/".'/laily !latonttRequests for reclassifientiou will beoffered at the first, class meeting, Oc;tober 2';, in order to aid in drawingup the official class lists without moreond string men were ghoen a chance, 0 fthan a day's delay. Perifious or nom­with. the exeeptaon of Wbiting at cen-[nation and notifications of witbtlraw­ter, and the freshmen presented theirI I 0 I ti "I must be submitted before 10:15,regular lineup, Pat mal e liS SO ee Ion ...of the Preshmnn- Varsity team for the Tuesday, October 28, and all reclassi­first time, and the powerful yearlings -ficatiou must be done by 10:15 of theplayed tbe Varsity to a six tie. Pierce .Iay following.nlade the only score for the VarsityVoL xu. No. lLGHOST BLALSI USEDIN LONG SCmlAGEDirector Stagg Keep. VanityADd Yearliog. Battling Un­til Long After Dark.ANNOUNCES FRESHMAN UNEUPConch St .... gg brought t1H� far fumedghoMt 'into pluy last night un-I stageda long scrimmage between tile Varsityand freshmen first teams. The squadsbattled until long aCtor dark, eachKl'oring one touchdown. The VarMityline, whieh hU8 been the target ofmuch criticism lately, perofrmell fair­ly well nud showed some uupeoveureut,over previous form, hut the! ) cur-lings wert! "l.lt- to pierce it fl,r fre­quent gains.Director Stagg trled out the regular,·arsity for almost the first timo sincetho Indiana game. None of the 8l-'C-on an off tackle plunge, antI Berbrcr,the half h:�.�1( rescued from W Jsccntlin,skirted the Varsity's end allll plantellthe ball across the line for tho fresh_men. _The Varsity line played in llashes,at times opening up holes well for theLacks and charging tho }'reshmen offtheir: feet. Also for intervals while UXIVBBSIrY OF CHICAGO, WBD!fE8DAY, OCTOBER 15, 1913.TO HOLD ELECIlONS SOON' TO SED. MAROON BATS I WIll DISCUS$ TAMPERING' COllNClL LAYS PLANS TOCaDdidates Will Speak OD Plat- AT EllNG FRIDAY Iblteriratemity CoUDCil Meet. INSTITUTE HONOR COURTf� Lays FmalExpect To Diapoee Of Supply Today-Officen Refuse ToP ..... For Song-book. Of Three Hundred And Issue Any Statenaents.Fifty In Two D�y .. Twelve Men and Women WillJudge Students AccuaedOf Cheating.- ---TO REPROVE OR EXPEL GUILTYNominutious for class ofl'i('er� will The Interfraternity council moetsWIIJ. AID UNIVERSm SPIRIT I this afternoon at 2 in the Reynolds--- Iloillb to consider a ease of plcllgo-tam-M te' hats will be sold at.aroon roo r g p(,l'illg. Oakley llorton, presideut Ilr"tl I ass-meetinu Frhlay around the. I. Ie n 0 tempore of the eouueit, refuser to�) bench. The system of rooter's hatsgivc :lIIV details other than the pur-. trodueed two years af�o and •was In 0pose of the meefiug,was taken up enthusiastleally by the"�. I tl t· of QI· !!1It" AIl)hn' lit I re exeep Ion r:J �... ..,.student body. The price of the ha� Epsilon and K:IPllt:L Siglua, every fra-Oil b forty cents and Sam Wells IS 0 CWI e '_ 0 tcrnity a ..sscrted absolute Ignorance 0tho chairman of the eommittee �hlCh the nffair when interrogutod last uig .... 1;.bas them in earge, The hats wlll al-.•. Al I EAn uppcrelusseuuu of SIgma pia 1):so be sold at the game Saturday. Nosilou said that the incident oesurredone will be allowed in the rooter's An bOllor court for the trial of IAtu­dents accused of elleatiu,g, will be anactuality iu the near future, aecorel­jng to plaus of tho undergraduatecouue il, which were decided a.t itsnreetiul( yesterday. The prop()g� eourawill consist of twelve members, Iiixmen and six "·-OIaen; two men and twowomen to be e}iected from each of theupper classes, and one man and onewoman froRl the lower classes. . Thecourt ,,;ill be empowered to Imposepunishments, from reprirnaads to ex­pulsion, on students fO\llld guilty ofdishonesty,Consult Deans on Plan.In discussing th� formation ot thecourt yesterday, it was held by mem­bers of the council that since, thecouncil 'is elected by the studen*s, it,can establish a court for the trial ofcheating cases, as. representa.H·;e� ntthe atuelent bOlly. A committee oftbe council will report thi� vieW tothe cleans for their action.The unc1ergt"D.llunte council will it­self nomi�te., twi�e the, llumber (,f��; and women for pla.&!cs on ,thecourt, and the students will eht,·t, thc�irrepresentatives. No exact, particularsare on hancl, regar'ling the operation, of the new system, but it was propos­e(l yesterday that six of the twelvestuclent jlulges woulll go out of officewith the encl of blae quarter.Accuse Cheaters in Writing.be held Priday, October 24, at 10:15,al·cor,ling to a de .... -ision of the under­z.:ra.lunto COlIlIl'i1 yesterday, Classelections will be held October 31.Caudidates for all offices will givespeeches outliuing their platforms at10:15, October 30, tho day before theelect.ions, men running for presidenttalki ng 3 minutes, aud eaudidates forthc other otTiCCt4, one minute.Expect BeC1a.ssi1lca.tion Bequests. Suturrluy night, but ijlat he did notcare to make any further statement.replied to the same effect when ques­tiOJlCl.1.section without a rooter's hat.According to present plans the ma­roon rooter's hats will be on sale byFrielay at the latest. The mass-meet­ing before tho Iowa game will beheld around tho C bench Friday at10:15, and the committee in charge ofthe hats will dispose of them there. Makes No Denial.John .. .\Iorrison, 'i4, a member of theKappa Sigma fraternity, late lastnight said he hall no statement tomake. when urged to deny that Kap-The hats will be th,_, �m(. style ns . h t'pa Sigma was implicated III t e ma -last year, maroon, with a whit .. bandtor, Anotner Kappa Sigma upperelass;and a white button. They may I::il:man, reached at the Kappa S�I,naobtained from the following Juni->rs, house, tlaitl that he knew of a caseWells, Ward", LoUcsgard, Bobnp.u, w.hich might bo consillering tarul)er-Stevenson, Delany, Watliins, and Gor-'I'be custom of ba,·ing all candidatesspeak at the nominating meetings isone which was introduced by thecouncil last year as an experiment._ Aclo� PlaIUI For SoDs-boaIL-''----.-The council passed upon plans forthe University song�book. T�rc:ekinlls of songs will be used in mak­ing up the book, T_;niversity HOnge,W. A. A. songs anti Blackfriars eom- ing ill cOllnection with the chapter,hut wouM mako no further statement.He said that the incident oceurred·'�unday night:-"'-No one- g&ve "the '"na:m�of the man concerned, nor any state­ment of the parts played by the fra­ternities.Tho penalty impOSetl by t�e councilfor pletlge tampering is, su.,ensionfrom the council for three months.Ira....Three hundred and fifty of the hatshave beel!_�rdf!r��_i! ill_��:.l-tbt" � snpply will' be exhaustedwithin the first two days of the <mie.In regard to the wearing of the hat.OJWells said last night, "The purpoeeof the hats is to show the Unive'fsityspirit. In spite of the fact that thei,lea originated at Illinois and Incli­nna, we belie"e that far from beingsmall town or eountry eollege stuff,the hats have a dofinite purpose an,laicl the Unh'ersitv spirit."Naturally at the football games inCllieago a very large proportion ofIt was decidetI to boM a competi the pM)ple, who attend, are city peo­tion for the selection of a co'·er de_ pIc, not interested in Unive�ity af- .Alltlre�s by l'rofessort4ign for the son", book. The contest.e fairs. The hats mark the Uni\"(�l'Slty l'rofessor Thomas le. White, of thewill last until }'ri.lay, Octooor 24. Thestudents as a di8tinetive gathmirlg Vnlversity of Indiana, Mrs. Charlesi1luKtration submittetl should be smallof' Ilomeand make them eMily recognizable." Gray, former iU:itnlctorantI simple, al)proximatNy a 3 x .. inch A ..... ordl·ng to .0 pr ....... nt plans of".. """ economics ill the Iowa state college;tlesign, with no lettering, according 'the athletic department, one entire ,Mr. Eo J. Tohin, tfnperil.tentlent ofot tho tlccision of the council. eeetion will be J'88erved for the men 'C,JIO' ,Cook county schcqls' by �Want Freshmen to Wear Caps. . ,rooters. The women will sit in an_ Charlos R. lIenderson will be incluclellAfter somo discussion, the councilpositions. Other materi:li will be CO'l_on defense the linemen ripped up theyearling lino and got tho opposingbacks before they had fairly startell.Slumps were, however, apparent, andthe �eavy frl'tihman back6eld timehend of the committee on preparingand again skirted tho ontla or. hit thothe song book.II line for substantial gainB.Captain Norgren, Pierce, Gray, andRussell formed the Varsity backfield.The backs playetl their usual steadygame and �casionally got away forlong spectacular runs. Whiting wa.'4in at center in placo of Des Jarllien,who is still on the hospital li�t. Shor­ty expects to be in the gamo Saturllaythough. Scanlon and Harris were atthe guards, Goettler and Shull at thetacklce, and Vruwink, Huntington,aDd Baumgartner took care of thewings.Beplar I'reIIuIuul Lineup.The regular lino-up of the Freshmenas announeed for tho first time in· �j,lere I. :lllil all sonb"S o! a nature not�oming uneler th� three general headsof the council's selection should behandell to Dorothy Llc-weUyn, who is A bex will bo placed in Cobb, toreceive notes of information concern_MANY SPBAKERE ABE TODELIVER Y. W. C. L. T_:..I.�Educators Will Address University ing eases of clfmting. Notes will haveWomen Daily in Lea..�e Booms. to be si�nCll, ancl the, names, of broin Lexington. witnesses will be requ1red. The, illen­tity of th·e informant will not be dis-Willett; dosed to the ac('u!tC.l, and he will notbe confronted with the witn�For lower cla..�men, punishment byrcprimanels, ancl di"barmcnt from par­ticip�tion in stuclent acth·itiefl will beimp�l for the first offell8C, antl ex­pulsion for the �oncl. Upper l'Ia..",,­me. found guilty of claeating will 00recommended for immediate expulsion.other sedion and all 8tuclent." accom- in a two-weeks KCries of lectures giv­tlecillecl to is..'Wo an announcement call-panied by ladies will either ha'·e to en for Unin�8ity women by the Y.ing on all }'reshmen to wear green Bit ill the women's acetion or in an- W. C. L.other part of the stand. The cheer Professor Willett will �pcnk on "Theleaders hope to strengthen the root- 8()C>inl Conditions of India," to.lay at w. A. A. AW AJmS PBlZBShats. The ouncil went on recorel alsoas approving the custom of wearingmaroon rooters' hats at the football Champion waaer and Wanner. Of8t11DtII Get CUPloing by this· method. The ma."t5-mect­ing Friday will he in eharge of cheer­leader Mathews. Captain Norgren,Pat Page, Diredor Stagg, and mem­bers of ,the team will 8pCak of the�hanees with Iowa. l� in th(' I�ngt1e room, in Lexington.This will be his first Uni,-ersity lee­turn "inl'o his retlurn from India.Two aelclre880." from the Y. W. C. L.�eries are 'schr.lulccl for tomorrow. At10:15 Ruth Allen will talk on "Ser­,·il'e." "The Woman Who Di.t Whatclude(l Shafer, Carolan, and Berger inthe backfield, Willett at quarter, Gor- MANY 8BBE PLAOBSdon and Patterson at en(l, Jackson anel OM' DBBA'fIM'G'rBAII8;81JB.JECIr ARM'OUM'CBD,Alberts at tackle, Windrow an.l Sher_A score of candidates are seeking Be.dlng 8odet7 Bolds mection. She Could," will -be the subject of aplaec.." on the two Varsity debating Jehie Brown wa.." elected pre�ic1cnt If'cture hy Profes.."or Whitt', at 3:30,team�. As the preliminary tryouts will of the Dramatic Reading SOC'icty at • in Kent thNlt.-r.'he heM n week from Fri(lay, the men the meeting yesterclay. The other of- ProfeM�or Whitc., who i� �tu.lcnt pa�.nre husy preparing their briefs and fieen eleded were 'Mabel O'Connor, tor of Tncliana, was urgccl to ,1�li,"ersummariC6. A reference library of ';("0 president; Carl Defenbaugh, �- hi� tnlk to Unh'ersity women by Chi-hnn(lrccls of artic1C8 hu ben gathered retary and lIarry O'Neill, trerumrer. �aJ.!o womcn who hear,\ it at the Y.on the subject for the �913 triugular W. C. A, �onfcrence at Lake GenevaIIanJaall 8peaU to 1'nIJuDen. collegiate deb., "Resolved: that the Olubll Gin � For DeW Women. lut summer.Dean Manhall spoke to the FrC5ho states should catablish a 8t!hedule of Freshmen women have been Mkell to On }'ri.lay, M1'& CharlCfl R. Hen.men students of \be 8Chool of Com· minimum w� for unskilled labor, a party to be given by the Nei8'hbor'l c1er�on will talk on her impr�"ions ofmcfte and AdminjRtration at a lunl'h· constitutionality conceded." Cudi- hood cluM on Friday from 4 to 6 India, and the ROn of work :Margar­oon �esUl'rday in lIut.ehin80n eafe. dat,C5 for the teams have been aided in Lexinpn. The four du"" will f,t 'Sr('lf'hf'r is .1oing there.His mbjeet was; ·now to Take Notes.' in preparing their briefs and selecting join to make the ftrst party tor new :Mrs. Chnrll"8 Gray, former in!llt"1C�-There were about l'Cventy .. 6ve stn- bibliographies by consultation with women a �y one. Plans ha"e beenKia Gett-- in " ........ readilllP room. made for aboal200 p.ta..-Jenta praeDL .,_, --r-a _brough at guard, anel Stutzmann at�enter.. The Freshman team j" a for­mitlahle one, the line being heavy anelfast ancl aggressive. Tho men ar�prndir.ally all experience.l players an.lwill prove dangerous opponents fortho Varsity during tho &cason. At the W. A. A. rec('ption y�ter.I • .rafternoon Cornelia Beall, championwalker of tho Wom ... n·. Athletic n�:"O­dation, was pr�ntc.l wit.b 3. D1ca�t1r­ing cnp, anel Ehtel RriJtht, winner ofthe �tllllt r:1<'e rl."t'Ml"ctl " tin 10\·inJtconp. The f�hmen hal"inlt, th(' mo"t�I,r�ntaf;il"� ,,·cre g.1'·cn a 24ift�rwith whi('h to sift out thcir da�l'."lfcct me in the Shadow of the Coal·"in" was one of the Mng� l'om�land sung by the quartct. MargaretRhollcs, "anet Flanner, And Ruth Agarba�kerl hy Cornt'li,. !Wall. After t.hetn� ,of wftr he�wecn the Senior anll.Junior ('olle�('l", danl'in" 10110"-('11.Two c-Iogl'l hy HiMa lIal'Clintor.k, an.1babel MacMurray ("ompl�l tho pro_wam. Four bundrccl women were prea­fOnt.(Coatiallecl OD pap Co)'DIE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, OCTCBER 15, 1913.. �".' .I B�mThe l1��:�f �:ooo -=- __A_t_hl_e_ll_· c_._B_r_e_V_i_ti_ea__ �1 t .. �l;:;'::;�����;A.�o;�,;��� :::.del. � :, \ tl!IWIuterf'ruter-uity Couue il ,Mt.'t.·tiug--:!,Reynolds club.Professor "'HIett's Lectur� ou"The Sodal Conditions of Iudiu," 3,. l'VfUU:;l)'University of Chicago Wc:ekly.Man:!, lnc Editor ••••••••••.. 'M:lrtin Stever.News Editor ••••••••••••• George CottinghamAtltlc: ea Editor •••.•• , •••.•.•• Harry GorgasBusin, Ja MtUlagcr •••••••••.•• Burdette ManCirc�; .. tion Kan3!;Cr ••••••••.• Wilham LymanPull, shed daily except Sundays, Monday»and ,->liday. dur ing three-quarter. of theUnive sit,. year. .Ent. red .1" H:UJI:,J-d;lss mail at the: ChicagoPostor.ice, l Iucago, Itl., �larch 1S, 1905, un­der .I\,·t of .\larcil �, 1873.SU BSCRIPl'lON RATES.B,·, .irrie., �:.: ;,(1 a yvar ; $l.Ou • quarter,)I,. I ail, �.,).UU a ),.:.u; $J..2ii a 4,uiuter.Ed;1 rial-Business omee, ·Ellis 2-1.'fCOh, hone Midway 800. .<ItbitotialIn ali arttcl; ieprin� y�sterday inthe Maroou from the Wisconsin DailY}!e�s. a savage attcak is made uponstudent activities. Thewriter lays down theStudent Jim Thorpe, the star of the Olyni-pie games, will assist in coaching theCarfisle eleven this 1'aU. Thorpe hasbeen a ut.ility man with the Xew YorkGiants since his sensationul exposureas u prefessioual athlete, League rooms, Lexington.Musquers TryoutS-3 :30The .Iuuior class at Htiuois upset Lexington.tradition Iu the fall iuter-vluss meetmen IIy seven points. Tho 1915 dele; kell,gation scored forty-two points, The i y. 'V. c, L.-"The Second Step," ,records were mediocre us a rule duo I ll):l:;� Lexington.to the heuvy track. French dub-Aclclrt.�t>S by Mr.4, Lexington 8.Friday.Saturday by wiuuiug from the fretJh·'1'he Wisconsin Cardinal in apologiz­ing for the rough play of the Badgersiu the lIarqucttt' g:une prints the fol,lowing.··.-\fter wit.nessiuga slu ... hing' contestplayed under i.lcnl coudit.ions, every­body went away feeling that Wiscon­sin has an ace high chance to repeatas confereneo champious. It abo mighthe added in way of npprec iat.ion, that.\lanluette has a bunch of game play­ers on its team and that the �lilwau·keo school ought to make a splendidshowing this season. At times theproposition that practi- �rar<tuette men made it such an evencal experience in dra- contest, that some of the Bac.ll-frsmatics, newspaper work, etc., may be were inclined to rough it. This mani-gained in the world, and that the festation of aggrt.."8Si\'cness must be The sent.imont at Hlinois in rcgnr-Ifour years of college life should be attributed to overcnuxiousness rather to �ljchig:lIl and the Conference is re­devoted to studies. Much may be said than to any disposition on the part tledcll in the following editorinl fromagainst cotlege activities; but this of the Badgers to play nasty foot. Saturday's Daily lllini: ' !particular criticism misses the point. ban." Editorial.:It answers no real claim that can be Editor, Michigan Dail�-:- iput forth in support er actiVities.,No Members of the state uni veraity of lllinois welcomes 1\1 ichib�n into th� : is .�e. person could entertain the better Iowa club of Chicago will hold a Conrerence miller regular Conft'rent'l'! �� •••• - - • - • - • - - - - - • - •• - - - - -.that a. man could learn practical news- banquet Friday, October I; at the I rules. The Daily lllini will follow 'paper work on a college daily better La Salle hotel 'in preparat.ion for the this 'policy.or even as well, as on a goOd news- Town-Chicago game. Editor,' The Daily Hlini.paper. Bu� the justification for the 'I'he policy of, The. Daily Illini oncollege P�P6r. does __ :p.pt rest. oD . this. Red Wittle, the star Northwestern the question of Michigan's admittane«College activitie� are;in existence for ond, who has been out of the game. to the Western Jntereollegiato Confer.,two reasons-c-one, in response to the for two weeks with a cracked shoul- ence is stated in 'the above telceramdemand for somthing to aJford diver- der blade, will be in the Illinois-North- to the editor �f .�h�· l[ichi'gall ;aily.sion from the ��y grind of study; western contest Saturday. 'rhe lllini poolicy, as' stated, cloes notseco� as a mediU!!l fOr � develOp-ment of personality and Went. Ac- T�at Stagg is not the only one whotivities' at a uIuversity in a � fears Purdue is .shown by the linetown, where the outside diversion con. frOnl the Wake of News in the Tri­,or less !luestionable, pool rooms, and bune.probably the saloon, 1ill a real neel1:and activities in Chicago, whlle not. needed from this point ot view, existin imitation of those at other universiti�S. T.Ile other reason is e;iv!'n mOrActivities-�.'I� all that we hearIs true.There"s reason to fearPurdue. to 5::W,romano .. :Divinity School Chapel--lO:l!j, lI:1R-Football Iowa. 'J,!UIllC, "C" bench, Specchos by Stagg,norgreu, P:tgc Sauer, 10:15.German Club_A4Itlr�g �'r.�c:hro('tter, 4:30, Lexington 14.l\I�ns' GI('(' Cluh-4, llitclll'll.Neighborhood Clubs-Part�", 4 to 6,L('xill�ton. IReynolds Club Informat-S:�O. Rc_:strictctl to members.Ushers for Iowa Gamc-Sign up illCobb.ILLINl ON RE'rURN OFMIcmGAlf TO CONrEFENCErepresent t.he c��"iction of one man.Before announ('i"ng- �uch a step, theDail�"_minLmadc a :t'�o!ough in\'Mtt­g"eltion .of" sent�ent 'among the fai:ulty, alumni and 'stuaentB. In atlopt­ing such a ('ourse, the Illini belie\-�it has thc sllI)port of nearly all wholl.it a.ttcmpt� t.o represent.'rhe question of .. Michigan's atloot·tance into Conference circI(.'s in\'o]\'cs��es. "The' other reasol;l is even mor(' The Xorthw('�terll womcn will no!. issues whit hare \'ital to t11e Univer·. sound. Participation in a student ac- he allowed to make the trip to Cham- sity of J)linois. The tlis}lUte is notti-ritY brings a student in'contact with paign Saturtlay, but are doing the so JIlU('h upon the question whetherhis fellows. Studying �gether brings next hcst thing in selling tickets to we want �! i� bigan in the Conference.r.�in� tog�ther; but activities serve to the men for the trip. Yesterday they but. rather upon what tc.rrns wo in\'it�acqu�t participants with personalUy disposed of about a hundred of the her a41mittance. A problem of this2nd human nature. This unqnestion- ti('kets on the special train, and cx_ kjnd is not to he ha.�tily f'cttletl h�'ably is a benefit. And even the "'prac- ('cd to sell two hundrcd and fifty. a �pont.'\neous and. superfi('ially tbCJtJ;rhttical" side of the activititcs is worth::.,mething. Grant that the college FRENCH CLUB WILL(.a.ily does not teach as much journal- ' HEAR MIt. NlTF ATi'"!D as a "modern nowspaper; it teaches KEE'l'ING ON FRIDAYF.�me.· Is not that worth while? Be-... - out reply. The inll,ortance of the i8-suo merits a thorough inqui!'y into :,11the inh(.'rent contlition8.How To Attain 8olutioILThe true solution of tho disp!Jtc('an he attained only hy a complch'llnller�tanc1ing antI concurrence in th�duh tomorrow at -l in Lexin�,'ton 8. "iewpoints maintained by faculty, :II·A ('om III i tt(.'c, wit� FlorclH'(' Knight_ " 111llni antI l1ncleT;!ra41ua� All ha\-oa� ('halrlllan, has heen aPllOlllwtl to - t t k h. 1Il (.'re� s at sta. e ere. All the inget students of French inter('�te.l in I - -torost..'4 are Jtlellti(�al, ina.."much as they Ithe cluh. The other momhcfli' of th(, II all conC'crn the wel:'::i'e of the unh"er· �c'ollllllittec arc; Dorothy Philbrick, Ze·" __�ut\" of IthhOl!'. There f'�n he no con-na Kroger, Clara De Roque anll Will· fl-"t 1 t h1(' )e w(.'cn thc a.�t\' and oftenjam Roe. William Shirl('y, pr�i.lcllt .times immaturo views of students, an,1the ('ollson-ath"e, 4Ice)'I:-- l;�ill policy oftho trniversity at1thoritif'� Cons0n"at,ism shouM he t,he harmonizing in· /�.--.--- .. -.-- ... -.- ..... -TIIE@RuBrffenJt1I�<Jt�Now in our New Hom:- Just across from our old locationyou should most cer­tainly come to this store ifyou w ant a hat at $2-we can give youagreatdcal morethanyou've ever bo ughtatthe price.T HE sametaste, brainsand skill that makeour higher pricedshowings supremeare represented inour displays at $2.Assist:lnt Profcssor Ncff will he the(:lUSe the student cannot get as much speaker :1t the meeting of the French:lS he can elsewhere, should he abstain1 rom getting any training and experi·ence? The man who devotes all hist:me to study develoPS a narrow pet'·::onality_degeneratcs into a type al·);ost as bad as the college loafer, thegrind, the person detached from real)lfe, whose presfince is something tb:\tdiscourages the nor-nal student whoof tho duh, ha..� roq\l�to(l nll 01.1 O1('m-wishes to learn something, but whohcr!4 to �n,l in nam� of pos!4ible memodoes not care to immerse his Ufe inhers to thi!' committee. The club isthe depths of book_lore. And so thischap, who studies a reasonable amountof t1lDe fOr rus neeas, nas time leltto nse in some way. Why should he• "irinw as m1lch ctiversfon kno- as ·'tu-_ .... " Simp'-;"not devote it to aaqu • ..,," 00U&6 AJas De can f Burely it IS to say ,that re:al J1fe aDorcL. moreexponenceas healthy as puttina' in this spare practical experience than coUe.re ac-time in poker-playing and carousing, tivities is ot say nothinl at aU agaim;tbl fl. the lDDoccnt those activities.and even as protlta e_ nt. pr('!'iont ('on"i4Iering afTiliation withtho Allianf'e Francn.isc of tbe UnitedStates. Tbree Reasons Why you should Eat at tbe Men's CommoDS1st. Good Food Properly Cooked.the Conff'rcnf'C under untHroal conlH· 2nd. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen.tions. She 8(.'Cks entrance un(ler her \ 3rd. A Minimum Price for Hlgb Qualit7 Foodown term� She does not como to Club Br('akfast 1"I)c up C affferia at �"aethe Confcren�e a� one desiring pea�c, Dinner A LaCarte IIUSIC Ceme ID.Iuence oC nil.)lif'hi,::an a.�k� for a'!:nittance into(Continued OD page 3.) at $2i.i'I.\�II!OUR Grayfieldisn't a $2 hat. except mprice. In sty le, no hats are finer-inserviceability, they're unequaled.-we can show you an endless fl2number of styles to choose from,� ... &JATI .."K · · F ".. eepmg m rontYou fellows know what that means IWe9 ve been very successful in thisregard with Fatima Cigarettes. Bythe way, these cigarettes were 6rst- sold in the college towns-and youagreed with us that they were good.Then we put out for the hig race,·to make F atimas of nation-wide rep­utation. and today more are sold thanany other cigarette in this country.No purer. or more carefully chosentobacco grows than that in F atimas.We purposely put them in a plaininexpensive wrapper-in this waywe can afford quality tobacco, andtwenty of the smokes for 15 cents.Now your college crew is of utmostimportance to you - so is a goodcigarette. and it· s your aim in lifeto keep F atimas in the lead-rightup to their good quality-right upto where you 6rst found them. anawill always find them.Success fellows I You started thiscigarette on its successful career­and you pull a strong oar all overthis .country.SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY MAROON� �������������������������������������\VllJd CaOece tempt at arbitratiun, by insisting up, unani,tDit.y of :seDti_n.t".. Illinoisen her unanimuus legisl&tiun doetrine. wants Michigan baek, but MiChi�"'8J1Granted this une doctrine which !the DlUKt eome back under Cunferencehopes to. exact, and all the peace 'rules, Until' this "iewpuint is de-Drinking amung unh'ersity o.f Wis.. uf the Conference is destroyed. dared unsound by the majurity v{t � I Hin students is on the decline ae- II1chipn·s IdeaL clear-thinking men, the Daily llliui• nling to. recent stateDlents uf fac· Michigan wishes an agreement up· ; will hold to its present policy ••I .�. men who. are closely in toueh with on Confereuee questions, yet doggedly It '. ,lent life. We are glad uf this, clings to her old trouble.enaklng Bold llaaquen 'rr7outa Ifocla,..t "t espet"ially beeause uf any mural IICheme of a training table, her Indi- Tryuuts fur Masquers will be held Ir. uplee We may cntertain against tho "illualiKtic ilteas uf freshman team tuday frorn 3:30 to 5:30 In LexingtonJ :�tice, but beeuse it is evidence uf �ulll),etitiun, regent eoutrol aut! 14. All wumen in the Juniur collegeet ; .)wing sense and manlmess in thc "hum.e·rule'" The compromise uf these are eligible to. the club.EditonMAROONmatters, and a eompromise evidentlyill wi Mit�higan will agree to, would ABNOUNCB conmrr FOBI •. h'ersity student.Perhaps there is no moral objecfion Subscribe forB88A.YS ON ABBrrBATIONt�· the moderato tlrinking of intoxi- mean the upsot,ting of nearly all theI :'ting beverages on tbe part of those Coufereuco legislatiun of the last few". ho actually like them. But how year», Why should nine eoutente-I Lake Mohawk Committee on Arbitra-tion Will Give Prizes For,�' " :1Oy studcnt� drink b('('auRe they like l'ui\'crsities compromise on such a.fl'e tn8tt' uf liquor? A liberal CRti- questiou us regent control> The Con- Essa,.s b,. Students.I Ih"late woutll place that number at fereuce iN now a unit. Every member er,',uut one-third of the total drinkers, of the Big Nine has faculty cuntrullr Tbrt'e prizes, one uf $200 and two. ofThe rel't drink, because (like the boy of ahtleties, Is it justice to ask the $100 will be given to men and women I,', ito. smuk"" his first cigarette) they Conference to. make an exeeption of I writing the ,best papers. on sUbj,eets I"onmaer it a manly. thing to. 110.. TQ Illiehi:!�:lIl? ! �unnected With, Internatlonal arbitra- Ithe average student the phrase, "Come llidligau's conception of "hume-llun. A first prize uf $200, and a see_Ion! Let's have a drink" seems to pus· rule" is incompatdbla with the con- ond uf $100 will be awarded to. the!'eBS a magic charm. He feels that I eeption« uf all the other Conference two. women who. submit the best es­it eontains the whulo essence uf ('01- universit.ies. By linking "bome�rule"l Mays. The prizes are the dunatiun.ufIt!'gism, that he must tast� of its jo�'� with "unanimuus Iegislatlon," Confer- �[rs. }�lmer Black, uf New York city.before his uni"e�ty career is cum- ,I enee Iegislation would 800n eoma to A prize .of $1100, given by Chester,pleted. If that IS your reason for a stand still. "F'reshmau team eom., Dewitt Pugsley, of Peekshill, N. Y.,,lrinking", yon are making a, mistak�.1 J,('titiull" and "thc training table" are will be awarded to. the man writingThere are more manly things than ane ient issues. Michigan is eonver- the best eompositfon, \drinking fur a stuelent to 110.. AIF.o, Isant witb the attttude of the Confer- Un(lergraduate students in every Ithere is all sorts of nonn.ol fellowship h college and University in the United I,,��. ence on t esc questaons, It is some-to. be fonnd uutahlo uf the bar·roum. times eljfficult to unelerstanll just why States are eligible to cumpete. The IMichigan shuulcl maintain the justi- rules nre simple" . The essays shrulficatiull uf such practices in tho faA!e Ileal with sumo phase uf internationalarbitratiun. All essays must bc uf 52.00Don·t aA'quire the drinking habit, }),.'eauRC you think it i8 part of tbe makc·up uf tho cullego man. The best typ .. �cn�c.uf a unanimuus intercullegiate tlisap·of eulle(e man lea'"cs it alune_Wis· pru\'al. 5000 word length, �ypewritten unThese I,oints, ill a general way, CU,"- typl'lWri�ten un standarand frumthe I GERMAN CLUB WILLer the llifTicu)tip.8 invuh'etl in tJt.) stanelard 8 1-2 x 11 paper, accurtlingto the cuntest cummittee's announce·Iluestion uf untler what terms Illinuiswants Miehigan's cumpotitiun. IIli- ment uf cun(litiuns. Manuscripts ma.ynuis ha..q certain well.cl�netl pulicies he submitted to H.. C. Phillips, seer� II "J.t'lachsman Als Erzieher" by Otto·to maintain. Is it really 1000eal to· tary, at Lake Mohunk, N. Y., until Ernst is thc pla.y ut be givcn thisDeeember 1 after which they must bo . C 55th d ---el Chi gask Ilhnois and the Cunfer�ee as a.' I quarter by the auspices uf the German orner an ..., ... � ea 0mailecl to his adclress at 3531 Fuur· . T 1 h _.:..a 1411whule to abandun all .principle, antI ('Iuu. All students who. WIsh to try e ep one .ID.& ... wayalluw Michigan to make her uwn teenth tstreet, N. W., WashinbJbon� t h b k-·1 to 1 th' I Wh�re to Buy Your Drugs and To�IN Artlc: ... �., ou a\·c. eon as � sent en di� DRt-:XBi. P�ARMr\{;Ytcnns uf admittance into the Cunfer-' • namcs to Mr_Phillipsun, faculty ex-! '!'be HMIIIe of Pal"f' Drap. Cbeaaie.&Ut andSUBSOBlBB FOB THE, change. The first meeting uf the Ger-I Toll" Anleln.DAILY IIAROON I man club t�is year will be held Fri-rr;;n;;;;;:;;:;;;:;;::;. :;;;;;.:;;;;;' ::;;;;;;;;:;r;:;=====;;::;;;12-00 (lay at 4:30 in Lexington 14. IgQlwe.\ln.va.\Lf\\PKl8\MLi�consin Daily Cardinal.GIVE PLAY BY OHOERNST THIS AUTOJIN DREXEL PHARMACYJLLINI ON B.ft11B.N OFMIamGAli' TO OONFEBEN'CBMATT McANANY. B.. Ph.willing to. abide by alroady cxistingrefPllatiunB, but rather as une har·buring a llistaste fur Cunference eloc­trines, anl.:ious to promulgate her uwnguvernmental theuries, anel so rule theConference. She wishes arbitratiun, llIinuis men must all realize the pur_yet she pree1u�les any. satisfactory at- port uf this questiun. There must beHURRY!---i.f'I,i�� Just Eleven D�ys Leftin which to subscribe for the DAILY MAROON at the •pnce of$2�00 for the year. After October 25th, $2.50.Subscriptions Taken At The Maroon Office, Ellis 12III, 'ill1I1\ io �BE DAILY MAROON, WFaDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1913.It willDotlQakand it fills Itself with­out a dropper, at anyinkwell, in 4 seconds,cleaning Itself also.Self - FillingFountain Pen(screw-cap style) never leaks in any position­just the thing for pocketbook or handbag. Onlyfour inches long when closed.$2.50. $3.00. $3.50. $4.00. $5.00 and up. For Sale byUniversity of Chicago Press, 5'750-5ts Ellis A\tenueWoodworth's Book Store. 1311 E. 57th St.EVERYBODY will be wearing thesmart longpoint collarstyle a yearfrom today_ Get your'SHADOV"{'collar now-while the clever dressersare wearing it.Ask your dealer for 'SHADOW' -the style with th�U Pliable-Points." 6 for 75c-or as usual 2 for 25c.lI/geli]{'!!:�- �UNITED SHIRT & COLLAR CO., Makers, TROY, N. Y. �_' ,_.::zi!�--.--.-.-------.--- .Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near sotn Street Subway Station andS3rd Street Elevated."Broad\Vay" cars from GrandCentral Depot.Seventh A venue Cars from Pennsyl­vania StatiOD.KEPT nr A COLT.EO. JlANHEADQUARTERS FOR COLT.BGB llBNSPECIAL R.l TES "'OR C01.1JBGB TBA14BTen Minutes' Waik to Thirty TheatresHA.RRY P. STIMSOS. MANAGERHF.ADQU.\RTBRS �1R CHICAGO•••••• 0_ •• _ •• __ •• _ ••••• •'_'HERZKA BROTHERS:-: Tailors :-:1545 East 53rdStreetl�he suit you want is here. The style, thecolor, the particu]ars-"J ust Right."Open Ennlngs and Sunday llomlngTelephone H. P. 1037.••........................ , : HENDERSON ASKS FOR MENiIIWants Volunteer Social ServiceWorkers-Denounces GraftIn Handling Charities.That iucouipeteut help, dcfecti veservice und lack of fuuds huvo beeutho l" hief obstucles iu tho way of Chi;C:I;;O's progress in philuuthropie uudsoci al work, was the couteut.iou ofHr. Henderson, iu his lecture, "'!'hoGroups of .Misery" iu Mauucl lastnight, Six hundred meu und womenntteuded the lecture.The IWCU of competent, williug menand women as voluuteers for socialservice was emphasized by Dr.Heuder­sou. He declared that aid of thiskind was of the utmost importnuceiu hclpiug to meet U10 problems audl-etter the coudit.ious of every classof CJlicago's l,oor, regardless of coloror creed,Millions Lost By Graft.··}llillious have beeu lost throughpurpose of enlis?-n� men and womcnin the campaign for aiding Chicago's"hila! thropie and social service agcn­cies.To Take Y. M. C. A. Field Trips. .\Irs. f:teiuer, .-;u.w Kimuark ave., 1:.tMr. Bickham, in introo.ucin.l Dr. llat.Henderson, said that Olen and women DRAMATIC TRYOUTS TUESDAY TI .. ,Club Fills Vacant Offices At Shortl'4cetiluc Yesterday. BLACKSTONEHICIIAUD BENNETTQIlC of these will he of student comp- ;osition. ICLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTSall exclusiveQJriC\.'1'� were ('ll'dcd at the Druurut-ic club IIIceting yesterday to till vu­vunc ies as follows: .lue k Cleary, bus-iUl'SS m:lIlagl'r, and Isubvlle Ken.lric], 1) A :\1 AGE D GOO D Ssccrctury. It wus furhter (ledde,1tho fl'gular tryouts for membership GARRICK­woul.l llo held next Tuusduy at � :31). IThe IIIl·t·tiug was shurt., and no dufiu- f MR. WM. HODGE inito plans were made for the comillg' iyear, l'xc('ptiug' that in the latter part : THE ROAD TO HAPPINESSof No \'C III IJl"", three one-net plays will :1.0 givcn in the Ht'Yllolds e lub t hcutcr. "(;c'lllliJle SIIC'C"'Sl'Ior to "Til": MANgraft;' suid Dr. Henderson, referring urute cntruuce, pleusaut, ccmf'ortubt«,to the pnrt taken by politreiaus in 1"ll'au :lIHI qu iet, ·:!.:iO pcr week. tiel:.!:placing ohstaeles in the way of the Drexel avcuue.oguuized workers of the city's cam-P�;;f in p�li"l�nthropic aud social ser- I OH �':\LE--Onc full dress «out, O.IIC\"It'C. '"Pohhcmlls have worked great � rineo Alllert vout aud vest, Olle WIII- "Hi;; shlnlwll;; nu-lo.lrnmn," _ Record­harm to philanthropic ageueios, and Iter overcont.Lsizcs, JU to 3S. Goo.lhave defeated the designs of the pub- t,)JIditioll, e hen I' , 'I'd. Oakland ;jllt;­lie, who wished the money for charlt..). 1(. .:� Onkwood Boulevard. Apt, xe. 1. L A SALLEspent well and wisely." I ---��. UClltlerS�1l later g�\'e it. as his Pupils Want(;d..._�lrs, nora. �lacl\'or- Musical Comedy for Young and Oldopuuun that dishonesty In SOCIal sur- �,Jlith, voice Lu ilder :1111.1 teacher ofvice is being olimiuatod by enlisting 'l.:tistic Sill�il:g at �lrs. 1':llights, ;jl).i:!college men and women into the civ i] I� .. 1A"kSVII A ve. Term of tell Iessous-c- Iservice; aud raising the tone of the � .Hcell Dollars. For fu rt lier illfonlla-personnel of public workers. :t.ou, acicin'ss u;;"�ti .1:11,1;,:-';011 Ave, Phuuc A l\IIERICAN ":t�l�Last night's address was tho first 'p. ill way 4:';HU.of a series by Dr. Tlcndersou, for the unu.: ..:\.:\1) �EE5,' Ilcr Jilll·. No a(l\'ertisclllcnt re·set.tlweroano. from ano. franm andwy cei\'cil for Jcss than 25c. All classified,,"ere needeo. at once, as volunteers advertisements must bo paid in ad­for settlement work. He eharacteriz·�...nce.ed settlement work as a training for Ii ne of -Iupunese embroidered ;;owusand l.imolJos Imported direct frolll .lu-1':1.11. Origiual designs in silk gauzeand cotton crepe. Prices rensonable. And Co-Workers in Brieux's),·P.O!\{ JlO:'.( E:'__jllter Ocean.I1 _C () BAN'SGR!NlSTOP THIEFAn Avalanche of Laughter-A UDITORIUl\II'I' )[ E WIll PTonight at 8 O'Clock Sharp.Jlemlt1.A TRIP TO WASHINGTONTheatre Uuiquc-c.Dining, Smoking.LEW FIELDS in "ALL ABOARD."ILLINOISMONTGOMERY AND 8TO:mand ELSIE JANIS inTIn: LADY O'F TIlE SLIPPERHo�a .. �'s TheatreBOAHD-I'rivate fa"mily for linutct.! ._...._JJROADWAY HON'EYJllOON __social service. Mr. Bickham will gowith members of the University Y. application. $5.00 a weck or sCl)a.rah�M. C. A. on sever3.1 :field trips thisIlIcal� pro rata. �Irs. Gairns, 613-1quarter, to the various settlements.\\'oo(l1awn. 1I. P. 637; good home cook"He will accompany the :first party on inl:.a trip to Davis square and the Uni·versity set: lomcnt Saturday, the p�r· A �[aga.zinc Business for :mlc, cheal>'ty mooting- at 8:30 in Cobb.goo,1 profits, ensy work, will not inter·MANY E.PE.A.KERS ARE TO fere with stuclies.-I1. R:'-'tIl�llSI>OIl, 521:�DE!I�EB Y. W. C. L. TALKS Inglesiclc ave., Phonc II. P. 70:!0.(Continuod from page 1.)to of home economics at the Iowa.state college will talk on "The Coun·i try Home" at 3 Tuesday in Lexi,ng­I ton. This will be the fourth lecturein the Y. W. C. A. series.Non Wednesday at 4 Mljss Rogc�,Dean of the Congregational trainingI schoo), will toll of the country chur('h.On ThursfJay Ethel Bright will talkon the ''Eight Weeks Vacation club,"'Which hM been gi'\"ing instruction toCampfire Girls during the summer.The last of thUdO lectures is onoon tho "Counby !::: '11001," which willho given hy Mr. E •• T, Tohin, Super.intendent of tho �chools of Cook coun·ty, next Friday at 4.Stndent Is At St. Luke's Hospita.1. Woodlawn Trust& Savings Bank120-1 E. 63d �treet, ChicagoCapital ...•...... , $200.000.00Sllrl'lus-l'rofits .... , " l"''',\JOO.()OUNITED S'l'ATES DEPOSITORYFOR POSTAL SAVINGS FUNDS�AVIXGS ..:\CCOVXTS of $1.00 ormore rCl'civec1 on whidl interel'th; allowcII at tho rate of � l'cr}lcr (:(,lIt J)er annum.CJlECKI:X(i .ACCOU�TS invitc,l onthe Illn�t f:L\'orahle terms eon"sist()Ilt with "at'e hallking.JI i;;h �I:,dc Gold Bonds and Mort­gages for s:ll� nettillg �lJ:: and6 }ler ('cnt.A STATE BANKtholl�h no df'finitc'l (1in"'TtMi� has hf'cnmn(1c, th .. at.tcnding phy!d('ian !'!t1!'!pcd!'!typhoid fever.W. A. Crowley, l!!o �,�i,IIUe Divinit�·,if'! confined in St. J,n'kf'·s ho�pit,al. AI· ++ .. + + .. ++ ++ ..JOSEPH SCHMIDTSTATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLESIs Teaching In Kansas City.Nellie C. Henry, '12, is te:u�hingRiolo.szy' in Wf'!'!tport high !'!('hool, 'Ka.n·sas City, Missouri • }'I::\E I.J�E or' C.A�DmS95fl E 55th St. Chica..:o. ro. withEMMA CARVSJOE HOWARD--..!rlABEL'Mc.CANB 'r"It,.:j",II:""I� .,Il'n'\.Jt11\;,Ij:II,\ � IitrI! III,II' I"1 " J,.'11 ''. ' �lI ,:litIIi 1I,'II\ II,!: I,I:�I'r,'1'1,I'IIImported and Domestic Line or"lIi.\I::-: ,\:'\11 rHi,\J:I,:TTI·:S.+++++++.++++.++++.+�+.++t+ pOWER� .. -,T H'E G 0 V ERN 0 R'S LAD Y"GIVES' gXCEI..I..EN'l' VAI.UE."-Jamcs O·Dounell Bennett, Record·Heraltl.CORTTHE DOUBLE CROSSEmmett Corrigan, Arnold Daq, Flor.ence RockwelLSTUDEBAKERKlaw and Erlanger prescntTHE WINNING OFIII'FINE ARTSBARBARA WORTHTHE YELLOW .TACKB'!'Anspices Chicago 'l'heatre 8odaty.�,p .. lnces .. �DORRI8�In Edward Sheldon's Love Drama'R 0 MAN C E