���,�.--------��--"""""""""""""""""""--------�--------��----------�--------------------�----------------------------------------"��,L�OCT 21 1913I_tty-" .arnnn·PRICE FIVE CENTStJHIVBBSlft 01' .: 0BI0AGO. �AY, . ocroBBB 21, 1911.YICA. R01DUDm'. 'HARD ,IORI FOR ELE¥ENS'SYQ.NY.�' IPHl PSIS 'DEFEAT PSI D'S STAGG GIVFS VARSITYmaEON YESTERDAY GIYES "FIRSf ··CONCERT USUAL MONDAY.�LAYOFFCoofereDCe Teams Will Get WID FD'SI: Inter-Fratemity : La-Week Of.Practice.Afw Sat- Varied' .�� Of sm' Hum- door.BuebaU.Game Of�-urdayt. Upae. ta.OfDope. • .�..... SOD In SIIl�cnnG' Match.ben Tc'- Be Heard In __ -.MaacW Today .:I.Jhicngo is tho one wish of aU of Pur- Brahms Overture, "Acauemic Festiv­uue this week. Wisconsin will meet al", :written in IHHU as an' aCknowlellg­the .Michigun Aggie8 at Madison, and meut of. the degree of. Doctor of 'Phil- Gorgas, Taylor, and 8tansbury workedthe Badgers will have to pIa. y their JNopby which had just been conferred in succession. Captain 8tutry .Mana,1' GreatCimpaip For More Mem-'. ben!F_ ·Auociatioo·StartaOff·with -A .Rush. \\' estern Courereuee elevens will set-ue 1l0W u lor real practice tl1is week,alter recovermg !rOW the shock. 01the big upseta 01 the dope tll1,,�._ .- ..•.1DR. BURTON 1·0 SPEAK TODAY.�reat success I'S uruay, '.tblS week's gawt.'1J wil1 enableu following theY. .M. C. A. campaign that started at tue experts to get some degree 01 ae-the luncheon given yesterday in the curate knowledge of the power of thoopinion of the hundred men who arc strouger \\' estern elevens, although.eou.parutive scores arc at best an uu­working on the campaign, seventy-twome�()ers having been taken in on the ,t;j LUlU authority lor predictions.r-uruue, regarding the tie game withfirst day. .}'orty men were present at\\ iscousiu as virtual victory for thethe luncheon in the Commons. Deanooucrmu.kel"H, will como to Chicago_,ulgell and Dr. Coulter were the speak- lull of euufideuee and fight. To beatWorkers are busy placing redena.buttons on the students.Luncheons will be held throughoutthis w�k. Today Dr. Burton wilispeak� Mark E.. Shattuck of the Div­inity. sebOol commissiOn will give areport' on the work in the Dh'inity.ehOol� best game to avert a defeat by �heteam which downed. 'Yost's .,rampus.machine. 1,'00 result of this contestwm afford some Idea <.f .Michigan'sllinois will meet Indiana �anuary�, IHHl, in the presence of theat Indianapolis, and thi� p:we Shool\! august .f;unction.,ries of the university,Brahms himself conducting. . It wasI'erfornled. �y the '£heooore 'l'homasOrehestra for the 'firSt ·titne in the sec­head at the time. In his litate ofoud. season, (lHY2-1HY3J. uncousciousness he gripped the ball �oPJa,,·Brum.s, �.. tightly that a man who h:ad gou�'.rhe "Acadenue }'estivai Overture't fr�m fil"Bt to home ·was able to go clear',Upsets in three imp.ortant· contests IS in re&lity a· fantasia 'on student ",' " . .. -. , . bac k to...1U'st:..,and the� seore lii:.rain-be-in the Weft �aturda.1' �ffeCt(d.a...nw�: sOn .... ·. Brah.I.us· ", .. :-··fol1d 01 "these· . -- .... L ... ,\., ••• ','.Piec:� and: .��.' Oc�ou'a i, when t�e! fore th� f�tie �hi Psis eould wrestw'ere . inuig ; at· ·soCial : festivities 'lie' the b�: .f,o'!' �u�dut�'s el�nched. hand..'. . '. Tile whole team ·ga�ered . in centerwouI'd join in lustily and with much .fie�d .with the exception of Man'n, whostrongest team in th� Conference, and .. thusiasm. The overture begins (AI·,was .c�tching, and· begged . him to give\fhom all the coaehes had been fear- legro a·minor, '2-2 time) without in...up the ball.ing, was beaten by Nebraska, 7-0. Auction, with the &IUlouncement oftcl'eded in' 4ead i88Ues or ereeu but ALichigan; for. the first. ti.me in history, i� principal. theme in the first violins..tri to t th· edi-6_ obI s�ond. �or the Psi U's but was sllif�dCS: IDee' e Imm ._, pr ems succumbed to the Michigan Aggies, 'J:hen follows�a more tranquil section ..... lormatloi.:.;. III this c&u;c Chicagoof ....... 'e ...... ab�ut several times in the effort to shoul-1 be ',,'cll'... . --- 12·;, and Wiseonsin was' ·tied by Pur- �ith violas carrying the melody, and u prepared for the fastUai' of 8Peaken.' due, each team seoring one touch- after an episode in E minor tho stu- lind the position in which he would til.) .·uruue backs, for tlle Uire� �istant.tealft harm. However, the Phi Pliis· '"To�orrow the luncheon will be un- down and a goal. Illinois accomplish-. dent "8ODjr "Wh· hatten .gebauet ein coaches diu not Id anythiug escapeseemed able to hit it to him at all them._. Uae. auspices of the Law sehool cd the expected, defeating Northwest.- �.attl. icbes �Haus", ("We had Built a. ti�es. Hayes �d'arland um. pired at ..colllllliesioD. . ProfeB80r Floyd R. Me- ern 37-0. S.tately- House") makes its appearance· Ullphant will oe the man Chicag()'. first but. on cxehanging commen� with .�hem and· Profesao.r Walter Cook have Minllosota, feared by every. team in �n -three' trunipets. . The key then· . . wIll ha \·c to watch. Last year he wasthe. audience and was soon deposed. .�n invited to ......... Ir_ The M.edical the West, and heralded as the proba- changes' to .}; major and the seeond beralued as a wouder, l\'ho 'would run"1"'- '.rhe Phi I'sis probably will mcet the .t:Jebool eoDllDiasion will have cbarge ble Western champion, was played �v- v;iolins sing· the second of the student through the lhi�ago team at will, butChi. PsiH some time t�is week,. andof the luncheon on Thursdav. Mr. W. CII by the Nebraska cornhuskers. 'Ehe melodies' "J)er . Landesvater", ('.rho"'. a return game will. be played. withC. Well- aDd wvwmbly Coach Ste .... , open game was the decisive faetor in t;ather of· his· Uountry.").., r- -&� l'�i IT l<'rifla.v.will talk. Oil Friday, Dean Manhall the struggle and Nebraska. wor�ed it . 'l'he . Development section does notand the Reverend ('''arles W. Gilkey to perfection. .Minnesota attempted loegin at ,ODce with a working out ofl"hi 1'his and l'hi l'lSis hal'e gOtLc ..of Hyde' p.ult A .... tiat ('''ureh will be. to usc the forward pass on many 00- tJte previous .material, bui in· the two . ".� t,o�ethcr since the famous tie footballcasion� out the plays were 8topped bassoon8. with a third· student· melody, •.game t\\"o years ago. Tllc only regretof the chapters is that Milt Morsein almost e"ery instance by the skill- '�Waaa Kommt dort von der Hoh", af'd l\ebraska defense. On the other f!C8hman soDg. 'l'hen follows a He·and Hi Kennicott will not be ablchand, Doe. Williams' men seemed to t'apitvJation, . and the overture i8t� 1,lay. They may, howe\"er, be im·'�"'_...-f .... VUl' 8ettleDIeII'.AD4 Da'Y- fathom the Nebraska offense, especial- brought. �o a stirring concluaioD- with·.... ...,----. portod.. for the occasion.Ia IJqaan BatuIdq. Iy in the second half, when the only the fourth sOng, ."Gaudeamu 19itur", . ,'"Meore was made. This defeat praeti- shouted, forth by, all &he wind, with �cal Club Will Meet..tj"y-eqpt students went on the cally puts Minnesota out of the I'11n- rushing' seale· passages . &pi nat it in 'Miss Syle at 7 :45 next Tucs(lay winY. II.� C. A. trip Saturday to the Uni- ning for the Western champion8hip, tlte .higher strings. gh·e a lecture on "The Ineidence audvenit7 Settlement and the Davis athoogh it �ay. be &Uributed to Uae . lIeeUumal: lIJmplaoQ' 8ecoDd..'. lnheritability of Spontaneous Tumorsf fa""t that Williams we. not looking . Tbe.:.teeond. ·.Dumber will be tht!Sq1lare playgrcNnd. )(isa McDowell 0 " - '. in Mice," before the Botanil'al club.the �e.ent talked to the party for Hut'h a· strong opponent. Beetho,'en "8y.Diphony No. 7, A Major Hr. TaHhirc will lceture on "Thc Chem-�to tIte relation of the Settlement FJnt Def .. , F_ 1IIcJdcaD. Opus� 9'J.'" "The .Symphony was first kal Ba.'1is of Irritability.to the N�ighborbood, and its growth Michigan's defeat was due to � Jack p,l'odueed in tho large 'eoncen hall ofof material, and Yost will have iP; diffi·· t .. o Univel'Bity"of Vienna, the occa·fad that Wisconsin was known to 1'.Cl,. who at this time was on vcry rf'�dh'e partners, Rudd, Sfiattut' k,have a strong team. Purdue, under friendly terms with Beethovcn was Pril'e, and Ste'·en(ler.the tutelage of Happy Smith, tbe for· well known to ViennC80 amusementtile C beneh at 8:30. ThOflO who in·. mer Penn�lvania. atar, had develOped eeekel'8. . In 1 1812· he had opened antend going have .beeU. asked to give .a wonderful otrentrive team. As prac·tically all 1�nlue'8 big games areearly in the aeuon, Coaeh .Smith hadstrength.y �tflrdAy the luncheon was under�pj�es . �f the Se�or college eom,mi�on. Dean' Ange�l, in addressingt.b� men �d that the .Y. M. C. A. rep, offcr some comparison between the 11-.liui and Chicago. Minne�ota. will meetIowa at Minneapolis, and the fastrHellta the combined effort of studentsto .h�ip oiber.. A .tudeI:lt goes in for Hawkeye eleven is expected to givetho Gophers a lot of trouble.various aetivities, such as traterni­ Three Big Upaele Ba1mdaJ'.tlO8, atllleUea or Cleba.t.1ng ror wba�_ ep ,pt oat of .them, but. in the• -i.t'ok � Ja,Jlot w�t lhe gets outthAt Is ilD�t. but what he gives.Work' on the "Y" develops him in�. aii .• round way.�.·'COa1ter, the other speaker, said1JIat tile � • .IL C. A. 18 no longer' m· lution in football tradition8 and' shittr. .ed the football map completely .. ..Min-nesota, gene�l� 'reckoned to be th&the apeaken at the lunebeon................ ---------------'-_. Y. .. O. A.. F1eI4 'JIdp Gl'YeD.during the ninoteen yean she has beenthere. eult task turning out a creditable, tcam The rceruit of tho Purduo:-Wis·Next �at1ll1l�y the Y. M. C, A. will •South Chl·ctUpn... consin struggle at Lafayette was notcond1let a tr:lP to _ ....nltogcthcr unexpected, in spite of tbewhere t.be Sooth Deering center an(1the BY-�1lcts Coke Corporation willbe inspeeted_' .Tb�· tJ:ip will 8ta11 fromtbeir namee to Mr.· Biekbam or pl�ethem on the bulletin board, ei,ther infront of �b, or I in tbe League orDivinit.,. IaalJL _ (Contin1led. on. page 2) i-hi Psi triumphed over .PHi U yes,terday in the first inter·frato81ity ill­door baseball gUllle tll:.l.t has beenBRAHMS' OVERTUIlE OPENING1JlUYf!d ut the IJ ui varsity in years, TheA widely varied program' will be cold duy had its effect au the pmyersoffered by the Chicago 8ymphouy Or_I$::; may be judged rrum the score, :':;)'1�,... ,hcstra at the first of its series of six_ arthough SUUlO critical observers de-symphonic concerts in Manllel at 4:15 clare that it was due to lack oj. prae­..... 'l'ho University'Orchestral as-...ice.sociation which opens' its fifth season � this was th� fil"Ht practice ga.mt!with· tOday·s concert, announces a of the' season and little depended all.arge sale of tickets, many of themtJie result, both teams tried out SC\··cakeu by students.'1'ooay's' program opens with the oral pitchers, Mathews, Hunter andseveral other' aspir�ts workedl�io��si lJl,siloJi, and all :n'et 'with a �001ideal of hard sledging. F'or Phi Psiupon the composer by the Universrty was in his usual position behind theof Breslau, 'l'hls work, as well as bat for the Phi Pais, but see. med un­another . new composition, the '''l'ragie'' able to handle the big ball with hisQverture, w� _. �rOduced· at 'Breslau, usual case. We remember one innin�in which he made four errers, Ken8udtluth pulled off a star catch incenter field, but was unfortunateenough to light upon the back of hi�Hunny. Newman started the. game atThis will be the first time that tho�ion. begin a concert arrangcd by Macl·7�1 for tJJe .benefit of th'e Austrian anfllla"arian . 8O�dien who had �enwounded at the battle of HaDau ... ,Macl·. DiViDltJ' '1'ennis Pro�"'our of the eight Heb f'nter�1 inthe nil'inity sehool tcnni� tournamcntha"(, heen played. Wilkins, Ri�el1,8tnJlings, and f30lnneU 'dcfeated theirCosmopoUtaD Club lD'YItes lIeD.exhibition in, which was to be viewccla rather . anlBleellaneolls c:oI1edion of.�entccl in the tJnh·eMi'ity are requ�t·ariiatie, and .-eie"Wlc .. objeets. He hadefl to meet with the CMmopolitan('Iuh in I::lIis 18, October �4, at M.Men from all the eountri(l!8 rcpre· Replara Are Dismissed EarlyAfter Short Signal Drill AndWind spmits.10 HAVE LONG SESSION TODAY111 spite of the fuct ahat the wholeteam emerged from tho Iowa gablefree from serious injuries or bruises,Uirector �tagg guve the squad the us­ual ¥onday layotf�. and the regularswere dismisHCU early after a �igna1drill and a fcw' wind sprints. A shortscrilUmage wus stuged _ between thesecond tearu and the. (fL-::;h III en.In �ll l!r���Lility l:u�tlue: will forcethe Old .Man .to open �p his bag attrjck� aut! display .. soure of toe newopen_ forlllatiom� whitJ.h \1:.I.ve been'carefully kept uutler. cover thus far.In the games to dute the teum hasused nothing 'but bucks uud end ruusenlivened by au oceaaiounl siUlple. for;ward pass to the eu�l�.. According tohis ��uul eustom Director 8tagg hasrelicti upon �Olltlitim�. :_'��u� to ,�·in.Long Session Today.Haal practice lSt.�iollS �\'ill: ���i� t�.day, and thc Vur�ity will be treatedto long 'bignil (Irills lJy ,�\'��ichc' ih� �e\y .pJays will '!e vcrfcct�tl. �cc��w.ng t.oHirector 8ta1,;g the real battle for thedliuupi,ou.shiP. will be witll J·'n:i·J·��.�at- .��rt1a���"'- �:l.� i·�;:c,' �Kee �a�er,' and.John Callning. wero Sl)(�ctuton� at the. ,:urdue· W'isco�sill �ontest, �lHI \\' hidrill t11� i��Mh·llie.n in 1-'u�UL&c '1'0"-) 00> ... u�t� rest of the we�k. Wisconsin tcst­ell l"urtlue to the' utu�o�t,' ��d - it 'ilii'robaLle that the Boilermakers wereforced to' unearth their whole :;toc .. '.... e men wcnt ..into. the gable with in­structionli to watch hilll at aU times,and he was ,.stol'pcd .easily until th\)lUtit quarter when the teaUl let upsomeWhat. Viret:tor �tagg will gil'o a.numt)er of chalk talks this week, andthc J"irdue l'lay� bunt &roun,l .th&stocky half back will be analy�d.Iowa Game Satisfactory.Chi('ago'� Mhowing against Io\\"a �at­urday . "';:\y be classed as satisfactory.I't\ spite' of. the hanelieal' of using notrick play� Chi('ago played a distinct .Iy sUl)crior g�me, and wail clearly onmerit. Tho line sho'Wc(1 "ust ihlpro,.c_melit, unu it was only in the latterpart of the g�mc, when a number of"�g1llarN h:tel lwcn rerno\'c,l, that Iowawn.'i al,Ic' to gai n on opcn formationl4.Iowa J:ot thc JUIIlP on Chif'ago but. h(, H'lwk('�·('� Wt'rc ""aille to scoroin th(' first fjllart('r though they rush.efl tI,e Imll to the t.wo yarfl line atone timc. .After t.his until ttl() four��(}lmrter Iowa wm� IHl\Vl'r)l'ss, and prae.Of:':ly e"{'r�- forlll�tion was ea�ilyIooh·cfl.ehi.·ar;o·� tn('klir:g was harel anft:.I:o,,"(',l mn('h impro,·cmcnt. The linemcn h;ockccl w�1I nnel w('rc throug!1cn most; of th� plays. On offense th�!(Continued OD page 3.) v.. 'I'I:01". ,:.:. \., \I • :.." FL'lE LINE' OF CANDIESfer fronl such treatment. The scenesof a play like Hindle Wakes, for in-� �u){ U ... �,.K"'ta; der further?" the illusion ill completed. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••�JUW(8 U4d NDA� ,We accpet the table nad chai� IUS a .JOSEPH SCHMIDT- veritable mountain peak and laugh no ftAftOKBBY, ftILB2' �00ama1.ttIM Will BeJQrt At IIaetiD& more at them. The Iltruggle � sur-�. """""""'1;7 UCMUId& UD. mount this obsteele has become realB. A. B..-.-K. 8. Mair. and vital, ..It is the throoe room in956 B. 55th at.AetiOll ill tae b. A. �--h.. d. �ge the palace of Wu Sin Yin,·' announcesImported aDd. Domestic LlDe oftawpel'Uaa cue will be ta.k.en touay the chorus as the Daffodil enters,' andClGAllS A�D CIGARETTES._hell a c'�t� d.�A�to �n., elimbs up to a chair that 'ill standing +, .-4.M .tile evidellce ':iA' �e �, dellvera ita, on a table, but by this time we forgetO,PiJaiOIl �fOl'e' tJie ,·.lIl1erfr&tuuity to lallgh. "'·0 get the swift imprusioncOUIleil naeetlng in the Reynold» elu� of grandeur and vast loneliness, audat � thia afterlloou. The eollWliu.. that is all tho Keene requires to bringconsisting . of william Lyman, Roder- about its effect.iek. �eattie, and George Parkiwsou This ,tJuggcsti \'0 treatment of scenery•• as gone over the eYi4ieu.ce in the C� is not, _ B.OlIle en�hus.iasts :would elaim 54.' uer line. No .advertisement. N-e- 'Iand tile opinion wh..i:ch they present desirable for all l)lays. Realistic eived for Iesa' than 25c. All cl--fleAwill be voted upon by the members plays with interior scenes would �f_ a4�ertisemeDts must be paid in ad-IDarwin &Del his contemporaries wereeited as examples' of ve�ty and au..thority in �e aerron Oil "The SearchFor Truth-giveD Sunday in �andel,ODUl a week. The Idea ia DOt to -' by Dr. Smyth Of New Haven, CoDllee.up as a � aathodt7 � � ticul.; tea, be&ide wri1ieIB of the metzopIU.aa �:..-----------------.::-.-::==== Studelt Views 01 Plays 01 the. Weekpoint of view, aDd. the � depKtim8Dt. I, •. '1& meant to re1lect 1i1da � ef, YWW. Not the least in� feature of �ene bet.ween the d�, Moo Chee,I\ IIl&7 or m&J' not be as' &oocl .. � the play tJaat is now in a;. '_',reek and her baby, Wu � ,Wt, thrill andpoiD� � � ,�e -.,.cuenca ,nacIIecl b� at the .Fine" Aria The- langh again at the beh� and DlU.:-- 'til. c:rit;J.dIImS in �WwD. ,PalMa. De Yellow .. • the audienee tilation of the little ld��, maid, . Tao.. but ,it .ia_d.i8;U�ve. aDd. � � hc:bt tI1Iat is visiting the One Wanta to enjoy �,;the m,eet-;,t- < attention. & ui¥ me, 't;U �- pla,-hODlle in Il1UILbera ing between little l?lum iJoaom ��v8n1t7 fii'ldiQateol Ui,., __ ClV.� that dO'Dol WU'raDt tile tanIaer COIl- Wu Boo Git.in'the gravcnrd,�theirtile � 1»OcI7_lIu aD"� 1IIdI1U tinU&llce of thia de1iptfDl adaptecl ancestOrs, and 1aaeJa ��_��, �r­opportunit7 to �.b7 pod WDpof ChiDeiIe'platbl� � �'��. eel: ��perty,� ei-ec�ll��c1t7 Ufe_big � � .. � Drama LeaPe. '''�i,l&;an audieDee � building bridges, .�reating,��w a��\er, one of,1ibe moat vial ada of � is alwply divided in ita -timeDt,j;e- all wi� the � of the ��oet. ,,�_'�: � :pm�- Qe. �.aa of: ward the pla,..- "ODe put III ,bored ·tel oneu, ,Jle,v.�r onc,e ,J�get�_ �� .. �. �".�?t;t�, of � aDd � lIOIIliloleaee.)),. ,tile �t barren .. arette tilted _��o�, &, cOrii�,-."o.t ,IDa, '�. � to It.. � ia,_'IUle'� nellS of the'plot, .. atupiclit,. of the' moutli 'iLt.', �- n�j&llP�\�' : .- ; _ ->:,. a -�"�' .qoa. --'� aetion,' imd tile amazing puerility of-, The underlyiDg· . .f�O�..-.of tli� ,:_\�,_aa- &II. 1Dte1lectaal fClR§ III .. the methods uaed to get aeeDie effeet& 'YI«.LoW 'JACKET lie. ill the feelin8i� 1��1IDitJ. • 'rllo8e 1I'l1o do .,. 1tUThe other is delighted 1»7 the imagin. of the spectator that. he is not. only.' )�e �1rB eQi .ulin tiIIe 11811' caImmLdive appeal, the poetry', the delieioaa an ordinary onlooker at a play, but�.;;'f'l �v1tecl to Ba7 ao. U tiIIe -- de-quaintDea of tile e1a&raeten, and the that he is &lao a creator. It is he\�ent CaD. sUr up c:wt&o,enIallD-metkoda ,1I8ed to p4 da .. ! .. BeA that creates the Gower boat aDd the� \hat will be the 1111'" melloweatire. Aromld them the pia,. mOUlltain peak and the garden withCIII::-aIJ. weaves a speD of eJaarm tat III dee- ita mulberry bushes. All tIaat the peG­tiaed te IItay witla them for dan and pie Oil the atap do is to oller thedaYL ID tile 10Ye-0b0d 8eeDe in wJdeh 8Uggeatio�. The apeetator du. the'two roven are dri.ftiDg down a river rest, buildiDg upon. tile auggeatlon,iD a .ower boat, ODe put of tIle .. - uDtil at the eud, 11I8lled &Ild pleued,clieDee Nell 1l00000g bat two people "iewilll � creation lae eays, ''It is,Biuu. - a beDQ beJWad· "Jdell & well, v�y mine. 1 have c��Ie of mCD are 1Il� waviDl bam;' it," &Ild'- thell �th a ��f eelf­boo poles, wtile' aD ordlelltn. BiW.. ..tWaet.io�-:··I 'didn't know' tt .as in' (X)ME.. i;G,.. '. cIws« AI II).in &Il �eove at tile back is playing me." COUequently, if a penoD real- .... V.£.l,V-E-T- ......,uhr prWt,. muie. TIle oUter paR izes that he is laekillg ill im"liDaRve Vehd c:beem JaG ...... c:beemBeeII a pair of loven in a .ower bod reaoareefulDea, or it, for iutaDce, lae � ••• to DOGIb. TheI __ r.· L __ ill abe wan:-ftoatiag d8wIl a broM, mver .cnriDl takes DO, pl�re. iD. reeallial an ob- ........river, __ the HU. c1riftillg.".,..,. jed on .lUcIa ODe lavUlled ..... e af� cmr two JGii ........I eIIDC"'-�tile PDtie anriaIa of .. water OD tile feetion iD tile world, lie will do well :n... -bite- dsaftmal08.., aDd eateIa. Ute gHDt of the full if he m:rw away troa. tile FiDe Arts �.- ��. 'd • I ._ .....DlOOIl OD tile rippJe., u balled b,. u.. TIl __ � 'TID; :YELLOW .JACKJ!,'T � g I � eDIII.I halt. L &L_&. ta hu noUalnl ill it for IUm. .. ....__ 1M ..... -V ..... _t:' water-a: � :u,:: ,To ODe who haa BeeD Dothing but. -..Ia a '.., .......ia 10 eanied & .. ,. b1 tile IIP8lI of pia,.. produeed iD oar AmerieaD fuh· � �'£"T-;:;;:''1: •\he beauty aDd imaprJ of � Ite8Il8 iOD, tile faeility witk whiela ODe ae� .....that not eveD tile �on tIaat \he eepta the eonventioDs of the Chin88ecutaia .... faUeD ad that people theatre ia JiWe abort of amaziDg. "'Tisare buazina _d eU&terlng aU aboat • lofty mouDtaiD peaa," eaya the claor­ta clDpeL 118 .. the 'property .. 1n&D puts _ table�oee who have .. n aDd 8DJo1ed iD betwee� -two atoo1s aDd a ehair onthe pia,. OIlee wiD WaDt to .. it top of tile table to J'epreaent &Il 00-apiD. Tlaere ia 110 .uch puked bato st&ele plaeed by magle in the way ofthe three acta of til. YELLOW ZACK· the hero .. he joal1le1'8 toward theET � a �ODd .. d neD a Wn1 eit,' of his _ heritage. We ,laugh at.visit wiD BOt .triee to pt aD flrat. Well, tile thiDI is ricUeuloaa, butia iD it. � to iD � a iDataat wh ... 'Wu Hoo Git eD'Bee apin that woaderful tower boat, ten and _78, ·1ntow me tile battlecrJ apia at tile "hia, faNnII croud. ._ I cOIltad here or waD.�.CIaapel .beernbl,..-l1lllior CoIlep,women, KudeJ, 10:lG.OpeD Leeta.re-"CODtributioDa ofScience to BeliIlOD" the .Bev. NewmuSmyth-HukeU, 3:30.Ullderpaduate CouDeil-3;30, Jlarp-er JUo."COlleen by CJlieaCO tJylllph ....ehedra, UDcier the aupie. of 1M ya.iversity Oreheetral AMOeiatjOD. .IIaIl-PmG del, ':�.UDiYeniQ 01 CUcaao WeeId7. .Hotuieal Club--l'OOm 1:1 BotanyM.;. aditac ! isuudi..Dg, 4:30 .P. JI...... &d1aM Gcor&. Cetti...... &olNrical Club, Leeture .Koom, » .. _� � ••••••••••••••• � � -0·B llua&u lIMa an;r, 1:4.'U ...CirculatioD lla.Da&u ••• ";? ••• WiWala � The Romance Club-room � liarperPubliabcd dai11 except �.. 1Ioada,r. '8 u. JI. .aDd bobdaja clw-iaa WCC1uarten of &be �.u�::..'!: .!�-dau mail at tbc Cbicaao 2'caauOW:Poato!bcc. Ulica&o. w.. March I¥. 11"" MD- Senior CO.11ege Uhapel, Kandel,clcr Act of _.Ilarcb a. 11 n.�UBSCIUP'1·1011 IlATKS. 10::15., 1l.J c:arncr. 'L60. JCU'; fLOO .�. Matlaematieal Club, 31' B,eraon,_¥ mail. I;i.UD a lear; fl.Ji .• quanu.lwltorial-lSua&DCU O&U:c. lWia J'­'.lcJcpboDc IlidWQ .... 4:15.8c:aDdinavian. t.."lub, U Laingtoa, 8',p • .1(.Philologieal aoelety, with ProfeaozrIn. another colunua. fiII9 Da,tq ... Cutting, 5423 Greenwood Ave. 8 .P.rooD prese.nta a new feamn-c:d.tilc:iaI:D .M..of doWll-1i01nl clJ:ama1iiI;The Daily Maroon..__.. .. w=p............ ,..-" ..proclucUoDa wnttell b�a student of .. U�venlt7. 'DIa de�. DleIlt will be a rep1K featue of tho. -"DaiJY IIarooD. &D.d will appeK at J..aDramatlcscCriticism, - � '�, (Continued from pap 1).a.�d task. deve10pinB a biaIaed teamby Saturday, but. he Receded ill ever;ydetaiL fte showing apiut. Wiacoa­" '., 'eaDnot be eOQDted as �< k.t a virtual victorl' for Purd1Ie aad'" entitles the Boilermaker. to a IaiPraiw�g in Western fotball W. �.AeeordiDl to the latest reporta tile.BoiIenDakera are exvemel7 op�tie in regard to the t..�eaao ..... aM­urdaT. fte mea went tUaaP tileWi8eoDBin game without a Kratell, aDd"he work of Oliphut, Glo.op, &DelBlecker wu of All""W8RerD caliber.OOpliant marked Iaim.Belf u one of tilemOst flangeroua open field ruDnera inthe West. AeeordiDg to reporta from; ,: �ct..a;ayette, PurdDe'. goal wu tIanU-, f'�'" . _� t· er;�od' only onee, wldle the BOilermak ..Yo were within KOrinI diltaDee tUeeI 'ti� but fumbles and penalti. pre­v_tea • Kon until OUp .... t ..ac1ehill 'Bevent,. ,,-ard I'ULmlaoiB WOD haDdiq from NortIa·weetaIl, 37.0, &lid .. owed til. �of Zuppke'a eo.elaiDg. In.pte of tile.rippled eODditioD of tile Purple, tileIDiai displayed a lot of footballkaowledge aDd will prove �----- �� �� ....,----,_- _ ..;1i of the COWleiLIn the event that either fraternityis found guilty of violating the In­terfraternity. rule it will be liable tothe pen�ty impoeed for the first of­fense, 8U8peD8ion for ODe quarter frowall Under�uate fraternity, activi- to see all romantic plays, and aboveties. In addition to this special bum- aU, Shakespeare's plays InfluencedOR SALE-Oue full dress eoat, oneneBB, the regular election of o1fi�ers. scenically by the methods ot the Yel-'rince Albert coat and vest, one win­will be held. low .1acket?" Realism in which ator overcoat---sizcs, 36 to 38� Oooelstone wall two feet thick fiaps In theondit.ion, cheap, Tel. OaklaDd 5116-breeze is certainly not realistic and is13 Oakwood Boulevard. Apt.- No.1.destrnetlve to all illusion, but let. ameetina of the Gene�' Administrative. destroy the illusioD. We have it inoion, address 6356 Jackson Ave. Phone.Board last Saturday. our mind aDd there it will stay as Hdway 4390.FIx FInal Bum �tes.The final quartel-ly examinationswill be held !nday, December 19th,Monday the 22nd, and Tuesday, the23rd. The Eighty-ninth Convocationwill be held at 3 on ftunday, Decem­ber IfSt.h. This was decided at the CLASSIFIEDDWEl�anee.stance, are very adequately presented LO�'r..,..�ilver mounted stub Water­by the plain interior settings in whichwan pen ,with initials G. G. A •. }'inderthe play was performed last winter, please return to -Graeia ' Al1i�g, 5140but would it not be an improvement, Kenwood ave.mggestion convey to the mind' that :ltable and a chair placed against asetting of draperies or screens is a.room in the eastle of ElsiDore andall the breeze in the world will not upUa Wanted..._Mrs. Flora MacIvor­mith, voice build�l and teacher ofrtistic singing at Mrs. Knights, 5652a.ekson A ve. Ter� �f ten leeaona­"if teen Dollais. For further informa-;(Continued on page 3.)COME AND . SEE an euluaiveline of· Japanese embl-oider� pwuand kimonos imported direct- from Ja­pan. Original designs in ailk gauzeand cotton crepe. Prices reasonable.Mrs. 8telner,' 5616 Kimbark ave.� latllat.BOARD-Private· family' for limited 'application. $5.00 : a week: or ...,.ate'meals pro, rata. I ,; Mrs. Oalba, 6�.Woodlawn. '.B. P. 637; good home cook·ID£I. ", Ma�ine B��es8 ,for �e" �e�p,'good profits, easy �or1t, � D,�t in ..'Irere With st1idi�B. 'RUm1lBSen, 5211" rngleside av� Ph�De � ,Po ':'7020. 'THESMOOTHESTTOBA�"",tOCNT­... ..brought together marble· 8tai�&rY,paintings, bronzes, and-· �"large � giLi­. '\'Bnie ·batterY; with ;"hi�h':exPeri�euiswere conducted tor popul&J;·edtiicatiou. 'lUg1oll'lI Victory""WaS to clotl& the COD-..But it WIUI his meehanieal iIiHirU_ eert, III between these ·,,·orka.,Mael-.w('ld.s which were the feature of .Mael- :td'� meehanieal " trumeeters 'was t�.·r- work was not tIC) good; .but. this mayzel's exhibitions. lie had eoustrueted .lluy two marches by -Dussek aud t-Iey- be iaid to th, faet� tIlat Iow& knewu,. �towa�e ... trumpeter. wh_ich played el, rospec tlvety, the al"Compaili��tsa ,,'rt'Dch cavalry march whicli Mae1- lJeing performed by the .full orch';tra.BYJlPBOKY 'OBOllBftBA ther stoppi�g .at ',or . iui.i�g -thrOugh . Th�'-of . u- OIl . tlae�e&u}pu;.' who· teetOIVB8 �. �lfO,BB%., \'inua- �t'-tb.1t tbile 'and ... Du,nber of that we � 1IOIII8"i�iamt,i<fD arc.!theMe-Drago�etti) .M.eyer�� lIuw- ll&h'e�; ad -.,me elDotio� r"8p011S1�mel, HOU1�rgj ud Spehr, �ntICDte;i to poetry, c&Ilnot "or,4, to ml"s it.t"; perforw �n t.lse OJ'.Ches� = -, . , IrrAOO GIVB8 vABIirrY.. '.'bis progr�m. was:cowwe�cea with, U8UAL IIOlCDAY,LA.YOJTthe new Symphony' No.7.,. and ··WeU-. -' .",--D� the neatest; quickest, 'and .:�ost. unifomi writin'�.The same pen willl3;St for yem ·of. servic�. The �old pensin Waterman's Ideals 'are: smooth and: of any character yourhand requires. The Spoon teen' gives an even and accurateflow of ink and pi�en�s.' flOodin�. 'Sold EverPrbcre by 'ilie� .�t '��rs .: '- ..... ' ... '(�ued bom page ii",_'. �(Continued from 'page 1.1tbat Cl.ieap would. ue· .nothing b��.straight 'football and· profited. accord­ingly. . tiny . aDd .�eree. were weakon inter ference, and the .line .did .netopen hotes &8 well as wight be expect­eel. Norgren got· .. e.llarl�y horse. earlyin the game 'and this interfered withhis ki·�king to BOwe .extent, but �ezel :.eumpanieti,j on the piallo.� There,.. '. '.: .', " t,'"'WI altlC) the panharmouldou, whichreproduced ,the' ell'ects' of a militaryband, and for whi�h .. �he. �n\'entor had, arranged the •• Military" symphouy of Student Views of Pia" of the Week.(Continued from page �.)rtnyuu, the overtares to Cherubini 14 101l� us we will it.uJ .. odoillka·' and that to' Handel's "AI- Tbe picturesque phrases. with which outpunted his opponent consistently.exauder's "'east" as well as two mar- tho Yellow Jacket is fun .. aee amongdit'tl by the youthful piauist .Mol.iheles. the many eharms of. tJae play e- Th�y'l'hia astute meehauieiau had pereeiv- sti(!k in -the mind like the eateh. mel-ell that a compoaitlou by )Jcetho\'�n ody of the musical play one se'es the Vn..,,·ink •••••.••• - - •••• _. _. .• L. K. fi'\'9rn IffiWfijijftiOdOO'\fI\WI\WUIi6W.ii lite I·"'ould much' e�h'an(': the \"�lue . .bf his night before. There is something St.ull •••••• : .•••• :: ••• �' ••• - •. L. '1'., : . _ lIALLOWE·ENpanharmonieou, and as ubattle"pieccK grand antlmajctltic in "Timo has 'hon-- .':>parkK, Scanlon' �� .. _ .• '.L. G. �DJlEXE� .. P·B",·RMACY c� c.� {� �COal andwertt at that time:' a much ;eHpected onornbly pursued its venerable way�', !)es Jardieil, Whiting .• '.• � ••• ::�' .•• C. :'. ' .',�, »:> Water coio� sketCheS fOr a.rit;soclal af-H· . ,. . H G .:.. <. .. JU.ft: McANANY, JL ;Ph. .....'. .,.. '.' ,I ...f0111l of ('omposi�ion,. �el:rp proposed something akin to a stately Impressive arns ••••••.•• �.: :._ •••• -: �.:. •• .... -. t·.·, .. .1'" .1m . (� clu.1i's, CJiDDera; ',etc.,) aretllat:a work �of t6i�·�tle��i.pti·on sbouhl mareh. Tbt're is something humorous- Hoettler •••••••••.•••• ::-.;. ;.R •. :1' 90D1u'5&h 'and .Drex�.. � chicago 'tJ� ��p� ,;'," .... . Imake money for h�I��elf Us .�·e!!..as for Iy sugge�ti\'e in "You, arc so wise ane} Huntington •...•••• �_ ..... '•. �.: •.. R. .E. .; -. '.r.ili,pho�e· JI1d:.a� 1411; ,<, t·. � F.Oi· �iABLB PBICES._. ·jts writer_ As- Maelzel was intending beautiful. You must be forty;'� sOnie- Russell ••• , •••• - •..•.• _ ' Q. B_ �b�� to pur �ol!r'Dt:'ugs and ·Tolh.'t ArUclt".,: Manj' of these sketCh� are mustra-.�� �epart for Lont"on, u�d aJ an �ng- thing at onee funny and appealing' tn. '�ra�, Kennedy �.�; •. ; : - - . � �'. L: � H. B_ I'be' �llB '. DRBXEl· PHARMACYaDd tiODS of.' fa:moua . quot&U�� and 'P"lillb \'ictory would' be a politi� sub_' the grave Oriental dignity that :speaks :-iorgren� ,ntzpatrfek :- -' ":. :'B:' -ll. 13. HOWIe of T: :::� �f'IDi� Dge& �. adopted '� Balowe'en,jec.·t for blusica1' iJlterpret�tion, he s�g-' of "venerable legs", "uugustly prett�"" :.)ieree ••.. - ••...••••. - •••• _. ·F • .8. �. '. r. � Tha1dmgtv1ng and Xmas part1es.gested� to .Beeth'ov'en _ work entitiCtl "honorable hump", "luseiolls ODe", "BU- Iowa (6.) . 1H!''''QWJI •.\la.v.e.\l$lnv.A\le.vu.\ln�_, UlfNUSUAL AND �G.-. _··Well,in. gton's vi�iory. �t'" Vit�ria". b' b th" d" 1 t-al -<II C berry BE.. ,Cl'lTGGESIII"rOWHI_ pe.r ,r,ea , an .ee es 1. weepI�b'l �. • ••••.••••• - - •••.• ,.. ", U'I ...... ag.Bee. t. hoven no��'only fell in with th� II Th t K k R. .'1'.: . 5�1R'S_"1R"§"$1\1!"l;;11;!!"§r&i�I·)i!'!'!;"n�@.. ",iP.!ittQ7\i--'·n!ilR"it\Q"\\�'-' 51 f' �_'n T_ .. _ t1Wl ow • e one ImpreSSlve, poe ;lC I Ir .• ' � •. - � •••. - .,' •••• : -'. . • • ::p..---- or �OW8'en 'or � f_ vi es willidea, 'but ae'tuaiiy concei\'ed the plan "ote is struck when the phli08oph,er I �rueekner, &so� �"" •.• .; .... �. G.: Thomas .1. C'aVey.-®.:'SOn 'be sold :Ior�$1.00 a.an. Noveltlea and·O· f a .. compa' nying' Ills' frif;nti 'and the t W H G't "E t 11 ht .' ' . C . FURNISlIINOS" snys 0 u 00 l,· very man mus oug on ..••••.•.• - .•..• - - • • • • '. clever 'touches. espec:1alb' planned f�I,anllarmonicon to .to;n,land. l(oOk into the garden of his:80Ul alon�", ,Wilso� •••••••••••• _' .• '. _ .•• � • .L. G. For Gentlemen . .ea.ch;festlviQ.wm also be 8Old.·U de-Famous Compoeers Aas&it.. but for the most p�rt. the phrases ,i���� � ::::: _'::� .: La T. spEclALIzmo. IN �'WANTS _OF; BIret· ,�ese 8I1GGestdoDS and. mustra...:Il� .It was, howe\'er, necessary to raise nrc what Mr. Bennett of·, the Beeord- U�nde� '.. � .• '" . L. &. THB COLLEGE MAN �c)D1:.:m d1sti!lct17. or1!iDaLJIlolI,ey. �Q� �he expeditioD;' and' Mael- Jj�riU(l woul(l term pretty-pretti�s4 )�on8, ·�u;�t.:: :.: J :}. �: � � ��; '':.Q.'q� -,' :.�.. '. � ',Idze r�.' .. � ��. :� � _ THBY.lIAVB Na.f· BEEN PBlN'.rBD_lei. planned to produl!e the battte piee� ·They. '8(ltl, however; t4 ·the toW'effect .P-enningrotil. . .eMf •• _ •.. - . _ _ R. H. B. 31 W. Monroe 8tnet -. c;:ideago '.' -�," • _..", - BBFOBB .wph·, SODle other works at a.charity of suange eharm and a.ppeal'th� the Di�k, Donnelly �. L. H- �. I��W.;M"W· 'as'-ptinttng·tbem for the public woul4jJ� ��¢:rt,' 'in �rder that' th� intere��, 01' piny' exert.oj upon. i� '�1idrencC8, - 'aDd . MeUi��is, Willis _. - ..• - - ••• - -. ).t'. p- �,. :.. rob 1Jle:.ii. Of their origlnaK\7.'t"':PUblic ,l;Iligbt bo siir�ed up ;a.' n, d the play woaM sutfer.-without tJiem. . Chicago' !t;.;:,_, � •.. �I_·., •.. (. ·6 'i. 3 7-r.2:� The ···JColleft_·e Shop , ... .z:::; ._. :'.·7,·li:s'a-lie'.th. Eberle,further performances be arranged for r, t is to be noted. wUh. Jieglet" that ,lowa' •• �'�': � ! .::.. _ _ 0 0 6 9z-;,6 r..':0 _ •. E-'L:hiti·o�i.�·· : ' 1617<£. '57th '81::, '. - Ch1ca80, D11nois.. 'he'\�eti\ of, hi�it and -of �his the 'Yellow Jaeket.·is t. have U. .lnal . Touchd�l'&y (2), .. ,Norgrf'.n. .&AU 'U, • ,,'. ........:_)i_"�, '.':k "'f '.!l: ton h.ll":__:_ .. u .ti '.d� "I.EA'rHBB BIDB8';�Alm PiLL&w�' "I�'iw!W1MUiQJtrJJIlPIilQJ"IM\"\\IA\lU\ll,'rie ,d .,.Jleethn�.'J:�_RDI)ro.vi.n,g .of �.hi8 pe.rformance-'-Sa�7"·Dipt.j.o";.LQi� Goals rom.' e QMW�un,. n6..,.n,. - .----.,.- •• --"t-": � 1:'",. I !fOVBL�· -lH' '�Y .AND .' - �.', iClea,. the ."v:' ell'fngt. o.�. 's.' Vidory" w� "t��Wf ��� �at� i� i� I peDningrb�, Pie� ,Goal from, fie�d- \<.., DAlfClf 'PBOGllAJIB .. . <I ,�,.:',�", sUiscamE ::FOR ..: retumecL«to�'blm to, be. lI\ade oyer for �,arOU81Dg enougtK!1Btere� U�UD�tb�O� y��l�Benb�, �bch-, �,,_ 't •. , �.(&! � �,. • _ .1. ,,;.1' :"')iftIB'DAILY lIIAROO" .full ol't!hriii-au�d'Maelzel busied hioi- p� The "passionate few" ",llO"ba\"� �ga... ,H"fer�CoDiiett;" ·Ybginia. ... -. �- 61'-0'" Sho .eelf with pre�aration8 for the eonc�rt.I ..."';, tho play aDd are tryiuS' to .r<>:- 'H.�d' ·ii���cioD. ' !liiCliig.,..' .• (,J :. 7mo��� " �� t �, ,:": ,.�"�. :"':::::',�.� " �".�veral renowned musicians were e�- ate enthusiasm for it ar� '. few iladeed. i '.ri� -. of., _p,eriod��D minutes.;' A- � ::.','-::;a L; E. Watenaaa.Co02Paay·, 173 BrcMid"ay; '��w YorkOJ�CDIW\��Chicago (23")Just. .·,--.m which to subscribe ,for the DAD.. Y 'MAROON" at thet .' • • •.pnee' of.'.. ,�$2.00 for the ·year.; After October 25th, $2�50.,",_,"_".•t..�,_ .----�:.__"1...a.....:.....L.... __ •A FaD·CoIIar'... ADA o.worbn·lil·bu· •. 1.GracefulLinesMedMtm -Height2 For 25 Cents._ •••. : ';'1.� 1;.. :\.<�.� .• r.·· '.l'�":' .. - ..---._-,PatroDize ·IUOOD Advertisers••••••••••••••••••�DEB�Ii •• ?' « •Klaw aad Erlaapr ,.....,.;_ 4W I :f • I • GOP :�. o{BAB.ABA •.d1I.�.---� ,I,l�.JI"I