laily !laronnVOL XII. Ho. 22. PRIOE FIVE OENTS1J!fIVBB81n OF. 0BI0AGO, ftlUBSDAY, GCrOBBB 30, 1913.WISCONSIN GLEE CWB \ CANDIDATES FOR OFFICES CLA&.S lEEr TODAYm SING IN IANDEL The name of Albert Pick, Jr. wlJl TO BEAR CANDmATESappear on the ballot for treasurer ofUniversity Glee Cub Will Give the Freshman class, l)ick haa with· William SbirIe,. Still Out forJoint CoDCed With Badgers drawn but the ballots ,,'ere prluted Sophomore. President-Al-November 24. . before his withdrawal w'as received. bert P-ac:k WithdraW ••. EXPEcr LARGE ATl'ENDANCE UPPER SENIORS.The Glee club seas •• r. will be fur;mally opened whe:l �hc uuiversity ofWiscousin Glee and )1 "It'ulin dul • sappear in Maudel ball tOgC!Ll!f witbtho Uuiversity Glee d 11" unu us H .. '!guests of that org .... l�'.:.ti(ll, on Fr i­day, November 2', Iunuediutely aftl'rthe purity banquet [l,r the Wiscou:uuteam.This will be the firsr. lime an affairof the kind has been StJac;e\! at theUniversity, and will m�r!'" the bcgiu.ning of an annual p.xr.ban�·) .,f ttl. eelub dates with Wisconsi.u if the coneert is a success financh:.H,:".The Wisconsiu clubs are ,"OI •• posedof forty members, and art; a welltrained lot ot men, having appearedin most of the large cities in the .V 'stlast season.AllUDDl an HoWled.All the Wisconsin alumni AU th � cityand vicinity will be notifieu Ilf theGlee club contest to be held NO"enl'ber 21. and a grand reunion o( Wif:'consin as well as Chicago alumui willbe the result. One half of .Mande!. hrill· will be reserved;-'Cor:_-Wiseonaillmen. while the other side will be opeuto Chicago supporters.The program will consist of altdr·nating Wiseonain and Chicago foot·ball songs and yells given by tbe reospective clubs, with an opening and aclosing song sung by both clubs to­gether. Both dubs will alSl) prescmtBOme specialty numbers and vnllllt"_ville stunts, by.their comecUans.Since tile tickets will be fo_· sale althe popular price' of fifty cents allover the house, with the �xeeption u!the six forward boxes on �h ".tIde ofthe stag�, which will be held in r�'serve, it is expected that the housewill be crowded, and will assume! ,�eatmosphere of a large _-meeting ofstudents and al�ni before th" (.iggame Saturday.�_ beften.Both football teams, their eo .. :he�and trainers, have beell invito.l �t) hepre8ent.The Glee club is rehea&'8lbg !.WJc:ea week now in order to compar� fa.­Grably with tile strong o�nintierfrom lfactiaoD. As .vera! good .!O?D·edi_ and monologists hava been cli�eoverecl among this year's Glea el�b... benlaip, the program wilt prNent...... eomedy and amuement til .. inprenoaa,-ears. A number of :n8t.1'1I·lllelltal 8010ists have alao a�l'ed, toadd tlleir excellenee to that of tho vn·"n1 BOlos.Tickets will be plaeed on sale inCobb within the next two week& PresIdent:Rudy Mattbews,Howell Murray.Vice-President:Ruth Agar,Helen Street.Secretary:Miriam Bnldwin,Cornelia Beall,Kathleen Harelngton,Harriet Tuthill.Treasurer:.Tohn Greene.Jobn Per l 00.LOWER SF.NIORS.PresIdent:John Baker.Frank Selfridge,Kent Rykes.EclwW'd Thomaa.Vlce-PresldeDt:Leona Coons.Pbyllis Fay,Nina O'Nei1�8ecreta.Q' :Iris Spohn,, - - :.--'beasIIrv:Margaret Fenton,Edward Kixmiller,Merwyn' Palmer.UPPER JUNIORS.I'resIdent.Frederiek Burcky.William Shirley, Jr.VIte-PnIatdmlt:Dorothy Davis,Ruth Sandberg.�:Alta Fjahf!r.Ruth Maniene,�:Donald Crawford,Laurence MaeGregor,Gifford Plume,Carl Weinman..LOWER JUNIORS.Praldem.;Vinton Baeon,Harry Beardsley,Donald HutehilUlOn,Samuel Rothermel,William Templetoa.SteDaD WinUow.Vke-�:Lilliaa Biaeel.Norman lIeLeoc1.8araIa Kuboy.... 'ILLS':)(ay Plower,Ilarpret 1I1lJmJe,Joeeplaiu Bogen,Irene 'Seifer.'rnuarw:George Andel1ll&D,Reuben ChadhouDe,Albert Pie� Jr ..Pruci" Townlf'Y.Plq Dlmat� 'reIIIds 1latche8.Thf! ftrst",match in the Inter·Divin.ity tennis league will be played be·tween tile University Divinity tM!llooland tile KeCormick Theological 118m'inary, this afternoon at 2 it the weath·er wiU permit. Steiner will be theDivinity sehool repre8entative.Kappa .... ADD""'K'a Pl�Kappa Sigma announces the pledgeiDa of W"dliam S. � of CIalap. Baa PDtenIi� �Columbia unh"enity library 'U"llat i8, perhaJ"', the Snm co11eetioa,of catalogues, publieation!l and 11_pertaining. to tl'RtemitieR. in the coun·t.TY. This eolledion was � inil907 and is known as the Pan·HellenieFratonait,. CoDeetioa. , ' ,,'G()()� I C-JEfE ,·PLANS FORILLINI MASS-MEETINGGYM PROSPECTSCoach Hoffer Looks Over SquadAnd Declares Material ToBe The Most Promising In' Men'. Glee Club To Sing AndYears-Expect Stiff Battles. Coaches And Players WillGive TalkS. ,FInY -FOUR AlE RECLASSIFIED Prospects for a sueeessful gymnastic PLAN FOR MINNEAPOLIs TRIPteam are good thiK year, according to('''oach Hoffer. He iK not predicting aAll classes meet at 10:15 this morn, II'ehamploushlp, but feels sure that Chi. J ans for the big Illinois muss-meet-ing to hear speeches by the candidates eago will give any other team in the ing Priduy at ;:30 in Maudel huveSeeking class offices. Meetings will be bConfcrence 'a great fight for the title. een practically completed, and Cheer-held in the following rooms: Seniors, 1 d M IThe material is numerous and experi- ea er att iews expccts to make itCobb 6A; Juniors, Kent east; Sopho- th b f b 'eneed and tile most promising in years. 6 est 0 t, e year. The pcp sessioumores, Kent west. Fresbmen, Kent '11 bOnly one man of last year's team was WI. e short, and snappy' al!d Erli�g Lunde will preside at I t 8 30 .lost; and there are a number of new e ose a :, III order to let the menthe Freshman mooting. The presidents tt d h Fmen out for the vaeant position. a en t e reshmen-Sophomore smokeof the last year's classes will preside .th R 1Chicago finished second in the Con- er in e eyno ds the other meetings.' I '.ference meet last year. The champion- n. preparation for the big concertWilliam Shirley is out for ith h ,IT'0- ship Wisconsin team bas lost a num- WI t 0 'llsconsin Glee club beforePresident of the Sophomore class. Ow- th ,n" .ber 'of veterans, but has a nucleus of e" rsconsm game the lIen's Gleoing to the ruling under the point sys- four old men about whom to build a club will sing at the mass-meeting,tem, Sbirley was found ineiimble, on S .0- team. Tbe Badgers will be strong eon- everal new Chicago songs that havethe gr.ounds that he was still presL tenders as will Illinois and MinnC8()_ been writte';' recently will be trieddent of the French club. This posi- t. l' I bta. In gymnastic eireles this season ou t IS a so pro able that tho Wo�.tion expires in a week, and the Un· GI I. . is expected to bring out the keenest ens' ceo c ub will sing. Directordergraduate council has placed him on StagcODlpetition in years. All the coaches g and Conch Page ""ill tell t�cthe list again. . hreport first class squads and declare rooter's 0\'" good Tlinois is, nnd theAlbert Pick Withdraws. that their materinl is extremely prom. members of the team, headed by Cap-Albert Piek announeee that he is no isin£. tain Norgreu, will talk. Chicago yells.longer a candidate for Freshman treas- Weakly and Pa.rJdDson Stars. :md songs will be rehearsed,urer, His name will appear on the Captain Weakly, and Parkinson, last Plans For :Minnesota.ballot,' beeaase they were printed be- year's captain and present individual Arrangements are being made withfore his withdrawal 'Was reeeived, Conference champion, will be the main- the Burlington in regard to the studentIn all cluees,�eept the Freshman, stays of the team. Parkinson was rate to Minneapolis on Nov. 22.' Tho.�. �.�:. :�::�' 'pr�., '!I'i.ll. ,�!,�� -_!l- ���_9_:A'�r_����� rule proposed by the Conference, Je­Speak, talking three minutes each. In work �ast year, being the second man ,creeing 'that -the Ail;letic "Departmeut ,- -the Freshman class, candidates for tbe in the history of the University to shall not pay the way of anybody hOltother �ces will be given one minute win a major emblem in this branch the members o� the team :mll coaebeseac)1, IUld .,reaidential aspirants will of athletics. L. Roberts, Smitb, and trainers to a Confcrt-llce c.onte'lt,be allowed three. Tho election will Squair, and Curtis are the remaining has not yet been passed, �1l11 will not .'be held tomorrow. veterans out for positions. Davis, H. be vote.l on finillly until some time inThe following are the tellers for Hollingworth, Fisher, Rassell, and December. In spite o{ the fact thatthe Alee.tion: Wbite are the pick of last year's the Athletic Board at Chicago votedUPPBB 8BNIOBS Freshman squad. Thirty·one men are in fa.vor of this role, it is probablo8:15.9:1� out for the team. that the Athletic, Dep:lrtDlent wiltHarold GoettlerDorothea WuhbutD9:15�10:45Elizabeth ShererThomas Coleman10;43-11· \�Elliodor LibooatiDeUa Patte'"'o�11:4.5 1Dorothy WillistonArthur GnncbDac make a refund to students making th(Jtrip.TO TALE OH HQlIOBCOURT A'r MBB'tllfG The prescnt regular roulHl trill faroTODAY Df BABPBB to Minue:\lt°lis is $16.:�5. In llre,�iou",years a refund of four tlollar:!J' bnsbeen mado by the Athlf!tic Depart·Lane Rehm and Letitia Fyffe will ment. It has not been Jt'citlcd just.speak to tbo representatives of tbe what will bo done this seaSOIl, butdifferent �ampus organizations, frater· the Athleti,c Department will probalJly ..nities and clubs concerning the HonorCourt to'llay at 2:30, in Harper. Theobject of the meeting is to give the make some sort of an announcementshortly. The Freshmen may be takcllon the trip.To Seat OVe!' 20,C,CO.1-::Florence FoleywnUam L.'YIDaDUlIargaret BlaodesLu. Behm3-<lBaa BOUltaErtiIlC LUdeJ.O'WD BBRIO ..8:15-0:15Oeerp LymanU.mecl repre8Cntath'cs a clear understaDtlingof the principles of the court, to IhlRiness llanager .I\le1'ri:ll1l :lIlnounc­arouse enthusiasm for it, and to make ed that three thoU�ancl li( kcts ba,1arrangements for pre8enting it to the been sent to Champaign. At first!'tudent, body for approval.' twenty_sevCD huri.lred were 5(.'Ut thatthree hunclrect additional seatH were.I'Oqnestecl. AtMitional hie!;"!,' hers :lrf!.being erl'f'tell at both enll� of the field,AlmUl V_ OolIImbia OJ!!!DUIam.Columbia unvienity keeps its gym·nasiUID open to alumDi students from and arrnngements are ·b('ia;,: ma.te to9 ".1Il. until 5 p. Ill. and three day� tak., care of O\'cr tWl'II;'.\· thou!lan,la week until 10 p. m. A large number �tnto",- The ��at �ah' j .. .- I'r(l;!rt'l''1'of alumni 'ave secured I�"ers in the ing rnpi.ny. At thC' Pllr.l,l'� ::nmc theregymnasium and drop in at any hour W('re l'e,·cnt('t"n thOU!lnnel !h'c hUII,lr(',1of the day or night when it is open. �}lec-tntor� all·1 0\'('1' $11.000' ,,,orth oflor e:x�reise. Insttuctors in gymnasti,'� H.-ket!' W('TC MM.and games, 8WimlDing antI boxing ar(' ])ir(' .. to.r �ta;!;! i� �t ill �!'I'('inH:dll;!in attendanf'e for alumni as wen a� on his c) ('f"('n!'I(', :1Il.1 � ..... H.'rc;n�·� 1,r:t' ..9:15-10:45Xatlterine CovertPaal Des JardienlO:4U 11:4')l'nd Bverly'CaIDed undergraduates. tire ",,·a� .1 (,\. o.t ('.1 t.) a lOll;! .1,·f(,t:�i\"e�rimmngC' ""'ith th(' rr:",,11!'Il"h. Coa .. h·focl h;- P:'IJ!(' :'Inll �:'Il1"r ,II" Y(,:l"lin�:l11:3·'Emily BuI'lTRay Bollman1-2'Graee Botellki_George Cottingham2.3 WIb. Vlslt Llneoln Center"Wero .lri11 ... 1 in Tllin(,:q rnr�!:ltle'I:� an.ILillcoln Center, at the comer ofJti'·�n thf' hall in t"·' �,,_'i'1:m:l,!('. TnOakwood boulevard and Langley avC""}litn of thC' a,h':tnta�' ni 1:l .:,:.! thonue, 'Will be visited on the Y. M. C. A.O"nl At n11 tim .. !' tlu' t'rl";!'I'l' 1 ··.)uMtrip to be taken Satortlay mornin�.nc,t ,,"or� �:n.l 1\"�Tf' 1,('1,! rntlH'1' t':l�il:''l'hC' party will leave tbe "C" OOn.-h1,.,· the Y:t�ity. A �1!:":11 rlrill ('om·at 8:30. All students ha'"e been in·UDlBed(o.tinec1 _ ,... 4.) vitcd. (Continned on page 3.)The Daily Maa:leD1�........... �icli!\..w ....... ,. .... ··;i. A� � IId1V11ws�_";"'�PIaJS ot0l1ie' Week DRIi!!LJxIM.RJI�CY, Thom��:!. SoB.. Oemer 65th and Druel Chicagom-.t. , it stands, offers an unforgettable ev- If'elephoDe II1dwa,. 1411t>ning'8 entertainment.. Fw ,.ean and years has Hajj,. thetile beggar, been sitting near the '8tePlJ AD Aboud..01 the moeque plyiilg liiia trade. }"or o'Boll�n:b n la mode." A somewhat1M 'be 'Ilia 'high pitehed, "Alms, for haekneyed phrase that aptly expreuesthe.ieve of.� fOr-the love of Al_ the idea of the American Music halLlab, alms," beea--.rd b,. the WOrship· The idea M Continental . spontaneity _pen� �-clotm ....... ·D&l:rOW� atreCt eare-free, eenveattoa-free .enjoymentPub1iabecl dail:r....... &.adaA IIoDdue 0 W the.llo.que, of •. <larpelltlers. And of the pJ..,... The American Music hallan� hO;1idQ. clariDa tbree-quadCn. of dae theD _1... one ao.:n.n.. .&. purse iaUDlTCraat:r :rear.,. .. . t fI . • ---, is . deaieaed for the pu� a longp�� �=a�'::=:�tbea':C: B.�g'.&t � by J'aw� his old enemy� open tnlteep of seats, the ceilin_g a can­del' Act .f 1IaiO.,.. 117.. • • . .;r"riD· the' 'highftyDUUl, Beaucer_, and opy of leaves, the' proeeeai�m" twostraightway HaJj, ·the beggar,. becomes houses, with two gigantic trees ftank.t.1a�.pJa,w..,of Kiamet; ,wWeh··is the ing the. 8tage,. their boughs interlaeiDgAnbial'_ fater .He is ele'Vateci; aDd· in the proscenium .arelL.......refreahmentsd���.'$O· :th4t. �emiD8llce ,and ·,grandeur served in the boxes-the balcony-===========:===-==i:=� I � .'. priaee'a .'favori� .... 4 he :ia jua transformed iJl�' & dancing ftoor (thealllt�. . aa ,.cIdIml1;,�·clo""into.aJl·:Ori;. Palais de Danee)�moking. permitted�Plans luLn 'bMB"iiImO�to� ,__ W-�{' H •. is , hUdecl·.tlaNugh .IUld dancing bet":':een the acts and &f­cure a l1brarr'fOr t.tnrt�i-cblbL &a • .,.nestCll:�·DighW,adventures' ter the perfo��cea--tliis is Bohe­� ;t;Mtt .. � .el� ..... .eaaree:·.ef wWeh·.Jle·.tnDgt- Ulia. Do as you .like, provided you be.Reynolds en.. �'�';101DiIl He,maD7.witla hia I bare: ..hands; .tabs have yourself.Library PGltiMlt;�lt··� tIMm.i,a: tile breut,I;� drowns. an· The 'funny part is the attitude .ofof'_�� other.,b;-tIIe�1JIriIuDiDg batlt of &·herool the crowd. After all," ihe Amercianthings after'a.u·ar.-_ �.;_ &i6ial tem. II,H8I,Ui redu.eei-·from rieJaes' -and public 'en masSe is puritanical. Itof all that,' is wortIr�:la c:OiJea .... � 'POverty.· . He-. lies, can't be 8pOnt8.ne0ua. Traditional Par-life. A' 8IIlan .. �·"� � l .... ehealllf_eteaIa;,aDcU ... tlIeiend;.af- 'is has DO In the United Sb.tes,the c:lub·wOidd·eiWiim· .. ;: ... " ,Mutiba/!eet .·.flaw. ·hilll8elf ·a�d. the attempt 'ef the Ameriean 'Yu_who now cl8vote':'t.Jitdr tIiIir. t.i beak�\'W __ ...... atMted,...... ·�I ,on �c supply. such au' enVironment,Puck to naa- a':1If6y .� .. ;ra;ti». . ..... ,at;:t.t.e ,Keeqae.of th&.·� �hile. approved, does Dot seeure t�ewb.Ue l1teratunt:- -ftB tr� .� . .;. particPpation of the andie�. �(joa UDiversltT, ·aDt;6."j�.1D s·:.· �.�TJat"'pal"·""" <_tao:-: •. snore and tween the. acts, the Pal8is de Dancevarsity� witia,_· __ ·1 Thoi;tJdtee:'houra .(more .P8.rls) is filled 'witli'a crow,}to do. ftey,.�;'1iit- in.;. ."."� lining the'walls 'and 'waiting for some-acquire an fntei'·�� one to start. Americans "Win"do theof life. ADd·,..�IaCh:;jJI:·fiiHWit • ...,l!i &1 �I' ·.,ndwexci .... en.",For expeetedthing. TheywiU'dance,whencan be �;'tO hR!bi:�.aiiDl: three hours he has breathed u..', ... danclng·is the 'order' Of' the "8Veuingformal (&D4 � ��.wa.r1iliat ·af.u.. .t ........ haado ·OIla Arab- and is 80 'named" On -the'· iilVitatioR;a Be-,nolds: ctitb Itbra.rr� worlL\ �' N......,. tof.IUS 'wh. ,rividl;; but· . dancing , at the-· thc!atM:.L...t1iat isit is so much'tiur: BtlCin&H ... ··· S� �\Ja .. \OIl8e'!W. eIj.,-.ed' tJae. .wo_ .out of' the . aetepted Orc1er; 'of . thin�.' for the 'H�;��tIW� :_tl.lfat.l�,�, ...... ,�.r&- 'audcemsequentJT; evfirYane feetS; 1'Letsupport; of' ev�l- .�:ar\.m -- 'USiuaoved- ... d . someone else ''", .... �W.uitielL:: The.chilcl'i_oOoIla 'ADC) .whal of"AD�:i�?" A..·')ftu.The � .."T•. iI·.-� l�,: __ I ..... ,'.�eH. a,meli- ':sieal' comec1r,.··it � .IIJIlMlticl· �be given in tJie-'�� � \". � Iilaq·,'friU/n.ver re. ,looking·eloeeJy eaa·Me-1Aut�.onuvgirlZvr Ia" .�� . __ . ·;MMtMe ... ·dbaag�!; lor l. aloof goiilg' throUghl her -·patieBt1r .ltiUlledf ;'of'�""";lff� ' ..... ·w. know steps, can.:see·ller;.arm·hela·fortIl i. &&t .. *0' Uid.ei1ia,h:·� . ,a.;iIW �:Pngte aaQ'are 'rigid' gestilre;·that"talrIY"·lhrieks' ofCJi1CiIIa.':S1iat� ;;ali .. �·, FOIJ'I� Jaeunr,'w.\·w� long hours of reh-.aJ.' 'In :the BODg. . � .tIaat-: iR t" . i' �.�. AraIIiIIa-I� breetH..a, '�China:' MoOn,'" one' ean eee ohineseare mnreJ.come- bitI1ided":1a i 'l .. eitedyr.fd.�nedlt:jOJ1Jl'l8f!",ollderiJrm sceDery and a mere hiilt: of:·Chtneeelife and a1unIl4:be � t1iiIt ....... - e.-......".' .. ehil.tilt,thouP*,·&bd tradition iD the costume, used as aly" Place. is tiUJIoo ... ' eQliiIdW�" feeliDg aa we were- ..... &nt.__, pour.- vehicle for' the . diSplay of feminineAD1 7et baek of'1iae :ott�� ... ed over.� �e1� adveDtures of pulchritnde anel 88 an eXea!Be:for bri�healthy ODe that fr'eII1ImeD an � H� AI �d. Thoee of 118 wh. ing forth aJiothm" popular' BODg. Chinanen and han ...... t,d ...... ,� feel ��. chUa' �otiOD8 as' the most is DO �ore apt·than·;would be' must f",\�'pl"".L �._ ,�� of' OUr p�nt' memories, wiD But why be 'eritle&1 ? Mtisieal com_becOming c:dIeIe IP ... i.;;aiIIl ...... "be'"in' ·do.e symPatlb,. with the mem· edy is not meaD�':fOr ·cloee· aerutiny;that thq 11ft' 6Il��............ her of the .l!:nglish department wb. and if one ta'ke.;"i£· as it comes, re-be conteDt to '*- � ... ia&I:e lliiilftt. tIIreie tiaea;leI4 year,. baa fusing to look 'for'el� dram�tic atnJe..ices. 'fte �itulii"W?\tIWi"�' t· ,�·fer Ute �,aD- tnre, An Aboard ia thorGaPJy clev·whot ... ·: .... "� .. -. -t .. _ .� r _�..,_"tbti_ ...... wiD erethat is tdlGm·_." ... ·tiI. -_ ef· .... ·h·!�· ....... 4io·ea.d;·_ ,ba'rita· It i. clean. There is not •• sugges-time IIubIc" aa.t�� .. Por ..... _ ·.tien,· to- p 1Ipi&. . th'e episode, not' a really iDaeMnt line.8OD, it eI686"'. the, 1ft , It J6J 7 .J. �'l.rejIi""", ··.iDtM .. ,of' the The' humor, wldle not charaeterizea�ty, aDd tile aU 7 1 �fII'tfIYfIq apt i,..,. .. tc .... ; ".tar tbMIr·· � .. the by keen thougllt,· and ·of. IIOI't thatperel:uaaDan aDI bnbn= ��"', DJ' 1;cocJa . I 0IIe.l 8Dds would shock the: man whe' thinks Sotbue. ft :�� ,�;l� .. ,·deliPt(lj in pun is the ultimate literary crimo, atth� iu;a tb,," .m. '.. - ,Jut,:- ; .. tnaellery):· ad � Uaelt, least i. above the ''alap-atiek'' type.doiq itll·put...-&\-Ja· ........ ' .. laughing WipJIiIJII- tile aeny w&7' i. And the daDcing is ...pem_. The Defellows. .whiela IIQ. kieb - lep ... e hold. Havens are at. tlieir best; the little'_·.4lroWDiac .aa!. Mac1. a.d_ . water sketeh in Da.teh c .... i8 most hap'Smoltblc·11l � ........... � �d �te the' kbblea .. 'they riM. pil,. tree from tk:I�I·worldin888the door � c-. .. "'_,,,.. �ODJi oDee is Uae··atill.p'iiere· of til. whic. uuaIIy·rObe,Cuter.·J)e Haven'.�. �' •• ':Ac.d 'P�: �� . fte I'OIIl&Ilce 'beeOme8 dancing of its 'reUly refreshing andtIIa .. tnIiMUa ..... wa iroIl7. wll_ the woald�be .ssUsin� the wholesome chal'llt. TIle 8paWa daDc.VUWnoaa wUir� �ana the ;a1av� obey. of Kr. Riggs aDd Ki.� WitNde is alug tile _mmona fro.. • di8tant' lid. marvel of Bpeed; Mel graee.-enough to k ... _,rn. c 'ttlD, � atop .their talk of 1m and·Diur. Plot? The�·is Oa�; :It: iIppianJ nOWthis offence. �.Qe __ 01.01 der and 'bow 1_ to the eat in pray· and then. LeW·, Fle13s· hi"'lf, anelthe � ill 11 _.� ., his inimitable maa1Nlrism, is the cen·summer hue.. aDA" ,__. � I&. 18 oaly. fair to "1 �hat the pres- tel' of the play. Boqh11' speaking,dent. to .,... tIInaIIr . .JIda .. _.-'t at produdion of Klamet haa deterL. the plot features lIim .. ; ... miteraterap. 'ft. VDl tjiOf"m orated from the one _n Jasi f81( Th. seaman, BUdd.l,. .Ievated to a eap-inC I'00III8' a� .a.., ; acting of .0t1s skinner is the sam. tUDe1 in a dlUlll;. and follows hi.gro1lDds, tile - �,. eomPalliDg' and joyOaa pertonnance dream adventure8l" 'ft. w.ole playtheir exeIlIIlft � •. � ...... ...- that'll WU'. year"'" fftat··ftentthe then develops i_tO a pJaantasmagorin_ .. ... t ,., .t.Ir� ftat of Ga' e8!f ..... beei!. ehuip1; tile of whirling ....... ..a ..,.ea thuoppwtwdt),·__" ,......... :� Ollie e�a.· OIl tIIi'"1ItIIp '80 ·Iup-;IIOI' i. truly ch�e. fte production1aDeJ'. iftq : IJ � �e_ ia·�., wOiwe.; NeMer-'''' i" atapl magntleently, and musicaldeIIi'e lor: VllhWoI B6 .�tiv8J, 'aate4' aa:OIeJ were eomec1yetan of die ant, .. providedittf pabUc. :ia& '.,.,. . N ........ � . Kftiiet, l" lavWalT.- .... '- , ...lluaaaiaa �.�� ��lIewa ..u.. "" .. a..aa elM' .....� � •..........•..• �.�Baam- M s 'a' ....Clrcaladaa .._. '--The ClassSmoker8mokiDg .iDCobb !:' "1, :<',;;,'1"111,,11.>111111:1111111,11111111111111\11111111111111'111"1111'111'111111111,11'n.e H ..... r..... Dnap. C1a� _dToUet Artlel ..For that Gripp., or (,"0:<1 In the hud-Drl'xelCold. GrilJlW. and "'C\'cr Tab:-etl. ::6c.Alk for a l-'rce �alllpl(·.Stop that CouSh wit a bott'le of <If our Whltl:'Pine Honey and Eucal)'pt ua. ese. I'Relieve that Head.llche with a 10e packace ofDrex�1 Headache Powden. For GentlemenSPECIALIZING '-:N TUB WAllft 01'TUB COLLEGB IIAJrCollan me 13, up31 W. Monroe Stnet ObIcacoPatronize our adveniaen.�-direct.=iF .from anyink-well infour seconds§IJ Clean. itself whUe it fills itself. It D1woysi!!fi writes 8mootbJY-Dev�r falten.· It woo't� clOK� It CD" "t leak. NOlhiDK to take apart.E $.2.50. $3.00. U.50. $4.00. $5.00 and§_=== For' Sale b7Woodwol'tlfs Book Store1311 B 57tb� UD1nnlty of Chicago Pra..1i,'=:I. n. ����' .. Co.�i!i!!!!!iiiii!iii�DB. MacDONALD IS �UNlVBRSITY PBBACBBB�.Chapel-Divinity School,10:15. Haskell,t.French Club-Room 8, Lexington,4:00 1' • .M. lIIaDag1nc Bd1tor of Toronto Paper' toPnach ill· II&nde1 Sa.JIdqJIondn&Dr •• John A. MacDonald, managin�editor. ·of the. Globe, Toron�: Canada,will be Sunday's preacher in MaudelWomens' Glee Club--Mitchell Tower Dr. MacDonald. was born in Middlesex8tndio� 4:30 p. M. county, Ontario, .January 22, 186_ HeTryouts for the freshmen basket ball was graduated from Knox college, On·'team, Bartlett; 3:30. . tario, in 1881.�OIIIOII'OW rGerman CJub--Room 14, Lexington.Con'·ers.'l.tion for advancetl studentsand Beginners in rooms 4 and 5 at4:00 P. Y. Address by Mr. Bachman IIin room 14 at 4:30. During his ('ollego career anti until1�91, he waR editor of the Knox. Col­lege Monthly. In the �a year hewas ortlained to the Presbyterian min·istry, anti bceamc pastor of Knox('hurch, St. Thomas, Ontario. After.fh'e years of this ""ork he resigned hisCosmopolitan Club, meeting at home pastorAl ('harge, anti moving to ·Tor·of Professor· Merrifield, 5626 Kimbark onto,· n .. eeptod the first oditonlaip. ofAve., at 7:30. the Westminster, a religious' mODthlyFreshmen Clua Luncbeon-12:45. mabrazine. SU�luent1y, he acquiredPresident Judson will speak on "The the Canada Presbyterian, The' Presby·Ideals of the University Man." Tick· ter, the Prfttbyterian Review, and ·theeta 35 cents at the Y. M. C. A. ollic" Western Presbyterinn, which were con·or off 'he committee. 80litlatecl ._unddr 'hils eclitol1lhip,.· Rn,1L. meeting-Lexington, imme-I as The Pre8byterian, a weekly9:30. d«woted to Presbyterian ('hur .. h· in\er·Fr8hmon.Sophomore smoker- Rey.. eId&In )902 he was made managing ell·nolds Club� 9:30.itor of the Toronto Globe. ."our yeal'lllater he was appointed by the ORWiogovemment to ReJ'Ve on the fil'Rt boardof governOI1l' 01 the univel'Rity of Tor_onto.; Afterward he WRS gil'en tllC. tie­gree of L. L. D. by the University.Dr. Ma.cDnnald waR a member o( tholiMIt Imperial pre!'.'" eonferent"e, in Lon·don, 1909. In aclc1ition to numerouRartide!', he hu written "From FnrForm ORa", a volume on the life workof the late Dr. G. L. M�K�y •y. w. c.Jesse )'ehman, '17, who challengedlightweights of any claM to a cham­pionship match, will box Earl Santler·son. '�6, at the Freshman-Sophomoresmoker tomorrow night in the Reyn­olds club theater. JohD Alberts, '17,• &8 dofied the Sophomore heavy·weigbts to a bout at 250 pounds. Pres·ident Georgo ParkinROn YC8terday is·saN hiR final call for volunteers totake part in the ehampionship ten·.man team tug·of·war between FJ'ef'h..meD and Sophomores, the big oventon the program at the stag. FrWIMII WaDt 0luI Bench.Freshmen are circUlating a petition.. king for a Frc8hman hench, to beu_ by 1911 alone. �hen eDoughmgnen havo been �ured th� petietion will be presented to PresideD'.Judson. I,"I}c�"�OAIrPBBLL' IS FIB8� - OOJlPLBft': ".PLU18. J"OaII( 0B088 OOUlftBY DYOUft· :: ""elMl···JlAD.IIBBftNG••...•..•.• ); .••. @;2lMNti'ARROW�COLLARa..u.· ....... ac... .... -"" ...(Collt.inued .fto� Ita;;H :)ptdt .iDe KeD to aim lD Bace AgalDtNorth'W'88tem UDivenity,Nove-ber 8. l·i�U. .. 1 the' afternoo 1 session, ','hl!!lc!uad ate in the ""i\'uto dilllll;; ruo.'.of the Commous, :.I.u·l .Dl :-"l' tor :--t:���Campbell lending a field of sixteen leetured until .teu on KI)CCial defeusiveJIlell ran the three mile tryout for the fornlation8 for .. the tril)le aud quadru,cross country team in 18: 15. The fol- 1",' P888CS of. the, lWI.l. �o rt.·=�lIia:lowing men were chosen to represent f' rimmage will be h"M t(iclcay� uthoughthe Uuiversity at Northwestern Sat_ the second team. mav . meet Lhe Jresh-urday, November 8:. 1:It'n in a practiee g"Ul e.,, Campbell, Stout, Ryan, Tyrrel, Byer- Ijly, -Joues, Teningn, Mt.trill, Colwell. Have Bo::!eeo!DlDg 'Nove!D� 15.AlJother tryout will �o held later Urbana, Ill., Oct. 29.-The date of T"a-....SMOOTH·.-r, 'TOBAQOO';�OM Kidc-:og .to T Oucb-<iOWD VelVet.:is pre.r -eminently the popular .pipe prefeQllellll·· 11tetwo years aging in the leaf gives Velvet a ��n!nI rare iDthese days. Tl!Ile only, caD produce the', smoothness aDd. .' JI:, - of aC':' ,a_L_:__ andthe fUll .uavot. ����time it takes to ml�"� your oldf� "the bite I" V elvet-mdlowaDd �ootb. will . unquestionablyplease)Oa. AD - dCaIca.Don' hesitatel �tile annual }'aJl Homeeoming eelebra-° tion of the unlverslty of Hlinois hU!4 ', Ibeen finaJly set for November 15. MoreI olaborate preparati�ns than ever b�·1fore nrc under " .. ay. E\'erythiuglpoints to the most suceessful round-up.of 0111 students and alumni that 11-in tile tlC'!lKOn to select the Kix men whowlil run in the t:onferent'e' raee atOhio St:tte University.Ni"hohl, a fornle� Oberlin', star, ishaviug !4ignnl success with the teamand a ehampiouship team is expect­ca••••• ++++++++++ •••••••••••JOSEPH SCHMIDTSTATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLESFINE LINE or CANDIES956 E. 55th St. Chicaao, m, lini has ever had. The Purdue gamewill be the athletic attraction, andAT· SECOND CONOBB.'r the Illini are exp�ting a tough conIN KANDEL TUESDAYPLAY FOUB !llJJI!lERS.test,Feur lengthy numbers will make up , _the program ()f the second c�lIcert to � � � � � !w�.+. br· � � Ibe given by tho Chicago Symphony. H1lt;J;O�ENorchestra in Mantlel at 4: 15, TUC8tlay. � -carda (etc:iwl& charcoal andThe Beethoven Overture, "Coriolanus". water colOr sketches for any 8ociaJ. &t­will he tho opening number, and will J.a1r (dances, clubs, .diJmer8, etc.,) arebe followecl by tho Schubert Bym- 'oe1Dg deslpedImponecl and Domestic LIne ofCIGARS A�D CIGARETTES .•••••••••••• +++++++++ .....C-LASSIFIEDDVERTISEMFNIS �phony No. 10, C Major, in four move- FOB BBASONABLB PRICESr: .' , • menta . The Debussy Suite, "Petite:� !laDy of these sketch.. are Wustra-I'de per line, No ad" ertisements re- also in four movements orchestrated 0' ••.. ..'! tions of fam01l8 quotations and pas- :cerv ed for less than 25c. All c:laBB11led by Henri BUMer will be tho third 'adYerUiements must be, paid In ad- number th�' nrogr' am closing with the saps espeda.Iq adopted � Balowe'en,, I.' . .tIlankBI1v1DC aDd Xmas part1es..Stmufls Rondo, "Till Eulenspiegel'a .UNUSUAL -Ax». STBIJDNG. Me-rry Pranks". SUGGmrrIOKS'vance.;Tbree ReasoJ;ls Why. yoo should Eat at the ,Ien!s �mmoDS1st. Good Food Properly·Cooked.2nd. CleaDlinesa our Motto. Inspect the Kitche�3rd. A MiDimu� . Price for Hil h Quality FoodClub Breakfast 15e op Cafeteria at LonebD.iD���.� LaCa�.,., . _ ;.., .),' .IW.SlC > Come InJo,,()R RENT-Beautiful, largo front.: 0, .�D."Ol1lh....Blects.Q4icen. for Hallowe'en or Xmas feat1vities1ri1lparlor. Furnished in mohogany, Mas· "Officer. Ior._ the, cowillg. y�� wer�, be sold. for SLOO a � Novelties andsive Dav�lIport and Turkish rocker. elected yesterday at a meeting of the I .!lever touches eapedall7 p�ed forSteam heat, electric light. Room ex- Brownson club. Paul Pierce. was each festivity wD1 also be sold U de­elusive, Very light and sunny, Free chosen.president. Florence Foley, vice- ,:ired. fteae �0D8 and muatrLUI'O of grand piano. Suitable for two. presiden� Joseph ,Geary, see.retary an." ' tons are cUstlDetIT odamaL,23 F� 6lat, corner Kimbark. John Donahue, _treasurer. An execu� rBBY BAVB..llo:r·BBBIf;·I'BINftD� ,tive eommittee. consisting of Mari�! BBl"8BBSullivan,. Ruth, Swan, Eclmund, �ord� :uI printing them for't)ae'pu.uc·woa14and .. Tholllas By�, were appointed.! rob them of their orI8IDaUt7 •.Plans to hold a dan�e somo time, be� ,': li'_l�th.. Eberlt!.fore Christmas in the Reynolds club ��7�� . 0Jdcac0, IWnola.�1.p1:t'����� �� r" Patronize 'Maroon �AdlernsetS.". ' , ..-:�FOR SALE-Fine 9 room house nearparks and University., Bargain, 6025Lexington avowere I disenssed.L08T�n, Esoteric pin at Chieagc·Pnrdue football game. Finder pleBSftreturn to information ofrice, care' of 5500 Students aJUl- Faculty �D. W. (Special to Daily Maroon.)Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 29.-For theWANTED--A stuaent, in overy col_ first:time in forty�three years the lae·lege, who can devote a few hours a ulty anel stu(lenta of the universityweek to represcnt an eastern manu. of lliehigan met as one hu� familyfaet..uring firm and look after tho in. last Friday afternoon when a COJlvo­terests of the business locally. Plea.'I- cation was. heM. 5500 students au!.ant, profitable work thnt does not N' fa('nlty members atten.led ,the �ere·mony, filling :the Hill auditorium to itsfull' .. ap�ity.quire any house to house canvassing.Only young men or women with plentyof hustle, who can furnish good refer.enees need apply. Address all com- ForDllDoIa Libra17 Is Incnued.Urbana, Ill" Oct. 29_The univer·municatioDs to Ralph W. Billman, Box sity of . l11inois recently a(hled to i�43;, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. library thirty thousand volumes, com·posing two, German collections, theFOR S.\LE at bargain-One suit of Vahlen and the Aron libraries. Theelothe&-Tuxedo style, ,origiqal .cost. pu�haae of. theBe two well·known eol·$S5--made by fine tailo�uit is Blinois Gamelediol1l1 '('omp08C(l �gely of ·Latin...u aize-Enquire Businees manag- t!I888idf an(\. ,'edPcational d()("jlments,er 'of MUOOL gh'ea Illinois exceptional faeilitiCII f�r.graduate researeh work in classicalLOST: A pair .,f glu� on or near litelature.the camit\l8. The OWDer 1Vh� DbD.naDd address ill in the �a� will wel- Y." '0. A. -� CG::!Inc. lD,,1'Mt.Mr. Bickham, fte(!retary of the Y. M.C. A., rcpom that the payments ofthe mon,.y pleclgecl lut week are eODl­FOR RENT-Double room now oe. jng in fut. New f\ub�ription". an(1cupied by one, would be let to a de. new rnornl",,"" are being 1'CC"civecl a1-sirable room·mate. Apply 5624. Em" 1:0.come their rawrn to the Jnforma!ion�c: •• Tomorro.w Nightavenue, 3rd Sat.8UB8OBIBB FOB.-aB DAILY. .·.00. READ THE ADSIN'THE'DATLY MAROON ltIantlel,,- ... -A FaD CollarA "Square Deal"for everybody is the "SpaldingPolicy:' We guarantee eaehbuyer of an article bearing theSpaldnig Trade Mark that sucharticle will gh'e satisfactionand a reasonable amount of ser-vice.Graceful LinesMedium Height A. G. Spalding & Bros.2 For 25 Cents. Send far our Catalope28 So Wabash Av. Ch1ca&0..................Je� Tailoring means clothesthat give you distinction. and in­di vid ual good sty le, Prices $30to $60.'.,"rfiitI','. TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTHREE STORES: 'i N. La Salle St.25 E. Jackson Bh-d. 71 E. Monroe St..--.-.- �EST�BUSHEO�£J 1818Our repreaeDtati.e. Mr. Walker. will be at tlaeCODgre .. ADDex. Chicaco. No.ember 3rd to Stla iDclllai.ewith Fall Style. iD Smt. aDd o.ercoataSportiDC aDd Motor GarmeDtaEDcliah HaherdaaheryHat. aDd Sho.SUBSCB.IBE FOB � DAILY JiABoo..of the Wednesday eve. 8:15. Frida,. eve. 8:15.Profeaaor Cowlea is Honored. Saturday Mat. 2:15.A880Ciate Professor Cowles of the PAN A M A A 0 A I HBotany department has been named a. Sunday aftemoon at 3:30member of the executh'e eommittee of Popular Pr ices, 2r;c to $l.OO-NOWAnother Cohan " Banis SUcceIIJGive Balloween Parties In Green andFoster BaD. RAY 114 0 N D HIT C H COO ItIII a Xew :\Iu!'icnl Comedy",1' II E' B E AUT Y SilO Pof a re:11 Iive cannibal. Witches and "Rig stunning melodrama,' - Record-'goblins an(l such spooks are expectedto be seen around Kelly hall tomor­raw, for all the women are planningto dress in fancy costume for the par­ty. Ruth Weisinger who is the chair-(Continued from· pac� L) ,wOT.ASSBB JIBft_ ftDAY 8On, Katherille Covert, Carl Fitther"'!'O, BBAB OAJO)� Ealther Buttolpb, Caryl Cody, �'ra.nkSelfridge, }"raok O'Hara, Edith Smith,Mary MacDollald, Haskell Rhett,Geerge Eckels, Edward Klxmiller,,Harry BOb"g, Ruth WOOO, John Buker,Dorothy Higgs, and Alfred Eddy.To Upper Junior..-R. JetIr�y.Dorothy LlewellynDonald DelaneyUPPER JUNIOBS8:15,9:15.Margaret HancockElliot Fischer9:15·10:45. Unfilled. � .'10:45·1l:,NOlive TempletonEdwin Cole11:45-1Balph ComwallUnfilled the Chicago chapter of the Wild Flow­er Preservation Society of America,which is endea\'oring to protect thewild :ftowers in the dcinity of Chien­I!o. Mrs. WilliaDl Rainey Harper,widow of the late President Harper,and Mrs. Charles L. IIutchinson, oneof the directors of the University nu.Idonor of Hutchinson Hall, are memobers of the board of managers of thesociety.1":Marjorie CornwallMarjorie Coonley2-3Helen TimberlakeErnest Cavin3-4Dorothy FarwellErnest ReichmanLOWER JUNIORS8:15-9:15Elizabeth MacClintoekFlynn WOllEN PLAN TWO PARTIES'Real Love on a Cannihnl Jsle' willbe featured in moving pictures at theGreen hall Halloween party tomorrownight. All the details nrc shroudedin mystery but it has been rumoredthat Janet Flanner will take the part9:15-10:45NevilleUnfilled10:45-1l:';'�AshaUnfilled11:4.5,1Martha BarkerMoran OBCHESTB& HAUBURTCN HOLMESCRUISING TBBU TBBPHILIPPINESGARRICK·lIB.. WM. BODGE in'rUE ROAD TO HAPPINESS"Geuui ne successor to "TilE MAN.'UO:\I llOlIE:'_Jnter Ocean.--_._------- ---COHAN'S GRANDA UDITORIUl\IITIlE W II I PTonight at 8 O"Clock Sharp.Herald.LASALLE1-2. man of the amusement committee, �a�'s Musical COY.1edy for YOUDg and Oldthat the entertainI:lent may be in theA TRIP TO WASHINGTONc%peeted to do a "stunt".The new members of Foster hall are A �ERICAN MUSICgoing to give a party to all the "oM" HALLgrils tonight. Helen Johnston is Theatre Unique-c.Diuing, Smoking,in charge of the amusements but noth- LEW FIELDS in ""ALL ABOARD."ing definite ·has been planned as yetexcept that it will be a Halloween ILLINOISparty.�NO 'BOOK SOONo HICommtitee Requests Information Con- ..... -CerniDg Five Lyrics. --------------Ho"",ard'S TheatreThe song book committee annonnees ----BROADWAY HONBYllOON-_tomorrow night. Leave material in T BEG 0 V ERN 0 R" S LAD Ybox 280, faculty exchange, or withDorothy Llewellyn. '-GI\,ES EXCJo;LLENT VALUE."-James O'Donnell Bennett, Record'lIeraM.Chicago," Anyone knowing the eom- JOHN HYAMS" LBILA. ��Bpo9C!8 of any of these 1yri�s will do In a New Mnltary Musical �.the committee a great favor by Ieav- ·OW HEN L 0 V B I S Y 0 V N 0ing the name in box 280, faculty, by 10:45, Friday.John SUferUnfilled form of vaudeville for each table is2-3Theodore Griffith:Maeiontelt'3-4Clyde WaUtinsHelene PollakBec:1aBBfftca:UOD&The following reclassifications havobeen granted by the Undergraduatecouncil:To Upper Senior-llarriet Tuthill,Dorothy Williston, Isabel Kendrick,William Bosworth, Paul Hunter, Ar­thur Goodman, Ruth Whitfield, ThomasColeman, Bli88 Halling, Ruth Agar,Margaret Hammett, Stanley Pierce,Lane Rehm, Arlin Brown, F. Barrett,W. Atkins, H. Lee, Earle Shilton, Bur­dette :Mast, Nancy Miller, Philip Kear­ney, Letitia Fy1re, Bertha Parks, L.Franeiseo, Miriam Baldwin, AlexSquair, Herman Kopald, Alice Dorsey,Lewis Norton, William Dickerson, Ger­ald Wichman, Clifford Le Due, SamuelKaplan, Genevieve Bishop, an(l JohnCleary.�o Lower 8eDior_Everett Boger- that the manuscript is ready for pre��,and nnyone having further informn...tion, manuscript, or suggestions ·to sub­mit, should do so before 10:45 tomor­row. The designs for the cover mustbe in the hands of the committee byInformation is desired on tho follow­ing songs: "Fight, fight fO,r V�etory;"ccC stands for eheri8h� courage;""Wave the flag of old Chieago;" "Ho'sa grand old Stagg;" "I'm strong forTHE·MASTER-MODELRoyal i •• stand­machine andwithout any IDa. & Erlanger"s Jl1151cal crnampho H! DE LP H_I N Eard (orrespoRdencedoes condensed billingspecial .ffachmenfs. BeacI of Oneida CoUece' to Lecture.Premdent James R. Bums of Oneida LIN A A BAR BAN B L LColle�e, Oneida, Kentucky will lecture ••thil' aftemoon at 4:30' in Haskell A�- In the New Musical Bitsembly on Life Among the Mount:un-('01'8 of Kentucky. President James '1' H BfounMd the college, the first in that58 E. Monroe St., Chicago Illinois. Bel&2lborhood Clubs Entertain.Two neighborhood clubs will hol-] Auspices Chicago 'l'heatrc �r"partiC5 next Wednesday: at 4. P' I ---The NorthwC8t dub has a frolie in .. ncessseetion of the country, and has beenforemcm in the uplift of the southernmountaineer.the club rooms in Lexington, while theSoatheMt club will also hold an af­fair from 3:30 to 5:30 on Friday. withEMMA CARUSJOE HOWAB.D-..MABEL JlcCANBpOWERSCORTST.UDEBAKERBED OANARYFINE ARTSTHE YELLOW .JAC1te�DOBaIS KBANEIn Edward Sheldon'S Loft DramaROMANCE .: