.� .,�! =1'',' '.uti·:.- U·'·..:1 .... - ....;..- ..�--� "'. '\� PBIOB FIVE OElftS.1.. , VoL xu. No. 21.MAY_ INSrAU :_IJBRnf IOF 500 VOUllES SOON THE CANDIDATESReynolds Club Committee Plana, to Complete Work BeforeEnd of Quarter.Alta Fish.,r.Ruth MaDierre,�:Donald Crawford,Laurence MacGregor,Gifford Plume,Carl WeinmaD..tOWER Jlt_,_ _.:. i�1i:l I". PreIII4IeBI� •. iInton B�� -tr.arry &ardsley,DODald HutehiDl!JOn,Samuel Rothermel,William Templeton,Stell an Windrow.Vlce-Presldent:Lillian Bissel.Norman McLeod.Sarah Mulroy.8ec:retiaI7 :May Flower�Margaret Munroe,Josephine Rogers..Irene Seifer.�: MATTHEWS IS RONNING 'TO 'HOLD EVENlNG'RALLY! W.lNOIS 'VIcrORY IS···.L FOR;5EN101t omCE PREDI'.mo···BY ZUPP'1Tt'Coaches and Team Speak,··and ALGlee Club. WiliSing in Man-del On Friday. . COach' b- .. ·.Reported .. Te Have'.: 8aid IIIiDi;Ftghl'Better"ThanChicago.Confidence is the keynote in the il­linois camp this week. Coach Zuppkehas said that the lllini will win,' andthat is enough for tho enthusiastioOrange' and Blue rooters. Zuppke isalso reported to have said that the n­Iini were better fighters than Chl.eagoand the game would be decided by; '�'Speak' Before' Olasaes. go's ehanees in Saturday's contest, this factor. He believes that the new:Candidates ' for .preaident in all :1I1el "Norgio" wlll tell what tho team Hlinois plays will bewilder the Chi­cases will have to talk three minutes holds in contemplation for Illinois.are now the eontestants fo·· H .. -nior dub theatcr. t th .coun ry at can put It over Captainpresident, since the withdraw:.;.) .)� Rudy MnttllewR will rehearse yeUs Norgren's husky aggregatiou. Those,Nelson Norgren. Cornelia Beall hat! and songs. Placards will be distribnt., who remember the Chicago fight in theW·l·thdrawn -from the race' for vice- ed t. oday, Indverfising the mass-meet- �r'.:.umnesotn game last year, and thepresident of the Senior . class, and h��. Wisconsin and Cornell games twoCharlotte Viall from secretary. Cor It was found neeessary to hold the years ago, will not have to be reas-nelia Beall and 'Kathleen Harrington "pep" session before the Dlinois game ed t h bili f Ssur as 0 tea I Ity 0 tagg's menare added to those out for seere- }o'ric1ay night because of the class in that department.tnTY. meettngs tomorrow at 10:15, w�en the D1iD1 Bacldleld Fast.In the 'Junior elass 'Hugo Swan is candidates will be introduced, and 'tht� According to Coach Page,' however,:no·ionger·;a csndidate for President. all-clay elections Friday. the strength of the Illinois backfield� IEdward . Kixmiller will eontest for is enough to warrant a most' optlmis-C' MICHIGAN .�. � __ .... _.-��C!._.J��.l::��: :Q.��Othy .. _ ���- �. --'- - . - -':. � .. " --' -- - �lnqirecne�O'n Zuppke's piut. . Cap- - .lins and'Louiile Miek have withdrawn tain Rowe, Pogue, Rue, and Sehobing-from' .e an' dl'd"�y fior' · ...... DI·or secretary, ·Soci. eties are Holdin!I '�outa to ,'Pick . ..'_ 01 u, er form a quartet that. is the fastest, '. The' �ti6n 'will 'go .� Iris 'Spohn T..,el.V'e lien. in the West, as Coa�h Page main-.y default. In an article on debating at the wns. Pogue at quarter i's the bigUniversity of Michigan, the 'Mielugan .hope of the Illini, but: ·-,a all' prob-� '18 Wbhdrawn. Daily rC'ports a large number of eand�. '" . ability Coacll. Stagg will get his men"William Shirley has been . withdrawn idatcs.. �or t.he try. outs, prelllDl.. nary' to together before the game and say(lOm candidate' for SOphomore presi. the Chieago-Michigan�Northweste.· "iI '"WatCh Pogue, sie 'im." Then Pogo.e� 'beeause 'he has too many p,oints, triangular elohate which will be helawill be where Oliphant was last Sat-Jeaving Frederick' Bureky the only on January 16. Three men will be urday •Sauer and. Page, who witnessed theBaeOD,··Donald· Hutchinson and Samucl eicties :mcl of thcSe, six will be se- Illinois·Inaiana struggle last week, al-·Rothermel have come out for Fresh· lectecl b_y (·ompctition to compose . the .so maintain that the Oak Park wiz-man:pi'8ident. two ,-arsity teanis. :Mr. Ransom E.OLASB. L'UBOBBOH mDAY six Varsity men. In aelelition eachwill reeeh-o tho Algcr GoM :Mcdal, "ootball and worked their complit"ated:given annually by the family of the. ! : -. PIlat ...... -.ntIel4. wm Be pJays with great preeision,Jato Gon�rnor ane) Senator, Russel A_ stagg }fot 0pUmistic.Algcr, of DetroiL----+---TO EXPLAIN BONORCOURT SYSTElII TO simistie m()()(l yestertlay anll IIC<'JaredftUDBN'rS TOIIOBBOW that the Chicago offen�e wns p:u-ticu.hl1'ly weak. Accorcling to him the.Withdrawal of. Noqren Leaves.Race - Between .CheerleaderaDd Abbot of Bl&ddriara. ,¥usic by both mens' and womens'glee dulls, anti talks by Di ree tor BAaFIELD-·FAST AND-SHIFrYeago defence and will overcome theweakness of his line.Zuppke is welcome to his opinionand those who know his coaching abil­ity will �espect it, but for real fight­ing ability there' is no team in theUl'PER SENIORS.Preatd.ent:Howell Murray,Uuely Matthcws.Vice..Presldent:Ruth Agar�Heleu Street.Secretary:� Miriam Baldwin,Cornelia Beall,Kuhtlcen Harrington,Harriett Tuthill.Treasurer:.lohu Greene,John Per lee.LOWEn Sl<�NJORS.President:John Baker.Frank Scltridge,Kent Rykcs,}o;elwurd Thomas.Vice-President:Leona Coons.Phyllis Fay,Nina O'Neill •.Secretary:Iris Spohn,. Treasurer:Edward Kixmiller,Margaret Fenton,Merwyn Palmer;UPPER JUNIORS.PresIdent:Frederick Burcky.Vice-President:Dorothy Davis,. Ruth S�.?:t>e��� , �ISWltL�ME£TTOMORlOW Stagg, «oaehes Page and Sauer, ca.p_tuiu Norgren and members of theteam, will bo on the program at afouthall rna s s-meetiug for the Illinoisg:lIt1C at 'i ::W Priday, in Mandel.Page and Sauer will tell of the workof tl.lc Ilfiui, whom they regard as be-:ing Ch�(':lgO'S hardest opponents. Mr.Stagg will givo his opinion of ·Chica·ard has imported many of' his eom­plicated ftea·ftieker plays that astound­ed . the high school' football world. The] llini sliowed. a splendid knowlcclge' ofIn 8)litc of· the ,·ietory Snturelay Di-rector Stagg returne«l to his usual pes-I�nne Rehm, Letitia Fyffe: ane} Mr new plays were bungled innumerable.Stevetls tomorrow at. 2 :�O, in Hnrper times and the . interf(>renc� was all'OAsscmhly II aJJ , win �xplnin the prin- weak. A long signal elrill behindhiped atteIadUlee at the elass lurieh_ -eiple of the 1I0nor Court to the rep- l""ict.ly gunrtleel gates, into which evenAdrian MeFarland, Rudolph Morit:r., George Anderman.Stuart Walsh, and Madeline Woods Reuben Cbadhoarne,were the suecessful eandidates in the Albert Piek. Jr ..eona lut '1'-, over 100 are expeeterlpreliminaries of the Lower Junior pub. FraDei .. Townleay. resentatives of the different lWhool or- C men were not aclmitteel, wa." the pro-lie Bpeaking contest, and will compete at toda,:' • .gathering. Tho luncheon. t· f t 't' I I b .gramme for the· VI\1'1'ity 'YPRter(lay.Admit HoJLl'raterDJ- JIe4 \0' club. will be' Wl'ty-'lve eenb' a plate a� gaD17'.a lon� ra crm leI', ane c U s,in tho finals which will be held in'" who in turn will explnin it to their The open formations wroo rchca�ltwo weeks. The eonte8tants 'were as. All non·fraternity .·.�hmeu �1ao r .. erly. r(>�pedh·e organi7'.ation� Tbi� was ,lc. w;th great care anel a numher of new.sh L� d'. I' h . -Deta- for elass pi� will be sub·"inned �Anics at 3 o'clock and were al- WI to �omc can If atl� .. or t ('- �-- r�" • I S 1 . h play�.�h·en out.�.- ""I' ..,ittt'd at the IuDeheon by EJliodor Lih. Cit eel Inst une 3y c"omng aot t "meeting of the Honor AMI'OC'iationAnnouncement of the. classification· will be made iu tomor­row's Maroon. Yestertlay was thelast day for handing in petitions forrodassidcktion or nominatlon, anti theli�t : will . 'remain the same as it noweach before their elaases tomorrow The lIa'�tillg will be a short, livelymorning at '10:15. In the Preshman one. !It will be run off quickly byclass the other candidates also will Cheerleader Matthews, in order to al­have to speak. low the men to get away in time forRudy Matthews and Howell Murray the F'reshmnn smoker at the Reynoldsman in the field for the office. Winton chosen from eaeh of four debating' so-01c1s, the automohilo manufneturer hasflonatccl $:100 to be elivielcel among' thelood onc hour in which to prepare Three Quarters dub d �a\} �n 'fe-B F· t', onati, e.ainnaD of the pipe commit-their snbject. Each ono .noke threo qnestr.d to report to any lsher, a C - h h f l( T f rr('�hmC'" in a l4hort. prn('ti('f' J:a.mC', anel--r- tee. �deDt Reichman will announC'C' ommltt<,e at t come 0 • r. .n f',.minutes. 10:15 tomol'Tow or Fric1a�� .Juring tb� ll' T 11 tin l( h JI C'n�iI�· OI�t,p1:1�'C'tl Pn;!C"� �·C'nrli'l#r.4. -Thethe -detaU. of the annnal mUI'w,h(' . I�" n:o ntH ('an. arM a ,,'crt'McFarland IInnke on the sufrragn dub scS9ions outside of .l{C!1( Tt.-i;' the �n"'''kc''' At ," la6-r monntl·nfY tll'� Ya�ity �('orerl four fOIl('h.lown!", t-he-r- nee of. �he Senior men whif'h proh- . I·n• .... ... "" "'" .... •moveDl81l. v"ritE OIl the ehoice of a action is a new mOVe f,)r th� 'eluh, I' .' t ·11 L_ 1· 1 t th hR('k'fieJel e�('('i:1lly ,,- .. 11. RC'hm at., -.v ahly will, oPen. late in No'.emoor nn,l onor ,-,our "-I uu .. ��p nlncc 0 \'proteaion, Walsh on eivie responsibil- and is part of the program of J't'C)r· entire �tuclC'nt body anel "oted UltO" af. .. .. Ct, A('k(!T at (ull, �pnrk!" at ri�bteontiDue . a month.ity, and Woods on a favorite eoul'8O in {ganization this year.higll aG01. . 8ubjeeta taken by otherWANT POPULAR SUBSCRIPTIONA library of 500 or more books in­stall eel in the Reynolds dub before theend of the current quarter, is the endtoward which the Library eommirtee,organized last year, is working. Plansfor the acquisition of funds and theselection and purchase of tho booksate about to be consummated by theeommittee, which will meet in theReynolds club next Tuesday at 1 :30.Dean Percy Boynton is' a member ofthe committee, which includes ClydeJoice, Earl Shilton, Cowan Stephen·son (librarian of the elub.) Fred Crolland Hiram Kennicott (chairman).The Reynolds club has headed thesubscription list with $200. The re­maining $800, which the committeethinks necessary to acquire before tholibrary is formally opened will beraiesd by subscriptions, Completeplans for raising the funds will be an­nouneed following' the committee'smeeting next -Tuesday.�-8tudents . Fa?Or . PlaDs."If there is a thoughtful student"-·ia..,�ot:eatiliiaiaetie.JJr.i1t f' - -­'a Beynolds' elub library, We have yetto lDeet him", said a member .of theeommittee last' night. "The plans thusfar annonnced seem to meet with theapproval of all to whom we havebroaelled them. There seems to be agenerai impression that the Reynolelseluh .most d�idedly should not be en·tirely consecrated to billiards andpool. Not for a moment belittlingeither of the excellent games men·tioned, the committee neverthelessfeels that a men's club in a great uni­versity should be the center of th�intell�tual lite of the campus as well&8 the plaee where thepmes." men play SBRIOBS m BOLD �tWa •• _ .:� on"j�Mn. nDt Uld Mr. Merrifield witbe Ute faeulty guests at the First Sen·ior etu8 IuDelaeon of the quarter tobe laeld at 1!:45 today in the Com­mOJia we. Although eighty was thehalf, nnel �{C'Connell nt. quart.cr pla�·e.lrnttJinJr gnD1C'1' nnel Werc nielcflhy the work of �tC'J:C'mnn, Whiting,and R<'flmon 'in tlae linC'. A "'('nmm�efOT t.he VaTl'lity will' prollahly tic onth� pTowammC' todR�· although· Dirt¥.·tOT Stn� hcli .. ,·C"1' t.hea mC'n to be inItood ("onelition nnel is not workingth(>m too hard.l'OUB 00li'rBft Dr PUBLIO8PBAltIXQ I'IBALS '.rODAY..... __.. JIeI'adaaI, c 1IoJt_ . Wabh UId IIlas'. ·,Wooda· WID ill' PnIImbaar)".... �y.-rday.eontf!stants were the Btudent eourt, Prada lDstnetor' to 8peak. tj ' ..... � ... """caD ' 8UdeI.joumalism, epol"bmanship,' and indu!'· Profeaor F. L. Schoen. a new' men,_· * •. Da'rid --AJ RobeTtRoft efttertain�ltrial topiea. her of the Frcnt!h fac'1lty� will '8peak Idnl'lllNrbf lIftetieoeta men )pt 'bightThe judges were A�iate ProfC"· .before .members of tJ.,� Preneb' Clnb 'i;t '�. Ri��k�tihrary by exhihit·SOl' Clark and Mr. �C'l!lon, both of tomorrow at 4:30: An !'tuden� wbo in�" � '8pinibh' Stereorwtil!on 'vicw�the pubJie speaking departmcnt. Abou� are interC!lted in }Tenl'" havo' btoen '1rItftta "'e' "ad e-oDee�' during aTe·I'tea atudeDts tried oat. iDvited to atteDd. eeDt joal'D� abroad. • Dr. Gilke7 I.ec:tufts T�=orrow.Ilr. GiJk�y wiJI !Teak to thc �tu­flent!' of the nivinity �('hool to-mor­row nt ; :�O ·in the Ha."kel1 ..h�(>mhl�·room. The �l1hj('('t of hi" talk willhe "The GrentC'!"t X�ct of th� llin­istry TO-flay."1I!..Ir..ftit,...' ftIJI DAILY MAWOOJI •. WBDlIB8DA�. OWOBBB 29. 1915.I � IAthletics. Breritia I DREXEL PBARMACyilThomas J. Cavey 11 SoilIlAft IlcANANY. B. Ph. FUBNI.8BING8Chapel-&nior Colleges and College �-------------_' Comer 55th azul Druel Chicago For Gentlemenof Commerce and AdmiD�tratiou,. Coach Andy Smith of Purdue, fe�. If'el.ephoDe JI1d� lUI SPECIALIZING IN rBB WANrS OF10:15 .. Mandel. iug his men have overtrained, has dis- TIle B.-e ........ DnIp. ClaeIa&eUI aDd THE COLLEGE JIANChapel-The College of Education, missed the squad until Thursday when For that GrIP!.a.!� C�I��bc head=-Drexe! Collars size 13, up10.'15, Emmons Blaine H214 they will resume pr�tice_ Illinois Cold. Grl/,lpe, and Fever Tab;t\Ols, :!!ie.Ask for a }o'rc" S3mp:t:>. I 31 W. Monroe Street ChicagoJunior Mathematical t:1'.lb-!:15, is the next. hard game scheduled, �oee Stop that CQuath wit a bolt·:" of cf our WhIt" IPtne Honey.and Eucalyp:u., eze. l�ll11nlln��Ryerson 31. Poly Lt.·ill� tl.e only team to be met Roelle\'" that Headache _'lth a lOe packace of., Vrexd Headache POIllo·den.SoeioloO'V Club-4:30, Harper, M16. before then. " Patronize our advertisers.OJ .w.& � ,IWM' •• ijW_Uildjj:djtilillliIDrdllilHl!lI!jdlll"In its SlUlday morning issue the Chi­cago Becord-Herald printed the fol­lowin, article in regard to the Dram­atic criticisms being printed in theWhile zeaJ&S ma,. be writtt':1 con- Ku'oon:.m1n.g tho e'\ila of l1lSb1ne ",U con- .All a 4011B1e trlbdte te jeurnalism NIght praetiee in the gymnasium Rl'Iductecl a.t the UJ1ivcrsl- and tlae drama.. The Daily Maroon, well as the afternoon practice out ofty, the pract1:!1l qUe&- published out on the Midway, is going doors is the innovation started bytion is that of reI:led7. to print criticisms on downtown theato- Coach Harper of Notre Dame in anTo settle upon a � rical performances, and these will be attempt to get all the practice possibleecJy, the end t:> be attained must be set written by members of the unclergrad- before the big gam� with the Armyforth clearl7. Fro!!! the nature of a nate body. Let them go ahead; the Saturday.fratemlty, and in �:'::7 of the p�::e ti fresh eye ud the fresh mind wereshould occuPY' in the coUeco c:o:n:!1U- never more welcome and more needednity, each chapter should 00 C�lIlpoaecl than today.of congenial. men, who are cWferent People who have been privileged· toenough to contribute to each �8 attend tbe dramatics at the uninrsitywelfare and improvement, and. yet tnt- itsell, when the students were bothleal enough to fozm a unit that can do authors and adore, have noticed nowe1fective work.. Naturally this:meaml and again a tendency to imitate thethat J:eCr1I1ts should Judge the chapter least edifying features and methodsvery ca.retolly, and should be made of the least worthy among professionalto understand just wha fa upected produetion8. If the stuclents are bentof them and. what the,. are to do. fte upon doing' dramatic notices and areCOnclusion as to remedJ' is iDevtta.b1e- not going to be 80 independent as to Issa.e AddresII Bootts 8ocm.a pIeclge day. But the dataDa of 1ilds dispense altogether with models, let The Univez,:Uty address book will be is that one of them slndl como (Iff There nre two ways of doing goodftD1� are by DO meaD8 obvious. Bow them exert themselves to select an 08- issued by Saturday_ victor. That Purdue is not that vic· work but there is only one best waylong a period should elapIe before peeiaDy detestable manner which or- tor in the present instan�e, is simply of being tIRtisfiecl when tho task ispledglDg is permitted? ADd ho, curb iginated several years ago in New Fendbles Meet Nut Wednesday. ,lisappointing from Ol!T standpoint. tlone. You can't givc too much forthe evils of prolonged Z'IIII1Iiq? ADd York and which has been eopied in rvery member �f rencibles will give Numerical victories in themseh"EP, your satisfaction and still bc happy.how prevent the B1r'eat;.'bu. once other citi.,., sometimes dumsily, some- a short talk, at the first �eeting Clf however, are not tho only object of Some of us as stuclents hecome :da \'�spIeclg&-day has rarlved? Vadou aD- times but too suceessfaDy. Critics of the elub, at 6 nt'xt Wednesday, in the intercollegiate conteMt."L The mo:;t to our books. Loog ago it wns I,rovedIIWer& have been given tp tbe ant this sebool are bent priman'y, if not cafe. The society will decide on a worthy objects of collego development that" free man is worth a chain of�uestlon. Some chapters here have a exclusively, upon the production of program, of work f�r the quarter. of real men and real Juanhood, the sla,"es. Be free. Get out an.l 'enjoythree weeks perlod_. fteir eipeaence flip, �y, :reaal6bie,. eop1. TIley_ _ stimulation by wholcsoDl� com��ir;l)'l �mo part of the clays that ar� l('ft .Is worthless, because either they Dl11Bt teach that the spinning of a half eol- What College Editon Thiak of the latent energi� :m«1 ambition::t of this won.lerful season. Take upbe 80 much better than aD70De e1ae .mn of entertaining "stuft'" excuses of col1ege men and thJ bringing t.)- :lthleties or just go out with Hcr. Shethat eVery freshman who '1Ias • an irrespon81Dle trifling with the leg- gether of the undergraduate and alum- will enjoy it too, nn.l in the long runchance" wiD. hang on nnW toict that itimate �nan�ial interests of the p1'O- If'he Hew 1Ilxer'. ni bodies of the various colleges in a better an.l more stlc�e�sful f4choolhe is dlscarded, or the cba�!:lust dut"er, a ruthlellS }Keration of the sen- At the mixer Saturday night a new honest, open, healthful rivalry. �"('ar will be your rewnr.l for taking8U1fer loss in competitioll wtt.h 1ID� tdbffities of tlle perfol1llerB, and aD "stunt" was tried_ Every person who Chicago fought hard for every in,�h time out for Living-Drake Dailyhampered chapters, or the chap1;en insolent jugling with the lIigliest aims talked five minutes, ur a reasonable of ground they gained. Purdue alnn.- Ol')phic"must permit a Black-Cine froa their and purpowee of the theater as an in- equivalent, with another I!onltl �'lr" ni an.l 8tndent spectators were di�,­I'Igfd ral.e. In aD7 .vent, t1I8 expezL Rtituti01t- The farther the young his or her signature ou the spet'ial pointe.l in the 8(!ore, but not in theGee camed Is UBelea In JudIIDc tile erities of the Jlidway get from IRlch eards passed out by tho mixer eom· way the team played. A Purdue pl"y­Probable decta of _ 1IDlform pledp a model tlle better it wUl be fol' an. mittee. The idea was to obtain 500er after being '''J'ouged.�up'' by a�clay. W1sco1Udn � hu • � names of persons with whom you Wt.f" irate opponent. regained his feet an.l»erlocL PiDaD .... ·'I personally aequainted. _'11 signatur,-..s . I h b k 'tla"W pr-.ae aDd. tbe ab- ._.. BO�- -;Y01J'1'8 FOB DAJI ftlapped his rYla on t e Be WIaolute DeCe88lq of IIeCUrlDC __ Jau AV ,._,;a._ were to be taken at ono of the mi�E:rs' hearty good nature.durina the school Year. This pIau of ReynoM� f"lnh. Plan� for the annualca1l8ed. tile QBtem 'to bnak dOWD .�" So long as Purdue teams ean tl�-1 __ '- ..... _ a _ .... NI. __ of _ FneIaaua w.... tID Oompete For '"'"ing some sort of a ba·t .. o or button Tnt�rfr,ltcrhity �moker ".j:) h •• jli�. 1:"�'-._" AlA"" _�--. _ _.. e-�· mand and hold the whole hearted r�-Pledcba& or at 1eut -.:ret I'UIIIdII& BMkBbID 'l'Mm. for suecenful "mixing" is a good one. �t of their opponents and 80 long cd.'- Wiaeonsin Daily News. d d at •ConaeD haS .. mOlltll perlod. � aft PurdUe "tu ents an umnl areare fa1d7 B&Usr�. JIgt 0Idcac0 Tryout. for positions on the Fre8h· treatefl to tm�h exhibitions as that dis-men women's basketball team will 00 Victory T& Deleat.played y�8terday, the fonner will de-Is Dot WlscolUdn DW CorDeD, aDd. Uaen held tomorrow at 3 :30 in LexiDgton. Purdue met and tmfl'ered its eeven-8erv(' anf1 the latter will �eord a mostfa a bic queattOD � "-e t1to The aspirants must appear in gym- toenth defeat, at the hands of Chi·generonR� willing and loyal 81IPPOrt.­IlDivenlttes have adopted tile meUaod na.cQum anita. A Freehmu..sophomora cago yesterday at l!arsbal! Field. The'Pardue E�nent.beat EUitcd to coDditlolUl at IIa4180D basketball game will be played with- victory apparently wer.t to the team'- whi�h at the tim.e ',,·Il .. tho better "IaDd Ithaca. One fraternity DlODOP01fL in the next two W8eAS.Prospects for the Senior hockeybag data, expeulve theate:: padles, team are high for there is a wealth offine material. In addition to thelarge number of experien<-cd playersalready registered an Englin woman,Agnes Gardner, ha� joinecl the hockey�uad. She has played. the game inan Englhlh Mllool for five yeal1J. At­pro� tIad keep tile Pl"OJOIIUoater the squad8 are ehoeen there wiD-1aaft • pleclp 4aJ" fIga..,... ..a.......� ly be. !tUft" tie tiDe-up. '!'he� .. olmGa ellampi;lI .... fp pmes as U81lat wDlpIa,. at th. elld of the qaut.er • A hearty "Series" rolled out on tbJfield as Purdue's final word and part-Skull and Crescent an ,10:1 ••• �e1I U,I! hing e allenger,pledging of Ralph Da\ iReD- When two teams moot the only '.ut·A large block of tickets for the Chi­cago-Tllinois game Saturday has been,sent to Champaign. It is estimatedthat three thousand of them will beBOld to tile ruini students. - -=---direct��"'" from anyinkw-ell in_ four seconds==ffi Cleans itself while it fills Itself. It DIwoys§ writes smoothIY-Dev�r falters. It WOD·t� clog. It can ., leak. NOlhins: to take apart.§ S2.5O. $3.00. $3.50. S4.oo. ss.oo andI Wood_'s :.::S;�1311 B 57t11== UntverBlty ot Chicago Press,\. 5750-58 BWa AvenueTN ConkIIa P_ M ••• c...� To�o,Ob� fThe Daily Maroon�.,� ............. JI .........t ive and well mannered. M.�anwhilo his friend opens IIhisLuncheon-12 :45. Cowmol1s&niorc:l.fe. Y nn Gent at: right half and Torln"ey at lett half are Wiseousin's latestcombination In the backfield. Cum­mings who played left half in lastSaturday's game has boon given allaske;J, lay-01l.come that ean be reaily satisfacwry cars to the .insietent call of the outof doors and the demauds of the penand note book go unheeded. So he,in tur�, plays on, and his face isHushed with the joy of Jiving,Brownson Club-3 :SO, Cobb �_o\.Glee Club Meeting-i:3U, ReynoldsClub •lluaciac EditOl' •••••••••••• 1Iartia Stew ..... e .. BditK ••••••••••••• Qeora. CouiaabaaaAtlaletica Eclitoc ••••••••••••••• HuQ Goc&ulIuaiDc8a llaaacer •••••••••••• BanIette II ...CircalatioG llaDqer •••••••••• WiUiaaa L;rmua 'romozrow,Chapel-Divinity School,10:15. Secret practice seems to have takenLexiugton, hold for good at Hlinois, Coach Zup.French Club--Room S�. Publiahed dail, except Su.zub,.. Monda,.and bollda,s duriq thrcc-quartcr. of thc 4:00 P. M.U luYeraitJ Jcar.I::atered as aec:ood-c:lau mail at the ChicqoPOltoftico. Chia£o. IlL. �l;'lCh .S. 190B. UD­clcr Act of March 3. 18.3. pke will have the squall practice be­Chinese Club will meet. at 7 P. M. hind closed gates every day this weekBECOBD-BEBALD OOJDlBH'.r8 ON except Friday when the rooters willKABOON"B DBAJIATIO NEWS gather to cheer the team.SUBSCliUPTION RAT��BJ carrier. $2.50 a Jear; 'l,u., a quarter.IIJ mail. 13.00 a vear ; $1.20 a I111"rtcr.Editorial-Buaint'-- udice. Ellis _ •.Telephonc )(uh�a)' 800.G:bitotialA PledgeDayCoach Macklin of the Michigan'tAggies" said that the Wisconsin teamwas much stronger than he expectedand that the Cardinals could defeat:Michigan. He also said that Wiscon·sin had the strongest team in "the eon­ference and should win the title.Sophomore Sodety PI,dges ,one.etc.. are BODle of the WDp 1Iaat cometo IIdDd In colUdderlq the q1le8UoDof bow to C1II'b penddoua ruIaIDI. BY.Os of. �Hq practlc:ea an famBLuto ••• ,GIIL ft_ an ... of tJae the two in several d�IJartmonb of tho:iRmc, Whether Stagg':; men eould wina llceon.l vidory if A.not.!acr game Wt;rcplRyed tomorrow is doubtful, b�t thofact remains that· tlley ,tid win sf'dthat the result of the' ,'ontest cunotbe eharged to tllat f3t'tor wllich b.l!I;been given eredit· for some of tilepast defeats of Pardue, namely l.,c-1c.'me Ckieep rocMn ... ".r.pted th�rwalt of tJre game with ati!fr�nlI re­-lief ADe! tWr jubnuee wao; eonl!l8lT:'·....... •Interfrat.mlity Council To Meet.No meeting of the J:lt.crfr�h"lIity('oundl was held ye�ted::�' artcr'I"''"�au88 a quorum was not present.The next meeting of the C01U,dl wi11he h�1d Tucs,lay afternoon at � in tIll'Subscribe'!'heBe Aut1lmD DayS Are For Use.Now an.l then ono of us strired bythe wandcrlust which is in the airjust now, 8Ceks out a friend buriedin his books and suggests, "Let's. goup tho river today," or somo othcr aI·lurring paf'timc. Tho fricnd shakeshis hend in dismay at the pr�itionin tlle faee of tho work piled at hisand his fa<-eat length h forThe DailyMaroonelllow. So he worb on-rs as lie worke untilglves up in c1i'8gU8t. '2.50,,I, III" Woodlawn Trust& Savings Bank1204 B. 63d btnet, OhIcago,;upital ...•......•••... $200.000.01l. urplus-Proflta ••.•.•.•. l\,v,\)OO.Oll. U.1TED £.TATES DEPOSITOBY.'OB POSTAL SAVINGS FUND�ACCOU�TS OF PBOE��AND STUDmrrB INVITBDCHECKING ACCOUlftSMay Be Opened With$5.00A STATE BANKCLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTSvance,}'OR SALE-Fine 9 room bouse ncarparks ant! University.Lexington avoLOST_An Esoter ic pin at Chicago­Purdus' football game. Finder pleasereturn to information ottice, care 01D. W. BOOK NEWSeity's pulse would eentluuahy solicitIn AI)ril of the next year he wrltesDr. Newman Smyth, who lecturedIn the International Peace move-VAUGHN IlOODY-Ecl1ted with an nnd engage Ole. But out here whereIntroduction by Daniel Cke�orJ' .. there is no city life to gaze at, uoth­son. Boughton IIUIlln Co. $1.50 net. ing to relieve the gaseous tedium ofJudeserlbably charming in itlSClf, a mushroom intellectuality, no strain­and eomposed of the letters of Will· ing wickedness or valiant wrestlingium Vaughn MocxJy, this volumn must with hunger to break the spectacle ofhe doubly a treasure to all connected Gospel-peddling comfort,-thc mindwith the Uuiversity of Chicago. The cloth boggle at it!"his fascinating persouality to those to Mason: "Yesterday morning mintof us who never came into contact nppeared in the market windows, and\\lth Moody save \hrough au idealized this morning the lake is a swoon oftradition, but they set forth his Inti- silver and blue_I walk about in an Imute reaetiolltJ to the Unlversity's lifo amber clot of sensuousness and feelas well, Letters to Professors Hobert the sap mount like a tree."llorKO Lovett and Ferdinand Schevil] Inimitablc bits like this might beoccupy a largo porfiou of the book, indefinitely multiplied, for each let­und a number of others are written ter from the first written to Robertabout the Uuiveraity to Daniel Greg- Lovett in 1892 to the last "'ritten in'ory Muson and to Josephine Preston 19(19 to Henry Miller concerning thePeubody after l1000y took up his London prcductiou of the "Great Di-;;c per line. No advertisements re- work in Chicago. vide," is a constant source of joy to�·ein·tl for less than 25c. All classifled Moody bad a poet's dislike of the the browsing reader,advertisements must be paid in ad- Univeraity routine and a poet's Helen Keller has written a littleshrinking from tho rawness and crud- l• book on the New Womanhood, Out ofity of this sprawling weHteru city,- the Dark; published by Doubleday Ibut he gave a poet's expression to it.rOR UEXT-Benutiful, large front In a letter to Miss Peabody soon after Page and Co, in which she urges thatparlor. Furnished in mobogany, Mas- woman's place is and always has beenhis arzlval in Chicago he says: "I dosive Davenport and Turkish rocker. the home,not kuow wha.t this place is going�team heat, electric light. Room ex' to do for me, but I -am sure of .itselusive, Very light and sunny. Free l'otency--its alehemieal power toURl' of grand plano. Suitable for two. at the University recently, has writ-change and transmute, It is appeal·23 F.. 6Ist, corner Kimbark. ten a book on Constructive Naturallingly ugly for onc thing--so ugly that-_ .• - Theology; published by Charles Berrb-.the double curtain of nigbt and sleep ner's Sons, which· embodies much con­docs not screen the achiug sense. For cerning science that he treated inanother thing it is absorbing, crudethe two lectures given here.juice of lif�intellectual and socialprotoplasm."Praises Lake.letters 1I0t only reveal the charm ofmont, Dr. David Starr Jor(lan is per­To Mason, on his second day at the baps Ameniea's loremost peace ad-voeate His new book on War andWaste, publisbed Iast: week by Double­day Page and Co., is a detailed andof the sunlight: bursting to bloom of inc�o�bi� '�8unieni iif the tragicfolly of warfare. It shows what itUniversity, Mootly writes,"-tbe lakeallured me-one topaz. Throbbing- ofthe topa.7. heart� opening and shuttingW ANTED_A student, in every col­some sudden :impalpable envelopinglege, who can devote a few hours.a flower of the air, with the scent there-"'eek to represent an eastern manu. entails in financial, .moral and biolog-of. Tho twentieth century dates fromfncturing firm and look after the in. ieal cost, and bow it is promoted byyesterday, and we are its chosen;-terests of the business. locally. Pleas- • the great interests which profit byMore Iater-brutally busy." Toward the wholesale consumption of war sup'ant, profitable work that does not re-"-quire any house to bouse canvassing.Only young men or women with plentyof hustle, who can furnish good refer­enees need apply. Address all com- end of the month he writes: "If you !)lies.kncw the beast Cbicago, the pawinganti glaring of it, you would not find �����."..�� � �HALLOWEIIENme hard to forgi\"e---I have twoelassee+one of forty, the other ofmunieations to Ralph W. Billman, Box ....,nginal cards (_.'h�ft" chal'coal andtwenty-nearly two-thirds of whom V_""'"43;, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. water co"or _1. ... _ ... _ for .ft ... �- .. -,arc girls. Picture my felicity when I '£ -Ig- - � �-1• fair (daDces, clubs, dbmerB, etc.,) annform y�ll that far from the frowsy,bedraggled, anemic, simpering create beit.g desipedures I anfieipated, half of them nt FOR BBA80HABLB PRICESleast arc stan. � Olean stars of the Many of these IIketchea an mustza­most authentic stellarity and thc most t;iona of famous quotations aDd pa&­com'ineing twinklc." sages espedaJl7 adopted to Balowe'en,Ke"ertheless, as Moocly himself says �bnksgiviDC &lid Xmas pa.rUea.VHUSUAL AND �'fBIEIHGSUGGBS'rIOH8FO.k S.\I.E at bargain-One suit ofdotheR.-Tuxedo style, origmal co:\t$55-luade by finc tailor--6uit issmall size-Enquire Business manag­er of Maroon.LOST--A silver vanity case bearing in a lette'r, "The truth of the matterinitlais N. M. O. Filuler will please is, [ suppose, that I'am tlissatif'fied 'toreturn to thc Maroon offic.e_ the point of (lesperation with thc kin,l14OST: A pair ?f glasi'� on or I:ear of life that is possiblc out here. Ithe campus. The owner wh� n�nle UN('t1 to have days in the ea... t when aand acl.lress is in the �afi)O will weI. bcclge of lilac o,'er a Brattle Street�ome their return to tLc JnforD1a�ion f .. nee of a strenuous young beadcaught against a winely sweep of sun·set on Harvarel Briclge, filletl me witho!!ice.FOR RENT-Double room now oe. poi,.,rnant perception8 of a freer life ofC'upit'd hy one, would be let to a dc. 8('nse ant} spirit,--:.and I was frequent·simltlc Toom-mate. Apply 5624 Ellis ly vaugcly unhappy o\"er it. But aft·a'-enuc. �rd flat. er all one hadn't far to go befOTCfineling 2'lomo refinement of feeling,somc delicate arabesquc of convenet. ,,' :. -,.., ��. -, ��- tion, to help make up for the lackof liberty (because IC8... thought) and8UB8OlUBl: FOB'1'BB DAILY JIAllOOlf--- there is nothin�oT next to nothing-to com pen s.... to. If my lines werecaRt in other plBt!os,-e\"en othC'l'plMC8 ;n this gigantic ink·blot ofa town-J cou1t1 makc "hift to enjoymy breath. I I'Ihonld makc a very hap· 966 B.'55Ua ..py anet efl'idcnt peanut·ven(leT. onClark or Randolph tttrect, bccau"C the Imported aDd Do!l!esUc LlDe ofCIGARS A� CIGARE"M'ES.rutlh and noiee of tile blood ia tile ••••••••••••••••••••••••••ior Ballowe'en or Xma. fesUvities willbe :JOld for $L00 a BIt. HonIUes aDd.:1e\""er tOuch .. especlaU7 plumed foreach fesUviQ will al80 be 11014 If de-3ired. 'l'Ia .. saaesucma aDd muatra..aou an dIaUnc:tI7 odaIDaL'fBBY BAVE .0'1' BBBH P&DftBDBBPOBBas prlntiDc tlaem for tbe pubUc wouldrob tbem of their orIIIDaUtJ'.Elisabeth Eberle,1517 B. 57tb at.. Ohlca&o, Il11Dols.�������� � 1.t'••••••••••• ++++++++++++++.JOSEPH SCHMIDTftAftOKBBY, tt'OlLB'l' AB'rICLESFINE LINE OF CANDIES " Keeping in Front"You fellows know what that means'!We've been very successful in thisregard with Fatima Cigarettes. Bythe way. these cigarettes were 6rstsold. in the college towns-and youagreed with us that they were good.Then we put out for the big race.to make F atimas of nation-wide rep­utation, and today more are sold thanany other cigarette in this country.No purer. or more carefully chosentobacco grows than that in F atimas.We purposely put them in a plaininexpensive wrapper-in this waywe can afford. quality tobacco, andtwenty of the smokes for 15 cents.Now yout college crew is of utmostimportance to you- so is a goodcigarette, and it's your aim in lifeto keep F atimas in the lead-rightup to their good quality-right upto where you first found them, andwill always 6nd them.Success fellows I You started- thiscigarette on its successful career­and you pull a strong oar all overthis country. -_Ck-Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near SOUl Street Snbway Station andS3rd Street Elevated."Broadway" cars from GrandCentral Depot.-Seventh Avenue Cars from PennayJ·vania Statioa.Ti e ("7' nv: A aOLLBGB MANlTE..tI'(JLt urens FOR COLLBGB JlBNSI'ECIA 1. N.t 7·£8 FOR aOLLBGB 'l'BAJlBTen Minutes' Waik to Thirty TheatresHARRY 'Po STIMSON. MANAGER111-:.\ I 'QU A RT�nS F\jR CHICAGO1\. .. \.11 • .lVlodern and FireproofRooms with Bath, $2.50 and np..---_.CLEVER dressers are all 'wearingthe smartest collar style of theseason_;" SHADOW '-the LION col­lar with all dIe LION comfort featu!"e8.Look for it in your dealer's V!indow-th� style wlt�·�"Pliable-Points." 6 for 75c-or as usuall for 25c.�£"!.�&T.S�::;-A.�6-'UNITED SHIRT U COLLAR CO .• M�"'�:-�" TROY. N. y,JII ���==�� ����.�Patronize Maroon Advertisers__ �_4 ._ .. _� -_ -:.:::- .. ::.:...:.::_. __.- �l.iI=!!III!1 IF you'reayoungrnan _ineither age or spmt you'll findthis store the very type of storeyou've been looking for.SINe Ewe're in thisofnew building·ours we've devel­oped 'our displays. for men to' agreat­erdegree than eyerOur College Roomhas " become theheadquarters foryoung fellows­we've managed to. - make "rh i s '�-r-h emost importantyoung men's storein America. PRAlSES�JUVENILE COURT CONTEST FOR POSmONSDr. HeadenoD � 0.. Teyou"'FOr BuaiDeu Maaqen OIWHESTB& ·H·'. ALL"Neglected ChiLihood" -CaUa Of Annual BeainChica,o Syatema Beat. Saturday. BURTON HOLlIESof maehinery," .Copyrighted 1913. AD&CSUITS and . overcoatsfor young men of all types--the sombre "book worm," -the live­ly "frat" lad, the future captain of industry,Special values in the' displays at$20; $2'2�50�'$25 crucial time of Iife. Dr. Henderson...........•......... _ .•...HERZKA'�· BROTHERS:-: Tai'I':o'� :-:1545 East 53ft1StreetThe suit you want is�here. The style, thecolor, the particulars-"l ust Right."Opea EvenlDp aad ....-s·.cnIDK ORUISING. -rBBU ftIBPBIL1PPINB8Tryouts for the two business man­nger�.il)S of the l!'l5 Cap and Gown WMnesdayeve. 8:15. Friday eYe. 8:15.will . start next Saturday at nine Saturday Mat. 2:15.o'eloek, The two IIlcn will be eh08C1l PAN A II A A G A I •by the eompetifive system from the Sunday aftemoon at 3:30want," he said, "is social protectionas well as protection against the los!"assailed the widow's pension law as a Freshmen and Sophs Hesitate to Bnterbreeder of pauperism. "The thing we Boxing and WrestUn!! MatchesChicago's Juvenile Court '�y8tew isI unquestionuhly the best in the world,u.ccv. u .... � l.v !Jr. Henderson, who spokoon 'oNeglected ChildhOod" before alarge crowd at Mandel last night."If we do the sensible thing for tho Sophomore eandidates, The work will POlmlnr Prices, 25c to $l.OO-NOWchild, we shall soon be a nation cOllsist of getting adverflsements andwithout crime," said Dr. Henderson. subseripttone for the Annual. An ad- GARRICK·"'The three things which destroy the ded inducement is, that the aspirantsfeeblest of our children and unfit oth- will receive a 10 per cent. commissloners for the world's work are ignorance, on tho advertisements secured.poverty and despair. There is no re- Freshmen are urged to begin worklief but to raise funds to fi�ance ·the immediately for managerial and other "Oenuine euceeasor to "TilE MANdemands of our' Board of Health anll positions as the showing made thlsto use our knowledge of children." year will be of great help in nextStatistics are VItal. year's eompetitton, Don Delaney andCommenting on statistics, he sai� Frederick Byerly will consult and in­that they were of the mOst vital sig- struet thot:e desirous of beginninu :COBAN'S GRANDnifleance, He declared that in a short work on the Cap and Oown.time every baby would be reglstered WILL SING BLA� Another Oohan " Ban1a. SUCCe88within 24- hours after birth, the most SONGS AT CLUB SMOXBR RAY M 0 N D HIT 0 H e 0 o ItBlackfrlar hits of last year will heHe then took up the Juvenile Court sung by "Jimmy" Dyrenforth and Har­I s�-stem. He told bow the Juvenile of- ry Bogg, at the Freshman-SophomoreI 1icer steps in in cases of delinquency,takes the child out of jail and putshim in school, The complete abseneeof red tape, in conneetion with the For Supremacy. lIB. WJI. HODGB in� ROAD '1"0 HAPP1NB88----------------.-----Inn New II usical Comedy'oT II E B E AUT Y S HOPA. UDITORIU�TIlE W HIP .Ijrj iI•••••••••••••••••••••••••••�eJephODe B. P. 1037. Tonight at' 8 O'ClOck Sharp."Rig stunning melodrama." - Reeord­smoker 3t 8:30 Friday, in the Reyn- Herald.olds club. The rest of thc programfor the evening was announced yes- L A SALLEterday by President George Parkin- :trying of juvenile cases was remarkedson as follows: musical monologue byupon and he pointed out the market! Ralph Hamilton, a burnt cork mono- Musical Oomedy tOJ: Young and Olddecrease in the numbers of men ill logue by George Chap�an, several 80-prison and the steady diminution or los by Albert Lindquist, a eoneert bycrime among the younger part of our the mandolin club, a clialogue by Win-population. .drow and Pre�nell,_ entitlod "R�ugb 'A�ERICAN"�SICThe address was closed with a ref· Std", and a pie-eatmg contest. Gibbs : . -HALLerenee to the problem of the homelesl' and Hamilton will play between Theatre Unique-Dining, . Smoking.child and the best method of taking stunts.care of these' unfortunate waifs. Several athletic features will 'follow . LEW FIELDS in "ALL ABOABD."Y." o. A. ObtaiDs .on lIoDey. the musical part of the program. Box- 'ILLINOISSome new money D3S· been obtainf"lf ing and wrestling will be staged be- 'for the Y. M. C. A. lnnel, at'l:ordiJ.i tween cham�ion8 of the lower classes, 'KIa .... 'Erlanger's JI1U.le&l 'ft1umpbto a statement by Secret;::'f 'B:ckh:uti although until yesterday only a fcw .yesterday� The exact :unOllot wiU no�' athletes had volunteered for places on '0 HI 0 H! D B L P B.I N Bbe known until tomorrow'. Mr. 'Bick' tho program� One boxer and one ]._'ham refnsed to give thc namc of the' wrestler have reported. Jesse Leh- --------------contributors of the $200. man, '17, haS' challenged any light� iHo�ard'. Theatreweight wrestler in the University to ---BBOADWAY BONBYJIOOB __withPhI Kappa Bigs ADn'lUuce 8ecJces a ehampienship wrestling . match, atPhi Rappa Sigma annouuees the 130 pounds, Bruce 'Martin, '16, hal'pledging of Edward C. Bleur, of Chi- thrown the gauntlet before tho Fresh­cago, and Mo F. La Cro:I of 1I0linc, man 145 'pound wrestlers.Ill. The committee on arrangements hasreported a lack of material for thc :P0'\l\fERStug-of-war. Until yesterday, CraigMiss Geraldine Brown, se�!"etarv of - B lB G 0 V B ft � 0 ft,s L'A'D YRedmon, sophomore, and Windrow antl .. .a. on .a.the Y. W. C. L., was tho)' speakcr at Alba' rts,' freshmen, -ere the only men.... ' '"GIVES EXCELLENT' ·V·ALUE."-.Junior chapel yesterday. She aske.!for more intereSt in the work of theY. W. C. L. and the international YW. o.. A.I�Iq!� ;'.1if� � lfho signed up. The eommittee want.�ten men' on each side. AU boxers andwrestlers who want to compete tora title hav-e been asked to report ei­ther to George Parkinson or to Yr:F.nglish at the club. EMMA OABU8.JOB BOWABD-MABEL lI,omJames O'Donnell Bennett, Record·Herald.CORT.JOHN BYAJIB • LEILA JIcD'tYBBAlthough the time for the smoker. .In a New IIWtary 1Iuslc81' C1cImed7.toW B B. L 0 V B fs Y O·1JNOBold Danc:e OIl December IS.Deeember 13 will be the date of the � B BSettlcment Dance, according to a deei-sion made yesterday by the Under­graduate CoonciJ. Details will be arhad been previoosly annoonced for 8,Friday, the elnb officials have deeid�'lto start the program at a later hour,after the maM meeting' for the mi.nois game in Kent theater, 80 a. .. not toelmw men from the "pep" session, Allmen will proceed directly from Kentto the dub tlaeater. STUDEBAKERLINAIn the ..... JIusIe&l BitBBD OA1fABY .JI'---,--.. _--_ -:--::--���--:---.-------�:-. -.. --::-:-:::--._--- --_._----- FINE ARTSranged at the ne%t meeting of the_ B B'Council. .. YB L LOW 3 A C n � .,�o Speak About IIoaDtaIDeen.President James A. BurDS of Onei·da, Kentucky, will speak on --Living.ith the Kentutky Mountaineers" 10-IhOYTOW' at 3:30 in the Haskell &88em·bly room. All students of tho Uni·,"ersit)'" have been in\-ited to attend. prloce&llDOB.BI8 DABBIn Bdwar4 8IIeldoD'. Lon DramaROMANC�