.� ..... - �.VoL GIL .0. 23. PRIOE FIVE 0BIft8tIDEltGRAOOATES VOTE I CANDIDATES roaomcss lIOI.D'IA�IEEIlN(t . ·�LAiNS·HONOR couRT1Vit.tJwINK, STAR END,FOR'� OmCERS UPPEB�NIOR8. "TONIGIITrJrt IARDEt LaaeRelifuT�R�pr�tatives DECLARED�INEUGI8LEOf Campus Organizatio�· Of --p� Fot sfudent COurt T o Be Athletic Board Find lie Has Vi-Voted '00 Soon. olated Three- Year Compe-tition Rule.Ruth Agar,Helen Stroot.. Secretary:Miriam Baldwin,Cornelia Beall,Kathleen Harrington,Harriet Tuthill.Treasurer:.10hn Greene.John Perlee.LOWER SENIORS.PresIdent:John Baker.Frank Selfrielge,Kent Rykes,E.lwarel Thomas.Vice-Presldent:Leona Coons.Phyllis Fay,Nina O'Nei1�Secret&r7:Iris Spohn,Treasurer: Sopliomon, amok� in-tile �':·BeyDold�Margaret Fenton, be given the commission.club. New' feataTe8 'were' added las�Eelward Kimmet, night :wben' 'the UaiTermq-'·baud iUi4 The plan as �m.!!�d is as follows:Merwyn Palmer. ' .. KG &.IAIIothe "liens" Glee el'ill)·' were aeeUrecL: :UPPER JUNIORS. �It;._...;_:�.......� ..... ....., ..... .:.'�:... .:.....�".PresIdent; vuq :"_"'" �, .Frederick Bureky. i .' Tonight's lpl888;��ting, . Will· be. *11eWilliam Shirley, Jr. only evening-_,.g&therh.g. of the y�ar� 2. ·Tlie:·Coinmission shall bO eom-. colleges, Vruwink admitted that he,..... �'. , .. ''_ � . � :·�;�'�"::-':_�;;-.·-·aD'�d�J:.:.:rw:;�.·' � .. -h-:�·'-·i::"'e'-n··-···o·· ·n�ly···":o""n-�t··h-e--ac:"---�e··m�·y--team.�·---_.. -�,., --Vlce-�:: -�', . � -:-" ��-'�:r .�!-iP�ia,.� ":- ·.c.· .t"->&-v,i; m",,� � OID_� iM.L uc aAHDorothy Davis, ,aD ev8Ding �eriDg' will Do1.lHt held two men and two WOllleJ[ to :rep- At Hope he played on the football,Ruth Sandberg. before iiae.' N.�� game. . Tilere reeeiiC eMll- of lhe:- up� � bbketbalJ, baseball, and was also onSecretal7: .. m be _a�joi ... , :01_ ,�b. eOD� be- 'land one. man and ODe woman to . the track squad. He was captain ofAlta Fisher. tore" the_ W�onsiil, .gam� _ei··the :represent 'eaeh �f the Iow� the basketball team in 1910.Ruth Maniene, �eeting Wiii 'b8 "iieid � the �oin� dasBes. ZUppke Files Protest.'rreuanr; ing • Matthews also &DJlOUDced···!hatDcniald Crawford, half the seaW-�crbe reserved fortile : ... omea:· t..GIIiIht:·iad .:IHf'··�is alarge 1IUBdJ« to·· ·tutu· -oUt.Tbe W _ims" :·01_ e1uln,m - bee'OpyBe iraC':t1fo··boUIt· Oil: 'ftff Ead sideof; :')I.-4ft :·u(J·, irin :'Yefict6r .•. namlierof Chi�·.·eottl&l.:' "l'K,; UidYerSHybod '1Ie!p:,o.t:-Witflllot*(01 ilol&" 'rile'1Ierw. :·GJW-eNb· Win �'ap�·-:inp�ou·f�··lWir��ili&� c6'6�'6ri wfth., .. wt.te •• 1i eJub" W{bnr lh' Wl!l-.,�.:;..we.­.. TlIel' Me',; :;tM iti& ;'.t*f, ·the - tame'...... eftW1�wiR··�' the' &nit·;-�ts:".81 51 c.�tain"N�· Page-tUrdsa.-j:ff1Id· ltave' eeen :6& :·mm:.'pr1;y,tiD-:,rte� tNr;' ia.p'Ni8ioDif �of :'l'i�I'­.. � "'!W:UM:JlU!'fiIf � tlw(fi1U.� ... , ... ··itiit fiIjecf -.J1l�__ ·�·ot '1Iia�:�; :ftd' .e�· 6�tf7:�'ni� .1NIider.r team..Georg. � . tl __ of tla� Couneil ..Beabea cua� � �'et�=bB"� . 4. Keetiap.Tilomu Ryan, .� vv � '�"' ... j� shaD'be hel�i'FrueiII TOJnI.y. . ... fia10i1BD: � :;:;:;'7 ';��hS hi a room• lege to investigate the matu-r. Th�y........ __.� . ..-..,. !'or .... �. .·i. : JIirper� for the tilhe' neec.lecl-.- --- -... obtaineel ['fl':-'� Tl'},ort." of two basket·(S,�c:_J 10 Dal·'." J{iIroofL), . (S,eciGl 10 Daib Maroofl.) to tr'aIIaet tile n� busi· .all h'... MU " b. games in lHOH, in W I('h Vr:u-..... ..: � h_. u..:-.:LaI·1Iieettigs- may 00Urbua, DI., Od 30 __ A� .' . .' .• AU-" ,&j.� .... Mieb., Od.: ,'30.--w.r.' . ti;7�.' wink·M naJJ�C W:1:( rnentionell. They al-has expelled three Soph� dci . fA.:· �'.oId: ih�ir 'tegU18r �-: ealled' &lluwr.g a day bet.w�n �o ohtainc'cl a l'4tatcnwnt from theded th f _- _ tIae .. . tie· lillie" �e·N1118 b: repone.' t·IRIspen ano er or one y-, � If '�"i' 011 NoveDi� r-l,' tit.". 1fiU' l'r('l'4i:lent. of tla' c·ollege :4aying that ho"h--- of hazl·ng. There·h.'S. bNII.· '.'!.� 'Il_ ·p·I·�.M..-..aI·':':1I:L ._ ...;:a:;;" . "",:.-...1 the Commilllrion and the eonvey· 1 I \. . k... -Ill'" .,., � 'IIII'II:� .",aWl _ I"'.n.&.,_, �- hacl not )cell there W len nlwln wal'l,I,·--e I-�"'g at TIlino.is tJais ) ........TW. �, ... "':'':;''':'_z·�- oL& . ..__2J,(411._c� ... ..l, lng' of ."commlsifon. "'or or· 1 h 1 h .•• 1 _II 11'", .. _, zwc .1 auv. "..u"IJ._ vx .. ., nlul Ie :tel mcr�ly a ... ·el1tce t e 8tate·�01l�il . is bending every do8'"'tO � ikiri,.el'liil,. of. lIieiigiD," .'kMg . � :diliarr bali ... t1Im 8ball be a. menb of other parties as correct.stamp· �t the praetiee. Kielaigaa app1,.' for'··", �o\kli�I' . ..,.. Of·BeVeIl ami' for the Is Dedaftd Inejigib1e.to � �hf tif_:� oO��:'''1le llelati·t or dect8io1l 'Of any ("8.41e, Coneh Zuppke then snhmittc.t thistnYh.�.l'nIbDleu . : .. ,..u.. DIiR! W-:....a..i:A�Ojn � .. ';iMt"-i�� � 1Ii_ � A th�n' vote of e,·i.len("c to the Athleli •. Boarel of Con.An' .en of tile ¥I'\OSfl"'" rlA.• ....-t',', _.,.. . :ue� '. .' eutil'e �ofI' "ball deeicte,. . i n� to at��".l a lu ... ·Jn4Jc.,p.· .�� It III ilvfill"� ."r¥"M""'.. . . trol at. 1Jlinoi� an.l it waft forwart1�1H.n n . .' '·f·&J(_· ���.a.:;':.;.;;wd('Vt...!;al...........t..."l\s .. : � Ch· TIlt t 1en by the Y. M.. C. A�. In the -coaamoa. o. _g� �u:7".��.� .. � •• � _ : ;B..,-� to H','gO. . Ie. can!' me yc!' er. ay_I. t 12.45 today· This .11ID!!Mon D4!WiI' e.�'� ::fer .... ND' �. morning Dlnd c1e(,n.rc.l the e,.I.elcnec;elWe a.· ., '. '. ." _�' 1 Reporting . .is the first of the series of five to � �'tdoli; . A'� Wft1."be,.� cftlI·�.,.....� .•• "nbmittcd hy minoi!' to be un(10libt.1.1given before Tbanbgivillg b,. the Y. her 3, -I aDd 5, to ueertaha student(Coat1a1leCl _ pap 3.) (Continued on page 4.)��� ��CANDIDATES GIVE'POUa WiD Be In Dean Lowell'.Ofrace � In Cobb From8:15 to 4.SPEECHESCIILSB elections for the various cand­idates take place this morning. Vot·ing booths will be found at the officeof Dean Lovett, on the north end oftho grounel Hoor in Cobb. Boothe willbe open fronl 8:15 until 4.Omit T..ryan'B Name b7 Mistake.Owing to a mistake, the name ofThomas Ryan, Jr., who is a eandidutefor Freshman treasurer, dicl not appearon tho list of candidatee in the M..A­RooN. On the tlay of nominationsRyan. was named for two offices, vieepresident and treasurer. He sent ina petition to the Council withdrawing. from the race for vice presiclent, andin the formality of acceptance, hisJlamo was dropped from both ofticiallists. Albert Pick whose name ap­pears on the Freshman ballot for treas­urer withdrew from the raee on Tues·. day. Although Council accepted hisl'f'-8ignation it was too late to have his jname removed from the lists as tbe. ballots were printed.8eD1or .OaDdldatea iJpeak....-_. ...... _ _:,;,,�_"'-..:,,\.�,_".;,.-�" .. _.:.';, ",-,,-�" .... � '_.�.":r�""l"eJWEn..t Reicbmann presided at theSenior meeting yesterday� Budy Mat­th.,ws and Howell Murray candidatesfor the presidential office spoke. Theother euelidates were introduced . bythe chairman. The two Senior. e&lld·dates voiced various sentim'ents in tbeirtalks. !\Iatihews. "Besides our inter·�ts we shoulel be doing so�ething farothers; why not pass the hat at cl:asedinners and raise some money for char·ity. "We h!ve so much enthu8iasm,"aid Murray, "and we work together10 well that it mat.ters little who willhe the next president. The Senioryear is a great one for friendships;but we ought to look beyond this and.think of our duty to the Universityin th'e future." At the other meetingspresidential upirants spoke three min·utes.. FrC!hman eandidates for the oth-.er offices were eaeh allowed one mill-ute.The following are the tellers. Va·cancies in· the list below will be filledby Undergraduate council members:VI'PBB BBlUOBB8:15-8:15IIuoId GoettlerDorotJaea WaslibutD8:1S-10:46Elizabeth . ShererTJaoma eole.wa10:w-1l·\�Elliodor Libonati"Dena Patteno�11:45·1Dorothy WillistonArthur Goodman1":PIorellee' PoleyWilHam L.TDlaD2-3Margaret BJaodesLaD. Belam3-4ButJa RooahErlinl LundeLOWBB IIBlUO ..(Ooatlancl _ .... "") PresIdent:Rudy Matthews,Howell Murray.Vice-PresIdent:Laurence -MacGregOr,Gifford Plnm�Carl Weinman.LOWER JUNIORS.PresldeDt:Vinton Bacon"Harry Beardsley,Donald HutebilUlioB,Samuel Rothermel,William Templeton,Stellan WindrOW.Vlce.�·Lillian Bi8eeI.·Norman' MeLeoc1. 'Sarah :Mulroy.�::May Plower.Karguet :M1l�'Joeephine R..-,IreD .. Seifer.�n&&.: wm;Rauae.· �thU';.UD ·F�.m.. 0i8 Game .D� ·P�'.Se.ioD "At '7:30... ' .....PLAYERS � 10 GIVE, spEEaiD �epre8entatives of the 'yarioU8 cam· COACH ZUPPKE FILES PROTEsTp. orpnizationa met in Harper. As.;.BftJalply yesterday wh�re Lane Behm,cgirUJa.Il of tho student ,honor eourt, John Yruwink, all-Western end, andQPUhied the, plan for the student court tho mainstuy of this year's team atwhi�h -"'ill be presented to the etUdent the end ·of the line, was otIicially de­bbtly fo� approval. dared ineligible last night, on accountThe honor assoeiation was founeled of the three.year competition rule,two years 'ago by a group of women Rumors have been floating about ' all. wlib':fore8a.w:·the ne�essity of such an year that Yruwink was ineligible andorganization. Henceforth, the aseso- was being protesteel by several Con­r.iatlorl �ill be ·kilown as the Honor ferenee authorttaes, Vlruwin�. \how.,COtllbtiSiUon. "The purpose of tho com- Cloer, declared that he was perfectlymiisSl� is' to put forth· a elear ielea. ellgible to play uneler the Conferenceof WH3t is ·and is not honesty, and to rules" and signed a statement to thisplace the honor- system before the stu- effect. Director Stagg and the athlet­dent bocly for. their eonsideration. ie department stooel behind him untilQuart�rly . reports will be published in yesertday unanswerable proofs to thethe MAROON stating eases of dis- eontrary 'were presented, ,anll . he mas. PBOG&AJI·FOB TOBiaJi'r -JIuslc � UDiven1&7·BaDd,.Entrance of 'l'eamWOIDeD8' Olee, ClUbJIeDa- Glee. OlDb· .BpeecJaea. b7 PJqeraPale and Sauer .OhicaCo. ·80np, aDd .. Cheersqoach- .Stag.Cheerleader �ttheW8 plaDs to maketonight's' Dla8&-Ineeting:! the-! � b8ppies'of the year;· _� it will; be the Only nith�meetiDg'.· of :tbe �D. ... � IIia8B­mP.etiilg -will begin prvinpUy·:at 1:30honesty but omitting the names of of­and' will, elose at -eigh� "in 'order t(; al-: fenders. If it is found that· the stu­low the men to' aUead -th.e .Frealmeq formally withdrawn from competition.Vmwink attended Hope College ·atdents favor this plan full power will' Holland, Michigan before entering the.University, Hope is a small schoolnot much, larger than Lewis Instituteor Armour, but it supports a team ofA. TIle CommisSion. college ranking .. and competes in in-1. This' body is to be known as the; ter-eollegiate contests. As far as elig-,. HONOR· COMiMISSION" _ ibility Hope is the same as conference.. This Commission . &ball Coach Zuppke of Illinois was the�eet ita own o1fic:ers: Pres- first to maintain that Ymwink hadident, Vice-President, See�· violat,eA the three-year. competitjion.�tary, and . Treasurer; ·.the rule by playing two years at Hope and6rst to preside at all meet· one at tho Unh·ersity. Vruwink main­inp. wned that he had played but one yearat lIope� but Zuppke deela.rell that hehad competed in two basketball gamecj�. !!ae«:tio'll.TIre' election .hall take plaee at in 1909, the year Yruwink hatl declar_the same iime of the eleetions ed he was in the academy.for the Undergradnate Couneil.Zuppke formally protestoo him early1'wo pel'8O�W &ball:be nominatedin the season and Yruwink went tofor euh office hy the Council. lTollancl the day beforo the IndianaOther n� . may � pl�ed be·�:lml' to obtain ,Proof. lie broughtfore' the Council by petition anll L·ack signed statements by the Presi·passt'd upon by that �y. The dent of the college, the Chairman ofstude1lts· will tJmn eJect by' bal· IIh., Board of Athletic Control, thelot. Th-e Coutn!il shall appoint�ple' to· All all vaeaneie8, as inthe cue,. that orr· &eeoont of the'ti.me· ·Of tW:e�tiobS= there' wilf be' Regi5trnr, anel a. l)hy�id:1D, who daim·ed to know the facts 01 the casco 'l'h�statements testifiell that ,. ruwluk haAlnot competed during the year 1901J.. 'n� fresllmal'i" re�ntath'e from Pledged in Three Games.Oetober td. F6b-mUi. Tlle terln8of �e Bludt· U tire same as tho Unh'ersity took these statement.'iTho Athletic Boanl of Control at....anct instructe{l Vean �mall to infonnDlinois that V:ruwink was clic,riblc.ZUl,pke �cnt two men to Hope Col·.• ' r,'a. DAILY M'�. �y. � S1, Ill!.The Daily Maroon � . .c:!:�niK- II Activities And News, Of IIY. w. C. L-10:15, LexiDgtoD. We are pleued to publiah in ,an-III . Stu4ent Orgaalzations IFreshman Y. K. C. '&"-12:45, Buteh- othor �olumn of'this issue .. �ominuui-•__ __ ,iuon eafe. ,, cati�n from one of our alumni on the NGtc-'With t.IIJa ilRe, tile DaiJy n&c� and tree-efhubiug, l)owe dilS-German Club-Converaation,., LeX·.. W � tiuct uovemes are prw"i� 10r UlosubjNt of college 8lngtng. e ree, JI.uooD pneeIlte a atud7 of tho uee-uear ruture, WJth, 01 course, elaboraa.cingtoD 4 and 5.UlOll.e •• d this al-tiele to our readers forQaanen c:lDb. Frta tI.:!Ie to time, __ stu .... tug ... "",w"". tb ........ orAddrese by Mr. SaehD1&llll-4:30� th .. i ... ("nrr.('::t nocl eritieal perusaL The u.u articles .. .aU appear. 4eaIJ,q 'tI1iih tue WiJM;uutiiu game.Lexington 14., b' t h' h Iu jUdgiug th� worth of the Thr ... t}-wrietr haa taken' up a au �ec W re tile di1Ierent oraama.:tioDS on tile cam- Quartefll C1LlU, two qUet;UOUIl arill>e­A._ by HOnI c. L. Lohbtper- has mD.h to do with tho poliahiag off_ � their _ their "an ... ,h an urllu ..... tlo. "" wurtll4:::0, Harper III I.: of a �ompleie university _ife, and haa plaDa for tile ,ear, &DJ. prcJlelltiDI factll While? alld it so, ill it DOW worthCosmopolitan Cluh-7:30, Profeaor' U' d f 'Whll�?treated it in a !clear, inle 1gent an about them to eD&ble a J�ent 0 lJ uquestiouably, sueh a club rut theMerrifiold's homo. ,li626 Kimbarlt ave- fo_M ttiaDDer.' their val.... Co::ImDD1c:atioDa OD tho Titree_'.! ...... ters, properly couduet ed1lJle. There is no doubt but, what Good. aub1ect of the cWrennt orp,DizatloDS can be wacie a gr�at anu userul iUlltiMass MeetiDg-7:30, Mandeld � tutieu, 'l'houg.ta it might offer Ut)college singing haa fallen into a e· aeated will be wel�ecL mure, the good eomeuy that can LeFre!ohman&phomore 8mok''l'-8:J'' •• Ii •• here at S,.,... use, WheD we oay 1'he nroo-QuanGra C1Db. presented i. worth wb ..... ad 111\'" a"good college' , ainmn"'" we mean the I b has Bturt youthlul exhuberauee aud ··Joy-ol.h\'e- eI The Three-QWlrter� e u -11111' to the routiue of thiugll OD thounited and whole-hearted singing ot ed. The freshmen seen running ab�ut campus, But the club can do tar moreO(chedtra Meeting-lO, K.,n� lb":1'our college' 80ngs, not by 'a eh08P.Jl tho campus, with the long green zib- It can serve at mass-meetiugs, lie tb",tar. few, but by the entire assembletl nons attached to their little green "haudy-uiau: lor u uiversrty guth"r-capR are the organization's neophytes, iuml� and bellt of all, bind togetner theFootb-11 __ ChicA'J'u, VB. Jlli'l('�'" �!·::I·, N d' th t tudent·'" h delezate that rep. 0..,1U � body. 0 one emes a our s .. These men are t e ue ega s.. reprellentath'e lUCD of the .t're�hu1anlfnrshall Field.can sing. But it seems as if they have resent the 88'·enteen frate�ltles andcluss into a workiug unit, getting get-Almost aDYOlIe who re,:"::-a tho past.•• h art T the .Dorganized non· fraternity group ti.g theu. acquni.ted and uHe<) to'� lost their inclination to JOln·, elyon t' he campus... .... ork-J·ug tOI"ether, dC\'elopillg frieuIJ' ..... h;..�... season ca.unly and "I:dth a. fUti Will Start Oap aDd 001m Work.h' AIm h t on Is .. 0"_i. the good old BODgs of t ear a The pwpooe of t e ��Iza I,.hip. lid. common iut.r...... .1m -ladr.e of e"""�NZ W·ork wI'11 start on the lyi4 Cap anc.i"t. ThIS IS done b, h to. .... ,,- -Mater. nag-time melodi ... have bee. to promote span '1'1 •• d .... ge'" of .uc au orgaul"" Utiwill come to the CODCln- Gown Monday afternoon. The follow- bringing the new men .together,. �ut· ha,'e b�eu aaeeu iu the l)ut. The pad.SUbstituted. NotWit1istanding the fact $ide of their respective fraternlt1e�, ,He, originally used as an eU1blcw 01'BiOD that rnsIwIg moth· ing meD have heeD asked to report forthat there are ,times when l'IIfr'time is .. hore their intereot i. ce.tered i. the!reohman lowii.ue ..... d WI • humor.ods should bt. revised. assi'gnments at that time,:" Dunlap .I I Universitv of Chicago 88 a whole 1Uou .. e ... lJlem of authorit'l.. o\'cr childrcn,very appropriate aDd extreme y me --'" auJClark, Eugene Horton, Don&:1d Huteh_a single organization. . becawu the weapon of brutality. Wltllodious to the ear, yet 'there are many , In former years this aim was 1n tflis, the spirit of the club changecl,i .. �n. Jooeph Lovin. FrIUt.is Bromell. other tim";' when mir .ollege BODgs are mind of the membe .... but i�stead of and from bei.g an orga.izatio. d._Harry Beardsley, Charles Maye, r" Earl '. ,b 'k edueating their neophytes In.. u�uaJ. "'ot .. ,1 to the better iutcre�tg of itsmore ,appro, priate and Bhould e Ii e�b t t nto • "'''\1.Ne�ilIe, Rudolph Moritz" Boy Doolan, manners, they tried to ea 8plrl Imembers, it dEgenerated into a "yste-' wise more melodiOus . them WIth, the aid of the barrel. stave.matic hazing seheme. Consequently,.Alexa.der Feder aDd Jooeph FiahDlllh; We believe that • great help towar� Bv orde ... from the faoulty thiS bar-after the initiation •• Iembe", lost all•, b3rlc ,�\18tom, has been stop}'ecl, and.interest. The club died off until "nextGlee C1Db :aoCma PracIIco. remedyiDg thUt apparent dellelen.y o.'this y ..... the dub seem. to be on tb.year."Practice for the concert on the night the part ot our stUdents "".ould, � pght track to accomplish its worthy This condition has been changed for-before the Wisconsin game has been taken it every � and",,�.-.n wo�l_d 'p'urpose. It will, of course, be up to �ibly. The big question now is, wheth-' , ' the club's administration to aceomp_er the dub will return to better ways,started by the Glee club and rehears- :first of all become familiar, with ou� li&b a great deal, but with a group ofor deprh'ed of its former sink int()als are being held twice a week �'he ,college melodies. _'It is a, seve� charge pick� freshmen, like these, seventy- oblh-ion and be lost in the limbo ofto lay at an'y stu'd' e' Dt.'s,.d,-oor t.',� -y' th� two :in all� the club 8houl� rightfu.h! t"ingB that were. 80 far, there Is noclub will Bl'ng at the mass meeting �o-'uti'on WIth a legltl- "' ", beeome an orgam ,". an-ere The older members ha\·o nottt.a� student d�'t' even_. know, th.e,i.m-, 'ul I . th Unlvresl' DnU • """'....lDate and usef p aee In e •vet de\'eloped the work this year to lL� portant '80n-' of his "0,: I' her :c·�ll.�," hr of Chicago -. be'd with as-.:J' f!t.- '-';'The club � an added, element of point wher& It can 8&1Orchestra WDl_ Meet ��o�_, This seemir, how,ever, 'to,' be the lam,. en-:- 1Ihi � SUraDee that the club will live as anMembers of the orchestra will meat atrellgth in, organization. s y� ..institution really be worth while. Nel-table State of atr�rs �hi�h c�nfrontS )lormerly ,each fraternity nOlDUlated Itsther can they be aceused of slipping.tomorrow morning at ]0 in Kent th�� a SV?A40U8e leader w, hen h, e atte,. mpts �an, didatea;. and the club was forced. toThe cou-- of events before the Wis..' '4 ,,--, • I t th Now eaeh fraternIty ......ater. Th� management has announc� ,to le,ci' the students" iii a, 8ong�: . , 'accepf "m.from whom two mu�t eonsin game will aoswer the questionthat women are eligible' for �e orehl!s:: Let us, then ,k n�t,' 1inDrl.D., aM � of thj . ��ec::: m;'::n members then are to for them.. .•la' '- ',',: ':' .. '. :' ... � " ,,�" �� 'lII'fj. This nabl tho ADd, as for the novlees? TheIr worktra. All studOtlte who P �. uy 111- importilitt' Part tlie" ruaty oingIDg 0 he Be ,ee� at �'. ,,' '.' III!. ,"be,,;i.a after i.itiation. Will th,y he' ha bee uked' :--. '.�' ' .•• ' club' a 1iUle latitude 10 J8}eetiDg mem- ft-• hstrum .. ta whatever ve D• Q!U' S,....,..., _ 111&70' in S,.,........ , d Dahl tho elder men to imhued with the hazlDg .. eme ,':::ito join., Ii' .. :' Jrliy w.; - 'rene..ea .'� �;e .".....:,. of talr.ing in dead· tio. af !:!e �I��. :'�Ts:"?forOr themY. K O. A. � ULKB, .... d may �. M -.' ... ·,er. �'U1 :''"1 � fortnerly they were .ompelled :;';'u:z�e y_. and ,...,. it f ...� FB.Au:a.� BOV8B3 perfect aDd �el� �d V,��" ��. �t!, � far this year, the club has done �elr own �tte�ent_ pd for the ths:r;great ehoniL.._Syraeuae nan,. , 'Or- .little that is unique or really e1evel'., vIce of t�� u:�yen::epetY?nd U&:nfutul'O-.. ,. ; TIt I ftorts of the older men seem couraes, WI reh IInformal DfscasBIoDs on BeUaIOu �� anae." " colletin:c. to' gettiDg the youngsters in' of the dub un�er the new an� woe-iea With ..mlMirs of Oampu --concntion by an, abundaDee of foot- some methods Imposed upon It.m.0dDL ::I'::���� ��::::�'OIpJdaaUODa is CcmteIIlpJate.J Poor deaf, blind creature, you are ;W.urr so.a BOOK JlArBBIAL-our victim today. We want to try to failed to realize that mere kDowledge_cItaItp - 1'«. -- .AS part of the Y. II. 0. _4.. program PlY open your eyelide that you may is wor!hl_ � it � ........ VolDah�e _ ..... of � of Eoar Popular..... -_ that � thUt y-. informal diseuoaio,," on •• or-_ the poooibilili ... in your wOl'lr.. We only WheD applied to Iif .. m. Jut ... --.. VDIr:Junm.fa out of tho -. the _anee ... be ol aM I1IIfcIRa thatoo ar. beIq pIan- wet that.You may h_ the ..... Dde:� ,'edge is.-. jumble of �:� mea�. _commenced for: tho -- AD ouII' Ded. iD fratendtie., club., .ollo, ar,1 the living world �t y .... ::, .>";, : :i!'gl ... faet ... He has bve_:- W1� hi.All DlaDUoeripta, IlUggestiO." aDd iD-start fa ad_bIe, for: with ,- hOWlC8.' Th .... 'diieDlllrio .. ' wi:' bjo ri'" ,-, TI.o' grind has _ .... 8pie"Giie "';'rit, ,�"" glued to a booIt and "It� b .. eanformation for the U.iventity so.g bookfratoritiu.. _"II'D&""" iaImaot; eD • � dudent orgaaizatin .. Vol "'q.� 'In that CunJilto the _It 'Illiebri ' ia� .Iooed agaiDst tho .... uds of bf.. �r- m ... t be ... bmitted by 10:115 today.� be _.a-.. to "-f . hb' h b ..II' ,,h h 1.__ not learnc-l to thInk.,the entire 7eat' _AU. req�vu .�.. by pa..qtors 0 Delg onn� '! urc." es an., js lliDe'!'l'e ill his devotion to study. t ermore" e AUWI I The dt"8iglJ8 for the cover must be inaroDDd," - cia'"" an - members of the f_lt;:-. Aay md.n: Lik. the mark _Iter he is oi=ere In It "�ver .. eon to tho griDd to qu_ by tonighL The materiol Awld bec:IoseI7. eopec:aIII7 - � tra_- pp 'WisItiDg to have U' of the I�I· his de"OtiOD to study. Liko the marlt, liOti the opinions of • book ... • pro- left iD box 280. faculty """huge, or_.... -- ..:11:--- I 'b I.._: 'Kr:_ • d' a mere store-'ty 1II001d exc_o -.. •• - ---. 101riug ItIIhj .. � -�. -" _er. he fa ofteot _hiti .... for Phi f�r. � DUD ISwith Dorothy L1eweIlYD.other. to enahle tho - of - OC- asked to make, ... iIpJIOi ,� .. ilb. Beta Kappa ... Senior H_ He h.,..j" for tho Id_ of 0lil__ Anyone knowing the composers of,I '.� 'th t personal-caaIoJt to be -- - UDto. iliac, Mr..B1ekham. , 8Mb th_ .owever. Dot ... oatis· ". .. tlDeqwP....... WI �., "}'ight, Fight for Vi.tory." "Wave the:til exc:IIaa&1I of mea, JtIOIIIIII:r - , Topi .. sqggooted for cIb( .... OD a"': _OD to his ..... It,- but rather he- ity. j!hinkiDg power ... d ortClualtly. tboFlag of Old Chi.ago." "C Slattd. fooeel, WUl be a po� ,factor � breaIaJl , I.' Wbt, II Belipon?;" eause tIt- l'Aftle8ent achievement in griDiJ goes out into the worlel. WhatCh 'shed Cou-_ ... "He's a GraDd Old' '�" ·�rmak fail.l en ,dcnnt tho _en - � 2. Sei_. ,and ReJi&ion;' Bttuly. The griDd d_""ea our pity wOltiler that •• tIIttIaDy, .. • •1It-�" h.. heeD asked to I_ve tbi.I•• Wi • Daily Car- -&e ,aDd o:natIDg a -- -- f_ 3. Mind .. " ... d R:"Hsi..... rather tIwa our .... �t" f... iwt I. Unt jof h .. bfe.- .........iaformation iD he>: 280, f .. Dlty ex'1Dg aU UOIIItd. De o-c:D. - - 4.. ' Se:t: Lit- and Belipoa. a ease, of, mUpided _ aDd, dOlt. di...i_.bange. by 10:45 today.the QCb'Dp IOlDa as -- .. »-11- 5. &me, Beeent' BOob, on Beligion.i '�'l worb like a Troju ill '� eour- I: able._, ,_ �_ •. I ,i4iJlJj1' 6. Wbat � Prayerol? »--- ses. m. them. are always handed in Lpa:.n wm A� JIooUu:. FOI'JIIIIr Bta4eDiliS5 � "J�c. at... � i '!i-� 1. Modem Viewe "&-3�'" , OD..tim�, Ida outside readiDg ia prompt- .AJi.oeiate Profe.."i.l .• Lymu h:a.. t�n J'aek Taylor, ex.' ,IS appeAnDgR. God, fro- the �odem ViewpoiDt. 17 dODe. Be devoan the text boob dIoIIIa to I ...... � ... 8r.1Dnl ." »1\1- the Majestic theater this week. He9. The Claaraeter of Jesus. .from �over to cover. He tYee almOBt �.tidn at 'the "Dual meeting of the Ia. been appeariDg in vaudeville siDceJesus and BuiIl8ll8 Ethics. verbatim DOtee on Jeetures an'd theD Yell�W8t6ne Valley '.reacher', as;JOf·in, he left coUege last winter.Jesus aud CoDege Ethies. eommita theN note. to mem0l'7_ WheD tiOD.; The cOllven"j(!n mee� i ... Bill,Fratendties and Koral Leader- ealled UPOD to �ite, he poUl'I forth iD"'; Montana, N.,wmber -I, :: nnd 6.ship. the conb!nta of the book and tIlen )[1'. 'Lym .. z: will HJM'cllt: dDrit;.l tit: ef-13. The Praetieal Value of the Bible. stops. When he writes a quiz or eum, h�m�D l!f1ISion, of l�""em",� !t.14. What is the Church For? .e usun,. gete a high mark, for the;_15. Christianity as a World IDflueDee. prot cannot well take ex�eption to a'l'eD Wcaa Will � y�.reeital of his 01fD words. At the eDd, •. 'l'eD � won places on the Fresla_of his coune the �d ofw1" bnel�Phittlman buket ball 8qUd iD the tryou_Beta or Senior Honors, by .the sheerfOfte of Ida Itlgh ma�b.',W.!lat. 11M he obtained from, his uni­�ty eoame? 0n17 a w�D-tni�edJIlfIIIIory and a ... of 'Deel_ facts.He h"s 1_ the entire alpifleanee ofedUeatlOD, far Ita eldef aim fa the lib_eralId... of tile bI4U.tcJaal. He !authe vote cast has DOt been enn �seDtative 1D Bile. ThIs is ra41�wrong. 0las8ea properl7 a4m1n1atered,JDaIl a peat deal to "flr7 1IIIdeqn4-Uate; aDd fIRrY student shoulcl do 1da»art in 8eeiq tlaat th088 who QIl DOt be eleete4 becaUI b II & 1004coactact tile d.- properJ7 are fIlec:t. fellcnr, or ...,. & or t0ot-ed for tile ndOU oIDc:es. ADd UIII ..u, .. datDoL -.n. or .......leads to tbe 8ICOIMI poIDt; tI&at or -_ '--low, ... tile ., ,II. cU_leetIDg tile riIh' ..... m.e ,am"te, .. ftIIIn or � ,.'N.' .. WIllwho commands tile nee 8IIoaJd be * pnetI� • 1 willi 1111.111,_ �ODe wtao !au tile time .. Uae abDtt7 f. Uae � ,... WID ....... toto do jatIce to Uae work. • IIaoal4 ..._._1,I•:�llaiia&iq Editor •••••••••••• 1Iutia 1&eY ...Mcwa Edito« _ •••••••••••• Geor&. <:ottiD&)aaIDAtIaIctica EditK ••••••••••• - • -.1IUW7 GoIau.iuaiacu llaaqu •••••••••••• Burdette .......;:uculatiola Il&U&CI' •••••••••• WiIliuD LpaaaSUBSCIUPTION llATKS.B7 carner. '�.60 a ,car. $1.0'1 a quarter •.1£)' wail. U.V" a ,car. 'l.�i, a quarter.J::ditorial-.uuainess Office. El1ia J4-'ldcphUDC Aiidw&, 1£00.(tllitotialB�StillWhy, then, does not the Intarfra.ter­nity council do someth.iD&? It is DOtDece� to remodel tho. entire malL1ng system at one full swoop; but thocou.ncU might at least take steps toa.scertaiD what conditions need to bechanged, and pay some attention tomeans.. So far, the taDglble result of,this year of having an Interfraternitycouncil' has been a .Little publicity for.a rushillg embroaIio' between two fra.­ternities. The supposed pUDfsbmen1o­suspension-rea.Uy will be a blessing,unless the council wakes up. At �en1:;' the necessity of atteDdiJ:lc coUDcilmeetings is a tedioUs bore, aDd thesetwo .chapters eaD be glad � npr&sentatives are relieved of it for a tlm�The Interfra.terDity coUl1ci1 has achance to be useful aDd. do 1IOII1e. eon­stzuctive work. BqsbtDg :Is tb8 JIllb­Ject that needs attention, at Pft8IIDt.What does the council propose to do?The InterfraterD1ty council stazteclan euellent institution last,�. Dis.... tile, c:astom Of, haT­iDe fratemities, ex-AnotherHintBlectlOllS for daa omcea WUl beh<f4 toda7. h-o tIIiDp an Im­porIaDt to � .. ..,.._ 10.ODe, .. out aDd Tote; 11.ud, two, "f'Ote f. tile 12.bed maD. In tile Put. Reyuolds elub,!fomamnr.night.- -I�.�.--=t::..,..--- .yeMerday. The lAlceeesfal women an:EliQbetb 'MacCUntoek, MargaretAmes, Hedwig Bnaeit, Jlargaret Lau·der, Irma Willey, Jeannette Begent,Mattie Newman, Boee Allderwoa, »or­oUt,. WhOOOD aDd Elizabeda Crowe.t -•A.BD'LADr 80.0B COUB�IMOS5��r .... Co·119 JACK80N BLVD� " Keeping in Front".Y au fellows bow what that IDeaDII.We·ve been very IUCCeIdul in thisregard with Fatima Qguettes. Bythe way, these cigarettes were 6rateold in the c:oIlesre- towas-md youagreed with us tLat they were gOod.Then we put out for the bisr race.to make F atimas of natioo-MaeutatioD. and today more are sold:any other cigarette in this country.No �, or � �efuDy chosentobacco grows than that in F atimas.We �y � them in a plaininexpensive wrapper-in this waywe can afford quality tobacco. andtwenty of the smokes' for 1 S cents.Now your college crewis of utmostimportance to you-so is a goodciprette. and it- s your aim in lifeto keep F atimas in the lead-right.up to ·their good quality-right upto where you first found them, anawill always 6nd them.SucCess· fellows I You started thiscigarette on its successful career­aDd you· puB a strong oar an overtbii country.(CODtiDUed from pngc L)Reporti�g is to be done by thestudents themselves, at least bythose who feel stroDgly eDoughin. the matter. 'I 'here will be_abox i� the Faculty ExchaDge un­der the name of' the .HoDor Com_mission, iDto whieh studeDttlshall Blip sigued statements tothe point .that they have Wit­nessed ('&,8f>8 of dish9De_sty in('laM ,,·ork. At the next sessionof the Commission the accuserRhall appear and give. the nameof tho ofI'cnlling student. Thl't(�Ht.il1louy of· two students or .on,professor shall be necessary fo rthe Commission and the eonventhe sueeeediug sesaion of tillComnusslon the offender shallInheard, The accuser mayor. ma�lint appear. The iclclltity of tl. ofTcuclor Rb%\11 not be clitleloscclAll preeeediugs shall be abtlolutely secret._. Penalttes,Thf'SC shall be left· to the dis­erotion of the Conmnssron anuwill be reeommende •. l to the fac·nlW. Subscribe .1forThe Daily. Maroon12.50Smartest Clothes inTown for Young Men........................... ,JOSEPH SCHMIDT J.1TA�Q�Y, TOILE-r ARTICLESFL�E 'LINE OF CANDlESOh1caco, DLIr:-ponod ani D.l!!lcstL �. tIJCIGARS "\:-';.0 CIGARETTES... �++ .......... +++++++++++++++�J:t-����t!t� � �.HALLOWE'EN.... � "ta.tUJi \"� �coal aDdwater Col� sketches ·10r any acx.1al a!­_air - (dances, clubs, dinDer8, e�,) u.e.AiD& deatpecl. FOB �NABLB �cm8'FRESlDIBN FEAR. 80PHEtioua of famoua qU�t;lOD8· � » ..;..� eapec:1a.iq' adopted to· Balcnrelten,.: haDkIi&1v1De aDd xma. Parttes.UNUSUAL' .AND. Bmmmo. -. -",SVGGBftIONS. Second-Year Class: Is Oroo:::1Dg "Darll:Horse" to �ppear at C .. ubSmoker. --- . .-- .. ------------------------lbree Reasons Why you shou •• Eat at the Men's Commons_ cr- Ha.1lo1re'eD Or 1m.. fe.ttvtttes di1;'; BOld 1 fOr $1.00 a aet. .�ovelUes aDd.'.�ever touchea espeda1l7 .»laDDed foreach festtvtt7 will .,. be 'iIoI4 sf' de­:incL D_ � aDd· Ulum&.._ ... , 1st. G�od Fo�� �l'operl7' Cooked.2nd� Cleanlin.sl our Matto. Inspect the Kitc"en,3rd�' A Minimum Price for Hi1.h Quality FcodClo"� Breakfast 15e up Cafeteria at LODeDinner A'LaCarte . . MUSIC Come in, .. l'reshmen 130. Jb. boxers who eon.tt:mI'lllt� appearing a� the Reynoldsdub �nl�k��' to-night,' are •. w�ed .to'ht'�'a�e, �fi ��phomore �'dark-horse:-'entered· in . the 'lightweight divisioD.He CODl� from. the lair of the Velta . i0D8 ,an � �Tau Delta's· and Is 'reported: to be :i ·rBBT ·HA.VB Nor BBBJI �.torme1"'-�ari-lrig .liartnet�·cii: �BaUiiDg -t �." : �.� . M';�.�.': .��', .� .• �: :"�.:.'.Nels�. -As yet Edward San�erBon. u,� them. f�."- pabllc woa14is the oDly freShman Opposed to. mm- ;--ob them of tJI:eIr orI"D..,t�•..fabrics at the Kosaler 00. 'Alt'erts aDd'Gr�ves, the giant J!'re8b-· EUsabeth· Eberle,De greens, pencil stripes in blUeS, ·the man, will be pitted against 8ophOmo� :1517 B. 6"lUa", .. 0JdcaC0, �plaID basket weave and. the Nne aU heavy'weights',�ili' three rOuDd·· .bou� ':"':'........... ���� � �are here rcadv-to-serue, '... . :.,' .. .f be u:'���J Wrestling matches and tug� ·war -Our "Balmacan" Kimona SI •. I, ..... re o.er- .tween. bte two' ela88ee will comcoat is to be found here in the rough the athletic· programme.fabric. When J'ou buJ'. a 'T�e team of Windrow aDd PresnellTIze new "Eng/ish Model"Sack Suit worn by many of the.J'011D& ,�Jl�c�. ;mea .. Qf. ,�e.J.JJQivJJal�of Chicago and all leading 1lDivenl­ttes, an to be had in the V8rJ' latest ".�,:".",f ... -> If..' Patronize laroon Advertisershas ·I03t its HeDior member by mar­ri�c. -Windrow however will attemptto carry off the stuDt unassisted. Har.ry BoggR and Jimmy Dyrenforth willMing . hits 'from Jut year's Blaekfriar8lJ��ess. Gibbs aDd Hamiltou will fur­l�i8h musieal numbers and George Pat_.riek will contribute a blaek-f�e mon­ologue.Tbp. pies for the pie e�ting CODtestare on hand and are of eXtra size andjl1ieines5, being m&de from this year'scrop of hlue berries.lllresideut l'arkinson would like toh('ar from a few more wrestlerS andboxers &11(1 another daneer, singer, orcomedian.$25JIosaler Suit or OvercO.Iot il c'. IsIs no'more than the ordiDarJ' kin'i. A bili3rwould ask $45 for the SAlDe suit.Price range, $20, $25, $3'), $ie, $50-Suits and overcoats of extn qualttJ'­eT8rJ' size..Make J'our selectlon today! ForIMOSSler Co.19 Jackson Blvd •• ,£asBetween State &lid Wabull GameIllinoisDREXEL PHARMACl·lIAft JlcANANY, B.. PIa. -CorDer 65Ul and DnDl 0Idcap�e1ephone JI1clWQ lUIfte a ...... hft Dnp. � ..T.llet ArtIeIe.. .For that Grippe or cold In the beael-DrexelColel. Grippe. and Fever Tab*-. 2&c.Ask ror Ii .'ree Samp�. .Stop that <=ough wit a bott1e of of our WhitePine Honey and Eucalyp�u., 2:Jc.Relieve that llcadache with a 1()c packaa'e 01Drexel Headache Powden. PAD OP �A.HQO J8ftILL U'BOIIIWAJlf;DBOIDB 'DII8 WBBKT,on;ght(S,uiol to Doib Maroo .... 't:rbu&, Ill., Oet. 30.-The . tangoquestion at Illinois haa not· yet beendefinitely se�led. Mueh agitation hasbeen brought to bear in studeDt cirtlesagainBt the tango, and the' onteome isdoubtful. The Women' Pan-Helleniet�UJiiliililillili\i!lll.I!.I"­�a.··!1Thomas .1. Cavey" SonPUBHIBBINGS eoullf-il, the past week was unable toPOI' Gentlemen decido the fate of the tango definitely,BPBOIALIZlNO IN � WABft OF although the sentiment wu strong for'fBB COLLEGB IIAB abolition. An open meeting of all theCollan Ii&e ts. up sororities at Illinois wlil be lIeld with·31 W. Monroe Street OIdcaCo in � week ad thea the final aetion /tIandel, 7:30will be takeD and the dace will ei·ther be revi8ed or totall7 aboIiaIIed.Patronize our adyenilen.ORCHESTR& HALLBURTON HOLlIES..' .. you Midway men wantSERVICE as well as STYLEin a suit or overcoat---garmentsthat will look just as well next season asthey do this. You'll find no end of themin our displays at $25.HERZKA BROTHERSYOU'LLagree with usthat $25 is the log­ical price to pay-ahigher price is un­necessary � a lowerprice is unwise.Most college menhave already cometo realize this. N ev­er before has the'demand beensogreat-never haveour lines been socomplete, so var­ied, so attractive, VBUWllCK, ftAB BlfD,DBOLABBD DmLIGIBLB(Continued from pa;;o :). proof of the fad that Vruwink ha-l5c per line. No advertisement8 re- playecl in 1909. He was declared in­ceived for IC88 than 25e. All elM"Uled eligible last night.advertisements must; be paid in ad- ORUISING rHBU -rBBPHILIPPINESvance. Vruwink was eaptain.eleet of the Wednesda,. eve. 8:15. Frida,. eve. 8:15.I University baskt'tball team for 1914. Saturda,. Mat. 2:15-lIe competed on the team last year PAN A III A A G A I X'I·'OR RENT-Beautiful, large front. playing center and forward. In spite Sunda,. aftemooD at 3:30l)arlor. Furnished in mohogany. Mu- of the fact that he was only on the Popular Prices, 2Ge to. $1.00-NOWsive Davenport and Turkish rocker. team one year he was elected captainSteam heat, electric light. Room ex- at the dose of t� season, During his GARRICK'I elusive. Very light and sunny. Free Freshman year he competed on theMIL WM.. HODGE inuse of grand piano. Suitable for two. football, basketball, and track teams,Telephone B. P. 1037...................... � .....of the 23 E. 61st, corner Kimbark. He is' a member of Delta Kappa t;p..Ion, and Owl �pent.FOR SALE--Fine 9 room house near. With Vruwink out of the gameparks and University, ·Bargain, 6025 Baumgartner and Huntington willLexington avo s�art the Illinois game, l:xperts do�ot believe that Vruwink's 1088 will doLOST__A.n Esoteric pin at Chicago. much damage in the Illinois game.Purdue football game. Finder please They say that if Chicago could beatreturn to information o1fiee, care of Purdue without Vruwink, Direetor COHAN'S GRANDD W Stagg's .men can certainly beat 1 Ill-• • Another Cohan at H.arda Su�nois under the same conditions. RAY III 0 N D H I '!r 0 H 0 0·" ItSignal ,drill8 and phort defensi \'0WAN TED--A. student, in every col­serfmmages with the freshmen took uplege, who can devote a few hours a the �ajor part of yesterday's practice.week to represent an eastern manu-A long signal drill with the new openfacturing firm and look after the In-formation. plays was staged, and Di­terests of the business locally. Pleas-rector. �tagg is .doing bis best to J.!(his o1fense workingright. There W8.8no chalk talk last night and the meuwere told to get as mnch sleep 48possible.aut, profitable work ·that docs not reoquire any house to house canvassing.Only young men or women with plentyof hustle, who can furnish good refer·enees need apply. Address all eom-munieafions to Balph W. Billman, Box437, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.FOB SALE at barga.in-ODe· suit . ofclothes__Tuxedo style, original cost$55-made by fine tailo:r--euit issmall size-Enquire Business manag­er of Maroon.LOST: A pair .,f· g� on or nearthe campus.. The owner "'hose n�oand address is in the (".asn will wel­come their ratum. to the Informationo4lce.FOR BENT-Double room now oe­cnpied by 'one, would be let to a de­sirable room·mate. Apply 5624 Ellisavenue; 3rd 1Iat. 'The TypewriterThat Solves "Typewriter Problems."ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY58 E. Monroe St., Chicago Illinois.THIS season's newest. Campus mod e l s for youngmen, "lively" and conservativeideas, latest colors and pattems,finestfab­rics and workmanship, $25...... - __ .:-: Tailors :-:1545 East 53NStreetThe suit you want is�here. The style, thecolor, the particulars-"lust Right."Opea EvenlDp ad Smada7 ...... PUPILS W�rs. Flora Mae- .Ivor Smith, voice builder and teacherof artistie singing at Mrs. Knights,5626 Maryland (formerly Jackson)ave. Term of ten lessons fifteen dol­lars. For further information, address"6356 Ja�kson ave. Phone Midway 439U.UliDBBG:RADUAftUJ VarBPOB 0LAS8 OITIOBS(ConUnued from page 1.)8:15-9:15George LymanUnfilledTHE'.'MASTER-MODELRoyal ;, • stand­machine andwithout any.rd correspo.dencedoes condease4 billingspecia' .ttachments. 9:15-10:45Katherine Covertpaw Des J ardien10:4:a 11:4"iFred ByerlylJnfilled11:�-!Emily BurryBay Bohman1·2Graee HotehkissGeorge Cottingham2-3UnfilledWDorothy LlewellynDon&ld DelaneyUPPER .nno:OBS8:15·9:1:'­Margaret HaneockElliot Fischer9:15-10:45UDfilled10:45-11 : ..1;;Olive TempletonEdwin Cole11:45-1Ralph CornwallUnfilledl�Marjorie Cornwall.Marjorie CoonleyUHelen TimberlakeEmest Cavin3-4Dorothy FarwellEmest BeiehmaDLOWBB .nnuOBS8:15-9:15Elizabeth !lacClintoekFlynn9:15·10:45NevilleUnfilled10:45·11 �.;�AshaUDfi]]ed11:-(5·1Martha Barker)loranl�John SliferUnfilledU·Theodore GriffithVadoDtek3-4Clyde Watkin.Helene Pollak '!'HE ROAD TO BAPPINE88"Genuine successor to "THE MANFROM HOME."__Jnter Ocean. •, In a New Musical Comedy"THEBEAUTYSHOPA UBITORIUl\.4Policeman's Annual Bendt."THE PASSING SHOW OF 1912".LASALLEMuslcal Comedy for Youna and 014A DIP TO WASHING'rOXA�ERICAN r:.'i��,Theatre Unique-Dining, SmokiDI'.LEW FIELDS In "ALL ABOARD."ILLINOISBJa.w at Erlanger's Musical 'rdDmp.o HI 0 H! DEL P H.I X' BHo""ard'S Theatre.---BROADWAY HONEYlllOON-_withElIIlIIA OARUSJOE BOWARD-JIABEL KcOABBPOVVERSTHE G 0 V B B NOR'S· LADY"GIVES EXCELLENT V·ALUE."­James O'Donnell Bennett, Record·Herald •COR'I·JOHN BYAIIS • LBILA. IIcDI'ftmIIn a New JIW.� Jl1I8lcal 0cJmeQ.-"WHBN LOVB IS YOUNGSTUDEBAKERLIMA ABABBAXBLL, . LiB L.'.an.� .: • : • J •. !l!J ....... � , . '. !-. ..' ... ,-In the' Mew lIIudcal Bit'rHB BBD OAXABYFINE ARTS'rHB YBLLOW JAOE corprinces.DOBBIS KBABBIn Edward SIleldoD'1 Love DnmaROMANCB