leg a.q much as possible. "our teams of three men each Wl'n to k h' more books. than t�e: nU,mber .stated. evo e muc enthu_.siasm_, probablyKE'nnelly took his place in !ligna] prae- debate in the finals for places on because of the' l�k' 'of the '�usi�al D�lge� telling about "Chicago. as sufficient to start wi�ti('e lnst night. EV('1j other player is the two Varsity teams at 7:30 Friday, fit.eworks -�hich �e�l; to�be �uia�. �ight fo� Chica.go Women" wer� d!s. To �ath� Pa�in firflt_f'ln!ls sbape anll thc men are N�"ember 14, in Harper M13. From V10Un Be.d�' Nut. ' , . ,trib.ut.ecl yesterday among the women. Whil� the fun�8 are_bei1Ig.-aised thein tho l)ink of condition. tho twelve deb��rs will be chosen A violi� ;�ibi 'by ':M�1id :P�wen, 8:S Thin. entertainment is given under.. the �omnliUee will be at wotk gath�ringTbe tluperior condition of the UBi.: tbe six men to rep�esent ChI'''agO 1.n -stOO b F ....... t th" ';' .aUl'lpi('cs of the W. A. A. and all wom- data aa to th. e types of'books the Rev_" Sl Y. .���� ��re a. e plano, .. . .T,·elsity players o'oer the IUini was ap- tbe annual triangular debate 'with is the next �ffering �f' the �iation. .en, whether athletically lDellDed or- �olds club IIlCD want in. their library ..parent in Saturday'S contest. Gray Yorthwestern. and Michigan. The' �eciiai ..:rill b(;. '.���: h�� �e no� aro invited to 2!-ttend the supper the committee �shing it distinctly te11(&1 th8-Oll)y"".Chicago..-maJ4 remolled ·-Two of thfdlve-judgN"·Who-lriJIpTcK ::������;t��r.;,,_. :-�������!I��",���j��.· '����-:.from tho eontest on account of injur- the six men, for til" teams we.:e· �_ . ��rt _ �il' �.��. O�'; � ;1IIov�.;e�ts! :sh�o� .. ·:.: "'Chieag� . Night for Chieago be �e. to· :aiake. the 'h"biary ODe �.ies, ,and he was taken CMit"-. when he nouneed yeeterday hy Coach Ii.' G. �f the' Coleri.� T�yl�� eo��e¥to'· :�� ;W:owcn.'·: �n be � i��rma1 dair at. an espeeial- ap�.to the �,twisted his knee. On the other hand Moulton. They are Mr. Benr;. �o�r. G �ino;, ,(d��¥ 110 :�e:'" P���); ��ieh' g�f�owship 'lriJl, �gn. . Cli�time was taken out for Dlinois men Chandler, formerly a member of th� th��h::8·5""t��'·i�j'.·�';'����11 ·c.ago;"'IIp-wj)H�e;.��·:�·lII&de, ·.TheeommitteeiSdeeircM1sofptti!W·often anll se,·eral players were remov- faeulty aD(} the University (lebatin� �d pi��"uif i�orj�;p� ;of'nti�]M;rs' �hf'19 ,by rep�tative Women' advanee opinion8 of meb8rs reganliaCed from the game for wha� appearell coaeh, now a Chicago 'lawyer; and As- b.Y': T«:'Dagtia, Mo� the A: ��joi u· .. 'from the ,,·ari�s sports d�vered.· the selection. of boob for the Jibral7.to be mere pbysical exha�tion. soeiate Professor Rollo Lyman, of tbe E �ino�� B���' Huq� d��� . . Ti�kcts mar be had, for thirty..1ive Letters shOuld be addreaed to tIle-The second team and the freshmen school of Edutation.' Hub�y�' &�tJ�'�v��� . Kr��ler, arid: the " cents from. the following .women: R8yDolda' club Iibrari ecniunittee, 1M-playecl a 7-1 tie 188t nighl.·: The game The other three judges �ill be an- P��ell', �ge��t_' �l the Chopin' :Margaret Clapp, �� 'Cole;:Mary ulty exehange. The .committee wiD'was played in Ilarkness �d the ghost nouDeed before the end of the week. minute ��. ..' '. �ameron, �zanD8 Fisher, Alma Par- 'llieet Ilext Tueaday' �i anid �ftYball was uscII. The eoaeh:es cut short The' f'our teams wilJ debate in th� The p� fo� Miss Powell's con- male, Helen Perry, FJoren�8 Foley, Ed-' Tuesday therea.fter� uia.ta�the wo,)[ iatho time, but while it � lasted the ,followipg or(ler:, �e�. !o�i�: '. :. . ith· Smith' and . �ugusta . 81r'8rWite. . eompleted. ..�rimmagc was fierre ��l snappy. The First affirmative teallL......llcDonal· II, 1. C G Sin�e the sale of tiekets win close. on�e�, '. mil!o_r ••.•.. Coleritlge . ..fr�bmen seored first when Jaek80n B 1 BO I .Frida:"" noon all. w.lao. intend eaminO' MIOBIGAlI. �'...' V'_'.rown an< d 8. ��ylor. ;! � ��.... V6_bloekell a Varsity punt and fell on it. First n..m..th.e team-P�e-- 0-. an. (n_.'lI· t 1 ...... P ,mnst �ure their ticket at ODCe. ... 011: BI81'iIBII":!!Ct.:!'BIG l!IJlfB-'C- ....... -"7 DW ���a Ct. �.,��.e.. �",:ell)on his opponents' ten yarll line. Plung- d R be' " �Ta.Det.· Ji')anner, .t.. ha. irm. an of the en-son an oeen rg.· ,a). �lIe�. ��080es by Lee and Carolan carnetl the ball 0__ I t. . tertainment e.omm. 1.·Uee... i� arranging:\D�-con, a Irmatlv8 team �iteh�!l, �) . A���� 8Cm�lie�.Baar and Meyers. (t) Allegro eon. . brio ' (' ela��te ·pr�: for.,. the evening.0__ I ti' H 2 So �j ••_. • Several new 8kete. has., .wil.l be presentDe\:'ont nega ,·e team- &mmD, At. 0 nata, E major (for 'Violin. anelkins antI Co�rad. pi&llC)) • • •• . • . . • . . • . . . . .• B�h M. . :�[it'bipn !lhoatd� "�J'!I to tile W".Th" intenollegiate debate wiD be (iii A�� . 0 • • A meeti�g .of �os:e participating iJ' em CoufereDee, lleeoroing to tile �held �TanuarY 16. Cr.icBgO will 'ltave (b) Allegro ma non tanto tho Lexington Q�aret wiD be held to-: .ion of �feaor_ .• �Q�n B. Bn-, ... tbe. aft'rmative Ride of tho question, (e). Ad� . day at· 10: 15 in room 54, GreeD. The leetetl by. the )(ieh�� �d " .."�lvec1, that the states Blaould ee- (d) Anell'O following have been .asked to be pres-. impartial judge of the ...uer.. c..- ..flllt: �eli� .B.eaI�; .lsabel MacKul'- .plo� argn���� :.�N_ �4."'" � ·bT·ray; I:il1ian Biae1lj Elizabeth, Mae- IleV� o( .th�_ ..._� �Ild. �C1intoek; ·Kabel Beeker and .Rqtl! ��pta�v�� �It��ted to thAgar. judge, �d .the:_y���� �as givn 011.the. "eight .of:. � �yid_�e. Tltis nr-':d�d ,.as n.o or.�ial_ �e, _, is�erely an .. a��p$.,\o .d�l1Ilille w'_'Bide bas the 5tl'()n�, �� 011 ... �of the arguments..A popular. �allot hJ'! .. b.en anallged,, C!lnw. �ire girls under the guarclian_.�ip !_f MiA Winif� Pearce e:�tetl and the lrtudentB are .�. vote 011 �eEthel Bright president at a meeting"Pepit:\'" the play whi�h will be tluC8t.ion tbi" week.,. ��� eeveral·laeId Konday at the home of M i�"produeed this � by the lIas- of the societies .or;. t�4? .• eampu Oftque"", wa� adopted from the Spaai .. Pe�ce,. �G09 ��lIaw,., Ave.nu�. �already voted on .tlle .�JJjeet, til.· ...by nc. an' W. �Iae. e an, d M. �. Otis Skill� ale·, 8�,�oue. w&l!' cho.en ree�rdi.nf.. , f '-..h� .. � .�hiie �er Sill, was IJ1&(le a�* standing 0. th�: �ent ..._.".'"nero The try_outs for the play win . not eVeD·� •. , . PAle., ,8i�be .,e�.-.,.. !ld.inl, eee,�·treasurer. The. .eld today at 3:30 hi the otrieie' 01 elaims the larger. fol�wing but atilDean Wall�e: ' ,��� . m��lIg. will be held. Tuet'tiay, th t .-1 Ua te iNovember 11 at 5469 EeDwood Ave. e vo " are e�D�., ..• e OQ GIlle •_ .' , ., in doubt.'J'be !iorthcaHt Nei�borbood club more women's bMketbRll team will be . � ;�,�:�, � � � � A. e��.ibit of tile work ot'win gi,'c a party toclay from" to 6 lleld tomorrow at 1:30 in the gymua:!f' . A. copy,. of .p •. 'IL. .. Jia��'.;��" �.. �...,: Fi�. -r�8 w'iell iDel.�eR �, Almoaaeea ... �in tbe N�ighhorbood rooms i. Lexingo iam. Contestant.� mU1't appear in the .&n4. �:v�':.1 i'\e��; :f� r,y���.. :���� ��� .. e�:t»lem8, and �.l, �t:\ The�'-Pi an�OQneel tile pledc­ton. Om�o Hott-hki� wi)) wpeak on gymnuium lIIUit� The eompetitio� 1:!f ,pll�.'hu: ��.�.-d: �," t ... �k.win JJe held,tbis week in Baskell ing of FTanklin F. LonpD«ker, ofthe Honor Sentiment. open to all Sophomores. MAROQr{ .���. .: ;.��: EmporiA, Kansas.Few More Practice Games WillBe Played According toP�Dt Indications Senrnl alumni of Beore club will re, PUT IN CLUB .VOWIESClub Library. Convnittee WanbDrawinp by StUcIeDt. forDia� Book.platecsus FOR OPINI()NS ON BOOKSC!1l1lp.U8 arilits of years back &8 ."Uas contemporary. �ielde� of the h­din-inked pen, will be asked by thelleynollb dub Jib��y . committee tosufJulit sketehel:J for a l'�_ule bu9k.·plate to be placed i·. .�e vo1um&ttbat will conl:Jtitute..the B�ynold8 clubliLrary.· .' .Besides. th� action in �egard to thebuok_plate, the corumit� at its meet­ing last night set in mo�on the dn.-the 0l1lb-Begf.n November 15.Strauu NWIlber at £ad of Pro.P'UD is AcCordecI: :WanDReception by AucBeoceThomas Coleman was appointed gen­eral chairman of this �ear'8 Settle­ment Dance at a meeting of the Un­dergraduate council yesterday, PrankSelfridge was made "ice-chairman.The dance will be given on DeeDlbe�13.The list of committee chairmen willbe announced some time this week bythe general ehairma ..Coleman is 1914 Man.Coleman is a member of Chi PSi andof Owl and Serpent. He w3.8 one ofGRAY ONLY INJURED VETERAN vlve the serles of dances formerly giv­IlAUDPOWELL TOGIVEREaTAL en by Seor� club, begiuning Saturdayafternoon, NoveDlber 15. The danees-''l'he second local concert of the sea' wHl not ofI'ieialJy be kuown as Scoreclub dances or even as University.i�formal� However the accounts �illbe audited by the Unlversity auditor,and the profits will be glven to some... �--- ...,��",.�����;{��"'" �Wea.Jat Of �fa WltIl.,.,...... "� ... : .. , "( - �From present prospee ts there win belittle serimmugo for the Yarsity inpreparat ion for the remaining game;of the season. Director St:'gg is sat­Isfled that the men are all in goodshapo :1lI11 will take no ehanees of in­jurillg hi� stnrs, The YarKity had acompurntively easy session last night:nil I were llJerel�' put through a fastfli;.!nnl II rill. Tbe second team andthe freshmen clashed in a short scrim. worthy enterprise.These dances will be managed. byRohert Miller, Rudy Matthews andBurdette Mast. Thcy have the ap-nlnJ,!e, ,,-hiell. ended in a tie, 7-7.Training Is SUperior.over. Soon afterwards the VarsitycarriCfI tbe oval down in the field ina series of line plunges and finallyer088E'd tbe line. Both goals wer('kirkcl1. The darkness ��ted th"play of hoth teams and fumbles wert'numerous.tabli!lh a sched1l1e of minimum w� 3. (a) "Gu.e witb Pity" •..• Tenaglial..atc8t repor� from the Purple �amr for unskilled labor, eonstitutionality (b) RoDdo"(f�m Ha«lIe� Suite}. 0intlil"ate tbat tbe Purple have little eoneet1ed," against Michigan. in Man-)(ozart �hope of holding the Univenity ele"ve" del, and the negative agaiD. Nortb_ 4.. Ca) Hungarian Duces •... Bralam�, - ,..... '..• 1'to evcn a low score With the'injury westem at Evanston. CA major and E minor) . - .of lIi�htower, the star quarterba�k of (b) Minuet , . . • . . . . •• �oveDtbe Ptirple ancl the only hope of the l'naIuDeD Want CIa .. Bench. (c) Minute Waltz ·•• Chopin.P�ell_ b ' E"erett Pringle an It Jeremiah RVal d C .,. . . •011 en (11(" t e la�t bope of ��rthwestem J () apnee Vienllois •.•.• Kreislerr�tc", bns clis.1ppearc<J. Sharp ·.Dd .are starting a petition for a Fr�hman (e) "H�jre Kati" : ; iiab!at{Whitin� hotb inoxpericnced will be Ben�h: 'They report that ,tw.enty 191;Rt the h:th'c� ancl Reed, a new ('and- men have sign eel it. Typewritten (-opitlRte� will proh:lhly play quarter. ies of the petition -are being macle anl1Ro*l Whittle, tbe star end, .m�y be ill be in cireulation this wee� Af.able to �ct hru-k in the game, al_ ter enough nam� ha"e been sccurcIl,tbougb his crat'kccl shoulc1er blade 1ft ., will he presentetl to Presit1ent ,Tull·"tm hotbcring bim. NIl.Purple' are DeIIpoadeDt.0.&112 ,P.JBB .GJBL8... . �...'" , '. '. ..' JILBW OITIOBBS .A'r• . � r 'I. •. ,��.O •.• otm��Netghborboocl Club GiftS �. Tryout.. for pl�es on the Sophn·000 l'01J.Stne&'.bamGcqu 3�....LJIIWlKODdQ.of theChic:qo C1908. un-Nquarter.ter. 4,-ester- Trushing D'lnmitt.ee.facultithe mb-thereonnlySJBtem.ould at vopiDionncemingucted atit- qrules, it should Prs herenear tn-well to, and ifparpetu_commit-" "present ttheslLctlon. if uis 0:ve �- eves toglect ofebaDP 0UDderadd to'ch�aIst- epu�eontbmebaveDiverai-ble for fGC!B8!Semselvesof the.-.,.-�.DAlLYfeaor·witttenfte De-Pertoc1l-�DUllingWithdlllld_tolD-it Jaasto walk01Il4 beboncLB\d is• A. A-it bY.1ds cl&Ia-as BODle-pal, aswhich he.'eo11eI'Iem pn-blsworkaven«estudi--.,atemDOt tabwhat he11'* «iThe Daily Mar1l.i�'�·Ue ., 4I!U..­.£&cial �td'" :«...,.,..Former"Uni"craity oj Chica&o WccIdKana&inc Editor •••••••••••• 1Iutia�&W& Editor ••••••••••••• GcQl'&. CouiD&Atllletics Editor ••••••••••••••• 1I&ITJBusiness l.1ana&er •••••••••••• BunScttcCirculation l1ana&er •••••••••• Wi.lllamPublished daily except Sunday ..Olll� bolidays durina thrcc-quarter.UIlI\·cr:'lty year.Entered as seccnd-class mail at thePostoflice, Chicago, 111_. March 18.Jc:r J\ct of March 3. U13.SUBSCRIPTION RATES.By carrier, $2.50 a year; '1.00 a�Y. mail, $3.00 a year; $1.25 a quarEditorial-Business Office. Ellia 24.Telephone Midway 800.(ifbitotialThe Interfraternity councilclay referred the subject ofrules to a enAction onRushing Student andexpressions onject, so far asha.ve been allY, are- almost unifunfavorable to the presentConsequentl��, the committee shleast call for expressiODB offrom the various chapters cotheir views on rushing as condpresent. If the committee confinesself to 3 formulation of presentit will overlook something istudy, and something the chapte'Rill be forced to study in theture. _ The committee will dor·· .go into the subject thorouPlY;it· purposes rules practica.1ly· atmg. the present system, thetee should' be sa.tisfied that thesystem is best, after a study ofuation. Now is the .time for a· action there is to be. Tho ro.sllfn£� <'Vcr, and fraternities will 11."\tic:ulY a year to adjD� themseln� .rules and method... Nethe problem now will prevent afor next year; and f!JVery yearthe existing scheme. will.the gravity of the problem whiternities are facing ey-eQWhe1'e--theproblem of justifying �e!r cnrnence to universities students, &D4lie. . If present conc1itlcmsmuch longer, fraternities will.· grave charges to face at the 11ty o!· Chicago. '.rhe mad scram· freshman recruits aDd thethat commonlY occur 3.1'8 in th. enough to create grave doubtsworth of fraternities..To quote directly from the�!A.ROON of yestuday, «'ProMichelBOD hasaD article· ontenDinatlOD ofd,ties by theCycle," the rest of the sentencethe medium of publieatioD.this, the student newspapertho subject-a sentence devotedforming the students of a stud7taken months, perhaps 7e&n,out. And yet if zrare space ahgiven to· it, everyone would beThey would ask why .1Rlchprinted, to the exclusion of W�nd football, or at least PallTlle average student repriscz and intellectual lnterestsrung to be left on the cama sort of scholastic penanceJr.Utt do in crder to enjoyli!c." .A student who maDifnine and constant lnterest tnis derided as a grind. '!bestudcnt does not neglect histhe deans and the grade pointtake care of that, but be doesthem as a pleasure. Be does� nquJre4 to do; 1IIUlJ7The Pointof View"-. t.ountainlPen!'SHADOW' - the smart fall andwinter collar style that keeps its�martness and style when you wear it.The LION collar features give the reason-espe­clallythefamous LION "Lock-that-Locks." 6 for 7Scor as usuall for 25c.I/fQn (i/(arsOJ� Dmnd in .AmericaUN1TED SHIRT a COLLAR co., M3ke� TROY, N. Y.Waterman41The Schooland CollegePen inRegular,Safety andSelf-FillingTypesThe Waterman's Ideal that is suited to your hand W11i doneater, more uniform and quicker work than any other writingimplement. Such efficiency is of the greatest benefit in studentlife where writing is a part of ftJ�,., study. The continuoususe of one pen develops character of handwriting. The sameWaterman's Ideal will last for years and is alwa}'S ready. Bu,the genuine, the pen with the famous Spoon Feed and Clip.Cap. In many sizes, scientific shapes and points of everY degree.Sold by All the Best DealersL B. Watenaa ColDpany, 173 Broadway. New York. Atlaletica Breftties IIIcIt,Ifii.I I! .I II II-'I2'ODAYChaPlil-Senior college and eollege Three thousand tags at twenty·fivof Commerce and Administration cents apieee are on sale· at Miehigan,O:lG, Mandel. the proeeeds ot which will defray theOha.pel School of Education, 10:15, 8Xpell888 of the band to· Cornell nextEmmons Blaine 214. Saturday.Jlatbematlcal ClDb-4:15, Byerson -.. Stuclents holding athletic boob atJluQ.uera Pla7 2'qouta-3:30, Dean Michigan are entitled to purehase fourWallaee'ts oJrice in Lexington. extra tieketa for friends, and will haveGlee Club JleettDc-4:30, BeYDOltls the opportunity of obtaining their ownlube reservations adjaeent to these four, atNeighborhood Club Pa.rt7-4 to 6, the Pennsylvania game.:r cighborhood �oom.Graduate Women's Club JIeetitDg­:30, Lexington 15. Unless rival institutions cease inpersisting to protest the playing ofRoss, Nebraska's atar negro guard,Chanecllor Avery states th�t Nebr8skawUl withdraw from the Missouri Val_� ... i"li_ •.he e.Uor u ... , � tor ........ ley Conferenee.rUHCI..... c.,......,........... Four thousand -;;dents attended themass-meeting at Wisconsin before theMinnesota game. A toreh light parade�headed by the band, was the feature.To the Editor:Announcement is made that the Uni- After seeing the football team off toerbity of Chicago Equal Su1frage Wi�onsin, Minnesota students attemp­League will meet for reorganization ted to enter the Gayety theatre with­Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock in out· tickets, but were routed by twoLexington Fourteen. To those nnae- wagonloads of policemen and a fireuainted with the work ot the elub patrol.n the past, the news ealls for ex-Last Satuday's game with the Armylanation and reminiseence. .• was Notre Dame's first eastern Inva,For nine years such an orgamza...tion haa existed in the UniTersiti, and ,uo:Q..furnished in a small way some oppor- -The attendanee ot. the Wisconsin­tunity for the assembliDg ot thosewomen· who have been inte� in .Minnesota game last Saturday waS es-Votes· for W�iDeD". ·either: as one of timated at 18,000, the largest on ree-he vital problemS on the :frontier of ord at Camp Ban�human pr��or·i�.tbe sPecific feat­res of eivie life wbieb ·the ·attaiDinentf the ballot waldd �'.part of tbeo�oia,.'life 'Of·�-�l- .•. __ .� , ..... ,..,_o_ .,_.......... •The Work ot"·ih�· elu�·.�· the ;p�has.been e1oeely·. � to .tbe w�rk tee for the moving pieture eompanyf the women of. Chieago . and\ of D- whieh is to take the pietUres. If the., .. •.. sale is suceesstul a thousand foot reellinois ,in the annual·:· .and eOD�ualeampaigns made for· the passage of will be taken of the game.the suffrage bill that thiS year metwith suceess. AasistaDee at the ben- ·'Off with the gloOm and get Ohiea·fits· and plays of the ei� and state go," This is the latest motto ot the. Badgers, who hope to avenge defeat atorganizations for equal � par-tieipation at Springfield, manniDg of Minnesota's hands by wiDDiDg the Chi·the polls when suffrage w8a an issue eRgo game.at loeal eleetions, activity wben suf­rage eampaign were on foot, and aer·• . th ma ratty eamnA1gn of AI Wiaeonsin are already organizing aYICe In e:yo r- -. .derman Jlerriam represeDts a eonsid- aquad to go to the Chicago- Wiaeon81nerable part of the program of the igame on the 22ncL )(any are plan­ning to take· a freight train down if.A8so_ they can not raise their fiDaDees bythat time.The girls of. Iowa University areselling ti�e� for moving pictures ofthe Iowa·AmeS pae of ':November 15.The money raised iB·to-fom(a·'gu..ran-The engineers ot the UDivenity of.Asaoeiation.In ita home propaganda thedation has bad the honor o.f arrugingfor public leetures in civies, aoeiologyand ·laypene, . bj lIiII8 . Addams, Cath-erine Waugh KeCo.llOagh, Dr. Bae1aelyaJ.ros, Dr.· Anna Boward Shaw, )(n.Charlotte Per1dna Stetson Gilman aDdothers. It preeevted ·"1Iow the VoteWas WOD" for the first time in Amer­iea, and "Cbldere1liDe" by ODe of itsown member8.One of ita members, lIiae HarrietGrimm, DOW organiziDg suffrage �eiatioD in the et&te of Wiseousin, hasplayed a veTY imponant part .in suf­frage campaign work throughout 88Y­eral states. Another of ita members, . Atter the Jlinneeota vietory overWiaeODlliD, 1l� more wu heard of thepetition from the Alumni requesting�h Wi11iam.a' resignatiOlloThe 10Dg forward puaes uaed byNotre Dame ill their game with theArmy Baturd..,. were aid to be the \best ever IMI8Il OIl the Army gridiron.-Bee&ue of the lack of baekfield.men, Coaeh Grady of N .rthwestem isplanning to shift BOIDe of his line mento the baeldleld tor the Chicago­Northwestern game.(Ocnatbnaec1 _ ,... I.,DotIdDc mon. ADIl .. to mUt-u.aIQ' pnenl tntenst III ICleDUAc aD4acbolaaUc WOI'k-Jae. Sa too ..., .."atUd.eDt" aethtu.. �,the 8Clelltllc � 01 oar rae..111t7 an apt to p 'tIIIDOtlce4 _ ..deatl for ... time; atleut, 1IIdD tilepoIDt or vIeW � .... MdIeI DO1 ... an a DeC I iZJ nil, ftIdl __be tolente4 III __ to � "coDepJIt .. ,. A BoosteI'8 Club baa been formedat IDdiana, in order to transfo1'1D thequiet � ",�ve e'(tbu.siaa�wbich is evideDt, into a bearty oat·burat wbether IDdiana loeea or wins.Mr. 80--. to ttaa at OIaapeLAII80date ProleDO!' BobertaoD willepeak at the _001 of Education.elaapol at 10:15 W. lIlonablg ba ED!-"... BIabae 11"_. _... e' - .�. JSmartest Clothes inTown for Young MenThe net» "Englist: Model'Sack Suit worn by many of theyoung college men of the Universityof Ohicago and' all' leadiDi- uDiVenl­ties, are to be had in the very latestfabrics at the Mossler Co.'rhe greens, pencil stripes in blues, theare here reads-Io-serve.Our "Balmacan" Kimona S!« ... "V� Over­coat Is to be found here in the roughfabric. When you bny a$25JlossIer Suit or OvercoJ.t it costs ,wmore than the ordinary kintJ.. A t:illor1rOuld ask $45 for the same suit.PrIce range;' $20, .$25, $31), $4&, $50.Baits and overcoats of extra qualtty_every slze..Jlake your selection today!Co.Mossier., Jackson Blvd ••. £asBetween State and Wab&m"1:!'_;lffi!fui;m�:;j;:i1JI2ill:�:ci;llilllTIllliTi1Il1l1lllIl\B'au��1Thomas .1. Cavey. SonFUBNISIDNGSFor GentlemenBPBOIALIZ1NG IN TUB WANTS 01''.nIB OOLLEGB MANConan size 13, up81 W. Monroe Street Chieacoi., I! '\ .I, II II'Patronize our advenilen. aims, and vital in its conneetion nota saloon should at once be ;sent home,while' those who are caught more, or only with eertain definite social prob­lems but with the organized womenin the countrY at large whose workthese genUemen realize that the doorto the trap will still be op(!n?--.M:i�h­:�an Daily,Freshmen and Sa.loons.At least oue brood piece of Iegislution was passed by the eonferenee theother night, that relating to �t�shmenand saloons. ft' is nothing unusual,'or tho ullsophisticated first year men,to think that proper loyalty to thewhile he may not remain on the wate:wagon absolutely, he will have himselfunder complete control.It is up to t,he upperclassmen to en­force the rule. Any fresh,men seen in WOQdIawn Trust& Savings Bank1206 B. 834 atnet. OIdcacoCapital •••••••.•••••••• $200.000.008urplua-Proflta •• • • • • • •• lw,\)()().ooVlU'i'BD ftA� DBPOSft'O.yFOB POB'i'AL 8A.VDI'G8 rmmaAOOOUlfft OF E'BOFBlllSUU.Alm ft1JJ)BlIft 11i V1'i'BDOBBOKDrG AOOOUlIftIIq Be Ol**l Wltla$-')0.00A STATE BANK•••••••••••••••••••••• itt ..JOSEPH SCHMIDTftAftOKBBY, 'i'OILB'r' ABTlCLBSnNE LINE OF CANDIESImpodecl &D4 Domestlc � 01CIGARS A!IID CIGARETTES .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • +++++_IDII11II11IWlUlllnllnIlWlIIglmlluIIDOWIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIlII!I!!IaUU5i:1JSTETSON UNIVERSITY.,oELA:SD. FLORIDA. IPree. UDrolD JlaUe,-. A.. B. 1farnInI. Pb. D ••tJDlYenU,- of CbJeaco.Four coll�u. ft\·� school.. 17 bulldlnp. :;0In faculty. 1� Carnecte W1'I(a required to enterCollege of Llbtl'lll Arts. .Land of blue ski,s,summer wea-tber. out of door .recreatlun aUwinter • .sof" winds from too eea, and tbe mucicof mocldoc birds In the orange grove. Hig t, -est college standards. Send for catalog.I, ,:'1 '" Illtilil 'liil;I'ildIIIlHIIIIII:!I:!i!llIlIlIlilllll!lllll!lII,IIIII�111I111111111111/111111111 1INIIHin the future. We trust these men.-­Michigan Dally.OOMIIUBIOAftOH, (ContiDlIed from pap 2.)The CoDference Bepresentatives.What kind of men do you think arein control of, the Conference?Men with brains, men with an acute.sense or honor. Not athletic expertshave to be a great writer, a great mu-Bonegty, brains, and keen enthusi·asm and appreciation are absolutelyueeessary to the critic, howe,·er., Hemust appreciate teehnique, but he neednot bo able to perform perfectly him-�elf.The Conference representatives arccritics. They are men who stand high lfiss FIor:ence Kiper, has since takenher p�e � a magazi�e writer on suf­frage aad femiDist �bjeets. Manyl'art of a statement that more than•Dny .other w�'s organizations inthe Uninrsity, the ECJual Suffrage As­sociation baa been wholly broad in itsless "under the weather" should betaken in hand promptly�Wi8Consin has been witllin the same lines.Daily. That the dub persists, now that asfar as the local state of DIinois isconcerned, votes are t= women, meansthat more rather than less may beexpeded from the club.On the one haud, it will, to thosealways, but men who are intensely in- members from other states who enroll,terested in amateur college sports. preseDt a hopeful cODDeetion with aA good critic does not necessarily' state whieh has accomplished the in-.ebralb ClUb Is C)rpJdp4.The NebJ'Mka Club wu temporarilyin tho edueational centers of the wcst. organized last night at a meeting ofThey are appointed to regulate the twenty .tudents from that state. E.western college "ports, not to abolish M Hosman of Norfolk was eleete-Ithem. Regulation is anything but ab- ��lPOrary ehairman aDd Ida Gordon,olitiOD. Regulation i!'l a tonic. of Pinaker, �retary. Committ�Are these men big in every other , were' appointed to (1 raw up plans forwalk of life, but small and petty in "permanent organization and ODe totheir relation to college sports? Are look after the soeial aetivitiC80not their reputation8 and honors atstake? The entire wen is watching ....... OIab Bas 590 Jlemben.jevery move they make. Can they aI- d500 men have joined the Reynol 5ford to be mean?Tha! is why we Bay that Kiehigan dub this quarter.itial step in the "eitizenizing" of WOlD_-en, and on the other hand, will eon­tinue to outline with its old enthusi­asm and earnestness the Deed forwoman'. braiD and heart and shoulderin the aetual business of eity house·keeping and admiDisU'ation•The Equal Suffrage Leape. The Secret of Good Battingis similar to the secret of good business-it happensto some and just misses the others.If there ever was a commercial home ron it- sFatima, the Turkish-blend cigarette. The expertwho conceived this blend was some batter I Fatimawas first lined oct in the college towns-the studentbody quickly proclaimed them winners. TodayFatima is the I:iggest selling cigarette in this country.The secret is-pure, good, choice tobacco-noexpense in the package-quality all in the smoke-"Twenty." '£,,.��.CIcteam and the varsity can be shownonly by getting gloriously drunk on has not been legislated against andthe night of a football victory, They 'Why "she will not be legislated against110 uot realize that the immense major­ity of the student body is against suchIlemOllKtrations of pseudo loyalty.Tho rule goes further than tha�freshmen are to be barred' from sa­loons for the whole ye�. While thisEO maylii-a little dimcufot en£:oree­ment, it � exc�llent in principle. Moststudents go wrong the first lyear. Bythe 'third semester the average fellowI have .gone out of college to Social andPlain basket weave and the blue-au will have recovered his balance, �l political service. All this is told aseieian, a great aetor or a great foot·il!lI'1d!!!li!!lmlijl:m:!!J;!(:m;'L!!1:;!]iI1ilIlI�lI!lau!fnlDll!M.) hall player.DREXEL PHARMACYJlAft McANANY, B. Ph.Comer 66th and Drexel ChicagoTelephone Midway 1411'l-.e .eae 01 Part' Dnap, CbeaaleaJ. ...sTollet Anlclea.I'or that Grippe or cold In the head-DrexelCold. Grippe, an,) Fever Tab:eta. 2ic.Ask for a Free Sample.Slop that Cough wit a bottle of of our WhitePine lIon.:y and Bucal)'l.tull. rJC.Rel�ve that Headache with a tOe packace ofDrexel lIeatlachc I'owtlCI'S. %lot Pirat.eLThe members of the Board of Con­trol of the Western Conference arenot all sons of Captain Kidd Thecollege professors and coa.eJl08 whocompo� that' body are not "hair-man­tled, .tiint .. hurling, aboriginal anthro­pohagous,"But many anti-Conferenee advocateshave indicated such a belief in TheDaily columna or elsewhere. Thocommunicants of yesterday and Thul'8-,my �ot� e�pre&sed fright beea.use.":Michigan is likely to be preventedfrom playing outside the Couferenee."The assumption is tha.t the Conferencerepresentatives 'Who have already madeeastern games possible merely tookthis action as a bait to Iure Michiganback into the trap. But has it y.cur.red to the anti-Conference reasonersthat with Michigan a.dded. to thepresent Conference majority in favorof outside games, cancellations of thisprivilege will be impossible? And do 956 B. 65th ..2OfOr/5t!-=---direct". from any, ink-well in� C1� iDeif wlrUe it fiIIs'itself. It aG078== wntea lIIDOOtbIy-n.,.er falters. It won'ta dug. It c:on·t leak. Nothing to take apart.� o$z..so. $3.00. $3.50. $4..00. $5.00 _", ...� FOI' SeIe b7\ ,:::u.:=B57tb-:::::L n. eo.. ... P- life- eo.�-=- ToIMo. 0.10Hotel- CumberlandNEW YORKBroad1J&7 at 54th Street.Nar SOUl Street Subway StatioD aD453nl Street Elevated."Broadwa," can from GrandCentral Depot.SeftDtb A veD1Ie Can from Pennayl­VuDa StadOD.KEPT "Y A COLI,EGB JfANHB.-tnQl.:ARTERS FOR COU,EGR sis»SPECIAl.. RATES FOR COLI,EGB TEAM8Ten Minutes' Waik to Thirty TheatresHA.RRY P. STIMS,ON.' MANJ'.GERHEADQUARTERS F\,R CHICAGONew, Modem and FireproofRooms with Bath, $2.50 and up.Patronize Maroon Advertisers, ..I.; '---- .... _.� . MR. IRWIN S.Cobb is undertakingto modernize Shakespeare's"Seven Ages" just now wehope he will devote as' muchthought to the youn&" collegianas we'· have. : .RECOG-nizing the.collegemanas«distinct factor'in the world of - -' .'style is a hob+-"by of ours. We·,: � :,:,know that he.wants clothes'with dignitybut not dull- GBADlJAD WOllEN'SCLUB. GIVBS' l"IBft� 'rBA A'r 4:30 �DAY 01W11II81'1U. I-I�� 'sC per line. . ,No advertitJeulellb '1"& The fint of tho series of Informnl BUBTON 'BOLJIBB\.- .. �. �ei\·ed - for' Ie;. ':'� 200. All dlalOed teas under the auspices of the reor ..�. lD. ,ad: be � 1D ad-, 'rauiZ<'tl Gra.luute WOIllt.�U·S dub will'" Wc:d.nesday ev� 8:15._Friday dYe. 8:15-vaDCe.' be heM today at 4 :30 in Lexingtou 15.: Saturday Kat. 2:15-The Classical department will have PAN A II A A G A I It_l!�<?k'.f!!�\.J.r::, n� .�&!��e auit of-1 1 .. :--, • eherge, The club plans to have a 1(0 Sunda- afternoon .a· S·.30e o""t:Il:--·.l'ux�.o 8ty e... or'lUAaA COd. # It$55-4uade . by- ·beJ·iaUoj....;...Suit is ('ial meeting each week in charge of Popular Priees, 25e to $].OO-NOWsmall � si�quir�' Buain� manag- the tliff�rcnt departments of the Uui-veraity, Thc llrogram for the rest of GARRICK­the quarter is as follows: November13, llistorj'; N ovem ber 20, PSydlOlog.'·and pliil�"ul,hy; December ·1, Medical;December 11, Euglish, al111 DecemberI.',CllINA I N 1:..9 1 3 \\1LOST-A, .peal searl '-Phl,· eurroundedby:.dia.lMDds,o;-r8()mewbere on cam,. pus. Mr. Gaba will be the speaker at thc}�nder .. pleue. Z'8turn" to intor1na.tio� 0 B. 'meeting or the lIathematical club to· Ioftiee OI';..AJbert .Pick, Jr., 5300 East'�-d .A '0_ cL .day at 4:15 in Ryerson 37. The sub·__......___- ....;_ _.c.a., VeJlue... �ar, jed of bis lecture will be "A Set of�T� Leaf Note Book in Har Postulates for General hojccti\"eGeo- Ho�a�,d.' •. Theatre� .. per' Library, belonging to 8. Leff. metry in Terms of Point and Trans· .-BBOADWAY BOllBYllOOB-_� ':0 ; Fin,' ,'der pleaSe return to MAROON of· -___ • • __ ._.� � � .. _ .�i".01;... ·formation." with. ·fice. Bew:arcL'.ness sma rt---,\ness but not r ,silliness,And know­ing theset h i n g swe've profited'by them. Ouryoung men'sclothes are.youthful , but not immature-they are lively, smart, attractive' ' and .correct. . ·N�W ideas in. suit�' .and ove,..c���- .l(leas that fit � y'oung man's bodypersonality, purse, $20, $25, $30.: .. e ... · ·of ·:)(arooL .' .. �l' ros -SAL&:....Fine '9 room house nearparka 'and; University. Bnigain, 6025'�Dllgton- avo JIB. .WJL BODGB inTHE ROAD TO BAPPINE88WANTED....:..A �nt, in every eel; �8, Political Se ieuce."-lege, �ho cail devote a few hours a,�.�k ��. r.ep��nt�!W eastern manu- SOPHOMORE. faeturing firm and look- after the In-·terests of th�. business .1Oeally. Pleas- Score Club�� 'pr�1i�ble work that does not) re-q11ire �Y: h� � 'ho� canvassing.Only young men or women with plenty'of hustle, 'who can furnish good refer-· ences need apply. , Address, all COul'· munieatiuns to Ralph W. Billman, Box437, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.Ivor Smith, voice, builder and teacher Chairman Dance Committee, Gifl'or.\of . artistic . singing' at Mrs. Knights, Plume.;5626, Maryland (formerly Jackson) The next meeting will be Thursdny,ave�' .T�ni �f.' ten lessons fifteen d91· November 6, 12:45, in the Commonslars.· }t'or further' information, address cafe.6356.Jaekson ave. .Phone .Midway 4311U.}o'OR RENT-Beautiful, large frontparlor. _ Furnished in mohogany. Mas·sive ·Davenport and Turkish roeker.Rteam heat; eleetrie ·light. Room ex­elusive. Very light aDd'sunny. Frel'use of grand ', piano ... Suitable for two. meetiu� which took place in the gym-l2l6 -E. -GIst" corner Kimbark. 'nalsiull1, was to aequaiut the womeuwho did not know the ruuimeuts 01football with the prmeiple» of the·game. . Drawings illustrating playswere carefully explained and questionsot the women answered.PUPILS' WAH'rEJ).:....:::Mrs. Flora Mae··FOB ,SALE very 'cheap. ,Washburh'guitar;··.full 'chess' �oat, Tuxedo andPrince-.Aibe� .� '3&'38.' . H. P. 220.1,5� 'Was��giO� 'A��., '�'nd Apt.- - .. �'. � \,. 'I·.... ,.. '. � ...... "'. ,_ "Gouuiue successor to "TilE MANBLECTSSOCIETYFHOM HOME:'___Jntcr Ocean .Choses Ofticers to FillVacancies. eOlIAN'S GRAND�)HERZKA 'BROTHERS"IT'allorS :-: Offic�rs were clct.·tetl to fill vaeuu­cies at the regutnr meeting of till'Score club yesterday, Another Cohan" BaI'rle SuceellRAYMOND BI�CBCOCEIn aNew It usical Comedy-r II E B E AUT Y SIlO PPresident, Ralph Cornwell.Yil'o President, Oriu E. Wolf.Treasurer, Frank Whiting.Secretary, Lyndeu Lesch. A UDITORIUlWz-:1545 East 53rd StreetThe suit you want is here.' The style, thecolor, the particulars-'�Just Right�"�elephone B. P. 1037. Policeman' Amluiaf Benefit."THE PASSIHG SHOW OF 1912"�'oo1.ban Explained to Wom6n.Intricacies oJ: the forward pass,c.lo\\ us and end runs were explained u�request yesterday by .MitIS Agnes Way· LASALLEMuslcal Comed7 for Young and Oldlruau to one hundred .WOOlen. A TRIP TO WASBIHGTON'fheA�'ERICAN r.:.�l�Theatre Unique-Dining, SIiIOkil.lt.LEW FIELDS In "ALL ABOARD."ILLINOISMr. Gaba to Deliver Address.o H! DB L P B.I Jf BBilKA OAllUSTO .�ENT-�ge, light front room; 2 JIiss Te-mple to Attend --tine·: windoWs;. "'ery modern; to 1 or 2 Miss Alice Temple of the Kinder-... teeehe!'8 or students. Nr. U. of C; I :garten Training department will repC; Elevated. Mrs. C.. .1345 E.·. 62nc1 resent the school of Education at tht'St., 3rc1 apt. 'annual meeting of the State Teachen4· JOE BOWARD_KABBL M�OA.NBp�VVERSDAVID BELASCO Presents1 a&5ociation, in Topeka Kansae tom or - AGO 0 D LIT T LED E V I Lrow anti Fri.lay. Miss Temple willspeak on The :Modern Kindergarten,and The Relation of the Kindergartento the Sehool. COR"!'-- ....................•.•. �\. THEMASTER�M9DEL. of 'the . Royal i •• stand·mlclline andwif[ouf Iny.rd �orresfJoD.4encedoes (OncieRSeci billingspecial .ffacll",enfs.The TypewriterThat Solves "Typewritcr Problcms."ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY58 E. Monroc St., Chicago Illinois. Bold Spealdng FiDaIB NU\ Week. J'OBH BYAJIB. LBILA IIIcllftYBBFinals in the Lower Junior publit" In a Jfew JIIlIt1117 JIulcal OcRcd7.speaking conte8t will. be held next.WC4'k. No d\!finite date has been .j,. "W B B.. L 0 V B I 8 YOU. 0tennincd as yot. Tho contestant8 willspeak fi,·e minutes eat!h, and will be. judged by the fat!ulty of the public­.8peaking (lepartment. The four con·testants who passed the preliminarie�and who will cont�t in the finals arC',Adrian McFarland, RUt101ph Morit7.,Stuart Wal8h and Madeline Wooc1s. STU�EBAMERDE WOLF HOPPERIn III88 OAPlLtOBBelen Camea AddreAea Y. W. O. L.Helen Carnes will talk on Soutb Deer­ing at the Y. W. C. L. meeting tomor·'row at 10:15. Settlement work is car­ried on in thi8 district by Unh·ersit.yl"tudents. FINE ARTS'lBB YBLLOW J'AC'KB"Auspices Chtcaco 'lbeatN I'odrtyWuJaiDl'OB-The Univenity of prlOce88Washington Daily iMUcd a Y. M. C. DOBBI8 KBAXBA. editi�n la.�t week. It eX})lains the In Edward Sheldou"s Loft Dramapurpose!' of the as..�odation, an ,1 the B 0 JI A N C &work that is being done.- • -. r-·t�-- ........ --------------------��---- -