Baily �rnnttVGL XII. .0."10. UNIVBBSrrY OF OBICAGO.211B8DAY, omOBEB 14. 1913.' .' PBIOB I'lVB CBlftS",I 'DO'NOT HAVE :CONFERENCE' IUSIC SEASON :OPENS lWELCOME 'WOMEN TODAY 'PURDUE'S 'SHOWING ISTlBDAY -IN MANDEL �BIG 'OPSEr]N 1YESfLet Us appoint a eommittee to u.tpfC80nally with the Confereaee Bepn­IWntath'e<) and tlnd out what theirtemper i8. We will never know whatis expeeted. of .ps until tAlela a meetingis held.Seven years have alread,. pueedand thi" eommittee haa ne�er yetbeen appointed. True, we have re­tM)lvcd and eoullter J"eI8I!)lved, and weha"e halt Bet!ret eonterenees aDd pri·vate money and time haa been spenttoward an �nt. The ,mite, ofthe meetings have never beeD· 1b&depublie, but' they have .not been nc­�essfu1. That is a B11re thlll,.Commerte ' and Administration The famous nIIIOIutioa of )fanh 22· will meet at their seeond would Bet tills all Jiglat. We wouldIUDeheon of'the ciuarter today at 12:30 have established 'the otnelaJ 'the Cominons �afe. Students hav- tion between the univenitiett, Immedi.jng ll'!4!l e1aMeB a� expe«-ter1 to eomp a�y upon the appointment of theto the luneheon even though a littlelate. AtteDdaaee ia reqairecLHaw�e. Show Great ()ffeueand Roll 'Up 76 PointsApiaat ComeIl CoIleceIOWA BAaFIELD AGGRESSIVEDi-:eetor Stagg started active workin preparatiou for the Iowa game lastnight aDd kept the Varsity and fresh­men out on the field until long a.ftcrdark. The eoaehee evidently fear theotl'ensive strength of the Ha.wkeyee; asthe Vanity was trained in defense forthe greater part of the IICrimmapwith the freshmen. 'Iowa. rolled upseventy-six points against Cornell col­le� Saturday, the back ficlol sKirtillgCornell's line for long and frequentJ:ains.In spite of the huge score by whichthe Hawkeyse overwhelmed little Cor-nell college, Iowa's strength is largelywith 'any 'of' the Conferenee sehool8._It ,is posSible that Iowa will not beable '.to develop any strength worthtentrating on this problem for severalweek. .A l)r88ent Des Ja�di..,n who hal'been the mailUlltay at eenter, is onthe hOllpitai list, but in all probabilityhe will be back in the pme by Sat­urday. He has been kept out of Beriln­mages for' the last week and every ef:f�n will be directed towards gettinghim in. _ape. In ease he does, aotplay Whiting will be in at. center.He is a fut aggressive player. andwill without doubt hold' his ownagainst Ida- opponent, but he la,eks the� 'Size bd 'strength that: SlaortypeI.nlliisTho baek&eid is in fairly. good shapewith 'the' exeeption "1)f 1I0nltoD, theutility fullb�k. Norgren, Clray,anJI��t!' anr''W'01'kmg �er well audshould be e:dr'emely efreetive. Bus­RII j" being played regularly atquar·�r hut does not aeem to satisfy Di.�tor Stagg. McConnell is develop­ing rapidly and may �t a 'ehanee, but.- he la�ks experienee. Breathed'" kneei" "tiU giViRg- him trouble, aad hewill be on the sideU ... tor a week. , e-. �CIL' pro�e�i�l a m�ch larger score by hold-UNDERGRADUATE 0"..,.1., _ ' ,.' ' ,'JIEB'fti 'rBIS AF.rBBNOON iog brilliantly on the Purple five ya.rd,.,' , ._"'! to. "::al, tl:O('1o. '-_ �orlh"b to _Di_. __, _- _,_,,�, ':1� ,"7�__:' ;.. •• '"-�, -:, S�' � Pml�-;i.·., ';-;':l�� .. -� ... m ... "' .. ..:.., Prepa.ratioDS 'For Olast ' " ,W __., ., ueyed tu Lafa"-ette l·l"'.�ue JikS a won-BIectlODS ADd For Issuing Un- . , - -' ,: eleriul offense �:1:' at pre:JCIlt i::; f'1r­lverslty Song Book.Coline "lDclaCiea 'Concerts by,�boDy'Orchestra ,ADdRecitaIa By Artists.. Aun Arbor, Mich., Oct. 13-lllinoishas refused to deal with Michiganrepresentatives in regard to the Con­fereneo beeause they hold to the unan­imous vote Idea,Three men were appointed Fridaynight by the Regents of the univer­sity of M'ichigbn to confer with the}{ig Nino colleges in regard to Michi­gan's return to the Conference. Thefirst action of the board was to coderwith representataves of the univer­�ity of Illinois. Owing to the faetthat the Michlgan men wanted tocome in only under eondition thatanyone university would have thepower of veto, Illinois refused to treatwith them.The following editorial, headed"What Is The Next Move?" appearedin the Michlgan Daily of October10: •.• "reshman women will be welcomedb�' the Women's Athletic assoelattouat the firtJt of a series of W. A. A_partictJ tbis aftrneon from 4 to HIu Lexington, Corueliu Beall,' 13,presideut of the association last year,will be present to greet the Freshmenanti to siug in the quartet which isplanning to help make the ai'ternoonSTAGG "ORIS SQUADHARD tFOR :IOIA GAlE IIIjnoja Refuses 'To Treat WithWoIveriDe Men 8ecau.e' OfUDaDimous Vote Idea.The entire Board in Control isproblematical. Cornell is one of the agreed . that Michigan'S best athleticminor eehools"and can not be ranked interests are in the west. And theentire W09t is just as firmly certainthat Micliigan competition is' necesSaryto western sports. Every one heartilyagrees that a union. is highly desi��­';'entiolilng when pitehed against ahle, ',Iri& elua'team, 'but &'"'te&m. that �. ', , .•. "_ '_', .' ��+-�........ ;i �··o - '=-�-= ••, --� """'-111 'hili! 1!UC!'ll� �aD:aaea I18V��' six pOints must �- that prevents an offieiBl peace -eOaDCiIy� '-e':ci� of seoriDg ability. must be a mighty foree. ;n..-a thLsIt is 'preb�le that �e brunt of'Satv- (teeiro to;diseul8 te,rms, ''that pro�ptedcla p test will fall largely on Chi- last year's Board in' Control to formu-�s eon,,- :I .. t'th' d and tal:k1cs Iniie the reolution of Karch' 22. Nego-ef'P's line, ABu 1 e ell_,.. 'th tiations were to be opened. The Con-, take '. care 'of tIIeIr 8hare of e 'caD' ,'feren('e Representatives wel"8 to meetwork ", there 'Will be little ..doubt of �it� an' official' eommittee from )(ieh�die result. igan. Each siete has to be fairly repre-LiM SUll'DGabUul. sented and fairly eonsidered. Final-It·i. the line that has given Diree- ly tbe Michigan committee was to�r Stagg ihe· most uouble through- learn just how far the Confereneewould meet Michigan in a settlementout the souon, �. he . has been �D- d-6r: It- In ..... m ...of the present lul(�U 108. ..., ...cas� compromises would be possible,in others Michigan would have to ae�ct.-pt the nllings of ,the Conference.'(t il" generally thougJtt that many bug­a-boos would go by the boards 'if_ weeoulel 'but get official 'repreaen�ftI!Itogether. Compromises eould be �rk.ed out at leut eompromieea ean" besnmoos GET SPECIAL' RATESThe fitth season of the UniversityOrehestral association will 'open nextTucSuay at 4j15 in Mandel, with the4rst of the season's six concerts bythe Chicago Symphony orchestra, for­merly ihe TheOdore: Thomas orehes­- I a gay one.'I'ho other members of the quartetare i:utb Agar, Margaret Rhodes and'Janct F'lanuer, Ruth Agar has boon'coaching tho dances which will beoi,�ell for the amusement of the newcWOO1('II, among which is a clog dancespecialty by . Hilda MacClintock andIsabel MacMurray. ,A general dancewill follow the program.Ruth Korse In Charge.Ruth Morse - has general charge ofth� entertainment. Site has urged thateverv woman in the Universitu attendthe -afternoon's afl'air and heip maketho Freshmen's introduction to theW. A_ A_ a jolly one.tia..'l!ecitaIs by MauUe Powell, Madame-Iulia Culp and Leo Slezak, 'will bethe features "of· the -season's program.The, Orchestral ,-association' feels ithas been - fMttniiLte in secliring. ,theseIthree :Uti8ts 'of international fameMr. Stevens, director, of music at theUniversity will give a l� ture on theprogram on the Monday afternoon pre­eOfiing . each eoneert : and recital.Pa7:'� ',�: Public., Special rates'oft'erod to' Universi­ty students .for the course. ' Seasonti�kets 'adblittilig the purchaser to allof the nine ecneerts are offered at,$2_25, $4.25' and $6.25. In eaehease iberate ofl'ered to studedts is $1 Iess thantbe .. tat", at 'whieh 6e general publiceii\b�' .. 'a;e--: same ttek�- '"Stu��ta' w�e ��weJ the right i�'the spring '-W-"pUn!ha8e." season. tiek-I eu.," . wd : Mr. Bobel't8on yesterday,�aud' at the aame,Jtime,they were al-, lowed the right to eancel sueh reser­vations as late as Oeto� 6. To BO­eve season· tieketa nOlf it is neces­sary to apply very pr.tly at Cobb9A.�' The .directors of �e assoeiatioDare determined to aecoFodate stu­dents whenever poaibl� All theseats remaining'unt!Iaim� after Odo·ber 17' will be 888igned ftrst to studentapplieants, and' only afte� the studen,tnpplicanta have been satisfied willDeighbors of the University find itpossible'to: secure· seats.. Sinee theseeoneerts are· maintained primarily for,students, it is incumbe",t upon stu·d�nts' to elaim· their: rI,htS."� .. Pnt-..�}�nthot'liastic press re�rts of the ar­tists of this 8Ca8On's eou'rac eome fromF.asternr eities· aud fro�' abroad, Of$lezak t.he New York I� says; "Af­ter singing German 8O� for moreUtan an hour last nigh� in Carnegie, - ,hall,' Leo Sleuk, the �t Bohemiantenor, stirred up his &ud,enee to v�i­feroas enthusiasm wjlll-',ree works �yAmeriean compoeers, whlfh he gave In,English. 'The 'singer '�e1ighted the("row(1 w�th' his eharminJ lyric inter­pretation8 of the musie.�Of Madame Culp's see�nlt r�ital inCarnegie' hall, Nef York, the Heralelof that ci,ty 88yw,' "it was an eveniDgof o,-ations' for Ute 1LI'tUt from HoI·lanel, wllo tteems to have won her wayto 'the' hearts of masie 10ve'l"'8 by the. tmOst' direc-t aDd simple route, that ofan' e:rt"enent vol�e of tlaorough eulti­vation. To tlte audience i� seemed thatMad.n.c Culp's most aKreeable traitis her: manner of singin� but at therame· tim_, is of dignit;m ftp�on'and "'POI'C. 'The ab8enee of afF�ta­tion an(t pose 8erved as' 'an attractive---(o.--tl...a-----,...--c.-J---� baekpoaDd for IIer Rapn •• " Preparations for holding the clast.elections' and for issuing the University song book, will be made at' IImeeting of the Undergraduate eoun·cil this afternoon at 3 :30 in HarperMIO_ The Council will eoneluct athorough 'discussion of all proposecll)lans for putting the point system intoaetivo operation. It is not known, how·ever, if any plan will be Ilefinitel�'seJedetl at toclay's meeting_In connection with the preparationfor the de<"tions, the Council will de­ide whether the system of nominatiug('aoclielate8 for ('la...",� offices will be eon·tinu(>il this year.The (>xpcriment of requiring nomin·ating speech(>s was aetoptod IR,."t year('onl'eh'etl, for e\'ery i88Ue. True, eome'might Dot be aeeepted aDd Kielai ...might finel that there are a few lauda­mental "!Ies that she must aeeept.Dut let us fiDd ont what thee are. ASK �BN'rS rosmm IN LYBICS OFOWl( COM'POsrrIONStuelcnts ha"ing origirml 1"'r9· tocontribute to the Uni·'" �.lgbook ha\'e been .... kefl to Rt"nl� th�minto Itox 280, fa.c-ulty e:'"hn";.�, u800n 8." po1'Sihle_ An .. :pt:�i;,l cfforti!' ht-ing m:ule to obtai a ': ri'-� writ·ten hy �tllc1(>nt� now i:t 1ht' \::-m,·cr·sity for the nc,," gong h.,.,k. O"'ingto th(_. l:tt'k of time ih,! �'ll 'mittf'e'BOilermaken Overwhelm �-Western, 3W, Ami'ScoreAbno.t At'W-�'WISCONSiN 'nD ILUNOIS ·WIffPurdue's overwhelming vic troy -�Ol'.. �urthwcMtCl'U was the big surprise of.suturdny's '('Olltests in -the west anti"mardks purdue IlS one of the 'mostformidable teams in the Confereneethis year. . Northwestern, althoubllnllown tu ha,'� a green team, .bad.'boon rated as a fairly dangerous· op­poueut and was couuted upon to givel�rtJue a strong light., In the otker.uiportaut .gau�t.'tS in the Wesi,Missouri.,'uted on_.zu�pke·s lllinois eleven butIlar.l gaUl� f�m ���quette .. and '1011'&downed Cornel eollege, ,��O. .The Purd"ue eleven .s��t the Purple, playe� of their fee,t �row the s� ofthe game ��l seored _three touchdownsfor a total_ of twentr-Dne ,p�ints in.the first, quarter. ..A�r this, Coach; Smith's team let up ,somewhat, butmanaged �o, roll up thirty-four, point»before the tinal whi8tle� _ -N,orthwestern: never had a chance to �Iy and only� ther au\'aoeed th�n any t�_ ,hi " •• oJi Conference_ .Pureill'� Dlelde all its lJC�or,�on �traight footbal1 i,'ut_ 1,r�v�Lted an; attack varied oy the iorwar.l. paA: anti onsic1e kick. 104 �: 'hw�teru ,mad.·only two first tou('hdl),"" :18 ag unlit tbl·pow'erful tlefenStl .)t th.! BoiJ..,rllulke�,irl �pite of the fact ...... -; the Pl1rpl�baekfielel is fast and beayv_ (�!;ph:ll1t,Applegate, East and O'B ... lell· H�eJon the ofl'en� for Puru .. " nnd \t'orlu:dtogether with maehineuK., aeeu�y_lD1Do1a Scored On.Coach Zuppke's eh-en was �uretl 0:1for the first time this yc.Lr �Jy Mi ... ·; souri. �e\�eriheless "lIie,li'! ('arne l?at�k'strollgly �d Iby b�illir,nt' .)t"ol;,.h"work scored th� toudtc!ownd. ZUI'­pke's men showed· aeril)tll!' weal. ""�'" Inelementary football, fumi •• irt'; innum·�rable times in the first pa� of thegalnP. In spite of thi'4, ii. i" CVI lelltthat the Orange antI HI'J� tc:lm i!J astrong aggregation aDel ,._an be eoollktiupon . � put up a. gre;,l ,R�ht a)4si""t'all o!,ponents.Wil'eonsin won a harol, f ",i!"t �:l'nefrom Ma�quette, 13-0. Th" B.l"a;""'USCtl nothing but Mtraight ioot:':&ll .ndhad to work harel to win by a smallscore. Wisronsin up to elate ha!l eli ..playl"d nothing of Conference cham_pionship ralibre, anel Saturclay'" gamer("·enJ .... l many faultft. Fumblinlt prov­etl C'Ol"tty at tim� antI CoaC"h .June­nm1!" D1(>n are tar from ht-ing a finish.h:\.", heen forC"t',l to set Fri.h�-. Ot'lcher ed team�4, M tlle lal"t elny lur 11:ln.iil1� inthese gongs.: Coulter to Addrea � Clab.Cnrrpnt I�iterature in the botanicalwor'" will he eliS<"lISl"Ctl hy Pror�l'orCoulter anft Assodate Prof(>!'...orMChn.mherlain nnct Cowl� at th(' mP4't,inJr of tho Botani .. al clnb at 4::l0 to­,lay in Botany 13. 'AM For Btadata-Por Plq.All l't1utcnu' who' wig to take ' the 6ennan play haTe be�D ,_8t..lto � Dr. Pflillip80n right away.IImte; � -re:tIoGIa1.,\11 stu�nu have' been' in'f1tecl toattenct a MO"fllntA· "homet-Oming"' 110·('ial ThnrMay night at the WoodlawnRnptilrt ('hunh, nni�fl'!Jity .. ,.� .. adsixty-second street.Maroon 1-- --A-t-hl-e-ti-·c-.-s-re-Y-j-ti-es--IIlI.a.n.i1e ,., 4'!U... ..The Daily ftIB DAILY, JIABOON, �8])AY .. OCTOBER U, 1913.--��������������- Wa-·-e�rm--'-an�s--Soeicty_:j:30• "C �LDramatic �oda,.:ReadingDirector �tnJ;g and .Pat Pa�"", Earl Lexington 14.Dri ver and Dr. Schneider of W itlcon- AdruiniKtratiol1Dramatic Reading' Socicty-3:30,.Mi�uri gume, Lexington 14.Socccr practice at Wisc,onsin beganye�teruay. One of the largest squads Undergrndunte CtullciL3 :30 ,llarp,er .M 10.that ever turned was present for thoBotanical Club-4:30, Botany 13.Dr. Henderson's. Le�tur6-7 :45, MaD'Cross country at Northwestern hastaken a' decided slump. Prospects at deLthe beginning of tho - Season were, thought unusually bright, but Smith,.1.n an edltoria.&. bWlte.mellt pn11�"" Brasmer and Osborn, three of the Pur- mrce and �dministration, College ofOctober 11, l�l;;$, the Michigan Daily plo's -best men have been declared in- Education, chapel, 10:15, the opeuiug' gun oJ. eligible. Captain Traxler, Ferris, and Blaine 214-a campaign designed to Gray are the only first class wen whouncover the real reasonfor Michigan's ab,senceirom the Conference. The ed,1tonal� in pointed terms, why Ki�an sin, and Ralph JODOS of Illinois tooknotes 011 tho Purdue Northwestern.The first serious football accidentat Wisconsin occurred when A. M.Hayes '16 broke his collar bone Whilefalling on the ball.Big 'fom KennecJy has from latestreports cinched a berth 011 tho Wis­eonsiu teum at right guard.Asssit:lIJt Coach Manley of North-Formerl,J'UDiwCI'ait,J' of Chic:aao Weeki,.llaoaaiDc Editor •••••••••••• Martin SteYer.Ncwa Editor ••••••••••••• Gcor&c CottiJJ&bamAtlalctic. Editor ••••••••••••••• Harry GoreuBuaiDc .. lI&o�cr •••••••••••• Burdette lIutCircwatioo llaD.a&er •••••••••• WillWo Lyman1"ub� . daily CXCCJ,lt �uuUay.. .MuuUaYIiand hoLada,J'6 duc� thre:e-�WU'lcu ul We:Uwvultlty ,J'CM.utcrcu ali secoud-class W4lil at the ChicaKu1"oaLuUu;c, �lIl1:4Il�u. .l1L, ,M4IlrCJl .lb, 1:1Ub. ua­der Act u1 Ali&rCJl a. 1b73o western, which meets Illinois next Sat­urday, was present at the Llliuols-'I .�. ,;' . �UllSCRIPl'10N RATES.lly carrrer, 1;:.bU a Yc:al'. f.l.UU a quarter,�1 wall. IJ.uO a )'cu. ,1.;:'; a �U4Ilctcr.,tAlltuna.l·'uulUUC:ilIi Uthcc. .l:J1la �".'.lc1CJ,llluUc Allllway bUU • first .&etum.oflWchigan Commerce andLUIH'hcon-12 :30, Commons cafe.Willett's Lecture-3,Dr. Leaguoroo III, Lexington,Physics Club_Ryerson 32� 4:30.Zoological Club-Zoology 24, 4:30. ,_Commerce and Administration Din'-ncr--'12:30, Commons eafe. ,Dramatic Club-:-lO.15, Cohb GA..Iunior CollegelU:15, Mandel.Tomorrow:Chapel�enior College. and••• ! are eHgi ble. RUTH SAGER, ·14,Tho Freshmen, after being defeatedby the Sophomores in the annual in-terelass rush at 'Visconsin, were giv­has not followed up a resolution passed en tho victory because' ,of unfair tac-t Buth M_ Sager '14 'has announced�t ,year, looking toWard the opening tics cJisl,layoo "by-the'second �ar men,_, - her engagement to Griffith S. Bixbyof negotiations with Contcrellce repro- It is rumored that this will be the . , ' .of Chicago. The announcement' '�·:i�seutatives. �.De editorial recognizes a last rush ever' held at Wisconsin ascondition that has been felt to exist President Van lIisc Is strongly oppos­throughout the whole dair-DamWy, ed to it.tIlat some unkIiown forces have beenblocking a settlement. Repeated con- WRl'rES ON TMMIRATIONferences haVG brought out the fact IN ECONOJlICS JOURNALthat there is little concemj.Dg whichMichigan a.Dd. the Conference cannotbe brought in accord. All the confer­ence asks is a genuine adherence toclean sport, secured and recognized b,.observance of cenatn ��t Restriction of immigration. by theamOllg them, the amateur ':rDl� .faulty United States, of persons below the ONE HUND� W()I!IEN BE(JINcontrol,' and the three-year rule. It average of their countries and thi.:; PRACTICE ACROSS THE ,MIDWAYis inconceivable that the stUdents of is urged by Mr. Prescott F. Hall oflrfichigan, the men in control of, the Boston in an article on "The Recent IHockey practice began in earnest ]university policy should. be SO radicaDy History of Imj�ration and Bestric- IcWlerent from 'the' studentS aDd men tion" in the October number of the yesterday when one hundred .�Oltl.�� I: I:'OR the man chasing the pm, other western � that tile,. Journal of Political Economy publish- assemhled on- the field across tho Mitl-- r_ down hin, in the sandy bunkers.coUld not f� generall7 the same sen- cd yesterday by the Press. way to try .��i�: hand at: �riYing �bO Ye1;fetismildanc1smoothandplea3ing •timents. Co�uentl7, it seems ,that Other articles in this month's issue hall down the fi�l��, ' Velvet-selededleaf-twoyearsinth�so far the two parties haVG beeD cWt_ ' arc: "i{�ney and Priccs" by Jamcs �fiss Agn� Wayman bas planncc warehouse undergoing a change whicheling on non-essentials. 'rhey have not Dysart Magee of the university of a 8trenuou� hockey program. A· prac- eliminates the harshness of the leaf. Agotten together, found that both have Cincinnati; "An Analysis of the Crisis tice game betwoon the ycarlings atHl mellowness rarely attained-a smooth-really the same ideals, aDd. then agreed �yf'le" by :Minnie Throop England of -tbe SopllOmoros will be ono of the bess you should,know all about..that the Conf8l'ellce way of �chi.w!: the uuin)lsity of Nobraska; "The On_ features. The Seniors arc anxious to No sii: lmpoSsible to bite or irritatethese'ideals is a good wa,. •• 7he lIIich- tario Workman's Compensation Bill" playa fWMlb game and may challenge -one' smoke as cool and sweet asn..n_ th J - b f th h • h- __ &L�-moLe it for 54 holes if youigan --.&J has begun a campaign to by S. Roy Weaver of Toronto; and e UIlJ�;:a e ore e c amplon� Ip ... � ItA_" t 'h_ lIIi ..... �- ..... _ ...... __ t.(':tnls are picked_ like-always agreeable.MUI6 ou WUJ ._..,an - DOt - notes and book review& At your dealers. .her pan.' If it is mere inertia, tile 'The October uClassi�al Journal" al- Tho 3:30 class in hockey will notcampaip of the Dally should spur the 80 has been recently issued by the meet today because of the W. A. A. �l1qF��ar.'rjght-people to action; if it Is due to Press. It contains 8l'ticles on CITbo reception which will take placo at 4.ger '12 to George l�. C�leman of Bur­Classical Journal Published B,. Press f'alo, New York!was anno�nc'ed: Cole-Has Articles O�' "LiV7" And" man is at present stli'dying in;'th� mell-"Catiline's Assoda�" ,,' ;'ieal 's'chooi. '13ot1/ �omcn'I:�re '�l(�m-bers of Pi" Delta Phi. I,!··' "", .some more dellDite cause, the campaign Pro�cution of Catiline's Associates"sh01llcl discover that. In view of the by Rirhard WellingtoD Husband, ofsenument that it is desirable to have Dnrtmouth college, and "Livy tho Ora­II1chfgan back "in the fold" in fact tor" by n. V. Canter of the university Tryouts for the South and Mithll('aDd. m ,apirit, the effort of the JIlch1- or Illinois. There is in aclflition, a Divinity tennis teams have begun.gan DaD7 to hasten the attablment of column of currents of interest to All menlbers of tbe balls arc eligiblothis eD4 deserves all SUccea& • Classical students. to compete.ot November, with not It month left ofthe Camp Fire movement will speakA_ -. .. 1_ Foster Hall Has Party 70nipt.of the £&&�" quarter. ....ue o� up- to the University womcu. The Campmen• for �-'I ...... �- that FresbJIlen FOllter naU will its n�w,., ,-- AD }'ire movcment is :1Il� or g gir1s untlershould be all_.. an opportuni ... to arrivals nt a baby party tonight.VWIIaI"J twenty aJl ovcr thc Unitetl State!4.becOme acquatllted. In order to do things wbich wU1 brinK about thia ac- lfi!'!s �lallght will Iqlcnk of the CamptIWI, claaB aetlvitlea in upper claaes, quaintance. '!'he councU as � has Jo'ire movement in (. ilicngo with thewllere there is no rea80n for this dela,., shown no active disposition toretard object of interesting college womenan postponecl fu 'MJODd tile time the elections. It would be well, for that they may become leaflers in t.hewilen teII7 IIIQ' well commence. '!'hat the interests of all concerned, to aetUe work. 'rhe talk is given as n part ofFreshmen become aequainte4 � upon au ear.,. date for the selection of the Country Life class of the Y. W.largely tIlr� the d.. adlTitles class offfeen, and tile start of class C. L., lmt aU University women are� urpd .. a --- 101' deteIrIDa" acUY1UeI, ,invited to attend •. - _. _. --'....."",.'.� rile Undergraduate council meets to- Hold Bxhibit of Beligi01!S Books.clay. A pertinent subject wbich the A collection of books on r('lig'ioll:-lCo1lJld1 wU1 consider Is training in the home, the graded Sun-,_i�CIa88Elections that of claB8 elections. Ilay Schools, and biblical instructionLast ,-ear electlODS were in the 8�ular schools is on exhibit iunot held until the 18th Haskell museum and at the Press.� ... � made at the siiver anniversary dinn�rof her mother and father Friday nightat their home, 4548 'For'resi\;ille a�·.l­nue, At the! same ti�le, the ',engagt)­ment of her sister, Harriet Louise Sa-Try OUt For Ban i'ennis 7eams.'MISS SLAUGI!'l' TOADDRBSS WOMEN ONOAJIP...FIRE GIRLSWednesday at 3 in Lexington,Katherino Slang,' ht, a C'hicago leatlerCom- The Schooland CollegePen inRegular,Safety andSelf· FillingTypesountainPenThe 'V atermans Ideal that is suited to your hand will doneater, more uniform and quicker work than any other writingimplement. Such efficiency is of the greatest benefit in studentlife where writing is a part of t'l.'fry study, The continuoususe of one pen develops character of handwriting. The sameWatermnn's Ideal will last for years and is always ready. Buythe genuine, the pen with the famous Spoon Feed and Clip­,eap. In many sizes, scientific shapes and points of every degree.Sold by All the Best DealersL. E. Waterman Compar.::, 173 Broadway. New YorkTHESMOOTHESTTOBACOOfaD 2ounce tiaaSUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY MAROONTbree Reasons WilY Y01l �hould Eat at thc Men's CommoDS1st. Good Food Pr"perly Cooked.2nd. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen.3rd. A Minimum Price for Hf£h Quality FoodClllb nr('akf��f l.i� up Cafeteria at ). I eDinner" l;!Cartc ltlUSIC Come III .tion of our eollegtea ean bW'8t into fprint without the slightest di1fiCulty.1'1'bt> eunsequeuce ill tbat the aver.pareut with a son eligible to enter Ia University is at a total loss as towhether college is worth while. Audthe real educators, the presldeuta of, I aised, thebe students would be depriv­News Of The Colleges ed of au opportunity which justly be­,Ollg� to them.----------------J1 'J he mere fad that some of the otherlWDo1s- onf'ereuee �hools are eml'loyiug thi�"'orty,tbree "'rC8hmen out of 1500 at- devl , 'I' fO\'ICO, In \'10 ation 0 the eoufereneetended the first class meefiug at the Irule settiug the price ut fifty cents, ity ill so-called student activities, asWt.' see bim neglectiug the library fortho ut.'wSIUA.IH)f, aud cuttiug quiz 8CC-tionM for u eommittee rueetdug, wosOllletilllos wonder if he knows why he ;)(' IJer Iiue, No advertiseurcut re-�u.1Il0 to Wi�01l8ill. eel ved �'or Iess th,un �5c. All clIa.ssi1ied.After all, theso four years are thQ advertisements must bG paid ill ad-uuiversity of Hlluois,ComeJ.].....lIearly lluitthod at Cornell,Pennsylv&D1aWe shouh] make 110 exceptiou iu theof Peuusylvauia, ,'asc of nthletie cOllttmt�_l)aily Card-A Catholic chapel will be opened for innl.the ;flU Cntholie students at the Uui- iug, :.f-;ugIiKh Survey :w11 the History ofthe ReIlUisKall('(_'?-- Wisl'onsin Daily A Mat8.7.ioc BUHillCSK for sale, cheap,News I;;OOd profits, easy work, will not iutcr-tere with siudieH.-H. Rasmussen, 521:$I J ugleside a�'e., Phone H. P. 70:!O.!artistic singing at .Mr� Knights; 565:!'.Iackson Ave. Term of ten it'SSons-­l'ifteen Dollars. For further iuforlll:t.-DREXEL, PBARMAC y;t.ion, aeldres� 6356 Jackson Avc. PhoneJlAft McANANY, B. Ph. Midway 4390., • IComer 55th and l>!'e%el Chicago I ---Telephone :Midway 1411 WANTED-Come alHt see an exclu�iveWhere to buy your drugs and tonetl"linc of Japan� embroidered gownsarticles. -_ and kimonos imported direct from Ja-THE DREXEL PHARMACY II pan. Original designs in silk gauzoCigars and Ci�ttes an(1 cotton crepe. Prices reasonable.JThe House of pure drugs, chemicals ..Mrs. Steiner, 56i6 Kimbark ave., lst:md toilet articles. ,lUat.'I-I ,JOSEPH SCHMJDTSTATIONEBY, TOILET J._-::i':;:':::::S·FL"'lE LINE OF CANDH;St:oufereuce, be should be loarniug poll­ti(!S in home primary; instead of run­lIing for prom ehairmauship, he shouldbe serving on the eommitfee of thoCharity Hall; instead of Hpoilillg goodp�s by poor acting" he should beworking to elevate poor plays by goo .. t]\·�········K···@2in.flOl\aNtWARROW"'otchCOLLARClaett. Pc_bod,..a Co.. IDo.\"t'r:4ity of Penusylvauia,Princeton.-Tho Eli and Tiger eights will racetl,iH fall ou Carnegie Lake, Princeton. Criticism of College&En'r Hint'e the dark ages wheu someOIlC or other stumbled ou the greattruth that thc .. o were two sides toI What CoDele Editors ThiDk I tWt'ry elUt,tltion, college meu have 110 J acting; instead of frittering his tim\)doubt been urged to banish beer and away on the college daily, he hadf'rrvuli'ty from their youthful Iives, bette-r be learning the real arficler'rurn Hismark down few have done from a crabbed city editor. Studeutso. Consequently Mr. Bois declares activities are but the shadow; realtll:1t college meu are lackiug iu brains life is thc substance, and he who de­uud courtesy. Mr. Brown claims that sires a practical education shouldJ,t','" :lr,' tlabby dilettantes, Mr. Crane seize upon the substanee. There histhat they arc drunkards, Most Mr. education will progress economically,-Iones' nnd llr. Smiths' think that efficiently, swiftly; here even thethey are foollt. The blight is spread- !thaclow is thinned by & division of loy­ing while college enrollments are in- alty_ If you war¥t real life, real bus-I erer ..... illg. It is certainly (Iuoor-two ineas, then you must be educate,1 111illcoml,utiblcs Jiving on each other. real life anti real business, not in im­.,,.ubahly verdant youths are coming itation life and imituUon collcge thcse days to find out what Why, then, is a university? Why,!'trange manner of men a four years' if Dot to get the student away from�ollcge course is going to turn them the maddening crowd. When he gather chameleon-sense. tumbled out of her doors, neck andThe truth is that there are a lot I heels, the world of business will pounelIof non-ous wrecks who are not happy all the "practiear' education into himunless they are trying to reform some- he will neefl. He may Dot lose histhing that. they know n(_)thing abp.ut. desire for study, but he will lose the;;\!�r,v rahid, ra(licnJ or grape-juice all­,-oca.te who happens to have been onthe rampant long enough to believethat 1;0 is nn image, of Goel, ,alwaystkes a fling at our system of educa­t iOIl. It has hecome such a live topicthat allyone who takes the trouble toprepare a cutting enough denuncia-IThe Price of Tickets.W e understand that the ahrletie d.:­l"lrtlllC'lIt is couslderiug' all allvau( e L!till" prieo of ndmission to footbnll�alllcH for students who have 110t pur,dH&HCd seru .. ou tickets, the obvious aimueillg to encourage the purchase o�these tickets.'rhe D:Lily Cardinal has stood behindtill' (':Ulllutigll for the Hale of the athlct­i(' St':lSOU ticketR. \\' e Htill urge e\'erystll(lellt, who is able to tlo NO, to l)Or­d.ru4e 'ou(� of them. But we wouldHtrollgly 0I'I'oSC any atte01I)t to COOll'eshuleuts iuto their llUrchaso hy such ade\'icft aH �t forth above.We' believe that athletics Hhoultl beconcludetl primarily for the benefit oftht' student bOtly and, for tll:1t reason,!lt1ulent.'I KhOuM be oomittell to the con­testS�� low a;,ritcr us pOHsible. K.charge of fifty ceuts we think is suf­ficient. An advance beyond that, inthe effort to solI tickets, is unjusti.fia­ble. There are many students who«'an not affonl to attend some of the.big games. ShouM the price of ad_mission for the individual contests be strength, the time, the knack of stU(1y-1ing, These four years are dedicatedto the at'ademe. I'A unh'ersity ought to be impracti-cal, and it ought to be proud of its Iimpracticability.Why all this? Well, as we see this:stuflent or that burying his opportun- SUBSCRIBE FOR,'!l'lIE DAILY MAROON$2-00. POU UEN'l·__J_.·rollt room with �.P­urate eutrauee, pi easau t, c,;.mfortablc,eleau and quiet. -2.50 l,er week, tiu:!iDrexel avenue,J-'on SALE-One full dress coat, onePrinee Albert coat anti vest, one win­ter overcoat-c-sizes, 36 to 38. GOOlteonditjou, cheap, Tel. Oakluud �l1ti-''i13 Oakwood Boulevard, Apt. No.1.Pupils Wanted....-J,M rs. Flora )lach-or-Smith, voice builder and teacher otChicago, T�mported aIld Domestic Line ofHURRY!Just Twelve D&-.ys Leftin which to subscribe for th�DAIL Y MAROON at the$2.00 for the year. After October 25th, $2.50. •pnce ofSubscriptions Taken At The Maroon Office, Ellis 12� DAILY IIABOOJI, ftESDAY, OCTOBBB 14. 1915.pis a HABIT__just exactly like spend­iDg it is a habit" except t.halt the Sav­ings habit builds CBAB.ACTEJL..BAT­ISFACTION aDd pEAOB OF KIND,while spending it:.......useleM1v-..meansjust the opposite.You sign a Declaration of Independ�II enee �en 700 open a Savings Ac­'count, o:.nd it is t11e best re�nce you could have. It doesn� takemuch money--$l.oo....4s �nouah�r much time-5 minutes will do-to open a Savings Account and provide a Bank Book in tbis STABBank. ".rhe location is convenient-a1i 53rd st. " Lake Ave. and thehours are llberal-8 :30 A. M. to 4 P. K. and Sa.turday eveDi.Des from7 to 9 P. M-All you need Is $1.00 cash and llve minutes time-aad almost any­one has these. It also needs decision and then action-but not somany people have these. Have 70U?S Per Oent Inte rest On Sa.viDgs", Resources Over 1900,000.00HYDE PARK STATE BANKCORNEA C)� S3� ST. lSI LAKE AVEOpen SaturdayEveningsKftpYour Savinp In Hyde ParkPatronize 'Iaroon Advertisers•••••••••••••••••• .. -DO NOT HAVE OONFEBBNOB I(Coutiuuctl-r;:;;11 page 1.) \itt �\ft·r a �l' of timc wo 'J' BLACKSTONEeumuu ee. • Ck . I - the Cuu!'crCIH'e woul" I HIe 11 AnD BEN NET Twould 110\\ 10\.. Iiv \1'" �t'Jrotiatioll� woultl berover e ... • e II \1111 �lil'hl''':Ul wuuts thc we!4topellct...:. • e. Iso t'arllct'Uy :11111 the west W:1l1t� lhdl_•. ,tl" thut some fair t'om-\ n A � AGE D GOO D S19a1l so carllt's" ...promise would bc formula,tcll.) If 1I0llC 'was ugreed UpOIl at IC:&..'4t GARRICK-thc blame eould be plnced. The west-JIB.. WJI. HODGB inern world wuuhl know "t.Jillitd�· whowas rCl'l,on�iblc for tho rupt.ion inwostern sports. Public opitrion t'onMbe bron;.;ht to bear UpOIl the blame- I "Geuuiue SUt't'l'ssor to "TIlE MA�worthy.Anll that is what we wallt to know.Wh\'? Who is to Bl:Lmc?The flrst step toward this goal willbe cleared up tolli�ht. "'ith a euru- CO BAN'SGRANDmitteo, six months nf'tcrnllt horiza,tiolll we \Can :l.llPoi nt 'tht'accusing fiuger at the Board ill Con-BUBLGABS FOIL INAftEMPT 'rO LOOTKAPPA SIGIlA. BOUSEPurglars entered the Kappa Sigmahouse, 60:;2 Kim bark aveuuc, Sundaynight, but failed in their attempt tocarry off the silverware aud thoclothiug' of a Iow residents, Two wut­ehes anti some jewelry WW4 tho extentof the less., Slight noises awukenedseveral of the men who hurried down­stuirs frighteniug tho thieves away.In their haste the thieves left theloot behind, ne:Ltly done up in a pack­, age. The Kappa Sigma house wasbroken into last year at this sametime.1----------------------IIi And Co- Workers in Brien'sTHE ROAD TO HAPPINESSA Fall Collarn'OMANCEFRO�I IlO)'(E:'--1nter Ocean.S TOP T HIE Ftrol or its cbainnan.But wait, tonight we will he answeretl. Tonigl1t the committee will bl."appointed or tile r(.'spollsihility will Iushiftell.Wh�'? Who is to Blame? An Avalanche of Laqhter"-A UDITORIUl\fITIlE W II I PTonight at 8 O·01ock Bbarp.stullu,illl,! melodrama,' - Record­Herald.ANNOJTNCE ENTRIES FORTANK :MEET ON FRIDAY "BigGraceful LinesMedium Height2 For 25 Cents. Coach White Will Open SwimmingSeason With Dual Oontest BetweenTwo Picked Varsity Teams. LASALLEMusical Oomed7 for YoUDg and' 014Coach \'" hite will :stago tho fir""swimming meet of the season }'riuayat 4:�3U between two picked Vn.rsit�teams, Ho hns divided his force o tswimmers iuto two squads of uuder the leadership of Captn.i IIGoodman and Neff. .Mr. White be­lieved that by having the two teamsystem he will be able to get a botterline on his material, than if tho squa-twere IWDP.i7 compet;mg agauun; uu A TRIP TO WASHING'1'OH•pOWERSabout -the outcome of .fhe season, but. ti· n-'ly T BEG 0 V E R K 0 R· S LAD Ythe material out 1:1 exeep 0 .....strong in several eveuts."r-;ntric� for }'riday'� meet ;Plunge for llistance; Squad A, Ly­mau, Uoffman; Squall B, Neff, O·Con· A l\tIERICAN ':':l�Theatre Unique-Diuiug, Smoking.LEW FIELDS in' "ALL ABOABD."ILLINOISMONTGOMERY .AND ftOHBATailoring means clothesthat give you distinction and in­dividual good style. Prices $30to $60.'1'AlLOR FOR YOUNG MENTHREE STOR ES: 7 N. La Salle St.71 E. Monroe St.25 E. Jaek80D Blvd.................. � "Square Deal"freshmen.Meets similar to this will be heldevery '.,t'riday during tho season alII I.wrll act as 'tim'c trials on the diJl"ere;lI,men. As soon as the freshmen teais ol'g:luiZCtl the usual Vansity·fresh·men meets will be staged. There willhe seven eveuts }'rillay; the forty,l(1U, au.l :.!:.!O yard swims, 100 yarJ"rt'a�t stroke,' IOU back stroke, and160 yard relay and plunge for din­tallc�. Coach White iaJ �ying nothing and ELSIE JANIS infor everybody is the "SpaldingPolicy." We guarantee eachbuyer of an article bearing theBpaldnig Tratle Mink '"that ,sucharticle will give sfltisfac�ionand a reasonable amount of sere ,THE LADY O'F THE SLIPPERHo""ard'S Theatre"----BROADWAY' HONBYJIOOH- _ _.withEMMA OARUSJOE BOwAlm-..xABBL KcCAltBvice.A. G. Spalding & Bros.Send for our Catalogue28 S. Wabash Av. Chicago.................................. - ..... �ATHLETICGOODSRegulation "Gym"Outfit -52.S0a• 1.Special PriceTrack Shirt-Sleeve1ess White 8aDltazy CottoD.n.nnning PantL...Fly Front, LaceBack, EUra Qualiq, 8peda1 Cut.Snpporte�ghest Qaallt7, BlaaticHose. HeaVJ Ribbed.Shoes, Canvas Top, Rubber Sole. "GIVES EXCELJ .. EN'l' y,ALUE."-COLLEGESpecialtiesMakersPenDaQts��Pillows'Oftlelal "c"PiDs,2Sc.Emblems and Buttons -Iames O'Donnell Bennett, Reeord-Herald.nor.·,Forty yard swim; Squad A, Pa,\,li· CORTcek, lloore; Squad, B, Neff, O'Con·T B. E D 0 U B L E OB088nor.100 yartl swim; Squad A, Pavlicek, Emmett Corrigan, Arnold Dal7, PlGl' •1I0ore; Squatl B, Neff, Parker.100 yarll !mck stroke; Squad A,Gorgas, lioore, Stolz; Squad B, Shiroley.100 yard back stroke; Squad A,r'avlicek, Hoffman; Squad B, Hoi· ence BockwelLSTUDEBAKERChicago SealBelts ••• FobsCAPS ANDGOWNSEverythingFor TheAthlete Klaw and Erlangt'r prescntPins lingsworth, Northrup.:!20 yartl swim; Squad A, Goodman, THE WIN N I N G 0 FSc1frid�, Roo{!t'r!"; Squad B, Olsen,BARBARA WOR'1'BO"Connor, Ncfr.,160 Y:1f41 relay; Squall A, Gorgnl',Goodman, Pavlicek, Moore; Squad D,llurray, Parker, 'NefT, O'Connor FINE ARTSHand MadeTHE YELLOW J'ACKB'1'Jewelry Dramatic Society Elects T0da7.The Dramatic Ren(ling Society willhoM an ('letion of officers today at:l :�O in Lcxington 14. princessDOBBIS KBAHBAuspices Ohtca�o Theatre Bod_.S�eate .. --Je ... ey.--FreshRlan CIa •• Caps 4Sc��,..� To flaU! the �fjC'higan Dai�y, the �tn·N�", Locatio .. , 1331 E •• t Fift7-! ..... t. Str .. t CHICAGO flf'nt nt�w!'pnpcr of the unive�ity of• ••••••• • • •• • • • • • • ••• • •• ••• ••• •••• •• ••• • •• �£ichigan, has 3872 8uhscriptoins.--, Daily Bas 3872 SUbscribers.In Edward Sheldon" Lon Drama• ,I'