. '·-1.. '.'.'.:at,::g., ': " amna' '.. ,�4taUI'Val. %II. Bo. 24. � OF .OBIOAOO, BOVBJfBBB i, 1913.. ,. . .,CmCAGO AND . ILLINOIS MEET i, RESIIIEN WJrUYERY'�iIN 'BIG ELIMINATION BATTLE ';.. ·.�u,,: __-. .: .: Y.earIiap. Take . .Hoaon - From �U EI Will ED'· ; SophOlllOl'eS��AD!UI8I Rey ••• enity eyen· ter Twenty-MlDe . Hodred Root- .. � ... aoIda Cub-Affair.Gaae With Old Chicafo en WiltArrive From:: Jightiq Spirit. Champaign Today. t . JAIIES AND OSCAR STAGE BOUtOpinions . of the coaches andcaptaiDs:cago.Captain Bowe. "Oar men an anIII . good shape. it will be a h&zd. pm ....pIDc to beat tIl_ III f�"JIIIDUDItGD, un. 1nmcIl sa g�.: ·IIlS to AaIlt Ja.azd.g t.baII apiDst..' GoeUIa',"It wD1 be a· laud. pme.. We haft .• Pudp apIDstI..• '. DUIlol8 azul an gotq. to put i� ov_er.-BeanlOll,"I have • penonalgnuIp apiDat Zuppke. Be calledme • � package, aDd I'm outto 1Ih�'1aIIII I &Ill not..,lIazd8, "U we plq. as hadapiDR. IDlDoIa as we did apIDStPard.1Ie, ... wUl be DO doubt asto u.,�.»- ',Jud1m, 1'Jae team ImoWB__ '. are up' ADbiat. We an...... �. brIDI .� tile baeoD.."....u, "1llIDDU Jig DOt ...'_Wwa_aaD_�• >". an ..,.q to 1nak tIIem",.:. '..,."�, -De bacia g PIDI to... '08 DUiIcu."� Mfte .... will be • Qp­� DH......aIdcap .IIM Wi.catcap OR ........... "OaptalD...... MAa I look1»ack OIl tile .... _ I han �we ban ahnp WOD U. IIIIDoIs.... : 'ftq bn ..... DeW lallatJI- at DlIDoIa or«atnetecl III OakPark. �.... wm be laude!'.. tIl. __ I&ht a uWe bit �tIIaD ID U. Par41I8 ...... we wm(;hieago will enter today's game &11·ed with the old &pling spirit, if thepep. cJisplayed at tII� m .. �meeting JutlIight eUl be take. as UI indieatioD.MUldel wu &lIed and the Imappiestpep 808IriOil of ille year was puned off(CoaI1maec1 011 � 3.) .MATTBf�S, sms, BURCKY, ..,.tEMPIETON: ARE pmmufis� .r Secretar7:: IIONSTIIt IIASS-�G HELD UNlVERSm ELEVEN FAVORITE .... Freskm8n won every contest .at theclub smoker last night •. ;Frank Boddy,Crowd � Jbndel and Bears Play- E%perts Agree That .. Stagg HU" 152,poond. Freshman . defeated 'Ste�-� Predict'Vlct0r7 OVer Stronger Team But. Fear Prow- .ner Meew, a 13.7 pound Sophomore, InOranp and Blue. ess of Zuppke. a three·round boxing. mateh, tile -only Kathleen Han;· •. f.· .r:, t:';.bout. .between class. champions. .. Cijrn�lia. ,Be:ilt. h' AU Senior Offices Are � �COACH ftAOG OONSERVATIVE GLOOMY REPOR'1'8 FRo� .. ILLIlU J�- Lehman, a 1917 .lightweight, .U-iam B:dc!-,vin. �f.. Contested-;;.Rutla A.a. Willa! woo. a fall. from Harry .Fisher,.1916, iu n,�r�ie�.puth�:'. J�. By Three Vo�-The foU� telegram was receiv- i :'15 •. '. 'Af�'r' . this" matCh JlO mo�e'�: -----.;_eel from the Sporting Edl�� of the Sopho��\"�' volu�tOOred, .80. Lehman, a.. .J\)b� p�j.iee. I i..!. SYKES WINS IN A 'WAlIAWAICoach Stagg, ·'Bone of us knowDaily I11ini last ... , .... t a. ri, .' i3.0.pO':lDde�,··"r���.d;AIf�ed O... ·C�Dnor; John Greene. !I2. . -:...." -rJ �� ..� • .how toclQ"B game is comiDg ou� � 'II T ""It will be all uphill battle !Ila'-I� .wh� weighS 160 •. He was thrown in LOWEB S. F.NtOnS. RU.dy .Matthews was. eIeeted.. _ A..i.;U_Accord1Dg to Coach Page DlIDois _-.&UD1o ' ---.iB better tbaD Purdne." the punting of Norcren, I �u�,·.p . � 2:�0. ', ', 'I. President; president, and Kent' . Sylt� . Fn4.fight to .the last dltch," said 'COath The feature matc� ,of .. ��. e�.eD1.·�g. - litfut Sykes, .4'j. Bureky and William . Temp'lett)is_· 1(er.Captain Borgren, "OUr bllDCb: .. Zuppke. '.. _',". ::"', .! was a three-round bout between Jam.�s Fr:u... ak. Sclfrid�,: .. 49. chosen- ill the JUnior, Sophomo\te ":bdhas got the drive. I1llnois has DO�. • Fbeen up ap.lnst a team of Ohica-. ··U' hard consistent llghtinC,;.in � .�Dd .. Ose,at, ;the �I�b.po�. :'!�F John Ba.ker, 4·-; reshnian classes, retii>eetiveiy� 'ie:.};e.r�go'8 cla88 �" �y�8 game, we guarantee' �; dO; U. ,e8l1;led .�e. ��ar .. ���o:� .,��r_ t � 'E!l ��,r.l. '�oU!a�. 21. . day ju the most hotly -conieS� ei.-Coach Zuppu. .• "We wiD. 1riD.: fighting, .. said Oaptain ROwe.' -. �e!1uoU8n tusale.,� ���"':i���de�OD; Vl�Presldent: tion in' years.' The vote in aifeUia.DlIDoia wUl apt hard� tlla.n Chi- i ;.��W;eight bo��� for. ��:����?r� . p.�yiiis' Fay,. 75. ,� was heavy, that in - the :Setii�r c:tu.c01:1;ld find no ,-1)"8IJh��, CWP9���t. . Nin�,.p'NeiJJ. 72, especially so.' MemberS of :tJt�:·Uia:a..-I ". :._ :1 ':-':.':'.1" .�rs .�o:r. �eTtm�c' :7�����: Ite��� C�n9 .. :.i'. graduate- council, who coui:tfed"tiae bal.Previous ChI�Dllnols seIJ.ools volunteered �or a boa�r"!.�_".' 8. �: lots, were kep. t busy -unm 6�eOw1.;"". Games. J - .': - ---_________ ..... __ ...... __ ·.A.rpold, medic�!Q!)red Erie D.eVries, .:..uF,i Spohn, 185. and revising the rettrrni Th�":'��iccN..1892-Chicago,' .10; .illin��;: 4. .t&�i in; the _ODd r�i-�;� .. aDd� ,,�: of' maJlY races was 1n "dOilb{'lhaw u..R.. Od, dY,.. :th8.".,_�zban ·.: .... I1J.. ter.�el.·a#Is... ,.. p_1 s.. last minute. .'�,.: .. ' �,'1893-Illinois, .28; (Jhic&gO, 12. - ,I,: .:.:���n '. ,qD1er:. • .•209tb1DJaI of today'a pme .. . ehaaplou,· theD ,fought· .a .. twoli-oU,d ,·Edw... a.rd Kix.mi·i(r '>6.' . votes were ·-cast-in·the �'.,-. . 18�Ch�cago, 10; Ill�no:s, 6.. lMN'i .. Bodd,. 'iettiac;tbe-1ieeisiOaJ i � .�,��t.�ento� 4; .... ''1' .', eleCtion, M�:t�eWB ��tea�n���:." __." �.' .��.. D1D.I. N�."�.L��,' �00-C�� .. J!i·J!ll_�-·�-l4 �:i" �ai.n.· •..•. . .... ,.;-:... ".- �--' ���IO-J',� ... :··� ���_:d' .-...-..;:=, .. ..!..;..• �----. _-........... _ __.... 189'�,': .rn..! .. �' 18·�·.T"':":fti':'· ";.':J: I-�-':� .�''''' ... ,y.-'It.. • ."So�\.-r.:-::�·Urr,DDl· .. u.nJ""" .' - -.- --0 VJr -.• --........ �.-'" -.-,' •�1U __ "7. :.'. �----7 �.; i •. :�." ... ·5.-.' ,,,,-' i.·,·.L,el�b ,.' . for' other oifiees',,:u el�" :.�.A..."'" _ ....lOOI-Illinois, .24; Chic., O. ' . ��.-J., ...... '� �� .. ·�::7·��-·.· '-. · '�.. '- (. :�., ,": � . ' ....• . . ".' �ZVI" � wua_' ' .... art-.Ar. . J _..._ 110 A. gar. 'won: from' B.eJeik ·S .. -:.:.:··'I!.:J ;:_-_· ..1902--Chi .. � ·S,•. lmnoiR O. �'" ' ��_ '�'I::�'_" .'. �:r:_}al·r :,\�):ederiek-�, Ju&_{" . � --.. UJ �__ "7 ..,..-- V __ �� 'ru.q votes, 103 'to lOO�' '�� .......'�"1.'_.�1903--C.Thie.go�.'118;· Dl. inois, 6. . '.&...::..-..::'�_ �tl.",.�, 4� -.'.':'.:I.-j.�.L."�.':"". V.·; •.•. �:j.� -II W�� ,Shirley, J_r., 66. �j ....,.. .. 0iI Jae 6&111"""''' eont!ed'UUl(' �- _ .. _ ton. was. elected 8ee.ref.' .. �l ..... ,;'I�.�;.J,*,"""'_'loo4-chieago, 6; illinois, 6. I,. ,\�.,.\y." .:..r'.J,:. � .• ; .. 1,' ,':. .'" :� ., ���:. -J U", .. ru.,., .. I ':1. .�. � .. _- I n ... -"h Da' 112. winning' from Cornelia' ''D.:..�.'''.' _10. � 'u1905-Chie� -44; Illinois, 0.' :.' ,,-:-.e-. .' !...'.:._._t%_. •.•• �: •. , � P"!r, .. y:'. �JS, .ocaa& " - �. ". ' ... -.� .. �---: -'_ I 'l1ae boxiAg-·&Dcl·WRHUDg:.:.aiUdl..,� '. h. ndbe 13. I' S7ke8 WIDa' BaaiJj-."�'. �: .1906-Chle&g0, 63, Illin",... 0.: .'.. ,L" ... �, . � , . � . -I,' .-� • were ref..,...' br J_ )(011_ , . Kent SYI[e8: walked' awav �L\."""'_'907-Chicago,: 42;, nli'nois, 6:'" �. �-rli,,,,,j.';..-._:.r2'..L-' ,'J; .'i� -:� , .- .': :8eczatal7: ..". -- ..,.1908-Chieago,. .·1� .. Illinois, ,e. t ' -:.�� � � '.� "�,,�; �'. �e_' �: .BlI.th:.;a.r�rre.. 94. ,�deney in th� Jumor e��Ptil.lnnn r'h. •• I v�.-:-, Of lCUlllo.. ' & DelCl tile ,Pac,,· ;Alta. Fisher' 92· . nIDet,. votes to hiB 'n�"� My ....DV_'" leagO, 14; IllIDOIS, I.' .�.�� ; .. " '_'!_._' .• �" ,;t. ... ;..,.n.,··: .• � . :' . . .• • • ..1910-.111' . �. Ch· .:: : .. -.; c�. nc:oM .or .v:r � In _tla� .18<.1 � .�: .I.�.Dine- Tli. e -eount. �oi;'�';;:_'" .I.nous, . ., le�,. O. '. Jard'<_:��a the"aeeond iii' the 221) .C I Wei���� 82. dent Was uncertain U'nitii·<l&i.��:��:::�: :::::: �:: � .. �'� ife' � .��iD�_�: G;;"d·PlU;".: 39. ,Jay afleraooD wh'" it 'wa:.'flLHW.. . ! 1 boxiag �pi�on._�� Idaho. .... I �Wl'!,� MaeGregol', 34.. Phyllis Fay had defe&tea:·}!qili1�o.ir"_Twen�y-nin� hU�dr.e� .roo. tel1J. -fr�. r� !�".' ��.... .".:.�".I;!oJ;��� ���n: _;,'PQ.�·�.':( •. Cra.�ford,. 30. . 75 to 72. .IrIS �Spohn wu"4J �ChaJllI:&lgn �dl arnv� thiS m��� �� ��'.I!'� � '. ." . 1. " -,. �WER ".JUNIORS. puted elaoice 'for '_reWy� � .. : ..a 8pet"ml traln and wlll.co��e��,)� :��1��'1�: � .... anct.•. ��.�. Fred Bureky won the Soph'"the e3St hleachers on the athl�e �d J ... � Dpeiaf� •.. �g. . B'�friar ...• presideney in an easY" f�"hiOil,· 111· .. ·. , . ..;_ I . � - .... '..' ., ; Vhlliam .. Temp.Jeton, 1_ 03-this afternoon. Oloomy report:" ��e a ... ))em'. ":� :."�indrow and G�· 'Ii '\"otes for w-11li&m. shiner: ..---(-co-.-n-ti-n-ll-ed-'-O-D-' "'-pap-.--Z-'-. -. -: . :�,""I,\.��c�L ' : .:':. :::::....�: 46. 'ont""t for oeeretarY' wait tli" diiiioII_ <.! � ,:r.�:.1. o..� ::�J' _. _<� ,..:. �', .. '. .., ..... ., .�., ... �., of tht" cfedion, Ruth' llUrerre.� � .. .::" ' _ .', "fthOunc('fl the winner' :'ver �'�"er at the last mhnitc, 94' to 'ft. CiIII'Weinman earried off' the t�· ..by a plurality of foriY...1l;'·i···"''='· . �BleCt��. WiUiaDl Templeton was eJected p.._i,lont 'of the' Freshman :eJ .. '\ .. ·�&-·n.with &i.% candid_teL· He'''o8 ieUHr.Lillian Bim.el was �h08eia '�j_dent, lfay Flower was' el�teCl 8eere-. I .tary. and George Anclennai· ... ieleetrPt1I�;.l83A.rDlstrong, 180 �1 J,reMUrcr euily, out' ot·· .·lWd ..Le.· it �ackle. Left End' l' f.. anI It ate& Albert Pi�k, Ir.,JwiaO ..."'jth,lrawn from the �e·· for"�_er rM't'i\'clt 3 �omp1iincn&rY;' ftt8' .,�I. :I�,j Freshmen voted y�.. lin. B1tdl� � �" ,s.. .Mrs. Charleft nitch��,:\q,e � ....o� Jlitch�ock hall, will •. ,1¥! �� ....the: Su�day af'temoon .. t-.� �� &."6 . in Bitcheock tom01'l'l)w •UPPER SEN lORS�-J •... President:. Budy Matthews. ] ]3..How.;n Murr.1Y. �GVICe-�d�lit:�utb !\WU'. 10� . : _ -:. __JIel"n Street. 100. ::-o�:·: .. __.• r&hobingcr, 174R. Half Back , ...,.WilftOn, 172Right End ' 140. \ • ..... , 9. .;i-"""u�.,, -. ..& a\\.,.I' • Q' .. Tupper, 176. :�I'. :l.� .. �.�. I'llRight Tackle _.:. �'. ' . �:�.� �'; I�.· .�.... .�III· �� •. 'f1 � .o ,., ... ' . �9' . 0 Q.'0 "·!O···�··" G.. '0 6.'0 o·,ooo , �. I . ". . .' 1.\ f•••Left End Left Tackle. 14ft �. . (:eater. ·'ftfpt Gua.:4_ .R.igJl�. T�ckle " Right End ,Huntington. 168 ShuD 18� � � '_� ... :"..., i. tieailioD',! 1.�::· �!ie!,. �85, .nau�p.rther, liO"• ':'" •• ,,' ;. : • ...,.'. '. ,'I" • •• 1 :.' •.•• "0" ,....... .", .. ".-., . ,".,'.--:- ..... '�.... 'iacit .,. . .,_ � . .,..:: ,. 0. . . '{ - .'.... ' R. liail Back� "0' ' 1'15" ... No��...... :: ... ,�__..,._.,_ ...... \ ·;�·::·�·l.. ' __ .. " . ',1 j.:.�.�.;� ....... ' ... : .. ; ......�.. r�-:---:""��''''''''._j �� W1lljA�.·l.L·.III ..... Ilia; ,�AY. 17 ••oL Half BackGray, 11$ . ':,,.:r· .:;,· ..... ·_�·;,;."LIIi �"':� ��' .. �n:i T'lla .... 150; AT. II!.Chi ... go, '1951; Av. 118.millois, 1903; Av. 1'13.--)'1 .. ," :J..,ui· .. ··•.' r ,,�,. . �r Serdaai� ()f&��:�.este " Are ...•Apr Miss Hs�" .... -.' .:-& ...... 0.And,. Perlee. UNUSUALLY LARGE vors CASr. !'alte crrtp to LinrolD Oeatiir.� II Und�r ��e ao8pi .. �· otihe' Y: w .. c.: �. � party will taJie a trip' thiw .( .... _I in, to Lint"oln Center�.' At 'the e0ra6·� J of Oakwood boule'\"3rd adn: '4fta:t-T.f a'\"cnue, 1t'3'\"ing the "0" ��ii' ·st q� ....0\11 studenta have �. in�:'co-L'_The Daily Maroon I. . �.• ,The l.lli..Doia lJAioR' laM' a.loptecl aDew �tera Jaat whida ia .. laraeY. lL c. A.-Y. w. c. L. Tl'ip-8:30, IIhape thaD the atyle oi roOt.en head.,·c" beIU:la. �. The hata have 0I'Ulp bud aDdOrche»tra lrleetiAp-lo, Xut Uaeu.· brimL. . �w. -_,.' ,.aueua...;- -�.... _':;;;,,;''775;;;;;;;;;;;:&;."1IaIIdq. . .--..l:'04,)t!Jall-Chieqo VL Illliaoia --2:3a,�&raahall .}'ie!d. . r �. ��.Rellpowa �. _ L.i�ht:�t"ight foot.b&ll_la.U_eome ill·'to 'U�Il" at lUiaoi&. The A�etic Aa·aoeiation haa provided that IiptweightSel'vic"_U, claa teams may weig�' more than 150"pointed b,- a power DOt controlled In present conference, ��. I88IDa to bethis pa.:rt1cular b¥ the public. �maJ' deliberately "atieked," to redore tlae famoua WiseonsiD 8pirit aeema to have:� :::.�., . or, ,may not be a good plan; ita med1i8, Prom to ita old position. IrreapectiTe been 100 siDee the football tebID hasI • 00,,' • _. �r 1� are �bata.ble, aDd ahoald be of whether the majority of the con- not beeR playing up to ita lut yeanthoronghly c1iscUssed b¥ atudeDta be- ference membera, Ior tJae majority of fOnL, , I, ,:' "foze voting on the proposed p1aD. .AD- students even, do IlOt care' partic1l1ar- CI'OIB e�try' haa �Il' reet.oi-ed to',: i, �J' 'other element is secret iDformatkm,..At 11' one way or the other, aeveral fadaau' equal .atAuamg witla track, bose­no staae of the proceedtuc caD the must be bol'lle in mind when recon- ball football:&1 tl»e ,Ullivonity �f Wis,accused dllll1&1Ul to face the iDfaane12 sidering the question. coun. . The,. membera, ;'Of '� team�d question' him. Such. lIlaa' Ia. ,The Pzom of the put _"been ex-' will DOW ,*elve' �or . i � ... _ �..reu� of m� a&8B In our law, hay.' tremely tol'lD&L' .Alth� m.any �DOJl.. • '; ," '....::_',." � ,_,c. ' f!l&. been ·.�Ded BlDce * m1d.d1e fraternity' men aUended, it w.. aup- I. order' to laenld Ohio'. tnt grid�of the seventeeDtih cen1DQ". fte K_ ported largely by the fraternities, the lft,D ��t �th' a we8tem eO,n�gDIIleMB apbuIt such & method an burden there f� OD thoae who fe�ee t� ." moUter ·twiliglat rally� and 1f8iP�. fte 1)OIIIlbI1I� went. A large DUmber ,t girIa from will be held U'OQIld a bo� Fridayof at; l� causiDC aedoua � out of toWD were' �y invited, ev�., at. �hio .Wd.'.,,. . to satisfy personal spite aIatiB; uul often at great as:pen.e, . introducing: the' only' posalble aafepazd woal4 be an element which took the Prom IIOme­to have the council tab vt&oroas ac- what out of the All-UDiVerslV tunc-.: �on_ agaiDat mal1cioUa iDfomums.• .AD- tiODS. The orgaDis&ti�1l of the Prom..... 1MIo&_�_A&AI; ..... made house parti_ D8Ceeaary.HOWIe paRi" are really the rockof 'Au&1CL!1axon law nqu1re tb.&t; aD &Coo on which men have split on the Prom,CI!SeCl person shoal4 han the cIwlce to questiOD.· The pr08 d� that 1ri�b.­prove his accuen "ft'OII&, or at; leaa out them the Prolll ia meaningleBe,to nq11lre that; tIae7 be IIIDcerc enough that it will be impoeaible to get oat..declare Uaem to vatecJ ill favor' 'ot Jlielaipa's murnand correct eD01I&h In Jadpem aDd side girla. ,The COIlS,mem�, to maIJltaID tIudr tellUmOllJ' be a shameful waste of time uid to tIae CODfennaee.1IDIbaIten In tile face of Ida qqesUoDs. moner, aDd tha' their abo�o�, WOQId ----�..... ·te . . Koti_ Ii ... · dr 6e : W"l8eonsin·De coandl � ,the � plaia. ellcoarage the DIeD - UWl 'QJIlYeI'IIl·t __ 1... JliDDeBOta -,riD tNt taka at )(841-woul4 have to CODduct tile c:zo--eYUD- ty women more ... e-"·iD&UOD, &114 tile fI1I8IIUOD 18 wIleUIer It is very ).ikeI7 tIaa billa wiD be iBoD todq.it wo1lld be as fair to tile deftIIIId.aB introdueed in alm- every .... 08 oll-strIet--, -tIl-e-on-e-fwmal-'---V:-:ana-·ty--du--eeas aUowbIC JdIIl to COD4uct 'Ida cnm the legialature �. keep tile ProJil with- to tIaat week, baniq aD bat eeuion.defence III tIlla reprd. 'rIae bIc.... in proper boancJ& '1'Il� is. no qu.. Aa a m� of fad, few adentemat In fa� of the Idea 18 *' of lion but that mPY peOPle of the a&Ue really cue to attend the Prom butDeCeIBl�. Stud_ � Jau 4Ieftl. at large eonsider it a deeided blot in they up1aold it beeau8 thq a., !I.Moped a aeDUmeDt (oftm .,� COD- university life. TIley cannot eonceivfl belic\'e in in.rlenng with otIae:'1JdemDed) that frowDa QOD tIl_ wIIo how & state univenity 'foan�ed upon That ia yro.. T" �ite aD atrem:-,lDform of aD offence ....... principles of demoerae7 caD-tolerateschool; uad tIda I8CI'eq mq be..... it.SU7 tD order to bulan tbt the coat Very 1Il&D7 of tile :.�!nte feel tIadwiD �v. laea � ca-. � two thq would like to .ueDd at least onefeat1lra 1ft neD bl.. thaD ,. formal danee -' this uDivenity, aidea of tile p1aD lt8elt, In deddlq duee in which thq caD bYe '1aer"Whether or not to approve of the court. pl'etK'nt. That ill a ".ry Datural desire,Btlth mayor may not be pcfect1J" Ju- a.d there is nothing fund�nt.llyt14able ud IIOQIld features; the tact wrong aboat it. fte'Prom of the pUt,that the backerS of tile p. haft it 888" to the ecUtor of tile News,,til after canfal � developed iDto • tuDetiOD � eaDDotad� em if OIl) beeauee ofshOWl tbat til.,. ban IIl1ICb In tJaeII' '"', defended, �eD l'fa'YOl'. Bat fJI dec:hUDc bow to ftte itR extra'VapDee..•OD til. pJaD, ...,.,_ Ihoal4 �- Th� i� ODe time �f tile �deD' Iher' tJaat tile adoptioD of t1aeIe two eareer wlaa he Dot 0DIy d .. ,. toprlnclpla 18 '1D'YOlft4. . B,.,,,, Is have '11ft" atteDd�' � f:voUDI OIl tile poUq of � granted lite eD-._ .. __ bit ......... ..a • _ welL That Ia. paduatlO1l week. 1B.7alMA �... � �__.�Uae leI_ of tile JaoDaI' � 1UI1t. Dot aboHaia t1Iev,J , .JI ;.q-JWt. ::::-.-�1Iutia ......• '.. II� adl o..c. � ...' AtIIIedca � ••••••••••••••• � a....BuaiDeu 1IaDaa" •••••••••••• B8I'detIe II..aChcalatioD llaDacel' •••••••••• W'1lliaia L� Uwvera.ity. 'Publiabed 'dail7 uccpt SUDdQ.. lloada7. .\1andel.and bolida7. clus-iDa tbrce-cauartcn of abcUniYerait;r 7CAr.Entered aa 1eCODd-c1au mail at the Cbicaao Jlluior College Chapel-Kea, 10:lS,PoatofDc:c. Chic:aao. Iu.. Karch 18. 1101. laD· ........ JeLcicr Act of Marc.b 3. 111a. ,w_1oASUBSCIUPTIOH RATES.B" ,c:arricr. $1.50 a :JC.U; aLOG a q1l&l1el'.87 'mail. $3.00 a 7C&r: $LZi a q1l&l1el'.,Editorial·Buame&a Office. Ellia U.. ' Telephone lIidwQ aoo..,;:.: .', 'lhe Honor�:-' .._,Coon posed court an dla-tinct1ve enough to war­rant � stud7 uul>,<-- .. Comment before .reachiDg any dedaioDa� councU. There is an e1ect:lon; butt·... �'. is a minor question whether such anelection is reall7 D.eCeIIIIa.lT. Such & to February 22, ao .. to do away withthe moat; of tlhe problema apinat tileold .tyle eXtravagant Prom. � at·tempt will p:tob&bly, b8 made in thescheme is anala,goua to the F8clenl Ju­d1�, as opposed to 'eta.t.e-Judges ap-. .; '.: The Wi.eOu"sin' dalliea are criticizhigthe lack of I5plrit S�OWD by the root­era in, 'the late footbaD games. This with something' up their 8100\'08 andhave a hunch tha.t Zuppke will alhow'80�.thing unexpected this afternoon.According to the dope of previous Chicago outweighs Hlinois both in thescores Ohicago' and Dlinois are praeti- backfield and line.cally equal. Both team. have lOet In. 'l'be following .Ietter was receive"diana and defeated the H�ers. Chi; from the sporting editor of the Dailyeago won 21 to 7, nd Illinois, 10-0, Illini last night, but .too much ('01l6_but �cordin.m to C�h Page, Illinois dence cannot be placed in the gloomyreport&.(.;ontinueU nom P&le 1 JStell&D Windrow. 39.liarl'Y BeazdBley. 3"­Deuald Hlltcb..iwwn, 24-V1c:e-Pread4eDt:Lillian Blssel, 120.NorDUUl .McLeod. 106.Sarah Mulroy, 91.8ecretaq:May Flower, 131.­Margaret M unroe, 95.JOtIephine Bogen, 89.Irene Seifer, 20.-rreaaurer:George Anderman, 122.}'raueis Towuley, 85.Thomas Ryau, ;:;4 •Reuben Chadbourne, 50 •..\lbert Pick, Jr. 21 .(Continued frow page 1.),ONB OF 'ftIB ILLlNL. ,_ .;; should have seored another to&leh,dow�l(ePhee� tile 'star eater,' Wlait- Experts agree" however, that, whilelng the 'Ia�k, are tlae latest adeli- the b�k6e1ds may show up about ev­tiOD to Nor .. .aem'l IaI3ared � If enly, �e Chie�o line is. much auperi­thia 'k • ., 1D1lCh �:""ere will or to the Illinois forward wall. ChLDOt be � meD left to form a cago is heavier and more aggressive,team. and adds to tMee advantages that of�.� , experience.TIle �ty ,11. 'oaD ..a tnek team .oqnn to be Gnat; Factor.of tlte UDivenlty of JlieJaigan bveaDUGIY, yoa .. d I ... � Dot care �"bf. higlawaymeD, b1lt We 1roold.'t tIIinj(of iDWl'feriag witl tilow who atelaiglawa�. A tJdng II "",.., or itia right; if it il doubtful,' it probablyis WJ:C)1lg. UD.q1Ieeti01lAbly Ute Promfa doabtfaJ.Let the eODferenee be eauUoa1 aboutUte manner it legislates on tbis flaell­.tlOIL ,It mq be loac1ec1. On �he one.... a· 'u tile dtitu\ie of th!' "t�'l8ftt�; OIl tile other that ot thi! wtat�r.,w.tan. Evel')'tlling "JUt-fa gi�.tile, en�l. of 6. nlYe"".t� a. ex­� to e""'" � tH S.h·t'T­aty .. oata be abolIaha f. ,,� goodof tile .1Il-nnlty. fteN" bat little-,-(Owllawl - .... L) Sixty mcn of the Fre�htr.:t� (l:,��were present at the lune-hf'on yf'�t.cr_day in th" Common!' e-nff', gi\'('n un­der the aUKpiccs of the Y. M. C. A.PresldeDt Judson. 8JlOke. Thern willIDt.fD1ipa4 Oa � be taar more of th� Inn("h-�-", onenuDola depe.de on thelr' lyinl ever,- Frida7 at 12:45.CaptaiD Norgren will be the deeid·ing factor in tocIay's game. It wasNorgie's kicking that won the Parduegame, and if the UniVersity's offenseor defeDI8 weaken&, the doughty cap.tain will be depeuded upon to boot thet.U out of danger. Norpen'a tack­JiDg i. depaded upon to � Pogue,t'he tricky quarterbaek of tile 'DUm,""'0 ie the chief hope of Z1Ippke'pmen.Every man on the Univenrity eleve,nis keyed up for this game ad will e�·ter the game with' tlae old CbieagoflgJatblg epirit. Direetor, S� willstart the same team that played..unst Purdue. HuntiDgton wiD 00in Vruwink's plaee at left' ad andBaumgartner will be at riglat end. Thework of the ends in today's game willlDean much to the proepeeta of thcttlam. VruwiDk's loa, it has beenpredletetl will, Hriouely handicapStaa's opeD otrenae. The etar endW'U a wonder at handling the for_ward pUll. If BaulDgartuer andHuntington show up in good style to­d.,., th prospeeta of the JliDneROta•• d WiseonBin pmes win look � bet·... �uadron, as the backfield is ealled.:Pogue, Captain Rowe, Rile, and SchOobinger are the men, upon whose worktht!' fate of the lllini will depend. TheOrange and Bille line itl regarded a.II\aone too struog, and the otrel188 willhave to bear tho brunt of the work.Coach Zuppke, early in the week,predicted au Hliuols victory, but ofla.te he has shllt up Iike a clam. liehaa even refuged to gh'o out theweights of hiB pluyers. By the aB·sistauee of (.�oa(·lu ..'8 Page and �lWer u,list of npproximate weights has beendrawn up. Aecordiug to this schedute,ONE OF THE ILLDfLWagner.(Spuwl 10 Daily .Maroon.)The Illini "In.lianK" are coming toChicago Saturday accompanied. by th�largest l'ooter dell'gation that evo:- r-"_foro journeyed to the Windy Cit�· tuBeE' the Orange and Blue go .lown be:·tore the Maroon. This year the ror,t·era are expecting the samo thing. ·rh .......�aJi� fall well the_ gr��� �k thatZuppke has had in turning out of t�egreen material at his disposal, eve:. atail' team. But watch our smoke ''''30.iyear. Then Zuppke will hav� heengiven a fair teet and not bef<>;re.A glance at the Jin,.·up wid showthe greenness of the "rn.hall·· re�­Ian, Tupper, Watson, Lan�hc, Pru·OBB OF 'nIB ILLINI.;f'tt an(l Armstrong__iou:- out of !I-.hm liftemfln are plnyinlt n I·,�l fO'),t.ball for the fl""t tin; ... ' 'J·:"f'I ,·,rll, •. "and Chapman ha\'e cnh' it�"'1 'il"'I'I;:heonferenC!e flght.� for one year.'In the baik6eld th� tcit·If.llon i� nlittle more f'nr.ourngin..:.Bue are new men, hut, ffl .. ,· 1;:1' (. ,. "mooonatrated that thc�' nr� w�11 n" ",·.1 inthe'intrie,aeics of th.� �m('. �·I.(',(Continned on ,,,'ltr. ".)IIIzt7 Men AtteDd Lunche':'il.IMOSSler· Co·1I 19 JACKSON BLVD.-BAftSmartest Clothes in'Town ,for Young Men":��=10eJino!-!-;.:.� ::. ':": .•�·:'_7�' . ..••.. 'SAYS � �S' 'I 'n' •. •• "-..u.A4VOEY'· �QV_ ,,: -".; .,_.: • "•o��: S��gg.:���i �'Nonc of us! �.D�\" .I.J t. ,; � ABB,')>ISAPPBABDtG �I.A£T; : "WHAT COLLEGE EDITOB8.THINK ---__;",------- ....... ----abou�f�he .. -g�: .. ���rclaY. I r��e:�l : I:' �;. • � ,� .;:,.. .' I;:, -: ' .' ,. .' .THE WIN EXCHANGE NAnONALBAII.ber"that;fl""B�hei�'W:ns a freshman hr , ';'. '. .. ,..._ .�? - ·,·:;"'''4I':>1·.ii·,p :' President Bums of Oneida-., :CoUep .. ' .1:.:' (�ontinll:�� from p�e 2-. of Cbleap.!'mid,; "n\h.��;�:�ver have a chance. ''.' . l. '. ... �. '. '1 Tells of � of First- " '.- .' 't·... . "". '" .... 'nto :win 1.D;� :��;..� in eollege - I." e » ,.1":-:., .-,'� "�L;: "'�� : .' .' .1' .. �!Jger, th�t tli� frntermbe::J WI stage Capital .. �,t. ". . .' :Mo�taiD C.oUe •' .. " -' .. I,.·..... ·In �I .. , ·p····t "1 L.linola .baa. a' &�t:�oach, that ;CU'lln'Ot .' .,.! ":�'" ;J": '.. -':'!:. ',;:>,'. '. �. a ran·nc. en!c' I'om;' 1 :�qu_,. d' Surplus:................ 5.000,000.00ho ':a��;�:}Y�f��not want t�e mer' .: �e\iW�;"�bJoi\g :'1{triiiireliy: lizi�ntai�:' �xtreDlely: b�.l polities 'for thew. .Undivided Profits ...•.•.. 1,000,00.00to .• ����, .... iL,.1 ..... ess of spiJ.�ti;� .�I'!�Krea=t�l'bOe�1riing a.'t1iiiigjo�.,t�;� t �ean�lii1��"�hy' :tiOygi�8 F�bruarj -.- ._:..::;:;_......-::.. k ineident.�' ..v·L..t "' .. -: ..... - �-·-"'f'L-�r.d·· ... ·IT D·12!�� r£i:flaJr�.'_lAnv�lII1Jllts, �aru:ft· .. -" .. ,:.. .... 9F;fJ����· - .. 'c���. .;, I ..•.. �, 1 pas't, aeeoraln, to rrmu en); 1fD""� ,��I" ; ?;;;.�,' :.", I r •. : .. 1 ·k -: •. ,'., . ERXEST.A. HAlIlIll.L. Pt-es:dent... :::: :; � '. :.' ".. . j;' Burns Rf�dIL Coll�e Oneidi&,. Ktt�, .. thfU a�� c;annot �e. �u.ch_ more Ulad CHARL�S' T.. HUTCHL�S?X. Y:�F� •.. \.:���pre.ntaiv�; "f• '��e;r;' :"ho'-�i�1u�d; y�terdayf . .d��lt.��.������'I�· ;·j.·�ri'��r����, �y the: an- . ·g0�'1c:JL�::'��1��:�:::.;:·41<1l.,M�i�;�����fnerson, infrtieto�1 :';�n ,'in "H�k�ut'�bly .'r��:: �It. ��matic a�oli�i()n .of �o� J>artiea th� ':-D���1oI:.0��H����� CIIIIbIW.in�·.th� Ejigli8h���rtment,. has' at��l .. : Lit; A���g "ihe "9"u�tiiD��' bf B;SD:. � �O!D will havebeeD. �robbed of that ���� �� s���� =�r.I t d ';"IJ're'p' rasentative of tHe'·!)ra." ·k·,···I: ... j .. i' . .J,.,� '" :: .' I' :' '1'whlch makeS it 'most oh-i-tionable JAliES G. WAKEFI�LD. AMt. c.Mc. se ec e AD" ,tuc y. • !, . ..:. , '. . 06-- . , LEWIS E. GARY. Aut. OLabier.OUr. "Balmacan" Kimo�1 S'.·&.'4'j � '�atie' B��(1ing soe��-�·�:��mersotl uThe O�I�' waY=-oi�nfii�g do:.; .. �tlte I p�rhaps helping to avert a continnance'l DIRECTORS. .coat 1a to be found here �,,�, �� }'Va!' p,duate,d from. �h,� '.' �p�ersity number offends among. the ���JJ.- \.Of antL�nive�ty feeling in sections c'b�eeH Wacker C�e ·K. carrfabdc. When ,.ou bn,. a ".'. . ". -. ""1' J h . ;.. - .... ," I. ..' .' . lIarUn A RJ'�non Edwin O. Foremaa.. two years ago. ��Ie l� co .I.g� s. '! eors .was once thought to be IDy; :f�- o� the state." I Edward B Butler Watsoll E. Blair", . • '. .'.. ,' ',. .. � . . '.' , . . '. , � '.. Charles II: Hulburd Edward A. Sbedcl.. WIlS a member of the �,r�un.atlc c!�b. .� termination of the other fellow. I de- It 18 a questIon of selfishness or Clarence Buckingham Frroerlck W. Croib7.' , '". ' . .'d d tho t th Dl; '.' I't·· .f th patriotism Which s.h,all it be, COD� BenajRrlnCar.penter Erneat A. Hamm111. ,CI e a e 0 y sou lOB .. 0 e . •. .:Book fs_1Iissed From ·Office. .'problem was by rell�Ous �dueation. ference and stuclent' body?__:"Wiseonsinc- . Y. J:I. �. A.. C011lld1 to Meet 1IoJulQ.--wer Suit or OVerco�t il ,',ts' ,.� 1,'". Tb .f th tai·· t• Dal'l,,' ,.TCW"·- , .. .!. COPY. of. D�. B .. La�rence's "Son's e young men 0 e moun D reg_Jon oJ -, ...morl' thaD the ordiIIazJ' klDtl. � t:illor :l.Dd Lovers" was missed �roin the had always. llea:r� of t�e' tE!1lc18 �romwouW ask $i5 for the s:une suit. \{AROON office Tuesday night. "The . their .fathers, and from the ato�08 ofPrl�, ruap, $20, $25, $3Q, $ie, $50. ,finder is repeated to r�t�� it to EllisSatta Uut overcoats of extra qUaJttJ'� 12-tmIrJ' Ibe..l\\\\ I hl.lilThe new ." English' Model' 'Sack Suit worn by �aily'of the'younc college men of .th8: VDlversltyof Chicago and aU·� :wplVeni-,ties, are to be had Iii' the i �er,.. latea\fabrics at the Jiossler'�': .' ,'rile greens, pencil stripes hi' bl� theplain basket weave and tbi.- bJ:Ue-allan I.t'rc ready_Io-scrve.�., $,25 JlOliSDB JWl8..IIBBmiQ' sib.D' ·iIi·.. :-- ··iR�··��2T· .,. :. -. '.. -::.:_.- -:._ ':�;"'::..':.-.;' '.- :�. :- ....... - " . �M.r:?in gt�::::�=�:.�);��-?<· . � .. :. _�., .<mD rturned out in large numbe ... ,. and en_. A· RROW'thusiaam .and confidence were di�pl�Y· .:'.. .. .� everywhe�e. While Director Stagg '\� �CO.,LLAR'� '.and Coachee Page and Canning were J�,'8Ur�' to be on the safe and sane side a..u. • ...-.; a c... I-. ........... , I.the members of the team did; not' h�si·tate to predict ihat they were goiqg.into the game to fight and win.. .Before tho team entered CheerleaderIf atbews aroused a lot of en�hu8ias.�und Chicago· songs and cheers' w�reTohearsed. AU' weDt off in snappystyle. The--University Band helpe-] Iout with a lot of noise, and. the pl�y: . '.1��������====�-Ier'S were called upon for speeches a....... -:!soon as they had- entered. �he Yens·Oleo club �nd 'the Womens'"Glec club�ang between the speeches, both rendering· several, new -Cbicago sO�7 ....Page .. Expects Hard Fi::!ht:Coaeh P�e sald; "W'e smeared II­Iiuois, 24.0, two years ago.. _:A.t: thattime they were confident, Now theyare expecting' defeat, hut the men aregoing t� fight every minute. Our teammust tackle harder to win. The !lli·ni had a much better team than Tn­lIi�a, �n<1 the score should havo b�I;'20-0 in�teatl of 10·0. Our men haw' THESMOOTHESTIiake ,.our aelec:tlOD today!Mossier ·Co.19laCksoD Blvd., £asBetween State and WabuhDREXEL PBAR'M''AC' .MAft JlcAHANY, B. Ph.Comer 55th and »ruel Ohlcag.'.relephoDe Mid....,. nnTIle a..., .f ran' J)nP. a.� •• dTolld Artl�l ...For t'hat Grll,ve or co;., In thf' hf':ld-Drn;�Cold. GrIIJ,te. and Fen'r Tab:ets. ::ie,.\l'k lor a Frf't! :;amll;4_'.StOll t"at Con;h wit a bottle or d our \Vba�P;r,f' Il.ln' Y and ":II('1'I�'II: m •• ::�,c.n..tl(.\·f' that IIc,,,I:w;,(' w;th a tOe V3ck:aCt "ILrcxel I .. ·.lc]ache l'ow.,crs.l�·J.Iii,l'.li:bJ::iIK;� ..• J,:W .• �l:��:!.'ilJl. .. ,;�:��:l!:L !.:.·�ii;llii::ll::lh.;�ll�blat��i(liU�un-m-��:t;,Thomas .1- Cavey 'it SonFURNISHINGSFor Gentlemen8PEOIALIUNG IN THE WAND OF'nIB COLLEGE !IANCollan sIR - 13, up31 W. Monroe Street CldcacoPatronize oar adYeniRra. Woodlawn Trust!,& Savings Bank1204 E. 63d btreet, �cazo�api� •.••...••.. � .. , .$200.000.0Urn-m. .� joy that. follows the1 - � of training. is the momentthat _you can h� the briar bowl withgood old Velvet. Superb Ieaf--thetenderest leaf-aged ovet two �Pedect matmity-=-disappearance of allleaf bamImess-leavingtbat rare degree ofme1Iowness-superb 8avo� sm0oth­ness so enjoyable. Velvet is free fromaU harshnesS. Smoke Velvet as often_yoU' like. always cool b ..... ing--- .. goOdOld atWf... At aD deaJea.J!f,.tt��ta..(J,;.. ;;llrpl��' Proflts •....•••• ,ll"""O?U(I. �rN.l� t.T�TI:S D.i:POL!'1: .... ·RY.�'OR 'POSTAL SA vnms. Fti�;D�AC?�OVlfT8 OF ��.I�BHHO&;.... AND S'rlJDENTS INVITEDCHECJaHG AOCOUlft'S.. ,. ·Be Opeued With. '"no business to think that Illinois j�ens .. ·. PO'�e is a, craekerjaek �nll",. t,.must be ·wa�.c'h·ed' carefully." In thl'Purdue game our offense <1i<1 Dot work!un6otblv. 'It must be improved' :to ' .�lay: I We -are. n.·:b�t� Jearn' tb�i.·l� $50�0t) , .� Tms "BANK' Is � HEAlum,THE�ftiAN..... _...... -,. ���.. A STA1'E BANK· I .$3,000,000.00The Executive couDcil of the Y ...C. A. wiD hold a dinner MODday Dip't at 6 iD the private dining room olPATRONIZE ilAROON. ADVERT1SERSTHEY ARE RELIABLE(Continued OD pace .. , Hu�hinson commOIl&---------------The Illinois Bac�field "-Flying Squadron".. '"·1ONE OF ftIB ILLDIL'"I�.: .,.'..I' � •".".:,.;� .s .·0',. ,"'.:.. "�.� ... I".. '"CaPtain Bowe., �,1::'.J.-I".f. A Fall CollarGraceful LinesMedium Height2 F or 25 Cents. ; �,per line. No advertisements ret- :hii..i�. �er ,'h&c),. � -p�., of jO�l"�eeived tor less than 200. '.All c)yetfte4 _�d -U�. C���r. � �nte.�.� wlthadyenuelnenta must be »&14 Sa ad- 'sOme ·'m&gic •. " Howard' Adams; Reg­YaDCe. " gi�l·CasUe"n' a'n.d A..,�. �Pt were, I 1 � �!.. • .• : ' • • ,I. -�on.\.��,P� as, ,a. .'�.��." with:. striqed' tUG •.• ° "Th; tug-of.war. wu not held, not,e����,��i.,ht� ����,���g up.Ten' cen't c:ipra were . distributed-tb� .·.� .. ·ti�e: ,i�', ��:� .,hi���1 .. of, ·�h.�club, according to ,Mr. English. .1. t,··, ;-,. . IT'.'1JJtlVBB8In � FAVOUR �.':. ..•. ��(CoD�uecl �':�.�� .' ,�U... _, ),., ..• 0" • " -.<.' ••binger, the. taat .riBht .AU, 'is !'tT\'i.a:g . '.' . .' ....his aeeond year, t*t 1aR year !�, 'l'!�:­eel at end moat of' the titD� C&ptfainRowe is the only tun 1ledP.l regu.lar. Tbis is the C�hl�r.' ii8_t \�ra!kat the Maroon 'playel'lt alll be; CItL :)0,depended upon to mak� �eb' �tn::::'!'opupUa have e&U:1e t<l 'renlcl�t�r' him. PUPILS W�ra. nora Mac-The players r8auze ttl:,; they }aav� Ivor Smith, voice buUder and teaA:hera bard task in even ,holding the Chi, of arti.stie singiDg at Mrs.; Knights,eago pbyers to a low seore, Never. 5626 Maryland (formerly Jacbonltheless, they are going to Chicago ave: Term of ten lessons fifteen del­witb a determination to .. in.. �Watcb lars. }'or furt'her information, address6356 Jackson ave. l'hone Midway -taw.\�e Dlini men ��. practice" and younever 88" a' more seriOus-minde·1bUDeh. Watch them in tt.eir elass :FOB S'\'LE at bargaiD.-One mit of1'OO1IUI and you see them with denehed clothea_Tuxedo style, original coetteeth and hands. Such a' spirit is sure $55-1Uade by ll�e tailor--6uit i,asmall aize.-Enquire Busineea manag-er 'ol Maroon.to overcome great obstaeles.If both: the. opposing Jines can sue­�eastully. ,'hola charges' ol the. backs,the' Pme is likely' to' develoP·J into a,lOAing matcli be,,",� Rowe anI}Russel' Rowe lW this year 'frequent_Iy increaf.lCd the Illi� .eeri� by p1a.eeIdeb. while Russel d-nes respectf�'r' his work sPt:�)Vdti� ,AD. W.for �verybody is � "Spa1�gPolicy.... We guanuitee. �h .buy.� CJ! .. � �i��. bearing the· _�pal� '�e Mark that such· article will. give . satisfactionand a reuonab�. amount of aer:-:,.vice. Lexington avo..' :.( .,...A. G •. 'Sp�djng & .. ;BrOS.• 1. ." i.l .. ,,' ." ' .. ...'; .• ,.� .��·.�-l�!v.tope .28· IL- Wa)U1a. AT. " �.•.• ��J� .••..••.•••• - ••••'.�.Tailori�_g· �eans clothes: .-" '.........that' give you distinction ant! in-dividual �ood .. style� ' ... Pnces $30to $60.uu.oB 1'9� YO� IIBRTHREE STORES: 7 N •. La Salle st.!5 E. Jaebo. Blvd. ; 7� E. )(� 8t.•••••••••••••••••• ,P.9W�RsfeucLheroes, told in Blowing tends, � Ii B G 0 V B". • 0 B· 8,," AD.,Bey had formed ideals of what 'theywoald do when they, like' their lath�rS and uncles, were old enoagla to goC'Ut hiio the world.. Pzesident Burna then told how he�th"red about laim a boud of Vast., COR ... · .,.-';';':ll..r a UDivenit7 to be built in tilt" .. :�#,� tile X�ntueky moaJltain& fte � BYAIIII. L1III4'IIcQIft'BB�',�� ,�� aD old miD .. eel aad made Ia a ... � ...... ,��p�� �or � �tutiOll.'WIaiela is DOW .... B. LOY B I 8 ·Y ·O,V. G• ;.; ...• ! ·d4d�.('p�f';..ork. Be aid tbt. •.. I"t::. 1"'.!'t·:�' ��"'r!- .";"-:' �T�.1�;:: i= �=':,:� STVDE;.B. ��ER: II,,,: :"', f.�.;�_. board of tnaeteeS -�.�,.; ... ,': ... '!'...... tile UDITenlty of Chleap ever .. 1 • A A. A •• A • B L L• • ..,•• ', • 0# - .: �"" .. t..a, beea1l88·u.. Dlen were read,. to"1, �l(�,a.i!;��:,::� might reeeive aD .'-' Ja U. ... � Bitec11Ieaticm. .. ," . tie. tllen told of the struggle that tt. B· a • D, '.' me. .. � to built the university,, :. I. c .• ,- .," ...lbuilcHri� of the.. abeOlute .�.ck of ft. 1C"'WNE ARTS. n"ei�' baekiia,,': �ci' Of ,iiOw, bally, r - '• '.. � • .; , •, •. T .' ',.( J t .. I .• I .• p11)jeet w:u.reaIi&ecL HNow,tr he., did I. e�D�I��D, �·el.n�teD of tile tt.. YB L LOW 3 A C B P. tt0." '. • •I • . !"'. ' • I �:.. , f' �,.. •• • •" •.. , feudISts toaela elboWs 111 oar 'dlureb.'i' �""I'l' •.•., :� ,,'IT .�;.�,. •eeme .. _d'm. th eJa. nom. Wltia A 0Idcq0 ft� lIodetJ.''DO;;'' '. "·of.''' iIlfb: tdJ. i ueedto �,..I��{�"iTt.e ::anta p.ln�." ., tile Diyenity' --,�. whrevew- '.. � , >�.DAntIley go, pd we are t1o'Bing a .. ,more people' than we. GwOn . beeall!lfljof laek of �cOm"oct&tl�966 Be 55th 8ti. 0Idap, m.Impe,ded &D4 DoDie8uC U. 01• • CIGA1lS 'A:..� CIGARIi1l'"i1i:s •• un .IIUB80BIBB FOB � .�4�Y JIABOO.,.� .. \ ;·1."HE� , � -... .,MASTER-MODEL. .1'. _t - _ .•.. �t· the �oyaJ II �: �nd..rel. ,ol,es,o.de.,��� �I�fd�, Ind,does� (CO�d��5�. � ,,;,,;.���, ""t�'" _ In," �. �, . : ,,; '.. ..... -.�I' .... nfs.,The Typewriter, • D- bl "That Solves: .'Typewn��):�,�.Q, ems.ROYAL .T��P�W��TE�.',��PANYJ. .�•• 58 E. Monroe St., Chicago Illinois. Bmmto� .AOOBIOLA!fVS" •. ... _. :����. p���j�BAJI! "Genuine succeacn.- �o '�i1.I� MANLar_ !fidel Bale Is Bepod;84 tor Or·.". � Bedta1�. ���#t.�,�� ��o��_nnma r:.. ABB; �F�:(Continued � par-e 3.) • '_• .... ,.... '!'. _'. . •• ', . CBUISDIG ftlBV 2'IIB�WcdDelda,.·eYe. 8:15. Frida,. dYe. 8:16-�'. .._8atm:daJ" Kat. 2:15.PA HAllA AGAI.I 8uJIda.J' -a.ttaBoon at 3:30�opular 'Pri��'" � ,'� $l.OO-NOW.-ARRICK-G 's r»: .':... WII. BODGB 1D'. '�.. I ,FROM HOME.'·__lnter Ocean ." '\ . ._VcIN10CI*111p,I(Jht'0:NeaI:t,()gt"(II1'\I_------------------------------II ·A.::;'�-(;LEf·.;.��.-�,.: . , .���, .• ��:.:�--,.•.• t\� 014r-,�_:_;_.-:-. .. \.� . ... ,. " .•A�ER�CA:���. Theatre.·'Uhique-:-:Dining� �oking:.... _ ..- :."_ I,.. ,,, .'..,', LEW FIELD8 in .. ,ALL-.A)lOa ....,r.DB %. P •. 1. B"GIVES EXcELLENT ,V>ALUE.'·_James O'PonneU· �nDett, BeeoN·Herald. ' , .. '.OA.Aay.011 .A N C &--